if Wht fmocvnt. .AUGUST 25, 1871. TEXT C05XEST US OALITOBNIA. ' On Tuesday, the 5th of September a tittle less than two weeks more the election in California comes off. The canvass in that State is now at its highest pitch and both, parties are straining every nerve to win the vic tory. Besides the local candidates to take their places at the hustings, each party has 1 imported distinguished Eastern orators and politicians to enter the arena and bear aloft their respective banners. The Radicals have Ex-President Hannibal Hamlin, John A. Bingham, and several other scarcely less brilliant lights ; and the Democracy are bolstered up by the eloquent " Sunset Cox" and the redoubtable Brick Pomeroy; while sandwiched between the two political parties are Mrs. Cady Stanton and Miss Susan B. Anthony, who are there, as they claim, for the purpose of "toning tip" and purifying the po litical cess-pool by the ennobling presence and elevating influence of angel woman! At the beginning of the campaign the enthusiasm seemed to be on the Radical side, as the Democracy mani fested comparatively little interest in the contest. But as the contest deep ened the noble Democratic hosts of the Golden State became aroused, and now the preponderance of enthusiasm seems io uo on weir siae. iueeiings are constantly held all over the State, and the Democratic watch-fires burn with unusual brilliancy. The meet ings are said to be vastly superior in numbers to those of 18G7, -when Ilaight was elected by 7,000 majority, and the confidence in a Democratic victory seems to grow fuller and brighter every day. Unless we much mistake the present indications Ilaight is sure for a re-election to the Gov ernorship by a majority of 5,000 at the least.- " THE DECLINE HI WHEAT. During the past .week wheat has ' declined in this market to 90 cents per bushel. As the price has slight ly advanced in Liverpool 'and: San. Francisco during the earns time, this decline in our local price is inexpli cable to our farmers and we learn that they are refusing to sell. As wheat is quoted at $1.12 in Salem, at $1.05 at Marion and $1 at Suio, the farmers in this vicinity aro puz zled to know why our buyers cannot give $1 per bushel, with the best shipping facilities of any warehouses in the valley. With a strong probability of a war between Russia and Prussia two of the greatest grain growing countries of Europe; with, a visable advance in the Liverpool and San Francisco markets; with a partial failure of the California crops; with the population of home-consumers upon the Pacific coast vastly augmented from last year, we certainly see no reason why the price of our present cereal crop should be lower than that of last year. Hence we give it as our bum ble opinion that our farmers will vet realize the coveted and justly earned one dollar per bushel for every bushel of grain which they may yet have to dispose of. We may be mis taken, and would not urge upon our wheat growers this opiniou to their detrimtnt; and they will of course exercise their own judgment and not be particularly influenced by any thing we may say upon the subject; vet we believe that he who sells for less than one dollar per bushel will regret it hereafter. the wonma or the taeht. PACIFIC COASTERS. THE W0MAH STBAEGLEE. John A. Bingham, the mnrderer of Mrs. Surratt, is now stumping Cali fornia for the Radical ticket, and the Democratic papers of State are mak ing the hills and valleys fairly echo with their blows upon his blood-reeking carcass." We copy the following concluding paragraph from the Santa Clara Argus of last week in regard to the black and infamous crime of which Bingham was the chief villain : "And who was that Special Judge Advocate of the military commission which, without constitutional jurisdiction, and upon perjury and subornation oi perjury, adjudged an innocent woman to a felon's death? Who was that Special Judge Advocate who must have known that his witnesses were wholly incredible? Who was that Special Judge Advocate who, turning his flinty back upon the tears Texas. There is a prospect of lively times in Texas, says the Miss ouri Jiepublican. The Radical Gov ernor, Davis, and the Radical Legisla ture are at loggerheads. The Legis lature wants to meet in extra session, in September, for some purpose, and the Governor wants to prevent the meeting, if he can particularly as it is intimated that the House will at tempt to impeach him from office. It was at first said that the Governor would issue a proclamation forbidding the special session; but the latest givings out are that he will lock the doors of the Capitol building, and cell upon the Federal troops in Austin to keep out the intruders. The extra session is called for September. A Sensible Emperor. The Em peror of Brazil is a very sensible man. He travels in strict incognito while in England, and insists upon paying his way wherever he goes. To his credit it is related that when he could not procure admission to a military re view at Bushey Park without a ticket he drove back to town rather than de clare himself Nature evidently made no mistake when Don Pedro was born to the purple. What a contrast is here furnished betw een this noble and dignified Emperor and our own bum- Union county is only in debt $164. Loss by the Idaho City; fire, $20,- 000. East Portlanders shaking with the ager." . Salem fiat the "Nathan Juvenile The San Francisco ; Exainincr of last ' week " contains a graphic and striking political illustration of the workings of the tariff, accompanied by the following, remarks: We give, on the outside of to-day's issue, a cut rep resenting how Radical legislation has Troupe made the rich richer and the poor Wheat has advanced in Liverpool pooaer, by means of high protective to lis. 8d. i duties. The present arrangement is West-bide road Has another new the most skillfully devised that was locomotive. ever e acted. Legal insrenuity has Yosemite valley has had 1,000 visi been exhausted in aid of the manu- tors this year. faoturcrs because the immense amounts derived from high duties have given the funds to employ every agency that could assist in the pass age of such enactments. The picture Grasshoppers destroying vineyards at Los Angeles. A watermelon thief was shot dead at Los Angeles. Walla Walla wheat is being ship- represents the two classes as created ped to England by tariff laws. And they represent County Fair at Walla Walla com classes that are rapidly increasing. mences Sept. 20th One tending downward to the lowest A California boy, 11 years old, level of wretchedness and want, living weighs 190 pounds from hand to mouth, and tha hand fro- airs, benator Williams remains quently almost too chilled and feeble ck at Washington from want of proper clothing and nourishment to rise the food to their chattering teeth. On the other hand we have the bloated millionaire, roll ing in wealth. He feels no want that money can relieve, for the Govern ment declares that thousands shall pay him tribute. The shivering seamstress, the hard-working laborer, and the skillful shipwright are taxed that his class may revel in luxury, while they are condemned to idleness, and by want of work are on the very verge of starvation. Argument is not necessary. The picture of wealth and poverty is the representation of what protection is accompiisbincr. It seeks Los Angeles has just trotted out muskmelon 5 feet long. Corner stone of the new Peniten tiary was laid yesterday. The Harrisburg bridge will be the longest one on the coast. A cousin of Ben. Butler died at San Francisco Tuesday last. Stephen Massett ("Col. Jeemes Pipes") is lecturing in Portland. Great amount of sickness in Port land, especially among children. Cars will run to Oakland, 180 miles from Portland, by 1st of January. Two men were killed by stage rob bers near Cloverdale, Cal., last week Near $CO0 will be give in special something for our unfortunate and destitute fellow citizens of the Parliament has adjonrned to Not. 7th. Dalles? Who will start a subscription? w alarming extent in Ireland. 'The hc.th i .l 3 t i i y . . . . . . - , iuui. ueron uaa wiwiurawu iroio tmru crop is almost ruinea. the assistent editorial chair of the domkbtio. mercury ; leaving J. a. union eoie UeorcriA and South Carolina were nilot at the helm , as usual. The yesterday visited by the most terrific - - . ii , - , . ... 4 i.a uurncane jtnown ior years in uiai O : K "IT its lick. A Penitentiary convict at San Quen- tin, Cal., suicided by throwing bim- filf Intn A. larrra r-aiitIrrin of lmilinrr I Society. ... ii i,.jt l Grand nuici. jib eviueubir niuwu vj ko used to that hotness which shortly awaited him. . : Pat. Malene, of former Oregon newspaper notoriety, is stumping California for the Radical nominee for Govenor. Poor Pat bad to fol low his brotht-r Dennis Omeara into the enemy's culnp. Tho Benton Democrat says Wm. latitude. Great damage was done to property and the rice crop. several ltadical politicians of Mass achusetts have formed an anti-Grant Duke Alexis, of Russia, will arrive with his fleet at New York October 1st. A grand reception will be given him. Wednesday, Aug-vat 23. FOBEIOM. Theirs salary is fixed at half a mil lion francs and expenses paid. The famine and pestilence in Persia are worse than ever. There are 7,000 victims in Ispahan, one-third of the population. Details are sicken 1tfAt li vitwvl ! mnm emtliaoat'kf ClnrL I MIT ' l i i .i ...,! vallis, lost a large amount of fencing cftgill " t Knnhruhur Tha and 200 or 800 bushels of oats by fire, im appeared at Dantz, but no last Sunday, Imh, tz.uuu, same fire destroyed a mile of for Mr. Record. The contiact has been let for clear- The fence cases nave occurred in Stellin, and South Prussia is still free from the disease The Prince of , Wain, bound from Honor Konor to Bankok. br steam, has ing the Umpqua river from ita mouth foundered at sea. Fifty persons were to Itosebunr. The Etuvin thinks lost. when the cleaning is completed that steamers will be able to make regular trips to Rosttburg at least five or six months in the year. Mr. Udin. of Douzlas county, was rising on horseback the other day, when a pistol which was in his pock' Ita'y takes precautionary measures against cholera. to hand the poorer classes of our peo- premiums at the Oregon State Fair. JcksO2vi,J0' Ia8t "eek after ft pie, shorn of independence, over to the tender mercies of grasping mon opolists. True Kcklux. Robeson county, North Carolina, says the Burlington crowding decent Francisco Thea- Gazette, is overrun and governed by a band of negroes, who shoot down cit izens and threaten to deluge the coun ty in blood if their intentions are thwnrtod Snmn nf thir irnmpn hive been captured and are in iail. but the l" " stumping for gang threaten to liberate them, and in California Courtesans are women out of San tors. The Walla Walla Slatrrman i tatic over their new steam fire gine. A number of have settled fornia. Ex-Vice President Hannibal Ilam- the Republicans DOMESTIC, Dr. II. T. Helmbold, of Buchu no toriety, attempted to commit suicide at lxng lirancb with a double-bar reled thot-gun. but failed. A fire at WillianiMport, Pa., de- etcame sharply against the saddle and BtrJred $0:000 wortbrf VPT'.' ... 1 . . . . ... among which was ex-Gov 1 aker s exploded, making a hole tnrougb nut reideuce thigh. The wound u an ngly one, Helmbold denies having attempted but not dangerous. suicide, and says his gun went off ac- ITnn T A it RkJlai, t ciueniaiiy Uriel rjgv:ne SliHHOuri. on Saturdav. Tom illness. He was Judge of Jackson Sabine, a noted desperado and ex- county, was 30 years old and leaves a bushwhacker, came to town dru .k, wife and two children. He was a ran a mnek through the street with a i .wi i i t. . . i , , , 1 iciunci umi uu. biiu aiiicu iu ex. h.wv... . "i v offensive citizens before any one was en- i i"" ' auie u fcuooi nun, inougn n large The Dalles has been visited by a t arty was after him. A well directed NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. !. NEW AD VERT IS J ME NTS. NOTICE TO'FARMERS ! f; V WILL PAT r I i 01.000,000!! Bf Aulttnrily tif m iperiat net of tit ItgttUitur . of Krnlmrkj. nf Unrrk 1J. 1871, tkt Truttte of tit PuhtU Librmrp Pf KtMlmrki) wilt git a ; One Dollar per Bush. l H Grand Gift Ccnccrt fur rood WHITE WUE-.T, on eeonnt fondt, Dotil furtbvr bulioe, Hlierl to AtUn.Orcfua. K. CIIKADLE CO. EYE, EAR, AT L0UI8VILLB. KT OW TTJECAT, OCTOBER 3 lit. 1871, Under tb direetion of Iht brat M () Tlcat. " 100.000 Tickets of Admission. THROAT AND LUNGS! StMWryS: I Kmr.ti TUV.I sill ..!.t f JOHN B. PILKINGTON, M. D. v1ae, tZ.50 CMb Tb. bolder it iti(ld to d! mwun u, id vonevri, Ma lo IP mobt ml :r, - i. . . .. m. ..... . I ATE OFSANFBANCIflCO. If AX E8TAB J LIrtHED mmieLr i POItTIANI, Ororm; Offiera 3 aad 4 Itixinta' Building, Flrt trt, t dwiri from Ladd aad Tlltnn'a Bank, wlier ba may ba eoaaallad dailf , and will treat diiMaKa at tba abwva oamed crgaai af bif tpe ialliica. All oaaratlno on the Zya and Ear aada in tba mot aclantlSe and earaful mannsr. Artifi cial t'yi, bavin all tha baaut and mobility of tba nataral Kja, inrartrd. Rarer for Ml prtileanlnnal atandinc to L. C. Lana, M.D., Prof, of Hurery. and Kdarln Bnt ley, M I)., Prut, ut Anatomy in tba Unlrariity of tba Pariflo j and for bia boceat in treating patlanti t ovar 1.400 eapea, nainea givtrn. treat ed hy blin in San Frannie; aluo to Lavi Eatea, Eq., Portland, Wm. II. lilln, Vaoeoo va . John Alexander, Kaq., Conprilla, W. T., and many other la Oregon and W. Tery. au!&v7n2in6 gift awarded to It or ita fraction. Ticket nan- ear from 1 to J 0b, 000. THE CITIZENS'IBANK OF KENTl'CKr 11 : TREASURER, ' $ Aft moaaya ari.lojt fn.to tba a1e of Tick eta will ba depoaited in tba Citizen' Bank, anbj et anly tt tha order of tba Prcaident and Treaaarar of tba Library, aountcnignad by tba aainaaa aiaoajrrr. . . ,4 ' Daring tba Concert, tba inn of J .10,000 in Greenbacks W II ba di tribated by lot to tba bolder af tb ticket in tba following Gift, ?ix OJIECRAMD GIFT OF....9100,000 05rCCiBA.OGIFTOF.M. SO.09O 6RIDGEFARMER& DIXDNJ MERCHANTS, HALSEY, LINN COUNTY. OREGON. 19,00 18,004 17,00 1,00 15.009 14.000 li,0 12.000 One Gift of...$ll,00t One tiift of. 10,000 On Gift of... Oaa Gift of... On Gift ef. On Gift of. On Gift of... . On Gift of... On Gift of... On Gift of... w E ARE PLEASED TO INFORM ALT, lwron interested that we bave opened and offer for sale a ouoiea aeleetioa of eooda I tailed to tbe trade. Oar ttock oniU oft DRY GOODS. CLOTH I.Mi. BOOT A 8I10ES, IIAKDWARE, DRUGS. TINWARE. CKUCKElir, GROCERIES. WOODE.V WARE, BROOMS. COAL OIL, PAT'TMKDICINES, MACHINE OIL, ROPE, tic, ETC. One Gift of.;.23,0C0 One Gilt of... 20,0110 Oue Girt of... One Gift of... On Gift of... On Gift of... On Gift of... On Gift of... Om Gift of. Co Gift of... Ten Gifl of 11,000 eacb Fifteen Gift of S00 eacb... Eighteen Gifta of t&Xl aaeb Twenty Gift af 1700 acb. Twenty-fir Gifl of $600 eacb Thirty Gift of SiOO each Forty GifU of fttOO each Forty-fire GifU of $300 aaeb Fifty Gifta of S200 aaeb Fear hundred aad forty-ets Gift at" $100 each ..... 44,O0 9,00 8.000 7,000 ,000 ,00 4.000 ,000 2,000 10,009 13,400 14,409 14,009 IS. 000 14.000 10,000 13,500 : 0,000 t .a 1. ti French communiHts "'"'loie nre wutcn uestroyea some ou I tr 4(1 Hmlilinrra .nvorinT four I.IiU'll in lvent ronntr . Uali. I r have only been prevented from doing so by a strong iorce neadeu by tuc sberitT. Notwithstanding these murders and contempt of law generally, we do not hear that the 1 resident takes cogniz ance of the matter. Had the band been composed of white men, the aid of the army would have been invoked Such villainous conduct is encouraged by the radicals who took advantage of the hatred growing out of old tettas to A young thief stole, $750 from Mr. Breyman, at Lincoln, l'olk county, last Tuesday. John Euierick fatally stabbed a man named liand at the Da.Ho. and is now held for murder. A little boy in Salem playfully put fish berries in Lis mother's tea and she nearly went where the woodbine twineth. A fiire ia Salem partially burned Ed. Lamport's harness thop and d last eet ud a not. and then attempt to make the democracy responsible. Such a Dartv is not tit to crovern any country. Their leaders are ready to siroyea uuu worm oi property, incite people to bloodshed and mar- Tuesdav. aer, u a party interest can oe servea. Xom Fitch the to pnr:ner of the "Utah Gang," ia in California, but the Radicals won't let him speak in their behalf, A Washington special says the Secretary of the Treasury will to morrow issue a detailed statement of the defalcations of Collectors of In ternal Revenue since the establish- ton, of the 3d Cavalry, and AIout 0 persons were losers by the conflagration. The Mountain' er ba ses the loss at $100,000, with scarce ly any insurance. Judge McArtbur of that District, lost his valuable law librarv. NEWS OFTHE WEEK. Gleaned From the Telegraph. Thursday, August 17. roREiox. Paris had two fatal cases of cholera j yesterday. l' rusxian soldiers in Jr ranee nave killed many citizens. Marquis oi liorue and l'rincess Louise are to live in Canada. Parts is excited, as the air is full of rumors that the army will revolt against the eraailles AHstmblv and declare for McMahon for Regent and demand the Empire. The people are stain pedmir from ram. load of bucktthot finally finished bim. .IT . at jveuiucny JLjegiKiniiue sianus as ioi lows: House 82 DemocraU, and 18 Republicans; Senate 35 Democrats, ana 3 Republ cans. It is rumored that uen. McUook, Democratic candidate for Governor of Ohio, is partially deranged, and will be withdrawn from the canvass. Gen. Ewing is talked of as his suc-cesAor. SPECIAL NOTICES. A. HEMORRHOIDS. CAR0THERS COS "PILE PILLS UI.NTJIbM bar now Vn-cum one of tba atandard naralioa uf tba day; ia pre pared and roe tniuto'l. d for Ptlr olj (whetl.er cbroni or recent). KuRerer nay dep.nd up-.o it. tHt Ibu remedy will (it a tbrtn wTOnut rvtief from tbia iruubleaoue and damaging e.,m plaint. heat pitpaid to any addrraa (within tba Uni ted Hlataa) a pun receipt nf pric.-, SI .40. A. ITA ROT II BUS CO. 10yl Albany, Linn Co., Orajno. All of wblcb wa offer AT PORTLAND PRICES ! Wa buy, at the bigb at market price, BUTTER, EGGS. BACON. LARI. aad ail kind of eoon try produce. CASH PAID FOR WHEAT. OATS. OR BARLEY, fiire n a call and we will aatiify yon tbat ia for yoar iubreat tn trade with a. BRIDGE PARMER DIXON. lUlaey. Or., Aag. 21. I7I. n2mS it Hvnnoxn. In the Cirntit Court of the Slate of Ore gon fur the County of IJnm. Zhmci.da B. Lkk, Plaintiff, . CaiaLra M. Lrr, UefendanL To C.rlv M. Ic, tbe abor named defend ant : Ia tba name of tbe Stat uf Oregon You aia berrby required t appear and anawer tbe eouptaint f aaid Plaintiff ia tba above entitled auit now on fl'e with tb Clerk of aaid Court, n tbe Irat day of tba next term thereof. t eouimrne jb tb ib Monday of Oetobcr. A. D. I SCI. The oij'.etaod prater of aaiJ o-mpUint ia t.i procure a diree fr m ll badaof matrimonj n r-ouil uf erurl and inhuman treatment i Uitta'aat to Plaintiff, the drankenaea and nnfaitlifulneaa uf Uel't. and want uf prUi..a nd aanport of PlaintiS by Ihrfeudanl wilb a prayer ibat Piaiutiff bare tba care and cuatudy uf the cbildien. Publication ordered by Jod--. n.nham. An;. 3. 1871. F. A-CHEXOWETII. nSwO Att'y lor Maiot.ff. and prayers and supplications of an!' heSSS mendicant, Useless ocent daughter, refused to recom mend his victim to Executive clemen cy, until her case could be reviewed raider habeas corpus by a court of law? Who was that Special Judge Advocate whom Ben. Butler de nounced on the floor of the House of Representatives as a murderer? That man, if it be not a felony to call him a man that Special Judge Advocate of a lawless tribunal, with a record of deep damnation npon his soul, whom the , Radicals of California have brought out here to instruct our peo ple in the law and - in politics, was John A. Bingham, of Ohio ! and may God have mercy on his soul ! n Tub Old Editor axd the New. Sir. Pennoyer has retired from the editorial control of the Portland Herald. We regret Simpson Grant! Talking of frauds in New York, the Democratic papers of Pennsyl vania have begun to call npon the Radical administration of that State to inform the people what has become of about fifteen millions of sinking fund that ought to be in tbe treasury, but which is not there, according to the latest report of tbe Auditor Gen eral. Thus far no answer has been received, and the publication of " secret accounts " will shortly commence. Ilisker, were killed ambush in Arizona. by Indians in j It is asserted that Judge McFadden will be the next Democratic candid ate for delegate to Congress from ment of tbe Bureau, which will dhow that tbe actual amount of defalca tions to the close of the lost fiscal year was $2,7G8,397 ; of this amount over one-third is credited to Louis iana Collectors L. B. Collins, Gen Steedrtan and Eugene Eamale alone Washington Territorv 1.-: .1 , r l . nnn unn v.. I Willi! uciauiKis iui Ciiuv,vuv. j.u I a . - i . mr n view of the fact that over $1,500,000, , A "f r"od t ". . J ha Ixan mllMtl frnm Ihla annrM Old Child Of Mr. alden 8. in L. ft II 6 the percentage of loss is remarked I county, lost week, but was killed by by Treasurv officials as remarkably a neighbor. So sayn Journal "..r"w 17nfnn 1 A California doctor gave a young teVWUUwl WUI 1 aaww-ww. I aj a . . . mm m m .a I I ak y-t tariAllr I AfAf Atfl V H (hAVt fm. i 1 taVO-JJ BplbaV VUlUlVtVllU Bta KUVIt It is announced, sars the Atlanta violated her peison. He was treated i - . (Gx) Sun, that General Butler has to a coat of tar and feathers. promised, if he should be nominated A stable and barn, 20 tons of hay, and elected, and if Boston should cast a canz plow, etc., were burned last its vote against him, to make tbat city Saturday on Howell Prairie. Proper- There was a meeting . . - . . ,, people in Dunkald, Ireland, in favcr August, o, oergant Jiajor narring- Roujan fule "! rmviem- Ei-Oov, Asulev, oi Montana, is appointed Minister to Brazil. The bodies of 17 men were recov ered from tbe Pittston mine disaster. Friday, August 1 8. Coming We understand that Hon. SL M. (Brick) Pomeroy will visit Oregon in October. Why can't our State Agricultural Society invite him to deliver an address at the State Fair ? : We are sure that the address mmh to partfouiA be able and interestinz and withhim,as heisagentlemaiin tbe;)yoaid draw a ponderous crowd ruuesi sense oi tne term, an tftfor oniBT-l(. can discount Horace Greeley as a ni I i-ww anient mreM l Aa . jm aV W. r as hot for rumsellers as be made New ty of Wm. Murphy, valued at $3,000. former-, husband, have bad their sen- ability, and ever courteous "td ..eta ternity. We have a warm personal friendship for him, and ean' but wish him the fullest measure of happiness and prosperity in whatever capacity he may hereafter engage. ' ,T. Col; B. B. Taylor, late of Mexico, llissonri, is . the new editor. He . covne9 highly recommended and bear 1 iug the most flattering endorsements from his former fellow-citizens. We welcome him to a place among the Oregon fraternity, and. trust that he will be a valuable accession to Oregon jou"nalism ' an agriculturalist, because he has "raised h 1" among the Radicals lots of times. Peobably when we have had some more Eastern visitors, the gentlemen of the press will ascertain that the en tire -Pacific blope is not in California. ban rancisco Uhronicle. They will never ascertain it if the San Francisco press can longer hum Dug them into a contrary beliel ; nor nntil the San Francisco merchants quit selling Oregon products under California brands. "The ew DEPABTtrKE.r -Under this caption (will be found an article on our first page. It was origihally published in the Mercury some weeks ago, and is again printed in our col umns by request of the author. It is an a uic &i LiLta auu uuc ui iuo uwdii oonsistant partial endorsements of the Tf.l! 1" I 1 - . Z ' ! " I. v auanaignam piauorm : wmcn we riave yet read. It will "pay a careful HrasaL ' As a Democrat personally 3 cannot endorse a single sentence the "accept-the-situation" plat Si, but we are willing to permit sides a hearing through our col- A DISPATCH of last Tuesday says Horace Greeley expresses himself in tbat day's Tribune as desiring ; the nomination of a stronger man than Grant for President. If a free and lavish use of whisky and tobacco can't Xmake Grant strong enough for even Greeley's cast-iron stomach then , we can t name Horace's strong candidate, Will Sister Duniway please, give the naughty Mrs. Gail Hamilton t .. a - ' spanuing tor ottering it " as the most painful and unexpected result of ber own observation that the grossest vi olations of courfesy, modesty, delica cy, andt decency attributable to cor respondfeaCS "have been perpetrated by 3 Oregonion jubilates over the -at the Republican vote of Ken Js now 17,000 more than it was ;ar. When that ' paper, learns 1,000 negroes voted in Ken his year for the first time we ''.it-.wUl laugh at the other mdath.. ; Only 17,CCrj of a vf a negro tc:.- cJ Lc.,r!y 4' women. Wo mas for tbe last thousand years, has been reaving on the ramparts of mac Jfiigene Journal.' ;-We tre a li'Mf curious to . know what oth?Y part of man she could move on with nore effect. - very flat term !? I -THS.1V the sal; ' c a - Julie L: i- .acLsi w-c r i i Assembly have fixed 'resident Thiers at half s,ijvitb, washing and PUBKIUN. Garabaldi is dangerously ill. Teleirraphio communication is es- a 1 1 . X. 1 T . taoiisneu uetween x.ngiana ana PftB: . . . - (Jbolera is ravaging rrussia. DOMESTIC. A Japanese Prince, who came to the United States for his education, is dying of consumption in New lork. A railroad collision killed two men near Baltimore yesterday. Mrs. Scales and young Ford, who were to bave been hanged at Topeka. Kansas, to-day, for tbe murder of the Orleans for Rebels." He evidently means to leave not a spoon for the "rumsellers" to stir their toddies with. Capt. David H. Todd, brother of Mrs. President Lincoln, died at Huntsville, Alabama, a few days since, lie was a gallant Confederate officer during the war. His youngest brother, Samuel Todd, was a private in the Orleans of Shiloh. Toe Jacksonville Times draws it mild on a horse thief of that vicinity whom it says rode off another man's horse "in a fit of abacence of mind. A Radical meeting, held in a Los Ansreles saloon, last week, is said to have overflowed with enthusiasm. Tbev usually ret that way in such places. R. H. Wood, formerly a resident of CHOLERA. aow to etna it. At tba commencement of the diarrhoea, which atwaya precede an attack of the Cautcra, lake a teaapoonfut uf the Pain Kil.cr in aojcr aad water, (hot, i' convenient.) aad then bathe Ireely the ftwanaeb and bowela with tli Pain Kilkr alear. Should tha diarrhoea or eramp cooliu- oe, repeal lb 4a every lea or fifteen miuutca a a til tba nattaat i relieved. Ia extreme ea, two or Blur taanuonfuI may be siren at a dor. Tb Pain Killer, aa aa Internal remedy, liai no equal. In eater oi CboUra, Summer Cum- plainta. Dyanrnaia. Djaentery, Aalbuaa, it care in one nigbt. by takine; it inlernaly, and batb inc with it freely. Ita aotiun ia like magic when externally applied to Old ".rra, liurua. 9celdr, and Spraina. Fur S'tpk Headache and Tootb-ache.don l fail to try it In abort, it a a Pats Killkb. Direction accompany ouch bottle. Tb Pain Killer ia auld by all dealer in Mad ieinea. Pricea, 2b canU, 60 cent and (1 per bottle. auir. tence commuted to imprisonment for life. Tbe President has refused to end troops to Montana for tbe protection j of tbe settlers against Indians. Saturday. August 19. roREIUN. MlJlttOSH. J?een bnndred and twenty-en Gift in nil ... 1150,000 After paying tbe xpeaee of tb nlrprr ana making toe niatribaUc-a or tba Uilie. tb balane of tb proceed! ariaing from the aala of tba gi t will be appre-' . priated lotbeeetabl abaentofa FREE LIBRARY IN LOUISVILLE. I II Til . Public Library of Kentucky. Tba Concert aod dia! ri button wi'.l take ptae nader tbe immediate aaprriau-a of tb Traalec named in tb act of iotorporatii a. Tb Trnateea will be eaaiiUd by well known and eminent eitiaen of Kentucky, wbo bar duacated It b preaent at tbe Cvneert and ta aaperinteud tba drawing and diatribatiaai of gifta. Tba bolder of ticket to wbieb aifu ara awarded n prcarsutioa of tbcta or their frae tkn, at tba office ia Loniavilie, tba aceoad day after drawing and arery buaiueaa day for aiz muniba thereafter, and may be tact direct or tiiruugb any Lank or Expreaa Company for eol Icetion. Ail order aaoompaaied br DraiU. Pool Office Mooey Order, or Oraobacka, will be promptly atunded to, and ticketa relaraed by mail, regiatered or expreeaed, aa deeired. Ticket ara like greenback good only to tba bobler. laer will ace there ara only On Hundred Tbotuand Ticket. inalcaJ of Two lluad ed Tbi naaad. aa ia tbe f. Franriacw Uift CeuS cert, and tbat there ia $50,000 more ditrib ated. I -.ld tbat and ti.a-ie the award in fuur moutba.atd paid 489,000 to ticket baldara trum Nnrcmber 2nd lo Iail,, 1S70, aad larneil Tcr 812,000 lo tba Secretary du ticket not pruented. ll will be particularly aotieed tbat it ia a mat ter of irapoa.-ibi.ity for any one In kaoer what number draw (.ita .a it ia a-t kauwa what tb gin of any Deal bar draws frea tho Srat wheel The Circuit Court for tlie TiirJ ntil the ataied box. wilb amount of tb Judicial District of tlu State of Ore- tJr?.F.2mZL2 nan, K until ana jor Uic sOUwy oj u, L.rgcr g.f.a mj not coma on- till Debllttx statt Emstelsttlatsi Doth reiult from tb lack if ability to eonrert tb food into nutriment. How neeeaaary, then. for thuie luflfering from thea alarming jmp tuma to immediately re ort to a remedy tbat will rirengtben tb atomacb and digeativa or gan. Cor, a aoon aa tola deairabl object baa Queen Victoria is traveling for her I been aceomplUbed tb health improve, aad tb health. I patient reaume bi nana! peaaonal appcaranoa. Suwalki, Poland, has had 443 cases 1 lloitetler'a Stemacha Bitter bar atuinl a of cholera in the past month. I wide-world popularity in aaeb caaea, and bare The Queen 8 health was proposed I been proven tb beit and afet mean of re- Crescent regiment of New e the Dalles, was killed by light- at a banquet in Dublin and received moving contioation, toning tbaatomaeb, giving t nn w V,lmA or .1.. l,fl nuig On the 16th July, while sitting with hisses. energy tothelivvar,andrelieTingbTry.ymptom l and was killed at the battle J French Government orders the ex- ofo.rTou.ne and dePre..ion of Piriu. ita A 65-year old Odd Fellow, named Stool e, has been made a stool-pigeon of by a woman. He is janitor of a in liJn bnnaa in AniKnv T.AA onnnt.V. j , . , n ,,, I uautuuu VL VUlUIUUUlDia. Illinois. mi 1t t,lM i I LIJO.W ncio w wipoa vi vuvicia uuu The Statesman tells of a cow of tbat 33 death at Stettin, Eouigsberg, yes- city who died from "hollow horn. If ber owner had cot the Statesman Lodge in Indianapolis, and the woman editor to bore her she might bave re wheedled him into slipping her into COvered . . I an ante-room ana letting ner see tne 4 little of Thomas Townsend. T fA era a-ttl TOT lorvmoa PVtA nrAtvi A n I . -c- ' -v&.v. UD of Salem, who was thrown from a is now an Odd Fellow, but the old Stoole isn't. mule some days ago and dragged by terdar. ouukuxjr, auudii a,w. FOREIGN. Prussia and Russia are believed to be preparinsr for war. There is probability 01 a war be tween Turkey and .Egypt. The famine in Persia is more terri ble than was previously reported. the halter for some distance, died on There have been 27,000 deaths at Is- The Louisville Courier-Journal re marks how strange it . is that the peo pie of England should grumble at the cost of supporting the Queen's family, pashan alone from starvat:on, and tbe condition of the provinces is still worse. The rice crop is a complete failure, and tbe cattle plague, small pox, typhus fever and cholera pre- Saturday of his injuries, During Mr. Noltner's absence for tbe past two weeks, our friend R. ' G Head has slung the quill for the En while the people of the United States terprixe, and kept tbat paper fully up vail nav the cost of sunoortintr the multitu- to its excellent standard. " Crops in Scotland are excellent. dinoas Grant. Dent, and Casev fami- Grant wagered bis money on the domestic. ' 1 . I , t-i t i 3 - a Upb with Aarr.plv a. rniirmpr. wronff horse at the Saratoga races a I xne steamer a. su. uee Mpioaeo. , I . - - . .... I Viao KoiIai. nam KnvAf.Mwilla N. aow uui b miLV, auu uvn uo uui b ikwo , , . , abeerlog and beneficial effect are highly ipokea of by tboutand, wbo owe to it tbair retration to bealtb. ao reatoratir in tba annal or med- loine baa attained the aarao popularity in tha abort apace of time it baa been be I ore the pub lie, or baa won the tilth enduraemcnta aoourded to tbi excellent tonic, alnny otber prepara lion, purporting to be eorroctivea and reatora Uvea, nave been introduced, aod bar perUbed one by one, wbile tbe popularity of Uoatotter'a Statu ch Bitter eoutinue tn increase, and ia now recognized a a standard household medi eine. Tbe (iiooca which attend the ua of the Bitten evince at one ita virtue in all caca of debility and dieas of tba stnmaeh. Certifi cate, almoat without number, have been pub ll; hed, attesting ita truly miraculous power ia removing those painful and fearful diseases. And ut this time it seem idle tn do mora tban call attention tothe great tamdyoftbaga. in or der to awaken public attention to it excellence, It is tbe only preparation of tba kind tbat is re- liabls in all onse. and it i therefore worthy of tbe consideration of ibe s filleted. Linn. !. L. 'Uantsoa. Plaintiff, vs. W. W. Gabbi- aoe. IX'laoaant. Suit in Kqu:ty f.r Ilivorc. To W. W. Crrta..a. Dcfeodaat : In tbe nam of tba 8 tale af Oregon, y-o are hereby rc- qn red tu appear and aaawer ibe eumplaiut filed agaiuatyoai ia tne above entitled eaueowilb'B tea 4ays f.O'B tb date f tba aenric.: or ihi auoisa a up n ya if served within tbi Cohty : but if -rvrd in any other C noty of tbi Mate, tban with n twenty day from tbe dale of Ibe servtee of tbi au in moo a apna yua nod if s. rved I y pul.liraiiou then on tba firt day af tba next tana of aaid Court, wbieb shall common- lis weeka or more alter tba date Mfl tbe Srat publication hereof, which said term will commence on tha l iuria M-naay oi uctuoer. 1871, aod if V"U fail to anawer a ab.iv re quired, tha pl'fl will apply to the t'ou t fr tb retitff therein demanded, which is to obtain a iadgiaent and decree of aaid Court diaaolving; tbe bonds or matrimony existing between you and tba plaimisT. and awarding tbe care and custody of tne miuor ehild of snob mar- riatre and named in tba complaint to the Pi tf and for tbe e aad dbnrement of tbi ' ait, and that the PI'S" bare such other aad ior tber relief aa pertain to equity. GKO. R IIELSI. Asr'y for Plaintiff. ' Publisbadbyorderof Hon. B.F Dunham, Jud g 1 of aaid Court, which order bears data AuustSl, IS7I. nlwB Dated Aag. 21. 1871. 7a Circuit Cumrt tie State cf Oregon, for la coy of Lima. fcpbraim B. ilugbea ptaintifi. va. Mason. D. Smith. William Lewie and Wallace Cuabman. daftindttt. To Maaon D. Smith. William Lewis aad V) al tera Cuabman. defcadanta: . In tha name ot tbe filate of Oregon, yon aad aeb f you ara hereby required lo appear and answer tbe oomplaiut of tbe plaintiff, ir the above entitled auit. now on file with the Clerk of aaid county, by tba Brat day of the next term f said Court, which will no neiu oa ma irnrtn Monday, tba 23rd day of October. 1S71. Aud if yo fail to answer aata eompiarai aa required, for want thereof tha plaintiff will take a decree against the aaid defendant, Ma aon D. Smith and William Lewis, for three thousand and or. hundred dollars, in gold eoin. witb interest on ona thons-tnd dollar of said sum. at ten per cent, from tbe, ZOtn day or November. 18(19. and interest on two thousand and ona hundred dollars of said aum at ten per ecnt. from tbe 10th day of November, 1870, to date of decree, tbat the equity of redemption of aid defendant In tb mortgaged property de scribed in said complaint be foreel ed. and that tha same b sold to satisfy aueh decree, be side oasts and disbursements of auit. On tbe SStb day of July, 1371, Hon. B. F. Ronham, Judre of aaid Court, made aa ardor tbat the service of this summons be made by publication for six ennsesntive we s. Dated July 28, 1871, o. A. jviiisa, nilwS. - Att'y for plaintiff. c It is said that Morton, of Indiana, the trooly loil 0f this FL PYiirofiflda himanlt o Wenll cariatiaori I .... I MV 0" r. - " " coast liv bis presence this vear. !il a.1 t?-. .1 . TT 1 . 1 " wun me spin among me ivaaicats oi observe tbat tbe Corvallis Go- getle, under the pilotage of Messrs uarter x Jaraes, lias Become an ex cellent local newspaper; but politi cally we don't go ary red on it : ' Henry Wertz lost $5,000 by the Mississippi. A split is about the only thing that ever would- satisfy Morton. The Atlanta Sun says Beast But ler squints towards the Governorship of Massachusetts. He squinted to wards Bermuda Hundred once, also, we believe. " : . . Hojt. Mbs. Yelveestojt is going to Japan and China if nothing happens, and tbe Louisville Ledger earnestly hopes nothing will happen. , . A fire at Virginia,' Nevada, on," last Sunday, Wjifced 50 buildings and de stroyed fO.OOO woh of . property. wounded Horace Greeley, in a Tribune lend er to-dav. savs be wants to see the -..w' . I ... at .imx.t 1 a W 1 a-. nSV rt Republicans nominate a stronger man 0,",'f,,nis buia, hai. m-ut&o uopuuuaua " " Hl.nr 1,'S TiniTSRM and STORES j alaa. than Grant. Monday, August 21. DOMESTIC. A ereafc conspiracT among Penn- WILLIAM DAYIDSON, REAL ESTATE DEALER Office No. 64 Front Street, , PORTLAND, ORE'iON. i HEAL ESTATE in ibis CITY and EAST PORTLAND, in tho lb oat desirable localities, and BLOCKS, HOUSES and STORES ; also. Dalles fire last Friday and bis wife sylvania Radical officials to defraud had twin boys the same day, which the State has just been uneartnea, fully illustrates the aphorism that and Gov. Geary has ordered a strict . 5 r . . examination, misfortunes never cpme singly." . The horse clasrue haa broken out V. B. Clarke, contractor for the again in New York. Tuesday, Atigust S3. , solium. . removal of obstructions in the Ump qua! river, has advertised for 250 menVblacksmiths, strikers and blas- ters-Vork to commence Sept. 1st - Portland is aiding the sufferers by the Dalles fire. ! Cannot Albany do The new FrenchjMilitary law makes military service compulsory, and al lows no substitute! It prohibits sol- iers from Voting at political elections End dissorheational linara. IMPROVED FARMS, and VHluabl on cultivated LANDS, located in ALL part of tbe STATU tor &Al.fei. REAL ESTATE and otber Property pur chased for Correpondnts, in this CITY aud throughout the STATES and TERRITORIES, . 1 . 1 . ..... - inviVTi. Wliu grunt care auu va vue iuw, ajia.n HOUSES and STORES : LEASED, LOANS NEGOTIATED, aim CLAIMS OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COLLECTED And a Uenaral FINANCIAL aad AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. V AGENTS oftbla OFFICE in all tba CIT IESand TOWNS in tha STATE, will receive depenptiont of FARM PROPERTY and forward mine :i tn aaov aauress.. r , , veou. toward ibe lart, or in Ibe middle uf tbe drawing. Tb $100,060 gifi ia tbe Sac J raxo.eco out Concert, under tb management of C. K. Peters, was tb 200IL numb, r drawn, and waa awarded aud paid la a ccotlemaa in New Orleans. jiff Tbe anmbcra and Gift are drawn j blind children fiom S to 14 year of ago. Tb drawing will be extea lively published, aad parties ordering ticketa will cave printed list sent them. Parties forming Cluba and de iriug infonaation, will plea address this of Scr. 11 TICKETS FOR SlOOt 28 TICK. KTH. 0255; Se TICKKTH. 9300; 11S TICKETS!. 8I.OOO. Tba undersigned, lata principal busiaeea manager of tba very successful Mercantile Li. brary Gift Concert at Saw Frane'wco, California, baa bt-en apppo nted agent aad manager af tbe Gift Concert in aid of tba Public Library of Kentucky. Tba drawing will take place ia public, aad everything will be dnu la satisfy buyers of tickets tbat their interests will be aa well pro tected aa if they bad personally superintended ibe entire affair. - MAXNER OF DRAVTIXG. Tber will be two glass wheels. Ona wheel will euntairj 100.000 number, plainly printed oa leather tags. Tbe otber wheel will contain 72' bnxea, eacb containing! a gin. ta tag or number will be drawn from tba 100,000 who;, aad tha 6 rat box drawn from tba secoad or 721 box wheel will contain a gifl, neatly printed and n sealed np, aad tba gift so draw from tb ace- , ond wheel will be tba gift of tb tag Srat drawn, whether $100, $1,000. or 100.600, as announced. 14,361 TICKETS DISPOSED OF IX JULY. To inaureticket-klden the public ara aaswred tbat if only 25,000 ticketa are sold, only 35.000 numbers go in tba large wheel, the 721 gifta will be awarded, bat diminished pro rata. Ia caaa 43,008 only ara Bold, only nambera 1 to ft, 000 gu ia tha Ian; wheel, and lb 721 gift diminished one-half, and in case anly (5,000 tickets are sold, tba entire 721 gittt will be paid in full it being intended no unsold ticket shall -participate. . Tbe Manarer baa already paid into the Citi aens' Bank $32,500 towards defraying tb ex penses, and doe net depend on tba aalaa af tick ets to pay his expenses of Printing, Advertis ing, eta. Tb public are invited ta tb at moat scrutiny aa to the reliability of tha entire affair. Persons desirous of acting na agents ft the aala of our ticketa ia any city ia tLa United State or Canada, addresa CIIAS. R. PETERS. Manager, Louisville, Ky . OFFICE ! 130 Main Street. Jobnanas Block. ' i R T. DCRRBTT, President; W.N. HALDE 1 MAN, Vic President ; M. W. CLTJSKY, Secre tary ; CITIZENS' BANK, Traasater. Money received tor sale of ticketa in Califor nia, Oregon and Nevada, will be deposited vritb Wells, Fargo 4 Co., Virginia Citv. to aw it tb drawing Uf. A. FRENCH. Gen'l Acl, Ylrgiuia City, Nevada, WE NOW OFFER A . GLASS TO THE bublie which is pronounced by the must eetebtated optician of tbe world to b tb most perfect, natural artificial help to tbe human ay ever known. ' They ar ground under our own supervision. at our own minufactorv at New Haven, and' are so constructed tbat the core or center oi tn lens omea di.ectly in front of tbe eye, produ cing a CLEAR AND DISTINCT VISION, as In tbe natural healthy sight, and prevent all unpleasant sensations, such at glttumcnng ana wavering of eight, dixxins, Ac, peculiar to all uthant in use. ' v Tbesa Q lasses ar manufactured from minut crystal pebbles, melted together, and deriv tbelr neme, "Diamond." on account of tbeir HARDNESS AND BRILLIANCY. These Glasses ara mounted in tha finet man ner, at our owa manataetory, in all sly In f Gold. Stiver. Steel. Rubber, and Shell Frame i,l thn boat nualilv. . - ' 1 Their dunvbility eaniiot b anrpaasad, and their finish is sueh as will suit tb most fastidi ous. , Nona ft-enuio ubleas bearing oar trad mark a diamond stamped oa every frame. Manufactured by : t , J. E. SPENCER CO, ) . .. Praotioal Opticians, New York. FOa LS OWtT T " .TITUS BROTHERS; Dealers in Watiha, Clooka, Jiwe'ry, Silwej war. c, ALBANY, OREGON. ull7lyl - MONEY CANNOT BUY IT ! Wh ul Jiok;,::n1f fBr,uh lnfwii FOR SIGHT IS PRICELESS I NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! J. M. BEACH. Is now opening a solect stock of Geberal Iter. cbandiab, -ooiuistiaf ol STAPLE ANO FANCY DRY GOODS! BOOTS AND SHOES! GBOCERIES t IIARDYFARE I CROCKERY AMD GLASSWARE I PAINTS AND OILS ! . Ye Jo.a 4c, Ac, v Wbieb ha Is offering to tb public at price aor responding with tb time. All kinds of , MERCHANTABLE PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS I Com On ! Com All i And examine Good and Pricea. at tha old stand formerly occupied by D. Beach A Son, oppneit Foster Brick, Sooth Sidof Firtt street, ALBANY, - -. - -- OREGOX. SJ-?vtClyl, J;'i v. V