ill ..DECEMBER . t870. A VlOILANT SkXTIKXL FtilLID. SaU nrdV"iianlf nrilfotd aplnjees were lnl $l0 each Wore' Sauire ohn'eon. ofr liquidate," they wete turned over to the Constable of tbatpreeinet, who wm ordered Jtffot.rej,tbemttheSelemjU. Aa thin ejfficar bad to wait untH Sunda', train, he locked bia prisoner in an op-stair room oC Skfeot4 MifTWf 4 1VnM JiwV cosily by the fire in a lower room to guard through the night, where he quietly remain-' ed until the rosy dawn of day began to gild JlbJ 4a)wtierj he'r.J HiuiP'l JAw,!ied' 'stretched, and shook tUe drowsy Morpheus from hU frame, and then proceeded upstair to wake his prisoner and Ardor then to get Irea'dy for an early departure In order ' to explain the scene which met the eyes of this vigilant guardian of the law it is only nec waTjToSaftbejt hiVad h night before, in tBe kindness of his heart, permitted his .prlsobeHto take their blankets, which were rolled with a stout rope, up to their room with them to sleep on.; The room, was do toid if occupants,' lmt the rpe was left sus. spended from the outside' of the window ' tn read the hapless Constable a : silent chapter upon tha uncertainty-of man; - -: 1Iaiso. Following are the city nfE ers elect for the' ensuing year in Ilarrls- burg : Mayor, Jas, Brasfield (Rep.) ; Re order. I. S. Mansfield (Dern.) ; Marshal, Levi Douglas (Dem.) ; Treasurer, Geo, Brandenburg (Dem.) ; Councilmen, Hiram Smith. Geo. Churchill and Sam. Nixon (He- publican, BVB Haelt, M. Katx and T, J. Stiteit, (Dcmncrais). Very little interest !Mkaanifestedin-the election,' only' about tialf the Totes being pulled. , Jas Gorewill gie. a-Wl at j the,,M?f cbant'a Hotel, in llarrisburg, nn next Fri. dsr, th'23nl instant. Of course it will be a pleasant affair, as our friend Q. PI(unp eahiis'chief cook' and 'bo'ttie-washer'" or waatever youreaU that feller that take the wiri around and introduces them to the liVasnfaf Itoye VeW want partners. ' ' As xrxxeiv 'Swiwcm.V The railroad company h'a lata a switch from the depot 4twa !- street 1 ie the- wwrehoasee of Messrs. Cowan and Cartwright, and during 1 -cfcweek those tw Knwses ' fce shipped everal car loajs.of grain by,bat channel. The oieupany will extend the witch on up the river to rtke 'other ' warehouses provided tber cca -procure tha rigfct of way 'and the prospect of sufficient freight to jutifv ssteli an eirterprlste. "' The branch rd already I sWk frnsntheef4ttiiarewrightViBKear ly a mila,inngfh, and, if oompleted o up the river to Fiwtei- mill, will embrace a 'fcskanee. ef ever 1 mile, and will thu form abehf ia ahoat rvn-tbtids of the way around Ae city. Hailboad" Ixx-as. Work n ' the deni lruild"nge prtigressing awifd-r. The framel is upland the roof sbingled. ., W are in ' formed that another laailding iT eunilar site f the one gnlng'wjtsrlll also lie built, and thus there will be me' ased exclusively f- freight and the other for passengers. Wcmi Are atnfnforineJ tfiatit it 'the'deaign uf the Tailnad company to erect a-large maebine , "hop at tb is city, )mt we do not know what re&ance jsta be placed an the report. The passenger trains fcwee not yet em neneed vanning-to this city, and will pro I) bly MBt for some days yew aa the read be ten kere and dTeffeiaon is not suScien ly fgtavelled and tetllasted tn ie safe. 2. U - McCoBaicx.'-EvarybiKlv tn rX)segan Jtnowa Mae. The ladies who adore" beauti- jfaj books for center-tables, the men who like the standard literaryworka, and the Jutle jcBildreo who deliirht Tn tnvs. all have beard HfMoCrrnick,the Pioneer Bookseller of segon-ana tne proprietor ot- tne oania CTaui' Ueadqaarter of all Wonderland. lEUad his advertisement elsewhore and .'send Kliin yotr jorder for Holi.lsy preent. L We TtSft sraak diatributeilfii pVetieal proclama alaa ca.-our town suleriliars, and ' we "now IrSblislt his advertisemenffor the benefit of bose wbu liveJaewTiere. S ' ' Blopdxd CattiA" few day ago Jeaxra." Jensefarrisk a:wt J.B. Lnfulleit aed through this crty withlx.ut thirty ljlad of the finest stk cattle which hex ev. aheen gathered in so large a Ixxly in the Z WUP1?US Valley. They w$re 4 te Dur ham breed, and were nearly all rsixed up the :luxuriaiit graesj ufyvttf J Valley, Bentoo couuty. where the bet cattle of Or- 5.g3ial'pf(idud.f,.T"ie band ;ar:fr, be uhu lor ureeiing purposes upon the fnrqis of Pitrrisb and Lafollett, an J will dooliiler-- vatly assist in improving the stock of Linq I '. , : " J f .. - .-i " T 'n i t ci "anid -Marion counties." - ,-"''.. Tix SrsAicxJfu ipAxiiNa STaAXcx.- This week Metura. Ililtabidel k Co. were "fafc! iPgfetitatoes fr.imJP.Hianif' with and they sell them at $1.25 per buxhel. :Isn't it a 1'rttle singular that, the pe-iple of the richest county in Oregon are compelled ,Tti imprta)ii Cirumion a'' vegetable as tha bhi ftatn from other markets to supnly the actu al hornet demand 1 ! We trust, fir the prxle m .1 , , ... 1 nut o,uniy, mat . oer people wm never tpercuit such another necessity to arise. J)xi.EGAT;. JIas. A. J.Duniwnv, of thi ity7Titts ieen eiectea ny tne woman's - iUiehts 5oci-t;of Urezun M a delegate to ",heCralirornia"Voroan Suffrage Convent! n rttich meets in San Francisco next month ; t ,pd cbewil! shortly, ftart u-Hinlifr ,j-wruiy . pNtgtlaipala iAi ItfW ddiberatirta of s (hat . jwdy,-'-We doubt if a lady of more al I i ry Suffrage von ventio'n than our diMtinguiMhed felloer-fcttixenesa, Mrs.l DjtcZ'i tli J! J3ttAiTfa---0ar friea-U Al ZiSkara, a a caterer .to ,the.TqbIio appetite. cann be excelled.-Jlis steaks are always the ten ?stVesr hi porkthe fattwwlif tntrhon i tfiS I ereeiCtarHf Ma easagei tha ntoe?i &a-' Jttest-thiCt theoonty aMd7rlfi U a . Jfferof tbe girl Sears is a proverbial sue- 4ess thoegti we don't know what m than tfer tftVot t 4 witb bite new! gdvertlsa cnt' ni xnotlief column," ,y -I j j. ,i' . -, . .... . , ..... . ... AT FBiiLAND's.-t-A failure fc call nnd ex-1 amine Ed. Freelaod's assortment of books. albums, etc., before the Holidays, will al ways occasion regret and sorrow in the minds of the people of this community who contemplate making present to friends. His selection of light and standard litera ture is the boat that the market affords, and his albums are "perfectly splendid." Call early, and get your JaJy he choice of the lot. Notting will capture a sensible girl so soon as a rare book. We've tried the thing on. , . , . ltSMBMBCB TBS HOLIDAYS. Of COBM Vry busband who reads ths DrmocbiT would like to m'skje his wlfo applet aad rslier berfof ths text year from soias of ths oare which has oolgbed apoa hor tb In year that i gone. What anrer waj to attain that ana B ha Bed tbao by tiftbtsntng br burden of labor J and what will do that ao aflest aally aa a Irat-elaa Sawing Maobln f Maiar. Blaln, Teaag and Co., oftbla eity, haf a tb agn oy for several different manufaetoriai, and will be laarnd te fttraiab vow with on aa a Ilolidaj pres ent for yoar wife, at a vary moderate prioa. Cucrch Fxstitai.. :Among our new ad vertisements will be found a card from the ladies pf the U. P. Church, of this city, an nouncing a FestWal on' next Thuwiday even ing. The ladies of Albany are noted for their pleasant entertainments, and we are satisfied that this will be no lese a succens than others which have preceeded it. ' A generous patronage from the Ttublio should greet tho plennaat smiles of the , ladies on that occasion. - . , .,,vi ' McCoamcx's Ai.Vc. This inraluatde publication to all Oregonian has' made its appearance for 1871 and is full to the brim with useful statistics relative tu the popula tion and resources of Oregon, Waahington and Idaho, together with a variety of im portant information anon general subjects. Ed. Freeland. of this city, has McCormick's Almannc for sale at the small price of 12) cents per copy: ' '"' "' " ' ;' Cuaxcx. Mr. J. Z. Croupe tin purclms ed the late restaurant of Mr. May and will conduct that eatablishmcfit hereafter, which ie sufficient guaranty that the palates of bis customers will always be tickled with some thing rare and deliciou. A good girl of the period : I waat to bo vntar, i And with tb sotar atand ; Tha "nil I fin fr" in mj hand, ' Tb ballot In mv band. Con ru a SXTABT. W bw uar aeUBowiadjt- aiBts fur aa invitation to attend tba grand open ing if the magwiSeant Chemekata Hotal, in Sa lem, on s.3ata nut.,flav ai'a' roaia" Par t'r. See notice of Messrs. HiltaUid- el t C"., in another column. They mean iMiaiueas. , . , . Ooawp. Out y -ar, j ft-itd. lr.if. Mre- land, wss lat wis-k j-Min-l if Muirimny.1 at fT.kPVAlti virli tti ft ia .Hint li-uii'itol i city, and we ofT-r U'- vini;-;fu!jt:-in t-. hapny couple, If jftjlTulicvjy, CvaUi ' fiMii!i attely "fi'itfcr into our us net u in aniu-torum lat Monday and ni!e a happy ainile iixn a, . .. Our VTaferlne Uenone wbotaat wk broke a club wyer the pale of Dan. Courtney, vi atuUte-l mt (bo charge of s-nuU , .and Jt-, Tbear, 80eei4; ietwr, 37 v-.ut ; jtk, t Tlnn. Itagh K. 6irg will aaske U"a- county bis future home. We are informed the ran aad stage will eaa eet at saia eily scat tlafcWh. Seethe new- advertisement of Mr. . XV. Pike, who has everything in the line of "ic- tars" fur the Holidays. h 9 -tant H-rjjet that oUiliu.Ctfnnar is diap,- ing oi nw gooua ax cost, lie nas an excel lent assortment. hit.- Utuuiltoa, Evan and.,Mias. jSalina Kewaian are the t eschars daring the present term of the district schnol. - , " Sheriff bwine starts wait next Monday on Sis tax-oulleetiag toair atd w may aa well alf get ready 1o "pongle.": 44 ' " ' ' - Tbe wife of Jlr. Wash. Anderson, of this city, died last Monday, after a painXat -end protracted illnea. ' ' ' The snug little ateaaier , Calliope is now pljinjC, fbtween iht" L-IngToin and Ore gon Caru 1 Dr. Lirilcr, the efficient Health Officer id this ci'iy, liifiiria bs tUat o-jr town is still lVwsfim any aigna f snail pox. . lion. Uou. Bimp..n. of Yaijniua Bay, gave ur auetum a pleasant call yo-LrJay and reports times '-looking up" '.n the "Ywiuiuny." On Wednesday 'snd Tboraday ernnioga of this week oar city ecjoyed tuo porf .rioancee of a aagro nMoatrol tro-ipe who am Biure io blood and in Uci I t ' i . f i . A. CarutSere A C.1iav" rented Foaler 'firs- proof brick, and will mor into it abuut tb mid- die o) next week, when tbey deaign adding lar.w ly to3br Uaady -usJlbiit SumsIp -ut mirage and medieioe. . ' Owirii; to the demand for lumber ih..iMiWMi -uur ciiv huvcrained tbe utxer to ili per iJioa:id. ;It w!l '.doubtleas be ii.; niiier ncii iwuiiiiutrr. Allmnv is climbing the l:iMr of nroe-resa ",1iiiL oer fijt," and we esje',t to have the v.rul cmr a:iJ a c:icK-l.;!jini rluk her I n a year or two. , ' We are pain4 to learn that on laat' Sab Iwtli Mr. Peruieiias A'lnni-4. of this citv, was' suddenly stricken with the' palsy, and has fieen'speechlesa! evr ainee. It ia feared that the stroke will prove fatal. '';'0iir neighbor of the iAn' Ktrt ran the local item business nearly tn the ground when be last -week- chronicled the fact that the Marshal uf that eity waa afflicted with-a sore toel . . ., -, . , , ,. . , ... Weather has ben clear and cold for two ftbrfij dnya iasf ;swith a bearyfreece for tne pant inree lupins. n;e e-i;i-ij morn inir on staimot watftr was nearly " inch thick; -: ' " '' ' The inate of the steajner Shccc cot a CO' pious wj-trtriir ly liorng ncchlontnlly knock eil off of the boat into , the CaiinHiia last Sonday.l Tail Jro-ofe nf 1)r,ij.kin;the"Sab hnth. F,Wa haYe re- eivgtJ.ihe- lffff , nper publiabed nt'.VfcMinnville', by paper puniiatien at Mc.uinnviiie, ny I . rJ. Ilandley. It will douVrtless be a valuable auxiliary to that section of which its title indicates it is in the interest. I ;Now t"otw!vfiunit nutljJS Anleastern laceolot-ist any that itirls save the nation ,9"tfhn jMtyr ! cnh by. tight lacingV The eeonooiy tif'tfiia'T's' snTiifctl by the in- crww.u expenses oi TAsnionniite loneraie. Frank Martin. hn shot Smith in the St Charles Hotel last, week, was examined be fore the' Recorder and discharged. The wounded man waa taken tn Portland where his leg Wa amputated at the thichand fears jwr, p(isrecjery r?j.tnjPt",Dd. ; No less than five or six holiday entertain" ,menU are on the tapis in our city. The Mason will have a publio Installation at which Rev, Mr. Sweeney U to deliver a Ma sonic address (I the United .Presbyterians will give a supper for the purpose of mixing funds to carpet their church j the U. P. nnd Congregtional SttMmtU Schools will have n festival $ 'the Methodist Satibath Sohoid will have a Christmas tree the Albany Brass Band will rerel in a grand ball, and tho aquatic ftSwl of the genua Anser is eleva ted to a prodigious height on general prin ciples. ' ,. TH ai, ys sngollo bait, Y mrionxen of lots, '?.' Sbnll helplata printers bar bolow . . llnva no rodraia alorT ,, " " Tb angot band tepllad i ,' To u la kaowlvdga given, I)ellnquonU on tha prlntar's book , , , r ,Caa novar satar baavan I Tux Sackambxto Rbpobtbr is one of the ablest Democratic papers on the Pacific Coast, is tha offlciul organ of California, and as a newspaper, tins no superior. Our old friend and fellow typo, Charley Fisher, is the business manager of the Reporter, and of course, that .department is an eminent success. Col. Jas. Farriah. of Portland, is agent for Oregon and the Northern Territo ries. if'-' '3 r -sr.- PBorxsstoif al. See the law and notary card of Daniel Gaby in another column. Our Suio renders are particularly directed to Mr. Gaby's advertisement. ' Mr. G. is a young hi no. of hbility and energy, and are convinced that thote entruiting business to his care will have no reason to regret it- PoSTorricxs i.v Linx. Following are the pimtiillicea in Linn county: Albany, Browns Title, Diamond Hill, llarrisburg, Lebanon Peoria, Pine and Scio. Run this. The post office at Lebanon will be open at 8 o'clock on morn ings and close prompt! v at 9 and will remain closed during the day. Parties wishing mail iiiuni come during the mail hour, or they will not be accoiiiiinHluted. t. H. CLAt'UUTO.V. Pvitmaator. from Alex. N. Dengtaerty, M. 0., Uf otk MfJital JJittclur. V. .1. A.,SK9rk. X. J. "Having been made aouuaiatad with theeotnpo- aition uf tha preparative known aa Susooosr, I hove for Una past permitted it oia ia mj familjr, wber it ba given nlir satiafaotlon. It ia an alcgant H-iUt nrticle. wall wurthjr of tba an- uutuai wbien It n.t rcrolvaa. Their Name ia Log-ion.' my b appliad in taM whi li nuuijr C..uuuiiltun. Soleoco hut of lale yrar vnnibljr diiomibad tb notabar. snd t i giatifying to. know tbat lr. Witlnr't Uultom of H'iVf Cttrrf hsa croaWd a puUnt infldoose in attaining this cad. . SpalJimy't I'rtpmrtJ Gin. Da. 8' CATn Krurnv la at rVt tleuiiar Drug Ette. t I', H eta. p r paekag. Oil! On.!! Oil!!! At redmad pricea,at reit!. nirr I'roe Store, vis : lf roe a Cal Oil. 70 els. par Baiia ny ma ran I uird nil. at reuil. I.II ii .. . .i ,i i . i t .. . . i - V. fc rm.rviKB. MARRIE. SPKENUKR Ml UrtAV In tbiaeily. oa lbs I3ib ii.t.. by A. N. Ariiuid. City Recurd r, l . N. b. Sprcngerasd Mtm Mary ' M srray-all if thia eily. Wm eo orilul I- tb happy pair, aod wUb Ibees bli unuiurabie lbX ladetb not sway. Tbe Vital Ntmlletlca or C all Torn U Sbww tbat periodical lerertand aeui and ibruo i Smrdct uf rfaa atujnacb asd lote, areanoog the mint prominent snd fatal diaeaaea ia thia llale liebe4irn)ee U tas Uwe of hwaltb. aa re gard dial; tba na uf pernicioua atimnlanta, and lb wear and tear of bueioo-a exeilcment, and f -feet lire", geawrally, have aaste) to de with the preeaK-nee ut three maladies in oor eitica i while in ihc iiuri-r. aad especially in lb gold yielding diatricts, tbey are ebiefly duo tu malaria, e.iwboie xime n-aier. and the expoaur, aod pnraitea Inei daMSe Ufa ia asw acttiaraenu and tnmuag cam pi. Now. iv l A racr tbat it ia aa poaaible to protect tb human aya'cm sgainat the maladies, as to guard life and property againitt In laesraion uf aaaaaaiae sod tbievea. Ktrengtben lb vital orgaa wstiow with HOBTETTKUb 8T0MACU BIT TERS, and it beemt-s sa capable of rotating tba arttv frasciple of epidemie or endemic diaeaae, aa a fire proof aafe u of rraivting tb action of eombuatioa. This fa the (eriene nf tbouasada who have remained unaeaibed by matariuna dieor dera ia tb sieklieet aeaavas. wbil their naigbbora who wegteeted and regtuato their eyatema witll4bta.aiacqaaUod Btedtcioal limaUat,. bar fa'.lew4bicknt'fataroaad ibaob i Waakn in vitee diaeat. Vieor repela it. Help nature to fight tba g"ud fignt with infection, whether it be in tb sir, tba water, or tba dl. with tbie sastcble preparation. a compound of the rareat Vegalabl extracts wittitb pa rue I of aUdifiustveathnalsnt. ; Tbia b riuo most ttiorvugii oluu purifier yet liteuwrud, and ear all humor; from the worst cHfutn W eummuu -rjiptm. I'impUt and WrgiMMiiM, ana leultfur rough ikm, which ar eucb aunuiig 'leuute to many young per auna, yield to tbe uae ef a few buttle of thia won derful medietas. 'roi ono tn bight bottle ear full IChetiM, Krytij.c'ai, isenld Head, Ktg Warm; llnlU. Stall! brualum nf tueirn. Scmu t"ure. L'leert and "Vaitktr" in tie iluulk nnd lumack. It ie a pur medicinal estraet of natire roots and plant, combining Harmony Asluro's rnnit aov ereiga curative propiTltca, which find baa instilled into tbe vegetable kioaUirtn tor nvnling the eiek. It i a great restorer, for the strength snd vigor of lb ay tern Taaaa'-erb are- langaid, Klecpleaa, bsv aoreAne vpftrekeininut or feara, or any of the affecuone aympl-imstio or wcaitneM, win nnd Con vinetng evidence or us restorative power upon trial. If you feel dull, droirty, debilitated and dtMfomdtmt, bsv frequent Haadmeh, mouth tales badly in the morning, irregular appetite and tonsue coated, yyn aro. suffering, from forao JJcer or "Biliouniett?' ' In many esse of 'Livfr Com- jlaint''mtj a part of tbeae aymptotDn are experi enced. Asa remedy p rail suen esaee. Dr. fiureo a U'lldvn Medical Diacovery ha no equal, ss it ef fect perfect cuiea, leaving the tiver strengthened snd healthy. For tli cure of Habitual Conatipa tion of the Dowels it ia a never fuiling remedy. and those wbo bave need it for thia purpose arc loud in it praise. In Dmnehtat, Thront and Luna Uiaeaeee it be produced many truly remarknbl cures, wnere oilier medicines bad railed. Sold by druggiats st$l.00 per bottle. Prepared at tb Ubtniieal L.aoratiry or K. V. PIERCE, M. D., Buffalo, Jg.T, . e28v5n49yl-ebn qrly ; ' ; . . , ALBANY BROOM MANUFACTORY ! THE UNDERSIGNED IS KOW MAKING BROOMS OF.THE BEST QMAUTYI t " f z' .-"-Which he design soiling $ AT PORTLAND PRICES!!! Tbeeo Broom wilt not be excelled a to durabili ty and qnshry on tba Paeifie Coaat. BX.AXN,TOUNO & OO, Albany, Of - AoaifTs roa Oaxeos. ' ' ', t w. xi. .BBLiuau, MoDufaeturer, ' iicz jo-niovw . Albany, urOo, !J5l J v I I I I i J II W BB aaa BB1 aa aaaaj va aaaa lalt i m as -ia t.a I I A!T VEItTI 8 EM KNTSr 1 11 . " ALL THE WORLD REJOICE 1 TIS A success: HELP FOR WOMANI OUR WIVES, SISTERS AND DAUGHTERS lisv, wbora tha family la lurgo, auil a good atook of aluthoa U rrqulrud, slid tb fsiully ssrbaquer U lloiltod, a tairibte aiaouiit of drudgvry to e dura. Vary oftun tbvy ar dvprlvod of tb ordi nary Intarooura of auuloly. Oftun nsoystnutb r la tl) uilddl rank uf III la won than a lava, aad uiaoy a daughter ipuodo bar boars banding over tba old-faahlonvd ndlr,loiing baslth and alrongth, wbvn alia ought to batakiug out door exercla or enjnyllig baaltufut plaaanr, with etb r Irisuda. With tli iuvautlon of tb "BUCKEYE SEWINS MACHINE," ' v ( . V. VI ! ?.1 i! H Va Tb bond ar brokn and Woman are sat fro I fr ftoia tb alavary of "guaaol and band" fro for tbo blgbar mode ef life and for Ills aobl psr pi fur wbiob aba waa crastod, Jlav you a wifa In dolloat baaltb T Bay hur a "lluokaya Sewing Maehina." - Ilava you a alitor always complaining of bar sawing f Buy bar a "iiuokay Sawing Mbin aad uiak bom happy. llav job a daugbiar going to b married t- Bay bar a "Buckoy Hawing Machine," snd yuu giv bar a fvrtun wbiob ah will value beyond nil price. It wilt glv all woman mora aim and la a great earing of labor.. Tim ia money and labor eared la moaoy wad,. miNERJt PSARBON, Oeal Ageats for Oregon. -9-000. firt Bl.. Albany, Oregon, boo. 8, 1S70 v0nl7tf. NOTICE TO THE TAX-PAYERS OFjJNN COUNTY! USDER THE 1'KOVIiiIONS OP THE LAW ' now in fore relating to ths collection of taaar, all taxes ar ruircd to be paid witbia thirty daya after iba daya appointed fur meeting lb tax payer io tb several oreoioota. and all Us ee not paid within that time are liable to eoete a upon execution aod that i on dollar and thro par Mat. from each peraon. , 1 will, therefore, in paravane of law, meat fb tax payere of Linn county at tbvir retpeatir place, uf voting, in each ureclueL on tha following deye, lo-wit: r ScK' Monday ................... ...;.,DeemUer It rranklin Iluita, Tacaday. Saniutm, WeHoeadsy lbanoa, Tburwiay... . Waterloo, Moadav....... fwect Home, Tomdav Ilruah Creek. Wotlnexlav ............ - Snath Uruwnaeille, Tboraday North Bruentville, Friday Hand Ridg. Saturday " llarri,borg. Turaday . January llarribur(. Wednesday ....... - Peoria. Tboreday Orleans, Friday Alliany. Saiorday .SyracuM, Monday...,, ft. A. IRVINE. SheriK alSwi And Tss Collevtor for Linn Ce. Tb (tandara imui lur Coaghat Inflnruia, AV Throat, tl'Auuoiy C'omgk, L'rvup. Lirer L'nmplainl, Jjrom- J Amm. Uloedtmf of the Long; aad ctery affection of tbe Tbmat. Luugt and Cb, Including Cai ai-Tiov. H'latar ltalaam doe not dry up a Cough, but liMne it. tb - Unga. and alley irritation, tone remooino the taut of tbemplant None gena ioe ante eigncd I. Ut rra. Prepared by , Kr-va W. Fowls A 8. Doatoa. Bold by ReniSGTos. Hoststtcs a Co., t-aa Ir'raocUco. aad. by dealer geoerally. 6a44yl. FUOMAN BUILDING! WHEAT AND FLAX-SEED DEPOT! Clcaiiif iBd Eltvttiag fipicity 16,000 Bnnhfli per Saj! 150,000 Bruielt Wheat Wanted in Store! SO,000 Mack) for tbo who wish to sell r tore with ae. rfax-8ed Coatraclors of Pioneer Oil Co. wlU call oa as for sacks. vaSIyl. K. CARTWRIGHT. BROWNSVILLE. A-l .WKEELEB, ttXALaa I.V TANCY ATTD STAPLE BUT 009S! HATS, CLOTHING, BOOTS SHOES. Groeerit, Crockery, Hardware, Iron, Steel, Wagon Timber, Plow. Agricultural ' ' - Implement, Etc., Eta.' ' Movto "Small Profit and Quick Hetorna." vn30yl. LIVERY STABLE IN LEBANON. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tbat I kav opened a Livery and Feed Slabl In tb town of Lebanon, where I will be eonstantly oa band t attend to tb want ef tb people, and win Run r Hack from Albany to Lebanoi and Soda, Springs, on Saturday of Etch Week. All bnsineii ntruted to my eare will be prompt-' y aibinaea to. av6n4mS W. B. DONACA. NOTICE TO -sTOCKIIOLDEKH or TRB LINN COUNTY AGRIC'l ASSOCIATION. YOU ARE REQUESTED TO MEET AT THE Court llnu.e, in Albany. Oreron. on Thure. day, Jan. 4. 1871. at I o'clock P. a., for tb pur- pore 01 eiccuug Lireetor. ' SAMUEL E. TOUNO. go'y. Tbe prceent Board of Director ar requested to meet at tbe City Connoil Room, in Albany, en Wedneaday, Jan. 4, 1871, at 1 o'oloek V. M. By order of tho '. VICE PRESIDENT. nl7w4 , , ;.NEW BARBERSHOP! AT THE OVERLAND HOTEL, IN ALBANY. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS FITTED UP A ' nest and Inviting Tonaorial Establishment n tbe Overland Hotel, snd respectfully solicits a ehare of the publio patronage, promising to glv entire satisfsction. ,.;- j.n '... . IA0IES' AND CHILDREN'S HAIR NEATLY CUT AND SHAMP00EO, 1 V r28v6niltii ' ; HALE BACKENSTO. FARMERS, TAKE NOTICE I ! I WILL GIVE FOR M EGG$, ; 40 CTSe'jPJGR DOZ., After this wk, nntll farther notio. j 7"."' ' " . t- .? . . ., r- r Dee. 10. 18"0-oltf,. ; , . Jl, CHIAPWS. "'"'A DVERTISEMENT8 ; GENUINE PREPARATIONS. 4 ' nail p $ , "HIGHLY CONCETRATED" COMPOUND fLUID EXTRACT BUOHU. A positive and Spaelfi Remedy for dlsosses of tb Bladder, Kldnoya, Oravcl and lropalel Nwelltn-ra, ... . This Medlolo Ineraat tb powara ef dlgtatlnn, and exoltoa tb aboibnta into bealtby a a lion, by wbiob ths mstUfof aloaroos de-ioaitions, and all unnatural enlargeiiiaDt ar reduced, a well as pain and Inflammation, and Is good for men, women and children. HELMBOLiyB EXTEA0T BU0HU, Por neabneaa srlalng from Eiceatee, Habit of DiaelpaiiDff, Early Isdtaoratloo, atteaded with tb following Symptom i Indlipoaitloa tu Exertion, fas of Power, Loee of Memory, liifflculty of Urtblag, Wesk Nsrvas, Horror ot Dls. Ilimness of Vision, Hot Haods, Dryneee f tb Skin, Trembling, Wakafuln, Pain la tbUak, Fluablng of tba Bod, Eruptions of tb Fac. Pallid Countanan, universal Luaitud of tb Mnaeulsr System Tbaae symptom, if allowed to go oa f which this Mdioin invariably rmova.) ooa follow FATUITY. EPILEPTIC FITS., a. In on of wbiob lb patient may xpir. Wbo eaa lay tbey ar net frequently followed by tbe "direful diaeaae," INSANITY AND CONSCMVTION V Many sre swsr of lb us of tbelr eutfering, but eon will eoaf. Tb record of tbe inaan ayluma and tb melancholy drat ba by eunaump tion bear ainpl wltneae to tb truth of tb a teuton. , lb Constitution, oae affected by organ Io wsknss, require the sid of medioin to itrength en snd Invigoral tb aylm, wbiob HELM HOLD'S EXTRACT OF UCCHU inverisbly di. A trial will eonviue tb mutt sceptical. 331 la many aftcrtiooa poealiar to Famales, tk Eg. vbvct accac i unequalled by any other remedy, and fur sit eom plaint incident to tb lex, or ia tb DECLINE Oil CHANGE IN LIFE. r-Sas Svurrioa asovb. JO-Xtf raxvJly ahoald taritheat H. Tske ao Bslaam, Msrrary, or anplsamat ssedi eine for unpleeaaot aad dangeroa diaeaae. nCXJHBOLO'S EXTBACT BCOBV IMPROVED ROSE WA8H Cnrea Mert Oiaostae-a la sll tbeir stsgos st littbj xpB. little or no ebng of diet, no iocoovcntenc, and NO EX POSCKX. 2sS USE HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For all sffectiobs and diaaac of tba organs absther EXISTINO IN MALE OR FEMALE, Fna whatever eauae originating, and Be matter how long standing. Diacasc ef lb organs re quire ib aid of a diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU la tba Great Diuretic. And it is certain to bar tb detirrd enact ia all dicsi for which it i reeommeaded. BLOOD! BLOOD! BX.OOB! : HIOHLT CONCENTItATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT 81ESAPASILLA, For purifying lb Blood, tns mg all cbroai cooeUtutiuaet diaeaae ariaiag frva ae imp ere tat ef li Bleed, and lb ooTy reliable and ef fectual kaoa-o remedy for tbe eur of Scrofnla, Scald Head. Salt Ubaum. Paioe aad Swelling or tb Bone, Ciceratioa of tb Throat and Leg. Blntcb, Piupl a the Face, Tetter, trjlpla, aad all acaly erapliuna of tb Skia. And Beautifying the Complexion. NOT A FEW of tb wont disorder tbat afflict mankind aria from tb evrruptloa tbat seeumulatc ia tb Blood, or all tb diMovenei that btva ba md Ie purge it out, aon eaa qual la efleet UsutsoLo's Coaeocsa Kxtsacv or Hassav abil LA. It clen aad rsaovate tb Blood, inatilla lb vigor of health lato tb ititrB, aad forget out tbs bamors which mak diaeae. It atimu lau tb healthy fuaclioas of tb body, aad ex pels lbs disorder tbst grow aod rankl ie tb blood. Sack a remedy tbat euald b relied oa ha long been aougbu snd aow, tb publl hare on oa which tbey eaa depend. Oar pec here do not admit of eertineate to show its effect. but lb trial of a aiogl bottl will abow t tb aiek tbst it bsa its virtues aarpassina anvtbins they bsv vr taken. Iwe tabipoonful of tb Extract nf SartaDa- rilla added to a pint ef water I aqua! to tb Lis boa Dial Drink, and ona bottl is fully equal to a gallon of tb Syrup of Sar.aparilla, or lb decoc lioa as Beastly mads. BCZJOBOLS'S B0S8 WASH, A a excellent Lotion for diaeaae ari.iog from hab it of di.iipatlon, uad in cooacctiun with tb E street Buebu aad Ssraapartlla, ia aucb diaeaae a recommended. Evidence of tb most respoa lbl and raliabl ebaraoter will accompany tb medicines. AU explicit direction for a, wii hundreds of thousand living witnesses, and np- wsrae ot nnsoucitea rtioestes and rec ommendatory letteri, many of which ar from tb bigbt source, inelading minnt Phytioian, Clergymen, Statesman, Ac Tb Proprietor baa never resorted tu their publication la tb newspa per ; be does not do this front tbs fiat tbst bis artielss rank aa Standard reparations, and do not need to be propped up by eertineate. Tha Science of Modicine, lik tba Doris Column. abould itand aimple, pure, msjestle, having Fact isr its easts, luauctiya tor tu puiar, and Truth alone for Its capital. a.....,.,, " ? My Extract Sarsaparilla is a Blood Purifier; my axtrsct Uncba is a U.aretic, and will aet such ia all caaea. Both are prepared on purely eeientlflo princlplee in vacuo and are tbe molt active measure of ithar tbat csn b mad. A ready and conclusive test will be a eomparisan of their properties with those tat forth in tne following worse t ' See Dispeuiatory or the United States. See Dxwrrs' valuable works on tbe Prsotioeof Phya ie. S remark mads by tb celebrated Dr. Parsie, Phils. So remark toad bj Dr. Ephbaim MoDowsll, a celebrated Pbydcian aad Mmbr of tbs Royal College ef Surgaoas, Ire land, and publiabed in th Transaction of tb King and Queen' Journal. Ees Mtdioo-Cbiror- gical Review, publiabed by Baa". Tsavsrs, Fel low of tb Royal College of Surgeon. See moat of tb late standard works on Msdioia. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Address letters for information, in confidence, to H. T. HELMBOLD, Principal Depots t HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, No. 594 BROADWAY. N. Y, ' ' oa to -'';. ' HelmWd'a Chemioal Depot, No. 104 SOUTH TENTH ST., PHILA. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOR IIEOIBOXD'S ! 11 firfir TAKE NO OTHEl ! A VDBRTI SEMENT 8. THE "SINGER" NEW if. FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, WITH ATTACHMENTS FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK. IS FAST WINNING FAVORS IN THE HOUSE. ; HOLD, AS SHOWN BY THE SALES OF LAST YEAR, AMOUNTINU TO EIGHTY. SIXTUOUSAND.SEVEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-ONE MACHINES, WHICH FAR EXCEED THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY! , '. f Tbi n.w FAMILY MACHINE la espable of a rang and variety ef wrk such as was tbeagbt impossibls, a short time ago, te perform by ma chinery. W claim, and can (hew the whoa it may eonsarn, tbat it ia tb cheapest, most beauti ful, delicately arranged, nicely ad jutted, easily op. crated, aod smoothly running of all tb family Sawing Mscbine., It ia remarkable, not only ir tb rang and variety of it sewing, but alao fjr tb vsrhrty and different KINDS OF TEXTURE abicb it will aew with equal facility snd perfection, uaing Silk Twist, Linen or Cotton Thread, fin or eoarao. making tb INTFRLOCE ED-ELASTIC STITCH, slik oa both side or the fabric sewa. Thus bearer clotb, or leather, may be sown with grvat strength or aniformity of stitcb, and in a moment tbi willing and never wearying mscbins may b adjusted for On work on gsazs er gos.a mar titsu, or tb lacking of tarlatan, or ruffling, oralmoat soy otbr work wbiob delicate flngcra bsv been known to perform. Purcbtaer eaa ooa be eoavtned tbat ear nw Family Mscbio embodi NEW and caeebttal priaibb -simplicity of eoo.croetion eaa of op- ratioa uniformity of PRECISE action at any speed sap city for rang sad varraty of work, Do ar coarse, leaving all rivals bbtnd it. THE FOLDING CAKES. Tb New Family Mscbins may b bad ia a va riety of folding cover and case. Som (bow ia peliebed (erfse ooly tbs grata and tint of tb wood, wbil others sr Bnisbad ia ail th elabora tion of art. THE ATTACHMENT! Fr Hamming, Felling, Ruffling, Braiding, Bind ing, Cordirg. Uatheriag, Tacking, Embroidering, aad ae forth, we not only nsmereaa, but aew brugbl ti great perfection. Most of tbana aa be sltacbed or dt-bd by a simple aaove ef tb bead. Tbs quality ef tbs work eaa only be fully appreciated oa obeervattoa and examination. j HACHIXK TWIST, LINEN TURE ID, SPOOL COTTON, OIL, Ac. W bar and (ball keep la clock at ear Central OSice, aad Agencies, (oa spools ef various sis.) Twist of all sis aad colon, Linen Thread, Spool Cotton. Oil, aad all ether article neceisary ia tb a of oar machine. W wUb it andentood tbat w rosea Tact a re tk Twltt (old by as; tbat w (ball aim to bar it ex cel ia quality aad exceed ia quantity, for a givca price, tbat of other manufacturers, snd tba tb Twist (mad py a ia our new and sxteaiiv mill, applied ss tbey ar with tbs most s. proved ma ebloery aad skilled labor can be r.ited oa for tb reliable qoatitie of aalformity of else. vaje. length of thread aa marked on each spool, atrcsgtb, escetiaaca or cotor, sna D'.auty or aoiab. THE SINGER KaNUFACTURINC CO.. No. 448 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE. 139 Montgomery Bl acZStSalltr. PRIVATE MEDICAL AID- QUICK CURES AND MODERATE CHARGES. DR. W. H. DOHERTY'I PRIVATE MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE ! -5"-Ife. 8X9 Sacramento Street, corner iJ of Leldcadorff Street, (a few doora below What (.beer llous. Private Entrance oa Leidccdorfl etreet, Saa Fraaeiaee. Established erprlu to afford the aJHi and mtitliji medical mid im th treatment mud sure of mil Priwmteand Chrom is lUseases, eases of Seero- ey mad mil Sexual Disorder. TO THS AFFLICTED. DR. W. K. DOHERTY RETURNS HIS 8IN eere tbaaks te bis numerous patients for lhir patroaag. aad would tab tb's eppertaaity te remind ibem tbat be eoatiaaes to eonault at hi Institute for tbe ear af chronic diaeaae; ef tba Laaea. Liver, kidney, DigMtiv and GniteUri- aary organs, aaa iu private ewceees. vis . eypa lli ia all it form and .tagea. Seminal Weaka. aad all tb horrid eon.quonea of aelf-abme, Gon orrbma. Gleet, Strioture. Nocturnal aad Diurnal emissions, Saxnal Debility. Disve of tbs Bak aad Loins, Inflammation of in Bladder aad kid- ny,lc, ate., aad b bop, that bis long experi ence and auecesaful practice will eontiaa to iu.ur him a (bare of public patron r. By tb practice oi many jeare aa urve aou tow i biwi oiaiee, . : u . i . i. , : . i . . h i enabled to apply tb moat efficient and aue cea.ful remedies agaiait diaeaae of all kinds. Hi aae ao mercury, charge, moderate, treat bis pa tisats ia a correct and booorabl wa; , aad be reference of usque.tionsble veracity from men of known re.peetability aod bigb standing in aoei ety. All psrtie. eon.ulting him by letter orother- wlfs, will receive tn net ana gentian treatment, and implioil secrecy. Te Fentsxlea. Wbea a femal ia la trouble, or afflicted with diseae, as weak nee of tb back snd limbs, paiu in th bead dimness or sight, luee of taueculat power, palpitation of th heart, irritability, nor vouaneae, extreme urinary difilcultiea, derange ment of dige.tive function, generrl debility, va giuitie, all disea ot th womb, hysteria, iterili- ty, and all other aiaease peeuitur io lemaies; an ahonid go or writ at one to the celebrated female deetor, W. K. Doherty, at hi Medical Institute and eomult bim about her troubles and disease. Th Doetor is effecting more cures than any other physician in th State of California. Let ao faUs delieaey prevent yon, bnt apply Immediately and sav yourcalf from painful auffcring. aad prema tura death. All Married Lad'.e whose delicate health or ether circamitaac prevent aa increase ia their fauiliei, ihould write or call at Dr. W. K. Doherty' Medical Institute, and they will raccivr very poeiibl relief aod help. Tb Doctor offi ees ar so arranged tbat h can b cooaulted with out fear of ebiervation. To Corrcapoaelcats. Patients residing in any part of th State, bow- var distant, wbo may desire th opinion and ad- 1 . t-1 . . .1 1 vioe oi vr. mosnj in iueir rc.peiiiTe eaeee, aoo who think proper to submit a written statement at uoh, in preference te holding a perianal interview, ar respectfully assured that tbeir eo-nmunicationi will be bald met .acred. . . . , '., . If the case be fully aad candidly described, per sonal communication will be nnneeeesary, ae in. stroetiens for diet, regimen, and tn general treat ment of tbe esse (including ths rmdies), will be forwarded without delay, and in suoh a manner aa to convey no idea of th purport of tk letter ar parcel ie transmitted. Conaultation by letter or otberwiie. rasa. Permanent euro guaranteed or no ay. Addr., W. K. DOHERTY, M. D.. ; . baa cranoue, waliiornia. . , Spcrmatorrhceat. , . ' Da. Dobxrtv bss just published an' important pamphlet embodyinghiaown view, and experieaee. in relrtioa te Impotence or Virility, being a ahort treatis on Spermstorrboea or beminal Weakness Narvou and.Pbyaieal Debility eonssqusnt on tbia See tion. and other diseases of tbe Sexual Organs . This little work contains information of ths ut most valus te all.' whether married or single, and will be sent FREE by mail on receipt of six cent In postage stamp for return postage. Address, W. K. DOHERTY. M. D., v3n38tf - . San .Francisco, Cat. mHS UNDERSIGNED HAS A QUANTITY X' ef Brlok for Sale in Albany, and Is alio pre pared to do all kinds of Brlok-Laying oa the shortest aotioe aad ia the very best manner. si ADVERTISEMENTS, - ALBANY : VOVXBI1Y I ... .'"- . , MACIIJTB SHOP I , ALBANY. OREGON. :' f - - .,.. ..,r T A. F CHERRY, PROPRIETOR. . ... " s . - . . f sxtrrACTtxn or . . i STEAM ENOINES. GRIST AND SAW-MILLS, REAPERS AND THRESHEi?S, WOODWORKING MACHINERY. , PUMPS, Ac. Ac, Ac., Ae. ae., Msobinery or all kinds RXPAIBXO ON SHORT NOTICS PATTIII UAKII Dona ia, AJX ZU Tajriotu Tanxuit IE0H AHD BEA88 0A8TIIQI? Of AU Kinds, Made te Order I ., P.yav4al6yl. A. F. CHERRY. PLANING MILL! NEW JPIRM! ELI CARTER HAVIXtt PURCHASED THS I entire interest of i. B. Comicy ia the Plae iug Mill known as "Comity A Driggs" Mill, ia tb eity of Albany, tb baeinca will be tfitiaaaJj at tb asm place, by DRIGGS & CARTER, wb bop, Ly itriet attention to baainess, aadj boaorsble dealings with tbeir customer, te merit a .bare of pobtie patronage. Person, wanting anything in ur lin sr invU ted to call sod ae mt at our (dace ef baain. whs tbey will always find sora en te attend t tbeir wants at abort notice. DOORS, MASH, 51r LDfXC.Se e Alwaya aa Hand. Call i DRIGGS s CARTE. jol22vin4!rtf THE HI6HEST PRICE FOR WHEAT, I WILL GIVE CENTS PER BUSHEL for good wheat, and tbe rite onfil Jaaears' l.i. Wl. 8. CART WBZGHT. Albany. Sept. ZS ISTu. Netf. THE GEEAT BLOOD PURIFIER, AalnfaHibl sii-ooB) vvrnvrrmm. tag ru toxic aad naven a certatn cor tor ' anx-jmasia. sad all kindred It completely i oat ore tba systcra wl aird by diaeaae, twivea tb action axsm-ntvsi mm atsrrst amonjs- ef the) i. radl. eally cmea ac at wr (;-&. ai.t ati and aa -eata-rss-ra; a aaaaa,gtvea hnnsMIt aad la avircraia. Eat -ran mVt unos aradt. Bails. Scald Head. Cloer aad Bare; sate from th system sll traces of It IS WUmKIV VKGKTSBLE, TOtiag troca sa berb found Indigenous in ciim. mi-. It is thew fnee peculiarly suitable tor as fey rnalMadOiUoen,asa-ssem arms. sna: mm atK-sevATem. . Far Sal by all Drugg'- CBIMtTOK. KOSTETTCB CO. AOKI-T8. . S aad &S1 -htaxkes Bsa Trsasi-o, THE HEW P00D. Tot a few cents you can buy of your Grocer or Druggist a package of SEA MOSS FAEINE made from pure Irish. Ross or Carrageen, which will make sixteen quarts of Blanc Mange, and a like quantity of Puddings Custards, Creams, Charlotte Busse, &c. It is the cheapest, healthiest and most delicious food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. , r: : .-' -. A Glorious Change ! I . THE GREAT WORLD'S TONIC. Plantation Bittenk Tills wonderful vegetable) rt xtoratlTe Is tbe sheet-anchor the feeble and debilitated. Att m. tonic and cordial for the aceel and languid, it has no eqwal among stomachics. ' As a remedy for the nervous weakness t which women are especially sub ject, It Is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropi cal, temperate, or frigid, it act as a ' specific in every species of disorder which undermines tha bodily, strength and breaks dom the animal spirits. For 4f T all druggists. ? , ; BLiANK DEEDS, of th )a d aeet pproved form, for eala at tiis ffiCV 'Ifsfiaatt and Jtortrag" ' A'.' . f.vv. pll g ly .'.'',': 's .-.-.' 4 "&&"' " fa.