a FRIPAT....... ,.MARCU 10, 1871. HARRtSBtrua. We learn from Hon. T. J. Stites that on last Friday evening a debating club was organized at Har risburg, and la now In full blast. On the evening of the preliminary organi zation the question of the prohibition of the manufacture of spirituous liquors in the United States was discussed In a very able manner, and two of the threejudges selected to decide the question rendered an opinion that the prohibitionists .won the battle the other member of the ju dicial bench contending no less strongly that the champions on the side of "liq uor" had secured the victory. And this is the condition In which the whisky question stood at Ilarrlsburg at our lost advices. On this (Friday) evening the Club will discuss the question of "Wo man's Rights," when a feast of reason and flow of wit may be anticipated. We hope that the judges on the woman question will not be split up like those on the whisky problem, and also that the champions of the fair sex may be able to make a good showing on the wo man lay-out. Our sympathies in this fight are decidedly with the poor, suiler ing, down-trodden, heart-broken women bf the land, who are devoid of even the right to wear bigger waterfalls than the hair-dresser can prepare" or huger Gre cian bends than can be found in thej pnarket. It is indeed every man's duty, having a spark of chivalry in his nature, jo rush to the rescue of the oppressed jromen of the land, and with "hooks of teeF' and bags of money, save them from the oppressor's yoke and the ty rant's heel. But it is not necessary for Vis to fire the hearts of the gallant Har risburghers in defense of woman, as we know they will throw their protecting 32gis about her and preserve her from very species of wrong and tyranny ; and so we leave her in their loving and tender embraces. Neck-Tie Parties. A neck-tie par ty Is talked of in our city, and we have been requested to publish the modtu op erandi for the benefit of, the uninitiated. Here is the way the thing Is done in the East: Every gentleman invited is met 'at the door of the house where the party Is beinr held, and presented with a box into which he thrusts his hand and draws out a neck-tie. The number of lies IS equal nnu lue uuiuurmi grumr- xnen Invited. These neck-ties are made from dress goods, and each one corres 1 Til- i! ... . I f ponds with the dress of some lady pres ent. On being admitted, the gentleman presents himself to the lady wearing the dress corresponding with the material of his tie and that lady is his partner for the evening. Later. The neck-tie party is to be given at the residence of Mr. James IL 'Foster, next Wednesday evening, and the receipts of the evening are to be ap propriated to the benefit of the library '. of the U. P. Sabbath School. The well- - known taste and discrimination of Mrs. - Foster in such matters is a sufficient , guarantee that the aflair will be a pleas ant and successful one, and the novelty ' f the thing is bound to draw a large crowd. ' Lixn' County School Matters. Hon. T. J. Stites, Superintendent of .fjchools of Linn county, dropped in up- m as during the week. Mr. Stites re sides at Harrisburg, but ha? been in this city attending to his official duties, such - a receiving and filing reports of school districts, apportioning the educational fund of the county, etc. He informs us ' that the amount of school money for the eounty is considerably larger than it has ' aver before been, the proportion to each r scholar for the ensuing school year be Lag $L65. This will be good news to pparsely settled districts who have here- .tofore been almost entirely unable to in r the expense of employing teachers, : m It will now enable most of them to provide teachers at living wages. By . the reports of the sehool districts for the , last year, Mr. Stites finds that there is a slight falling off from the previous year in the number of school children in the eounty Albany and Harrisburg, how ver, having gained considerably in numbers. He has premised us a full re port for publication soon. No Name. We received a short com . munleation this week with the anony mous signature of "Harrisburg" attach ed, but as the proper name of the author failed to accompany it We cannot gi ve it an airing through the columns of the - Democrat. We are compelled to ad &ere strictly to this rule, so as to be able ta shift the blame of offensive articles to the shoulders of the proper authority mmd thus avoid a broken head, a duel, or slander suit. Always send your name ana your fighting weight along with your communications for publication, particularly if they are of a personal na ture. ; . - ' The Next Lectcre. The- next led- tare in aid of the Albany Library Aseo- , Jclatlon is to be delivered by Capt. N. B. ' Humphrey, on the subject of "Samson and the Phihstmes." The time at which the lecture is to be given' is not ?'-et named, but our readers shall know n good season. The well-known orato f rlesl powers, the inimitable wit, and the inexhaustible Biblical knowledge of the lecturer are a sufficient guarantee that ; fSamson will get a copious showing up, ,. and that the Philistines will be again.in nvney stricken down with . the jawbone : of an ass. Graduated. Last week our youn; !? friend, Dr. J. LInsey Hill, graduated froisi the Salem Medical School, and ; we W&rt&n(f lue- will hangrout his- maiden shingle at Buena Vista, Polk county. The Doctor is a eood. warm-hearted. sjlerer fellow) and as he" has .for many ; Tears been a close student of . medicine he will doubtless be a siiccessful and pop njr physician. We' cheerfully com mend him to the confidence'fmd'pattoh ; fgft of the people with whom" he propo aes to cast his lot, and wish him great focess In his future career. ; LOCAL PICKINGS. Wheat, $1; butter, 80 cents; eggs, 16 cents; bacon, 10ll cents; dried apples, 6 cents. Wednesday the Willamette was high er than before this winter. It Is now re ceding. One of J. Z. Crouse's flno buggy mares was hauled to the bone-yard on Tuesday. Blessed are they that do not advertise, for they shall rarely bo troubled with customers. Mr. Wade was married to Mrs. Cog- gin, at the bride's residence, in this city, last Sabbath. Messrs.. A. Cowan & Co. have some handsome carpets which they are selling Immensely cheap. It. 8. Prlco bought from Mr. Reed 137 acres of land about live miles from this city, paying $30 per acre. Mr. G. A. Hill, of this city, has been commissioned a Surgeon in the State Militia with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. ; " ' . ," Mr. A. W. Stanard,"Judgo Baber, and other citizens of Albany, are at present In attendance upon the U. S. Circuit Court at Portland. Perry Miller has returned from Ya- quina Bay, looking in much better health than when he sought the "sound ing sea" last summer. W have experimental knowledge of the fact that Mr. John Briggs fully un derstands how to fit out a new stove with all tiitf modern fixtures. Mr. John Giililand, of Sweet Home, was In town during the week supplying our citizens with delicious venison, of which he had over 40 hams. The nicest party of the season was held at Mr. John Parker's residence last Friday evening. John and his amiable lady are famous for their hospitality. Ilev. C. C. Stratton, of Portland, has consented to deliver a lecture for the benefit of the Albany Library Associa tion. Time not yet positively known. Our fellow citizen, Dr. It. C. Hill, has had the honorary degree conferred upon hih4. by the Sslem Medical School! Tills is a deserved and handsome compli ment. . . . Willey Rice has fitted up a neat little cigar stand in his telegraph office. Our smokists will find him ever ready to fur nish them with the weed "strong or mild" The "Rembrant" photograph Is still attracting attention in tlte artistical world, aa it Is the most successful picture yet invented. Winter & Paxton take them in this city, at low prices. From last Saturday evening till Tues day morning the rain fell in torrents throughout this part of the .Valley, causing the Willamette and its tributa ries to give a pretty fair amateur exhi tion of Noah's flood. The Salem Statcxman of last Sunday copies seven items from the Democrat witliout a single credit, and then gleans two items from the Jteriirter and gives the proper credit to both of them. Is tliat fair, Bro. Clarke? Newspapers to be read in schools, in stead of standard text books, is the lat est eastern agony. We will take clubs for schools in Linn county at reduced rates, and furnish every teacher a patent spanker free of charge, as an induce ment to clubs. A young lady school teacher was one Sabbath lately endeavoring to impress upon her scholars the terrible punish ment of Nebuchadnezzar. She told them that seven yeara he ate grass, just like a cow. Just then a small boy ask ed. "Did ho give milk?" , . ; Remember that no more propitious time than the present can be found for setting out fruit and shade trees, and ev erybody should embrace the favorable time now offered to plant trees and beautify their homes. Messrs. A. Car- others & Co. have all sorts of shrubs and treesj which they sell cheap. Black silk, an exchange says, is liable to spontaneous combustion, though the chemical operations which produce the fire are not clearly understood. We have often seen sparks around a package of black- silk with a woman In it but never supposed there was any chemical mystery about It. ! BCTLDINGS FOR THE ClTY. At the last meeting of the Council that body resolved to erect an Engine House and City Jail at the earliest moment both to be built on the lot formerly occupied by the Engine House which was destroy' ed by fire on Second street. The Engine House is to be 22 feet wide by 44 feet long, and two stories high, with a porch in front of the lower story. The upper story .to be used for a Council Chamber, Recorder's office and Fireman's .Hull. Tne jail is to be built in the rear of the engine house, on the same lot, and is to be contracted in a strong and substantial manner, with the walls built on the plan of the heavy warehouses, by nail ing boards In courses, on top 'of each other, to a height Of 9 feet and covered with a pitched and shingled roof.' The contract for building the jail has been let to Mr. Geo. Patterson,' for $240; that for building the engine house will be let at the next meeting of the Council. A Swap.-1 Messrs. Jason Wheeler and Joseph Nixon have made a prodigious real estate trade. Mr. Wheeler cives his farm, consisting of . 540 acres, '. in the Forks of the Santlam; for Mr. Nixon's farm, of 100 acres, about one mile soul h Of this cttyr-air.;N.. giving Mr. W. a house and two lots in this city and 1,000 wooi" ueiween ineiwo larms. They have each made about $200 000,000,000 Iii the trade1, as near aswe can calculate from a disinterested stand-point Btove-Up. Last Tuesday as the teanrpfVin.;Newhoaseras conveying a new "Diamond Rock" cook stove from .TI L A . 1 -ar . . xrigg9- Bioreio, ine nouse ox.,. tne:-man who had purchased if, the "team took fright and ran away, spilling the stove out of the wagon and smashing it all to pieces. i Tfie iamws,ion. stopped, and another stove trpm the store soon replac ed the "demoralized onef alid" hbbridv va damaged except the unlucky teamster who naa v i&y lor a tove that he nacin't oraerea ana uian't want. Ballou's Masaxini ran Maboh. Th Marob number of Ballou's Maixiki I Issued, m sprightly, a freih and good rr. Th eon tout arc varied, for thorn am ttorlef, sketches, pootry and historical articles, matter for old and ytang, and la suoh profusion, that erefy patron mud be satisfied that more than an equivalent '( given for the money that Halloa' Magaiine eoits. Here li list of content fur the March number, and our reader cau e4whnt a feail ef good thing 1 before thoin i "Publie Soup-Mouse j" 'Chluese Scene and Thing;'' "Shnkipear' Sev en Age i" "A glelghlug Song f "A Leap In the Darki" "Fldoet Amore by Faith and Love;" A Staff Officer' Story 4,A Night' Adven ture in Chill;" "Witchcraft " "Mr. Deer'. Tactic;" "Haunted ;" "Brave ML Urquhartj" What Man don't Kuow," by 11. l. tfulllabcr ;" "A Pity' Shooting in California, and what oame of It i" Ovn Yori 1'soiaa's STonv-TmxuB "Ouosc ; or, The Son of a Politician," by C. A Steven ; "Maid Brindle' Pubis" "A White-Fee. ed llenr," by Kit Canon, Jr. " "Curious Mat ter;" "The House-keeper j'' "Facta and Fan- eie;" "The Snow Slldo" Ilumorou Illustra- lions. The terms for this sxeellcnt magaxln are only f 1.5(1 per yenr, or IS cent (ingle eople. For n!e at all tho periodical depot In the country. Tbotuo A Talbot. .')(! Conzrex St., Boston, are the publinber. Rkmolvtion. At a meeting of the Li brary Association of the M. E. Church of Albany, held on tho evening of March 0th, 1871, the following resolution Was unanimously adopted: Jlt-Holveil, That tho thanks of the member of the Lihrury Association of the M. E. Church of Albany uru hereby tendered to Rev. Win. Roberts', of Port land, for the very excellent lecture do- Itvered at tne AletlKxUMt cliurcn in Al bany, on Wednesday evening, March 1st, i7i, ror tne neneiii or tins AMxocia- tion, and for his generous donation of his time and traveling expenses lit com ing to our city and returning to his own home. Jicmlvett, That we will keen his cen- erous couduct in irruteful remembrance, and it is our fervent winlt that the favors ticstowed by him ujMm this Association may return to him fourfold. A Yamhill firmer, who happened to be viniting in thexe parte the other day, got off the following indignant repone to the ques tion of low the West Side itni'.ruad wan prufperin: 'oui the. went a'uJe rail roaii! l-int know tmthiti' 'bout it. The people U gno wiM t iwn to IWtlnml nnj Yamhill about tin 'ere ruilrimd queachino. i'urty aoon hc4 that in now wuth forty dollars wont le wuth five dol'ar a hod Wagon ninlers will starve to delli. Oats wont wutli he nothin' and we'll have to quit rnioin' on Vm. Coon skin wont be wuth a ilmii, nnd the l.cllerin sti-ntn wngon will skecr nil the gnmo out of the kentry. I'll 4"I1 my forty and git for Arkannw if you d.in't ahct up about these cuel railroad." Immense chignons and heavy padded false chatelaine braids looking like a burden upon the head of the wearer, are raptiiiv iisapicaring. uur moi fashionable Wiles now braid or plait their own natuni! trcsscM In two long braids which are looped to tho back port the head. CoKBfXTiox. It was an Oakland, and not a ItoHcburg oflh-ial, front whom Dr. II. I. Fay ceaK-d on his way to this citv. We make tho correction, at we do not deidre towrongmir ItoHcburg friendf, or any other man, for that matter. JJanohokt's ienK for February Is the handiest tiling yet for travelers. What a wayfaring man can't find out within its covers is not orth knowing, ami what he can learn is of incalculable benefit to him. Price 25 cents. Heavy Si.AXtKit HriT. One of our prominent citizens has sued anotlur equally prominent one for defamation of character, laying damages at ten thou sand dollars. To School TitcsTKKH. A competent lady teacher desires a school somewhere in Linn county. For particulars enquire at this otllcc. A wife who had been lecturing hr husband for coming home intoxicated, became incensed at his indifference, and exclaimed, "Oh, that I could wring tears of anguish from your eyes!" To which the hardened wreteli niccoughed, " 1 a ta taint no use old woman to bo bore for water there." SPECIAL NOTICES. 4 a a n Th Pais Killkh i by universal consent al lowed to have won for itself a ref utation, ootur nassed in the history of medieul preparations. It iustantaueou effect in the eradication and cxtine lion of Pain in all its various forms incident to the human family,-and the ensol'ci ed written and verbal testimony of tho musses in its favor, have been and are its own best advertisement. The inerediunU of the Pai Kim.kr, being purely Vkcbtaolb. render it a perfwt y safe and efficacious remedy taken internally, a welt a for external applications, when usod a curding to di rections. J bo stain upon linen Irom It use I resdily removed by wsaliinz wilb alcohol. This Medicine, joitly celebrated for the cure of so many of tho aOUutioD iiicidont lo tho human iuiuily, ha now oe:n before tue public over tiiib tv VEAiis. uiid ba found its way into almost ev cry eoraer of the world ; and wherever it ha been used, the sauio opinion is expressed of it medical properties. In any attec' , where prompt action upon the ystcm is required, the Pain Killer i invaluable. It almost instantaneons effect in Relieving Pain ii truly wonderful ; and when used according to directions, is true to its name, a PAIN KILLER. The standard remedy for Coughs,; InflHenza, Sore Throat, WAoopiuy Cimgh, Croup, Liver Complaint, liron--ehitiM, Bleeding of th Lunge, and every affection of the Throat. Lang and Chesr, including CpasuxPTioH. , . i , WI star's Balsam doe not dry ! tiff a Cough, hut loosen it, nleat.se tho. Idas, and allay irritation, tbu removing . the count of tho crm plant None gi'nu-i in unle.88 signed I. BtiTTS.- Preparod-by Sbth-"iV' 3?owfcB,A Fojf, Boston. . Sqlclf by RaniSGTOH, Iiostkttrii Co., J'yit , FrancUco. and by dealera ijjnerally. vSnllyl. K27 ia a n tear- o nc I ADVERTISEMENTS. THE "SINGER" NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE; WITH ATTACHMtNTS FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK. 18 FAST WINMNtl FAVOHS IN TIIH HOL'KK llOiJ;, AS MIOWN HY TIIK HAbKS OF LAST YKAU, AMOt'.NTlN'i TO KIUIITY BIXTUOt;SAM,HEVK IIUNDKHD AM KlIlllTY-OSB MACHISKH, WHICH FAR KXCIflKDTIIOHB OF ANY OTilKK COMPANY! Thl new FAMILY MACHINE I capable1 bf a rnngo and vnrinty of work suuh us wu thought iuiioiilble. a lmrt time ajro. t irrnrin by ni chiuvry. We clulm, eml can show thou whom it nmy coneern, thnt it is the clieupest, most beutitl ful, iluiicatxly urranffol, nirely adjuoted, easily op cratmt, nud smiiottity runninv; ol nil the teiuily Sowing Mnahinos. It is Mimrloilili!, nut only l.r the rane ami viirii-ty of its mwuik but also f ir the vsriety an.l difli ruut K IN lrf OF TKXTt'UK which It wlllsrw with tiiitl fltsllliy mih! ficrfvetien, ustiiK Kilk Twist. I,iu or I ll.ni Ttireml, (Ino or cobiso. uinkiiiK lh INTr UL.UCK KU KhAS TIC STITCH, alike on both .i I.m of the fubrie sown. Thus beurvr elotli, or luallitr, wiiy he sown with great itn-ngth or uull'inttlij ol stiu h, and In a momcDt this witling ii'l n.n-r wHryii; machine muy be a'tjuatetl for lino wurk on gnuxo or Ke uior Uisue, or Ibo lurking of tarliimi, or rufUinc;, oraliat any uihsr work whieh delicate un(r be bevu known to i rf Tin. I'urrbnsers enn on b curtrltiMM that eur new Family Machine einbodie NKW and nwji.tlul principles simplicity of nonsiriiftton ease ofop. rralion unilormity of I'UI'.t'ISK -iiou at any pied enpsrity for rnne and variety of work, line er course, leaving all rival huh in J it. TIIK I OI.lIXJ VXSV.H. The New Family Mat-bine may be bad in a va. rlety ef fotilltig cover and com. Sums show iu polished surlace only the Itrsin and tint of tho wood, while other are QuUbcd in all the tlabura lioa of art. TIIK ATTACH MKVTN Fr Ilcmroio;. Fvlliug. II n fll it n. liu. Eind in i;, CoidinK. liatiicnn, Tu king, Kml rjidrriuj;, and so lortti, ire nut only unuinruuo, bul now brvuglit t" gival wrfiK ii-.n. M' Sl ot ibvin can be aitai-brd ur dvia-rbod by a liiiido move of the baud. The iUstltiy of tl.e work can only ba fully appraeialcd vu observation and caauiiiialiuu. J14C III.NK TU 1ST. LINEN TMIlK 1j, M'Oof. COTTON, OII tc. W hav and shall kerp in sUick at our Central Office, sod Agencies, (on spool of various site,) Twist of all iu-i ami eulors, l.inen Thread, HjmoI Colton, Oil, aad all other articles necessary in the ue of our machines. W wi.h it understood Ibat we manufartare the Twist sold by as; that we shall aim lo have it ex- eel ia quality and ex- eed in otiai.l.ly, fr a gives price, tost of other tnaoulacturrre. and that tho Twit linada l-y us ia oarnew and nic mills. supplied s Ibry ara Willi Ilia most approved Dta cbiuery and skilled labor can be relied on for the reliable qualities or uniformity of sizo, evenness, leogtb el turesd as marked each (',), strength, excellent- or color, ao'l l-oty or Imisn. THE SINGER rVCA.VUF ACTUR1SG CO..' No. 4i tsKOAI'WAY. NKW YOHK. SAV FItANCI.-'C'i "r'I'K'K. I3 M.mt-omry Su or'J svf.nl Itf. v-siiCZ. CZAZLZi A. VX. Editor. A KrrwBBpe-rf ihm Prwswat Time. lalended far Paopls Jtenr aa Earth. Ineladmc Faruwa. Mechanics. Maretuuta, Pro fnaiooal Men, Wot ken. Tatnkera. aad ail Man Mr of Uonest Fotk. aad tbe Wieos, Boa, and Xeabler of all aea. OKX.T OSE DO 1. 1, AS. A YEAR t ONE nCXDUED COPIES FOB Ut, Or las tbsa one Cent a Copy. Let tbera ba a 830 Cms at every Poet Offlos. BZX1.WCEKLV HVXt 99 A TEAR ef ta tr. H sot general character aa TBI W KEKir. bat with a irreatee variety of auacatiaaaoa reaUioit, and faraMdog tna avera te iu aeoeerlbei wtlb greater trmhaum. baeaaaa It come twice a week In steal of oaea only. TITE DAILY 8CS, 60 A YXAB. A pretairMmtir readthla aewtpaper. wtta ttie , laraeai eircuiauon in tbe worm. frs. tada pendent, and tearlaw In politic. AM taa nawa from everywoer. Two eeau a op i by mali. AO eaua s muoia. or 96 a year. TERMS TO CLUBS. ' TTiE DOLLAR WEEKLY HITX, Tito eopios, one year, separately eddrmsi ii, Foar Dwliaras Tea copies, one t, (erMntely addreeasd (aad ma extra copy touiegsuer uantclaol. Elakc Dollar. Twenty codmm. ona year, tepsratclr addraseg (aud an extra eopy lo lu srnr op of cinb). Ftftewaj Dollar. Fifty epl. one ynr, to one address iaed ttio 8enu.l eckly oaa year to eetter no of club). Thirty-throw Dalian. Fifty mpiea, one Tear, separately addressed rand toe bemt-Weekly oaoyrsr to relter aooietub). Thlrty-Ov Dollar. Osa bond red eorle. oc year, to oaa addreai (sod Uia bally for one year lo the getter us of club). fnty Dollars. One hundred eoptee, one year, eeparately ad dressed land UietiaOy torone Tear to the setter op of dab), blxtr DolUr. TOE BEMI.WEEK.LT SUX. Fly copies, on year, eparately addressed. Eight Dollars. Ten eoples, on reer. tenaratelv addressed (sua aa extra eopy to geuer op of club), Hlxtoea Dollars. BEND TOtJU MOXEY to Poet Office order, cheers, or draft on KrW Tork, wherever eonveolea. If not, tnea reeilsser lbs letter contain inc money. Address L W. EVGLAITD, Pnbllsbsr, Son odlos, New York City. ' In the Cirenit Court of the btute of Oregon foi the County of Linn. J. Meeker, Pl'li, vs. E. W. Sigebce and T. Al ford. Deft. f Action at law to recover money. To K. IV". Siqtbee nnd T. Alfard, Dtfendnnle : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREUON ! You are hereby required to appear in the Circuit Court of tbe Htate of Oregon for the County of Linn, and answer the complaint therein tiled against yon by the above named plaintiff with tbe Clerk of uid Court, within ten day of the date of icrvice hereof upon you if served in laid Linn oounty; if served in any other eounty in the State of Oregon, then within twenty day of the date of (ervico hereof upon you; or if said Summons be lorved by publication, thon you nre- required to appear aud answer tho same In auid Court by the fourth Monday of March 1871, thnt being the first day of the next torm of said Court following the expiration of ix week from tho first publi cation of this Summon. : And if you fail to appear nnd answer a ahove required, tb plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the sum of three hundred doliurs in gold coin, with interest thereon at the rato of ten per eent per annum from tbe 17th day. of September, ' A. I). 18ft 5, beside costs and disbursement of this action. . . - , Dated Jan. 25, 1871. N. II. CRANOR, Att'y for Pl'ff. Fy order of the Hob. R. P. Boise, Judge of tbe 3rd Judicial District of Oregon. 1 n2AwA Why do multitudes suffer year after year with thisedtstrefsiag disease, which they know must ultimately take them to the grave? The reason simply is that they havo never been, able to pro cur a reliable remedy. , Temporary relief only ngijraentei the dieeate. . , :, The diseovery of a perfectly reliable and peedy cure ha recently been made, and tbe medicine may not be had -of A. CAK0THEHS fc CO., of this city, who are solo proprietors. The, Pile Pills hare been seed by many in rhiw couuty, and in ;no caee have tkey . foiled, ,to, effect a permanent 'cure. Sent pout paid to any uddrceS on receipt of jplr&O per box. oilt ADVEKtlSEMENTS. FOR SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE- AT A. CO WAN & CO., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER HAVK PI10VIDKD THEMSELVES 15 AD vaoc of the recent rise in Cottea Weed, with a LARUfc AND DENIRABLB TOM . .4 -est or STAPLE DRY GOODS! WntCU CAN AND WILL BE SOLD AT MARVELOUSLY LOW PRICES -roa- CmmIi or Merchantable- Prodae CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK AND PRlOfg. We Have Inrge Qnantltlea blka:ukl and brown cotto iick- 1M I . CUT! O A A b K S, U KN 1 M H, 8 I til . JNU AN 0 CJIKCKK, PK1NTM, DJi LAINKlS .ALPACCA8, (JlNO J1AMS, JKA.NH, fAMBI MEHhtl.TWKKDM.or ' rOHKKiN AND 0 K E O S MANU. kl.0 A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF iANCY DItESS GOOl)S! Lateat Styles efTonth'a and Gentleman' AND FURNISHING QOODSl HATS, CAPS, BOOTS A.D SHOES OP ILL KDS AND S1ZIS CARPETING, WALL-PAPER Paper A Llnrn Itllndu St Flxlrne W would sail especial attention to oar Etosk ef IRON AND STEEL, ecxeBAL EC -A. K 2D W ABL c rEtL a.tre ix sating it ia The Large! thl ttlde ori'ortlaad ! Conaistlnff ia part of FORKS. IIOK-S. KAKK8, SPADES, SCYTHES ILL-hAW8, CROS.S-CCT, TYLtR IMPROVED PATENT TOOTH RlLLETT-WtLRfi. MECHANICS ANO BLACKSMITHS TOOLS COMPLETE Botcher Saw. Iiarn-Door Hangers, Roller and Track, Rope Chain, Hemp and liub- ber Packing, llors-Kbi Natl, Rolu, Nuts and Washer. Tbimbleaod Wagon Rosing, Iron , Axlea, Iron and Istoel of every kind. Slastinp; Powder aad Pnae. WE AK PAVING IN CASH the Highest Mar bet prie for Uarou, Iard and Wool. Call aad learn our prices, and (ben suit yoarself. A. CCWEN A C9 Albany. Msy 1, 180S 2nltf WILLIMETTE NURSERY. Ci. IV. Wallinjf fc Co., Prop'n, OSWEGO, OREGON. All order for TREES, SHRUBS. BCLCS, Ac should be made to A. CAROTIIKKH etc CO., Albanj, Areata for Linn Coaaty. A full anpply of FRESH GARDEN SEEDS on band. Th EARLY ROSE POTATOES npplied on fel"n27m2 GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. "aTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN pursuance ol an order of tbe County Court ol Linn County, Oregon, made at th May term thereof, 1870. tb undersigned Guardian of tbe person and Estate of Lovirah Eslick, Mary E. Eslick. David I, Eslick. and Sarah J. Esliek, minor, will, on Saturday, (lie 187. Jay of March, 1871 at one o'clock r. a. of said day, in front of the Court Hons door in tb eity of Albany, in (aid county, sell at public auction to th highest bid dor, all th estate, right, title and interest of said tumors in and to tbe premise hereinafter described and tbe sain being the undivided fonr-nftbi in terest, in fee simple, now owned by said minors in the following premUes, to-wlt : - "Commencing at a point 20 chain and 06 2-5th link N. from the South W. corner of See. No. 21, in Tp. 14, 6. R. 4, W Will. Meridian, Linn County, Oregon running thenoe N. 33 cb. and H.'ll liuks, tbenee E. 40 chains, thence South 2V chain, thence East 20 chain, thence South 13 chains and S3J link, thence West AO chain to tbe place of beginning. ' Also tho. following piece Commencing at th quarter section postduosouth of tho North hast corner of section 20, Tp. 14, e. R, 4 W'.i Ibence West seven chain aad 26 liuks thence South 7 ebaln and 20 links; tbenee East sevon chain and twenty (ix liuks, thence orth seven ohaina and twentyiix liuks, to th place of beginning. TEH MS OF SALE : Gold Coin of th V. 8. one-balf oash ia hand, the balance lu on year, secured by mortgage on tbe premises and bearing 12 per cent, interest. The above premises are situated in Linn eounty, about Ave mile N. K. of Harrisburg and one mile from tbe railroad and probable point of the ue pot. On premises are 6 acres of good timber, good bouse and barn, young orchard of I0O trees and a stream of living water th year around. The other one-fifth interest will be sold at the same time and at the same rate by the owner. SAMUEL ESLICK. n27w4 . Guardian. IRA A. MILLER.: (Suaeeeeor to Philip Miller,) ' MARBLE WORKS . ALBANY, OREGON. Shop oa Wstahlngi on, bet. I at aad 2d St'. mnESE GENTLEMEN BEO LEAVE TO IN ' J. form the publio at larje that they are sow prepared to furntsn MARBLE BIO N UME NTS ' s -v. 1 , - AND - GR A V E - S T ON E S OF EVBEY 6TVLB AND PATTERN, At the Most Reasonable Prices. TOMBSTONES CUT Td ORDER On the very shortest notice. I ; Mar7r3n29tf " IRA A, MILLER. A VU ERTI8EMENT8. 9REAT LAND SALE I 20.000 ACRES! BY ORDER rF THE T.OA RD Of DIREC tor of the Willamette Valley and . Cascade iMoantain Wagon Road Company, inaila Ifecsm ber 10, 1870, 1 am now selling AT PRIVATE SALE, at the Company' office in Albany, 20,000 acre of land, more or lest, belonging to said Company, ituated In Linn county, Oregon. Person desiring to purchase will ba famished with a description and location of laid land by applying at Company's office. TLK1IH OF BALK! Coin, one-third of pur chase money in band at time of sale) remainder in two annual payments, taking promissory note therefor at twelve per cent, per annum. Purchaser desiring lo pay t, greater amount than one-tbird in band will bavd k deduction of tew per eent. The title to the land I good, and purchasers upon partial payment trill reeeva Company Bond for deed. Those paying full amount of purchase priee will receive their deed at once. Bale to continue until all ot (aid labile bar been offered for sale. IV. II..AI1 person residing on any of tb Company' land in this eoituty afe notified to come forward immediately if tiisy desire to pur chase th same. JAMES LKINn, Feb. , Wl. Secretary. PRIVATE MEDICAL AID. QUICK CURES AND MODERATB CHARGES DR. W. K. DOIIERTY'M PRIVATE MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE I o. oiv aacramento street, corner below What Cbr House. Private Entrance oa Leidesdorff street, Kin r rancbtco. Ettabtieked irprteely to agjird the mfflieted eonnd and teteniite medical aid in th treatment mmd ears of all Hritate and Chron it l)ieeaee, eaete of Heere- eg and all Srxnal Jjieordere. TO THE AFFLICTED. TR. W. K. DOHERTY RETURNS HIS 8IN- 1 3 eere thank to. bis numerous patient for tiieir patronage, and would take th1 opportunity to remind them that he continue to consult at bis Institute for tb cure of chronic disease ef the Lungs, Liver, Kidney, Digestive and ttenito-Cri- nary Organs, and all private diseases, via . Pypb ilis in all its forms and stage. Seminal Weakness, aud all tbe horrid consequences of self-abuse. Gon orrhoea, (ileet, r-trictures. Nocturnal and Diurnal emissions, Hexual Debility, Disease of tbe Back and Loins, Inflammation of the Bladder aad Kid neys, etc., etc.. and be hopes that his long experi ence and successful practice will continue to insure Dim a snare of public patronag. r-y tbe practice of many years in Europe and th United tates, be is enabled te apply the most etaelent and sue eessful remedies against diseases ofall kinds. H uses no mercury, charges moderate, treats bis pa tients in a correct an-l uonorabie wa;, an4 has reference of unquestionable veracity from men of known respectability and high standing in soci ety. All parties consulting him by letter or other - wire, will receive the best and gentlest treatment, aad implicit seerecy. To Females. When a female is in trouble, or added with disease, as weakness of tbe back and limbs, pain in tb bead dimness or sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of tbe besrt. irritability, ner vousness.-extreme urinary difficulties, derange ment of digestive functions, generrl debility, va ginitis, all diseases ot the womb, hysteria, slenli ty, and all other diseases peculiar to females: she should go or write at once lo tbe celebrated female doctor, W. K. Dohertr, at bis Medical Institute and consult htm about ber troubles and disease. Tb Doctor Is enacting more care than any other ribyaielan in tbe Mate of LaiiJomia. Let no faUe delicacy prevent yon, bat apply immediately and save yoorself from painful sufferings and prema ture death. Ail Married Lad.es wboeo del ir ale health or other circumstance prevent an increase in their fauilte, should writ or call at Dr. W. K. Dohcrty's Medical Institute, aad they wilt receive every possible relief and help. Tbe Doctor's offi ces are so arrauged tbat be can be consulted with out fear of observation. To C'orrepoadeats. Patients residing in any part of tbe State, bow- ever distant, who may desire tbe opinion and ad- vic of Dr. I'oberty in tbelr respective eases, and who think proper to submit a written statement of sucb, in preference to hoi. ling a personal interview, are respectfully assured that tbeir communication! will be beld most sacred. If the coos be fully and candidly described, per sonal communication will be unnecessary, as in. strnctions for diet, regimen, and tb general treat ment of the can (including tne remedies, will be forwarded without delay, and in auch manner a to eonvey no idea of the purport of the letter er parcel so transmitted. Consultation by letter of otherwise, raax. Permanent cure guaranteed or no pay. Address, W. K. DOHERTY. M. D.. - ban rranciaco, LaliiOTnK. flpermatorrhot. Da. Dob ear v baa just published an important pamphlet embodying hbown riews and experienoea in rehrtion to Impotence or Virility, being a short treatise on rpermatorrhaa or Seminal Weakness Kervoss and Physical Debrlrty consequent on this affection, and other diseases of tbe Sexual Organs. This little work eoBttins information of tbe ut most value to all. whether married or single, and will be sent FREE by mail on receipt of six cents in postage stamp for return postage. Address, W. K. DUIIEKTY. M. P., v3n38tf San Francisco, Cat. , ALBANY BOOK STORE E. A. FREELAND, BOOK-SELLER AND STATIONER Albany - - - - Oregon RESPECTFULLY INFORMS TnE PURLIC tbat be has removed from tbe old stand tc PARRISH'S BLOCK, Where all are invited, assured tbat Goods in hi line are Bold at tbe lowest cash prices. C0Jt3TA5TJ.T OS HAItD: STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Javeailo. Toy Girt na4 BUak Books, OOI. IfJII, AMD SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY! Of every kind nsed in the State. ROOKS IMPORTED TO ORDER, a- ,hort notice. Deelnlfily SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEJf THAT BY virtue of three executions, ne issued out of the Uireuit Court of the f-tule of Oregon for Linn coun- i . j i j..r. i . ij, ana 10 me aireaicu anu ueuvereo, u-wiu one in favor of S. Rosenblatt A Ero'c, Plaintiffs, and against Andrew MoAlexander, Defendant, for tbe sum of $260.72, iuterest aud costs; aud one bsued out of the County Court of tbe Mate of Oregon for Linn, eounty, in favor of Elias Chichestec, plain tin"; and against Andraw Mo Alexander, defendant, for tbe sum of $86.53, interest and costs ; and also one issued out ef tbe County Ciurt .Of the State of Orego for Marion county, in favor ef E. P. Henderson, plaintiff, and against Andrew MoAl exander, def t, for tbe sum of $359.57. interest nnd or its of suits, I have tbis 27th day of Feb ruary, A. D. 1871, levied apon the following de scribed real estate, to-wit : - :. . Lot No. five (&) in Block No. one .hundred and throe (103), and all the appurtenances thereunto belonains. of Uaekleman's Addition to the Town ef Albany, now on file in the Clerk's Office ef Linn eounty,, Oregon ; said premises being, and lying in the County of Linn and State of Oregon. And on . - t .- - Saturday, the. Ut day of Aprils 1871, between tb hours ef 9 o'olook a.m. and 4 o'clock p. m. to-wit: 1 o'clock, r. u., of sajd day,' in front of the Court House door in the . eity of , Al bany, Linn eountirj Qrexon,,I,wiH sell, the abnre described real jrpp'erty fo eaah in hand, at publie outcry, to tAe highest bidder. - Dated this 27th. day of Feh..M87I. n2Jw4 B A- IRVJNE, Sheriff, , . Liun Couuty, Oregon.'' A DVERTi SEMEMT3. NEW BARBER SHOP I AT THE OVERLAND HOTEL, IN ALBANY. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS FITTED TJP A neat and Inviting Xonsorial Establishment u tbe Overland Hotel, and respectfully solicit at bare of the publie patronaire, promising to civ entire satisfaction. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HAIR NEATLY CUT ANO SHANIPUUtU. e2S6n11tf HALE BACKEH?T0 SHOT GUNS ! riiO ALL DE8IRINU TO PURCHASE A JL good gnn we won Id rftspeetfnlly annonaett tbat we now keep constantly on band a No. 1 ar ticle of EfiIlfh Hire Ttritt ft)ho ii unit at reaiMinabla rates. Then gnns have given perfect (atisfactioa in every instance. we also Keep tse celebrated "BUCKEYE" SEWING MACHINE. not excelled by any other in tbe market Give nj a call. V. C. HARPER A CO. fin2r,tf. REAL ESTATE. STITZEL & UPTON, REAL ESTATE BUOKEKj, a an , GENERAL AGENTS. BRANCH OFrilE-Albanjr, Oregon! J. C. MEZTOEXSALL, Agtnt. An office wbera general inffirrnetlnn ,nnwnii.. ib resources of Oregon esn be obtained fret if charge. Loans negotiable on first mortgage, real estat and collateral security. Have for tale a larre amount of property loca ted in tbe towns of Albany, Brownsville and Cor- ralli. Also. 60,000 acre of farming lands of every description in Linn, Ronton and Polk counties. Person desiring to sell tbeir property incur no) expense in placing it in our hands for sale anless a aal is msOe. Call at onr office in Psrrisb brick, where we have a team in readiness to eon vey parties to new our lands. i. C. Ji t DEMI ALL, Agent. rSnSSyl. ' Albany, Oregon. CORY ALUS COLLEGE! roa MALES AND FEMALES COR VA ELI, OREGOar. YEAR DIVIDED ISTO THREE SE5SI03& Tuition (per Session of St months.) from $ lo $15, according to studies. , MALE KOAEDIXO HOUSE, fcy Prof. J. Em ery. ' Uoarrt. including room, fuel nl lights, &Q per session ( 14 weeks), n aofaing, fa per aessnia. Taaaa : Une-nalf in advance ana tbe other half at tbe elos of tbe session. sLfiv6o5tf tV. A. FIX LEY, A. K., ' President. THE GEEAT BLOOD PURIFIER. mm si- As Laf&Kible blooo rrairiEn. poina log rare toxic and xcavixE propertiea . a certain enre for ksie(.-satisi. coott. sks: vss A Lc; l A. and all kindred Diseases. It completely restores the svatem when im. paired bjr disease, rerrves the action of tho ainiETS mm ccxiTAX. oatsAxa. radi cally cures scaoFVLA. silt sshcsjb. and all Esix;sTive mm crrmous Diav eases, gives Immediate and permanent relief In BTsrcrsiA, EarsirELAs, Tumor. Boils, Scald Head. Clcers aad Sores: eradl eatea tram tbe system all trace of Uercarlal It la rEa.v vccetIble, beimt modal' from an herb found indigenous in "nr 1. It ta therefore peculiarly suitable for use by. remalas and Children, as a blood rtrai.. FIKIl mm BEXOVATOB. For Sale by all Druggists. . iCBURQTOII. KOSTtTTER & CO AOKNT8, 629 said 631 X&rket SfersMt. Eaa Fraacisoa. THE 17EW FOOD. 3Wf. cmiU SSk-M l- For a few cents you can buy of your Grocer or Druggist a package of SEA H0SS FAEINE made frora pure Irish. Hoss or Carrageen, which, will make sixteen quarts of Blanc Hange, and a like quantity of Puddings Custards, Creams, - Charlotte Eusse, &c. It is the cheapest, healthiest and most delicious food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. , A Glorious Change ! ! . ef' V fc 1 -s .r THE GREAT WORLD'S TONIO. Plantation Bitters. This wonderful Vegetable te storative is tbe sheet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated.' 'As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid, it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nerrout weakness to ivhich women are especially sub feet, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropi cal, temperate, or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines- the bodily strength and breaks down the aniuta I spirits.- For sato'by all druggists, -'' ' ; " ' Z . 'I . s