The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 12, 1872, Image 3

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    4 '
lit acitioftiit.
f RIDAT-.. ,-.
...... JCT.T 12. 1ST2.
Ashland :. .......... Isaac Miller.
Brownsville.... J- M- Morgan,
' 'IXirvHlli.; W.; It. IVivrtt.
' ram-on City..:.. I- J- Hagnowuod.
Kast Tortlaud Iy. ltaflerty.
Kugi'ne J- Rlton, Jr.
(Ja.sKburg........v......Mvtthfw Immttun.
lIarri.sburg.....Kuin. May & 11. H. Holt.
Jeflor5i. .. Haulcy. AVatt rnnui.
Jac-ksoiVille............ J- l1:",11-
IjubnnoA. Kr 1-Jklna.
- I UnuiTle..;. S. JcCoinas.
't ! Portland...... ..... ..-...-L amutl.
'l'ctirla .U.'. .: I. NV Smith.
Pendleton J. L J".
Koseburg ....... A. A. rink.
Scio.:...... Uan. Gaby & Coo. Christio.
Halem- F. Urowiu
. The Dalles A. V. Ferguwn.
"'Walla Walla T. Caton.
Yakima, W. T. K. P. Boylcs.
er - x - -. - nrr
.o-,t .'Thursday of last week was the
."Fourth of July a day which was as
obscure and unknown 89 any other
day of the year uutil about -ninety-six
years ago, when a party of couvivial
gentlemen met at a room in Philadul
. phia and resolved tOj "do sumthin."
One of their number even went no far
s to recklessly declare that ho would
"sink or swim, live or die, survive or
perish!" and we have undoubted .his
torical authority for assertiug that he
lid it, to what extent, however, Jiisto-
, ry does not inform us. arious other
iiriuallv reeklesa ' and extravagant as-
:Mrloua and Jeela-atioiis were uiade
y iembors of the party, prominent
Among which tho statement that
"when iu the course of huiiiau events
it iseenines neeesWry,' - and another
8tentriau voiee vociferously asserted
S that "We hold these truths to ho self
f evident." TLU'last declaration was
I a clincher and. brought dow:i the
house, and so the party adjourned to a
I neighboring "beet gar Jen and proeee?
i x to celebrate, Uius inaugurating a
system" and a liolIJay which has beca
rigidly aud vigorously observed by
'generations yet unborn even unto the
present ilay. ; . .
l"" la humble imitation of our illustri
ous predecessors, and as a manifesta
tion of our respect aud devotion to the
time-honored citftonis of our country,
the people -of Albany celebrated hut
Fourth aud a rare time it was indeed.
At 9 A- M. the Albany firemen, head
ed by the gorgeously-uniformed brass
.band,- ma relied to the residence of Mrs.
L.yle, where Miss Katie Lyle present
ed a superbly -beautiful lanner to the
4onipany, accompanied by a few ueat
"and eiegant remarks, which were ap-
propriately replied to by Foreman
Webber in a sjeech full of gallantry;
and eloquence. The procession tln-u
inarched through the principal streets, i
and thence to the Fair Grounds, where i
the Orator of the -'Day, Hon. C G. i
Curl, delivered an oration which for!
elegance of language, - poetry of
thought and superiorly of composition !
we have never heard excell?d. The
vast crowd, tlwugh Buli'ering the in-
) j convenience of a want of seats, Hsten
eiLclosely to the oration, and tmi ver-,
; . . sally ppiouucsd it an effort of the
t j ltrst order.
The regular exercises being over the
j remainder of the day was passed in
i . miscellaneous enjoyments, such as
i dancing in the pavilion, wandering
under the cool shade of the spreading
oaks, and flirtations by the beautiful
girls and brave boys for which Linn
county is so justly famous. .
There were the largest number of
persons in attendance on this occasion
that we have, ever wituessed at Al
bany, and the day passed oft without a
discordant jar to- mar. its harmony or
disturb iUpleasures. We trust that
we may have many more festivities
like it.
'Albaxt Items. Things move rath
er lively in West Albany. Our old
friend H. Smith, who formerly rushed
the dray business with such speed that
proved him to be just What he really
was a business man has positively
removed his effects from the city." The
well known dray left here under the
pressure of horse power,; leaving the
freight business to the, eity. hacks,
which fly thtough town as if the very
life of every citizen depended on their
speedarid weTbelle ve In some cases It
is so; because if Squire Arnold, with
his go-ahead team, should fail, lunch
would be with some of us, a joke of no
small interest. ' Dr. Hill has got a new
horsfrdifferent from the old stock he
used id drive he must have either
bought er borrowed, and we believe be
never borrowV horses! : Perry Spinks
having returned in good health, that
vacant lot south of Dr. Tate's residence
begins as usual to be covered with ash
and oak odrd-wood, which, in spite of
the warm weather, makes us think of
winter, when chilling winds visit our
homes, and large fires are-are a luxury.
But finally, our old friend Charley
iifattoon drove info town the other
evening with a wash-boiler a kind of
rotary, agitation, tumble-about eon
ceraand proposed to wash- anything
from a lace collar to a rag carpet, and
even the babies, if they could stand it.
The duds being produced,' the way he
hustled out bed-quilts and every kind
of "wearing apparel was astonishing.
The fun of it is a child of twelve years
of age can do up. the family washing
in the morning before school; time, as
easy as a grown person, as there is no
hard work about it. There appears to
be a philosophy about this washing
matter not that the machine philoso
phizes, but that ;Charley, or-the man
I that invented the machine, must have
V hadvervrcorrectviflwanf tha oft inn rf
soap and warm water on the dirt ' ad-
ering to the clothes, for ; there is no
rubbing aor ; pounding; but it is all
done by the action of the. water in agi
tation.. ' As we all certainly know, dirt
Sas a great tenacity for clothing, but
this machine keeps the clothes, water
and all in such perpetual agitation that
the dirt: leaves, not because it wants to
leave- but simply because it can't hold
its grip. Every man thaf thinks any
thing of his wife and; daughters; will
certainly be after our old friend for
i one of his machines! V- 1
I v . W '' " -
, SELisioPs.--Kev. Mr. Lovell. 'of the
M-E. Church, South preaches regu
larly in the Court House in this cify
'on the second and fourth Sabbaths in
ach month.
There was a fair attendanco at the
races on last Friday and Saturday, and
mucii interest was munlfested. On
the : : r' i
At 2 o'clock v. sr., a rnnnlnsr race, tln-
glo dash of 1 mile, eamo off betwe1
'Trifle," owmnl by Rowland; "Cuok
skin," by Gird, for a purso of $1W
with gate fee ntUled. This was th
prettiest race wo have witnessed for
many a day, and it excited the wildest
interest among tho spectators. Tin
contest was so closo that It wan Impos
slblo to detemilno which would jwh
uutil tho racers camo on the horn
stretch, when "Trllllo" gradually.galn
eu on "Buckskin" and came out a few
feet ahead, making the best tliuo ever
made in Linn eounty-l:-lSl., ". V
At 3 o'clock thero-was a trotting
race, 1 mile heats, - in 3, lor a pursu ot
$1(X), with guto fees. J There 4 were
three entries, as follows: Hones," by
Gird,. "Minnie,",., by ; Montgomery,
"Autelope," by Coudell. ' The latter is
a tine trotter, but broke badly in every
heat and galloiHMl almost tho entire
distance around the track. "Bowes"
took the first heat by a mero : 'scratch ;"
"Minnie" took the second qui to hand
somely, and "Bones" gobbled up the
third heat ami race by a very , tight
squeeze, "Minnie" pressing him all
way around. ".Time, 3UJ3i 3:31
,At 1 o'clock v. M., running, mile,
purse $100. (iinl entercHl " Hough
boy," and Ross "Hiram Abifn" The
former won the race in 51 seconds.
At 2 o'clock r. M., running, mile
heats, 2 In 3, for a purse of $-J(X, with
gate fees added. Gird entered "Buck
skin" and Kos entered "Trifle." In
the first heat the horses had ail even
start, but "Triile" shot past her adver
sary like the wind and took the track
in less time than you could say "Jack
Robinson." She kept her advantage
and came out several feet ahead, win
ning tha heat in 1:49.- Tlws second
luat both horses seemed to be held in,,'
but the rider of "Tciile" appeared t
eared to.
in - keep-7;uck-
have much greater difficulty 1
iug her back than ditf he of
skin." .'lie latter won mo neat ny
about nili" a length, in l:.r3. On the
third heai t?ie mare seemed to have
lout her ambition from the start, .but
still she pressed "Buckskin" very
closely all the way round, yielding
him the heat ai'd race by only a few
feet. .She is a beautiful little animal
and runs like H w-iid gazelle, but
"Buckskin" appeared to get the best
of her on wind and distance. There
was great excitement exhibited during
the progress of this race The mare
was the favorite from the lime of their
appearance on the track, anu inc
ports" gave heavy odds n her.
, . ... , , . .
grin when "Buckskin" pranced i to
his stable with the laurels of vie.'ory
clustering his proudly arching neck.
Thus ended the July races, whi
passed ofl pleasantly to all concerned.
The horses will remain tiiioii the
grounds and be kept in training for
our ajproacbing County Fair.
The Otiiek Side. A good one hap
pened at the celebration here on the
Fourth. Gen. Nesroith was one of the
audience who were intently listening
to the im;assioned and patriotic ora
tion of Mr. Curl, when a red-haired
specimen of the genu homo from the
"rural deestricks" sidled up to "Jier"
andaskeii him if he was "goin to
speak after that man (meaning Curl)
got through ?" ;'Xo, sir," answered
Xez, "I have no thought of doing so."
The man looked greatly surprised and
diiiappointed, hung hi3 head fr a mo- jing a new and superb pat.'ern of bed
ment, and at lait looking up with' a kroom hl-U called tiie "Dolly Varden."
utill astonished gaze, blurted out:
"Well, ain't any owl y goin' to speak on
the other tide f" Nez got out of there
o be could have an open field to fly Ut
pieces in case he tthould "bust" with
hiiarous laughter. ......
Feom TUECA.scADE8.-Mr. Hin-
man, who lives at Camp Polk, on the j Tnei40' buttei-boiling and - cheese
Eastern slope of the Cascade 3oun- mehh ht to KmUltl OUP clty
tains, cm the Ibanon and Ochoco dad, of the necessity of passing an or
road about 80 miles from here, arrived Unanee requirjg each prorty owner
in this city during the week with nine plant jn ff0ntof w;
head of beef cattle, which he sold to . s 1 .'- ,'.'
Jir. Harris, one of our Albany butch- Everybody who can aflbrd it rusJies
era, for 6 cents per ft. They were re-
markably fat and fine looking cattle,
one of them weighing a little upwards
of 900 lbs. - This is the first installment
of beef cattle ever driven to this mar -
ket from east of the Cascades, but as
Mr. Hinman has realized so bandsom
Iy in this enterprise, it will doubtless
b a common occurrence hereafter. JJ'.
Those Plugs. Them ornery, plug
nglies disturbed the quiet of our Natal
Day somewhat, with their stack-pipe
artillery mounted on a log wagon and
a yoke of Robs Humphrey's swift
footed gazelles ("Buck and Berry") to
null it. Thai trnrlrloaa nt lttiortir In full
Dolly Varden suit rode astride of
"Buck," while Brother Jonathan ' was
perched sideways on "Berry." ; The
music by the band was more tiideouser
than singing in a country school exhi
bition, and the outlandish costumes
worn by. the plugs Were a disgrace to
their sex. Wo don't; understand why
such irresponsible characters can't die
young.,u y - .' ' w-,; UWv1"
New ilATEEiAti Coming. We last
week bad a call from Geo. L. Faulk
ner, agent of the California ' Type
Foundry, from whom we ordered., tui
invoice of new type, rules,, and? other
Printing material, which: we shaU
ceive in time for the xiew, volumes
U.UM win auu mucu to tne appearance fleeC8 weghed 22 pounds! This is
of our paper, aud will be an improve-; even better tllftn the estimate of Mr.
ment which will doubtless be highly ;Xolten him9df Jud n la hu ,
appreciated by our readers. We m;pieaaed witll bi8'pUrchase.
to keep the Democrat up to the high-,. A hump-backed ' Albany EaSfcal
est standard in the typography art, $ woo!dnt attend the celebration air the
The; Chriotian MessengebJTTJ?"41' Ground on the Fourth ' because
are in receipt of. the first No. 'of this iN'". Curl, 'a d-- Cfepperhead,.' ; w$ se-
paper under its new-management' Mr.
Drury; the publisher, has the reouta-
tion of being an 'excellent', artistejde
type sticker, and Brci. Campbell, itsjed-
itor, I3 a gentleman of superior natural
and acquired talents.. W& wish the
Messenger abundant success. . : .
-. .. . ,,. ., . ;,: ,t .,a- ' j.'--
, That Balu, given vby- JZarry ' God
ley, Jeff. Cline and Frank Hestlake,
at Parrish's Hall on the - night of tile
Fourtn,rwas well attended and passed
off in a satisfactory and pleasant jnaw
jier. ! '
Much hotness prevails. , j
White hats are coming out. '
Faro and poker were lively hero lust
;nt:M Mjl .'. 'I ;-,
Wheat is rlicning fast and looks
magnlf. i
Tho Dolly Varden stylo is Justly be
coming odious.
Everybody go about with fhelrleft
arm in sling. Vaccination..' J 1 j"
The colored school of this city has
reUrqdroia baslneHs fof waul of W)k.
Beartl & Son's warehouse, at Tan
gent, 1ms a storage capacity of 00,000
bushels., ;; , ';; ; ;. ? ' v
' A runaway team lhiado ittmil'lng
wood out of a carriage, iu this city, on
the Fourth. . , H, ,
! lurlnir f.!u ntinti vrp It lina frxt. nr
county $I20 47 for keeping paupers
and poor persons'.' ?
Now North Cnrolinu has a,papf r.;wl
Itedbvnyoung lady aud its title Is
Dolly Vantt-nJ i O "V .': I
A dog harhcvMio en mo near being the
result of a eanl.ntl be1ig ihhi over by i
wagon on the Fourth,
t There is rumor ot an approaching
wedding iu lilgh life. ' That Is, the
"feller" is abou t C feet 4 I itches.
Southern Mutual 1st cuaipiiieetlug
began at the Crabtree camp grouiuls,
lin the Forks of the San tiani, yesterday.
If you wish to know u person's li-
position play a game of domluoeH,
backgummoti, or croquet with him,
and beat him. I' ' '
There were several rosebuds Jn sight
on the 4th. They werooit meii'i nones,
aud might more proiK-rly be ealled
noMcbuds. . 'I
l'rof, Thoa. II. Crawford, von of Sen
ator Crawford ef this county, is elect
ed to a Professorship in the Salem
University. , . '
,"!0ar friend 1arry Kuhn 'llred ' a
"nashnul s'lutc" on the morning of the
gal-orlous Fourth heeauso It was a gal
a lo-pounder.
The change of running tlmo on the
O. & C. R. It. took placo last, Sunduy,
and trains running ench way paxs this
city daily at i 15 c. M." ; ' ' .
A Linn county' farrhef haJ A field 'of
oats, thirty acres of which will yield
not less than from seventy-live to
eighty bushel to the acre. .: -'
Thin hair thickened, baldtiett cureil,
and gray hair made to return to it-
youtliul color by Umj use of Hall's
Vegetable Sicilian Hair Reneweft
j woman near uws cny piayeu a
game of draw poker on her husband
last Sunday, , She got away with him
and his whisky Jug in elegant shape.
Rlairi. Young & Cj. received by last
steamer, from San Francisco, a largo
invoice of dry, fancy and staple goods
latest thing out. ; Go aud see them.
A Brooklyn young lady has named
her eat "Thoa. Varden." She wanted
i to call it "Dolly Varden," but circum
stances over which she had no control
i would not iK-rmlt It.
. ' . . ,
ftMi "VI 11 iiiulfijr lllilli ivu. .3 ill- IliVT
Just followe! to the tomb her seventh
..i,...l .....t t 1.. al .. ..t.l l
I, Mi-iiiiu ami in oiiij o j Kain uii anu
sti.'I fresh and charming. ' '
11 nw delicious it is these scorching
iiva 1 1 be iiermitted to nass under the
ctsiling hade ot such trees as those in j
iront of t b residences of MeMrs. Cra-
no.Co.uu r ndJfonteith. ; ' '
, ... , ,
lines to see w that fellow liugged a
slice of calico i'-t the rear of the pavil
ion on the Four." h. We iiearl a smack
and then wc got u p and gotttni.
Loulo MilUr'acoW Ml dead In tho
'w. .eetlast Jondav iiorniug. K.he had
'doubtless got hold o.' wi.ion weed, aa
he was terribly ewol.'en aud dUplayed
iother ymptonns of bcinj pfinonoI.
j( Charley Mealcy it now manafactnr-
Ills mam moth eHtabli.-hrnei.'C i riaw
XTowdod with furniture of all i-iud.
ii E. X". Beach haa purdtaxed t.'i nia-
chinery of Ilubart's mw mill, if. this
- cityr' awl will iiii mediately tranHpfrt-It
to Iewif,boii, Idaho, whero ho desigus
nibarking in the lumber-making bus-
fofT to the seashore to catch a breadt pf
fin'lnd and escape the sun'sdeathly rays,
frhat's w-hat ails the writer of thesefew
ilnes, but he can't even make a deadly
raise. " '
Yesterday our jeewhollicker stood at
'about welding heat 9,750 degrees'
above the Iiotncss of the middle kettle
of Pluto's -dominions. The weather
nd Greeley coming on us both at once
is what did it.
So many of our citizens have gono
mountainward ami coasting that" we
despair of . naming them in delail.-p
Fiah Lake in. the Cascades, and Ya-
quina Bay, on the ocean, seem to be
At Oak Dale, CaL, recently, an in-
lignant wife broke tip a game of cards
t which her husband was engaged at
o'clock In the morning, by hurling a
wider through , the ; window of , the
oom where tho amusement was pro-
..feressing ;,;U.'3 k;.. J'i -
We received a very pleasant call
fro'Tn Hon. A J. DufurY of rortland."
at Tuesday. He is one of the Com
missioners, to arrange for thi Cehton
ilal celebration of American Inde
pendence, and Is very enthusiastic ! In
Ibe project-.-, r - . . ? c , '-: '
-jLgo beared A yearling Cbtswold, which
he purcba9ed from Mr Tolten anVl the
juuge uaiey, or reona, a rew aays
Ijeeted to deliver the oration1. V In 'jus-
Fce to onr Itepubllcan fellow-Citizens,
however, we will state thati they" genJ
rally attended, without regard lo rac'el
sploror previous condition of servi-
' Peterson. And now comes al
ready for August that-bright -refreshing
and fascinating periodical, .Peter
pn's Ladies' Magazine,- the ' rareBt of
111 the monthlies. It is, alwaySj op
jime aud ever improving it attractive
Jess. ;.
with' pi hlo (o tho exhibit of tho Ilnatt
clal ait'ulrs of Linn county for tho'yea?
ending June S0 1"-, publlsho t else
where. It shows that the actuat In
debtedness of tho county, over and
above cash on hand Juno ill), Is f l't,.jli
being a reduction of $0,-107 SO from
tho Indebtedness of tho county on June
30, lsl. This Is truly a handsome ru
V$biiiii iiwt 'rethAiidH wAh-fai cred
it to the careful management of our re
tiring county officers. It is fair to pre
sume that In tho next lvo years, wlt&
the same careful management Hint has
characterized the otltclal ucls of the
past two, our county will bo nearly
out of debt. ..
I'UJJMt? 1 N H T A T.Ti A T I O N . The ro Will
be a pulilio Installation of tho ollleors
ami dudicatlou .of Buylcy Chuiter, No.
8, Royal Arch Masons, at the Court
7fousc, In this city, on to-morrow even
ing. Tho ceremonies are to bo per
formed by tho ofllucr of tho Grand
Chanter of Oregon, Grand High Priest,
J. it. liayley, olllelatlng. An address
j(Ullrojr,lato to Jho occasion jv)l boilu-
uvi-rctitfiiiUiiifii'wilMiol Us(iOjiMeiI, jcte.
Tho public uro cordially invited to ut
teud. After tho Installtitioti all Royal
Arch Masons and their ladles who uio
iu atteiidaitCv', will Im ctitcrtaluud with
a banquet at the St. Charles 7ntcl.
TKMflCKAN'CK JlKKTI.V1. A lllblllj
temH-rauce meeting will be held at
the Good Templar's Hall, iu this city,
on next Tuesday evening. Prof. 1..
Iceland, the great tempc r.utco apostle
and comic lecturer will address the
meeting. Grand W, C. T. Jacob Con-
ser, will also be present and prognosti-'
cate the HH'idy downfall of King Al
cohol, iucasotho weather coutinues
to seethe and "bilu" tho meeting will
probably be held In tho Court House.
Okj-'Ickmh ( Ui lut
lreilnesday evening DUdrlct Deputy
Wm. Twetflale InMallud the ol.lceis of
Albany Ixidge, No. 4, I. O. ). F., as
Oi-orx Yutins. V. o.j Toll Vnnrlvva. V
N. ISauifi, H. S.: W. Kolalium. Trent.; O. 11.
Ku:ler. Vf.f M. ('. ;0..r.. ; U'tn. Te.olc,
K. S. t (.: II. liH.ll.y, 1 ., S. ii.; i.
V. ti.iok.-n. I.., . rt. t, V.'li.j W. rt. Ntji,l.trr.
!.. H. V, V. J i W. Mauiy. U P. U. W.
Ki-uitin. 11. h. S.; I.. Milter, I. U.; Win. i 'M
well. O. U. '
CbMl'MMKNTAItv. The lCugene fh y
Gunnl thus llatterliigly mentions our
Albany tootiugcrs: "The Albany
brass band came up on the 3d, ami left
ou the morning of the 4th accompany
ing the excursionists. The iiKinU rh
were all uniformed aud presented a fine
appearance. Whilst here our citizens
were truwtfd to some .cAi'iflk'nC pli-Oea
of iniish? well executed; ' We timgrat
ulatu our sister town on so pleasant an
A New A u it a no km ext. We are
much pleaed to leuru that our friend,
R. G. Head, l"v., has aMciatd him
self with Mr. 2ulvi-y in the jiubllca
tion of tho Oirvallis Democrat, ot
which he fJ$'(tti khjef jnk-hurler.
Mr. Hcal U a thorough practical prin
ter, and a smooth, graceful and racy
writer. We predict a new and pro
perous era for the 2)tMocrul under his
OK T:fE Ml-Aiux.-We o.Ter the
B"f"'m nf u'"1 I,e
for $1.25. Wo expect to anil Jn lively
for somebody? aftrthft' ailjotirnmcm
of the Iiultlmore Convention, and wo
solicit a liberal share of "squlvlleuts"
to stimulate us in tho euterriaw. 11 V
ask our asront-tnrflgiioots the' State
to give us a lift in this particular and
they will receive our war met t grati
tude aud. most ,Uhlngettt smiles iu
return. ii v.
Dr. Diggers prtiKes to erect a line
residence in the city of a Grande.
Mountmn Sentinel.
Wonder if tbatornilentaviuJ flinirUh-
ing pill peddler Is tho same individual
who still owes this establishment $20
for advertising and office rent. I f it it
such, let lab erect liit fina .residence
twenty dollars coarser and forward us
that amount of amalgum.
JtKTt.'itNEW-Hoi., Jf. If. C'ranor
h.H.f retuhied fronf St' month's sojourn
1 the Cascade Mountains, conxidera
lly recuperated in strength and im
proved hcalUi. . 1V trasl a full re
covery to his wonted vigor may jic'cd
jly ensue.
j JOqu. Pgxttff&V. CU-'lpJi.f i having
been elected to the command of tho
:X. Y. C9th IteJment, has been pre
sented, with a p.air of Mexican spur?,
with rowefs'fis lar'e? as a'silver dolfar,
,to stimulate the fiery steed bIio will
ride at the head of her regiment.
The'spars5 Wrll prodiho'erjuino' flanks
from opposite directions'.
N. li. This is putting it mild for
" riding .a-straddle,? but it the - best
we can do and presorve our itime-hon-ored
reputation lor modesty when al
luding to the softer sex.
jit seems that Iiosa Bonheur will
visit America next Autumn.
It i lubject f ijeripral, remark. an)oD( bath
wholoalenr;d retail dru-iiit, that . t)o aiedA
oioe tntfoadced'td'the AaieVWud pulilio la eVor
gained aucb a popularity and met with 10 Urge
4 aale in all parta of the laud,' in the luuie
length of time, as bai Dr. Pierce'i Medical
lliaeovery. This eannot depend upon ita har
inf been more extensively advertised than any
otljer medicine as iuoh is not the case. The
correct explanation, we think, it found ia the
faet that thi medicine produce the most won
derful aftd perfect cures ef . yerjr. Jjadcase , t
bronabU,.,throaJi ap4 ipg (UsoKes; -.ikiin-;
doubtedly the most perfeot and efficient remedy
for all kinds of Coiigbs that hw ever been ,in
trodueed to' the pttblie", atid at; tbe 'je time
poaseone the greatest tit blood .purifylug nd,
atrengthdning properties1 that 'medical' science
bat been able to produce, thus rendering, it a
overeigo remedy, not only m the fctfre 6f JCon-'
cutiption, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and Coughs,
but also for all diseases of the liver aud blood,
as sorofqlou? disease?, akin? disensosr.hHohes,
roirgh skip, pimples, blakspeksad iseolor
atiuns. Tt lias, therefor, a wide range of ap-i
plication and usefulness, and it not only gives
the most perfeot satisfaction to all .who use it,
but for exceeds the expectations of the most
sanguine, thus eliciting the loudest praise, - and
making permanent living advertising mediums
out of ail who use it. for these reasons it is
that tbereic eot oorlraea a drOc-int iA all th
whore domain of -tMeewtinent, wlib" trtes 16
please bis customers and supply their wants,
that does not keep and sell large quantities of
tbi most valuable medicine., . . , . '
.. . . in rte.; . il
It olloway's IH1 nn4 Ointment.
Tbd blood is the rerv essenaa of health and lin.
It fnraisbea thcomponentr et ftesh; bdrienlns-''
eie, nerve anrt internment, The stomach a the
apparatus the arteries the didtvibutbrs, and tba
intestines the cbanuels by which the waste
matter fc eairied ojT TJnon the stomach and
oaweis tnose mencines act Simultaneously.:. 95
etltys par iwt,Nj , ' ,
auAOALoopQ aciNr.
y-inrlUSB ItKltlKK
UfADiLuteic iMixM, niir Hnii 3nm,
f-' IS. AvMi Trfnrn 4' Co. J'or a Umit llim, r .
Iihvi) ltin HlIhcttM witli IttitMiiuiitiiin In in v ;
.hdmlmnil (nut, llitl jmiii ntoxt ui (lie tiiiie miuie
,ijr pi-Tviv. ,n vim im ui iiuir i tiruuureil
m.iiiB r yuur V.VIt WKliU KK.M t'DY. him! f.
Ut laliln utily tlirm liultlin, liml that I mil
iiiita reotoriiil to bnuMli himI ulronlh, . I . have
lift ih BlKiUinnllmi fur vlvrvii (1 1 1 yeiirii, kt,,
tli!nk llmt Hib nutlet of tliu VSK" hi turhm
n ilifiiii of luutf ulun'luijj, in gu liort u timu,
it very runiiirkiifilu
At u timlo mill uffptlr.of I liitv vtver met
nrlth nnvllilii(( ruiit tn flia "VJiK WF.tCV '
JJuriBKtboliit.I inking ,t
1 kiiIikiI ( IS) poiin.U in weiurltt. 'i'runiiiDt llmt
IliU ci'l tifloMlu may Ui anOlul Id Inililciiljf oliicn
Blltictml N 1 n in try tha "tJN K."
I iouihiu, very triilr yoiirn,
- JAMKrf X. HllOWX,
n27lf. Sup'taml Al'uiiI OuaiUlouuu Mi.
J M ! I It-''
, . .tlltlituiu nier 7IaIaa(cM.
Thu fiot noliir rsy ili'iit 'rijifn tlio bnrviwli
livur Im lit nil pn iliiiiro l to irrniiiliiritli-. thi
in tlia fuiinuu in which liilioim iiUm k tuny ho
niiilcH';vl. . A wcult liiuiHiti, too, U ibo wmik
futtn tliu numm'-r murStlm, tint tl, l..m ,r v(ia -ily
IhniiiKta Iho putt hy exw,,, jirii.iriiiio,i
In mi, Hint a williiiii) lnlc, ifomtitninif
! Ids n.i'i!rl.. nf k tilluiiiv iHiiuuluiit uii'l
l(i;iitli) f.lillrnt, U in uiiiny nji mu-i!.ry t-
li.-Blib, mi l nmli r rui clrmiuiiiliinc ihnllltt Up
ili nMl wlili by iha H'kly nml .l,iiti..,,.
Ol nil llio ) luuinlel llum I..",
unliiiii. mi. I fortify tlt tiutnitu Irmiir, I hers U
iii.i.o tlmt will djiiiiuiro Willi llimti tir' C'cle
brntuit St'iniuc!) JliHct-. , Tliry ,lir been
wSl-il In tin, mli,f vf - txrt-rimn e i,Viil wy
fi.Utnl wiilitiii ; liuyi, l.ti reeuiimiuiiiled from
llio Hrt, on a Krimt miicilial .iflifl(i, m.t ,ri
bryrtHKo. mt In ito of luU runlml oppojitinii
IrnMi .imit.iiilrull quarttirt, matiil. ultor
twenty y nn'. trial, nt llm li-iml nf all ir.Hrri -liny
nii!illuiii: Inti niJeil lur Ilia pri-ventiuti an l
ours ui all or.lnury cmiluiut tlia iin-
tIi. tlm liv. r, ibe biiwcln, ami tliu nerwa. In
llio iinli'.ultliy rt Ut rl- tn burilnritiK tliu K'oat riv
cm i-f C.iiiicrnla, lluautu-r'a btmuacli liiitcra
may ba rU-,i-. an tl.o Ululnr l uiitt lur avrry
l5rjva i'f iiiiaruiiiuitt r rwiaUtotit fetcr. lb
uoj1u b liiliul ii til-nut ilimrifU,. plavo tlio
uiol impli"i Mnflttiv in Ihn -pr-pri,tion
eiii9ilet.i? I iii-rue4 ewry yiar by tba
rcoliK nf It rnnlu.
A bitteta, u cailcil, tit tba tnt tx-mii lo
cliuraaiar, wr fix'tij; i like fonicl n ry
i'lo, llio I 'jl.lic it lierel y forcwmiivd t(iiit
ilio Jraiii-.h.ii'friiu l . Ark for ll'mtrtfrr'a l;it
ter, oea llmt t!i ll l, uio , iu i iiir.i l, ami
reinemb r llmt iba f. nuiha arttile U nevtr ol l
in bulk, but in bull e, only.
Offieo Wo. 64 Trout Street,
h EAI. ESTATE ia tti CITY ao l EAT
POKTtASU. in tba uiwl leirbl .li(fc,
ci.iitini .t LOTe, JiALK and
HLOCJv.-, HOLefc.S anU bloUtn; al.
IMPROVED FAHM.1?, ami vnloaUa tin.
nittrvatod I.ASPrf, loiai! In ALL part vf tba
.TATH f-rr rfALK.
REAL ESTATE and other rTufwrtr riof
tHawwl fur C-urrotrt.aiiouta. In 4liia flTY and
tl .r oxlfut lb tiTATK.-i and TKHKITohlKS,
with icraot ear and oo tba ul AliVANTA-
O.KqVS TEllMo. ,
JIOt'HE- and fTOT: Eft I.EA.eEl.
LOAN -S .NEiuTlATI.U. a.,.t l.AIH OK AM.
And i t;ucri H.NA.NClAi. aud Alit.VcV
litill E.ij UanaaKlcd. . -
AOlCXTJt f tbU OFKIE (n alt the CIT
IES and TOWN in tba TATE, ill ictchs
driHiori. of FA KM PKOPEUTY an l f..r,d
Ui uai to tSa a'i..a ail-)rri. rfiui'jif.
bappetl Hand nnd Furt,
ffor Up, JrynaN oClheMUln,
i.' ... . A At.'.
Cured at on- ) r HKt.KMAX'r! CAMPHOR
ICE WITH GI.YCiSKINK. It keep. tb handi
'!t in all wrather. Htobat you get 1!K;K-
MAX'8.. S'dd by all Innaghu. only 2i rent".
Jlati:wur.-li.rily b.T JJujr.KA Jt Co., C'brm
i.U and tros;it. New York. janKS'Tlyl
2i J5W A l V K It T IU K 31 K NT K.
TM. 619 Sacramento Street, corner
'- ot Iidef'liirn Mrcct, (a few dour
bclw What (,'hcv-r House. ......
".ii." . 1'rivaUi Eittraae on - '
liiik-ad.irJ street, .
Sau 1 runcUco.
Ettntli'Titd rr!y "tn afford lit affticU4 aoaaol
mm mnrntijie wtdietil ata in Irtalmnt
mnd er of ail Hrivttttmnti Chron
ic JJutattt, co of .Secre
eji axil alt Srjrnl
J cere thanks tu bis numerous
llieir patronage, and would take tb's opportunity
to remind tbcmtbat'be eunlinuvs to consult at his
Institute filr tte .cure of ehrvnio diaeaaes of ibe
Lungs, Liner, Kidneys, Digestive and Oenito-Lri
nary Organs, and all private diseases, vis . yth
ilis in all its forms and stage. Seminal Weakness,
aud att the horrid ennaaqneace of self-abnsa, Oon-
orrboea, Ulout. Mricturas, Aurturnal and Diurnal
emissions, FexQal Debility, Diseases of ibe Back
and Loins, Inflammation of the liladdur and Kid
neys, etc., etc.. aud be hopes that his long experi-
nnce anu snceessiui practice will continue to insure
hiin a share of publie patronage. By the practice
of many years tn curope ana tne united states,
lie is enaliled to appyc tue movt efficicot and sne
eessnil remedies against diseases of all kinds. He
cures without mercury, charges moderate, treats his
patUfhts la a correct and honorable way, and lias.
references or unquestionable veracity from men
of known respectability and high standing Iu soci
ety; ah parties consulting 111m by letter orotber
a ire, will receive the best and gentlest treatment,
ana uiipuoit eeorocy.
To Female.
When a female is iu trouble, or afllioted with
disease, as weakness of the back and limbs, pain
in, the bend' dimness of sight, loss of muscular
power,' palpitation of the heart, irritability, ner
vousness, extreme urinary difficulties, derange
ment uf digestive .functions, gencrrl debility, va
ginitis, all diseases ot the womb, hysteria, sterili
ij'i ind nil other diseases peculiar to femaleshshe
should go or write at once to the celebrated female
doctor, W. R. Doherty, at. bis Medioal Institute
vad. consult turn about ber troubles and' disease
Tho Doctor is effecting more cures than any other
pn ysieian ii insDuin ot muiornia. i,et no false
del leacy .prevent you, but apply immodiatelv and
save yourself from puiuful suncrings and prema
ture death..;; AU Mun-ied Ladles whose delicate
health or otber circumstances prevent an increase
in tlielv familios, should write or call at Dr. W. K.
Doberty'tf JVIediual Institute, and they will' receive
every possible relief and help. . The Doctor's offi
ces are so arranged that be can bo consulted llth-
oatrer,aC onservaaon, 5 V I
, 1- 1 U 1 1 i y-.ii j!i4U! 1 S ;jJ
; To Corresuondentsi. .
Patients residing in any part-of the State,- how
ever aistant, woo may uesire tne opinion and ad
vice of Dr. Doherty in' their respective eases, and
who think proper to submit a written statement of
aueb, in preference to holding a personal interview,
are respeouuuy aasureu mat, tneir communications
will be held most sacred.: !. ,:
If the cose bafully and candidly described, per
sonal communication .will be unnecessary, as- in
structions for diet, regimen, and the general treat
ment ot the case (including the remedies), will be
forwarded without delay, and in such a thanner as
to donvey Ao idea of tha'fftirport ef the- lottor or
parcel so transmitted. Consultation by letter or
otherwise, kbkb. Permanent eure fruaranteed or
no pay.k Address, (-.W. K. DOHERTY, M. D., : .
" " ' ' "I San Fran'otoeb, California.'
f,-'.ri prniuiorrlio3n; ' ' ;
Dr. Dohkrty has just published an important
pamphlet embodyinghisowfl views and experiences
in rolstion to Impotence or Virility, beine a short
trealiite on Spennatorrhoaa nr Seminal Weakness
Nervous and Physical Debility consequent on this
affection, and other diseases of the Sexual Organs.
This 'little work contains information of the ut
most value to all, whether married or single, and
will be sent FREE by mail on receipt of six cents
In postage stamps for return postage. ;
ddress, W ft., UUHKKTr, M. p.,
ndBtf "- ;v gan FraneiE-raL, :
I'lii'liwiicd ! 1.. fcitimici, ,
(hwrtil AUrtrlininj Aynut, li'.i I'vuul Strttt.
Importer ami Jobla'm of fancy Gu'id, Tori,
cr.icKiry, iiiiMiwnr nml I'lurea nrv.
,4 tor ilnn. Plr t.,'ficiwb(in Oalt and Hot,'
ii Ernryll.iiii; tmat. li, L. LuiiKfulliiw, Hroj. ;
Agent Aor1 Mnblo,' "Todd A " Co'a ctUbrnted
Iviaon, Dlakctnun, 'J'oylor k Co'i flclinnt Il'iofcs
ifl puhluhnlf a fttll this uf Utttl hlniikmfirr V'JH.
-& ariiian, tbrntily dirw't Iinpnrlerd (.'lirta'njt
MJf " 'nr. riitit. A WnjiUinffliin ntrmin.
CI r AS. C. HAItltETT,
ICookmrllcr '- mid Hlntioncr.
'i f.
ft "WKlr,(t''nn ptrmtn.
D KCK, Wll-MAM & HON, 1X9 Frunt atrtct,
lmH r'r ami uenliTf In
i. i. ef cviy duivriHti"n
1 iililii? Tm hlfl I'mii" ;', ils. lii'I, Uird C-
I J n - k 1 1 1 . Cronnct Oaini-a, & 15b CurrWcen,
Axcnta fir ibe "Culirrain Powder Work:" nifn
tor tliu "Wlin-b r & Wilimn Hi wiiijj Mucbintt.''
k. J'ibn A.. li Frmit t..bfiM!l4id Wafcb-
tnnki-r A Jw,ilr. V rk ilmw fof the tmd.
HIM ES i l!ACflKT.lEll, .'! r-nt ft.
rilmiu A iU'iiibarl, I.I at., btl. link A i'mff.
iiiin.rt r -f Htovea, Hange. kUcbn utrn'U
BU'-bniian. W. A., a. w. cor. lot i Taybir at;.
Clionptut Puriitture Hnu-e In IVrllaftd.
M Ibirkr. Ilfiiiib r.un i, t;,k, Jfc f'n fir.t t,
J ltnb r in Dry Unodn. ('ncy Millinery, Ar.
obn A l'.o.nW.:, I (ii front at. CVnmiiB
J Mcit banU it i)i-iiler in Or. A. Cat. produce.
lenalo, J. Jl., Manufacturer A Dea!r In Had-
J ill. a. ll-i'ni-ii'A Saddlrv M'r lw'r.Wfl r"nt.t.
r"nt 1.
nft n!s.
(lurnrr, W, At Co., r'rnt ir-rrt,
J Tail-irs A CIi-iIih-m. Ilt, Kurni.hi
DuLa.liiuuU A Oaluimi, Vi Kruhl tu licitl Ka
tate A 3111 1 , mrnry loaned, bouses ranted.
f. H. Wix.ilaH A Co.. K'J Frout vtre-t, '
Ordr fr ly portion oUie ftsleor Terriio
rie eareully filled by mail or exprc.
1.1 mil, liwciitlam A t.'.,. Forniture aud carpet
jl dealers tulca 11 u, Lilt r'tr.t at.
J .t tudwvu.f ( AgDiiry. Witbereli A Meiauau,
JLJ r'rwjit t. . Ir'uiainli all an.. I. l help.
1p verdiog A Jiol, Iu Front t
J llarehntilxiKt deal. r in don
Coinmtf stun
rotntia irwdiu-e.
1 Cuibelt. IV. "d
te, c-r. I ift A emmuu. K
tutn-ouU alitay on baud
1ibel A iiobarla' cur. Fir.l A Wanbinxtun aia.
J. lalra A luuiiulac. clo'bioa;, furu'g guutl.
1.1radaud.Ir. Ii. it., I'eMi-t Ofli. bu. i, Do
'kutu's lllork, eir. Fm-1 A VVabinxt.,n ats.
t1 ill A tileel, 7i mud 77 r7tit. teaierTto
I ilouka. btatiutwry aud iluaiial lusuuia'nts.
, The Urjoit Miuic House oe the Coast.!
Mtciunay rianeM, Kurtlelt OrgattM
U. L. Del'liAX., Managers. '
soli: aokxcv rou tiie
"ilowe" ftctvins .Touch tuc.
JtriX" Aeuu wot,td.
MuH.ri.ey A Su-iuine. 1. r- ecru aiid D-aicrs ia
ait kiud of nd, ror. F;rt and Main ata.
'auiuurcr, ti...l4i runt t., luip"r:er ai.4
uultr in Uil tuty Uij ( car. MdH ry.
k tiimw, u. it., l'iiut"gi.Ue Artut, t. w.eur.
EJL First A Morrw-n. t.ii'1 Vict. pveia;iy.
MeuricLseu, L. 'J. A Cv., luj t,trl at. Jaauu
l.l ri A tiulun iu dcelrr. Viuiio. Ac.
UiUbard, li. L., fi Fruiit u..lcie dealer
ia tlriweriea. Doors, W ng-u Materials, Ac.
Hvdc, Catci A to., V7 lrvi.t liolrnle
defers to Dru, I'ainu, Uil, iiiaas, Act
Oewiog iiacuioe, alraixbt
needle, under feed, aud "tvea
"" wo..u.iou ebaltcncd. - M. t. Trav
tr, Agt-Bt, Ui trobt tlrmL. .. .
Hurreo A lbiiidler, Nwa. 1&0 to 172 FimsL
Importers ot r ucuuuro, bedding, Ae.
1 bternotioual Hotel, our. Front aud Morriavn.
I M. liudolpb, IV. - Free ISua al leads ateawars.
bo, J, A Co., VI Frvut aL. wbuleaale A
rctaiidciUt.-r in Une Ciulbiug, Fura'g Uooda.
Maisou Done Ueauurant, prav ate rooms f.r
ftmuics, cor. 1st A fine ata. Z. Vous. Pr.
Martin, K. A Co, wholesale deaicreliTwiaee A
Liquois.O. fe. X.Cu'slilock audcaa Frou.
Xk ekr A riebiuacr, 111 Frout St., Wbotoaale
XvX and Retail (Jouleetionera. -
Miller, Jubu 11., J Firtt at. M atchmaker
and Jeweler, oUers to the nublio a due aa-
ina.i;pt of Wafcbea, Clinks and Jewelry. ' '
Mveikir A Vu- iru,t, near V St.. dealers , in
native arid foreign Wints, Liquors A t'igara
NwrtUrup, K. J., Hardware, Irvn, OUH.-I, Haiu,
Kpokes, Hardwood Lumber, Ae. -, Purtioud.
A keviiivuul Hold, cvr. First A Morruea su
J fciuitb A took. Proprietor.;
Jarrinh, Walkius A Cornell Real Estate Agnts
u urunt su, Dei. Alder and Washington
C. li. WUUJAK1 A CO., 101 Front MreeU
I 1 uie, J. SI., 127 i rout street, Wholesale Deai-
, tr in Tinware and (Stoves.
I i'-'btur, Paul, liltt First St., Importer of lier-
lin wooden carvings, 1'arlor Oruainenta, Ae.
I i ider' i' (taU J Aluney liroker,
Ja, Vi cront street, Portland.
ftoteubauin, 1. is. A Co., Tobaeoonists, Im-
JLL porters ot Foreign and ilonicstio Liquors.
IB uss House, Front at.
On First Class Prin-
Tbos. Ryan, Proprietor. ';. .
(Ji berlock, 6., 61 Front A 02 First ata dealer hi
3 Harness, Saddlery, aud Saddlery Ilardware.
O iinon, J., 40 Front st, dealer in Deors, Sb
17 and Uliuds, Window aud Plate tiluss.
iasbeimer, H, 1 57 First sU, Importer of Plan
O os, Oricans, rbeet Music, Musical Instrtunti
tj ktduiure, S, li., ITS First at, ilruggist and
KJ Apotbocary. A large stock of Perfumery
aud Toilet -A rtiolcs
Qmith A Davis, 71 F
Q Paints, Oils. Wind
ront'tt.. wbolesale drnirs,
indow iti lass, Perfumery, Ac.
Sncw A Root, 73Tirft St., Piotures, Fiames,
Moldings, Artist's Mat'ls, Ilr'wng Instr'ronts
Smitb, Put, liroker, DO F'ront st dealer in Le
pal Tenders, GoVernm'nt Bonds A Uold Dust
roSi, it. x." i oitutstet,
ij Watchmaker and Manufacturing; Jeweler, is
appointed agent for tbe Waltbam, Elgin-, E. How
ard to., u. . Jneot, and the Cal. Watobes !
also, br all tbe productions end imports of tbe
Calif or bia Jewelry Co., San Francisco. Send for
aeiroular. Watohei repaired in tbe very besr
manner and warranted to rive satisfaction.
f Berry Uros, 173 First st,. Alannlacturera. and
JL dealers in Furniture, Beddiog, Carpotsi Ae.
'thi Ciothiug Htore, 113 Front street. Cloth
J , tog. Fornishinc Goods. Boots' n.f F'hoBn
Harris A Prager.- . "'
f Iluttle, U U, 142 and 141 Front st. Dealer
I J In Wagons and Agricultural Implements.' '
riyne, E D, n. w.cor First A Oak sts, dealer in
X fie Brandies, Wines, English Aid A Porter
Tylor-J A, 147 Front st, wholesale dealer lb
Butter, Egga, Cheese, Lard, Bacon, Ae. " ''
Williams A Myers, 5 Central Bloek, Front st,
Commission Meroh'nts A deal's iu Produce
Wbiilloy A Fccbbeimer, Attorneys A Solieif
ors' in Bankruptcy., ,Cftice iu. the Odd
Fellows Temple.
s'm.L.ix i .
patrons)ge,' we wonjd announce thai we are
now prepared, with greatly Improved facilities,
to dispense this healthful beverage toe Very, one
in Unlimited quantities. '
delivered throngbout the city. .
Dealer! supplied on liberal terms. '" '
n39tf. . A. CAEOTIIER A ca
Agent for sale of the eel ,Wea T,a,n W-
EZWM". Trm lQU ia town of
B, o o o v ' - . - v.
i.. v.iA.xia w Tiijj' uoap. ; ;
.... .. ....
; roa rue
Y 13 A 15 173 ! .THe YavORITF S
WITH ' f
;' AXD -
I isi pro red
, AND -
V ktt Be.
Don't ftil to see It before Purchasing any other kind;
: SOUB AGEXTS FOR : : - --1
. Y , i Send for Descriptive Circular; ; ' -
:.s " .: :"TIIK WALR:A, tVOOD.;:,.itr.-
t Sole Agents Tor Oregon and Washington Territory
use in Russia, Prussia, Austria, ISavaria. France, fcpain. England, .and North and 8outh, '
America, in fnot throughout tbe whole civilised world, and have been awarded tbe FIRST
IMIE.HIU.1I at every tria', both in Europe and America, since the World; Fair at Paria ii
1867Tinoe which time many valuable improvements have bee added: j ..... .j .. . , ... i
Ones & Two-IIorse IDoiable
hie Bar
ESS OF DRAFT. v - .-. .
with fllowinn Attachment, is the wo.-t ee-i.
oa, and is a COMPLETE REAPER iri , COMPLETE MOWR. keW two: separate
JiSC,'11 LlQV'l EST DRAFT, the QUICKEST and BEST MOTIOX. as -w?!!' a th
; s . j,DLED ef any Wowiug or Reap
: "S-We tvrraui tbe Wood's Machines t6 be As Represented..
'' Z "t !jaA'-H' assortment of EXTRAS
with the WOOD 1 91 PRO VES! EXT wiriah
If yon buy a Header, be sore yeu get tho II
ments, as they were only added iu 1871.
' D " ""J"
AS A ,yj "
: GiVCS '
i - wriu
-so jj
iU I i
Traveling t General Aeenf;
bfwerJ; rjt b''A
AGE for Sfrrtgth, Beaety, Capacity m&biliV i
-.: .
n p-... ..-.k.. -
h)-urope er A:er-'"
hi g Machine either in Earope: or AmerKa. - j
cdnstaatly keptat all nr ageneie3.-fjE5.j
AOKXCY 6? THEt . ' w-U
renders it one ot the BEST HEADERS exUaf'
.VISES with Woods
; V T
Este ImproTCa'
rn, ROC
- 1