AUGUST, 18 1872. From the Chicago Tribune. ., . ELErilANTIXE SURGERY. A Korcl Operation Successfully lcrtbrmed. . . The elephant Romeo, belonging to Forepaugh's Menagerie, now on exhi bition in this city, has suffered from diseased feet for a long time, caused by large, heavy chains and rough treatment used in breaking him in, or subduing him from his fits of rage. On account of his feet being so bad, be has been with the show but very little this season. He was brought to this city on Friday morning last, three days in advance of the menag erie, as it was evident to Mr. Fore paugh that something had to ba done or he would lose olef Romeo. Upon inquiry Mr. Forepaugh learned that Dr. IL W. Boyd, Professor ot Anat omy in the Chicago Medical College, had mounted several elephant skele tons, and knew all about elephants and other animals; also that he was an accomplished surgeon. Dr. Boyd's services were therefore engaged, his conditions being that tho elephant should be so secured that he would not injure him, which w as agreed to by his owner. - Yesterday morning at nine o'clock Dr. Boyd, assisted by Dr. It. J. With ers, veterinary surgeon to the City Railway stables, proceeded to exam ine the diseased members. They ele phant was first secured with chains, hooks, etc- The surgeons decided, after some pretty deep probing, that the trouble was ;dead bone," and they proceeded to lav the bones bare by large incisions. The hemorrhage was very profuse, at least one bucket- iui oi uiooa escaping irom the one foot. They 6oon reached the bone. and gonged and chiseled away until all the dead portions were removed. Then, with white hot irons, "the proud flesh" was all burned out, and the bleeding arrested. The foot was then dressed with carbolic acid and glycerine. Old Romeo seemed to know that something was being done fcr his relief. He groaned and snort ed most pitifully, but it was of no use he was held for three long hours, until the operation was brought to a successful conclusion. The surgical operation detailed above did not avail to save the life of the poor beast, for he has since died. They tell a story about a girl who wished to rid herself of a persistent lover. So, when he used to come around in the evening, she would ask him if he wouldn't please help John to carry the piano up stairs, and be would take off his coat and work like a brigade of Irishmen until it was time to go home. Then the next eveiiing, as soon as he called, she would say wouldn't he please help John to carry the piano down stairs again; and at it he would go, lifting and pulling and bursting blood ves sels, until the hour arrived for de parture. This kind of thing contin ued for about a week, when cne night he got the piano down as far as the first landing, and the corner fell on his toe. Then he confided to the faithful John his secret convic tion that Love's Young Dream was fast assuming the character of a most disgusting nightmare. Leaving the piano there, he went down to ask his enslaver to 6ay finally and for ever just where she wanted that piano to be 'fixed. He was surprised to find upon entering the parlor that another - young man was there a young man with mild eyes and spec tacles. And there' that young man had been every night, while he was moviog the furniture and cherished visions of bliss! It occupied just four minutes, and when the combat ants were withdrawn, the pianist rushed from the house singing "Beware, she's fooling thee!" while a mild-eyed young man decorated with Bpectacles might have been seen ly ing on the sofa, feeling one of his mild eyes to find how much it was swelled. A young gentleman who recently took the school census at Burliqgton, Vermont, was met at one house by a fun-loviDg young lady, who, in answer to the usual question whether there had been any births in the family since the last school census, replied : "The occupants of this bouse are three - old maids, two of them sick, and a torn cat; don't you think the prospect pretty poor?" The young man blushed and left. Ulster County, N. Y., has recently tried within her boundaries three breaches of promise, in each of which the unfortinate defendant was mulcted in sums ammounting to the injured ones "thirds" of his property. . At the opera house in Oporto, late ly, an actress appeared in the night scene in "Fra Diavolo" attired only iaa night gown, and her lover, who was among the andience shot her dead when she next came on the stage. " , A box of sardines was the cause of a North Carolina man's death, the other day. He cut his finger in open ing the box. Soon after the band and arm began to swell, and in less than twelve hours he was a corpse Sponge paper, made by adding finely divided sponge to paper pulp, is used in France for dressing wounds. ' It retains moisture for a long time, and is applicable in the arts p.hd manufactures. The women of Japan are indignant at the attempts of the missionaries' wives to introduce chignons among them, and have complained to the , Mikado about the barbarous things. An artesian well has been sunk twelve , hundred feet in Chicago before finding water. But the water now comes at the rate of one thou sand gallons per minute. A party has chartered a, vessel ia New York with a six months' outfit, to proceed 'to the South African dia . jnond fields and try their luck scratch ing for brilliants. Steamboats were first used on the Hudson river in 1807, in England in 1812, in France in 1816. FRIDAY SCISSORING.. Pleasure is precarious but virtue is immortal. He who prays for his neighbor will be heard first for himself. A passionate man scourgeth him self with his own scorpions. Good advice cannot be given too often, nor followed too closely. We should not retain the memory of faults we once have forgiven. The virtue of prosperity is temper ance; the virtue of adversity is for titude. Be still prepared for death, and death or life shall thereby be the sweeter. The roost mature Christian will live in the exercise of the most sim ple faith. The wealth of a soul is measured by how much it can tell; its poverty by how little. He is not only idle who does noth ing, but he is idle who might be better employed. Query Would you expect to find a sweet-eyed girl among the daugh ters of Mis-Bour-i. ' A million dollars is the price of a well-established and successful sugar plantation in Cuba. It is said that tea ground up fine, as we do coffee, will give out twice the usual strength. The largest aqueduct in the world is the Croton aqueduct, of New York. It cost $12,500,000. It is to get selfishness out of us that we have to be brayed in the mortar of experience. Advice which, like the snow falls, dwells the longer upon, and strikes the deeper into, the mind. The actions of men are like the index of a book, they point out what is most remarkable in them. A traveler says mat women are still seen yoked to the plough in dis tricts of France and Germany. He who is displeased with every body is much more unhappy than he with whom nobody is pleased. Rousseau says: "Men can better philosophize on the human heart, but woman can read it better. It is folly for an eminent man to think of escaping censure, and a weakness to be affected with it. Many have withstood the frowns of the world, but its smiles and caresses have hugged them to death The Steinways have just made their 25,000th piano, and the Chick erings made their 50,000th but a few weeks ago. ' In Boston, a "total abstinence society" is started for "total ab stinence" from meddling in other peoples affairs. A Liverpool Recorder not Ion since sentenced a policeman to penal servitude for five years, for robbin a shoeblack of eight pence. There are tribes about the gates of Moscow who know nothing about Christianity; thev id are the sacred trees as they did 9,000 years ago. A person recently fell on a defec tive highway in Waltham, Massachu setts, had an eye knocked out, sued the town and got $2,500 damage. Trust him little who smilingly praises all ante; mm less who sneer- ingly censures all alike; him least who is coldly indifferent to all alike, A Southern paper tests our credu lity with this: "A Florida negro ate two bushels of dried apples on a bet refreshed himself at the town pump, and burst. Out of seven divorces granted recently by the Supreme Court in Boston, five of the wives were named Mary, and four of the husbands named John. ADVERTISEMENTS. rASH PAID FOR WHEAT. OATS, PORK J Butter and Eggs bv WHEELER at NIIEDD. TJ0R PRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS fr Gloves, Hosiery, tie., zo to Tarrell'. tint Street. HOME SHUTTLE SEWING M CHINES ri Plow, sad all kind of Agricultural im plements told by WHEELER I HHKVD. PEOPLE FURNISHING SHOULD CALL and see Tarrell'f Urge itock of Car pet. Oil Cloths, Blinds, Bags, etc., whicb be selling very cheap. T O TO TnrreU's FOR HARDWARE, Jf Lamps, Lamp Glasses, etc. He bas tbe i;uods to suit you. ADMINISTRATOR' 9 NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ondersigned bas been, by tbe County Court of Linn county, State of Oregon, duly appointed Administrator of tbe estate of Wm tarier, deceased. All persons having claims against 3aid estate are hereby required to pre sent them, with propel vouchers, to tbe under signed, at bis residence, near Harrisbure, Lino county, Oregon, within six months of the daU hereof. L. U. EDDLEMAN, Adm'r. July 11, 1872. , n49w4 HARDWARE FOR BUILDERS, FOR Smiths, and for Farmers sold chenp by T EO. TURRELL PAYS THE HIGH- J est price for all kinds of Country Produce. Bemembertbe address, TUBKELL, First St. SUMMONS. In the County Court of Linn County, (state oj Oregon. BARNARD HUNT, Plaintiff, vs. JOHN. POP PER axs ALECK KELLER, Defendants. Action at law for tbe recovery of money. To John Popper and Aleck Keller, Defendants ' In the name of tbe State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer tbe complaint filed against yon in the aboveentitled action by tbe first day of tbe next September term or saia court, wmcn will be held on tbe first Monday in September, 1872; and if yon i an 10 appear ana answer said complaint as re quired, tbe plaintiff will take judgment against you tor tne sum or sixty dollars and a bair, with interest thereon, at one per cent per month from .me in aay oi April, i7z, id U. S. gold coin besides costs and disbursements of this action Service by publication of summons made by virtue of an order granted by Hon. E. N. Tan dy, Judge of said Court, this day at Chambers. July 13, 1872. S. A. JOHNS, 1 n49tf Att'y for Pi'ff. w EE OOL SHAWLS, LONG AND SQUARE, Plaid and Striped, for sale by WHEEL at SIIEDD. EO. TURRELL, KEEPS A LARGE stock of Assorted Merchandize to suit the market: ' It would be to tbe interests of every body to give bim an early call. FURS! FURS! FURS! Tl HE HIGHEST PRICE PAID IN CASH r for U kinds of Furs, hy- v7u2Atf : BLAIN, YOUNG & CO. SOAP KANE'S CONDENSED, THOMAS' Cool Water, Bleaching, and other kinds- sold by WHEELER at SHEDD. O TO TCRRELL'S FOR GENT'S Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods of all descriptions. Be bai also a large stock of Boys' Clothing, Hat J, Shirts, etc., which he is selling very low. ADVERTISEMENTS. GROCERIES AND PRO VISIONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL COB, FIRST k BR0ADALBIN-ST9. ALBANY, OREGON, A. C. LAYTON, Proprietor. I have always in store a full and COMPLETE SUPPLY OF S T -A. AND FANCY GROCERIES! PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND C1C3AUS, Which I will sell for cash, at low as tbe lowest, or exchange for all kinds of merchantable Country Produce. Received and in store a large quantity of ISLAXD SALT, which I will sell ehoaper than ever before offer ed in Ibis market. v7n6tf. A. C. LAYTON. A. 15. MOKKIS, General I'ommUsUn Ann FORWARDING MERCHANT Having leased R. CHEADLE'S Urge at the foot of Broadalbin street, on the bank of the W illamelte river, 1 am prepared to BUY, SELL, STORE OR FORWARD WHEAT OR OATS is unlimited quantities. The Highest Market Prlee Paid lu Cah for Wheat aaet Oat. Parties wishing to store grain ran make ar rangements to get all tbe sacks needed. Grain stored abd forwarded at lowest rates. A liberal share of patrooage Is solicited. A. B MORRIS. Albany, July 28. 1872 v'nSOif. 3 1-4 O o tf H d en H H H f o e 5 S9 C"3 0 x 9 9 O OS H H 91 w 0 P3 25 Q 0 o tf M 53 f "i a o 25 W 0 9 s a 6) 3 -a CO O F! t-. S 9 5 t 5" S A 8 a 54 9 ft. 3 a o O HOLLOWAY'S 4 A! ts AtW ETery Man lis own Physician. a S . O.A.TJTIOOSr. ' - rrUlt Immense dmnand for HOLLOWAVS ' ' x PILIiJ and OINTMENT hae tempted unprincipled parties to counterfeit these Tale able medicines. In order to protect the pub!le and ourselves, we hvre fanned a new " Trade Mark," eonsiet. ing of an Ktrjrptmn circle of a serpent, with the letter U in the centre. Erny box of fren uine Hollowat's Pills and Oihtmeut will have this trade mark on it ; none are genuine without it. N. Y. Cbckicsl Co., Sole Proprietors, ' ' 78 Slalden Lane, New York Cbakc k Briohak. San Francisco, Cal. Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast. T7n24yl. JO. ItEILIl, CONSTABLE AND GENERAL COLLECTOR, North Portland Precinct. Reference by permission to tbe following gentlemen : . His Honor Philip Wasserman, Mayor of the City of Portland; Hon. Eugene Bemple; Dr. J. A. Chapman; Dr. J. C. Hawthorne; Dr. I. A. Davenport; . S. Rosenbanm k Co.; Knapp, Burrell 4 Co.; E. J. Jeffries; Clarke, Hender son k Cook; S. G. Skidmore; E. Martin k Co; A. B. Richardson k Co.; Millard k Vanscnyver. OFFICE 25 Washington First and Second. Street, between T7n47tf. WILLAMETTE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. I71R0M AND AFTER DATE UNTIL FUR . ther notice, the Company wiil dispatch a boat from Albany to Corvallis on TUESDAY and FRIDAY of each week. Also will dispatch a boat from Albany for Portland and intermediate placet on same days, Fare at reduced rates. J. D. BILES, Dec. 16, 1871. Agent.. GREEJ JPEAS ! OSI JbJW POTATOES, BANANA'S GRAHAM CRACKERS! n38tf N S DUBOIS k CO NOTICE. ALL PERSONS OWING ON 6UBSCRIP tion or note on account of railroad comple tion to Albany please call and settle immediate ly. ; BEN. H0LLADAY, v7n6 tf. By J. H. Foster. D RUGS AND MEDICINES, -PAINTS and Oils, Glass and Putty, sold bv WHEELER at SIIEDD. 4 ADVERTISEMENTS. W; H, KUHN & CO., i DEALERS IN IHOXsT &c STEEL 1 Springs, Axles, Thimble Skeini, etc. Also, well seleefed stock of "Wagfon T I mbor! Spoken, JIubi, Bent Iiims, Sltajti, ljhs, Hickory Axles, tlx. FARMERS' and MECHANICS' TOOLS CONSIST! NO Of ANVILS. VICES. BELLOWS. HAMMERS. HATCH ETS. SLEDGES. SAWS. PLANES. CROSS-CUT AND MILL SAWS ! Together with a largo Assortment of WOOD AND WILLOW WASH. SHrBton Id Monteltb'f Fire-Proof brisk, neat door to lllaio, Youngs A Co. W. II. KVUH CO. Albany, Jan. 13, 1871 a22yl. ULAC'I&MailTUINU REPAIR SHOP. THE UNDEUSIONED HAVING K K turned to Albany, and taken bis old shop on lbs corner of fcllswortn and hocond streets, announees bis readiness to attend to all kinds of BLACKSMII1IIX0, MILL k MACHINE F0UGINO, ETC, Also bas on band and for sale, tbe COQUXLLARD WAGON, Strayor Force-fead GRAIN DRILL, STAB MOLINE, CASTSTSEL, svnd ether PLOWS, which bo will sell on tbe most reasonable terms. GIVE ME A CALL. All work entrusted to me will receive prompt attention, and be executed la tbe best possible manner, wltb good material. A share of pnblie patrunsge is solicited. JN Shop on corner Kllswertb and Second streets, opposite Pearos'f Ferry. TToUtf. r. WOOD. READ, ACT WISLY, SAVE MONEY! Ifc. O. Hill Sc Hon, fflHE OX.DF.ST DRCO HOUSE IN LIXN JL lUl.Mi, alter thanking tbelr ootneroes friends and patrons for past fsvors, desire to merit a eunliBUaneo of patrooage by keeping constantly oo band a lull supply of Drttgi, Patent leditinn, frrfnmer, Oil, Faints, Dye-Staffs, Brnihri, Trmtr i, etc. Agents for Dr. D. Jaynes k Sons' line of m4 ieines. the celebrated Oak Wood Remedy or Oregon Kbeumatie Core, Ac, It. Constantly on band, a good supply of Positive and Negative fowder. 9Pbrirlaas' Prescriptions carefully Com pounded, ia either tho Eoglisb or Uenaaa lea. guage. We are also agent for tbe HOME SHUTTLE SEHIXU MACHINE one of tbe best Family Machines ia use. Call and sea us and satisfy yourselves. K. V. 1WLU BUS voltf JOHN CONNER'S BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE ALBANY, OREGON. DEPOSITE3 RECEIVED, SUBJECT TO CHECK AT SIGHT. InUrtst Allowed oaTime Deposits la Cola EXCIIANfiE ON PORTLAND, SAN FRAN CISCO, and NEW YORK, fur sale at lowest rales. COLLECTIONS MADE AND PROMPTLY REMITTED RCr Bank ing boors, 8 A. a. to 4 r. m.-Qsi; Refer to IT. W. CORBETT. HENRY FAILING, Feb. 1, 1871-71 W. 8. LADD. IMPORTANT TO WOOL GROWERS IMPORTED COTNWOLD SIIEEP FOR SALE. runs undersigned iias just ar I rived from Canada with twenty bead of THOROUGHBRED COTSWOLD SHEEP, which be offers for sale at reasonable prices Tbe are of the purest blood, in tbe healthiest condition, and still covered with the pest year's fleece. Tbey are all yearlings save three, who are Z-year olds. Tbey may be seen at tbe railroad depot in Albany. Wool-growers and others are respectfully invited to eall and see these magnificent sheep, whether they de sire to purchase or not. I can be found at any time at tbe St. Charles Hotel, in Albany. J. S. T0LT0X. Jnne 20, 1872 tf. AT NORTH BROWNSVILLE. KIRK, HUME & CO. Still sell Dry Good, Clothing;. Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Gro ceries, Notions, Ac of which tbey keep on hand a full stook, and are able to sell, as usual, at tbe lowest fates for CASH OR PRODUCE ! Will also be able to bny and sell Grain of all kinds, or attend to Storing or Forwarding on commission at their Warehouse in llalsey. Give us a trial. KIRK, II I'M E k CO. . Brownsville, Jnly 5. y7n47tf. THE JUSTLY . CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON! JEC0GNIZED EVERYWHERE AS A FIRST CLASS FARM WAGON. No other Wagon bas a Home reputation equal to "Bain" make, and it is tbe only wagon that bas been Uited and known to stand this climate. In a word it is made of the hat materials and is tbe best finished wagon that eomes to this mar ket. ' We bave different styles of Hounds and Reach, Patent do. (so oalled) included BLAIN, YOUNG k CO. : v6n43 Agents at Albany. V. 8. MAIL! Tri-Wcekly Stage Xine!! TUB UNDERSIGNED IS NOW RTJNNIN3 a tri-weekly stage from Lebanon to Albany. carrying the U. S. Mailt., leaving Lebanon ev ery Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, and returning, leave Albany at 2 o'clock r. v. of said days. Passengers oalled for in any part of tbe city, Packages and light freight punctually delivered at low rates. All business entrusted to me will be promptly attended to. W. B. D0NACA. Lebanon, Feb. 16. v7n28tf. TtLOTHING AND BOOTS AND SHOES J a fine assortment very low by WHEELER WHEELER'S, AT SIIEDD. ECONOMY IS WEALTH! TIME IS MONEY!! SAVE VOltt TIME AND ACCUMULATE WEALTH! BY BUYING YOUR DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES. CROCKERY, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS AUD CAPS, BOOTS Alt D snOES, PILLS AND LlftOIEIVTS, PAINTS AND OILS, IN FACT ALMOST ANYTHING THAT YOU MAY HAVE OCCASION TO USE TO BE HAD UNDER ONE ROOF. READY PAY AND SHORT TIME! PROMPT . PAYING CUSTOMERS will find, as heretofore, at the store of the subscriber at all times a good as sortment of the BEST GOODS ' AT THE' LOWEST PRICES ! All Kinds of MERCHANTABLE PRODUCE BOUGHT A. WHEELER. Shedd, Ot., Aprils, 1872. v7n8Jm6. ADVERTISEMENTS,- P. C. HARPER & CO. w E BEG LEAVE TO CALL TUB AT- tent ion of tbe publie to our large aad WELL 8ELECTED STOCK I -or - GENERAL MERCHANDISE! Consisting of the latest and MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES or DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, LACE COLLARS, EMBROIDERY, SHAWLS, LACES, And FANCY NOTIONS ! IN THE GENTLEMEN'S DEPARTMENT ! We offer tbe latest stylet In Clothing I tbo best la underwear lb nobbiest ties and scarfs ; tbe niorst gloves and Gauntlets, and the "Ton" in Boots nd Shoes, OT7H, SILK HATS ARE ALL THE RAGE I We keep eonstantly oa band a FULL ASSORTMENT or Shot Gum, Shot Pouchcfl, Powder Flanks, Csiun Tuhen, Shot Belt, Powder, Shot, Caps, la faet every lb log la the banter's line. OROCERIES, CROCKERT. GLAPS WARE, POCKKT AND TABLE CUTLERY, KAILS. DOMESTIC OOODS. TO BACCO?. FRUIT JARS, WOOD AND WIL LOW WARE. ARE ALL COMPLETE. Tbe stock of Mirrors and Pictore Frames ei braces all rises and styles. Call and examine oar stock ia Foster's build ing. First St., Albany, Oregon. V7038tr. F. C. IIAKPER A CO. CITY DRUG STORE. A CABOraEBS. I B. SALTBABSa. A. CAROTHERS & CO., DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES. FOSTER'S BLOCK. FIRST ST.. ALBANY. OREGON. DBALEBS 19 drugs; chemicals, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, DY E-STUFFS,OILS, GLASS, TOILET GOODS, Handkerchief Extracts, CONFECTIONERY. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Uses. FINE TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. Family Eecipes and Physician's Prescip- tions Compounded. Dec30'70-v8n20. A. CAROTHERS k CO. CHAS. MEALEY, DEALER IB FURNITURE AND CABINET WARE I (Corner of First and Broadalbin streets, at old stand of C. ilea ey k Co.) ALBANY, OREGON. TT EEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL IV assortment of everything In bis line that trade requires or an enterprising pnoiie uemanaa. FURNITURE ! Of All Kinds and Descriptions ! BEDS AUD BEDDING, &C. Particular attention will be paid to orders for UNDERTAKING ! And all other orders In my line will be promptly attended to. Sotitaetion Guarantied and Work Warranted t CHAS. MEALEY. Albany, July 8, 1869 Tn4Ttf. JOB WAGON. TTTAVING PURCHASED THE INTEREST II of G. W. Young in tne DELI VERY BUSINESS, T am nranared to do any any and all kinds of lobs on short notioe and with quick dispatch. Terms reasonable. Packages delirered to any part of tbe eity. Look out for tbo toy team and Job Wagon. v7n22tf. s a. . AKisviiU, COAL OXLjX 1,000 GALLOHG! , A LITTLE LOWER! T7alStf By BL alfT, XOVfO CO. ADVERTISEMENTS. ALBANY FOUNDRY y V AND MACHINE SHOPS I P. CHERRY, Proprietor, ALBANY, OREGON. ManaCsetures Mtcnm Engines t ! FLOUR AND SW ML MACHINERY I Agricultural v Ml:fchincry, ALL AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. Also agent for Richardson, Merlam k Co's, fay & Co's, and II. JS. Bmitn's PATENT W00D-W01K1XC SACHIHET! Also Manufacturer of Degroat'f PATE.1T I HO TEXCE.I IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS ! Of All Kinds, Hade to Order I Repairing all kinds of maentnery done on shortest notioe. A. S. CiiEKKV. v7n6lf. BEER! BEER!! ALBANY BREWERY! CHAM. KIEFEB, Pro'r. mnK SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST ERECT- i ed a new and first-class. Ca Bread Alb la betwaea First Street and the River, And ia prepared to furnish WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS PRIVATE FAMILIES, ON SIIORT NOTICE ! All Orders Delivered Wherever Desired. lie Warrants bis BEER MADE OF THE BEST MATERIALS, PERFECTLY HEALTHY lie is confident be eaa give entire satisfaction to all. Deo. 29, '6, v2n20tf MONEY CANNOT BUY IT! For Sight is Priceless CT TBB Diamond Bpectacles Will U YOU VALUE YOUR EYESIGHT CE THESE PERFECT LEXSES. Gronnd from minute Cry.ttl Pebbles, melted to retber. aad derive Ibeir name "jbiamond" na aceonntof tbeir Ifardnra si Bid Bril liaarj. Tbey will last many years without change, and are warranted superior to all otbers in nse. Manufactured by J. E. SPENCER k CO. OrnciAas, NEW YORK. Cactios. Xone genuine unless stamped witb our trade o mark. Fur Sale by Responsible Agents throughout tbe Union. ' TITUS BRO'S, Jewelers and Opticians, ai Solo Agents for Albany, Oregon, from whom tbey can be obtained. 'o Pedlers employed. vOnSyl. WAGON AND CARRIAGE FACTORY WM. PETERS, MAXCrACTtrBEB OP CARRIAGES, ww w , m war IlaCkS ant! WagOnS OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. Ferry 8t. bet. First and Second, ALBANY, OREGON. AP1ARRIAGES, HACKS AND WAGOJfS li of all Styles Mannfactnred to Order, at as reasonable rates as the nse of good material and first-class work will justify. REPAIRING OF AJL1 KINDS Neatly and expeditiously done, at Low Rates. Albany Hay ZS, IS7Z. alZtr THE OLD STOVE DEPOT! JOHN BRIGGS, SEALER 1ST COOK. PARLOR AND BOX STOVES ! Of the Best Patterns, TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPER-WARE! And the usual assortment of tnrnishing goods found in a Iin btore. Baoaiis Neatly and Promptly Executed ! On Reasonable Terms. 11 Short Reckonings Make Long Friends!" FRONT-ST., ALBANY, Next Door to P. C. Harper k Co's Store Dee.6v4nl6tf JOHN BRIGGS. NOTICE TO FARMERS. I am prepared to fill orders for all kinds of AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY ! ! at prices that must give entire satisfaction. Come on witn your orders ana nave inem niiea AT LOW RATES FOR CASH Oft PRODUCE I ALSO HAVE THE BAIN "WAQON for sale to suit all wishing to buy. ' v7n39tf. R. CHEADLE. IHtTANTED, ACENTS 810 to 8230 f f per montheverywhere, Male and Fe male, to introduce the genuine improve MAR SUA EL SEWINO MACHIaE. This machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, bind, braid, eord. quilt, and embroider tn a most su perior manner. Price, only $15, fully lioensed and warranted for five years.- W will pay 21000 for anv machine, bitch price or low, that will sew a stronger, more beautuui, ormoreeias tio seam than ours. It makes the ELASTIC LOCK-STITCH. Every soeond stitch can be cut' and still the cloth en not be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay Agents $:00 to $250 ner month, and expenses, or a commission from wbioh twice that amount ean be made. For circulars and terms, apply to or address, S. MARSHALL fc CO., No. 102 Nassau Sfreet, i NEW YORK. CAUTION. Do not ho imposed npon by oth er parties traveling through the country palm ing off worthless cast-iron machines under tbe same name or otherwise. Oars is the only gen nine and really cheap machine manufactured. u37m3. Preserra It. 33 H. ADVERTISEMENTS. C. WMTLAKB. C. 9. (ISPSOS. WESTLAKE & SIMPSON, GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCHANTS ! I ! ALBANY, OBEGON, nave constantly oa band largo and varied assortment or ' Agricultural Machinery, which tbey offer en tbe most reasonable terms. Also oa hand tbe CELEBRATED MITCHELL WAGON, Light and bear. Advance made on GraJa, WI, and other approved merchandise consigned for sale here, or for shipment to Portland or Saa Jrraoeiseo. GRAIN AND WOOL Takes ia store, or purchased at tbo biibes narket price. WOOL! WOOL! WOOL! "WANTED 1 500,000 Pounds or Wool For which wo will make liberal advances, pay tbe highest market price ia cash. aad WESTLAEZ k 8IMPS0X. Alhaoy, June 21, 72 v7atf tf. JAJIES L. COWAN, (cecal SOB or A. COW AM A CO.) LEBAN ON, OREGON, DEALER IS GENERAL MERCHAXDUE X I WILL KEEP ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL STOCK 5T GOODS! GROCERIES! Boots and Shoes X All for Sale at the Lowest Prices for CASH I or PRODUCE. All persons owinc A. Cowaa k Co. eaa aettla by calling oa me at Lebanon. TTnZJtf. JAMES L. COWAN. NEW FAMILY GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE! JOHN SCHMEEK, Cor. First &. Ellsworth Sta. Alb aay, Or. Keeps eonstantly oa band a eon pic te assort ment of Groceries ami Vegetables! , French sad Fancy Cab dies! Wines sad Canned Froita! Cigars, Pipes sad Tobacco And everything else to fee foand ia a first class jw umiij orocery ana aouoq jsstaMisn- meat. LiT.aadUtliT,i. , .otto, and snau do um aim or ay manner of dealing with easterners. Call and see ne. T7a27yl. JOHN SCHMEER. ALBANY BOOK STORE E. A. FREELAND, BOOK-SELLER AND STATIONER, Albany - - - - Oreoi RESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE PUB lie that ke is bow occupying a stand in - PARRISH'S BLOCK, : Where all are invited, assured that Goods ia bis una are sold at tbe lowest cash prices. COSSTAXIXT OBBAJtn: " V ., STAMED 150 MISCELLANEOUS BOOSS, Javenile. Tsy Gift nnd Blank Books, . cold riu, Aim SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY! Of every kind nsed in the State. " , BOOKS IMPORTED TO ORDER, at short notice. eslnlSly FOR THE HARVEST OF 1872. PITT'S THRESHERS! HAINES. HEADERS! LATEST IJIPU'TED MOTHERS I And All Kinds of Agricultural Implements! CONSTANTLY ON HAND I . . Also the .a . . CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON BLAIN, YOUNG k CO., v6n37tf. - Albany, Oregon. J. D.TITUS, , . PiALsa JS ' Watclies, Clocks JEWELRY, ETC. ALBANY, OREGON. REPAIRING CF OLOCKS. WATCHES. JEWELRY, Ac, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ALL WORK WARRANTED. ap31vSo33tf ' NOTICE. OREGON k CALIFORNIA RAILROAD Company, Land Department. Portland, Oregon, April 5, 1872. Notice is hereby given, that a vigorous prosecution will be instituted against any aad every person who tresspasses upon any Railroad Land, by cutting and re moving timber therefrom before the same ia BOUGHT of tbe Company AND PAID FOR. All vacant Land in odd numbered sections, whether surveyed or nnsurveyed, within a die. tance of thirty miles from the line of the road, belongs to the Company. ... " I. R.M00RES, r7n35tf. Land Agent,