The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 23, 1871, Image 2

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    folic Democrat.
TVbea men reject principles and
ollow tbein6elvea to" be governed ly
ohr teME motives, their f.nn.i,.,.f
uafc. inevitably exhibit glaring in-
L88tencica and flat contradictious.
'-.Tuia is tbe fact with lefereme to th
. Ea Jical Readers. Their ol.ject is t
retain political power at all hazard,
and they do not scruple at the means
to" 1)6 used, or as to the pretexts put
1. ; . : r i i . . ,
. iuiiu iu juntiiv kucu use. Atia mcir
course ii as crooked as that of a
drunkeu man, and their positions,
at different times, are as inconsistent
as possible. For example, at out
time they insist that the South nr.
conquered provinces, and the South
cm ; tople are to be trea'ed a con
ttsaqjodAti etqj ood jpload paj,ul
the Southern people were not traitors,
but alien enemies;, nhd could not l
tried and hung for treason, becausi
they were not guilty of treason; yet
in the very next breath. pt-ihnpR, tin
Hadicul leaders insist that these peo
ple are guilty of treason and shall It
hung for .'it. Jr These pos'lions an
utterly inconsistent wiih each other.
Men traitors and alien en
cmies, at 'the same time and to tin
same government. But . the Radical
take these opposite aud coutradirton
position.-; aud make the Southern,
people f traitors for tho purpose ui
hanging them, aud alieu enemies foi
the purpose of depriving them o
their political rights under the con
In a similar manner tlirse K.ulScaU
treat tLe States lately in rebellion.
They hold them to be in the Unioi.
for the purpose of ratifying const it u
tutionul auieudtueuts one of tht
highest and most solemn rcIs ui
State sovereignity; and at the Mini,
time they , insist that they are virtu
ally military provinces. Of four.-,
there is neither principle, justice no.
statesmanship in sueu a course; bui
n majority of the Northern people
have, bociehow, been induced to give
their assent and support to these con
tradictory doctrines.
TLe first occasion on which we
hear of an organized system of credit
is when Joseph tuorfgnged the cuttle,
lands, and even the persons of all
the Egyp.ian people, in order to pay
for the com he supplied them from
the state granaries. The end of the
seven years famine found the Egyp
tians not only paupers, but bouds-
men, sowing Pharaoh's corn on Pha
raoh's land, and compelled to pay
-for tbe privilege of doing it twenty
per cent "of the crop to Pharaoh s
treasury forever, without equity of
redemption. The Egyptians had had
n3 prrvious experience of Jews,
excepting Abraham, an inoffensive
old patriarch, who come to Egypt
b .-cause he was hungry and he got
Ptiavaohinto trouble they had never
Been a Jew before. It is therefore
bighly pi citable iLat a remembrauce
of Joseph's fiscal policy whilst cban
eellox oi the exchequer, cuiur.buceJ
in no small degree to the seventy
with which they afterwards ground
down and oppressed the cLiUirtu of
Ibiatl. 33 Lit the tact especially no
ticeable about the introduction of
credit is this bankruptcy and credit
came in together; Joseph left Egypt
a nation ji uanKrupts. Aim everj
siui-e that time, bound together by
an iudistoluble bond of union Ixjudx,
in fact, bills and promissory-note,)
those Siamese twins, Bankruptcy and j
Credit, have font; on thriving lo -etli
v -i . .i - ,!
er and wul goon to thrive until i
, ., . . .. i : i .ii' I
tlltf. :T tilt! tim.111 'ftj llli llMf !l-l:ilM' I
it matters not which; thtn the other
will lmmedlaiely die a natural death.
TnE Ijaie CosxEcncr;- outrage . is
thu commented on by the Ndio ILi
V2.t Il'gixter: The Legislufcure, at 10
o'clock on Weduesday night, by a
strict party vote, accepted the report
. , , . , , . .
. irrtri t rr ilta fa-oil:! .if t Ia-H !7-ti ir 11.11
1 -r-i i- , , -.
, . t .. i . 't i
xlanng "Governor Jewell elected by ;
" , ... . , . , , , V
the people! A more high-hauded ;
- .
outrage Was .never commuted on .
. - .
popular suffrage nor a greater in-1
Jt , . ... , :
stilt to the eltctors of the State. !
Me-ssrs. Ingersoll, Stoddard. Eittou,
and other Democratic members re
sisted the proposition so long as it
was possible, and acquiesced only
when they were voted down.
Th?y 1-ave given Mr. Jewell 100 more
votes than were found in the Fourth
Ward box and throw ouj. J.C0 votes
for Mr. English that were iu the box!
Iu the case of Cheshire, the commit
tee i3 prided that the moderator bad
no right, to throw some twenty Re
publican "votes of electois fraudulent
ly raided out end protested . against
it at the time; but they came to New
Haven,"- and threw 'out 100 Demo
cratic votes on mere guess-work that
ouht riot to have beet found in
t'aa boxl Iu this way have the de
signs of the Radicals been, consum
mated, and a precedent established
. which canipnly"'b .fruitful of gieat
mischief, as it has been of great iu
justice in the - present. - The people
- of the whole State will canvass this
action, in. the light of law and common
fcense, and their verdict will be one
Cf decided ccoidejDQOtUMi.
V"t -. , . ...
Having plenty of money, there w
great templation' to spend plenty,
aud the reatraitit upon profligacy is
loose, and but lightly felt. In view
of this fact the Nevr York JSretnug
Pont, a Radical newspaper, says':
'The eowmmcnt- now
taxation $100,Oih,COO per annum more
thttu U uceda for current expenxeH, In
clhilinjr the Interna on the puhllo debt.
This vai-t surplus of two millions of
dollars every week is a perpetual
temptation before the lobbyists and
CouKretnien, and Is the main incen
tive to every extravagant scheme. Ko
long as it continues to Ue collected, all
the resources of human ingenuity will
Ins employed to bring about the uso of
ii nr me promotion or private seliAnen,
Lments. new oftlces. increased tuiinrl.
aau gonerut wastciuliuss." ,
And this vast stirpl is is extorted
.'rout the people by a system of- tax
itiou that is little better .than rob-
wry, aud by means that' 'are applied
to no other people under the sun.
Au attempt to tax matches, iu Eug
land,' has recently produced au out
oreak of public feeliog thuit disturbed
he peace, and culminated in a riot,
vhile it so threatened the safety of
he party in power that they were
c impelled to withdraw it iu Furlia
uieut. J3ut the Auiericuu people
u'iuit to au odious aud iuuuisaturiai
ystem of taxatiou devised by Radi
cal legislation, and they do uot rise
u riots aud they keep iu power the
lurty that invented aud enforces it.
Are we freer than the people of Eng-
ui.d or uot?
A Washington paper says that the
.'resident gave a specimen of his re
anemeut at the late state dinner. It
.earn t tat Mr. Prestou, the llaytieu
oliuister, had uot beeu invited to any
H these dinners, because of a diffi
culty between the.-.e high contacting
turues grovviug out of the late at
tempted uuueaiion of Sa.i Domingo,
air. Prestou diJu't like it, and so
expix-satd himself. W'hcu the iim
tattous were given out for the late
o.aie dinner, it was understood that
-ir. Picatou had left tor home. Aud
.o an iuviuttiou was sent htm at the
.e-auou iti Wasuiugtou. Tue stupid
oecretary, uot uuderstaudiug the
diplomacy intended, telegraphed Ur.
i'lfcbiou in "New Yolk, that he was
invited to this dinner, aud Prestou
iook the next traiu with his wiie, aud
reached Washington just in time to
aUeud dinner. Grant was greatly
surprised at his appearance, and
turned as many colors as the Turkish
carpet iu the East room, aud wbeu
the Minister held out his baud, His
Excellency put his two hands on the
small of hi back, and wheeling
iug. marched awav.
Jonx Beows's soul is marching on,
but his famly are widely scattered.
His widow lives in Humlioldt county,
California, w ith her sou Salmon , and
her daughters Sarah and Eilcn.
Atine. who was with her father at
Harper's Ferry, is marrie . in Califor
nia. The two t-on's John aud Jason,
live in Ohio. Oweu iu Pennsylvania,
and Iluth remains at the old place
in North Elba.
A late telegram from England an
nounces the death of Sir John Fred
rick William Herschel, the illustrious
astronomer. He was born at Slough,
in the year 1700, and graduated at
St. John's College, at Cumbridge, iu
the year IS 13. IIU son Sir Wil
liam llcschel, was the person who
discovered the planet Uranus, and
added so many new bodies to the
planetary system. 7
Sorrn Cauousa Gotebsmest.
South Carolina has a negro Lieutenant-Governor,
three Congressmen,
eleven neyro State Senators, eihlv
nero Itei.resentatives, and one ne-
Igro Judge of the ..upreme Court.
Now, would the people of the State
of Oregon stand such a state of things
as thai? Would the people of any
Northern State sit passive in the
midst of such an abomination?
Ovxn 12.0C0 rrson have died of
vel'ow fpver in Bnpnos Avres since
the pestilence broke out there ft
! month ago. That fit v, which had a
j innnUi- flf Ofiorrn Wl,pn lh
population of
Rfonrge first appeared, now has onlr
' rn a ,
40,010. Over 150.CC0 persons fled
, . . . . '
f rem their houses in the citv, some
, . . , .
takmsr refuge m Montevideo and the
towns up the Parana river,
1 r
The Cincinnati Enquirer anil the
Columbus Crii the; two leading
Demoi-ratic papers in Ohio, utterly
repudiate the Yal'andighani plat
form. The Sat. Francisco. Eranriner says
that Horace GreeUv is still on his
winding way, getting farther and
farther South. Wonderful to relate
he still lives. He has got as far as
Galveston, Texas, and has not yet
encountered the horrid Ku-Klux.
To read Greeley's paper in his ab
sence, one would , suppose those dia
bolical disturbers of ' the peace and
slayers of Republicans, black and
white, were rrnniug riot over the en
tire South, and an immediate increase
of the army was necessary to put
them . down. In his Galveston
speech, Greeley 6aid "he could tes
tify that .ife and property were safe
there." And so it is all over the
country, but it suits the Radical edi
tors to flood the country with lies to
the contrary, in hopes of manufactur
ingpolitieai capital.
PAtiriu oasti:us.
' Dull lintcs nii'Paget Sound.
Peuitor Kelly Iim nrrivoJ in Port
innil. , ' - . ,- ;;
, Marion county court house ia to ooxt - v . .y v '
' Tho P. T. Co. have launched new
boot at lVtlntil. '
T. D. K"imr, ago J 78, Uiod near S
Ifeiu Iumi MiMiilny.' .
DoiM -cryt f (ulifjniiu will rennun
nnto Gov. Ilai'hr. '
Then f re 135 inmate io the Iusune
Asylum nt Prilund. ,
A s'lMiuboat runs ' regularly uctokc
Urent S.ilt Luke, in Unili.
J.ickMin cuuuty will luiva au etmr
iikiiim crop f. jrruiii ,ihin year.
Thd Uraill Oxvcrniiif m will eiuunci
pato ilicir rlaeu iuimvUiutely.
A colony is buttling tiu tilioulwatcr
Hay, in 'ull ugtuii Tcrritury. .
(July f.ur uiuii acoiduMtuily slnit to
death i L'ulilorma IukI Frniay.
bixerpmil ft Portland, U lost at nen.
W. 11 Waikms tiu employe J JuJgv
UoU, 11.. U. Curl and P. L VilliM.
An 1 ii. 1 iuii was killed by uiiothoi
ubxrino at Urugou Uny last week.
1 he o.piwiti"ii bout' on the lower Co
lumbia has been bought otf, a uual.
Tlio hliip "lllUiiaiiiii," bound Iroiii
Spiritual cauipuieeiin at Woodhuru
Marion euniy. couiuieiieiiig jrei.ienlv
It Ik rupor ed that ouu of dm railroad
bridges at the Cascades has heun wanheo
Uooo Lake has many new i in mi
grant. th.a year,auvi grusn aud atock
are fine.
Circuit Court iu Marion county oexi
week. Hotmaiii wilt probably preside
aa Ju.Igo.
There were 3.000 persons at the
(!liriiian camp nice' nig iu Polk cuuu'y.
I.i.-t week.
Tlnre havr licen fur njr fire rown in
Portland over the re.tuh of the ely
A wedding t'fik place at th Chri
liau vaui:ueetiug iu Polk county las'
, .Mr. II nkls. of K weLtirr. had hi
right leg broken bjr a telegraph p-e
fa lii.g on it.
A man tried to nuiciJe at the Dj!Io
by bleeding himself to death. It wa
not a mi'ce.
CI irk c.un'y. V. T.. firm t. hive
l.wi SUU.l'OO io damage i-y high watei
in I he Columbia.
A W H factory In c t 8100.000 U
being ir x-'ci near Salt Like Ci'y, ly
Ung! a'u Y-oiiig.
'J he IuJ'un in Ar'zmiare killing
and sicaling a tlunk to CranlV
Indian hry.
Win. Lickt-nx sues Dr. Gilncr. ul
IVriland, l r malpractice, rating Jain
ave at SU.OUO.
1 1 . J-ntcpb VelU commit red an a
fault nj.ii a III in and his wife ill Jack
n coun'y las: week.
An old entleuioii n lined Iiia.ic Pn
chal died sud lenly at the Capital Houms.
hi Snlem, on lut Tnewlay. ,
W. Sirowman. of Ellen-bur. Curr
coiiuy. allot .iii:i'f dead becju.-e lie
didn't uaiit to o io j:id.
The Willamette at i'-rt!an. if. lumber
ilian it in been in the pant ten years.
Prom Mreet is aliuot ffl .it.
A Cliilimiiaii b:t ten dollar that be
e.iuid Mriiu ibe Clai-kamas rii-r. and
ib-re in one heathen les now living.
. SMi;e uiaii atleuipied to t'ouiiuit nu:-ci-!e
bv iliowiiiii', at l'.-rilaiid, ji
WedueMlay eVeiiin:. but was Cdied out
Gr-jod Lcxle of Good Teiuplarx Ltai
week appointed a coin in it tee to inc.irpir
ate and es'ablntli an Inebriate Asylum.
The Gale brothers were held to bid
in 81.000 each for an aiotault upon Win
l liuiupsou wiib iuteut to cinnuit luur
ier. Rill Wa:kins waa held to bti'I in the
sum of 8).0U0 to appear at the next
Circuit Court for the assault upju S. A
Clirke. '
A tug bo it is being built in Portland
for the Duchauau 13rotlieri, t t be em
ployed on the Willamette and Columbia
A mo i.f G. W. Vollutn, of Port
bind, was drowned while crossing the
Wi Lunette at that city. The body has
ifice been fund.
The Sh il wafer D.y Vairht Club will
:,ve'a ie-,il,,a s' 'hat bay on ilie
oiirth of July. 1 here arc over l.nrty
icuiti' alre.i'ly e'ltcred.
(.rvailis will have a big Four b ol
July ; S- C rfimp-on is orator and Hev.
Nesbit re ider of Declaraaou. . The
whole world is invited.
Jacob Miller, au old citrzen of Lonir
foiii. Lane coumv. fell dead while
walking in his garden last Sunday
Heart dir-ease is giippnxed to be the
eaine of bi sudden death.'
A carriage' containing the family of
John Huntley, was hi ruck by lin'hin nr
iii Polk enmy lust week, and 'be hot-
fnm kiMK-ked out. and Mrs. Ilnntliy
rendered aiconicious for two hours.
It is emiiivitc I that the California
spring clip for 1871 will real z.i83.0OJ,
0U0. and the f..U clip S2.000.000 niore
iinkimr a total of - 85.000.000. Thi
hows how important an interest is that
of wo 1.
The body of a man was found in the
river at Portland lastTuesdiiy. Hehad
evid ntly been drowned a good whil
as the., boily was iu a very advanced
tate of decouitiosition. He was not
identified. - .
Last Sunday an accident ht ppened
on the road from Salem to Dixie Camp.
trround, in which eleven persons were
thrown out of a hark, and eiht of theui
considerably bruised up, one of theui
isetiiuK bi hip uiilocated aud losing two
f20 Jold piec!9.
On last- Weduulay a mri uii'tiV d
I boa. Ward wim arrented ft attempt
itijr to lake tho 'lite of atiot her nujr
named Grahutu. During the triNl'tiiX
day, Ward h hot and killed Ur.iliatn In
tho court room,
lhrei ihiliiren i.f Win. Lutnusoii. ul
Wheatland, V.nnhill county, wen-
drowued las'. Thurxday week by. a boat
inking iu which they were rroxninx tin-
r vcr. The children cotioiated of 4i-y
10 years old and two girl iiycl 5 and 8
The spirits told a 04 o.iptuiu in S.m
Francisou that there waa ureal treasure
tu the C icot Ilaids aud he went iu a
hip for it; but after dicing about
iu the Maul for several in nil h- and
early atarving M death hu. eaui i biok
with nary troaiuro an 1 higtily dirgusted
The Prinideiit's tp the Pao fie
Count iu August , will be made in a spe
eial car from New Yurk. SThe car will
bo atoj ped ami delaiued at plaoon where
the Preni'lent dextres to W(,.. lie will
ua accotiipanie-i ny Aumiral--Torter.
Senator Morton aud othar disiiiiuinhvd
Foil owmit ore the newly elected fa
cers of i Iim-', Oregon Grand . of
tloiMl Templars: Grand .Worthy Chief
IVtuplar, Jacob SU'Sel; Grand Cmii
Alr. Mrs M. E. Iloxter; Grand Vice,
1'etuplur, Mary U,ilnn-ou ; Grand Ve-
retary. M C. Ge re ; Graud Trein-urur,
J. H. McClure.
ift 'rf .. .11 0
ino uuzriie lens oi an VMautt with
a drover's whin of K C. Whitelr. ol
Polk county, upon Jame Martin, ol
Ileuton comity, Saul Thuriday, ubove I
Ooivallia. Whitely lacera'ed Muriin'nj
flci-h badly, and was arreted aud bel l
to bail in 81.000 to appear at the Cir
cut! Court of Ronton county,
There w a row at the ola iu P rt
1 1 nd liiat Moiiduy. re-uhhm in a hi!ici--
man. name I Gilni ri. s'ubbii'L' a mo
b the naiiiu !' Palmer, who wa no
cri-'ii-'y lin t Gilniore Ja arie-te i
tried, and bound iu i lc hum ! $iJ
ol 85 0 to appear f-r prebinimry ei
ilniiiatiioi on Tuesday.
iuiiu .ntiio t.uera a prenum ol a
a pair of firi'-claH Merino lamb to ibe
youth ui.tler 21 years fd af wh liati
write the besi rs-av on the d flerem
breeds of amsep. ami the beat met lux!.
f eem-ral niaiiauement of fi x-k. Nd !
jive the inot imellijeut au-wcts to th"
Ueiioiii ol' the eoiMUtiite on general
The lollowin .(Ticern were elee'e 1 f--r
the c 'in i n ur nt the cull I
he (iraml Rnyal Arrti Cliaier : .1 K
It yley. of forv!li-. M K. (i. II P:
Cob Collar, l.r JefTerMI. IVf'V .
. P ; S. iJ. Is, of Crvalli. G K;
B Coutfto. of p.-n a ol. t; S.; J
-in. of l-lla-, U. K. C II : I ii.
lark, of (Wvallf. P S ; I. I) Dnv.r.
S..lem. G. C: A. G. Wallin-. ..
'r'laud. K A. C ; A. Van Duen. !
AMoria, M. -it V.; Cl. 'lb II Canu,
f SaUm. M. 2d V ; F. X. Sl.uu ft. .1
rt.atol. ll V : If. F. G-Hxlwtn. ill
..rtland, G T ; U. P. Eart.ari. of Sa-
lem. G. S; 11. P. De Liu, of Portland,
The Weekly Eeumluer, pull'hcJ al I
berdeen. Mix., rays:
A detachment of United State troop
r 1-XlHrcieJ in tlu eity to-iay or !-
tii'iirmr 1 lie) were onlered hero, we
oi ne. on aeeutil ol" the toiluhrily !
our cbiui'e; th? dealt hi utue our
n'Htoti; 'be excellence ol our water;
the cheapness ! luel; the l-u y o
be city and the pence uineMi ol' io
en txeiia not a dlalurbaiice lia.n oe
eurred wiibiu its corporate limiiM iniee
t lie war. in winch morn ilnn tour iuui
vidua Is were c-meerued the capacity
f the churehes; iheexcellenee ol il.eir
pastors a d the uiuiiy other reiiuisiten
that eciitribuie to make this m noble
camping ruud."
And the above is about as good a
reasou as can be given, without down
right ijing, for send tro"p into any
part of the Eolith at iho present time.
The feeling of opp w'nion to the Cotn-ll
tutioti aud to just laws is here in the
North, aud not at the South
at the
prercnt tune. It is Grant aud Ira Cab
i net. and Centres, which needs reeoti
s ruction to Lriu-r thcni iuto suhiutsMou
to the Constitution
Hon John Greiner. ex Governor ol
New Mexico, died at Toledo. .Ohio, re
centiv. ; yjt'Y. teenier w-a an eiitinir:.
astic Whig in the old Van Rureii ami
Harrison day, and was the author ol
Howe fiili iUH eauipaiirn wms, ' O d Zi
Ciniii." Tippecatio and Tyler tio,' aul
The r Hoy" The ecnhVlaiid
II V inin-trel was appointed Indian
Aycut by President Taylor, and alter
wardt Governor of New Muxico by Mr
i'ltliunre. lie lias tieen editor ol tr.e
Z ineaville Ci'y Ttniu si .ee 180").
Portland Election. A few words
will tell the result of the Portland
tnuniiipal election lust Monday.
The Democrats were completely flux
ed out -lecause they didn't nj;h,.
The average Republican majority is
nearlv 200. They were couiplelely
victor oua in the three wards, and,
consequently "Heaps on heaps the
slaughtered llessiuus lie!"
laowell lias . ol ilie riiiab-pox, auU
there i u uiuveuieul on loot lo imiuce
liui er to go home. It won't work lor
ilte reaiou iliut a cae ol email. puX that
iiaU any rerpect lor tueif wouiuu'l tool
uruuuu Iu iu long.
fie ry tort ioungest huq of th
great" Nw Yurk titilliunairs, Wui. 13
Atur; baa luiuiy uiurriud Mttw Laviiua
Dyuctiarte, the Jauglittir or a iio-r laTiti
k...u..b- .... '.. it., i ' .
v. ftiiiiu utv., vu bftie ouuwu, -
, - , - -, ;
w.B.M.ou o. lomwa iu
iiuatou iu test tutt euuitutiuuUty oj
- - - .
in incjtDe tax.
. TfioVUoi'ebiirg i1tivu!enlr,r. (Win
iiMiiitiftMi' h r) o l,o.i FrHlay, 'cu
luina the following ace unit, of ,ilio. do
lira'eeiuouii!er KCtweeu Mr. l.h'Oiipoii
nd tint iJ ile iirtt Iters, to winch we at-
III led lai-t weeks .';"'.
On last Hatiirday inorhinjr T4i. and
ieiry" Gale. publihi'M of the En!u,
made an aiipuiilt 0 iui Mr. '1 liiiip--n.
piiblihber of thin I'M it, wbieli remibeo
1 . . I. . II I. I II!
very iei i us y to an nt tnutii. i neuun
eul y iirohu troiu a'eries of bitter per
rtoiial unicles, which the ,.u$i)u hud
oublmlied nu'liuft'l'lionipN iii., We bun
that a week before, 'I liompnon had tol-1
Thus. Oalo that he woull no louver sub
mil. to iheno attaeks. ' Last week's pMpff
continued iln-ioi flinai',' ' 'I'lM'tiipMrn
meet ni)i Thou. Gale in the P.tUlBen
not 8aiurliiy'i veiiiii) 'pit in his l ice.
ta!e put hi htind in lit jufket if l
liaw a plulol when lhoiupou Kicken
hi in several limes, f appear f I- I Gale
Inld no insiol with h in at the lime, bii
ran iiumedia e y the Ehhhjh olfiee
where he unl Henry Gale armed Iheiu-
hulvenanJ Marled m earcll d Thoiitpoi,
but they did not tiivet bun. On Sunday
...i. i. ... . .
oioriiiinr atiout IU o ciock me iwo
Oaten fully armed. , came up town t
Fink' Haloon winch is ueur to the P''
oflieo. About 1 1 o' clock Ttiompaoii, w ho
had been at In tthve in.ikiiiir up lit
mail, eame down to the Po t office tie
e-nuptiineil by Vr.l Conn. Cpoii open
iiii. his box ue Hitw tint the I'o-tiu ixter.
Mr, Staiiioii. w.i i ii.le, aud he reoue.
Unl It i iti to open the door, whieh be lnl
Alter ciiig uioide uti'l leaving the mail
1 hoiniixoii ami Conn eame out and walk
ed north, and h ihey reached the c-r
ner ol l'lml & Morijuii s Mure ttiey no'i
he Gales. Henry p.m-id UrM wnh u
epeakitig. 'J liotuas. after he had pawo
Mr. C-'im. and "inu uiade a eowiirdh
aault upon uiu." 'lbin.on torneti
ai.d ai-keii M It t he aliu-letj to. I lima
ai-l the a-w ult lai-t niuht. 'J'hompxon
aid -well, what of u." Henry then
iiuid "Why did yoit not jump on tue."
I Irniipootj raid "it you are the one who
le part oi' li e buiue. 1 will sf-
Iter you ueKi time." Unity then u- il
coiio tu-ive epl'lie'K. and I Ihhii .m
I -Id i lieiu id it he knew Ihey were lob
armed u i iii'i-ndi d to una- tt in. lot
hey weie I'murb Hifl Io- wn not airato
I b-ith beoi Henry ibeo rirm-k
In in a e'Cie bio w-lu enio on tin
'vf' iiile ol In- lace. Tn-'Hiproii k k-
and irii'-k nt Ileurj. out lid iio kom k
Ii iu d-iwn. aul a' Ibe iauie luoiiirut
'I'lmiiiu" rhot ai bun. The ball, winch
wu Iroui a lat jre Inired mulu barrel car
roljie ptKtol. euivred at the cruer f
iii et pH-ket on ibe riht mde aui
pariiig tliri'Ujh a uumlier d letters and
iieke's. :luNeed m t but it only cut ilo
okin ol Ins ulile aUiMt two iiiebea iu
leuili. 'I li'ioii-iii tiico drew l i-t-
turoeil ami ihnl 1 b-iti-an I hi ball
nflt ell Wj. from till -ii ulesr s.ze del-
r.nji-i. en Clil l-lt-n-l llm rluli
de M ur I tic (. r ei'd ! the bre.o
li no , aii'l to -uj.p.i-e I li.'l to li.ive eu'er
-I i lie e.iiny. iu ii' eii ur-iinei tun
nle l iu the bark '1 he G ilea ilieo
ar C'l ii.waros Hie l'Mt tlilieii. i lnoii --mi
turned io Henry an. I beat Inl'l ri
hi heud Willi Hot but ! III piiO"
e ineiied in bis b ind. wh.le .l.iin ibi.
1 lioiu vain t bebl-d Into itid Lea' bin.
a rr i be bead. A be urned to Tb-on
llei-ry dn-w a l-oir r toter aud iihol
Tlfiiiii-in In ibe tiat-k of ibe be id !
the libt au-l I bo let' ear.
'i'louiiproo turned and l auotlier
li.ul iu the tvfi "hmiljer. At lit' lime
Tloiiiipfiou am turned, nil a- be dio
o, Henry pla-e.i lit- poOol aauil the
baek of bi oet-k and fired, the ball ru
tere I near the aule of i he jaw on the
left side an 1 paed luto hi ui h. itn
lu dtatelv hi lil'Ulh and throat
nil hloo-i. 'i boiiii-.v-n made an iu
rffueiuai nctupt to HaH. al the J tier
left aud ei-t to the uruj ts i t Vt,
Ham In n. 'I liouiponii wu taken to hi"
Imuw aii'l the bu let all cxiric'dt
iim i.iy'eiuti". Dr. Iloov r. Ilatnilioo
ind IS inli'ioi, tbitik llmt lli W lUiid-.
hoilli revere, arc uoi ilaiieou. Henry
(Ja.e ii it MTiou ly iiijured au '1 Imui
a i likely to re over.
We retrain Irom uiakin; rny com
mi ut in ley aril the matter. ani "imoly
ive the facts ar Mated by an eye wilues.
A di-piitch d.ied m Cineinnati Oh'.
Iiixt Sa'urd ty. nay : Vallainli-liain. one
ol the enuiisel l"r 'lie di-leuse ol .'le
Iteebalt. lice letit:.llv rlmt ,lltii"flr to-
nijibi at LeliHiiou. He w.t in the room
in eompiiuy Willi Goiernor .Melturni-y.
hiiwiuir with a ptKtol bow Ibe murilcrl
man luiht have h"t hiiiiNelf. when the
pistol was dire harmed, the ball entering
the riht tiide t' tho ahd.-iucii. bebw
i be ribs. Surreous are now making an
I ex niiiii itinn. '1 lie accident produced
mieioe excitement.
A aciul from lebanon at 1 1 n'eloek
rays V a . I:i mltlioiti is voiintin, which
ir rcijardeil us an unfavorable si-;u. One
of his phynieiaus Miid there were iudi
eaiii-n ol ttt'ernal heuiorrha-je. Doc
tor Scoville and Drake ceaxed the fruit-
bs search fir the ball about au hour
f er the iieeident
The V'tninirrcHil has lite f-illowin
;.Lf iUal ol the accident to Mr. Yallau
Italian : It iippir that n one wi
I riiM-iH wnh ilr Valiaiiuilonu when
be nee.iletit occurred but I'.x Lieut
itovfiiinr Meliuriiey. who bud tieen io
"I-la ted with htm in the de eime ul Mc
Geehan. MeHuruey bud expre-red
Mi:..e doubt us to the theory that Myerr
had flint bun-ell. ami Mr Vallanililiaiu
picked up a iir-t'd Iroui a table, raying
he would show bun in half a recouU.
Two pistols were on the tuble one un
loaded and he by mis'iike took up the
loaded one He put it , in bis pocket
mo! wi ndrow it, keei i ii; tne , ninzz'e
next his body. J iim a n was leanti"
h 8 Jioeket it wa- diMrliarud. the t'uil
cii'erinjr, it is raiu. near the Mime tilace
Myeri. wa- rlmt. Heat ouee e j i cubit id
"'Ii. murder.", and said be hint taken
ho wnnijr pistol. Winlu the ezuuoin.
iiou wn; jfuini on be watchuii the rur-
HoiiH lit k woli eiiiicr eye, ' d eieu
.n-HIMed ibelll iu llieir KHarell fir the
tiall. He died at eiehteeu ntiuu e- to
10 o'elo k ihs 'reiim. n lie w.u
low u rapidly after 3 o'clock, having n
iul-u reareeiy al'er that hour. Dr
Daws'-u, of Cit'ciuunti,' arrived at 3
o'vl'ck, but too lue In do auyiii:n fn
die uyin man.. Jude Hayues. lis
law partner Irom Dytmi, reached Leb
ii tn in this loren.Hin, with other perseua!
friends, who were with hitu in his last
hour. . MeGeeban,' in proseeuiioii ol
whoso care he lat his life, was taken
iroui jail this fureiiooti to the bedauiu.
u".'1 hei1 ,ear n ,,e d.vl"
i menu wno uua upnearuu uuriuic tue
I ft .i , l
I rofiroiwi Ol inn iriai io puonooo uu win
i enteric wuu. iuiui aoitnir- iu . in oejiruow-
- J 1.1 . ... -III..-. ... , ... ,
Mr,. 111.i., hi- -uniB,... fr ,hfc
a . m m awav '
State yesterday, and wu u have becu
I . .. . - .. Y . Bt'lft
followed tnis rorcnooa dj i-tnnsen.
Clcanrtl From tbe - Tflrgraph.
Tburt day, Jane IS.
. . tUHLlOS.
I Paris pe il0.priib'Mt HKuinxl tbebarburi
lien 'of tilt) Ver-aiilim aoldiery.
A. Union ot S'weiloii and OertiiHiiy "is uu
' ArclibUhiip of Dublin ir dead,
Tom milliner 1. 1 (JiTiiinu imui ds ly tin
ate war m 4,yjl officer" nod ll,U4d n
nun mililirrn.
PriueeM Maihidln nkp , pcrmUninii !
flners tn rmu. u In l'ari".
il men ezpeuteii in Paris yrrterday,
K iIihIi Piirliauieiit ia dlovunsiu the
treaiy with Ibe United Slates.
I7x Cniifrreniiiiiiiii C. C. Biwen, of S uth
Carolina, war netileiierd lo day to piiy 11
Lie id' ftjil), and la iuiiririiiii in tliepi'i.-
entiary for two yeitr, f,r bigamy. II
va a loyal ear pel' btier.
Ongit is traveling over tbe Kasten
!i a'es. .
. In -a lirrifliii hurricane nt (ialveatoti,
I'exa", a Cathiilic Chureli waa blown tlowo,
.lie! M luijte ani"iiil id iroierty dertroyed.
Friday, June 10.
v j JrNllU.IUN.
' Strong effort's, are beinjc made to rein
"late the i' pe Vf his teuiHiral purer.
' it Ir propuweil iu the r imhcIi A-etuliH
( linpeiiuli Km'rnr NaNileoii..'
Gurmaiiy li-tribuie 4,000,000 thaler
uiii"iij( the olfiiwr who gained viuiorie
iUViii the bile Mr.
i'ari" w.irkuioo sill emiie to America iti
iti"t I'Oiuliero.
A niArriaxe isnrrani'd lift ween I'tiiiee"
fu!H of lleiiuiiirk Mod the Duke ol Kilo
Toe liira of a fibiiig acboonrr with forty
i-ven person-, on the oti"t of Newl'nuoii.
:aoil, wu rejwrted liixt week. A laier ao
jnuiii stale thai two. women named Mary
M.-Fralll and Mr. L II. urn, I. -It Si. Joloi
pa-reoitera aluard liie ill bit ! m-Iumiic r.
All but one of iIi.imj Miliars in.r-iuoi
IroM iii'il bine wie wli.i weie ile.ei.dcnt mi
iliein for ineaii" to live ilimuli the Imi
.tud pr.iliilerr winter i.f NeWlouodlund.
O-if. Wentoit, ol New Ifamprliire, ws
iiiauu.ated loony.
The union ami Urilib Co-.uoiii-a
in io uke piiiee on Juiy IO1I1.
New F U'nitMiid will rainy tue ireniy.
Uhl F-kJii. n O f riii-rml P. luce, iih.I "!,.
hi laW .1 low Pitliirl Minister J.i a ,
a till til Jaiiain "iu b-i.t" un. I a in a -r I
Ji--aene" 1mm die Japnoe-e I' uhi.iv l. -(iinoiciit,
io.- U', b'li Sittu Ft Mi
leo lor the Ki-t l i-Oay.
Saturday. June 17.
ion !.!.
Coarictl eotpM-" lme lieeu f.-iind iu tin
irurnt priwiiiN o Part". They wee
! u'ltlca iiio-f ul .ri"i.oeis who Mi re Icli
iIihim by ibe Commune and liurt.ed anve.
Tloi C'Ui.te." ol I'ari" lul instil ;atr
uirili to a ilnulilcr. Naimleiio ami Ko
.i hate ina-ie a tint io the Piioceoi
The Tour Ktaler that lb" FCneb I an
will am oi.t t.i -.lily t uiiiLar-l" nt l aiwv.-.
A "-t-ial I'art-icp -ri lite o.Mie !
will cea-e iMt.
1 1 .ci".ii. near i'aris. .
Yi'r'er-lay I e li'..rt footeoia! -!
i'.i .iii-1.ioii l.r.iKi ui. i-i it di chhi fill r..M
aleron t-aml dno w a Toer
c "cvsnl Or -kea lonits.
Tur Xi" il un). -line L -i la ore t Ia
.e. l"l .luil Jani.- I'.ie.p , 1, U riin
a..i W . I. a . u-Jo l.e--.1 UMTior
niiil f -r filn . Irt'iii Jolt.
A i.mihI lilil la-lwi-ro A 1 1. mi i..d
C' eel- In utml oil I I.f C.I. .a
.!. I'li'J Ciioameii were iicsel, ol
Suoiajr. J jn 18.
Tba Iriu'iiplon te.nry i.f ibe t!iriunu
ainijr iolo Ikxliu u oiadrt yemrroat.
Nooeri'U bioior were j(iniiiel oy the Km Mod tiero litar Jf ouiiiiiU.i-I ot loe
-I (ii"lins:uine." jj vu.i t n
ri.iu Ue.otrat Mod I'. incen. Amonj; lionr-
li. nveitel tltCM uiurs ol lama lioiu
ne I. mi d" Iim Koi.ei'ir weie IVtio-e
liitirje. ! SaXi-ny. lo.d F. La-. ol.l;
lieoeral Van It eieta'etl i llit
rai.t ul C- tinl of ll.e K.n (-. GuioThl
V"ii M.ihke iiuole Fieol larbul ul the
I in per. al aru.y.
laMirreciiooitry plaeaMs are to-tel ii.
A diiatch fr..iu ton Ciy of Mexico SSV"
fa in i.oo w a rtm imii tin" iiii.rid i.l -1
'cult', and wa at the (miiii oi Hie
i.iitmit.-t. All Hie ioureiiti were
kilioil, vi-umlc.l ur caiiiu.e.l. The Federal
Mnnj i all right, aiol we. I.
elli.w lot or in riisiiix al era Urui.
lion. J.iliu L. McMah.m. ! of the
alib-rt ami iinrnl di"iin-uiln-d inwyprnol
.tlnrylun.l. u.eil Io Cumla-: lai.d I OurMluy
injtbi. A y.-uner "ixtcr t McMaho.i i-
lliewifeol iillaiidlllain.
A ilo-pauii Italriish, Nrt!i Ca o-
lion, a the Ko Kiux liio.d lo Itu h-if'id
c lUiitv dciiiiill-lieil lli i.ftice ol the , a
Itepuubcau new -paper, nod. w h.p eil Mi-.
I u ii ice. late iiii-iiiiHir nf the La'jfisiaiuie,
Unl Sunday liijjhl.
Monday. June 1 9.
A cans f men. upMMel to lie Feniimr,
br.ike iuto the armory at iMuil'.w, Ireland,
la-t Saturtlay tiij:b. ai d carried i.ff 120
rifle". They wero tirel uihui but all es
iMpe'l. Fite persmia hate been arrertvd
on "U-jieioii.
The I'ru-riana havA eviieuate.1 It -unn,
and 8.000 have left St. Dennia audO.'ueioa.
There are iildivlatioua of u renewal nt
the insurrection. Ineemliariea eoutiuue.
Mubiiudea of workiiiKmeii insult the
Mildiers iu l'arin. and atteiitpt their wskiim
.In the bl-t two ibtyr C9 O .IllililltiC Ifi
:er have lajeti arre.-lcd. Halt of theui
'were loreijjr.
Miuirtor Wa-lil.uriie is K"'nS '" rpend
M-Jne lime nl Car.lpn I lor lit" benllh.
'I'j.i! Nati'iiial." Uaiik of Fulton eun'y.
N. V.. wui robbed lu-l Saiurday ol $31,
800. ' - - -
Mr. Maria L. Tirrney, ajted 8," emu
milted -uiohle in Sttn. Frauoinon.
A pr..iet nuaioKt llin le tn.iiiinnt'on ol
U it-, iliiij;ht is leiiijt signed in' Sao Fraii.
cikco, iiml will be rent to the State Coiiveu
iiou to-morrow uioriiinjt.
Cheadi.e & Co. oiler, in today's pa
per, 22 to 25 cents a pound for butter,
. . .. . .... i .. . . i .
ana mM eenw u uozen ior eggs in irn.ic.
All that wish gooda at a bargain will
do well to call on them, bee their
new advertisement.
Kvebybody who wishes to purchase
housenolu or KitcUeu furniture will uo
wtiil to attend Airs. Alorjiau's uuetion
sale to-iuoiiow. c?uie lo Ltu somo piuue
ou r'nmt street and to comiueune ut
half-past ten o'ciocK.
In three or four weeks Capt. Hum
phrey will take a lot oi incu over tue
mountains to work on the CascaUe
Mountain Wagon itoad. At the sauio
timj tuero win ue some, men go oyer
to Wtte up ciaims. tu tue UuiUeur coun
try. " - ,:;:r.--:-- ' -
LONG EARL. Ou tue 22ud 'mat., id tbia
oily, lie tbe Uv. S. U Irvuio, Ma.
Jal. tune
wuftl Mis MiakhVa J. Eaki.-
bulb uf Liidd Uo.
, ..... DIED: :
lfANUS. On Satti'itay, Jana 17th, ia 'thii
eity, Magiite, eideat daugbter of Jamea and
Mary Hantin, aged tibout 2 . . .
NKW AD ' li U T 1 8 K il L Mi"
Y AbTUOJtiTY OF A . fcPKUl a a()T
f tba Lrxi-la.ur t K .(ui h r, . M r. b
i.i n, 1871. t Tjutu uf ibj l'ulio Li tnij
OilliuirkJ will gitr a ... :
UBAAD ; CUT -$100,(300 CD.1CERT ! J
At Louisville, Ky., j
OX T I) KM DAY, OCT. 31., 1871,
t'n I r tl tiructiii ef tl.a bn-t J!ui. ul Tuut '
that eaii l pr-ure!
Km h t.rki-l will lnt luiI.:il lo Ii ei.o
. i.f tim iloiioiniiinl.uii uf tt b ouoli.' 'J be
..l ( an tfir tii-kt will bo nliilnJ to !
iiiiaxinH In tlio emmurt, and to tba wide amount
.f tue gilt Hwinlud to it iy I t, 'Ih.i huUUt ...
M-b i"Uji.n will li eiiiitlcil to ailm.xn.D to tt c
iioiii ert mi.l to i no l.iuriti tba aiui.eui itt eh
gill ma Iw r.UU to il.
To I'r.oriiia fuitil f. r tln Urt. Comsrf, unit
for III.) IihikIU of lb I'ubiio Lilrf 'f
Ui k, 1 1.11,11110 tickl Will ba mU ml till,'
cioii ii f
lreiu-r ,.n l-...i..r.
I una iIimI. y ll.e Concert tlie mio uf
f)S5l.000 lit urreMy
rt'ill bu inlii..iii.. . tula I' i tba Lv.iinri ui
1'kIiU IU llft lullllHU'K
UAr. IJIIAN'D lit FT OF . 100,001
DM Ui.t l......... ...... ........... .........
2j,a, V
' J i.,i.t)i,
l,i e
H, i.i.k
I ,.,
I. ,Uvu
1 1,11b.
13 -Uu
Uua out wl..
till li ft of..
lnv out uf,
Oi.x Ui.t ol
Ui. uill ul. ...
lli Ullt Ul .........
OU Olll uf
Out Oil! W
UOO Olll III......... ......... ......
I'llil Oot Ul... ......
Ull III......
Ui.e Oi.i ul
Jum Ol t ul oi...... uot ul ......
Joe oi.t uf......
).. U.Ul .....
U..t ul
Ui.e OUI ul......M
Uu. orauti Ulli ul ..... ....
1U OOU ul $l,0OU citeu
fliUrn Ulf.a ul (VoU m. II.
l'wvui Cut ul SIOO tacb
laai.l bv iiifta ul tr,uo thru...,
lioil liiita ul $i'.U co'ii.. ........
l-.irl O.I la ui 40 cavb....'.
run-b O.fia ui iuu au .....
Kilijr tiilUul Z0 vab
litutiUvf $lu0 cacu...
, S-u.Owt.
A'ler fmj'.nx tb Xinaea of tbj ini-rn.
m ly.aiu ibe ..uil.,M uf tbj K.lla, t.M
li.ui u- lb- r.a t;l. ar.rii' f.viu ll, rim u
.ko.. ia wilt u a,,iu.r alU Iu U .al-.OI.M'4rit
u I r I.l r-i u Lui nor, lo ,At i io iu.
i.) ... ir- iai.'M vi ll.e cl olcr tAnt.j
a tf li lo.avar Ir. e Iu li ijiaibiiu wa . !!.
jiiuvul i ty i, .. it u tue .ur( urem
m Iiil(' I" ra.-aa m lu.ol autlielit t" . um
auilab-a uioiiiiiislu piM o it liul.a ei.uuto iu
t.,riu lilicl ul a m in Ucri.t l.bra., ami
to aw ruJ.iw it a- t- nAuie it t bay toe car cm
.ubliiaie.u a. ibej. c iu i-ul. a-nl t l e II
iuiIiiii.i k. Tue eone. rt and it.atriliunuu w l
ilt iM lb itnuie.liau. ueri.oo u
Ibe triul( bauial in laa vf Joc.rjiraU .a,
alio ur at ioIioa !
Tb"i K. Drim e.te, late liovenior t K.t.:
lleirjr tt atrtaon. dlt. r Ui-icr-J;urul ; VV.
I f i 1 1 m .ii. to t'w4,.'J.f m L. ; 15 .
Ca;iijr. uf Ibe itulf 'ummzr-il: l.rr. I',
1iu-iM fit- .ti. r Aui.g.n II. M. llcCit;.
li e '-ii'j I. flyer ; J. fcj Cain. Ci.rk J.fkie .1
C'-(-r. ui i.i niiffiuu I'.tra; M- W, C.uaky. Anil,
i P'.itHiil'i.iiLwt; K. 'i. bun-ii, uf tie
L tf.fvifte br.
Tim tie-r will bj a-irt. l hf tbe full iwin,
w. II kii. wu a.i.l cm-UiOiI c.tizru- i.l K.utwek;.
wb coirrut-nl t. lie piv ei.t at the ii,i.i. r .
ai.l t u. riotcu-l Ibe Ur..r.u,; .s I u
I eiru :
Ilo.i. II. J 8,itj.. Ju l J tt iann Pi.tirt C tu-ui-.ii
t'e..a: llm. T U ' hrai.. Cai r l."
l.uiao t'-t.-.r Ciiurt ; II. .u II. W. ISiu.r.
Juil- Ji-t!i-n -i. t' I I i-ur: ; Ua. . J li. lUx
Irf. M. J -t of Ir tt.-filk : ll.m. II. U. WiU..
.-i.air Kuincli ; C-.l ! C. Wuartn, C.
I A-i r e : C, H- it I-', !'!
iug All..tuc Nl .In J i trial DImci : Ucit J T.
Il..j.e. Pr. li.i N. II i E l(. It ; lr. T.
IWI. I'mf. Sled TiiirnilT, I iitU ; Ji.i,
I. J il.ii o f,r j.r;ri--r Oat II e.e: Hun. J
Pro. tor Ko it. Utr Meii.lo-r C'.o pmr ; Auiir. w
Ijral.ui. T"t. :re an-l C- tt -h Ilr- ki-r.
Tiia h-l. rr of tickcta to wtorh cirl aic
x war. tut will le .i.l on r,rei lti..ii at ibe 0 -
Cre in L"UMrii e. Kr. Tick t will be fur r-a
al lUo i.tfi.-e n Louiat ilia mi It.a
FIrwt or Jut; t 1S71.
A til rrl .1 fw.oui wiU Ik a l-wcil win n tna.
il". ,.r I 000 ti- k. I- a e pnre'iaanl .n a I. L All
ur-lrra arn nii-atiie I l.y- -emi'tanrra will t.e
lirotnlii'T al'en'li-'l to a'.'l lb- li lclj. reotiae'l
bj in .il r.-cirr ! r by r-r a. .r.'rtv.l.
Tb- ei rli-iit Isle i.rioi-O'al biii-r ma
aer-f hf er urrf'ul M.-r-awiiV Lilirarr
liifl Cunnrrl of San FiaiMi-ai-", h-iins he-n a) -
ut-aila-l Agr-t nr t e a'i re e- tert-r a , baa
av t'iai en I';. ins w: le t- ma" e f ia
an eol'ni tn.-rcs ami l.n- era uf it, ki l will
I' e r tnierrt4 a- wrl' ea aa il ihi-r wire
w o illy present an.l urwrint-urtin' the enlt:e
etTor t llAKl.tS K. rut.l-s.
tGnlSn-.l. Gait lb.ure. L.uiillc. Ky.
Tritt I row ll tn 25 re-nta n T liouiid, aid
2u ceul a d-ixun lur KWii.-. in trade
1 Large Assortment cf Crock: ry Ware.
Tli-wwbuwob cwxli AT A IIAKOINbd
better J"e ui a call at Ibe fll Sto;K aid
acf ir 11 CllE vuLE i CO. '
For tlio Million !
P.irtiaud rate, deiirurttd iu Albany. Ur-
4.1I aulicitcd
- No oilier Waun lias a Home r putation reau
In" u.ake, and it i tbe uioy wt.ui. lual
ha bejll latitat and known to UU-I Ibi cliuiaU-.
In a word it in tuudu ul I. e tcmi ii...lcr ai ai.d ia
tiiu bvrl tiuitbed wagon Ibat o. uiea tu tnia tuai
kct. We have diflvrrnt atyle "f Iluumls and Reach,
t'at. Ill du. (u cal.e 1) i.ic.udvd
ftlfti.ll.i IVUftMY o vo.
t 6.i43
Ai,eiib at A banc.
T o urigiuntur. uf llii wuniterfut luudieine,
lailll.l to li.ivo difiniveied and nmbitttd in Ai.r-
ftttuae luure ul .Yurare atoaf urerioH mivtim'
i..,e, in wft eer l.i l. ru m i.. iu uue
oieokiuo. Ti e wiileiu-e i.f tiiU fui-t i f -uud iu
tbe Kf-al vuriuty uf in at ulm.inulo
whiuii it b . fi.un.l u w uqiicr. In ll.e i lire
uf iit'uHehili. iSWure t-'uaoaa. eud' the eur y ta
ea ut i.oiayiiiu. il h.i aaUiu.ahud the u-o neul
lueuily. ami iiulidied "I ilio " l pli.vic as 'i--UMitileuil
it lAe yrtmletl mt-Jirmt duxuverg uf Ik
.y Wuilj n cure ,bj ev-n.-Hi Ciuahs,- it
ireiij,t tivii the K,vt..iu and puiifiea llm i.I.ukI,
lly il ijrrnt uud ihonMUjk bluwi purifying fit-
lie ll care nit Humor tu.ui tbe w lt .Ncn.ya-
to a u oiioiim llloick, I'it'iile ur AVH.tiun.
Meit-u.iul D, Menem I P. i.n, eiypuiliie
and vui.eral an-l their tB'i Ot are eraili
imteil aud riyimHm keittttl aud a aunauf euMli'a
Ii'uh esla!ilihed.' ' AYeWMnWue. Jtremm Xntlti
' tJrtid, 1cnei Sarei, . ieurjf ui Uuutth ftS'A'iii.- in
.-o..rt, all the nuUKirous Uireale aui-ed ly lad
bluud, are e .nquered hy tbta powerful )iunnintr
iiml iiiV!(iir,itiiiii medicine For "Licrr C'iuipliii,"
ISili'Wm Uiturderm anti Ji'thilwil t'outti iittutt. it
;- pnidui-e.l buudrv-dtiuf perieet aud eruiancnt
ior wh re ulh r medicines had failed.
The proprietor oil. ri $l,Ht)U leward fur amedi-
cibu tu. mill equal it tu Ibe cure of al! the dia
m;9 ...r wliioh it it rvoou mended.,. Beware uf
cuHHlcrci' aud KHutacnt ttaiaaduwa' t eka that
my pr.vate ti..v rnuent Stump, whieh i a pori-
tirt ijuarnHlt of u-'eaataeara. I n. the oulaidn
wrapper Tb'ia ui llcine i Hold by Ormtpjitt iti
t.U0 ner bnttl; freparcd by K. V. rifcilVB.
Sole Proprietor, at bia ChemicarLabmtory, 123
tenjr-a ytrcct, Uiin;wlo, . .
N E W A l V ft it T I KB M K S
T - rt
FOR KALK. A.ply l . Jl KM
KK."0V, rMon .ti.i.. Vi w. H-o.ia,
Clara Cu. Cal. or JO'J.t -.51E IS J. 622
C ay St . S oi Ffaiirno . , j..nlGu.6
Dr. Julien Perrault,
Sector efMfdicine f taa Faenlty f
fans, uradssftt. i tue
"Qftoen'a cielicge," ia Casftuft, and
ti-ysiciaa et tii ht. Subn Caitiste
- ttwciutjr. o bso rriMixe
lr. Perrault t.a the plcannre- to inform bf
i.iiiH mm i.lil (mIkiiu, ami otliera Seekiog
Confl Jeatial Medical Advice, m-t be w
bs e.,uiuit. .1 duii t bia lae. u. io2. Jil' ut
iiuer S r.ei, ii.-rti..e ,.t eon et r. Suermti.tir
SlfKKt, Man Frn. nn-u, Kwiiua , 1 atuii ll, firat
duur. l. 'luff. . ...
Ceasnifattoas sn4 CorresaMideac ia
Lbifl-su, rntich t,&d taejnaaa.
- llaviiM i. vri- ur . i kcSatll
Oisesss sad Ncrve and Fby iau bf
OlUty iu .w..j.ct . f wiiiula r nan o, aU .e ,reiice sir uii.) ytara, Vt. Pviraelt t oti
in.u.a u tret ti. afflict k.u (.ceearlm y. t y
be uwwe t at- eolitte MieifawOs. aud w itbuM navrt
i. Ol.l.oxioilfll K Uiedlea.
. O n irrl.ea, U eci, Strictarra, Ilabu., - I'lcet,
rfkni Erruiliuna, ete , in any, aiagr. rmij '
eurol, and all Sy,biliiiv and ilervavini uinai
.raituil ibe tyrVia.
xtoeiu Da I fcuorauiu. Aitht 8wat. Dis-
ci aro fo nt the t'rubre un nin( to aiui.l ur
a.ak.u wier, l'aln ia tbe Uaek aod Head,.
Ktiitoiiaiic Fail,, lltzxinria. l-b.i, Aern.a
faflifkli li. Ka.lif.flt, CuOKb. w C.-u.pkx-lon.
Uruaiiijr W.akn.ra f Sitrtil. lAm,.t ai.d
baa 1 .IcI.eclU tl l acu.tira. CliUli l.lca. iJ.ffi-
iu..t, Aiitium In CtHitty aorf ' IWikI Plraa-
me, .., are wmie ur the ntioe r woih nt
Symrtoma el Nervens mad PkvaieaL
Prust.atlwa -tu r. ault i N,f Aoua.- ami
baev'rir. lonulx- rue, wbi.-ii,if auttiuie y chuck-.
d. will ft, ter tali Iu induce firriuaiurc dty,
ai.d b ruonaie in total a uf Jtai bood.
Patit-uta e-tutilamifiK ot une r of liter
aii.o e jrtn.ii,uin, aiioul.l aj,.ly imoe.liately to
yt. rcrrauil, a be bas ilia- ufeieil Kt aud 11c
liablc lieiucdtca, wbicb enable bint Ut suarantc
ciAy ai d radb-al t are of Scmisal Weak
aesff and Impetcsce. -1
v invito mvcaoaiion-fiarticatarly by Ibufe
(UfTerert who bate Iried li.i b-aled llurti.r,
and that a.l-nit.-d Hl.tric in, to. til two eat
atid dinc-uracl; wt piciri-d not lo fcaow evtry
tbinif. w.-r to cure every b.1 jr. but io ail carta
taki n under Ireatment we falfill uar prooneea.
Lad c tur.cnnp tn.M any e BfiiaiM in i.lcnt
tl to Ibeir a. cau cunault Ibe Isuclur wi-h n
oraner ,f itl if
Parn-nta in tbe coot, try eta be Cared
Xlom by ad.lievii.; a teller to l"r. Peirnit ,
a- abuirc. ur Bol 73t P. 0.r haw Frabeua ,
-'aluiX tlirir ca.e a wii.utt a, bab.
t' ul livii.K. U-atuit. etc.
I. w Hrt rcfcftB'e arirea if re
ar d. All (uminutiie tiut e btiei-lM.
t' Piraiill i- ... t in CnUlurnia. f.V
Dr. CiUl'i It h braird Ftinate Xoulhlj Tilli
w bleu h re U; ai'i ed, aud tur Iu autal.e mf
v. iy reu.eily f r ,e..i-r'un aid tbcr
rrru'a iii a in female.. i 0 f er fcux; aewt
b tuad ur ex,ieaa avcurcly acked.
6ul4 I.
CilAI'.T VOIN.. AlfcN A LAlXtS
tt AT?--ti t ASS lott
"OUR FAT 11 til'S HO USE"
. . . , . . . . . . . .
St'iw " 1 bia m-.U-r in tbi-asi.l tud iaat""'!-
-io. w. tia nnloid riri c ai.d Inaut ca in ibe I.l cat
IJ.iue . il iii.M.ui us 8 wcr. aiaiin: bud.
wai g fiilni. ru!iiu cl-Mld. beautiful b w. aa
rati nt, d.iijti t ui r.. r. ffiigi.lj aunM.
.i uti-it ril x cukc. blazing Leareba and cart
f.i.rr.e wiib r-.ui.ilt'. bvinica. iw niillu.b ut
w r dn, au-l r. adi. t u. mil ILr I i.ii.!i a wortl.
H oe t-ntv-il i i-ei. ei.eiat ina; anil t.-erb
Mud . f..r r,n uUr. iw wbrb i a luili
Iperii ti n and ui.o erxai r aaniri dat h by
to' )ie-a. mini er .-nd riilee rulcrui(, iu
be a.ruiigcrt ji .l. e lanenrfge
. Agents also Wanted for the
WriMcri eim ly r..r a eju-w ta Pactfi- C--t.
8i'0 PAo K-! ril.'LLAW ItiM-IXiS! TEEATS
rrft.s oui r 8U0 Ulr'FElSEX f LBJM TS.
Tu eoriauU a lwT-r spun any a- i.f ibitb
Wft.uld c- l tban th- pric ur the Buuk.
Ul tbu San IVmnsco liar.
T'-.e nH .-re nre ll e in f ca.l --Ilin and n-.
nlar h.k t-.r up n Ibi Ca-t. A;rnt are
men'i-ic with mrrru ererrwh e.
ap?S,nt fAX FKAXi I- O. CAI
EX KXJ I Olt'ft XOTH K. '
Rttiife "f J.tUn I' Cmbtrte, deceuxed. "
- rdcr uf tbe C"ii.ij C-.nrt uf L- r rounij-
n i.n. mai'e ul. li e nth dtj uT Jnue, 1ST 1. aid
a a r.'eii-r ti-rm tbcreo. tne naU. rienvd wa
taly appi-oilEs'-rBtur f a id entatr. in aet.rd--.
anrr w.tb the will and lelan-enl ef lb t-atalur.
Tbeivtwrw all fer b-ftVilix etaiut asaiaat raid '
male ar r.lte. to pn cut the one t 'm.
duly . at n.y irriilrnee ll irern mil.-
Kit if Allia-.r, ia lii.oie mr. Ore rnv. wtihin.
t':e tiux: auH in ! e maVi-er prracribed ! U.w.
JAMI-:? CRAliTHKE. Executor. .
Ge. R li a, Att'y r..r ibe Etate.
4w4 -
eSiso.coa : "
Gold Coin Premiums
T.CKET llOLliERS, ea tba .
411. Day or July, 1S71.
The CnamontitaB Benevolent Soeirtj, uf Cal
ifurnia. will bntd tln-ir Srcumt timed Fair at
the B nd Strv-t Th a ter, Ner .da t itv. Cal , ia.
aid uf the foil winj; irj.uf :
I.O, I'ul.lio of Xcrada Conoty.
2d, I'uldie Library of XeTada City.
Sd. Orpban A)-lnm. Nevada Cuualy.
,4th. Fire liepattro. nt. Xeva 'a City.
100,000 Seacon Tickets f AdiciEEioii icilL
be sold, at $2 50 each.
All the I'r ui.uiu will be depuaitcd in the
( r . FRUlICJISi a
I Prrmiuin. polil ciin. ............ $25 000-
I Pr. niinm. told eu n.
10 fill
; 5 H fr
' 4.Btir
' 3 8BO.
' 2 490
. 9 nna
I Piviu nai, g"ld coin ..... u...
I Premium, yold coin
I Prttinimn,' gold coin........ ......
I Premium, gold coin ......... .......
I piewium, Kdd coin ...
I Premium, cold eoin .... .........
IS Pn-iuiuini, sld coin. "Ft. 9' 0 eaoli... IS t.OO
S Prvmiumii, g"ll, f M 0 each ..... 2.4l'l
8 I'r in:ua), gofd coin. $"'00 acb.. ...... 2.IK0
2i Preuiiuma, g d coin. $25(1 acb...... 15,250
1011 PrvnviuinK. cld enin. 0 vaeb.. P,0l0)
100 Premiaios, gold o in, $.'0 each....... &,U0(H
VI'O Premium, gutd cuin, fc!U each... 6,000
5110 Premiums irqld etn. 5?5 .each...... l,.-t!tl
1.043 Pnnnums. gold ciii.U each...... 30.860
2,t.0i liutd Cuin Prwn'nm. amVr $l-e,0Uft
A. 11. llaga.lorp, J. C.rwt II Lee. '
By 'cclal pemiision we refer to tba follow
flit: well kuuwn citUma:
John 11 .ic koi. , Bbtsriff Kevada County.
"- T. W i ori.cT.
Juba r l,inai-ter, Xalinnal Fcht'Bfre Hotel.
" M t5. Dent, Editor Xerada TraDh?ipL
t. V. tch mitt bur Pi.ta:or.--
.; Julius Orwnwald C nnty T mi surer. ,
lieu. B. Newell. ex-County 8hh reiaur. ' --
Thi. J. Uardner. Nevada Uaxetle. '
P lUnn. r, M reliant
' B. B. Genliy, lute I her iff Xerada County.
I.E. I.ell, Ik-pniy P.iinaster.
. Ira A. Katun, Union Hotel.
' Q. AMu, Nevada Found y. -
Jud,.e Trlt. Huife.
Ue". . PliHIipe. Merchant. '
? . (iol'lnniib, Mert-liant -'
- Win. K. Cue, riiter Engineer, Fire Dcparfnt
T. Canfiold. ea Chief Engineer .
A tnt-rd,"M rcbant.
Bliven A. Putter, Merehanti. "
Veeter A Mii loy. Nt -rchanU. . i .-. - .
U Niheit. City MT-hal.
Hood roei-nilil Aeynis wanted. Libera' enra.
miiona allowed. Money ihonld be cent by ex
ptvi. or 4y dra t np.'n any eulveat Bank. . AU
drcet all eoiuuim loation to : . ,
... .CB. SOCIETY,:
aastd Wevstda Clly Cl
J.'tT.' MEXDF.N1IALL, Agent at Abanyx
,at ml t r