Ucmorrat. FRIDAY-. .DECEMBER 22, 1871. SCISSORING.. . The United States Treaurj is called the original dollar store. The professional forger asks but one right for himself the copy right. When a man bends his steps to ward an obiect. he is often apt to break into a run. ; , .1 A Texas serpent exhibited its lack of the traditional wisdom by swallow inga China nest-egg. 4", A youg lady recently tried to do up her back hair with a honey-comb to moke it look "sweet." In too many lamentable instances the scese "last of this etrauge, event ful history" is kerosene; Why should one notpayacowardly omnibus, driver? Because tone but the brave deserve the fare "."..." Guixot is writing a book on the moral condition of France. It will cot be a very large volume. A fillial Virginian shot a doctor be cause his medicaments failed to re lieve the predicament of his sire. A correspondent affirms that , his ery soul was coiled rp in horror, by some incidents of the Chicago fire. The Boston Gas Co. has sunk its artesian well 1,020 feet, and is still progressing at the rate of 4 feet per day. - . , There will ,be fifty-three Sundays in 1871, the year commencing and on the Sabbath. This quite a rare occurrence. Out in Arkansas, Republicans who work with the Democrats are distin guished by the ambiguous title of 3rundletails. I A gentleman the other evening ob jected to playing cards with a lady because he said she had such a win ning way about her. A clergyman named Fiddle refused to accepi the title of D. D., because, as he said, he did'nt want to be called the Uev. Icnapod Fiddle, D. D. A Western editor informs a cor- c,Jr, tk.t il..n.J..i.ni.lo" . wuu un accompanying a marriage notice sig- mi? uiai tne weaaea pair aon t piay 7 - t - m.- i.i i.ji.:.i(uui I birth day at bbesqnesquin. .Fa., recentlvl and over four hundred de- ecendents and kinsmen attended to congratulate him. , A loving wife in Danbury, Conn., on the decease of her . husband sent the following thrilling telegram to a distant friend: "dear John is dead. Xoss fully covered by insurance." There used to be a good old gen eral order in the British navy, issued to all commanders aa regarded the propriety of engaging an enemy of superior force, "When in doubt, fight!" Reynolds, the dramatist, observing to Martin the thickness of the house at one. of his own plavs, added, he "supposed it was owing to the war. "No replied the latter, "it is owing to the piece. A Down Easter, being told that his father, noted for his meanness, would tell a lie for six and a quarter cents, indignantly denied the allegation, but at the same time admitted that he might relate sixteen for adollar. 'You are beautiful, and I adore you said a gentleman to the belle of the evening. . 'For my bart, I hate you and think you frightful, she retorted I believe you, frank girl. You do not tell polite falsehoods like me.' A. turtle passed through Bain- bridge, Ga, a few. days since, with the inscription attached . to him: "Please let this traveler pass to the tknks'of the Thronoteeska. He owes no one nothing, neither is he a poll tician." . . . A member of the Masonic fraterni ty telegraphed to a companion, "Make room for ten .Royal Arch Masons. Coming to-day." When the compan ions arrived they found a pen had been built for their accommodation, the telegram, at its destination, read ing, "Make room for ten R A Ms. Coming to-day." . A Maine young lady, who endear ored to put to a practicle test an old legend which promises a sight of her future husband to the spinster who .1 11 1 1. J 1L. gues uuwu a cellar uuuaiwturu vu . kue last night of October, fell to the bot- torn of the stairway amid streams of kerosene and showers of broken class. causing a terrible racket and effectu- j "r"'""o v- Mrs. Joaquin Miller has stipple tented the volume of ooems lateiv . . , r - - merited the volume of poems lately published by her husband, by a letter in which she severely censures that gushing poet for the homely vice of , neglecting and abandoning his wife and children. The fond wife begs the public "to welcome her husband as a man of genius," with the sort of I devotion that would have inspired a letter from Mrs. Harold Skimpole. Knf am. A mAnMn vnlili of. laast "1 "r.iT" r V A A- TT that part Of it that IS most addicted to poetry, has a prosaic regard for the manlv virt.iifa? And this ernosnre. which harmonizes so closely with the general moral tone of Mr. Miller's gorgeous "brown" poetry, will lead thousands of honest people to read Miller's glowing pictures of masculine meanness, selfishness and cowardice with which his personal heroes are pearly all invested, with clearer light, and the verdict of American approval will be "Not be for Joaquin.'' rhila. MuUeltn. ' Grace Greenwood, writing from Denver says; "Nature did antelopes an ill turn originally, in affixing to them a mark by which they can be seen and a bead draw on them' at a distance. It renders them especial ly liable to attack in the rear, which reminds me of a little story. A small Colorado boy, " who had been out planting, ran into the house in a state of great excitement, saving that he had seen some antelopes in a gulch near by. At his entreaty his mother went oat to look at them, butnothin of the kind was to be found. She became incredulous, and said at last; "I don t believe vou saw any ante Innoo- it miiBfc have been VOur imaei- v,.f; iviH.-. -; .J . "V ' . . . - "Humph, I guess my imagination un i white behind. ADVERTISEMENTS. METROPOLIS HOTEL. CORNER FRONT AND SALMON STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON. Thli New and Elegant Hotel, with New' Furni ture throughout, : IS NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Bath room for the accommodation of guest. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. ; jeartnuB ad at os-Ti ; :- ' '. J. B. 6PRENGER. .... Proprietor. CHAIRS AND TURNING ! ALLJ3IZES OF , RAW-HIDE BOTTOMED CHAIRS I of the beat quality, well-finished, eaa ha had at METZLER'S SHOP! Alio, all kinds of TURNING dona to order. Timber for Hubs on hand and fixed fur turning paling. . Per-Metiler's t,nair are Kept on nana 07 r.. B. Moorr A Co., Uarrisburg. fe25v4n!Syl. J. M. METZLER. THE CELEBRATED BUCKEYE SEWING MACHlf THE , I! CHAMPION OF OREGON! Price $25. With Table Complete, $45. mnE "BUCKEYE" is A FIRST CLASS I Machine rakea tbe lock stitch the same lhn ..t.,.ireDee. ,b6 H..w." mnd the "S.ng er-.d the price u within the reach of all it u the SIMPLEST. STRONGEST AND MOST DURAELE Machine now in use. It will sew from the thin est to the thickest cloth, without chance. It bat the beet feed device, and one which will nut wear out. All persons in need of a first elasa machine bonld nut fail t examine the "Buckeye" before purchasing, aa hundred' who are now Bring them pronounce them tu be the beat machine fur a l kinds of sewing now on this coast. ACESTS WASTED! To whom we will allow a liberal commission. We wi'.l ship machine! to an; person on tbU coact upon receipt of price. For further particular. address ilalZtt MINER A PEARSON. a Albany, Oregon. STILL JLATER ! GREAT REDUCTION ! ! !! AT THE SAN FRANCISCO STORE! COR. FIRST AND fUy STS.. ALBANY. Keepa constantly on batd a full assortment of d,u'td PUMPS AND TINWARE! I also hare for sale the celebrated JDXJJLOJsTlD ROCK: Couk Stove, and other Iradiae styles AIo manufacture all kinds of Tin, Copper and Saeet-Iroa Ware, in good style, at luw rates. FOR CASH OR PRODUCE I Always on band a full supply of The Purest Wines and Liquors For Medicinal Purposes only. ; A well selected stock of a OCEBIES AND CEOCKEBY will always be found at my establiahment. I will sell all roods in my house, for Cash or Produce on delivery, cheaper than the eoeapest. XHfAll kinds of Tinware repaired on short no tice, and satisfaction guaranteed. I will pay the biehest price for linen and cot ton BAGS, OLD JIEHSfArEKS, clean paper, 4e. ' jaor6nZlyl JLL1LS bBAUWUUU READ, ACT WISLY, i -urn W A. -V MU MONEY! JLC. Hill 5c Son Imnp- at.tt:st nurn nnrsu: TV t.tw i . - - " JL COUNTY, after thanking their numerous ' Irienas ana patrons lor past I Ivors, leire to i doth cvDiiousDcs oi u.irunan UJ SRU1BK e0Dljtailtiy 00 hano mm nnjt Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Oils, faints, Dye-Stuffs, Brashes, Trasses, etc. Agents for Dr. D. Jarnes A Pons' line of med icines, the celebrated unx weea tcemeay or Oregon Rheumatic Care, Ac, As. Constantly on band, a good snpply or .positive and Negative Powders, 3T Physicians' Prescriptions carefully Com- I pounded, in either the English or German Ian- 1 KQSre. We are also agents forth HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE one of the best Family Machines in use. Call and see na and satisfy I yourselves. R. C. HILL A bVX v6nltf MONEY CANNOT BUY IT! For Sight is Priceless BUT TBS , . Diamond Spectacles Will Preserve LT T0TJ VALUE TOTJS EYESIGHT USE TBESS PERFECT I.EXSES. Gronnd from minute Crystal Pebbles, melted to gether, and derive their nam "Diamond" nn account of their llardneem and Brll lisuiey. Tbey will last many years without change, and are warranted superior to all others in use. Manufactured by J. E. SPENCER A CO. Opticiass. ; NEW YORK. Cadtiojt. None genuine unless stamped with onr trade o mark. For Sale by Responsible Agents throughout the Union. TITUS BRO'S, Jewelers and Opticians, are Sole Agents for Albany, Oregon, from whom they can be obtained. No Pedlers employed. O OAP KANE'S "CONDENSED, THOMAS' O CookWatef, -Bleaching, and otherliinds-. I sold by WntELttU at HUK1IU OR WARE GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, Ac, A., go to WHEELER ' , at SIIEDD. It. ADVERTISEMENTS. JFTA r,77& VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER. - Every year increases the popularity of this valuable Hair Preparation ; J wnicn is due to merit atone, w e can 4 assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is the only reliable and perfected prep aration for restoring Gbat or Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The sculp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff; and, by its tonio properties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimu lates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extrcmo old age. It is the most economical Hair Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair, a splendid, glossy ap pearance. A. A. Ilayes, M.D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality; andl consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Sold bf oil Drmggiit$, end Dealer! fit lftdicine. Prion One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye I" FOR THE WHISKERS. As our Rcnewer in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whisk ers, we have prepared this dye, in on preparation ; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL t CO., XTASHTJA, HJH. SMITH A l).tia, fuuTkaxn, Wholesale Agent. 6u43yl Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is widely known at one of the most effectual remedies ever discovered for cleansing the sys tem and purifying the blood. It has stood the test of yean, with a con stantly growing rep utation, based on ita intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures, bo mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to effectually purge out the great cor ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities or diseases that hare lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence ita wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, of ScroAila and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Eruptions, and eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, lilotche. Bolls. Pimples. PustulCH. Bores. St. Anthony's Fire, Itone or UryHlpe- las. Tetter, Salt lUieum, Scam liead, ICintrworm, and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Stomach. ana AJver. it also cures other com plaints, to which it would not teem especi ally adapted, such as vropsy, iryspep sla. Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Oiseaae, Female Weakness, UebUlty, and Lieucorrhosa, when they are manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisons. it u an excellent restorer or beaitn ana strength in the Spring. By renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of life. PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and AnatftUml ChmUtU. SOLD BT ALL DBUGGISTS EVEBYWHEEE. aJirj.il A UAV16, fuBTLASD, Vn...e.le Agents. v6n43yl NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! J. M. BEACH. Is now opening a select stock of Gebcral ebandisa, consisting of Mer- STAPLE ANO FANCY DRY GOODS! BOOTS AND SHOES! GROCERIES! HARDWARE CROCKERY AND 6LASSWARE ! CLOTHING! Ac,, Ac., Ac, Ac, Which he Is offering to the public at prices cor responding with the times. All hind or MERCHANTABLE PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS I Come One ! Come AH t And examine Goods and Prices, at the old stand formerly occupied by D. Beach A Son, opposite Foster's Brick, South Sid of First street. ALBANY, OREGON, sp8v8n34y1. PIPIFAX! JUST ARRIVED. TEY IT. SURE CURB FOR DYSPEPSIA AND INDI GESTION. IIENBV MYEB, Agent, Albany. We hereby appoint Henry Meyer our Agent for the city of Albany, Oregon, with tb privil ege of supplying the city of Corvallis until we deem it proper tn appoint an agent there. cllAivr f C.K, WAU'lSK A CO, per 0. V? GERZABEK, Agent Gcl3Q9m6 THE LADIES' FAVORITE! :. piBS. 8. A. JOII.HS' MILUNERT ESTABLISHMENT! FASHIONABLE MILLINERY 'I. AND ; ;., ' lAdi es' fancy a oods ' ' KEPT C01JSTANTLY-ON HAND. " TkRESS AND CLOAK-MAKING, BLEACH y- ing snd Pressing done in tb latest styles and shortest order. Shop up-stairs over J, Beach's store, First street. M advkutIseMents. $500,000 ! TBS SOUTH CAROLINA Land and Immigration Auotiatlon ran thh POM OTION OF IMMIGRATION TO THE SOUTH. BUTLER, CIIADW1CK, OAIIY A CO., Agents. CkUaLKNTni, 8. C. A8EIIIES OK C0NCKHTS WILL BE OIV. en under the tmloe ef the 8uth Carol!- n. Estate Aurlcultural and Mmhanioiil Hi eiety at tli Aoadeuiy of Musio. C'liarluitoii, B. C., euiu meneing January 8th, 1H72, at which drawloga will take plnoe and dlstrlbutUins La niada , to ticket holders. . 1st Gift ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Charfiiton, 8. C, coat to build $2.10,000, bavins; nn annual rental of about $20,000 Iroia 0wr llou.o, Stores and Haiti) the building be ing about 2.10 feet by 00 feet, and situated corner tf King and Mar ket streets, in the center of the city, and well known to he the flne.t building and most valuaMo proper ty in Charleston, valued at 1250,000 2nd Uift I'aah 100,000 3rd (lift Cah S5,0"0 4th tlift Cah 10,000 4th Gift Oh. h 6,000 25 Oilta Cah each 1.000 25,000 25 Uirte Caxh each 9&00 , 12,000 850 tlift CaeheiH-h n0.... 35,000 2,000 other tiilts amoauting to 37,000 3,405 OifU. amount to $500,000 140,000 SEASON TICKETS OF ADMISSION AT 15 EACH. ALL ORDERS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS SEND FOR CIRCULARS. References in Now York City Augn.t Del. moii I A Co., Bankers ; Hon. I'haa. O'Connor, Counselor at Law ; Hon. Roger A. rryor, Coun selor at Law ; T. A. Iloyt, K.q., President Uuld Koow : Anilersou, Marr t-o., Men-bants j Hon. John K. Ward, Counselor at Law; Col. Richard Lathers; Hunt, Thompson A Co., Fac tors; Petta A Co., Merebints: F. Zogabum A Faircblld. Merchants. HefiTenoes in South Carolina Gen. Wad Hampton. Hon. 15. F. Perry, lio. M. L. lion- ham, tien. Johnson Hagood, Hon. Artnisted Burt. Hon. Jaa. Chestnut, tien. John S. Preston, Hon. . D. htmpson, Andrew feiinonda, K.q Hon. G. A. Trenliolui, Uov. J. L. Manning, lion. J. a. Campbell. To Assure YoarseUea that our Enterprise is Honorable, let Your Banker writ to to any Bank Caahler in Charles ton, H. C, before Or dering Tickets. Comniiuioners and Supervisors of Drawing uen. A. K. n nrht, of Ijeorsia; Ura. Iiradla T. Johnson, of Virginia ; CoL B. II. Koil-'l. of South Carolina; Hun. Roger A. Pryur, New York. . The Drawing will positively take place Jans- ary iu, laJ3. INDUCEMENTS TO tLUBS. 11 Tickets for.. ..........$ SO 2.1 Tickets for........ I"0 ! U. S. 50 Tirkct for. 200 100 Tickets fur............ 374 j Currency. rpeeial rati, will be given fur 500 or 1,000 Tu-kela, if applied for immediately Retuilianees can b made t us, and the Tick- ats will be sent by return mail by BUTLER. CHADWICK. GARY A Charleston, S. C. CO., Gcx. M. C. Bt rtra, Uaa. M. W va!7w4. Joaa Caaawira, Gar. NEW S T O C EC 1 1 JUST OPENED! GEORGE TURRELL ! ! IF J JLJL AS NOW OPENED OUT. AT THE Mvia recently oceapnd by A tvaan A Co.. on t Ftrat SL, Albany, a oew and WELL SELECTED STOCK ! DRY GOODS. FANCY GOODS, GENT'S CLOTHING. GENT'S AND BOY'S HATS, BOOTS A SHOES, CROCKERY WARE. WOODWARK. GROCERIES. Which b has purchased In San Francises, fa coin, and which be will sell at tb LOWEST PRICES CASH OR PRODUCE! ALL WHO WANT THE BEST GOODS! AT THE LOWEST PRICES SHOULD GIVE HIM A CALL. GEORGE TURRELL, FRONT ST., ALBANY, OREGON. Sept. 15, 1871 v7n5tf. UEACKNTIITHINO GENERAL REPAIR SHOP. Tn; tui IE UNDERSIGNED nAVINO RE- turned to Albany, and taken his old shop on the corner of Ellsworth and heeond streets. announces bis readiness to attend to all kinds of blacksmitht.no, MILL A MACHINE FORGING, ETC, Also has on band and for sale, the COQUIXLARD WAGON, Strayar Force-feed GRAIN DRILL, STAR IttOLINE, CASTSTEEL, and other PLOWS, which be will sell on the most reasonable terms. ' GIVE ME A'cAtlil' All work entrusted to ma will receive prompt attention, and be executed in the 'Vest possible I manner, witn good material. A share of public paironage is soltcitea. $3f Shop on corner Ellsworth and Seoond streets, opposite Pearoe's Ferry. 7nl4tf. F.WOOD. SPRING & SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. DRIGGS 8l CARTER, In order t provide fully for the new era about I 10 open np in toe city, of Albany and county of Linn, bay thoroughly repaired their . .. ..i Ann ... . SASH AND DOOR FACTORY I and have added new MachineyV among which is one of Beach's Foaitive Motion Scroll Saws, which ts a perfect success in ita way.' Have on hand a supply of superior DOORS, SASH. MOLDING. & SEASONED LUMBER. Have employed a corps of First-Class Me chanics, and are now." prepared, Tgady, willing andjinxions to snpply all who may be in want of work in their line; Sod hope by' strict attent tion to bBsinesi a'pd "jjqnctality ttn' their, con. tracts to merit aoontinoancaof public patronage, . Orders left at the Factory, or with Eli. Carter at bis omoe, will receive prompt attention. Albany, Oregon, April 20, 1871 v6n36tf IIAltPFIl & CO8 COLUMN. P. C. IlARPr.B. J B. K. ABMSTfiOMO, 5 n m STORE IN FOSTER'S BRICK k u J FIB ST ST ALBANY, ORSGON, A DVERTI 8KMEMT8. CITY DRUG STORE. A OAROTHERS. U. SALTMAKSR. A. OAROTHERS & CO., DRUGGISTS ANO APOTHECARIES. FOSTER'S BLOCK. FIRST ST.. AL8ANY. OREGON. nCALEK IS DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, OILS, GLASS, TOILET GOODS, French land American Cologne, Handkerchief Extracts, CONFECTIONERY. Pure Wine and Liquors for ffleSiJiial Uses. FINE TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. ; Family Recipes and PhysicWi 'Preecip tiont Compounded, DecSO'TO.tnnlO. A. CAROTIIERS A CO. "RAILROAD INTELLIGENCE I BLAIN & YOUNG, ALBANT OREOON, Would call tb attention of Buyer to tbeir WELL SELECTED STOCK or cojrsisriso or ANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS ! II A ROW A ItC, GKUCEKICS: 'JOOTS & SHOES (Our Specialty.) ALL OF LATENT HTVLCS Ann GOOD QUALITY! SOLD AT MODERATE PRICES AGEXTS FOR THE CELEBRATED ixori:.mi:ni:vi.u nAcmxE i 77r lint in Le. JXLAxit & rovna Vee. SI. IM9 violoif. CHAS. tVlEALEY, DtALra is FURNITURE AND CABINET WARE ! (Comer of First and I!roaJa!bia streets, at old stand of C. ilea ry Jt Co.) ALBANY, OREGON. - EEPS CONSTANTLY OX HAND A FULL IV. asrluieol of evt-rvthine; in bis tine that trade require or an enterprising public demands. fuKxituke: Of All Kinds and Descriptions ! II CDS AXD DCDDIXG, &.C. Particular attention will be paid to orders for UNDERTAKING ! And all other orders in my line will be promptly altenuva to. Satuactum Cuarantfd and Work Warranted ! CIIAS. MEALEY. Albaey, July 8, 1889 v4n47tf. A LB A IVY IOl.DR! AND a-A-cimsrE shop ! ALBANY. OREGON. A.F.CHERRY, PROPRIETOR. AX CFACTCREI OF STEAM ENGINES. URIST AND 8AIV-V ILLS, REAPERS AND T1IRKSIIERS, W001 WORKING MACHINERY, PUMPS, Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac. Ac. Machinery of all kinds REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE! PATTEBK MAKING Done in All Its Various Forms!! IE0N AUD BEASS CASTINGS or All Kinds, Mad to Order I Deci'SSvenloyl. A. F. CHERRT. THE OLD STOYE DEPOT! JOHN BRIGGS, SEALER IK COOK. PARLOR AND BOX STOVES! Of the Bert Pattern, TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPER-WARE ' And the usual assortment of furnishing goods found in a Tin Store. Eeoaira Neatly and Promptly Executed ! On Reasonable Terms. " Short Reckonings Make Long Friends FRONT-ST., ALBANY, . Next Door to P. C. Harper Co's Store Dec.6vnl6tf JOHN BR1GGS, MARBLEWORKS. JIOiVItOE fc STAIGER, DEALERS III- MONUMENTS, OBELISKS, TOMBS, HEAD AND rOOT STONES, i' CXBCUTBD IR California, Termont and Italian Marble ! BALEM, OREGON. ALSO. BRANCH SHOP AT ALBANY. . y6n38yl ADVKIITISEMENTS. A GREAT MIDtGAL DISC0VEBY Dr. WALKE2'3 OAX.IT02XIA YINEGAE BITTEES i 4 ITandredj cf Thonsatids f 2 ? , Bear ttlmonv t JiMr Wonder ft a S S tal Curative Huc-eta. g J g a WHAT AKt intiYr 85 it? Si FANCY Ma-leof roer Ram, Wfalaker. Provf Hplrlta stadKcruMc) Mqnurs doetori.-d,sp1ced aad sweet cmd to plessa tiie taste, called "Tonics, ""Appeal ers," " Restorers," e., t!ist lead Hi t:pplcr on to drunlcennmt s:vl min, but are a true ilcdiclnc,tnada from the Katlvs noots and Herbs of California, free tram nil Alcobvltc Htimalnnia. Tberarethe (iUF.AT IJl,iOJ ri'IMFIEJt and A LIFE iilVIXt i niNCII'l-E sp-.rtct luorator and Invlforator of t!il 6y ;t:ra, carry Inj oil all poisonous matter and rotorlnt; t'ie blood to a bra! thy condition. Vo person can tsko these Bitters accordiur to CiTeo tlon and remain long unwell. 9 1 00 will be clvea for aa Incurable ease, provide U.i bone ere not destroyed by suloorsl pol,a or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. I'or Infinmmiilerr end Cbrenfc Itheumnm tlm nod Jooi, I)yprl or leditrMtion, ItllloaM, Iteiiiliirut mid Imermlllrnt Fevers, IlM-nf of Ibe i;iod, l.lver, Kldnerav aad Bladder, tlioe Itinera Late bcea most snceca. fat. HocU I) era caused by Vitiated II load, which Is generally produced by dcraoa-emect cf Oio IH scat I ve Orcan. tlVMPEPMIA QU. 1SD10ETI0S. Head achc, I'ala In tUo fihon; Jcrs, Cooa-hs, TlK!tocM of the Oiast, Dizziness, Sour Ernc'.al;o: of tlie ntomach. Sad taste In tits tnntb, B.Uous Attacks, rs-'pitatlca it the Heart, InSsromation of tlie tnafl.Ttta In the regjloas of the Kidneys al.mdr d other painful symptom, are the cCspnofSof Dyiprpsia. thrj lavizorate tbe Btonaeb aal atlmnlate f!i tor pid liver sal bowels, which reader thirni of nnecnatlcd tslcacyla eleansiot; the blood of all Impurities, and Impirtlni new life and viiror to tio whole system. ' FOtt MK 1 S OItEA!4E.. Krsptloas.Teltcr. Salt Ttbeum, Blotches, Spots, Itmplcs, Tastules, Boils, Czt baaclcs, Bicj-'Wormj.Ecjita-Ilead.SoreEyca, Errslp. elai,ltch, Kcurfs, UlscotoratUss of tne Ellin, Bjraor aadDlacaae of Uie Skin, of whatever nanta or nature, are literally dox op anl csrrtod oat of the srswrn In a ahon ttme by the 4s ofthesa Bitters. One bottle In socb eases will convince the most tncrednlous of t!ts'.t curative effect. Cleanse tb Vitiated Bium whenever yon ft.-.d Its Imparities bursting; tbroatrh the skin tn n rapier, r.rn; tlons or Bores cleanse It when yon find It obstruetej and slusgisb la the vetsa ; elennso It when It Is foal, and your fecUnc will t-.'.I yotvben. Ep Ce blood pare and the health cf t ie systm will fallow. PIS, TAPEaad other WOltM!. InrWimr In th syatemof so many tt) on sands, are eTjct-.a"y destroy, cd and removed. Forfait directions. rtaJ earrfWly tlieclrealar around eaca boule. prfcfrd Infoorlao. cna;es EngUsh, German, Frcncn and SazUh. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. V.. JIcDOS AID CO, PrueJlst and Ccn. A seats, fan Prr.cr". Cal, and S2 aad SI Coavuerc Street, ScV l tr&OLD BT ALL DSCCCT3 AXD DEALERS. jnI3'7lti2?yl w. ir. kuhx & co., DEALERS IX IROJN'ZSrZ STEEL, Springs, Axle. Thimble Skeins, rtr. Also, a we't selcccd tck of Wjioii rJL,inilci! Spoke, Iul. Jkul I'im, SJiajU, 1'iAts, Hickory Axles, drc. FARMERS' and MECHANICS' TOOLS cossistiso or ANVILS. VICES. BELLOWS. HAMMERS, HATCHETS. Sledges, Saws, Planes, CKOS-LT AI "ILL SAWS! Trcthcr wilb atnrse Assortment of WOOD AND "rTILLOW WARE, f0:ore in M-intcitb's ire-Proof brick, next door to lllaio A Voung's. W. H. KUI15 CO. Albany, Jan. 13, 1871 n22yl. RICA I. ESTATE. STITZEL &. UPTON, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, GENERAL AGENTS. BRANCH OFFICE-AIbaay, OrrgM J. C. nXENDENUAlX, Afent. An ofEoe where treneral iuforraation concerning tbe resources oi Oregon can b obtained fnm of charge. Loans negotiable on first mortgage, real estate and collateral security. Have for sale a large amount of property loca ted in tbe towns of Albany, Brownsville and Cor vallis. Also, 60,000 acres of fanning lands of every description in Linn, Benton and Polk counties. Persons desirtnjr to sell tbeir property incur no expeose in placing it in our hands for sale unless a sale is made. Call at onr office id Parrub brick, where we bave a team in readiness to con vey parties to view our lands. J. L'. it i.-MJt.H ALU, Agent. v5n3?jl. Albany, Oregon. MILLINERY, DRESSMAKING, -ASD LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURXISIIIXG nOUSEI THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED A now stock of Millinery Goods, Trimmings, Ladies' and Childien s Furnishing Goods, of all kinds, of tb latest and most fashionable styles, whicb she oners to tbe ladies of Albany and surrounding country at tb lowest cost rates. In the Dressmaking department I guarantee entire satisfaction. Charges liberal. SPECIALTIES : CLOTHING, , Always on hand Ladies' and Children's rady saade Underclothing, Cloaks, Sacks, Aprons, etc DRESS TRIMMINGS. An extensive variety of Silk, Satin, Cotton and Woolen Dress Trimmings, always in store. ' CLOA KINGS. ' r Honey comb, Aatracan and Waterproof Cloth, of tb best qualities, , FURS, ETC. ' - Ladies' and Children's complete sets of Ears and Swan-downs of the latest styles. CHIGNONS. Latest Styles of Chignons constantly aa band at low figures. . MISCELLANEOUS. Linings and Findings of all grades and qual ities a full assortment of Jaconets, Muslins. Embroideries, Diaper-Linens, Kid and all other varieties of Gloves, Ilose, Ac, Ac Our determination being to give satisfaction in style and quality of work, and prices, we ask a share of pnblia patronage. Call at our store opposite A. Carotbers A Co., First St., Alhany, Oregon. SABAH O. COOLEY. SKfAgent for Mrs. Carpencer'a Celebrated Dress ModeL T7nl2tf. HARDWARE FOR BUILDERS, FOR Smiths, and for Farmers sold cheap by WHEELER at SIIEDD. ill JfeWfli P. "3 Tfe , f jr (gl Pit TTIET ATX ROT A TILE 9 3 8 r r-t . b n & ADVERTISEMENTS. THE OREGON HISTORY. Tbis Remedy is eoropored cf tbe active prfnei. pie of tb Unk Weed, Eng, Tbaspium Curie tum Origaniss, Lat. indigenous to Oregon (Irowt most abundantly and perfectly in Wash ington County. pnoPEnTiEs, Sec. It contains an nctiv volatile prinefpt extract ed by Etber, and a bitter T unit pripeiple. MEDICAL PROPERTIES AND USE' It Is the most PURE AND SPEEDT CURE for Ithrnmatlem. Rhrmmatie Gout and Mtenmntir 'nim ol all kinds that has ever been introduces? intfl tbe Materia 3fediea. Tha Vuk Weed Remedy as prepared by as, in eonsequenee of tb existing bitter principle, p scsses tbe necessary virtue of being a POWERFUL TONIC, Promoting tb Ajipetite and invigorating tb whole ZHffeativo Apparatna, thus baildins; up and strengthening the xysteav bil at tb same tisse lie volatile principle, being absork4 in tbe blHx, act specifically on tbe Rbeusnatia Poison, removing it from tbe circulation aad system. There are a few remedies known to the Medi cal profession, which will remov tbe Eheamati poison fr ra tb blood, but whose actina is s powerful in depressing tbe system of the already eatehled Ebeutnette patient, that tbeir use has t be abandoned before specific efieets are obtaina ble bence tbe want of success in treating tbis prevalent, and in eon sequence heretofore (inear able) disease. Unlike tbese Medicines, already known, tb M TJnk Weed Remedy" though pro ducing as jwm-erful and as art ire effects aa that blood and system ic romoving tbe Rbeamatier poisoj, also possesses a strong 7"."e sad recapep ating element, which admits of it continued- nea even ia the most delicate and debilitated. Thns we bave tbe combination for tbe Jiret tint ef these lire neeemearu element in tbe "me remrij, which sec nuts for its superior aad sever failing; curative efieets in RHETJBIATISOT, BHZUMATZC GOVT, Ami BUBL&TXC PALES of all Xoad W'e are aware of the fact that it is generally an ewy atatser to prucwre xrtificates atteating tbe e&icaey of patent rea elies from s eertaia clas ot those who use teem. We bave selected the (.llowiag becaaae the njmeo attacked la tkemm are those r saca ef tb stoat earcut andmcraya lme character rnn& beaaaea the large class af their aequaiatanees in Osegoa will nut, for a ' r suspees tnem or any exag geration in the statement tbey may make : Certiorate from A. R.Shipley. Esq., special contributor t tha K'tiaaaerie Farmer, aad Sec retary of the Oregon Horticultural Society : fUs ten fin f U , O-, Da. A. M. Loavaa : Soine lour weeks ago I was entirely prostrated! with Kbeumatism; in fact I wesaJmoai belplasa. 1 sent to you for oa lD-ounre buttle at -fak. Weed Rimed v." bvthana ..l -K;k l ... , almost immediate relief ; and by tbe lias tha buttle wts gone tbe Rheuuiatisai was gone. From my own experience, aaU In, us wbal I havat r "T "e ma naew. 1 Delteve it t be a. rtiiii r... ti tism. leurs, respectfully, A. R. SHIPLEY. Certificate from tha Hoe. A. J. Dafar, ax President of tha Oregon State Arricaltural Sew ciety, and aath-r af "Sutisties of Ongomz" East PoBTLaan, April 1, 1ST1. Da. A. M. Learns A C. : I wasaffiirted with a severe attaek af CH BOR IC RHEUMATISM ; was confined to say hedt " irt n January to July, wbea J. used tb I nk Weed, and it cured me up. A. J. DUFUR. Certificate from Hon. Gideon Tibbetts, mem ber of tb City Council f East Portland: -sJL, T East PeaTL4D, April 7, 1STU Da. A?M. Loavax A Co.: frmtm Triii ia tn inf.vn at . a ased yonr -Cnk Weed Remedy" for Neuralgia, aad Rheumatic pains, and found relief from the. nre ef osjfy one bottle, and can recommend it to m. uw v ,,gi aeiura j. 1 oars, GIDEON TIBRKTTS. Certificate from Mr. Jamea Bybee, th cele brated stock grower and "King of th Oregon Turf:" . SAtrnt'a Isiasb, Jannajy u, 1871. Da. A. M. Lortea A Co. : i Thia in tA aslcMaslA.l.H vV . 'sac ;Unk-W'd y. Orego. RhwJ.ti; -uiickeu .or mouins with a vary Mn'mu sttft.lt of i i - ameumanem, aad " " xineassatie re wi.uuut muj jjivwi rauie Teller. J tried your Remedy, and it use resulted ia the tha v.. "-riv m ponn. ear. Truly years, JAMES BTBEE. CertUcate from Hon. E. L. Quimby, ex-County Commissioner of Multnomah eounty, Oregasj . T East Pobtlahb, April 1, 187U Da. A. M. Lobtea A Co.: - I have used the "Uak Weed Remedy,- ..A satisfied it is a valnabl medicine. It rianlmlam and inciooratee th system. This is my experw enca with tb remedy. Truly yoara, - i E. L. QTJIMBT. Certifieata from Hon. N H. Lanafc Pilnt Caai misaioaer of Oregon, and a member of tha Citw J Council af East Portland s Da. A. M. Lortea A Co. : a I have been afflioted for several years witK "weakness i0 th. back." aad wanden 'g Khe, matio patns, accompanied by eever. eeWijT Byth.usf o, of you, rj Remedy, or Oregon Rheumatio Cura, I iUl been entirely relieved, and cheerfully jWdw mend it as a most valuabl and efficient remedT NAT. H. LANE. Put up in 10 Oi. Bottles at $l,sa pet Jottle. PREPARED AT THE r. - OKEQOIT Medical Laboratory ' BT Dr.A. M. LORTEA & Co. EAST PORTLAND, OREGON. J5BYot sale by all Druggists.- Feb.lfi, 18M - v6n2yL