The postage thereon amounted toSof 232,229 pensioners on the rolls on iin February last, with my approval! ndmn. TerritprieS, as can , be settled j tl.S7l.257 25. The total weight oflthe 30th. of June, 1872. It isKand the approval of the Secretary ofgloronerlv -without disturbing the mails exphaned yrilk Europeangthought the claims for peusious ongthe Interior, and tthe 0uggstibnBjiiBrmony of thoso already there. No countries exceed fcitrht hundred audpaccount of the war of 1812 will allHcontained in ' Baid coram unicationlfnrontir 1 location is now available twenty tons. The cost of the Unitedgue disposed ot by tho 1st of Way, j were embraced m a bill that was ie-W whore a people who are endeavoring State trans-Atlantic Mail Steamships1" J.' " estimatetl that 5JU,4bU,.&ported to the House by the Com-ttto acquire, a knowledge of pastoral: mmoo on raients at tne Jast session. Hnnd am-iciiltural pursuits can bo an FlTlDAY.X.D'ECEMBKtt U, 1S71 'a j i. ..a. . i -.. i .' service s 5-ii5U,UUl 70, Tne totals""" Wli reiuu-eu. tor me yuuoiuu cost of tho United States Ocean servico during tho next year. Steamship service, including thegj the census. 1 amounts paid to subsidized lines of Tho Niuth CeMm ftbout Complt- niau steamers was tU,vM a.' -Sea, i the subject of congratulation, 'lbejollowing are tbe only 8teamsiiipinasmuc,inatLelJ8e to bo umdo o lines now receiving subsidies for maugthe Btatiatic8 therein contained de ervwe under special acts of Con-Bnea3 very Rreauy on the prompti gress: The Pacific Mail S. S. Co.Wlnii- m.v.i Th Rmet!irv recess $500,000 per annum for car-gof tue interior recommendH that a rvioga, montniy mau oeiween ongcentenary conaus bo taken in 1S75, A-rauuiaco, yapna uu vu.u, -;MWhich recommendation should ro- will be increased to fl.UOJ.OOO perMoeive the ,.eaJv ttttontiou of con Annam for a semi-nionjhly mail ""ggress. The interval at present es- .na auer uciooer xst, xoio; mo '-'istablished between th i. aud Brazil S. S. Co. receives $150,-? dKiistita in ur Inner t hat I 000 per auuum for carrying a mouth-pobto5nja at tuo periods o Jy niil between New York and Eio'Uriai condition , wauts ant e federal cen- that the information f the ma- and resources xle Janeiro. Brazil: and the Cithfor-fiLf Kn;rtll nt i;n ft..Krooni -u wuicn to arrange nia. Oretron and Mexico b. b. Oo.k- ,;,;-.,,,,, tu t- i.l ,, drawings tnat ni receives $75,000 per anuum for car-at!.!. h,. Tt W(luu nrobnblKea "our'-V " transacti .. ,n " :i o .i ' : . . . ' . . " rymg a monmiy mail ueiweeu "Bobviate the constitutional 1KATH OS HON. N. II. CItANOB. e::iiiI UliriCllllIll 111 i;ui oiuib van uo nrM The subject of the reorganization ofmwell aeoommodated as upon thea It becomes our painful duty to re tbe i'atent UUice, as conteinplatedBunoccupied lands ol the Indian lorn-Heard the death of our distinsuighed ojrwie o,u reierreu to, is oi sucuaiO. IOS. 1 lie uoverngennouK., now-Hr,,,,,. H0X N. II. CHANOlt, of the country that I commend it toinroads of the whites lor a term ofHwh,ch ocoarrod at his residence in the attention of Congress. The Commissioner also treats of the sub ject of the separation of the Patent EUlhcfl from the Department of the tgbraced in the bill heretofore referred to. The Commissioner complains of Nil,. ..... . 1.1 1 HIUD WUUV 1& 1 UUUi 1LJI u II UUH1 1TI11-1.. , . 1 . K i , ,,. , , fiii i visions 01 mat aepnrimeni, the r"",,uU " wu ""K 'uloeBUt,Kl.ortu,iltiirnl. mrriculttiral. .mtislWt rtfiKnafiii ftr rilAa tm f hA f II h T t,!id . c ' .ra ; rn..,Mi.r '"-fientomolog ca and chemical; and tlx impossible to transact the business ofS, ,. ?.r.,Pr0l, k he Offioe proper y without morefc! Z V . . .r . vears until ther becmo sunicientlyull' ity, on last Monday morning,! advanced in the arts of civilization tojjjafter a tedious and wasting illness of -uard their own rights. , Hrnnny months. llAUI'KK Cuakor THE AOItlCUI.Tt'KAL UUUEAU. Nklsox wa Agriculture gives a very full and interesting account ot the novo nil uens. The whole uncie, jodiana, and in due time Imitted to practico in the sever .i H.rti,,i.t H.wn;;,.nCj V-. 7. 7 . ...v.v...,fcKnl COUits 01 tnat .Mate, rncro tie - . - . . . . , . ,scK,""'u' iuo liciiwuoi.i wuniw, i j t ... Hiiiiu tniiier is a iiiriner aim 1110 extent islands ciaKing tne totai sBioim Hcensus of 1875 should be diverted of' -"--VJ . .." '."'"'"ig.o which he is aided in his pursuits luiui j sw wotvitvt ww ijkwwMw. v oii 1 1 r.i.nrin i Anrtranrfir Bii.i nn nnnn nr.Ej 000 per annum. iment of Cougrettsioual reproueuta- been placed upon the most advanta-H0f thetiscal century of our nationalRTrcasnry will show an alarming fall America, and the gratifyiug state- geous fooung by improved postals4exj8tence -ouia furnish a i-eneralti"g off of our carrying trade for the conventions and arrangements re-gmonumeut of the procres of thtRhist ten or twelve years, and even for e ently concluded with the leadiugar-uite(i States durinir that centurv. P'he past year. I do not beliove the ,eotiimer)L-ial countries in Europe andg ,llrlt. r.1T,.v Kl'ublic Treasury can be better cxpon .m . . w . K t . .1 . 1 . ... , t . ,, . . . . . . jsiieu in tne interest oi tne wnoie Aue rapmijr increasing . -"Kpeoplc, then in trving to recover the . . . : . 7, "-Htarrymg iraue Ju expenditure ot n feature . m tne mstory oi i'1.6 c?un"i Rtew million dollars amiunlly for theS it is no uouot true tnat mis -Cxt five years, if it would rc the Bureau of Education. That of- THE CAHRYIXO TRADE. KCongress to protect and imluco the Our postal communications with2t;n irndr it. suh c-ousus , , l ' . i i a ... It. m. ..... . fa au parts oi tue civiuzea wonu uekOIuins, a8 ,t WOold, in the last yeaiH ine report ot the Secretary of thea,,;,,,..-, Gf lorcnts aud siniirests that 4 1 u.,a. KO -"s The whole report is a complete his- iVr0Usn ust be consult- J f ,f w'orki of l)ia't u e t. Jnt Mll isactions of bus,- 'nt jo aI, iu hnnhWt hUow- 1 9M a, oi tne i ate in a ... .... ... ., ... , . a . The report of tho ConimisHionor ofgiorn jn North Carolina, October 15,' 1820, and, losing his parents at an age, was taken by relatives to are county, Indiana, where he received a liberal education. Choos tho practice of tho law for his SU820, dearly a SDelawfl agricultural interests of the country. Office. U.m0iS10 which he is aided in 'atentsi'nt n liiho Commissioner ins Mincndation that mensuri roeot is made that with the conclu ion of a satisfactory convention with France, the details of which have been definitely agreed upon by the French postal department, subject to tliA nnnrnrl of th Minister of Fi nance, little remains to be accom-Sfil,e is continually roceiving evideuce plishedby treaty for some time topui:li abundantly proves ita cf come gficeucy from various institutions of t v .i.ttn nf i,..ieariiic"r and education oz au kinds rate, or improved facilities of thelhroughout the couutry. The report posUl servuu;, your favorable consid-gof the Commissioner coutams a vast imn i n.nPtfiillv ii.vi1 trt tlifSaiuount of educatioual details oi recommendations of the Postmaster-'reilt interest. The bill now pend General for an increase of the ser-SluS in Cougress providing for an ap vice from a monthly to asemi-month-5ProPnatlon of a Pttrt of the proceeds Iv trip on the mail steamships toJsK tbe 8uIes of public land foij Brazil; for a subsidy iu aid of the Cs-$jeducatioual purposes to aid the States' tablishment of an American line ofS2" tbe geueral educaUon of tho ris-j mail steamers between San Francis-ginJ? generation, is of such great iin-j po. New Zealand and Australia; foigpornee to our real progress, and so tha establishment of postoffice sav-Runanimuusly approved ly the lead ing hanl-a nl f.r h ,i.,.rA ..fB-Dg friends of education, that J t?i ulnrio f K hon, f hiiroon ferecommend it to the favorable a I have heretofore recommeudedtentiou of Congress, the abolition of the frankiug priv- inE TEanrroiuss. ilege, and see no reason now forH Affairs in the Territories an changing my views on that subject. generally satisfactory. The caraciU It not b aviug been favorably regard-Rcf tDe pioneers who are settlin" u'f ed by Congress, however, I now sug-EUe vast domains not vet incorporat- gesi a modincauon ot tne priviiegeged into States, are keeping plac. to correct lU glaring and costly abu-Hwjth internal improvements. In but es Rone of them (Utah) is the condition I would suggest the appointmentHf,f a5fa:r3 onsatifactory. excej t so oi a committee or Commission toKfar aa tbe quiet of citizens may be take into consideration the bfestgtiisturbed by real or imaginary dan rnetood, equitable to private corpora-era ef Iudiaa hostilities. It has uons wno nave invested their timegseemej to ve tie vowv ef theK and capital in the establishment ofLegislatnre of Utah to evade all re telegraph lines, of acquiring the titlekjsnoiiKibility to the Government o to all telegraph liqes, now in opera-Kthe United SUtes, and even to hold uon, ana oi connecting mis Bervicega position of hostality to it. ita me postal service oi tne na-crfcCon,mend the careful revision of tion. lt w not probable that tuise lJresent laws of that Territory bv isuDject could receive proper con &Cougresa. and the enactment of such wuerauon during tne limit of tliesJa law as that one prooosed in Con ueiL srauu oi congress, Dut ii.mayKj,res3 at its last session for instance, be initiated so that the further actioulor something similar to it. a will paay be tail? to tne Government andJsecul.e the teace and the eonalitv makes a rocom .in practiced for a short time with reason hie success, but, catching the Western es be taken byKfever ho turned his face towards the restore to is our proportion of the carrying tride ot the world, would be proh tably expended. The price ot laborjj i ' i .. . i. . i . . i . n iuropo nas so mucii euiianceu Willi that one tenth of it be reserved in limber where it exists, and where ii Iocs not, an inducement should be Hollered for the planting of it. TUB CENTENNIAL CKLE1I RATION. In accordance with tho terms of the act of Congress approved March 3d lb71, providing tor the celebration ol the one hundredth anniversary ol American independence, a Commis sion has been organized, consisting of Occident, and in autum of 1853 he ar- ivod in Oregon, a friendless and pen ...... .1.. ..i.i: i,i i... i i I...U" disposed of without the condilioI,9,1,,e',9 yunS man' w,lh noU,,nC but, Ins yet briefless profession aud hi own energies to aid him in tho stern baltlo of life. During the first year r two after arriving in Onegon he SCJUNER'S "MTItXKlNO Oirr"ItESO LUTION. Alban7, Dec. 10, 1872 Editor Democrat In the Congressional proceeding of the 1st inst., the telegraph informsp us that Mr. Sumner had introduced a resolution "to strike from the United .States flag and Army Register all ol'j the records of battles fought with fel low citizens." The precise purport off! - - ru Mr. Sumner's resolution cannot with' certainty bo determined from the tel l Wegrara quoted above, xour corres-f pondent is not informed that' ihe "United States flag1' contains any! - m I written record of any battles fought during the late civil war, and hence St is not likely to be defaced by the op oration of Mr. Sumner's resolution if. profession, ho entered upon its studyuit should go into effect. But how about the ''Army Register?" The ftzreatness (if any thev have) of Grant. erman, Sheridan, and others, rests 'entirely upon their war record "with' their fellow citizens" They, except jpherman, aro signal failures in evcry- H.i.: i i - t f. .. i" . . tiling eise; lie, i ooueve, succeeueo for a time as a banker. The tele graph may not have given us correct; information in reference to Mr. Sum ner's resolution. It may bo some thing else connected with tho history of the late civil war that the Massa i PACIFIC COASTERS. Indian war raging. Dr. Loryea is gone to Europe. Wheat is only 40 cents per bushel at Walla Walla. Joaquin Miller is gone to Europe, Irop, Orap, Arop. Narrow gauge railroads are the California rage now. Portland has an order of the "Knights of Pythias." Navigation on the Columbia above Dalles is suspended till spring-. Portland "grannies" now have slathers of fun riding in tho streetrj cars. Kp"l of tfift fcxtrael frum Mountain halm. xjo, uniuue uu a cow wnu ciJiuueufa-tiil Ininux-nts, up stairs the other day. just for curi osity. T, B. Kent has sold the Jackson ville TimcH to P. D. Hull and Cbas Nickell. Miller is at present on trial at Eu gene lor tne murder oi uneroitee Smith. Win. Simpson, of Ochoco, is in Dalles jail for stealing $3 JO from believe, succeededgljobn Bohn. The murdering Modoc Indians burned a little white boy at tbe stake tnlast week. No sickness in Portland, and tbe loctors throw physic to the dogs Poor doggies. An Olympia boy tbe other day ac cidentally punched bis own eye out wtil?ti lliu pnnhlpd him tn Hrurnlsh thn afflicted with n purely vegetable, Kl&rtHetly barmlcaw, and yrt the mot I in the last few years, that tho cost oW1'? em,iir? ,rwl",.eclf.of .lh? Stu,teh K,.; .l nn..i;n,.n,., lerruories. ino omission nas in the United States is not so m nth greater than in Europe, and I believe the time has arrived for Congress to take this subiect iuto serious consider R,or carrying out the provisions ot the at;on R:iet, and for exec :U ion. TlE DEPARTMENT OF JttjTICE. A detailed statement of the dis bursements through the Department of Justice, will be furnished by ttu- ireport ot the Attorney General, and ihoush these have been somewhat in creased bv the recent act of ConjrressR gto enforce the right of citizens of the Ftlluiied Stales to vote in the several l-Siato of tho Union, and to enforce I 1 t tlM' l:i-.llil rt ff hit 1 I Amendment to the Constitution ol bihe United States, and other Amend inents there to, I cannot question the necessity and salutory cucct ot the enactments. DISORDERS AT TI1E SOI'TIT. Ilield two sessions and has made satis ilactory progress in the organization land in the initiating of steps nccesstiry ecuting the provisions )f tho act of June 1st, 1871, creating i Centennial Board of riuancc. A pi eliminarv reiiort has been received ftfrom the President of the Commis ?inii, aud is herewith transmitted. It gwilt be the duty of the Commission at .vour corning session to transmit the- progress made, and to lay before you tho details relating to the exhibition of American ami foreign arts, pro ducts and manufactures, which bv the Pterins of tho act. is to be held under the auspicics of the (lovernment of the United States, in Philadelphia, in the year 157C. Tho celebration will lo looked forward to by American citizens with great interest as inark- ?ing a century ot greater progress and j.eckless ami lawless men, I reiiprosneriiv than is recorded iu tho his ;jret to say, have assoiated theinselvesBiory of any other nation, and proving together in jome localities to deprivefiits further good purpose in bringioe others of the right guaranteed themfilogethcr on our soil the people of all :lv tho constitution of the Unile J "commercial nations of the earth, as n Slates, and to that end have commit measure calculated to secure interna ted deeds of violence; but the detec Stioiial good feeling. tion and punislinieiit of many of theseg civil SEUVICE HKFonil. persons have tended greatly to iheB 'fhe desire has been felt to correct repression ot such disorders. 1 dogthe abuses which have grortii upon not doubt that a great majority, how-gtho Civil Service of the country, ever, arc in favor , of the full enjoy gthrouyh the defective method of mak ment by all classes of persons of thoseging appointment to offices which have rights to which they are entitled un fibeen regarded too much as the re lor the constitution and laws, and I huoght school in the southern portion gachusetts Senator desires stricken Kof this county, where he vet has marrvf''om the files of the war office, anda warm friends who have not forgottenRnot the "records of the Army Itegis Bwitb a knife blade the young stranger's manly bearingijtcr." It may be that he would have and nobility of character. After en Iblotted out the orders cmcnating from tcring upon a donation claim and cul-nthe Secretary of War, in August, 18C2, tivating it for a couple of years, Mr.gto Gen. John Pope, and perhaps to iCranor began the practico of his pro-Bothers, to " seize upon whatever was fession in this city in I860, where wwiecemry or convenient for their com has since remained and where ho hadwmands, without compensation to the . .... ... . W M .-V . arisen to disticlion in his noble caii-gowncrs ur, it may oe, that General iug. Thrice was ho choseT rcpre-BPopo's order that all non-combatants sent the people of Linn coiibty In tbcH who could not give security for their Lcgislaturo- -onee in lhc(Tertor.a!ffl" loyalty" should be sent beyond the 1iifV.Muo nfiteacral Imps nnd if fdiirul nmtin at it.u.t- El U fcUepresentativos of tho Slate I.ecisla fchomes should be " shot down" in cold live Asemblv. Tweiify thousand dollars have been raised to start a college at Bozc man City, Montana. Oysters and clams from Olympia compriseitbe chief luxuries of Kala- ma next to whisky. Ok-tar-har-sars-IIarjo, is the veter- ? ...:. t ii. f i. t...i: m uu ewtei ui tue Vieekiuuuus. j.uev Haanfacttired and Adjusted Especially t yon. THE - PACIFIC COAST, BY TUX call him Sam for short. IkflTinuil CI PIM U1TPU Pft Mr. Mulvaney, of Yoncolla valleyf 1 ,imftI- tLUU1 "n,Un UU' Douglas county, has slain 54 congersll X.LGIIV, ZZXINOZS. in the past three vears. M Ttin T.r, Pnr.tnr,3. 1ltW alll"t t.lUria a iH f tUCICW UBUB. n . ....u tr:. .i . : ...... 11. Iaa1 . i. ,i ... l-r. ,i tl mm last eiecuuii v uju""; " " hiiuciiub UiaCK politically, IS One OI lD-MVe w.n (lrfctiTly rr-cr,)inn.l them to th pub- ill Juno of the current year, but wbenr.conscience of this humane and pro-gnewseyest papers in Orejoa. lithe Legislature convened in Sept em ISgrcssive Senator to that degree thattj Hauxbust, shot by Wilson.'at Till- SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T. W. HARRIS, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. At-EANT, OREGON. mr OffloR on Main street, over Turn-IPs Stors. ResldfncK on Fourth street, lour blocks west of Court House. v8nlyl. i TRY THE MOUNTAIN BAIiHI COUGH MIXTURE. W. It. PARKER, OF JACKHOSVILLE, Or,n, hss tlisc'wrpd mixture, com- POWERFUL LUNG MEDICINE verdlscoirprpd. Itlscood tot Coucbs. Colds. Croup and bronchitis ; Is an AGUE PREVENTIVE ! fSis notwl for nil Nervous snd bilious alls. Many I '-turn might be adduced to show what th tri' dicin has done If nocsssrr -, but try a boU Ktlf, and tt will r"Cin mr-nd lun-ir whprvr It la ft rid by nil (V-slT In xt''nt medicines. Pre- PACIFIC AVATCIIIiS S "invoke the aid and iiiSuento of authority of Congress, rules have been B4",Je from l'Mion, in the prac to the private parties concerned. gan citizens before the law, and the-0 c1'-;" to prevent organizationslestablisheil to regulate the terms ol There are but three lines of gwho?e objects are by unlawful ineansSLflico and make annoiulments. It steamers, namely? the Pacific Mailgsince the establishxent of a Tern,"te,rferinr1wuh lhow 1 looIcannot be expected that any systemg, breamsnip Uompanv, between baugtoj-iai r0vernment for tbe District ofS 18 ume not Iargr rule can he entirely eflcclive aud Francisco, China and Japan, witbHColumbia, tho improvement of tbef 'ant hen the obvious advantagi.s,,rove a perfect remedy for cxistinj- provision made tor a semi-inpnth.vHconQjtion of the Citv of Wanhin"tonfe . Vr ,cr a,H L .?B w,u -,uceSeviU till they have been thoroughly service after Octobor 1st, 1873; tbeEd 8urroundin"s and the inoreasedlhe a.h. OT,ment of 3,1 combinationslt.bted by actual practice and amcnd'llNaresl kind, always emenating, as oar correspondent has not time nor United States and Brazil Line.B,.;t i.Z.;.;,- ;a .uP.Pro'"mei u.v acts referred to, whcnaccordinir to the requirements of the ' . mm r. u' ill via iinnafAsanw jv as-. t - r. TheNa-M j "gBrvicc. montnir. ana tne tauiormaanu Isews. u - . .uu bii r: mcs7Uim, v kia lii k . lie: iia- n m - - ealand and Australian Line, month-t'tion being a large ownr of proFertyjPro"ecuUo" or ,HH'ct P"hments to ly, plying between tbe United StatesEia the citv, should bear with the citi-l r;r?tect ll,zT fron! . lh. ,a'w'ew and foreign ports, awned and opera-gzens of the District it just share oiW?'" of.8,K,h1 combinations. Ap ted under our flag. I earnestly rec-gthe expenses of these improveuients.feI),1Ci1U,on8 have heen ,nade, tor m? ,tf' ommend that such liberal coritrftr?t.HT a t 1 Kpardon persons convicted ot viola . igx icuuiijiuciju, hjciciuic, all ay ui r I , .0 c for carrying the mails be authorizedar,-;ation to reimburse the citizens of . ac ' vVoa tbo groun'' fi ler the inlorcement of the system witn tnose lines as will insure tbeirfctho n; fnr tha xnr .t.a v.-a1"'"' -'c"c"oy m sucn cases wouinci.indinz upon mv successor, an During my term of office it shall be my best endeavor to so apply the rules as to secure the greatest posihle reform in the Civil Service of the (jovernment ; but it will require the direct action of Congress to ren continuance if the expediency of ex-gthem along and in front of the pub-B, l,c tending the aid of the Governmentiic ground during the past year, and jT to lines Of Steamers which bitbertoiinrftl nni-onrintinna in nivlpr thnff ?m the virtue of such policy 1 1 - , .. .B'liii 1 . bv jar as in v aensc 01 Iihcral annnnniilinni in nrtlor thulS. ' ... ' '"J v,i have not received it should be deemedi,B imnrsmsnt nmlifillihn.P,.t.,wl.,.ce ,u P'1-. P've to these. of the public buildings and ground.' ' """T cpns.aerat.ons. .A -.l JZ r .Rout my action thereon is not to be liiay iccu uitce wuu tuc 1111 jrutemeuiji . . 1 . . mada bv the Territorial authorittfea.M. . . ""J "r-i Kin mv ili'icrminnlmn in unf..n. t. vigor such acts so long as the con- Forthe same period, during tbeaspiracies and combinations therein much trade now turned to otheraIast fiscal year there were disposedgnamed disturb tbe peace of the conn poantries might be brought to us tofof Jut of the PuWic jaoJ", 11,8G4,-Btry. It is much to be regretted, and jio acrea a quantity ifreaer ovatis recrettea ov no one more than mv- 1,039,270 acres than was disposed ofgself, that tbe necessity has ever ex the previous year. . Of this amount, Sifted to execute the enforcement act. 1,3 i 0,320 acres were sold for cash ;HNo one can desire more than I that1 ;389,460 acres located with militarytfthe necessity for applying it may never warrants; , 01 1,00 acres taaen xongagain exist homesteads; 693,013. acres located with College scrip; 3,554,887 acre' granted to railroads; 4oo,d47 acrek grantfid to wagon roads; 714,255: acres given to States as swamp land,1 and 5,700 acres located by Indian scrip. ... ' I LiC U9U 1J.UIU Ull DUUlCCrfjl t - I. " jf.L i.- Trv!--- x.Hwhich, in some of them for some vears the rolls. The act of Oomrress ofili" '"e.,rn" ue . Bn,uoniea . lhas been in arrears, has boon bro'n.h.l I U V'-' .vva JMUtlU U6 OUUJty IIUU 2,01b acres of puqlic land were sur worthy of tbe consideration of Con-! gress. Political and commercial ob jects make it advisable to bestow such aid on tbe line under our flag between Panama and the western South American ports. Bv this meanS the mutual advantage of this country' and those lying in that quarter of the continent of America. PEXSIOXS. The amount paid for pensions irJf tluUast tiscaL year was 30,469,340. an amount larger bv $3,708,538 than was paid the preceding year. Of the1 above amount, $2'315,409 . was paid under the act of Congress of 1871, to survivors of the war of 1812. The! increase of pensions by legislation ofj congress nas more than kept place wun tue natural yearly losses iron J una 8th 1872, has added an estima ed amount of $750,000 per annum to! ten-i to tranquilize the public and aid! hope that the experience of the past year, together with appropriate legis lation by Congress, may reach a satis factory solution of this question and secure to tbo public service, for al! time, a practical method ot obtaining faithful and etucicnt officers and em ployes. (Signed) U. S. GRANT.. Executive Mansion', Dec. 2, 1872 .1 1 ' 1 I T . J . . 1 i i fr.fl. llD ; : xl .tefveve". wnicu, auueo, v me quantity " " "" "'""" iUliJCHBUJi; lUtSJi r , . . nun SB' number of tensions. W n-iBOTf,'89.'?"'fl thetfore loot for ftnv r.Wt"fZVZ rl8 acres; leaving 1,5587.033,628: in tha cJaZ irjgaeres of public lands still unsurveyed Oovernment on this account for .nmiP? :fILra the subordinates of time to come, or as long aa Congress1 ininues to change the date of pen sions. The whole number of sol diers enlisted in tlte war of the rebel lion was 2,688,523. The total num ber of claims for invalid pensions is lift SOD Tha fntal niit1urr , i,r,ri f tha Winm t ...Itories. where mining is tbe principal was ?4,669, the'nunbr receivedl!JU8iuess' the agricnltural products the Land OCiee contains intereslin informations in regard to their re- )ective districts. Thev uBi&xrmh- ntention the fraitfulness ef the yield during tbe post season, and the in creased yield of all kinds of produce) evinces that is those btates and lern during tfceyear was 26,574; the num-l ijliave exceeded the local demand and .liberal shipments hava bean made to DEPARTMENT OF TUE INTERIOR. The Secretary of the Interior re- ported a satisfactory improvement and progress in each of the several bureaus under the control of tho Io- UATE VKKHl'N HEAHON. The real cause, the bottom cause,! of tbe sweeping defeat of the Liberal candidate, for it is not the Democrat 10 party tnat isaeieaiea. is that neither section of the country is ready to lor give the other for its share in the late tensed bis whole life; and when the rim messenger came to summon him from earth ho found bint prepared with a pure heart and a stainless con science to meet the Great Judge of All. He leaves a son owing widow :md two bright, beautiful children to mourn the loss of one who loved them wisely and weil. As a lawyer, Mr. Cranor stood the peer of tho ablest legal minds in Ore ion: indeed He had no ambition lie ax ixHjf-mun:; nior- grod qualities tor i ii a jm man any other walva In the market. Kber last his fast failing health prevent Elie would rather it should be wipedgamook was not killed as was first re-j Met I him from taking that cotipicuoutout and forgotten. Or perhaps it isgported, and is rapidly recovering. j fjlart in its councils for which he wasgGcnoral Sheridan's rmsterly cam H One bop crop f a farmer in thel so eminently fitted both by expenenceMpaign in the Shenandoah upon non-RPayallop valley, this fall, sold for! and ability. His last sickness wasljeon-batants women and children gsix thousand five hundred dollars. I marked by that fortitude and noble fiwhen, to make conquest upon the ob 9 The Downs mine, near Sutter iicm of demeanor which had cbarac-Pct of his attack doubly sure heCreek. Cal.. chanced handa a few tice of which he had ever maintained lite strictest candor and a ready thinker and a conscientious counsellor, his legal advice was of the II U. IlikU CK1 11.111! liftlllVU 'J ' "-J x... . O.V t adherence to fairness, ficism of this otherwise serene Newj justice. A close student. England Senator, and for the creditS We also keep aU other brands ot ELGIN, WALT H AM. And SWISS WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY ! SILVER AND PLATED WARE, AJfD DIA3I0ND SPECTACLES ! which we olTt.-r at the lowest possible rates. 7Jtcnair!DZ a stx cialty. and alt vSnUtf. . . & ourned scores of mills with their con -gdays ago for the neat sum of $100,000.! tents ol grain and flour, and almost anJ II. E. Johnson, of Walla Walla.H hundred and fifty bams with fanningSiajj aown on tbe ice and let a wagon implements, grain, hay, etc, that he vrun over biro. Crutches is the result. would like to have stricken from theM It is probable that the Eugener? '7 agister, or it may be some-gwill fail to raise the necessary fund-J? KMT IS AY XOTItK. thing connected with Sherman Stlfor ihn PfifnliliHlimont nt th KtnUHSrt nf Ornutn. Couidu t,f lAnit. Sfi. 'March to the SeV the burning ofSCniversity in that city. HTAKEX L5 ,jY l,AXE.' K- micuaei. Atlanta aud Home, in Georiria. anda Between four and fivo thonannilflu'i'y. .reitofi. m-. Var Slar..-. aUmt UH . ... t. , H Hnancl hifrh. with k-lt hmd nut w Columbia, in bouth Carolina, withgjdollars of subscrintions to aid in re -IT l-y-rftu-. u mariu in . ... . l3u!-. Ainr&t d at t'M. Also. Om ino untoiu and wanton uestructiongbuilding tbe woolen mills have beena th hii.ibiu, tianui nn the Mi tup e . i. 13 . H "id xhfMilu -r with tt.e lHt-r 1 (luinllr w-reep- ot private property within tho line of&raised at Oregon City. gtiii-); o ..t:i-r or tn.nd p-ix-e ptiu--. . ... lit. , fs . ft jjral-U at SJ0 ty the uinlemgned this 7th .t.. I. M...I. t- t f fl . . .1 E. THOMPSON. J. P. liiui, nas auuuciujr uismrwu mo sto -wueatn wtiile driving a team along thee road near Tirginia City, Montana,! on the night of Nov. 23d. f hits-, about lit and la-rc-LiCi- Aiao. une t.iacK Man. of the American arms and country he would have its history expunged. lid, from tho purest motives of right and justice. His motives were sel dom questioned his integrity never impeached. Although a Democrat of tbe straitestf sect, and many times literally pressed d lH'"to I10'110"" f trust and honor by ins leiiow-ciiizcns, Jir. vranor was never a politician. Although com bining in his nature mnny of the rarest!! elcmeuts of statesmanship he yetfl shrunk from employing tho means usually resorted to by modern politi cians for the furtherance of their am bitious longings, preferring rather to leave the political arena open to other contestants and devote his talents to purer and nobler pursuits. As a citizen Mr. Cranor was nni versally esteemed. This is no idle language, emenating from a desire to eulogize the distinguished dead at the expense of a perhaps too often re' pace to refer to other and equally weighty reasons that may have actual ted Senator Sumner in his laudable though it be ill-judged) desire to hide trom the rising generation the acts of the military, sanctioned by tbe civil arm of tbe Government, during our ate civil strife -such, for instance, as the seizure by tbe military and im prisonmcnt of about ten thousand citi zens of tbe loyal States for no offen to the known law, and their ultimate' liberation without being informed ol ffihe cause of their arrest and deten tion. I would humbly suggest to the Senator from Massachusetts that to strike from tho records all written Hhistory of other events might be easi ly accomplished, . but to blot them from the memory of man would re- Grant at the north aud tho refusal of i 'the whites to vote for Greeley at the. terior Department. They are all iiia,i'ooth clearly shows this. It is a excellent condition. The work down to a recent date, and in all the current business has been promptly dispatched. , . INDIAN AFFAIRS. The policy which was adopted at the beginning of this Administration with regard to the management of the Indians has been as successful as its most ardent friends fliith-inatm. IS...:. I.:- .1 . . t. l - miuui bu sum b a tunc it nas re duced the expenses of their manage ment, decreases their forays upon ; the white settlements, tended to give the KlArgest opportunity lor the extension Ekif. the great railways through the jgpublic- domain and the pushing of settlements into many districts of country,. a,nd,. at the same time, to ira hateful thing to havo to write, that that there should be any dividing, line drawn in the hearts of the people of a great country, but it need not be written hopelessly.' Time will cure all this. There is nothing so easily learned and taught as hatred. A small heart will learn it at one lesson, and the weakest head is never so weak that it cannot hold it in remem brance and prate about it. But all this will pass away with time, and there will come a time when we ehall, Hon both sides of the line, vote without reference to the war, or slavery, or sectional hatred, or anything else that ie tTdiS time when we won't have togand the warm-hearted Morris, and his fish among the dregs of our hearts forMmemory win oe emnaimea wun motives for voting. And while re-tfaheirs in the hearts of bis countrymen this doctrine for others!! Sweet be hia Bleepsacred his rest. let us renember it for ourselves. This policy will be maintained with out change, excepting such as further experience may show to be neee8saryB,jjemberin W CUIUIKUtt' , X 1JW HUU-! 'ject of couverting tbe so called bedipose4 of, 35,178, making af1 net gain o 1,264. The numberdl8taMfc Point8- oi claims now on hi is 79,085; ond pathxt office. he 3.0th of June, 187?, there was oxM During tbe vear ending 30th: of the. rolls the names, of 9,545 in-ISeptember, 1872, there were iss-jed valid military pensioner,. 113,5l8Sfrom the Patent Office 13,636 patents, widows, orphans a,nd dependent re-23 extensions and 556 certificates aud' rativs, leaking an aggregate o 208v5egisters of trade marks. Durinirlndian territory south of Kansas into 823 army pensionets. At tha sanieBtbe same time 19,587 applications for&t home for the Indians - and erecting . . uv. uciuo Pi' """uulub icimum auu. uc-Kii Hereon a erntoi iai tom 01 viovern- 1,449 navy pensioners, and l,730signs, have been received, and 3,100Lent, is one of very great importance, widows, orphans and dependentgeaveats filed. The funds receivedias a compliment to the existing Iu elatives, making the whole numbergduring the same period amounts toggdian 1 Policy. The question of "their pf navy pensioners 3,179. Therefj702,959 87, and the total expepdi-iremoval to the Territory has within nave oeen receivea Fince tne passagegtures, $623,553 90, making the netgihe past year been presented to many! oi tae act to proviae pensions torreceipts over the expenditures oftribes resident upon other and less! SArvtiffirs ot tne war or aoiz, 4b,iim$i ,4UU 59. since 1836 2,000,010 offldesirable 'portions of the public do-! appticacioiis .prior jo J une aj, lbu applications for patents have beengmain. and has generally been received ; wej.e- mere were anoweaniea, and about 134,000 patents havegby them with favor. As a prelim- 7 CT,ow, uguccu ubucu. ui0 oiace oeicg conaucc-Minary 8tep lo Uie oruanization of guch i P j ' a . " oiguy uuu-geu uwiw ms same laws ana generaiBit territory; it will bo necessary to con ureu vtp ff.j-aw were remanaedorganiZation as adopted at its origin, Efine the Indians now residing there pDemooracv to be arain triumnbant i durmg the year, ' leaving 11,58 J when only from 10a 500 aDolicationJon to farms nf rnnr i1!hiL,e,nooraoy t0 0e . aSwn triumphant claims pending at that date.' Theiwere maUe per ; annum.". The Com-isbould be secured to them in fee, theUntl1 thetft patriots' can wait, number of peusions of all claimsS?missionera shown Hint, t.fin nfdna tiooP..,.:.. . u.. e .u.. ...i.L....M : -1 . mmm granted; during thaiast fiscal yearoutgrown the original plan,-and thalot other friendly Indians. ' Eflbrtsi HoEIBLE.. the burning of the punn.that periqd ther new organization has become necea-will be made in the immediate futuieFilhi Avenue Holel, m New QXK on dropped from.the rolls for varioussary; This supject web presented, togto induce the removal of as manyflast Wednesday, 2ft" servants, mostly causes, ill, leavinsr the ' trva.ii fnfalOnncyi-Ma m a imun'.i m'nn;v..i: 0 ii t- , t . . .Jm J . ..'"7 war. The tremendous majorities forgpeated sentence; but is as near theH n . ..... .i l .t r i iiflf riilfi in n i niun a a wnm ovai. wnftanEi ... w - - M of an individual. In this community where his best years have been passed and where he had arisen to distinction in the parctice of his profession, we doubt if he leaves an ill-wisher, or one who entertains any but the sincerest feelings of sorrow at his loss. All feel that we have lost an ardent patri ot, a bright intellect, an able champi on of right, a true gentleman, a never failing friend, "the noblest work of: God, AX hojtest max." Silently and sorrowfully did this entire community,1 follow his remains to the scene ofj sepulture on last Tuesday, feeling that the great void left by his absonce could never b filled by another. He was laid in the same earth which contains c. KXECXTOIt'J XOTIC'K- tkTOriCE IS HEKKI5Y tilVEX THAT L. i w Klce hun Ijcu duly apiolnWil Ly the t.uii- :y Court of I Inn county, r.-Kn. as Kxetutor f the lat will ai.d U-stnm.-lil of John A. B-S.-nitti, kttt ot uld conn: y, dec-d. All pt-r Poker'-'i"" liavinir claims UKsinNt said estate? am ;i -n-by r rquirrd to prmt-tit ihem to mp, with tho ;.r.irT vUL-hi-rs. wiiotu m montli ni thf tiato nnf, at my mil-ac(-. about four miles noctu 'if I ro iidviile. In said county of Linn. Iec. 1. 1S7A I. C 11W;E. Executor. . A. Jons, Atfy for Kx-futor. lw. XOTICE TO CREUITOUS. -OTICE IS HEREBY (JIVES THAT BY i ordr-r of t b Cour.ty Court, made at the Novcmlx-r tt Tin th.-n-ot. IS!' the und"'rnined was uppoinUi ty said Court, In aceoruvnea tne last will and d"ceascd. late or -uiid county, 'ih'-tvfora all persons havinr i.'ntnx asainst wid estatn ar no4itied to pr--nl the samp, iiroiwrly vouched lor. to the Kx :-cutor. at hiA ilae" of busineiat Ilnlsrv. I Inn JACOB IIIUMI'SON. Executor. lia.ed Xov., l.vr-i iKo. it. Helm, Atfy for the Estat. nlw4. ' fcl ARDIAN'S SALE. jSVibrator threshing machine for $800, SrgY virtue ok a: license of the U j j . i . tf J County Court of tfee btate of On-ion lor auu cieurtru iuo tuucmue uie urst sea-Hi he County of L matilln, hrarms date July 1st. HlS72, the uiidi-r.iiitl, sole curdian of tbe es SOn. EState and tK-rson of Kaunv Ket-a. a minor will. A Yalleio man recently erot Teliw -koatn,UTUBy'the4,n ni,y of January, ists, .t. . . raltP hmirot two o'clock Hi x. ol thsrt day. at th ion, married. Swindled hi wife Vttl-,MUrt House dor in the city of Albany, county Kof Unu, and State ol Orepon, obVr tor sale and mother, robbed his wife and skedoo-S'i al public auction, tor cash in u. . sold K..fn all Ik. n.l nflula Iv. . 1 . v.i ..i r. t n l.-...nw Hdled all in the Space Of One little&ivccs, a minor, of. In. and to the following do month. f ntherein, to-it: Tbe undivided one-stxtb ot . . . Kibe west half of donation tattd claim Mo. Hi.1 A Virginia City man "W(lS prospect-tl'n Township No. ll and 12, South Kane Ko.i, 1 . 1 . ...nill.t V .... . IU M. U V .... MU 1 1 1 i I K T T. - t l rn .1 tv- i .. iu lue tun iuwu.wiiu i.siriciiJ Court, Henry Quayle alias Jack," Doyle and Sutton, all charged with murder, were acquitted. Frank Rayburn, of Corva-Jis.whilf- .riding one horse and driving others, was kicked by one of the loose ones, iand bis leg broken thereby. "Ralnh Pholnn hiiln,l nf fh .-.BwUh the will, tta Executor ot the Inst will and r r - - M .lainent ol Itichant r.vans. d tress Fanny Morgan Phelps, was ac tjcidently killed while on a ship bound? for Honolulu a few weeks since 4 . ... nf T7n . 1 . P a laiuici vi jjcuiuu tuiiiuj , pur rt V. a a .1 twarinna f 1eof KawAcf . anire that herculean effort necessarvHing lor eggs m nis cellar, and foundfJuutuired and twenty a-s or land more or nesa. Pfl Ll Suiri nn.mij vlll iv. jiIH f.v mIi. ........ to strike the nooi-day sun from its assigued path. BLUR MOUNTAIN. we cannot elevate to the plane of rea-Hthe sacred dust of the eloquent Smith! There is no possible ' excuse for intol-ll erance in politics any more than in t?nl.. .. I... .V. J utnci lunttci b nucro reason nus mo uo- cision of the matter. ' It is the crown ing glory i of the Republic, that thought and speech are free and we should take heed not to dim its lustre by au intolerance which fetters both When hatred ceases to govern the votes of the American people, and reason again assumes sway, then we may expect the principles of the Old In administration circles, at Wash ington, Senator Ferry of Connecticut; 'Alcorn, of Mississippi; Hamilton, of Texas, and Robertson, ot South Caro lina, are classified with Sumner, Sohurz, Fenton, Tipton and Spraguc, in the opposition ; and by this calcu lation the opposition vote in the Sen- Hate, after tbe 4th of March, is in creased to 30, against 44 sure to sup port any' measure : President Gtrajml may demand, even San Domingo.: PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. This document occupies much of our space this week probably morepj than the subject is deserving of butfj as doubtless many of our readers ex pect ns to furnish it to them we have given it an airing with the promise not to repeat the dose for at least! some months to come. It has the virtue of being very wordy and very' precise, if its statements and premises are not strictly to the letter in every instance. The President has evi dently employed a writer of fair abili ty to compose this dicument. We shall have occasion to refer to it more fully in the future. , .. a bag containing $20,000. He don'tii.u.i,- on delivery oi the deed. ...-..,- ........ tl Dated lec. 111. lM7i JOSEPH GREER. want to nna tne nen mat laia inatM Sole Uuanllan of Estate and Person of 1- ak Y Reks. a minor. nest full. j Tbe Diamond swindlers are now prospecting for a "Lodge in some, vast wilderness, ries, Sheriffs, and TJ. S. Marshals never trouble. A. w. Thorp is appointed post-1 ffmaster at Crawfordsville, Linn coun ty; Robt. Glass at Mount Hood Wasco county; and 13. C. McAtee at Pine, Linn county. The famous "dog case." in the ADJ3INISTRATORS NOTXCS. PUBIJC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVKW thai bv virtue of nn nrtlep mad fiv i.h where Grand Ju-Rtounty Court within and for the County of Geo. A. I-ADnw, Atty tor Guard's. nisw4 Linn, State of Orecon. on the 8th day of Oct ler. 1X73, in the matter of the estate of Wm Farrier, late of said county, deceased. I, L. G. lariui.-man, .wminmraiorui uie esiaui oi in Rsaid Wrn. Farrier, will, on. , , , l . , Friday, the 10th day of Jan., 1873,. it the court house door in the citv of Albanv. In said county of Unn, between the hours ol t. o'clock in the morning and 4 o'clock in tha evening of that day. to wit : at the hour of 1 o'clock t. n, olfer lor sale at public auction. -the SUoitiir described real estate or tract of land, belonging to said estate and situate la said county, to-wit - The east half of the north.-" west quarter, and the west half of the north--: Latest. Dispatches yesterday from. the Modoc war state that the Indiana! are strongly fortified between Tulej Lake and Lost River and are deter- Hmined to fight. The force of soldiers, and volunteers in the field, including? two companies ; from Vancouver, t is Rover. 400 men, while it is said the fighting Indians do not exceed fifty. A bloody encounter is looked for. The Democrats' have a big , majori-J tv on ioint ballot in the "Washington Territory Legislature. ? It stands House 22 Democrats and 8 Repub licans. Senate 6 Democrats and 3; Republicans. , Both thought best to marry beforeSd,nthL,n,tter'th-stotot Jobn Robnett-; I To Nancy Carey. Rachael Moore. Sarah Rn. ;ly, iAielnda Mackall, Mary Way, Aduna Rob old age crept over them. The Jacksonville Timea rJaces the"ett' a-1"'1 "r11' Jonn Roonett. wtiiiam aceB. ''"Itobnett, Niiah Robnett, Aloses Robnett. heir imDer oi inaians wno were engag-nul,B,Vur r o. . o 11 In the name of the Sifntj nwrnn. Vm, ed in the battle with Major Jackson's Sond e. rf SPU nn'by cited to Be and sp- - wpear iu iu vouin.jr v.oun oi me torce on the SJtn uit., at 100 men, 115 of whom were left, dead oh the field. t-,.-:.y i..,.y-'y'-.-:: . There was a . "corner " Un salt at R Helena, M. T-, a few days ago, ; and the price suddenly went up from p cents to lb cents- per pound wife would have been valuable, just tgthen.:. .AH1 rr .... v . The following names ar given o the murdered whites by the Modoc Indians: Wm. Boddy, William and Richard Cravigan, , step sons, and Nicholas Scbira, son-in-law ' of Mr J The family were from Aus- Circuit Court at Salem, terminated liff8tt?ua'Jer V1 - as. n VownshipNo. ' iSH. South of Ranc-e. 3 west containlnir Ho. Slast Saturday in a verdict for $60 icR1"8- Theabow win be sold for- favor of the owner of the deceasedslnelRyo1 i. ! the lemaininu half in six . , , Kiinonths, secured by mortgage on the premises canine, against the slayer. H u o. kdilman, Adm-r. A man and woman were married aH ; - r 7 ' few days ago, in Marion county.H C(mlUy Court ;f County whose united years reached 120.H nfTAnn. Stat nf fina. v r - j -w . -: j pear in tne county court or the County of I Jnn. State of Oregon, at the Court House In " the City of Albany, in said county, on 1 uesday. xno no any 01 r euruary, im.t, ai un sour Oi l . o'clock In the afternoon of said day, then and mere to snow cause, ll any exist.. Why an ororr assigning dower to the widow of said deceased. as prayed for In her petition on file herein. snouiu no oe granted. ... - s -. . By order of said Court. ' - -" In witness whereof, i, J. H. Hackleman, Cleric of said Court, have hereunto set mv T i.H (T.lhand and affixed the seal of said II t 1 Court, t offloe thU Wh uiy of Decern- " V1 AO 4 A. i tii.H J. H. HACKLEMAN. ' n!8wt. . Clerk of County Court. DISSOLUTION OF CO-PA KTv . i -,t nersiiip. 'a .:. mjOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE " iTl co-partnership herttore existing between' W. J. Bridge armer and J. W, Rust, under the" name of Bnidgefarmer 4 Co.. is this l v Aim.. solved by mutual consent. The indebtedness " of sajd firm will be paid by W. J. Bridgefarmer. and all diu;s will be oolleoted by him, except ing inow am nas wansierrea. lo j. w. ltust. A gang of Chinamen on the West KSide Railroad ; refused to work tbeSBoddy, other day, and their white boSsSiralia, and were lately keeping bcwrd-KT knocked about a dozen ot tnenrdovsaig bouse along the lie of tbe ra:l-l4nrm- . ;. v y i- wbmeb. with a pick handle, lliey then wnt'road between Oakland and Roseburg. Halsey, Nov. 20, 1872. nlbwt, aae9- toe grand totalqpgress 10 a .special rjommunicatipjif peacably disposed Indiana, only to, were coAM.ped iu.Vh.e flames-gDcmpcratic. 1 Thk . election returns in Missoua; show that Greeley's majority is 34, mdi. Woodson. Demoeratio candi date for Governor, has 31,083 majori-gto work, saying, "allee same 'Melii-hTbey moved, to Tula Lake in Sep- elroA - lilawn hAaniffpinriAi wifn . a. rianii.. nf riAAV. an3 "--t li - - rt iiMim.,is k snvci.KR - Johu dam?"" " liwere industrioos and worthy people .S4 . SXXEDO ITO.ME SHUTTLE SMWnfO Mifrnrvwa. tv. and the lecrielature . is lartreivHofin man ha tnockee dlown heanSftember with a bahd of heeo. and:! JaJL ma n .mi or Aieuiurai im-