- - - r- i. -., j; E , r - -" . FRIDAY .JUNE J3, 1ST1. 8CISSORIKCS. i A lawsuit over Log in IKiacU cost Tho oldest top in tM world mouc tain tops. " j New Jersey has got the capital remov ing fcter. ; Oliio is overrun with rats. Iutroduce thjChineev ... . - . ' ' , yThe seasons not only alternate, but alter-natur. Rolling stock Capital invested in bowling alloys. Drinking men l.ke drowning men catch at straws. A good way to find a lady out call when she ieo't at home. Caution to ball goers Never wind up the evening with a reel. When is a lot of corn like & corntr lot? When it is ground. TV u i . i . . aiio uhuuu iinicu iiruuuccs lite must marriages must be laci nation. i'sw York complains of the preva lence of titivate ianiblinr hnun v 0 Bcecher is so good a hoi ticuliurist that ho oaj even raise his own salary. The mosquito as a public singer draw well but never gives aatisfactiou. Because Autumn gets mellow, the example isu't to be imitated by men. Miners are not always unhappy, al though their hopes are always iu veiu. A stitch in Time may save nioe--but he never seetus to be cutircly sewn p. Greely says -hay' before a question, such L his love of aimcul- Ljdia Mason, of Kt., crimped her hair with a too hot iron, and now goes Laid. The moon furnishes the first on rec ord of trust. She sUiues with borrowed light. "II is forehead extended to the gable end of E" ueck," meaus he was balc- haaded. w .a . a. . a 1 oor pigs, tney are aoc'oreu me wrong way round killed fust, add cured afterward. Youug women should set good exatu pies, for tit young men are always lol lowing them. When does the rain become too fa miliar with a lady? When it begins to patter on her back. Innocence is like an umbrella wfcen once we have, lost it we may never hupc to see it back aain. Mrs. Coliins, of Indiana, lately gave birth to iwe pairs of children one pair each oflpejs aod girls. Mr. Woodman, of Ohio, has eloped with Mrs. Barton. Appeal to Wood man spare that tree are in order. Mr. Swith, of Iowa, dissatisfied at his new wife s catlings np, gave her a dollar to "scoot." Cheaper than divorce. A Cincinnati theatre was enlivened the other evening by a fijjht on the stage betwecu a dug and a cat, uutduwn in the bills. A Montgomery, Ala., young man of weahh auri ianiiSy, drove a dray all one week, on a let of $900 that he daren't do it. The chap who took the thread of life to sew the rent of a house has gone and inreoted a patent point for cross eyed needles. London ladies refuse to wear their back hair low in the neck, say the f ash less. Of course, they repudiate any thing low. The Knoxville (Tenn ,) City Council has passed an ordinance to prevent ladies cf color lyiog around groggeries and getting drunk. An Arkansas planter likes the Chi nee as 'cotton pickers better than ne groes. They work for $15 a month, and live on rice and molasses. A deseription of Elliot, th Coago Congressman, from South Carolina, says that a stack of black cats would produce the effect of comparative lightness beside lin. A man iu Xew York had a black smith arrested for teariog his car nearly off in a scuffle. ' The blacksmith says the ear lore accidentally; besides, it net er was half put on. The Philadelphia Press says if our Coogresmen, after a sharp debate, do not embrace their opponents, as French Assemblymen do, they ask each other to drink, which is just as affectionate. - A wealthy Oshkosher educated a young lady for the purpose of marrying her. A young fellow has just eloped eastward with her, and the elderly lover V si lr x ! aa nat Kti ti ir S n rv tin Q U7 1 f Kv hand. - Covington, ; Ky., had a case lately where a discarded lover murdered the girl who rejected his suit, whereupon all the timid old maids met together and unanimously resolved never to reject an A Leavenworth editor, in quest of special attractions for his paperSys: "What we want for this column is per sonalities as mean as possible. Expense of law-suits to be defrayed by the wri ter funeral expenses by us." A stranger visited Ridgely, Mo., on a recent Sunday, and after getting plump full in a doggery, sallied forth and open ed fire on the passers-by, killing a Mr. Brown. They call him one of the most social men, for a stranger, they ever York paper: "Press on, young man, ilinnsi van ri nnnr. - We know fl t..VMp,U J " ' youth 'who, with only 'his two hands aad a crow bar opened a jewelry store nnd he is now living in a fine stone rcsi 'deuce in Sing Sing. - f- There is some drollery still extant imnntr iha railroad !OTirIiirtnrsT ttt least there is a fat conductor on the Philadelphia, "Wilmington and Bal timore road who seems to cultivate that quality. Quite recently an old ' gentleman got on the train at Ches ter, bound south, without ft ticket. The conductor came along with commendable -alacrity and demanded the fare: "What is the fare?" asked the gen- tleman. v. ."Where are you proing?" said the -conductor." , jL'.To h 11 !" replied the old gentle- rasn. . ... . ., ; .. Then." answered, the conductor, "give ine 4wenty-five cents, and get off at Wum tncjiQn. . . - Ayer's ipiair vigor, ' Forff cstoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual f o r preserving the hair. Jt soon restores faded or gray hair to its original color, with' the gtoss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its U30. Nothing can restore the hair' where the follicles are do stroyed, or the glands atrophied aud decayed; but such as remain can be saved, by this application, and stimu lated into activity, - so that a new growth of. hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it cloan and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from- turning gray er falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality jt gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found bo desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical C'bemiata, LOWELL, MASS. SMITH l.VVio, Fuktlaxd, Wbolnate A sent. Tftu-Ujt AVer's Cathartic Pills, For the relief and rare of all derange menu in the Mum arh, liver, aul bow el. They are a mild aperient, ami an excellent pnrgaUre. Kcing- purely vege table, they contain no mercury or mine ral whatever. Much atariou ftlekueM ami ufferinft is prevent ed br their tiinelv ne; and every family should have them on hand for their protection and relief, when required. Long experience haa proved Utem to be the Mf. est, surest, and best of all Uie Fill with which the market abounds. By their occasional una, tho blood is parifleU, the corruptions of the sy tern expelled, obstructions removed, and tho whole marbinery of life restored to its healthy activity. Internal organs which become rlogped and slufTTiidi are cleansed by Ayrr'm fill; and stimulated into action. Thus Incipient disease is changed Into health, the value of which change, when reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy it, can hardly be computed. Their sugar coaling makes them pleasant to take, anil preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliables Although searching, they are mild, and operate without disturbance to tho constitution, or diet, or occu nation. Full directions are given on the wtaiiixi to each box, how to nse them a a Family l'hysic, and for the following complaint, which these fill rapidly cure: x or aysnpiis or aaaure-afira. I.lstl Ms-Mor and asso mf A .wetlf v. Uier hwuw ue uisen moueraiciy to stimulate lite siou ach, and restore Its healthy tone and action. For llf.r Camplisimc and its various svmtw torn, Illllotsa llradtschr, kick Head. achM, Jasusdlco orttrera Slcksrss, Mil. lama Coltc and Illllaa KVwrs, Uiey ahould be judieiouidy taken for etvb case, to correct Uie diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For Dysratvry or IXtarrhora, but one mQd doe is generally reiiiiired. For Mfcrasnasriaa. Ciant, O ravel. Psb Iritatira af a Ms-arc, laa la ! aide, Hack and Iataa, thev should be eontuv noutly taken, as reuireil, to change Uie diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. ' For Iiropsy and Droptilral Awslara, they should be taken in large and frequent doses ' to produce the effect of a drastic purge. lor NanprrMlss, a large doe should be taken, as it produces the desired effect by sym pathy. As a Dlasn- Flit, take one or two nils to promote digestion and relieve Uie stomach. . .An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably weU, often finds that a dose of these fills makes lura feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. FRKPABED BT Zr. J. C. AYER CO., Practical Chtmtsti, XOWELL, MASS., V. 8. A. TOR SALE BT ALL DRUGGISTS EVEKTWHEBE. SMITH t DAVIS, Pubtlasd, Wb lea!e Agent. V0n43yt GOOD NEWS TO ALL! USTE-W GOODS ! DIRECT FROM SATS FRAXCISCO BT EVERT STBAMER, FOR - rV cheadLe Su CO. - Persons wishing goods at a bargain are invited to come along with their CASU or PRODUCE. and make a good investment, at the Cash Store uf K. Cbeadie Co. We give the following price list of a few articles sold by iu, to-wit : TEA Japan, 1 lb and t lb papers, 87 cents. Japan, in large Chest, Extra, B lb., $1.00 COFFEE lb, 2223 cents. SJJGAit Crashed, extra refined. S lbs for $1.00. " Krown KeSowl, 7 to 10 Oit tut $1.00. SALERATUS f lb, 12J eents. SODA B, 12i ecnts. CREAM OF TARTAR lh, 50 cents. KitJS Best, '& Bi. 12 eents. STARCH Best, 'jS lb, 1C eenU. SARDINES quarter boxes, 2a eents. OYSTERS Baltiinnre Fresh Cove, can. 37Jc. TOMATOES California mnn., V can, 26 cents. BLACKBERRIES can, 60 eents. CANDLE 8 tb. 22&i25cc-nts. COAL OIL berore's, p gallon, 75 cents. LINSEED OIL Raw. 't3 (?al on, $1.25. " " Koiled, la gallon, f 1 .29. BROOMS Best, No. 1, 61' 4 t-ts; No. 2, 50 ets. Aod all other Coodi Sold Cheap. W keep constantly oo band a good assortment of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, FOR SALE CHEAP. CASH PAID FOR EGGS! And we will take all that mny be offered, at the CASU STORE OF K. CHEADLE & CO. niar24ui3. MARBLEWORKS. & STAIGEIt, DEALERS I MONUMENTS, OBELISKS, TOMBS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, ' EXECCTED JS- Cfllifornla, Vermont and Italian Marble ! SALEM, OREGON. r ALSO. BRANCH SHOP AT ALBANTT. , v6n38yl W OOL1 Carding & Spinning THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO IN form the public that ha baa permanently located iu Eugene City, with his new set of Carding and Spinning machinery, wnere ne is prepared to manufacture any kind of woolen yarn, from the coarsest blanket to tbe finest flannel, at tbe loUowing rate, to-wit: twenty fire cents 125 cts.1 per pound. Thoee wanting A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF XAaa would do well to g.ve me a can. . . C. GOODCliILD, .. . Proprietor Eugene City-Yarn Mills. ' v6n40tf.' .5? ADVEKT1SEMKN TS, THE SINGER Manufacturing Company, . AT THE WORLD'S FAIR, . Constituted by tbe homes of the people Reaolvam tha Groat Award of tb ' HIGHEST" SALES I And have loft all rivals far behind them, fortbey SOLD I IV One Hundred and Twenty-Seven Thousand, Eight Hundred and Thirty-Three Machines! being more thai fort thoutaxj in adrsnotr of their tales of the previous year, aad over irv- ftir tkimtamd Mors (Aon (As sas of uoy olhmr Vumpaxtf ror lniu, as shown by the - tallowing figures irou swuhn returns uf His sales of Li censees i Tbb SINUKR MANUFACTDRISa COMPANY sold over ths Florenao Sew ing Jlaihine LV, . . . 110,173 Machines. Sold over the V ileox A 0 ibbs 8ewing Marhine Co., . 08,043 do. Sold over tbe Wued Sewing Maeblue Co..' .... 92,831 do. Sold over tbe 1 rover A 11a- ker Sewing Machine Co., 70,4.11 do. Sold over tbe Hows Maublua Co., . 2.677 do. Sold over tbe Wheeler Wilson Manufaot'ing Co., 44,623 de. all ef which is tnaiuly owing to tho popularity ofwbst is known as the "New Family Sowing- Machine," whk-h Is now rust Sliding i way into every well regulated household. For Circulars giving lull particulars of Machines, their Folding Cases of many varieties of wood and finish, their Attachments fur numerous kinds or work, which, till rooentty, it was though! that delicate fingers aloue emild peiferui, as wrll as particulars about all articles used by their Machines, such as Twist, Linen Thread. piol Cotton, Oil, As., ie., apply to any of their Au thorised Agents, or to THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 4 6S llroadwax), uVcw Yurk. Mtfr-Sn Francisco Ollice, UV Montgomery Street. ucZsvunll COABLE3 A. DAXA. Editor. Zht goto WttMg im. A Kewananer at tb Preeeat Ttsssa . IaleadiKl for FmsIo New Earth. Iaelading Fsraiers, Merhantes. Mercnant, Pro fessional Men. Workers, Tatakers. and all Maa ser of Boasst Folks, and the Wives, Boas, aad Saoghtars of all sons. KIT ONE DOLLAK A TEAH t ONE niTNDaCD COFIES FOtt ESO. Or less taaa One Cant a Copy. Let taera be a S30 Cloa at svsry rest Offlos. SKJII-WEEKLT BC, f 3 A TEAB, or ts same else ana general easrseter as TBK Wiuir, bat with a arssms vartsry ef auaeeliaaeons readme, aad famMuag the aewa tottssaoserlbeiswtu sisstiii rissliiiiM. tisosasa It oomss twice a weak Iastaa4 ot oace only. TITS DAILY BCN, SO A YEAS. . A prefmmenttr readable newspaper, wita tn bressi eireoiaUon la tae worut. rrse. toils. neadent. aed fearless In poiiues. Ai tae asws from evrrvwhere. Two eania a eopy t by AO caou s luooiu. or SO s 7ssr. TERMS TO CLUBS. ' THE DOLLAR WEEKLY mVJt. Five copies, one year, separately address . a, Fear ilsllsfs. Tsa eoptet, ewe reer. seMrsteiy addressed (aod aa exixaeopr totaegeuer a ofeioo). Elaht DelUrs. Twenty eoptes. owe yeer. pinWr editrsssaa (sa aa extra Copy to u suar ap ef eiob). FiAmb Dnllnrsw Fifty eorl-s. one year, to eee aadrass aad ina sMrai-weakJy one year A teeter ap efetab). Thirty-threw Dollars. Fifty ropies. me year, separately eedressaa (aad ue bsml-Weekly eaejsvtoeeuar aporetnri). Thlny-ave Dwllsvra. Cne fesndred eofdes. eoe year, to one sil li snd Uis Itsily tor one year to tbe (soar ap of eiao. FUly Dollars. One bo-ulred eopu-s. ene Tar. sparawly ao 4rewNl i sad tneXiauy lor eoe year to in tmUmt petelab). blxty Deliaxa. THE HKX I.WIEK LY BC!f. Frre copies, one year, separately s44resed, Light Dollars. Tea Cortes, one yesy. ssnarately snrisul (aaa aa exit a copy to Itusr upofrlnb). blzteea Dellnrs. BESD YODB. MOXEY taPost rmr rders.eheeks. or dralta enKev yera. wherever eonveeiOTL IX not. taea rscUtsr . tae letters cosuieiac aooy. Address L W. EltGLaKD, Psbttober. aaa oflas Mew York dty. NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! J. M. BEACH, Is now opening a select stock of General Mer chandise, eoniistinj of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS! BOOTS AND SHOES! GROC-EUIEM t 1IABDWABE X I CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE i PAINTS AND OILS! ic Ac, Ac, Ac, Wbicb be is offering to the public at prices cor responding with tbe tunes. All kinds of MERCHANTABLE PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS 1 Come One ! Come All I And examine floods and .Prices, at tbe old stand formerly occupied by D. Beach A Son, opposite Foster's Brick, South Side of First street. ALBANY, - OBEQOX, ap8v6n34yl FOR THE HARVEST OF 1871. PITT'S THRESHERS! HAINES. HEADERS! LATEST IMl'R'VED MOWERS! And All Kinds of Agricultural Implements! CONSTANTLY ON HAND 1 Also the CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON BLAIN, YOUNO A CO., v6n37tf. Albany, Oregon. STAR BREWERY! TALLY & HOUCK, H AVE ESTABLISHED AN EXTENSIVE Brewery business in ALBANY AND CORVALLIS, Mr. Houck keeping tbe old stand of Tally 'in Albany and Mr. Tally superintending tbe Es tablishment at Corvaliis. Beer furnished to SALOONS AND PRIVATE FAMILIES te order, and WAEBABTED to be tee vest BEST ! TALLY. HOUCK. April 14, 1871 von35tf. HIGHEST CASH. PRICE, PAID FOB ' WOOL, v BACON AND LARD!! n37ui3 - BLAIN,' YOCXQ' A CO, ;r.AD V E R T 1 5 K M K N TS 11HI8 SALVK FUBobftSKS VIIITL'ES TRU . LY WONDERFUL, botug a compound oi the best CURATIVE AND HEALING AGENTS! kveu uimcuvi:ui:i i It noeds but to be tried to prove its superiority , , over all other agents lor tbe cure of CUTS, SCALDS, BURNS, SCALDHEAD, Cutaneous Eruptions of all Kinds ! Try II once, ind you will evernft'ir Use It. Principal Manufactory at Corviillis, lluutua coun ty. OmKon, where it Is sold at Wholesale and Hetail. The Trsde supplied on Hvasonable Terms. For sale by Druggists throughout Oregon. Retail Fries, SO Cants par Hex. Address all communications to W. W. OOZ.ESD7, C-rvallis, liuntuu Co., Orrgou. REFEReTnCES: We the undersigned, eltltens of Corvaliis and vlelnity, having known Dr. W. W. Ox by for a number of years, and believing him to lie an hon orable and worthy etlixen, would recommend to the publie the Doctor's Vrtgun llnlm of UiUnd .Wre, as possessing IranaccnUant healing- tjuali ties t IMt. T. J. RIGHT. JOIIX BURNETT, 1. AVE1IY. thus. CAirriioit.v, Y. S. MATTHEWS, M. II. 1IKI.I.. K. 1IOU1ATE, II. FIN LEY, 3. 8. KKNOAM., W. II. JOHNSON, o. ii. now a ltn, T. II. I'OWKICS, It. McVEATCH. It. 8. 8TKAIIAN, W. J. KOIIKHTSOX. E. A LLK.S", Druggist. SAM'!, L. 8IMP80N, JOMvl'll KMKKY. A. CAUTHOHX, N. Y. BHUilSX, A. N. I.OCKK. J. II. t'I'TON, J. CKI.48. I.. L. IIORN'IXO, J. 8. PALMKR. JAMK8 D. FOt'XTATJf, UKO. W. JOIINKON. E. WOODWARD, Drg'st s-p2v6n3y I SO 0 i H It O o W fa o CO a n w o -s US -3 r. o o o - 2 M fl 2 3 2 m o : S X. e C3 o T! O & O O e e a m B sv B 9 a o o v. o rs 5 $ K f 0 H 5 o o M S O Sw S o r7 - 3 B P. i B m 9 FROMANJUJILDING! WHEAT AND FLAX-SEED DEPOT ! Cleaning and ElfTitin? Capacity- 10,000 Eaxhcli per Day ! 150.000 Bnshels Wheat Wanted is Store! 50,000 Narks fr those who wish to sell or store with as. Ffsi-Seed Coatraetnrs of I'it.nrer Oil Co. will call oa US for sarks. TiaSIyl. E. CARTWRIOIIT. Ulililt! BEUll!! ALBANY BREWERY. CHAM. KIi:FKIt, Iror. rpiu IU? SCBSCniBER UAS JUST ERECTED sew aad first-ela BRE "W E JEl-Zr On Broad Alb in batween rirst Straat and taa Siver, And Is prepared to furobh WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS A SO PRIVATE FAMILIES, ON SHORT NOTICE I 111 Orders Delivered Wherever Desired He Warrants his BEER MADE OF THE BEST MATERIALS, T AID PERFECTLY IIEAIniV! lie Is confident be eaa g-iva entire satisfaction to . , all. Dee. 20, '08, v2n20tf LOOK! LOOK!! NEW STORE! NEW STORE ! at M. PEARSON'S OLD STAND, Corner First and Broadalhin Streets. Having purchased tbe stock of M. Pearsoa, and added thereto a well selected assortment of GROCERIES AND NOTIONS! we bope by attention to business and by fair deal ing to merit tbe patronage of our friends and the public in general. Oar goods were bought for CASH and will be SOLO AT THE LOWEST PRICES I GIVE US A TRIAL! COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. O. W. TOUNO, Cor. First and Broadalbin St.. jan20'71n23yl Albany, Og'a. $20,00 A DAY . TO MALE AND FEMALE AGENTS! To Introduce the celebrated $35 Buckeye Shuttle Sewing Machine. Stitch alike on both sides , and is the only licensed Shuttle Machine in tbe United States for less than $40. That uses tbe celebrated "WILSON FEED," and are acknowledged all to be tbe BEST FAMILY MACHINE for heavy and light sewing, in the market, Outftt free. ;x Address MINER 8t PEARSON, , n23tf General Acents, Albany, Oregon. i DEALERS IN' GE N E 11 A Ii ME 11 Oil A N D1SE ! ' STORE IN FOSTER'S. BRICK. FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY 0. MANSFIELD & CO., KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FINE ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS. BOOTS & SHOES, QUE ENSWAR.E, GLASSWARE, &c IN FACT EVEKVTUINa tiioattr kkpt tn A KETAIL ESTABLISHMENT, WHICH THEY OfTer Very Low, Either for Cash "or Produce. vSntoyl ' I. C. HARPER CO. READ, ACT WISELY, Ann SAVE MONEY! Tfc. O, Hill Ac Hon, rilHB OI.TKST DIICO HOUSE IN LINN 1. COUNTY, afler thanking their numerous friends and nnlrnns for past ftvnrs. desire to morit a oonlinnsn-e of jiatronage by kevning ciiuUnlly on band a full supply of Drug, Patent Medicine., Pcrfaracry, Oilx, Faintx, Dye-Stuffx, Druxhm, Tfuxwi, ete. Agents fur Dr. I). Jsynrs A Pons' line of ined. loinus, tbe eelcbrakd Unk Wcad Remedy or Olefin Itbuuinatio Cure. Ac, As. Constantly n band, a good supply of I'ositlve and Negative I'uerUers. THtr-l'lirsiclaus' Proscriptions carefully Com pounded. We are also stents for the HOME HIM'TTI.E 8KM1.NU MAt'HINK one ef the best J-'smily Machines iu use. Call and see ns and sstlary yourselves. K. C. HILL A HQS. rflnltf ill r E. Van Vactor, fcaataa i MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS ! LEBANON, OREGON. UASJl'ST IlECEIVED AN E LEO A NT invuire of (Jonds, to which she invili-s tbe atio.itinn of the Ladies of Lebanon and vicinity. Produce will be taken in eclisni;o lor goo.is. E. VAN VACTOR. May 12, 171 Jm. CITY DRUG STORE. a ca norn rns. I a. SALTB-Aasa. A.CAR0THERS&C0., DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES. FOSTER'S BLOCK. FIRST ST.. ALBANY. OREGON. PCALRBS IX DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, OILS, GLASS, TOILET GOODS, Frearb and Amerlraa Colognes, Handkerchief Extracts, CONFECTIONERY. Pure Wioei and Liqnort for Scdicinal r. FINE T0BACC0SANO CIGARS. Family Eecipei and Physician's- Trescip tioss Compounded. Pec30 70 n?0. A. CAItOTIlERS CO. CHAIRS AND TURNING! ALL SIZES OF RAW-HIDE BOTTOMED CHAIRS! of tbe best quality, well-finiibed, can lie bail at METZLER'S SHOP! Also, all kinds of TfltXIXO done to or.ler. Timber for Hubs on band and Szed for turolo( paling. rMetler's Cbalrs are kept on band by E B. Mooaa A Co., Ilarrisbnrs;. fo2iiu2Syl. J. M. METZLER. PROGRESS ! i raa PIIOTOGItATIUC ART! Is lb order of tbe day, and Uie "REMBRANT" Pbotograpb Is superior to anything yet out. CrCAZX AND SES.-9X J. A. WINTER, Jan. 13, 187I-n22tf Albany, Oregon. a. r. RiissKi.t,, Att'y at Law. e. r. rKKKr, Notary Public EUSSELL, FEEEY & W00DWAED, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, COLLECTINGGENTS. a-8pecial attention given to tbe sale of Real Estate. Heat Estate Litigation and the Collection of Claims. Offioe, N. W. Corner First and Washington Streets. Portland, Oregon. Feb. 22, 1870. v5n28tf. FARM FOR SALE. mniS FARM WELL KNOWN AS WARD'S J BUTTE, situated eleven miles south of Al bany, in Lina county. Is offered for snle on the best of terms. It bss six springs of good water and plenty of stock water in too creek wbieb traverses one side of it. The firewood opon tbe farm is almost inexhaustible, andlts advantages as a stock farm are superior to any other in Ore gon. For particulars address the undersigned, at Dalles City, Wasco oaunty, Oregon. DollnlStf. T. M. WARD, MRS. S. A. JOHNS, MILLINER & DRESSMAKER FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Bridal and Mourning Bonnets and Ilats MADE TO ORDER. DRESS-MAKING DONE IN THE LATEST STYLES ! 'Also the only Albany agent for the "Singer Sewing1 Machine." Ttie ladies are requested to call and examine the "Singer," which is the only complete machine in use. Eatisfnetion guaranteed or money refunded. ap8 71tr J. D. TITUS, -DBAtaa is Watcnes, Clocks. JEWELRY, ETC. ALBANY, OREGON. REPAIRING CF - OLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. . . S ALL -WORK! WARRANTED. ap31vu33tf ' it STILL JLATEIl! .Ui:AT KUDLCTIOX!!!! AT Til SAN FRANCISCO STORE! COR. FIRST AND FERRY STS,. ALBANY. Keeps constantly on bstd a full assortment of STOVES, PUMPS AND TINWARE! I also have for sale tbe celebrated BOCK Cook Stove, and other b sdine styles Also msnufuetiire all kludsof Xin, Copper and BeeT-area ware, to good style, at low rstes, FOR CMNII OR I'KODUt K! Always oo band a full supply of The I'ureat WJnett and Liquor! For Medicinal Purposes only. A well selected stack of GE00EEIES AND 0E00KEET will always be found at oy establishmeot. I will sell all goods in tny boose, for Cssb or Produce on delivery, cheaper than tbe enespest aATAil kinds of Tinware repaired on short oo tire, and satisfaction gusraatmid. jaflvOuZlyl JL'LIL't oRADWOHL. RAILROAD INTELLIGENCE! BLAIN & YOUNG, ALBANY, .... OREGON, Would call the attention of Buyers to tbeir WELL SELECTED STOCK or MERQUAmimmi COXSISTISO OP FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS 1 HARDWARE, GROCERIES! SOOTS Si SHOES (Our Specialty.) I As Or LATEST ST YisKS A SO GOOD QUALITY! SOLD AT MODERATE PRICES AfiEXTS FOR THE CELEBRATED FLO .U:CKKa-VI.C. HAC'IIISE I TJte list t Use. BLAIN & TOUNO. Dee. 31. 160 vinZOif. CHAS. MEALEY, DEALEB IS FURNITURE ANO CABINET WARE I (Comer of First and Broadalbin streets, at old stand of C. ilea ey A Co.) ALBANY, OREGON. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL assortment of everything in bis line that uatie requires or aa enterprising publie demands. FURNITURE! Of All Kinds and Descriptions! II EDS AXD DEDDIXG, &C. Particular attention will be paid to orders for UNDERTAKING! Aad alt other orders in my line will be promptly aticauoa to. Saii'faetion Guaranteed and Work Warranted t CHAS. MEALEY. Albany, July 6, 1869 r4n47tf. ALBANY . FOUNDRY ! AND nc-A-misrE shop ALBANY. OREGON. A.F.CHERRY, PROPRIETOR. 7 MANUFACTURER OF STEAM ENGINES, GRIST AND SAWr-MILLS, REAPERS AND THKESITERS, WOODWORKING MACHINERY. PUMPS, Ac., 4c, Ac, Ac. Ac Machinery of all kinds REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE! F1TTEBN MAKIJTO Dona in All Its Various Forms ! ! "' "ssssaesa IBON AND BEASS CASTINGS Or All Kinds, Hade to Order 1 Dec.5'68v4nl6yl. A.F.CHERRY. THE OLD STOVE DEPOT! J O II IV BRI GO S DEALER I.f COOK, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES I Of tha Beat Patterns, TIN. SHEET-IRON AND COPPER-WARE t And the usual assortment of furnishing goods found in a Tin Store. Eeoairg "Neatly,- and Promptly Executed! . On Reasonable Terms. " Short Reckonings Make Long Friends!" , PRONT-ST., ALBANY, , r Next Door to P. C. Ilarper A Co's Store. Scc.5v4ul6tf JOHN URIGSS. " r. h. Mcdonald & CO., vt nwiiBsaiiB San Francisco Cal.j Call the attention ofDeaters to their Isrre sssuitnitnt of - Kewljr Arrived " Goods, composed in part of the following srtlclss. together with every thln kept In a well supplied WUObaALK IV U 8TOKK. vSB1f TlHTtas. TtT.OTW's Paar saATtowa, Patsst Mr.f taint, Tsussas at KcppoaTaas, Kkskkti At, Oils, 1'hui.wists nuiuuu, HifAKaa Hanas, PssstrM asf km. Paistsaxd oils. yhlch weofTwr at the lowest Cash Frlces, aad era determined not to be undersold. MoDOSALD CO., 8a ir TaAKeisoo, Ca&. FOR SALE. OH It DRUtt llVHtXI'.HH located In Son t'rvneiseo. Cat. A ftr our best wishes, and express ing our thsnks for lbs liberal patronage we have received for more than twen'y one years, during which period we have been steadily engaged in the Drug business in California, we beg to say in con sequence of the rapid growth of Dr. Walker's Cat ifornia Vinegar Hitters, now spread over tbe Uni ted States aod countries tnr beyond, we are neces sitated to devote onr entire time to said business. We are the Oldest Drag firm on the Pacific coast and tbe only one continuous under tbe same pro prietors since 1810, and have determined to eel our large, prosperous, and well establisbed busi ness on favorable terms. This is a rare opportunity fr men with tbe means of catering into a profitable business with advantages never bcfirre offered. For particulars enquire of r, ii. Mcdonald co R. H. McDosam, ) Wholesale Druggists, J. O. Krmccs. ) 8a Franciseo. Cat. N. B. Until asalo is made we shall continue our Importations nd keep a large stork of fresh goods constantly oa band, and sell at prices to defy eora pctllioa. , A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Tr. WAXKEE'3 CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTEES a & Hundred j cf Thonsaods Dear tstlraonr to th'-lr Wonder. sr ful Curative Effects. S 2 & a VifKAT ARE THEY? gf Off TTIFrr AHE KOT A VILE 5 3 "SI FANCY DRINK III Ma-leof rear Rass, V. ht-Lcr, Prf Kptrtle sa4ufsn l.lqavra doctoral. sjlee4 and swtct tntdto please Vj taste, called" Tonics, ""Appelix ers." " Hesiorers." AC, tUat leail Uie t ppler oa to Crenkeaacss ao4 rata, bat are a true slc&cine.mado from the Satire Hoots sod Hcrt of Csllforn, free frant nil AU-ofcvlle Ktlmaloma. TUejuc the J UP. AT Itl.OOD If KIFICit aad A LIFE filVINd I'UINCIPI.E a ptrrct laevator asd Jorljortlor of Hio byAcra. esrryinf off aSl poisonous msttsr aad rcstorlns te blood to a nlUi eosditkm. Ko person tin ta'f I iicee Enters acconUng to !!ree Hon and nr.M'.a long nawilL 1 OO il be e'.rcn tor aa Incurable ease. provldeJ tbe to ocs are not destroyed fcr mineral pois in cr ether means, aad Uie TUat orsau srasted beyond tbe jkjIdI of repair. Far loOammntorr and Ckronl Rbeamsv lr nod Jom. fyep?psat or f odisrcwlioa, Iiilioas, Itrmlnrtit ni d iuinrmltieal Fefcrs. Jllmum eft fee Hlood, l.iver. Kidney, and niadtler. tUcse itinera l ave been most socerss fa!. roli UiM-ancs are euued by Vlilnicd IIloo. trU.eb lt'iocrilly produced by deraojeeoieat ef tiie HI'rMlrcUriranv iirrrcPiiA i.NDiCESTfax. ne- achr. r-ala ia lbs fitioalJerf , Coash, TiEuttiess of tha Chest. D.ixlocti. oar EnetsUoos of tlie Etosjach, Ea3 Urti ii t'JS Koclh. Ii.Iious Attaets. raipitatloa or fie Heart. laSsmrc&Uoa of the Laacs.Paia la the rrstocs cf tha illdorys andahnadrtd ot'jcr paiaiol symrtmns, are the oSsprincs of Dyspepsia. TU- y InYigorels tbe Stosacb aaa st.mulsta the tor pid tlrer aad bowels, wUk& render them of aaeqnallcd edeaeyla c'.csas;ex the blocd of ail Imparities, and ltn parti rz ne Ufe aad :iror to tho Wm'.s system. FOB KIN DIEACS.Eropons,Tc:tcr. Ealt rtbenm. Blotches, Spots, fbnples, Postales, Bolls, Czi bonelcs. fUsf -Worms. Ecald-IIcad, Pore Eyes. Erytip. clas.ltch. Scurfs, Dlscolorttloas of tho Etta. Bomors aad Diseases of tooSkln.of whatever naste orsaturs. are Uterslly dn; np sol carrtad out of the system tn a short time by tho uss of these Bitters. One bottle la such esses will cocTlnes ths most lacrtdolous of their earatlre effect. Cleanse the TlUatsd Biuuu wbeeerer yon tad ! impurities burstlns: tbrougb the sUa in Pimples. Erup tions or Sores clcsnse It vara you find It obstracte-l and slogcisb la the reins; cleanse it when It is foul, aad your feeline will t?ll you when. Eeep the blood pore and the health ef t ie system wi!) follow. riX. TAPE and oioer WO RMS, lartmclnthe system of so many thousands, are effaetnally destror ed aad removed. For fall directions, tad eirrfol'.y the circular aroond each bottle, printed iafonrka. sroases English, German, F reach and Spaslsh. 3. WAi-EEIt, Proprietor. B. H. XcSOSAXD CO, Drucsists and Geo. Amenta. Eaa Franciseo. CaU sad S3 and Si Commt.ts Street, Xew Vort. trSOZJl BT ALL DttCTGGlSTS ASD DEALERS. jsnl3'71u22jl W. H. KUHN & CO., DEALERS JT IIAIlIAVAIiE inoJsr3srx steel, Springs, Axles, Thimble Satins, etc. Also, a well selected stock of "Wagon Timber! Spokes, Hub, Bent Rims, Sluijts, Poles, Hickory Axles, dv. FARMERS' and MECHANICS' TOOLS CONSISTING OF ANVILS. VICES. BELLOWS. HAMMERS. HATCHETS. Sledges, Saws, Planes, CROSS-CUT AXD MILL SAWS I Together with a large'Assortment of W00D.ANDeWILLOW WAKE. E0 Store in Montuith's Fro-Proof brick, next door to islam xoung s. W. H. KUI1N A CO. Albany, Jan. 13, 1871 n22yl. REAL ESTATE. STIT2EL & UPTON, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, AND . GENERAL AGENTS. BRANCH OFFICE-AIbany, Oregon 3. C. MENDENHAXA, Afent. An office where general information concerning the resources of Oregon ean be ootaiMed free of charge Loans pegotiable on first mortgage, real estate and collateral security. Have for sale a large aranunt of property loca ted in the towns of Albany, Brownsville and Cor valiis. Also, flO.000 acres of farminp lands of every description in Linn, Benton and Folk counties. Persons desiring to sell their property incur no expense in placing it in our hands for sale unless a sale is made. Call at our office in Parrish's brick, where we have a team in readiness to con vey parties to view our lends. J. C. MENDENHALL, Agent. v5n32jl. Albany, Oregon. CORVALLIS COLLEGE! , FOR ; MALES AND FEMALES. CORVALLIS, OREGON.. YEAR DIVIDED INTO TtTREE SESSIONS. Tuition (per Session of 31 months,) frura fti to $15, according to studies. MALE BOARDING HOUSE, by Prof. J. Em ery. Board, including room, fuel and lights, $o0 per session (14 weeks).- Washing, $j per session. Tkrus : One-half in advanoe and the other half at the close of . the session. sel0v0u5tf W. A. TIXLEV, A. M., President. " X ill rs lf2 m kmm A til 3 2 T-Km ll as wzrfyMff ill . f 2 a- ADV EKT1 CEMENTS THE XJIVIi: WEED OB OREGON 0 HISTORY. This Remedy is eoiaporea ef the attire prinrL. pie of tbe Unk Weed, EngThsspium Cerda tum Origaoiss, LsL iodigeoons to Oregon Grows most abundantly and prrfeetly in Wash ington County. PROPERTIES, fcc. It contains an active volatile principle extract ed by Ether, and a Litter Tmie prieeiple. MEDIC A I PROPERTIES AND USES. It is the most SI RE AND SPEEDY CCRE for Jlkemmatiem. Hhettmatie Oemt aad JHemmatle Puis of all kinds that has ever been introduced! into the Materia 31 edit a. Tbe Unk Weed Bemcdy as prepared by as, in consequence of tbe existing bitter principle, pos sesses the necessaiy rirtue of being a . POWERFUL TONIC, Promoting the Appetite sod invigorating tba whole Digestive Apparataa, thus building up and strengthening tbe system, while at the same time tbe volatile principle, being absorbed in tbe Moud, acts s.-ecifi:a!ly on tbe Kheanatie Poison, removing it from tbe circulation and system. There are a few remedies known to tbe Medi cal profession, wbicb will remove the Rheumatic poison fr in the blood, but whose action is se powerful in drestng the system of tba already enfeebled Ebeumatie patient, that tbeir nse has te be abandoned before specific effects are obtaina ble benee tbe want of saeeess in treating this prevalent, and in con sequence heretofore (incur able) disease. Unlike tbese Medieines, already known, tbe " Unk Weed Remedy " though pro ducing as poicerfnl and as active effects on tbe blood and system ic romovins tbe Ebeumatie poisu J, also possesses a strong Tvmic and recuper ating element, wbicb admits of its comtimntd nee even in tbe most Jrlieatc and delilitatcei. Thus we bare tbe combination for the firmt time ef tbese fro necemmerrg rlcmcnle in tbe erne remedy. which accounts f-r iu superior and never failing curative effects in KHEUKATISni, RHEUMATIC GOUT, And BBEUSSATIC FA1 NS f aUKind a We are aware ef tbe fact that it is generally an easy matter to procure certificates attestiug tbo efficacy uf patent "ren.edies from a certain elass of those who nse tbem. We have selected tbe following because tbe noises attached to them are those of men ef tbe most careful mndscrupm lous character, and breanse tbe large class ef their acquaintances in Oregon will But. fur a moment, a-rcase or suspect tbem of any exag geration in the statements they may make: -. Certificate from A. S. Shipley, Esq., special contributor to the l!'i7as.ft Farmer, and Sec retary of tbe Oregon Horticultural Society : Osa aco. Oa., March 25, 171: Da. A. M. Lobtba : Some fuar weeks ago I was entirely prostrated with Rheumatism; in fact 1 was almost helpless. I sent to you fur one 10 -ounce bottle ef "t'nk Weed Remedy ," by the use of which I experienced, almost immediate relief ; and by tbe time the bottle wls gone the Rheumatism was gone. From my own experience, and from wba4 I have heard others say who have used tbe I'nk Weed, I believe it t- be a certain care for Rbrnma lism. Yours, respectfully, A. R. S lilPLEV. Certificate from tbe Hoc A. J. Dufur, ex Presidcnt of the Oregon Slate Agricultural So ciety, and author of "Statistics of Oregon:" East Portlasd, April 1, 1871. Da. A. M. LonrcA A Co. : I wns afflicted with a severe attack ef CHRON IC RHEUM AT1SM ; was confined to my bed most ef the time fn m January to July, when I used the I'nk Weed, and it cured me np. -A. J. DVFCR. Certificate from Hon. tiideon TTbbetts, mem ber of the City Council of East Portland : East Portlasd, April 7, 1871 Db. A. M. Labvka Co.: Genre: This is to inform you that I have need your -Unk Weed Remedy" for Neuralgia and Rheumatic pains, and found relief frwm tbe n.e ef only our bottle, and ean recommend it to those in need ef such a remedy. Yours. UIDEOX TIBBETTS. Certificate from Ur. James By bee, tha cele brated stock grower and "King ef tha Oregon Turf:" Eirni't Ist-Axn, January 14, 1S71. Dr. A. M. Lobtba A Co. : This is to acknowledge the efficacy of your "Unk Weed Remedy, or Oregon Rhcumatio Cure." I was affiicted for months with a very eeriuue attack of InJIamtmatiity Jtheumatitm, and tried nearly all of the so-called Rhenmatie rem edies without any perceivable relief. - I then tried your Itemed, and its use resulted in the most happy effects a perfect cure. Truly yours, JAMES BY BEE. Certificate from Hon. E. L. jQuimb v, ex-County Commissioner of Multnomah eonnty, Oregon : East Fobtlasd, April 1, 1S71. Da. A. M. Lortca A Co.: I have used the "I nk WeeTT-Remedy," and satisfied it is a valuable medicine. It regulates and iNrtyorafee tbe system.' This is my experi ence with the remedy. Truly yours, E. Im QCIMBY. Certificate from Hon. N. H. Lane, Pilot Com missioner of Oregon, and a member of tbe City Council of East Portland : East Portiahd, April 19, 1871. Da. A. M. LoRTr.A A Co. : I have been afflicted for several years with "weakness in tbe back," and wandering Rheu matic pains, aeoompanied hjgfcere eauetipation. By the use ef one bottle of your I'nk Weed Remedy, or Oregon Rheumatic Cure. I have been entirely relieved, and cheerfully recom mend it as a most valuable and efficient remoij. NAT. H. LANE. rot ip in 10 Oz. Bottles at $1,50 per Bottle. ' PREPARED AT THE OREGOIT- - Medical laboratory Dr. A. HI. LORYEA & Co., EAST PORTLAND, OREGON. 0s&For sale by all Drnggists.tE Feb. 18, 171 -vCo26yI.