-. She cmDcrat. Friday OCtBER 4, 1872. FOB ti2SlDE2?Tt HORAdE GREELEY, OF NEW YORK. FOB VICE PRESIDE2TT: T3, GRATZ BROWN, OF MISSOURI. PrmiUcntlat Elector E. t. PHATTtCK. or Multnomah county. GEO. R. HELM, of Llnti county. X. II. GATES, of Wasco count'. "WlTB THR TdStlSCT rr.KSTtTHw TAT t RLRCrin I 1.LL TBlt I'nKSIeBSt, HOT x rnrv. rx or mt waot.t pkopi.k, I acccpt Vorm oixTto is TiiK.eoMrmcsT tsfst tt THt MASSES Of OVa COCSTBT-S. KORTB .1D FjL'TH. ABB RAwBft TO CHIP SASOS ACB"SS tdic Btoonr nui waica bas too io.xo otvin kd Taca. PuaoKTTixa that tbbt bate bbkj exeuies is Taa jotfcl coscttriass TBAf tBSt ARB ASD CBT BBSCgroBT RKVAIS .b.tbbb.. IIOIUCK GREELEY." - . . J X I rn.lL PUBLIC SPEAK1XU. ' HON. GEO, R. HELM, of the Democratrc Electoral Ticket, will address the people ol Eaitcrn Oregon on political question at the following times and place : Pendleson. Wdneeday. Oct. 2d. at I F. Ji. W'hmh, 1 nuraday. Oct. 3d, at 1 f . X. La Grande, ivtturuny, Oct. oth, at 1 P. at. The Cove, iionday, Oct. Tin, at night. Vnion Town, Tuesday. Oct. an, at 1 P. if. hiXK-r City, Wednesday, Oct. Kb, at 1 r. at. Kidta-ado. Thursday, Oct. lit, at uight. Can von City and lite Dalles, to b arranged, Tna Hon. J. F. Gaslcy, the Uou. W, D. Hare, or iae Hon. A. it. Jdcacham, Graot Kloolor, an Join me in discussion u tacy desire. ABOUT CROW-HATING. Grant papers take great pleasure in taunting Democrats because of their earnest adherence to Greeley and their desire for his election. They denomi nate the acceptance of Greeley by the Democrats as "eating crow." Let us examine into the matter of crow-eating arul discover, if we can, who is required to digest the greatest amount of that undainty bird at this time. We shall confiue oureelt to the Republicans of Oregon, who subsist almost entirely upon crow and seem to relish the dish amazingly. . The Ke-publk-au party of Oregon belongs to one man, ilr. Ben. Uolladay, an orig inal secessionist. He controls its councils, dictates its policy, and aro gates to himsell all the honor of its triumphs. Is there a Republican in the Slate so reckless as to deny the truth of this statement. Lest there may be such an one let us place 11 r. Holladay upon the stand by quoting from his mouth "piece, tfie Bulletin, a paper owned by himself and edited by whom, poor crow-eating Republi can? by James O'Meara. Need we reminditepubncans of that man's rec ord in Ureson.' w e presume not. Well, in the Bullet hi of the 1st instant we find an article arraigning the Ore goniai in the most injperiousstyle for daring to advocate the election of Mr. Corbett. ilr. lloliaday was of course opposed to the election of Mr. Cor bett, while the Oregonian and the most respectable portion ot the Re publican party favored his election. The Bulletin., referring to those Re publicans who favored Mr. Corbett and opposed Mr. Holladay, says: Will the boldest of his factious an tagonists deny the fact that, had it not via aw a a v v-ooa un oil 1 IVVO he and his friends performed in the last State campaign. Oregon would not have been redeemed to Republi canism? It is patent to all that to him, more than to any other in the State, is the par'y indebted fur the splendid victory achieved last June. Mr. O'Meara never ottered a truth more patent to every mau of intelli gence than that contained iu the above extract. Had it not been for the cor rupting influence of Mr. Holladay's money, which is all the influence he possesses, the State would certainly have gone Democratic last June, and Vis personal organ doe3 him simple justice when it claims for hint the in famy of thwarting the will of the people. It is true that it is rather humiliati&g tc the Oregonian and other Republican journals to be told to their teeth that they owe their suc cess to Messrs. HcMaday and O'Mea ra, two oris'inal secessionists, but then they must Ijarn to eat crow without making wry faces. For more than a j year the Bulletin has been the most influential! organ- of the Republican partyj although it claimed until very recently tie character ot an independ ent paper. The Oregonian until it changed proprietors actually cringed oefore it in the most abject subservi ency. It remains to be seen whether it can retain its assumed independence of Mr. Hlladay's organ iu the future. But right here- we will, without wish-: ' irig to unnecessarily oifen 1 the O.-egrj. nian, predict thai it will bo forced to eat crow prepared in. any style Mr. Holladay may see proper to order his ehief cook, O'Meara, to serve it up. Mr. Holladay has no relish for crow himself, but it is one of his require ments that his retainers subsist upon no other diet and as his personal or gan cLa:ms that his influence alone keeps the Republican, party afloat it is, but right Ins should hold the posi tion o dietetic doctor for the organi zation,, and prescribe-ils bill of fair. But we have uersuud this- sulyect far enough. Ve only desired p prepare the Ore.nnninn for llio ii!utTH rJt Hint. wltich its digestion organs will soon have to enoonnter if it expects to re main inside of Mr. Holladay's party. That gentleman Will certainly pre scribe crow in large quantities for our new joursalistie friendrof "the ! Orego-jlan-l Hitherto the capacious stom ach oi. the. editorial' department - of that papeirhas proved a-wonderful re- ceDiicai jor siowinr awav crow-., ami? Dr. Holladar seems still disnosedi' to. , J J J I i.e:a n out wita-a uuerai nana . ' THE FAm TRIAL, Mrs. Laura D, Fair, the murderess of A. P. Crittenden, was' last Tuesday acquited by a San Francisco jury. It will be remembered that site was found guilty in a former trial and sen tenced to death, but y some quirk of the law, her sentence was commuted, and she was granted a new trial, thu result of which, as could have been expected, is her acqtiital. No event could ba more deplorable than this berlesquo upou justice. Not that the death of the miserable woman upon the gallows could attone for her her crime or add one grain of comfort to the lot of the widow and orphans whom she robbed of a husband and a father. It is a fact, that in her ac qnital, justice was outraged; the law set at nanght, and every safe-guard of society trampled nnder foot by those whose sworn duty it was to administer and execute the law, and preserve its purity. Crittenden's sin was a grevious one, greviously he an swered for it. He violated tho sanct ity of his own home by becoming the paramour of au artful courtesan, and when he would have escaped thu in fluence of bis enchantress, she slew him slaughtered hint at the, feet of his lawful wife and his innocent chil dren deliberately sent a bullet through his vitals. With all these facts proven beyond the shadow of a doubt, an American jury in an Amer can court of justice, pronounced the murderess not guilty. Time wiU never erase the suiu that this act has left upon our jurisprudence. It has caused a general feeling of uneasiness to prerade the public iniud and loss of confidence iu the strength of all barriers erected to prevent red hand ed murder from revealing with impu nity within the bloody house of life, at noon day. Merited Praise. Refering to Ore gon and the ligislature now in sess ion, the Sau Francisco Examiner says: Gov. Grover, the Democratic Governor of Oregon, delivered bis biennial message to the Legislature of that State last Saturday. It is a document which we have carefully perused. It is tersely written, and confines its discussion to the busi- A. uess interests , azd welfare of the State. It makes no allusions tj party politics; not, however, from any indifferauce on the part of Governor Giover to the great ques tion that are now occupying public attention, but from a correct judge ment of what he regards as approp riate in a communication from the Executive to the Legislature, treat ing of the general intesests of the commonwealth. Oregon is in a rund financial con dition. Her debt bos been nearly extinguished. She possesses school lands in such quantity that they will enable her to found a system of popular education which, if, proper ly managed, will diffja ia time among all classes of ber people sound, practical learning. JOHX H. 31 tTCHELL, of Portland, vm elected U. S. Senator by the Ore gon Legislature last Saturday. The Democrat, has. of course, occupied neutral ground in the fight which has waged for two weeks past between Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Corlett. They both claim to be Grant Republicans and as snch, we had no choice be tween them. We believed with many other Democrats, that Mr. Corbett would have served the Slate belter than Mr. Mitchell, because the latter is identified with the corrupt and damnable Holladay Ring, which aims to swallow up every interest of the State and convert it into a tributary colony to an accursed monopoly. Whether Mr. Mitchell will remain the tool of Mr. HoRuday or shake off his fetters ami serve the State, remains to be seen. He has the ability if be has the will to make a gorl Senator. "Let Us hate peacz." The Lex ington Vauvwsian has the following, in regard to Arkansas: Hell broke loose ia Pope county. General Uphatzt and Sheriff Dodson, with 150 brigands spreading horror and des truction. Several citizens already killed and wounded. Families robbed and insulted. Militia ban ditti awaiting reinforcements to move on Dover. Blood, fire, death and devastation. Everybody fleeing from the county. Here's your promised peace Grant's peace hissing hot from the bakeoven of damnation. Re-elect the Chief-Thug, and . such scenes won't be confined to Arkan sas. " ' ' ": ' ' ' ' - - Tke Court of Arbitration has fin ished its work, and report announces the , award , to our government as fifteen and a half ; .millions.'. Of course Mr. FLeb will actually leap for joy at an award which covers about half the damages, to say nothing, of the disgrace and expense incurred in getting it. That man has no sense of shame; on idea of nations. foonor, no conception of what diplomacy means, and in fact very little of. anything which goes to make a statesman. ' Garfield is stumping Washington Territory; The Walla Walla States man regrets that the Democratic can didate for Delegate is not iu the field and prepared to meet Mr. Garfield on the stunp. We don't wish to be lnmnsitivp. but iaa nneit mn ' r l . ' .Wfc.WM L I J are the DemouFAau &t Wnsh?nrtnn , J? i ustiessr. v- CAPITAL COflnESfUNDENCE. . , SalkJj, Sept. SO, 1S72. . Heigh-bol Weill .The long pent- up agony is over, tho accouchment has been successfully accomplished the Senatorial baby is born and named Joojr Hexuy Mitchell. The mid- wives, Ben. Simpson, and bean-abdo- mened Caples, have turned the puling infant over to the tender care of it wet-nurse, Doo Loryca, and its god father, Mrs. Dnniway, hi christened it, spanked and chunked it in its little bunk. It is already a promising cherub, taking to tho sucking bottle with an avidity which promises a rapid growth and development. This early 'hankering" for the bottle is a subject of much gratification to its friends, as its mother's death in the hour of child -birth caused many fears to arise as to the ability of its friends to raise the infant by hand. On last Saturday night, after it was fully settled that tho baby would live, its dissipated father, commonly known as "Holladay Clique," had a wild spree and Bachsiiftliaii carouse over its cra dle, in the parlor of tho "Chemekcta." Whisky, brandy, gin, champagne, ben siue, corn-juice and " lizard oil" fol lowed each other in a successive stream down the capacious throat of the joy infuriated father, until at last his poison -swelled tongue refused longer to give utterance to his maud lin expressions of felicity, and, with tobacco juice and whisky pouring from the corners of his mouth upon the bespattered swaddling clothes of the babe, he sank into a drunken stu por beside thu crib, where he lay in a dreamless slumber until the Sabbath's sun had rolled his burnished chariot half-way up the etherial pave. This disgraceful exhibition is only excusable upon the ground that this is the father's first born and the last hope of his declining years. Although tho father's course has beeti one of wickedness and crime, it is hoped that this 2)romit"n'J infant may develop into something better and purer, and strive in his after life to dissipate thu already expressed fears that he may have inherited the baser features of his projector's nature, and be a curse rather than a blessing to tho world. Sales!, Oct. 1, 1872 The events immediately succeeding Mitchell's election last Saturday de veloped some remarkably singular features in politics. On the previous night the Democratic members held a caucus, and under the press of tele gtams and petition sent by special coir ie.'i from their Democratic con stituents in many parts ef the State, a large majority of them consented to throw aside their partisan predelicta- tations in this important contest and support Senator Corbett as the peo ple's candidate, believing 'that the best interests of the State dcinau lc 1 that every effort should be made to prevent Mr. Holladay's hired attor ney from being foisted into so power ful a position as that of ynitcd Stales Senator. It was also believed by many Democrats that Corbett was not an enthusiastic admirer of Grant's administration and would, if elected exert no special effort to carry Ore gon fr Ulysses. I have no knowl edge, however, of Mr. C,orbctt having given zmy expression upon this ques tion cave what he uttered in the trant "ratify at the Salem Opera House a few weeks ago, and 1 could not discover anything in his utterances at that time that would indicate any warning from the orthodox Radical landmarks of the Administration. On Saturday, when tho joint con vention assembled to vote for U. S. Senator, and Senator Corbett's letter, declining to further be a candidate, was read, the most profound astonish ment pervaded the entire assembly. It was wholly unexpected by Repub licans as well as Democrats. Sage and potent Senators looked into each other's eyes in gravest wonder, wise Representatives stared about in blank dismay, and the ladies in the galleries flushed and paled with' emotions doubly exaggerated by surprise and suspense. Scarcely had the surprise attending this announcement began to subside, before Senator Brown, of Baker, again electrified the audience by nom inating Mr Corbett "on behalf of the oppressed' people 1" He said it was not to further the cause of Democracy that he made this nomination, becanse it was well understood that Mr Corbett was a Republican; but he wanted to name a candidate for the whole people who was opposed to oppressive monopolies. This senti ment was greeted with vociferous applause both on the floor and in tho gallery. , " - . As soon as order was restored the ballot was taken with the following result: .; . ; ;'' ;- For Mltcholl Messrs. Brlstow, Erowh of Ma rion, Cornelius, Coweta, : IJolpn. Hannah, Moores, Powell, Watson, Webster, Bile, imnu, busby, 'luirbank, Collier, Cruwjord, Corwin, Coopt r, Congle, Caplus, tost, Downing, En-glt-K, Harrison, Hirscn, Johnson, i.anull, Mat lock, Martin, Powers, Pulton, Itiloy, HUldlo, Htolt, Kiiupson, Tnornbury, West, Wuiitur, Wasuburn, Mr. iSpeeker 11. Kor Corbett Musitrs. brown of Eakcr, Craw ford of Linn, , Liuallen, Myers, Puttarson, Klraban, Cumin, Grant, HoUiikm. tstcpiiun son, Wrisut, White 12. , - . For Pmn Messrs. Baldwin, Hoult, Monroe, Tolen, Andrews, Crunor, Clow, Iji Daw, Musun, Onstdn, Hhelton, Waldon, WiUouijiiby, Mr. President H. Voting blank Messrs. Crystal, Allen, Blake iey Crooks 4. It wi'l be observed that all the Re publicans but two, voted for Mitchell, and they voted bLnk. ! Corbett's letter of ' withdrawal, as well as his conduct, 'ccviuced '.many ' T. . - II . V acmwiuu tuai, pouiuiaiiy , consult ed, there was no diifoccDco between. jhe and Mitchell both beki'ff firm acl berents of the fortunes of the nepotic and corrupt Ulysses. With this opin ion, as well ns with n conviction, based upon good foundation as the sequel showed, that he could not bo ehictod, a majority of tho Democratic members preferred to cast their vote for a representative man of their own party.. Those Democrats who voted for Mr. Corbett did so with the firm belief that his election over Mitchell would bo a groat blessing to the peo ple. Those who did not vote for him had reasons fully as potent and patri otic, and so it would bo uuwiso and unjust to cast oven a shade of censuro upon either class. None but those who have been hero during the whole of this contest can ImVo anything like even a remote idea of its singular features, henco to attempt to cast Maine upon, any one because of tho success of thu monopoly ring would be uncharitable. Below wo append Mr. Corbett's j letter ot withdrawal, from which it will bo observed that Democrats could expect but very little political benefit from his re-election : KAt.lCM, Hi-pt, 2. 1K73. Has, W. V. IlniSTOw i You am hfivby mi. tliitrousl to withdraw my name bi-lor.i tlio lidultirn n a -umtltliil. lor tun I'mti-d Mtuli-s H-imio. 1 tlutiiK you nnd ih rrt ol my IriniiOs lor iilnclni: iijmhi r -cord your piviiTv'tiu.- lor mi. I ulialt. lu-r.-loiiir.', luuor lor lhi r' tuity and Hilarity of tli li-Mii,licjii party, and lor tlx- nilvniiCfiin-iit of IK prlilcll-. ('lrcuriilnnc" hnv b-i'ii kiiuIi thnt In the Judumi'iit ol my lirii-nils and IU" -oit tlir-y ri-prcK -iit, it wm not wijte lor m to o Into can. cua. Thvy ar u true and icood K'aillit.-ait n nr.i In our rn.iik. 'I hoy tliouulit tm-y wro -n-litli-d u th-lr oilnlon as to w:iL ua lor th bt.-t lnlrn-t ol the h-o,Id and till' lt-ubli;au party, 't ill pp'i-r-iici i-aniMtt lx lonu-r pr-s-ml, in my opinion, without ilanT lo thn unity. lr,'jii;t'i and 'rp-lutty ol that purty. I-or th-n n-nwiK I uk tout my uuum Lhi with, drawn. Yours very nxix ctiully, ji. w. couuirrr. Salem, Oct. 3. The incidents and excitements at tending the Senatorial contest have given place to tho pleasures and fes tivities of the Stale Fair, ami this week is one of fullest interest to thousands of people here as well as of largest profit to the Saletnites. At the opening of the Fair it was feared that thu attendances would be in in h smaller than usual, but at this writing (Thursday) the gate r?ceipts are said to have been quite as large as at this time last year. The slock ex hibit is much better than we have ev er before observed here, especially in tho line of cattle. S. G. Reed, of Yamhill county, is the most promi nent exhibitor in this department, and has on exhibition tho most superb lot of cattle we have ever seen collected together upon tho Pacific coast, and in.leeu very lew ol tno great aiaie ; airoi me Mississippi aiiey can, nffie1 n .Alltni dm ! 1 mt t i tn f i . I " p'''v. v...-.v.... ...v.. by one iniivnlu.il, ttian is lispiayel iu the stalls of Mr. Reed. His slock is all imported and comprise the Short Horns, Alderneys, Ayrshires, and others of tho choicest breeds of old Albion's downy meads and luxu riant valleys. The phog" derarlment is full and choice, demonstrating that Norval's father, on thu Gratnphiuu Hills, was not the only individual in thu world who lakes special pleasure iu bringing the Ketic and ephemeral "jiorker" to the highest stale of porcine- perfec tion. We never saw the poultry depart ment so full or choice as it is hvre represented at the present time. From the slick and coquettish dung hill pullet to the spurred and kinghtly Shanghai, and from the demure and modest "duckscy" to the cynnical, braggart gander, all may here be found in sufficiently large numbers and varied qualities as to cause a Chi naman to forget his heathen gods, or a Methodist preacher to dance a sail or's hornpipe in the ecstatic thought of a fcat upon their roasted corpuses. The horses, sheep, Angora goats, etc., are all tolerably well represen ted and make an average showing in their classes. The Angora goats, be ing a new feature in the stock line of this country, naturally attract great attention and elecit many comments as to the probability of their success ful raising in this region. Not being an "Angora goatist" to any great ex tent, we forbear inflicting an opinion upon our readers as to the matter. The pavilion shows less attraction this year than usual, although there ore bore sufficient articles of rare and beautiful handiwork to attract the eye of the observer and reflect Credit upon the skill and taste of our Ore gon ladics. 1 have no time to write further at present. The Fair attracts tho at tention of the statesmen and poten tates of the Legislature, as well as that of the "common fry," and per consequence the legislative mill grinds slowly and in spasmodic jerks. Two weeks of tho session will remain after this week, and it is expected that during the time, of their exhus tion the wheel will spin with light ning velocity. M. V. B. Under tho announcement that the "ball is rolling,", Mrs. Duuiway says "Susan B. Anthony has gone to Wash ington to appear before the Congress ional Republican Committee." We are not certain that we comprehend the pertinancy of the remark. Hon. George R Helm started for Eastern Oregon on last Monday, to commence the Presidential canvass as per announcement. He will endeavor to return in time to speak at this place and one or two "other points before the election. "'"',''' ; -: '...,. " Mrs. Duniwny sits among, tho re' porters in the State Senate. Mr.Dolpb of Portland-did-it. .. - PACIJlti COAHTEIIH. The town of McMinnville, Yam hill county, wants to be incorporated. A fart of the skeleton of a Masto don has been unearthed in Yamhill county. The steamer Cay use was stink bb iow tho Dalles last wook, but was subsequently raised. Quincy., A. Brooks, of Jackson county, has been admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court. Cattle are fat in the Yakima Valley, and plenty. They are held at about six cents, not weight. Tho Guard, at Eugene baa at last surrendered and hoisted the names of Greeley and Brown. Snow fall on the Simcoo moun tains on Sunday, tho 22d, to the depth of about three inches. An illegitimate baby left by its mother with a Portland doctor is cre ating a sensation in that city. N no hundred and eighteen entries were made at the State Fair up to five o'clock on Tuesday afternoon. A man named Osborn killed cougar a few days ago, near Mary's Peak, which measured niuo feet in length. aiio out io? a oi uauiana is rapidly disappearing, while tho new town, one milo south of the old site, is building up. The Oregon Central railroad is now running to North Yamhill. But a few more days and the iron horso will reach tho Yuuihill river A little son of Robert Dsnney, residing just north of Lafayette, fell from the barn loft on Sunday of last week, and broke his arm iu a number of places. L. Westicot, of Salem, was seri ously injured by being thrown from an express wugon, between Saleui and tho Stato Fair Gronuds on last Wednesday. The Monmouth Mctnenmr says: "An effort is being mado to secure the publication of a monthly paper, to bo conducted by the students of Christian College." A man named Carson, living near Canyon ville, was met on the road near his home one day last week by two foot-puds, who relieved him of his loose change There is not a flouring mill in Bak er county. They have plenty of wat er power, and a good flouring mill would bo a irood investment for ,1 m that county yur tho benefit of whom it may ... .a col,cern wo w,n tiniQ no youu lady got killed by falling (out of the swing at the Linn county Fair Ground last week. Ben. Simpson, member of the Leg islature fromwell, it is not defi nitely known is convincing tho peo ple of Salem that "what is to be, will be." The peoplo don't like it. A man named Stark, who has resi ded at Yaqnina for some lime past, was drowned in tho bay on Monday of last week. He left a family, con sisting of a wifa and seven children. The Yakima country is rapidly fill ing op with new settlers, which, in the course of a few years, will com pel the cattle raisers to look for rango still further back in tho wilder ness. John Brambille, a painter at Rose barg, whilo engaged in whitewash ing, stepped backward and fell a dist ance of about eight feet. He hit bis arm in the. fall and broke a bone near the wrist. Mrs.' Wm. Hill, of Roseburg, while engaged in ironing, went to the stove to obtain a hot iron, and as she turned tho iron hit a little daugh ter in the eye. She may not be per manently injured. The Walla Walla Statesman do mands a full investigation of the' robbery of the County Treasury, and leaven the inference that certain offi cials have been remiss in the per form aaee of their duties. Mr. E. W. Hall informs the Moun taineer that wheat is selling in Grant county at about seventy-five cents per bushel. The grain crop this season has been about an average one. The gold mines still pay about as well as usual. The eldest eon of W. B. Carter, of Corvallis, while riding a horse along one of the back streets, on Monday, from some cause becamo frightened, and jumped off, his foot striking the sidewalk in such a manner as to break the outer bone of bis leg, at the ankle joint. ' , Some Indians offered a yery con siderable quantity of shot gold for Rale at the Puget Sound Bank in Seattle, last week, and upon being interrogated as to where they pro cured it, pointed toward the Cascade Mountain?. They probably stols it, as Indians seldom attempt mining operations. A few days ago C. , W. Starr met with a very serious accident, at his residence, near Monroe. Ho was standing on the rear end of a load of straw, when the team starting,' be was thrown off backward, striking on the back of his head. The shock completely paralyzed him, and bis recovery ia considered doubtful. Ben. f Simp8onj a membar of the Legislature, of indefinite 'representa tive character, bas introduced a bill into the Legislature to enable the Stato of Oregon to acquire the ca nal and Locks at Oregon City. His designs are- tot yet fully developed WEKltLY TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Horace Grceley.was at Philadelphia ast Monday and made one of his usu al happy gpeeches.t Wherever he goes nu is receivcu wiui ouinuoiuoio welcortle by the people. A number ot ZSiour inciians nave been interviewing the President re cently. Thoy are not said to have been Ot the more respectable class oi si wash. The Geneva award was $15,000,000. English papers are bitter in their denunciation of the result at Geneva. There is troublo on tho Texan fron tier. Mexican robbers continue to make raids. Severe storms prevailed on the eastern coast during thv nrst ot the week. The President is on another visit to Wnaliinrrtnn. lhe Iribnne says Sumner declines the nomination for Govenor of Massa chusetts. The Eastern papers arc sovcre in their convents on the result of the Fair trial. An Ekcouuaoixo Fact. Ever since the election of Gen. Grant, there bas been a steady increase of the Demo cratic vote. It would bavo required in 18C8 a change of about 67,000 votes, distributed in several of the States to elect Seymour. In 1871, a change of only twenty-one volcu in Connecticut would have given to the Democrats States having a majority ol tno electoral college. Here is shown a most gratifying gain whip ing out a majority of over 309,000 si i ico the last presidential election These figures would indicate that the peoplo have already declared against the Grant party. A Merited Complimext. The Walla Walla Statesman, referring to lhe appointment of Judge E. D. Shat tuck on the Greeley and Brown ticket says: He has taken the stump in Oregon for Greeley and reform. Iu the early and better days of the party Judge Shattuck was a Republican of the straighiest sect, but now that the naiao of Republican has become a synonym with corruption, he turns his back on old party associations an joins hands with the men who are la boring to restore the rule of honesty in the administration of public afEtir One of the papers commends Gen Oram s quiet, stratglillorwanl way of doing his duty in regard to the civil service reform. Considering that his way consists in quietly ignoring the whole matter, breaking the prom ises he has made, and using the offices of the nation to pay his personal re tainers with, the intended compliment becomes a terrible satire. It is a pity that somebody cannot invent some thing that Gen. Grant can be praised fur without having the commendation turn into an accusation. Gux. Jo. Lave ha written another letter urging Democrats to support Greelev and Brown. The brave old soldier and statesman has still the in terests of his country at heart. In his youth, his early manhood, and his old age, Gen. Lane has always been ready to defend the rights of freemen, cither upon the field or from the ros trum. May his dccling years bo as peaceful as bis former life has been eventful. His name is inseparably connected with the history of his adopted State. A DILL has been introduced into the Legislature to pay to the contrac tors of tho Lunatic Asylum interest on their claim upon which warrants have not been issued. If our Legis lators wish to bo just before they are generous, they will remunerate those who were victimized when the Republicans ingloriously fled from the House in 18G8, and left some of the officers and employees of the Stato to suffer by their recreancy. The Cincinnati Enquirer of the Cth inst. says: "We happen to know that one of the leading Grant mana gers here gave up the State of Illi nois as lost to Grant and Wilson be yond peradventure. He hopes to make it up by carrying Indiana, but he won't. There never has been a more promising outlook for any party than that which now exists in Indi ana for Greeley and Brown. Hen dricks' majority in October will not be less than 15,000." It is supposed that the Custom House at Portland will supply posi tions for at least a half score of dead beads for the next four years if Grant is elected. NEW A D V K K T 1 S E M E N T S ESTBAY NOTICE. State of Oregon, Covnfj of Linn, SS. TAKEV UP BY R. M. ELDER, OF HAL aev Precinct, one Pay Mare, fifteen hands hiirh. of heavy build, whit" In forehead and on the nose, and supposed to bd twelve yenrs old. Appraised ov inn unaTignoa on vne i.n any or September, 1872, at H JAS. A. PORTER, J. P. FI7MIXVRE SALE. Being deslrious to make a chanse In my bus tneai, I hereby olftT for sale tho entire stock of furniture belonging to tho ST. CHARLES HOTEL ! upon the following liberal terms : Upon sum of twenty-five dollars and upwards f all from thirty to sixty days time to suit tho purchaser. Any person wisninjr to ouy ne w be Riven still more liberal terms. to buy the whole outtit will ADDly soon and secure a good bargain. , aSwl. H. BRENNER. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. VK THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP J. M. a. dm vp. deoeased. Notice is beruby iriven thattho undersigned, by virtue of . an order of the County Court of Linn county, Oregoaaiado In vacation by the Judw thereof, on the 21st day of September, 1872, was' duly appointed Administrator of the estate of J. C. Graves, .de ceased. Therefore all persons having claims afrninst satd estate are notified to present tlto same, properly veri fled, to the undersigded re siding In Albany, Oregon, within the time and in tho mannesprescrioea Dy law. DAVID FROMAN. AdmY. Ofo. K. Huxsr, Att'y for A3mfr.. Sept.?", IS7!Li-a4;r! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS' Vlneo-nr iMf fers tro cot a vllo Fancy Prink, made of font P.nm, Whisky, Proof spirits ami Refuse Liquors, doctored, t piced, end sweetened to please the taste, called "Tonics," "Appetizers," "Kesitorers," Ac, tli. it lead the tippli r on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the native roots and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the (Jreat ijlood Purifier and a Lire-giving Principle, a Perfect Itenovator and Jnvlgor ator ol the System, carrying off all poisomms fiiain-r, nnd restoring the blood to a healthy condition, enriching It. refreshing and In vtgorutliigltoth niiiKl and body. They are easy of administration, prompt In their ae tion, certain In their results, safe and reli able In all forms of disease. Se Peraon tun lake fbeae Bit ters according to directions, and remain lung unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed ty nilm-ral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. , Uyaprpia or Indigestion, Head ache, Pain In the Bhouidrr. Coughs. Tight ness of tb Client, blzzlKess, Hour K nicta tion of the Klomach, Uail Taste In the Mouth, lillloos Attacks, Palpitation of tho Heart, Inflammation of the Langs, Pain Iu the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of iiyspepiia. In these complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guarantee ol Its merits than a lengthy ad vert isement. for Female Complaints, In young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic liitters display so decided an influence that a murked Improvement Is soon perceptible. For Inflttitimntorjr and ( brontr Kheumntiwm aud Gout, Uyspepsia or lodigeatlon, Hiiious, Iuiiunt and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood. Liver, Kidneys and bladder, these liitters nave been most snccestnii. ftuch Diseases are caused by Vitiated Hlood. which Is generally produced by dt-Kuigenenl of Uieldeestlve Organs. tor Kklti Dlvraaea, Eruptions, Tet XfT. Sail liiieum, blotches, hpots. Pimple, Pustules, Bolls, Carbuncles, King-worms, hcald-Uead, Sore fcyes. Krysipeias. Itcb. Scurfs, LHscoloraUons of the Skin, Humors and Disease of (ft "tin. of whatever name or nature, arenlierally dug op arid carried out of the srstein In a short time by the ose of these Hitter. Or bottio in such eases will convince the most tncreduloca of their curauve effects. 'lenae I ho Vitiated Dlood when ever you bud Its Imparities bursting through trie skin In Pimples, Lruptions, or Mores : cleanse It when you nod It obstructed and rlogguh In th? veins ; cleanse It when It is fjol ; your fe-Ungs will tcil you when. Ueep the blood pure, ard the health of the synu-in will follow. Pin, Tape and! other Worms, lurking In the system of so many thousands, ere effectually destroyed aud removed. BaysadiHtiiiffuiAhcd physiologist: There Is ccarccly an individual on the face of the t-ann whose body Is exempt from the pres ence of worms. It Is uot upon the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, bat upou the dleitcd humors and slimy deposits tjial breed these living monsters of dbtease. No system ol medicine, no vermifuges, do -snihciniinillcs, will Iree the system from worms like these liitters. Mechanical sicaa. Persons en gaged Iu Paint and Minerals, such as !nuintera. Typexetiera, Oold-beaters and Miners, as they advance In ille, are sobject to paralysis of lhe Bowels. To guard against tins, take a dose or WaLgga'a Viioa Hit ters twice a week. Hilion. Itrtnittent and Inter millent (even, winch are so prevalent lo tile valleys of our great river through out the tolled Ktates. especially those of the Mississippi. Ohio, Missouri. Illinois. Tennes see. Cumberland. Arkansas. Ked, Colorado. P.razo. Kio rande. Pearl, Alabama. Mobile, havsunoh, Koanoke, James, and many others, wi;h their tat tributaries, through out oar entire country during the r ummer and Autumn, and remarkably so during ea . sous of unusual beat and dryness, are In variably accompanied by extensive de rangements of ihc stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. Ia their trear ticnt, a purgative, exerting a powerful lh Borrirc upon these various organs, fet essen tially necessary . There ts no cathartic for the purpose e,ual to Da. J.Wsleek's Vikb ca BiTrr.it. as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter wlih walca the bowels are loaded, at the same lime simulating the secretions of the liver, aod generally restoring the healthy luucUons of the digestive organ. Scrofula, or Klnra EtII, White Swelling, fleers, EryMpela. Swelled neck. Goitre. Mcrofuious Inflammations. Indolent lnnamiuattoDs, Mercurial AtTecUona. Old Bores, Eruptions of the ma, bore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as in all other constitu tional Dtscates. Wjliek'j Vincoaa Bit tkbs have shown their great curative pow ers Is the moot obsunato and Intractable cases. Dr. Walker's California Vlne ' rar U iters act on all these cases in a Miultar manner. ISy pnrtrylng the Blood they remove the cause, and by resolving away the effects of the Inflammation (tho tubercular deposits) the affected parte re ceive health, and a permanent core la effected. The Aperient and mild Laxattre properties of lia. Lira's Viskosb Bit Teas are the best safe-guard In cases of erup tions anJ malignant fevers. Their balsamic, healing, and soothing properties protect the humors ot the fauces. Their Sedative prop erties allay pain In the nervous system, stomach and bowels, cither from inflamma tion, wtud. colic, cramps, etc Directions. Take of the Bitters dh going to bed at night from a half to one and - one-half wine-glassful. Eat good nourishing food, such as beef-steak, muuon chop, veni son, ruast beef, and vegetables, and take ' oul-dour exercise. They are composed of. purely vegctablo Ingredients, and contain no spirit. 11. II. ncDOXALD b CO Druggists A Gen. Agta., Ban Francisco. Csl., A cor. Washington and Chariton Sis., N.Y. BOLD SY ALL DRCCGIST3 A DEALERS. v8nSyL Aleinn Kr day I Agents vnted! (llVsaU All classes of working peo pie, oi eitber svx, young or oiu, ma.u more money at work lor us in their spure luoim ts, or all the time, than at anything else. Particu lars tree. Address U. tUUsou E Co., PortlH..d, ilalue. vMa7yl. MEALED I'UOPUSALS. oeu-;i) fhoposais will be keceiv. C? ed at the oliice of tno Albany A Santlnm W'aU-r iitcli or Canal Co., up to October 1st, lHTi. lor grading, dinning or burning sum diun. i'ians and siecilicutioua will be luund at toe oliice ol aaid Coiupauy. L. K1JCINH, K. .MAXsUkU, ISl'C). iTVSiueuu vsnStf ? T and women Buainess that will Pay from (I to $3 per day, can ba pursued at your own homes, aud it strictly honorable. Scad for samples that will enable yuu to go to work at once. Address J. LATiIA.TI A CO., nlwO 302 Washington St., Jlostun, Mun. SHERIFF'S SALE. mTOTICE IU HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY Lm virtue of an execution issued out of tho Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon for I Jnn county, hi me directed nnd delivered, in tavor of V. Ketehum, pluintitf, and against W. H. Gnarhart and Elisnbetli Gcarhurt, defendanta. for the sum of U11.3T, judgment and costs of suit, I have this the 2yth dny of August, A. I. 187, levied upon the following described real estate, to-wlt : Ixrts No. three (.1) nnd four (1) in block So. sixty-Bcven (U7) in tho city of Albany, County of I Jnn, Stato of Oregon, as described on the Elats and surveys of said city of Albany, on le iu tho Clerk's olHco in Linn county, Oregon, and on Mondqy, the 30th day of Sqit., 1872, between the' hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock f. At., to-wit : 11 o'clock A. it. of said day. In limit of tho Court House door, in the city of Albany, IJnn county, Oregon, I will sell the above described property, for cash in band, at public outcry to tho highest bidder. ALIJiN PARKER. ; Sherlir, l.mu Co., Oregon. Dated August 20, 1872. n3wi. SU.1IHOXS. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for the County oj Minn. O. P. S, Plummer, Pl'fT, vs. Sarah.. 13. Plum mer, DelX. Suit in equity for divorce. To Sarah M. Plummer, defendants In the name of tho Stats of Oregon s You aro hereby required to apar and answer tno complaint oi tho above-named plaintitf, now on tile against you in the above-entitled cause, within ten days from the date of the service of this summons upon, you. If served in Linn county, Oregon ; out if served in any othi r county within this State, then within twenty duya irom thu date of the service of this sum mons upon you ; nnd it sr rvtd by publication, then on tho first dny of the next term of said Ctjnrt, which shall commence six weeks or more after the dato of the first publication hereof, whioh said term will eommeneo on the 4th Monday, tho 28th day of October, 1S72. And if you tail to answer as above required, tho planum win apply tome ctmrt lor me re' lief demanded iu tho complaint, which is. to obtain a iudgmerd, and decree of the Court dis solving the bonds of matrimony existing be tween you ana tne piainuir, ana awnraing me care and custody of tho minor children named In tho complaint to the plaintiff, atid for such other renei as pertains to equity. GEO. R. UELA1. Attt for Plff. , Published by order of Hon. B. V. Bonham. Judge of suid Court, which.- order- bears dato Dated, bept., 1372. njtvS. A B V E R T I S E3I E N T Si -i . - - , . Li JL -L. RaWs My:Mfif , , CCRES THE ORSl PUSS , , - xx raoM oite to twehttc dexxutus, NOT ONE HOUR Aftw NsSInt ni. sdiinsrii m4 my aw ' ' SCFFEB WITH PAIS. RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF is a ccrb ron xveav rat. It Milks n Is THE ONLY PAIN EEMETJTr Tkst hMiMlr ffc nt.mMMtes:sfailm laAMimMiom. Bn4 tmrt CaskmOom, WlMr - k . lmt; Sniissik. fcwS w SImmt i ri 1, Vf tm ' SpyliealiM, -. . in raoM owB to Tweimr mik ltis. f ., K. mnw amr Vtol sioaslstlac Dm lb HHKUMATIC, B-t., USn, tnyyU, hmnm, Korelfte, M ftmttMm kk SIMM la! ato, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF wnx srvoao ihstant casc larLAMMATKlK Of THg KfDNlVS., INFLAMMATION IMt aLADDCX, IWrLAMMATIOH Or THR WWIW. " cu.iuicMiox or THX LCXOS, t- SORC THROAT, pimt'liLT MRtSTHIMO, 1-ALnTATIOW OHUM.HKAKT, HTSTIRICB, CRXtr, KirHTIIERIA, catakkm, wrivEirzA, - HgAOACHC, TOOTMACHK, filuLKALOIA, RIIEL'MATISM, COLD CHIUA. AOC CIIILIJ.- ' TksAtMW ia. itrtar fteucr t - wtar fMU tW ' aMlty utow tll tttat au. mmthtt. T.nl, 4ro, Mb.ll tmmWm mt wilt I ttw mmU Mf.C RAM KM. SeAhMS, STOMACH, SICK HkAOACHK. MBARTSLRJI, OIAKRHEA, iXkKKTKKr, CIHM. Wll IX THk. sowaxa, mm ll IMTKRMA1. rAJ. Tntik rinail lw tMtf VMd. mt R.S wr' HMr Melte A , Uw ... fitif will y.mlmm llfrt,i . Il u HIM Um 'mck IWsMy w Swi MmmimmU' FEVER AND AGUE. rgrgR awo aot'Cnn say tw f met mtmttmt mtmtt im Uu. -mmH4 tmt will OT , MI in, Mi U tmmr MalarwM, Mil, Srwhw' T, vmmd, V'llw, 0r r... (iue h " Wat s fll.Ls, imn m sl)Wll RKAOV kKUKr. ,(ly t. ft h-uU. S-14 fcy Or.gyMifc HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STROSfJ ASO Ct'kK RICH alX&-IKCRCASS or H.K.MI aso wr.mHT ci.v.au ki a so hmAV tUMU UMrLkXIOH SfcCtRfcOTO AU. Dr. HI AD WAIT'S : Sarsasarilliaii Resolvent HAS MA OK THE M'T ASTONISHIHO CCRCS: S'l(l.'ICK,S4 RAPlO AI'.K7ll.CItAS.kStlie ,. sour t.M.Rioas, rst-oiTHe LHna-kisce -or THIS JULLK wtuuuoii. Mtoitian. THAT Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. . Eer lf mt tW SAKSAfAPJLXiAS USOLV. KTtT 1 ill-mi tmtwwgk alM mm., UrtsM. mm4 tkr iak w4 rco mt Um ytUm tW TtfW mt htm, tt It fymir thm mt tmm wttfc mrw mm4 Miaafati. r,4mi, fft.Htm, fall pth m. Qimm 4lmr dUmmmt, VUmr fa ihm Tkremt, Mmt, Tairit sAWs hi ihm OlmmtU mmd mtltmr pmrtm mt thm t),m, mm -Xtfm, tmmnmm Peymrm trmtm tmm Ean tm4 ilM ra tWw. mt kim j Ki-yri mt, rnr tittt, mVU Hm tWc-Wtww, twit , Uj.ifkm. A, ftUrk Upmu. Vtmnm ia Sm FLs. Tumtn, t'tmimn mm tW Waas. mm4 all whwrf mm4 fU tmwU JSfCM ftoaav. Lsm mt tfmrm, mmA mi wmrtm mt mm hU fmmfU, mwm wmtm tkm cMifv rmmgm mt thh wmm tUrml MosaWrs CWnaiaAry, mmd m Uw ' wiU pmvm tm amy fmtmm mmm$j U mixmmt mt r fi ram mt ir Iu fwtMi mmmmt to Ikam If tmm pmtimmtt mmUr h niwif t4wm Iff A Mttos mmd ymx.mum I Met im mttmttf iImm mu. mmm iym.r tmm 1 IMS I . fc usattWy yiimx. 1 Wits mww sMhtsTtkl avw rmm trW-lMf r ml mm H9 tmm ftAK-HAPAKILUAX wilVsuM V mww. aaaljr VM lW tiMmmj.TMMA ttsVaML OT mt All kaosan rwrmAM kfrtili it tmm mttrw mt tmtkc. hervlmlum, Cmtimtntt mmm Imhm iutrntyj mt M. k tarn mm piU9M cmf tvf KIDNEY AND BLADDEtt COMPLAINTS, Unmmrj mmA W 4i.mmm, fifrrl, ttommmun. tV-yy, ntmffmtm mt W.lrf. tmc ilniMi a L'tW, ftnchl'a bt. svaw, Aitmtummrt, mt4 tm mil mm -n-r kmtm mrm SfMiJarl aVsKswt. mt tW Mff ia laVirn, cln4v. stsni wiim jotaiioisa Ukm tmm mmtttx mt tm wKf.mw l.r4ai -iU oitsV m tkmrm m m mmtnmmmw, usea, Mamt ts4 nilf li mmH 4mfmm. mmd whmm I nam ft wnriv I, mmmiM hsialni pmrndag maT, mmd km iW oiaalt mt tmm ban aawi mUm tmm Lnm i'noa, lJm. W0R3IS. TW t hm mm mwm m.i, br WOCMS rt.s, TAra,. Tumor of 12 Teart Growth Dr. FATHgaYS i Perfect Pipliye Pills, pwfcclly t.rt,lM. .lnrnMlv mmtmm, nvM, Mriiy. rWwi. .r' r.lU. ii tb cmxm ft .11 i la.r, !, Kimmmym, tOmmimm, mimvinM mi tmm StMMrs. w. ,rM. t i,ni ... t.iiiK m. taifciiltoM, tM- -llt.ii mi tmm Vumm. SwMWi to mmwmt rii, mm ii I mi tmm bfcfMl . i.l i.. i.in mm nn .rji rwnljp A W- m ml RADWAT-S PrLLS ill onM mm mmm. MILD BY lrXOOtSTS. KEAO-rAtse AND Tat'k." 8. na to RA0WAY S CO. N. n 1 mrtumt Irmm mil tmm aMSMi mmmmw-tmmmt 4 n. fnc, S Nw Twk. Ii.lii wtIi wmttk tLn..,iwU til mm jmm. 8nRyl CiVABDIAVS SALE OF REAL ESTATE. IX THE MATTER OK THE ESTATE AXD Guardianship ol Jacob yr, an insane, per son, or a peraon inrapablo of transacting hir own business. Nrfix- is hereby given that by virtue of an order of snb, mnde and entered of record by the County Court of Linn county, Or egon, at th" &-rtrn(jcr term thereof, ls72, 1 will sell at the Court Hnust door, at Albany, Ore gon, at public auction, on Saturday, the it h day if October. lA at 1 o'clock r. v., of soul day, that Is between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M.. of said day, the loilow ing descrilH-d r-al estate belonging to said ward, to-wlt : Commencing at a point "Ai chains north of the south-west corner of the Donation Land Claim of Jacob Nye, it being claim Not. No. m. and Claim No. 41, in Tp. 15,8. It, 1 west Unit county. Oregon, and running tbenoa north U chains, east l'Wchatns, south 12 chains, west I'M chains to the place of beginning con--talnlug 1.0 acn-s more or less, lying and being: in Linn county, Oregon. Terms ot sale aro one-half of purchase price to be paid down In U. H. gold coin, nnd the residue to be paid in I'. K gold coin, with I percent, interest per month In six months, with approved security by mort gage on the premises, uprm the notice, terms and conditions as by law prescribed. F. M. PWVELL, Guardian. G eo. TL TTklm, Att'y for Guardian. Kept. 5. ISTi , . ntwl. OOAP KANE'S COXDEXSED. THOMAS' IW Water. lUeachieg, and other kinds sold by WHEELER mt S1IEDD. The atantlaru y lor Coajras, ' IsCsasu, Sore Throat, Whooping , Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, 1 mn- ch.tis, Hleding of the Lungs, and ev ery affection cf tbe Throat. I.unga and Chest. Including Consumption. WUtan't BsOsam of Wild. Cherry doea not dry up a Cough, but loosens It, cleanses the longs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the com- ralnt. None genuine unless signed L Ctts. Piepa.-cd by Seth W. Kowlk Son. Bnsu.ii. bold by Kkdoisgtos. HosTBrrKR A Co., San Francisco, and by dealers generally. , v8n7yl. ' -r - Bewaro of Counterfeits f JOB ROSES' "VRSsii8 st mstmnmivmtp cocsrssrsiTSD. t)nAwnt Dmf. fUlm tmitttvor tm ttll A cmunitrtia Hmtmktrrtmltr ftrmjltt. TA frnnuin A IA assiisJoo Mssea easac rckft. AU MT sr woriAu usKaooa. Th easciaa Pills are antsiling ia the ears of all . i i J J i A wki.lt - femals eonstitutiott is rabjaot. Thr modersl i all zces and remova all obstroetioas, from what- TrCU,TO WATtRTF-D IiADDES. " - ' s they are psrticniarly suited. Thay will to a SDOrt tint bring on the monthly period with regularity; and although very powerrol, contain nothing h art ful to the eotutitutfoa. to all ease ef Nervons sna gplnsl Aflections, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fstigneon illirht exertion. Palpitation of tb Heart. . all nih.i m.n. hn:ill.A. Th edmnlsr sraonii WCn DHEIS SIT ttinitMOOi W WlA.rew. v- will b nt tro to all writing tor them, sealed . Anm nhaai at Inn 4" N. B. fh all esses where the Olirjisa esrraotba eetalnnil. One Dollar eneloeed to the Role Proprie tw, JOB MOSKS, Is Cortlandt 8U Nw Yorkwill Insure a bottle of tha renuinm, eontalning Jifty Vllliu. tv return nil. imml mmalmd from SXLT anowledre of Irs contents. ' . ' wm e- iww mi aa I aj I l"tE?cl n-ki.r it i cii minwi.w BRYAN'S PfTtMOSIC WAWE9 Cars Cocoas. Colds. Astbsa, Bbomobitis, 8oaa) Tbsoat, HoAasasass, Bimooi-r BsaATBiao, I cirissT Cossoarnos as a Lrso Dissasss. They hsve no tasto of medicine, and any child will take them. Thousands hf.vo been restored to health that :: had before despaired. Tetinny rivenln hnndida ef ee. Ak lor BRTAN'8 UtMONIC WAJEB8. Price 33 cents aor box. JOBilOSE3,Ftopria tor. is Cortlandt Street, New York. THE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY. - ho. Jit Rne Lombard, Paris. These Tdtls are highly reeemmsndad by tea entire -Medical Paculty of francs as the very best remedy . In all eases of 8 permatnrrhoea, er Seminal Weak- -ns : Nightly, Sally or Prma'r Emission ; 8sx- tuil Wenknees or Impottncy ; Weakness arisiegfrocn 8eeTtBbitsanl Sexual Excesses l&ttmSatUm of tho Genital Organs; Weak Spine : Deposiuinths Urine, and all the rhsstly trnin of Diseases arising front Overuse or Excesses. They r whew all oUiertwm-' lies fail. Pamphlet of Advice In waeh box. or will be sent Free to sny address. Price 91 er Box. . Sent by mail, rtcurr Ivmralci frnm miletaervtim. on .. receipt of pHee. OSC A B O. MOSIS, 1 CoartAggr 6t., K it Yosil, Sola Geiusril At-nt Jot AJaiie-T Y