Witt jOtraortat. FRIDAY. ..NOVEMBER It. 1S70 Tnc public puistixo. Among the appropriations madeof money in the State Treasury tor tho late scsiou we find an item of flS.Ol'O for the priming. This goes toouo man Thomu Patterson. liulleti. The above extract fully illustrates the demagogisiu of the editor of the Holladay organ, and ought to bo suf ficient to make the public doubt his sincerity upon any point whatever. The appropriation of $15,000 was made not only to cover the expenses for that Bession and tho subsequent work for the two years which will intervene until the.next, but was also necessary to pay the Republican Stato Printer for work which was performed prior to Mr. Patterson's induction into the du ties of his office. By careful examina tion it was fonud that Mr. McPhersou was entitled to about fi.OOO, and that amount, deducted from tho appropri ation, leaves 11,000 to pay Mr. Pat terson if he earns it. . One would in fer from tho Bulletin editor's state ment that the appropriation was in bucIi a shape that Mr. P. would re ceive that amount whether or not he performed sufficient work in return, when the fact is that the Public Print er's work is all to be examined and carefully measured by a disinterested expert, who is sworn to perform las duty "without fear, favor or affection," and who reports to the Secretary of State the amount of work performed and the compensation to which the Printer is entitled under the statute, .1 COMPARISON OF ACCOUNTS. It ia a fact which cannot be put out of sight by any manipulation of figures or perversion of truth, that the ordi nary c'xpenees of the government are now annually more than twice as great as during any yoar of Buchanan's ad ministration; this, including all that is paid on pension accounts or for in terest on the public debt. . Now the question that arises in every man's mind is, "Why is this enormous in crease of expenditure indulged in? Why is it, that, at such a time as this, when such a monstrous sum is ncces sarially drawn from tho people each year to pay tho 'interest on the debt, and more must also bo raised, if we would make any reduction of the debt, when there is, as it were, an im perative necessity for the practice of the most rigid economy everywhere, on the part of tho government, its ex penses should bo so much in excess of what they were before tho war? Wo are told by the defenders of the administration, that the expenditures are necessarily larger, on account of tho growth of tho country, increase of population, territory, &c. Granted that such is tho case, yet it by no means follows that they should bp doubled. Moreover, it was claimed by the Radicals during tho period of Buchanan's administration, that tho same was most outrageously extrava gant, and that the nation would be financially ruined unless there was a speedy change. Tho fact that the enormous aum of three millions tf dol lars was expended on the military ex pedition, sent out against the Mur- and the Secretary of State draws war rants upon the Treasurer to cover tho jiaons, under that administration, was amount of compensation reported as seized upon and paraded before the due by the said expert. If it is asoer-(country as an unprecedented piece of tained that Mr. Patterson ha3 only j extravagance which demaded the em performed $S,000 worth of work, then Iphatic condemnation pi the people he will receive only that amount, and through the overthrow of the Demo cratic party. AVe are aware that this large m- the balance of the money will remain in the Treasury for other purposes. Sa it is Been at a glance by an exami-j crease of expenditure, on the whole, is nation of the facts in the case that the attributed, in great measure, to the assertion of the Bulletin is a gross mis- increased cost of the War and Navy representation of truth and is entitled to no credence whatever. THE IV II EAT CROP I'OH 170. WEST VIRGINIA ELECTION. A CESSATION OF HOSTILITIES. When elections aro held in which It is now generally understood that there are Democratic victories or great Theirs on the part of the French and Democratic gains (which have boon Bismarck for the Prussians have form the almost universal rule recently) the ed an armiutico which was to have com telegraph is proverbially reticent; and, racneed on the 4lh of November and although we can get a glowing de- end on the 28th being 21 days of cription of what Grant had for break- peace. The conditions of the arm is fast the morning before, or what Mrs. tico are that Paris shall receive daily Shoddy wore at the last reception, or ono day's food on the scale of present how fast a nigger is convalescing with rations, both belligerents to proceed the measles, and all tho other tit-bits in their material preparations; the of "court gossip," yet we are com- Germans to continue to occupy the pelled to await the slow course of the whole country, and in tho territory mails to obtain the election news. now held by thorn to cease to make The West Virginia election was forced requisitions, and to be allowed held on tho 27th of last month, but to bring forward all their stores and the telegraph was as silent as the war material without interruption. - grave upon the matter, and by The armistice is only granted for, the Eastern papers, just arrived, we purpose of allowing the French to are made acquainted with the cau- hold an election for Representatives ses for the silenco of the umnipula- to the National Legislature and form tors of tho electrio wires upon that iug a Government of tho peoplo which subject. Although tho official count tiations for pcaco with tho Prussian had not been mado up to last advices, will feel empowered to enter into n ego- yet sufficient was known to show that Government. It is generally believed West Virginia enrolls herself under the that tho results to flow from this arm- Democratic staudard by nearly four istiee will bo highly favorable to an thoumnd majority. Davis (Dtin.) in early settlement of tho causes for tho First Congressional District, is war Letweeu the belligerent parties, elected in tho place of Radical Du- and that active hostilities are now vir- vall, and Hereford (Dem.)is to succeed tually at an end. It is earnestly the carpet-bagger Witcher in the Third hoped by all. Christendom that the District. Tho Second District was olivo brauch ot peace may soon wave still in doubt, but the Democrats claim over those distructod countries and to havo carried that also; but, conced- that the unparalleled flow of blood ing the latter District to the enemy, which tho plains of Franco have re it will still leave tho next Congress- cently witnessed may never again bo ional delegation from West Virginia repeated two Democrats to ono Radical, in- Latuu. The armistice is a failure, stead of tho unanimous Radical dele- Theirs having received orders from gatiou in tho last Congress. Iho the French Provisional Government Legislature will be Democratic, which to break off negotiations and leave the will secure a Democratic U. b. Sena- Royal headquarters. Tho cause of tor to suceed tho present Radical in- the rupture is believed to have len cubent, W. T. Willey, whoso term ex- the persintenco of Bts:uarck in insist pires next March. ing on guarantees for the cession of It will be recollected that West Alsace and Lorraine to Prussia, and irginia was manufactured during tho las tho domain embracing those two war, by Congressional enactment, for provinces teems to havo leen the tho purio.se of giving that body a principal cause for the continuance of larger Republican vote and a greater hostilities ince tho capture of Napo- heense for corrupt partisan legislation; Icon, of course the French refuse to and now the people of that State aro cuter into negotiations having such nn iilHrnnf nm Tli wnr tittt fm ntil The idea that we seal ttoiiey by repudiating its chaiupi- the PrusKian Ambassador ut Loudon will continue all A PROCLAMATION. WllKftKA. The President of th United (States, concurring In similar rreommonda'ions from tbe tlilor Magistrates of tho several State, nn re commended to all citizen t meet in tbeir re spective place of worship on THURSDAY, THE TWENTY-FOURTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, INSTANT, there to give thanks fur the bounty of God during the year about tu close, aud to auppllcate for !t continuance hereafter. Now. therefore, be It known that I. L. F. Gro wer ordored to build cidowalk commencing at the N. . corner of block 109, in Hackleman' addition, tbeooe Bant to the N E. corner of block 130 of aid addition, within 20 days from date. On notion, i. C. Mondenhall wa relieved from the payment of taxes la 186V, M tbe same va erroneously assessed to him. On motion, 3. W. Braodenberg wa appointed polbe officer for tbe city of Albany, rice O. llu- bart resigned, to remain daring tbe pleasure of I me city eouncll, to receive f 60 per monin. On motion. Cornier and ftradwohl war ap pointed to employ a man to remove the dirt in Ut Sroad Albin street. Following bill were allowed l Orrin Rabarts, ver, Governor of the State of V"trAo' I 1101.37 jftong, $280; M. fitellick, 3,00 I A reoomtnorid to the citizen of tbi Slate tbit we lay aide all ordinary secular pursuit on that day and anacmble at our customary pliiee of wor ship and there offnr the sacrifice of Thanksgiving to llim, tho "Giver of every good and perfect vuicu Lave Kilt," for the manifold blessings crow nod tho cloning year. uiven under my band at the city of l Hnlm till 10th day Of Aovcinbcr, A. D. 1870. 1-1' l(y the Governor, L. F. G ROVER. B. F. Cmaowick, Secretary of State. department;; but that fact, instead of excusing the matter really makes tho (showing their appreciation of tho Rad showing worse should expend fifty millions of dollars Ions and hurliug its adherents from nays tho stru Oa the 21st of October the Departoent of Agriculture at Washington prepared a digest of the reports upon the cuntiitivjn -of the crops of the year up to October from which we learn that the wheat crop of 1870 in a majority of the States, aud especially in those ia which this cereal is prominent, is materially less in quantity than the crop of 16G9, which was a very large one, notwithstanding the assertions to the contrary. The reduction in due, first, to the loss of plants Ly aa unpropi tious season for germination, and early growth of the winter variety, followed Ly an open arid somewhat variable winter j and, second, to the drouth which prevail ed with great severity in the Xorthern and .Eastern States. Thw redaction, as aver ts about 14 per cent. The average quality of the crop 13 Letter than that cf ISC'J. "The Pacific Coast reports are variable. Some counties in CalifUrnu make the quality superior, while others report inju ry from rust and inferiority from the ma turity of grain blighted by drouth. The early-sown fall and spring grain of Ore gon is good, while that sown late was in jured by the excessive heat of summer. Among the winter varieties which have succeeded best, the Rappahannock is prom inently named. It is favorably mention ed throughout the South and West, and Las done well among the mountains cf Utah. per annum upon the Army and Navy in time of peace, is not only absurdly ridiculous in itself, but an outrage up on the tax-paying ptojile of the land. It has not a shadow of justilication in reason or necessity, and the people wish to know why it ia indulged and carried out by the government. rirl A SO KLECTIO.X M:n s. The telegraph wires have been " out of kilter" for the past twenty-four hours, and as a consequence we are not ia pos session of any election returns up to the hour of going to press, and the indi cations are that very little telegraphic ! communication will be had with the Katt for several days. In view of tho fact ed from our local returns, appears to beitbal Beotcea Slates held elections last luesuay, wc ilauk the elements uiint have been a little more favorable to the electric wires, Lut'what is unavoidable niB-i be borce with fortitude and resig nation. A solitary telegram from Nevada on the day of the election tells us that both parties claim the Stataj hut as they did that before the election it doesn't indi cate anything. place and power throughout the bur- I winter. 1'ariH will bo bombarded im- dera of their commouv.calth. mediately, and the detilruction of that How is the election in "Wobt Virgin- famous and beautiful city bee ins to be ia for an endorsement of "the econ- only a question of time. While we omical and vigorous administration of admire the bravery and heroism of President Grant?" I-'rom a careful the French in btruggliug on under survey of the facts above stated we such adverse and disheartening t-ir-would infer that the West Virginians cumstanccs as tho present state of 11 Y TULLUItAI' II. . THE EUROPEAN WAR. London, Nov. 8. Jiismarck has fur- nitihed the following explanation of the rupture oi negotiations lor uu armistice : Tho i'reiich Government having declined, through its representative, Theirs, to ac cent tho Oeriuun offer of an armistice on the bums ol itulu quo, the Uount propos ed that the French should nuiuo a time for holding an eieciion for tho Constituent Aaxcuiblv. Tho Germans promised, iu such an event, that absolute freedom of elections should be respected, even in ter ritory now occupied by tbe i'russians. Theirs thereupon withdrew to the outposts to consult with J avre, but at lengln re turned to Versailles without the power to accent the German terms. King William has issued an order that no pemun bo allowed hereafter to enter or leave Pari. Paxsenuers have just been captured and will be court-uiarhaled for vioiattou ot the order. UfcitUN.Nov. 8. All Berlin papers, ofhcial and others, throw the whole re sponsibility of the impending desiruction o Pan on the r reach. J hey say me latier havo thus far obstinately refused to rcC"L'i)izo t'lain l.icis. 'lhe Titnrt has reason to believe the bombarduieut of Paris will not begin ior two weeks. King William is reluctant to destroy so grand a city, aud is giviug the French every opportunity to uegotiaite fur peace. Vigorous preparations are making at Lyons for delnc. A great quantity of provisions have beca collect ed, and all ublc bodied citizens have becu thoroughly armed. All communications northward from Lyons have beca cut by the Prussians. Rutus, Nov. 0. The King is expect ed to return to Iierhn on tho lltli tut A dispatch Iroin LKdou on the 4th lut. I I Recorder. I Trwaorer and 6 Aid.-rtnen, y thai Garibaldi has been tAcn pris-m- f I''! fl! T" " "' ' Ud Cl"" , together witu thirty oiher itauan om Kudda, $3,00 1 L. Miller, $4,00 s A. K. Arnold, $:i'J,10. On motion, adjourned. A. X. ARNOLD, Keeorder, ALBANY I'KICEft CUItltEMT. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY A. COW! , CO. Ai.s4.iv, Koverobor 11, 1870. The following are tbe price paid for Produce, and the price at which other article are selling In thl market : Wheat whlUi, per buxhcl, 70 eta. OaU per buahel, .'JOa.SS ct. 1'otatoe per bui'uel, 75c. Onion per bunhel, 7ac(efl 25. Flour per bbl, t3 WCa, 00 llutter per pound, ZAct. V.ica per down, 25 et. Chickeu per dozen, $2 bOffyZ 00. reached dma, per punl, i 'j(.a,20 i-lt. I'ork per pound, bdtfi cU. Khcep, per bead $1 b)Ci,,2 liocf on foot, ftf'.O i:t.. Soap per pound, l(&b ct. Hull Liverpool, per ponnd, 3 el. " Carmen Jlmi, ZaZ ou & iuu mi. lleavv Uolden Hvrun per kee, $0 00. Kxlta Heavy (loldcn gyrui. per kejr,$5 60($6 Tea young llynou, per pound, 91 OU " Hint. 7SW,S1 00. " Japan, $1 26. Sngar rubrd, pr ponnd, 1820 cts. " Klanu, Hf'lvi cent. " He, Hi e. Co0ee per pound, 2:1(3,25 e. Nil ut, per pound, f.JftTl .-t. White Lead pure, per keg. $3 UOfrti 00. l.inreed Oil boiled, per gallon, $1 .Wl kO Turci;tioc per gallon, 5 1 25(1 50 Il'fincntic brown, 140i,19J ctx. Ilit-korv striped, per yard, ViOli et. lied Ticking per yard, 2550 ct. Jilua irilliti; per yard, 20 (a, 25 cU. l-'lanncl per yard, 10 ct. l'rintfat color, per yard, 12Je. liifle i'owder, per pound. 75 0). an'l!c per pound. 2U633e. Hico China, per pound, 12 rt. Tobaoeo er pound, $1 00(11 25. 8aiieratu per pound, !G) eu. I!e:i While, IT i.,4.',l'y'j':. Iried 1'lutn Without Med, per lb, 20 ct, Ilried Apple ptrjb. 4Jc. " Currant pr lb, lfie. Iiaeon Haw, per P, 12ial3a. " .Side. rt-r tb, VlaZe. " Sboldr, per E, 6(&e. I.ard per !b, J3c. Tar 75ratl 00 per gallon. .SPECIAL NOTICES. m FOR THIRTY YEARS Ha that well-known, standard and popular remedy PAIN KILLER, manufactured by Perry Dsvi t Son, Provideaee, R. I., been before lb public, and ia that time ha become known in ail parts of the world, and been oei ny people or all nation. - It remain, to-day. that ame rood sad efficient remedy. It wonderful power in relieving tb mod (ever pain ba never been squalled, and It ha earned it world-renowned popularity by' It, imnnaic menu, at w eurauv agent Da Ia eo wiae-Rpreaa ai or give? tocb aniversal tifae tion. Tbe varion ill for which tbe Pain Killer it an nnfaiiing cure, are too well known to require recapitulation in tbii ad vertinement. A an z- ternal and internal medicine, tbe Paio Killer' (tand unrivaled. Iirection aeeomoanr each bottle. - ' ".-- J', Bold by all Draggfeu. Price 24 ct 60 ct.. and per bottU. T Korll,1870. NEW ADVERU18EMENT8. GEO. R. HELM, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR At LAW Will rradice in all Die CvurU oj the Slate". OrPICEs AVBKSY, 0BEQ03L Jtov. 11,1870. " , -J" SELECT SCHOOL. Eebool i being taught at tbe ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, . Under the topervisioa of H. T. CEAW FOKD, aited by Miu JCLU Klkiss. J RATES OTTDITIOW. (Per quarter of eleven week.) I Primary bepartmeut .$4 .5 0 7 00 .. 00 ELECTION NOTICE. cer. doa't "endorse" worth a font. ktati: m:iys. Corvallis' population is 700. No vacant houses ia Eugcno. Munkers is sick at bis home ia IxroEMATiosr Givjes. There is a Teaatifal city of about 6,000 inhabi tants situated upon the north bank of the clear rolling river Des Moines, in Iowa, which city is called Ottumwa ; and in that municipality ia printed a Jive, 6nappish, outspoken and able Democratic paper named The C'opjjer Jiead, edited by Mr. Sam. B. Evans. . "We give this information gratuitously, to those twin worshipers of the Holladay idol, the OregonUm and Bulletin, both oi whom seem anxious to go after the .aforesaid CopperJiead but are wofully ignorant of xts geographical location . The Oregonian says it is published at "Ottoway" and the Bulletin locates it at "Attuman." Although they both publish what they claim to be an ex tract from its columns, yet we are in clined to doubt the genuineness of said extract from the fact that their igno , ranee of its location chows that they never saw the Copperhead. Only Fifty Dollars. Tbe Albany Argas shows by figures the revenue from the tax on tea, coffee and sugar, and says that, estimating the population of the United States at forty millions, the tax is equal to $1 a head annually, "or at a rough calculation," about $7 to each tax ahlo inhabitant. When to this are added the duties on clothing, bedding and table linen, on mechanics' and miners' tools, farming implements and school books, not to say anything of the poor man's solace tobaeco, and when they are 6upple niented by enormous tairif tax of 100 per cent, on salt, by stamps on articles of agreement, stamps on medicines, stamps on bank checks, stamps on matches, etc., the sum total of tbe taxes to bo paid an nually to the United States Government under tho new tax laws, by a laboring man with an ordinary family, is not less than $50. jaffaira bhow, yet wo deprecate the Hpirit which urges them to such a htep, for with tho overwhelming odds, both in discipline and numbers, against thorn, tho struggle can have but one issue, aud that will probably bo more humiliating to their proud spirits than would be peace founded upon such basis as their enemy now , demands. And in the meantime the j destruction of their property and the Turns, Nov, G. Advices from Paris say that Henri Kocl.cfuri te-im-d Lis po- anion on the Committee on lieiense, in cuUM-'iucuce of a iu'undcrftau'jing with . . i i I !jaiti ivn the Uovtrntucnt on a quesuuu 01 ciccuou. Tho appointment of General Llvuscret homos as CuiutuanJcr-in-Cu;el 01 tne National Guard, is confirmed Washington, Nov-. . A uipafcli to the Union Itrpublican Committee, irom cualor hello;:?, of JOUMana, reports T Scio, Kvcry acre of land in Othoco has been taken up. Job Crbtreo presented the editor of the Scio A'eir with a CI lb, squash. A family of ncgioes in the vicinity 0f pouring out of blood upon their vine- Corvaiiis are said to be down wiln small- cad ""W w,li S on making peace more sorrowful when it cornea and A. moot legislature is running at Scio. the upbuilding of their country more Several scats have been successfully con- difficult and wearisome pox. tested, There are throe trains daily, each way, on the railroad between Salem and Port land. A 13-ycar-old girl 00 the Cowlilj river now wears the belt as the champion bear killer. The Tordcnjold sailed from Portlmd for England last week with 700 tous of wheat. They raise potatoes 16 inches long in Coos county and cerythiog else in pro portion. Navigation on the Columbia river will cease for tbe winter about the last of No vember A new and powerful ferry-boat is bcio A Tiuoedt. On last Friday a fright ful tragedy occurred in San Francisco, which resulted in the shooting of 1 lawyer named A. P. Crittenden, neph ew of tho eminent statesman of Ken tucky, John J. Crittenden, by a noto rious woman named Mrs. Laura Fair, who claimed that he had ruined her daughter. Tho affair occurcd on tho boat between Oakland and San Fran cisco, and was witnessed by Critten den s wife and children, lhe mur deress was arrested, and now awaits her trial. Still ox tiis War Path. Uy private let ter from the Dalles tre are informed that Joe Wilson and his Indian allies have amend built ior tbe exclusive use 01 the railroad ed their complaint against the Judges of at Portland. I election in Wasco count v. and ore coiner in A Miss Miller and Mrs. II. S. Buck, ""d eyed" after those gentlemen for rcfus ofOrezon Citv. drew each 8100 in th nK to allow British half bresds and "full Eeeatcii. In publishing the Veto Message on the $300,000 Subsidy Bill, last week, we made an omission which .. very materially changes the meaning , intenaea to be conveyed by the orig inal document. . In the fifth paragraph from the bot- s torn of the Message we say, "To make a tax legitimate it must be for a pri Tate purpose;" whereas, the sentence should read thus : "To make a tax le V .gitimate it must be for a public and not a private purpose." In the three States of Pennsylvania, In-.- -diana and West Virginia the Democracy nave gained at least nine, Congressmen This is prstty good for a party whose funeral toe Radicals preached years sgo ' The Lucky Mas. The ticket which drew the $100,000 prize in the San Francisco lottery was one of the lot of 105 forwarded to New York on the or der of Simon "Wormser and three oth ers. These tickets were divided among the purchasers, and number 154,077 went into the hands of Hellman.- This gentleman is a native of Munich, a young man about twenty-five years of age, one of the firm of Seligman, Hellman & Co, of New Orleans, and a connection of the Seligman family of San Francisco. He is a cultivated and worthy young man, who is likely to make good use of the money that has fallen to him by such a rare chance. Their Woek. At the Jate cession of the Oregon Legislature there were 114 bills, memorials and resolutions passed. Among them are some of tho best laws Oregon has over had; others are other wise, or vice versa, and Gov. Grover has generally made the latter sort. "hunt their boles." Mercantile Lottery. Hon. 0. M. Fitch, Prosecuting Attor ney for the 2nd District, was married last week to Miss Nannie Linn. A handsome young woman has been buggy-riding the Eugene Journal man, whereat he puffoth her muchly. The YaquinalJay and Willamette Yal leyEailroad Company have filed articles of incorporation in Portland. Tho object is to build a road from Corvallis to Yaquioa, and we trust it will succeed. The school directors of Salem have es tablished a separate' echool for colored children. Will the "manhoods" of that bloods" to vote at the June election. We are informed that all such wero challenged on the ground of eitixenship, as it was un derstood that they wore not entitled to tbe right of suffrage under the law. Wo rather turm'iM that Joseph has "reckoned withou his host" this time. Nebraska. The Bidical majority of 3,000 in Nebraska, is not apparent to tbe naked eye. It has grown beautifully less.: Gov. Butler eontents himself with a paltry eleven hundred. The star of New England empire doesn't take its way as westward as it used to. Indiana- Full returns from Indiana eminently "loil" city stand such a gross show that tbe State wont Democratic by restriction upon their equality rights? 5 5,918 majority. In the Legislature the The construction of the new Penitentia- Senate is a tie. and the House stands 5 ry building at Salem has-been eommenc-l Democrats to 38 Republicans making ed. lhe foundation will be laid soon, the 1 Democratic joint majority of 12. Hur location being fixed a short distance from 1 rah for " Old Iloozier 1" the present buildings, upon risins eround. and a much more eligible site than the! WA Style. An Iowa paper get present one. J mad at a cotemporary of opposite po. Following is the Portland Police Force lltlcal Prclmties and tells him that under the new regime : Police Judge, D. C. Lewis ; Chief of Police, Jas. H. Lapp- eus; Captain, Jos. R. Wiley j Policemen, W. M. Ward, T. Burk, J. Kelly, Daniel Norton, D. Jacobi and A. B. Brannan: man who had a birth the third day a! ter his mariage needn't go to putting on airs over him 1 Guess Not. Emu, Hibsch, of San Francisco, did not draw a nrize in the late lnttarv 0 i T ut nr.n i nirt 1 opeciais, tf.ja. auouuy, " iara ana and he looked into the muzzle of Jjl. J). Olieenan. , m'Bfil nrwl rvoa vnrtnv,l Via fnll,n I iimw fiufca.VY V Jaj.ta A Ul U JJ V A. 9 Cfintreville, Idaho, is destroyed by fire, j Montana has 20,580 inhabitants. R ecu K UK it's Orric-K, Cirr or Au.nr. Nolire U hereby tirta that en election will fee bcl-l ut the r,mrt l!oue, in tbe eitjr ot Albene, on tbe first Mn'Jy, l!:e illi Hay ul December, 1x70. fur tbe eleetiiio .f tbe fullowioir city i.fS'tr fur the entttinjr veer, tn.wit : 1 Marwr, 1 Jlerml.al, Tbe uee at 6 Preparatory and Common BraDcbca... AdraaeeU Engliib ., .......... Aneietit and Modern Language ............. luUion l uyaLle in Adcauce. M. T. CRAWFORD, Albany, Xov. Jl, 1870. Principal. BROWNSVILLE.' "T WHEELER, FANCT AND STAPLE DRY GOODS! HATS, CLOTHIKG, BOOTS k SHOES,'? Groceriei, Crockery, Ilardtcare, Iron, Slecl Wagon Timber, Piowi, Agricultural Implement. Etc., ttc. Motto "gmali Profit and Quick Return." T5n30yl. iiirrn nulT iot ban'). oCi:iaW, lb 9tb day of orenbrr, IS7C A. AKJULU, t.itT lUeorder. UAVfDSO.f, Office No. 64 Front Street, ORES OX. HEAL ESTATE DEALER. Special Collector of Clairas. A Urc amount of CITV and EAST PORTLAND Prjry for trale. FARM FOR SALE. TUE VAKM WELL KNOWN AS WARD'S Cl'TTE. aituated eleven miles wulh at Al bany, in Lino ecanty, u uBered fur tale on lb bert of t-rtn. It be lis rpring of good water and jilettr of (tjek tkr in tbe ercek abickt traverse one side of it. Tbe firewood apon tb farm is I in oft inexhaustible, and its advantages s a iiock laru are ruperior to any other in Ore gon, t ut particular address tbe undersigned, at Dalle City. Wa.cu ceuuty, Oregon. nollnltr. T. M. WARD. that New Oilcans liaoue llcpullicauly J'V V F,ARMi. fn1 nl- , , , ' , . , I tivatrd LAN Da, located in all part of tbe between three and four tbousanii, nU state. that the Mate of Jmiana lias gouo publican hy a very larjio majority. other Investment in REAL ESTATE and PROPERTY, made lor eorrerocdent. CLAIMS of alt ! K-rijiti'ius promptlv collected. H0lK3 and fSTOUE.S leaded. All kin! of Financial sad General Agcaej business transacted JobH Blt.MXUS couiplainn that Nashy Parties having FARM PROPERTY for sale will LATEST SKW.H CLEA.MXGS. plraiw furoi-h Ji ri tii n of the same to tbe AO r.MS Op THIS umtE. tn ecb of tee principal CITIES and TOWNS or tbi STATE, jailnfiif uteals his juken, and Nashy complains ol dpepaia. The nephew of Andrew Jackson has ut turned up in Souix City, Kansas, ssa spiritual doctor Is Lewiston. Maine, rcrson$ arrested fur drunkenness ore let off in the morning by signing the temperance pledge. St. Louis is honored by the temporary sojourn of i'rince Sapieba, of Russia, aud his escort The Ueuiocratic majority in Pcnnsylva nia, last month, on the popular Tote, was 8,000. Westers girls are seceding from the franchiKC astociation because Mrs. htanton nays that no younjr lady is fit to be married California and Oregon, until she is 25 years of age. The girls WeS, A Mr. South worth, of Warren, Pa., after holding a trend oized frog in his stomach for fifteen yerrs, ejected the lively croaker, who lived a few moments and died. Lyman F. Granger, of Green Island, New York, whose wife is said to have eloped with a Troy railroad conductor a short time since, has just falleu heir to 810,000. AGENTS WANTED. JUST OUT. BANCROFT'S NEW MAP or TBE PACIFIC STATES, California, Oregon, Washington. Idaho, Montana, Nevada.-Utah. Arizona, Eritlah Columbia and Alaska. Elegantly engraved on copper and colored in eountic. fifth edition, thoroughly revised anl brought down to date IsiO. - It bows the great Overland Kaiiroan. alto tbe peposed Northern and Southern Pacific Railroad and tbeir connec tion ; also all Itailroad completed aud projected less scale, are tbe cte Railroad map of the tutted Mates No other map can compare with this edition in fullncM of detail, and beauty and accuracy of -its typography, An enterprise of such magnitude and impor tance a this large and elegant copper-plate aiap, in order to be properly appreciated should ba in every office, scbool-bouw and dwelling. Those wishing an agency sh juld apply immediately for terms, to A. L. BANCROFT & CO., Publishers, 721 Market Street. . n!3w5 SAX FRANCISCO, CAU Examination Commenced. lions. B. F. Burcli and Mr. Amis, assisted by B. F. Bonliam and Mr. Graves, have commenced the examination of the accounts of the late Superintendent of tho Penitentiary. It is expsctcd that they will occupy t e entire two months given them by the Legislature in this examination, as they intend to make the work of the most thorough nature. The Providence Press says that one of the cencus enumerators in that city put down in bis list twins, opposite 'ho names of two children, and against the first he designated Providence as the birth-place. The thick headed men at "Washington sent the list back to have the deficiency accounted for. What they wonted to know was, where that other twin w&s born. . - . Council Proceedings. Toerdat Evening, Nov. 8, 1870. Council mot. Hull oallcd. Present t Council- men tiradwohl, Meyer, Hill and Comley. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved Comley, chairman of eommittee to let contract to build sewer on Broad Albin street, reported that they had let the eontraot to John Long for the sum of $280. and that said sewer wa comple ted according to plan and specifications. Report received and oommitttce discharged. . 1 Committee to report plan and specifications for engine house asked further time which was granted, and Myer, ctiuirraan or eommittee reported engine in good order which was reeeived and oommittee discharged. Committee to transfer oity property asked fur ther time which was granted. Oa motion the Keoorder was instructed to pro eure a seal for the use of the city. On motion it was ordered to bold the city elec tion at the Court House oa the first Monday in December next, and that A. Cowan, S. Montgom ery and J. C. Mendenboll act at judges of said election, . - On motion the property holders on First street Exuberant Health Is a blessing vouchsafed to few. Even those who have been favored by nature with strong conslitu tions and vigorous frames are apt t4 neglect thi precaution nccensary to. preserve thee precious endowments. .' ndued, as a rule, the more healthy and robust a man is, the more liberties be is in cliued to take with bis own physique, li if feme consolation to the naturally weak and feeble to know that they can be so invigorated .and 1 built np, by a propel- u.e of tbe means which science has placed at their di.-pof al, as to have a much better chance of long life and exemptions from disease and pain, than the mist athletic of their fellow who are foolish enougu to suppose tDcin selves invulnerable, and act accordingly. It is not too much to say that more than half the people of the civiliiod world need an occasion al foHic, to enable them to support the strain upon their bodies and minds, which tbe fast life of this rentiers nse occasion. In fact, a nitre. trAoesome iHcjcciiii:; tunic is the grand desideratum of the busy millions, and tbey have the article in 1IOS- TE TTKR S STOMACH BITTERS. It is a stam mai mkdicine. ' e. it imparts permanent strength to weak system and iuvigorates delicate consti tutions. It reputation and its sales have readily increased. Competitive preparations have been introduced ad ttbitum, and, as far as the public concerned, ad samrsn, in the hope of rivaling; it; but they have all either perished in the attempt. or been left far in the rear. It has been the orb at MEDICAL SUCCESS Of TUK PRESENT CENTURT. and it is quite certain that no proprietary medioine in this country is as widely known or as seuerallv used. Ten lightning presses, running incessantly (Sun days excepted Jl. the whole year through, barely supply tbe demand for the Illustrated Almanao, in whioh the nature and uses of the preparation are set forth, the circulatioa now being over five millions a year. GRAND ENTERPRISE!! CAPITOL PREMIUM, $10,000 1 Partial List of Prizes to be Awarded Dee. 27th, IS70: 1 Premium, Cold Coin , $10,000 1 Premium, Cold Coin. '' ' 6.000 1 Premium, Cold Coin ' 3,0OO X Premium, Gold Coin . 2,000 1 Premium, Cold Coin - 1,000 1 Premium, Cold Coin , 1,000 1 Premium, Gold Coin i i- 1,000 1 Premium, Cold Coin 1,000 1 Premium, Gold Coin 1.000 10 Premiums, Gold Coin, - ' "3,000 10 Premiums, Gold Coin, 1,000 50,000 Season Tickets, $2.50 each. 25,000 Price amoantiac to tJ5,- oo will te Awarded f Ticket Holders. This grand Enterprise i gotten np in aid of tb NEVADA SCHOOL DISTRICT, XEVADA CITY, CALIFORNIA..! . TRCSTEE t 'l lion. J. I. Caldwell, J cue a Kile Seael sod A. B. Us EGOS T. Treasurer: BABX OP HEVADA COUTY. References residing in this eitr: - G. Voa ScnuiTTBiiBe, Postmaster; Jcdcb T. II. Kolve; A. W. Potter, ex-sberiff; J. A. LAa CASTCB, Kational Exchange. . . . Responsible arents wanted. Liberal con Mis sions allowed. For full particular and terras to agents, Address 11. 1.. GKUA AS, Secretary, c9n4m2 Nevada City, CaL . 3. C XMEKPErmALl, Agent at Albany, Oragaa. PILES! Why do multitudes suffer year after year with this distressing disease, which they know must ultimately take tbem to the grave ? , The reason simply is that they have never been able to pro cure, a reliable remedy. Temporary relief osf aggravate! the 'dieeae. - ' The discovery of a perfectly reliable and speedy cure ha recently been made, and tbe medioine may now be bad of A. CAR0THERS A CO., of this city, who are sole proprietors. The Pile Pills have been used by many in this county, and in no case have they failed to. efieot a permanent cure, ' Sent post paid to any address on reoeipt of $1,50 per box. n.ltf AGENTS WANTED. . SOW READY t . . . . TIIE MOST WONDERFUL BOOK 01 TH Nineteenth Centary. A CuL-iou Book for Cart ons People, and a Good Book for Everyone I PLAIN HOME TALK MEDICAL COMMON SENSE, BY E. B. FOOTS, M. J,,.,if IF TOU WANT TO KNOW the effects f Sex ual Starvation, Prostitution, Continence on hand and Vioe on the other ; if yon waiit t know how to have Healthy Babies, how to Keep tbem Healthy, how to Grow np Healthy, and die only of O d Age; if you want to know all about Common Sense Remedies, Electricity,. Animal Magnetism, and who believe in it; if yea wantte know all Disease peculiar to Women-te-girlhood, to tb Maiden, to the Wife aad Mother Bead "Private Words to Women." IF YOU WANT TO KNOW Valuable Hinta to the Childless, How to Overcome Barrenness, how to Become a Father, how to Become a Moth, er; if yon want to know all about Disease) Peea. liar to men, their Nature and Treatment, i Imp, teocy. Seminal Weakness, Ac. ; if you want to know all about the Sexual Orgaas, Cansoo their Disgrace, their Influence on Development, on Wo man and Civilisation ; if yon waat to know all about Marriage. its History. Polygamy and Mon ogamy, Polyandry and Free Love ; if you want to know tbe Philosophy of Elopements, Adapta tion in Marriage. Philosophy of Child Marking, how to Perfect Marriage, and a Thonaand Tbinra ecer p ibluied before, HEAD THIS ZONDEK. FUL BOOK. .. SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. e. J Vw Ptrmi lar atTirl Tanna is A. L. BANCROFT & COn sep2mS ' : . Saa Franeiaeo, Cal. NEW BARBER SHOP I, - - . i- AT THE OVERLAND HOTEL, IN ALBANY. : s"V THE UNDERSIGNED HAS "FITTED' UP A neat and Inviting Tonsorial EsUblUhmeat in the Overland Hotel, and reipectfnlly tolieiU a share of the publio patronage, proiUing' to giro entire satisfaction. 1 LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HAlft MEATLY CUT AND SKAMPOOJEQ,- oc28v6nlltf HALE BACKENSTO