She ilemoctat. FRIDAY. -MARCH 13, 1872. ! 11X3 mm DESOCRATIC CQ.WEXTION. In pursuance of the action of the - Democratic Central Committee of Linn . county, the Democratic Convention will be held at the Court House In Al bany, on - ' Saturday, the 23d day of March, 1872, at 11 o'clock, a. M., for the purpose of .- electing 12 Delegates to attend the Democratic State Convention and of nominating the following candidates for County Officers, to-wit: Five Rep resentatives, 1 Couuty Judce, 2 Com missioners, 1 ClerK, l shertst, 1 Treas urer, 1 School Superintendent, 1 As aessor. 1 Surveyor and 1 Coroner, and for the appointment of a County Cen tral Committee, ana ror tne trans action of such other business as may be deemed necessary by the Con vention. It la hereby recommended that the Democrats of Linn county meet at thejr usual places of voting In their several nrectucts, on aiuruay, uie 10111 day of March. 1S72, for the purpose of cnoosing delegates to represent mem In the County Convention. The ratio of apportionment 19 based on the vote cast for the Democratic candidate for Governor in tha year 1S70, giving to each precinct one dele gate, and one additional delegate for every thirty Democratic votes cast, and one tor every fraction of fifteen votes or ovr, as follows, viz : , A. Vote. , . DtUgvlt. Albany Orleaa. 238 34 81 133 131 39 S3 37 71 SO nr 47 65 10 2 Jl S A 2 3 Peoria Harrisburg Brownsville... Brash Creek Center , STracuse . Waterloo , , . antiru Frank ii a Butte. Sweet Hone. , Xebaaoa.. tui ; JBy "order of -....1208 SI. V. Brown, I A. Parker, Committee. -A. V. Staxard, J 'SHE LABOS EEF0E3IEES. r Much to the disappointment and chagrin of the Radical party, Judge T)avishasignified bis acceptanceof the Presidential nomination tendered him by the National Labor Reform Con vention, which met at Columbus a few days ago, and warmly endorses the platform, which is anti-Grant, and really Democratic in every particu lar. It is fully, expected that Gov. Parker will accept the nomination for the Tice Presidency, also. Judge Davis is a Liberal, Republican and a long-time opponent of the corruptions t .' i I k: Vi viauio auuiiutoLiAitvu, auu 1110 nomination will doubtless carry with it the sympathy and support of the Independent Republican element of the country. Hon. Joel Parker, the -candidate for Vice President, is the newly elected ' Governor of New -Jersey nnder whose guidance and leadership the Democracy of "the -Jerseys" last fall redeemed their State from the short Radical thrall dom under which it had been placed bv the newlv enfranchised necrro vote. His Democracy is orthodox and his statesmanship of the highest order. It is confidently predicted that the nomination of this ticket will be enthusiastically endorsed bv the Independent Republican National Convention which meets at Cincin nati on the 1st of May. This move ment is a crushing blow to the Grant ites and leaves their cause in an al most hopeless condition. Lat the friends of civil reform and politi cal liberty cheer up, for " there is life in the old land yet." - ' "WoUAV SrMRiCE T.rsr Oir Judge Davis, who has received the nomination from the Labor Re formers, is a Justice of the. Supreme Court, and was appointed by Presi dent Lincoln. He -is considered a conservative Republican. Geo. W. Julian, his strongest opponent, well known for his views on the land aues- tion, had been warmly endorsed by the women suffragists, and his rer udi ation by the Labor Reformers shows that they believed his endorsement by the female roosters would make him a poor candidate for the people's suf- frarrpa YVja drno.f 1 r coo tin Wrr.A- hull-Anthony-Duniway tribe "slop over" against the Labor Reformers.' ' Time ojp Electing Congressmen. The time for election of Congress men nas been nxed by Congress oa the Tuesday after the first Monday in November, commencing . with the year 1876. . This provision will make the election of Congressmen uniform throughout the States, and will pre vent any importation of voters from a strong party district to a doubtful one. It will necessitate the changing of the time- of holding a number of State elections, ro that the State elec tions can be held at the same time as the Congressional elections. After the year 1876 there will be very few October elections. : ' The Clackamas Kads. "We are informed by a private letter from Oregon City that the - Radicals : of Clackamas county had a general .up roar in their nominating Convention last Saturday, and that a large num ber of "Pubs" swear they won't vote the ticket. The Good Templars got away with the Convention and the prohibitionists " ruled the roast." If the Democracy of that county make judicious nominations they will have no difficulty in redeeming Clackamas in Jane. ,-:.:--,.,.;... SA3t Clarke's lugubrious whines didn't procure him the nomination for Clerk of Marion county, by the Radi cal Convention last Saturday," and he says the Convention. was characterized by political " intrigue.: However, he gnlp9 the nom.nahojja down and say: "All we have to do is to piili offonr coataaud wade in and light for them!'" TEKPEEAN03 IN MlTICS. v The indications now are that the question of the liquor traffic will cut an important figure in our approach- political campaign and that strong ef forts will be made by the Temperance clement to wield apower in the choice of officers especially Legislators.- Many of the recent Radical primaries and County Conventions have adopted prohibition resolutions and declared themselves unalterably opposed to any but strict temperance men for office. Not one of the resolutions speak in favor of even a stringent li cense law they all point unerringly to Prohibition. ; Wo certaiuly do not believe that such precipitate and arbitrary action on the part of tho advocates of tem perance will result in any good to tho cause. Here on the Pacifio coast, where the restraints of law have been lightly lolt and loosely regarded aud where ouly a few years since tho ties perndo'8 bullet or the assassin's kuifo were the only guardians of rights or arbitrators of justice, it is hardly to be expected that the people are yet edu cated up to the prohibition standard which these temperance zealots seek to establish. Prohibition is generally regarded as proscription and is looked npon witfi disfavor by a large major! ty of citizens of almost every State in the Union ; and when tho friends of temperance attempt to establish it by legislation, the cause which might lie vastly benefited by judicious and con servat'ive measures always loses ground. To inject temperance planks into political platforms give the cause a partisan aspect and creates suspicion in regard to the purity of the motives of its advocates, thus weakening the cause rather than giving it a forwai impetus. .1 olitical; conventions are made up of men of all occupations and habits of life, and to see men in those bodies voting for ultra temperance measures whose every -day actions are wholly at variance with such doctrines appears too much like demagoguery and trickery to invest the temperance movement with any additional respect from the outside observer. The cause of temperance, in the ab stract, is a good and noble one, and should meet with consistent encour agement from all good citizens, must be kept aloof from politics in order to win the respect, countenance and support of the good and true men of the country A Dead "Isu-ue." Grant is the nearest a dead issue of anything we have yet heard. It is true that he is an "issue," but his name fails to awaken any enthusiasm or warmth in the Radical bosom. The Jfercury tells us that in the Radical Marion County Convention last Saturday the usual resolution urging Grant's re nomination was received in dead si lence not a voice being raised to ap plaud or " enthuse." There is no dis guising the fact that Grant's shameless nepotism, his corrupt jobs and his as sociation with and protection of Cus tom House thieves and all manner of scoundrels, long ago filled the people of the whole country with disgust, so that were it left to the masses of the Radical party of Oregon or any other State, to express their preference for a Presidential candidate, uninfluenced by the dictation of officeholders and nnpi incited political leaders, no re spectable body of men conld be found to name him as the man of their choice. . Prohibition-. The following res olution was last Saturday unanimous ly adopted in the Radical Convention of Marion county: Whereas, The fruits of the liquor traffic are evil, only evil, and that con tinually; inciting men to all manner of crime, and bringing untold miser ies upon innocent and helpless wo men and children. , And since this un holy, disgraceful and sin-enrsed traffic is a greater burden to tax-payers than free schools would be, therefore, Jietolved, That this convention is in favor of putting down the liquor traffic and building up a system of free schools. , This means prohibition in the strict est sense of the term and r,hows that the Radicals are determined to make a fight against liquor license in any form. The "free school" clause is only thrown in as ballast and has nothing whatever to do with the ulteri or prescriptive design of the resolu tion. . . .' ., . ... , The Mercenary Brigade swept the platter in the Radical Convention of Benton county last Saturday. Ben. Simpson of Yaqnina, and one Gingles, of Soap Creek, were' nomi nated for the Legislature, and Bush. Wilson walked off with the Clerk's bone as usual. Alexander, for Sher iff, was put up as a sacrifice for the rest of tho ticket Doc. Lee. was left out in the cold with the promise of a " fat thing" as soon as the election is over. A Joe Wilson delegation was elected to the "State Convention., ' Sad News. We are informed that recent news from Hon. J. S. Smith brings the sad tidings that he ' is , be yond recovery and likely to die at any moment. He is at Oakland, Cal ifornia. Mr. Smith was one of the ablest and purest men of Oregon, and his loss vtJI be sadly folt by our en tire State, r . - : !' 'Miss Vjh nie Ream, the Washing- : ton "culpti 6t, is said to be" on a bust or Grants He was on it several years himself. PACIFIC COASTERS. Wool at the Dalles 42c. pr. lb. Small-pox raging in California. Arizona crop prospects are good. Cara will run to Oakland by April 1st. " - 4: 7 A Montana man is domesticating buffaloes. Lots at Junction City are selling at $400000. Washington county has 1.8G5 school children. Lower California expects a big al mond crop this year. Nine prisoners escaped from a Ne vada jail last Sunday. . An Olympian was killed last week by tumbling off a bank. The Salem Chemaketa notel is to be re-openod August 1st. The Sandwich Islands are colo nizing Oregon Jackass rabbits. Laat Thursday three prisoners es caped from the Lane county jail. A sailor fell from n skiff and was drowned at Portland last Friday. , A Montana Judgo preserves order in Court by exhibiting a six-shootet. The Radical State Convention meets at Portland next Wednesday. The residence of John Stahl, of Walla Walla, was burned on the 21th ult. , A son of Frank Yocum, of Salem, was accidentally drowned last Satur day. There are 40 Chinese attending the M. E. Sabbath School in Port land. San Francisco last week received 8 car loads of dressed hogs from Iowa. Dallas has 440 school children. The number of each sex is exactly equal. The Nevada Democratic State Cen tral Committee endorse the passive policy. A man named Watts is shortly to bo hanged at San Juan Island for murder. Capt. English, of Marion county, last winter lost 8 horses by the blind staggers. A negro and his son were frozen to death in their house in Virginia City, last month. California expects to be crowded with Eastern visitors and tourists this season. The Jackson county Radical Con vention instructed for B. F. Doweli for Congress. Two men and a woman were drown ed by a fekiff upsetting at Sacramento last Monday. A Vancouver man Las inherited a large fortune by the death of a rela tive in France. Twenty-eight Indians were recent ly poisoned by a white man "at one sitting," in Nevada. A Radical Deputy internal Revenue Collector of San Francisco U a de faulter in ?3, 727 2o. Henry Denlinger, a retired printer, lost all his cattle by poisoning, at Ya- quina Bay, last we&k. Neatly .ll of the bees in Walla Valley froze to death last winter. "Dat bees pad, an't it?" Capt. Ainsworth has presented tho Portland 3fasonic Temple with an elegant and costly organ. An Idaho man concluded he would shear hU mule's tail. The 6ur"eon is assiduous in bis attentions. French citizen of San Francisco have raised $23,000 to assist in pay ing off the war debt of France. Delegates from Douglas county to the Republican State Convention are instructed for Dowell for Congress And now comes a model husband of San Francisco who killed . himself with a jack knife because his wife died. . : Miss Mollie Forshay now lan guishes in the Nevada Penitentiary for carving a saloonist with a carving linife. Two vessels which recently sailed from San Francisco for Coos Bay. Oregon, are reported lost with all on board. A Dallas chicken thief would have got away with his booty but for a rifle ball coming in close proximity to his bead. " 1 "Death Valley" is the cheerful name of a district in California, ' We suppose the Skull-and-Crossbones is the county seat. A woman, with a babe in her arms, was thrown from a wagon at Yreka, last week, and the babe's thigh was broken by the fall. . An Olympia lady is having a " robe made from the skins of birds, which will cost $1,000, It is said to be indescribably rich, -A whito man killed a dusky mai den of the forest at Santa Rosa, Cal., for which he is promoted to the Pen itentiary for 15 years. ' The body of a man named Magee was found with a bullet bole in its abdomen and its throat cut, . near East Portland, last week. An Eastern school mistress, who arrived at San Francisco last week, committed suicide because she couldn't get employment. After sitting two days as a juror on a murder case . in Wyoming a married lady became ill and had to be excused. : It was a girl. . Following is the Radical ticket for Marion county, nominated last Sat urday: Representatives, RufusMal lory, T. McF. Patton Wm. Darst,: Jno.. Downing, Joseph Engle; Clerk, J. J. Murphy: Sheriff L. S. Scott; Treasurer, J. E. Boynton;: School Sujerintendent, P. S. .Knight; As sessor, Thos. Shaw; Commissioners W. M. Case and Wm. Porter; Sur veyor, L. ,11. J udson; Coroner, T. W, Shelton. '' ' 'jV It is expected that B. F. Dowell will have the full vote of Southern Oregon for Congress in the Radical State Convention next week. The Radical Legislature of Cali ifornin have increased the expenses of the city Government of San Fran cisco $400,000 over last year. A California cow, determined not be overreached in fame by Mrs. OXeary's Chicago bovine, has given birth to threo calves at once. Brigham Young has now 27 wives living and 2 dead. He has only once in his life been "mittened" by a woman whom he wanted to marry. A postofUce clerk of San Bernadi no, Cal., attempted to got away with many government stamps, but now mourns in sorrow in the county jail. A Bachelor's society of San Fran cisco has been busted up since Leap Year began by the girls marrying ofl all the officers and robbing the Treas ury. Small boys aro not allowed to ride on the construction train at Healds burg unless they have a pretty sis ter. The conductor is very kind to such. A Washington Territory man will cea&e to burrow in the ant hill of poverty, because his aunt bos died at the East and left him a cool mil lion. A Portland burglar stole a poor devil of a printer's silver watch lost Monday. That thief can't get any lower down in this world not by land. Tom. Merry, editor of tho Yreka Union, calla snow "thn frozen, tears of heaven t" Tom has attended a leap year party and has evidently got it bad. "Nevermind tho obituary, Judge," said a Montana culprit, when the court became pathetic in pronounc ing sentence. "Let's fix the time for the funeral." Sun Francisco has a German nam ed WachHchleghecshamel. His wife recently split her windpipe while standing on the back stoop calling him to breakfast. One day last month 3 sons of Mr. James Spray, aged respectively 19, 1G and 8 years, were caught in a snow slide in Madison valley, Montana, and all perinhed. Carrie Stanly, a beautiful and well educated woman, who left her hus band and went upon the town three years since, dropped dead in San Francisco lost week. It is claimed that the Radical can didates for Representatives in Mari on county are all Holloday men and in favor of Mitchell for Sa.nator. Of course Boise's friends are mad. In a row at Canyon City, Grant county, a few days ago, Joseph Old- field was stabbed in eight or nine places by "Dad" Akers. It is be lieved the wounds are not mortal. The Rads of . Clackamas county nominated, for Senator, Hiram Coch ran; for Representatives, Mallock, Biran and Crawford; for Sheriff, Ramsby: for Clerk, Peter Paquet. A California ewe recently gave birth to four larabs, three of which derive their support from the mater nal font, while the fourth is depen dent on the cold charity of mankind. Tbey are thrifty. Very good mines are bing worked on Payette river, Idaho, six miles below Horse Shoe Bend. Four men in ten days warned out $1,216 95. There is pay in the dirt all over the hills for miles around. An engineer on the Pacific R. R. has just found out that be can't le gally have one wife at each end of the road upon which he runs one at Omaha and the other at Sacramen to. He will be tried at Sacramento. ; The Stockton (Cab,) 11 -publican anticipates that the wheat yield of San Joaquin valley this year will ex ceed 12,000,000 buBhels, equaling twelve-seventeenths of the total wheat product of the State in 18C9-70. A boy murdered a Chinaman , in San Francisco and was acquitted by the jury, under instructions from the court, because of his great juvenility. All the little boys can now fearlessly turn ont and kill the- heathen Chinees.- '; - f; ' ! ' The sexes were made for one an other," was the text of a lecture by a young lady in California, recently. She nppealed to the feelings of her uudience to prove the truth of her wonderful 1 discovery. Great ap plause. .. The. Democracy of . Washington county are to hold a mass ' meeting on the 23rd irist.,' at which Hons. Geo. R. Helm and Ben. Hayden are expected to be present and address the people. A rousing time is an ticipated. ' A young roan of Eugene took - a glass of whisky the other night and shortly afterward yometed a tape worm 47 feet long. The whisky was too much for. the worm. , The reptile died of delirium tremens, but the young man still lives. ' ' I s J Following is the Radical ticket of Douglas county: Joint Senator, J. P.' .Watson , Representatives, . D. Bushy, J. F. Cooper j George Riddle; Sheriff, James Wright; Clerk, L. L. Williams; Treasurer E.' ' Livingston; Assessor, N, Davis; Commissioners , L. Kent and J. Jackson; School Su perintendent, W. Todd; .Coroner, William Royal. aniimmi sum. anaiaiii ' ' NEW fa AMP3HIBE ELEOTlotf. The following special dispatch to this paper, received yesterday at the hour of going to press, indicates that Now Hampshire has gone Republican by a small majority: Makciiestek, N. II., March 12. Returns from the State, so far as heard from, indicates the election of Straw by about 1,500 majority. Republi cans are holding a congratulatory meeting at the City Hall. Republi cans have made a gain of seven mem bers in this city, and have probably scoured a good working majority in tho Legislature PouTSMOUTir, N. II., March, 12 Tho Republicans are jubilant over the result of tho election, and paraded the streets till a late hour with bands of music. Marcy (Dem.) is defeated by Warren Brown, in this Senatorial District, by 2,000 majority. Gleaned From the Telegraph. Thursday, March 7. A dispatch from London says the claimant to tho Tichborne estate has withdrawn from his case. He has been arrested and was conveyed to Newgate this morning. A Washington dispatch says tho Government to-night gave a grand reception to the Japanese Embassy at Masonio Temple. Fourteen hundred persons were present, including Messrs. Colfax, Itlaine, Fish, tho Judges of the Supreme Court and many others. The President did not attend. Threo Justices of Cistleton, Staten Inland, wero fined 8150 each yester day, for crimes in office. Other jus tices were fined $110 each, and the County Clerk was fined S0 for being drunk at the town election. Some of the nbove are to bo tried for perjury. While a man was being buried at Tarry town, Pa., yesterday, he was discovered to be alive, was taken from the coflin and is now getting better. There is a great excitement at Sioux City over the reported discov ery of immensely rich gold fields in the Black Hills, Dakota Territory. A company has been formed at Sioux City, with $l00,i;0J capital, to organ ize an expedition, which it is expected will leave for tho gold region about the 1st of May. Everybody here fully believes that tho richest mines in tho world aro situated in tho Black Hills. Two Chicago girls, aged 10 years, arc under arret for highway robbery, having garroted and robbed, of mon ey and jewelry, on Sunday last Cath erine Burns. Tho young exponent of woman's rights held her tip and went through her in regular footpad style, and threatened her with death if she squealed. Tho Democrats of Troy, N. Y., yesterday elected their city ticket by one ihouxand majority. Several persocs froze to death in New York yesterday. lion. Thomas 31. Brown, a distin guished attorney of New Albany, In diana, returning home from his office lat evening, suddenly fell on the pavement and expired almost imme diately. Yesterday evening Colonel Lotham, a prominent lawyer of Paris, Tennes see, was shot and instantly killed in 5 difficulty at Henry Station, .Tennes see. Letters from Fortress Monroe say the storm on Sunday wan the most sever for fifteen years. The wind at tained the velocity of78 miles an hour. At Norfolk the storm caused the sus pension of business. A Raleigh, North Carolina, dispatch savs intelligence is rereived of the killing af Henry Berry Lowery, chief of the outlaws, by his brother Mvphen Lowery, one of the gang. Stephen confesses to the deed, and reports in person to the authorities at Roanoke. Saturday, March 9. Another Atlantic cable is to be laid between England and America. A special from Melbourne reports that the British sloop-of-war Rosaric, Commander Palmer, has recently shelled and destroyed several villages inhabited by tho murderers of Bishop Patterson. Germany had heavy shocks of earth quake yesterday. The trial of Major nail, of New York, slowly progresses. Over $300,000 worth of steamboats and cargoes were burned at Cincin nati yesterday. Mrs. A. P. Barker spoke at Cooper Institute, New York, last evening in opposition to the free love doctrines of her sister, Woodhull. She said sho believed her sister insane. Sho de nounced Tilton's- biography of the Woodhull a series of slanders on her family. Albert Harvey (colored) was ar rested at Lima, Ohio, yesterday, for the mnrdcr of his wife at Indianapolis, nine years ago. G. W. Purdy, at Newbury, N. Y. yesterday, during a fit of insanity, at tempted to kill his mother and: two sisters, maiming them with afire shov el and cutting them with a razor. Greeley, in to-day's Tribune, says the following in his note declining to havo his name affixed to the call for the Philadelphia Convention: "Friexd Chaxdleb: Please not attach my name to the call for the National Convention. I stayed away from your meeting on purpose to keep a positiont of independence. If we have trustworthy assurances of reform at tho White House, all right; but I'm not inclined to help our Leets and Stockings to another half million of plunder. Yours, . . . Horace Greeley." Sunday, March 10. Congress has passed a bill allowing $100 bounty to soldiers, their widows and orphans, who were mustered out of the service, prior to the 6th day of AUgUSt. It is reported that tho President has intimated to United States Attor ney Bates, of Utah, that his resigna tion would be accepted, but that Bates' friends urge him to decline and await his removal, so that the reasons may be made public The house bfNCaptain James Bry ant, of Maohiasport, Maine, was burn ed this morning. The captain, his wife and two granddaughters were burned to death. . The Medical Commission find O'Connor, the assailant of the Queen, sane, but an enthusiastic Fenian. 0'Connor says he used aa unloaded pistol because ' be only wanted to frightened the Queen to sign his doc ument. Ilcr death would bring the Prince of Wales. to the throne, an event the prisoner does not desire. A dispatch from Brownsville, Tex as, says that on Monday a party of armed men, supposed to be Cortmas',' crossed the river at Santa Maria ranch, thirty-five miles from there, and cap tured all the residents, including two Custom Inspectors. They held them prisoners while a thousand head of cattle were stolen and crossed. They then released tho prisoners and re turned to the other side. Monday, March 11. Three negroes entered a house and murdered an old man in the presence of his aged wife, at Shelby City, Ky., yesterday. - Quite an excitement was created at the Burlington and Ohio railroad de pot at Wheeeling, this evening by the discovery of a box shipped from Cin cinnati to Thornton, West Virginia, which proved to contain the remains of a human being head, legs, arms, hands, etc., completely severed from the body. It is believed to bo the corpse of a female. The discovery was made by a portion of the lid be ing knocked off in transferring the box, when a piece of the mutilated body dropped out. Tuesday, March 12. The Unionvill, (Southe Carolina,) Timet reports that parties arrested for alleged Ku-Kluxism were re-arrest-in Marion county last week by Depu ty United States Marnhal Williams. Much excitement exists throughout the county, where complete quiet and harmony lias prevailed for many months. Business of all kinds has suddenly beVn suspended, and in many instances work has been aban doned and laborers dittcharged the owners being unwilling to risk plant ing a crop, owing to tho prevailing uncertainty. Henry Landers fatally shot his fath er at Areola, Ills., )at week. A horrible murder of a wife and three children by tho husband, was committed at a farm house six miles from Dayton, Ohio, on Saturday. Tito wife was found in bed naked aud strangled, and the children, age 1 eight and six years, and six months, respect ively, wero found on tho bank of a creek a t-hort distance from the house. The infant's bkull was crushed, and the two elder children were evidently drowned, and afterwards taken from the creek. The murderer's name is Marguard. Ho is arested and is be lieved to be insane. Gen. Longtrtreet and Gov. War mouth, of Louisiana, both pronounce against President Grant for Presi dent. Wednesday, March IX A Dayton special gives the testi mony before a Coroncr'n jury of Eliz abeth, aged 7, and Habbakuk, aged G, surviving children, of Leonard Mar guard. They say, after dark Satur day night, their parents hunted for all the children, but they hid. They heard their parents take the other children, tho mother taking tho two oldest, and the father the baby. There was a light; they saw their father and mother kill these three with their own hands. The father killed tho baby first, then the mother killed Leah ami Samuel. They then came into the house naked and began to pray to God. They saw the three dead upon the ground, and the mother and father naked. The two children were hunted for by the parents after the death of the three, but wero not found. They got away to a draw stack at daylight on Sunday, and stayed there, where they were found in the afternoon. Another amorous preacher, named Rev. Dr. Carter, is now mixed up with a seduction scandal in New York. Attorney Ge. Bates, of Utah, re fuses to resign, though Grant urgently invites him to do so. The" American Government after mature deliberation has resolved to present their case to the General Tribunal on the 15th of April, in ac cordance w ilh terms of the Treaty of Washington, even if the British Ar-J bitrators are not preseni, ana win in sist on proceeding to arbitration re gardless of any protest or withdrawl on the part of Grea Britain. The great New Y ork Erie ring, ol which Jay Gould is chief, has been overthrown. The grand jury of Hudson county, New Jersey, made presentment to the Court, yesterday, finding eighty three indictments against nearly every official in the county and in Jersey City. Doii'T Like It. The OregoniunW hugely disgusted with tho Multno mah Radical Convention of last Sat urday. The following withering sar casm which we clip from that paper of last Monday shows how Bro. Scott feels over the way the thing worked in that Convention: "The proceedings wero marked by perfect unanimity. After an or ganization was effected, the Conven tion proceeded to elect twenty-four , delegates. They were all elected by a single ballot, each of tho twenty four voting for himself and twenty three of his associates. To avoid all excuse for dissatisfaction, it was thought prudent not to elect any out sider to tho State Convention. We like harmony. Now if we could only get a county ticket nominated oq these satisfactory and harmonious principles!" A Portlander named Jno. Carry was found lying on his bed the other morning with his throat cut and with deep gashes in his side. He was too near dead, when found, to tell any thing, about the matter or how he was hurt. It is thought he will die and the secret of bis death be buried with him. Two young men, students of Mon mouth College, have been required to give bonds to appear . before , the Circuit Court, in April next, to an swer a charge of breaking ; into and robbing the store of Mr. Lindsley, at Monmouth, on Sunday night last. ; Head It. If you would learn how Penitentiary Superintendent Berry manipulated the affairs of his office under ' Wood's Administration, read the extracts from the Commission's report on our first page, pgrVor Coushi, 'Broaobitis and Consump tion, in its eany stages, nothing equals Dr. Pier' Golden Medical piscQvery. KESJASEABLE CURB Or TBS Sti PEftlNTENBfcNtf Or TUB aVADALOVPE MINE. ,'tbm vobx oots bravelv ok." cats no. 6001 HCCOMO gERtes. GcADALovpa Mmr., ner fUn Jom, 7 Augat 15, 1871. D. A. M. LOUTH t Co. For long tima I hr bacn fflleteH with Rbtnmntum in my hnmli and feet, the p&inn root of tb time being very (ever. On the 7th of Joly I jroerl some of your I'XK WEED REMEDY. nd f tor tkking only three bottles, And tbat I am toita rectore'l to health and strength, . 1 have bad the Kheumatijm for eleven (II) years, and tblok that the tueceM of the "VXK"' in earing a dioeme of long standing, in so short a time, is very remarkable As a tools and appetizer I bae narer mat with anything equal to tba "LSK WEED RKMZVT," Daring the time I a taking It I gained (15) punada la weight. ' Trastiag that this certificate may be asafal in inducing others affected aa I was to try tba "VKK." I remain, very truly youm, JAMKS T. BROWS, 27tf. Snp't and Agent Ouadaloupe Mint. AUEXTH WASTED! THE LOST CITY ; C HrL I C -A- G- O AS IT WAS AND AS IT IS. A HISTORY OP THE GREAT CHICAGO J fire. Truthful and accurate. A vivid and detailed account of the must terrible calam ity that has ever befallen tba civilised world. Hurtling Incidents. "Hair breadth 'scapes." The fearful ravages of tba fire fiend. . The re i ((a of Terror. Profusely and beautifully il lustrated, including views of the city before and sinea tba fire, still sublimely grand in its ruius. Orders will be filled and received. . Tba fasteat selling book aver sold by agents. Send $1 fr eanvassiog out&t and secure ao Agency imme diately. Agents also wanted for WONDERS OF THE WORLD. Ona Tboasand Illustrations, comprising start ling acmes, interesting incidents aud wonderful eveote in all Countries and amr all People. a. l. BANcnorr & co, n27w7. San francisce), CaL NEW ADVEHTISEM ENTS. NELDCT SCHOOL. MISS f? KLIN' A KffWMAX DESIRES' TO announce that Ibe will open s day school oa me lt of April, in tba building now occu pied by Miss Kikins, and very rosuectlully sa liriU tba patronage of tba public. Albany, March 13. 1872. n31 w2. FOR COUNTY MGE. I HEREBY AXXOUXCE MY-KAME AS a candidate for the office of County Jnd;e ( Linn couuty, subject to tba decision of the Linn county lemeralic Convoti'n, to be held in Albany on the 23d dav of Mrrb, 1972. Albany. Marrb 12, 1S72. Whi. LISTER. WOOL! 1VOOE,! "IVAXTED-5OO.O0O POL'XDJa OP f f Wool on wtiic we will make liberal ad vanccs, and f ay the highest market pru-e in cash. Cartwrijht, V7etla!ca A BZerrii. v7n31tf. WOnSCINGfrlEN, ATTENTION! If you want a thoroughly good ncwipaper, and one which advars toe cause of tba Word ing Classes, for THE N. Y. YEEKLY STAR. It is tba best, mo't ptry and cheapest paper publribed in Ibe United States. It contains re ports of tba DOINGS OF TKADK ORGANI ZATIONS throughout the Ftalce, BATES OF WAGES, COSDITIOX OF TRADE, Interesting 1' Fketebs and Portraits of tba Leaders is) the Labor Movement.. The Weekly Star COSTAIXS FIRST-CLASS STORIES, Best Selection of lliacelkneoua Beadicg to be found in any newspaper. I'svcairriox pices: One Year, - - $1.50. 1 Six Months, 75 cent. Clubs of 20, $l.ti cents per copy. Sample cop ies free. StH-rtpt'..t thonid be sent to THE TZXEX.? STAB, 13 & 15 Chatiiaia St, Xt. "Z. C. M. CABTWaiSBT. A. . HUBRIS. C. WCSTLAKC. ClETffEIGQT, hESTLIKE t X0SBI3. GENERAL CCOISSIOli Forvrartiinx .T2erehaats ! nave constantly on band a large and varied asortment of AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, " ; ... . . .. . i . . Which tbey offer on the most reasonable terms. Also en band tba celebrated Mltehel WssgOtsS light and heavy. Advances made B Grain, Wool, and other approved merchandise consigned fur sale here, or for shipment to Portland or San Francisco. GRAO AXD WOOI Taken in store or purchased at tha bigest mar ket price. v7n31tf. PIPIFAX! This celebrated tier-man Kittcrs In erenmem the appetite, rttu re lief for Djupepitia. Indigestion, Bllioaaaea), and Inaction of the Liver, i Ti it to ceriif. That tbe formula wed in tbe manufacture of the German Pipifix Bitters haa been submitted to my examination, and I cheerfully state the ingredients are well selected and eoutbined, producing a Bitters which will no doubt prove a bealtnlnl tonic, and PBOMOTB 01GET!O5. G. HOLLAND, 31. D., Member of the Board of Health in the City and County of San Jrranctsco. Dear S!n I have examined tha sample of Bitters d resented, and find it an exceedingly pleasant Cordial an vaiuante tonic. n. it. luiiAiUi m. u.. Of Toland't Madioal College, San Francisco. SHAEFFER, WALTER A CO., ROLB AGENTS FOR TUB THITED STATES, ' 302 Battery Street, San Francisco. ' octl.1v7n9tn6. F 1 A-m Am ... WHRKLKK. iVH tv a ------ v - r at SIIEDD. U. S. MAIL! Tri-Weekly Stage lane!! rmHE TJXDERSIGXED IS NOW RTJNNIXQ JL a tri- weekly stage from Lebanon to Albany, carrying the V. S. Mailt, leaving Lebanon ev ery Mundiiy, Wednesday and Friday mornings. and returning, leave Albany at z o'clock r. n of snid days. Passencers called for in any part of tbe city. Packages and light freight punctually delivered at low rates. All business entrustoit to me will b promptly attended to. W. B. DOXACA. Lebanon, Feb. 16. v7n28tf. JOB WAGON. H AVIXG PURCHASED THE INTEREST of G. W. Young in the . P DELIVERY BUSINESS, I am prepared to do any any and all kinds of jobs on snort notice and witn quioR ctispaton. Xerms reasonable, t'aoxages uuiivereu to uaj part of tbe city. ; s Look out for the bay team and Job Wagon, v7n22tf. . A. X. ARNOLD. 1SOTICE. -' . A T.f! PF.RK0X3 OWING ON STJBSCRIP- tioa or note on acoount of railroad complex tiou to Albany please call and settle unmeaiaM- v7n6 tf. , . : ; By J. H. Foster. . COAL OIH.1 v 1,000 GALLOrCo a'lITTLE LOVVEFl! vTalStf By BL&XJT, YOITre CO- SPECIAL NOTICES. Wlmt list? Udd In. Indigestion is not dangerous, say . the faculty.' Perhaps aot la itself, while it remains mere In digestion; but look at tha consequences to which it may lead, and efln dees lead when it becomes a chronic disease. A spark of fir U small thing. A pressure of tha foot will pat It out, breath will extinguish it. .Yet it may fire a powder mill, or kindle a Cam taat wAl consume a city. Ia like manner indlgestionf may produce gastritis, cancer of tha stomach, congestion of tba bowels, apoplexy, liver dis ease, and many other dangerous maladies, la it not wise, then, to check it in tba germ? Nothing Is mora clearly and indisputably estab lished than that Hrstetfcer's Stomach Bitters will 1 eradicate dyspepsia in ail its stages. Tba tru.' po icy, however, is to extinguish it in tba first stages with this wholesome, powerful, and infal lible to tic and alterative. It is easier to qasnch spark tban a flame, and it ia easier to eora dyspepsia when it is first developed, than wbea it ba made beaiway by neglect, and beeemw complicated with other ailments. There is not the shadow of a doubt that tba bitters are as directly antagonistic to dyspepsia aa water if tar fire. There are thousands of ease on record pro"fng this fact. . The remedy U safe and agreeable. All the liqnors of commerce pre scribed as stimulants leave atisg behind. Bat ' tba sting is taken ant of the spirituous basis of this great remedy by vegetable medication, and, moreover, the stimulant thus medicated is of exceptional parity.. Of all tonics taken as safeguards or remedies for (ever and ago, bd l'u remittents, and other epidemics, it ia tha' only one taat can nniforroiy ba depended on. 6HEII3. A. WHEELER, DEALER ' in General Mercbaadisa. A Isrje stock af aH' kind j now in store and for sala at low rate All. kind of produce bought at highest market' rates. ' V . '' Cash paid for Wheat, 0U, Pork, Batter; Eggs, etc., etc. ITILXIAM DAWtOSOS, REAL ESTATE DEALER Office) Ko. 64 Front Street, , P0RTLA3TD, 0BEJ02f. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST" PORTLAND, in tba most desirable localities, consisting of LOTrj, JIALP BLOCKS and CLOCKS, I10CSES and bTORES ; also, IMPROVED FAR3IS, and valuable un euUirated LANDS, located in ALL parts of tba STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Prrperty pnr ehnsed fur Correpondenu, in this CITS and throughout the STATES and TERRITORIES, with Ki-eat eara and oa tba most AUVASTA UEOL'S TERMS. HOUSES and STORES LEASED, I.OASS NEGOTIATED, ana CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COLLECTED. And a General FIXAJiCIAL and AGEXCY BUSINESS transacted. ACESTSofthis OFFICE in all the Clf IES and TOWNS ia tbe STATE, will receive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY and forward tbe same to tba above address. v6n25tf. 1 happed Ila-ntl and Face, Sore Lipta, Drvnrci or the Skin, dc, ate., Cored at by II EG EM AX'S CAMPHOR ICE WITH GLYCERINE. It keeps tbe h.nda sort in all weather. See bat ya get HEQE MAN'S. Sold by all Druggists, only 25 cents. Manufactured only by HaecnA A Co., Chem ists and Druggists, Xew York. janl371yl: HEMOIiimoiJJS. Al CAR0THER3 A COS "PILE PILLS- OINTMENT" bavo now become ona f tbe standard preparations of tbe day; is pre pared and recommended fur Piles anij (whether ebronio or recent). Sufferer may depend upon it. tbat this remedv will mv iim relief from this troublesome and damaging com- Sent postpaid to any address (within tha Cat ted Slates) npon receipt nt price. Si. 50. A. t. A ilUiu Etta CO., n-IOyl Albany, Linn Co., Oregon. , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE SHERIFFALTY. InEREBY AXXOrXCE MYSELF AS A candidate for the oCk-e of Sheriff of Linn County, subject to the decision ef the Lin a County Democratic Convention, to be held nt Albaby on March 23, 18J2. R. H. POLLARD. Franklin Butte, Linn Co. Or., Feb. 28. 1S72. CANDIDATE FOB ASSESSOR. I HEREBY AXXOrXCE MYSELF AS A candidate for tbe ofEee of Assessor for Linn County, subject to tba ratification of tbe Demo cratic Convention. J. L. KILLER. Seio, Feb. 2?, 1872. SOAP KAXE'S COXDEXSED. THOMAS Coot Water. Bleachior. and other kinds - sold by WHEELER at SIIEDD. EXECUTRIX SALE. . , "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE J3I undersigned. Executrix of tba estate ef uson Stain, deeeaaed. in pursuance of aa or der of tbe County Court of Linn eoanty, Oregon, mane at toe cebrnary term. 1S7Z. or aatd court, will sell at public auction to tbe highest bidder. at tbe Court House door, ia said Linn eoanty, on Saturday, tlie lGth of MarcK, 1872 at tbe hour of 1 o'clock P. of said day, tbe following real property belonging to said estate, to-wit : Commencing at a vuint 7 ebains and 32 links north of the rorner, in tbe angle ef the land claim of Wilson Blain, deceased, and run ning thence west 26 ebains; thence north 12. chains and 50 links to tho corner of Jas. Worth's land; thesce east 3 chains and 60 links; tbenee south 3 chains and 41 links to tbe eonta-west corner of the U. P. Church lot ; thecre east I chain and 2 i links; thence sooth I chain and S6V links to the eorver of aaid Worth's land; thence east 19 chains and 25 links; tbenee soath 7 chains and 23 liaka to tbe place of beginning,, and containing 21 83-100 acres. Terms Coin, cash in hand. ELIZABETH W. BLAIN. reti. o, lB7Z.-nZ7w. Executrix. H ARDWABE FOR BUILDERS, FOB, Smiths, and for Farmers sold cheap y WHEELER at nit cap 17. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THEL undersigned. Administrator of tbe estates of Jacob Ziaimer, deceased, in pursuance of aa order of the County Court of Linn eonnty, Ore gon, made at February term, 1872, of said eoart, will sell at puMio auction to the highest bidder, at the Court House door, in said Linn eoanty, en, Saturday, ilie 23d of March,1 1872,, at the hour o 1 oVlneh P. of said da v.- tba following real property belonging to said estate, to-wit: Lots No. (1) and (2) in block Xe. (5) in tbe city of HarrUbnrg, Linn county, Oregon, aa described on the plots of said eity on file in the Clerk's nffice, in said Linn eoanty. Terms of sale : Gold eoin, one-half cash ia hand, tbe. balance in six months, with interest at tea per cent., secured by mortgage on tbe premises. - , HIRAM SMITH. " J: -: Administrator. : Feb. fl, IS73No2Sw4. - : ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. ALBANY OREGON. THIS IXSTITTJTION OFFERS SCPERI or advantages to those who think more of a careful and eeagIte education than of simp ly graduating. Our motto; "A crown for those only who have fought and conquered." HONEST EFFORT, SOLID WORK, SYS TEM. ENERGY. PROGRESS, a o seas aee tortoa. v - - . Students received at any time. Send for cir cular. Address ' ' " . V V IPlIHiV a nr T..t T6n5lf : Albany, Oregon. FEED X . FEED X t " FEED III C. JB. COMSTOCK & CO J ' v : . . Have oa baud s fcARGE XOT OF BUAJf J . .- Also a large amount of , CEL-CXP FEED ! Made from Pure Wlveafct which tbey effee fur sale at reasonable rates. " " v7n2jtf VTH. S, JuEWBXRY, AgeaU