E25f 52E5S ciuocrat. .-ritlDAY.. ..-.XOVKMBEIl 17, 1S71. f- jl iTritt (ri Democrat) "MY INDIAN LOVE." i i f , j f f ' Pf? AaiV rdear Vender yoti've dox ioau.irin Mil t 'enters'. . : j i '' ? " 5 i Will yuo condescend to do aa-.thpr Alilirr?' ' Fr why t I'll tell yef i'e ludbm gal, A inui.k-n, hor uauie is Ligh-fuot Sal. Jie lives, not on Sierra's snowy crest, gy-s- v'ttiisr-diMy higbt the enirle builds hor nrst OiA,l, rem hr young, froui whose.h.fty hrow Look east awl erest in valleys tur below. Nut there alone her eolitary wigwam lie Wrapt in the mists uf weary wiuters' skies; N'it where the brown deer, with athletic bound, Ppriiifrs nimbly o'er the banter' ground In rain. to etude the deep-bnyinir hound Who instiut-t st-ent tho bleeding wund Not Ha deepened solitudes within the forest Rlcn, In lonline, fur front tha busy haunts uf men ; Wrnnt in tffo fables of a sierstition, l Of m-y theology, imagination and fiotioirt, But .farther west, upon tha outer verge, Where rolls tho Pacific, whose billows sur.se Upon the whitened munis, as if to break tho chain. That, like a wreath of snow, is round ber- an- - gvr lain ; ' ' -' . i---t ... ; " Vuere too son, iu tlorious splendor untold Vnks rwt inobe of ricfecst. gold ; . , , Where the wild sea bird iu bis ocean flight. Comb -As the Tsa.-e, mock tho darkness of the niJiilit.. v . k : Where tiic foam-crested sea and earth together blend "" ' Their harraanlcs. Conld nature lend Or add ' charm T inetfciwws all otters fade Ewcpt the preeuee of.sny Indian maid.- . Duaeribe her I cannot ; 'tis far beyond my . . mL-ht. 3T-rd alUhinjrs. e Ms pneti' lofJj flight, ; !u-Jaar with me iTd treat the juidttet light. Her hands and arms are brown and round, I'.ut nnry- a gwldro round them bound ; : Her looks in hue defy the raven's wing . . x Her songs a melody none other can siug ; Her checks out-vie a. mildewed r-wo. Aud a fiauvng quill orn.itnetits ber noso; ' Her eyes outshiue a taller enndle; Her noso wonld make a good puinp-haadle ; Her mouth I covet wheu out of its reaeh Bah! leave off sipping that luscious peach Thoss lips J. Go way with your basket of cherries- - ' - Tbey have no rival but iu fiction's farries ; Her sawset teeth (pity there wero more) ' Are like the pearls tbs strew the hre. Xuw, while to my eheek the warm blood rushes. I turn away to bide my blusnes; . j " For ber ankles, though last, are not the leastV '. And on their bcautv tnuat end my feast. U Tome poetic thoughu-of ancient days, Who tuned thy harps wkh angel lays ; -Come render me soma lh'U;hU of thine, Tho thought of men wHl far outshine. And now wa sing (onr new voice found) i "Hark JTrom. the tombs doleful .nnd., Thorn ankk! .pUi they are in fine. liut hark I I; anote ; . pass again tno inspiring- . wine jr.-; . "- - " Too late ! too late I my ehunVs already out, Sut last and loudeeWl'U aiikte shout. X , : PrriodicaL One county ia Tennessee has pro-! -. - i ,rvrt fioo i t. , jauceu uu,uuu uumcu-ui "cauuu- I Woolen Socks. , ' "Weddings at church! in the evening A full n.-jrtmeut of are now the fashionable idea . iBrEXA viKTAIIOLLOiriVAiiE A runaway horse in 'New Orleans. r x s dashed into a church. - j cf.daf tcds. CKtR bitkets, -.. . - V c t. . ,n,l' CUrJIIKS I1ASKKTS. MARKET Butter is ninety-fire cents a pound bjskkts. taui.e and in Colorado. " ' i .pocket ciTLERY. The catUe in Kansaare dying Of A plete t-rtutentof Groeerics alwav. on Spanish fever. k The Wright county- (Minnesota) ; POSP"IYELY DEFY COMPETITION ! Jfoor-Mouse lias a lmupr 6Keieion woo : -drink two buckets of water a day. ? j .At Wilton, New Hampshire, recent-' ly, sixfy-sefen old saws and a junk ! Ibottle'were found in a bale of cotton. I 1 -, Among thC'first articlfes forwarded to Chicago last week were iron fire and burgias-proof safes. both bnde and groom were on thei 'shady side of seventy.' 1 The annOUCeinent comes from Ger- j many of the marriage of a couple rafter a forty years' courtKhip. . The subscriptions for the Chicago Fund are believed to now aggregate 41,500,000. . : Some one has discovered that mice arte, used as an article of food in Louis sville, ; Kentucky ' 1 ' ' ' Two ghrls, th. and twelve years old got-intaia fight' at Charleston, atiid newas:killed. i " . . .ilm, ' The King of Siam offered Jlr. Sew ard an elephant during his visit to that country. He was forced, though reluctantly to decline the presents 1 Accounts from Chicago report that the fire, with iU glare, heat, cinders, letc, has had damaging effects upon ' ' . , i ? the eyes Of the population. , ! 1 A. T. Stewart, the New Tork pa- i pets isay, will tender the Grand! Duke Alexis a grand banquet in his j new marble palace on Fifth Avenue, i An Indiana groom kissed the bride so-loudly as to extort a round - of applause from the assembled audi ence at the wedding. - Some of the Easter journals are discussing such edifying conundrums es "mo .destroyed Chicago?"' "Is iod an Incendiary ?" and the like. - Andrew Stephens, aged nineteen, who wacs charged with breach of prom ,ise of -marriage, committed suicide by taking prussic acid in New York, the other day. ; In Sheffield, England, a single manufacturing- establishment uses G31 tons of steel annually in making pens, the product averaging -1.000,-pOO pens to the ton. The matrons of Leavenworth, Kan sas, have erected an-illuminated clock, in order that their husbands may have no excuse for "not thinkiug it was so late." i It is not well to question gift mo tives; but we rea,Uy wonder what could have induceH a lady to contrib ute a parasol to the destitute in Chi cago, v . ' A citizen of Cincinnati recently applied' fou a marriage license, bftt being entirely unable to recall lfeis intended's name he did not'' obtain the document.! f - . u ' Grasshoppers are prematurely chewing the, tobacco in Connecticut, and the other chewerB' talk "of hold ing a meeting to denounce the "hoppers"-for immorality. - lThe "father and mother of the Cum mirig8 irlat Elko, who accused her fathexof incest,broke db wn her accusation-bytes tif'iifgthafi she is a com mon liar andpostitue. ; ? : J 1 'Miss Carrie 'THonfort of Boston, known asi&'e "Fat Girl," recently died of disease of the heart. She was dine years old, and weighed nearly 400tpounds. -,r-y-- 4 "Jonn Harper, the owner of "Long fellow," says he will never run anoth er'horse." Grief for the murder" of his brother and sister has brought him to that decision. ; ; ; f-j. There is one county in Iowa : that - for two years has had a woman to superintend their school. vNow two other counties - have f Allowed this example, and nominated women for cfiicc. y - .u - - A D Y. K T i li M K 51 T S , LADES AND. GENTLEMEN. BOYS Sz GIRLS 1 1 I ? ForrTouiTo vn JEspedal Benefit, ! C- PLEASE READ ! W. J. niLTAninr.u ANDIIKWit. W. J. ILTABIDEL & .(JO.,- TTAVK Jl'ST RKCKIVK1 FROM PAN I JL Kraiii-Ueo and nun ofTVr for rule, (nt their old stand, olio iloor below Conner s bauy, Ureg.n,) a lull assortment of l!-uk, Al DIIY GOODS! 'Z BOOTS AND SrOS! : I I KISKI(J (ioODS! , TANKEB N0TI3TIS., Ac., &.C., a i eoXSISTISti, IM rAIIT. A FOLLOWS : CAMl'OKS, ti ix (i ha: vis, LAWNS. roptixs. MERIX)KS, ALPACAS. DKLAIXKS. MKIISAII.1.KS. UltKSS SILKS. 1UITI. I.I ANTS, SKI UTS. IIOSIKKY. HXKX 11DKVS, SILK DO. LAMES M1HE3, MIS4 S110K. . BKOWN KOMKSTIC, I1KOWX SIHiKTIXtiS, HI.KA( 11KU v ini- :. ,JlKOVX 1. I'KNI.MS, TICKINttS, " f STKIPKS, t'UKCKS, MAI'KK, fllASII. TAllI.K LINKS, : VLANXKLS, JKANS. TAULK COVKKS, t'dVEKLKTS. i. CHILD'S SIIUKS. TEXTS' AMD MOYS CALIFORNIA M A P E BOOTS. SH3ES. GAITERS ANO Stl'PPER'S, We invite ecial attention to our largo- stock o( and BMQt which are of the best quality. mcut cf A full asaorti GENTS AND BOYS' HATS A good assortment of ! GENTS' CLOTHING,! j Such as Meridian and Fine CaioMtncre Pu:.ts : . Hwiiin: (ts: Votts: Cotton. aai " ( CenU t ndcr-Shirts. Drawers and tT. J. niLTARIDEL t CO. Albany. July 27, 1671. ! STILLWATER!"" GREAT REOUCTIOA!!!! AT , .r CGR. FIRST ANO ERRY STS ACBANY. Keeps continuity on batd a full assortment .f c-Tnvco DIIMDC ,u"l v um r AND TINWARE! I also bare for sale tha celebrated XIA.E02STX ROCK Cook Store, and other lcadine styles Alo manufacture all kinds of Tia, Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware, in good style, at low rates. FOR CISII OK PRODlCEt i i . Always on iiand full supply of Tbe Purest 'Vine and Uquorx ! ' " 1 For Medicinal Purposes only. ' , I J . 'A well aeleeted stock of ; ; ' GEOCEEIES AHD CB0CKEBY wril always be found at my estallibutcnt. D 1 w ", .. 7 Produce on delivery, ebeaper than tbe eneapest. pr kinds orTinware repaired on short no- ice- nJ tisfaeti guaranteed. 1 "il1 r"ineiLiah.Tt ST... V. 'API,U. jaCi 6n2iyi Jt'Liff? oitADweilL. READ, ACT SAVE MOXEYJ xt. o, rjtiii & cn, TIIK OLDEST DRCG IIOUCE IX LIXX COl'XTV, after thanking tbeir nttmerons friends and patrons for past .-fivors," desire to merit a continuance of patronage by keeping constantly on band a full (nppy uf , Dru?, Patent Medicines, "Perfumery, OiU, Faints Dye-Stuffs, 6rasb,rTTDssex; etc. Agents for Dr. D. Jaynes k PnnV'iiiic of 'med icines, tbe celebrated TJnk Weed Bemedy or Oregon Rheumatic Cure Ae, e. t Constantly on band, a good supply of Positive and Negative Powders. . . .v , 3fir-Pbvsieians' Prescriptions carefully Com pounded, in either tbe ' English .or -German lan guage. ; ,- -. I -!-- r .-.n- ' i We aro also airents for the II0ME SHUTTLE SEWIXtf 31AC1IIXE oneofithu-he Family Maehines in use. Call and seei u hand sMtist'y ypnrselves. K. C. llll.UA. SOX. v6nltf li t. t MONEY CANNOT BUY IT ! For Sight is Priceless' u Diamond Spectacles" Will Preserve IF TOU VALUE Y0UE EYESIGHT Vltt THESE . . PERFECT 1EKSES. Ground from minute'Crystcl Peoldenielted to gether, and derive their name "Diamond'-' n aceoant of tbeir IIardaens ant Bril liancy. They will lasg an yeas without cbttivge, and are warranted superior to all others in use. jnanniacurea.y , r,. J. E. SPENCER CO. Opiicia. : . KEWr YOtLK. Cactios. Kone genaine unless stamped with our trade ' o "mark,.- ' . -- For Sale by Kesponsible Agents throughout .... J! tjtha Union. ' -TITUS BRO'S, Jewelers and Opticians, are Sole Agents tfor'lbany, Oregon, from whom they caa.be qbtained.' Ifo Pedlera employed. -. . . .,.....,, v6n5yl. . ; t TS HEREBY (SftX TO ALL WHOM .IT J MT;Kenotfn thatjun or about tbe 15 tk Of junerisiaiexaemea.i j. u.xnornton met promissero note.j inaiisaia boco was obtained tbrougb in8Tpreei) taivw. find no oonsideratioa vispr, m It. has pMse.it ,mU ml i.HHI not pay tbe samoj. - v: .d t .. . ADA STEEL. Albany, Not. 9, X871. nl3w4. x . ... V-. " ii- - 'vs advertisements: - -Ayer's Hairvigpr; For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. ' A dressing which is tit onco ngrucable, html thy, nnd effectual for jiwstervmg the iinir. fit sodn tj -01-a.r nhss and frnhnem of youth. Thin , liuir thickeifeil, falling hair chocked, dntl bnlJness often, though n6t always, tfiircd by its usu. Nothing Jan rustore tho hltir whora tho folliclua Are tlfe dtroyeid, or the glanfli1 'atrophied ami decayed; but Huch'aa romahi can le avcd by1 1 liia upplicatiion, nnd stiim nlvl into activity, so tha" a new growth of hair produced. t Insttmd ot1 fouling tho hitir with a pasty sitft inetit, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional uso will prevent the hair froui" turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent haldnesft. Tho restoration of vitality 'if given' to tlio scalp' arrests and prevents tho forma- f tion of dandruff, which is often so tin- cleanly and oltenstve. f roe from thne deleterious , substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju : rious to tho Irair, the Vigor car only rbenefit but nbt harm it If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it tloen 'not soil white dam brie, nnd yet lasts long on tho hairi giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AyerA Co., IrmcMcal nnd Analytical Chenilata, LOWELL, JCASS. SMITH u.nu, t'usiu, Wholi-satc Agents. iOui::l Ayer's ' iClierry Pectoral, Tor Diseases of tha Throat nnd Liunrs, uoh m Coueha, Oolda, Whooplacs, Couch, Bronchitis, Aothmn, sad Ooaaumption. Amonj tbe grcftt dicovcrie of movent science, few are -of j.'- more real value to tnanklmt tlun tills l-fi-ctuol mnedv fnrH dioracs of. tliti Throat ami Lungs. A vast trial off ita Tirtiwa. throughout this ami other emintrte, ha shown that: it dora V aurely anil encctunily couffTJ them. The totimuny oU onr bot citi zens of all clawc- etnblaihc the fact, that Chkrkt I'tcTOUAU will and decs relievo and care Abo atllictiiig disorders kf the -ThpaU anl Lung, beyond any other medicine. . The mot dangerous allrti'mt of the Pulmonary Orpins yield iq its power: and rms of Conn"wP 1 tlon. cured br thia prcparatkii, ttn. publlc-sl ; iv Known, so remavKiuis- as emruT-io oe oe- lieve.1. wrro tbey nut proven bernnd dispute. As remedy it iadeijuu?,on whiLb the public mar reiy for full ptntection. Ky curit:j! Concha, tbe fiirernnner of mm sertou'i diteax.et. saves unnumbered lire.. and au amoiui .of suffering not to bo computed. . It challrncs trial, and con vinces tlto mnt scepticaL r'.rery ftmilr shonld keep it on band as a proterti-m aaimC tlio early and nnperceivoil attack of I'ulmnoary Affections, which are eoaiiy met at firt, but wli!ch beenrno incarable, ami too often fatal, If nelocted. Ten. derlung need this defence; nnd it is nnwis to be without it. A a af(-)cunri lo children, amid tho ditrein dia-o which bent the Throat and Chert of childhood, Cherhv 1'k.ctukai. 1 invaluable; fur, by iu timely use, .multi tude are recned (rm ptrtnatnfe irraves, and tared to the love and nUrclion centred on them. M art speeli!y and siirclv against ordinary colds, nccurin? sou ml and bcalth-reitrwing sleep. No one will smler tronbleone Infloeoza and pai iful Ilroncbttbs when tbey know bow entity they, can cured. i Originally the proilnrt of long, laborious, anil mocessful cbemical investigation, no cost or toil is spared in making every bottle in the ntmot possible, perfection. It may be confidently re lied upon as potn all the virtues it baa" ever exhibited, and capable of producing cure as .memorable a tbe greatest U una ever effected. rarrAEED rr Dr. J. C. AYERfi CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and tnalyfioal Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRtfGGliifS EVEBTWHEUE. ' i-MITU k DAVIS. Poln-ATIt, Wholesale Agents. rontHyl NEWSfppg! NEW GflODS! j.m7beach. Is now opening a sclert stock of Oei.cral ebandise, eoufisting et t : i' Mcr- STAPLE ANO FANfY DRY GOODS ! BOOTS ANP SHOES! COIOCERIEMX IIARO.VARE i . V . . CROCKERY ANO GLASSWARE ! CXtOTXIINQ ! ic ic, kc, Ac, Which lie is ofiering to the pnblie at prire nor renpondiug with tho times. All kinds of . MERCHANTABLE PRODUCE TAKEX IX 'EXCHANGE FOR GOODS I Come One ! Come All I And exnmine Goods and Prices, at tbe old stand formerly occupied by D. Bench Jt Run, opposite Foster's .; ., liriek, South Side of First street, ... A LB A XV, - '-''- '." - ' OREGOX. ;v- - ap8vlin.t4yK '": 1 ; r 1 l i jpipifax; JUST ARRIVED. IT. SURE CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA AND IXDI- K CI : OUKSTI0N. v HENRY MVER, Agent, Albany. ' We hereby appoint Henry Meyer onr Agent for the cit of. Albany, Oregon , with the privil ege of supplying; tbe city of Corvallis 'until w deem it proper to appoint an agent there.- . ir-SJlAEtl-KK, WALlbll VV. ' pei 0. V. GERZABEK, Agent. cclSuilmS , t THE LADIES' FA VOR IT E! ItIRS. S. A, JOMiVS' & MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT! i la'. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY, -AND- LADIES' FANCY KEPT COX8TAx5rLY GOODS! ON HAND, i DRESS AND CLOAKIAKING, ELEACII ing and Pressing done in the liitegt styles and shortest order. Shop upitairi over J. 31, Beach's store, Firet street, . vCn6tf. &''tt n'i,torea fad'd Myi&tP to orifjimU HrJCJ color, with tho A D 11 T 1 S E 51 15 N T S', M THE S1WCER Manufacturing Company, Till: WOltl.lVN FA I It, AT ConKlihitcit hy tho homes or tho pooplo Received tho Great Award of tho HIGHEST SALES I And bare loft oil rlruls fnr Whlml them, fortlicv ,'mLi irv 10 ( ! ! f One Hutdi-ed and wonty-Sevoa Thousand, Eifl-htHiiaclrod and Thirty-lireo Macliinos! helng nioro thnn yory ttonittmi In iiflvnnf.'o ol thulr salon of tho pun nut j our, uml or " '' llmiikuiiU mul t than tm ' , I'liHifmuy lor It'll, us sliowii hy tlio lollowinc fl(uros I rum swoii icturus of tho sales of 1.1 tciiet i Tn SINtJKlt J A N I' V A (,'T t' 11 1 N i tu.M l'AXY solil otfirtho I'lonuuL'St-w- lo M in-hi no t'i Sol. I over the Wil.-ox A (illihs Sowing .MHc-h:no Co., , SolJ over IlioUVceil Solii) ! MiM-hloo t'o.. .... It0.17.-t .Muclilmo.. . 0,01.1 do. M. 02.SS1 Uo. II 79,1.1 do. ..J' 62,f7T do. . .5 : i .. ,'Solil over tlio i rover A lin ker Suwiii -Miiuhiuo t'o., Sol. I uvi-r ihu ilowu iUuliliio t'"., . . . . : ' . Sohl over the Whirter , WiIkoii Mtiiniiiivt'lnif Co., all of which la inuinly un ln! In ino popularity of wlmt i known us the "New Family Sew ins Machine,'' which U now iut ItiMiing iu wy Into rry Well rc'itliel Ii.mih-Ih.I.I. r llrcul.ir Kivim InH artiniilra i.f .M. liin.n. their r'ohlin Cures nf inuoy varist.os of wood nml llnish, tbrir Aitaihuieuts fsr nuuirrou. kill. In of work, which, till rc ci.tly, W wim III oily hi that iltOicute llnprr bIoiid ooithl ptitrrui.aii well as purili-uliir at out nil articles tixvl by their Miichine, xueh m l'wit. 1,'nu n 'Turru.l, Spool Cotton, oil. &i &e., apply to at.y uf their Au thorised Ani-iitn. or to i THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY. flron I'runiircu Street. Olllcc. 139 MuiiliSourry ycCMiOiill t UAUtXl A. DA.:CA. lllor. A Newspaper ot lia Pmaent TIosm. Intended for Peeple New mm Earta. Inelodinf F Armors. Meebanles. Merchants. Pro IsMional Men. Workers. Tuinsors. and all Maa- car of II ones t Folks, and the Wives, Boca. aa4 Jeaghlrof all locn. ONLY OTE DO 1. 1, A It A VAK 1 OSE UCXDtttDCOPItM FOB Ut, Or lots Usn Oao Cent a Copy.' Let there be a 840 Clab at every Poet Otnee. BEXMVEKLY tUN, W A TEA It, of the ssme also anil cenerat character as THE EEKI.T. bat with e-rcaUr variety of BUareHaaeott readme, and fornhblug Uto to Its wesertnart wtlh greater tresnassa. tiacaase It eooos twice a weak Instead of once only. TIt DAILY SCX, SO A YEAR. A prof mnwmttv readable newspaper, wtm ne larsasi cucu.aUon ta (lis world. Ila. lad. PsadeBt. sou lovlcM to posiUcs. AH u news from vry wbera. Two eeoia a Oopjr i by aaall. AOousnuoUi.oryS ajpsar. TERMS TO CLUB3. , TUB pOtXJLR WEEKLY HITX. Free eoptsa, one year, aeparater- ma&rmA. er Iswllarav. Tea eoples. one year, seosrsielt 41resssd (and aa eswa copj to Um (ouer aLcion I. Klabt Mlsn. Twanrv 005W, erne year, separawtr xdirisd ad aa uwmeopy w ie seuar ap of eiabt. Ftlteva Dellare. Firtr enl-. ena rev, to one aridre e4 the berat- sek:y one jfii ceiirr op of clubl. Thtrtyhre Detlara. Fifty roptea, one year, rnaratelv aadrasioe (and - tha boat-Weekly one rvocxtir Bfotemft). Tklrtr-ave Dollars. One bsnrod enol, oee year, to oae ad.-trss n4 the lalljr for one year to mo enures of cmo). fbiiy Dollars. Oae bandred eopiea. one year, arparatelr so i dret isad uebsily lorone rM loiasesusr opol elubj, Hlaty Dellars. TUB HE3I I-WEEKLY 8CX. Five eoples, eee rear, arparaulv ettrme1. . Ela-bt Deltara. Tea enetes. one year, teparatety addressed (sad aaeauacony teceueraporelutai, Bliisrs Daltara. HE.VD YOCtt MONEY fnPot rioiee orders. enAeks. or drafts on !tw - ark. wherever eonvealsnu IS not. Itwa reKtswr tae arUrcs eonlalnlnc money. Address ' -' ' lltf. EKOLA!D, Fobllsher. Sea office, Kew Tork CKy. IoFthToYEST" OF 1 871. i PITT'S THRESHERS! H . . . HAINES. HEADERS! M ' LATEST IM I'll" ED .HOH EltS! .i . - - - , And All Kinds of- , Agricultural IiiipieiucnlM! COX.'TAXTLY OX HAND I Al the CELEBRATES BAIN WAGON " ' "Mi?Vott".; co.. ; ' vBn-lTtf. Aibshy, Oregon. SPRING & SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. DRICCS &L CARTER, . -iJ w '. 1 t 1 In order to provide fully fn; the new era about to open up in the rify ..f AM-nnT nnd county ol Linn, bavo tbbroughly repaired their SASH AND DOOR FACTORY and have nddell new) lMiCrhAeyl a-tnong1 which is oneVf Beach's Poaitive Motion Scroll Saw, Wliiidi is. a perleet sucsstn its way. Have on hand a supply of superior 000RS. SASH., MOLD, NG, & SEASONED LUMBER. Have employed' A corps of First-CUvs Me chanics, end are now prepurcd, ready, willing and anxious to supply all who may bo in- want of work in tbeir line: nnd b..po by strict atten tion to buninesi and punctuality in their con tracts to merit a continuance of public patronage. Orders left at tbe Factory, or with l'.li Carter at his nffice, will receive prompt attention, i Albany, Oregon, April 20. I 7 1 vfin.Kitf PROGRESS ! PHOTOGRATHIC ART! Is the order of the day, and tho e e K.'i3 -t 33 31 1A. 3ST T ' " Photograph is nipcrior to anything yet out. ir-CALL AND SEE.-t?rt. It- i.r ij.fA.'wrXTER, Jan. 13, 1871-n22tf A Ibanjr, Oregon. FARM FQR SALE. TlHE FARM v7ELt KX0WX AS WARD'S t 'BUTTE, situated eleven miles south of Al buny,ifn Xinn county, is offered for sale an the bect-of iterms. It has six iprings of good water and plenty of stock water in the creek which traverses 'one side of it. The firewood upon Ibe farm is almost inezbaustiblo, and its advantages as ai stock fans are scperlorto ny other In Ore gon. "For particulars address tbe ondursigned, at Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon. ,, uoUnl.ltf; ' T. M. WARD,. J. D. TITUS, '' ' DKALEB1II I Watches, , Clocks, JEWELRY, ETC? ' ALBANY, OREGQN; ' REPAIRING CF OLOCKS WATCHES, i - JEWELRT, tc, w PROIHIPTZ.T ATTENDED TCv: " -VALL WORK WARRANTED. p31v6i)33tf A " v. ' - lfAUPFn, CO.'S COLUMN, t i i C, II Alii' EST. tt. N. AllMBTltOSa. . , - . .. ... ' i v r "js i in -, . . . -v - 9 w v. K 7 "I5 7? 2 o 01 . It 5 I 2 n 'tt o .2 H 3 o c 3 Pi co T) m o H ti C r o H Z m H H 5 H o z z m "0 c CD 4T O H w m ex - fo a tn co o o 8. n 12 STORE IIST POSTER'S BRICK, FIRST ST., ALDANT, OREGON. ff3 9 ADVEltTISJSMENTS. CITY DRUG STORE. A CAnoTHKIIS. . SALTNAflSft. A. CAR0TlipS &'GO.; . snnnniATa a sin innviipninisa .-.. ... - . , 2 - iiKAmna I DRUGS, CHEMICALS, , PATENT MEDICINES, LP A INTS D YE-STU F FSO I LS, .GLASS, TOjLET GOODS, French and AmrrlfHii CologneN, Handkerchief Extracts, .CONIJECTipXEltY. Pure Wine nd Liquors tyr .Hcdieinal I'xcx. ,flN TOBACCOS AND pIGARS. Family Eecipea and Phygician'i Prescip tionHjComponn(lod, Iiwao'70.vnn20. A. CA UOTIIKHH A CO. BLAIN & XP11' ALBANY, - - - . OBEOON, ' Would call tbe attention of Iluyers to tbeir -1 . ii .i. - ' yELIs SELECTED .STOCK A v. i-. SrC-.S t cojisihtiso or- FANC fiM STAPLE DfRY GOODS I i iiiiMVAiu:, .iijcj:icii:s! j HOOTS ,Si SHOES (ur Anry.)! A Ms Or LATEST NTl'LI Ann OOOI) QUA LIT Y ! SOLD AT MODERATE PRICES A!KXT8 FOR THE CELEI5UATED FLOIt:.t-NE,VI.Ci JI.1(III.K f TltC lirif Vl BLAIN & YOUNG. Dee. SI. ISfi9vSnJlf. CHAS. MEALEY, "-fel.r I FURNITURE $D (CABINET WARE! (Carner of First and Ttroadalbin rtrects, at old stand of C. ilea ey A Co.) ALBANY, OltEfiON. KEEPS COXSTAXTLT OX HAXD A FULL essorttaent of everything iu bis line tbat lr4c requires or an cnltrprbiiij public demands. FURNITURE! Of All Kinds and Descriptions ! BEDS AXO HCnUI.VG, &c. Farticnlar attention will be paid to orders for UNDEUTAKIXG! j. -. . And alt other orders in my line will be promptly attended to. i Satt'aetum Garaxtcrd ad Walk Warranted! CHAS. ME A LET. Albany, July 8, ISf.D vtn'Ttf. ALU A IVY FOODUV ! XD ivicpjiasr: shop ! - . ALBANY. OREGON A.F.CHERR war "V PROPRIETOR. SIANLTACTl REIt OF 1., CI; STEAM ENGINES. GRIST "AND PA tr.M IT.I.S, KEAPKRS AND'frlhKSHERS, ' W00U WORKI.NO MACIiiXKRy, ' POM'S, A..-A(.J, A'e., Ac. Ac. JIaob-fiiory i( all kind a REPAIRED Opi SHORT NOTICE! PATTJJR-J- Jf AItIX Done in All Its Various Forms ! ! IEON AND BRASS CASTINGS Of All V Kinds, Made to Order I ( ( DecS'fiSv-luinyl. . A. F. CHERRY. THE OLD STO YE DEPOT! JOHN BIGGS, DEAI-En IK COOK, PJJRigft AND BOX STg'ES j Of the Best Pattern, TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPER-WARE! AND . j 11. And the usual assortment of furnishing goods found in Tin' Store. Beoaira Jfeatly. and Promptly Executed ! : i On Reasonable Terms. ,. ' SJiort Reck :onw; Make Long Friends!" 10NT-ST ALBANY, ; . : FR0N Next Door to P. : Dee.2iv4nl6tf . C. Harper k ,CV Store JOHN BRIttUS. MARBLEJeVORKS. It Oi: '. & ; ; STAICEU,' ' ' PP.ALKP.R lit " s " MONUMENTS, OBELISKS, TOMBS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, - EXECCTKD IS California, Tcrmont and Italian Marble! SALEM, 0REC.0N. -AL$0. BRANCH SHOP AT ALBANY. o v6u38yl : ': ' ' - I I i r. H. Mcdonald & co., -i .. aVatf aTataTkW aT7i ai we) . WW aTIlf liUff AsUlS ITS, San Francisco Cal.. li eMntlon of Tteaters to thrtr large asstmcnt ' Niiwly Arrtveil " (iooils. comoosod In Bart of tho t following artlrlrs. together with cvrry tlitna (rT.t la a well supplied WIIOLEHAlvB BU.VU T(HtK. Tilobv's Pmrpajinmis, DtefooisT"!' ftriMiti). Hmim Ileum, . . FKBrraaaiB. PAUTI AD OllS. j'atswt Mitoirtines, T ..... . M. u I WMnh wa rtTi-r . . it.. r--.v. t.-i.. a AH detsnnlned not tol.s undersold. ' B.n.MojJOSALUft(;u.,BA3rrisAjKaco,Ci. FOR SALE. Oi;it DICKJ KVSIW.SH located in Fun Frcnt-iso". Cal. Alter curbrnt wislien.Atiil exjress. ina our thnnks for ihe liberal tintroimi;'! WM have received for more thnn twen'y-ono years, during I which j.crioil we have been steadily vmh in tbe j Priix buxlneKS in Cnlifornia, we hr.t I" say in e n- reuuunre of the rsidd Krowtb of lr. Walker's Cnl- f ifnrniu Viwitur iiim-m. now snn-sd over the Uni ted fjinti'S ami ciniiitrii: fnr tiryond. we are nercs- ; silnted to devote onr entire time to snid business. M'e are the Ohlcst Irn lino on the I'aific eiwi and the only one nn'tinnous umli-r the tnine .ro- : prietors since IH4U, nnd have determined t 1 j our liirz". )roserous, and well established bui- nrss on fnvoralilu terms. ' , j Thin is n rnre ojortnn''ty f'r in in with tbe msiiK of catering into a firontable business with alvsnts((cs never before ijfTered. Yut narticulnrs cni(ir" of 11. H. airKOXAT.ri A CO., It. II, Mcllossi.ii, 1 . Wbolexale tlrneaisls. J. C Pvr.xrr.H. Kn Francisco. Cal. X. li. 1'iitil a sale is made we shall continue our 1 ImtHirtitiions and koen large WV of fr-sh go'ls 1 'constantly on band, and bell at jrices to defy com- j petition. A GREAT UilSmi CISCOVEBY Tr. WAiZTTO CAXJPOSNIA VINEGAE BITTEES id Hundred! of Il.cnsands e rr n . " : w m H WHAT ARE THEY? f r : rar'u ' HE ill 51 J c gI m a 21 TJIET AHB 'OT A TltH I FANCY DRINK. Mi r MaleofiaFMr UmLf. V iti1eer, lrof-Krlril an4U1ss I.iaaore voctor-.u.aplcr sod sweci i ai.d t i Ttcae tbe Uitr, ca'.lst " Tonics. "".'.rP1 crs," Ersiorets," sc.. that IcsJ tlo t'p;lsr on to CrcnUcattcss a:wt roln, inilr.rc alms Mcd.cin.m&da from tho Native toots andI!cr!sof Calirnrnia. frre lrrw nil Alcolivlifr f limplanl-i. Tlerarei!KT CiitF.r iiMiiiu i'!:;:ini:;( nnd a I.ii t: ;iVIfJ rUIfi::.i; r-r-rfct l:c3ovat.r a:.d Invlf orator r ft'u t'.yti i, crryli fff cf! pJ'oso3s matter cad rcrtorice t' e blood to abratiiiy omdititm. Nopcrwn c:il3lc t're-s Kltttrs M-corClJSi,-to tx tlon and rcniafa lor. o 0'. 11. 6100 wilt Lcelvsn:r ran !nrerr.b ensc.proTttrl the boaes are rot di ;rt-j-e.l try u.'.;. i.o-.n r oilier mcns.anil the vitii organs wulcWyunittue f-otnt of repair. Fr InSammiatrrv nml C'itrnnle Klirsmn. flam nod tint, D!"?"i:t r Inl.!ri--i Ion, Itilieea. Krmkllent nnj loli-ruiirif nf Fh iT, Dlarnxca or ino l.H6, I.lvrr, I-.IUnry, asfl 'Hlndiler. t'.iese Rltt ers livo b-en mo sieorfs. 'tot. rorb liim-SiJf sre cocd 7 Villati tl ISIeod. v"j;ch li ccBcrV.lv protliux-d by dm&itutucBt of Vie Ilir-t!e Onau. UVSPEPSIA OR IXPIfSESTfOV. nee.:, ache, I"a!n lit On Eion!-!cr, Coavtis, Tiiffctes ortiit Oiest, Dilliacs. fnaf Emdstio.-i of tuc Flrniac:!. Had taTe 3 liia J.r.:i. I;. !.!.. Atirxs. ra!p:t.-tt n of lhe Ilcsrt. lnflTn:3'.!on of tie I.cns.rsm W e-.a trclons of loo I:i0o-t afl a hrnilml olUzr paiAfol sjrmptotns. are Uie o"riajof '3?;'.s. T1y Invlgorete t'ac SUKEaeU aad sUnwla'.e the tor pid liver and bowels, wUlclirirti-rUicni of usconalled efflcaryln clcaisiaj tile tblood of all irapnr.tics. aad Impartta: new life nn vltfor to tl.e wUole srstcnu FOE HK IX RISE A !. rrntt'ons.TctfT. fait iarnm,i:iotciies.fiK.ts;11--nplcs.Pn-iw!c,pbns.rir. bonelcs.Klns-Worrjs.Fald-ricad.Forarr-x. Erynl clas, Itcti. Scarft. Diacoiorctlons of IlicF'.l-i; Hniors and Diseases of t!i5S!i!a.of w'aaicvor 05313 orsatitt-3, are lltcrslty dn; np an 1 c-.rri: l ont ofCu ttic:ii In short time by tha nvj of liraw Hlturj. O20 bo-.tlr J!t each eases c-Ul convincs Ui most lucrcdslacs or tfir carat Ire effect. Cleanse tlio VH'nt-t whencrcr ron Q-.ft l"s Imparities borst!ni; ihroa-U tiic sVIa la r;m::c, I'.mr tlons or SorcsclcaosoltUta yriaCndtt o'js-troct.-a and alnEcfelt In the veins ;clca3o U when rt t-ifjn!. and your fccllnsa trill tail ynn T,:iS i. Ecc? t!i3 b'ood pnro and the hrdsh cf t ! trtn t!!1 fo:io. mv frinr..,i.....-uiii?lK .n. n ii . .... . .. . ............ - synlctnof so many Uioa.aa.. era eff xX-j.l'.y destroy, edaad removed. Forfill CircctSoa-". r.-ad can-folly tiic circular aronnd caca hot::-!. p-:it-t inf rlia (majes English, Canaan, FrcucU a-J Sp-f.u J.WALSER, rrojrictor. E. n. McD0::a3 cn, Drnsjlsts and Cca. .r:t-'. Pat rn-el-c. Csl, aad 52 aad 3! Co-.n uu.-cj t:r-.t,lUv Vori rysou? bt alt. Dirr.cir-s A::3.Lnis. jsnlHTliijeyJ ' V . 11. IV U ILjS VZ KjKJ., DEALERS IX 1 IOJST STEEL, Springs, Axles, Thimble Skeins, etc. Alo, a well aclrercd stock of -m-m-r . r Ava?on; Timber!' H?KiJirx, Jlitlut, Unit Him, SlmJU, J'ulcs, llirkvrif J.ics, C'C. FARMERS' and MECHANICS' TOOLS CONSISTIXO OF ANVILS. VICES. BELLOWS. HAMMERS. HATCHETS. Sledges, Saws, Planes, tnOSS-(iT AXD 3III.L SA.YS! ToRctbcr with a large Assortment of MQOS ASv WILLU.W WA . ' ; reyMonteiU.-. FWbrlek. next door to Uluin A Young's ) , W. II. KUUN & CO Albany, Jan. 13, 1871 u32yl. 1 ' RKAIi ESTATE. STITZEL & UPTON, RGAL ESTATE II It O Si. E II S, AXD 1 QJSNPAL AGENTS. ItRAXC'II OFFIC'K-Albany, Orpgou J. C. KJVDEKHALI., Agent. An office where eencrnl inforrontion eonperninp tltBBViitaiiiitnfj'ilF OfiiTith' riin h tiLttt iaft iV.s' c;-, o." ' ' "Loans nojotinble on first tnortcasce, real estate and collateral seeurify. . - ' - "Have for salon Inrpe amount of nroTierty loca ted in the towns of Albany, Brownsville and Qtii viUlbt. '.",,' ', ' Also, flil.OOO acres of fiirininjr lands of every JcsWiptiiin'in T.inn, Benton nnd Polk eonntiesT1- Porsons desiriiijr to sell their property incnr no expense in pbioihe it ift our liamls for sale unless a sale is made. Call at our office in Pnrrisb's brick, where we have a'team in readiness to eon vey pavties to vjew our lands. ' 'J. C. ilEXPENJTALL. Ajrcnl. v3n32yl. ' , s Albany, Oregon"; COBYALLiS COLLEGE ! " ' PO : ' MALES AND FEMALES. CORVALIISOKEUOX. a ' " " ' ' "' " UrEAR DIVIDED IXT0 THREE SESSIONS. J Tuition (pi-r Session of :li months,) from ; SO to ?15, necoroiiiK' to stuilics. "MALE JJOARDlXd J10UvE. by Trof. J. Ein erf.' li.ianl. incluiling r.xnii, fuel nml 'tights, $j0 pur session (14 weeks). Wiihmg. $3 per sessinn. TKRug ; One-Wilf in' ailvunco uud the other rlf at the close of tbe gessimt: solUvCnitf ' W. A. FiyLEY. A. M.. ; .. - PvuaideuL I "i y . -..N. . ZIP I r52 X .X SI? f ? 9 -"'?s t ? ; I w A P V E rf IvS,E I4E NTS. w; m vi kt i 1 y f , ; ; .;-,..! - ' ' I .,.' , , "0r OREGON emu:: rlTISTORy. This Ceme!y is eowjx.ced of the active prinsi ( pic of tbe I ok Hwl, r.. Tbaspinm Cords : fnm Orianifs. I.sL indigenous to Oregon tlrows mort abundantly and j.crfi-etly in Wasb 1 ington County. pjJOPi;nTiF.s &. I It rnntain an nrllrr rotnlile pr!tir!jJJr!Tet-' j ed by Ettwr, and s bitter 7V pripciple. MEDICAL PROPERTIES AND USES. It is the mostPCKE AXI ?PEEDV CURB for Ith'MmtH'itm. Ukimmattr Otiml and J.'tummatic . i,l all kinJs that has ever been intrutluced into tbe 21 uteris Medina. The Unk Weed Remedy as r-r-j.srrd by as, in eoneunco t,t tbe exi-ting biiter prineipkr, yt-L-wes tbe n;t-c--ary virtnc of being a POWERFUL TONIC, '"'""tins the Ajriilr and invigorating tbe wbde Vig Cfctiwc Afparatna, tbns bnildin np a ii -I irti.-tbeuinj I hi- sy.(t-ni,' while at Jy same time tl.e v-.;iil principle, ixrins absorlVd : in tbe tll. act spetritiTsllv on the Rbenmatas t I ii.n. M-raoriiij it ffjn the c.rcollin aad . T.-m. j There arr- a few n-molirs knnwn to lhe XeU . cal profession, which will rcture"tbe Rbenma'tie Jin fr In tbe I-I.-.1, l,nt wbfoa? setia is r fM.wrrful in le.r--.in- the system e-flbo airradv :' rfcrl.l,4 Rbenmic pslirnt. that tbrir bm- has to be abaiid-mrd U-f.jre srific rlTrrts are obtains. ; ble hence the want of sneer? in treating this ! prevalent, and in e M-onruee heretofore (incar able) dieease. Unlike these lledieinrs. already - kn-.wn, the I'nk V'eed Rrtnrdv" t'mn-h b (luein as ..rr ry n.l as eefre etlcrts on' tbe i blood and yieui it rvmovini; Ibe Kbrntaatiu I.isoj. also p-.!.- a ln.t!; Turn it and reruprr atiu eli-utrnt, which adraiu .f its mtimma" mme even in the most eWewre ap4 Irl.'.ihnitH. Thus we bare the couili.uutii.n U fr.t time of lhce I eeew.ej ... in 'ihe f, Bl.-i J. wbb b are-nets r..r'its u'piii..r aad never railing ! enrativc effects in RHUBIATXarl, RnruaiATio gout. , And KnEUIOATIC PAIKS of all TXiada ' Wt e are aware of Ibe fact th.-tt it is penetmil w no e:ir uuttcr t.i pr.K-tiro rrrtificates a:tetiii' the ctiicaey nt patent rru.c4ies (mm at crtaiu clasn r Ibuse who use thrai. Wc have selertvd tbe following lcraue the nw, ttur'tj , are those of nt'j 'rf tbe ma. I ., j eioroefee. aii.t because' tbe large class o"f j their acquaintances in' Oregoh will not. r..r a j uiomrtit. arrure or 0-'ert (Sim of anv exaf- i gcration in tbe statements tbt ma v asakr - - . .- ' LerLlHM'e fr..m I! r ... - . . , . - ... ... -. niii sua neeisi J roiilrilutr t tbe 1 '. '.. .rffr furmtr, kad Scc- rvtary of tbe Oregon llortieultaral Society : Usutoo Oh.. MarrJi 5s l.sTl . ; In. A. M. Locvka : 4 j Some four weks ago I was entirelv pmstratod . with KheuiiiatiMii; in Mel" I wasaltuusi hclpirsi. 1 !-ent to yB fi T one 10-ouncc bvlYie ..f -fak j Weed Ketood v.' by the nse of whieb'i ex-erieiiee& almost lOim.-'Uie relief ; and by fhe time tk .un- r puiio mc iiueuinat;u .was one. " f "'y. "w" exirietirr. an.rir.. wfaat 1 kav. ers say wtto bate UseU the 1 lt W f I Ixlu-ir 11 t I a certain eure for - UbreiaaV liu. Y'wur. roM.ecilnily. "A. IL SUH'LEV. Certificate from tbeIloi:. A. J. ufur. si I'rc'idrnt of the Oregon State Agricui'tiinl Sol cicty, and author of "Statisties of OregoijV i t 1.-. . t...... . . . i- j Dn. A. M. Iirvka A Co. : '-... r. i I wasaOlietod witha sercreattack ef CIlROX ! IC RHEUMATISM: wo confined to my bed r most of tho time fr. m January t July, whan I UlK',i ,S,,! 1 Bk Weed, and it cure tae op. j. juj rvu. j Certificate from Hon. tiidcvn Tibbetts, mem j ber of the City Council of Kat I'ortlan ; 'ik . -.r r EARTJ,'T-5".l'ril;JlKl. Dn. A. M. T.orvea t Co.; j (Scuta: Yhi. is to iilform you that I have ; nscil yuiir -'I'tik Weed Remedy" for Xcuralia J and Rheumatic pains, and fonnd relief fn.m fh i tire ef oy oar t..rffe, and can recommend it to lbufeinuocdofkucharenie.lv. Your. ' j" " tilDKOX TIRBETTS. I Certificate .ftwn Jlr. James Kybee, tbe eele ; brnted tiM.-k jruwer and "King of tbe Ore'oc iuri : , - Savvik's 1st anp, January 11, ISJ1. ; Dr. A. JJ. Lortea A Co. !..r , ".".rsc "t7 w r ! Cure ifT j .er . ai.ncK ..t w.,al., Jtmati.m;mni f; tncl nenrl all of (be So-'eulled Rbi-unfR. .1 ' edies without any lereeiaMe , belief. i tm , ...v., ju, n.i, ma it nsc resulted in tta , moo, your Jirmetiy, ana it use resulted in 1 most b.py eftecV A pi-i-Tect rnre.' ' ' - ' Truly yours, JAiipi EYBEB. CertUeate from Hon. E. L. fiuimky, ei-Conn-ty Couituijsioner of Multnomnu etlttuty; t)rcSon'I Dr. A. M. Loktka A Co.': j I have used' tbe "Vnk Weed Remedy ,M Lnd satisfied it is a Valuable medicine. It rVoaWel and inr.fwrote.Ue system. This is my exncri ciko wtVh tbe reWdy. Trulv yonr. - is. yuijIRY. Cirtilicato from Hon. X. J. Lane,' Pilot Cain. f ' tntsnnim of .Oregon. Md m member f th tit- vouiicu ot .um rortiand : , . . - East l'onTT.ivrv l,n 10 Tin a r T-. . -- o. . .. ... ... Mvn. r.A s Vo. 2 I have been afftieted fr several -rears tti. "woahnes, in the1 ba.lt," ,aa nij? piiin.. aooouipanied by .rr.re tmrniipm .j I...IUIW one oof or vor Vak WJf Remedr.or Orejron Rheumatio Cure. I hnTl be?h entirely relieved, and cheerfully mend it as a most valuable and e-meicnt renle.W XAT. II. I4ANE. " up in 10 Oz. Bottles a, $1,50 per Bo PREPARE!! AT T1TTJ . Sk T3 tn i-s jw jei or yj jum . ; i . Medical Iia1)orn ' BY ' " pr. A. JI. LOItYEA & Co. ; EAST POBTLANO.ORECOX. i?tif"For sale by all Druj Feb.10, 1S71 - vn;6yl. to T3-. i ini nn i tp i' rr ni-.OiB.y;.l!)';!l