The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 08, 1871, Image 2

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.......SEPTEMBER, 8. 1871.
i;Xo definite news from the Califcrn--"?
'electron t which took 1 place" -last
! J; Wednesday.' Tne race has been close
'( and the result unceryiUL, As we
& go to prees the wires, are down; and
( it is impossible to get further newt
A ; SX-.Xl
In this " government at ;thisv.ime
' there . is an i irrepressible, couflicV
, .going on between labor an capital
-2sTot between the farmer and his hired
hand, nor the mechanic and his jour
' nej-nian,-; but ' between aggregated
money interests and the interests of
h the producerr We do "not propose to
. take the part of either, for each depends
' " tvpon the other," for support. X)ur design
, , . is to point put, as near as possible, the
evil influences which are at work to
,5.: destroy i the harmony, which .-should
exist between Jthpse two constituent
'; elements of national greatness. To
-preserve this harmony-it is necessary
tbat legislative power! should not be
hostile - to either. "Both should be
protected in their legitimate spheres.
-' If either is to be favored, such ' favor
should be shown to the producer, for
'ipon him devolves the duty of pro-
; i' riding for the physical wants of man,
. which are the most urgent and neces-
- mit .We are Eow':referrinff fo Re
publican Governments, such as is
' claimed to exist in the United States.
In monarchical and despotic govern
ments money is acknowledged to be
" the ruling power: " But in Republics
the reverse is trne. The ancient prov
erb, labor omni vincet, is. lully re
. alized as the rule of faith by every be
liever in Republican institutions.
t' IIow is it with the " party which
now ha. control 4the reins of gov
ernment?. The interests of labor are
ignored and capital alone is consulted.
But one power isackhdwledged by the
Republican party, that is the power
t . of: money. Money- dictates, legisla
1 tion in the national Congress and con- (
i trob the dispensing " of ' Federal
V patronage. ..iloney .is the power
c. which is brought into .requisition . to
feontrbl elections and the manner of
its use is often criminal and debasing. ,
Insidiously the money power is slowly
but certainly usurping the exclusive
' control of eveiy .Department '-of the
. government- and threatening the dis-
truction of every, vestige of Republi
t eanism remaining in the hearts of the
people. The power and majesty of la
tr'as : acknowledged by " statesmen
in purer times are now scouted by the
. charlatans and demagoguea who sit in
high places. Radical newspapers in
i commending Grant's - administration
can Bound no note of praise so high as
that the President is a financial- success.-;
As - regards, vhia own . private
fortune there is no doubt of - Grant's
financial success, and the same . may
be said of George"! Woods, late
I. Governor of - Qregont,bu3thV means
to which they have resorted to amass J
,wealth will "not bear weighing in the
-: Vafiance wfth honor and official recti-
Is it not tunc tor the people to .re
flect upon the drift of national affairs
ami arrest the current' of corruption
' which is istalking abroad?,' Would
ii not be jreli for honest Republicans
to take their bearing, and not be led
' by blind ' prejudice into the-vortex
" of national death which lies 6o' , .cer
tainly in the path of Ae par to which
ihey now yield.theitBuppbrt? Many
are beginning to" act as becomes men
who holdj country in higher consid
' ' eraition than party and are joining the
ranks of the pemocracytrom whom
- alone is deUverance to bexpeetedj
. Others are disgusted with the cbrrup-
tiott of the party which 'i now 'Urect-
!.ing national jaffairsljut they fear the
scoffs of their late associates and stand
,out alone hi the" character 'of '. mere
'neerative friends of the rizht. 1 To all
. .such-WP would, say, "why", stand ye
idle? , Is not the Democratic party
. laboring ". to I accomplish : ; the ('yery
thing which you jay' is'' necessary' tO
save this Government from becoming
- - an engine of -oppression in. the, hands
I of a mercenary few- for :the enslave
ment of the laboring many?, 'Then
- why hesitate as to tne course io pqr-
sue ? Why stand on the battlements
without 6hield: or. buckler, a target
, for the shaft of the enemy? Why
' not act as become freemen
'Cnawed Vjr Jnflaenea and unbribed by g-in,
' As sure as this, government is , pre-
Bervea ana, transmitted -to posxemy;
ns certain as liberty is-a blessing, ;and
: true as the world is hot given over to
tire influence of the J devil,"- you must
ome to this at last. f Ambitious dem
- agogues jnay talk of a new :' party
they may" discourse upon 4he chances
,,of dislodging the vampires who , are
ingging at; the arteries of i the nation
-ia 6ome other way and by some ether
: combination, buv their theories are
wild and their 7pi;rposesv dishonest.
Thera is but one newer : able to take
the ' bull of corruption ' by the horns
and relieve, the strussrlinar' millions of
overtaxed laborers from the grasp of
aggregated capital ' and that, is 'the
po wer of the ; people themselves, act
ing in harmony , with, the Democratic
party, directing their energies to the
same purpose and marching all one"
way to certain victory. To this it
must at last come, and the time for
tic final consummation is at hand.
contest of 18 a is near an
id the
result is fraught Jwith interests dearer
than life and'au; lastinas mev-H
This government icannot v- stand
four more years ot j misrule pich
as the last four Jmve een!? Constant
dropping rUvwear 4way toW'iand
constant oppression, patiently borne,
debases a people. Already can be
seen" indications of the truth of the
pc-es conception: . , -
"ilihfarea the land to hastening ills a
I TThf" weal thaccumulates-nd men
ascay.',' , ,
I TjuiiI Pafiut mv Via ArnaAtiliT Vint
when the approaching' national con
testcomes let there be no such word
as fail7 Defeat would be lasting ruin.
while, victory will be the dawning of
a neW era in the progress and devel
opment of this nation.
A dispatch dated on the 2nd insi
Horace Oreeley this morning pub
lishes a reply to the late communica
tion of the Chairman of the Republi
can State Central committee, A. .
Cornell, in which he-asserts .that the
action of the State Central Committee
in directing reorganisation of the party
in this city was an unwarrantable in
terference with local organization, and
founded on a desire to advance the in
te rests of Federal officer-holders rather
than the interests of the party. The
conduct of the Committee has not tend
ed to secure any adjustment of local
differences which should be properly
adjusted by the State Convention. The
charsre of Cornell that Greeley's com
mi t tee was made up mainly of Repub
lican office-holders under the city gov
ernment is answered by a charge that
or 147 delegates elected to Cornell's
general committee, nearly 60 are feder
al office-holders. ' Greeley in conclu
sion demands a retraction of the false
hoods of Cornell's letter.
The Federal officials of New York
are, of course,, for Grant's renomina
tion and like those of Lousiana they
are determined to rule or ruin. ' As
the . Presidential contest approaches
the Inst of Grant's satraps, for gain be
comes intensified and their efforts to
retain position -are, redoubled. Gree
ley is really the only man in the Re
publican ranks able to cope with the
Federal Y office-holders' , and he will
finally be compelled to surrender.
Grant's adherents have but one plea
to offer in his favor and ' that is that
he' has Tieen successful as a financier.
Let us ask' in what manner and by
what means he has been successful in
a financial point of view? ..' ;
il nJi SUPBJaiX-COPSE t ; ;
; .The Supreme Court commenced in
Salem on - last Monday with a full
beisch.y''Judge Prith, ' by priority of
service, presides as Chief , Justice.
The most of the Districts .were, Tep
resented at the bar: at the ' orgamra
tion of the Court On Monday at 10
o'clock Judge Page,' of Portland, pre
sented a series of resolutions adopted
by the Portland Bar, on the death
of Judge Lansing Stout which were
ordered spread upon the records' of.
the Court. Judge Page prefaced the
resolutions by an eloquent and appro
priate eulogy upon the life and char
acter of the ' lamented - Stout, than
whom ho man ever lived closer to the
hearts of his friends. t At the close of
Judge Page's remarks the Court ad
journed until 9 o'clock Tuesday morn
ing in token of respect to the memory
of Judge StoUt. i 5
The. docket is not crowded .with
business, yet the term . will be likely
to hold four to ' six weeks as hereto
fore. 'The session is being held in the
State Library ? rooms across the hall
from the Executive Department
The place is commodious and conven
ient. -flv-wv;:?;ff , u; ;
jv.iir:y'! TAXATIOJI. - ,
In 1868 Massachusetts' paid seven
teen and Ohio twelve millions inter
nal revenue tax, while for the current
fiscal year it is estimated that Massa
chusetts will pay less than four and a
half millions,' and Ohio' more than'
pixteen.' . The tax in Ohio has been
increased four and in .Massachusetts
reduced twelve and a half millions.
This : was done by taking - the tax off
the manufactures of Massachusetts
and imposing them on those of Ohio.
When .the. internal tax was taken 'off
the manufactures of Massachusetts,
the price of them ought to have fallen,
but . was increased.. The very f men
who voted to take the tax off manu
factures, increased the tariff tax on
foreign goods, thus destroyed compe
tition and enabled Massachusetts to
gain . enormous . profits on - all she
made and sold ; and those' profits
were at the cost of Ohio and other
agricultural States.'- In 1868 the six
Staieso;,of Ohipf'T. Indiana, Illinois,
Kentq pky , . , .Missouri t and u- Virginia,
paid four i millions ' more taxes than
the six New England States, but this
year.ttey:will pay ' forty-seven mil
lions more; and Ohio alone .will pay
more than double the whole amount
of taxes paid by all New England,
.These facts are taken from the table
in the official report of the Commis
sioner of Internal Revenue. .-1 .
;The Harrisbnrg, Pennsylvania Stctie
Journal eavs:' "It is very i evident
tht Ban. Butler is p repaiing to make
trouble , in Massachusetts, by which
the Republican party wfll suffer.'--
Well, if the Republican party suffers
through Sutler's stealing propensities,
it has this consolationwhat Butler
steals fjrom it, it stole beiore. "'.
' Gov.' Grover has pardoned Eli Ma
son of Philometh, Benton county,
who was sent to the Penitentiary for
illifg SilasWhite. . -
ajcar -jlir-ie"aE ("i; '-
Scarlet fever prevails at McMinii-
Mrs. Carrie Tonng is lecturing at
St Helens.. ' : ;
Only one man has the small-pox in
Walla Wallah -
The burned district in Corvallis is
being rebuilt. - -
Frog eating is becoming suite fash
ionable in Portland. J t i 6
The existence of Small Pox at
Walla' Walla' is deniedT,"
It is reported that Shulta was re
cently seen in Vancouver. 't " ,
John R'. McBride has found another
cousin and returned to Idaho. ,
400 Chinamen are being sent to the
fronton the O.'k 0. railroad.
Wheat is worth but 37 J cents ; a
bushel in Grande Ronde Valley, j . ?.
The seventh year of the ' Corvallis
College will open on the 15th inst. '
A child was run over by a buggy
in Portland last week and badly in
jured. : -. t ; . " - ' ' '-.
Capt. Floyd, of the Idaho, will get
married when he arrives at San Fran
cisco. .., . ,-. " .. ;"?V' s
The North Pacific Transportation
Co. are buildinar a monster wharf at
Astoria.'' '' -
There was a case of sun-stroke in
Portland last week. The patient re
covered.. , -: : i: - ':
The Masonic Temple at Portland
is progressing rapidly toward com
pletion. , , ; I.
Prof. Emery, of the Agricultural
College at Corvallis, is expected home
this week. 't ,
The next terni of Willamette Uni
versity will begin on Monday, Sep
tember 11th. :
19,625 acres of land were disposed
of during last month at the Olympia
Land Ofiice. ? ; .
Gen. Crook still pursues the
Apaches. He is determined to bring
them to terms. y
Several young bloods hav(a, been
arrested in Washington county for
stealing water melons. i
' The riamdealer reports a new
quartz ledge discovered, on Calipooia
Creek, near Oakland, ; , '
Cspt. Ankeny is preparing to erect
a large market and theater in Port
land at a cost of $85,000.
The Deaf Mute School at Salem,
in charge of Prof Smith, begins its
Second term Semtember 4th. ;
The Walla Walla editors are call-
ins each other pet names after the
most approved "Oregon Style.1
Sheriff Van Buren recently made
the trip from Roseburg to Portland
and back in forty -eight hours.
A man named J as. bpinner was
killed in Columbia County last week
by being caught under a falling tree.
Wilboit's Springs in Marion county
have been sold for S13.000 and will
be fitted op for a resort for invalids.
- A brutal Celestial amused ' himself
by beating his wife at the emporium
and paid for his fun by going to jau
j A son of David Stryker; of Corral
lis. fell head foremost into a well 24
feet deep and was taken out uninjur-
ed. . ... .,, .
A son of Mr. I MitcheU of Port
land, aged, ten years, was . drowned
in the river frontinar that" City last
Sunday.' - --'-. i"7;',r'-
' Piepaiations are being made at the
State Fair Ground for a bull fight
after the reguLtr Spanish style during
the coming Fair, ,' V ; -
Judge Field, Associate Justice o:
the Supreme Court of the United
States, is presiding at the U. S, Cir
cuit Court in Portland. : ; ,
Major Roberts, Superintendent of
river improvements, has been work
in? on the bars between Salem and
Canemah with good Success. ;
c . w
A daily hack is being run between
the Southern terminus of the railroad
track and Eugene. .Passengers have
no delay after leaving the cars going
South. ' ' ,. ,' ' ..... ,t
A man named Lake was killed
about two weeks ago, on the road
between Jacksonville ' and Crescent
City, by- being run over by his( heavy
ireigui wagon.,: ,, ,)V i 5; ;,;'
;Tbe gunsmith shop of Mr. V., Ar
lington, of Douglas county, was bro
ken into by some Vandal who ' broke
his grindstone and' destroyed, many
valuable tools.7 rf W.;a av7.'t J-r.'1
Large quantities of wheat flow into
market from Yamhill ' county. The
Steamer ' Dayton carries' away ( three
cargoes' a week but .cannot keep the
warehouse clear.: '. . -r ::
The Opposition Steam Ship Com
pany propose soon to put on, another
Steamer to run in connection . with
the Conetantine between.- San Fran
cisco and Portland." , ;trj ni
The NiUeteenth Annual Convocation
of the Episcopal Church for Oregon,
and Washington Territory commences
its sessions at Trinity Church, Port
land, on last Friday. T ';-r-.-, i
George, Phillips, of ;Polkr county.
bad one of his feet badly crushed,, in
a i threshing machine.: last week.-r-
Fears were entertained that amputa-
; : From the Herald we learn that the
corner stone of. a new ' Episcopal
Church edifice was laid, with appro
priate ceremonies, at Vancouver, W.
T.,' on last Thursday.
. jSVom the Christian Memenger we
learn that Mr. Robert Hutchinson, of
Polk county had his ; arm broken
while at work with a threshing ma
chine, a short time a since.
- On the 12th inat., (next Tuesday,
the Board cf ta,te officers- will hold
session to determine a number of
controversies among applicants for
the purchase of State Lands., v. 3 "1
The tZttlerprvse says that the steam
er Albany has ceased running to Se
em. 1 A report has it that she will
not run again until after the transfer
of the P.jC. Co.'s stock takes place.
The Enterprise reports the filing of
articles of incorporation in Clackamas
County; by a company who i design
constructing a 'suspension bridge
across the Willametteriyer at Oregon
City. fi'itHi . .
A report has been going the rounds
of the press that Miss Anna'! Pixley
of the Pixley Troupe had married
Ned Campbell, At the request of
the lady the Oregonian denies the
Btatemeni.,.-'uu--:! - '," - ? ; v
There is still a brisk demand for
aborers on the different railroad in
course ot construction in uregon,
and Washington Territory. There is
room for all who desire to ; work at
fair wages. i
Mr. Samuel I. Moore, who resides
five miles South of Roseburg, liar-
vested, this year, eighteen acres of
wheat s which - averaged forty-five
bushels to the 'acre. So says the
.The Guard says it is the determi
nation of the O. & C. R. R. Co. to
have the cars running to Eugene by
the 20th. inst. The force of work
men on the . Harrisburg bridge has
been doubled. . i
The report is still in circulation
that Ben Holiday is negotiating for
the locks and canal on the west side
of the river. ; If he gets . the P. T.
Co.'s boats and property, he will, be
sure to get the locks also.
Mrs. Carie F. Young, the lato im
ported woman'srigbtist, is out in an
article in a late number of the Nrw
Northwest entitled "Phisological In
cest."; What in thunder won't the
dear creatures talk about next.
A man was put in jail, in Polk
county recently, for stealing blankets
from the Elleudale Mill Company.
The fellow broke jail and fled taking
away with him three more pair of
blankets belonging to the county.
Prof. L. L. Rogers, of Willamette
University, has accepted the chal
lenge of Mr. Underwood, Free
Thought lecturer, to. discuss the ev
idences of Christianity. Prof. Rog
ers in the affirmative, Mr. Underwood
contra. , .-..m . j . ,
We learn that the Oregon City
Mills are being thoroughly overhaul
and repaired. - The Imperial Mills
are also undergoing repairs. The
former will be in runnicg order in
about ten days, the latter in about
three weeks.
The Benton Democrat gives the to
tal amount of assessable property in
Benton County is 11 ,439,740. Num
ber of polls, 850. This shows an in
crease in the value of assessable prop
erty of over $200,000, over the assess
ment of 1870.
, Miss Ursula Price commenced suit
against Robert - Haywood before a
Portland Justice last week for alleged
seduction under promise of marriage.
nea tne case was caueq the prose
cuting witness failed to appear and
the defendant was discharged.
The Democratic Timet says Deputy
sheriff Foundra, arrested the three
men who had stolen the hones from
James Kilgore's ranch: They plead
guilty to the charge, and were com
mitted, in default of bail, to - the
county jail to await their loom at the
November term of the Circuit Court
Joseph Cox, the stage driver be
tween Salem and Silverton, was fear
fully injured on last Saturday by his
horses starting while he was on the
tongue of his wagon putting up the
reins. f The horses ran, throwing him
under the 'wagon when , he became
entangled in the lines and was drag
Ted a considerable distance.' i
haxx Pox. Following is the
Walla Walla Statesman report of the
small pox case repotted in that place.
Tht paper says: "A man from Flor
ence who' came into town on Sunday
and visited around , tne . Baioona and
other public places, was noticed to
havo an eruption on his -face and
hands, pronounced by Dr. Day to be
Unmistakable small pox. On becon
ing aware of bis true condition,' he at
once left town, and made a camp on
Singleton's creek, where be remained
yesterday, in the charge of Dr.' Good
win.' The county authorities have ta
ken all proper precautions in relations
to this case, and every offorfc will be
made to prevent the disease from
spreading," Later advices state ' that
there is a difference of opinion among
the physicians who have seen the pa
tient as to the - character of the dis-
ease.-i-: -''v. ; -
f ReptbucabtI place 1 hunters' are
making a terrible 'noise, about Wash
ington,' because it is alleged that ao
ex-Confederate soldier has been" ap
pointed to , a clerkship in one of the
Departments! He is, 'probably, a re
lation of Mrsj irant and the . fellows
who are making a iuss about , it ; had
better look out ' . ,'' ':.;?' . v?"?"
r:j-.Li'-'-' r '...".' f.' 1 :
Ma. G. was a most inveterate pun
ster. Lying ill of ! the f cholera, his
nurse proposed to prepare a young,
tender chicken. 'Hadn't you better
take an bid hen,' 4said G. in a low
whisper he was too ill :( to speak
louder for she would be more apt to
lay on my stomach,' G. fell back and,
the nurse fainted. 5 y. . . .
K Cleaned From the , Telegraph.;-
.;, 'V V . 1 ' 'i
Thursday, August 3 1
. ,-" ... . . .
' ire:
' A riot in Rome last Monday against
the priests..; . One person killed and
many' wounded. - v
Duke de Aumale declines the Presi
dency of the French Republic, r
Austria, Germany, Italy and per
haps, Russia have signed' a treaty of
peaee --'.. i
Cholera at Hamburg, Konigsturg
ana At tons.
'-si f'li -t: -90MSS1W. ' i ; .,..
Yellow fever abating In Charleston.
At the- Mobile disaster 55 ' were
killed and 87 wounded- '
. i Friday, September 1 ;!
r Tlie prolongation of Thiers' pow
er has not yet been determined by the
French Assembly. " , " , ; ,
The Men "Jhiblic ' announces that
the payment of the third installment
of the indemnity of half a milliard
francs was completed to-day.. ;
It is said Gurney .. has presonted
English claims to the amount of
$100,000 against the United States.'
' No formal treaty has yet been con
cluded between Germany and Austria.
' Subscriptions have been opened in
England tor the relief of the people
of Persia 1 The Minister . from there
has been named as Chairman of the
Committee to solicit aid for his coun
trymen. i i-r-
The Pope, in receiving the homage
of the Papal Guard, said : "I cannot
name the day of deliverance, but the
time is not remote when we shall is
sue together from our prison." ,
A heavy shock of earthquake . was
felt at Kingston, Jamaica, Aug. 21st
Advices from Chili state tliat reli
gious reform measures have been in
troduced into Congress. The sham
king Arcania fled to Buenos Ayres.
- laiiao advices represent that the
celebration of Peruvian independence
caused great excitement. ,
-hcuador advices state that Presi
dent Marino had been captured and
shot by the revolutionists.
; ;; domestic. j ;
A errand reception was riven at
New York this evening to Dr. John
Morse, of California, special deputy
Grand .Sire of the Grand ' Lodge of
Germany. . " -
1 be body of a young woman was
lound in a trunk at the Hudson Krver
depot on aaiuraay ana laentinea as
Alice xjowiesoy, agea twenty-two
years, of West Patterson, New Jer
sey.;. ' ' -::.-.
1 he steamer Java, which left Liv
erpool on the 19th, ran into the Nor
wegian bark JUmut on the night of
August 23d and sent her down ' with
eleven out of twelve lives on board.
tiix deaths by yellow fever reported
in Charleston last week. 1 -
i Saturday, September 2,
Russell, member of
from Limerick, is dead. -
Paul de Ivock, the novelist, is dead.
Chimachow, a village of East Prus
sis, with a population of 479. has had
89 cases of cholera, 46 of which were
The Austrian Ambassador to France
has been authorized to declare that
Italy declines to participate in the con
feretice at liastien.
The great yacht race at Halifax on
the 81st ulu was won by an English
crew. . . . . t.
The leading physicians of Savanna
say there is no cholera in that city.
1 he object or the l'resident s visit
to Washington is supposed to be for
the purpose of issuing a proclamation
declaring martial law in some of the
sections of the South. Scott, of the
Ku Kluk Committee, is known as
having been in conference with the
resident on that subject veaterdav.
It is likely that at the Cabinet meet
ing the course to be taken will be de-
idod.! . 3 iv ...-. t 1 -
The Secretary of the Navy to-dav
receivea some Dame nags captured by
' . t . . rm . m w
tne navai iorces at Uorea, with the
names of the captors.
Sunday, September 3.
, j, roBEio.f. -
Great care is being taken to - pre
veniine miroauction 01 cholera m
i ranee and England.
It is rumored that Sir Alexander
Cockburn will be the British member
of the Board of Arbitration.' which is
to meet at Geneva under the treaty of
The h rench Assembly have passed
a decree, prolonging the power of
Thiers.'' The event is regarded .as
propitious by foreign powers. ' ; ' v. j
'' DOMESTIC. i V-, ;
The name of the counsel for our ar
bitrator at Geneva, will be . withheld
till it be known that he will accept. .
Many prominent Republicans are
already speculating .upon the course
of the forthcoming; Republican New
York - State Convention concerning
the questions affecting , national pol
itics. , It is recommended that the
State Convention, make an, issue on
municipal reform, and . raise the issue
for the next Presidential candidate. '
t , In i Monday, September 9, '
' FOREIGN h ' '.
A monBter demonstration was held
in Dublin last evening.? One hundred
thousand people were present 1 at " the
meeting at Phoenix .Park. - Smyth,
Butt and Nolan spoke. A resolution
demanding the release of Fenians was
adopted. As the people were return
ing a collision occurred. ' The police
drew their staves and the people used
sticks and staves. : ' The latter - were
gradually . dispersed.1 '. -Many arrests
have been made.' .; , ,, .
.1 The Court Martial at Versailles will
try , Cavales, Rochefort, Rossel i and
morateau m about three days. " l)
iii The 1 decree passed - August ' 31st
prolonging, Thiers's power provides
for a Vice President of the Council of
Ministers, to occupy the chair in the
aosence of the President. 4
; i Mortality returns from Paris last
week i show a total of 806, of which
tour were trom cholera. -
. -. : . poMESTIO. . " '
It is rumored that there is soon to
be a consolidation of the Pacific
Steamship line and the Union Pacific
Kailroad interests.
n Senator West and other prominent
Republican officials of Louisiana are
charged with being concerned in' the
VV ater Works bribery.
A circular letter from Gen. Hawley,
published in reply to Gen. Butler's
Springfield speech, in which Hawley
ays that he thinks1 Butler the most
reckless, unscruplous and' dangerous
demagogue this country feasseen since
Aaron Burr; that he may ttWa good
deal of trouble, but he will kill himself
lie might succeed in Paris as Robes-
Eierre and Rochcfort; succeeded, but
e is a monstrosity in1 New ,Jinglandr
Indictments are found again.H the
President and Superintendent of the
Staten Island Ferry Company and .en
gineer of the Westfleld for manslaugh
ter in the third degree. The indict
ment against Jas. K. Matthews, U. S.
Inspector of Boilers, is for man
slaughter in the fourth decree.- ;
jruesdAvy . Sep1e9er a; ; ;
The Wbeolfria Va.) Trdn and ' Nail
Co's. mill was destroyed by fire last
Sabbath. Loss $180,000. Three
hundred men thrown out of , employ-
A fire ' at Richmond, - Maine, last
Sabbath, destroyed 14 houses. Loss
fS0,000,r: i, i;
The carriage manufactory of Eyre
fc Brown, and the . sash factory of
Wm. Morgan, and several other build
ings were burned at Rahway, N. J 4
on the 3rd inst- Loss $140,000. .
The city pf Purto Platte, San Do
mingo, was very near all destroyed
by fire August 21st. ' Loss $800,000.
A ne troops in jx ortn Carolina have
arrested 10 Ku Klux and will arrest
CO more in a few days. ' ?i.:ff.u
Jady l borne is at Fleetwood- and
trotting fast again. , It is thought she
will regain her former speed. ,
' domestic. ,
What is believed to be a fraudulent
Kll list for; the Forth Ward, San
ancisco, has been captured. U
1 he brig John bmtih rescued , the
captain and 24 of the crew of the
British bark, Japan, which was lost
on Cape East, Arctic Ocean, hut Oc
tober. ' : ',
Thirty vessels arrived in San Fran
cisco, last Saturday. , ' ' "
Wendesday, September, 6.
ronEiox. . .."
Dispatches report a terrible hurri-
caue at the Bahamas. Three Ameri
can and to English : vessels were
wrecked. T ;
At a meeting of the International
Society, in London, it was resolved to
asNasHinale 1 niers, and the Kings of
Belgium, Italy, Spain and Portugal,
nnd to set fire to all workshops, iacto
rias, and other establishments and
compel the workmen to take part in a
social war. Piatt, Vergeret, and oth
er members of the Commune took
part. ' .-''...'.'.-..:,.-....
There was fierce fighting in Dub-
nn.; ihe mob drove the police into
their barracks three of four times.
One bouse was completely wrecked.
Half of the police engaged in the af
fair were injured. The police stations
were smeared with the blood of the
wounded." ; ?..
In Paris it has been necessary to
pans a bill making it a punishable of
fence to belong to the International
Society. , . ; . . .
It is believed by some that when
the National Guard . disolved a num
ber of them will join the International
Society. They will be disbanded ' on
the 15th inht. .
A typhoon at Hong Kong destroy
ed 12 vessels. ,
A boatman by the name of Flag
murdered a rival boatman by the namu
ot Hartley m ban rrancisco.
A very destructive fire took place
in Pacheco, Cat; tuesday morning.
Jlartin Herges ;: was mudered at
Mohterey, CaL, Wednesday night.
Ihe first bale of California hops sold
in New York hut Monday for 5 per
pound. ' j-.' ;
. A iew days ago a box was . found
floating in the Mississippi river, near
Fort Madison, Iowa, containing the
bodies of five children, the eldest of
whom Was a boj aged about eight
years. Nothing was found with them
tbat would lead to their, indentifica
tion, or reveal tHe mysterious circum
stances connected with their death. . -John
Shipman voted at every Pres
idential election we have ever had,
voted twice for Washington and Ho
ratio Seymore, and, in his 100th year,
died at Springfield, Vt., the other
day., .-':- ;'.-. -' ' '
. The double baby born in Ohio
nine months since,' died at Boston 'on
the 18th ult. One part died ' several
hours before the other. i .-!
Mrs. ' Grant has signified her wil
lingness to accept an Irish spinning
wheel from the citizens of Belfast,
England. '.:.. ..... , .. -. .-, ;
Terrible earthquake shocks recent
ly occurred in one of the Phillippine
Islands. More than 200 persons were
swallowed np by the earth and every
one of them almost instantly killed.
Sixty dead bodies have been recover
ed. 5 The 5 rest of the inhababitants
fled. . ' The island has been entirely de
populated. . , .. . .r :.' !:; v
( Women are to - vote the same
men in Utah next fall. This
is ao-
cording to an act of the Territorial
Legislature!" giving them the right of
suuage. ,iit,(;::y.i -ll
The Illinois Democrrtio Conven
tion will meet at Springfield; October
The Cincinnati Commercial : and
Springfield (Mass.) Hep ublican both
Radical papers are running Rev.
Henry Ward Beecher ' for' the Radi
cal nominee for President nextyear.
The, ( High-Curchmen and Christians
generally; are after the' intemperate
and jngnorant . Ulysses . with a sharp
stick. .
' Mn. ' TVif. Gird, owner of the fine
chestnut colts, now in training; on the
Fair Ground was the recipient of a fine
pair of bridles from Mr. J. Z. Crouse
on last Thursday. ; They - were; the
workmanship of ;Oren Kubarts and
cost twenty dollars. : ' ; ' -
TRBTTJBJirED. Hon Jas. Douthithas
returned from Ochooa and will remain
until after the State Tzlr. He is look
ing in fine health and epeaka in high
terms of the prosperity of the people of
the portions of Oregon in which, be has
beep spending the. Summer, Vv .
Canaby Bint8 ron SaLiJ. Mrs.
Wmj Iteed, in this dty( has fine lot
6f canary birds for file cheap. .They
are splendid singers,
ind the mostbeau-
tlfttl of that species
of the feathered
triC r i . ')
ing r tht trsnta.
li. V CriforJ
tUn. $700. -.
WlgU f eonaidera.
JT. Orcrholier tdtttm Whelrf oaidr.
ineth Onhuro to Jttnjto Molfarcr.t f eoviid-
tion. $52S. I i ' f , ;
A. lUnaa to Wltr 'Mo f ciimJrtlon,
Same to Aim I omiueration, vwvi
Wm. KtWfcioifM to Of". W. Yrasc ; eoatiitt-
tioo, $400. v !''.-
LowM KUka t Uo. n., loaog ) eoDWUT-
tins, $1,825.
J. L.Xn4U to F.
sad J. If. ad1l ;
eonildaration. ft 1.000.
Wm. Corttf to atl Jloo" t
J. W. A. Eouco to Altx. Kirk j eoniaertton,
E. L. KlrVendaU to
PollSimBf,.iiin. x-, $140
T. J. CarU to Danid ghnoat luo.s ' eoaUrs-
tbm. $1,31S. j .
Daniel gimonf. fn.i to Dulol Simon f, Jan.;
eofildrtlin, $1,008 ! ' . , ,
i Goo. W. Toaof t Bill L. irtwrn s oimider
itfon. $1,200. " 7
- ' BORN:' "' f
OOtDEy. To tb city, on tbo 2nd fert., to
tba wife of T. L. Guide o a aon. ' ,
-I'M '
At thirtytrt, tb arerafo Amerieaa diaeov
er tbat be ba an "Infernal atomaeb." and
tberettpon coo lato tbo band of tba doctor for
tbo remnant of bia life. Tbio i too true j bat
many peraeo diarorer it before tbat ere, bo
raoe tbey bare abaaed tbeir bealtb, and bar
waited aottl diaeaeo became aented. Prerentiua
U better than care, bat Ib. WaLCcn'a Catiroa
ia Viinii Bittkm will botb earn and pro
rent dyapepiia, diaeaae of tbo akin, lifer, kid
ney and bladder, and all diaordeu ari-ing from
impure or ritiated blood. " j
Exuberant Ilemlth
I a bloating rouebnefed to a few. Erea tboo j
wbo bae been farorad by nataro' witb trosg
cunatitutiun and rigoroo frame are apt to
neglect tbo areoaatioa newoary to preaorr
tbeao -precioa endowmenta. Indeed, a a role,
tbe more healthy and roboet a maa U, tbo more
libertie bo ia inoHntd to take - witb bit owo
pbyaiqne. It la aome eonaolation to tbo nata
rally weak and feeble to know that tbey eao
bo o (nrigoratcd and bai t up, by a proper ae
of tbo is eao a wbiob (ciear ba placed at tbeir
di.poaal, aa to bare a macb better ebaaee of
long lile, and exemption from diaeaaeand pain,
tban tbe mot athletic of their fellow who are
fuoltab enough to opp-e tbeawelre inralner
alile, (tad act aecordingly.'
It U not too much to pay tbat more tbaa half
the people in tbe elrilixed world need an occa
sional tonic. In enable them to rapport tbe (train
upon tbeir bodie and mind, which tbe fact life
of tbia rettlea age oeeaaiuoa. In fact, a pore,
wboleeoma. aneseiting tnnie U tbe grand deeid.
eratam of tbe bny million', and tbey bare tba
article is IleeUrtlcr'e Stomach Bitter. It U a
tamioal medicine, L a. it impart permaaeot
drengtb to wealriydemr and Mriguratea dell
eata ooatUatiooa.. Ita tcpnutioa and ita aalea
bara ateadily increased. Competitive prcpam
tioa bar been introduced ad liiitum, aod,, a
far M tbe pablie ia concerned. awaweaW in
tbe bope of rivaling it ; bat tbey bare aU either
perished la tbo attempt, or been left far in tbo
rear. It baa been tbe great medical caeeeaa of
tbe preaeot century, aod it ia qalte certain that
no proprietary medicine is tbia country U a
widely known, or a generally awd.
' Ten lightning pre, rnnniaz iaeettantl
(Saadaye excepted,) tbe whole' year tbroogb.
barely topply the demand for tbe IHoatrated
Almanat, tn wbicb the nature and ne of tbe
preparation are et forth, tbo oirealatioa now
being orer eight million a year.
A SO OINTMENT bare now become one of
tba standard preparation of tb day; ia pre
pared and recommended for Pile o (whether
enronti- or recent). . enDerer may depend npon
It, tnat tnta remedy will giro tnem permanent
re net irom wit treubleaoma ana damaging oc
- Soot postpaid to any add ret (witbla tbe Uni-
tea estate) upon receipt or pnee, 11.50.
! tF - A. CAB0THER3 A CO.,
ntOyl - ' "w- - Albany, Xina Co., Oregon,
, 4 ,; COURT IIOUttE,; ,v
SATUEDAT EVEma, SEPT, 9, 1871.
("JEXMS PIPES.'of Piptrilla)
labia celebrated RECITATIONS, IHITA
TIONS, READINGS 8aaioa a Conic
including h: ride-eplitting and langbablo -
In whicb be replies to Mil Susan B. A nth any
and feiitabeth Cady Stanton. ' ' '
- - --! Donra open at 7. , Begin at 8.
In th County Court of Linn Coun
ty, State of Oregon.' 1
In tbo matter ' of tba estate of Thorn a 3,
Overman; a minor. s . a , wi . t. . s
iw nndenigned, gaardiaa of the person and
eatate of laid minor, in pursuance of an order
ot and County Uourt, made at. the September
term tnereoi, 18 1, wui aell at public auction in
front of tb Court Mouse door, ia Albany, Lino
count,, Oregon, at tbe boar of 1 o'clock, r. ar.
Saturday; the 7th 4ay ef October,' 1871
to tba highest bidder, all tb right, title and in
terest of aid minor in and two, tba . following
described real property, to-wit: ,
- Beginning at a point aorenty rod eaat of tbo
aonth-weet oorner ef tbo sooth-east quarter of Ten, Tp. It, 8. R. 3, West Will
Meridian, Linn' county, Oreeon : tbence north
too rod; tbenea west 70 rod j thence aontb 160
rod ; thonoest 70 rod to tbe place of begin
ning,eontaining 70 acre more or less, X the same
being a part of Qoorg M. Overman' Donation
land claim). Term -of a'e t - Gold coin, one
half cash in band tbe balance tn on yearwirk
twelre per cent, interest from tbe day of aale
aeovreCby mortgage an tbe premise. .a.
T7o4w4. J. M. BACU, Uoardian,
. ' SUMSIOKS. " ' -
In the Circuit Court for" the "Third
Judicial District ot the Station Ur4-
gonj unthm' and for the' Vounty oj
Minn. '
Pleasant Yocwo, Plaintiff, t. Sachsii E
Suit in Equity fur UiToree.
To RachbI. E. Yarns. Defendant: . In the
name of the State of Oreeon, you an hereby re
quired to appear aad answer - the complaint of
the above aamea plaintiff, uiea against yon in
tba above entitled causa, within tea days from
the date of the service of thia summons npon
Con, if served in Linn oounty ; bat if served in
ny' other county within this St to, then within
twenty; day from the date of the aervioo of this
summons apon you ; and if served by publica
tion, then on tbe first day of the next term of
said court, which ahall oommenoe, on tbe fourth
Monday of October, 1871. and if yon rail to an
swer aa above required, tbe plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief demanded in the com
plaint, which is to obtain a Judgment and decree
of said court dissolving tbo bond of matrimo
ny existing between yon an the plaintiff and
for such other and further relief as pertain to
equity. t ."GEO. R. HELM.
Att'y for Pl'ff.
Published by order of Hon. B. F. Bonham,
Judge of laid Couit, whujh older Ijeara date of
Beet. 0, 1871, . 7n4w,
Doted Sept, 8, 1871, - , . .
N E W, , A I VE R T J5 liJI B H T S:
joaeril piLSmbToir.1. d.
Grujcnii; Offices 3 and 4 Botnea' Balldia . Firrt
ktreat, 3 door from Ldi sd Tiltm', Bank,
wbara be ma bo eooinlted tail;, will treat
diteaaef of tbo abore Bameti orzaal mt sis ape-
leialiiioft. .
Ail operation cmr tne tye ana Ear maoo in
the Mont ftrietrtilaand esrefal maoaer. -i Artifi
cial Eftd, fearing all tarn beaaty ajtd moUit of
(be natural Ej o, ineerled.
- Refer for hU ftfofeMiofial ttMadmg U T.. C.
Lane, M.D.Prof. of Sarfrery, sad dwhf Baku
kt, M.y. f frvt.-ef Anatomy tstbentrtity
of tbo VtKitaf and - for 'M iHeoeaX tat treat id
petteoU fo orer 1.&00 eaoea, aamea given, treat
ed by bits in San FraneUco r a!w to ri Etta,
Ziq,, Portland Wax JLJDii-ai Eoo, -Vaneon-'
r, John Aleaasder, Eaq., l!oopi!!e, W. T
nd inaby otbft in pregon t4 Vf. Irfjr'
-2or72ml 4-Si-- r lJ J-"'
rrvrr. -r
S'j iimt'um
8 C
59 - S
5 ' f
i 3 aaam
, n :
. . .. . of, .
Cheaper tho (be Chpt I
Com and eonrinc yonrrelrca before pareba-
iag eliewbere. Oar atoek ooaaUta ia part of
, . . , GRorKEiEc, j . '.:, . -
" KOTI05S,
and a great many article t" nameroa to name.
Alao, Door, Window a, Gbao and Patty.
,c. . -" '- f . .i
fob wnicn i wii?l pat the
" ' ' ' W. S. EXS7JCS.
W11.L.1A31 UAVimOA,
- OfficwITa. 64 Threat Street, -.
PORTLAND, ia tbo moat deairable localkics.
eonaistiag ef LOTS. HALF BLOCKS and
BLOCKS, ilULg.a and STORES; alee.
IMPROVED FARMS, aad Taluablc n-
enlti voted LANDS, locatad ia ALL ttarta ef tne.
REAL ESTATE aad other Property par.
ebaaed for. Correspond ants, ia this CITT stud
tbrongbout tbe STATES aad ZL&RITO&IES,
with great and on tne meat ADVANTA
Aad a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY
BUSINESS traact4.--r"''"-, " .'
A6E3rTsrtLu"OFFiei ia &tcrt:
IESaad TOWNS in the STATS, will receive,
deaenptioB of FARM PROPERTY and forward
tba name to tbo efewve addrea. t- -r -rn2tf. -
. . - aT am. At aim lit I ftlt
II lllj IH
. ..XLIZ:1:.'
v Thw Groat rquiwaleat.Th-) world inaW y
bo aafely eballenged to Broduca ao tierfWr . w
aimulatioa of anything in nature aa , ' -. .
' ' TarraiitVSeltxer Aperient,
I of it original, tha. Saltier Spring of Gar.
many. Tbo Aperient, based on a correct anal
ysis of the Seltser Water." ia ovea aaperior to,
ue nuaiwurtirjistajv beraelt,' neeaaaa it
contain all the active medicinal properties of
tbe spring, naalloyed by any of ,:tho' inert -and
Bfeleas partklea found in a i mineral fbaataina.
Tbs rtmwJaw article hoiag secsred, yon
hare the Seltaer Water of Europe, porited and
peneeieo, ana prooaoiy (no neat, tbe moat gen-,
ial cathartio and iuti-biUoa preparation on the
faoe of tba earth. .
' ' '80LD BY ALL D"StTGQISTS. ' -
.T. o
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore.
gon for the County of -.;:
ZanaiPA B. Lbs, Plaintiff, v. Cbablss M.
Lac, Defendant-T7l7T?:' T"-''
To Cbarlea-M. Loe.ha abtfvnalnid: Defend
ant! Ia.theaamoof the Euta of Oregon Yon
aie hereby required to 'appear andtnswer tb
oomplaint of aaid Plaintiff in tbo above entitled
auit now on a I with tho; Clerk of said Conrt,
on tb Srst day. of the nest term thereof,, to
eommenoa on tba 4th Monday of October, A. D.
188L .Tha objeot and Draver of aaid eomttUiat ia .
to procure ad iroroe from the bonds of matrimoBy
on groundf croM and JnhnmaoL toaalment of
Defendant to Plaintiff, - the drnnkenneaa aad
unfaithfulne of Dft, and want ef ixvi
and npport of -Plaintiff ty "Defendant wk V
prayer tbat Plaintiff hare the care and custody
of tbo ehtldien. ,
-Publication ordered by Jndge'Bonbam,1 Aur
82, 18TI.- - , F. A, CHENOWETH,"
MJw . ;VX rt,V AH'I for flaiRtUT."
ll tb last Monday (l5th). of September
1871. the Board of Equalisation will attpnd mk
the office of the County Clerk of Linn county,
Oregon, and publicly exa mine the aaeeasment
roll for 1871 and correct all error. AU persona
interested must then appear. -
" , B. SrESRT,
3w3.. 4.Ammu tot Lias Ci"y.