FRIDAY., -FEBRUARY 9, 1872. AGENTS FCR THE STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. Brownsville. ('orvallis... ...... Canyon City.... JCugwue...'..-... uassbur Harrisburg.... Jotiorwin Jacksonville.. liflmnon JjO, (Jraruie..... l'ortland Peoria Pendleton ltoseburjj. feio Salem .....:t:.J. Jf. Morgan. ...."W. J. HohertMon. , Thos. Howard. ...v-..i...J. J. .Walton, Jr. Matthew Fountain. Sam. May & li. 11. Holt. llauiey Waterman. J. It. Neil. W. S. KIkius. ".. E. 8. JeComa.s. V. II. West & Co. -Jacob Thompson. J. II. Turner. T. It. Kent. Dan. tiaby &. Oeo. Christie. .H. R Drown. The Dalles A .Walla Walla. ."Yakima, W.T ....... II'. J'Yrjruson. ...X. T. Caton. ..K. P. Boylos. Hon. John Burnktt, of Benton county, delivered an able address be fore the Albany Democratic Club last Saturday evening, lie began by pay ing a handsome compliment to the Democracy of Linn for being the first to appear upon the battle-Held of IST'J 'with a compact and e'.Ieetive organiza tion of her gallant Democratic hosts; and then proceeded to speak at length upon the political issues of the hour. He made an able exposition of the con flict now going on bet ween capital and Jabor throughout our country and 'warmly csioused the cause of those who "cam their bread by the sweat of their face'J claiming that the Tariff, though a specious dodge apparently in behalf of labor, was in reali ty one of the great est burdens upon the backs of the poor "cr classes and one which should meet with unrelentingopposition from them, lie spoke of the growing centralization of power in the Federal government and the corresponding divesturc of the rights of the States and liberties of the people. Ho delivered a scathing re buke upou the practice of the govern ment in setting up carpet-bag State -Governments in the South, and attirm--ed that it were better for the people of the Southern States to be under the iron heel of military rule than under the present ignorant characterless, thieving, robbing carpet-bag govern ments of that country making that erstwhile beautiful "Gem ofthe Ocean" n very barren isle and a desert waste. He believed that the Ku-Klux revolts In those States were the legitimate fruits of Radical tyranny anil oppress ion and are only iu keeping with that spirit which is inherent iu the breast of every mail and which impels him to resort to the most desiierate means, if necessary to protect his liberty, and his hearthstone. The same policy which ii pursued by the government toward the South has been pursued by one portion of the British Isle against the other and has now made a poor house of Fnglaud, a garrison of Ireland. He reviewed the IliJiea! bayonet bill, passed io control elections, and closed by riddling the national bank system and throwing a few hot-r-hots into rail road monopolies and other soulless cor porations. His rieet-h was well receiv ed and many of his utterances were warmly rpplauded. Tun Weather. Tie give it up; we don't know anything about the weath er in this country and we don't think anybody else does. Even that hereto fore infallable meteorological guide, the ground hog, "Ballou's Monthly Magazine fob February. About the neatest pres ent a father can make to wife, daugh ter or son, or a mother to her husband and children, is a year's subscription to that famous and popular magazine, Ballou's Monthly."- It Is only 51,50 per year, and contains more of real in terest to the general reader than any other magazine in this country. It is original, tilled with pleasant storien, sharp adventures, sea yarns, nice ioe try, and all that is calculated to claim the attention of the greet reading pub lie. Here is a list of the contents for the February number, and the public can judge of the variety : "The Valentino:" "Egyptian Cutmm ;" "Tho Tuwn of Uiga j" ''The Chimney Swoop s" L'lirysial Palneo Aquarium j" "Krmlurirk the OrciU ''Tlie Camel ;" "Fruit So rors of JUh Janeiro;" "Natives of Term del Kueg:" "Tho Ojii.vie Pride;" "My Con.nuni Friend ;" "The R-ad t.i Fortune :" " Psy.he's Kiiit ;" "Ono Timet" "Aunt Priseilla'a Property;" "Walter R:iyin 'lol'it Valentino;" ' Uncle Stun' Story of a.. A.lvci.tuitf in Canton ; ' "Wad lays;'' "Tho Maid and the Alugpie ?' "tlrandliitlier a Canarie ;" "AtS-wt" "N"Inipite ;" "Mul t u m in Parvo :" "A Fircnido Chat;" Oi'H Yuuso l'RoHt.K'a Stomv-Tellk "Ot:e : or the Son of a Politician:" "Tho Chimno.r Elves," "Curimi Mattor.i :" "Tho Hoiim-kecper:'' "Farts ami Fmictra ;" "Winter l'iiliircs (llumoroiiii I!!titriiti!i.)" Publinlicd ly Tholuva k Till hot, l'.3 CoiigreM Street, Ovkulano Monthly. This sterling Magazine for February is out anil among its solid contributionsabout our Western country, we notice "Wine making in California its Prwesses and Varieties;" "From Astoria to the Cas cades" a most interesting chapter on Oregon's famous river, the Columbia: a sketch of "Joaquin Miller," by one who has known him these past twenty years; and an article on "the Com merce of Asia ami Oeeanica," "The Pal ace and Tombs ofthe (Vara" is a well written and timely contribution; and "Woman Sultrage," iu another article, is ably discussed. Of fiction, we find half a dozen dillerent articles, the one entitled 'Spades" being a most thrill ing California picture. In jioetry, we recognize old and familiar pen, the pieces in this number being notably good. This magazine is published by John H. Carmany & Co., 40i Washing ton St., San Francisco, at SI per annum. Lixx Cor.MY Fair. The Fair for 172 will unduubtly besujierior to any which have preceded it, as the man agement are determined to leave no efFtirt unspared to render it so. The distinguishing feature ofthe Fair wi.l be a grand horse race for t..e magnifi cient premium of our thouMind doll'tr in gold. The race will be for running, heats, 3 in 5, with not less than three horses to enter; entrance fee, - per cent. This will be the largest purse ever competed for at any Fair iu Ore- " HOME AND ABROAD. ," Valentines at Fix-eland's. ; The wowiuils ejuu-r-ttmi b'otyivstkk. Carother's Soda Fountain still squlrt eth. ...... ., . : t Albany Is to have an Encampment ofi.o. o. f. ,.: ;' i ', ; ' The Albany Dancing Club h vo a hop to-night.' i x r; "" '.' 1 Thanks to O. B. Christie, of Mela for new subscribers. -, L. FHhuIImi., Is tho happy parleut of a new daughter. The largest snow flakes we ever saw, fell in this city last Saturday. ' i' 1 Judge Strtnig, W. II. Wutkhm, clal., were In this city during the week. "The beautiful snow" was about lour Inches deep hi this city last Sunday.' Tho Northern Lights gaw us a mag nificent freershow last Sunday night. An Iowa girl "u contracted, to cut ami clear U-0 acres of tluiber-land this IHiiter. - ; ' ' ! Alarming There Is a "bustle" in fyiishiouatile circles. All the ladies are getting their backs tip. An old lady, writing to her son out Uest.tells him to beware of bilious sa loons and liowcll alleys. Thirteen women have applied for ad mission to the new school of Journalism at Yale. Tit for Tat It Is beauty's privilege to kih time; ami, in revenge, time kills beauty. Charley Mcaley, Pat. Farrcll, ct til., got back from their mountain hunt last week. Ycstciday was the Chinese New Year lit It of Tong lice, or some other heathen. " The wife of an Illinois octogenarian recently presented the patriarch with a thirty-fourth child. Why are young ladies partial to sun set and twilight? Because they are the daughters of Hall s Vegetable Sicilian Hair Uh newer Is an excellent dressing and tonic for the hair and makes the hair grow thick. A boy gave a goid definition of a horse, iu his couiMitio!i, when he said, "he is an animal with four legs, one In each corner." Why is a very pretty, well-made, fashionable girl like a housekeeper? liecaus - f.he makes a great bimtlc about a very small tcairt. A fellow got a night's lodging in tho calaboose and paid $ ."SO for the luxury f running little children through our streets Just Monday. A Hcstem oet sings: "The melan choly days have come, the saddest of the year, when it's too hot for whisky sling", too cold for lager beer." A man in Cincinnati is organizing a brass baud of twenty women. He says if they learn onlv half us many "airs" t:o:i. We will publish the lUt next week. iron: ami must surelv attract a great . . - . ...... . ! " crown or patrol: i uie tun aiour as th ... ut , w, . . Itw...v!t!t Another feature of the occasion will be , Xhallk tu A- Carotin rs & Co. for a the oiler of a premium of $V) for thelpalrof Vo-.tenho!m I.XL scismirs; bet conducted farm in Linn t-ounty. whltll 1h whv our ..iori ugs" are Other premiums are liberal in proiior- j -,,riJilll.v h,ter.ti.,., this , "The stronct prosperity iu a wo i man's nature," says a careful xtudeiit AT the CLt'U. The interest in our . of the sex, "is to want to know what is Ciub organizations seems to lie fast g'5ug on, the next Is to loss the job." growing, if we may judge by the iu- j A young man who was caught pressing creased atten lnce at the Court House j sweetheart to his bosom tho other last Saturday night. Many ladies "ight, justifies himself on the ground were in attendance, to whom President I tht he had, a right to strain his own Cra nor tendered the thanks of the Club j honey. and extended a warm invitation to A young woman of Providence, It. I. them to favor us with their presence j l Miid to lie one of the best black and fair countenances "many a time smiths In that city. She works side cither lied : and oft." To morrow, cveiilug Hon. , by side with her father In the work- last Tuesday, or else displayed his ig- j (Jco. it. Helm will address the Club shop. norance in an unpardonable way; and ; and we hope tJ see a large attendance! 'Squire Arnold Is reaping goidvn the "oldest inhabitant" hangs his head of ladies and gentleman of all politi- opinions from our citizens because of In shame and confusion when asked what he knows about Oregon weather. AVLit-h we i.-h tu rtmarU. Anl our language ia plain, Tiiat for niliU ihut arc i-rlc. Anl for i'ht'i tbat do rain. Tiiid Wclilool eiimv u peculiar. ATbleh the same wc art; free to maintain. Iast Saturday morning the rain fell In torrents but in the afternoon it took a new departure and began snowing "like all possest," continuing thus dur ing all of Saturday night and the great er part of Sunday, when Old Boreas swooped down upon us from green land's icy mountains and by Monday morning froze things so stiff that cat tle vrere f-hriveled up to about the size of a hucklcibeiy hi a bear's car and cverybod's nose who ventured out looked like that Dutchman's "bugle" who "went out fishin' mit te poys." The ireather is . at present "passive," hut what the nejt few hours will de velop eveu the thermometer can't tell, aad we won't consult that base libel on meteorology, the ground-hog, more. merged her, and came out of (ho watci , v lie ottKuu her now sno nut in rmnn. Ilcr answer wass "all liunkcy, only a little vret.' " -n I J! 4 The local editor of the Paducah A'cn luckirtn lately attended a party, and according to his own words, saw noth ing towards tho close of tho evening but "a beautiful billowy ocean of foam ing skirts, which iu their virgin and uucontamalnated purity, rolled and pulled and surged in the gas-lit air." Wk are Informed that Mrs. Duulwuy, In prlvato conversations while in this city, gave the newspaper editors of Al bany "particular fits" becauso they don't speak of her with sufficient rev erence. Well now, as she has made herself a public character, by travel ing about over the country a a jMilltl eal slump orator, we certainly hope that she will at least permit us to speak atothrr women who engage In the same pursuit us crowing hens or cackling roosters, or something of that sort. Why do chickens havo no future existence? Uceuuso they buvo their necks twirled in this. A Mr. Tcami recently married a Sirs. Cross. Wo supposo ho teased her until she promised not to be cross any more. We have heard of a now way they have of getting up a surprise poty iu a certain village in this county. A youn eutleuiau receives nu anon ymous note stating that a surprise party will lo at his house on a certain evening. He spruces himself up and prepares for it No body comes, lie i surprised. Almost anybody would be. Aioi,mii:th Last U'ednesday morning the editor lied for l'ortland, leaving the printers alouo in charge, which Is why things arc thus with the local and original depart incuts of the DUMOCItAT this week. A D V 15 B T I U K M ,K N T S , NEW, ADVERTISEMENTS. TK.Mi'EitA.vci: Mkktixu. H'e are requested to state that there will lie an open tumts-ranee meeting held at the (Joo.l Templars, Hull next Tuesday evening. Kvcryhody Is invited. Tit anks. He are under many ob ligations to Mart. Payne, Fs j. , for a bas ket of luscious grapes presented to this o!llee. BORN: MORKIs la Ihu e-ly n the 4lb in.t. llio wile of A. II. Ujrri', a i, to MARRIED. TOMPKINS II ) I. MAN la Hho Cilr. I T., on Sutotay rieniu. January Mih, l.y Her. ti. IS. Ii. Jhllrr. Mr. li'.ii-aT . TfKlxt to Mm Jik JImlvas. all of Moho City. X E W AD V E II T 1 S K M E N T S SOTKC, A! tioa nr ante on axcuut of rattroa'i eoitfbtr, tiuii to Altiiliy i'ee oil nj Mtl immvlialc. ly. I5KN. IIOI.LAIi Y, 7nft it. P.y 3. II. tntirr. M rit K TO lilWVTOKH. UAVINO POI.I OCR KNTIBK INTER e.t in the Meieantite Luiine to Ja. L an. e J-.iro all ptr..nt iu4elte4 la bi tu coin f..raarj and nrlile lmme.tiat. tr. Jan. 23. 172, o-.'3o. A. COWAN CO. cal parties Democrats, Radicals, P.e-1 his unvarying promptness in delivering publicans, Conservatives, new depart- by aid or his stylish little job urists, passivists, woman's rightscrs, ! wagon. or any other man. He hire to see our ! The latest styles of ear-rings and i spacious court room crowded. pendants for a necklace are of gold, in i me snapc or a yacut duo or a mau-or- The B.vli. RoLLixc-To-morrow! waF thc name cf "Alexis," iu black Hon. X. 1L Cranor sp a!;s at Scio, and ' enamel, on the stern. Hon. (ieo. It. Je!m speaks at 1 o'clock I The latest London announcement is in Syracru.TC Precinct and at 7 o'clock p. m. at the Court Houe; in this .city. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. ALBANY OREGON. THIS INSTlTVrrOS Or'FKHS BUPERI or JIJM l ibMe whtf tblnk mora of a carrml and ramAtlm eiluratioa Inao ul imp ly jrra.iuatio-. Our motto : A erown fr lb. only wbo hare fuitbt and eiiiieril." IIONKST ErrOliT, SOI.IU WOKK. SYS TEM. LNEUO Y. J'UOtiHK.Sri. a km m-larntK. h'tudenta reeeivcj at any lima. cnl for cir cular. Ad'lre" " R. K. WAHKE-V, A. M.. Pi.t, . 6niCir Albany, Orcjoo. The Democracy of Old Linn are organiz ing and preparing for the battle in a manner which must insure us an in creased majority in this county. Let other counties come up to the work with a corresponding effort and Oregon is good for or.e thousand majority for Democracy next June. AiroTHER Partxeh. Messrs. Cart wright & Westlake have associated with them A. B. Morris, Esq., In the warehouse and soap manufactory busi ness, and hereafter the title of that firm ! will be Cartwritrlit. Westlake & Morris. any yc understand it is their : design i to erect, early In the Spring, a large We have been handed the fallowing , building on the corner of First and 1...-..- ..i.t:..: - i. 1 . ' special commeni at our haais as it suf licientiy explains itself: St. Joseph, Mich., Jan. 1, 1S72. William DavidHon, Esq. Dear Sir -Herewith please find copies of the Country Gentleman, containing my ff-orref-pondence concerning your State. I am abio writing articles for Tillon'8 Journal of Horticulture, which will .give you details of ray observations on :the fruits of Oregon, and I will send you the numbers as issued. Being a monthly, it will require .some time o publish all of my letters .on the subject. , ' Knowing the adaption of the climate- jand soil of your State for the produc tion of all kinds of fruits, I feel it a du ty to call the atte-ntion of those desir ing to engage in that business, as well ,as others, to its superior advantages. At no Very future day will it become ;an important branch of industry, and ;a source of great wealth to Individuals I .and the State. J am yours very respectfully, J. A. DoXAtDSOSV , y . . 'Herald. L AKCEN,Y.-One ' njght last week -a i-cauple of watches and a pistol were stolen from .the ' Sfc. Charles HoteL . against the protest of the 'proprietor, . Mr..J3renner-svyho firpd "several shofe tafterthe thief as he was retreating with his booty, fcut without effect. .Policeman Brown got upon the scent .of the thieves and pressed them so closely that thegoeds were shortly un. .earthed under Foster's mill and return .ed to their owner. . Subsequently suffi cient evidence was adduced to satisfy Recorder Zerren that Jas. Kelly had committed the larceny,' and he w:as comnjitted tp jail in default of 5200 bail, to await the action, of the grand Ellsworth streets, to be used as a depot for agricultural machinery, wagons, etc. ' The School Festival. This beau tiful little Quarterly Magazine, devot ed to new and sparkling matter for School Exhibition and public days, is received for January Xo teacher or pupil should be without it. It costs only fifty cents a year; single copy, fif- j teen cents. Write for it to Alfred L. Sewcll, Publisher, Chicago, 111. Send your subscriptions now and you will not regret it. Revival. Rev. a. W. Sweeney, of this city, is holding a revival meeting at Lebanon. He is meeting with great success, eleven persons having already joined his church. His meetings are crowded and he will probably coutinue his labors during the week. Hox. Geo. R. IZelsi will address the members of the Lebanon Democratic Club on the if sues of the day at their Hall, in Lebanon, on Saturday Feb. 17th. A cordial invitation is extended to every one, ladies in particular, to be present. . ; At HSaXRiSBURG. AVe are Jmform ed that a fair crowd, among whom were many Republicans, listened to the speech of Hon. Geo..R. Helm at ar- r.isburg, last Satnrday night Elected. Last Saturday the linn County Agricultural Association elec ted Martin Luper, Treasurer and Jason .Wheeler, Marshal, by acclamation. Religious. Rev. Mr. Iiovell, of the M. E. Church, South, preaches regu larly in the Court House in this ciy on the second, gad fourth Sabbaths in each monthl The Eugene Journal says we don't like the kind m matter it publishes. Who in thunder said wg did? a nose machine, by which homely noses are pressed into the most fashion able shapes, according to the taste of the owner. A Connecticut paper tells of a lawyer who "hung out his shingle" for a whole year in that State, and had but one case in all that time, and that was a case of inflamatory rhematism. Xext Wednesday is St. Valentine's Day, and as it Is Leap Year our bache lors expect to be deluged with tender and gushing epistles and gorgeous pic tures of Cupld,: minus his pantaloons and under-clothes. A bevy of Schenectady girls have agreed to let their waists expand, and, as a consequence, corsets there are slow of sale. They discard hoop-skirtsalso, and dress so as to display much ankle all of which is sensible. Those mighty hunters, Dr. Alexan der," Jason Wheeler, Abe. Hacklcman and Mart. Payne have returned from the mountains, with the carcasses of twelve deer. We extend our thanks to the party for a delicious ham A young bride of Gosport, Indiana last month blew her brains out because her husband attended a country spell ing school against her positive order. Lots of old married cusses are atttend ing Country spelling schools now. Charley 4ealey has. the best corps of mechanics in the" Stafe,; and as a con sequence turns out 'the most' superior Work. JTis furniture, home or custom made, is always to be relied on. Go and see his full stock of furniture. As a warning to our city about its bad sidewalks we cite the instance of an Iowa woman failing and breaking her nose 'on a defective sidewalk and her husband getting the full amount of damages claimed a five dollar green back. We are credibly informed that Wm. Thompson, Esq., has sold the Rose' burg fiaindealer to Senator Moshei and is to be associated with Ed. Alex auder in the mechanical department of the Salem Mercury. Wherever MBud" goes "biz" is bound to whiz along at a lively rate. . . , ? , - : A man named. Porter, living in Mis souri," having ' completed. a century without any prospect of dissolution, has concluded to rub out and begin over again. Accordingly his gray hair is. turning black nd. he is cutting ,a third set of teeth at the early ago of 101. - Some girls will never learn to restrain the natural impulses of their nature. A minister was baptising ' a girl at Ripon, TKis,, and whew he had Buh EYE, EAK, THROAT AND LUNGS! JOHN B. PILKINGTON, M. D IATK OF PAXFRAXCISCO. HAS KRTAB A LI.-Hhn iui,Ki.r i l4)ItTI,AM). Uregnn; Office 3 and 4 Holme' Building. Firt tlrcet, 3 dunra from I.a-H and Tilton'a Rank. vbera hr may b eunnulted daily, and will treat diwraat of the above tiataud crgan a bit - eialiiica. - All operation on the Eye and Ear made In tba tno.t n-irnilfic and raraful taannrr. Ariifi. rinl Ktf. having all the beauty and mobility of tbe natural K, inncrlcd.. Refer for hn profenmonal rlandine to I.. C. Ijine. M.l)., Prof, of Surgery, and Edwin IUnU Icy, M.I., I'rof. of Anatomy iu tba L'nivrily of tbe Paciflo and for bi aueceM in treatinx patient to over 1.&00 caie. namea iciven, treat rd by biin in Han KranriMo; alau to Levi Ete, fcq., Fortlaml, Wm. II. Dillon, Ei., Vaneou ra . John Alexander, Kaq., Courtrrille, W. T., aod many other in Oregon and W. Ter'y. auzavTnztno JAMES Ij. COW A IV. (fCCKIl Or A. C0VTA5 4 CO.) LEBANON, OREGON, DKALER IX ttCXJiRAI, MERCIIAXUISC I ! WILL KEEP ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL STOCK Si ZRT GOODS GROCERIES! TT A IT TXVT A. TT? T7! Boots and Shoes X All for Rale at the Loire t Prices for CASH or PR0DUCK. All perooi owinR A. Cowan & Co. can icltle by eullinir on me at Lebanon. , - v7n24tf. JAMEr L. COWAN. ft J, W ft 3 O 0 0 o ! o o r 9 5 a O 2 58 rj 0 5 1 M 0 X H 0 2 m -t n I - t 5 , il v I - T. 3 o o 73 Z m 7 n w H z o to O o r 03 Q H SS OR 9 75 X o o 0 - o 0 I I v X o x o I I o X 70 m n H r a z o 7J m a o 2 ptB0( Q pal a r: H I r- - r r mm rxrt ri n mm A P V K RUSK M E N T S. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. . A J) V ii It T 1 f K M K N T THE ImXT HOOD.; FU0M AN JUJ I LD1 N G ! WHEAT AND FLAX-SEED DEPOT! Cleaning and Elevating Capacity 10,000 Bnxhcli per Day! 150,000 Bushel Wheat Wanted in Store! 30,000 Mack for lbo who wUb to tell ar tore wiib tu. KlaX'Seed Conlraetor of 1'iuneer Oil Co. will call on u for aaka. rSnilyl. E. CAKTWRIQ11T. FOR THE HARVEST OF 1872. PITT'S THRESHERS ! HAINES. HEADERS! LATEST l3IPRTEDMOWCR8l And Alt Kind, of lgricultiiral Implement! CONSTANTLY ON HANOI AUo the CELEBRATED BAIN WAOON 1ILAIN, YOl'NO k CO.. 6n.t7tf. Albany, Oregon. -WILLIAM DATIDSOxV, REAL ESTATE DEALER Office No. 64 Front Street, PORTLAND, 0RE30N. REAL ESTATE In tbl CITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the most desirable looalitiei, coniting of LOTS, HALF BLOCKS and BLOCKS, JIOUfiES and STORES; also, . IMPROVED FARMS, anil Tnluabte an cultivated LANDS, located in ALL parte ut be S i AXIS lor SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Property vnr chased for CiifreRpondenta, in this CITY and throughout tbe STATES anH TERRITORIES, with great cure and on tbe moat ADVANTA GEOUU TERMS. ' HOUSES and STORES LEASED, LOANS NEGOTIATED, ana CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COLLECTED, And a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE In all the CIT IESand TOWNS in the STATE, will receive description of FARM PROPERTY and forwar tba suuo tu tba above address. v6u25tf. KL'M.nO.VS. In Juntice'a Court Jor the Precinct of , llurrvtburg, County oj Einn and State of Oregon. Alexander L. Walker, Plaintiff, ti. Robert McQuigg, Defendant. Civil action to recover personal property. To Robert McOuisg, tbe above-named de fendant s In tbe name of tbe State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear before the ondersign- ed, a Jn.tice of tbe Peace, for the Preeioot aforesaid, un tbe 2nd day of March, 1872, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at tbe office of raid Juilice, in said precinct, to an swer I be above-named Plaintiff in a eivil action. Tbe Defendant will take notioe that if be fail to annwur the complaint herein, tbe Plaintiff will tuke judgment against blin for the recovery of tbe posveiou of one two-borse wagon and one et of double harness, or for the value there of, and for damage for the detention of the same. Publication ordered by me January 13, 1872. Oiven under my band tbis 13tb day of Jan., I8'2. I. 8. MANSFIELD. E. N. T.nDV. Justice of tbe Peace. Att'y for PIX n23w. M I -,' JW.'i sue l An Infallible BLOOO fVTHriEi.pnawiia, Ing ran toxic and vi.E properties, a certain cure for aHEiaTi.a. eocr, NKiiMAfilA. and all kindred Pleeasea. It completely restore (be eyatsoe wben lm paired by disease, revive tbe action of tbe HIOWV mm ItV.mtAt. OnaAM. radb rally eurea tBOrt'L. (ALT r.i;. and all Eniirrne mmt cvtaxkovh Dls. aaea, givee tumeduUe and permanent rclkt In DvercMia, rreiEi.A. Tumor, Dolls, Scald Head, Clean and Borea; eradi cate from tbe system all trace of Mercurial Disease. ... lit rtiatLT vrsr.raLK, Wing made frora an nerb found IndtKeooos In curwi. It la tnaiefor peculiarly soluble for uw by remale and Children, as a sxoa wi. riCB sal EOV.tTOB, For Sale by all Oregghts. - comaTOtt. ROiTCTTcet a co. AOENT8, S20 And C31 Market Etreot. Eaa Frasdiee. 12 Z 8 S OF 73 W "0 - O - 2 5 : V! S3 io IO i w so o o w z a CO a w f 14 ta o Z S3 s IT t CO HC -ij CO s a n r. s so CD 2 -a X V J. 1 kJ X u I. H o -3 v. s C O O r o to A o TI a o o NEW YORK. S. T. CHADWIOK, ALBANY BOOK STORE' .E. A. FltEELAND, , BOCK-SELLER AND STATIONER, Albany - - - - Oregon RESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE PCB lie tbat be i now ocvuoying a stand in PARRISITS BLOCK. " Where all are invited, aunrcd tbat Good iu bi line are sold at tbe lowol cash prica. cosiTAKTt.v oa nana: ST1XD1B0 l.D X1SILL1.GCS BOOKS. Jmvenilo. Toy Gilt and Blank Books, Coutl fO., ID SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY! Of every kind ned in tbe State. BOOKS IMPORTED TO ORDER, a . hurt notico. eelnlKIr - ST Alt BKEWEM! TALLY & HOUCK,; HAVE ESTADLISUED AN ESTENHIVE Ilrewcry busincas in ALB.t.Y A.D CORVALUS, THE CAKVASJ4 FOR 1873 IS NOWjOPl5NED ELI CARTER, ALBANY, OREGON. -.,....,. j : It Still Civlnp; Special Attention to the Salo of Real Estate, Renting- City Property, Collecting; Rents, and Demands of all Kinds, Exam ining .Records, making and Acknowledging' Seeds, &c, tc , Now Is the time to register your Real Estate in my office, if you wish to sell during the coin ing season. Over $00,000 worth of Real Es tate advertised through my office hat changed bands within a few months past. ' It pays te advertise if you wish te sell, and there i. no better mode of advertising your Real Estate tban through my offiee, where there is i Urge amount of property offered and where all persons wishing to purohaso call to gep what there U for le. . ' ':'..:';'?'" S9The notes add aecnunti due A. Cown A Co. are in my bairi), Hot to keep but to eolect. Personi interested will govern themselves ao eorrtintrly. -l- I also have the book of Drlggs A ' Carter at my office, where our friends aro uordially .nvi tod to call and settle ep old accounts an leave orders for work. ELI CAltTER. 7n?5m3. -' : ' mAitAOSH ron okeooic, bauxi Mr. Ilouck keeping tbe old stand of Tally in Albany aud Mr. Tally superintending tba Es tablishment at Corvallis. Itccr furnt'bed to SALOONS AND PRIVATE FAMILIES to order, aud WaSEAUTEDD TO EE TU VEST BEST ! TALLY UOIXK. April 14. 1S7I rfinSitf. LADIES1 EMPORIUM! MRS.' M. A. BBIDGEFARMER, FASHIONABLE MILLINERY - .. a SO . . FA-isrcsr OOOIDSl l)RIi."iS AXD CLOAK-MAKING! BLEACHING AND PRESSING IN LATEST STYIES "Sohp oa south side Main st, two doors east of Mealcy's shop., Oregox. v6n4iitf. MILLA.1ILTTE . TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. T?R0JI AND AFTER DATE USTIL FVR- l1 tber notice, tho Company will dispatch a vat from Albany te Cervalli on TL'KoJMY and FRIDAY of each week. Also will dispatch a boat from Albany for Portland and intermediate places on same days, leaving Votnetot-k Co's wbarf. Fare at red uood rates. J. D. BILES, Dee. 1. 1871. Agent. For a fevr cents you can buy cf yor C-rcccr cr Ercjgist a packago cf SUA 1I0S3 FAHINE mado fron puro Irirh. Koss or Carrageen, rHc!i will raaka sixteen quarts cf Ilanc Hange,' and a liko 2t:antity cf Puddings Citard3, Creans, Qirlotte Russc, &c. It 13 tie cheapest, healthiest and most delicious food in tho world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Change!! Tlin GREAT WORLD'S TOXIC. Plantation Bitters. This wonderful vegetable re Morative is tUe sheet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonie and cordial for the aged and languid, it lias no equal among stcmachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especially; sub ject, it i superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropi cal, temperate, or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the uninaal spirits. For sale by all druggists. PRIVATE MEDICAL AID" QUICK CURES AXD MODERATE CHARGES. DK. W. K. DOIIKKTVS PRIVATE MEDICAL AND SURGICAX INSTITUTE ! rsftto. SX9 Sacramento Street, corner of LeiacJ'.rtt street, (a few duvrs below .Wbat Cbeer Jluuce. l'rivate Kntranee ou lidcdTS street, han I'rancifco. Btatfikcd txftmmlj to ajf-rd thm afflicted mnumd mmd tiemttjir medicti mid im the tfitmmt aud care uf all l'rictt vmd Ckrn ic JSitMem. rumm vf .Secre cy a "'I all Srjrmut liurdcr: TO TI1K AFFLICTED. DR. W. K. bullEUTY KKtUKAa 1115 SIX eere thanks to bis nvusemns patients for tneir patronage, and would take tb:s npportuniiy to remind tbeui that he eontiones tu cotumlt at hi Injitilete for tbe curu of ebrouie d'ueaxes of tbr Lnnga, Liver, Kidneys, IMestive and Urnito-Uri-oary Organs, and all private disease, vis . Pvpb iiis in all its forms and staged, Seminal Weakuess. and all tlie horrid evnueqnences of sulf-abuM. Uon Mrrboea, Uleet, Mrieture. X'Ktamal and liiurnal emUsums, f-cvoaJ Iebility. biscases of tbe Back and Luics, IuQautnutiou uf tbe hluddcr and Kid neys, ete., etc. and be Iwpes (bat his long experi ence aud successful practice will continue to inxore bim a share a! ublic pau-otute. Hy the iructico or many years in Europe aod tbe United hute, be is enabled to apply tlie uioH eScieat and ue- eeasful remedies against diseases of ail kinds. lie uses no mercury, cbar;e tuouenitu, tresis liu pa tients in a correct and honorable fa; , and has references of unquestionable Teratrity from men of known respectability and bigb fSaaiiiu in soci ety. All parties consulting bim by Kttcr orother. wire, will receive tbe bust and rculfcsi treatment. and implicit cecrccy. To FetnnZcs. When a female is in trou'.le, or sEicted with disease, as weakness of the back and limbs, pain in tbe head' dimness of siht. loss of muscular power, palpitation of tbe heart, irritability, ner vousness, extreme urinary difficulties, derange ment of digestive functions, generrl debility, ta. giaif is, all diseases ot the womb, hysteria, sterili. ty, and all other diseases peculiar to females; she should go or write at onee to the celebrated female doctor,, W. K. Dpherty, at bis Medical Institute and consult bim about her troubles and disease. The boetor U effecting more eurcs than any other physician in the State of California. Let no fal.-e delieaey prevent you. but apply immediately and save yourselt from pamul sutjcrios and prema tare deatn. All Married Ladies whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an increase in then- fauiiues. ebould write or call at Dr. W. K. Doherty'a Medical Institute, and they will receivu every poesible relief and help. The Doctor's offi ces are so arranged that he can be consulted wit a, out 'fear of obsurratiun. To Correspondents. Patients residing in any part of the t?tate. how. ever distant, who may desire the opinion and ad- vice of Dr. Doborty in their respective eases, and who think proper to snbmit a written statement of such, in prefcrcnoo to holding a personal interview. are respectfully assured that their communication will be held most sacred. If the ease be fully and candidly described, per sonal communication will be unnecessary, as in structions for diet, regimen, and tbe general treaU ment of tbe ease (including the remedies), will bo forwarded without (jelay, and in such a anannarat to eonvcy no idea of the purport of the letter or parcel so transmitted. Consultation by letter or otherwise, freb. Permanent cure crnarantced or no pay. Addreas, W. K. DOHERTY. 1. D San Franeisco, California. FERRY MOTICE.; THE UNDERSIGNED DESIRES TO form the puh'.io thot he will hereafter eg, uiarly run Gra Perry on tho row! leading from Jefferson to Soio-and repeetfully invitee the patronage- of the traveUpg publia. Ibe ferr ry boa t will be kept In good, rupair a,nd under I1 II A r-.. j? k I m a f ' vmrm oi mu euerioqei anil careiui (eriy innn. a umv . . V9n21j2. trtan JAS. GRACE. Affen.. IVSTERjS 4ND SARDINES, NUT AND j itnnics, au4 other AUlEJLEft knick knacks by at SHfSOO, GILL k STEEL, Agents at Portland, Oregon. SILAS 4t DAY, Agent at JaokioaviUe, Oregon. BOARD OF REFERENCES. The Manager for Oregon refers, by perm la ion to tbe following gentlemen t Hie Kxoelleney, L. P. Graver, Gov." ef Oregon. L. t leiaobner, bUte Treasurer, r 8yl. 0. Simpson, State Librarian. . E. M. Watte, Job Printer. J.P, Miller, . R. P. Barbart, Proprietor Chemeketa House. Geo. A. Steel, County Treat,,' Multnomah Ce Rev, L. Rowland. A. Rash, of Ladd k Bqh, Danker. P. O. Curl, Clerk of tbe Supreme Cort Dr. PUk. M. p. ' . : Rev. P. S.Kntgh $ty. f , H. silewart o. f. YOjy rdciiv & co., MANAGERS POR THL PAWriC COAST., 106 Montgomery St., San FrencUP, novlTm3 ALBANY BATH HOUSE! nIIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT- X fully iuforui the oitiiens of Albeny and vi cinity that he hat takeneharge of this Establish ment, and, by keeping olcan rooms ana paying ttript atteution to busiuese, expocts to suit all those who may favor him w.ttt tnuir patronage, slaving heretofore carried on nothing but First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons, he expeets to give entire aatisfaction to all. JEDT-Childten and Ladies' I lair neatlv eut and shampooed. . JOSEPH WEBBER. v;; v.; . ... Tiin33tr. .... ,. .. Spermatorrhea. Da. DomcRTV hasjuft published an important pamphlotembodyinghUownvieweand expericocof in relttlbn to Impotence or Virility, beins; a short treatise on Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakgefs Nervous and Physieal Debility consequent on thin affection, and other diseases ofthe Sexual Organ.. This little work contains information of the ut. most value to all. whether married or single, and will be tont FREE by mail ou receipt of six cents in postage stamps for return poet ape. Addrens, , W. tv. aJgUiKiy, M, 1. vSn-HBtf San Francisco, Cal. HEMOHHHOIDS. A. CAKOTHERS 4 CO'S "PILE PILLS AND OINTMKNt have' now beoome one of tbe standard preparations Of the dayj it pre pared and reoulniueuded for Pilee outy (whether chronic or recent). Sufferer may depend upon it, that this rome'dy will give them permanent relief from this troublesomo and damaging com plaint. - ' '-,;.' : ' Sent postpaid to any address (within tbe Uni ted States) upon receipt of prioo, $1.30.' : - A. CAROTHERS k CO.', ' ' n40yl ., , , j v Albany, Liu Co., Oregon. THE JUSTLT CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON ! R ECOGNIZED EVERT WJIERB AS A FlFlST CLASS FARM WAGON. No other Wagon bus a Home reputation equal to "Rain" make, and it is the only wagon that bat been tented and known to stand tbis climate. In a word it is made of the beat materials and is tbe best finished wagon tbat comes to tbis mar ket. ,-....- . - . We have different stylet of Ilpnndg and Reach, Patent do. (to called) included , ... - : SLAIN, YOUNG k CO. Yn4$ - Agents t Albaoy, ! ALBANY BREWERY. C1IAS. KIEFER, Pro'r. THE SUBSCRIBER nAS JUST ERECTED a new and first-class ' B 1 E -W E -S" Oa Uro4 Albia pewf en FJnt Street lutd the ZUves, , ' And is prepared to furnish WHO LESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS PRIVATE FAMILIES, oar short utoticei All Orders Delivered T herever DesireiJ, V He WarranU bit BEER ' 'MADE OF THE BEST MATERIAU,1 PEUJFECTIsY II3.ilTU Y! Qe it conSdcnt be can give entire tatU&piios tu , Bet!. 2, m, T3a?Ht