5 Whs Btmamt raiDAT. -DECEMBER 8, 1871. AGENTS FOR THE STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, Brownsville Corvallia Canyon City., Eugene ..... t5artfbrg Jlarrisburg..., JefTerson Jacksonville Lebanon , J. M. Morgan. W. J. Robertson. Thos. Howard. .J. J. Walton, Jr. Matthew Fountain. Sam. May & B. It. Holt. Hanley Water m a n. J. It. Neil. W. S. Elkins. 1a G ramie ....K. 8. JieComaa. ,. J. It. Ralston. ....J. M. Haiti more. -Jacob Thompson. ..J. II. Turner. Orejron City. Portland Peoria Pendleton.... lloseburg. T. B. Kent (Soio -Dan. Gaby & (Jeo. Christie. Salem.. is. r. iirown. The Dalles A. IF. Ferjruson. Walla Valla........ N. T. Caton. Yakima, W. T. K P. Boyle ATU rROM REV. A. W. SWEENEY. En. State Rights Democrat: Sir: During my absence the citi zens of Albany elected me Mayor, for which I make them my politest bow. Being already Invested with the hum ble office of a minister of the Gospel and finding in its duties more thau I can attend to, I beg per mission to de cline the honors of the Mayoralty of your city. . Respectfully, A. YV. SWEENEY. Albany, Dec 5, 1S71. Hardly Fair. The telegraph ope rator at this place, in giving the Tort land dailies an account of our election, took special pains to sandwich Charley Cartwrlght in among the Republicans. 2Cow, considering the fact that Charley was on both the Democratic and Re publican tickets.the operator has hard ly given a fair report. Viewing the matter from an unpartizan standpoint one could hardly understand Charley to be a Republican Councilman, and we have the best of reasons for believ ing that the Democracy have an equal claim upon him with the Radicals. Telegraph operators should not per mit their partizan prejudice to lead them away from the strict path of fairness auJ candor in their oilicial -duties. Scio Electiox. Last -Vonday at 'the municipal election in the city of Scio the following officers were elect 'ed: Mayor T. J. Thorpe, by 2 majority. liccorder R. G. Head, by 6 major ity. Marshal A tie vote between Daniel Gaby and Peter Smith. Treasurer D. P. Mason, by 6 ma jority. Couneilmen O. W. Richardson, Dr. Martin, Peter Bilyew, Talton Turner, B. F. 7arris, J. C. Head, Edward t Loat, Poliiics didn't figure in the election, although there were two full tickets in the field. Aldaxy College closes its fall 'term to-day and the winter term will '"commence next 3onday. The exam ination exercises at the College durinjr 'this Week are said to be interesting and highly creiiitable to both teachers and students. We visitsd the College last Friday and were highly entertain- ea oy me exercises intne way oi oecia matious, essays, dialogues, music, cal isthenics, etc. President Warren is do ing great good, and is reaping golden opinions from every quarter. AT Scio. Our long-time friend and " fellow disciple of Faust, R. G. Head, Esq., has opened a job printing office at Scio, and solicits the patronage of the people of that vicinity. We Head's work and have no hesitancy in pronouncing it fully up to the standard of excellence to which nothing but a thorough knowledge of the "art pre servative" can attain. We cheerfully recommend Bob" to the patronage of "The Forks." Habbisbitrg Electiox. Last Mon day the Jarrisburg city election result ed as follows: Mayor E. N. Tandy; Recorder. J. S. Mansfield; Marshal, S. Mansfield; Treasurer, Geo. Branden berg; Couneilmen, M. Gerst, Smith, Dr. Davis, W. Reams, J.WcCul- Ioch. We are indebted to Mr. David M. JcKinney, Esq.. for the above Item. lie says politics didn't figure in 'the election, and there was no contest ; save for two or three of the offices. Dextristry. Dr. Gray has a pro fessional card in to-day's paper to 'wmcn we nirect tae attention or our -readers. The Doctor has won an envi able reputation in his profession and is fully entitled to it, for there is no "mo 'lar artist" within the scope of our knowledge who is more scientific or careful than Dr. Gray. He has an ele gantly fitted office and is well supplied with all the modern and scientific in struments of the dental profession. 3IPSICAL. Jess dames Jendenhall & Godley have the agency for Gill & :Steel's musical Instruments, and a plendid piano and a couple of beauti ful Cabinet organs may be seen at their TOillenery establishment. Many of our lady readers would go into fits of exta cy at the eight of that gorgeous piano. TFhat a nice Christmas present it would be for some dear wife, dutiful daugh ter or darling sweetheart. Junction City. Mr. X. Gilmore, formerly landlord of the City Hotel at JJarrisburg, has erected a new hotel at Junction City and is already running it successfully. He is said to be the "right man in the right place." Dr. Harris, late of Monmouth, 'Polk county, is opening out a drug store at Junction. The post office at Junction la called Xjancastef. 5LIOIOUS. Rev. Mr. Lovel!, of the Jtf. E. Church, South, preaches regular ly in the Court Souse in this city on the first and third Sabbaths in each month. Committees. Following are the members of the Democratic City Cen tral Committee for the ensuing yean Geo. R. Helm, P. C. Harper and John Parker. ' Th asks.-To our staunch Democrat ic friend, Ephraini Turner, Esq., for the present of a keg of delicious cider. Cider is our weakness if it didn't give fellow the stomach-ache bo terribly. HOME AND ABROAD. Dr. Alexander drew $10 in the Oma ha Lottery. The sweetest of strains trying to lift a pretty girl. Can a lover be called a suitor, when he don't suit her? A wife's kiss for money Is well term ed legal tenderness. See notlca of Linn county Agricul tural Association elsewhere. Carson City, Colorado, was nearly destroyed by fire on the 21st Inst. A Homeopathlo physician, lata of Iowa, has hung out his tdiinglo In this city. The colored troops fit. nobly at the election last Monday, and came out de functed. Theophllanthropocnsmopolitanartan ism is the latest rcllgio-Hoclo-politlual sensation. J. II. Turner, Esq., of Pendleton, has kindly consented to act as agent for the Democrat. Toadstools, convulsions and a stom ach pump, were the three courses of a Indianapolis girl's dinner. A Detroit bride was unable to go through the marriage ceremony until her corset strings were cut. Two Yamhill lovers kissed each oth er so emphatically that the horse ran away, throwing them out of the buggy. We are creditably informed that the Baptists of Oregon are soon to begin the publication of a denominational paper. Rev. A. W. Sweeney will preach at the Baptist church, In this city, to morrow (Saturday) evening, at 6:30 o'clock. An Iowa woman recently presented her husband with a divorce, which she had procured while on a visit to Mi nesota. The cuss who took our umbrella away unbeknownst to us needn't bring it back we found a better one where we left that one. It is said to be an old superstition that at her bridal a lady should wear some article borrowed from a friend to bring good luck. A Texas editor complains that at tempts to shoot him have become so numersous lately that the thing is get ting monotonous. Some fellow attempted to organize a dancing school In this city last night, but as he didn't advertise we know nothing about it. A gravel train was thrown from the track near Harrlsburg, last Friday, and the tender and several cars were a total wreck. No one hurt. A new Baptist church was dedicated last week at Springfield, Lane county, at which Rev. Dr. Hill, of this city, preached the dedication ermon. The most useful paper which comes to our table Is .Mrs. Carrie Young's "Pa cific Coast Woman's Journal." Its health articles are beyond compare. Mi.ss Carrie Moore, the champion tmck-skatist, made her debut in Port land last Saturday. That's what we made when we first got on 'em. too. We are indebted to Hon. II S. Mc Coraas, of La Grande, for an excellent pamphlet on the resources and distin guishing features of Eastern Oregon. "Women, wake up," exclaims the Revolution, and an Indolent rural edi-j tor adds: ''Yes, and d nit, turnout,! and make a fire, and put the tea kettle on." A young man generally gives a lock of his hair to his sweetheart before he marries her. After marriage she gen erally helps herself, and dosn't ue the scissors. The College entertainment will be given Dec. 22. The students are pre paring and rehearsing with all their might, and a splendid programme may be expected. Eleanor Vonely, of San Francisco, won't take any more arsenic to beauti fy her complexion, as the lout dose turned out to be strychnine and finish ed her earthly career. It is feared that the Harrlsburg rail road bridge can't stand the pressure of the high water, as the gravel is fast washing away from one of the main piers. The river was very high there last Wednesday. An administrator's sale of live stor k will be marie at the late residence of Heshbon Parrish, deceased, 5 mlies east Of this city, next Friday. Some valu able horses, mules, cattle, sheep, hogs, etc,, will be sold. Miss Susan B. Anthony received one vote for Alderman in our Democratic City Convention last Saturday night. She hardly tends sufficiently to obesity to make a successful candidate for Al dcrmanic honors. The editor of the Goshen (Indiana) Times drew $1,000 in the Omaha Li brary enterprise. If that lucky cuss didn't "pi" a form and raise & hullaba loo generally about his office he wasn't our grit, that's all. A church building at Alvarado, Ala meda county, has been turned into a bar room the spirits being dispensed from the pulpit, which serves as a counter. To such base jinea must our churches come at last. A beautiful trapaze performer fell in love with a young gentleman who caught her in his arms at a San Fran cisco theater and saved her from fall ing to instant death, and she became his wife the next day. Two young ladies took the $-500 prize for the best bale of cotton at Little Rock, Arkansas. Cotton ' raising is said to be Very common among the girls in many localities, but they don't always catch the prize. ' Our devil fed a poor Indian on old roller composition the other day and the "Lo" now says it was "hias close muckamuck.' Should say so consid ering that quicksilver is about the only successful purgative for it. An old edition of Morse's Geography says: Albany has 400 dwelling houses, and 2,400 inhabitants, all standing with their gable ends to the street That may be so in regard to the houses, but we doubt the1 other part of it. A couple of our citizens had ' a little onpleasantness oil the street on elec tion day, in Which a knife was prodded into one of the belligerents, but not sufficiently severe to be in the least harmful. "All's well that ends well." According to a Sacramento paper the wild geese are so numerous along the line oT the Oregon -and California Railroad, through Una and Marion counties, that show plows are necessa ry upon the engine to beer) thfe track clear. This Is the nearest a California paper ever came to telling the truth about Oregon, hence there is yet some doubts about the total depravity of thu folks down there. . If you should rush around a corner of a dark night, come suddenly In con tact with another man, and be knocked kerwhollop upon the wet and muddy sidewalk, you would of course, vehcr mently cjeaculate, 'D og on it!" That's what we did last Tuesday night. "To obtain sweet milk," says tho veteran farmer Greeley, laying down his pen, and gazing placidly Into the face of his inquirer, "To obtain sweet milk, feed your cows twice a day on sugar cttnc, and be sure and keep the calves away from the mother while teething." A A blushing damsel had a man and his dog up before the police court to answer the charge of assault and bat tery on the dog's part. When asked what the dog did, she said It hit her. When asked where, after considerable hesitation and blushing, sao replied, "On the left drumstick." Rev. Mr. Sweeney says he has resid ed In tho city of Albany nearly two years, has conducted himself fairly, behaved well, never passed the hat at a rellglqus meeting, nor gave a church festival, and he don't know what he has pcrjietrated to causo the people to run him for an office. However, he bears his honor lightly, and lays them down gracefu.ly. A bnrglnr was caught at Somervllle, ( .Vass.) from the circumstance of m ;et ingayoung lady in onoofthe rooms in her night clothes. On seeing him she fainted and Ml Into his arms, and when the people of the house came In he was trying to bring her to with a bottle of camphor. He said no gentle man would go off ami leaven lady in such a condition as that. Andrew Wiley Informs us that War ren Gould, sent to the Penitentiary from Corvallis four years ago, was dis charged last month, having served out his time. II 5 also tells us that Jack Under, who was sent up from this coun ty a year ago for forgery, will b out In a month or two. Mr. Wiley speaks in the higlicnt praise of the officers of the Penitentiary, and says they have the good will of all the inmates. John B. Peak ran ott with a Benton county girl and married her, for which he was prosecuted in the Circuit Cburt at (Virvallis, last week; but the Jury got sight of the pretty wife whom he gobbled up by the operation and unan imously voted that they would have done it too so Peak Is "hunky dory," and the baffled father of Jlrs. Peak cusses all the Peaks In existence from .Vary's Peak down to John Peak. Accidentally Shot. About three weeks ago Mr. Russell Allford, living near Harrlsburg, while out huntin?, was shot by his brother-in-law, Mr. John Ilodpror, who was his companion in the hunt and who had mistaken him for a deer. Tin ball entered the thigh, shattered the bone to some extent, and lo isred on the opposite side of the thigh under the skin, thereby inflictinjr a ne ver?, though not fatal wound. We arc indebted to our efficient Harrlsburg agent, Sam. May, for this Item. Narrow Escape. On last Wednes day, Daniel Gaby. Esq., of Scio, while returning to his home from this city, c ime near drowning in the Santlam, which he attempted to ford, on horsi -bac't. The unexpected rie and the strong current, carried him down stream to a drift where bis horwe was drawn under and drowned, and from where he was fished to terra Jlrma by a rone in the hands of men who hap pened to be near at the time. Christmas Bali There will be a grand ball (riven at Parrtsh's Hall, on Christinas evening, Dec. 25th, 1872. A good supper and the best of music will be furnished for the occasion. A gen eral invitation and a cordial welcome is extended to all lovers of the "mazy dnce." Osinmiltce of Arrangement Isaac Conn, J. R. Herren. Floor Managers P. C. Harper. X. B. Humphrey, R. C. Clark, N. Baum. Tickets, including supper, $4. A Base Creature. We are credi bly informed by a gentleman of this city that the wretch who was last week horse-whipped at Jacksonville by Miss Hannah Halls, for slander, was several years ago arrested in Polk couuty for horse-stcaliniL-, and only escaped the Penitentiary by turning State's evi dence against his companions in thiev ery. lie is just the creature for so base a use as that to which he was put in Jacksonville. Saxta Claus Is coming. Ed. Free land has engaged his services during the Hollidays and all you've got to do is to call at the post office In a tew days and leave your oroer. me oia lenow will have a magnificent lot of Kollf day books, alliums, and other beautiful and useful articles which he expects to lavish upon ourcommunity with boun tiful profusion if he is only slightly encouraged with a moiety of the mag ic coin. The rat that was killed by the cat that was worried by tha dog that was tossed by the cow that kicked over the lamp that fired the straw that spread the ilames that burned the stable that started the Chicago conflagration, is not on exhibition at Charley Mealey's furniture store, but he has just as fine furniture as was burned at Chicago or anywhere else. Go and see. Gift Enterpise. From the most reliable sources, we learn that the en terprise of the South Carolina Land and Immigration Association", ' whos Gift Concerts we advertise in our paper and by which $500,00 is to be distribut" ed January 8th, ls"2, is of the most honorable character, and is endorsed by the best men of South Carolina and New York. , ' Who are Th e y? The Salem Statea man, in giving an account of our City election, says the following Democrat ic Couneilmen were elected:. "Paiker, ack, Lemon and Hill." ".Hack,Lemon",l8 a pretty good joke on Hacklefnati anyway.' Pardoxed. Andrew Wiley, who Was last summer tonvicted by the TJ. B. District "Court of selling liquor' to the Indians, and sentenced to one year in the Penitentiarv. was last Tuesday fiardoned and has returned to his home n this county. Popular, Charley Cartwrlght was a candidate fot Alderman on both the Democratic ad Rennblinan tickets of this oity last Jtfbnday, Annicipalpop- luarjry jS a Big tmng witn Cnaries. Ma imiAo k.4. Following marriage certificates were issued from the Countv l Clerk's office during November! Wm. Bilger and Jwary L. Calavan. John Canoway and Jlflss Sarah Ann Shanks. I C. Newton and Mary J. Johnson. II. II. Philips and Drucllla Shelton. O. B. Baker and M. E. JubMeeken. H. W. Slonn and Nancy J. East. A. Land?r and Sarah A. Plzer. Jan. Toun and Mary Bond. Elijah M. Graham and Amanda E. Yeoman. John K. Livingston and Ozaua Jinn on. J. K. P. Allford and Scynthla E. Scrlvnor. J. Hamilton Evans and Jlflss Mary B. Oailoway. JclIargue and Jllss Llll. BORN: BUIUUIAUT.-N.Hr tM. city, an th. 27th alt., to tho wife of L. C. Uurkhart, ion. MARRIED. AT.LFORD 8CHIVXKU. At th i-eiMem of the hrt.lu'i father, on Ilia 30th ult., by El'Ur Ao.lrew regg, J. K. 1. ALLrunn and Ctitsia E. ScRivxait all of Linn county. 1HVIX E OS U U n N. At th rr.l.laoo t th hrlOc'n toother, tienr Peoria, on Ilia Oth (net., by Rev. Jtt.i. Worth, aulatod by IUr. R, J. Tbump mi, IUr. 8. G. IttriKK. of Albtny, aod Mm. Mahoahkt Omtnix. Compliment recolve'l. W offer oar wrmt engratuIntlon to oar Rercnnd frlond and hi fair brUlo, and wUh them nil th happlnei which in piniiilil roault frum th union of two oonRunlnl nuU. DIED- GRIMES. Near llrri.bur(f, n th 4th lnt.. Ai L., only daughlrr of U. R. aod II. A. Uriuirt, agpil 0 yar, 9 uiuutb and 3 day. PAHKKK. -In thU city, on the Mb in.t.. of enuvuUiom, Charlkt, only un of Julio aod M.illio Putkcr, a;;i lj mouth and S dejrt. Wo offer tha touiJorevyuj(.thy to our friend In their J affliction. SPECIAL NOTICES. HOME SHUTTLK SEWIXO M CHINKS, Plowa. and all kiml of Agricultural im i.leu.MiU .ol-l I,; WllKEI.Ell tK H E 1D. GREAT AUTUMN TONIC. Hegouiaa's Cordial Elixir of Oalisajt Bark- A leeant Cordial which ilnngthen and Im iriv the DicHioo, an taeelleut rvcntlve of Kvvsre, Krcr and A sue. Aa and a greet Kroo eator and Tonic fr invalid and debilitated per one. UttOK A Co., .New York, Bui Man ufacturer. Hold by all bruggiaM. ' Jenl.V71yl nAKDWAItK KOIt lit ILl'KriS, YOU Hmitba, and for Farmer "M rheen by W ntKl.KK Ut HIII-.ni. The (arrat IMclorlul Annual. Moatciter'piied rUaajt Aluiaoas for 1472, fr distribution. yri(', tunui;h"Ut tha foiled Klatc. and all civilized eountriea o' th Will, ern Hrinit'tier. will be publUhed about lb ll of January, in the Knjluh, tieruiaa, French, Norwegian. WeUh, bwoiliab, Holland, liobrtni ao aod iipatilpB language, and all who wua lo u'deraUnd lb true pbiophy of health boald read aod ponder th valuable aggelion It (onumi. In addition to an admirable tavdieal Ireitiae on the eauaea, prevention and cur of a great fanny f diaeaav. It tnbrace a large amnunt of infurniaiiuu intereatiog to the Bier. chant, the mechanic, (be miner, lb farmer, lb planter, and profiooal mao ; and the calcula tion have been made for auea me rid la o and Litiiode at am moat euilable for a correct and eornrbenelv NaTloi. CLtna. To nature, oar, and egiraArdinary tanilary cffocia of U'lelier'a Stomach BitW. th ataple tonie and alterative of more than half lb Christian world, are fully aet forth in it page, which are Ut !nicr(rd with p etorial illua traiifn. valuable recipr forth boutebold and farm, bomuroo ancedoiee, and other Inalrue tne and aotuatog reading matter, original aad e'ei-ted. Among th Annual lo appear with the vaio: of the year, thif will be one of the n'l ueful. and aaoj In kwi far ti aklmy. The pr-'prectore. tleur. Hotetter A Smith, I'lV'borgh, Pa- on receipt of a two cent ttatap, will forward a copy by mail to any prnn wb eannol procore one in bi neighborhood. Tbe Uiitvr are euld in every city, town and village, and are -neni!y need throughout th on I ire ciritixrd world. 'iloiiunu AKi uoura am fiioes J a fin aortmeut very low bv W:EI.ER mi MIIKDD. A Desirable ZXiss. There la th bin of rtdicaie, tbe hi oi eennl, tlie hiof enoke In the gra ; but tho mot delightful hi ii that of Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient, In tha aparkling goblet, giving awuraoc loth invalid that bia thint will be dclieiou ly e naxed ; that bi atomaeb will be rfrbd aad purified ! that if bo i fcveriib, hie body will be cooled by healthful evaporation ; that if b I conatipa ed, the difficulty wilt paw away with out a pang ; and that if tbe conditioa of bia genera' health I impaired, it will be apaedily reatored. Of ooure, b will take ear to pro Cur O none bat the genuine. 60I.I BY ALL DRUGGISTS. WOOL SHAWLS. LO.VtJ AND 8QUARK. Plaid and Striped, for ale h W HURL ER t Mil EDO. SIIEDDS. A. WHEELER, DEALER in General Merchandi. A large flock of all kind now in atore and for alo at low rate. All kind of produco bought at hlgheit market rate. Caub paid for Wheat, Oati, Pork, Batter, Zgg, etc., etc. RUtJS AND MEDICINES, TAINTS and Oilf, Glau and Pattv, !d by WHEELER at WIIKDI. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, , REAL ESTATE DEALER Office No. 64 Froat Street, PORTLAND, 0RE90N. REAL ESTATE in tbl CITT and EAST PORTLAND, in the moat desirable localities conPiating of LOTS, HALF BLOCKS and BLOCKS, liUUBJSH ana BXUittlo; alio, IMPROVED FARMS, and rnluaMa un- ealtlvated LANDS, located in ALL part of tbe STATE tor 6ALE. REAB ESTATE and other Property pur chased for Curreapondentf, in thi VITi aud throughout the STATES and TE ttRITORIilS, with grant ear and on the moat AJJVAiNXA GE0US TERMS. HOUSES and STORES LEASED, LOANS NEGOTIATED, ana CLAIMS OF AL L DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY C0LLECTE1 . And a Heucral FINANCIAL and AGENC V BUSINESS transacted. AOttTTTfi hf tht rtVPtCM in all tha CTT. IBS and TOWNS in the STATE, will recKH desonption of FARM PROPERTY and font ar d tbo same to tbe above addreia. v6n25tf. COAIi OIL X 1,000 GALLONS I A LITTLE LOVyER! v7al4'J fcy J?L!l.IN, TCtTriQ & CO. NEW ADVEttTISKMEXTS. mi or NEW YORK. s. chadwics:, MAIfAQES rOR OBXOOIT, 8AXX9X M. V. BROWN, .'agent for Llna Coanty, Albany. GILL t STEEL, Afftata at Portland, Oregon. SILAS if i DAY, Agent at Jackionville, Oregon. AtiARD OF BEFEREKCES. Tbe Mahagef for Oregon refer, by permii alon to tbe followinffjrantleoieii t Uia Eacellehoy, L; F. Grover, Got. of Oregon. L. Fleiaohner, Stat Trearnrer. 8yl. C. Simpion, Stato Librarian. E. Mi Walt, Job Printer. ' ; J. F. Miller. 4 R. P. Earhart, Proprietor Vhemeketa Ilonee. Geo. A; Steel, County Treat., Multnomah Co, Rev L Rowland. . ; A. UttsB, ef Ladd A Bonn, Banker. . C. Q. Carl, Clerk of th 6aprem Coartv Dr. Flake, M. D. ; . Re. P. S. Knight. Rev. W. K Slowartf ' ' o. F. vox unms ic to., MiNA SERB TOR THL PACUZC CCAfcli. , JOtf Montjisey St., Fan Jranoleeo, MlTn9 ttisurariG 0 A D V K H T I S K MKNT8. RAMS DELL KOnWAY OATS THE MOST PROLirjTlrt TK WORLD I One Builiil ii Plenty or Seed for an Acre! Yiold 80 to 100 per cent, more than Com mop Oati with Half tho Amount of Seed per Acre. Oregon yh.ld th laat two year (bolh abort crop year) i lu l9, early men, from SO to more than 11)0 huabcla per in re j late (own, CO to 70 bulivl. In IK7II, eurly .n, each buahel aown produced from 00 to 7U buabula; lute auwn (Utu ef My), H to 10 buahel. Califun in yield i In 1870, 90 to 17J buihelr from 32 lb, aved nor acre., Norway ed aold in tnn FranclaOo th peat winter at 7 60 per buahel of it lb. W war rant thvae oaU clean and genuine, at $4.00 pur ack of 72 lb., or we will luriilrh tlifm to he text ad with oounnon oata, to be put In Well, in good teaion, in clean laud, and at th aalii time. Tbrre-fourtha of th excer which th Norway yield over th oouimoti out tnuat hd didivereil to u at t!i granary on the furiu where the erup it rained. In pay fur the ed furnialied. Saluin. March 20, 1871. J. it. McCLANE, v8n32tf. L. H. Jt'DBON, ALBANY BOOK STORE E. A. FIIEELAND, BOOK-SELLER ANO STATIONER Albany .... Oregoo KKPECTFULLY INFORMS TUB PfBLIC that be ha removed from tbe old alaud U PARRI5H S BLOOIt. Where all are invited, aaaured that Ooodi In hi line ar auld at thu lowont caub prite. coaarAMTLr on naati; STANDARD AD MISCELLAXEOlS BOOKS. Jsvecile. Toy Gilt nnd Blank Book, SCHOOL BOOKS AnV'sTATIONERY! Of every kind ued in th State. -riOOKji IMPORTED TO ORUER. a fburt nvtiue. l)elolfily IiEElTl Ii E E 11! ! ALBANY BREWERY, CHAM. Kl Ei-Klt, Vro'r. T"1 1HK PCRftrrtinKR HAS JUST RKCTEI now aud nrat-h BRE "W E Tl "ST On Bread Albin between first Street and tbe River, And la prepared to furniah WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL DEALERS PRIVATE FAMILIES, OS 8IIOKT XOTIfEI ill Orders Dclirered Wherever Desired. II Warrant hi BEER MADE OF THE BEST MATERIALS, Ajru PEUFCCTIaV HEALTHY! lie I coafijent h can five entire atifactha to all. Dee. JO, '. v'aSldf PRIVATE MEDICAL AID QUICK CURES AND MODERATE CHARGES. nit. w. it. oonr.KTVM PRIVATE kSEDICAL ANO SURGICAL INSTITUTE ' r-jy-Wo. 619 Sacramonte Street, corner vt LciUeol'irli tlinU (a lew Uuvl below What C'bcrr Hue. Private Entrance uu Litididurtt alroet, tiaa Franeiaeu. t(oblikd trpmtly to affurd '1 o77Vfrf aoeed eat tcitnojie mtiiicai mid in lit muimtiU ai cere of all PHral and C'Jlrv. ie IHmtttm, enm of Secre cy umd off Hejtual Jjinrderm. TO THE AFFLICTED. DR. W. K. iHtllEUTV lifcTLK.Vi HIS SI.V eere thank to bi niiovruua patienu fur their patronage, and wonld take tb: upporlunity to remind litem that ho continue to C"Uult at hi laatitut fur tbe car of cbronie dieae of th Lung. Llvr, Kidney, ligetive and tienito-lri-aary Organ, and all private dieeaea, via . Syph ilid in all it form and atagea, Soeninai Weakueaa. aad all the horrid eooaeucnee of aelf-abna. tion urrbeaa, tilcet. Stricture. Nocturnul and JUiuraal eaUainna, Sexual liability, I)iea of the Baeh aad Loin, Inflammation of th liladder and Kid ney, etc., etc., and b hope that hi long experi eoee and uccrful praetie wilt continue to inaur hltn a abare of public patronag. By the practice of many year in Europe and the United State, be U enabled to apply the anuat efficient and aoe ceaaful remedies agalnvt diaeaae of all kinds. He use no mercury, charges moderate, treat bis pa tient In a correct and honorable we; , and ha references of unquestionable veracity from men of kaewn reepcetahility and high standing in oci ety. All parties consulting biin by letter orother wlre, will receive tbe beat and gentlot trcatmeut, asd iiatplicil secrecy. To Female. When a female is in trouble, or afflicted with diaease. a weakne of the back and limbs, pain in the baud' ditnuass of sight, loss of muscular puwer, palpitation of tho heart, irritability, ner vousness, extreme urinary difficulties, derange ment of digestive functions, generrl debility, va ginitis, all diseases ot the womb, hysteria, sterili ty, and all other diaease peculiar to females; die should go or writ at onoe to the eelobrated female doctor, W. K. Doherty, at his Medical institute and consult him about her troubles and disease. The Doctor is effecting more cures than any other physician In the Suite of California. Let no false delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately and save yourself from painful sufferings and prema ture death. At! Murried Ladle whose delicate health or other circumstance prevent an increase in their families, should write or call at Ut. W. K. Doherty' Medical Institute, and they will receive very possible relief and help. Tbe Doctor' offi ce are so arranged that he can be consultod with out fear of obiurvatton. To ('orreiipondentf. Patient residing in any part of th State, how aver distant, who may desire the opinion and ad' vice of Dr. Doherty in their respective eases, and who think proper to submit a written statement of uch, in preference to holding a personal interview, are respectfully assured that their communications will be held most sacred. If the case be fully and candidly described, per sonal communication will be unnecessary, a in structions for diet, regimen, and tbe general treat ment of the ease (including the remedies), will be forwarded without dolny, and in moh a mauner as to convey no idea of the purport of the lutter or parcel so transmitted. Consultation by letter or otnerwiio, frkb. rermancni euro guaranieea or no pay. Addrcse, w. K. nOnERTY, M. D.. San Frsnoitoo, California. Spermatorrhoea. J Dr. Doherty has just published an important namnhletembodyingbisowo views and experience in relttlon to Impotence or Virility, being short treatise on Speruiatorrbcea nr Seminal weaknea Nervous and Phytloal Debility cotisequerit on this flection, aod other disease of tbe Sexual Organ. Thi little work contain Information of the ut most value to all, whether mnrriod or single, and will be lent FREE by mail on receipt of six eent in postage I tamps for return postage. Address, 'W. K. DOHERTY, M. v3n38tf ' San Franoisoo, Cal. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. "VfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 11 undersigned ha been appointed by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, tbe Ad ministrator of the estate of James P. Hogae. deceased, and all person having claim agaioit aid estate are requested to present the siime, duly verified, to the laid Administrator at bis residence near Sbedd'a Station in said enhnty. v7n!3w4. CHAS. P. HOGUE. I sTkYSTERS AND SARDINES. NUTS AND 9 Csndtce, end otbe knicV knanks by WKEELER at gnEPD, A D V E 11 T I S J5 M E JN T S . NOTICE TO FARMERS WE WILL PAT SI.IO Per Bushel. for good W HI IE WUET, on account or In good, tintil further notice, iMivred to o in Albany, Orrgon. R. CDEAI'LE 4t CO. n2if ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, ALBANY OREGON. fTUm IXriTITUTIOX WILL REPES OS I Monday, Snpt. 4. 1871. wilb a corp of ltiacber. eapahl and earneat. Ioatruot,on will be thorough and practical, and th aya'oin of order unurpad. For particular Hdre It. K. WARREX, A. M , PrwTt, veutOtf Albany, Oregon. 5 cr l3 eV C3 TO C3 0 r. 4. t O o TJ H 6 22 d H m 2J H o r- s V O B 1 8 cz S to o CO ?3 O 8 a 5 w t o t3 O 2 m 3 1 S3 C3 ffi 2 P 1 P. 9 1 2 -a o o EYE, EAR. THROAT AND LUNGS! JOHN TJ. PILKINGTON, M. D IATK OF 8A!f FRAJfCI.CO. IM FSTAB J LMUKI ir.i.r i IMHSTLAXD, Oregon; O0ce 3 and 4 Holmes' I'oilding. Fir.i alnet, 3 doors trum Ladd and Tiiton' Uank. whi rr be may be consulted 'ixity, and will treat dii asc of the above named organs s Lis spe eialitiea. All operation on the Eye and Ear made in the tnot scientific and rsrrful iounr. Anifi riul Eyu. having all the beauty aud mobility ol the natural E e, iuaerted. Relets for hi profeinnl standing to L C. Lane. M.l) , Prof, of Surgery, end Edwin 11. nt J. M Prof, of Anatomy in tha University f the Pacific ; aod for h a aureea in treating patient to oter l.HiO con, namr given, treat ed by him in Han Frunroe" ; also to Levi Eatrs. E'q., Portland. Wm. II. Iil!-m. Eaq., Vaneu ve .John Alexaoiler, Esq., Coopeville, W. T., and raanv mhrrs in Oregon and W. Ter'y. u2&vTn2in0 l DOW & CRANE. I?" CITY BOOT STORE ! I XCt bare a Urge and well selected stock of men A by euarae and fine Boot California and Eaatcrn 8bues Rrugaus Gaiter Biimoralia Oaford-Tws Ac ie. TO T2IC IsADSES we would ssy call in and inspect our extensive stock ot guud ronriating in part of Lsdie. Miaat-s and Cbildrens Cl-th A Leather Gsitirs Clutb aod Lcjtbcr t'.uttuned hhoi-a all Cloth A Kid faced lUllD'.r Jl Antoinette. Cogrea A Kmprm Uukius. Xewp.,rt A NU.sou Tic, Kid Oxford Iir. trlipptr. ie Ac. Our goHjs ar of tiie lataAl style and of tbe bet quality, all f w;.icb we will cell as low as can be buugbt iu Oregon, aud watraut ihcu not to rip. DO"W &c CRANE, FIRST ST, ALBANY, OREGON. vToCtt LADIES' EMPORIUM! MRS. M. A. BBiDGEFAPiMER, HCALX IS FASHIONABLE MILLINERY 'FJ.JSTC' GOODS1 DRESS AND CLOAK-MAKING 1 . BLEACHING AND PRESSING IN LATEST STYLES fjr-Sohp on sooth side Main st, two door east of Mealey's shop. Alba.xt, Okeco. v6n4Ctf. PROGRESS ! IS TIIB PHOTOGRATHIC ART! Is tbe order of the day, and th " REMBR ANT" Photograph is superior to anything yet out. yJF CALL AND SEE.- J. A. WINTER. Jan. 13. 18Tl-n22tf Albany. Oregon. EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF TIIE L'XITED STATES. Wm. C. Alexander President. Henry B. Hyde. Vic President. George W. Phillip -, Actuary. Jatues . Aiexanuer, secretary. 0. A. LANCASTER & CO.. GENERAL AGENTS. Portland. Oregon. We desire to call your attention to the advan tages offered those contemplating Insurance by tbe Lquitable Lilo Insurance society, a shown hv the following table : IN 18M .. IT WAS THE EIGIITII IN 18(12 and 1SB3....1T WAS THE SEVENTH IN 1864 and 18G3 IT WAS THE SIXTH IN 186................IT WAS T11K FOURTH IN 18BT.... IT WAS THE THIRD IN 18H8 .IT WAS TIIE SECOND IN 160 IT WAS THE FIRST W 1870 IT WAS TIIE FIRST The new business in the year 1S09 exceeded that of any other Company by more tban thtrt en m.'IIIou dollars. In 1870 its new business exceeded any other Company ten million aoiiars. A verage sixe i Policies issned by the five largest Companies m ew lark a shown by OIHcinl Reports is ' Equitable.. Si.oot oo, New York Life... 2,7.15 00, Knickerbocker.....'. - 2,802 00, Mutual Life 2,884 00, Continental.... 2.00U 00. thus proving conclusively that this Company is patronised by that clan who principally sock insurance as an investment. Life or Sadowment Airaraaca Aa ft profitable investment is attracting the at tention nf shrewd business men. who ar prop erly ooming to regard H not only a a means wberehy tbe family may be prutooted, but, af fording, as it Hoe?. Absolute Security, And freedom from taxation, an excellent In vestment :or surplus fund. Every business man knows of scores, just as prudent, just as careful, jtist as energetic, eoonoraioal and indus trious as himself, who are now, by some sudden turn of the wheel ef fortune, left in their old age destitute. Every business man knows that , all this suffering might easily hate been avert-; ed by simply taking a few ef the thousands j they have lost on unfortunate investment and securing an endowment policy. Nearly every j business man intends to insure, nut many sro- erastlnate till too late. Let ns respectfully nrge upon your attention the propriety of immediate action. Fortnne 1 proverbially fickle, aod so man can tell what will be the result nf the next Kw yrr. O. B. SSSIT8. I yTulJmX.. Special A'g-t for v?f?vV ADVERTISE M ftXtftJ THE GEEAT BLOOD PURIFIER. AnJnfalUble olood rvnrtmn.fomnm lag rare tosjic and xcuvixsc frropertiaa e, certain cor tor KSfKiiMATiavt, . ssvJiAvlA. and all kindred Plaiaai. It completely restores tbe system when im paired by disease, revive the action ef Out SIDXBIVS aaa4 US1TSL OSESIAM, tmOU eally curse tcaori'LA, alt mancim. aad all Ksssjrrrvie mm cvraxMV Els. , gives Immediate asd permanent reUef la Dtfrtnit. EEViscfas, Tumoraw Coils, Scald Head, tTlcer and Sore; eradi cate bom the system all traces of ItarcoriaX Discs, It 1 s-i.siri.v nccramx, belli; saade from aa barb found Indigenous la Cmuimrmim. It 1 therefor peculiarly ul table for as by rrmale snd Children, as a o-oi rsiau nsrat mm biu(ovatou For Sal by all Druggists. CDtK&TOR, HOtTCTTCB & CO. AGENTS. C29 asd 631 Kajket Street. Saa Frascisco- THS 2TEW FOOD. For a few cents you can bz 7 of your Grocer or Drnggist a packago cf SEA MOSS FABIKJ. made fron pure Irish Moss or Carrageen, which -will mclrj sixteen quarts of Elsnc Mango, and a liko quantity cf Puddir g3 Custards, Creams, Chariot', j Eusse, &c. It is the cheapest, healthiest and most delicious food in the world. It make3 a splendid Dessert, and has r.r equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Change!! TUG GREAT WOSJL1TS TOXIC, Plantation Bitters. This wonderful vegetable re Ktoratire is tbe sheet-anchor -f the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid, it has no sequel among stomachics. Asaremedr for the nervous weakness to which women are especially sub ject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropi cal, temperate, or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bod it y strength and breaks down the animal spirits. For sale by all druggists. LOOK ! LOOK!! NEW STORE! NEW STORE! M. PEARSON'S OLD STAND, Corner First and Broadalbin Streeti. Baring purchased the stock of M. Pearsnp, aad added thereto a well selected assortinant of GROCERIES AND NOTIONS! we hope by attention to hn.ines and by fair deal ing to merit the patronage of our friends aud the publio in general. Our goods were bought for CASH and will hm SOLD AT THE LOWEST PRICES! GIVE US A TRIAL! COUNTRY PRODICE WAITED. SfQoadi delivered froe to any part of oitjr. A. C. LAYTON, Cor, First and Broadalbin at.. janSn'rinSMvt Albany, OgB. ALBANY LAUD OIL & SOAP MANUFACTORY. rinE UNDESIGNED HAVING COMPLE JL ted aad put in good running order their new LIED OIL AXD SOAP HAXCFACTORT, in the city of Albany, are prepared to purchase, at the highest cosh rates, all the HOGS, RANCID BUTTER, SOAP CREASE, Ac, &., delivered to there in this city. Tbey are now mannXicturing 'and have on hand FASCI TOILET ASD CDSSOS SOAPS, in great variety, warranted equal to the hesQn market, which they offer to the trade at the most reasonable rates. ' Order respectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. St Parties having Hogs, Rancid Butter, of Grease Of any kind; for sale, will do well to give ns a oll. E. CART WRIGHT CO. , Nov. 11, 1871 v7nUtf HEMOHRHOIDS. 1 CAROTDERS CO'S "PILE PILLS Abu OINTMENT" have now beeoism one of the standard preparations of the, day; i pre- parod and recommended for Pile ewfjr (whether chronio or receat). Sufferer may depend upo it. that this remedy will givw them permanent relief from tola trouhlesoaie sjid damaging com plain tv"; V ' -' ' ' Sent nCs?rt.id to rv afMr ( ft UnK. ted Sufee ) upon receipt ef price, $I.50 ; t- Albany, Liun Co.. (ren"n. C STI PAID FOR WHEAT. OATS, P0E1I 3 garter tad Tz TIIKEIrliv . 11111 ..! , ' 9 e ''': r ,'NV im&&T 'A' "