The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 23, 1872, Image 3

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- 'L-i
AUGUST S3, 1872.
.............. j
... -C aaaaaaaaaaaa
Canyon City........
East Portland.......
Isaac Miller.
...J. M. Moraran.
...-W. H.'1'rivett.
I. J. Hapuewowl.
Dav. Kaflerty.
-.............f . t. lYuiton. jr.
of construction at this Cape, promises peared to any necessity for it, Or
?. L"10..?!1 .th.e w.or!f WU. " bests U7 e eminent
... Umu wuiL'ii ii is) ueinj nunc Jy upon it.
. owiue eigmy leet aoove tho water. . vi.i ... .
and the tower upon which the light la Y'XZ
to be placed will bo atlll ninety feet ..fT,. "Z:Z:?.:'"
mating tho lamp's altitude
- VI aWt
higher, making the
uti, .vvtue iueia8i ing, roam- without any trouble. Before leaving
me vessel our party gave a hearty vote
or thanks to Its otllccrs for their kind
' Gaasburg....... ..Matthew Fountain
.narnsourg 8am. May & B. It. Holt.
jenersoii. .... Hanley Waterman.
Jacksonville J. II. veii.
, Ibanon....... W. 8. KlkhiB. ward.
ju wrunue h.. ts. iVeComas.
. 8cio........Dan. Oaby & Geo. Christie.
lug, seeming breakers, which dash
among the rocks aud caverns at its
fir o T h ZTJ" ! "C93a"d curtesy during our perilous
w-i. -i ' " " I V"T "ur W vyaK- We dl.ln't thank theoccan.
:r,lt ,Ti:r 4 a because we had fully paid It alt arrear-
............ ...r u.iy ,uc9 io sea- aires and sonietlnir over. linrln..
Th 1 nmn.U.. ...Ill . . . . . .
....o W1U cosl .me Bliort trln Wil hurt IT vi.n hiw.b- nil !.
I " O " wil
A. W. Wright, Esq., la our agent at
Newport, Yaqulna Bay.
Mrs. Geo. F, Hettlemler has returned
from a prolonged visit to JKuliu ITalla.
Hon. L Fleisohner, Stato Treasurer,
swapped Greeley confidences with ns
uuTciuuiviiirauiiin aiMlJllRh-rnniiitn foiif fl..k . . . . .11 .. . - . .
A. W. Wright. lMnm ., u ..... ... " """ niuvuug nmi,barna
Mnniiifi . .v in umv eies 1 o 1 we imd vrr fb(m fmi
r v U...1.1. Illirht." IThls Is i lu i,...,i tl ... k
.' Z5 Tr Ahi i . " uiwiuer, ana ima left
. A. A. Fint u. " . "I ... ",,u 11 8on" f Ocean House pastry
Katai. AdcxnKWT, A pslnftir nccldont occur-
r mm uuuiiiiu in jjiverpooi, wonit, wuion ronuiU'U in trie civuth r ni(,t, fiui-
ion( a nonor Mr. Jurry iuit0n,iin old and rn-
.nrrtod ri'tldnntortliUcuuntyi Young Huston
hU tuicn harvtlns during tho ilny una in
company wiin I'hiiip intt:r and Wm. Jor
nnu, gnno io tue rcMUhmM or j:r. ifnriim
Kollfs, nnnr Whom tho imrticd 'were at work, to
tny un night. 1-rom what we, Itmvo lonrnod It
tfpniB thiit nplthr KolMn tibr W fnmily were
hi Homo, and the ly rt-inalnod uji until a into
Our voiinn-nnrl nWnt ' rnt.t' nnn. frn allArcatk.ntook
O '. ... loviVllf I I IU4II hlitin..n 1lu,... I lllli... ....
ii lend, JJilly JJoono, of balem, called Ul? 'urmortook down ,& iitl which hunK
dtiriusr tho week. Hilimt tho wall arid niade dcnioimtrittlonii of
w v l IL tin nifi.Mii. ..K . . . . i . .
nn,i t ,. , , , I viiiiimiwri ,r, uurw Ulil-
- , uur jwuiig inenil, Piaster '"'i hand, and a acufMn t,lr ,
rv i . f ... .. i .... .... '
vummius iUcmerHon, for the present oflwn,tn 1,10 P'"1"' dineharii-d, the bail
a trio of luscious WutermeloiiM ,altlnt,''''ctlnthnrl(htld(torilJliitin,kllllnit
US Ol. Tomt.klna nf n . ' '. The whole airalr smois
Wl(, i,. , ' , j . utoii mt Ruuui'n uriu ciiusck'K a tocxclUi
. a.Kftv iv uur in inn t wm, inruncii rn rni:rci and r,rr.v im..i.,
I'libllwhed hy I. Mamuel,
Central AdurHting Ag,nt, 03 StrtU.
JfuVfitf, 1MK8T HTKEET. . ,
Iinj)orlur und uf Fanny tiomln, Tofi,
, iiw.m;, uiui noa i'laied Vr.
F. Itmnrn
m ii . I . .... . I 'm
Waiu wr.V-""-; ""W"0"- l w " ii, D"Ut ncar th0 tower- t0 tr'P away 'from home.
-. ...... i. vaiuii. uu wuui ieu dv rnA iJirnrtinuuA
Yakima, W. T..
. K. P.
ana nis ramli v. We enn't
more dreary occupation than
TV Kff. mi. w ...
u. uus, j. insult), uenernl I Knn. i.'-o
m fillip inspector for the Fran el
coast region comDrlslntr Pnlirnmu
imagine a Lighthouse and Lam ' . "" "
that of L.( .V.;1 ... . " 18 ai present vlsltlr
1)0 I InMt niwlnv H .1 ... i I the frlontfa .f t i.r. wu.. i.. ...
minatlon on the subject) A fine resl- tabllsh i relu atlon ft ; V. "u )l " baUb.ttt, a"'1 take " to c,'u" " harZ o ZZZZ
... . a, .... a me even ni!. ...... ..u....j ...
- I ..I' ll muwv HUlldlOn.
Our former fellow f.m-,.r. a o I
HOW a reHl,l..nt nf n :!"1 I'Polrt-
n iiiiuiu u- inn (;-
nirnmonir ""nuut Annual fkinfcmiirn r n...
. . - I . . ".mum ink
beacon-I ir htpon f'jin v..i....i.. " . . . r i many inenus In this count v. ir r'i""c"P" "urch, Mmtu i
-tavmg returned from a three weeks' A hoWn,wii.Wn.-..i.,i. , n.. " r i . ",M,"son lerruory, our seems to be enlovlnir m.., r n.i-KL'rff'WJ.V?":-: -To i
aojourn by the seaside at Yaqulna Bay. midst of classic civil!,. 'Z, . 6 " . ... ftr,,nt,nff world's fatness. H. K. NVwt.,
r Mr. mnshln lt.nilMn... i. . ' """"i wiiiiimiVti.. " .: .'""".-"I't' "' .
... . i o "Hum it inn tsrnrnn t : ....... a ij v. :'
etiie, he is a rare enjovmei t to m,.,.t. tt in,..- ' . ' WV ,ew
!to so far Li k " " rs .n our city last Hatunlay. Wo inna'niin":
v... uiubuit, flro DlnnHixI tn mm !... I. ....... I H11I..111 t..l I-.... ....,,,...., "
.... . - --- t....v VIIV. II VL'I V t?X- I . . ..T .,Uii.i
un arriving In tho liarbor wo ft.m.,i cellnt m.,i nhi i...i..-...i ... .S111? u iwniinniini.
the trim llt.U i ' . W . '"m fcLU ''"I'" " .iiV.V 1. C, McKarlaml.
is oi course expected that we will
follow the general custom of newpa
perdom and tell what we know about
seaside resorts. What we kuow about
the ocean can be told in a few words
what we don't know about it would
fill a volume. We were only on one
aide or it, and from our stand-point
were wnouy unable to see tho other
IFhlle we were at Yaqulna the U.
aids or even its bottom. From this steamer "Khnh-tnb n-i...i .,.,.
--" 'w'l.tii nun jron
statement' of course the reader will and other material for the Lighthouse,
readily perceive that the ocean is a big and anchored a few hundred feet off of
thing yea, huge! It is mostly com- the CUpe, where she discharged her
posed of water, which is preserved cargo in lighters or barges, which were
from spoiling on its proprietor's hands rowed in to the base-of the rock-bound
ly a Judicious application of salt, well shore and unloaded nl "th r..f r .
shaken and stirred in. The brine thus long, sloping tramway, up which the
prepared Is doubtless amply sufficient material was hau:ed on sleds drawn
for home consumption, unless the de- hy oxen, attached to the end of a long
mand is unusually active. Tho rocks rope at the bead of the tramway or
in the ocean are infested with barna- track. This is the tramway from
cles a class of loafing, bumming mus- which a man was a few weeks ago
eels or shell-fish which sustain about blown by the ocean zephyrs and hurl-
wicaauie reiaiion io me industrious cu unon the h ncl .
io it. lien Horace Greeley told his
worst foe to "go West and
as Capo Foul weather. That would bo
too cruel. Ilamrinc In ilviunttnn
would be a decided iranrovement n ..tU.e B.tea,nuoat Oncuttn fast growing In popularity.
.. . I 1 1 linr. iv il AiVrrl wait .... A - i . I i . . .
living a lighthouse keener at Foul- V. """" lo vt,rr .U! P naney fliealey Is fast becoming fa
- .nijuuiMij, uuu i "iuo un n unuier 01 iciures, a man
after taking a farwell supper with bur ufacturerof croquet sets and a maker
Jiouse, iu i. uald- or superior furniture. Ills establish
" i'vobihjj iii hi io our Dust in a meni is nccomiug as popular sm Bar
ueiii sort or way, we nunrs muneuni, and far more useful to
uumteu our Jib-boom and made sail community,
tor home, where wo arrived In ahlo- W'm. Thompson, of the Mctr.nrv. V.
-."tn.-, om.r mree weeks' cruise of M1. Cornell, Halter Moss and Bud.
rarest pleasure ever crowded iuto our
(N. B. The reader will observe that
we use nautical phrases with the flu
ency of an old salt, and of course the
reader will understand them darned
If we do.)
ii. ii.,
a 1L llaxtiT. I. K
. ...
J. M. Iv..f.
....ii. i . w.'iiiiiiTly
r.. J. imwiliv
1'l.i.t.l. k..tu
Jiirk Min vl I In "i" xu"'."'".".'""'
Jnt'kMinvlllu Circuit
Iw in.'lnirif. t
JiMhliii. "
a L-'"wr lYofuanor In (nalll. Coll.-g.
a. :...... tv,n.t AK..nt.
' .1.14 I.. J. IlurCIl lfMH.L..fl
own piiiiki.
J. W, Murr and T. V. II. t'ml.
tlnud at lliolr own
Albany. Auif. IB, IH72. EMKKY, Hcc,
.11. It. .loliiiMin.
;. i. w. MUthl.
M. it. JollllMIII.
io in.' kui.lli-d.
ly tht-ir
Cirr yjMAKcm.-W.
It. Hi-iTcn. K., City
; and decent piscatorial tribe of the nev
er-tirlngsea that the goods-box and
street-corner loafer sustains to the
world at large. They are neither use
ful nor ornamental. The reason for
their creation and existence is suffi
ciently inscrutable to furnish a text
for a predestination sermon. Barna
cles must occupy the hottest cauldron
in Fish Perdition.
While at the sea-side our party en
jojeamany pleasant rambles on the
beach, gathering beautiful shells, curi
ous rocks and rare mosses, and writing
Greeley editorials in the sand. Our
first experiment in this editorial busi
ness satisfied us that the ocean ,was for
Grant, strong, for it rushed up and
wiped our Greeley article out in a
twinkling. We had a notion that an
ocean ought to be neutral In nolities.
but this one took the first opportunity
to disabuse nur mind of this impres
sion and to-satisfy us that it had al
ready been "tampered with." Of
course the barnacles control its politics,
Just as the "barnacles" have controlled
the destinies of this nation for the past
twelve years.
tine day, while the wind was fair,
our friend Thos. Reynolds took us out
over the bar and carried us about seven
miles to sea in his staunch little sail
boat, "The Frolic." This was our first
experience on bait water, and while
the boat was standing on its head and
kicking up behind, and anon rolling
on its sides and taking in more water
than we had any immediate use for,
the experience threatened to be our
last However, unfortunately for the
newspaper item izers we got in safely
anu saved our obituary for another
In company with W. W. Martin and
wife, of Salem, "ourself" and wife
spent one day at the rural and pleasant
littla home of our former Albany resi
dent, Mr. Phillip Miller, situated
about 2 miles up the Bay from New.
port. A few hours of sauntering about
;his place satisfied us that the soil on
Yaqulna Bay was "beyond compare"
'for richness and productiveness. He
'has a field of oats, the stalks of which
wiH average at least 8ix feet in heieht.
with the heads correspondingly full.
40 feet below. That'he wasn't
iy Killed is only accounted for by the
fact that his fall was not sufficiently
c. ere :
Democrat Is now in the eighth year
or its existence, and we have been
with it ever since it was a yearling
and uerore it began wearing short
dreiwes and walking alone. O'Meara
After the "Shubrick" had discharged wa8 ,t! wt't nurne for the first year, aud
her cargo our party were invited to go lt Wtt 80 tunted aud dwarfed by his
on Doani or tier and ride around into unw "foiue pabulum that we had
the Bay, where she was ordere 1 for the l,arU work hiing it by hand for the
purpose of taking up some channel next year or tw- However, lt at lat
uuoys and replacing them with others. &t a vigorous start, and then, with
The distance being some five miles the good wholesome Democratic tood
from Newport, where we were stop- furnished by the people of Linn and
piii?r. to the vessel's anchorage at Cape ther counties, it grew from a 2l-col-Fouhveathtr,
and our party number- umn 2S-column sheet. After ail
ing about two dozen ladies and gentle- t'cr year or two it waxed still larger,
men, we were compelled to charter 8rew tirely too big for it clothe.'
every team and saddle-horse on th "' we wero airain comoelIil tn
Bay for the purpose of transporting cure It a new and more ample outfit,
the ladies and Zave Thompson over. unt" It I now a paper second in ize
We of the masculine persuasion were to none the State. There are mnnv
A -k rvt n-.ll 1 i. L ! A -a . !l . . .
wuiucuiuuujsiganj,,,! no afoot. I 118 present nailers (not a few t,r
the party connisteil nf Kmr t it 'bom are Henulillranni uim i,
. ...... ih, - I -. -y .. .... UVV . I
esbittand wife, of Corvallis; W. W. ,u constant patrons and warmest sup
Martin and wife, of Salem; Rev. W. Pttrten ice its first l.nue, always
It. Butcher and wife, D. M. Thomp- PaJlntS promptly when their subscrip
son, wife and two children, Miss Susie t Ion was due, aud often encouraging
Deckard, Prof. Sox, B. W. Cundifl. J assisting Us In our struggle to sus-
-r. Ingram and "ourself" and wife, of laln t, by kind words or compllmenta-
""""Ji a. . iirigtit, jir. and 'f 'uion, covering our errors of
Miss Baldwin and the two Jisses Judgment with the broadest charity,
Pierce, of Newport. H'e who walked Muia magnifying our blunders ami
WPIf. (lrpe.iA.1 cskl.l,. In . . . .i i. .... v : .
icij iii uur euiri sleeves I """"'"in n nere censure was
and a long staff. After a straggling not derved. To all such, as well as
marcn something after the fashion nf to those who have been num.
the CrusAili-rv' rotiii-.. I-.. .i. .... ! ... ....n.. ... . 1
.v..u... ie jioiy - v,iu""j warm patrons and aun-
I u ml ........ 1.1 1 I ... . I . . ..... I
u.cnh sauu nins and the Prrers, we taKe this occaxlon to return
ueauuiui ocean beach, we In good sea- our "lost heartfelt gratitude. He can
son arrived at the tramway, where, ou,y trust that they will be equally as
""""S" ie care and experienced man- cuary oi censure, aud crjually as warm
agement of Mr. Ebrlght, superintend- lo their support, in the future as in the
ent of construction on the lighthouse, Past- Our untiring efforts In rendering
lames were saiely sent down the uie Pap" interstJng and acceptable
perilous tramway in sleds, while we ncreiorore " our best assurance of a
masculinities slider!, crawled, crept and continuance of those effort.
rouea uown as best we could. While
lAwney, or haiem. cave our e tv a flv.
Ing vllt last Sabbath. Bro. Thomiwon turuMum 1,10 '""owing exhibit of
uviii racupudc IO I lie mountains, whcrcl ,,"urrlh"P'wntelty administration:
L-e became famous asamlghty Mnirod. ' ?"n
..H.IV) 40
I 11. ii.
Tub Firemen, The Invitation ex- " reived i!li;;:rr 17iS5
ienaei,to roniand Knglne Co. No.
Total n'fx-liKu ........
1 by the Albany Flro Department has y,fu'' oi'CS"Sr '
been acer-pttn!, and tho .members of " m 27
that company, 'accompanied by flr-Ic- ,,f7 89
gallon from several other comnanlea ". ni,"n rwn hy pn-a-nt
4 tor IIiiiimi', Firt t.. botwaen 6k aad Vmt.
il. Eyerylliltigneat. B. L. lingfallow, i'n.p.
ngun jor Mablo. Todd it Co'i
If lo, IJI.koman, Taylor k Co'i Stbotol Ral...
JurtpHbU.hed, a full Un, n) 'leanlhlnnlc, for Van.
riiuin, (Jmunly lirt in porter of Cliilb'n",
., cor. J'rnnt A WmMnalnn ilriaii.
Ilookscllcr and Stationer.
JNo. 79 Front and Ko. 5 Wai.blr.fftOB Htri. i
HKCK; WILLIAM A SON. 129 Front .troet.
Im0'.rll:r unci ll.l.ra !.
uuns, nzrx.Es and RcvotVEnsI lanaie. ,., i)wtll lteHlu Bir(J r
iaci..roi)aiittjBinu, A IJal.y Curriace.
.... .... .m,, i uw'icr norm; aim
" nat urr a ilm.n Biwlnjt Machloef."
ok, Jobn A., 120 Fruntit..prarieal Walcb
il J"r. Wr dona fur tho tra.lw.
IlOOli Al JOB PKftnT
a rinuBia ucmuart. lt !., te. Vk A I'ina. I
9 iinpiiriKn r rhtovm, Kanifen, kitchaa ou-n'l.
acnaaan. W. A.. .. ar. eor. l.t A Taylor iti.
a w j .t.F"it rnrniiura ununt in 1'nrllar.d.
llnrko, llendi-non A Cook, 81 A S3 Firnt t.
V i'aicr in lry Uoo'lu. aiicy Milliiierv. As.
fiohn A HoH.-r.feU", 148 Frootit. ComnTiHioa
J fllciebant A dealern in Or. A Cal. produce.
g 1oni(Ie, J. II., Manufartarrr A bealer in Had- I
j ui. . lumiii ft Haddlery ll'ij.'r, 06 F'ot t.
g lorrier, W. A Co, W, Front tret. Merchant
J I ailor A Clothicm. llat, Fun.i.hine Oowl.
I -l.btnUlt A Oaliaao, 92 Front t. Heal En
J f tale Acrnti. money lined. boum renteii.
ii:.ta lIuoudk;
C. M. Wo.,i.r.l A Co., tti Front utreet.
1 1 i m ii ii. i, i ' -
. vV7 ' f. J J a '
89 Front Street.
companies !
or Portland and tho tlilef .Engineer,
will pay this city a visit on the 12th of
next month. Uf course the Ouotcrs
will be ready to receive our MetroiKiH-
tan companion with oien anus and
panting huzzumx.
The following response has been offi
cially received by the Albany Flro Department:
FnrJV-"v"1 .I0'-11" "f Wlllamrtt.
iwh m.t.. your i v I. ;n; i Vi. .v."5
C. fl, Woodard Co..
101 Front Street.
rn- aay tro-maktriK thr
' P"rn d. Iiiat'-il a.
W lin.lHMU... .'1.1 ....I
tin l.nli.w.r.l ........ 7. - ". ' .. r -
. .--- v"M.w.Ur yiHi inav riim
n that day.
J. Ii. I.VO.V. fck-c.
A vo 1 1 ii lilt- h
Amiiuiil of dflluiiut-nt tax..
Available bjuk l........
.11.110 ii
.. z.owi in
inn U
,. i,i7a un
From Alain to California, the cry Is
that the New Wilson .Straight Needle,
Uutid rf. i d Hewing mim-IjIjic, Is the Ut
machine for all kinds of work on both
Y a. r r .
the writer hereof was making that de- i .7 , kl"''u ,AT -TOE.XE.-We
scent xrn i Umt . ,earn from Irtles down from Kuirene
mat a man known as Cherokee 8mlth
sucn as cabbaares and rn-
. . . . "
wiioes, atso nere reach the highest state
eANire and perfectiori. His potatoes
years production would aggre
jjaie neany a pecK to the hill, and
would average at least a pound in
weignu iney were of the "Earlv
.wuircu uuu -jariy Kose" varieties
m-were told that it was no uncom-
MM, iiuug io see caobages produced
there whieh would weigh from 20 to 30
poonife eacb, and from that size on un
mill IkJ J. . '
" oig as to be beyond
K.apactLjm rairoanK's scales. It
j pogiHveiy asserted that one catbage
grew so large that it actually crowded
its producer's house and Improvements
verontoaaeighbor'g land, and its
overhanging leaves furnished shelter
for loO-catt'le during the following win
ter. This statement may be a siio-bt
exaggeratlony though the man who
; gave as the information sustains a fkl r
reputation lot reracity and has never
Deen elected to the Oregon Legisla
ture. This latter virtue outrht to com.
mend him to the confidence of even
. the most skeptical reader of his cab-
cage story.
Cape Foulweather, a long and nar
, ow sees or land projecting into the
ocean about five miles north f tt,o
Bay, is one of the principal points of
m u lc i cat. iiu ine visitor at Yaquina
x uoi, pernaps, in the world i
8-eep of coast more broken or danger-
.navigators tnan. that which
stretches from Crescent City to the
viumoia Kiver Bar. and ther f m
winiy no more forbidding or perilous
Dointalnno1 f ha vlinl. n- .l. .. .
. - o - inie, tnan tnis
Foulweather Cape. Standing out for
nearuamue beyond any other ra
tion of the sea-shore, and having been
BuujecMJu ior countless ages to the tem
pestuous action of its most tern iw.,
latitude, its extreme seaward point has
oeeu guawea into rocky islands, bur
rowed into black, forbidding grottoes,
shattered into jagged precipices, and
gored into impenetrable caverns, until
;t has more the appearance of a toper's
rum-rotted pose than any other object
which Just-now occurs to our minrl
By-the-way, we wouldn't make thu
illustration did we not desirTto Ji v
our readers a living, breathing, famii!
jar biuiuituue oi mat most strikingly
dreary, dismal Foulweather Cape
The Light House, now under process 1
scent he was undoubtedly preserved
from a highly sensational and beauti
fully romantic death by the watchful
care and guiding arm of Mr. Ebright.
While in imminent danger of having
our form dashed Into small pica pi up
on the frowning rocks beneath w
volved rapidly through our mind our ih.
many snortcomings and sins, and vp
are glad bow to remember that our en-
tnusiastic support of Greeley was not
among the number. Even in that mo
ment of dire peril we rejoiced to feel
that upon this question our conscience
was in a oiaze of refulgent glory.
11 n ci I , ... .n.i 1 1 . . . ...
-".on-., aim miicu Bl ui&i place on
lost Tuesday evening, by L. D. Miller,
also of Eugene. It seems that Miller
susplcloned Smith of Improper inti
macy witti bis wife. The parties met
in iront of the St. Charles Hotel nn
evening mentioned, when, Jiller
addressed Smith, stating that ho wish
ed to have a talk or settlement with
him. Smith spurned Miller In a con
temptuous manner and turn-d to walk
away when the latter fifed with a re
volver, killing him instantly. Chero-
keeper and
a laboring man. Miller was ar
rested. , J
(!haix to ijk Sent East. C.
uurKiiart, Jj., Informs um that
nus received an order to furnish
tW a-.fl a1!!.. . M -a . la ....
... . -.-iiiig ivttj uuu iigiu-scwing. Jt run cay
...... ..... , ail ine uinerent ana w simple; a child can use it. It
Kinds of grain produced In Oregon Is never out of order, and is always
the amount to colmKl of three buahela ready for buIneai. It has lately taken
of each variety. He will aend barley, the premium at the great Northern
rye, oat, wheat, and all other kind- of Ohio Stato Fair for beat work doue on
cereals produced in this latitude. This KroutMl. Don't fnll to see the New
is an important order, as it will nerve " lmn .iacuine, and renu mber that
greatly to make known to thepcoplcof
the Atlantic Wales the productive ca- Young & Co., H'hoIeale , " lUtal!
DflCltlCii of flltr (trtrmn
: . iuri-i i-biit in pcnerai mercnandlte lt
..mnianmn-iiuy inuue a shipment of I "ireet Aiouny.
uie productions of and will In
Or.lrrt from any portion of the fitateor Territo-
nan cara!ull BMftJ by mail crexpreu.
i Fl mil, Lowrndein A Co. Farnilnreand carpel
jljb irc irora to i;;a h.r.t (L
Jjt niiili.vini-nt Ag-nry. WiVb7reiTA Ilolmao,
i11 front t. Furnih all kindu of help.
Ji Ter.linif A lieebe. 10 Front t. Ci,mmi..ion
J Merchant and dealer in dumratie prodnoe.
I .ljuhii.n Lircry Hlal.le. ror. Firt A
C"rl'elt l'r. od turn-cut, alwaye on hand
T.1.hl A RoberU'e.. Firm A Wbii.gtoa .
M water tnanulae. clobing. furn'g rood.
reeland. br. B. K., Ix-niint. Office Xo. 5 Ti"
bum'. lU.ick. cr. Firt A Washington $tt.
in a. Btcei. .3 and 77 Fir.t t Dealer, in
Hook.. Htatlonery and Mu.iral In.lrum'oU.
The largest Maiie Iloa on tbe Cout.
tel uwmj VimaoM, Bardelt Organs
0. h. baPKAXS, Mana6cr.
"Hone" Scnin? Machine.
pOr Agenta wanted. "tt-
nicbenev A tilcincne. lir .ecra aad Dealer, in
a!) kind, of gd, eor. Firet and Main .
1 .inliu-per, )., I3 Firet ., Importer and j
M M. ueaiw in riapie tanrjr Pry Ornda. M iili'ry.
I eadee. V. II., FbotajTrapbic Arlbt, r
1J. r.rit a. .Vurriaon.
I S L. C. A L
M I fact'ra A dealer in Jewelry
Cbild'e 1'jft. ntKialtr.
JOli i I ir-t " Alanu-
VTau-hca. Ae.
few weeks make tbe shipment f this
year's productions.
A Ciiaxok. Our genial, warm
hearted and affable friend. Kev. J. M.
Ivell, of the M. E. Church. South. I.
transferred to Dallas Circuit, and his
I t . a ..
Iace is to tie occupied here by Itev. D,
Tho Albany Demot-iiat lina
upon Its eighth volume, It In the bent
Democratic newapapcr in tho Ktate.
iSalem Statenmait.
ibbard, ti. L.. S Front t.. abolnil.
In Urueerica. L'kt.. Wagon Material., Ae.
I I 'le. Caiel A Cu., 97 Front at., wbolcaaTa
ME oeaien in Uruga, Famu, Oil.. Ula., Ae
I I f 1 ina" Alaebine, .tratgfat
Jai. needle, underfeed. and "-lack
i.uicu.,wi,iion ebIlcn;ed. ii. Ji. Trar
er. yiarnt. Ill Front ilreot. s
I orgren A hbindler, Noa. 16d lo 172 FirateU
Importer of Furniture, Bedding, Ae
International Hotel, eor. Front aad MorrUun
M. Kud.ilpb, Fr. Free Caw attend era
C. McFarlaud, a gentleman who is QlICK CLIlES AKD "DERATE CHARGES obn. j. a Co.. 91 Front L, wboiei. A
highly ir,Kkeu of by all those with - nn w K T77.. ...-., i!lj0Jl!t-t'''''g. F"n rj..
Whom he has come in contact Mr noiu.Tr r;!.. "T1 "J00.,1'" tauranl, pr.r.i. ro..m. f.r
Tvoii .Tt . . Zr- PRIVATE MEDICAL ANO SURGICAL INSTITUTE I f"'1""-eoT-' 'io Q- Vo. pr
ijveu carries to bis new field the
warmest wishes of a host of friends.
We have received an Invitation to
attend a grand roller-skating tourna
ment in San Francisco and to compete
for the prize bf Diamond Easrle Jed-
a I. We would like
' - aw wa ail
thumlcr our fame as a truck-skeetlst
ever got that far away from our native
heath. Of course we'll be "thar." in
a pig's eye. '
TViieat. Irge quantities of wheat
are now pourlnsr Jnto thin marM
Hut little has been sold and no price
can really be said to have been settled
upon by buyers. A few weeks will de
termine what will be tbe standard price
commanded by the wheat now in the
hands of tlie farmers.
jf-No. bl9 Sacramento Street, corner
. , .t.uiwu.iiu cireci, (a lew uur
below What t'beer Uou.e.
Private Entrance on
LeidctdorO atreet,
Saa Franciaeo.
Atahluhtig trprenli to afford tki ajfltctid found
ana xneaciie meateni am in ( Ireofateat
and cure of all I'ritalt and Cknm
it Ditto f, cane, of Sctrt
ey and all Sexual
" anin, K. A Co, wbolcaale dealer io wine A
i,wj. p. K. to Ul.k and Pan Fran
U uuittale
I rier A hebujoer, III t runt t.,
If and Retail Confectioner.
4 lllcr, John B., 93 Firat t. Watchmaker
AT JL oa Jeweler, offer to the public a fine a.
aoTiuicntor waune. t-lock and Jewelry.
a ocucr to., front, near I it., dealer la
it M. native and foreign Wine., Li.uur. A Cigar
Jtortbrnp. E. J.. Hardware. Iron, Steel, Hub,
Ppol.e. Hardwood Lumber. Ae. Portland.
Occidental Hole), cor. First A Jdorrbon u
Smith A Cook, Proprietors.
I -m m : 1. ill . , ., .
to remind them that ha eoniinn.. t .. i.;. U liLJL0PVAH1, tu- Front Street.
lotcnbium, S. S. A Co., Tobacconists, A Im-
XI, porter ot Jorelgn and Domotio Liquor,
At the tint. r.r fh " ' Kee was a saloon
ti . were Miller
"" u""u a aeen boat a.nd mul.
ed out to the steamer, where wi barf
huge sport and excitement getting in- Handsojie PiCTDRES.We are In
to the gangway and ascendinc to h. debted to our worthy Brother. Lewis
A.nnff- . J I T T r M. M, . a
a. uc IJULTt Mil I TO lIOSian I 1ICUUL Ul a 1121.1 r I AT li.I.V I ITv I'ofQAn. A -
about and rolled from side to side In its fP cture9 of rarc beauty. One the Yaqulna would do well to remember
-.jr oeu iiKe a i-iitnaman' with tho masonry," and tbe other that IV. T. Tlrvnn tona i
Stomaeh anha n ... . Ith( "Anolont n r i I .... . . ... '
. oerjr ume one of : jur which mr. comiortaoie and home-like hotel at
our party would atfemnt to tn f I ,9 canvassing. The pictures are Elk fMtv h.i. ,.!,.. e
S! .T,!1 ,nt the gladder of 1:? c."red' and hould Bryan's hospitality we can cheerfully 1: S 5lK.,iS?
"" u,iunjr rvuuuiuieim mm IO me I -T""v" " "'""'"onaoio veracity from men n in.i..i
traveling public. ! knTu rMf ocU,,Uity " "tiding in oci- S To
-iii . ... . . ..rwinr. 7,. , ... a
THE LAW.-TPe refer our readers to .75m -irl...- e" ttDU cnUet ""tm.nt, S""" " ' ' ' ' "r?P.rt d
li 1...., l . t -r , , . . . . I " ' ...v.v,. ..rviuvsu,,,, a larcg iwu m i iriuuicry
" '.'i yji kuuj;b JUIIUH in 11118
week's paper. The Judge Is too well
and favorably known to the people of di.cae,
'Old Linn" to need anv furtlier Intro- in
auction from us.
Inatitota for the cure of chronio disease of tb TJ l,8 M-' 127 Front street, Wholesale lieal.
.anga, i.iver, Aiuoeya, uigestirs and Uenito-fri- " ' - mware and btove.
nanr Organ, and all nrivata diaeaaa. via . Kvnk. Mi !.... u...i m 7 rr:
aMr- ?l& Xi lio wooden rvinga"parior g
7 ............ Vwuciuuuvv. ui aeu-aoasa, uon- 1 - , . , ; r; . .
orrhoea, Oleet, fitrictore. N.turnal and Diurnal II , 'p V. 1 . mod "J B"ker.
emiion, itexnal Uebilitjr, biacaae of the Rack AM VZ Front street, Portland.
anu 1,0ms, innammation of tb bladder and Kid
ney, etc., etc., and he hope that hi long experi
ence and iucceasful praclioe will continue to insure
mm a snare 01 puono patronage. By the practice
of many year in Europe and tho United Slate,
" """" -I'l'iy na moai emclcnt and sue
ccs.ful remedies against diacaae of all kinds. He j
UUf IIuubc, t ront it. On Firt Class
cipal. Tho. Ryan, Proprietor.
Sherlock, S 61 Front A 02 First its., dealer in
Harneas, Saddlery, and Saddlery Hardware.
SSSSrTa laDdside' Sctch clevis and
Patent Iloands
T k CT VP t r
Send for Descriptive Circular.
tk. S jr
me snip me huge monster would Ann grace the wa8 of -every Miumnle
over on the other side and be household and Jjodee In the land
out of reach, or else would careen to- ciarley Mealey has framed over 60 of
warns us with such violence a to make 1 PIcture already, and does the
u ejaculate an Involuntary nraver for worK e'eRantly and annronriatalv.
preservation from Its crushino-fnr yamilton will canvass thla lt-
mi. i ... , ... . now reaaiiy prayers sug. ou"ruy ior tneir sale,
gest themselves to evpn tho mnul i .... I "
.. . ... I'.MITVT lllvivca . T:,.t r-
Dr. Sarcent.
.. ' To Females.
ueu a lemaio 1 in trouhle. or
aud Toilet Ardolcs.
hgious Villain in ftn emonJ 1,1:. "IVINES.-BlShop
this Pwnti,. i T'6"" lyeire, or .Nashville, and
LT. . ".sau l sen- House to crowded audfenrr..
..i iCUlosllveterateUrant- of Baltlmorp. T.ri,ri t t....:
F v.v.s.s-i II yllU y 'Uf t
U A . . ...
ously of their latter end. n,f n ' "W .crow" autiienccs last Sab-
. ' waio. ' iney are both o-onfl-rrin
" - n-nvuivii v
rare culture and eminent ability, capa-
a watery grave he
cneerrullv voto fnr TT,
ley in
. (a "ilh A Davis, 71 front it., wbolexale druir.
afflirlad Klfh I 1 I'nlnta llili U'!.l 'I . '
18. a waakneas i.r ib ...i . 7'..- . .Z '" ''"riumery. e.
i. i. j. . 7 . iiiuus, pitin .
bead dimnea of iKht. loss of muscular X
, palpitation of the heart, irritability, ner-
new A Uoos. 73 Firt at.. PinL.r.. I.
MoldiiiKs. Artist' Alat'l. Dr'wug Inatr'mnts
went so far as tosolemnlv
only this time
erv crarA bo
would chPorrii - "". not
ow i xr i - . " :. "Ict;- "cnea ana or weildlnir a nowerful
promise that if he were onlv th.stlZ !?f f f0. CS
nrcsonri r - x ' v "--;uiiK trie nignest nonor un-
r . v.. a warprv irm iu i. il. j . .. ...
! nits denomination to which they are
Sewxno Machine. See the now
advertisement of the New WlsonSew
Ing Machines., jlessrs. Miner dc Pea
ouu ui 4 ornana are general aarents.
.vu.uc... en.reme unnsry diUicultio, derange- Uulh, Put, Urokor, 00 Front dealer in Le-
a- KJ
uient of dieeslive function, ffennrf! .l.kllii .,
giniti, all diseases ot tho womb, hysteria, starili-
r J ti i .7 ..jaieria, sierill- riTllvi'
5ew- and all other disease peouliar to females; she S w . h '
enr. t""xld or once to the celebrated female ;Vutl;nui
octor,W K,Doherty.athis Medical In.tUute ItF? ?
Kal Tenders, Uovernu'nt Bonds A Hold Dust
1U7 Front Nlr't.
maker and Manufacturing Jeweler, is
aeent fur tbe Waltham. El
and consult him .limit li.. t...i.i .j .. i i a. vO., . jiicot. and tua (:nl. Wiitnhni i
and Blaln, Young & Co., are agents in Tho Doo,or 18 effecting mors cures than anv othai ".V1 tbe nd Imports of the
this City; physician in tbe State of California. Let no falna I - : or, 'ewlry Co., San Francisco, Send for
I delicacy prevent you, but apply immediatolv ami t w,,uuu... aiones repaired in tbe very best
i save vnn run r from m. nfnl
Tn nrrTVA., rriii. -r. I. i ...'" ., "a prema
-" """H'Jc.' i lAi-l AYERg, '"". ah jjiurneu wboso delica
TfU'nrvi I... T7T 1 1 I
-uuci.i finally, arter manv fnfinon.o i t.ui i . . .
screams frnm th it.i , . " ui
ocreams irom the timid men and cheer- for m.
n ... i - i - .-........ l.ji . aic lauoriiiir. I imv I n .....
iiik wurus ann virrnm,.. ii . .. .... - . mat ail ticiinmionf'. to vaa i. i.a n..K.. M...11...1 T..i....- rr.'
f,, . , ' ,auu upon ootn lert Here early in the week tn t. .. , 1 . uo l,u,u "'. nq tnoy win receive
n 'M'iiK ci irr vHwun a aTzmir i iin. lr.rn .
where we were J "'"" will preside.
manner and Warrantod to give ntialaction,
..: .. . Ii. i.i. i. i .
Blienir barker ir vp tintlno .ln,..,,! " ' ul"r iancci prevent an incriu..
They thof !i I u In their rat.iilios, should write or call at Dr W K
"'-J that all UClinmionr. tavaa mnol l. I i I hk u...i:...i r ... fr.r-
part, of the interpid women, 'we tend ll: ur Zl"' tlie ?0tb of next .month. Delin- !!!?.f-ibj! f.elp. ;Vom:
eeuedlngainlnirfhi, - .r,"reCUUB WUM P
cordially welcomed by Capt. Gus. M, New TyPE. We this week received
L. J,
raiuriy uros, isiirslst, Alauulacturors and
JL dealers tn furniture, Beddinir, Cart-ets. Ae.
; ... . , . - . - " . nui-
quents would save money bv naVIno- n.,t r.;r i;....,i." oan "Suited with-
at A. a o I w. vuavi aimu.
Jessen and Chief Fat x . ?. ' an invoice of hpMfi o xr " .. T4TW( Terer r readers to
. ., . o'"i i-. Brown, , , . j.iuuiicii t, nrofeas onal punl nf rip i
both erentlempn nf . - . ' tyne from Pniilknor "Je pruicssionai caru or Dr. Jj.
made everv pi ".ttlcr' wl 0 San Francis in "kLv, ' iaw ,n anotner col. The Doctor is
agreeable and enjoyable. After weigh- tl9ement8. poetry, etc., will hereafter
ing the anchor (we did'nt learn hnu, be 8et- We have also received othpr
much it weighed) the 'ship got under DeW maetrial which has necessitated
wiiy, ana away we went. ' At flt. tho r1"' 8 Jre " of expense and we
sensation of thus riding on the "vasty ia aeem ' a special favor if - all
To Correspondents.
Patients residiDic in anv Dart of iha K.nt. v
TFard. "'er dlj,tnt.Iwh, "y 'er he opinion and ad-
i T' ?l T- D"bertJ iDu thoir wP"tW. caso,, and
Ctor Is who think proper to submit a writtn ato,m. ,.f
a graduate of McDowell Medical and ucb preference to holding a personal interview,
Surgical Oilletre. fit. Tmnla. mi.i lnl?"
. w r . i-iiuui a i triii uoiu uiust Bucruii,
r pno tiotning htore, 1 13 Front street. Cloth.
J inif . urnisnmg Uoods, Bout and Shoes
jiitrns a. i'rnger.
riuuio, u ll, 14a and 144 Front st. Dealer
j. m aitons ana Asncultural Implements.
Iyno, K U,n. w. cor First A Oak sts, dealer in
. fine Brandies. Wine, English Ale A Poner
ty'sr, J A, 147 Front st, wholesale dealer in
"""" wnecse, Lard, Bacon, Ac
17-illiam A Myers, 6 Central Block, Front st,
T ? Commission Merch'nts A deal's tn Produce
If the case be fully and candidly desori
GODEY'B linv's Ttnnir hil I. u oaI communication will be numwiaat.
n.iu ill ll i , .. , . . . - ' l ...
familiar and ever fascinatin face Is at 'T ." in. lVTA": ff5ih f.ner .'t-
ibod r..r W halleJr onheimor, Attorneys A Solicit-
VZ: F!,eBankrUI't0y- Cffi0,ilth0 0dd
no pay,
deen" was to us lnnrai.M-- j.,.--.." persons knowlnr, h'--ot-. t.i 7 . . . ri"":uw,' Muuu w"n . I ' r.,"" . . .T '. " ?. manner as
" vooiui ir iihi irnr. - - ja vuLUioci v en - lu i im ii i rsa r innhiA. 111 .
ful. but nresentlv ;k. " arrears on nha,rtnu- .1 "iustrations and choicest
"uwieei un. . , : "i"" u ci uoiug, or reanincr matter
easy somewhere about our "midshi Job work, would come forward and niwl - r
,n,l mh , . i " I nn ' - 1 f , B K s-
"c" PHn ordered a man l"- . ' - ' ,., , v :;; TooTHisTrnAT. Tin
to-neavethe lead," , three or four nf Maektrfia, rn 'J..:- tw.. . ' , . ' .
nnrnrfn. .-..-. - . T . T tZ." f yrvs vwuiii-y, new cara in tola nacnr.
r.;iy ooey.ea oraers and Cha.!... tbe which direct tbe attention VBi
. me oruer wasn't in. Ji v." ""werq, loi. james&neD- ii,,.. -i..jifi j . - n.m
tended for them ht nf o. tC.l ru 10 rs. Ganby, . - ueiriHg anytning done to their f-
III.. ... . VW
to convey no Idoa of the purport of the letter or hrT,HANKIJ,TQ TIIE PUPLIC FOR PAST
parcel so transmitted. Consultation bv letter n. X patronaee. we would announce th.t .. ...
IDA Vla - IAMM A I . 1 ... ... . " w
...,.... pnarantoed or """fparou, wiin itreatly improved facilities,
. Address, W. K. D0HERTY, M. D.. f dlspense this healthful beverage to every ona
can rranoisco, CttliforBio,
mowhtq sc reaping machines
C. B. C0MST0CK & CO.,
Sole Agents for Oregon and Washington Territory.
W. S. XEWBEURY, TraTeHng General Aceitt.
Col. Shepherd 1 the "father of the "molar8-"
r. DoBEnrr has just published an important j
phlet embodying his own views and enneriencea
.1 1
like offering anv urn ot.Qo- .T. . 01- fonepherd la t
sailors that I. i I"" lue ,at -Mrs. Dehtzon , 6mlth.and 11'
o -."al. "T --iHiacns. readen will 1.."- k" -IT! , " Tw WA,w-we
OTfe WV e Party, in their enthusiasm ,Mnf oa uttv,uS "lrH- Man i-uper. of this county, last week
tic desire to be obljginff in thia rpsr.a.f I r i " n"J8 jn tMu iclty last "veatnresiiing team on her farm for two
kepton Join W many' triads tbat c
in ii:...i .......
'mi ion iullt.ll,ie9. - . .. 1
delivered throughout the city. " 1
Doalers supplied on liberal terms.
n39tf. A. CAROTHERS & CO.
not be found
Bueh a . wom a nt lg ' worthy of a
... i iuiuience or virility, beinn a short,
c"iin.iiiinBa .it Deniinal Weakness rr
Nervous and Physical Debilitv oonnn .1.1. A. WIIEEI.MI. sirrnn
iu of 1 rams io an, wnetner married n, ;ni.
will be sent FREE by mail on receipt of six cents
in postaga stamps for return postage.
Aaurfss, IV. IV. D0HERTT. M-T)..
San Francisco, Cal.
Apent for safe of the celebrated Baln Vae
on," and for the sale of all kinds of ngrknlta.
ral machinery. 6
tonsigniBBts n.lieitecL
Shcdd for ile.
Town lots in tura of
ERA la
and 8.mth
I87. since which tim.u, valuable iLISKTSSS
One & Two-Horse Double Geared Flexi
ble Bar Mowers,
NESS o7'D th' W0XDER F THE AGE for Strength, Beauty. Capacity and LIGHT-
W'.ni? A tfftortm ant U ll.a . j - '...
tl.. I EASIEST ii A L ti, ,L, "B TBS K U1LES IN THE BEST SHAPE, and ara
nn EASIEST HANDLED of any Mowing or Reaping Machine either in Europe or America.
SrWe Warrant the Wood s Machine, to be as Itepresentekti
BA full assortment of .EXTRAS constantly kept at all cur ageneies.-asi ;
with the WOOS IMPROVEMENT which renders it one of the BEST HBADZRS a,'t,.a
If you buy a Header, be sure ron pat th. Tt A ivra ni. vr.ij. w . ...
meuts, as th,, were only ldd ii ISt. . ,.: " "
Albwy. MayaS-TByl. Office HCB.Cwutwk Co'i TTareiouse. '