7 She jOcmonat. FRIDAY. JUNE 9, 1871. A Romantic Episode. It is seldom that a real live romance In actual life la recorded in these prosy days; but we have a little one to relate which conies to us under, the Bolemn voucher of a truthfui;individuai. Here it is: A merchant of Brownsville, in this coun ty, whose name shall be nameless in this episode, having twice crossed the Jlublcin)f the connubial realm and in time laid each companion in the en folding arms of mother earth, had oc casion recently to make a business tour through the oaken hills and sylvan shades of Tolk county. One day, while riding his gallant charger across a high bridge which sp ns the rapid waters of the classic Rlckreal, a sudden fright and equally sudden sheer of the animal precipitated both horse and rider over the unguarded causeway and into the surging waters below. The horse, hav ing learned the manly art of swim- mine In his vouth. oulckly made for the shore and clambered up the bank, but our hero had evidently obeyed his ' mother when he was young and kept away from the water, as he was whol It unable to make any headway in the swimming business. Fortunately, however, he caught at one of the piers of the bridge against which he had been driven by the force of the current, ami was thus enabled to keep his head above water; and while he was holding on for dear life a young lady who had seen the accident from her residence near by, hastened to the spot, observed his precarious situation, and with rare presence of mind sped back to the house and procured a rope, one end of which she fastened to the top of the bridge and the other dropped down to our al most exhausted hero, who, with the strength of desperation climbed the cord, 4,hand over hand," until he was ' assisted npon the bridge by his fair de liverer. We shall not attempt to de scribe the unutterable gratitude that beamed from the rescued man's eyes, nor the glowing blush of maiden mod esty which mantled the cheeks of the lieroic lass as she listened to the ardent expressions of thanks that fell from nis impassioned lips ; out we are . told that yesterday a ring, a bridal rrobe, orange blossoms, a piece of parch ment and a preacher all recited their special epilogues to this pleasant little drama, and that our hero's fair deliver er is to be his companion until that bridge is reached which extends to the golden-shore beyond the Dark River. May their journey be a pleasant and a peaceful one, is our fervent wish, and on ay the happy bride be ever as ready io "fish" her husband out of difficulties and -as successful at "roping him in" as she was at their first meeting. Death of 2attie Jokgax. Last Tuesday morning Jiss XTattte Jbrgan died at the residence of her brother-in-law, Frank Parton, Esq., in this city, after a brief attack of lung fever, in the 20th year of -her age. The announce ment of her death cast a sad gloom over this community, where she had been known from childhood and universally beloved for her many graces of heart and mind.. Her death was an overpow ering calamity to her aged mother whose sole companion and cherished idol she had been for nearly a' score of year; and to him also to whom her plighted troth was grven, and who, when the ripened grain was garnered and the golden autumn leaves were strewn thick upon the earth, would have led her a blushing and willing bride to the home nest which he had so lovingly prepared, the weaving of the myrtle about her ma'rble br6w in place of the orange blossoms, was n. sad and crushing blow a sorrow wMch none but those who have experienced ean have any conception of. "Let the dead and the beautiful rest." v Railroad Progress. 'While at Harrisburg last Saturday we learned that the grading was completed to within three miles of that citj and that it was expected the road-bed would be finished there by the last of this week. We have' since learned that t ho track is laid to within four miles' of town, and that the graders are all en . camped at Harrisburg and are working on both sides of that place. The depot was not ye positively located there at last accounts. The railroad company propose to locate it on Dr. Davis' land, in the south end of town, provided that gentleman will give them eight acres of ground, but he "don't see it" as yet. There is now some talk of putting the depot oil Perry Hyde's addition, In the north end of town, but it is hardly probable that Mr. H. will "come out" to the tune played by Holladay. At Browx8Vim,e. A. B. Paxton, so long and favorably known as a Pho tograph Artist in this city, has estab lished a picture gallery at Brownsville, where he will be pleased to accommo date all who want a first class shadow. Mr. P. has gained a reputation as an ar tist second to no one in Oregon, and we take pleasure In commending him to the good graces of the Brownsvillians. ' He invariably turns out good likenesses - and his Rembrants are "perfectly splen did." " ' . . Baiit Wagox. Blain, Young & Co. , . have the agency - for the celebrated "Bain wagons," and are prepared to sell them at the lowest possible figure. These wagons are manufactured in the East, of second-growth oak timber, and are put up especially with the view of resisting the effects of our peculiar cli- mate. r Call at the warehouse in this yty and examine the "Bain." FiBMEX's EtECTiox.At the an- nual election of Albany Fire Co. I'c, 1, held last Tuesday eveuing, the follow ing officers were chosen for the next , ensuing year: Foreman, Joe Webber ; x sichubuiui, x orenian, jas. Herren ; riecond Assistant Foreman, Fred Graf ; President, Mart V. Brown; Secretary, A. K. Arnold , Treasurer, Mi B. Crane. ;S 3Iabble Wobks . Messrs. Monroe & "Staiger have opened out an establish ment of this nature in the building formerly used for the same purpose by Ira A. Miller, just above the Overland Hotel, where auy thing in the marble or monumental line can be had at al! times, jueus. cau and inspect thdr pcci-j To Harbisbcko and Back. Last Friday we bestrode Ben. Holladay's iron horse (figuratively speaking) and put out for Harrisburg, via Halsey and other way points. In passing swiftly along we observed that the broad fields were filled with rapidly growing cere als and our farming community - pre sented the most cheering evidences of thrift and advancement. Arriving at Halsey we took in the situation with one sweep of our "eagleeyo" (we have two visual orbs but one was sufficient; and discovered a depot under process of construction, and a Hastily contrived shell used for an eating house under the management of Mr. Brown. A pile of newly sawed boards lying hard by, and a wilful and malicious attempt at aplank fence in the dim distance, completed the signs of civilization which mark the present site of "the future me tropolis of the Willamette Vallcy"the Duluth of the Paclflc. v e are tola that the IT. 8. Government will soon set a man up In the postofflce and In fernal revenue business here and that a saloon and other marks of modern clv- lllzatloi will speedily follow. Taking the stage at Halsey, we trav eled nine miles in that now almost de funct vehicle, and were anchored at Harrisburg, where we found everything "flourishing like a green bay horse." The scarcity of lumber has retarded several contemplated improvements in that city during the past few months, but a saw-mill is now in course of .con structlonjust below town, and the ne cessity In that line will soon be sup plied. Mr. James Gore Is building a large addition to his "Merchant's Hotel," and will soon be able to abundantly ac- with him. Messrs. Countiss & Hargraves have just fitted up and opened out a neat ho tel on Main street, and are now prepar ed to render the traveling public com fortable and happy. These geutlemen have had sufficiently ample experience in their business to render them fully competent to cater to the public wants with eminent success, and from experi mental knowledge we can cheerfully recommend them io the "floating" population. We swooped down on Oliver Tomp- 1:1ns, in hl3 stove iwl tinware estab lishment, and found him "enathema tizin.ir" because the P. T. Co. didn't send his stoves along as fast as he could sell theii. Droppet? Into Mr. Wm. Farier's fur niture shop and discovered that he was "head over heels" in work and turning out some superior specimens of handicraft- He Is a worthy man and should be well patronised. Messrs. Gerst, Myere & Co. have their mammoth etv're crowded with goods and are doing a tnagulflceut bus iness in the line of merchandise. Mr. May. our energetic and vindutrtrious agent, is the "Co." of the nrm". and no man is more universally and deserved ly popular among a large class of cus tomers than "Sam." By the way, we left a lot of subscription bills with him for collection, and we trust that those of bur Harrisburg subnet log w who are indebted to us will deal with him gent ly when he pokes the aforesaid bills under their snouts and in mellifluous accents invites them to pungle. If they will call there and voluntarily "disgorge" it will save Sam the trouble of troubling them. W. 1L Baber has a fine stock of goods, and is selling "heaps on heaps" to his numerous customers. He Is pre paring to store grain on a large scale, and will soon have an advertisement in the Democrat which will tell our read ers all about it. Mrs. Hargraves has just opened out a millinery store above the Merchant's Hotel, and the Harrisburg ladies will now be able to keep pace with the lat est agonies in the line of head-gear. Our genial friend George Branden burg has a neat jewelry establishment in Gerst, Myers & Co.'s store, and can furnish the time on short order and in good shape. He is a superior work man, and fully worthy of patronage. Mr. Brown, of the '.'Arcade," keeps a popular resort for the bibulously inclin ed, and has many admirera. C rouse & McKinney have fitted up an elegant establishment at that place, which is artistically presided over by the princely Mac. The irrepressible Jack Alphin, not to be outdone by his brethren of the "liquid profession" has also opened out a saloon there, and the ilarrisburgers will receive "moisture" at his estab lishment from the hospitible hands of A. Z. Sears. We dropped in to see lion. EL B. Moore, whom we found looking quite bright and cheerful, but as yet unable to leave his bed. He expresses the hope of being again able to mingle in the busy haunts of life in the course of time, and we trust that his brightest hopes of the future may be fully real ized. Had a cordial hand-shake with Sena tor Hoult and many other warm friends of that vicinity, and was invited to "go a-iiHiniifj ana sniping mil te poys," but as our piscatorial and Nimrodical proclivities were not at fever heat we didn't "snipe" worth a cuss. Crops about Harrisburir are .lookiner magnificent, and there are some extra ordinarily fine specimens of wheat fields in that locality. Mr. Charles Levis has a tract of eiehtv acres of fall wheat which has already headed out, and will be ripe for harvesting by the nrer, nays in July. Mr. Jevis Is one of the live, energetic, scientific farmers of "Old Linn," and his example in the matter of cultivating the cereals could be followed by many others with prof it He Is already plowing his land for the next crop, and will sow a large field of grain in July. After exchanging pictures with a few particular friends and clasping them to our heavin' buzzum in one long linger ing embrace, and extracting $3 apiece from most of their breecherloons for contingent expenses, we reluctantly threw ourselves (we had doubled up you see!) into Sam. Mansfield's "jer key" and were rapidly hurled oft Hal-sey-ward, where we joined the Seward "towerists" (who were en route for Portland), and instantly became one of the "big bugs" of that roving party of delectable snobs. 'Spect we would have followed them off if one of the crowd, who wore a little button-mounted cap and a spy-glass, hadn't asked us if we "knew of a cweek in ouw latitwude wherein tliaw was good cat-fwishing." That let us out. We didn't want to be Identified as being cheek by jowl with a fellow who expected to catch cat-fish in Oregon! We laid over at Albanv. and the Seward party went on after weeping upon our neck and warmly asking us to come and visit them and bring our knitting alone 'Twas in deed an affecting parting and will long remain green in our .gizzard; but we JVhlconlin g assurance tnat our i loss is thcii; eternal gain. Finis. LOCAL. PICKINGS.. Prof. L. Gary lectured on astronomy t at the Court House last night Thanks to our friend J. A. Millard for a box of delicious strawberries. It Is thought that the cars will bo running to Harrisburg In ten days more. Miner & Peajrson sold tuty Buckeye sewing machines yesterduy. Who can beat this? The young ladles realized $132.50 at their Fair last week. We congratulate them on their success. Allen Purker has bought the John Layton farm, lying about two miles west of the Callpoola bridge, for $o,5x. Dandruff may be effectually eradica ted from the scalp by a few applications of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re- newer. . We are indebted to the young ladies of tho U. P. Mite Society for tho pres ent of a larire and palatable "sweet cake." The engine house Is nearly complet ed, and In alvout a week the gallant firemen will have a grand "blow out' to celebrate the event The railroad switch up 'tho river through this city is nearly finished. The road-lied is graded and the ties laid down ready for the iron. Some one paid a delicate and hand some compliment to the pastor of the U. P. Church, In this city, last Sab bath, by placing upon his pulpit a couple of vases of beautifully arranged flowers before the morning service be gan. We are told that Messrs. Cartwrlght & Co., of this city, will soon erect a largo warehouse In Eugene. There are very few persons more enterprising or public-spirited than. Mr. Cartwrlght, and we wish him unbounded success, Wm. S. Elkln's store, at lbauon, can furnish outfits to mountain tour ists and travelers over the Cascade road at the most reasonable rates, and as it Is ouite a savine in the distance of transportation there is certainly an ad vantage In purchasing there. Perrsonal. Hon. L Flelschner and Col. T. II. Cann and wife of Salem paid our clty.a visit last Sunday. We learned from Col. Cann that Mrs. Gov, Grover was dangerously ill; we trust, however, that her recovery may be sure and speedy. J. M. Keeler, commission merchant of New York City, gave us a pleasant call during the past week. He was formerly a resident of this State, and says he observes that Oregon has made many rapid strides of Improvement during his four years' absence. a Sigmon Kohn, for many years a successful merchant of this city, start ed for Bavaria, Germany, last week, for a year's visit amoug the scenes of his boyhood days ln"dhcr FaterlamL" The SeWard tourists passed through our city last Week, en route overland from California to Portland and Victo ria. Dr. A. M. Loryraand wife and Mr. j i?aveley and wife, of East Portland, I nniid II n to Ifnlm-V on th mil mm I Innf iday. Senator 7iendenhott, of Cninn coun ty," passi J up on the cars the other day, on his way to Ltf ne county. He says that crops are remarkably forward in Union and Baker counties, but that the farmers are anticipating Vry little ben efits from that source except .'a the way of stock feed, as they will have no market for their grain during the n.'Xt year or two. The fate of the counties east of the mountains depend almost entirely upon the progress of railroads that will furnish them an avenue for shipping their products to market, and until such measures are successfully inaugurated our Eastern neighbors will experience no very great progressive movements in their naturally gifted latitude. Another Warehouse. Mr. I. B. Morris is preparing to erect a ware house on the bank of the river in the east part of the city, Just below Cart wrierht's warehoune. The building will be 44 feet wide by 0 feet long, with 16 feet story. It will be constructed on the most solid and reliable plan and will contain an immense storage capac ity. No other town In Oregon has such prodigious warehouses, nor so many of them, as Albany. . The Cascade Road. Mr. Robert Miller, of Lebanon, .has Just made a trip to Ochoco Valley and back, over, the Cascade Wagon Road, and he says that the snow is fast disappearing and the road will soon be In good condition for travel. Jesse ParrUh started across last Monday with a drove of cattle, and anticipated no trouble In getting across in good shape. , Coxferexce. We are requested to state that the next session of the Col umbia Annual Conference, M. E. Church South, will convene at the Crabf ree camp-ground. Linn county, Oregon. Wednesday Sept 6, 1871. Bishop J. C. Keener, of New Orleans, presiding. This will probably be the largest religious meeting ever held in Oregon. The Cosmopolitan Benevolent Socie ty of Nevada City made their first drawing in January. The fair dealing and honesty evinced on that occasion Is now causing a rapid sale of the tick ets In their Second drawing which will take place on our National ZToliday, July 4th. All Gold Coin prizes. Buy a ticket Only $2 50 each. ENLARGED. The Dalles Mountain ecr is enlarged to a twenty-eight col umn paper, and presents many eviden ces of enterprise, upon the part of the genial Hand who engineers it through the journalistic breakers. We congrat ulate its proprietor, and M-ish him abundant success. From Willow Crekk. From Mr. William. Wigle, who is visiting his friends in this county, we learn that stock in Willow Creek valley is in ex cellent condition, and that the recent rains have given vegetation in that lo cality a vigorous impetus. Quite a lit tle colony from Linn county have set tled In that section, and all are highly elated with their future prospects. . Mrs. Grenuan, of Utsalada, Washinz- ton Territory, recently took a caryo of I v-i I ,1 - uimricr to uuina, ana nasretnrned. She is sharper in the lumber buainons than any other mill owner on th Sound, and pot at leant ten dollars more per thous and feet frr lumber than was ever paid at Hong Koog before. BORN: BBAXDEXBURO In this eity. n tho 6th inrt,, to the wife of 3. W. Rramlenbnrs. a on. - MARRIED: INfiRAM MILLER.- On tho 4lh lnt.. by S. II. Clnuirhton, 3. P.. at hid reaidenca in l.i.h. anon, Mn. W. H. Ingram and Mws Hart Jane MiLuttt an m i,inn comity. JcrrsMoit, Jun 7tl, 1 ST I . i . Hiiiln Kiiu'lln? nf Hanlluin I, oil IT. No. J7, 1. U. 0. Jun lt, 1871, tb fallow ing rcfolutlon era mlnptad in regard to tb -- of uurlamaiiUil brithr, II. . UrouaNi 27,1. 0. O.K., bowiwlih rulffntlon tu tli will of blut who biiliU lu tU hollow yf Id bftiid k I..m... i.r III- anil duulli. wa nt liuiurn Willi rifound furrow tbt ltprtur of our U!vJ iin,iur iroin our miuu rt,t l, tli f!oth of II. f. fUorire. nnih.. link h. liuan L ruk on. Imt Ilia I'IihIiI thntbiniU tlia llrolherbno.l unila alii In bouda eriralamal lovt, va nara ion a iiroiiiur wuu wat "dutiful to bli Craator, fititblul ti bla eoua tr, mid fratarual to liU falluw-uian." .Our Wig baa lout a I rue Odd Vvllow. h.-uia an al Ixolli.nuia lulliur, tho public au umunt ultliau. Jtfotitd, llmtwa ti'iiuvr io ine wiuuw anu fitiully of our bclurud brother in thoir Hour of uprvma sorrow, our ilnvera and bearllelt nyin yalby; cliarlxlilng tho rviiicntbrniina of bla tuaii) aludl; 'Irtnoa. wa wilt nut forgot tho olllra" of truth aud trlcudabip In bobaii of our brother hood. JUmltnt, That a epr f tboa rnaulutlona bo trannuittud to the wifn of tho duveaaed liratber by tho Buereury of tho Lodg-, wlih tho aoal of too lounge aiiHciiou. iit!hd, ThattboJtoaav llt'jltttr ni STAT Right DaaocittT ba runuoalad to liubtiab a uopy of thuio reblutl'inr. K. Pi. I HUM AO, I ; 0. . hUl.ANP, V Com. J. W. it i) LA NO. J JMlr. I'turoa'a A t. Ext. or Uuldun Madioal diacovery, will not raUo the uvad, but It will benrflt and euro tho living. For all aovoro Cuuitba, Throat and l!ronhlal dhwaaei It ha Dvvrr yet been eoualod. For "Liver coinpUInt" or "Uillouaneaa, and Conciliation of the How el it u a never falling remedy, fold by drug, gut. ' Chapped Hand mid Face, More I.lpN, PryiicHM of the Skin, Curad at once hr II KC1 KM AN'ff CAMPHOR ICE WITII (JLYCKKINK. It keep I lie hand h In all wealhrr. Sue that yon get HKliKM AN'fl. Hold by all llruggiiiU. on y 2b cent. Manufac tured only by JIkokmax Co., Cbemiat and DmsgiiU. New York. Janl3'71yl SPECIAL NOTICES. A Chapter of Fact. Bpara ta valuable in a newpaf.er, and it i therefore propoaed la Ihia advertisement to con, dtmo a variety of fact, important to tbo pub' lie, luto m inietl eompa. Thoie furl refer to llottellur'a Ktumaoh Hitter what that celebra ted medicine U, and what It will do. In the Brat place, then, the article la a alimulant, lonb? and alterative, evmUtlng of a eoinbinetlon of an abolatc!y pare (ptrituou agent with the moil valuable medicinal vegetable obtanee that Dolanle roaeareb ba placed at tho diapoaal of the ebemiit and Ibe phynlelaii. Tbeae logre dienta are compounded with great care, and In urh proportion! a In produce preparation which invigorate without exciting tbo general yaiein, and tone, regulate and eintrela the etomacb, tbo boweia, tbo liver, and the minor accretive organ. What IhU great reitoralivo will do mot bo gathered from what it ha done. Tbo cae of dypepia, or any other form of 'ndlxeatlon, in which tt ha been prUtently admiabtored without effecting a radical core, t yet to be beard from, and the aame may bo aald of bitioua dlor. der. Intermittent fever, nrrvon aOrelion, gen. eral debility, entipation, alek headache, men. tl dUabilitie to which tbo feeble are e ohject. It politic all the fluid of the body, including the blood, and the gcotlo timntu which it Ira part to the ncrvon ayrtea i not acroeded by tbo lightet reaction. Tbla la a chapter of fact which reader, for their own akr, tbooid mark aod remember. a An Tha "Paiji KiLLr." may Jo.'- bo the great medieina of tho world, for tin. ro la bo re gion of tbo globe into which it ba not found II way, and taton largely ed and highly pr'.xed. JJoreornr, tbera i no clime to wh.'h It baa not proved m to WtsII adapted for the of a eonaiderahto varietr of diiuKti it t ,k iedy aod are mnedy rr burn, aralda, eat, broi.c. wound and Variona other Injarie. a well aa f"r dyaroiery. dlrr'ooa and bowel rem plaint generally, it it admirably otld for avery raeo on tho face f tbo globe, " It i a very goi8cant fact lb al aotwitbaland. inz the long pcru 4 of year that tbo "Pain Kill er" baa bern before the world. It U never lol one whit of it popular, bnt, on M eontrary, the eall for it baa ateajil iocreaaad from it 6rt dUowry, and at no p.-ovloo tima ha tbo demand for It been o great, or the quantity mado been o large, aa it la to-J T Another Igniflceat fact U, that !wbere ha tho Pain Killer ever lie in bigger repute, or been more generally ned by famit:oa at-d Indi vidoala, than It ha been hero at bonze, wbve It waa flnrt diienvered and introduced. That the Pain Killer will eon tinne to be, what wo bare tyled it, tb obrat aamciaa or Ta wnrtn. there cannot bo tbe thaduw of a doubt Profi denco Advertiarr. 1TILLIA3I DATIDSO., REAL ESTATE DEALER . Office) No. 64 Frost Street, PORTLAND, OREOOJf. REAL ESTATE In this CITT and EA8T PORTLANU. in tbo noil deeirable loeaiitie. eoniting of LOTS, HALF liLOCKa) aud BLOCKS, HOUSES aod ttTORES; alo, , IMPROVED FARMS, and rnlnabla nn. cultivated LANDS, located in ALL part of the STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Property por ehaaed for Correspondent, iu thi CITY aod throughout the 8TATE3 and TERRITORIES, wiih great care aud on tbe moat ADVANTA GEOUS TERMS. HOUSES and STORES LEASED. LOANS NKUOTIATKD. aud CLAIMS OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COLLECTED. Aud a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS traniacted. AGENTS orthi OFFICE In all the CIT IES and TOWNS in the STATE, will rooeive deuription of FARM PROPERTY and forward tbe auie to tbo above addrua. . vSu2Mf. 1871. SPRING CAMPAIGN. '1871. A full aortment of Good of all kind urn ally kept in a eountry (tnro and suitable to the icuion, may bo found at Wheeler's Store in DrownviUo. Having ' inoreaaed fneHitie, and keeping a wider range of article, whleh he t determined to el oven lower than before, tbo proprietor truxta that he will receive atill greater haro of the patronage of tbe people nf Brown ills and vicinity. Worface of all l i'ndt bought. Cath paidvr HW. Sack and twino furnUhed. Agency for nlo of Agrloultural Machine and Sewing Machine. ' V v0o30yl. TO YOUNG MENJDFTHE COUNTRY. To Young Men of Ambition ! TO YOUNG MEN OF COURAGE AND ENERGY I AND TO OUR FRIENDS EVERYWHERE! We Respectfully Call Your Attention : Whertf ten men watch for chance, one mnn make clianoc. Wflile ten men wait for ome- thlng to turn up, une lunit tomethiuy vp. So while ten fail, one (Ucreed, and ia called a man of lnok, tbe favorite of fortune. 7'W i. tin lunk likaptnek, and fortuue tnot fovor those who aro mort indifferent to it. Now U your time to take the AGENCY OF THE BUCKEYE SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE, and Make xouraeu ort nne'a ravorlte! For iurtioulnrn, Hlre WINER St PEARSON. v6n4Hi Albany, Orogun. U7 1 M fl ADVKRTI8KMENT8. ELI CARTER, Notary 3? u 1 1 i cs , REAL ESTATE DEALER, GICIIAL, ri.ACIAL AGENT ' Will attend to tbo buying and ivlllnc of Beat Eatate, examining tltli, drawing need. Mort gagu, Leuaen, CuntracU, 6u and will give iueiat attention to eolloutlng, avouring or ad- iiDting unaettlea Claim, la any jmrt IA Uni 'tit ,V(ii, An oxiierleiieo of tulrtr-five year ih active pnbllo biialiic ton year of wblh hAvo been nent In County Clerk and llebord- er iiflloo In dllfereut ritate and Teirltorle . givi-i me a familiarity iltli bualne, aud p. olnlly with the IUoor.1 of Ileal Ktt, which ean be aaulred only by long exriuncu. Jlu- nug nrtoen iiiotitbi' aurvleo in the Clerk and Koaordvr' Office of Linn County. I havodiieov- ered I but tliureare many defeetive title to Ileal KDtaio lu'tlil ounnly whieb It will pay the par tlu lutoretvd to look alter, and tho aooner the baiter. - Correinnndenoe from the Atlantic State In re. gnrd to Oregon and tho 1'ncfflo Coat generally win receive prompt attention. l'lcae addrexor glvo in a call at my Ofllot In Albany, Linn County, Orvgon. I lake tho liberty of referrins to tbo follow ing realdent of the dlflurent Hlat.- named t Jliftmri. Hon. Jame H. KmIIIu. llixin Co.t Hon. Ueo. W. Dunn, Htehtnondi Hon. E. Iwia, Ht. C'harl! Mrr. Tutt A D.,nald. St. Jowphj r. it. i nriunul'l. Kq., Hanaa Cilyi Col. A. W. lionipbon, t.ilwrtyt lUv. Wm. M. Itaab Itar. Audrew Moor. Mixloo; Klhp K, M. Marvin, St.. Louli Ex Uoveroor Truaun Polk. HL Lul. A'(HcZv Dlnhon II. H. Kavanauxb. Lax- ingtnn. Ohio--R. M. Carter, Eej., Elyria. JV Yrk Mrr. Xortbup A Chick. Dank er, New York CHy. Qoluradn Hun. Wm. A. II. Lovaland, Uold- en Cltyi Hon. Win. X. Oyre. Ienver City. titixutna rtev. u. is. Hlalelor, iladerabnrg; Mnjor J. It. llolco, Helena. f ihurma Co. P. Keeve. Eq.. eolaun Clrt John T. Hill. K-q., I. Aneelea. urttjim uovernor I., r . Itrover, Malemi Wm. Inviilon, K., and HomII. Ferry k Wood, word, Portland; lUv. Jl. It. llaxter. Polk county; l. II. Aimott, Eq uaker Cilyi J I on. John Hurnrtl and llev. Wm. A. Fin ley, Cervalll; Kuv. K. 11. (jeary, Hon. W. F. Alexander, Una. N. II. Cranor, Albany. Albany, April 2", 1171. vfnSCtf THE SPRING & SUMMER STYLES FOR 1H71, IN HATS & CAPS ! 4B STRAW HATSi are now ready and for al at J. C. MEUSSOORFFER & BRO'S. Among the loading iiylct aro tbo Palmetto Slat, Dardanelles XXat, CraaTlIl XZat, Eiar WiUiazB ZZat, Oerm aaia XZat, Zraahee) XXat. XOatlnee Sat, Toafirfraa Hat. AND NUMEROUS OTHER STYLES! At Corner Front aad MoirUoo Siren., P2aa37m2 PORTLASD. MILLINERY AfiOTANCY GOODS I MRSJLA.BRIDGEFARMER ((CCCKMOB TO MM. OCXIWaT,) JIa jut received from below an o'etraot m voice orocw MILLER Y AND FANCY WOODS, ucb a FASHIONABLE BONNETS AND HATS!' VELVETS. RIBBONS. TRIMMINGS. ETC. To which eik" InvMe tho aitontloa ot the ladie of Albaay aoej vlelilty. Her good will bo (old a ebeap if not eieai r than ever before oCTered in tbU market, anj h.r quality eaeoot fail te aire aatUfaetion. " ap8vflnS4m3 200,000 Pounds WOOL WAtirED!! For which wo will pay tb - HIGHEST CASH PRlCf. tlTfiDL OWNERS WILL DO WELL JO f f eII 00 n before (oiling. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON WOOL. a3?w P. C HARPER A CO. ALBANY BOOK STORE E. A. FREELAND, BOOK-SELLER AND STATIONER Albany - - - - Oresoi RESPECTFULLY INFORM.' THE PUBLIC that he ba removed from tk eld (tend U PARRISH'S BL.OO.-, Where all are invited, anre4 that Gcod in hit line are old at tbe lowed eaah price. COHTAXTLY 0 BAKDI STANDARD AND B1SCELLAXE0US HOOKS. eTaTeaile). Toy Gilt nad Blank Beos, not, triti, ad - SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY ! Of every kind uied In the State. SSf D00K3 IMPORTED TO ORDER, at (hurt natieo. Doelnlftly Tlis atnndard remedy fur Coughs, . Influenza, Sort Throat, V hooping dough, Croup, Livtr Complaint, llrnv ehiti; Bletdtng of the t.uwji, and every . aft'uetion of tbe Throat, Lung and Cheir, including CnKoviTio!i, IVIittnr'M Balsam doe not dry up a Couch, but lxi,en it, rloai.e the lungs, and allay irritation, tbtie removing (A caiie of the eomplant None R'-nu-ine nnleae riirnod I. Hitttk. Prepared by firJTit W. FowtR & Bon, Borton. . Sold by RumxaTox, UoufcTTRn & Co., San Francueo, and by dealer generally, , 5n44yl. FARM FOR SALE. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE a farm f 240 iiorea, lying in Ronton Boun ty, thrve uiilc from Alhany, on the Albany end Cnrvalli rnnd. The farm i wall improved, haa a O'lrufurUblo and neat ilwelltniliotiie, weod ehed, barn and nrnlmrd rf drill tree of moat ex. eellet vnriel iu. There are on the furin lull norc of rith bottom Lwd; afo uny amount of oak and aab timber, and good stuck water in every field. The farm 1 a denirahle ono. tbe location healthful, and tho turuis of mle moat roaoitiahlu For further pirtlth!remiiiiro im the farm. n.19 BVrnNolDJir, ADVK11T18KMKNTS. Carding: Sc Spinning F11HE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO IN JL forw the public that be ha permanently toeatod lu Eugene City, with lit new ret f Carding and rtliining maehlnery, wbure bo i prepared to manulauiure any kind of woolen yarn, from the eare( blanket to the flneat flannel, ai the following rate, to-will twenty Ave eent (ii rU.) per pmind. Thoi-o wanting A BHi'KhlOR ARTICLE OF TARN wouhl do well to ve me a eall. U. UDOMUHILl), Proprkitor Eugono City Yarn Mill. ln40tr HIGHEST CASH PRICE, rain roa - WOOL, BACON AND LARD! I iiSTinS 1ILAIN. TO0NO A CO. GLOIMOUeS NEWS! LOOK OUT FOR GOOD 33 A-XtOA-IIVS ! W. S; ELKINS, LEBANON, OREGON. II AS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! -WHICH THEY OFFER Cheaper IUm (he Cheapest I Come and eonvlnee yonreelre before purcha log eltewbcre. Oar (tuck eonaUta io pan of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY flOODS, CLOTHING, HAT" A CAPS, DOOTM AND SHOES, GROCERIES, NOT10S. and a great many article U nnmrroo to aame. 1 1 Alao, Iovr, n iudowa, Ulaa and Putiy. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS i WOOL WA XTED ! FOR WHICH I WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRJCE! w. s. exjorr s. aySvn3tf SPRING & SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. DRICCS & CARTER, la ordr to provide fatly f the new era (boot to open ep in tbo rity of Albany and eoaoty of Linn, have thoroughly repaired their PI, A IN I XG MILL An SASH AND DOOR FACTORY aod have added Dew Marbieey. ( whieh i mmvt Bcacb' PoaltiTa Dlotioa Scroll Saw a, wbkb w e perferl nee4 ia iu way. Have oa band a (apply of superior 000P.S. SASH. MOLDING. & SEASONED LUMSER. Have employed a eurp of FirttClaa Ve ebanic, aal aro now prepared, ready, witbng and anxinu to opply all wbo may bo ia want nf work ia their line; and bono by drirt alieo tion tu buaiaret aad poacUalny ia tbeir eoa traete to merit a eonliDoaoce of pablie poironago. Ordera loft ot tbo Factory, or with Eli Carter at hie offioe, will receive prompt attention. AlKany. Ore a, April 20, 1871 vanXSlf ill. McCAXX & COM WOOL, HIDES, LEATHER AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, BOUGHT AND SOLDON COMMISSION. Liberal AdTantf! made on Coniifnmcnti. Na. 818 Battery Street. va39yt SAN RA1YCXSCO. FOR SALR 0 SB DOUBLE CIRCULAR FIFTEEN. 1I0R8E I'OWER PORTABLE STEA.M SAW MILL! It wilt eat front Ave to (even thooaaod feet of lumber (er day. It I ranning daily, aad ia good running order, with plenty of lumber of almost all kind eontantly on . band for ale. For particulars, either add re or rUlt , a0wS OEO. ECELER, Lebanon. Linn ewuety, Oregn. CORYALUS COLLEGE! - roa MALES AND FEMALES. CO.IVALLH, OREGON. tttvutl mvrnD TNTO THREE SESSIONS X Tuition (per K'"ni" of Si mouth,) from to 14. areorrting U "V'To . b ;' e, MAI.K ROARDl.Va 0c5E, hy Prof. J. T-m ery. Hoard, including roon.. fuel and ligbta. $o0 ia k.t U'..1i ir. .s3 tier aeaaioa. Tbbiii i One-fcalf in adrane aud the ether half at the eloe of the Miinn. el6vn6tf W. A. FIN LET, A. U., Preident. KKA I. ESTATE. STITZEL A- UPTON, REAL ESTATE UROKERS, AUD GENERAL AGENTS. BRANCH OFFICE-AlbatMF, Oregon J. C. MENBSNHALl, Agent. An officio where neral inform ation eoneerning Ihe reaoureoe of Oregon can be obtained free f caorye. . : Loan negotiable on first mortgage, real estate aad collateral security. t Kaee for sato a largo amount of property loca ted ia the towna of Albany, lirvwn villa aud Cor vallw. AI. M,000 aere of farniinp land of every Jeacriptioa in Linn, Denton and Polk eonntiea. Penwna dcairini to aell their property inenr nn expel ha plaoine it in our hand for ale nnleas aealeiamade. Call at onr office la Parriah's brick, where we have a team ia read ine Ut eoa e nartiee te sriew our land. -J. C.MEADEXIIALL, Agent. Sn3!yl. Albany, Oregon. GREAT LAND SALE f 2 0,OOOvACRES! BY ORDER OP THE DOAJID OF DTREC tore of the WillatnotU Valley and Caeade Mountain Wagon Road Company, wade Decem ber I. 1 97", I am now soiling AT PRIVATE SAIiE, at the Company' office in Albany, 20,000. acres of land, more or loss, belonging to said Cuuipaqy, sitnatod in Linn county, Oregon. Person desiring to purchase will he furnished l with a description and location of said land by applying at Company's office. . TERMS OF SALE: Coin, one-third of pnr ehaao mouey in hand at time f sale; remainder in two annual payments, taking promissory notes therefor at twelve per cent, per annum, . Purchaser dcairing to pay a greater amount than one-third in hand will hate a ' deduction of tea per cent. The title to the land h gdod, and purchaser npon partial paymenta will recove Company Bond for deed. Those payiRg full amount of purchase price will receive Ihoir leeds at t)os, .-; ' Sale to continue until all of said latide baVe been offered for !'. 1 X IKtetAH person reeidlng nn any of the Company's land in thi enUnty-ate notiflud te Come forward imitsediHtcly If they desire to pur cb tbe rume. JAMC9 ELKINS. fch. S, IST, . Secretary. A DVElCl'lSEMEMis, SHOT CUNSj! ALL DESIRfNO TO PVRCHASE A X govflgunwa would reapeotrully aubounee tbitt we now keen onugutritly on hurid s No. 1 r- tide of KnjtlUh Wire YpmM Shot tnni at rHonablo rate. Tbeae gun bare given perfect aatiofnelina in evejy iaatauee. We alio keep the elebrled "BUCKEYE" SEYtaG MACHINE, not rxeulled by any other 1n the an ark-1, Hive a . P. C. JIAKPER A CO. yVrnZSif. W. IL KUHN & CO., DEALERS IN IROT STEEL, Springx, Ixlex, Thimble Skeifix, etc. Alao, a well (elcefod (tork of Wilson Timber! BpoUtt Hull, Beiii Mm, Kliajts, J'olet, lIL:kortf Jxlet, drc. FARMERS' and MECHANICS' TOOLS . coxsistixo or ANVILS. VICES. BELLOWS. HAMMERS. HATCHETS. - Sledget) Saws, Planes, CRONMIJT A.I MILK, fit A 11' M I Together with a largo Aortraen t of WOOD AND.WTXLOW WAKE. ' pB Ploro In Mnt:ith' Kro-Proof brick, next door to Ulain A Young'. vr. n. kuhx a co. Albany. Jan. IS. IS71 a2Zyl. THE GEEAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Am Infallible auMio l srn est, ,i lag rare toxic aad arcatnxa: properttre acertaia can for uimna. mmvrm. MM. atveilJa. aad all kindred BImm. It coarphrtery netaiK the (ystem wbea ixow gelred by eUaaeea, revtvea tho actioo of tfca rally ear aeatorvaja. aax.T aad an racrrm mm ccr axseo Dia (ee, grvea eanaodlate aad paniniaiiil relief la twaM ia. cava suae. Tamo. Boil, Scald Bead, Cicero aad Sores: endl cat from the system all ttacesof Var rial It la ran itT an ecstt Asiu. Mac aaada fro aa herb found lpdigenen In Cuiia.r.i.. It la therefore peculiarly aaJtable for nee by reaaal eaal CaUdna, ae a bloob Ft Sale by ell Orugf t. Comoro, kostettcb & co. AGENTS. S29 and 631 Karkat StrMt. EaaTrdaee. THE HEW FOOD. For a few cents you can buy cf your Grocer or Druggist a package cf SEA XIOSS FAEDTE made from pure Irish Hoss or Carrageen, wMch "will make sixteen quarts of Blanc Mange, and a like quantity cf Puddings Custards, Creams, Charlotte Russe, &c It is the cheapest, healthiest and most delicious food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Change!! TOE GREAT WORLD'S TOXIC Plantation Bitters. This YTonderfnl Tcgetable re ttoratlTe it the aheet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid, it has no equal anions stomachics. As a remedy for the ; nervous weakness to uliichwomen are especially sub Sect, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all cUtaates, tropi cal, temperate, or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of diMtrdcr -which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. For sale by all druggists. i ji '' advkrtiSkmknts. THE KIDNEYS. The Kidney are two la Banker, eitaated at tbe upper part of tbo loin, surrounded by fat. and eooaicting of three part, vis : tho Anterior, tb - Interior, and tbe Exterior, r - Tho anterior abenrbe. Tbe interior cott of tiwne or vein, wbirb (erv e ar a drpvsit fur tho urine and convey it l tbe exterior. Tbe exterior I a conductor aim, terminating in . aingle tnbe. aad called the Ureter. Tbe aretor are oonoretorl with tbe bladder. Tbe bladder it composed of rarbm eoveringa or t:iie. divided 1no part, rii: tbe Up)r, tbe Lower, tbe Nerv a, and tbe Mncou. The opper expel, tbe lower rrtaie. Many have a desire to urinate without the ability; other an nate without the ability to retain. Thi fre quently oeeur ia children. ' Te ear theao affeetione, we nut Wing fata action the wjoacie. which are encaged ia their various function. If tbey are neglected. Gravid or Dropy may ensne. The reader must also be made aware, that however slight may bo the attack, it is sere ta affect tho bodily health aod mental pvwera. as oar flesh and blood are ttpportod fro tbeae Cocr.foa TlnRCVArisir. Pata arr'isr ia the loin is indicative of tbe above disease. They r la per oa disposed te aeid (temech aad chalky eoaeretioas. Tee Citrn. Tbe aval enra from aer- leet er improper treatment of tbe kidney. Tfaeea organ being weak, tbe water is not expelled from the bladder, bat allowed to remain ; it be come feverish, aad sedimcet forms. It ia from this depoiit that tb stone is formed, aad gravel easue. DeoMT is a eoReefioa of water io some part of tbe body, and bear different names, accord in r to the part affected, via : wbea go nerallr diffused over tbe body.it i called Aaaaareat whoa of the abdomen, Ascitos; when of the cheat, Hj axe thorax. TETamrr TJelmbold'e fcirhlr eonoeatrat- edem pound Extract Uucha ia decidedly one ot the bfst remedies fr diseases of tbe bladdr. kidney. rrar.L dn.picai meilin .rbeomalirt. and goaty affections. Under ibis heed we bavo arranged Dyturia, or difficulty aad paia ta pae inr water, beamy Eeerettoa. er small ana :re- quent discharges of water; Strangury, of stop ping or water; uemarana. or eiooay arm e: Uunt end Rhenmatism of tbo kidney, w tocen any change ia quantity, but incieaee in color, or dark water. It was always highly reeom mended by the late Dr. Physirk, ia these affections. This medicine increases tbe power of dig, tiou. and ezett the absorbeat into healthy ex ereise by which the watery or calcareous dispo sitiom, aad all aanatoral enlargement, A well as paia aad inflammation, are redaoed, aad it i taken by men, women, and children. .Dirtiene for ase aad diet aeeompaay. FaaAet.Bi, Pa. - Si, 1S57. H. t. Ui.nBou, Druggist: Dbxk tta 1 have o a a saner t "r epwara of twenty year, w th gravel, bladder, and kid ney affMtiena, during which time I have aed various medioinal preparauooa tu o u mwt the treatment or tho toast eminent Pbyeiciaas, experiencing but little relief. Having ma your pre paraiion. riruni, advertisod, I co asnlted with my family physician io regard te asing your Extract Buchtt. I did this because 1 had ased all kinds of ad vertised remedies, and had found them orth less, and some onita injuriou ih fact, I drs : i . rtintr wlL .nit detetmifted tn w. . . ft ' . 1 - use no reaiedies hereafter unless I kav-W of tho ingredients. It was this tbat prpt me i-. use your-remedy. Aa yav adveitisrd tbat it waa eoeapostd ot huchu, calwb. and juniper berrie. it oee utTed to me and my physician as an excel lent combination, and, with his advioe, after an examination of the article, and consulting again wiihtthe drugg'sU I enneludL-d to try it I com meaced lu use abtut eight iu it.is a?-. at which tioi I was confined t my riKiio. Froiii t!)eflrt bottle I wus astoni"he-l anl Rmtified at the bono. BdUl effect, and after nin? it ihrv wtit k. m awe towaia on. ""--, al full statement of my oa! at that 'inie, but BT improvement miKM on'y oo itBipomry.aow (therefore eneluded te defer end aee it U would . c . .n bnnwinir then ft wenld ba of greater vae to yo. and wore satisfactory t 1110a .'' m- a t I am now Woo report tha a euro is effeeU.t after using the remedy for fire moniha. I have not nsed any now for thrca months, and feel aa well In all respect as I ever did. Your flaehu being dertii I of any unpleasant tasto ai d odor, k nwo tonie and iavigorator oP the sytem , $ do not mean to be without it wbe . ever occasion fcay Vequire ita a- in eueh i aff , Hans.'' - ' M'CCvRMICK. ghotjM any doubt Mr. McCnraipk' (tatemenl he refers to the fallowing rentlemen t Holi. Wa. Bil.i!H. ex-t)oVernor, renn, Hon; Thos. It. Florenee. Philadelphia. Hon. J. 8. Black, Judpe . Philadelphia. Hob. D. Porter. ex-X36rno. Penu, Hob. Kilia Levi. Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. . O. riev. Indue, Vaired StniesCourt, Hob Xt V. Woodward, Judjre. Philndelpbia. Hon." W. X. Porfer, Ctty Solicitor, Phila. Ka. 4oha Jliglet, ex-Oo raor, ralif.irnia. Hon. B. Bank. Auditor Genl, WahingtoD. And manv olbera, if bo ssnry. Sold bv all DmpgUts and dealers eer -bf , Tteware if oounterfclta. Ask for UolmboldV. Take aa ether.. :.,... I pnc-Sl.Z5 per notue. or " in -". 'Delivered to any adilresa. Describe (jjnptom in !aUcoinninnieatiova. ", . Address H. T. UZi.MWUu. vo., i-.t Warehon-- 5 Broadwav. . T. hvTOXE GENUINE r'LE?S rosK vr j.v i IXi wrattner. with fao-siuiile cf W Chemical -"Jc, apr2ST6s3Tm3