Jot AX 54, IS72 THE CO US XT CAHVASS. , Tbe Democratic tad Republican candidates on tne touaiy iicac wut arouresa tueir leiiow citizen at the following time and place, f peak ing to commence at 1 o'clock r. m. Halrey, Monday, May 27. liarrisburg, Tuesday, May 2S. Brownavilks Wednesday, May 20. : ' Lebanon, Thursday. May SVth. Pclo, Friday, May 31aL .a - . . 1 . rt J, m l m ,CAPTCRKlx-"brt Ex-Senator G. II. - "Williams, Attorney , Oencral of Bc-n Jolladay and the United States, Can didate fdrthd TjiiUed State Senate, ar rived iu town on the Tuesday morning t tralu. . Not a single liad. could be ' found at the depot to escort him to his hotel. Jle was taKen cuarge or by Billy Cannon, who drove him to the "Bank Exchange," where, after tak- , lug a amue, ue was.iurneu over to me tender mercies of Jack Crouse and Bill tJlnl. We noticed several of the lead . ing Rails, standing from one to three blocks away, but not even the clerical Bro. could muster courage sutticient to entice Williams from his comfortable jjositlon in front of the Exchange, where he sat sandwiched between those two sterling .Democrats. The poor Bads, looked dejected. They seemed to have lost all the feeling of pride once so manifest 'among them when they met the "greatest man In the United States." What! has "G. II." -, stock fallen so low that not one satel lite can be found in Albany? Billy Cannon took him to Corvallis In a lively turnout. " Coxyalescixc.. The erstwhile ro bustuous .individual who shoves the ouill and - wielda the scissors for the Democrat has been for the past two t . 1 1 i . r i ; I. V, WtTU WTVOVlUlj UlltlU.lljr Willi IIIC Pale Boatman" (and bilious fever); but now Hopes that he and hU atten tive .r-sculapius nave succeeded in t "'doubling the cape," and he expects to lie able lor nis duty and rations in a few days. - In the meantime it behooves every man to keep his conscience clear and prepare to vote the straight Dem ocratic ticket on tlie 3rd proximo. Pay that Bax. Upon the arrival of Burnett and Wilson at this place, some time since, a certain Republican " came to the editor of this paper and made arrangements tar the employ ment of the Brass Band to give them music. Twentv dollars was the bill. lite Democratic tert was paid at the c time; but n member of the Band In forms us that the Rads. have not yet come to lime, come, gentleman, tnose ' that dance must pay the Band. Got IT.-The Indians of this vicin ? ity have "got it btvL" The small-pox? Xo; Not the small-pox, but the Base Ball fever. They were nut in torce, Sunday, displaying their prowess at "hot liners" and ."sky-scrapers." Co qttilte Dick, captain of the fim nine, rather scooped up his opponents under the supervision of tantiam Bill. Bill . ays he will play them fellows again .text Sunday, and a lively match lnay be expected. TitE Day we Cslebkate. In ac cordance with our announcement last , Week, we publish elsewhere a pro gramme of exercises for the coming Fourth of July. Our citizens are mak ing preparations to celebrate this day on a grander scale than ever witnessed - tn Albany. Everybody Is invited. It the people of the whole countv come ami celebrate with Us the birthday of our liberties. - " Gbaxt's Missionary os his Cir . criT. G. H. Williams, Grant & Hol iday's Attorney General, flopped his jaw at the Court House for two or three hours yesterday afternoon, but as we were on the eve of going to pros, and the' circumstance not being of suffi cient importance to warrant us in de laying the issue, we give no report of his harrangue. IiEFT Us. Our fellow townsman, Mr. Ia. M. Coram, for some time a resi dent of this place, formerly in the em ploy "of Cart wright Co., accompanied by his wife, took his departure for Big alley, California, where he intends permanently locating. JFe wish them .a pleasant journey and a prosperous, .happy home. OLD,CrsToM. John Faulkner, liv ing a few miles southeast Of this city, was recently married. Having an old W' brother, still single, that worthy bachelor was brought in, and, in obe dience to an old and amusing custom, was compelled to dance in a hog-trough, for the delectation of the happy couple. r ....... . : Ax Exticixo FeaturstA beauti ful young Miss, of sweet sixteen," now attends Carothers' soda fountain, and serves with her fair hands the de licious nectar to thirsty mortals. This Js a feature that cannot fait to prove a magnetic attraction to the young bloods of this v!cinlty. t , , x Crops. Sy invitation from our es timable frfeftd, H. A- Irvine, we tools a ride to Lebanon, Tuesday, and never saw finer crops than covered the broad acres like a velvet carpet. The wheat yield of old Linn will be a good one. ; v -- , . Horse RAciifa J. Z. Crouse adver tises that on tlie 5th and 6th days of July he will open the Fair Grounds for trials of speed. A purse f $300 will be run for in accordance with programme published elsewhere. . . . . c . New Goods. Oar enterprising mer chant, R. Cheadle; has just opened a large invoice of the finest dry-goods, lancy articles, etc- ever brought to Albany. ; Call and examine his fine selection. 'NkwHlcK We biice that our in defatigable stage man-; W. R. Cannon, has placed a splendid new hack on the route, between here 'and. 3orvallis. ' It is a very handsome affair. New Store.; Mr. - B; Cheadle has opened a .new! grocery, establishment, on the corner of Main arid Broadalbin streets, in the building fdriSerJy occu ied by Gus. Layton. 1 Styles. Mrs. . Hi ; D- Godley has just, received a fresh supply pf mill jittery goods, of the latest styles. Those .Dolly Varden Hats are perfectly stun. nin'. EBSo!cAii. Jlfr. E. o. Norton, late local editor of the Saleih jerctwy, paid our town a visit on Sunday last.- Mr. N. is a genial fellbwj and ready writer. BbcovemxcJ . Ydu hg PUrdo7Vi,'who rtoM severely injiireol . during;. the. or . vallia fire, L slowly recovering.' He came near losing orte of his eyes; K .-si ' i s ' " L, i-r . r; . .. .i firitt. Impbovino. TTe are happy to state thai Hon. N. II. Cranor is still improving He will doubtless be on oyr street,in a few days. , - - ' THE "Tiylor Family willplayjn this city . Tuesday and Wednesday . eveningw of .next week. , . :. , . THA3rjKS.--r We extend our thanks to Jt. Cheadle rfr Jbrars of a substantial ihajacter. , f RID AT- A Sad Case or IxsANrrY. Yester day ilrs. Clark, who has for some months resided with her father, 'Mr. Keener, near Brownsville, Was brought to this city for the purpone of undergo ing examination In the County Court With a view of being committed to the Insane asylum. Some eight months auo her husband wns killed by a fulling tree in Washington Territory, since which time she has been, at times, very despondent, until last week she became suddenly delirious, and has since continued to exhibit unmltsaka ble signs of Insanity. Grief at tlio sudden and violent death of her hus band Is believed to be the chief cause of her unfortunate malady. She Is the mother of three little children who are thus worsa ' tlnui orphaned by their double affliction. It is earnestly hoped by her friends that the - treatment which she will recoivo at the asylum Will be of such a salutary measuro as to restore her reason and efl'ect her sarly return to her little ones. , i a, i ' Baixou's Jokthly Maoazixb for Junk Fresh and brilllaut, with ro mances and sweet stories, Is BallovPt Monthly Magazine for June. We ojven its pages with pleasant anticipations of tlie good tnings to be enjoyed, and we find that such expectations are not met with disappoint ment. We read of travels inother lauds, of thrilling sea adventures, of wonderful romances, of delicious love stories, beautiful poetry, With engravings of rare merit. Wo aro never disappointed in , JBallou't Magazine It, la always . up to the mark. , . . Ex-Senator Nesmitk and C. O. Curl, Esq., paid our sanctum a : visit during tho weeki These gentleman have "made a theronch and efficient canvass through the Valley. Doixy VAhbES. Tlie gentleman from below, with the Dolly Vnrden nose, has "gone from uur gaze." JnaB. BoisR, the chief "swamp land thief," will speak at the Court House this evening. HOME AND ABROAD. Congress will soon adjourn. A New Jersey boy shot his dad for licking him. A Campaign paper has been started at Jacksonville. Ferry was xe-elcctcd U. S. Senator from tftuuecticut. A new Presbyterian church is being built at Lebanon. The Delaware Republican Conven tion endorses Greeley. Carethers will soon commence, to bot tle "-sweetened wind." i- . Dan. Gaby, from the Forks, gave us a call during the week. . Kline has a superb stock of clothing, which he sells at lowest prices. ' A Lexington horse made a mile aud a quarter dash iu 1:20 fastest time on record. Vincent W atson, residing three miles from this place, aged 3S, died on Fri day lost. 1 '- " ; - ' " - ' If you would have your wife or daughter dressed out of the ahe (Cin derella like) go to Kline's. JohnBriggs' place of business was closed on Friday, In consequence of tlie decease of his wife. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re newer prevents the hair from turning gray, aud returns gray hair to iu nat ural color. The two Base Ball clubs of Corrallis will play a match game with the two Albany clubs, in this city ta Satur day next, Jay 25th. The U. P. Church, of Brownsville, has purchased in Seneca FaJs, N. Y., a bell weighing 700 pounds. It is ex pected to arrive shortly. The telegraph announces that the ac- couebment of her Royal Highness,, the Princess of Wales, is expected late in June or early in July. Bully. The base ball killing season opens a little late this year, the first report having just been received from Racine: Age, 15; hot liner; in the stomach. Our campaign subscribers will confer a lasting favor upon us by coming down with the collateral security for copious quantities of unadulcrated De mocracy. Charley Mealey turns out croquet sets which are equal if not superior to those imported from the East. H is stock of furniture cannot be excelled in the Oregon market. Our thanks are due Geo. B. Christie, of the Forks, for a remittance of the 'root of all evil". George Is an ner getic agent, and may always be found in the thickest of the fight. Our readers and dealers in farming and agricultural implements can find no establishment in this city where their wants can be suimlied to better advantage than by the .well-known and popular firm of Blain, , Young A Co. Long experience has rendered them expert in their business and equal to any emergency. Their stock is large and varied and their prices such as would commend them to the closest buyers. .. All dealers will find prompt ness, energy and integrity characteriz ing transactions witn tnese gentlemen. c Benefit of "Protectiox.1'- The North Pacific Railroad Company is compelled to use Anterican iron in the construction of its road, and con sequently it will cost $2,400 per mile more than if they could use' English iron. fThis money goes into the pock ets of the "protected" Pennsylvania iron lords. . , ' ' ? ' . - . GoTtar'a Ladt's Book; for Jane, cornea to ui filled with aboiee litoratare, splendid fashion plates, and finely executed eugraTtsga. Ita pages abound in thrilling narrative, instructive reading, and select poetry. It Is fee favorite of the ladies. ' t Religious. Rev. Mf.-ilj, of the M. E. Church, South, preaches regu larly in the Court House ifl J.M city on the second and fourth Sabbaths in each month-.;,, ; ' For the very best Photographs, co-to Bradley & Rulofeon's Gatary witn&ut STAIRS JBST ASCEND IN THE EL EVATOR, 429 Montgomery '? Street, San Francisco. ... . . . . . , i w--MARRIED. FAULKNER FOSTER On the 12th inst., near Lebanon, by J. W. Gilmore, J. P., Mr. Jobs Vavlkmkr d& Miss Chabitt B. Fostke, both or liinn eoonty;--;-.'------'-;;-. ' . ' - - : May hymeneal affootios soften the asperities of their futare lives, and their home issue sweet scented bad to make glad - their hearts" aud comfort tfcom as they pass down tlie gentle' river. ' , , -.. -; : t i-; : .is--.-,-, j,; iR. SxGs'a CaTARRji Rkmedt $500 regard for aaa incurable ease. Pold by druggists, or by mail, 60 cents. Pamphlet free.. Address, R. V. Fierce. M. U, Buffalo, N. X, . V ,; Holloway's Pills and Ointment. Are a sure remedy for all sesual oomplainta and may be taken by females of all ages, who are suffering from a disorganited system, or those distressing .diseases in particular which' fre quently occur (from inattention) at the turn of life, .Tbey are so mild that the most delicate female may take them with perfect safety. 25 cents per box or pot. - s SPECIAL NOTICES. SEMABXCABX.B CUBB Or - TUB XJ- FSBINTENOEIfT OF TUB ; GUAOAX.OUPB MINB. ,TSi W0lt OOIS ITIAVM.T OK." CASS so. BOOl SKCOKO BIKIKS. f' s GOABAUiiri'S Mi.ns. hear Pan Joo, J AuutiDt 14, 1871. ( Dn. A. M. TiORrcA Jt Co. Fur a lung lima I hv been afflicted with Rbouuiatisiit in my hands and feet, tbe pains inont of the time hniag very severe. Ontlio7thof July I procured some of your UNK WEiSD RliMKDY. and af. tcr taking only throe bottles, find that I am quite rmtoreil to health and strength, I huvo had the ltheumatlm for cloven (It) years, and think that the suereM or tbe "USKW lit vuring a dinease of long staadingi tn So short a time, is very remarkable. As a ton la and upprtlter I bare nevor otnt with anvtblng eual to the "I NK WKKD HEMEHV," During the time I a Uklnir it t Klod (15) pound in weight. Trusting that this eurtifioate may be useful in inducing others affected a I was to try tho -tJNK." . I remain, very truly yours. ! . JAM KA T. UR0W. ; nSftr. Sup't and Ajjont Guudaloupe Mine. A.' WltKKLKIt fllir.DD, Oil. FO&WARUIXO AXI COMMISSION MER- CHANT. ; A tent for sal of tbe celebrated "Bain Wan on," and for the aala of all kiud f agricultu ral machinery. Consianmeots solicited.! Town lots la iown of Shedd for sale. " ' ' ' ' ' , 4'hnppeti Hands stitl rttrr, ! or Ltpti, Drj iiens or the NUln, tic &cf " Tared at once bv UKUKMAX'S CAMPHOR ICE WITH GLYCERINE. It keeps tbe hand snft In alt weather. Pee hat you get HKtiK MAN'S. Sold by all Uruirjti.ts, only 25 rents. Manumvtured only by llaoRHAM it Co.. Chem ist and lrUKfit. New York. - janl3'7Iyl HEMonitnoiDS.' ; A. CAROTHERS k COS "PILE PILLS AS u OINTMENT" havo now bceomo one or lb standard preparatintia of the-day t In pre pared and rveoiuiuended fr Piles .anti (whether chronic orrcoeul). Kutloreri may depend upim it. that this remedy wilt tve them purinnnoiit relief from thi iruublosomo and damaging cunt plaint. Sentpertpaid to any addresa (within the Uni ted States) upon receipt of prise, $1.50. A. CAROTIIKK.S i. CO., n40yt Albany, l.lnu Co., Oieon. niL.LlA.11 DiilDMIS, . REAL ESTATE DEALER OSes No. C4 rreat Street, rOBTLANIS ORE'iO.V. RE AL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the mast deirable localities. eon.iMing or LOTS. II.Al.K ULLK KS and ULOCkrf, HOLdKS and TO RES alio, ' ! IMPROVED rAKMK, nod valuable un rultivaud I.ANUS, located to ALL part of the STATE for SALE. .. ; ; r. REAL ESTATE and other Prop? P" cbasft fr Correpndcals. in IliU CITY and througbout Ibe MAlKS and TEUUIToRIKH. with grv-'t eare and on tbe moat ADVANTA GEOUS 'iXKMS. IiOUSE.-? "d STORES LEASED! LOANS Xh.OTlATK0. awn CLAIMS Or ALL DEtiClllPTlDNS PROMPTLY COLLECTFJ.. And a llenerai FINANCIAL and AUENCY BUSINESS Uaaaactcd. AOF.NTS of tl.U OFFrCE In all the CIT IES and TOWNS in th- HT iTK, will receive dcseriptioaeorFARM PROERI "1 rorwaid tbe atae to he ad.lrr Taagatf.- NEW ADVEKTIf EVENTS. NHKKfFF'tt HA UK. yrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THaT BT virtue of an eccii..n, inuid out ol' the County 0art, ot the State of Oregon, for LJoa county, and to me directed and delivered, ia f vnr f C. W. Croby, plaintiff, and agatnut C. W. Orubb. defendont. lor Ibe ram of f 174 IU, taUrvett and ceis of suit, I have tbhi 30th diy of April, 1972. levied upon all of tbw tindrvMed Interest of C. W. Grubb, as an bc-ir at law of tbe estate of John Orobb, deceased, in the fol lowing described real estate, aa property of C W. Grubb, W-wit: The north wct I and wtet 1 of tbe north-east . and tha oorlb-wcst J of the eoUical i, atd the north east J ef tbe rouib-wett i of section one (I), Tp..l4, 6. R. west, aad contains .3:2-52 acre tbe wast f to John Grubb, and tbe east J to Nancy A. Urulib, bis wife, both deeeeMsd. ' AIo the 40 acree of tbe north-west corner of tbe south-west quarter of section one, Tp. 14 8 R.4 wet; tbe south i ef tbe south-east i of Mo tion 2, Tp. 14 E K. 4 west Willamette meridian. Linn county State of Oreiron, and oa Tuesday, tbe I?h dr f June. 1K72, between tbe boors of 9 o'clock a. a. and 4 o'clock p. . of said day, to-wit: 2 o'clock p. at the Court House door in the city of Albaoy, Linn evuaty, Ore- jroo. I will sell all of the undivided interest of C. n . nrubb .ia tbe above-deeenbed real prop erty with all the appurtenances thereto belong ing or ia anywise appertaining, for cash to band, at public auction to tbe highest bidder. lated this JSth day of -My. IS7J. ' . - K. A. IRVINE. ' d41w4. Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. , C.UAKDIA.VH KAI.K OF REAL LNTATE. "xrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TIIAT IN X pursuance of afc order of tbe County Court of tbecounty of Lino.State of Oretfonmaile on tbe 8th day of May, 1872, the nnderigned, guar dian of the persons and estate of Francis- Mi Fields, and others, minor heirs of Was. Fields, deceased, will sell at public auction to the high est bidder, on Saturday, the 15th day ef June, 1872, at 1 o'clock r. m at the court bouse door, in said county of Linn, all tbe right, title, interest and estate Of said minor in aud to the following described real estate, t-wit: . Siaty siz feet front and running back 9 foot of the east half of lot No. S, in Mock No., 2,' in the town of Brownsville, in the cointy of Linn, State of Oregon, with the buildings situate thereon. Term of sate: half cash, gold eoin in baud, balance on six months credit with in terest at ten per cent, from day of sale, r - j- G. C. COOLEY, eaardian.T May 28, 1872 41w4. s ' .i.j.i t ,V; . JVOTICE. xy.:i Parties who wer occupying land in the "Grande Rondo and Silcts Reserve,", In the State of Oregon, in tlie year 1855-'6, and bad to abandon tbe same in consequence of said Re serve having been selected by tbe U. H. f.r .the settlement of the Rogue Kiver Indians, will please send tbeir addresses, for further oorrcsr pnndenee, te R. W. UOWNSIAN, Att!, Bot 15. Washington CityiD. C. Iw4. i, - SIIEUIFF'S SALE, TkTOTICE I'flEREBY GIVEN THA! UY J3I , virtue of an exesntion imusd out of the Circuit Court of -.the Siatfl of Oregon for Linn connty, and to me dijf'-d and delivered, in favor of H L Rudd mid 4, Ifrjttiin, plain, tiffs, and against C M Lee a9 Z II Lee, defend ant, for the sum of $1,765 0, in U 8 Gold coin, interest and costs of suit, I bave this, 30th day of April, A D 1872, levied upon the following described real estate as the property of C M Lee and Z It Lee, to-wit: Lot No. 3 of block No. 11, in tbe town of Peoria, Linn 6'ounty, Oro gon, together with the tenements,- heredita ment aad appurtenance' thereunto belonging or in anywise appurtuining. And on 1 Monday, the 8th day of Junei 1812, between the hours of 9 o'clock,'. A M and 4 o'clock, P M, of said day to-wit: 2 o'clock, P M at the Court House door,, (ui tliei.City of- Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, I will sell tbe above described real property; with all tbe ap purtenances thereto belonging or in anywise ap ptfrtqlning, for each in .hand, at. public , out cry, to the highest bidder. ' .',. Dated this 2nd day of May, A D, 1872; ? R. k". IRVINE, Sheriff, Linn county, Oregon. ARCTIC SODA. TSAFKINf THE prjPLtOi FOR 'PAST patronage, we would announce that we are now prepared,. With greatly .improved facilities, to dispense this healthful beverage to every one in unlimited quantities. ;: . ':. ', : BOTTLED SODA AND" SARSAPARULA delivere'd' throuRbout tbe city. . Dealers suppRed on Ifteral' term1. ' nteif. A. CAROTHERS A CO. FARJHBRS TAKE NOTICE.' AVING ISPySEB OF MY INTEREST in the fronton Warehouse, and being anx- immediately, I respectfully call the itdtSWtfci of all rho are in arrears either by note or book ac count. Particular attention is called to your Sauk j(ct.!Ht; please rt turn tbem at once or thev will b charged against you in account, v BSflffl.. C M. CART W RIG HI.; r(K p Y 3 Jl TIB M M K N,T 8 . BUSINfSSlRCTORY OF PORTLAND. 0RG0C l'ublltabed by L. Namael, General AJeertieing Agent, 98 front Street. ACKER.1t AN'S DOLLAR NRORE, Art. P, FIRST STREET. ! Importers and Jobber of Fancy Goods, Toys, Crockery, Glassware and Plated Ware. ' f A slor iluuae. First t, butweun 0k and Pine. J V vwsythlng nti B. liyLongMIWt Prop. Booisrwioflirnf BANcnorf t inoniiE, L Agent for Mabin, Todd A Co' celebrated aOtD FENS. f IvImoo. niakeman, Tsylor e Co' School Book! Jii-t fmbliekt'l, n all line nltgnl hlanleear O'gn. Barman, the only direct Importer of Clnth'ng, Ac, tint. Front k Washington street. ..- OHAB. C. B AllIlETT, WMOLRSALM Ilookscller nnil Stationer) LARGEST STOCK IN PORTLAND. No. 79 Front and No. ft Washington Streets. BTicTCwTLTTA mTo nTTw FrTmTm;r, Importers and I)elrra In csUns, and rbvoltsbs , of every description., Fiahlnl; TeVle f Fancy .0ds, ltdiIUrt Ca ge, BUtfets. Crbqnet Games, A Y.tLby ferriages. Agents for the 'California Powder Works;" alsej for tbe "Wheeler A Wilson Btwlng Machines." 11 eokTJuhn A., 129 Front t., practical Waleb. -I F maker Jeweler. Work done for the trade. HIMKS A UACH ELDER, 93 Front SI. tt 15 riKuaiu ileinbart, lt si., bet. Uaa I'lae, Importers of Stoves, Ranges, kitchen ntcn'l Buei.anan. W. A., s. w. eor. 1st A Taylor sts. Cheapest Furniture House In Portland. CARPETS W&YMiFT Unrko. Ilendrmm A Cook, Ml A 13 First tti J Dealer In Dry Goods. Fancy Millinery, Ae. 1ohn A HoMMifold. 141 Fronts!. Comraisaiou J Mfichntils A dealers in Or. A Cal. produce. 1onl, J. Si., Manufacturer A Dealer in bad- ( J dlt-s. Ilnrnes A Peddlery U'nlw'r, 98 F'ul st. ' lurrier, W, A Co., 10.1 Front street. Merchant J Tailors k Clothiers, Hats, Furnishing Goods. 1) rl.esbmult k Oatmsn, 92 Front L Kcal E- tate Apvnts, money loaned, bnusrs rented. aL uoudm, C. II. Woodard A Co., 101 Front street DRU 6GI STS7rA Orders from auy portion of tbe Htaleor Territo rio carelully tilled by mail or express. Emit, Lowvnsiem At'u. Furniture and carpet dealers store from 134 to I3M Flr.t St. Emplovment Agency, Witberell A Jiolaaa, u Front st. Furnish all hinds ef help. I I venlmg k lleeke, 1 Frontal. Commiwioa J Mercbantsand dealers in domestie prodaee. Ixahion Livery blable, cor. First A halmuis. is Curl.eil l'r. Good turn-out always on baas) 1.Vhl A Robert' eor. First k Washington sts. Dealers A manufae. eloobing. furo'g good. I tl l U I I.e. ..( itMm Vn H I 4 a,HM' 111. ..I. .... & IA, - ,1. ' -a BUIU w IH'Fsa, wfera, f lgr J II If isri (. ill A Mcel. 7i and 77 First st. Dealers in Itooka. Kislioiwry and Maslcal Inatrum'aU. GRAY S MUSIC STOltE. ' ' ' Tbe largett Mall'e lituse oh the Coast. ' r Mtrliiwav IMstuosj, Bnrtlett Orsa G. L. DaPRANS, Manager. SOLE AGENCY FOR THE UIlAta-ft" Isisau-iss TI ft l irs mr ww w ww aaspw, v.wm.m.. piT" Ageol wanted. '. 1 1 - ' i ii i ii i 11 aebeney A Bicmtae, Orr and Dealers ia all kmas of SeeUs, eer. V.M and Mala sts. II smbarger. It., 133 First it., Imporier and aeajer tn Dtapie r ancy ury umhii. nun ry II endee, D. II., Photographic Art lit,, w. eor, first Aonivm. -niia e x icu epvcieity I Cenrichsen, L. C A Co., Itrt First st. Mann V fact'rs A dealers in Jcwelrr. Watcbrs, Ac. II lb hard, G. L., 98 Front st., wbnleeala dealer In Groceries. Doors. Wagon Materials, Ac II odge. t'alcr A Co.V7 Front St., wholesale dealen to I'rega, ralnu. Ull. I law, e. IWlHf Ij t,wiof Maxtitae. atraigbt J J JjJ J.l.1 needle, under feed. and -lock slitob. Luutwuias cnauengva. At.z.. jrav er. Agent. Ill Fron? tre, II urgrea- A Shiedle. . No. J6o le 172 First I lt,.nrtra of Varnilara. lied dine. Aa. . nternatioual Hotel, eor. Front and Mornaocj M. Rudolph. Pr. Free Bass attends steamer. K obn. J. A Co.. 91 Front st-, wholesale retail dealer iii flue OJotbdAT, rnm'a; Oood M atson VorceltcsTaurantT private rooms for families, eor. 1st A Pin sts. U. t ooa. rt. M rtin, k. A Co, wholesale dealer in wine A Liuuots, 0. 8. N. Co' Block and Sao Fran. M eler A Schmeer, II ( i'lvn. ejyhaen and Jtetatl Contectiener. Miller, Jiho D., 93 First St. Watchmaker and Jeweler, offer to tbe pnblle a 6ne a. sortmentor Wotcbas, Clocks and Jewelry M ,m,iIbA IVi- Frunt..tieaC C St.. dealer ia i iv i 1 : a BailTf SDlVO.-l(M "IHOUii)iiwi,w st&m.w N ortiirup, E. J.. Hardware, Iron, Staiel, Hubs, ( poke, ilardwooa Lnmiisr, c. ramaea. o ceidentsl Hotel, eor., First A Morrison It. Smith A Cook, Proprietors. I)arriah, Walkins A Coraell, Real EsUt AgnU 90 Front st, bet. Alder and Washington. C. H. WOODARl tU.- J0p Front Ctftwt R Ue. J. M 127 Front street. Wholesale Deal. er in Tinware and Stoves. rf ichter, Paul, 105 First st.. Importer of fier- Lt, mi wooden earrings. Parlor Oraaaent, Ac, R idcr, G. C, Real Estate and Money Broker, WZ root street, Portland. f orenbanm, I. S. A Co., TobaoconisU. A Im porter of Foreign and Domestie Liquor. R us tfon, Fronl at. is"Vrt Cbus Pi. eipal. Tbos. Ryan, Proprietor. I berl'K-k, S., 01 Front A 62 First st., dealer in Harness, Saddlery, and Saddlery Hardware. 1 itrton, .1. btt Front St., dealerln- Deors, Sash, 3 ahl Blinds, W'ndow and Plate Glass. Oinsbimer, II,. 1 57 First st. Importer of Pian J ot'rgans. Sheet Music, Mnsieal Instrmnta Spd Wo re, g. G., 123, First st, .Druggist and Apothecary.v' A Ms tck of Perfumery and Toilet Article.' Smith A Davis, Tl, Front ft, wholesale drugs, Paint, Oils, Window1 Glass, Perfumery, Ac. y new A Rons, 73 Firat St., Pictures, Frames, 3 Moldings, Artist's Mat'ls, Dr'wng Instr'mnt s mitb. Put, Broker, 90 Front St., dealer in Le gal Tender. Govertlfn'nt Bonds A Gold Dust STOXE, B. L,., 107 Front Ntreet, Watchmaker and Maanfacturlng Jeweler, ia appointed agent for the Waltham, Elgin, E. How ard A Co., C. E; Jaoofmidthe Cat Watohe kiwi, fcf all the productions and in ports .(if , Aha California Jewelry Co., San Franoisoo. Send for a circular. Watohes repaired In tbe very best manner and Warranted to give satisfaction. Ilerry Bros, 178 J-'irwt St. Manufacturers and dealers in Furnitufe, Redding, Carpets. Ae. The Clothing Store, 113 Front street. Cloth ing, Furnishing Good, Boot and Shoe Harris A rrager. uttle. BJ JC1L4 apd-'iUViroor t Poller in Wagon and Agrioultural Implement. PTty ! B ii, r. w, cor .EirstA 0k tsi dela la fine Brandies, Wines, English Ale A Porter T lyter, J A; 147 Forittf' wholesale dealer in Butter, Eggs, Uneese, tard, Bacon, e. W illiams A Myers, 6 Central Block, Front st, Commission Merch nt A dear in Produce W' halley A Feohbeimer, Attorneys A Solicit '' ers'ln Bankruptcy. pfflo In the. Odd NOTICE Or rXNAX. SETTLEMENT. AS. BASSEJT,! ADMINISTRATOR OF s tbe estate' of John' Loach, deceased, having this day filed bis final account of bi ad ministration of said estate and rendered the same for settlmeAw It i fherefofe'ordefed Ibat Priday, iKe 7th tidy "of fane J$72) at tbe hour of 1 o'clock p. at the Court House in the-eity of Albany inlaid county ana State, be appointed fof tbe hear'in of objection to s'uoh final account and the settlement ef tbe' same, and that notioe hereof be given by ptfbll catteoia; tb ''twos' Bielrts S)eocra),' if -bWV phrr geMeral AlremaftoA ' te 1 "aid ' county, once a week for at least four successive week prior to aid day. j By-ordr;of;ftii Jourt. i - 8, A. f JOHNS, -County Judges May 8, 1872 nl0w4, ' .a m M yf : 1 - 15, O O O ALRbADT , ON THIS JS OOABT 1 BUCKEYE ON GREATLV IMPROVED WITH WIDER SIIOEt LONGER SEIVES! PATENT FAN, .1 WINO ELEVATOR, gJtAJift WITII TUB NEW tfrr-MOUNTEO Ira proved JwTro PIVOT SIDE GEAR. UNEQUAL ED AND UNEXCELLED McvSrsDpcrrtjvuTxXCAv poDer SOLE AGENTS FOR THE VIBRATOR THRESHER ! SOUETsilNU NEW LATEST IMPROVEMENT IN TIIRESUING MACHINES SIMPLE, , EFFECTIVE ANL COMPLETE. Ddrll fail to see it before Purchasing any other kind. SOLE AGEXTS FOR T- ? T-7 Pateat IIobbsI. AMD 801ETBI5G XEW. THIS HITCH NOW ACKNOWLEDGED BV ALL TO BE ' Send fbi Desorlptive Circular. 1872. 1872. gpIESl'HINC NEW. THE WAETER A. WOOD i t- TOR THE COMLG HARVEST. i C. B. COMSTOCK & CO., SPRIWCViLLE & ALBAWYr ORECOW, Sole Agents Tor Oregon and Washington Territory. W. S. NEWBERRY, TraTellnp k General Agent. TnESE JV8TI.T POPULAR MACHINES ABE NOW INOEMER.U use in Russia. Prussia, Austria, Bavaria, Frapee, fcpaim England, and North and. South . ... . . . i -1 . . i : i j i i i a i . w a 841 Auieriea, in loot tnrougnoui me wooie ciuieu worm. a amn winim n PREMIUM at vry triit', bain in Europe and Ameriea, since tbe World' Fair at Pari ia 1867, siuoo which time taany valuable Improvement bave been added. ' r. '. . . ;-' ':', THE One fc Twd-Horsc Double i5eaid Mxl- never clnjr. They are the WONDER OF TIIE NE8S OF DRAFT. - - ' U1 Mowing Attachment, ttf,tbe m'of eotflploto and dofirsole Reaper, either (a Europe of' Amerl oa, and b d CCrMPLEt! REAPER and a COMPLETE MOWER, being two separate machines. WE CLAIM fOfV.THE That tAe, are tb LldltTEST rRAFT. the QUICK (!Sf nd BEST MO 108, :. a? ? the MOST DURAHLE. That they LEAVE THE BUNDLES IN THE BEST SHAPE, and ara tbe EASIEST HANDLED of any Moving or Reaping Machine either la Eufop'o or Vtmorica, r '-tf XTuTistnt th6 ttobd Maelinel to be dk lti"r6irited.-fS3s Ili'Vt? ( ; 'ar A full assortment of EXTRAS constantly tept hi i& uf Jgmoi3.-tt . ' iY.4-C li't.'ifa AtSd HAVE THE AQENCT "6?. THB;..i.,i''V .O' Haines headers, WitA $ tfCfdlf jilROVEjlET whioh ! If yoa buy a Header, be sure you get the II AIXES with WoodV ltp ImprOTC menta, a they were only added in 1371, ' I 5 ' : SEND FOR. DESCRIPTIVE BOOK. - Albany, Mjr 3, l8?2-v7n38yl. , 0fft( t C. B. Compels t. Co' Warehouse. UNRIVALED UNEQUAL ED '"-'' AS A - REAPER! THE ROAD. lirl Iflounted' WEB abb raa CIIEArENT MOST ECONOMICAL ! Mir, AS -.' ii i V ts POWER O 8ATISFACTI05T 1 rotP' raax SY OTHER HORSE - -ss -4Pv WITH Patent ROLLER - BRAKE ! 500 SOLD LAST YEAR! F.fcT WAGON. THC BEST WAQ0N ON THE PACIFIC COAST 1872. NEW AGE for Strength, Beauty',' Capacity and' tfOllT- - - WOOD'S MAOHtNES 5 renders it ono of tho BEST HEADERS tsUat ,V, ADVERTISEMENTS. ; P. C.-HAKPER & CO. WK BKO LEAVE? TO CALL- THE AT teotiun of tbe public to our large and WELL, SELECTED STOCIC f GENERAL MERCHANDISE! Consisting f tbe latest and. t MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES ' bllESS GOODS, -i TRIMMINGS, :v IsACE COIsZsAAS, EMBROIDERY, SHAWLS, And IANCY NOTION'S I in the GENTLEMEN'S - DEPARTMENT! W ntTet th lrt tyle Cn Clothins; s 'the best ltt underwear ibe nobbiest tie' and scarfs; the nicest cjlove and Oauntlcta, and the ! ".D?i fTosr": a BoU C 3 and hboes. oxri "SIXK ABE ALE, THE RACE I f W keep aoaatantty on band a "'- FULL ASSORTMENT or Shot Uunn, ' a Shot Pouche Powder Flaks Gun Tubes. 8hot Belts Powder, Shot, Cap, la fact everything in the hunter' line. GBOCEBIE3, CROCKERT. 0tA8 UTAUt, POCKET AND TABLE CfTLKRT, , fiJIlUt, WUMtHTIC UOOUS. TO BACCOS. FRUIT JARS, WOOD AND WIL LOW WARE, . ARE ALL COMPLETE. Tbe stock of Mirror aad Picture Fran bb brace all sixes aad style. Call and elamine oar stock ia Foster's build lug. First it, Albany. Oregon. v7a38tt. P. C. HARPER A CO. BUSINESS AXHOI72VCEHE2VT. IX CONSEQCEJTCE OF TUB BEJltftlL of Jerry Drigg. oa of tbe Arm ef Driggd A Carter, from tbe 8 Late, it beeom tietfeasary to settle up the business of said firm, a far as practicable, to tbe present slate j tu4 iit order to do o, we, the partner of saM flrnif have made a settlement of our aceoont pd dirUitn of the claim due to said firm, whereby claims tj the amount of $510 6S bave been duly transferred to Jerry Drigg. and placed in tbe head ef Powell A Ftinrt for collection, and claims to the amount of 9tf 1 SI have been duly transferred to EH Carter, wno will attend to the collection of tbe same in person." Parties bavinjr, elaimt agatshH (aid firm will present them to Eli Car ter fur Settfrmrnt. , TV bntroes of said firm will be continued for the present with E. R. M. Carter as book keeper and general superintendent, and Mart. Briajrbaa as principal mechanic. Wo return oar thank I for the liberal patronage heretofore received,-atMt ask the continuance of the same from a generoo public. Our machinery baring been thoroughly overhauled, in Cherry's best stl. we ifre now nreoared to furbish ail kinds of work tfsualry put up in a planing mill or sash and door factory, and guarantee satisfaction. Ulve ua call. ' DKIOUS A CARTER. . April IS, 1872. , ,, - n36tf. SHERIFF'S SAEE. q , , N0TICB IS HEREBT GIVEN THAT BY virtue of an execution issued out ef the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregoa for Linn county',' and to me directed and . delivered, - jr favor of ' tha. State of Oregon, 'plaintiff, aad against P d CarmiebaL defeudent, for the rata of $892 75, interest and eost of suit, I have this 1st day of ATay, 1872, levied upon tbe fullowinr desoribed real estate, as property of P Cartni chal, to-wit t . The donation land claim of J W Strinirer.' desispnateA and described An tha land office at .Oregon City, Oregon,' as notification 4,2o," etaim It bint the 8 W i of tbe N E 1 aad the 8 K J ef N W i and N W i of the. S tt M E- i af a- VF i of Seo. (11), T P (13), South Range (I), West, Wilt, meridian, Lisa eotffity,' Stite of Oregea. And on c Monday, Git 8th day of June, ISIS, betweenth hours of e'elock A If. and 4 o'clock FM, of said day to-wit:, SuHduek 1? M the Court house door, in the city f Al bany. Linn eounty, Oregon, I will H'i the above described real property with all tb appurtenan ce thereto belonging or In orie apper-ain-ing, for cash la hand, at pab'.io auotiua hf highest bidder. ' ' .,'. Dated this 2nd of Way, A D 1312, R. A. IRVINE, Sheriff. Llaa ooaty,0r. ",4M COALiOIIwl 1,QOO GALLOnC! A LITTLE LOWER ; vTnlStf By BX, AI9T, TOUrO CO. HOMp SHUTTLE SEWISTG MTCnrSES. Plows, and all kinds of Agricultural" Im- at hHLDD. g s: 3 1 g s I Z j ' 2ts'3,8 1 -'S3 t j a45vs g Sm ll '1 s .; . . , r. -' SJ v Jl DVB B T I S E M E N f S . 701. WAR, ga?SWARE, CROCEERTi J..Ac Ao ga to WHEELER. u rfj"l ARDWARB r FOt - BU1I,IER9 2 FO Kmiths. and for Farmers sold rheaw bv HEELER U RIIEDD. WOOL SHAWLS, LONG AND SQUARE; Piaid and 8 tripod, for sale b W HEEL- KK mt HI1EUU. SOAP KANE'S CONDENSED, THOMAS' Cool Water,' Bleaching, and otbef kinds uid by WHEELER - . tt SIIEDU. 1 1 m if. 3 task - ' g o 5-2 CO 2 H fa Z. M f.: PRIVATE MED1CM AID- . -' QtJlCfc CURES AND MODERATE' CHARGES. Dtt. W. K. DOllERTY'S PRIVATE MEDICAL AN 3 8URSICAL INSTITUTE 1 f-yKsv 5X9 .ftatniMat Stresrt, cerusr ef Leidesdorff Street, (a few door . . bvlew What C freer House. : Private Entrance oa ' , ." Leidesdorff street, - . ' Saa rranciitoo. tetallimied jyrsesfy t afford (A mfflicttd eaawc, aaaf ecientijic medical mid im tie treatment etnd ears ef mil Private and CArea -!" te SieVUem, w of Sere- yXlt-. '- v temdetll Sexaai vi--v'i 'i.5" . . ..' Jiiearder. .- . t ;:. . fd THE AFFEICTElY DR. VT. E. DOHERTT RETURNS flfff IN cere thank-to hi aasserous patiebti for their patronage, aad would take thrf opportunity to remind them that he ooatiane te eoasalt M hi laJtitate for tbe ear of ehrooltf disease ef the Lungs, Liver, Kidueye, Digeatrve aad Genite-Uri nary Orgaaa, aad all private dlsajare, via Syph ilis in all it forma and stages, Seminal Weakness, aad all the horrid euaaaqBeace of aelf-abnse, Goa- orrheea, Gleet, Strictures, tteetaraal aad Diurnal emission. Sexual Debility, Diaeaae of the Back and Loins, Inflammation ef the Bladder aad Kid ney, etc., etc.. aad he hopes tiref his lone experi ence aad successful etavtiea vriH-eontiaae to insure him a (hare of public aatronaae. By the aractiee of many year ia Earope aad the United States, he i enabled te apply the most efficient and rae eeasfui remedies against diaeaaea ef all kiada. He care without mercury, charge moderate, treat hie patieata ia a correct and honorable way, aad ha references' ef trnqweircioahble veracity from mem of known respeotability and high ataadiaa ia soci ety. All parties consulting him by letter orefher- wire, mn receive tne beat and gentlest treatment, aad implielt-ecrecy. .. ,. To' Females When a female is in trouble, or a-fiict4 arith diseaaa, as weakness of the back and linHisYpait ia the head dimness ef light, lea ef maaVwiar power, palpitation of the heart, irritability, ner reusnees, extreme urinary difilcoltie, dcrangc inent of digestive function, geaervl debility; va ginitis, all disease et the woe, byiteria, eterili ty, and aU other diseases peculiar te female; sbo hoald go or writ at oneeto the celebrated female doctor, W. K. Deherty, at hi Medical Insfitate and consult him aboat her troablaa aad dlsesic. The Doctor is effecting mere core fbVh any other physiciaa ia the State of California! Let aa fats delioaey pvvanye, od apply Irolmedfiafef al save yourself from painful moorings aad nreata- tdtM death. , AU Married Louliea whose delicate beali or other circumstances prevent aa ieres in their fsXiiliea, h"0oK write or eai'l at Dr. W. K. Doherty'a Modicsl IostHtrte, aad tbey will receive every possible relief and help. The Doctor' ofl eea are e arrange thai h 6a te edatuttod with out fear of obaervatioa. . ; . w,':....'!5rTa slawriAe'tfis.' ' . Patient residing ia any .part of the State, hew ever distant, -who may desire the opiaioo- aad ad vice of Dr. Doherty ia their respective eaae, and who thruk proper to subtntt A written statement ef Such, in preference tohoMrog i personal interview, are respectfully assured that their communications still be held most faered. If the eaae be fully intf candidly deseribid, per soaal eommailcation iifl be Baaeeeaiary,: a in traetipa for diet, rgiinen, and the jjeacral treat ment of the ease (in'etuding the remedies), will be forwarded without delay, and in such a manner . to eonvey no Idea 6f the purport f tho Irtter e paraerM'transmtttod. Coosulutioa hjr- letter or otherwise, rnart. Permanent cure caaTa.ted; or M pa. Addre, W. K. DOUERTT. M.D.. i , , Saa Francisco. CatiftmiM SpermattorrhorwVw "' "' Urt; Botirarr has jut publUae a tmpHaat pamphlet embd; lngbiowoTieas and experiences; in miction to Impotence or Virility, Vein; a abort rrtatf rt na Ppennatorrhes a or Seminal Weakness NeOvoda and Physical leaUy ep oitthia sffrrtfon. aad otber dawtarca ofa Seuai Organ. ,s Hhi little work. eptic iafoma$oa of the at mot value to !1. wheth'er married or' single, aed iU"be seat FREE ky mail Oa reeelpt of six oent 'in pnstawa r Vetera pnttape. ....- Alj..' . W. UERrr. M. D., TSnoStf - Jan Franciwco, Cal,