.DECEMBKB I. IMA RAILROAD .COMPLETED TO ALBANY ARRIVAL OF THE RHST TRAIN OF CARS rtiVieceptioVef fioctU, Bpttckei, Etc Yesterday vn a ponderous day In the history of Albany, and will vsr mark a yrwnieent spot in the progress of our beau tiful young city. It eras the day on which artauAT. -' Me pceplewitneaa! the laying of. the hut Tail which connect ut by iron bands with 'the Metropolis of our Stmt and on which we welcomed the arrival of the first train of Saiuble arrangements had been previous ly made by our city authoritaties for an ap propriate celebration of the event, and at an arly hour on yetterday ran(nin( a protme die play of bunting was notioable in several quarters and our streets began . swarming with people anxious to hear the first snort of tW iron horse. ". - '-The aathoritatiee had been notified that l$en.. llulladav, with a - passenger train of Mseral cart Ijlled. with invited guests, would . be at the depot ground at 12 r. at., and ao- fi-irdiagiy a procession formed about that . ..time, eum posed of the city and connty offi cers and cititena generally, and, headed by t? Albany Brass Baud and the national colors, proceeded to the depot grounds, where, after waiting some time, they all had the gratification of witnessing the arri val of . Ilulladay'a train of fine passenger cars, filled with about 300 of the prominent Citizens of Portland, Salem, and other points r along the line, of the. route. Soon alter the a cars had stepped at the platform amid the cheers of the glad people, Ben. UMIaday sp eared'and was presented with a 1-tvety flag tor the use of the locomotive "Albany," by Mayer Stanard in a few well -chosen word, as-htch' Were replied tn ouite lengthily by Hon. J. II. Mitchell, of Portland, mi bo half of Mr. lloiladay. - Mrs. Duniway, nf this city, nest appeared upon the .-ene. and Sa beb T ef a, committee of the ladies of Al lany, presented tia lloiladay a flag to adorn the ''frontispiece" of the locomotive "J. B. Steven," in the following appropriate and ihwsntifal language : - To, Mr. lloiladay. tue worthy proprietor of tha 'Oreeoaautl California Railroad, to the Sunerin- teadeat4 snaduetor. engineer and other employees 1 6fAleau'y come with freetiair. la presenting In yo this Bag. the wark nf oar lagers, ia boaur of the "J. B. ttcpnans." the eo -"jriaetaat tret waked railroad eehoea in oar bill nd forests, and which Bow preediy puffs its " pasting Jtmath. iate ear very. faces, we -feel that " v hat .feebly express ear appreelatioa of the assf aitade of its stupendous aehievemea. May labor and capita,, which together hare aeeom pajskeeVthis mighty orork. erar jag aloag together ia harmony. May a vast influx of immigration speedily fellow this gigantic enterprise, and aiy every lover of progress present join with as ia ; .fief just tribexe to the eeestraetioB train. To Mr. Holladay and the "J. B. Stephens" we dedi eate this stae-spaaglod banner, knowing it will aot be ashamed of its company. Ir. Loryea responded to Mrs. D. in a beau tiftrf yniroratuin in which Ben. lloiladay, the Xmeri&nile and women were so poetically blended as to fill many eyes with tears of imtntir:- Tutt -OrK i-K namrutta nthor irfn- tletaen were called out and in turn delivered abort addresses more or lean pertinent to the occasion, in which praises of Ben. II. . I--laday were sn profueeiy intermingled with . other fulsome laudations of Mr. lloiladay that we despaired of ever presenting a syn apsis of them tn nur readers in an accept Me tuenner and no we shall leave the task to thooe brethren of the quill and paste pot who -accompanied the railroad king from Portland and back' aain. : ?.Aftr indulging in the interchange nf good feeling with our citizen and congratu lating us npon our good fortune in on noon -witnessing the !Mifletiw of the railroad to rut doors, the whistle blow, the warning . oH sounded the note f departure, the con . factor's ry of aboard1' separated our guests from nor warm ' greetings and the - ataaely cars swept thsns away from our sight ' and oa to their hvimes, followed by the hear ;ty cheers and god wishes of several of the "ftensof AUwutT.- .Jfre it not that we uaderst"d the eelebrotina . 'eras to hare been in boaar of the eomp etion of the ' Tailroad to Albany, from some of the remarks that were made by Mr. Holladay's -month-pieces, we wawld certainly have inferred that the whole dem enstratioa was a of a cross between a Radical ramie in search ot votes and a personal demon stration to beslobber Boa. Hell a day and ahnse 2enocraU who wove opposed to his schemes for asl2zraaduemea. Battle or WiTtaiio. A few days mgo a man named Dan. Courtney, of Waier ffteprecinci, this connty, made some en erosch nents npon the land of one Mr. Br)wn, " neighbor of bis. when the latter warned 1jim from further tresspasses, with Stparnt success,1 as Courtney for tbe time beog refrained from appearing on B's land. However, the latter had occasion to be ab .SDt from home far a few days, and as soon -it he was gone. Courtney, in company with ocae hired hands, began chopping wood on Brown's land. ' Mrs Brown, ft little bright ayed la.lyof some thirty summers and al-out dQQ.Jbs weight, soon discovered that the in terlopers had taken advantage of ber hos band's absence, and title immediately re paired to the scene of their, lalxtrs and in 1fcis'te& opon tbem ''clearing oat" or St least Messing fuAlter W(7rk' us til hef, husband's "return, when the matter might be equitably MdJsatisfactoriIy adjusted. Courtney not . enly, refiissvLto. obey her , orders .hot . , made "reply in sn insulting manner to all ber ar Kamenta to induce him to leave, when she, losing patience at his stuoi.ornness and le comiug exasperated at bis angentlemanly ' Yv ilies. Snatched a fir club from the gWiund, nd giving it a swing which would have done honor to the best nhillalah at "Lnnna ffsn's Wake." gave her insulter adiff alone "side the bead which laid Vim rolling in tbe dust like a slaughtered beef and before he -eonld regain bis teet she planted a rock tn the region of ; his abdomen which caused him to groan in terrible agony. ' ' At this critical iuncture his friends interfered and preserved lawn from the further vengeance f tise infuriated woman, who had so nobly defended her husband s rights and vindica ied her iniiired honor. ' ."Last Monday Courfne ' had 'his female eonaaeror arrestad for assault and battery. . That we have not yet learned the issue of the ttrial.; we are. however, convinced that she 3iti the plaudits of her husband Und the ad- ;Biiraton r tbe cnmmunity no matter wnat . View Jhe stern justice of tlte law may Jfcke rjf hr pugilistic nropensities. " ..Sab Kxws. The numerous frio-a of MissLydA'. Mifler, whosehoma has been 4 Albany for many years past, will be fTiniw learn isi she htti i jrecently been attacked with hemnrrhage of the lungs at the residence of bar father on Vaquina Bay fu4 Hls fenred that she is fast declmSng tinder .the, ravages of that fatal disease, ecsa,mption. t " Ai(bTBkk Cost.' Discoviar. lion. Jason Wheeler,' County Commissioner, has plsoed upon our table soma specimens of coal which were recently discovered by Messrs. M. Bylsnd and "Big Dave" Prime, about 18 miles from this city, on the Beaver Fork of the ' Ssntiam river. These specimens have all the indications of excellent coal, and the lead was found to extend through ft large tract of the neighborhood in which it was found. V Several distinct7 lends are f.uad, aliout 30 or 40 feet apart, which pen etrate the hill, and seem to extend entirely through to another ravine on the opposite side. In fact the recent discoveries of cnal in the Forks of the Suntiam, by different parties, fully Indicate that the coal deposits of that region are inexhaustible, and we believe wll in the near future develop a mine of wealth to the people of that section of Linn county. We believe that there is sufficient coal in those mountains to supply the entire Pacific coast, and it only requires a small amount of enterprise and capital to inaugurate the business in a successful Hnanner. ' - '' Navigation or tux Santiam. Mr. Jason Wheeler inferuis us that next week he will head a party of men to engage in exploring the Santiam river from Lebanon to its mouth, for the purpose of ascertaining what obstructions are required to be removed in order 1 to render it narignble for steam boats to or near Lebanon. The large drift which for yes re impeded the pas sage of boats above Scio was last wintsr avoid! by the cmrse of tfe stream cutting around it, and Mr. Wheeler now believes that with a comparatively small expense the other Abstractions can be so overcome or removed as to enable boats t freely navi Eftte that turbulent and classic stream for eight or nine miles above Scio. In view of the recent discoveries of cos I in that region. and of the fact that the ricbest portion of "The Forks" would thus bo put into dirrct "transporting" communication with the river and railroad, this is an important en terprise and deserves the utmost enenurng ment from the people of not only that iin mediate section, but of the entire county of Linn. Sxwtxo Mscntscs. We take special pleasure in referring tn the new advertise ment of Messrs. Miner ft Pearson in another piece. These gentlemen have the Oregon ageney for the celebrated "Bnckoye" sew ing machines, which are mAnufactored at 0, , . Ohio, and are having em-h een- oral sale throughout the United States. To describe the beauty of t eir movements and general "make up, or to enumerate the manv advantages which thee poeaess over other and more eatl machines, would all nrhtontniichnf oarspn.ee. tmt we advise everybody to call at the headquarters of the sents. next door to Cheadle'a store, in this city, and examine the machines for them selves. If any hulsnd wants to enjoy the especial affections of his hetter half tn the "extremeet." let him make her a ChrUtmss presume of a "Buckeye Sewing Machine.' His home will lie a rmntdise and his beef, steak will be cooked tn a delicious "well done" for at least a year afterwatds. Cosr alus Collmb. This excellent vlu- cational institution closed its first quarter of the current collegiate year on vee'erdny. with an attendance of one hundred stadeuts. The second quarter will begin next Monday, under mre favorable auspices then even the ntiarter tost closed. Prof. Emery has an excellently arranged boarding bonae if which we spoke some months ago. and he is prepared to aecommdte fifteen or twsntv yitung men witb all th eonvenienreo re. qnisite to a Tleaant abiding' plnee. From mr personal experience we know Uiat the table spread bv the Prfeaor amiable lady cannot lie excelled either for bounty or qual ity. We would advise our friends who have vnutha'tn educate tn rememlier the Corral lis College. Thi Lebanon Faice. From our corres pondent "Prolxmo Publico, we learn that the trial of Mr. Wiley, last week at Leba non, for selling liquor to Indians, was a prodigious rare, as the "abongneee didn't eeem to -have tbe most distant conception of the naiore of an oath and "wake com till ed" almost every question which was pro pounded tn tbem ; but their testimony (?) was deemed sufficient to bind tbe defendant oyer in $1,000 bonds! We regret that the communication of our correspondent is too long for publication, as it shows up tbe mer its of the case in good style. , . Masonic Election.-At a . regular com munication of Cor'nithinti Isslge No. 17, A. F. ,L A. M.. held last Saturday evening. the following officers were elected for the next Mseonte year': George Humtihrey. W. M. ; D. Froman, S. W. ; P. C. Ilnrper. J. W. : R. M. Powers. Secretary ; O. A. Hill. Treasurer; A.M. Rinater. Tyler. The officer will he publicly installed at the Court House on the evening of December 27th. ins't.. on which njcosion a Mawiic Address will b delivered by a competent member of the Fraternity. T s . f 111 I S I II ' On Thanksgtvhig ay at Seattle, Wash ington Ter., Bev. Mr. Dumon, formerly of this city, delivered a very fine sermon, at the cfe f which he exhibited ft large lot of choice and beiratilul flowers, green cn-u. second growth, beans, ripe and green straw berries, young pear buds, third crop, raise 1 there this season, new potatoes, second growth, which :were-raised from - the old stock of this year. New Saloon. That ever popular gentle man, J. B. Sprenger, has just opened a saloon in this city under the name of "Oro Fino,". which for neatness and attractive ness has few superiors even in much larger cities. Asdake always excels in the msn- agement of everything he undertakes, it is morally certain that he will be a successful caterer to the "drinkists" of Albany. That Ball. Elsewhere will be found the advertisement of the Christmas Ball to be given by tbe Albany Brass Band. The boys deserve a big W"w out" 'on that oc casion as they nave never tailed to "blow oat" when called upon by our citizens. The names nf the floor-manag'irs fully demon strate the fact that the ceremonies of the ball will be eminently recherche. Ma 'Shot. Last night two railroad employes got into a quarrel at tbe St Charles Hotel, in this city, ana' one of tbem drew a pistol to shoot, when e'tbJrd msn, named Smith. Interior 'ed and received the contents of a discharge from the pistol in bis left thigh, canning a wotnd which may require the amputation of the leg. Tbe , perpetrator of the. deed was arrested.' ' " " Bemciocs. there witt bVreligioos servl een by the members ot the- M. E. Ohdrtsti, Sontlh at the Court House lh this city: on the 1st and 3rd Sabbaths of , each month hereafter ' ' - : ' ' -' . StfALfPok Itsii. tr. Lister. Health Officer. informs us that there Is not a single eise of small pox in- towa. There is a esse at Soda Spring. aboTo Lebanon. 1 ScioTFrom the Newt i" Following art the joity officers of Solo elected Inst Monday t Msyor, T. J. Thorp and i.B. Irvine wers a tie Recorder, J. L. Miller j Marshal, Al, Brig t Trciisurer. Di P. Mason i Conn- citr jit men, E. E. Wheelur, T; P; Ooodman, El. Daly, W. S. Taylor. Ui Delauney, M. U. Gill. J. M. Johns ft D. Gaby are Real Estate dealers at Soio. " - k i , . . Mr. Ostrandcr's family ia fust recovering from the smull pox. - On the 28th ult., Peter Smith, Sen., died after a lingering sickness nf some months. BANcaort's New Mar of ' the Pacific States and Territories now graces the walls of our office, and is one of the finest maps ever issued. It is very large, richly color ed, perfectly euro piled and superbly mount ed, and is indispensable to any well regu lated business house or o!Bc on tbe Puoiflo Coast, - . , ,, At Connie's. The public would do well tn remember that John dinner is disposing of bis large and excellent stock of goods at cost, and that they can, at his store, receive unexampled bargains in idtfrtflmndise. Dry goods, hardware, cutlery, boots and shoes, etc., etc., comprise his stock. An early call will insure the oboloe of the stock. Meetino. We are requested by Secrets, ry tirny to announce tost mere win tie a meeting of tha Linn County Bible Hocioty at the Court House, in this citv, on the first Monday of January, 1871, at C oclook, r a., for the eiection of ofliuers and the trans' action of adher business. Thanks. To E. WJ Pike-, book and mu sic dealer, fur a copy of Josh Billings' Far mors' Almanax" and a very fine and con venient pen rock otndo on tbe most recent pattern. Pike has everything iu bis store to amuse and instruct. Oca Linn Countt Coal. The cooi from the nowly discovered mine on tbe Santism, alsive Scio, has been tested by Burrows ft Co. of the Salem Gas Works, and pro nounced by them far superior ta that brought from auatnio. , We learn that a new hotel is being built at Picknrd's Station, three miles the other side of Jefferson, to be occupied by Mr. Al esander of Scio. S riser School. Next Modsy Rev. I. 0. Iter ren will open a select sehuul up stairs over Ike fire engine buuie, in this eiiy. Rklioiocs. Kev. A. W. Sweeney willl preach iu tbe Court Houas text babbath at 11a. m. and 6 r. u. Ota -lasic friend, T. J. Thorp, Esq., of Scio, called yestcrdny and smiled with us. RsAb tois. Tbe post office at Lebanon will be open at 8 o'clock on Sus.day morn ings and close promptly at 9 and will remain closed during tbe day. Parties wishing mail must come during the mail hour, of they will not be accommodated. S. H. CLACU11T0X, Postmaster. Oil! Oil!! On!!! Al reduced prices, at Fettle- mier't Trug Store, vis : peroe's Coal Oil. 7S ets. par gallon by tbe ran ; Lard Oil, at retail. f2.IJ per gallon ; and everything else in proportion. "J. F. Sktvlssibb. DIED: KENDALL On tbe Sth. inH.. at tbe mldenee of his soo-in-Uw, Mr. James Williams, ia LioS county. Hav. Taous iiar Kkssam- i. 1 , iu the sisiy-c-b4 year uf bis aa. fr. Kendall was b'.o 14 Obi-., and graduate.! at Jefferson College, aud Csnansburg Theologi cal 8i.niinary. 1'a. He iniintel from Iowa to Oregna la IMS. and bos been lng sad esteasiroly ko as an earoest and etolmnt mir.Uter of the gospel. Ia May last be was epnniiiird by bi rie bjflery dulecaie t Ue Geuersl Assembly of tbe U V. Ciinrib in Piltrburgb. t'o. Uo aeeoant of Lis aeknuwlrdco'l talent, and twenty-fire yean of piei.u serviee In Oregon, be was unanimuuely elected Jliilerat-.r uf tbe A- semLly. lr. Kmdalt traveled ext.-nlrely daring tbe sammer in tbe East and as far Snath as Tn- eewee. On bis return a..ae three weeks sines be said to friends ibat be bad seen no place to com pare with Oregon, or which be would accept aa a home. His lts will long be felt in tbe ebureh and enmmun'.ty. and many aa emmigraot of the early days of Oregon will maare him as a loved companion and friend. S. 0. I. SPECIAL NOTICES. The Vltml Statistic of Cslltwrals Show that periodical teversand scute sad ehroa- ie disorders of the stomach and liewels, are among the most prominent and fatal diseases ia this State. Disobedience to tbe laws of health, as re gards diet; tbe use of pernicious stimulants, aud the wear and tear of business exciUmeat, sad or "fast life" generally, hove much to do with tbe prevalence of these maladies in our cities ; while in the interior, and especially ia the gold yielding districts, they are ehicfly duo to malaria, uawbolo sumo water, aad tbe exposure, and privation Inci dent to life in now settlements and mining eaupi. Now, IV IS A FACT that it is as possible to protest the human ijv am agsinst these maladies, as to guard life and property agsiost tbe Ineursions of ssssssins and thieves. Strengthen the vital organ nation with IlOSTETTEKft ST0MACU BIT TERS, and it becomes as capable of resisting tbe active principle of epidemic or endemic disease, as a fire proof safe is of resisting the action of eombuslioa. This Is tbe experience of thousands who have remained unscathed by malat ions disor ders la the sickliest seasons, while their neighbors who neglected to tone and regulate their systems with tbU unequalled medicinal stimulant, have fallen thick and fast around tbem. Weakness in vites disease. Vigor repels U. Help nsturs to fight tbe good figat with infoetioa, whether it be in the air. tbe wuter, or tbe soil, with this matchless preparation. a compound or the rarest regetal'le ... . . . i .i a : . : i extracts won tot purcai oi ai uiaoeiveeiimiiiunia. This is the most tborungb blood puritiur yet discovered, and cures all hiuuorm, from tbe worst Scrofula to a common Eruption. PimpUi and tiloirafoniKe foe, ana tealuor rough tkt, waica are such annoying Hlemises to many young per sons, yield to tbe nso of a few bottles oftbix woo derful medicine. From one to eight bottles cure pull Uheum. brynpelai, oat Id Jitail, Ming n ormt. ootu. Beaig abruption of Ms nets, arrotuta Horse. Vlctrt ana "Vauker" n Ms Mouth aua olomac. It is a pure medicinal extract of native roots and pleats, combining ta suimonv .Nature's most sor ereign curative properties, which God bos instilled into the vegetable kingdom for nealiug the siok. It is a great reltorer for the strength and vigor of the system. Those who are languid, sleepless have nervous ajapreaeoetoo os fears, or any of tbe affections symptomatic of uitaknmt, will find eon vineing evidence of its restorative power npon trial. If yon feel duU, drowtv, debilitated and dttpondent, have frequent Headache, mouth taetee baUhf in tbe morning, irregular appetite and tongue coatod, you are sufioring from Torpid Liter or "Bilioueneee." In many eases of "Liter Com- plaint" only a port of these symptom's are experi enced, as a renieny lor an snen eases, UT. fierce I Golden Medical Tiseovety bos ne equal, as It af fects perfect cus, leaving the Hver ertgtkeied and healthy, for tue curs ot Habitual Constipa tion of the Bowels it is a never failing remedy-. and those who have used ft for this - purpose are loud In its praiss. ' In Browehint, TKrbat and tug Dieeaeee it has produced many tffcly remarkable cures, where other medicines bad failed. Sold by druggists at Sl.OO per bottle. Prepared at tbe Chemical Laboratory of R. V. PIBRCB, M. D., Buffale, N.T. Ss28f3n49yl-bn irly " A tf r R T I S E M B NT 8 r THE "SINGER" NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, WITH ATTACHMENTS FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK. IS FAST WINlflNO FAVORS IN TAB HOUSE. U0L0. AS KH0VYX UY TUK , SALES OF LAST YKAH, AM0UNTINU TO EIiillTY. SlXTIlOL'KAND.rfliVKN UL'NUKEU , ' AND KKillTY-O.NK MACIIl.NKS, WHICH FAR KXCKKUTHOSK OF ANY 0T11KU COMPANY! This new FAMILY MACHINE li espabta of a range and variety of work such aa was thought luipoeeibla. a short lime ago, to periWui by ma chinery. We eluim, and ssa show these whom it uiity conoera, that It is the cites peat, most beauti ful, delicately arranged, nicely aiijustsd, easily op. sratvd. and smoothly running of all tlis family Hewing Moohiuos. It l remarkable, not only lr l be runs and variety uf lis sewing, but also fr tbe variety and different KIN OS OF TKXTUKB oblcb It will sew with eual facility and perfection, uslug Silk Twist, l.lbea or Cotton Thread, fine or coarse, making tha I.VTr'liLyCRKD ELASTIC ST1TCU, alike on both sides or the fabric sows. Thus bearer elolb, or leather, may ls sown with great sireng'b r uaifuruilly of slltvh, and In a moment this willing aud never wearying machine may be adjusted fur fine work on Reuse or gossa mer tttiue, or tbe tsoklng ef tarlelas. or ruffling, nr almost any other work which delicate fingers have bean known to perform. Purchasers ean sn be eonvloeed that ear new Family Machine embodies NEW and essoutial principles -simplicity of construction ease of op eraiioa uniformity of PRECISE aelioa at asy spved espseity for rouge and variety of work, fiue er coarse, leaving all rivals behind it, , TUB FOLDISU CASES. The New Family Machine Stay he bed la a va riety of foluing eovcrs and eases. Seme shew ia polished surface only the grain aad tint ef the wood, while others are fiulabed ia all the elabora tion of art. THE ATTACH H EX Tf4 For Hemmiog. Felliug. KuOU.g. Uraidisg, Bind ing. Cording. Ualbenag, Tucking, Embroidering, and to forth, vt not only numerous, but now broCgbt t- great perfection. Must ol them ess be attached or detached by a aliaple mora of tbe band. The ifuattly ol lbs wark can only be fully appreciated oa obrv el ion and exauiiaalioa. MAC I1I TWIST, LINEN T11KK U. SPOOL COTTON, OIL, Ac. We hate and (ball keep In stock at our Central Office, and Agrnriee. ton spools of various eiias.) Twist of all sites and telors, Linen Thread, Spool Cotton. Oil. nnd Sll other articles necessary in the use of our mecblnst. We wish It uaderto4 that we maaufacture the Twist sold Ly as; that ws shall aim fe hats it ex cel id quality and exceed ia quantity, fur a gives price, that of other meoafaclurere. and that the Twlat made by us iu our new aud extrusive mills, supplied as tbey are with the most approved ma chinery and "killed labor eaa be relied ea fur the reliable qualities of sniforuvty f ixo, evenness, length ol thread as marsed on each spool, strength, excellence of color, aad beauty of finish. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO.. No. 448 RR04.DWAY. NEW YORK. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE. IS9 Montgomery St oeZSrSnlltf. PRIVATE MEDICAL AID QUICK CURES AND M0DERATR CHAROES. Dn. W. U. DOIIERTY'S PRIVATE MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE I Pftta. Old Sacra sate)' Street, corner ef lidoeJ .rtl street, o low duors beluw bat Cheer Uuute. PrWate Kotrar. oa Leidosdurt all vet. Sou Fraaewee. Flight i.lti uvtmih tm mJTurd ikm mSttmtmA . ..-. . aa scieaiine ateaieot aia ia iae ireaimeM mud cure of all frit of and C'Area . ie Jjieeum, eases Seere ey mud all Sexual Vieordrre. TO THE AFFLICTED.. DR. W. IC. D0HERTY RETCRNS HIS SIN eere thanks to bis numerous patieau for their patronage, and would take It's eppurtueity to remind tbem that he continues to consult at bis Institute for tbe euro ef ebroale diseases ef tbe Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Digestive aud Ueuito-Uri nary Organs, aad all private diseases, vis. Syph ilis In all its terms aaa stages, semiaal weakness. aud all tbe horrid eunsequeoeet of self-abuse. Uon- orrhoia. Gleet, Strictures. Nocturnal and Diurnal emissions. Sexual Debility, DisVssss of the llaek and Loins, Inflammation of tbe Bladder sad Kid neys, etc., etc.. and be hopes that bis long experi ence and successful practice willeontibue to insure him a share ef fwblie patronage. By the practice of mssy yean la Europe snd tbe lotted States, be is enabled to apply tbe most efficient snd suc cessful remedies against diseases of all kiads. He uses no mercury, charges moderate, treats bis sa lients in a cut root and nonurablo ;, aad has references of unquestionable veracity from mea of known respectability and high steading in soci ety. AH parties consulting blm by letter oretber- wirs, will reeeire tbe best and gentlest treatment, and implicit secrecy. To FenHtlcsi. When a female ts In trouble, er afflicted with disease, as wsakaess of the back aad limbs, pais in tbs bsod dimness or sight, less ef muscular power, palpitatioa of tbe heart, irritability, ner vousness, extreme urinary difficulties, derange ment ef digestive functions, geaerrl debility, va ginitis, sll diseases ot tbe womb, hysteria, sterili ty, and all other diseases peculiar to femeles; she should go or write at ones to tbeeelehraled female doctor, W. K. Doherty, at bis Medical Institute and consult blm about her troubles and disesse. The Doctor is effecting more cures than any other physician in the State of California. - Let ao false delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately and save yourself from painful sufferings and prema ture death. All Married Ladles whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent sn increase ia their faralties, should writs er sail at Dr. vf . K. Doherty's Medii'tl Institute, and tbey will receive every possible relief and help. The Doctor's offi ces are se arranged that he can be eohsultsd with out fear of observation. To CorrteofStlenta. Patients residing in soy part of tbe State, how ever distant, wbo may desire the of inion and ad vice of lr. Doherty in thoir respective eases, and wbo think proper to submit a writtea statement of such, in preference to holding a personal Interview, era raspeeuully assured tuattneir communications will be held most sacred. If tbe easa be fully and candidly described, per sonal communication will be unkeeeSsary, as In structions Tor diet, regimen, and lbs general treat ment ef the ease (including the remedies), will be forwarded without delay, and in iticn a manner as to con vsv no idsa of the purport of the letter er parcel to transmitted. Consultation by letter or otherwise, rnxi. Permanent care guaranteed or nepay. Address, W. K. DOHERTY, M. D.. ' Ssa FrSnoisco, California. ":' " SpertHfstorrhvjca. ' Da. Dob saw has just published an important pamnalet embodying bis own views and experiences in relrtlon to Impotence or Virility, being a short treatise en Bpennstorrnwa or Seminal Weakness Nervous and Physical Debility consequent on this affection, and other diseases of ths Sexanl Organs. This little work contains InformsUon of the ut most value to all, whether married or single, and will be tent FRRE by mail on receipt ef six cents in poslags stamps rr return postage. Address W. K. DOHERTY, M. D., v3n3Stf - - ' . San Franeiieo, Cal s-wwrrft rmtlF.RRIOVFn 111R A OTTAVTITY r pj . - - nf Tiriflk for flala In Alhajiv. and ia alio nro- parsd to do all kinds of Briok-Laylng oa tbs s nortssi nonce sna in tas very nest manner. nil B. TV. CTJ NDIff, NOTICE TO DEBTORS! A LL PERSON' KNOWING THEMSELVES F indebted to R. Clieadle A Co., by note or book account, will lave eost by settling tbe same f By the lit of Jinnary, 1871. PRODUCE TAKEN FOR PAYMENT ON DELIVERY. B. OaSABLS as 00. : N. B. IF Y0C WISH A 000D BARGAIN I Call for what you want, and yon will be ears to purchase tbe floods. V7s sell for Cash. novlSvfinld ft. 0ZXEAOL8 4 CO. STORE ATJ.EBANOM! A. CO WA IV etc CO., Prop's. ,S. U. CXUvUaUTOIV, Agnut. Fresh Stook Just Reoeived! GOODS GROCERIES ! CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS! , Boots end Shoe I CLASS AND QUEEWSWARK ! Iron, Hardware, eVc YTkieh will aU he IMepoeed of at Albany Priotet PR0DCCX TAKEN FOR GOODS I se?J4neif. A. COWAN A '00 AGENTSWANTED. sTOST OUT. BANCROFT'S" NEW MAP OF VMS TA.CTFXG STATES, Callfbrnia, Orog-sn, Wasbinstea. fdoas, fOvataaa. Ifevada. Utah. Arixoaa, ' Uritlaa OolambU aad Alaska. Elegsally engraved on eupper and colored in counties. Fifth edition, thoroughly revised and brought dwa to date 1870. It shows the great Overland Railroad, al'o the proposed Northern and Southern Paeifte Railroads and their connec tions t also all Railroads completed aad projected in California and Oregoo. I poo the same sheet, oa a less scale, are tbe maps of Alsska, and a complete Railroad map of tne miied elsle. No other map oa compare with this edition ia fallaess of detail, sad beauty and accuracy of its topography. An enterprise ef stick magnitude aad impor tance as Ibis large and elegoat eoppcr-plete soap, in order to be property appreciated should be iu every ctlee, scbl-boue aad dwelling. Those wishing aa agsaey should apply immediately for terms, to A. L. BABTCBOFT k CO, Publiilwrn, 721 Marks Strest. nlSwS SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. DR.c.noirri LEOTBJO FADI RELIEF. GRAND MASTER OF PAIN AND DIS EASE ! It is tbe most wonderful Medicine ia tbe World for all Internal aed external diseas es. It Is truly that great secret of Nature, Vegetable Electricity. Oas trial will eoavioce tbe skeptic ef Its msgle power. DR. C. HOWE'S General Office, 423 Washington Street, Kaa Francisco, California. Okc Dollar ft Battle selOaTmS. The standard remedy for Coaghs) laflaenaste ore Taroaf, 11'A.M.piao Cough, Croup, Liter Complaint, Uron ehitie, Dleedmg of the Lunge, and every affection of tha Throat. Lungs aad Chesr, Including Cossompviox. , Wlatar'a Balaam does not dry , up a Cough, but loosens it, eleoues the lungs, and alleys irritation, thus rcotoetno1 A cause ef tbe eomplant None genu ine unless signed 1. 11 err, prepared by Ssth V7. Fowls t So.v, Bb:t6n. Sold by Rbdisotos, Hostxttss A Co., Sua Francisco, and by dealers generally. v5ntsyl. . . AGENTS WANTED. O" ; N0W RBAD .'.".'v - - T ,.. THE MOST WONDERFUL BOO OF TnE Nineteenth Century. A Curious Book for Curi ous People, and a Good Book for Everyone I PLAIN HOME TALK MEDICAL COMMON SENSE, -. BT E B. F00TE, M. D. IF VOtT WANT TO KNOW tbe eneota ef Sex ual Starvation, Prostitution, Contlcetme on oaa band and Vice ea tbe other f if yen want to know how to have Healthy Babies, bow to Keen tbem Healthy, bow to Grew np Healthy, and die only of 0 d Age; If you want to know alt about Common Sense Remedies, Electricity, Animal Magnetism, and who believe In lt tf jou waatte know all Diseases peculiar to Women, to Girl hood, to the Maiden, to the Wife and Mother Reed "Private Words to Wnmem" . r IF VOU WANT TO KNOW VsWble Hints to tbe Childless, How to Overcome Barrenness, how to Become a Fattier, bow to Urcome a Moth' er ; if yo want te kwofr all about Diseases Pee Hat to men, their Nature ami Treatment, Imps teney. Seminal Weakness, Act if you want to know all about ths getual Organs, Cause of their Disgrace, their Influence on Development, on Wo man and CivltixatiAn : if you want te know all abottt Marriage, its History, Polygamy snd Mon ogamy, Polyandry and Free Love t if v0u want to know tbe Philosophy of EtoperDu, Adapta tion in Marriage. Philosophy f child Marking, bow to Perfect Msrrlsgs, . Thoussnd Things !f.r!.5' or' EAD THIS WONDER FUL BOOK. ' SOLO O.rfiY BY SUBSCRIPTION. Ssnd fsr Clrr.alars and Terms to A. L. BANCROFT & Cf lopISuio. Dsn Frsatirse, Cat. RTIEUM VS T ST ZiSXl READl 10,000 "STOOK -e GENERAL MERCHANDISE! Now being st Id to slooe bsstness, sonsistiog ef TDivsr aooDsi Clothing, Boots and Shoes, 8UELF IIARDWARF. - Of aesrly ersry dessrft tlos , T SHOVELS, SPADES. MILL & CfllSS-CUT SAWS, IRON Cc STEEL! A large assortment) Ioa Axles, Tb sable Skeias, jsiacssaitb Tools, as., me. ALL TO BE SOLD AT COST. Albany, Sept. 17, 1870. JOHN CONNER. ytniryt. FRENCH MEDICAL OFFICE. DR. JOLIEN PERRAULT. Dscter ar Msdiciaa of the Facnltw af m-unm, ursauais si sac uaiversttw Qnesn's CoUero. aaa Physician sf toe StVeTaaa ataatiata Sextetysf Saa rna W I -w a A . . -. . 1 CISCO). Ia. PsaasrtT has tbe pleasure to Inform pa tieau and others seeking contdentisl medical ad vise that be eaa beeonrulfed dsllv at his office. Ar. mory Hall Building, North East aorner of Mont gomery ana iMcramente streets, ffsa Francisco. Rooms Nos. . 10, II, first floor, up stairs, entrance oa aimer montgomery or nsersmento streeU. Da. Paksai lt's studies have been almost exeln sfrely devoted to the curs of tbe various forms of Asrvous sod Physical Dsbilitv. tbe result of Iniu- nons naoiis scqairsa in yooth. wbirb ueaally ter minate In imfwtence aad sterility, sad permanent ly Induce all the concomitants of old srs. Where a secret InttrmUy exisU involvinstbebawnraesaaf a me oaa mat or etners, reason aad morality die- wta ine aecessny or us removal, for It is a fact that premature decline ef tbe vigor of manhood, matrimonial unbappinest. aompultory single life, etc., have their Suitress in esuses, tbe germ of which Is planted in early life, aed the bitter fralu tested long afterward; patients, laboring seder this complaint, will complain of one or more df tbe following symptoms t Nocturnal Emissions, Pains In tbe Ilsck and Head. Weaknese of Memo ry and fight, bioehaage from the Urethra oa go iag to stool er making water. Intellectual Facul ties are Weakened. Loss of Memory ensues, Idess are clouded, and tbere is a disinclination to attend to business, or even to reedier, writioc. er the society of friends, eta. The patiet.t will probably complain of Dixxiness, Ven'go, sad that Sight ana uearing are weakened aad sleep dlslareed by dreams ; melancholy, eigbing, palpitatioa. fatal lags, eon ths aad slow fevers; while sums bsve external rbeumatie pain, and sameness of tbs body. Some ef ths most commou svmstoms are pimples in tbe faee. aad aching ia different parts of tbe body. Patients suffering from this disease. should apply Immediately to Us. Psaas vLv.eitber in pcraaa or by letter, as be will guarantee a care of Semlaal Emissions aad Impotence ia sis er eight weeks. Patterns suffering from veneris! disease ia asv stage. Gonorrhea, Uleet, Strictures. Bubo, fleers. Cutaneous Eruptions, etc.. will be treated saceess fully. All Syphilitic aad Mercurial Tsists satire ly removed from tbe system. vm. fsssArt-r s diplomas are ia his office, where patients eaa see for themselves that tbey are under tbe core of a regularly educated practi tioner. I oe sect rciereaeos riven if reo aired. Patients suffering under ebroale diseases, eaa call aad examine for themselves. We invito in vestigation; claim not to know everv'Jiinr. nor to cure everybody, but we do claim that in all eases taken eedrr treatment w fnlSII our promisee. We particularly request those who have tried this boaatsd doctor, aad tbat advertised physician, till wora out aaa aiseouragea. te eall a poo as. lw eaargss aaa qutex cores. Ladies seScring from soy eomplalat Ineideatal to their sol, eaa eeasalt the doctor with the uiir. aSes ef relief. Female Hoathlr Pilla. Da. PaaaaGLT ia the ante unl in Calirnrala for Da. Biorv's Female Monthly Pilis. Their immense sale bas established their reaalation as a female remedy, enapprrucbed aad faria advance ef every other remedy for suppressions and irreg. aianties, aas otner obetrucUons in fimsles. Oa the receipt of fire dollars, theae Pills will be tent by mall or express to any part of tha world, so sun from cariosity or damage. Persots at a distance ean be eured at borne, by addressing letter te Da. PsauscLT, ooraer ef 6ocriaento and Montgomery streets. Rooms 10 snd 11. or Box (73. P. ., Saa Fraaeisee, statisg tbe ease as minutely ss possible, genera) habits of living, occupation, ate., etc. ail communications conadeatlal. JunSyt SELECT SCHOOL. School is being taught si the ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Osderthe supervision of M. T. CRAWFORD assisted by Miss Jew Lliixs. BATES Or TUITION. (Per quarter of elevaa weeks.) Primary Department ........ ......... ....... ...... $4 OS Preparatory and Common liranebci.. i tlO Advanced English 7 00 Ancient and Modern Languages .... 9 00 iwtfio j'ayabU tn Advance. U. T. CRAWFORD. Albany, Nov. 11, IS70. Principal. PUTS CHALLENGER THRESHER ! Hninefst Headers ! MOWERS! And All Kinds of Agricultural Implements ! For Sal by . ; 8LAIN, YOUNG CO., v5n40tf. Albany. Oregon. FROMAN JBUILDING! WHEAT, AND FLAX-SEED DEPOT! ClNtninf aid Elevating Capacity 10,000 luaeu per My: 150,000 Bnt-eia Wheat Wanted in Store! S0,000 BosCaA for tWe wne Wisnto sell er Store wit us. F fax-Seed Contractors of Pioneer Oil Co. Will call ea ns for sacks. 1 . v5n51yl. E. CARTWRIGHT. NEW BARBER SHOP! AT THE OVERLAID HOTEL, IN ALBAKT. mUE tDERStQNED nAS FITTED TJP A W west and Inviting Tonsorial Kstahlishme a tbe Overland Hotel, ana respeetlully snltr ,u a share of the publie patronage, promising to sirs entire satisfaction. . . LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HAIR KiATLY CUT AND , SHAIHI'irjtS. , ee28vflnlltr TiALE BACKENSTO. ' BROWNSVILLE. f. "W 353E, .;, ' - --BBAtta IS . , FANCY AfttJ STAPtfl M GOODS! , HAT3, CLOTHIKO, BOOTS SHOES, QtOcerieti Crockery, Hardware, Iron, Steel, "Wagon Timber, Plows, Agricultural .. Implements, Etc., Ete. . Motto "Srasll Profits and Quick Retnrns," . i'-a;.JJU- vsatOyl. ; .' . -", ADVERT! SEMEMT8 ALBANY. ORECON. A. CHERRY, FROPRlETQti. jrsnrrsctcuB -- STEAM EJtOIXES, WRIST Alt D SAW.MILLs,, REAPERS AND THKESHEXS, WOOD WORK ISO MACH 15 SRT. PUMPS. Ac. Me., Ac, Ae. As. ; Maeblaery of all kinds KBrAnUSB OM SaOBT MOTJCSt PATTERS HiKIId " Don U AU Its, Tsrlou renuU IE0H AHD BSAS8 0ASTI5QS Of All Kinds, Hade te Order I Dee.s'eevsnteyl. A. F. C1IERKT. PLANING MILL i NEW I R HI J LI CARTER MAVISti PURCHASED THS tZA entire interest of J. B. Com ley in the Plaa iug Mill known as "Com ley A Drtggr" Mill, in tbs eity of Albany, tbe business will be continued at tbe same place, by DRIGG9 & CARTER, who trope, fy strict attention to bnsiaess, and honorable dealings with their customers, te merit a sbsre of publie patronage. Persons wanting anything in our line are invi ted te eall and see as at our place of business, where tbey will always find some one to attend te tbeir wants at short notice. DOORS. SASH, JIOL'LDIKGS, etW Always em Haad. Call aad see ns, DRIOGS CARTER. JalKrioOtf THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR WHEAT. I WILL OIVE 70 CENTS PER BUSHEL for good wheat, and the rie until Jannary 1st. 1871. S. CARTWRIGHT. Albany. Sept. fS 1S70. 56tf. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. As Infallible l lag rare toxic and navisx yropestiss a eartaia curs far msntcmaTtsus. sevr. naci-siasia. and all kfnatasd Piisaess. It eoanplsSaty tiwtnti . the system when fan. paired by disease, roe tees the action ef tn sxsaiMcwa) a. causrs-avs. osiaiasiu. radt. rally eras acaesrsjs. mjuum- nsKCah and aR satruvs a I txrt axw.oi.-a TXo. eaaes, ftvee immediate aad permanent relief tn srsrsrsu, kbvsss ;ss Tumors. Bofls, Scold Hasd, Clears and Barest sates from (he systeta all traessef cresal ptaaaaa. : II la st .sclv vrsrsKTAwuc kelajr mnAa tross sn herb found lndtgeaons4n Cainr, I.. It Is tberafar peculiarly suitable far use by ysssslas ond Udwp, as a ssfc s Bt;siS jrseisi "-a BEsetATea. For Sale by oil Druggists. StSISCTSB. MOSTSTTCS A CO. AOEKTSi 0 mad eSl rkS ShrMU Ssa Trsa we. THE NEW POOD. , e-sr I - Tor a few cents you can buy of your Grocer or Druggist a package of SSA MOSS FARXKE iade from pure Irish Hoss or Carrageen, "wMcli 'will make sixteen quarts of Blanc Mange, and alike quantity of Puddings Custards, Creams, Charlotte Eusse, &c It is the cheapest healthieBt and most delicious food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children... ; : : : '-4 . A Glorious Changolt TnE GREAT WORIJD'S TOXICw Plantation Bitters. ; TM we4erful Teetablsi trmtlTe ia tMe aeciatchr f the feeMe and eteftillt tett. As a tonic snd cardial for tbQ f?d and lanKnid, it hai no equal anions atwntacbics. As a remedy for the nerr ont weakness to Trhicaavromen are especially sub iect, it is supersedins every other stimulant. In all climates, tropi cal, temperate, or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. For sale by all druggies. , BLANK DEED8, of the latest sad most pproved form for sale at tais office. Ifsrraatj and Mertgsgo, f t ?VV' ess AvV& 5 a??a. g L& - r vw mM0 SLooa st-Siis lem.pgssiae