MARCH 1,1872. AGENTS FOR THE STATE BIGHTS Dtf43CRAT. n ..! ' i ; ' r . Brownsville J. M". Morpan. Corvallis a...-...V. J. Roltertson. Canyon City.- Titos. Howard. Eugene J. ! Walton, Jr. tiassburg Matthew Fountain. Harrisburg Sam. May & li. R. Holt, Jefferson Ilanley Waterman. Jacksonville . J. R; Neil.- 'Lebanon ........ W. 8. Klkins. 'La Grande E. 8. -McComas. Portland. -V. II. West & Co. Peoria . ..Jacob Thompson. Pendleton...... -J. II. Turner. Roseburg T. R. Kent. h5clo..;...Dari. Gaby & Geo. Christie. Salem- R. F. Brown. The Dalles.... A. W. Ferguson. Walla Walla N. T. Caton. Yakima, W. T....... K P. Boyles. Editor Democrat: , I see in your last issue (Feb. 23rd), ' under the head of " Supplies from Cal ifornia," a notice of the diflerent kinds , of vegetables that are in this market from California, and your remarks rel ative thereto. You say "this is a bad -commentary upon the industry and enterprise of the Oregon farmers," and that "the reputation of our State and its resources suiter thousands of dollars 'more because of our negligence in this matter. It is to be honed that our far ?mers and producers will view this mat- .permit the existence of such a dam aging state of affairs." Tims you are unintentionally striking at the Oregon farmer without being aware of the true state of things. I will admit with you ' that it is a bad commentary on sumc- "body". but think that the farmer is not the only one to blame in this matter. Mr. Editor, please turn to le a farmer .awhile and you will be better prepared to judge of this humiliating affair and fwho are to blame for it. I claim to be a farmer on a small scale, and have tried some little to supply the Albany market myself, and found it to be a damaging business I assure you; for when I have driven a load of produce some eijrht or ten miles through the mud or bad roads to help supply the market, drive up to a door and enquire, "Can I sell you some vegetables to 3ay?" the answer would be, "No; I .raise my own vegetables;"- enquire at another door, the answer would be, "No; I have just bought a full supply more than I can possibly use before they will spoil." Call at another and .the answer would perhaps be, "Well, I don't know; what do you ask for them V Tell them my price, the an swer would be, "Cau't give so much; fliave just bought some at so and so (verv low) and can ret all I want at that price." Go to anotherand receive a similar answer, which would remind .one of the conclusion the bid Indian came to relative to the price of beaver that they had held a meeting and fixed the price. Thus, affer spending a half day with wagoa and , team to reach the niarketthen two or three hours more in trying to sell, would finally have to sell at rates that would not pay any man for his time ia going to market, let alone the time and labor in raising the produce, or haul it back home again, or throw it away as some have' done. I have taken fine large -cabbages to that market and eould not get more than 50 cents per dozen, or 73 cents at tae most, selling at 4 to 6 cents per head, and other things in propor tion. Do you think that farmers will necessarily submit to such a state of things just to keep out California pro ductions? I think I know you to well "not to believe but that you have more consideration for the well-being of the "farmer,, and .believe your comments were made without due consideration. I believe in "free trade and sailor's rights," and if citizens had rather en tourage California productions than those of Oregon, they have that right of course; and so Oregon farmers must turn their attention to something that "will pay them better than gardening. The farmers will try and raise enough for their own supply. I think when you reflect upon thi3 matter you will have more consideration for the farmer and will place the blame, if any, where it of right belongs. My remarks are submitted in all kindness, and believe me to be your true friend, now and ever. - Johx T. Ceooks. i A Correspondent, waiting from -Athens, curiously contrasts the -mixtures to be found there of ancient and rnodern civilizations. Railroads -spin their trains amid the temple of three thousand years; steamers dash .their swells upon the Pireus, and the scream of their whistles resounds from Athos, Pentelieus and Cytheron to Olympus and the heavens beyond their gods.! J Jr. Ayers world-renowned medicines, those consummations of , modern science, are posted on the Acropolis, the Parthenon, the Areopagus and the - Aiieaion, wniie me mouess caros . or Cherry Pectoral, 'Ayer's Sa'fSapatllla, ,Ague Cure and Pills looks from the windows of the shops in the streets of Athens, where they are s.sold. N.t Y. Sunday Globe. - ' ' . ; j . 'Leased. TFe are informed 'that J. Crouse, Esq:, hat leased the LInn County Fair Grounds for one'yeaf and "that he designs ottering some hand some purses for the June races. He -says that he will have the - grounds' in better condition both for the Fair and races this year than ever before, and as Jack never does anything, by halves the public can expect him to carry out his assertions to the letter.,, . . "Sixgebs." M. Pearson & Co. are fcow in receipt of a full supply of the -famous Singer Sewing Machines, which they are prepared to sell at the very lowest prices. The TlSinger" al ready has a national reputation, .and nothing which we might urge iri its !behalf would probably add to its merit. These gentlemen also have almost :vr ry style of sewing machine in use. For the very best Photographs, go to Bradley & Rulofson's Gallery without STAIRS J5 ASCEND IN THE EL EVATOR, 429 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. - 85 RiGious.-Rev.iMr.- Iveil,of the M. E. -Church, South,- preaches regu larly in the Court House in this city on the second and fourth Sabbaths in each month, FRIDAY. FKoscXlAimrshciiqi-Tt-S Ilarriuburg correspondent informs us that farmers, on the Willamette and on Muddy Creek, near that city, lost an immenso number of rails by the recent freshet. The Methodists and Cumberland Presbyterians of llarrlsburg have In progress a protracted meeting and the result so fur has been a fruitful revival of religion in that city. S. P. Purdy and D. C. Holt, .two worthy young gentlemen of Harris-, burg, have just returned from Portland with diplomas from the Commercial College, f , The young people of larriaburg are making Jexlonyvo pniurathhisfora school exhibition, which is to-be given during the last week in this month. II o arc authorised to announce that lion. N. II. Cranor has accepted an invitation to address the Harrisburg Democratic Club on Saturday, March 0th. Jas. S Grimes, Esq., who was some weeks ago badly injured at that city, by a team running oil, writes us that he is fast recovering and will soon be able to be about again on crutches, ie desires, through our columns, to return his warmest thanks to the peo ple of Jarrisburg for j their kindness toward him in his aflliotion. From Ochoco. Geo. Millikcn, who last Saturday arrived from Ochoco (via the Dalles), states that the winter in that section was much milder than in other portions of Eastern Oregon, and that the loss of stock has been com paratively light. Jas. Klkins lost 7 head, but they were of the number which he drove there from this Valley late in the season am were In very poor conditiou to withstand even an ordinarily severe winter. Jas. II. Doutbit and the remainder of the set tlers had met with" little of" k .loss. Out of 3,000 ""cattle belonging to Jo. Teal, which wre wintering between Ochoco and the Dalles, only about 100 head are reported lost; and from a band of S00 which were kept in Tygh Valley no serious loss is reported, though the owner was compelled to feed them for about two months. When Mr. M. left Ochoco the snow had all disappear ed and the hills were already covered with a beautiful coat of young grass. There had been no sickness In the Val-lt-y during the winter, and settlers were prosperous and in jubilant spirits. Another One. That Enoch Arden follow is becoming numerous. John Wiley married and went to war; wm supposed to have been killed at Spott S3"lvanii, Va., In 18C2; his "Annie dar ling" was "cheered up" after three years' mourning by marrying Win. Smith who, like Philip Ray, loved her not wisely, but too Well, long before Wiley married her. Years rolled on and two little Smithses gamboled upon the hearthstone and Wiley was scarce remembered. A few days ago, howev er, he turned up at th threshold of S mi thr tool: a good squaro. oug. with his wife, when Smith gave him $200 to relinquish all claim to her, and the H'ilay cuss pocketed it and strode off for Colorado, a richer if not a happier man. He says the Smith family arc a trump. Mrs. DrsiwAY lectured in this city last Monday night to a good audience. We were unable to be present but learn that she attempted to make a Biblical argument in favor or woman's right, in which she gave Adam fits for per mitting Eve to snipe him into eating the forbidden fruit, and also soundiy berated "that crusty old bachelor," Paul, for interdicting women's gab in meeting and in public. She also boasted of having "bossed" the State Temper ance Convention, and asserted that she had gained her point over the almost united opposition of that body. She virtually says that when she gets after the men they don't amount to the dig nity of a huckleberry in a bear's car. - A "GitA3TLVPtRCnA.s El-Portland is laboring through a horrible sensa tion. The O. S. N. Co. last week sold a lot of unclaimed freight at auction, among which was a heavy box which a merchant bought "on sight unseen," and when he took it to his house and opened it be found therein the ghastly corpse of a man,-carefully packed in staX1egaCcrumptea" op, flesh" off of face, and corpse in the last stages of putrifaction. It now turns out that the body is that of a man who was hanged three years ago by vigilantes In Idaho, and that it bad been shipped to friends in California, but had lain in the Portland wharf three years because the steamboat freight was not paid. Persoxai Mrs. Duniway, editor of the New Northwest, paid us the compliment of a call on Tuesday. She seemed to be in a good state of preser vation after her forensic tilt with Bros. Driver, Cbnser, TFooden, et al, in the State Convention and says she is bound to get away with the next Ore gon Legislature. "When a woman wills she will, You may depend on't; And when she won't she won't And that's the end on't." At the Club. We were unavoida bly kept from attending the Club meet ing last Saturday evening, but under stand that a fair audience, among whom were several ladies, greeted Judge Johns on that occasion, and that his speech was fully appreciated. His Honor has none of the elements of an orator in his composition, but is a close student and sound reasoner, and his earnest and. truthful utterances cannot fail of good effect. That SoireE. Parrish IZall was last Thursday night crowded with :the de votees of Terpsichore, on the occasion of the Soiree of the Albany Dancing Club. The decorations of the hall were truly elegant and beautifuly the music was super jort and the, ladies and gen-: 'iiem'fasmoiiaryadd'apropVMtely' dressed: The lub deserve great credit for the successful management ; of , this truly 'superb'aJe'DnentlyrAAe' affair. v. ) Rev. C; Hi Mattoon, of Browns ville'j ft'eanyaSsfng the Stte for means to start a Baptist denominational . pa per. He thinks he will hafe but, little difficulty in - sejedrfng the ainount nec essary. The paper will probably be published in this city on entirely new": materiaLanxllnshomce fitted ui hx prssl y fir that ptirjfeiae?; Vi ,1?; euvuijmsu jiwussioiB success,. I mwfmsWB'SJ!. ..jyaagB; v HOME AND ABROAD. , To-morrow tho Republican" precinct meetings are to be held. V . . 3 Circuit Court for Linn county con venes on the 25th Instant. . w, The prisoners in the county Jail are holding a protracted meeting. ; lie had an Overland letter mall yesterday.' Round the liewgag, r r; " ll'o ' are told that Jlfrs. Jaw-akin it lller will give us a lecture soon.. . ,-, Our Lebanon readers will not forget that Hon. N. II'. Cranor Is to address them .to-morrow. . , , . . - , , t y . , We are Informed that Hon.' Goo. -R. Helm had a good audience at Browns ville last Saturday. . . .. . i .Special meeting of Corinthian Lodge No. 17, A. F. & A. M.', this eVeulug, for work In F. C degree. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re-; newer does not color; but restores the hair to Its natural color. "'Wii went to press tod early last even ing to give a report of the exercises of the'Erodelphian Society. We are informed that at Harrisburg the flood , last . week was within 18 Inches as high as that of '02. ; Ho understand thnt among other things which Mrs. Duniway captured at Salem was Sam Clarke's Garrison. ' There has lxen no butter In this market for two weeks. The cows have evidently Joined the "woman move ment." , We havo Just heard of a country school girl who defined a lady to bo "a growed-up gal, that doesn't chaw gum or cuis." . , - - A large crowd witnessed the mar riage of lion. J. J. Tompkins and Mrs. LIsh In the M. li Church last Sabbath evening. Mrs. Carrie F. Young is to make a temperance lecturing campaign through Linn county, appearing at Albany, March 13. Remember that A. C. Jones, Esq., will address the Albany Democratic Club to-morrow night. The ladles are especially invited. Mrs. Dtiniwny says there will bo sev eral ladies in our next legislature, and that they jyill hold the "naughty men" level in that body. HI- are requested to announce that Dan. Gaby, Esq., will address the Sclo Democratic Club on Saturday, Jarch 0th, at 1 o'clock I. r. . Only $1 for tho Jicmornt for the campaign nearly five months! Ye gods! that is virtually giving the paper away, wahln' and raendlu Included. Campaign subscribers arc rolling In. Let our agents remember that the one who sends the largest list during the campaign will reap the brightest lau rels. . That fellow of our acquaintance who sat down upon his wife's new bonnet and sang "I'm sitting on the style, Mary," has since been fitted with a tin ear and a putty nose. Two candidates have the sand to an nounce their names through our col umns thi week. Come on Jacdufl, and damned be who first cries hold, enough! tjhakpearc, lie learn that some fourteen persons united with tha Cumberland Presbyter ian Church at Lebanon during the protracted meeting carried on by Rev. A. H. Sweeney last week. Our handsome friend, Ol. Tompkins, of Harrisburg, swapped jokes with us last Monday. He says although Ix-ap Year is on the tapis the girls seem to forget that he Is in the market. Our city is unconscionably dull and as a consequence items are like angel's visits, few and far betwixt. If you don't believe it, try the newspaper bus iness for one week and you'll know how it Is yourself. We are informed that Mrs. Duniway attempted to Inject into the Temper ance platform, adopted at Salem last week, the resolution, "EcwAvcd, That the strong-minded women are men to all intents and purposes." A five-year-old city boy, who had been on a visit in the country, told his mother how to . make butter: "You jut-t take a long stick, with a cross at the end of It, then you get a big tub; and then you borrow a cow." Charley JJealey has the best corps of mechanics in the State, and as a con sequence turns out tlx; most superior work. Jis furniture, home or custom made, is always to be relied on. Go and see his full stock of furniture. . .An elegant young gentleman of our city was last Monday morning discov ered to have several long hairs clinging to his Sunday vest but his eye looked like somebody had punched a finger In it for his impertinence, and we guess she did. ------ Geo. 'Masten, Esq., " one,, of Linn county's' respected citizens, left this "city with his family during the week, Intending to take up his future resi dence at Steilacoom, Washington Ter ritory. We wish him the best of for tune in his new home. : r, ' Hank 3endenhalI wouldn't bo em braced by a fellow who was tight, but pushed him off the sidewalk. The fellow had Hank arrested, for assault on his clean clothes, but. the .'Recorder; didn't see it in those specs, and so liank is cock o' the walk. -. . J ' To any one who will send us ten ad vance paying subscribers for the cam paign, at $1 each, we will give the Dem ocrat free for one year. This is the best chance for an individual to get three dollars' worth of straight Democ racy, free, that we know of. ' Fred. Hill caught a live reptile 6t the scorpion species last week, in this city, and put him in a bottle of alcohol) He wrestled mightily with King "Alcohol, but after a few minutes was compelled to give up the ghost. What a power ful text this would furnish for a Tem perance lecture!,; . . .. r 3 ..Mark Twain says that reporting "on a newspaper is the best school in the world to obtain a knowledge of human beings human nature and human ways. To maintain tliis' declaration, he states that while reporter he "break fasted almost every morning with the governor,, dined with the principal clergyman and slept tin the station house," " T Little Ltltt, daughter of Demas Beach and wife of tms city,t:died. last Tuesday, of inflammatory rheumatism. She was astudeEt 'of Albany College,; and as a mark of respect to. her. mem ory the school was closed yesterdayi and all of the members attended the' funeral. ,The parents and friends have our sincerest, sympathy in their Bad affliction, j , SYRACUSE DEMOCRATIC: CLUB, Editor Democrat: s i In pursuance of notice In tho Demo crat the Syracuso Democratlo Club held a meeting at Allphln's school house for tho purpose of effecting a a permanent organization. The meet lng was called to order by W. P. Fur low in the cnalr. By a vote the present Chairman and Secretary were elected as permanent olllcers of tho club. The committee on by-laws and rco lutlons reported the following, which were adopted: BT-I.AW. Int. Tho etortiun of PiuniJent, whin duty It uliiill b to ralilo Kt tho mcetliii;" uf I be Club tor the urmas ot irvicrvlng ordur and tmnnotlnf bunineim. 2ml. The oleotioii of it Pcornlarr. whono du'.,r It bll bo to keep a full mill oi inplrle rroord of Uiu prouvxllngi of (ho Club, nii'l lao lo net n CurronpniiillnK Secretory, when tirflry to oorreKponil with other lJcmooriitic C'liiba of thit cnuiity when called upon for Information. Hrd. Tu nppoiut a eotiiiiiltti'O to procure mlt ablo ppaekera U e.ddrei tlie Club at 111 Mcral inoetlngK. 4 t!i . If at any time It (houtd become needful tu raiae funda lor the ttlub, a Tn nniinT ahull tie appointed tu ki-rp an-t tlUpoae uf audi funda. In tliu manner ordured by the Ulub, aud who ahull luuke report thereof. naaoi.t'Tiojta. Rtmlrrd. Hint w. aa It tn 'crt, have an abiilmj fititli in the Cnnatitullot. of the United 2tntri, aa our fnthrra made It; that labile we feel bound to yii-ld otHMlluime to what la termed thelltb and lith Amrmlineiita. which liuve hern annexed to the Oonntitution by foroe and fraud, yet we hope to live to ace llieio expund therefrom aa (bay ahould be. UemitveU. That the time honored principle" uf tho Doinocralio party, whlt-b rarried thia gov ernuiutit through a Ion;; period of peace and proaetlty, ar the principle" which w l'.e to honor and rheriah, and aliall uiibettatlnj;ly aupport while left free to do at. A'r, That tho only "New pepartnra" we aball favor or maintain la the departure of the present corrupt offioinle of the national gov ernment from power, place and pntroou.-e. JUtutrnl, That we are oppoae I to all interfer ence bv the military iowr over the olril riulit" of the Htatea ; thia far only aro we in lavor of any paarive policy. Those wishing to become members of tho club were Invited to enroll their names, and a considera hie number cutne forward and signed the roll. m The committee having secured Mr, John J. Whitney as a speaker, be was then introduced aiufdnt enthunlaie cheering and proceeded to address the club in iiMDeech of rou.-ddcrahle length, which for sound logic and arguuienta tiveUfHs wo have scurcely heard equal led. The IsMiies upon which hechoso to address the club were the suHpcnslott of the writ of habeas eat pus in the Southern States,: the present nutlouat banking system, protective tariff, V. S. 5-20 bondi tho manner of their contraction and payment and lat, but not least, the semi-issue in the Demo cratic party, more familiarly ami joi ularly known as the "pa-nolve jHHey." li'c have often heard the war between capital and labor dIcuMcd or argued, but never in such a loglcul ami conclu sive niAtincr as upon this occasion, and we might write In the same xtralu of eulogy upon tho several dlflVrent top ics of which the speaker treated, as at tested by tho applause and general god feeling of the utidlcncc, which was by far the largest that has assem bled at any political meeting In this precinct for number of years. On motion, a vote of thanks was ex tended Mr. ll'hitney. Messrs. . Farewell and E. M. Mil ler were appointed a committee to pro cure a suitable speaker for the next meeting. On motion, It was ordered that these proceedings W furnlahed the Dfcaio ' chat for publication, j On motion thir meeting then od j Journed to meet SaturJay, March 10th, I at 1 o'clock i'. M. A. P. MlU.F.R, Sec'y. cnmilDiMOciATio cltjb. ' f a 1 J Sand Uwgr, Feb. 21, 1S72. J-Alilor Democrat: The Democracy" of Center Precinct met pursuant to previous notice to or ganize a Democratic Club. The house was called to order by appointing I Stimon Chairman, and W. Huston, Secretary, pro t'rtn. The Chairman stated tn object of the meeting in a few short but appropriate remarks. On motion, thfj? chair appointed J. W. Fronk, J. W." Oilmore and G. I Skinner a committee to draft resolu tions and by-laws for the government of the club, to report at next meeting. The club then proceeded to the elec tion of permanent officers which re sulted as follows: , J. W, Fronk, Presi dent; J. W. (ill more, Vice President; W. Huston, Recording Secretary; L. Stimson, Corresponding Secretary. At the request of several gentlemen present Mr.John Harper came forward and addressed the meeting in a short but well-timed speech, f wherein he warned Democrats to be watchful and nominate none but true and tried Democrats for office. These sentiments were heartily endorsed by all present. On motion, the minutes of the meet ing were ordered to be forwarded to the State Rights Democrat with a re quest that they be published. , On motion, the club adjourned to meet on Saturday, March 2nd, at 2 o'cloak p. m., at which time a full at tendance is requested of all the Demo cratic voters in this precinct. . . WALTER HU6T0X, Secretary. Candidates. We, direct the at tention of the Democratic voters of Linn' to the card of R. A. Pollard, of Franklin Butte Precinct, announcing himself as a candidate. fpr Sheriff ; also to the card of J. L. Jlfiller, of Scio, an nouncing himself as a candidate for Assessor both of them'subject to the decision of our coming County Con vention. These gentlemen have adopt ed the true mode of bringing their names before the people, and as their Democracy Is of the orthodox . stripe they will surely meet with favorable consideration. Nextl DKOwkED. Hon. II. L. Brown' in forms us of a sad accident which occur red near Brownsville one day last week. A little girl aged about three years, daughter of John Cunningham; in playing about the yard fell into a ditch of running water, and when res cued by her mother life was so nearly extinct that all efforts to resuscitate her were unavailing. Gov, durry, in a lecture at Portland last Tuesday evening, stated that the Pacific Fur Company established a trading post in 1812 (60 years ago) iri the vicinity of where the town of Hal sey notf stands, in this county and that a Jlfr. Halsey, of John Jacob Asj tor's expedition -was the founder of said trading post. This is news' to ye oldest inhabitant hereabouts. A tcmperanco Democrat, n a, solu tion of the liquor license question, sug gests to us that at : the next election there shall be doubtly an many tickets i as either party ehall require one-half for and tho other half against license so that wo may learn by popular vote the voleo o the people of Linn county upon this' question, and submit such decision to the consideration of tho next Legislature. S. A. Clarke, editor of the Salem Statesman, celebrated his "China Wed ding" last Friday evening as he and his Wife had been married 20 years. A large number of friends visited them during the evening and brought many valuable and appropriate presents. Such an epoch Is truly a golden mo ment In the Ilfo of nn editor, and we extend our fraternal congratulations to our brother quilllst. MARRIED. TOMPKINS LISH At tho M. K. Chapel, In thia t ity, on Fabbalh evening, l'b. 25, by Krv. O. W. 8hnw, lion. J J. Tomphlna, of Ida ho City, and Mra. ft. E. Liah, of thia city. . We have received lite very aubalautial coinpll- tnonta of the newly united devoleoa of Ilymea, and extend to them our warmeat eongrutula tiona. They will In few dnya atart for their home to Idaho, followed by ibo beat wlabef ef hoata of frlouila. i TUIltUTi: OF KKMl'KCT. At a muvting of tho member of the Krodel. phUd Huciety the following praainbla and rco lutiont were unmilmoualy adoptod I : Wr.HKa. It bath floated Ahuiuhlr Ood in Ilia uiyaterioua provirlcoco to remove from earth l.t'i.t; i;KACU, a loved member of thia Hocicty Th roforo be it lltiulrej, Tlat wo have toat an ealeeraud and faithful member, and Ibut we alixll ever Uc plore tbia ao (treat nrtlirtion, aent hy Hint who dotth all t li in ir well, and (hut it ahall bo a wanting to u, who are etlll enKaed in tbo parauit ol knowledge, of the brevity uf human life. .'... .C Tii it i" l ow in aubmibiaioii to the will of our lliravcoly Father, and when we ronai ler the lovely life of our aiater and ber bappy and f e.tcelul death, we can not but ex claim In the liti;uK of aeriptura, "O iH-nth. wbnrd ia thy aling, V grave, where la thy vic tory ?' . ....... UnnlttJ, That we will atrlee to meet our aiater beyond the river of death, where lnv,.-d one are never aeparaied, aud friendabip'a tie are I ever broken. Ilrti.ltrd, That our lt!ndet aympathiea are with lha family of the deeeaked, and all ber frienda, hoping that iod may comfort I hi la in (natatnini! ao aad a b-aa, and that it may alimo- late ua tu atr;ve the mure earnest! to gain the eourta or iinmortalilv. ltrthH, That to better how our reatieet for our ib palled ai.ler, while living, and l exhibit tb remembrance in wbtcn ber memory ia bold, a eopy of thc.e reaulufona lie pieaeutcd Ut the Albnny papera f.r f ub icatiuo. and a!ao to tbe family of tbe Ue-d. . KHOKKLMIIAX SOCIETY. Alhaoy. Feb.21, 1872. THE LOST CITY ; Oil CHICAGO AS IT WAS AND AS IT IS. V11I5T0RV OF THE tilt EAT CHICAGO fire. Truthful and accurate. A vivid anJ detailed account of the moat terrible calam ity that ha ever tefallec th elviliiH world. Mnrtlmj incident. "Hair breadth Vapct." The fearful ravag of the Fire Fiend. The reign of Terror. Profnaely and beautifully il !u.trted, including vicwa of tbe cty before and tbe fire, anil aablimely trund in it ruim. Order wilt be ftiled and received. Tbe falel a. Ilinj bouk ever M by amenta. Read $1 for caovaa!ug outfit and recere an Agency itntae dttiiely. A geut a!o wanted for WONDERS OF THE YORLD. One Tbottaaod llluatration. eoupriaing (tart linf ccnc. interesting incident and wonderful evanul in all Couotriea and 'n"r all I'a-'ple. A. v DaNcnorr & co n!7w". Saa rranciaco, CaL N K W A I V E IIT IS K M EST8. MRS I MRS I IX' ISM ! rpilF. It ion EST PP.ICE PAID IX CASH X for all kinda of For. b v7n2ntf DI.AIN, TOUNO & CO. MOl.TAI HA 1,91. TO TnB AIFLICTED WITH COUGHS, Colda, or Liver Complaint, tbe Ilalm i invaluable aa many I ave been restored by it parity log effect on the yJem, many who havo been railed incurable. Iteecmmcndcd by many of tba pbyalclana of tbo country, and fur aale by all ltruggiat. Prepared and (old bv v7n:o.u. S. K. RAVMOXD. DOW IT (.OIuM C. B. COMSTOCK & CO. Ilave on hand a Urge amount of CIIOICi; SEtl) WHEAT! Of every variety, which they offer for aalo at greatly reduced price. 7n24tf. WM. S. XEWBUkY, Agent. JOB WAGON- II A VINO PURCHASED THE INTEREST of U. W. Young in tho DELIVEUY ItL'tilXESM, I am prepared to do any any and all kind of job on abort notice and with quick diapatch. Term reasonable. Package delivered to any part of tho city. Look ont for tho bag learn and Job Wagon. 7n22tf. A.N.ARNOLD. FEED! FEED 1 1 FEED I! ! C. 13. COMSTOCK & CO. Have on hand a . LARGE LOT OF BRAN ! Alao a large amount of OKOI FEED 1 Made from Pure Wheat, which they offer for aale at reatunahla rate. r7u25tf WM. 8. NEWBURY, Agent , . V. S. .11 All H,! . ::. Trf-Weekly Slagc ,JLine!! THE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW RUNNIN3 a tri weekly ttago from Lebanon to Albany, carrying the V. 8. Alailr. leaving lAibanon, ev ery Monday, Wedneiday and Friday mornings, and returning, leave Albany at 2 o'clock p. v. of aiiid dnya. Paeaenger called for in any part nf tho ctty. Package and light freight punctually delivered at low rule. '. All buincs entrusted to me will be promptly attended to. W. ii. D0NACA. Lebanon, Feb. 16. v7n28tf. ' NEW, FAMILY GROCERY , .' ' OUfi AND- 5 J J PltOViSION STORE i JOII1V SCHMEER Cor. First V Ellaworth Stf . Albany, Or., - -: - ,' .. - . Eeeps oonstintly on hand ii comrjlete assorts ment of . Grocerie and VoreetaDlos! , l I French and Fancy Candiek! Wines and Canned Fruits ! Cigars, Pipes and Tobacco And everything else to be found In a first hlais Retail Family Grocery and Notion Establish ment. "Live and let live," is my , motto, and shall be the aim of my manner of dealing with customer. Call Add see meY v7n27yl. ' JOHN SCHMEEIt. ALL PERSONS OWING ON SUESCRIP. tion or bote on acoonnt of railroad oomplo. tion to" Albany please eall and aetr',e irnmedlatoi 'J. . - V BEN' HOLLADAY. 7ne tf. o .-. - . B, j, Fofte,. - w 00L 8HAWLS, LO'.TQ AND SQUARE, rum anu rmpea jpr sale by waKEL- eh ADVEKTI8HMENTS 5. n CC av -A O Z w o s.3 O E. D. WHITLOW & CO., Importers and Dealers in FURNITURE! UpXtQlsterT &QQLst First Ft., S doer below Conner's Bank, AlallAXY, On EGO., Keep eontantly on band for salo iBlflrk Uolnnt Parlor and fbambtr SfU! Painted Chamber Sets! Dining-Boom Fnnitmr)! Citcben Furniture of All Kinds! SOFAS. LOUNGES. Sl'KINO MATRE8SE3. 1'L'LIT KLUEKA BEDS, TABLES. BEDSTEADS. ROCKING CIIAIES, STANDS. BCKEAVS. WHATNOTS." BRACKETS, U00K CASES. SECRETARIES. . DESKS. ETC., ETC. UPHOLSTERING In all Us branches. Orders filled with prompt ness and diapatch. COFFINS MADE TO ORDER. Repairing and Mannfaactarlng . . Done to Order. 5ZrAll our work warranted. tESi Givo us an' Early Call and Examine our Stock. a"Onod delivered to any part of tho etlr.-tj 7n27tf. J5. D. WHITLOW 4 CO. CALL AT THE CASH STORE lie CIIEADLE & co.; WHERE "WE WILL SELL TOC GOODS at prices that eannot fail to suit all de airing Good Bargains for Cash or Produce i . ' "' a '-. BRIXO ON YOUR EGGS I WE WILL PAY 38 TO SO Ct). PER dosan for all that may be offered, in cash or trade, till further notice. . List of Prices at Cheadlo & Co's i POWDER hide, No.' 1, fb. 62i cts. SHOT All sixes, hy sack, S lb, IS cts. LEAD Bars, 1$ lb. It et. COFFEE W lb, 2 ets. TEA $ lb, 87 et. SALARAJUS-a lb,.i2,ctlL ' CREAM OF TARTAR M fi, SO ctsi SODA -p lb, 12J eta. STARCH lb, 161 cts. ;i . . . . ,R. CilEADLE & . Albany, Feb. 14, 1872. n27m3. HUNTER'S GRAIN SEPARATOR. rounds, Woodcock & co, PROPRIETORS MD MANUFACTURERS, 1 JUNGION CITY. PRICfi REDUCED TO FIFTY DOLLARS l! I" T RECEIVED FIRST PREMIUM At THE State Fair of 1870. Orders promptly filled and Machines forwarded to any point on. the Railroad. Address BOUNDS, WOODCOCK & CO, n24m:i Janctlon City. FERRY NOTICE. i TV? UNDERSIGNED DESIRES TO". IK form tho publio that ho will hereafter reg ularly rut Grav'a Ferry on the road loading from 4efferaon to Scio -and respectfully inrite the vatronatro of the traveling public. The fer ry boat will be kept in good repair and under the. care, o esperieneed and earefnl ferry nss. . . A. GRAt, Prop'r. . A V V K RT 1 S EM KN T 8 . THE GEEAT BLOOD PURIFIER. ft-'' ' 1 1 V. - . An Isfainbl BLOOD rtmttrwKM, po log rare Tome and mkmvixk propertkr . a certain euro for BtatKl'siaTiam. eMtvr Mr.uaiALXiiA. and all kindred Dlaeaaee, It completely restores the syatem when m paired by 'diaeaas, nriye tQe action of th KIDWT mmt ttSSSITAf. OSCAM, n&Im rally etire scaaoruLA. salt msiKva. and all tatrrivE mm trvwAyatovm Dla eaaee, gtreo Immediate and pennaaeot relief In tavarcrarA, EsiTanKiA. Tomorv. Boils, Scald Bead, tlcer and Bona; eradi cates from tbe system all trace) of Uarrcartal Disease, It is naiLT vccKTastc. Mo mdo front an hnb found Indigenous In ciifi It Is tberefore peculiarly suitable for us by females and Children, a miAtom frvmi ruaaaaaiMViTea. Fer Sale by all D'rucelat'. CDIR0TON. MOtTCTTCS k COi AOENT8. , B29 and fi31 Market ktceet. Ban FrancUao. icr 3 55. O O 0 T3 H O w w f Pi o ta 0 w X 2 cn -3 a. o o - S3 CO 01 ' -J 2 c o T) 5 0 Tl 'A O - o - -a O 5 O 3 2S W 40 no cr CO s "J, Q x . a! O M c o o A o o o s c? ZX3 J O aa ' 5 2 2 i sr c W. II. KUHN & CO., DEALERS IX IIOiST Sc STEEL 1 Springs, lilts, Thimble Sitim, etc Also, a well selected stock of Wasron r17iiiilcr-! Spolet, flult, Bent Rim. SJiaJU, . Pules, Hickory Jxlet tf-c. FARMERS' and ME CH A1WCS1 TOOLS consisting or ANVILS. VICES. BELLOWS. HAMMERS. HATCH ETS. SLEDGES. SAWS. PLANES. CROSS-CUT AND MILL. HA ITS J Together with a larjre Assortment of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. Sturo in Montcitb's Firs-Proof brick. next door to Jilain, loungs co. W. H. KCHN A CO. Albany. Jan. 13, 1S71 nS2yl. WILLA3IETTE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. IJR0M AND AFTER DATE UNTIL FUR . ther notice, the Company wiil dispatch a boat from Albany to Cereallis on TUESDAY and FRIDAY of each week. . Also will diapatch a boat from Albany for Portland and intermediate place on same days, leaving Comrtock k Co' wharf. Fare at reduced rate. J. D. BILES, Deo. 16,1871. Agent. ALBANY BATH HOUSE I mnE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECt L fully inform the citizens of Albany and vi cinity that be has taken charge of this Establish ment, and, by keeping clean rooms and payins strict attention to business, expects to Suit all those who may favor biin with their patronage i Having heretofore carried on netting but ' First-Class Hair Dressing aloohSj he expect to give entire satisfaction to alt. erChlldien and Ladies' Hair neatly, hut and (hampooed. JOSEPH WEBBER. v3n33tf. NEW SHAVING SALOON. THREE DOORS WEST dF CONNER'S BAN K . First Street, Albany THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED A neat and elegant Shaving Paloon dc it door to Cronse' Saloon, and respectfully inritS the patronage of the public. Shop oped at all times; v7o27tf. ' IIAIL BACkENSTOi THE Jusur . BAIN WAGON! CELEBRATED JJECOGNiZEB1 EVERYWHERE AS A. FIRST CLASS FARM WASON. No other Wagon has a Home reputation cttol to "Baln'1 inake, and it is the only , wagon that has been Mted and khowh td stand tbia climate. In a word it is made of tho &et materials and 'a the' best finished wagon that boines td this m ar ket. - - - ' " We havb different style of nounds and Breach, P'ateht da. (so balled) included BLAIN, YOUNG A CO. voneS" v AgenU at t:bany. SBMJIOSS. In the Circuit Co&rt of ifo State ,of Oregon jor Jjinn fjounjy. . . Jenny (frubb, Plaintiff, vs. fjaswell M. Grubb, Defendant.-. ... -: --: . To Caswoll II. Gtubb, th above-named De fendant. . .. .. , . A.- In the name of the EVate of Ore eon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer tbe eom ptdittt in the above-r .milled suit now on file with the fJlerk or sala Court, on or before tne tourtn Monday ef Mnrc'a, A. D. 1872, at Albany, in said county, ami you are further notified that if yon fail to ap-ar and answer said complaint, tbe plaintiff will apply to said Court fur the re lief preyed in the complaint. The objeet of this suit in ta obtain a decree of divorce from said defend ant, on the ground of drunkenness", ernel and inhuman treatment, failure to provide for plai ntiff, and tbe cere and custody of the chil dren and for alimony, eto. - j ; Published by order of Hon. B. F. Bonbam, Judge of sid Court, made at chars ber this 3rd day of Februaay. 1872. r , cBssoiVETS Smith, H; n27w(5.1 ' y ' Atfs for Pl'ff. ; CLOTSING AND BOOTS AND SHOES s fine aaeortmeet very low by WHEELER at SIIEPP, 1 -r a l - am m lav A 1) V K Rt 1 a E 31 K T S . TUB 1TET7 FOOD. S?Hf ut. r PES She ; )X Foi5 t isvf cents you can tray of your Grocer? or Druggist a package of SEA 1I0S3 FAEINE aade froia pure Irish Hoss or Carrageen, which will mako sixteen quarts cf Blanc Mange, and alike quantity cf Puddings Custards, Creams, " Charlotte Busse, &c. It is tho cheapest, healthiest and most delicious food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food far Invalids and Children. , v 4 A Glorious Change ! I Tl!tl GREAT WORLD'S T03ilC. Plantation Bitters. Thia wonderful regetable re utoratire is the bet-aiicbor of tbe feeble and debilitated. A a tonic and cordial for tbe aged and languid, it lias no equal aknong stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to Which women are especially sub iefct, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropi cal, temperate, or frigid, it -acts as a specific in every species of tlitorder which nndermines tho bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. For sale by all druggists. PRIVATE MEDICAL AID- . QUICK CURES ASD 3I0DEEATE CHARGES. DO. T. K. DOnEBTT'fl PRIVATE MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE i fsK. 19 Sacramcato Street, corner of Leideadorn fctreet, (a few doors -below What C'beer IIouc. Private Entrance en r t ' LeHesdorff street, San i'rancio. Ettablithti txprtmlj to afford i wflivtid found . sural tcimtiie medicul aid i tl treatment mmd cere of all Private and Ciro- ' ie Jtioteuem, tan of Otcre- ej and mil Sexmat : Disorder. TO TIIE AFFLICTED. DR. W. K. liOHEHTY RETCKKti UIS BVf eere thank to hie nameroua patirBl fur' irjeir patronage, and would take th: opportuniiy to remind theia that be eontinnes to eonaalt at his Inatitota for tbe enra of ebronie dtaeaae of tbo Lung. Liver, Kidneys, Digestive and Uenito-Uri-nary Organs, and all private diseases, vis : Syph ilis in aU its forms and stages. Seminal Weakness, aad all the horrid eunaeqaoiceaof aelf-abaae. God orrbosa. Gleet, Strietaree, Koetnrnat aad Diarnal emisaiotis. Sexoai Debility, iJiaeaacs of the Bach and Loin, Inflammation of tbe Kindlier aad Kid neys, etc., et aad be hopes that his long experi ence and snceessfa! practice Wiil continue to insure him a share of public patronage. . By the practice of many years in Europe and tbe United State, he i enabled to apply tbe most efficient and sne cessfnl remedies against diseases of ail kinds. 1 lie sees no aiereary, charges moderate, treat his pa tients in a correct and honorable way, and baa references of eraqaeftionable veracity from men. of kaowa respectability and high standing in aoci ety. AU parties consulting him by letter rotber wif e, will receive tbe best and gentles treatment, ana implicit secrecy. . . To Females. When a female is in trouble, or a&Hcted with disease, as weakness of the back and limbs, paia in tbe bead' dim nee of sight, loss of ro uscuia r power, palpitation of tbe heart, irritability, aet Toasnees, extreme urinary difficulties, derange ment oT digestive fnnetioas, generrl debility , va ginitis, all disease ot tbe womb, hysteria, Sterili ty, and all other disease peculiar to female shot should go or write at once to the celebrated femaler doctor, VT. K. Doherty, at hie Medical IrasrUate and consult him about ber trouble and disease. The Doctor is effecting more cures thaa any ether physician ia the State of California. Let b fal4r delicacy prevent you, bnt apply immediately and. save yourself from painful sufferings aad prema ture death. Ail Married Ladles whoa delicate health or other circumstances preveat aa ineraasa iu their fauilies, should write or call at Dr. K Doberty's Medical Institute, and they will receivoi every possible relief and help. - The Doctor's offi ce are so arranged that he eaa be eonxuited with out fear of obeervatioa. . , - ' To Correspoudents. . ; Patient reeiding ia any part of the State.. how ever distant, who may desire the opinion, and. ad vice of Dti Doherty in their respevtive-eesea, and who think proper to submit a written statement of such, in preference to holding a personal interview, are respectfully assured that their co in Bumiee tiona will be held most a acred. ' If the case be fully and candidly described, per sonal communication will be unnecessary aa in structions for diet, regimen, and the gensod treat ment of the ease (including tbe remedies;, wifl be forwarded without delay, and in such- ay manner a to eonvey no idea of the purport of the rotter or parcel so transmitted. Consultation hy letter er otherwise, pres. Permanent euro guaranteed or no par- Address, W. K. DOHERTT, M. D-i . - San Franoisco, Califarcia. ' . . Spermatorrhea. " V'i. DoBEnrr has just published an imeortant pamphlet embodying liisown views and experieaeea in relc tion to Impot enee or Virility, being a short treatise en Bperma coiThoea or Seminal Weakness Nervous and Physical Debility eoageeaent on thia affection, and ot'oer diaeases of tbo Sexual Organs. Ihis little work contains information of the ut most value to all. whether married or single, and will bo sent FREE by mail oa receipt of six centa in postage stamps for return postage. -, Address, W. K. DOHERTT. M. D.. ' vJn38tf ' ' ' - San Francisco, CaK BEER! BEER!! ALBANY BREWERY CHASi KIEFEU, Pro'r. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST ERECT KT a new and firat-olasa . r - .. . . . - . ...... T ' Oil firoid allbin between First Street . and the River, . . ' -. And is prepared to fnrnisn ' ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS i . i xitp .. P R I V A T E F AMI U! E i : ON SHORT KOTICEI ill Orders DeliTtrei Wbemer Desired .; He Werranta his , MADE OF TKE CIST f."tEFa!ALS, f ' . ' . .-ASH"-;' - PERFECTLY PUTnY I He ia confident he e&n give entire latisfactlon kt, ... aU..