V J. FRIDAY . .. . ai iinUiw te.it f THff cockroach." 4V' i The eockroacb is ban; at Urge; : - lie ix-won or.the Juxurvs ov civrli tattoo. " ' ,119 ixesj to domestickatejielJIo: gracuiuu tew ordinary kindness, and oerer deserting those who show him "exrffiwiKevtfinftQft a cluss examination ov the outward crusts uv theva'aff afiToseftifl) m ate ftiS?8fuliinftfririltiQ he tween th"eftfilriettf pissnTfrr u&d thi "articilu leptt,'V2Srxe common Aa icao Krapshopnef . 5 I .' '. 'atufalUts, Jiowevirdifler, which it to be lauieutea, jur-auirer.-my uv seuti meat apohTniltOraaoTCffrbftint to the of maokirkf ta-thMumw. wejkites distrust and tends tew ip tM aubilrata uv awl dujt eintcKS. : j i. v : , ut let the learned and ' politjrj pull haro as mutch ak thaWse about the an- wstra! claims of .this fcockrosctf.'j it ii letyte w show- the critter" up ai; i find hioi) without caring who his granfather ' or pra'nmmber aktualtj wuav- " ThareJi.BOUtfkipg.the fkt3 .that haia. one uv.ujuejrpua, Jauiiljand that his attachment-to the home uv. his boyhoo! vpeke louder than- ttnrode for hi affecittonatd and unadulterated nu- .lie aoa 4 Jove,. the , plase . .where , he wus bor at upoaOhe aUgkbaaa provoca tion, like the giddy and vgfrantfle, or the feroskws led bug," -and; intir death (or suat yUepQwder thtnovenshurtj uv man) knocks at his front dorer he 1and his brothers and ' Sinters- may- bet seen with Jhc paked. eje; ! evtjt . addJ; anon, canjly cliaaeiag the ahoogat boje, or run ning foot nces between Hfee"-o.tter plates. ' is " J -How atrac Tl i that trfao, mode ov dirt, the cheepest material in the mar ket, and the mnst 'plenty, h&ild be so determined to rid the wurld uv evry bug but himself. - I don't dont-if be-eud her hit own waj for sit yerev'e'rj personal cock roach, woud be knocked j off f run, the buzz am or the footatule.'and 'eC even a pare u? them left to repare damages ritb ' ' s.t-s . - : - Siebis man! ' .... The cockroacbi is bora on the fust ov Ma and the fast uv ' November, semmi anoual'.j, aod is redd for use in fifteen days fram dte. j , ; - ' . . Tbl .are bora from : ao ejrz-fore frum each egg, and consequently tha are awl uv ibeui twins There is . n sich thing iu the; annals uv catur as a Bingle cockroach. " " r. " ' ' The juaterBuI baglon't set upon' the egS M. tbeTRadptJkIbut leres. fhem lie around ytrry Juse, like unto a pint' at spile mustard seed,' aod don't seem tew care k darn whether tha get ripe or not...-- , . f -i. . i , . ' Bat I n$ver''iin a cockroach. eW fail tq pat in aa appearance. Tha are' as sure ta bach onv and run as'; Kanada thistlej oca bad Jkoki..T . . The' eockroacb is of' two colors, sorrel and bUk-.LiTb.a are alwtu on the'muve, and kan tro I should say, xa . a pxtd track," an.d a good day, cluss tew three m to its. - .i. ii..J. .'..i , Naturalists hav also declared that the cockroach has no dubble . ..teeth.,". ThU is an important fakt, and ot to be iotro dueed into all therinJaryscool books of Amerieha. - r'lD But the most intresting featur uv this joterestinggkagjr the.- lavly ness nr thare naturs, They kant bite ncr sting, not jeratch, nor vevenf jaw bae&'XiTiey ai aa amiable that X nav known them to get -stuck in the butter, ind lay Ihare awl e)ay ,:ad- uot- holler for help, nd iktually di with s 'brokeo harf .t.itunnt'sZ .hun oi i filotl , To realio the tnteknessnv these un complainiDg nttlejfejlowa . let the" filo j sopbic inind-just for ono" moment com-' pair then! to the pesky -flee, :rwha Ijghts upon, man Jb bis strength ancL woman i 14 her vcek nes II ke red hot shot; -or to the warbling m'usketowild frjim a Nu jersey cot-tail marshy with; bis dagger in his month,' akeen fnt" Ifud ; -or, horror ir horrer1 ltd the midoigh t bed lagg wbq, creep? nt:v,' a crack, Ji . si ill aud az lean as a ahadow, aud. bitches -on , to the Duzzum uv'a Jbeeut v Jike a, starred , leecb ' : -s i - Evry man has a rite to pick lis1 pla1 mates, bnt az for me, I bad rather wit knee deep among cockroaches than to bear the dying embers -ot -a -muakeet-cr's song in5 the room jinetng,' or to know that there wuz just .one bed. bngg left io the world,' and be was "waiting for mi kandel to go out and for mo , to pteh into bed. ;; Id conclusion, to show, that I ain't fjofing;I would be 'willing,' if I 'had them, to swap text fust!, class - flees any time for a small sized cockroach, aod it the fellow complaned that I had shaved bim in the trade, I wud imcnejetly : rer turn the cockroach, aod sw-re that we WUZ even !. ; n.-m n-J .Z'.z-t s.- "Ths WAXDCKiwq "Jew.' -A romor comes from a village .near Antwerp that the historic "Wandering JewT has been seen in that neighborhood.. lie ia reported aa bavin; passed rapidly through the mar ket plaee, and aa having, on the outskirts of the village, - addressed few words to some children, who bolder than their com panions bad followed in his path. , lie was dressed ia worn and dingy antique gar roents, carried a long staff, and with bis profuse beard strearainc in the wind pre J sented such awe inspiring appearanee that the terrified vilagers fled from bim in fright. When be passed and apoke to the children be told them to go backhand in fprm the people that v a- new" rater' "had arisen in Eu rope, who would bring Bel-. lutai, uuiia.au, ant outer. cotjntrje nnaer bis sway, that many strange vieUsitudes would be witneesed, and that many proud heads would jbe brought low i On Iteing quesuoneq as to bis name be replied, '"'Seek not to know. I have been here before tor the rm-f.'" I ehajl be here again in the ftitare. Until the end of time shall I walk the earth unceasingly." The .ap parition then waving its band turned - from the children and resumed its plod ding walk, and disappeared in the dis tance. V:-t.- J . t . 1 i 1 'S i . , A fond father recently wrote i - "It generally takes twenty years tf train ingto eradicate ' that - word . "sice from a woman' vocabulary. The falls of Niagara, the psalms- of. Da vid, and the progress of the 'human race were au nice to my eldest. : until xte got married. i s 1 - 7 Qaittiog. adrertisias in dull -times 1 iLe tearing out a dam beennse tie the water, ia Jyw. . Eithcr'plvia W4U $fv tfit g06 liBes frem ever coming. VEGETABLE SICILIAN REITEWER. Every year increases tlie popularity ? '-tutsntaltraiMeD Ilnlr? Ki-eparatron t VMcRll-auV tS nierit Me: We Mil asHiira cuir old patron a that it Utcpt fulryp tf its- bigli-stmidrtrd mid it is the tonly reliable .and perfected prep aration lor restoring Urat or 1 aded ItaittT3 its youthfjiil "color, Waking' It 6 lustrous and "Bitkcu. Thecalp, by its .use becomes, wte, and clean. It rehioves all fetuptions rhtid darfdrulE and, by,iu tonio- properties, pro voats the hair from falling out, as it stiiriu- lates ana nounshes the hair-glands. By its use, the b.aur fero'ttTS thicker ,ind stronger. In baldness, it restores tao capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a ncttr growth, except in-ctrcrae-bld'Ocrv isthe ituost economical IIatb Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer. npplications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy ap pearances ua.i Hayes, JU.Li atate Assayer of Massachusetts, says, tTbe constituents' ore pure, and carefully seieciea xor excellent quality ; ana i consider it tho Best ; Paefajutidv for its intended purposes." I . ' SoU bf aU Dmjffittt, anti Dealer t fa VtJidnM. : -w w3 prioe One Dollar;' j'-" Buckingliam's Dye 'FOa THU 'WHISZEES. As .our Rene wer ini inany cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to rwtorgray ;oftded 'Whisk ers we. have prepared this dye, in one preparation Which will quickly and effectually accomplish tbis result, It is easily applied, and produces a color which wilt neither rub nor wash .ofE Sold Jx all. Druggists lnc9, Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. p. HALL & CO ., SASHTAtSA . SMITH DAVIS. Pobtlajid. WboUsala Agents, -p r - -y Tnl Ayer's Ague Cure, Tor Fever and Ague, IntennJttent Fever, CSiiU iVrer, Kemjttent Fever, Dumb Acne, JPeriodioal or BiMoua Fever, eta, and indeed all the aOactiona which arise from malartooa, "iTli. or miaamatia ; poiaonaw . ,k : . - Ke me remedy la loader called for by the aeoeuitle of the American people thaa a sure aod safe cure for fever and Ajrue. Soch we are now enabled to efier, wtth a perleot certainty that it will eradicate the diaeaae. and with aaattr- anee, founded on proof, that no harm can ariae from ita ae in any quantity. That which protect from or prevents this dis order most be of immense service in the conv muni lie where it prevails. Prrmtion is better than cure, for the patient escapes the risk which he most run in Tioleat attacks of this baleful dit, temper.' This CURC" expels the miasmatio poiran of FEvea asd A Of it from the svotem. and prevents the development of the dlseaoe, if taken on the first approarh cf it premonitory symptoms. It I not only the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, bat aUo the cheapest- The large quantity we sup ply for a dollar brings it within the reach of everybody: ind in bilious district, where Fkvkr akd Auue prevail, everybody should bare it, and use it freely, both for care and pro tection. It is hoped this price will place it within the reach of all the poor as well aa the rich. A great superiority or this remedy over any titer ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of Intermittent is, that it eontaios no Qui nine or mineral; consequently it trednees a quinism or other injurious effects whatever upon the eonatitation. Those cared by H are led as healthy aa if they bad never had the disease. , Fever and Airue is not alone the consequence of the miasinaUa poison. A (treat variety of dis orders ariiie from Us Irritation, among which are Keuralii, ItbeumatiKm, tiout, Headache, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asth ma, Palpitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Hvstcrics, Pain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralrsia, and derangement of the Stomach, aU of which, ' when originating in this cause, nut On the in termittent type, or become periodical. This "Ccke" expels the ;utson from the blood, and consequently cores them all alike. It is an in valuable protection to immigrants and persona travelling or temporarily residing in the maJ.v rions districts. If taken occasionallv or daily wbile exposed to the infection, that will be ex creted from the syitem, and rannot accumulate in snffinient qaantHy to ripen into - disease. Hence it is even more valuable for protection than care: and few will ever safer from Inter mittents if thev avail themselves of the proteo tion this remedy affords. For JAmtr CmplaittU, arising from torpid fry of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stim ulating the Liver into healthy activity, and pro daring many truly remarkable cure, where other mediciae fall. i j.i) J! MtrjrAJtmaY Dr. J. C ATEK St CO., Lowell, Slast. Pracilenl mnd AmajiHral ChemUt;', AXD SOLD ALL ROU3TD THE WORLD. - ,TBICE, 01MO PJEM BOTTLE. SM1TU A .DAVIS, PuBTLAXD,: Wholesale AfenU. .; - vCd43jI . GOOD NEWS TO ALL'! -NEWj GOODS ! ;; DIRECT FBO.U SAX FRANCISCO BY EVERY STEAMER, FOR R. CHEAP LE & CO; Persons wisbini eoods at a bargain are invited to eouie along with their CASH or PKODCCK, and make a good investment, at the Cash Store of K. Cneadle t in. We give tbe fullowinj irice list f a few articles sold by us, to-wit : TEA Japan, i tb and 1 lb papers. S7) cent. japan, in tarire vbest, bxtra, ti Tb., zt.Otf COFFEE 2225 cents. - . SUOAR Crashed, extra refined, 5 lbs fort 1.00. Cruwn Refined, 7 to 10 lb. for $1.00. SALERATD8 lb, 12J cents. - - - BOUA a lb, lZJ cents, . CREAM OP TARTAR-- lb, 60 cent. " '.; Best, v.. n, JZ cents. ... STARCH Best,; lb, 16 cents.. 1 , ' ; SARDINES quarter boxes, 25 cents. . OYSTERS Baltimore Fresh Cove, can. 37ic. TOMATOES Calif rrnia man., V can, 2b cenU. BLACKBERRIES 3 can, 50 cents. J - , CANDLE 8 r lb. 22(a25eents.' . . ; T . COAL OIL bevore's, gallon, 75 cents.; ; LIASEKUUlb Kaw, (ral on, t.Z. ., . - Boiled. S gallon; f I.ZS. v BROOMS Best, Ifo. 1, 62 ets; No; 2, 50 cU. '- ind all other Good! Sold Cheap. W keep eonitantl on band a good assortment of GENER A L M E RC HANDISEj FOR SALE CHEAP. CASII PAip Fp?lEGG3 1 And we will take all that may be offered, at tbe CASH STORE OF R.CHEABLB V CO. mar24m3. rr -PCALER. .Xy.n MONUMENTS, OBELISKS, TOMBS, HEAD AMD FOOT STOICS, EXECUTED IS vl-i-''"' t-JJ, CftlUornia, Termoitt and Itslian Marble! ' SALEM, OREGON. ' : j,;ALS0; BRANCH SHOP AT ALBARlr.; A " its a r : . '.- v6o38yl ;i ; . ,- : ; Vvfp:o.x-x,,;;r: Carditis: & Spinning fTHE TJNDERSIQUED WISHES TO IN I . form tbe public that b h& parmanently Lieuted in Eugene Cttv, with hi new. "set" of Carding aud ttjJiiiuiDg maabinery, -where he is prepared to manufacture any iiod -of .woolen yarn, front the, earsst 4laabe- Ui -tbe--finest fiannel. at tbe-IullowiDg Tate ta-wtt: twenty live Sent t25 eta.) per poand. --w " Ihorswaoting A.SliPERIOB AJrnCLE OE YAlta Would do welj to g ve me a ealL - -i - ' ' c ooDcinLD, f n Pr)prWtolr Eajene tHty Tare IttUll". Ta&t, ' m rJL D V J2 E T 18EMENTS THE.SI(uCER KanufacturingTCompanyj AT THE TVonLD'l FAIIt, Constituted by the home of. tb peopls- ' Received'the Oroa Award of the , c .i ... i ........ . HIGHEST;. SALES!.. v n And have loft all rival farbebind them, further OneBntidred and Twenty-SevenThouoand, iigHt Hundred and XLy-Three Mocbinee nsing more than forty themtand In advance of tbuir salesef In previous ear,-. and war I'orhi. fimt Ikommnd Mors Mgaxta tain of auw olhmr Vumpaujf Rt 1570, as stiown ty ths fallowing ngures irum swur.i returns oi ill sale of JUl censers ! v'" , 1 Tns STAGER MANUFACTrEtNCrC.bMPANV "t MatUine Co., ' . , 1'10,173 itaohVne.' Woiuuver Ihs Wiluox AOibbs , , . , Sewing . Macliio Co.,,;. ..",98,943 -. - i . i . t .. .t. w. i a , - .... hi M .chine Co.. ' V J I V V i Sold ovf tbs Orover t Ba-,,., ker tfewln-Mncblne C6", T9,3t .,do,, , Sold ore,' tha How Machine ' ' ... opMi.eytrtB- OYassitr i,t i Wilton Manut'.et'in Co., 44,625 ds. all, of wbich 1 aisinl.v Sinar to ho Vi.pdlotKJ of wohI i kiom at tb 'Nar ramilw-BavtA lug Machine, wbisb is now fast atlnjr lis waj tutu every well rexulaiad ; buusabiMd. Far Circular Kivine; full ttartiauftrs ' of Jlaokiac. their Fuhtiuff Cuss of uiauy varieties f W(xhI and floish. tbuir At lat htiirif & Ti.. tifiinaruii kind erwurk, wbiali, till re.yititly,it wmS thought mat uaiteat niijrors alone eoold petrous, a ' particulars so.iut all articles used by tbait Machines, sueh as Twist. Linen Thread, Spool -. .a art:t.a a . - . . . . vutm, vii, ,o., apply m an or iboir Au- THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 45S nMtofam. A'w Yorb, ' SOrnitm Francrsao ' tlDoe. ' IJO aianti-nnr. SlrcsU - " oe28rfiatl COAOLEi A. DAS A, Editor. ' A Kesta aapfe t the Prases it Tttaee. - Iatended for Feesle New en Carta. laeladiat Fsr-aers. Mechantes. Mereaaat. Pro isssloaal Mea.rotkara.Taiakrs, aad all Man ner et Beesst PoBc. aad the Wives. Seas,, sad ' Saasbters of all tasa. OSLV OXat DOLUS A YEA ft I ": ONE B175DBEO COPIES FOB Ut, Or less thaa one Cent s Copy. Let tsars be a 85 Onset every Post Office. SEVr.WETKlVr 0031, 3 A TEAS, f tba tm sis sad gsaaral sharacwr ss TBI wEEBXr. bat with a greater vartsry et aalseallaaaoas rtsitine, and fnrnlitilsg us ars So rts eaasetlDei t wn gi salw It eemss twice a weak laataad of oac oaly . rat oxtvr box, so a aTUw. C . A preeminently rsadible nevnpaper. wim ta lanr-ai. eiraiaUoa ia the worto. rra. laa Mnttsot. and Imaiit'w la xnmos. Al tbe lm from aviv-whana, Tritim a eopy 1 by nail. fiO cauu a aiouia. or SO a 'ax. TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY BITS', rtr eoptss, ob year, sDaratiyaidrel. Fear Uellara. Tea cents, oe rer. seMrstiv addressed (aad aaaxtraaopy totaessHeraoraiae. Etch. Dollars Twenty eon lea. one year, separately addreassd tsd aa ma ejpy w tu su-r ap or eia. ftfteea Dellara. tf enr-l-a. oae year, ta one a4dress taad ta cat- eek y vae year v aetisv aa of eUb), Thirty-three ttoltars. Frfry copt-s. one year, epatativ aadriswd (m-xt toe bcw m esaly eaeyeart o rtt-e bm or eiah). Thlrty.avo Dellara. Oae tieadred enrles, eae year. n este address ad the tai:y tot one year to tha sv'tar at at car.,. pin, Dmlimn. One batdr-4 niK one yer. sepsrstely ad drei4 .and the UaUy lores year to toe rcusr J apoldttW. . w - - bisif Dollars. THE tSEXI.WEEKLT BVTI. Five copies, eae year, separately addrened, Elsbt Daliars. Tea eonlea, one year, separately addressed aa extra copy to setter ap of club). Bizteea Dollar). SEKD YOVM, MOSBT StJ' or drafts on Sew Yore, vraerever eoereoleai. U not. taea rcelstcx tM lauara coataUtiaa uiaaey. Aaaras L yr.zsavimo. rwhiiiiu ana esssa, Kew Tort dry. NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! J. M. BEACH, Is sow opening a select stork of General Mer chandise, consuling of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS! BOOTS AND SHOES! (.UOC'EUIIf I - I1AUU.VAUKM . CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE ! ;. FAINTS AND OILS! ' C C, Ac., 'Ac ,. Wbich lie i offering to the public at price eor- ' responding; with the time. All kind of ; . MERCHANTABLE PRODUCE TAKES IN EXCHAKGE FOB GOODS I Com One I Come All t And examine Ooodt and Prices, at tbe old stsnd formerly occupied ' '"' by D. Beach AV Sari, opposite Foster's ' - JJrick,8onth Side of Eirst street. ALBANY, . . ... - 0KE00X. j-..' ap8t8n34yl .- , .- FOR THE HARVEST OF 1871. , PITT'S THRESHERS I " r, haines, headersi LATEST mPR'TCD MOWERS! Aricaltural Implements! CONSTANTLY ON ''nANDl' 'c-'; CELEBRATED DAIN WAOON V BLAIN, Y0CN8 k COv. " y 8 n.37tf. " ' " ' ' f ' ' i ; . ' ' A Ibany, Oregon. ' STAR. BREWERY ! TALLY & HOUCK, TTAVE ESTABLISHED AN EXTENSIVE JLX. Brswery basinet in . f ALB4SY AIVD COUYAEEIS, Mr. Honck keeptne tbe old stand' of Tally In Albany and Mr.r Tally superinteadins the 'Es- tabiishment at Corvallis. Beer furnished to - SALOONS AND PRIYATE FAMILIES i .' ' .'; to order, anil ' " ' - WAEEANTED tq be the VERY BEST ! j i.r...r..-: ::; TALLY 4 HOUCK. AprU14, 1371-y6nSitf, - ;HIQHEST CASH. PRICE, PAia Par-- YOOL, BACON AND LARD I i 3?n3 B1AIN, YOUNG t CO, f .! : ' "n inn 1 1 1 L . xsKi i rpnW SALVK Foo.-.a,-1 VIIITUEJTJIU M. MVAUXIWVI; baiug a compound ol tuubost .'; . . . .. -.. CURATIVE AND HEALING AGENTS! EVER UlNC'OVKHED! ft nceaa but to ue tried to prove it superiority : - ... "9W viHw.avoia lor euro Ml . . riiTffi Rniins.1 minus 'crninucin Cutaneous Eruptions of all Kinds!' Try It one, and yon will ever ft-r Use It. Prluolpal Manufactory at Cnrvallia, Dautoo Ooun :.rj. tfi Ongurti where It UVi.br at tl' ' 1 ' Wholesale and Uetalh TE Trsa mpplied on Honabls Terms, For j ' . ox vrujrguu througboat Orejou. ' ' ,' natall Pries, 50 Osnta sr .ez. - Address all eommnaieatloni to ' ' l"' ' !,.--:.-; i. W. W. OOLE8BT. Corvallis, Ueotott t'o,, Oregon. ;l lift REFERENCES: ' " s tbe nndersiRotd, oitissn of Corvallis and vleiultv.havlu known Ur. V W. Om ub ..r . number of year, aod bollevlns- hi in tu ba an h.m. orable and worthy citizen, would recommrml i lbs publle tbe Ilootor Orju Balm nf Uiltnd Unit; as possessing trantcendant teaMni.ouall ties: - '! DJU T. J.IQUT. r JOTtN TIURNETT.""' THUS. CA0THOKN,, jJP, AVEIt.. v -a ii tfi-ni'U'a 8AMI. L. SIMPSOS. M. II. HELL. E. 110LUATE, II. FIN LEY. JOSKPII KMKKV, A. CAUTIIOUN, K. P. BRKJOjt, A. N. LOCKE, . II. UPTOit, J. CHISS. I.. L. HORNING, 3. 8. PALM Kit. J. 8. K EX DA IX. " W. M. JOllSSOS. O. U. HOWARD. T. II. PnWKItrt. R-JloVEATCII. i K. H. 8TKAIIAH. r. J. ROBERTrtOV. JAMES D. FOUNTAIN, HK.O. W. JOHNSON, E. WOODWARD. Drs st. E. ALLEN, Drugcist, sp2v0u3y 1 H 0 4 K M C a 3 O O TJ T3 W ta O w a w w . o . 9 Hi 9 r: o o tn 0 " p- 2 01 " (A PS O iL55 V! K ' it s as - f w o a- o o fo o o o - M c- e t 9 o a o o o -a a c 3 2: - D SO C rr, o V4 Si P. FROMANJUJILDIIyG! WHEAT AND FLAX-SEED: DEPOT! Cleaning and Elrvatinjr fanatitr 10.000 . Enhrl per Day! 150,000 Baslels Wheat Wanted in Store I 30,000 Kadis for those who wl.b to sell or store wiib . -Ffsx-Seed Contractor of Pitieer Oil Co. will call oo u fvr sack. 5aSljI. E. CAUTWRIOIIT. 13 12 Ell l ALBANY BREWERY. CIIA8, KIEFEB. lrr. - : TDK ECBSCEfBER UAS JUJTERBCT,E a new and first-class On Broad Albia bctweea first Street and theBiwer, ' And It prepared to furnish. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS asm PRIVATE FAMILIES, Si SHORT KOTICCX 111 Orders DellTered Wherever Deiircd He WarranU bis BEER i MADE OF THE BEST MATERIALS, . ... .'..'..V-MS- , : .. ... v : :i .'-,.-; . :i It... PERFECTLY HEALTHY! He Is confident be can give entire satisfaction to all. .. Dee. 29, , y2n20tf , , ' - : LOOK!;? LOOK ! ! i NEW STORE! NEW ST0HE! . AT M. PEARSON'S OLD STAND, Corner Tirtl and Broadalbin Street. , ' Bavin; purchased tb stork of M. Poarsor, and. added thereto a well selected assortmsut ot : GROCmES we hope by attention to business and by fair deal ing to merit tbe .patronage of our friends and tbe publie in general, ' ; i Uur good wero Doogbt for lAeit and win oe SOLD AT THE , LOWEST PRICES V, GIVE US A TRIAL! COUHTTRY PRODUCE WA1VTED. Cor. First and Broadalbin st - JaB20'71n23jfr""TAIbaby,'iOB.';: TO MALE AND; FEMALE AGENTS ! 1 To Introduce tbe oclebratcd $23 Onckeje jhattle sewiair Machine. Butch alike pa both sides, and is the only licensed Shuttle Maohine in tbe United States for less than 140. That uses tbe celebrated "WILSON FEBD.'f and . BEST PAMtLY MACHINE for heavy and light sewing Jb (Ue market.' ' i Outfit free. '.oui .U .i . Address 98J1VSR c PS ARSON, ' ' n23tf General Ascnts, Albany, Oreson. v c5W i' if'33tt.J" t. DEALfeRS IN, GENERAL MERCHANDISE! "A)'" STORE Iff FOSTER'S BRICK. FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY 0. MANSFIELD & CO.. . r IKEEP CONSTANTLY, 03f 11AN0 A fclNE -A830KTMENT .OF f DRY GOODS. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS. fiOOTS & SHOES, a. ' - QUEEN8WARE. vGLASSWARE, &c- ' , . -s , : a "t.-:: i 'is, v t ' ' ; - - J ' ' -t. ' IX FACT EVERYTHING osc.llt k'crr ,i A RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT, WHICH. THEY ! ita n v' :'ii i.:-'- i, rri'; :;., ''' ' ," ; ' ' ' rofibr Very Low, ' Either for Cash or Produce. ' ; ; ..v6n40yl ,,.,,,,.,.,(., , , .... READ. ACT WISELY, . AKD . SAVE MONEY! tVI. ii - t '.- Xt. O, Mill ; Ac Noii fpiIB OLDEST DRCO U0DBE IN LINN 'J COUNTY, after thankinc; llielr namernui friond and pafrpns - fur past1 firors, desir to merit a eontinuanoe' of patrnnHge- by kerplng SonSlantly ea naada run supply or Drug,' raienl lOedicInei Perfumer j, Oil, E PttluU, Dye-Stnffs. Brushci, Truci, etc. . Asenl for PrI. Javnrs A Pons' line ef nied lelnvs, the vulebrsfed Unk Wild Remedy r Oreson Ithcuinatie Cure, As., Ai. Cunsiantly on band, a goad supply ef Positive anl Aeitative ruwders, . 9fTl'hrslclans' fresorlptlon earefull Coin, pounded. We are also agents for lbs HOME SHUTTLE SEW INO MACHINE one ef the best Fsmlly Machines in ate.', Call and see tu and si.tlsfy Jf ourselves. - u. U. lltLb. A BOS. vOnltf . Mrs, E Van Vactor, V. . osakca ta . MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS! LEBANON, OREGON. HAS JUST RECEIVED AN ELEGANT invi.lr of Quods, to which she Invil. lbs alia.ition of ih Ladies of Lebanon snd vicinity. Produce will be taken In eiehane lor jowls. E. VAN VACTOK. Ms; 13, 1B71 tn. CITY DRUG STORE. C.aOTBKSS. X. SSLT4Bsa, A. CAROTIIERS & CO., DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES. FOSTER'S BLOCK. FIRST ST.. ALBANY. ORESON. pcsicas m ' . ) DRUGS, GIIEIMICALS, t . . PATENT MEDICINES, . PAINTS, DYE-STU FS, OILS, GLASS, r TOILET GOODS, Frsi-U stajd Atntrrtrsiu Cologne, Handkerchief Extracts, CONFECTION EHY. Pure Vinn snd Liquor, for Xedieioal Cti. FINETOBACCDSAND CIGARS. Family Eccipea and Phjtic'aa'i 'Prescip- tion&SUomponaued. DscCO TO vBn?0. A. CAROTIIERS A CO. CHAIRS AND TURNING. ALL 6IZKS OP RAW-HIDE BOTTOMED CHAIRS! of tbe best qaalitj, woll-finUbsd, eaa be bad at METZL ERJ 86HOPI Also, all kinds of TURNI.VO don to order. Timber for Hubs on band and fixed furtarnina; palm. tT-Mstiler' Chairs sr kept oo band by E. 0. Moons A Co., llarruburg. rZiTo28-l. J. M. M bTZIK., PROGRESS! ' IS TB - PHOTOGRAPHIC ART! I the order of tbe day, and tbe "D T'TVrtaTJ A TO-T 9 Photograph I superior to anything yet oot. r' rCAXJ. AND BXE.G J. A. WINTER, Jan. 13, 187l-n32tf ; rj , Albany, Ortgoa. , s. v. nnsntix; ' ' c. y.'yenay,' Notary Publle. Att'yalLaw. ' TJSSri-L, PEBEY 4.W00DWAET, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, : COLLECTING AGENTS.' . JE9Special attention eiven to the sals of Real Estate. Ileal Eat ate Litigation and the Collection of XUaisns. OIBoe, N. V. Corner First aad Washington Street. ... ,.-. , ,. . Portlstud, Oregon. t Feb, 12. 1870. y5n28tf. FARM FOR SALE; rrHK VARM WELL KNOWN AS WARD'S I BCTTE, situated eleven miles south of Al bany, in J.lnn eounty, is onvreu lor sale on me best of terms. It on six springs or good water and plenty of stock water in tbe ereek which traverses one side of It. The firewood npon tbe farm is almost inaxbauslihlv, and Its advantages as S stock farm are superior to any other in Ore gon. For particulars atldress the undersigned, at Dalles City, Wasoo eounty, uregon. nolJulStf. . T. Jtt. WABK MRiS. -S. A. JOHNS, MILLINER & DRESSMAKER I IRST BTREKT, ALBANY, OREGON". ;, Bridal and Mourning Bonnets and Hats ' , MADE TO ORDER..' CRESS-MAKING DONE IN THE LATEST STYLES ! Also the only Albany ngont for tbe ' Singer Sewinir Machine." Tlie ladiei aroj-equeled to call aud examine tbe "Singer," which is tbe only-complete maohine In nse. - batisiaetion guaranteed or money refunded. ' ap8'71tf J.D.TITUS, ! JVatclieSf; Clocks, ' JEWELRY, ETC. ; " fhll ALpANVt OnEuON.;.-i REPAIR1JI Gt, CF OLOCKS: WATCHES, -; ' ' JEWELRY, Ac, . : , .. ' PROMPTLY aTTBNITBO TO. ALL WORK WARRAirTED.' ' ap31vn33tr . i P. C. IIABPEB st CO. STILLWATER! V OIIEAT REDUCTION J!!! ... . , ' ;.!,:. . .. ,: . TBS .! ;.,,;;'.:,-.:' SAN , FRANCISCO 'STORE ! . COR. FIRST AND FERRY STS.. ALBANY. ' Keeps constantly on bald a full assortment of ( . ( I alse have for sale tbe celebrated ' ' IDTJiJi&OlSriD ,BOCK Cwik fttove, end other Vading style At manufacture all kind of Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware, in gd style, at luw rates. FOB CM Nil OR rnODL'Cli I : ", Alway on band a fall supply of The Purest Trine and Liquors t , . , For Medicinal Purpose ooly. . ; A well selected stock of QE00EEIE3 AHD CE0CZEEY will always be found at ny establishment. I will sell all goods in my bouse, for Cash or Produce on delivery, cheaper than tbe ones pent. rrAII kinds of Tinware repaired on short no tice, and satisfaction guaranteed. Jav0o2lyl ; JULIUS URADWOUL. RAILROAD INTELLIGENCE I BLAIN & YOUNG, ALBANY, . ". ' . OBSGOZV, Would call tb attcntloo of Coyer to their WELI. SELECTED STOCK coKsitrisa er ' fANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS I HARDWARE, CiRUCERItUSI HOOTS & SHOES (Our Specialty. Lis OP IsATET .STI'LCS asri GOOD QUALITY! SOLO AT MODERATE PRICES AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED FLOKE!VCi:EWI.1iC!HACIIIXE! 77ms lint in Ce. ex. Aug & Topwa. Dee. 31. 189 ySo30lf. CHAS. MEALEY, OEALCS IK FURNITURE AND CABINET WARE I (Corner of First and Broadalbin streets, at old stand of C ilea cy A Co.) f . ALBANY, OREGON. KEEPS COKSTAKTLY ON HAND A FULL sssurtuient of evervtliior ta his line that Uaue requires or aa enterprising pnblie deusaads. FURIVITURE! Of All Kinds and Descriptions ! BEDS AND nCDDIXG, lie. I'articnlar attention will be paid to order for UNDERTAKING! . And all other order In my line will be promptly attended to. Satitf action Omarmntd and Work Warranted! . ,v .. ,1 CHAS. MEALEY. Albany, July 6, 186J v4n47tf. ALBAIV1 IOlIVDItV! AND . it i MACHINE SHOP ! ! ALBANY,-OREGON. A.F.CHERRY, PROPRIETOR. .. , JtASOFACTURIK OF STEAM ENGINES, ' - GKIST AND SAVT-MILLS, ' . i KKAPERS AND THRESHERS, WOODWORKING MACHINERY, - POMPS, Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac. Ac "' Machinery ot all kind r . REPAIREO . , ON SHORT NOTICE ! PATTERN MAKING - Dona In All Its Various Forms ! ! IB0N AUD BEASS CASTINGS Of. All. Klnds Made to, Order I , '. Dee.S'eSvinldyl. ;5 t A. F. CHERRY. THE OLD STOVE DEPOT ! JOH1V BRIGGS, DBAtsn m r-.r COOK, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES I -;; -of tho Best Patterns, TIN, SHEET-IRON AND ' COPPER-WARE I And th usual assortment of furnishing goods' ;;;; .-..r-;' found la a Tin Store. -' - : - EeoaiiB ITeatly and Promptly .Executed! ( . On Reasonable Terms, . , i , ' ' Short Reckonings Ja Long Friends t" ' , FRONT-ST.,- ALBANY , .. Next Door to "P. C. Ilarper A Co'g Store Pec.&vsaletf . JOHN BRIGGS. R h. Mcdonald & co., f f. 1- - e San Francisco Ca!.. ff'J stentlon-5ealTtonieulara3 assortment or " Newly Arrived " Oood., crtn posed In pmrt of Hi following srtlclns together with every thine kept In a wellsapPUedVlIUlfeAl.K JDU.VU HTOilK. Ksskit Pbpos, , ; ITii,rn'sPsirFsTioas, Taossas e HorrosTSSS, Innsaaa Hsaus, , Ksssstial Oil, I Paariiasaias, UaaosaaaOii Pitsa Oil, -1 ; Which we offer at the lowest Cash Prices, aad are determined act to be oadersold. . . . . , B. H. MoDOJt AJ.I A CO., BAM TaAacisoo, Cai. i FOR SALE..: Ol'R IRVO II UN INK located is San Proneiseo. Unl.. Alter uarbest wisbes,aadexprsss. ing oar thank for Ibe liberal jatfOaage w have reoeived for more than twenty-one years, during wbiiih iwTMid we bare been steadily engaged in tbe Drug business ia California, we beg to. say in eon sequence ef tbe rapid growth of Dr. Walker's Cal ifornia Vinegar Bitters, now spread over tbe . Uni ted Hi ales and eonotrie far beyond, we are neces sitated to devote our entire time to said . business. We are tbe Oldest Drug firm on tbePaeifleeoast and the only eneeon:inuoa sudor tb Same pro prietors sines 1849, and have determined to e1 our targe, prosperous, and well established busi ness en favorable terms. : . : , ;Thisisa rare opportunity for men with tb mean of catering into a profitable business with advantages never before offered. t i , For particular enquire of . B. 11. McDOWALO A CO.. R. It.-Mcl)osiAl.l, ' ' Wholesale Druggists, J. C. Hrrnrr.n. f Baa Francioee, -Cat. If. B. Until a sale is made we shall continue our Importations and keep a larre stoek of fresh goods einstanlly on band, aad sell at price to defy com petition. . , . , t . . A GREAT M'DICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKE2'3 CAirFOaXlA' . VINEGAE BITTERS ii, nandredi cf Thotiaands O 4 Bu. tMrleaaMW tkslw tTasiitaBi. 1 Bear testimony in th-tr Wonder- f "3 lui vurauve aavcia. . I Si WHAT ARE THEY? ttt& thet Ana ror a vile ,5 8 aa FANCY DRINK, PS? Made of Poor Itasn. Whisker. Frawf tiptrlts andltefaae J.iqours doctorcd.splce'l aad swed cardto please tbe taste, called ToaiS,'"AppcJ. crs," ncsiorers," se, that lead the t.pplrr oa to drankenarss aad ruin, but are a true Medichw.ntade fram Uie Satlve lUKrta and Uerbs of CaJirornla, free rrans all Alcoholic Hllma Innl. Tuevaiet:e iItEAT m.OO PUKIFIEU aad A LIFE UtVIXa l'UI.CIPl.B o p.rUxt Linsrator al lavieoruor oft!is Svtn. earryta; eflr all r-oisowrcs matter sod rotorins t'is tlood to a acslUiy eomlitioa. Xo person eaa taVo these Kilters aceordlnj-lo da tion cad remain long aswiU. ; (100 wUI bs AJvcaar an icccreblj ease.iorovlic J Vio bancs tri not tfcslrr-ycd tr lulacral polaon cz cCicr mcaas, aad Uevtul orc&u wasted btyovdUu point of r.-palr. Far In9ammiiiarr nnd Chronic Tlbeamn l.ni aod t.anl. Dtnv&ni ar ladieJloo, Ittiiaua, U!iilllciit aid iolf null teal Fevers. ItXnfTM or I be i;icad, I.ivcr, Kidney, and llladner. tua Hilicralavo bsca taotx iKt& tut. Hjik Disrnca are caused by TillatcJ Itlood. trSi'xh l ,-53cra:iy (rodaced by dersaacmcsi cf eta nSccNiivs Ortaa.. I) VrPCPs-IA (fit IXDIfJEfTfOX, IXeai scbr, rs'.a UlhoCIioallcra, CoavhA, Tlet-utot tka t."iKt. D.irlacs-!, E jsr E.-jat.or. cf Lib ttosucl, Rod tcstr U tUa Vocili, B.Uoss Attacks. ra!n:tatlca of th; Heart. InflamxaUoa cf t:i5 1.ungs.Fsia In tbe rxinr.t ef tlie i:ii!arrs aad a fcrndrrd otter paiatal srmoVnns. are the oSspringscf Dyspepsia. ThT lav'.-orata the Stomach aad sUainlale the tor pid U vcr aad bowels, which render Uiem of naeqnallcd eOcsc7ta clca3e:ng ti:c blood cf all iapahtlrs, aad Impartlas new li.'c aid vigor to tho whole srstcsu FOS MKI rIiiEAES.Erapt!ons.Tett-. Ealt nitron, Diolehes. Spots. Pimples, Tastalcs. Coils, Czr banclex. nine-Worms. fccala-Dcad.Eors Ejs, Eryir. elas. lie!. Bcnrfs, Itseoto7atks of tbcSSda. Bsaiers end Diseases of tha Silo, of wtiatcver nuu ornatcra. are Ilterilly dag np aai earrlsd ont of tha systcia la a short tims by Cts nso of thssa El tiers. Oae bottts la sncb eases wilt eonviaca tso m-jei lacredalons of I nc'r carsuva effect. Clccnse the Tltlatsl tiow whenever yo-l And i:s Imparttlcs bamlnj tbroasb tlie s'xln ta Pimple. Erup tions or Sores cleans It vrb yon Sad it obstroetel and stagclsh ia ths relas ; cleanse It when It Is fool, and yonr feelings will t-II yon waca. Krrp the blood pare and tbeHlth of t'iesyt-mwm follow. P1X, TAPEaadothorWOftJIS. lurlcinslatbe (ystcm of so many thoosaads. are effjctaally deatroy edaad removed. Forfait directions, rxd earrftHly the circular around ea:" bottle, printed i i tour lua raages 3llh, Ccraaa. FrcaeS aad Spanish. J. WLKEII. Proprietor, n. n. IZcDOSl'-D &. CO, Drogjists aad Ccn. Aents. Sal Frsaetfeo, Csi, aad KaadSI Com3M.cs Elrjct.Xcw Vori. gsrsou) bt a:x r.r'jG:s-3 axj pr.Ai.nta. , ! . janl3'71ni:yl .. ... , W. H. KUHN & CO., DEALERS IX HARDWARE IH.O-LSr-AL.3SriD STEEL, Springs, Axles, Thimble Skeins, etc : Also, a well selected stock of Wagon Tim.lor ! Spokes, Hubs, Bent Rimat Shafts, . Poles, Ilickory Axles', ie. FARMERS' and MECHANICS' TOOIaS "V CONSISTING OF i v -: ' . ANVILS. VICES. BELLOWS. HAMMERS. HATCHETS. Slodges, Saws, Planes, .; .,.. CROSS-Cl'T AKD 1TIII.I, SAWS I ' . Together with a large Assortment of . WOOD AITDiTOLOW "WA1E .' J3f Store in Monteith's Fre-Proof brick, next door to Ulaia A Yoaag'. ; . W. n. KU11N A CO., Albany, Jan. 13, 1871 o22yl. "'"! REAL ESTATE. - -1 STITZEL & UPTON, : 1 REAL ESTATE BROKERS, general; agents BRANCH OFFICE-Albany, Oregon J. C. MENBENHAXL, Agent. : An office where eeneral information eenceraiBC the resources oi Oregon can be o&laiasd rs of charge. ' " " Loans regotiable on first mortgage, real estate and collateral security. . .-,-., Have for sale a lnrge amonnt of property loca ted in the towns of Albany, Brownsville and Cor vullis. :, 1:,t.. ;'; ;-'.:.' Also, (50,000 acres ef farming lands of every description in Linn, Denton and Polk counties. ' Persons desiring to sell their property incur no expense in placing it in our hands for sale unless a sale is made. ; Call at our office ia Parrisb's brick, where we have a team in readiness to eon vey parties to view o lands. ; .k4. C, MENDENHALL, Agent. ' v5n32yl. - ; Albany, Oregon. r CORYALLIS COLLEGE! . ..:,,.: . . . roa r- MALES AND FEMALES. COKVALLIS, OREGON. TTEAR DIVIDED INTO THREE SESSIONS. J Tuition (per Session of 3 1 sauntbs.) from $0 to $15, aooording to studies. MALE BOARDING-HOUSE, by Prof. J. Em: ery . . Board, including room, fuel and lights. tiB per session ( U weeks). .. Washing, $3 per session. Tsaua : One-talf in' advanoe and the other alf at the elo of the session. i . " eelOvfinatf W. A. WHLEY, A. M.. I President, III '' ' til I JLuWi si ri gWjlSB !i; LS E M E N T . ; ' y "II, r f -:t I 5 . . 1 .";V;;-: oolite r-'T; -fj ii '.i : . 'L i I 1 ;:-.;:;:.;--: v ;?;;i'iaisTORi:,:,;.'.JL This Remedy 1 eempoved ef lb active prinei, pie of tbe Unk Weed,, Eng-Taasplass Corda tuia Origaolss, Lst iadigeeoas .to Ora(oa Grows most abundantly aad perfectly in Wash ington County. . PKOPEnTIES, ate. : It contains" aa aciiet totaliU principle extract ed by Ether, and a bitter Teate priveiple. frIEDICA I PROPERTIES AKD USES. It U the most 8UB ASD SPEEDT CURB for tlkeumatUm. Rheumatic Comt and Jlkenmatie Pains of all kind that ha ever beea in t reduced into the Materia Mediea. ' The Unk Weed Remedy as prepared by a, ia consequence of the existing bitter principle, pos sess the necessary virtue of being; a r " ' " ; POWRIFUL TONIC ; 1 1 Promoting the Jppettte and invigorating tbe whole Dig ettiwe Apparatus, thus bailding up sod strengthening tbe system, while at tbe same time tbe volatile principle, being absorbed in the blood, act specifically oa tbe Rheumatie Poison, removing it from the circulation and system. .""...' There are a few remedies known to tbe Medi cal profession, which will remove the Rbeuesatie poison fr as tbe blood, but 'whose action is so powerful ia depressing tbe system of ibe already tmfccUtd Rbeamatie patient, that their an has to be abandoned before specific c Sects are obtaina ble bence ibo want of success in treating this prevalent, and ia consequence heretofore (incur able) disease. Unlike these Medicine, already known, tbe ' Unk Weed Remedy" tben-b pre ducioe; as poiterful mad as actit effects oa the blood and system is romovios the Rbeamatie poisuj, also possesses a strong Tunie snd recapcr ating element, which admit of it coutimmtd me even in tbe most delicate and debilitated. Thea we have the eoinbioatiun for tbe firrt time ef these (we accessary rtmal. ia tb oae remedy, which aeeonat fur its superior and never faiting curative effect ia lmEUHATXSai, . BHEVSCATIC GOUT, a And BBEITBXATZC FAIRS af allSiad We are aware of the fact that it is generally an easy matter to procure eertifioUes- attesting) tbe eSieacy of patent recedies from a certain alas of those who ore them. We have selected tbe following because the name attacked la rSeas are those of men ef tbe awel eaitfnl and ecrmpn tome ekaracter, and beeaas the large class of their acquaintances ia Oregon wilt not, for a moment, accuse or siupcct them ef any cxag- -gcration in the statements they may make: Certificate from A. B. Shipley, Esq., special contributor to the Willamette, farmer, and Sec retary of the Oregon Horticultural Society : Otwseo. Oa., March 28, 1871: Da. A..M. Loarca i . - - Some four week ago I was entirely prostrated? with Kbeuiiuuism; ia fact I was almost helpless. I sent to yon for eae lO-sunee buttle f "Unk. Weed Remedy," by tbe ase of which 1 experienced, almost immediate relief ; aad by tb time tha buttle wi.a gone the Bhaauiatism waa gone. Prom my own experience, aad from what I have heard ether say who have used tbe Uak Weed, I believe it t' be a certain euro for Rheumatism- Year, recveetfully, A. R. SHIPLEY. Certificate from tbe . Hoc A. J. Dnfur, ex Presidcnt of the Oregon State Agricultural So ciety, and author of "Statistic of Oregon: ' ' : . East Portland, April 1,1871. ' Da. A. M. Lobtka A Co. : : , - I was afflicted with a severe attack of CHRON IC RHEUMATISM ; waa confined to my bed most of the time frm Janaary to July, when I used tbe Unk Weed, and it cured sue up- , t ,. A. J. DiPrS. - Certificate from Hon. Gideon Tibbctts, mem ber of the City Council of East Portland : . .' East PoaTLsan, April?, 187L , Da. A. M. Lobtea A Co.: ,,j , Gent! Tbis ie to iufutm yon that I fcsva used your -Unk Weed Remedy" for Neuralgia and Rbeamatie pains, and found relief from I ha ufe ef oay ear tattle , and can recommend it Ut those ia need of Inch a remedy. Your. - - - ... v GIDEON TIBBETTS. Certificate from Mr. James Bybee, ' the tele-, brated stoek grower and "King ef the Orrgora Turf:" y ". : 1 "; ' " ( ' . SArvia'a lsiAUB, Jannkry 14,' 18.1. ... Da. A. M. Lonrr.A A Co. : " This is to acknowledge tbe efficacy of yoar "Unk Weed Remedy, or Oregon Rbeamatio Cure." ' I was afflicted for month with a very merieae attaek of fnlamrnatvrg fikenmaiiem, and tried aearly all of tbe so-called Rbeamatie teat, edies without any perceivable relief. . I thea tried your Jtemedp, and its use reiullsd ia ths most happy effects a perfect cure. . Truly yours, . JAMES BYBEE. Certificate from Hob. E L. Quimby, ex-Conn-, ty Commissioner of Multnomah eounty, Oregon East. Portlasd, April 1, 1871. Dai A. M. Lobtba A Ca.: ' -..- - I have weed tbe "Unk Weed Remedy," and: satisfied it ia a vaJaabie medicine.: , It rsyv'tWsa and ineiiforate tbe system. ' Tbis is my expert ence with the remedy. r Iraly yours, - . ... , .; vrl n : E. l QUIMBY, ' Certificate from Hon. N. H. Lane, Pilot Co missioner of Oregon, and a member of th City Council of East Portland : : ., ... , East Pobvlasd, April 19. 181, T Da.-A-M. Lobtka A Co. : t . ! i . I bav been afflicted fnr. several years with, "wealnesa ia the back ,H and waadering Rba lUatie pftius, accompanied by secsr eoa(tpatieav By the ase bf . eae bottle of your I'nk Weed Itemed v, or- Oregon Rbeamatie-Core. I bava been entirely relieved, and cheerfully recom mend it as a most valuable and efficient remedy,' .; NAT-, il. LANE, .i Put op ia 18 Oi. lottles t $1,50 per Bottle, PREPARED AT THE . , OREGON Medical Laboratory BY Dr. A. JBU tOnYEil fc Co., .EAST POQT1A.VD, OREGON. r jJSfrFor sal by all Drugitl.-3 feb. 10, U71 v6a26yl. .' : . . ;V'I "' ; - ' - 1 V" - "j v": ; ' -T. r,i 'i- - , ; 4 on . . '. J ta-' -:-i f !; i ;i -ill. . '. i i ,'.''. i I : ' . i : : ' ''il'.t.'J f . -;1 ".- f :'-' OREGON s i A- I1