r tji .-wi Wkz Mmotxti. FRIDAY.. .NOVEMBER 15, 1872. PREMIUMS AWARDED At tba Linn Coamtjr Fair, held In Sep tmker, 161. Class 12 Flowers & Preserves No. 2 Pickles. Apple. Mrs. A Reulcnilor, lt pr.. Cucumbers, Mm. J. F. Backmrto, 1st rr. Swept, Mrs. J. K Backcnato, 1st pr. Mb, II. MnnxtMd. 28 pr. Mixed, Mm. James Dixon, 1st pr.; Mrs. E. C. D.-ckard, 2d pr. Hwvct, Mr. D. C. Hill, 2d pr. Tomntoe catsup, Mrs. M. M. Harvey, 1st pr. 8 l.ed currant. same, 1st pr. No. S Dread, Preserves, Ac. Yenst br-ad. Mr. J. Dlson, 1st pr. ; Mrs. Wal ter viitl.n,-.M pr. .... , ,, Salt rUing. MUs Martha Marks, Ink pr. Mr Ir. ittf, Ai pr. , -. " S nl Uscuit, Mrs. Walter MonUcth, 1st nr.s Mr. W. W. Parish. 2d pr. - . Assortment of c.iki s, Mrs. W. W. Parish,, 1st pr.; Mr. Walter MontMh. 3d pr. . Kxhlbtt pr.acrvce, Mr. A. Bill letuler, 1st pr. : 3Ir. J. hite'cnmo, lM pr. . I kleberry Jnm. Mrs. D. M, Thompsdn, kit lTx . vurram jnm. mcs. .. r hmum, i. Hspfrry Jam. same. 2d pr. Kxlli shll it ol Allies, Mrs. fc. C Packard, 1st pr. : Mrs. J. Sinitb, ad pr. v No. 7 Marmalade Canned Fruits, .fee. 1 Apple. Mr. A. s-ttieniler, Ut pr. . s Fluinb, same. 1st pr. Plumb. ir& John Smith. 31 pr. Hlaekberry. same. 1st pr. i " Siberian crab, same. 1st pr. Canned cherrli-s, Mrs. A. Setflcmlcr. M pr. , lVachs. Mrs. J. K. Hnqkonato, 1st pr. ' . . too b'Tries, sa rue, 1st pr. rtlackbcrrtes. same, 2d. pr. . , Plums, same, 1st pr. , Tnmatoe. same, 1st pr. ' " - '-' NniwU'mi'S, same, 2d pr. -Crabappb-a, same, 1st pr. , Ij-muus, same, 1st pr. , Currants, aatne. tat pr. ''--jnipes, same, 1st pr. Corn, same, 1st pr. lVt exhibit canned fruit, same, 1st pr. Plums. Mrs. J. D. Hill. 2d pr. Pear, same, 1st pr. : same, 2d pr. Tomato1, same. 2d pr. . P.-aeh!-s, same, I'd pr. ibTian crabs, same, 2d pr. trawberrie. same, 1st pr. x Ompes, ya me, 2d nr. . Currants, same, id pr. Vhortteberriee. Mrs. IX M. Thompaon. 1st pr. Cherries, Mrs. D. Fmnian, 1st pr. Goost-berrles, Mrs. Wm. Col well. 2d pr. . Class 13 Fruits and t Wines. Ten varieties of apples, 4 specimens each, C. P. hurkhart. 1st pr. : John Larlcin, 2d prv Twenty peaches, Mrs. S. Montgomery, 1st pr. ; Robert KoJT. 2d pr. Twenty plums, iira. A. Scttlcmlcr. 1st pr. D. Froman, 2d pr. tir.'atest numbr of varieties of, grapes, 5 specimens each, J. A. Millard, 1st pr. specimens of crapes, ot an v variety, J. A. Millard. 1st nr. Cider vin.-Kor, F. A. BorUhart, 1st pr. ; James Dixon, 2nd pr. j Currant wire-, Mrs. A. A. Arnold. 1st pr. ; Mrs. Jas. liiion, -Jd IT. J lion y. x r. J. A. McGee. 1st pr. IdacAoerry win", Katie I.yle. 1st pr. Grape xriuo, C P. I.urkharl, 1st. BtTiERS. Poar butter, Mrs. A. Seulemler, Id pr. P.-nch butter, same, 2d W. Crab apl ; buster, J. P. lrackensto, 1st pr. Appl . samu, l.-t pr. IVai-ii. ini-, Lnt jr. Tonii.n, same, ad pr. P"a.-, s;nne, 1st pr. Plum, same, pr. y uino', same, 1st pr. tirape, same, 1st pr. lilackberrv-, same, 1st pr. Raspberry, same, lt pr. Strawberry, J, K. Kacxensto. 1st pr." Plum. same. 1st pr. Tomato, same. Is pr. SRIKD KRL ITS N less than 5 lbs. Apples, Mrs. A. Sett U-mter, 2d pr. Plums, same, 1st pr. Snap beans, Mrs. John Smith, 1st pr. Pluius, same, 2d pr. , "orn. same, 1st pr. Cherries, same, b pr. ' ' - Pumpkins, same, 1st pr. ' Tomatoiin, same, 1st pr. s Currants, sarat, 1st pr. J " Pears, same, 1st pr. Jilaek berries, 1st pr. Appl-, J. F. HacKensto, 1st pr. Peaches, same IM pr. Currants, same, id pr. Cherries, same, 2d pr. Pears, same, 2d pr. Tomatoes, same, 2d pr. Huckleberries, sani". 1st pr. Raspberries, same, 1st pr. Best exhibit of dried lruit, 11 varieties, same, 1st pr. .Sweet corn, Mrs. Jas. Dixon, 1st pr. i Mrs. Jas. Eikins, 2d pr. WaortlulH Tries, Mrs. D. M. Thompson, 1st pr. Class 14 Mechanical Uenart- ment. Umbrella, A. C. SServenary, diploma. Parasol, same, diploma. Cultivator, Culver Priest, 1st pr. Vacon, Peters Spidell, 1st pr. Express, same, 1st pr. : John Circl, 2d pr. Best exhibit ot stoneware, A. M. Smith, 1st pr Churn, H. E. Patte, 1st pr. Statesman seed-ower, F. Wood, diploma. Wodd'a mower, same, diploma. Hunter's separator Ian, M. Woodcock, 1st pr. Hand plow, B. Johnson, 1st pr. Hay press. T. K. Wait, 1st pr. Saddle, with tappedaro, Thompson A. Irving, 1st pr. Saddle, plain, same, 1st pr. Sola chair, Mrs. Wm. Colwell, 1st pr. Gang plow, CO. Barnes, 1st pr.; E. H. Grif fin. 2d pr. - Exhibit of Oregon stone coal. Gov. V. W. Ballard, 1st pr. r Class 15 Plowing. . E. H. Griffin, Lst pr. ; Ben. Johnson, 2d pr. Class 16 Foot Racing and La dies' Equestrianship. Best equestrienne, Mrs. H. s. Crowder, 1st pr. Foot race, W. J. SaundTs, lt rr. A Toad Uxdbessixg. Audubon relates tbat be once saw a toad un dress himself. He commenced . by pressing: bis elbows hard against hf side, and rubbing downwards. After a few smart rubs his hide began to burst open along his back. He kept rubbing until he worked all his skin into folds on his sides and hips; and th-m grasping one hind leg with his hands, he hauled off one leg of his pants the same as anybody would; then stripped off the other hind leg in the same wray. He then took bis cast" off skin forward between his fore legs into his 'mouth and swal lowed it; then, by raising and lower ing his head, swallowing as his head come down, he stripped . off his skia underneath, until it came to his fore-less then, grasping one of those with the opposite hand, by a s ngle ootion of the head, a d while swal lowing, be drew it from the neck and swallowed the whole. John Hay and Bret Harte are un derstood to be bidding for the exclu sive right to manufacture a poem out of the following touching incident: A Topeka man while traveling at night froiu Topeka to AWlinc, was attacked by two mounted horses and robbed ot 8300. He told them that be was destitute, and they, with the magnanimity of their class, give him $6 40, and sent him on his way with a full heart and a sore head. The re cording angel will but it is useless to anticipate the coming poem. Elizabeth Cady Stcnton mentions the tact that certain woman suffragists once picked up an orphan boy, bought him nice clothes, educated him for the ministry, and, when they went to hear his first sermon, were 6truck with the consternation to hear the text: "Let the women keep silent in the church' A New bnryport woman lately be came happy mother f triplets, one of which has black hair, one red and the other white. She won't have to tie pieces of ribbon on tbein to know them apart. ' A Pcnnsylvaniau has a wen on the side of hi bead so near the size of his noddle that he frequently puts his hat on it by mistake, and " walks with his - body at an angle of forty-live degrees. The English are taught at an early age tu support tu luuuarcuj'. , ojxusi, . every schoolboy has had the prince jpf, whales on his back. . . ; ADVERTISEMENTS. WHAT HORACE. GREELEY KNOWS aOtT SjC1VJi MACHINES ! OUR FAVORITE SEWING MACHINE ! The chespr and et sewimr machine now manufactured for family use Is - ; . probably tuo - ft!EW WILSOftI ! U'-E CERTAINLY WOULD I'sn N OTH er since It works with equal facility on muslin, woolen cloth, cambric, tnrletan, flan nel ami lent her. It does not paralyse the spine or wearout theoperator in any way: neither does It demand an. Incessant slopiiuKe to find out where the difficulty is. There I no dlfllciil ty; It runs smoothly nd evenly. It hems, fells, tucks, anthers and binds. . It does the fin est sndmost beautiful work on ciubric and linen, and will do braldinic better than can be done by hatul. It also bus the merit of belni; chcnpertfian nnyother machine, slnw It can b purehasist, wttli a plain, substantial cover. Iron stand and walnut frame, nicely finished In oil, for J-Vi. It does not u t out of order, nor break needles, nor slip, uor pucker tho cloth. So eomph"v' haa the --WILSON SEWING MACHINE been made hy a sklllftil combination of train slid musclo tnnt It has leit not liluic to lm de sired. Ui.AtS, VOI XO .. Affenta, j,S . Albany, Oregon. MTXpn PE A It S O N . Gcnrrai Agents, 73 First St., Portland, Oregon Sn2U. (1KO. TURRKLI. KKKl'S A LAHtIF T .stuckyof' Atrtvd Mrrhanlii tn suit thu nrkrt. It would be ti the interests of every body to give htm an early call. CtSII PAID FOR WnRAT. OATS. PORK Butter nd E-gs by WlIKEI.E't nl KIIT.DD. Oewaro of Counterfeits 1 JOS HOSES' 81 W&CA1KM r asttiuiFtly corsrssrsirsu. Uuhcmttt tmatUtrnvr tatttUhttunttrftu tommktrrtaur priu. Tht genutn hav llu iwm v J ofc IHeara niuJlHctwt. AU wArt mrt fvartnieu imimuiu. Tb ccsciss Pills are ntaillns In tho cure ot ll tnoM pniafiil ana usneroa , , .1 fna coastitntion innon utuBjnct. 10,1 oicmel sad ioM,Te 1 libftraetiau. tuo mtMIr nccuM. mi, tt -1 nnn T. k nm Hey are jatue-.itlf uit'J. Tury wiil !a tOTt tima MnVoB tl-e monthly peno4 with rfjtulartty; oimlthonch very powerful, euotnln nothing bcrtj ful to tho constitution. In all can of hcrjoas n Pplnal Atlcctions. Vn in tho Hick and LJmbj, Hrric scd Whites.thr will elfect a euro wh.n all other mms hif Ai!-1. Tto circulars aroaat Kch tackan io rJ.i Ci-vClous and aJtico. o U1 fcV sent free V all writiug ia thaa. Moled fiom observation - K. B- Id all cwet where tho ciamrs esnnot be ebta!Td,OnDoll:irncliid 10 th hole Proprio tw, JOB M0SE5. li CortUndt Su Now ork, will insure a bottlo of tho ftnuint, cantxlnine Fifty Pills, by rcinm mail, ttcurtiy tcaUi from aay ' kaowlodge cf lnwniwii. RELIEF IN TEN IV.li.UTES. v IBTilfS PCXMOXIC tTAFEnrJ rnreCotsoas. Colds. Astssa. Csoscbitis. Sq Tiimit. lUsssrscss. Dirtict tT Ussatbiso. ls ciRiat Cosscarvios aid 1j-so Dissa. Thy have ao tisto of mrdiclno. and any child will Uka them. T!i.nands hT b-n rooierod to hal : h that had beforo dnaird. TrsiimoiT cirm In hnnrtrds efrw. A.k lw BRYAN'S PCtMOSIC W AFEBs. Price 35 cents per baz. JuBMOaiS. Proprio tor. 1 CortUn.il Sirvet, Nt'.r X :-Klc. THE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY. DELAMAK1IPS SPECTFIC PILLS. "-p'f( j GAUAScirai. . No. 11 Rno IVimt vrl. Part. TVoe pllli are biraly recoajnioaiod by too it!re Medical Facaity of Fiariro as tje very bet .Tjnwdf in all cw of Sperroaiirrtw. or Erminal - now: K.'irbtly. Dally r Pmusttre KsoiMiono; P.s nal Wtiboeoa vrlmpottnevt Weaknow ariitnefrom PmtHibiuanaseaj-n!Kiww;Jtio"oUhe GealtalOrsan; WeaV?tln: Depoaiui.n the Lrin,. and all tbo chartly tvla of Dia ariln from OveroworEveeww I her eirre wh.n all othrrrm- itoe fail- lainihlet e( A4viee in eajh bos. or wm be-rrt F-ei.to.ny addrosa. FrlfetSl per Hox. Sant br mat i. mmrtty talrifrom a 'I M" mtUm on weirtof e-iee. OSCAHO. MOSES. lCoTl.Ao Nsw lotc. Sole Crcnend Aul for America. nOR WAKE. O LASS WAKE, CltUCKLKV, P ie., Ac, co to WllEtLEi: at KIIEDD. fi 0 HAKUWAkr; lie has tilt Jf Lamp., Lamp Uiasses, etc good, to .uit jroQ. HERE-S YOUR CHANCE i A KOST DESHIAELE FARM FOR SALE ! THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE a farm ctmsixtiiiK of &M acre, all f.-nc-d in and cnss-f--nci t ik-w plnnki. f h.-rs- nr-115 acT,s In finest cultivation, any laart of which l suitPd tor tail piovrliiK and uv rtlblo ,t thr hlch.il cultur--. The bind I r:cn, hili and rullinsr. The balatit if the fann is in iDttu.-c land rf tho very best kind. Tin farm 1 w 11 orotected from U north and w.-st winds by timber, which also atrorUa amplu firewood. There Is on the plac an on-hard of choicest varieties of trull ine orcnaru wins m mucn better conaltlon than Is even usually s'n in this "land of bis; rl a.pi--is." Th tann Is abundantly sujipli'xi witn pure water. LOCATION. The farm Is situate three m!les north-west of Phedd'a Railrond rotation : tc and a haif miles south-west of Tangent Station : seven mil.- from Corvallis, and ten miles staith of Albany. TERMS OF SALE. I offer the farm for sale at the extraordinarily low price of i Jt p-T acre, and will jrive the purchaser accommodatin:; and easy terms. Or. I will take M.UUU bushelK of wheat for the farm, one-third to be paid down and th bal- lanee to be mld Ml two antstuti entailments, with ten percent. Interest, al paid In wheat. The plane is fneral!y rncoirnlwd by all who have a knowledge of it as being the BEST FARM IN LINN COUNTY. I have raised wheat upon It this year, with or hi nary cultivation, on an average of TJIIKTr- FIV E BrnHKLB PEK ACRE. For further terms and partictiiars inquire or W. I YANTIS. v8n4m6. Albany, Oregon. GEO. TIRRELL PATS THE HIGH eft firiee fr sll kin-l" f Conntry Produce. Krmember tlie s.Mrc.s. TURRELL, Firrt Su The standaru y lor Coacrhs, Influeuzu, re Th out, Whoouing CotiKb, (;roup. Liver com plaint, l-rou-chitiw, Kl'-ediiiR of the I.unps, and ev ery affection of the Throat, l ungs and Chst, lneiiHllop Coksumition. - Wbt.rt'i Bislsam of Wild Cherry does not dry up a Cough, but loosens it, cleanses the luriirs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the com- Blatnt. None genuine unless signed I. urn. Prepared by fcETH W. fowls A Hows, Koston. Sold by HKDDrNOTON, Ho.stkttkb i Co., Han Francisco, and by dealers generally. vKii'yl. GOTO TUKREIJS FOR GENT'S Clothing and Gent's Furni.hing Good? of il descriptions. He bos also a large stock -of liojs' Clothing, Uuts, Sbirts, etc., which be is selling very low. . , ; FOR DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, Gloves, Hosiery, etc., go to Tar roll's, t irst Street. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue of an order made by the. County Court within and lor the County of Linn, Htate of Oregon, on the 7th day of Octo ber, 1S72, in the matter of tho ertate of Ellsha Griffith, late of said county, deceased,. I, H. J. C. Averill, Administrator of the estate of the said Elisha Griffith, will, on . Wedwtdag, tlie 20th of Nov., 1872, at the Court House door ta the city or Albany, in said county of Linn, between the hours of 8 o'clock In the morning: and 4 o'clock In the evening of that day, to-wit; at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m.. offer tor sale, at nubile auction. t he following described real estate or tract of land belonging to the said estate and situate in said county, to-wit : The south-west quarter of. eecuon zs, in Township ivo. , Koutn of Kange, a west containing iou acres. Terms oi sale : The above land will be sold for gold or siver coin, one-half to be paid down on the day of sale, and the remaining half In six months, secured by mortgage on the premises. ' II. J. C. AVEKILL. Adm-r. S. A. Jqhwb, Att'y. , - , - , : n!0w4. (yCSTERS AND SARDINES, NUTS AND f Candies, . and, otber knick -knacks by VHEELEW ". . ; fU SIIEDR. ADVERTISEMENTS. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL COR. FIRST ft BR0AOALBIN-5TS. AXJ3ANT, OREGON, A. C. LAYTOIM, Proprietor. I bare always tn atore a full and COMPLETE SUPPLY OF S T I la E AND FANCY GROCERIES ! PROVISIONS, TODACCO A. CIGARS, Which I wilt sell f'T cah, low as tlie lowest, or exchange for all kinds of merchantable ; Country Produce. Rc-cire! and In .tore a largo quantity ISLAXO SALT, or which I will .ell cheaper titan ever bofore offer ed la title market. rTn4Ur. A. C. LAYTON". e B SO in 0 LTj o D 9 O O o td a tn S H a t-i o 3 M o ?3 O M r o z O " m -. r- ts 't. rt r- 9 w a rn i s I Js CD r. t o o 7 I 2 HOLLOVAY'S Et Dry Han Ists own Physician CAUTIOIM. rPHP imeirnw demand f-w ITOI.IjOWAT8 A 1'H.l.S and OINTMKN'T !. tempted oninncipU-d parties tocounu-rfeil theee Talu abic mfliHn-.. In Of ler to protect tbe rinKie nn1 enrwlrea, we tire L"'H-I a new Tratw Mark," ron.m. innf an F.ifTi:,n ein le of a arpetit. with tbe b-er II in tlie eentre. F.stt bmt of prtv. nine iinuLoWA' I'iliji ivl Oikivkst will bxve tin. crad.- tuota oa ; noun art jvuatne tiiijo..: it. li. Y. CatssictL Co., P,,l Troprie;.ors, TS Udicn Lane, New York. Cbaxc A BnicnAW Sn Franri.cn, Col. Sole A genu for the Pacific Coast. v7n24yl. MONEY CANNOT BUY For Eight is Pricelea IT ! BfT THE Diamond Bpeclacles IP YOU VALUE YOUE EYESIGHT xtr. Tnese PERFECT I. ESSES. Ground from minute Cry.tr I Pebbles, melted to gether, and derive their name "Diamond" on account of their Hard ! and Brll liane. Tbey will last many years without change, and are warranted superior to all oiler, in use. Manufactured by 3. L SPENCER k CO. Opticum. NEW YORK. Cactios. None genuine anlc.i stamped with oar trade O mark. For Sale by Responsible Agents throughout tbe Union. TITl'S BRO'S, Jewelers and Opticians, are Sole Agents for Albany, Oregon, from whom they can be obtained. No Pedlars employed, vfiniyl. CHAIRS AND TURNING! J. M. METZLER, Having moved bit Shop to Jefferson and avail ed himself of tbe water-power at that place, is now prepared to furniuli bis celebrated RAW-HIDE BOTTOMED CHAIRS! in any quantity Mid in any shape. jrir-ile will still keep a large stnek or chairs at bis old stand, either ready for use or in pieces for shipment. W. D. Belding is his agent at this place. ; v7n51tf. WILLAMETTE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. IT" ROM AND AFTER DATE UNTIL FUR ; ther notice, the Company wiil dispatch a boat from Albany to Cervallts on TUESDAY and FRIDAY of escb week. ' f Also will dispatch a boat from Albany for Portland and intermediate places on same days, leaving Cointock A Co's wharf. Fare at reduced rates. J. D. BILES, Dec. 15, 1871. Agent. fa RUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS ' sold by iJf and Oils, Glass add Putty, WHEELER. at HHEDD. IT. S. HflAlL! Tri-Wcekly Stage One!? THE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW BUNXIN3 , a tri weekly stage from Lebanon to Albany, carrying the U. S. Mailt-, leaving Lebanon ev ery Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, and reluming, leave Albany at 2 o'clock r. m. of said days. , : f , Passengers called for in any part of tbe : city. Packages and light freight punctually delivered at low rates. All business entrusted to me will be promptly attended to. W. B. DONACA. -Lebanon, Feb.' 16. v7uJ8tf. w J ; . XITOOL. SHAWLS, LONG AND SQUARK, If Plaid and StrkMrd, (or sale by WHEEL- Eli i Will PreserTe It.j U HUEDD. . A D V E li T 1 S'lni E N T S . W. II. KUHN & CO., -DEALERS IN hardware; IRON" Sc STEEL 1 . Springs, Axlex, Thimble 8ktini cte. Also, ft well iulucfotl stock of Spoke, Hub, Unit llimn, Shajh, J'ulc, Hickory Axkx. Ax, FARMERS' and MECHANICS' TOOLS ctiNsisTisa or ANVILS. VICES. BELLOWS. HAMMERS. HATCH- t : ETS. SLEDGES, SAWS. PLANES. ( IlOHN-( lT AMI 1.111.1. NAWN I Together with a lure Aortmsnt f WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. Store la Mtitj!tli's Fire-l'rouf brick, next Uuor tu Uluin, Young. s Co. W. II. Kt'IlN X CO. Albnn, Jan. 13, 1871 n22jrl.. , I1L,A HN.MITI11.M. AKt GENERAL REPAIR SHOP. milE UXDERSIUNED HAVING R re J turned t A II. any, and taken hi. old turned t A II. any, and taken hi. old li" on tho corner of Kll worth and Keeond .tract., annouuoe. Ill readtne. to atteud to all kind, of lJLACKSMITIIINU. MILL k J OIIGIXO, ETC, maciii.m: Al.o ba. on band and for isle, tbe COQUIXAARD WAGON, Straycr rerce-feed GRAIN SRILX., STAR MOLIND, CASTSTEEL, and ether PLOWS, which lie will .ell on the tnt rra...naMo term. i ciivi: mi; a ( all. ' All work entrust.. I to me will rercir protr.t . aitrntion, and be rxeeuied in the beat (H.p.il.l j manner, with irl material. A .hare of public ! patronage is ...liclted. j jr.SIi..p n eorner Kll.worth and Eeeond j !r,Tl. oppo.ite I'earee'. Ferr. y-nlltf. F. WOOD. A. H. HIOJtKIS. General C'ommlulon FORWARDING MERCHANT Having tested I'.. CHKADLE'S larjre i j at tbe fo 't of Pmadalbin .trert, oo tbe batik of j tbe tt'lllamotte river, I am prepared to BUY, SELL, STORE CR FORWARD WHEAT OR OATS in unlimited 'luautitic. ! .lie Illslie.t Market Price lald I ii C'ah Tor Wheat and Oaf. Partie. wi.biog to store grain ran roske a rar.eetnetit. to eel sit tbe sack, needed. Urwa stvrcil st.d furwarded at Uweet rata. A liberal (bare of patronage i. solicited. A. II M011KIS. Albany, Jnly 2, 1T2 vTniOtf. READ, AC1 WISLY, ASH S A V E HI O 1 E Y Ii. O, Hill Ac Won. E OLDEST DRUG HOUSE IN LINN COUNTY, after thanking tbelr tmtneruus frund. and patron, fur past f Ivors, desire to merit a continuance ut patronage by keeping constantly on hand a full uj ply of Drugs, Patrnt Medic inrs, rfrfaracrr, Oils. Paints, Dye-Staffs, Bru.brs, Trnssrs, rtr. Agent, for Dr. T. Jsynes A Jon.' line of med icine, tbe celebrated Unk Weed Remedy or Oregon Rbeumatic Cure, Ao., Ae. Constantly on band, a good supply or Positive and Negative Powders. MTPbvieians' Prescriptions carefully Com pounded, in either tbe English or German lan guage. We are also arenU for tbe HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE one of tbe beat Family Machine, in n.e. Call and see u and satisfy younclves. - . K. C. Ill Li, A SUN. vim I it JOHN CONNER'S BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, ALBANY, OltEGON. DEPOSITES RECEIVED, SUBJECT TO CHECK AT SIGHT. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits io Coin. EXCHANGE ON PORTLAND, SAN FRAN CISCO, and NEW YORK, Tor sale . - . . - . at loweit rates. C3LLECTI0NS MADE AND PROMPTLY REMITTED r-Banking hours, 8 a. h. to 4 p. u.-TS Refer to Fob. 1, 1871-yl II. W. CORBETT, HENRY FAILING, W. 8. LADD, (CLOTHING AND BOOTS AND SHOES J a fine assortment very low by WHEELER THE JUSTLY CELEBRATED, BAIN JVAGON ! JJECOGNIZED EVERYWHERE AS A FIRST CLASS FARM WAGON. No other Wagon bas a Home reputation equal to ''Bain" mnke, and it it tbe only wagon that has been tented and known to stand this climate. In a word it if made of the lent materials and if the best finished wagon that comes to this mar ket. - ' ; , i : - We have difTerentstyleaof Honndsand Reach, Patent do. (so enllnd) included BLAIN, YOUNG k CO. vfin43 Agents at Afbany. OREE1V PEAS ! POTATOES, BANANA'S GRAHAM CRACKERS! n38tf N S. DUBOIS k CO TJEOPLE FURNISHING SHOULD CALL JL and see TnrreH'H large stock of Car pets. Oil Cloths, Blinds, Rags, eto., which be )i selling very cheap. CASH; PAJIDxFOa; VUG. T WILL- PAY THE HIGrlEST , MARKET price, tn cash, for an eggs brought to my ea tablishmeat. In Albany. am. i R. CHEAT) LE. A DVERTXBEMEMTS. Sa Person run take thnao tilt- trn aconnliiiK to direction, nrnl romala long unwell, provided their hones are. not destroyed by mineral polHim or oilier means, and the vitiil organs wasted beyond tlio point of ropRlr, Ityaprptiln or IndlKOatton, TT"ml ecliti, I 'nl ii In tho tlhoiilluri. Coughs, Tight liens of thn Client, IM..IIK .m. Hour Kru. la tlotis of tho HtomiKh, ll.id 'I nolo In thu Moulli, llllsous AllarkH, I'uliiltnlliiu or tho Heart, lnnaintnnilnn r tho l.nngs, I'aln In tho region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other puluful symptoms, uro tho otTHprlngs of lly.iepRla. In tlieMi enmplaliiU It has no equal, and ouo bottlo will prove a Iwiter guaranU.e of ti4 tuerlls thun a lengthy sd Verllaement. for teiunlo t'omplatitla, In young or old. marrii'il or Klrnile, ut theilnwn of womniihoiHi, or the turn of life, these Tnnio Hitters dlanlay so ib;clld an Influence that marked Improvement Is simhi nereeptlblo. For laBattimntorr and ( hnmle ItnenmMm aud (lout. It Dyspepsia or liulii(esilii. Imioiis. Ilemlilent and mi inter- mltient Fevers. Ulseasesof the HIimmI, Liver. Kidneys and llladitcr, thean Hitters have been most sncecnfiib Huch insi-ases aro Ctuae) by VIUuUil llhiod, which to prMlnre4 by deraiurenwnt of ilia Hlgextlvo Organs. far Nkln Ulsenwe, KrupttoiM, Tet ter, halt lllieiim, Jllolches. Hpitn, I'lniplts, pustules. Hulls, Carbuncles, King-worms, rk ald lli'SJl. horo F.yes, FryslH-laa, Iieh, Heiirfs. lilM-olonitlons or tho hkin. Humors and UlaeaM of the Hkln. of whatever nanus or nature, aro literally dug up and carried out of ibe system In a short time by the use of these tliiu-r. Una buttle In such esses will convlnrm the most lucreduiutu of tuclr curative effects. U. II. .TlrI0A..I A, fO Iruggtls tt flen. Agu., Man Franrtsco. CsL, t cur. Washington and Charlton his., K.V. BOLD IIY ALL MtlUOlSTS VKALKUS. "!!" I. SAX l ltA.tClNCO FURNITURE STORE ! i:v GOODS REDUCED PRICES ! E. D. WHITLOW & CO.', Importers and Ix-ab rs In. FURNITURE! ' AS U First Ht., t doxm below Conner's Rank, ALBANY, OKEOON, KeeH constantly on hand for sale Black Walnut Parlor cod Cbambrr Sets! Painted Clutmber Sets! DisiBff XZeom Fnrnitare! Eitchen rttraltaro of All Iliads! lAJl'SttKM. M'KINU IAT1tK!VS I'l'M" A KI'KKKA ISKIr3, lAlil.KH. ISKwTKAIK, lUM KI.Nvi C1IA1IU. KIASW. lilltKAfS. WHATNOTS. UlLVi'KKTM. 1MXJK CArilX, blX Hrri AHIE!. 1jKKm. fclC KTC. UPHOLSTERING In all it. Innehe. f mb-rs fllb-d with rromj tiess and d!Jitch. COFFINS MADE TO ORDER. ! Itepalrlns; stud .tfannrartarloe Done to Order. SVAll our work warmnted" Qlv as Carly Call aad Examine oar Stock.' rOoods'deltvered to any part of the dty.a vsitotf. f U. M II1TIAM Jk CO. OREGON BUSINESS DIRECTORY The underslened will commence. solicit lac for a BI'KlXrM IiIItKCTOKY of the KTAT rE tK UKKtMlN In a few days; and to make it succesKlul, reKUully requ.ttheeo-oaTatlon of all persons lnleresu-d in thu welfare of the country. The Htate has now reached that kv sltlon when a yearly summary oi ner procn-ss Is necessary, hence the value of a work which combine. In a condensed form, all matters if public Interest. The work In contemplation will embrace a general sketch of the KtaUt; Us physical ns- lieets, geology. Climatology, uoiany, xut.i"K., commerce, manutitcturea, societies, putilie buildings, production, and ail olhlr subject on which Information Is required. The work will be illustrated with sketches of some of the leading prominent scenery of the Htate, and Its etiiiiillntlon will be under the charge of J. 9IOHTI3IKR MURPHY, Esq., whose recent worn on wasniiigion jemiory has been highly com mended by the press and public. Thn Business Directory of each town and city will be complete; and that with sketches of each place, should make It Invaluable to the mere-hunt, farmer and mechanic As an advertising medium It will bo the best yet Introduced tn the Htate, as it win oo oi sucn importance that it will always be retained In a prominent position for reference. TBI BATS OF ADVERTISING WILl, KB AS rol ' LOWS: One Page, Half Page, Card, - $20. 10. ' 5. 7Advcrtlsers taking one page will receive a copy of the book gratis. Price of Work will be $2 50. . BTThe book will be distributed on every route of travel and public place In the country, S. J. MeCORMICK, Publisher, : ' 105 Front St., Portland. i CORVALLIS COLLEGE. THE FALL TERHI OPENS OX WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4tb, IS72. . . .. FOR INFORMATION, ; SEND FOR CATALOGUE. B. L. ARFOLD, . , President." t8d- ADVERTISEMENTS. P. C HARPER & CO. WE IJEO LEAVE TO CALL THE AT tentlon or the public to our large and WELL SELECTED STOCK 1 or GENERAL MERCHANDISE! Consisting or the latest and MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES or DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, LACE COLLARS, EMBROIDERY, SHAWLS, LACES, And FANCY NOTIONS ! IN THE GENTLEMEN'S DEPARTMENT ! We nfler the latest styles In Clothing ; tbe beat in underwear; ibe nobbiest lie. aud cerf; the nicest gloves and Usuntlet., and tbe "T-u" In Hoot, and hbues. our silk: hats ARK All, THE RAISE! We keep eonstantl oa band a FULL ASSORTMENT or MlOt CillllM, .Miol Poucbeo, Powder Fin!, linn TubCN, Shot Be I in, Ponder, Shot, Cap, Id fact eTerytbin; to tbe banter's Sine. GROCERIES, CROCK ERV. CLAPS WARE. I'OCKF.T AXI TADI.E CITLEIIV, SAILS. 1KIMESTIC UOOIiB. T0 BACCOS. IIM IT JARS, WOT 4XI WIL L ...r 'WARE, ARE ALL COMPLETE. The stock or Mirrors and Picture Framei ta brsces all met and r'y in. Call and examine our stock in Foster's build in r. First St., Albany, Oregon. v7n3Stf. P. C. HARPER A CO. CITY DRUG STORE. A CABOTIirr.f. 8. SALTMASin. A. CAROTHERS & CO., DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES. FOSTER'S BLOCK. FIRST ST.. ALBANY. OREGON. ncALr.ns is DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, OILS, GLASS, TOILET GOODS, Frenth aad American Colognes, Handkerchief Extracts, CONFECTIO NERY Pore Vinri and Liqnori for Medicinal Uses. FINE T0BACC0SAND CIGARS. Family Recipes and Physician's Prescip tiona Compounded. Dec3070-vSn0. A. CAROTIIERS k CO. CHAS. MEALEY, DKALER IK FURNITURE AND CABINET WARE! (Corner or First and Broadalbin streets, at old stand of C. ilea ey k Co.) ALBANY, OREGON. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON FIAND A FULL assortment of everything in bis lino tbat trade requires or an enterprising public demands. FURNITURE X Of All Kinds and Descriptions ! BEDS AND BEDD1XC, &c. Particular attention will be paid to orders for " UNDERTAKING! And all other orders in my line will be promptly attended to. Stif action Guarantied and Work Warranted! '" CHAS. MEALET. Albany, July , 1869 v4n47tf. JOB WAGON AVINO PURCHASED THE INTEREST or 0.. W. Young in tbe , ; DELIVERY BUSINESS, I am prepared to do any any and all kinds of jobs on short notice Terms reasonable, part of tbe city. and with quick dispatch, Packages delivered to any Look out for tbe bay team and Job Wagon. V7n22tf. A. N. ARNOLD. .COAL OXJLil I .OOO GALLONS! , A LITTLE LOWER! tnlStf ByBX.AINrT0VrO CO. ADVERTISEMENTS. R. R. R. ief crura THE WORST PIUS M FROM ONE TO TWENTY KUTUTZS, NOT ONE HOUR v AiW road In tbU m&vtrtiattnt Mtt amy mm ' RUFFE E WITH PAIN, ftADWAY'S READY RELIEF IS A CURE rOK EVERY til. II wm lb. nl M THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY Tfcat ffttUntljr slof the nvni smKtUag pftlM, HT loltammalt'-BB, and rare Oftftettiotis, hthf of turn Lvi'K, HVrBiaeb, lwelf 'it ibt iau or "fpi, tyj apirCatrOU, , IN 9BOM OXX tO TWtlfTT MINUTES, N fnattar hw viftlont m efcroelatlrtf th fmAn 1W KtlKCMATIC, B4-rM'ln. Uttrm, CriyyM; hcrvew, hturmlgle, or yrMttMtl witb dtaat aav uar. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL Afroftn INSTANT EASE INFLAMMATION Or THE KIDNEYS, INKI.AHMATION of TIIK BLACDER, INITLAMMATIUN jt TIIK BOWELH, CON'iKXTlOM or TJIK LL'MOS, SORE THROAT, UIKHCI LT IIRKATHINM, rALrn ation or the heakt, HYSTERIC, CHOVr, AHI-IITIIKBIA, CATAKHU, INrLL'E.NZA, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, M4I.KAL1A, RIIEL'HATISM, COLD CHILIS, AO UK CHILLS. Tbssirpllnlumoi lU KKADT RELIEF u Ik. art frrU ,1im lb. yaim of d fiscally ii,U wiil a.'ffd .m. wm) cmnfert. TwmlJ 4f'ip it. b.tf a t.n,hl. tri wUr will I. . f.w nemrau ran I MA MrH, M'AHUS, V;LK TOM ACH, Ml a IIKAIMI HK, HKAKTH(.IV", MAUHIIKA, KYSENTEHY, I.OI.IC, Wl.nl IS THE DOWELS, a4 all IMiKSAL FAINS. Trs.slm stunM !w. earry '. VHlU r Kmd' mmj'm K.adr KclUr wllh tH.- A Urn in.yt la wftW' wil 1 rrv.nt wuumM or bifi, IrM cbMNIS 4rf wMmt. it u Imuot tbM arMrtU UrM.y vi Sittar, as a .tlaftalaaA. FEVER AND AGUE. rrVER AND AHL'Cnra. 1m t.tv, mis. TUnf l a Hlit la Ihi, worM tksl will ear. Vmw as. ApM, st. ail Mbw MslwlM,, H;)V.a, r.wrlu T.lA'.'l, Y.iltrw, M4 oiitml -,v. UH,A If HAlr WAV II riLLH, w a.lr. at kAlK AY'S KEAL-T RELIEr. t.tly mu yn Iwul.. WM y Dnwm HEALTH! BEAUTY!! TRONO AHD Pt:RB RICH BLOODINCREASE .f i i t'll and wr.ii.irr clear hkij. ami VEAUTl.LL tOMI l.tXION SECCkEOTO ALL. Dr. EADWAYS Srapailai Resolvent HAS MAtiE THE M'KT ASTONISII1NO CCRCT; aoQLK.K.HO RAPIU ARE THE (.11 A MI.KS THE IVlr t'M.KIOES. I. NHER TIIK 1SK1.LKM.S Of THIS TRLLX WbKERl tL UEblClNE, THAT Every Say an Increase in Flesh and Weight i Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PL'BIFIEB. et7 U tU KARSAPARtLUAX RESOLV- IKT -tTiiaiMULa Usfwc ll tkso4, ftssaai, t'flaa. m4 ihT 6UU mod 'A tW ajaWta llW l.ft ml .'., frsr t fcpaira IL wmm A itt U-ly wtvfc nw a4 nu4 aaatsrtiaL, Arrefo., CvtHmmpUsm, Giaa- 4lar 41tta, VUtt 1 ThrotU, MttUt Tisun, tia4m in Hm 4lavb4 tm4 ot&mr yrt f ta ytat. fterv fmt Mmutrm I g U'a thw Ears, t4 tW wn t-Ttm. tit Hsta Jaa truf.ltnt, FrvT ftwaa. ftralel l!a4, lltas; Wosrtn, tWt fcltca, Zryttymtmi. Acaa, W.mk Wore- ia th Tuator, Camera w ihm Wmt.h, mrA all wm.i( tta4 aiafitl sliraarx, S 'fh SwvaU, L" 4 hyrtn, as4 ail wMm of iW 111 pnrplwt mtm mt'iXla iitm rarailva raaif vf tbi sVr '. Mixbn Cbnotr an4 a fir 4aya !IJ arr a j ftvrm '. lvt aitr oi la Sunn mS diMaaa fAwbt pxeaY to tW Utam. If He fwtltit, 4l!j twemtnisf t-AA ij tW waatas a4 Ajr.y"i 1H1 U rfi4 . iy V't9X, In C4 ia arrw4'r ,f th0 aW, m4 tym tkm aaa Wilis Ar ftualsrriai Wiit-l Un hm'tbf t fin-l mm4 lm ta ftAtfACAKlLLlAV ll ani 4o. Nat r.7 A" tb haarAaii-i haot.v sst vscai 11 rr4tl arrla la 1L rtira 4 Csmtic, tef.vf.tMM, CvuUi'vX ni. aj4 t mm ; n im KIDNEY AND DLADDEE COMPLAINTS. L'riMry avj Woet-b 4traar, Orvr, IVwpaj, tHarsc W Wht, Iwe mUmmttcm A C'liaa, Hrrni'a rtm , A;lf,;sjia, at4 ta ail cam Wt tkerr af kkUlt aVMtU, ar iba waLtr la Utkit. clost. taizW ita aabetaxa li tW wW 4 aa -gy. thfaai U a bil r'ik, fsr ttv ta a caewtfia, 4ars, r.im af-,i rac, W mkitm mvmmmmX 4mpmimt, a4 iW tkett to a prkit lac. Wm'rj; asmaaiMa Wa fruMing at4 pais ia i &akJl mi U bmk mu4 aiua Um Um. Inc, $1. WOHMS. TV. .'r vt aba rrm ku4v tt DTORMS M, TAFE.. Tumor of 12 Years ' Growth Cured by Jladu-ai't ReMolvtnt, Dr. BADWAYS Perfect Pmiative Pills, rfacUj- taatelaar;, !xMy cau4 rmmmX rra, nc, rxiaio, t-cri '. . (kdik, as4 tinmfihem. La4 y'i Ut vt.m at 4 ail Amar4m at turn Jvttaa t,tf, Ki4t, b:4alvr. Smcrj 1 . HvsslacW, C-amV jmAt&n, Cwelieef-ai, l4rtA4ia, lt wfLa, H -ifsitn, k atom Vr, laJitiaaatta 4 ihm fcarctalt, y.'f. mmA -i JacctDat mi hm rUral mmrm. Kimi.lt4 to mSmt a pwa.U run. larly Vsffwii L, csHUauitsf mm uxri, tbtttcrala. or aa ierrwtw drvgt. A tW 4m C RAnWATH FIU-R will fW t twUa Iraaa mil 'b tsfan4 xidvm. Pnca, U nu par U. KjLI BY JJ:LUi KEAL -Ale AND TRIE." o letter ataaa ta ILAUWAY M O'., Sm.it Harm SUwt, frrm fori. Iafawt.al.fisa, WimUt Ito- ai aU mm aaa a. THE OLD STOVE DEPOT! 7 O II IV BRIG GS, DEALER IX COOK, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES ! Or tho Best Patterns, TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPER-WARE! And tbe usual s.sArttccnt or turnishing goous fuund in a Tin Store. Reoairs ITcatly and Promptly Executed! On Reasonable Teran. Short Berkoninijt Make Long Friend ."' FROXT-ST., ALBANY, N'ext Door to P. C. Ilarj.cr k Co's Store I)er.Sr4nlfitf JOHN BRIGCS. XOTK'E TO FARMERS. I am prepared to fill orders for all kinds or AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY ! ! at prices tbat must ire entire satisfaction. Come on with rour orders and bare tiieia filled AT LOW RATES FOR CASH OR PHODl Ci; I ALSO HAVE THE for sale to suit all wishing to boy. Y7n3SUr. R. CHEADLE. AT NORTH BROWNSVILLE. KIRK, HUME & CO. Still tell Dry Goods, Clothingr. Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Gro ceries, Notions, &c of wbicb they keep on band a full stock-, and are able to sell, as usual, at tbe lowest rates for CASH OR PRODUCE! Will also be able tn buy and sell Grain of all kinds, or attend to Storing or Forwarding; on commission at tbeir Warehouse in Ualsry. Give ns a trial. KIRK, HUME k CO. Brownsville, July 5. TTb47tf. GREAT RUSH TERRIFIC EXCITEMENT IN SALEM. "LOVE LAUGHS AT LOCK-SMITHS." PLAMOHDON & STDIPSON, PROPRIETORS OF THE BEXVIDKRE SALOON (the acknowledged fashionable resort In Salem) havo. opened an elegant sal oon in the CIIEMEKETA HOI SE, Where they are ready to eater to the palates or the most fastidious Imbibers of the Capital City and the visiting public Dont forget to drop in at the "Belvidere" and "Chenaeketa." PLAMOXDON A SIMPSOX. Salem, Sept. 14, 1672 mi .NOTICE. OREGON i CALIFORNIA RAILROAD Company, Land Department. Portland, Oregon, April 5, 1872. Notice is hereby given, that a vigorous prosecution will be instituted against any and every person who tresspasses upon any Railroad Land, by cutting sad re moving timber therefrom before tbe same ii BOUHHT of tbe Company AND PAID FOR. All vacant Land in add numbered sections, whether surveyed or uosorveyed, within a distance-of thirty miles fipom the line of tbe road belongs to the Compaay. , - MOORES, v7a35tf. ' LandAgaai. ADVERTISEMENTS. ALBANY FOUNDRY AST MACIIIIVE SHOPS i A. F. CHERRY, Proprietory ALBANY, OREGON. . Manufactures Jteam Caslacstt FLOUR AND tW MILL MACHINERY I Agricultural machinery. ALL AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. Al.o sffent far Richrtson. Meriara k Co's,' Far k Co's. and II. B. Bmitb's PATEXf U00D-W0iHIC SACBlSEtT i Also Manufacturer of Cegroat'f PATE.VT ttltiX FEitCEv IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS Or All Kinds, Mad ia Ottfel Rrpairini all kinds of Diselpinerr ilfr t .borteat notice. A. 1. CHEKXi r7iiBtr. mMmUmm. factory WM. PETERS. MASL'rACTi aEK Of CARRIAGES. Hacks and Wagons OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Verrj Ht., mrt. Firvt aad Mceoad. ALBANY, OREGON. C1 A K RIAGES, HACKS AM WAG05S J or all Htvle. )laoorartnrvi to Or.Ur. at aa resmiiklilc rale, as Ibe om wf gut Material nd Brt las. work will ia.lifr. UEPAIKIXCi OF ALL UIXDS Xeatly an l expnJition.ij duoe, at Low Rates. Albany May 28, 1872. a42tf JAMES 1,. COIVAiV, " (siccrssoa OP A, COW AS a CO.) LEBANON, OREGON, DEALER IN CE.1ERAL HCflCIIASDISE ! t WILl KEEP ALWAYS ON KAKC A FULL STOCK DRY O O O X S ! GROCERIES ! Boots and Shoes! All f..r Fale at tte Lowest Prices fur CASH or UlUDl CK. i All . - : a r . . . . .... i c-".iw n. v. i. . au m. .o. ran seuia liy callins on me at LeLsn.-n. 7n24ir. JAMES L. COWAX. NEW FAMILY GROCERY AND PROVISION STOKE! efOHI SCHMEEK, Cor. First &. Ellsworth Str. Albany, Or. Keep constantly on and a complete assort ment of Groceries and Vegetables' French and Fancy Candies! Wines and Canned Fraita ! Cigars, Pipes and Tobacco And every thing- cite to be found ia a first elass Retail Family Un-cery and Nvtina Establish ment. "Lire and It-t live, is my mi tto, and fball be tbe aim of wy manner of dealing witn cuMunirrs. Call and sve me. v7p27yl. f JOHN SCnMEER. ALBANY BOOK STORE E. A. FREELAND, BOOK-SELLER ;AND STATIONER, Albany - - - - Oregon RESPECTFCLLT INFORMS THE ICB lie that he i now occapyiug a stand ia PARRISH'S BLOCS. Where all are invited, assured that Uoods ia his line are sold at the lowest cash prices. CO.XSTAXTLT OB IA.MI: STlvniBD ln SKrrii irrnr imii - -.l.l.i.ll.VU S.VBO, Jnwenile. Toy Gilt and Blank Books, SOuB PKBS, AXD SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY! Of every kind used in the State. &- BOOKS IMPORTED TO ORDER, at short notice. celal61y FOR THE HARVEST CF 1872. PITT'S THRESHERS! HAINES. HEADERS! LATEST IMPR'TED MOWERS t And All Kinds of ' u Agricultural Implements r CONSTANTLY ON HAND ! Also tbe CELEBRATED BAIN WAGOMT BLAIN, YOCNG k CO.. v0n37tf. Albany, Oregon. J. D. TITUS, ' DEALER 1H ' Watches Clocks,, JEWELRY, ETC. ALBANY, OREGON. REPAIRING CF OLOCKS. WATCHES,. - JEWELRY, Ac, . FROIOFTX.T ATTEKOES TO. ALL WORK WARRANTED. apSlv8n33tf jos" heii.IaY, cosstabie asd ce.ebh collector Norta Portland Precinct. Reference by permission to t&o following gentlemen j -His Honor Philip Wasserman, Mayor of tb City of Portland; Hon. Eugene "emple; Dr. J. A. Chapman; Dr. J. C Hawthorne; Dr. LA. Davenport; L B. Rosenbaam k Co.: Ksapp, Burrell k Co.; E. J. Jeffries; Clarke, Header, son k Cook; P. G. Skidamre; E. Martin k Co; A. B. Richardson k Co.; Millard k Vanscnjver, OFFICE 15 Washisgtan Stnet, Vatws First and Seeond. vtaiitC