I! it J it : STATfi.EIGllTS DEMOCRAT. IFFICf Irf VXRRtsirt:BiOCV!nRSTTtTREET. TERMS, m ADTASCif One year, $3; Six Months It ; 0n MontbTiO oje. ; c;n'l Conies. 1SI ets. -r-- .-. ?rrespondeits wruing over assumed signatures J .....mlvl wras tank known hei proper .. (, tha Editor, or no attention will hegne 4 theft communications. - B U t" I N H S S CARDS. J. QU1HN THORNTON, JtlTSIT COUNSELOR ATtAW, Oj&'l& TU FirU Sired, Witws'jfor. OccuienMHoftl, f ,r !f Ue United States,! in spoeml ntttaM.m UooeUeeUon. debts in all part, of Oreg-n. obtaining discharge, in Bankruptcy, whu-h. th. lost amea Imeut to the law. Uiatd rrum all debt contracted prwr to nurT t JK,USL without regard o. IB per ceutage which the assets Mf anally PI;.. c .-a ' ''1 "!:n; (KoTsar . lS7tf-yl --n? ; .. QEO.R;' HEl-M, IXTT0XSEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAVf, WJii!IH0t iWOM -I'll !tl- 5 WOt Prtctici in all the Coirh the Stat. a, a? w i.ia. .-v' .;..! -a .?. .- - V.tuai 6rricsi :AittAsf.: oreoox ': 4tNI EELSST it: lee ,wa. - tMrri Samoa. XEUSAY;. HANNONK ; ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. . albaxy! VksaoxJ Partners or Xinit" CMfy. OSes stair in- Pt Office Building.-. wanly I . - , . CfflCE OF SCHOOL' SUP'RINTENDT FOB- rrATHARRtSBURG. -'iMrtarn. t.I.stitss. w r ' ft . r-i JH LtRlltn I DplJ sj ApOtlieCary J tffcXALEVIX DStTS3JfEDICIXKS. OILS. f Paiats, Window Glax. Dyeto. Linuors. Tawey SoaparBsaalMS. fmviaa j .-1 Vmcri)t(.iV Ctre&Uf tompoinded. AU art eles and Dross in' our liao wananUd of tho bt qoality. t rirstatroet, rust Qffiat huUdinj; Awtr-r . - jurl6vjn48yt Nt H. DC BOIS, SsiixTiJr ok uaxd axurtceiv- j IVli a lar-e stock of eris and Pri uTa4 Wdaal Willow Ware, Tobaeco. Cigar. Caiwtiaary Yankee JoUoBte-ote;: Wkalesalo and EetaiL cVOppit R. C. Hill Sow's Drojr 8lore. Al aay. Orason. 3unMv5u43yl D. B. RICE, rVU.D.4 rilYSICI tX ASD SCKGEOX, ALBANY. OREUOX. - - On K.Mtth side of Main street. ;j - ri RaMinJ atrect. oipoit Pearee s Wry. aprlirinSsif. lITwlIZr IM ; COnSELLBS AT LAW, - mcwIw Noreross' Brink B.Uding.wp-siatt-s .V- J0UX.. WUITSEY, - HttssJ un rcorxsELLoi it,, ul Ifataiy Pahlic- ; 8ftl aAaawthargrri3W to collection. -OrrrCK 4a Lb Court oaaa. Albany. Oregow, v3n33tr. 4. . roviu. POVEU i,. rLiaa. AT I A WASP SOLICITORS IS VUAAVEB Y , (&. riimav tewtary- Fubue.) a nivr. nrcni. CollecUoaa and eonvey- aef ropUy attended to. ocJWnlOly lflLTABIDEKt r-a.iLilI.KR3 IX GROCERIES AXI PRO VI, Htu!Vd TWU1W Ware. Con.ceUon- -TT Tsbaeeo. C:za, y pes, Aolion. ew. wraay. n"" CHAIRS AND T0IIN1NG! ALL6IZES op RAMBE fiOTIOMEflo CHAINS f the beat quality, jreU-fiaubed,anbehad at JETZLEIUS -8 HOP 5 .. . . W Ala, all kinds of TCKSISO done to order. Timber for Hubs on band and fixed for turning faltaiv 1 '; M' ) V . If. '-Li, r-XcUler's Chairs are kept on hand by E. B. Mm a a A Co., Uarruburg. . f.Z.rSoJsyl. . J. M- METZLER. I uftl tl SMENDlNHALi, 0 NOTARY PUBLIC, dagal InatrumenU pf all kiads made aad attested: Ceirej-anees kail Cofieetious proaiptljr itCbded to. r,,TfpTi? T1rS,Hl ? T.T VST ALBANY BATH HOUSE I ci Ti Y - r 1HB UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT ill wtAif.tua'.aiar sit'ueutjje Albany ad i- mit that he has taken ebar of thU Entabltsb saat,aad,by keeping clean rooina and paying strict attention to bosiaoss, expecU to suU all those arh way for,hiia wJ.b their itronage. , ilaviag fMrowtui" urnott un u v Flrst-CUss Hair Dressing Saloons, a.. ww,.tm tn. .rnira aatisfaution to all abaapee4,a :, r;.,f; awsa tr f -n nrT3a33tf- ; .... ,1 .;, coaYAius; coaEGEi Um i 51 t l!roWi- T4 V 9; it jco a VALLisf; p it'Eey X A -taxTXAR DIVIDES: INTaTHREE SESSIONS V Tuition (per Setwion of 3i mouths,) frou totl4.eor4ine to tudieu t' A bH A RDIKO HJtUSK by "ProC J7Em in Board. taclndiBK rooia. fuel and. lights, Sy "per setVion (14'weekaj. ''Washiug.fj par stsaiiVii im (Scswa' .Ooeatf ia :adv-B adV.tb cotn h'aU at the eloe af the eeesioa. . .eUV6n3tf W. A. fLNLEY, kt M,. Preeideat vol: vi. A I) Vi; it T I SKMEiN.IS. THE NEW ENGLAND LIFE INSURANCE COMPN'Y 3 J: ::J .f, ,OF DOSTOX. The Oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance Co. - in the United States. INCQKPORATED, - . - 1839 Dividend of hit Company are rii A XX C ALLY - to tho Awurert, in CASH. ' It was obarlamti in 1S.1&, and it ont 'atle hifiury. UurinK Tw.-mv-Si 1 -ar afivuiiH-rliin liai (Uun urIiIt CKtulilifhad ' its 'reliability. It Record Stautls us Follows t Cah A-MU.JaDtwry. iSro. a.0U0.0UU i0 Cah Dividvaa uf .... ......... KS.tHM 0 ,Qmk ltivilud of IMir... ......i, v6Ju,;.M ii Cash DUlribmiunii.nf IHOS..,.. TSt.l'J7 Bi Cab IMvidvnd nf 1SG...;.........U' ?I.SI M TuiI ur.tua diviOod... .....ir4.UUU.Ui ' Total Liwocs (.aid ...,. 4.20U.UUO 0 .Iff tk Ad nf Hnntimttl; iMtrp'tr0ltd iNfo FlEl. ra ran . ir 0 Utbltami liubtlititi o4k i'artyicMtffcKf lit t'ul-ty. -. The New England i tho or It Sl4uahutin C'ltiipany Uuiiic buiur!.n tho i'cilio t oa.Uand tbvreOiro tMo niv Cinpii - pcrnel by luv quiubW Matschetta Lr m. Law. EXAMPLE SHO W.N i THE W0K1CINCS Or THIS LAW ' .. ; 1 ; Plan Ordinary Life. FOR EXAMPLK : A ii.urinK At the aB of tinny tivo, J'rtmiuiHt all Vuth. Que Annuul lrt!Uiutii wilt ct-miiui? policy 'in fur.-e 2 vear am 3 Ixya.. Example: IWrnium all Cash Auel 35 : Plan, Ten-Year KmlxWineui. mvalla u the age'tif 4-i. One AnnUiil Pri-iiiiuiu will contiirut plicjr iir frce w t Torui cy,,7 yeariH -r , ..'I if you wih to make it abtululelr i-orlain that not a dullar yea Imcst will cirvr Im lotluiud - IT yuw h to get, your dividends with tba trc- ond anDsal paywviit. and aammtly in.-rmibg ou U10 uouibotwu luortbal m To tcr jit wT IS TOI'HS Mo MUMC At !lo t.K. and JUat wbvU it it duvIimr in lit Xtw JTyAii. . !,.., i Lino count in Ibo lal vrar aud ." vi a.i oiuer eomlUuius com- 'EUSOX A MIDiaEMIKw.,. .1-, i.-n Asvnt. , S?n Fmdi ucu, CaL i , -V- s. w. noLivsrocE. t . -i . 12 Krui-t.. 1'i.rtUiid. Ag't f"f Orfauu and Waabinton Trr. J.tntMELKI.VH, As(. i1; . Alb, Oblu-'S. .aal!in2n3 . . -. . , ... - . -mur .- n.ix li.-Wt-w! ELKINS & SON, AX LE 1ST, Q .3ST One of Jhe Oldcit ilcrraalilc fixmi in liun Cwinty ! , , WE ARE XOW RECEIVING A t NEW AND FRESH STOCK OF GOCUS ! SZXtXCT FROSS THE CAST! WbU-b will be aM at fbe Very 'Cheapest Figure! OtTcriaj; every nidue-iwe'it to ibeir old '' cittumrn and ntb.rs to ' jiurcLaie their " ' Spit ING S UPPL IES DRY GOODS, AND CLOTHING! GROCERIES! Ilats ad Catpa, Boot and Shoes! " BUILDING MATERIALS A IIARDWARE.. FAXIfTS AKO OIX.S, A Special Featnre ! Quick . &', Small Profit anj Prompt Pag! ;:' ' " " ''J - L.! ELKINS A SOX. . . Lanoa April-l. 1S70 v4u33m6. , . , UMATILLA HOUSE! . - l-H" " a.-: ),iM a f f i .i.i. DALLES CITY OREGON. lIISWEtflKKOWl, KJBsTi .classhoubk f aiavta oecn Tectnuy repuirea uua reuova e i lOroUKboul, ofi'ers aruermr at-coinuiiMtatiuna aud irivea bv-tlor atiKfactio to, Ibe. .ray.ing , Public riaai any U.tel in UaUtr Ciy,; U:U tea, only r trat-Claas Uutcl iu tlie City, and really tba only Hotel tho Tratreliog Coinaiuuiiy iatnuit. ' Suits of Booms for Families, and Superior Accommodations for 300 Guests I v This Ilotel i located near the Su-ambuat Landing and Ratiroad Ik-pot. r, . j-,9.iTMP HOTEL. OMNIBUS Will .always bo at the Railroad Depot and Steamboat Landing on tbe arrivnl. of Pasat.-n )-. to convey thorn nd their baeeage to ana irmn tba Hotel frea of cliarze-. ,i?r;Particulr attention paid toiyilling guets in tlia miirnrng fur tin boat and ears ; and extra attention paid to seeing fam- iliea off on the cars aud. boat. . . irTher hare two large riKK-PBOOr SAFES in the office, for the use of thoir guekts. --Ilotel oocn all picnt in cbarue ov a care ful Watchman. ..In connection with tba Hotel they have a fine - ,,",;;. 'r '.,'.-; '-. , Billiard Saleoa tad Bcadiag Boom : ' l BTarch liri87tf-i'Sntf.! : ;.; y- l, NOT COUNTY CLERK F. I ti li (--; t-A ! ClfBRttW7hrplBlfi STORE! .s-yji'r ,-r. Hit. US lOli 4J- a -sVr WITB . I'VtrIltukepWurehiwaUingon the needy with' Qraf, BXediciBaa, Tainta, Oils,DystB.ra, Clasm, Varnia!ie,Intty, Perfamtry, . V, rancy Soapa, Comha, Bmahea, &c. "j 3r. Pby1U;iaiis''-Precriptionsi' parofulry rjpm- "'Doors'own ajf times of pjjtht''?0"; "arOrden itom theiatejrior promptly Attew'dtd to, Yooew 'I .'j -ALBANYv WOMAN SUFFRAGE. i, uuluiw irTtiH iiiia STri.a'tr jiaaLaT.' , : i,' ).!'-' ' " .1 , ,(lfc 1:. : To rota. nvt to viilc, that U tbii quup-tlnu y ' Whotiicr '.ti uubUr ti lurvo ti.e uur(oi . AiU'duar tiio arrows 01 uulrHuiu l.iriuua, Or tnko urMii iMtni nur cx' ir.iuliln.' ' 1 ' " T I Aul, by .p.iwiuj(. olid tli.im ? ,To hvu 10 wd a wurvi au-t by a luarrinu tay tt vonit , . ;' Tlio boirioobu, only lu nur tn litilv ills. , : . Wuuiaii uro boir to j 't. a aonnuiiitimtbiu , Not for Jiiib, it .liu CV'inl IibiHuIi dmb know ( And that bu Uo.h i iitunt (ndobi atlo ! ' To oitf 1 uot cu aui. ptivbu1iott, a fro j ajw. ibuio'a lux rub; tor by U.11 act wbatSgbla way eouit . i.i tVLoo w. barv sliuiQod off out c riiu.UiieT. ,; , , r Ti.i uulu u ausv ; tUir, tun, i Uiv rjpcl , . Tuut ui..k a. umlty 1. f .uniin miIIV ,- j r'or bu Wuunl bear llio kirk uiid t ull ut 11, en,' The ir.ir BMit, our 1-ir.l' wmluuioly ,' 1 1 Awaull Mint balia y. and be lwa dU. '1 bo ml noo of buuuu it. atid ibo aiiurna 1 bat iatint WiiiuuU lr..in n'U.ll Hufvrs lak, ! Wboii, tu av.i;l it, tho "Uld l.v ul b'iiio -Ami u.e l.tr b.idkfii f Who M.uld nuirkiln bear. Or Krun ami w.a umur a uiui'iiaoiv's uiv. Iiul for iiic i.lv.i4ur vf Kinaiiiiii 1I11111 "' Tli rii b Uuloi.iKla, fiviu whsu Ka.iii jaws ' ILq niS-Xil yawn in lautulMiuj( iiuty T Hut tbcte . Ibo alivr-i lrfb 1 Tk iiuistta lb. will. Aud uikr us ralbcr bunr Ibe ills we hove. Thau fly l Ibe huirid lliexiiriarll-li'K. . . TliU ooaiir.llco makra Llui u. ll ; Aud Utu our pult d ,ulliai.e rviuiutiunt' " Are aickl eil o'er with the p .le oast .f leir j Aad mteriia uf fliriu oail-l aluOiUK Muni latU. alwa i tierauaii our aoUurm a. a t'aro uu( luibibo ibo iul.iniiriug rj To giro u vim and actiuii. . . , A WOMAN'S LOVE. : ET ANONViloL'S.' A woman u love n a verv nnmnnasre able thin.f; 'generully u icry" ttbsunl thin. It in ulinoxt quite uure tu fall on the wrung object, uiul tu shuu the proper one epixaa!ly if the wuuiuu u ruiuutttic. -But, tu tny ntorr: . Nuthin coukl have ycen more sensible than for llose-ttu JIuir to rive her heart tu the lmiiilsotiie Jlmurice DaiTow, who haJ cuurted her btuiltM for two loiiff y-ur, and w ho waa not only rich, but good and noble intu the bargain; but, inattml, hhe chose U fall dettperately in love with Charley Carl ton, wno.bestdeH bc-'nj; ly. no tucana handnotne, was ' comparatively jiobr, aud cared juht nothing for her noih iiJif from lit-r point of view, ut least. though he liked her tll enough, was often found in her, society, aud thought her verv prctlv. ' ' lie wan by no rum us to Le l!;imed ! for the uffuir. ' It uould be more M-n- fcatioual to kjiv that ho had Htrivfii to uin lu-r lifearL tiicrt-lv Ut ni.iv with it andca.tita.iJe; but truth .ompeln t.a' ... ........ .!... i I . . I . I . .. : . IV b Hike ui; ud'j tuif7 . liu .. r vji IJ thing. The jioor girl Lad imuxted the aCa.r entirely hervlf ami i.a I made him her Itjiu Ulral; invested him with all tue ptrltcUuna under the sun; humbly made up her mind that ihe was quite unworthy of him. and taken to tears, red eyes, deep ig!, and the j composition of fct-nsatiunal - poetry, j which fche copied iu a little red book, with a lot k aud clasp, and bad aoiue faint idea of forward. ng it to him al her demise, which, according to her calculations niu.st occur veiv nLonlv. .; All this ouuda very fjlmli, little abort of idiotic ; but just as every man cau. recall, that awful apace, of time which follewd the c-ouaumptipa of i first cigar such a horrible thing to him, such a funny thing to everybody else so must susceptible women look back ou a dreadful i-tt4on' of secret sorrow, wheu' life fceemed ' to have nothing left of lrighin'eK.a, and only the"ixor little foolish uching heart knew iU own bitterness. ' ' After the first experience, your smoker takes bin cigar in peace and comfort; to a womau, having eaten her own heart a while , atiddeidy finds it gone, and geuerally lur 1 a to' flirta tion very merrily, and become one of tbone happy creatures who, while wounding, themselves receive no wounds. , ' . . Poor little Hosetta would not have believed you bad you told her ibis; and she was . really, wastiug . away, aud crowing pale aud hallowed-eyed, to tbe sorrow of Maurice Darr ow, who guessed the truth well enough and wondered not' a little that ltosetta could smile On anv one without britig- inr him instantly to her feet. But be sides Maurice, whoso eyes love had brightened and sharpened, no one had any suspicion - of the- truth;' ' OJd Gramma Mmr thought "Itosa was taking, after ber1 mother, who died from consumption.'" ' .', Old Lucie liufus Muir sent for a nhysiciun, who prescribed "country air;." and to a certain far-away farm house poor , ltosetta was sent lortb- with. " lhat httlo red book with clasps, in which to describe her secret thoughts, went with ber. , . . . -Come back fat and rosy, my pet," said grandma, as she ; kissed tho girl good by. . ,, '' "And break all the young farmers' hearts, my dear,", said .Lucie Kufus. ; Bosetta said nothing ; she kissed therui mutely. She. was going into the; country: to die, aud intended,-to be btirie t' uhder a certain willow, even more' beautiful than "most '.'wiirows, which sbood: in the,, peinetery, of the plate." tiho took great though painful pleasure in the idea, especially1 when, as the carriage rolled down .Plcadify, she caught fromthe window a glimpse Rosetta, qqoting from her- 'ittle red book'"as you never looked in mine." Before tbia, lioaetta bad uade tpher mind to die slowly of consumption now she' resolved upon a rapid tfe'cltne. To furthtr thUthough.' to do.her j tijjticdj liot ' jJreuJediatfcd lysh'e " weub Lq thec'eineterywitE' Jvefitle:' red book and pencil on the damp spring "tfternobn follov-.iug her 'arrirai; and iittirier uhderV'the ' wiUdw,' 'jn'.tt'w'hite dress and no shawl, began to jcompose thD4r6t Ttert6 of 4 poem which hod of Charley Carletoir prometiading wrtq Fanny' Flufter carrying her 1 pariisol' and 'tkioknig"iu- btr eyes, love! , said n .r-TT r-rg. -r:--; haunted her throughout the jourueyi Ili!I rrosa iVr Ih'o rier bcVuVij'j'ou, 4 ' '' Utatu'swu'lay rivlr. my Haar'- ' ' ' ' Wii yu fiuunu.by us iiuriii a uiouuiit . . If Ami iir..i, t'H'd hvr tnrT . , Will you s.iy, 'Ti.vre aru lunny the w..rl 1 will" M 11n.ro. wh.n thiy Ir- ui bur toll- h ' Hut h.ro t a a w .luno wtto aarM a f- ' 1 .'! ,AI1 luitrtal oould jfiV ui br soul)'' -Here she paused. Vhat tho Jlev, lloliin ltuy, who had ho often ! ques tioned her front the ciUecliinuj, aud rononiiciMl her perfect, would hitve thought had; he- tiiiien, a theological view of the. lunt line,. ltoeLta, did uot ink ht raelf. It Hounded very well to her.. , blie, reud.it omr, s Bbe . could i , twlmrlen : t ailcton i , Htanuirij uuder -that willow, dropping tear up- ou a- new made mouud, uuder it. her f.tlf, with her huuda uoitH.d oa her boaoiu. . ,: , 1. . . . fclie Kiglted deeply at I he tho ifrht.- Homethiug eUo belloweal. -. llosetta turned hharply. Opponito her, atariug with all Lis might and mum, atood a tuad bull. . . , ; i. Cattle, mad or not, are no roapectora of prioni or placea. lie had walked iuto the graveyard, and there he wuh and there ,.iihe wut. lbmetta .wanted to die of quick consumption, but to be gored by a mad bull, did not pre Hem, itself iu uUraeiive light." iahe looked for ome meuua of escape; be hind her were l ho willow ami the church wall. The bull lowered hi. J horns; ItoHetta hhrieked, and in a 1110 mem a tail ugure leapea tue leuce ie- yond the bull, and llew to the rescue. , nut v.an d no un done in a mo ment, l'crhapa the bull wan of u riouuder tuiiul lhau one might tuppo-e. At all eveuU, he auccutuled to the re moiiHtrauce of a atout stick, p.nd ruah- etl through the gate bead down, as though ho meant to burrow 111 the bowel a of the earth, and mado for bin native meadow. Then, and not till then, did RoHct'a recogi.ww the form aud bgure of Mau rice Diirtow. I'rovidence certainly . bent you," hhe Mild. - ... 'l'ro.idence enda no every auto- intr," ; haid Maurice. , "I have been sketching those poplari vonder, and the little bouc .and the fence, aud a pretty girl looking over it. . , Lome and B;U "'V picture, anJt-ll 1 me what viu . think of it. . And, then, I if you'll Jet me I'll walk home with y" . ., "-ltu' , ' but Jooko.1 book full 0 -- " l-- -' " Leurt -broken rhvuiu utnl melaucholy jingle f heart aud darta and tomb htoiicrt, of Jak-wj. love ,, aud .broken vovvn, and titily diatli, and all the real of it; but it was Dot to bo f-uud, i ud eplaimtiiU!i . would lae b-cn ankward. buppom; Maurice hal opeu- d it and mi tho little " llearta Tomlm!" huppse he wa- compelled to admit ht-relf the poete! She de rided to return wheu hhe wan quite alone aud loo for it. and went off with Maui'.cc, .She looked a bis I irttire, -.ho talked and he talked. The sunlight fell over 1n gold brown hair, and Li- bright cheik-t and sunny eyes, aud made a very haudaomfl man of him. . , . ' At last he saw. her home, and went in to tea with her, anl wat so enter taiuiig, that, not until after1 he had gone, and she had actually ami fairly retired for the night, did ltosetta re member that her, heart was broken. She found she coulu not cry about it, and dei i.Ied that it must have been dei air that dried her tears; . but she slept very comfortably notw.thstand- The next u.iv she went after tho lit tle red bock, and could not find it. She searched the Tgra-s ' through with her hands. She looked behind tombstones.. She akcd a little boy, who stood staring at' herl if he had not "seen a small red book." The boy had hot, of course. She could not write any niore poetry until it was found; and, not finding it, gave up scribbling 'altogether. Then, too, at an unexpected moment., Maurice at peared; always gay, bright and cheer ful always proposing some new ex peditiou. It was astonishing that since all her jov in" lire was over, she should enjov the' weather so uiucli; Of course, it was the weather, and the sky) 'atid the trees, and the ' flowers. Nature was the broken heart's conso lation., She never thought that Mau rice hail any thing to do with it. ' '. She did not, ou the morning" when he called: in to bid 1 her good by, le fore'a day's fishing excuwiou with cer tain masculine friends; but she knew he, was very kiud and ' bro'.herly friend, arid felt Very 'thankful to ;hrni., " He looked handsomer than ever too, as he marched away with his fishing tackle, pver his shoulder. ( But what mattered it' to' her that any one was hajdsoine. " Her heart was broken; She wandered about a little disconso lately', and tried to shed tars that af ternoon: and. at dusk she' went out upon the lawn ' to see the moon ' rise. Moons and broken hearts i are- always associated iu romantic minds ' and Bhe had really made herself rather tover- ttble,''whed' tere came upvthe! 'lane Tom; Bidvers ber ' landlady's eldest lom uiavers; uer lanuiuay s eiaesi.i jope, who, regardless of ; muddy' fe'it ind.i'ent jacket'ruslied intio the' ma mmal 'presence. shouting'Oh.inoth hoi an ternal 'presence er'. whut'd't'e ' suppose Jack "hnd Y.m'e een? ' The boat them two went down in. 'Mr Barrow1 aud the other: float! down strfam;'" bottom - on. 1 bey re '''NonseliBe! ''taint : the bOaf. cried the mother. "There's plehty-of boat' '"" w't '' -J'T .-acq--id. . 7They billed :it; to ''Jack's 1 btotheV;' and: be named it; after hia1 sweetheart,-" 'The Arabella j and there's the nurfne oh it," Ttm. ' 'Yes they're1 gone : to the bottom, sure." .li.i-.2i' Atd fbQ, Rs she sprang to her fotot, It.f, 1 Hosetta knew 'that there was some, thing left in the' uorld a great deal of misery ' and ''sorrow," if Tim was right, una Maurice Darrow had really "gout to the bottyui, f and lay there gold and ,dead t.t-t-v n-'y ' - "Uh( , don t take on so, don tl pleaded the laudlady.' "Though I cau't wonder, to bo sore; 'and he a cdurtinfi you so beautiful,' und such a baudsoiim gentletaa,n, .wilh such, kind .ays I Y e 11 scud out on 1 see: i r aos it" atnyfc ' true. , There's other bouts named "Arabella," Jr'aps." ; And through the still summer even-' ing Hosetta sat crying, lamenting too late her ignorance of her fondness for Maurice Darrow, and louring for him, now thut perhaps bhe should never see him more.-' !. ' ; " ' ' Nine i o clock came ten eleven uiulniuht. , Still she sat in the porch, sobbing softly. In thore four hours shehad not once thought of Charles Carlototi. ' '' "". " '" All of a sudden the tramp of men sounded on-the road. Had tliev found him? ;rero they bringing' him back in drowned men are 'brought? Her blood curdled in her veins. She started to her feet. The landlady ran out. The feet stopped at the fence. . "All right!-' criod a voice. "'They're safe, aud cumin' along. 'Iho boat got away, that's all, while thev wan laud- iii , nu como lown tho river. Thev ve walked it home. Bo here ; in a min ute. Told . 'em you'd made up your mind they was drowned." "Oh, what a fright for nothing!" cried the landladv. Bosett said nothing but"0h, dear!" but she could have said a great deal. In a moment there were other steps those of Maurice. The landlady, be cause of htr night-crp, had slipped away. They were together quite alone. The mooi seemed to smile down upon them graciously. "Did you think mo gone to the bot tom? asked Maurice. "I thought you were dead," said Bosetta. "Hare you been crying about it?" asked Maurice. "Why, I thought you would not have cared so much as that.' ltosetta, do you really like tue just a little?" ' She lei him keep her band, but said nothing. ; ! "u -...,'; "Y u know I loe you," said be. '"Won't you think better of what ' vou said once, long ago, aud promise what ou would not promise then? I be.iove that, you will never repent it, fur I will trv to be a true aud teuer husband to you, darling ILwy, you do love me?" I suppose she did, for she let him kiss her. - Every one don't think a kiss the seal of love;, but Hosetta did. She would neither kiss in fun nor for simple liking. She not only let Maurice kiss her, out suo kissed nun back. -J::- '!-'-- '- -" ' "Ob.i if yoii hod been .drowned. Maurice," she said, "w hat would have become of me? A month later' Rosetta went 'with Orandtua Muir a-shopping for white satiu und tulle for llosetta's wedding; and iu the midst of -Oxford street a fain liar face met them. , It was that tif Charles Carlton. Bo-ietta'a first thought was that he had grown very small and mean-looking, somehow. He had not altered in the least; but Maurice was her stan dard now. Charley was very pleasant aud ciril as why should he not Mave been? aad hinted a congratulation. Then he wondered why he had never seen before how pretty Bosetta Muir was. w '' ' ' ; '' " '' ' There were two dimples in her cheeks, and ber mouth seemed over- flowinir with smilbs. She was chok ing back a laugh. ' She bad ' just re membered that three months before she had gouo iuto the country to die of a broken heart, and that this was the insignificant cause. . , . "Grandma," she said to the old la dy i going home, "don't you suppose that people are Home times insane with out any one guessing it?" "No doubt of it, ' replied Grandma; "no doubt at all.'' V 'And so that was the end of ' it, ex cept the wedding, the arrival of a very muddy aud much stained , volume, with a clasp aud , key, wnicn airs. Landlady forwarded with the infor mation that Tim had found it in the grave-yard, and - knew-immediately that Jt was Miss ltosetta a. Miss lto setta, then MrB. Darrow, at once stuck it in the tire. . , , , , j T! .v ' A NEW Alt IT II M ETIC. ! Sir'k cei't ( wnlkiiig into a whisky 'slmii) Weli. I'll Wnd uiv dime in' cracker this iHoritiiiit." i .u'n;tx;i in-.n-n . Tie bur-keippr lintuls! hiru cruder wh'ch he taaies.'. ,,-. ,,,:,-;; 'i ' ! c'iMii ;i stand them: gltre ne oui' brinilv for'the t-r.ickers "' " ' ' ,; ' ' Bar-krp'r tive him sum brumly ; hmD'tiirs it oatl smel s ut :it aoJ " shake h, a. head ,;i ; tr-nt-f i V jAnon-) Dun t ihitik I can un that ; titro me whskv t'.r' the biatiity." . ". ' ' "Bar kcelnjr h nds hiin oufthe Wh'skJ ; lie lurn- our m full luas,-drinks tt duwti ud starts out., i- v r tu ; . ' - .'i .,-. ! Bur kceiier ll'ild. on. there F , . You h!iviivt p'tnd tiie lor that'wTii'ky"" ,J . 'Sii-k'iiPiit 1 gave you the hraridy' the wlifs'ky: sir. u.'. vvi t4 Bnr-keei.er Well, you havn't paid for tlie iiratnl v. sir. . ; i - i i Sick treat I irsve you tho crackeMior ?hf brandy, sir. , ' 'Bt'kebju r Well. T u'havii't paid fir th-.-'ersefcr-nu t"(,ti itn iKxi:i ; gvk -AvntVVell, .sir;,. yu harOttne lur-gucer saia no ukto. .' A Nevada editor anniliilu'esa pulitioal i.mioiient hv cullitttf "him. tti verv larae und Tery black fcitets, atallet-headed old blather-skito. : mm m - hi ' 1 j ' hi - hi f: - . . . ,-..,tl 1 fDi-u :.' ' i-,; iJJ. w f. r NO. IT. 7 A ,t'II.iItACTKUI"riC I"CIIKXT. Among the many striking incidents of . the lute flood in Virginia is one re lated by the -correspondent of ih6 Kichuiond Whig, from Fluvaflna coun ty of that State, of : the 1 attempt ' of three heroic white citizens of Fluvan na! to rescue a colored ferry rriari 'and his wife at the fek-ry hoiiso at the junc tion of the Jameearid Rivanna rivers'. In' making the 1 attempt theso' brave men; by name, Davis, Fauana and Agee, tbe latter a youth, lost their no ble lives. The incident illustrates not only the self-sacrificing courage of a generous and brave people, but the traditioaal friendship of Southern whites to the colored race. It is an illustration of genuine sentiment in that regard much' more reliable than the inventions of tho manufacturers of Southern' outrages. -' : .. . THE HOLME Of ItEPItESEXTA rt find tho following in the Wash ington correspondence of the Chicago Journal (radical): The Democratic committee claim t jat they will have in the next House one hundred rwl eight members, and that tby only re quire few revenue reformers (free traders) to secure an organization in the House. Overtures will at once be made to revenue reformers elect, with a view of securing their co-operation". The Democrats propone to throw their strength for revenue reform for speak er and other offices, with a view of de feating the straight Republicans. Eight or ten of this clans, they think, will be sufficient. , Tne Orrgunian is certainly a negli gent statistician. In giving the status of tbe next Congress it figures up a Democratic gain of 28 members, but in its calculation omits a - Democ atic gain of 2 from Missouri and 7 (not ad mitted to last Congress) from Virginia, making the little item of vine addi tional Democratic Congressmen en tirely ignored in that "very respecta ble metropolitan ' journal's" count Tuat paper ought to state facta or rot attempt to "figure" on the situation. A Famiit Qcaebix. The New York Herald has tho following: How veno mous the women can be when they make up their minds to it! See Iiow Mrs. Cox, the ex-Secretary's wife, took up ner husbands quarrel with the President, and sent a printed criti-' cism, cut from a hostile newspaper, to Mrs. Grant, i anonymously, aud how Mrs. -Grant, spying out the source whence it came by the Cox monogram on ihe envelope, sent it back , with compliments. '- - . - t QcTTB Tat. The Boston Time (Republican) says: Speaking in very geneial terms, it may be said that re cent elections have not been discour aging to the Democrats. They man age to keep alive, although stump or ators and newspapers hare buried them 'over and over again. There must be two parties in the country and ' the ' Democracy demonstrates that it will continue to be one of those parties. ; 1 - ' ' Amoso the thousands of the . same stripe, appointed. by . the federal au thorities to aid in "preserving the pu rity of the ballot box"- in New York, during the late election, was the no torious Kit Burns, proprietor of a rat pit und dog-fighting den.' Appoint ments of this character go a great ways toward establishing tho justice of the Radical claim for all the in telligence," morality and religion in the country;5 :"'l ' President G just's horse stable is lighted' throughout with gas, and well tilled with splendid animals, most . of which are "presents.", . Some, howev er,' were stolen, of which number is his favorite saddle horse, "Jeff Davis, which was captured ou the plantation of the Confederate chieftain during the war. . The gas light is furnished by "government" and paid ior from the earnings of the working-men. It is said th tt President Grant has expressed' the opinion that Bazaine might have' saved hU army, had he ex ercised "proper skill. He says : if he had been in Bazaine'S place he" would have got out of the fix some way. ? He don't may in1 what way, bnt 'that' isn't. material; H is "robable; that Bazaine will copmit auiuide when - he iearns what Grant thinks Ubodt the matte-r.T- The name of tfhewjfe- pf, the. new ly elected Kigcf Spain, is Vic toria' "Carlotta 4 Henrietta Olanna'-dfiJl PottKA de lA Cietema - What A fortu nate1 thingit is for the " census 'takvrs that the does not liveUn this country There is A name to wiite for tw.0 cents in currency! RA1E$ pFttYRTlSIKfJ i pea jtfki$ Column, tlCO j half Column, tCO j Quarter ol-:otumo.$.-,5. fi".lAi Transient Advertisements '. per .ntisjLcC..tCa" .r nos or los 'h'S itl Jyj'fifat tjiibeB, i3 nub sulne .nnt insertion, tl. ' A ariuar Is ope inb 1D ,pni- drwn fKe ColuroU, wonting cuts display hue, blabks, Ac, as Solid natter. " K o sdvirrl'li-emenf to be connidertd TcfS Wb a square, and all fractions ' 'eoootcd ' hill- ' quara. All advrrtisi-mentf inserted for. a "Un 1 jerlnd than t!.re uontus to be tcajdtti al bsa '""y '....,:. ,: r, '..i .y,i Fr-in tt;e Xtw York Xew's ) """' A CIIAXCi: OK.MA.MlEU. u' x On all sides and among men of, all., shades of political opinionft. it i enn- . ceded that the days and years of r the re pu biicau party 1 are n uui oceo 3 Prominent men acknowledge private--.-1 ly everywhere; that the leaders haye'y Committed political suicide. 'Cheiof tice-holdes 1 will make ' a '-'de'spefa.te' " struggle, but' it' will )e in vain. ; The" honest men of the 'opposition acknowbv edge that a change will be best for . the country. Any intelligent man , can readily answer why such a change . is demanded, vf hat political party ' has dared to override all law, invade '' the constitution of the land, place the -military power in the several of the.,; states over the civil? Is it not tbe republican party? Who . have Toted ' away millions of "acres to gigantic rail- ' way monopolies? was it not the "re-" publican members of Congress? Wo ; appeal to our readers to keep these facta-, before them. Thyr are indispytable. ' The people of the States are tired of ' being plundered. The power attain-' ed by tbe Republican party has foster-' : ed w'ithin our nation a horde of polit- cal -ampires, who are sucking out the very life blood of the nation. The people have patiently submitted to the burdens imposed upon them until l longer endurance ceases fo be a virtue. , Corruption pervades the parly its . nominees are the nomitees of lraud. High-minded and honoraLle men have j no say in the nomination of its can- . didates. The cry for reform has gone - forth from neaily all sections. . The r Ejeople long for a change. Grant and lis followers, or leaders; promised ' economy, but they have increased ex- I penses. They promised peace, but wel have no peace. , The scncalled recon struction policy of the administration has been a disastrous failure. If Gen. Grant was a success, President Grant is a failure. . He has supplied the ;j wants of bis relations, but not tbe ; wants of the count: r. - "CHEEK LP MY LIVELY LADHit ' Courage, Democrats! At last the revolution has com"' menced. We have been' wailing for long time and now the good . time -is coming. . .. .,. The Radicals will not have a two- , thirds majority in the i ext Congress. ' They wLl scarcely have txcciihf ma-? jority! . . , v There will be about one hundred Democrats in the next House of Rep- ' resentatives! ' " ' It may be that a coalLion will be! formed letween the. Democrats and j tlie Tariff Reform men and then good--bye to a Republican speaker; good-" bye to Mr. Grant's admiuistranon! Courage, Democrats! .: Stand fast to ' your principles ! Encourage all . ac- j cessions! Velcome every man to your, r ranks who is disgusted with the inde-,' cencies of Radicalism! Hal nil dis- sensious among yourselves! Rpmem-'' ber you are brelhern workiug in' the' some cause and wait just a little while i 1 longer for a complete victory! Ollum-,' ! xr. rt l I ; .' v i i - SlWo; . , The aiuenilnieiitsto""tlieCiftistitution, voted upoa and carried by ihe iple iif Missuari, at t La lat clcc.iou, were a folrT lows. - ;. t - - : .... ' . I. The first abolishes tLe District Court system. - . II. . The second abolishes the jurors test (Hitlt. , ; 5 ' , , ; ' -,- III. The third aholUhe! the doublo-Jia- r bility clause for private corporatiocs. IV. Tha fourth ab jishes the voters' , J test-oaih. '"' - ' ', - V. The fifth abolishes the disqualifica-- ti.ins for huM i office ou acuouut of-; color, ;-disloyalii " &c. .. . VI. The sixth prevents the General. Assembly, or any ciy. town or municipal curp.irat.ott whatever, I'rotw tfiitf uuiney for any sectarian puip , or giving any ij sectarian doiniiiiiuatiuu any graut or do uaiiou whatever.-' - ,a. ; :r At,'vc A dispatch from Mont-.j, gnery, Ala., dated last Saturday, ; says that the vote for Governor, and, H Treasurer was counted, and it has re- ; suited in 1,420 majority for Lindsay,.;r Demociat, and -about 2,000 for Grant, r Democrat. Lindsay took tho oath of,, office as Governor, and tha State, for j a time, will probably . have two Qo-r ernors. The Senate will recognize ; r Qmill. an.l tha TT.misa T.inr?Kav. - Th ... matter will be in the Courts soon.. . 0i:J Mas. Pabtixgtos has been sick i And in li prfl rr,,'no' rif .Jootfi frit tliTfifi tmirtal w6eka.' First, I was seized With the bleeding ;i phrenology in tho left nemispuere- cjt; ihe brain, which was. exceeded by a k atoppagO Of the leffyentilator of be " heart. ' This gave ine an information '' of the borax, aud riow Iul"RickJ with""-- the chloroform morbus. .' There s to-., Ll9ing like that ,of .health,-. particu-..t larly when your real rr. 1 i: r A TeRRLR?-'!! Lo s -r An I '.i iris wct . man c-'UiiiiitJu suicuiu ny naiiy::ng nerseu tO aa applati-ee. At tlie Juaeral a AblglH. I hor. noticing the aad appeiianco. ma the hd'baad. eoaAoll.hini by sayiogihat he-. .f tud met w,ith n tenu.lo osa, ,.:Vej ( -.ays tho husband, heu'viiig a. sigli," VsliQ . aast have kicked like ttiunrtcr h 'shaTrec ff six lioshels of jreiTapples that wouUt have bpeu Worth a" dollar a bushel wheQr ihef got ripe."' "'"' ' " !' !''' la Prussia, at tbft vriwiury t-ubools -ffr0 -zirlsthe'girU are usuuljy . tauii.t plaiat w"iM(iv knitting and fciubroidery ;v but" now all these atQ buporscded by lin c!'nck' " jog. .-..:a -r ill " -'' sing inspired, expressed her, feelings .-a w 1 '" iT . " the louowing janguage : . Jja, mei , T ViavA'heen suffering the biL'i-