v. i ft iknannni A D V 13 It T.I 8. E M E ji T S . A D V E II T I S M E N T S . A D V E 11 Tl 8,E M E N T S . A I) V E It T 1 S E M E NTS. WIimEU'S, AT SIIEDD. ADVERTISEMENTS. iDVE 11 'f 1 S M BUT S S : " j ' I 4 ' 'Thenrthqnaie:' which ' :iems to hafvunti -Vtne ialtet - provoic.e ;an; . . jjiStriou victim illqstrationa ot' (account of its .present rankj but "s-ough the long catalogue of paat glories. An tioch was one of the sixteen cities orecte-.VT Seleucns Xicaton and by far the most manificeut of them. Thejocation is simply per fect, being ftcllie midst oT a large and fertile plain on the lefT batik of the river Or&nter, about twenty miles from the sea." Originally? it stpod upon an island' in the stream, buttlmi has long siufce'been uniteJvvvithJ'the main shore, ;ad now the remain of this once flemishing emppiuni Test partly on level ground, amVpartly on "the ruprged accent of MounitJasju. The slopes f.,the mountain, were: in former daysjjovered with' JuStiriant Tine yards, and even now th batik's of the river werVtringed with plantar tions of oriental fruit trees, vhicu give a most picturQ-que appearance to the landscape. vThrough its liar bor, Seleueeia, Anftpch ha4 maritime comtaunicafion witfy all the western ports, and across the vast Syrian des ert which lay in its rear, came ; cara vans from Mesopotamia and Arabia, bringing tb rarest productions of the East. Famou tor itswealth its luxuryxand classic refinement, the ancients called the -city "The Beau tiful," the "Crown of "the East," and it became the favorite residence of Homan aristocracy when Home gave laws to the world. hThe palace,-the Senate house;.the Temple of Jupi ter, the theater and many .pther-noble buildings yere -hardly '.surpassed in splendor by the T-'coicest architec tural monuments of the metropolis. At this era 6f its greatest prosperity, Antioch "was equal in size to the Paris of to-day, and so continued until the the decline and fall" of the empire "When the capital was transferred to Constantinople, the, city lost some of its political importance, but gained a certain theological notoriety no less than ten councils of, the ehureh.1 be ing held there. According, to tradi tion,-the Antiochenes were remarka ble: for 1 their, keen and somewhat scurrilous wit,- and thi3 'dangerous proclivity was the 'means of accom plishing their tuin, When the Per sians under Chosroea invaded Syria in 33S, the citizensj instead of mak ing terms with the conquerer, or pre paring for a desperate defense," con tented themselves with cracking. Tin savory jokes at his expense. It was rebuilt by the Emperor Justiaman, and maintained much of its former reputation until the seventh century, when it fell into the hands of i the Saracens, who held it itbcut "two hundred years. The Greeks under Nieephorous Phoca then recaptured it, but in lOSl.the Mobaauned&ns re gained possession, and svere in turn compelled to give way to the Crusa ders, who beseiged and took the city in 109S. In the thirteenth century it was seized by the SultaaTof Egypt, and has ever since owned -allegiance to the followers of the -prophet. Nothing is left of its ancient gran duer but a iaas3 of crumlling rub Uish, and the population does not number more than 7,000. SCISSORIXC.S. A sad do One who tarries long Live clams hare .b3en dag from " 'the prairie within a rriiie of Houston, 1 -Douglass Jerrold t said : 'E'e , ate the apple that she ;Uiight indulge in dress." . , ..-;,,. ; . ; - Cihfclnndti papers; oioit an issue on account of '.'the. inclemency of the weather." " . An English woman, Jately, t deceas ed, had lived over .100 years . without a siefc day. ' ' "OughV.iaen to votef'fs the tills of a leader in Woman's Journal of a recent date. v, A.disgljsted youth 'in '.Ka'sayiUead .'VerlSais hif glrj' as a liar,' because she . broke the. engagement. .-.' .-. .--4 -."- "Washington jb'aghostthathaunts ; the roof the Capitol,, and. .scares the police out of their;witj'3 . . , A woman lecturer opposes the ;co- ' . -education of the sexes-, . because '.'it is not Bafe to hold fire to flax." A female house painter ; of Toledo recently had a small boy arrested for looting at her as she ascended a lad ler.'. ",- An' ardent soiil in .Decatur has rid . himself, of a disagreeable jbyjther-in-- Jaw by greasing the eellar. Bteps, with ; Oap. -. ( ...11 a- : V.Te. wickedest woman in Bostqp' is named Jemima Jakes, She . claims to have yankeIT3.fty Juisbands from I "Slassa Christopher Columbus was a queer man," said a negro orator. , "A notion crossed him one day; and ', Horace Greely ia said to sometimes swear that he will quit the business of journalism'ahd take to r teaching ;! a. writing school for a liviog.-V u- r "Those who buy tomb'iifortes of ns look with' pride and .'satisfactipupn : . the graves of their , friends', is 'the advertisement o a Western "stone- cutter.' ';-:-:.r-';v,;tti! . The last question that has troubled philosophers is this: '' "Which causes a girl the most pleasure' to hear her self , praised olr-anothe, girl run ;' ''down?'' -1'; ;.' - " v";"."'1 ; , :1 ;; j,.-..'A jilted lover in Mobile, Alabama, stole the presents be had J given "the fickle fair one; while.' she 'was being married to his successful jival.';:.He : , is inj&ili . ?' ; is-j.fi !v.,i.i-ii ; , A political aspiran t after lan. "elec tioneering harrangue, met: his - par ticular friend with.'f "Well my - dear , '. sir, did you hear my last .speech?" ;"I hope so," was the reply. . ,- . The editor of the NewjOrleans Re publican thinks it must have been the proofreader who made bim call the " Govenor :'our enterprising thief,' when he meant to say ; "our enter : prising chief." ? ; J -c ,c: .. J In its news from the diamond fields the Cape Standard says that diamonds . 1 are drugs now, and that 'drugs are diamonds; that is to . say, . a very small quantity o qMinine is worth a pig precous stone; 1 SPJlING.GQQpSA V" SPilHG-!OODS ! if GEORGEUT URRELL 1 1 Has just: rejuivNED i from f an Praneisea with a large and exioueiva addU Itua to bia atock, wkivh bo is now Bulling at the HIST0CK IK rXni CONSISTS 01,1 Ppting and Suromor, Irvw Uooda ( lfrge ri etj), Spring nml ' f uuimr ' Pbawt ltot tyloj), L.1h'', Gent'a nt Cbililrvn' tfrn' Kid Gl-.ve ( White, - r , - . Jj.ok. , uU Colored). 'JatTj'asnritmi-nt of '1 jimininu. Friu- jC.-.l.Wjf ijc. Kuibroi derus. " GENTS' AND BOYS' CLOTK ..o. Gents' and liOys' Hats & CapS ! i AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK i T.-H t ' , . . . . 1 BOOTS AND SHOES! BASKETS AND "WOODEN WARS ! --GROCERIES !? All of which hi it offering at EXCEEDINGLY LOW RATES 1 !'' ! f '"C . . i ! ' " 1 (' ;.-'-'' ? i ' "Parties Farnishing shoal J call and our LARGE STOCK ! CAKPETS, RUGS. ,0IL CLOTHS, BLIXD5, CCRTAIXS ETC. UIG1IEST PRICE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE J TGood. dcliTersd to any part of town"T5 To the lnuiea acall ia vapeefcally recommended. GEQKQETTJH It E L L , IROXT ST.," ALBAXT 0REG05. J Sept. 15, 1S71. v7c5tf. iHOLLQWAY'S I t EyeiT MaftiisjjpiPiiyiciaiL ' 3S 5 catjtioit.' unprincipled partita to counterfeit tbeaa Taiu. . able medicine. ;v j ..." '. ! ordarto protect thapnb and rael a. n bare Maned a new " Trade Mark," conaiat. in? of an Esrmtum eirela of a v. ,,tbe letter H m tke wnt kT. lu June HotxoWAT's Pili and Oihtwkxt wiU 1 ' hmv t hia trnA mnrlr nn It . : withouTit- ' W N. Ti Carsccii. Co., Soto Proprietor, 78 Maiden Lane, Krw York. , , CbAX A lilUGHAM, ''' " San Pranciseo, Cal. t. '- -y. Sole Agent fnr the Pacific Coaat. ; f, . --'. i 7n24yl. .. . ... J, THE LADIES' F A VO RITE! '."JJIKSS. A. JOII W : , ; SXXZXXKEEtT! ESTABU S XI SHE N T ! - FASHIONABLE MILLINERY, ; AND - ; '' ' -( LADIES', FANC y, GO O D S ! ' KEPT? COXSTAJITLY:02? HASD. - DEESS AND CL0AK-M7 "TXG, ELEACH ing and. Preaains; dona . the lateat atylea and shortest order. . bbop np-ataira over J. M. Beacb'a (tore, Firat streeL . .,, :. . .) .; T6nitf. . . i ....... - . CHAIRS AJiP TURNING! . i i LL SIZES OP JW-klDE-BOnOMEli, - of tbe beat quality, well-finished, ean be bad at M E T .Z L E R. ' S SHOP! Also,, all kinds of TURNING done to order. Timber for if aba on band and fixed for turning paling.; I ;1 .Of -V . :- Vi'i .iJ-Metzler'aCbairKara kept on band bjr -JB. D. Moonr. A Co., Harriaburev . .j ,;,e25v5n28yL-.. ir . ; M. METZLEB." i u. J O B ; W A G O N- ' j HAVING PURCIIASED THE, 1NTEEEST 0C.tf-.Tvnng jp tbe .;,... n-. W ::v5 DELIVERY BfJSIESS, ' I am prepared to do any any and all kinda of joba on abort notice and witb-quick diapatcb. Terma reaainable. " Packagea delivered any part or toe city; v.1'", ? . i Look put for tbe bay team njid Job Wagon. . - vy7n22tf.:;(( , j ARNOLD. T HAVE A FARM OF ONE1 HUNDRED JL and five acres of land, in Benton county, witbin one and a half miles of Albany, wbicb I will sell on reaapuable trnia, - Sixty acres more Uod adjoining 'his place can be bad on roason able'terms. Appiy to v H. CHKADLE, o84j8- At the -Cash Store,-Albany, Or : r -lVOOIa J , WOOL It T7 ANTED 500,000 "OlTIfDS'.OF "ft ' Woel on- which we will make liberal ad Tanee, and pay- tbe-highest market price in Cart wj-ifflitr Tc stlako A SSorris. 0 YSTER AHD"SARDINErJjtTTS ANI Cand.e, and v otuer kniek knaoka h ,'" i f T t 1 r, II RUGS' AND UlEDICliiES-, PAINTS tMJ aad0ils, Glass and -.Putty, sold by at ic,ifi. GTS qir y igor, tfor restoring, to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and, Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and efloctual for' nreaervincr the ,i hair. It soon restores jadea or arav hair its original color, with the gloss ami freshness of youth. Thin Lair w tbickeued, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can roatore the hair whuro tho follicles are- de stroyed, or tho glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be eared bythis application, and stimu lated into: activity, , so that "a new growth of hair, is produced. . Instead of fouling lhovhair,with a. pasty sedi rncnt, it will keep it clean and rigorous. ,'lu occasional urn will prevent tho hair fronxturoirtff gcayvor. falling off, and consequent jirevent baldness. .The wtoiatioa" sof natality it gives "to the scalp' arrests and prevents tho forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and oflViisive. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, tho Vigor cap only benefit but not harm it If wanted merely; for . a II AIIl DRESSING, nothing else can bo found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., practical ami Anutjtlea.1 ChnulaU, LOWELL, ?IASS. PMITU t S1AV1. 1'obti.am.. Wlinlanata Ayer's Ague Cure, For Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, KomitKmt Fever, Dumb Asnie, VeriodiCiil or 11 Uioua Fever, io., . and indeed all the affootloua which arUe "from malarioua, znnrah, or miannaue TxjiaorLa. X :! remcr la louder called fur by the nc"liii- of tiH Aliifri-jn tM4titi!o than A ur and aale rure for rrvtr j mid Aajue. "u-"t ' am now ! tnablrd 10 ofliT, arliii ,crtoct 1 certainty lliul It tll orudlrate tin? ittr.-.'-.M-, n- d with aaaur an, nvuit'lM oa proof, that do bena can ar trom iu ue in ary quaniuy. .Tiini iiruii!.:U fiom or Tr.-Tcn!a lltla dia. ordrr twirl be tit bnl!ie-ia n-rtt in t! cmi. I Tnilnllii'i where it prvvaiU. J'rerrmhu U le!trr tiun cure. !" thf u:irnl the nk whirb i tut mul run ia viuhmt ntittP l UiU bul ll- um:n-r. Thi. "Cri:.u iawI. lf: miasm tun , poton of r'KVEK aii A'.i'i; from the ayvitrm. i and receu Uie lfr-i.iiii:nt of tiie di sn. if j taken on ibi tirsl ai iroa- ti or ua prrnnmltonr t unlv tbe lC)!t rinrly ai v't iiiafovaml rthi rln-a of comnlauil. 1, Dal a!o rhs ctieit. llmlnrKc i;nar.iiy w anii ilr for a dollar briiu.' U wttlun lb mu-li of cverjwb'1 -5-'5 "' bllwiai iitn.-t. whire ttr(H jih A'ii:i: prrval!. Mcry w'dy aboull have it, aud u- it I'. ci iy. 1m lor euro naU ro- twtiou. It i h"pp,l 'Jin prvc n .11 i.'u.r It witlun tho rcai-Ji of aii tnr s w !l a the ri-h. A preat euin-noritv t Uita retmlv ovrr any other ercr diovered f' xoe polity tnd rrrtam i curoof Infrmiiimu. l-.ihat ll cotitain no yui- I Jiinn or mineral; 5ni'immtly it tirwlure no i quinism oro::wri:ihi.-i'i: t3--:ihotcveru!on ; Uie ronitnt.n. iiiob cured i.y ll are aa bcalthv sj if lliey tiad ni-rer Ia.:l tlie dux-a. Kevtirand .Vriioin cot olino the nn.ciiirnp of the hnaxmuiis pii n. A irrrat f anety of ordera arUe lr':n it Irrit-iUon, aroona hk-h r Ncuraliria, Uhcumnu-itt, Uoul, Itraitarhr. .... i - V... f I. - I Palituaatuu. I'aintnl A?r1lon f thr fid.cn, HvnU-m-js k'Ma ill U. t'.'ji-l", i tilie. l'nralvria, j and Ueranimrnt f l!r Moinatn. nil of vju ll, when nrmmatiiix Iu tnii pnl on Uie in. i ternii;icnt tyi or t--"m .rrlH!ir-aL Tlila j Ct:i:" rxfd- tins pol, from the td'tod, anil convtint!)' nm ihm nit ahko. It ia an in- Tahiah! ro:e-.ion Vi iinmtinnt ami )vrm i travi-liiis or tBuitmrarily rei4iUi; in U;e main- i nou iitri-U. If t-iki-u K-z-axioiially or ihuly j while rx;onil to tile infi-rtinn. th:-,t will be tx- I rreUfd ir-m tbe yUvn, a:.d rami"t ;'ccunituale j in nili"tit quantity to ri;n mu di'M-r-w. j Hen':..- it is em mnf ra'uahl." for prot-tlon j th.m curt?: rnl lirarwi:i Mrr Mici r irora iiikt-mitu-nti if the av;-il t.'iciuscttea of tl:o protec tion tliiii remuiv a'.rdi. l-'or. Xir-r am-,lninlm. arixins Irom torpld Itr of thrt Liver, ll i an exn-lU-nt remedy, Um ulatins the I jver into health? activity, and pro lii4ua; maoytruir reuuiriablo cures, where other cu-'dictuei fad. j : " ' nrrxna vt "Dr." CAY R CO Lowell, ass., JPrarHnl and Analytical Chemist, AND SOLD ALL BOUND THE WORLD. , VB.IVJE, Sl.OO If EM HOTTLE. . SMJ.TU A DAVlJi, Podtlakd, Wb..!eale Agents. I i . TSn43yt READ, AC1 W1SLY, Save m oxeyj T. O, XI ill a& f40Il, milE OLDEST DRUG HOUSE IN LINN B COUNTV, afier thanking their nuincroua friends and putrona for past 1 ivor, deire to merit a cuittinuanee of patronage by keeping constantly on band a full a apply of - . . Driigs, Patent Jleditincs, Perfumery, Oils, Paints, Dye-Staff, Brushes, Trusses, etc. Agents for Dr. D. Jnynes A Pons' line of med icines, tbe celebrated Unit Weed Remedy or Oregon Kbeuiaatio Cure', Ac., Ao. (j.in.iiiuiUy on bund, a good supply of Positive and Negative Powders. 5Puvsiciiins' Prescriptions carefully Corn- founded, m oiliier tbt,Eugliu or tier man lau- eare aIsoa7cnts for tb HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE one of tbe best Family Machines in use. Call and sec ns and satisfy yourselves; n , R. C. HILL A BON. . yOnltf .v;?i:T0 THE CITIZENS OF BROWNSVILLE &.VICINITY! THE UNDERSIGNED EEO LEAVE TO announce that they are Independent Can didates lor tbe purchase of all the OO tbey can get, for wbicb tbey will pay the HIGHEST in cash or goods, stock of , . 3IARS4CT PRICE ! Also tbat tbey have a full GENERAL MERCHANDISE! on band, which tbey offer, at lowe't rates for cash or produce. KIRK, IlL'-ME A CO. ,,BrowflSviIle, March 2'i, 1872. P; t. Call on ns before selling your wool. ' nSSmZ. ALBANY: COLLEGIATE: INSTITUTE. , ALBANY; OREGON. - THIS INSTITUTION OFFERS SUPERll or advantages to tbse who think more of & careful anil complete 'education than of simp ly p'ltduatinjr. Our motto : "A crown for those only who haFe fou(rbt nnd conquered."" HONEST EFFORT, SOLID WORK, SYS TEM ENERGY, PROGRESS. in no sense ae tarian. -tetudente received a( any time. Send for cir cular. Address . R. K. WARREN, A. M., PreB't, 6n50tf ' '" Albuny, Oregon. . - AND THE f $ '' ( HIGHEST; MARKET PRICE WILL BE PAID FOB "W"" O O I ! Delivered at Phedd durinft the season. - . . A March20, 1S72, ... A. WHJEELER.' ' ' .t7u32ui3. r to St STILL JATER! GREAT IIUML'CTICKV!!!! v. SAN FRANCISCO STORE! COR. FIRST AND FERRY STS.. ALBANY, Kenps oonitint)y oo hatd a full assortment of STOVES, PUMPS AND TINWARE i : I aUo hnvo fr xulu tho ctilohralcd xi-.no3srr rttocic CcMik Stove, and oilier lundlna; at.rlva AIo innmifin'ture all kind of Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware, 19, t'"0'1 tyit at low rt. Fouc'ANiioit ruuii'c;i:: Alwtyt on hand a full "upply of The Purent WlnrM and Liquors t For Medicinal l'urpoaoa only. A well aulcctvd kttfcfe of GEOOEEIES A1ID 0E0.0XEET will alwv.l) fupnd at my jlaUl!abmaiit. I will pull all K'w.da In my hoWe.'fnr Canh or Prod 11 00 on delivtr.v, clicapur than lha oiieaiwd. fir All kinda n'inara rfpiiiryd. uo abort no t iiio, and aliitt('tiin gaufaiiteod. . . , I will pat the hlehra I'r'M for linm and rut ton KACifi, OLD KEUKlMI'DltK, elonii ii'r, .to. ' - Javflu21yl. JPLIW-OltAnWOirL.. lLAt;iifi.'IITIIIX ' ash r-. GENERAL REPAIR SHOP. riIIB l'XDUUSI(i.VKI I1AVIXO II E turned t Alliiy, and taken bia old ulu-p uu Ih curimr of KlUwurlli anil euul atrccta, auuouiiciN hia raadinca to attend to all kind of ULAt'KSMITlf 1N(S, JUI.t A MAC11I.NK ronoixo, ktc, . AUn haa oo band anil fur aalc, I lie CCQCZXZJ1XU WAGON, , Strayer Force-feed citAtrtiimii, star laounr,' CASTSTEEL, and etker TLOWS, which tie Will cell on ho moat rcnf.naMo tcrmf. I All wfrV entniateil to me will rcrie tiromfit i attention, and be rxeruird in tl lwt H,.itilt manner, wilh K'"l materUl nntronap U nlicitd. . A ahara uf i.uUho t-Shonon rornM Mtuworih and Fccead atrrU. ntpuaita I'earce'a r'trry. 7nWtf. V. HOOD, : i- A DOWitCHANi: T V 13 C fT CTO D C f ? Wl I I U J W I I Vli i a . W haro a larse and wt-H fclectffd t"rk of meli Jt boy nr and till Sd( CilifornU and Kn-iern Sbuta Ilrurana tiaiura Uilinuralla Oxford-Ti. Ae Ac. TO TWII Ia.lSt.S wonid any rail iu and lin: t onr rxtcnalv t. . ... . !.! I . - . 1 ....... . . .. Miaae and thildtca I loth A Istlttrt t.ait a I'lotb ud J.caiurr l iiu-.nr l ri.ora ail nuio at Kid faced Ili'.innr.ilU Ant'.ii.t-li.-, CiinG" A I'mnrvia Ilu.kii.a, Nr!rl A Nil-a.u Tica, Kid Oxford Tic. hlipxra. Aa Ac. Our e'd are "f latrat tyl and oftba but (uUtj'. all of w. i-h wo will m-II aa low aa can b buugbt In Orrgoti, and Martant than ' ' r " 'WF PIUST ST, ALBANY, OUKtiOX. viuClf. JOHN CONNER'S BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, ALJiAN Y. OHEGOX. DEPOSITESRECE1VED, 6UEJECT TO CHECK AT SWHT. 'S Interest lllowed on Time Deposits in Coin. EXCHANGE ON PORTLAND, PAN FUAX- CISCO, and NEW YORK, for .ale at lowest rates. COLLECTIONS MADE AMD PROMPTLY REMITTED r-fyBankinj boon, 8 A. . to 4 r. m.-TS Refer to II. V. CORUETT, 11 EN P. Y FAILING. Feb. 1, lS71-yl W. t5. LAUD. J. D. TITUS, DKAI.ru IX Watches,, Clocks, JEWELllY, ETC. ALBANY, OREGON. REPAIRING iF OLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac, : rv , PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ALL WORK WARRANTED. ap31vnn33tf THE JUSTLY CELEBRATED BAIN ? WAGON ! R ECOGNIZED EVERYWHERE AS A FIRST CLASS FARM WAGON. No other Wagon bas a Home reputation equal to "Jiain make, and it is the only wagon that haa been tented and known to stand this climate. In a word it is made. of the left materials and is the best finished wagon tbat cunies to this mar ket. . i We bare different styles of Hounds and Reach, Patent do. (so called) included . , , . jjAl3t,".uij0t; t-y. t v6n43 .. i Agents at Albany. METROPOLIS HOTEL1. CORNER FRONT AND SALMON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON. This New and Elegant Hotel, with New Furni . K ture torouguout,"; 'i'it, M IS NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Uath room for tbe accommodation of guests. FREE COACH; TO THE, HOUSE. jSST-COMI! AND 8KB US.tS; . . J. B. SPRENGER. - ... Proprietor WANTED, ACENTS ftlOO to $250 per month every where, JMale and Pe- imito. to introduce the irenuine improve M Alt' SHALL. NKWIXU SIACIIINK.- Th s machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, bind nruKl,. eord, quilt, ana emhr.oTrer in a most su perior manner. Prico. only $15, fully licensed and warranted for-five years. ; ,.W will pay $1000 for any machine, high price or , lew. that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, ormoreeliis tie seam than ours. It makes tbe ELASTIC LOCK STITCH.. Every second stitch can be out and still the cloth can nST bo "pulled apart without tearing it We pay Agents :00 to $250 per month, and expenses, -or m commission from which twice that amount ean ba made. For circulars and terms, apply to or address, H. ill A It SHALL, & CO., .. No, 102 Nassau Street, ' i . NEW YORK, CAUTION". Do not be Imposed upon by otb er parties traveling through the country palm ins off worthless east -iron machines under tb same nam or otherwise. Ours is the only gen nine and really cheap machine manufactured. I . . - n37m3. . , t - ri ASH PAID FOR, WHEAT. OATS, PORK Butter and Eggs by-WHEELER at SIIEDD. ECONOMY 18 WEAIaTII! TIME IS MONEY ! ! MATE YOUR TIME AXU ACCUMULATE WEALTH BY BUYING YOUR DKY GOODS, HARDWARE, GKOCEKIE8, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, CLOTHIAG, HATS AIVD CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES PILLS AND LLWIETS PAI.TS AND OILS IS FACT ALMOST ANYTHING TnAT YOU MAY HAVE OCCASION TO USE TO BE HAD UNDER ONE ROOF, READY PAY AND SHORT TIME C PROMPT PAYING CUSTOMERS will find, &b heretofore, at the store of the subscriber at all times a good as sortment of the ' " '-' BEST GOODS LOWEST PRICES , t .'. i i ; - I . ' i . ' ' 'All Kinds of- MERCHANTABLE PRODUCE BOUGHT Shedd, Or., AprilS. 1872. 1 T7n34mo, . a OABoTitr.Ba. 1- A. CAIIOTIIERS & CO.; DRUGGISTS ANO APOTHECARIES. FOSTER'S BLOCK. FIRST ST.. ALBANY. OREGON. -ir.At.icn in- DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, DY--STU FFS,0 ILS, GL ASS, '; TOILET GOODS, : I'rcnrh mid American Cologne, Handkerchief Extracts, CONFECTIONERY. Pore WiUei and Liqaon for Meilitinal I'wi. FINE TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. Family Eccipcs and PbyBic'aa'B PreEcip tions Compounded. DecSO'TO.vf-iO. ' A. CAIlOTIlEItS A CO. CHAS. MEALEY, rir-Atra iji FURNITURE AND CABINET WAFE I (Corner of Plrat and JViadalbln atreeti, at old aluiid of f. ilea jr A Co.) ALU A NY, OltEOOX. K' EE PS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A PCLI. mort.uui of aver) Ihitaar In fcia line that trada reijuirc. or an cntertiaiuj( uL!ic demand.. FURNITURE! Of All Kinds and Descriptions! itru.i ai noE)i.G, &.c. Partlrular attention will le raid to ordcra for UNDEl tTAKl NO ! nil all other ordra in my Iin wilt be i.rotnjitly atlcndvU to. Salitarti'om Gunrantctd and Il'ofi Warranted! CHAS. ME ALKY. Albany. July B. ! 9 Tln7tf. MONEY CANNOT BUY IT ! For EigLt ia Priceless UITTIIK Diaond Epcctacles TTill TrcierTe It. U TOU VALCE YOU- ETEEIGIIT I'SS 1HKSK Ground frm tninutc Cryolr.1 IVbt.lrs, mrlted to felbrr and derhei heir Ksme liiamond" on aeeountef tfotr llr!ar nnd ltrll- lunry. Tbry I lat tuny yrara feilboul baoe. and are wartaott-d aupiriur to ail others is uu. Jlsutfai lutcJ I y J. E. f-TEXCKK 4 CO. OrTKiiss. NEW VOKK. Carrto. N'one genuine unless stamped with our tr4 o taata. lor rinle by iU-'na:ble Agents ibroujbout tl.e I'utun. TITCS nilO'P. Jci'lrs ar.d Opticians, are Pol Aj;eU f-r Albany, Vn-guu. trout wbom tbey can be obtained. I tUlcra cuiploycd. vnnayl. CALL AT THE CASH STORE Urt. CHE ADLE, 1THEHF. WE WILL PELL TOU GOODS f at pruts that eauuut tail to suit all de siring i;, Good Bargains for Cash or Produce ! nunc: on voi'R dggsi WE WILL. PAY 23 Ct. FEU UOZEX f.ir all that wisy be utlcred, iu cash or trade, till further notice. - . LUt of Prices at Cbeadle'st POWDER Kill, No. 1. f tb, 62i ets. SHOT All sires, by sack, f lb, 13 cl. LEAD liars, lb. 18 el. C0KFEK "cl lb, 24 ets. TEA lb, ets. SALAR ATI'S f lb. 12 rts. ritEAil OF TAltTAU i lb, 50 ot. . 8UI A lb, 12 ef. ETARCU V B, ICS ct- R. CIIEADLB. Albany, Feb. 14, 1872. n27m3. ALBANY LARD OIL & SOAP MANUFACTORY. IIIE UNDESIGXED HAVIXQ C0MPLE ted and put in good running order their ,w .;!.. LAED OIL AND SOAP MASfFACTORT, in tho city of Albany, are prepared to purchase, at the highest eash rates, all the HOGS, RATXCin BUTTER, SOAP- ' ' GREASE, Ac, ate, delivered to tnem in this city. Tbey are now . manufacturing tand bavo on band- , . , .--.; v S : FANCY TOILET ASD CQS30S: SOAPS, In 'ireat variety. wa'rrnWd: cqiial to the bestjn market, which tbey offer to. the trade at the most reasonable rates. , . 1 ; Orders respeotfully ' solicited. , Satisfaction ffnaranteod. :- "l . fSir Parties having Hogs, Kaneid Batter, or Grease of anv kind, for sale, will do well to give us a call. E. CARTWRIGHT A CO. Nov. II, 1871 T?nUtf I MARBLEVORKS. ; mbiioK t ; STAIOEU, MONUMENTS,1 OBELISKS, TOMBS, HEAD AND FOOT STCSXBS, ''. ' bxbcot'b'p in California, Vermont, and ; Italian Marble ! ' ' '" ' SALSM,' OREGON. ALSO. BRANCH SHOP AT ALBANY. :': n: ' 6n3Syl , . ' v WILLAMETTE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. f ROM AND AFTER DATE tiNTIL FTJR- J-' ther notice, the Company win dispateh a boat from Albany ta Cervallis on TUESDAY ana FRIDAY of oaeh week. Also will dispatch a bont from Albany for Portland and intermediate places on same days, leaving Comstpck A Co s whart. Pare at rcrlueed rates, J. D. BILES, ' Def, 18, 187 1. " - Agent.' E. D. WHITLOW & CO., Importer! and Dealers In F-tJNITU'REl Ann ' I'lrst St., 3 doers below Conner's Bank, Keeps constantly on band for sale; Black Walunt Parlor cod Chamber Sets! Painted Chamber Seta! Bi-in? Room ranittiro ! Kitchen Faytltare of All Kind! H0FAB. i LOUXOEf. BI'KIN'a MATRKS.K3r -WhV A KlUtEKA VZVS, 'XAIil.KH, U-USTKAnR,'" EOCKIXa CHAIRS, STAXDS, BLUEAfP. WIIATXOTf?. BHACKKW. BOOK CAf KS, -KECKKTAiriES, DESKS, i ETC., ITC. UPHOLSTERING In all its branches. Or'lers filled with prompt ncss and dinpatcb. COFFINS MADE TO ORDER. Kepalrins and Mnnnfai-tarlng Done to Order. All onr wgrlt warranted. -Q Give n an Early Call and Examine onr Stock. (Sfiftds deUrerH tn any part of the eHy.-0. 7nz7tr. js. v. in i 'v a tu. NEW FAMILY GROCERY AXD ritO VISION STORE ! JOHN SCIIMEER, Cor. rirst &. Cllsworta Str. Albany, Or., Keeps constantly en l-aud a complete assort ment uf. Groceries and Vegetables' French and Fancy C&ndies! Wines and Canned Fruits! Cigars, Pipes and Tobacco And evert tiling e'se to ht found in a first class Hetail louiily tr.rery anl Xi'ti"in Extatilisb-ini-r.t. Lite ani Kt live." ia lay u tto. and ball ht tlio aim t.f uy manner of dealing witb cutomrs. Call and a.e uie. vTnSTvl. JOHN PCHMEKB. THE OLD STOVE DEPOT ! JOII BKIGGS, -PKXi.KU IS- !C00K , PARLOR A'tD BOX STOVES ! Of the Sect Patterns, SHIET-132JI AKD CSPPER-WAF.E ! And tbe tunal aiui-infnt of furnishing goods touad in a Tin Store. Eaoairs Ueaily od Proptl7 Executed! On r.easonaUe Term. " Sliort lierhtniny Xuke Long FrUtids!" IKONT-ST., ALBANY, Xexl Door to P. C. Harper A Co Store Dee.Sv4alif JOHN EUIOGS. C4KT BIGHT. C. A. . aoun-. CAHTWCIGOT, WESTLiKE 4 3CRE1S. GENERAL COMKiSSION Attn Forwarding Merchants! Hare eonatautly on b ind a lare and varied asaoitucct or AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, , Which tber offer 'S the most reasonable terms Also on band tbe celebraied JllltCUel WftgOUM ligbt and heavy. Atv&nces made n Grain, V.'onl, and other approved niercbandise con!ignel for sale here, or for shipment to Portland or San Francbco. GIMIA' ASD WCOL Taken in store or parcbased at the hi?rt mar ket price. wn3IU. W. II. KUIIN & CO., DEALERS IX IIVXX W4IE I-FIO-nT Sc STEEL 1 Springs, Axles, TLimbic Skeins, etc. Also, a well selected stock of ; TVacroii T i in bcr! SpoJces, Hubs, Bent Iiims, Shafts, Poles, Hickory Jxlcs, t-c. ' '- i FARMERS' and MECHANICS' TOOLS; : CONSISTING OF . , . ANVILS, VICES. BELLCWS. HAMMERS. HATCH- ; ETS. SLEDGES. SAWS. PLANES. . CUOSS-CX'T AXD SIILL SAWS! Together wit4 a large Assortment of WOOD AND WILLOW WAKE. aar Store in Montoith's Fire-Proof brick. next door to Uluin, Youngs A Co. -: -W. it. A CO. Albany, Jan. 13, lSnn22L HUNTER'S GRAIN SEPARATOR. ROUNDS, WOODCOCK it CO, ; PfiOfKItTOES A.D MASL'FACTUEERS, ' JUNCTION CITY. PRICE REDUCED TO FIFTY DOLLARS ! ! IT RECEIVED FIRST PREMIUM AT THE State Fair of 1870. Orders promptly filled and Machines forwarded to any point on the Railroad. Address i v ROUNDS, WOOSCOCS & CO. n24m3 . Junction City. Tri-Wcelily Stage JLinc!! THE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW RUNNINS tri- weekly stage from Lebanon to Albany, earrying the U. S. Mail.-, leaving Lebanon ev ery Monday, Wednesday and Friday , mornings, and returning, leave Albany at 2 o'clock P. M. of said days. Passengers called for In any part of tbe city. Packages and light freight punctually delivered at low rates. All business entrusted to me will be promptly attended to. W. B. D0NACA. Lebanon, Feb. 16. v7n28tf. t , CLOTHING -AND BOOTS AND SHOES a fine assortment very low by WHEELER lit SIIEDD. MILLINERY, DRESSMAKING,- -inn LADIES' AND CHILDREFS FURXISIIIXCS IIOL'EX TnE TJNDEESTGXED HAS OPEXED A new stock of Millinery Ooods, Trimmings Ladies and l.hilfJien s f amisfainc; beods, of all kinds, of tb latest and most fashionable styles,, wbicb sbe offers to the ladies ef Aibawy and surrounding country at tbe lowest eost rates. In tbe Iresraiakinff department I (baraatew entire satisfaction. Charges liberal. , SPECIALTIES:'.! - cLOTiinio. Alwoys rnt band Ladles' and Cb H J rea's ramdy made Viiderclotbing, Cloaks, Sacks, Aprossvote'' 'ME8 :TWMM15.68.;:i v,- ,-. -- A o ex fenfire variety . of ' Silk. Sstio, , Cottea' and Woules Press Trimmings, always ia sterew- CLOAMIX9S, ; : -;l Hooy eoreI, Astraeaa aad ITaseiysaei Clb of tb best qnalities. ii-rt '--: Jt3,TC, . . ' ladies' and Cbildrea's erisspfef swfr of lorsr and Kwa-aVvwna of lis latest style,: . - ; CfllSXOXS, " - . latest FfyT f Caijaots eart rally bas t low UgariS. " ' Lining wd findings of all (rradcsaad sssf ities J a fail atwortaaent of Jseeaeta, Xoslias Rmkrniderie. XiaprT'linens, Kid aad all ethos" varieties of tierc. Hose, Ac, Ae. Our deterniaati'Tn being to t;tr saffrfaetlea itf style ard oatH of work, aad prices, we ask as bare of public pxtroaaj;'. Call tit oar stores oppnaite A. Carother & Co., firm fit.. Albany Oregon. MRS. II. X. GOCLT. sTAc;ent for Jrlrs. Carpenter's Celhrato Dress Modet.- vJalZtf. IJEEK! 13EE11I! ALBANY BREWERY! CHAN. KIEFKK, Pre'r. THE BUESCBIEER HAS JCST EEECT ed a new and first-eiasa. 3 i "w i - r - On Croad Alb in between First Street ana tiie mver, ; And is prepared to furnish VHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS PRIVATE FAMILIES, OX SUORT SOTICE! ill Orders Delivered rhfreTer Besired. He Warrant bj EEEB MACE OF THE EEST MATERIALS, PERaPCCTlsY EfEAIsTHY lie is confident he can give entire satisfaction t aiL Dec 59, '66, v?nC0if JA.f2ESL.OWA.,. (scccessoa or a. cowas a co.) Ll J3 AX OX.OHEG ON . dealeu nr GEXECAL ZICRCtSASDISE ! , WILL KEEP ALWAYS ZH KASO A FULL STOCK or ID rl " GOODS' GROCERIES! t Iloota and SlswesI All for Sale at the Lowest Prices for CASH orFUODUCK. All peron owin? A. Cowan A Co. can settle by calling; on me at LeLao"Q- J v7n24tf- JAMES L, CO WAN. ALBANY BOOK STORE E. A. FREELANDv : BOOK-SELLER APiD STATIONEi?, ilbany - - - - Crei Ift ESPECTFCLLY IXF0KMS TBI PCaW 4 lio tbat he i now ocenpyie a stand ia .- PARKISH'3 BOCK, Wnere all are invited, aasnred that Geeds ia 111 line are sold at the lowest cash price. " coxsumr oxsi.tn: '. AXDAIID AXD IlSCELliSZerS Juvcn ile. Toy Gilt nni CL ooa , 601.D rcss, ASP SCHOOL BOCKS AND STATIONERY! j , , Of every kind used in the State. . ., ar-BOOKS IMPORTED TO ORDER,; at short notice. . eel a Sly LADIES' EMPORIUM! MRS. WL 1 A. ER1DGEFARMER, FASHIONABLE Ml L Ll N ER Y "r.3STO-" C3-003DSI DRESS AXD CLOAK. AKIXG I BLEACHING AND PRESSING IN LATEST STYLES .. . JSrSohp on south side Tain at, tiro doora east of Mealey'a shop, AtBAsr, Orego.s. . 1 - ' t ' ' v6n46tf. - "' f FOR THE HARVEST CF 1872 , PITTS THRESHEHSVT ( u , HAINES. HEADERS r L.ATEST IJIPR'TED MOiTERS I ,.t,-l".': And AUKindaof-i ' l'J Agricultural Implements I : CONSTANTLY" ON HAND t- C I' - J-' V-i ll l- A!so the . " ., CSLSDRATSD DA IN W A CO fat . .ELAIN, YOUNG A C& vOnSTtf. Albany, Oregon. JiOTlCE..r;VC ' OREGON A CALIFORNIA - RAILROAD Company, Land Department. Portland,. Oregon, April 5, 1872. Notice is hereby given,, that a vigorous prosecution -will ba- instituted against any and every person who tresspass, upon any Railroad Land, hy cutting and - re-, moving timber therefrom before tbe same ia. BOUGHT of tbe Company AND PAID POR .All vacant Land in odd numbered, sections,, whether surveyed or unsurveyed, within- a dia tanca of thirty miles from tbe lina bf the- road belongs ta the. Company., - ' . , , , "I. R. M00RES. , v7n35tf. ..... Land Agent. fubs! rLitii t Funs V fTIHE HIGHEST PRICE PAID I ,CAi I for all kjpds of Fnrs, by 7n26tf - BL-ZIX, & CO.; 5 1