..NOVEMBER 4, 1870 . JJimm-sd. Doath has riaito4 threo pontes in this pity duriDg tho past week and ' 'notched &om each, a .dear and . treasured inmsrto, Oa Sabbath day last Mts. Louisa J BcHfcesR, young wif and mother, was ' toninonel from the arm of a loving hu . liand nnfi from the care of two little babes n8 rciltee over to the Great, Unknown. At a, on Xcndnj, J. E. Bintlev, Jr., who -wn;i'$.f mute, but wat also a rerj intol-'Jigsot-Romleuian and an excellent chiton, fter bavinc suffered for many weary mootb'to a consumptive's bed, sank to vest intfihristiaii resignation. 1 And on wed nesdn-rW. S. Drioos tho gentle, kind ami aIkos. faultless Willie, who was uni jmttilif known and loved for his many ' OrTishtnd shining traits of character and -aiuoojtaisposition was relieved of years of patrtnt suffering by Death a interposing ilwuitl stnd his pure spirit wafted gently and jnoiskcsly across the Dark Hirer to tho kfiiriiRC shore beyond. Willio was our frterUJ, just and true, and we mourn his de i soarUtra as the loss of a dear brother ; and smanj uihcrs will offsr up a prayer for the ?ret'Sf his boyish spirit in tho land of tho Heal. 0rl Bosco. This champion wiiard Rave tVru porfH-mances to rather meagre audien- ees in this city during tho week. As a ma Igician and conjurer tro have never seen his equal, and as an affable and clever gentle iman he has no superior. Our people have iin times past been so miserably "taken in" v by bilks who claim t. be firsc-olass show- men, that it is now almost impossible for -an entertainment of even the most decided . merit to get an audience here; but a few such superior entertainments as those given by Mr. Dosco would soon dispel much of the prejudice which former hnmbugsry lias developed. The writer has sen the fa . tv Tt i. :- .1 ... v tricks, and we are satisfied that Carl Buaeu's performances in that particular are perfect , imitations of thie celebrated "spiritualis tic" humbug. Citt Election. On tbo first Monday of v next month (Dee. 5.) the election for mu nicipal officers of the city of A'.lmny will le held, and as a consequence w hear ru mors of quite a number of candidates-who .are willing to, be "forced" into serving the "dear peeps" for the next year for a reason- - able compensation. Tho Democmt-y have a majority in tho city of about a score of votes, and if they are united on election day there is very little doubt of their com- plete triumph. But. let us get "split up," and nominate weak men, and tbe "Black' 'will salivate us to a moral certainty. We ask the Democracy if they are willing to turn the city government over to the et.eniy by any uch fm!i.hiie.s ? Large Sale or Towx Lots. Lat Sa'ur--day, Mr. I. L. Willi, guardian f the mi liar heirs of Harvey Gordon. deemseJ, sold 'forty lots in llack'.euinn's Addiiiou to the -city of Albany, at public auction, and real ised an average of $-10 per bt an aggre gate of $'J,GtX). ' The sale of eight or ten ? Jots more belonging to the estate was re nerved fur future dispoMil. A year ago ! 'those same lots would nt have brought more than $120 each, which shows that real -state in our city has duplicated itself in rvalue iu the last twelve months. This shows a decidedly healthy state of afTairs -fur the future of our Itenotifut Alluuiv. Stoxe Coal. We have a specimen of stone coal which caiue from a lead aliout G i io iles from Scio," in. the forks of the Santi 'nm, which has all the appearances of -the genuine sriicle. The lead is owned by Messrs. Curl Murebead, who design de veloping tbe mine as soon as posnible. We f trust that the rcu!t will justify their ef forts, and we believe that such will be the j case, as this is much the finest specimen of tatone coal we have ever seen in Oregon. Wheat. In Liverpool wheat stands lis.' - Ad. ; in San Francisco $2 per 100 lbs. ; -while in this city parties ore offering as 'high as 81 cents, per bnshel, and yesterday : dealer informed ns that . be would even igive a higher fi jure than 81e. for a god -quality. The tendency of lioth the foreign land home markets seem to be gradually but -surely upward, And we have yet hopes that ' oar farmers will realize $1.00 per bushel 1 before next spring. . t Jlai Law. By reference to onr new nd-,-verxisismenu it will be seen that Judge Kl ! snyuind Joseph Ilannnn have entered into copartnership fur thearactice of lnw, with rtherr office np stairs in Parrish's Block, this .cityj Judge Kclsay is a gentleman of Jog xperience in the legal profession and Mr. 1IIanaon is a yonng man of promising a'-ili ttv,scd Ve doabt not they will lie a full ' rteamiat the Linn county bar. - - - - " 'CowrtCTED of Rape. Dr. J. IL McCord. rthe 'tClarivoyant and Magnetic Physician." '-was-yesterday convicted of rape upon the peron of Mrs. Amanda Crawford, wife of ,levder Crawford, of Brownsville, with m Teeesamendation of the convict to the rery.f the Court. His Honor, Judge. !Boie,enieia).ed him to three years impri- nnsifm iiir iuwcti huik oi me law lor tne named. 1 Nwt3oods. Messrs. P. C. Harper & d basis just receivod a freshen voice of new gotKii:rVm-below, among which we observe 'owe oT Pae bst" assortments "of 'Idiots " and -shoes, Tnr all classes, that have ever sppear-s-ed in ftnny. Their clothing is also neat M&KinahJe, while their stock of ladies' -dressoods cannot be excelled in the mar. iket. .. , ' '.. ; ' , .'SLAMptp. At the Ootolier term at , the ' 'Cireuft'Cjiurt forjiinn county, i which has . jost cWB, Alex. Reynolds got a judgment against 'G.' B. Howard for dofamst'on of hnrfttero the amount of $250. ' Th oit was'broBiitfor ten thousand dollars dama- - ArrmsTtB. Our friend and former nsso .cite.35pn. C. B. Bellinger, has been elect ed City Attorney for East Portland. We eongratalate,' Byron. - - ; , - t " Diio riwH too ni WHistr. WY are Informed that a man died at Dutchtiwn last uniay night in a fit of delirium -tremens. He wis a stranger iu a strange land. TRIDAT Nary Prize. Last Monday the great 'Mercantile Library Lottery came off in San Francisco, amid the utmost exoitement. So far as heard from no ticket-holder in Ore gon has drawn a prise of any magnitude, although in Portland and Salem alone Sev ern I thoussnd tickets were owned. The $100,000 prise was drawn by a ticket-holder in New York, while tho $50,000 "take" was gobbled up by a rich residont of Sun Francisco. Wo don't know of a single poor Jovil who got a "smell" at the big prises, although many such went their last dollar on the lottery. Everybody can of course get even hv investing in the Nevada City Lottery which comes off, the last of next week. The quill driver hereof holds four tickets ia that institution, -and has strong hopes of tbeing a wealthy man after the drawing comes off. ; Thero are doubtless 50,000 other individuals who have equally high hopes with "tho subscriber," Story or JoeMeek. The Chicago Re publican revives some of the old stories told of tloe. Meek, then he wont to aslnngton as a Territorial messenger from Oregon, among them the following i His good look and relationship to ' President Polk made him a great favorite with the ladies. While promonading one evening, n lady enquired whether he had ever been married. "Yes," replied Juc.,, "I have a wife and six chil dren." "Oh, la!" continued his friend, "and isn't Mrs! Meek afraid of the Indi ans?" "Arraid of tho Indians!" replied the frontiersman. "I reckon not; why, sheV an Indian herself!" Following are the contents ef that very superior periodical, the Oeerlaml Monthly, for November: The Bed of the Uiver To the Gig Trees,' T. tho Statue on the Capitol at Washington, The Sahre of Honor, The Angora G'iat, At San Diego and the Gold Mines. Spilled Milk, The Alcutinn Islands, The Cocoa Tree, The Yuba. Tbe Imperial Prioi. At Presido in war Time, Alio Ca reer of an American Prince, An Eveiwing in a California GarJon, A Hope, Grand mother's Story, The Iliad of Sandy Bar. Current Literature. v,ADrgRTiseas Gt-iDg." Ye have re ceived from 3Ir. L. i. Fiher. Advertising Agent, San Franeisoo, the nliove named bok, containing, together with Vtilualile in formation to advertisers, much uf interest to the general reader. iVe will next week puhliah a description uf Allmnv and Linn county which w find in its pages. Deferred. The eaw-tnil'.s uf this city are so Imsy getting out hridge and oilier timber for the railroad that it is almost im possible to get lumber for any other pur pose, consequently J. C. Sprengcr has giv en up the pnject uf erecting a busmena In. u e un the orner uf Washington and Cud streets. A BEACTtrciOrriCE. Mr. E. M. Wait. of Salem, .own the prettiest ji-bnEirC whic' we have ever seen on tho Pacific cnal, and turns out as good work ns any oilico in 'Sail Francisco, while for promptness in comply ing with his azreemenis he has no superior. Goisg'East. Our et:uiable friend, Mr. Frank Wmid. nf this city, s;arts Knt with hi family in a few dav, where he design spending the nest yenr jn visii'ng among hi frnda ami rm-uncrutiiiff from mnt.v jears uf t.ard labor at the forge and snvif. Gone t"p. Our very eiwen'rie friend. Spud Murphy, wns lat wek convicted in the l)itriet (Jourf. uf grand Inrcnv. and was em to the IItol ile Wailcind-." fur a couple of years us a reward of merit. 'Tin well. s . !- e is Kelicioi-s. On next Sabbath Klders Sturijis and Miller, of Indisnr, uf tho Ger man Bantiyt (Dunkard) deiiomirtalion, will hold rt-iiiou aervici-s at the Court House, both morning and evening. B-iccht. Jack Alphin, the irrepressible 'Bascom." has purchused the saloon of M vera & ll.iuck, in this city, and is now rum.ing that institution with Lis usual vigor. VxMxaa. G. 11. Howard last Tuesd.iv secured a judgment of $10 against Alex. Reynolds for damages done to his, fnrm. and also sot restitution uf his farm from the tenantry of suid Alex. Reynolds. Badly IIitrt. A railroad workman had his hand mashed to a pulp lt Sundny, with the pile-driver, near this city. lie is now under Dr. nice s care. , Tne Santiam hridge is completed and ready for the laying nf the truck, and tbe track is laid to within five or six miles of Jefferson. Circcit Court for Linn county adjourned yesterday, after ljing in session ten days- - "Spnldiny'i Glut," bandy snd useful. A Gentle Whisper to Mothers. If unfortunately you have lot your own tcetb by neglect or miamansgemrnt, take cars that your daughters do not sulfur the same penalty from tbs same tnuc. See to it (bat they bnnb their tooth rsgalarly and tborooghly witb Smndttot, and there by you will insure tbein sound snd scrvicablo sets as long a they live. ' " . MARRIED: HILL PEXXINUTOX On tbe 30th inet.. at the residence of tbe bride's father, near Lebanon, by Rev. T. M. Martin of Salem. Dr. J. Lisacv llli.l, snd Miss MAur h. Pexsisaros, both of i.iun eouaiy. We scknowledgs receipt f compliments in co- pious profusi ,n. Liosey is one of tbe best boys in tbs world, snd we rejoice that be bas been re fortunate as to draw's rare prixo in the hymetiial lottvry. Slay tbe brightest happiness crown tbeir wedded life. KUHX CUTLEE. On the 2nd Inst., st tbs residence of tbe bride's father in Monmouth, rois county, uy J. r. uuiier. . f., aia. C. C. Kims, of Albany, snd Miss L. Butusii. of Hon- moub. We wish Bro. Kuho and his beautiful y nng bride all tbe happiness that a long' and pros, s ons life can bring ; but liUe aisny '. yonng ladies about Albany, wo are led to exclaim iu wildest onif hment. -La 1 wbo'd a tbuuk it I" GUIMES HOLT On the 27th nit.. at thereS- idence of the br'nle't father, by Her. 3. W. Stahl, Mr. Job W. Grimes and Miss F. A. Holt all of Linn county. . . . .- DIED:' .' D BIGGS In this city, on the 2d inst.. of con sumption, W. S. Ditrccs, aged 20 years and 9 months.' tj. f,: :',. BEXTLEY In this eity, on the 31st uU., of consumption, J. K. Urstlbt. Jb., aged 39 years. SCHMEER In this city, on lbs 3(tb ult; of typhoid ferer. Loitess. wile of John Bcfameer. 23 years and 2 days. . (Portland papers please copy.) -.- -. .- , . Tbe bereaved bueband desires us to roturn bis thanks to the many friends for tbeir nets of kind ness sod attention uris: the many dsrs of sink. ncs in bis lnj.ily ' i jpfflfyour ton-rue Is footedmouth tastoi bsdly, bv s poor spprtito. fool dull, stupid u pomleot, sleepy or duty, ynur lirsr doe nut act prnparly, and nothing will relieve ami curs you so speodtly es Dr. "isiWs Alt. Ext. or OulJuu Med ics! Discovery. It itiinulstss nil tbs secretion to ctlon, restores the ippetito nt undoes the bow els. As a blood purifier for the cure uf Pimples snd blotches on the fnoe, Kruptiona, Rait Khcuin. Kryalpelss snd nil Femriiloui and Skin riUcset(lt 1 uneqnnted. No family should bs without it. Sold by druggists. A Distscsslngf Cony h onusos the friends of the iiin'urvr ss-munb pnin as the euflVrcr himself. Dr. Wutnr' Vot'ttm of Wild Cktrrji will srtaln IV ours soughs, eolds, srrett consumption, snd t'bat speedily. Wbou did it ever fail? S.U.s u Oit..G. F, Settlmuior. Druggist, First street, Albany, is selling Sulem Lin seed Oil at $1.00 per gallon. SPECIAL NOTICJiS. WILLIAM AVISO!, Office No. 64 Front Street, - POUTLAXD - - - - OKE'jON. REAL ESTATE DEALER. Special Collector of Claims. ; A lsrjre smount of CITY sud EAST POUTLAXD I'ruprty liir K.i'r. Al. IMPKOVLD FAP.MS, and valnsbto unrul. - tivntad LAND.-, lucsled la all psrts uf the Stale. Investments In lUMu ESTATK snd other ritOFEKTV, mads tr eorrepor.dcnt. CLAIMS of all di si-riplinn prowpily cullseted. I10VSKK snd STOIIKS leiwed. All kinila nf Fimmviul sod Uencrat Agoney businuas trauanrted. Psrtiea having FAUM PROPERTY fr sals 1II plvnae furuwli dp'rripti. n of tbe mono le ire AtiKNTS OK THIS OrKlCK. In eneii of the pruclpal CiriKd and TOWN.SoftbU STATE. jellMfi;f PILES I Why do mullilutlra auOtr year after year with this dilrvaiog disuajv,, wblch thry know must ultnuuN-ly take thein to the grave I Tb rtaaoa simply ia llint tbey bavv never teen sbla to pro cure a rvhuiile lemc.ly. Ttmjtuturi rttirf vitlg aygratitlr th .iwiiae. Tbe di.oovtrv f a pvrfcrl'y reliable and ipredy t-urs baa recenliv brcit wad, and Ue mrdicise nay now be bad of A. CAUOTIIEltS A CO., of tbia cilr, who are aole pmiriclr. The 1'ile Pills ;have bn-n med by many in tbia roomy, snd ia 1 1: cum have tbey lailrd to pff-ct a peruanrnt i cure, tfent pott Laid to any sddrxaa on rtceipt ef Sl.&Operbox. o-itlf THE KTATK KAIH. No doubt a vury crcdilabla display may. be ck prcleJ on the j;r -unUs of tbe Agricultural Society during Fair wH-h, but there Is no show in or about Urowuevill equalling the sptcn-lid ass-.ttincttt of S-ods on csbiMtlon at W'll EEl.KR'S HToKK The sto le ba bo vsrWui'v cl-ctcd witU an eye to the wai ts uf aft e!asra of j c";'e, aot wilt well n-par tbs lime etpendc l In an cxamiuaili.n. When you want to buy, or loot at goods, or talk over tbe news go tu WIIEELEK'S. , vSnSOyl.' 1. . ...... .. . ..... r y.t 4ts..Tr. d, and mrrm till mmr, Ifo... in? worst S' rnnta to a common t.r-.ptii.n. fim-fitrm nut IIUt4 a' urn Ikr ore. and trvlgur ruHyk i t, ab.cb are such ai.no) uik Mciuinl t inuy Ju jog por sns. yield to tbe use uf a few btles of ll.i. won. ilcrful ui-ilicioc. Kr"in "lis ! i-ihl boliles cure' "' Ittrmm. J.rynpt.n; rillfl rati. .'.OJ IIVsi, .. ficaty i' illiH9 .f the Scra fiWcs. L'lrtr and "I'nuk-r'' ' lit Mill It nud glumnck. It is a pnie medicinal exlrsrt tf iaiive T'tvlt and f plants, combnni im httrmumtf alurv s most sov. i ercign euraiit e pr-.pvr;u. w bb'b Uod baa instilled into the vi-Kctalo ki.i;;J .m for In alin tbe sick. It is a great restorer lr tbs sin nib aud vinrof the system Those wbo are laiium l. r'.c..!t. have mrrwut njttrrkefaf or fears, t't any ol the alTecliooa sy uiiin:ie of iffiin-n, aUi Imd eon vineiug evi lci.ie of i:a roiortivo power up-m rial. If Vnil fie) Hull, c-..ry. detiU.'tntrd and ttrmpnttdrnt. have fr-ijucnt llmdurh. moulh fos'r.j badly in I hu uiormnj irrt-jmlar appetite and tongue roalnd, you aro sUlTcriu from Turyid Liter or " UilimimM." In luanr caws of "Lirtr (',- plniut" only a pnrt of t!.ee s vniptras nr.- esp, ri- i-nccl. Asa rcnu-ly f.-r all such cases, Ur. Ywt-xt s Ooldcn Medical Diseovtry b4S no equal, aa it el fecta Jierfcclcuiri. Kavinx tbe liver mtnnyilmcU aud ktolthy. For the cute ol IfAbitual Constipa tion of the Bowcla it is a never failing remedy, snd those who bave used it f-r this purpose are loud in its praise. In Bronchial, Tkrntil al Lmmj IHitnmr it bas produced inn uy truly remarkable cures, where other medicines bad faiK-d. $A by drugfjisu at 81.00 p r bottle. Prepared at tbe Cb. tuical Laboratory of It. V. 1'IEhCE. M. I., EuSal... X. V. oc28viu'ly l-cnn qrly Home TtaekitloiiM for tno Aiiekly una EicIslIUnicil. il tc'irth mkiU t tnJuie' penal tortors after every ineul, when indigestion can be iinuicdiatuly relieved and permanently cured by so sgrceable a remedy aa IIOSTETTEU'S ST0MACU UITTEP.S? Duet ii fan to be compelled by debility and lan guor to abandon active baaincrs, when brain, uerve aud muscle ran bo braced np. and the whole system restored to a health v condition, bv aeonne of ItOSTETTKK'S KITTEKS? Why npproach the dinnfcr t4ble daily with a pos itive disgust lor all (bat ia savory snd dclic-ous. when a a vigorous apietiie for even the plainest fare is created by tbo use of IIOSTETTEH'S BITTEli'S? Is it wise to live in this brlgbt world as If it were a dungeon, gloomy, discontented snd miaera b'.e, when the worst case of hypochondria can be cored in a week by neb a plcnsaiil'iinil vhotesoine exhilarant as HOdTETTEU'S I51TTEE8? Can it be possible that any person of bilious babit will run the risk of remittent fcCcr or bilijus colic, when bs c-io tone and regulate tbs irreiit ac cretive organ with llOSTETTElt'S JUTTEUS? Is it not a species of tnorul iusanity for any mi ner or planter in the interior, or any traveler i.r sojourner on tho placers, to be witbi ut the best known snlidotn to the elT.-cts of poisoned air aud impure water, llOSTETTEli'b MTTEUS . ' Considering tbe barrassing and doiiresaina; na ture of tbe functional derangements to wuicb wo man is subject, is it not astoi ishing that any in valid of tbe oobler sex should hesitate to sock the certain relief afl'orded In such eases, by tbo genial operation of HOSTETTER'S BITTERS? These are questions of deeper interest than any of the political dogmas of tho day, and ' those whom they eucern re invited to give thein somo thins more than a passing thought. '. Tbir celebrated medicine has won a deaurredly bigb reputation as an alleviator of poiri and a pre server of health. It bas become a household remedy, from the fact that It gives immediate sod permanent relief. It is a purely vegetable prepa ration, made' from tbe best and purest materials, safe to keep and to use lir every family. It Is recommended by physicuins anil persons of ali classes, and to-day, after a public trial of thirty years tbe average iit'o of inn it stsuds unri valled and unexcelled, spreading, its usefulness iver tbe wido world- Its Urgo and Increasing iile afford positive evidence of its enduring fame. Wo do not deem It ncaanry to any niach ia its fa vor, as one snyill bottlo will do more to conrinci ynu nf its efficacy tbun alhthe'' advertisements in 'he wmld. Oivo it one fair trial, and you will not ho without it for ten times ita cost. Direction accompany each potthv. - - . Sold brail Drucilst. Price -'5 ts ifl tt.. and $f prHofctle, ' saSasawaasaiaaakMwsmeMsassaswa A D V J5 11TI S E M E N TS; THE SINGER" NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, WITH ATTACHMENTS FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK. IS FAST WIXNIXO FAVOKS IN THIS HOUSE. llULU. AM MIMWN UY TUH HAI.KS OF LAST YKAH, AMOUNT!'! TO KIUIITY SIXTHOUSAND.SEVli.V IIU.NDUKU . ANI KIiillTY-ONK MACHiXHS, WHICH FAR KXC'KUDTMOSU OF ANY OTHER t'OMPAXY! This new FAMILY MACUIXK i capable of s rnnga and variety of work ucb us wa ibongbt iiiipofaiblv. a abort lime sgo, to porform by iuu cbinory. U'o rlulm. and can show iboe wliOin it may concern, tbnt it is the ulieapeil, moat beaull-lul.- doliuaiely srrangud, nicely sdjuated, i-saily p vratud, and amootbly running ol all the fnmiiy Sewing Machines. It l ruuinrkabU, not only r llie rmige and varluly of ila sowing, but also fir Ih. variety aud difforutit K I.N US OF TKXTl HE h.lcli it will w with equal lartlily and pt-rfretios. uaing Silk Twist, I.lmm or 'iiou Thread, line or roarse. making ih I X TKR I.OC K E I) I; I, A STIC STITCH, alike on both silH of the f.ibrio town. Thus beaver cloiu. or leather, may be sown wllb great strengib or uiiiforiuity of stil -h, and In a moment tbia willing aud tKH-r weuryig insebine way bo adjusted for fioo work on gauce or gossa mer it'sue, or lbs tucking of larluian. or ru filing, oralmo-t any other work wlr.cti delli-ato lingers bavo bso known to perform. Purchasers ran soon be convlmv-d that our nsw Family Machine embodici XEW and essential j-ptineiplt.- snnpiieity of construction cose of op. r rat inn uinh.rinity ol I'lll.l J.r. action at any spred capucli - ,lor ruiige and variety of woik, Que or coarse, ieuving all rivals behind It. tiii: FOLIILHU -ami:h. Tbe Ntw Family Machine may Le bad In s va riety of foMlug covers and cnc. r-ouio show ia polished surlace only the grain and Hut of tbe Iwoud.-whllo libers are fiui.be l hi sil tbs eUbura- : lion of ail. Till ATT.it I13II-XT.H Kor Hemming. Felling. HuITlir.i;, liraiding, Bind ing. Cording, UatUcriB, lui.k.iig, Embroidering, and H. fvrtU, ire not only uuiuerous, but now bri-ubt arcat .rfcliou. l"Sl ol them ran , l-e aiiarlidl ordoU-rbed by a simple move uf the band. Ifaxi nualiljr ! tbe work tan only be fully appleeialed on observation and caalolnalion. 31 A IIIXi: TWINT, LfXI XTIIKl; 1. Kl'OoL t'OTTOX, OIL, Jtv. We have and shall tiwp In st.trk at owr Ctntral O.Ti-c, and Az-ncis. ou sinxils of various sflea.) jTwist f all sixrs and colors, Linen Tbrsad. p.Md Cuiln. O.I, and all i.lh. r arJclcs n.-essary in Ihe ue of our machines. We wlb It nndcr.timd ibat we manufactsrethe Twist sold by u ; that we shall alia io bats It es col ia quality and escecd in Uanlity, fur a ifivea crtec, tLat of ntbrr rr.sunfaclureis. and Ibat Ike Twist luiauc I't us ia ourncw au-t etunsir, mi: Is, upp'.k'd ss ll.' T uta wilb the mo.t approved nia cloii.ry and skilii ' labor csn be rclird on for lbs ulijb.e ipia lli-s of onll. im l.r f evenness, Knytb ul tnr..l as niaracd uu cacb rp.pl, trrgtb, ZccHeure of color, anj tc.mr uf Snisb. the sif.cia kanufacturikg co.. S, l:t:ii '.iW.tY. XKW YOHK. SA.i rr.AXCiJ'Ci UWV.. I2 Montgomery St. 2stCul lif. PRIVATE MEDICAL AID QUICK CL'HES AND MOUEP.ATB tTIAP.UEf. Dst. v.. K. ioiii:kty,m PP.iyATE K-GiCAL SUa SURGICAL INSTITUTE I actauieolo direct, brlow Muutifvmrry, oppe si.e tlie I'acifie il til Meamt bip Com pany'a OCice, I'uvate eutxaueo uu lA-idcsdorfl strett, tuu I raueuco. h'ltiiLllil.td t-rpreuly In vffrd lit ajJUeltd tumd ia-r.'Hiiyie afseMf ttd in ike ticutm0H$ und esr, alt i'rirnif owl C'Area (' lli'tuitt, eosrs e.Vrere cy ud ail Seuat . JjigorUcri. to tiii: ae-'fmcted: K. W. K. IiOHERTV UKTL'HXS HIS SIX cera Ihsnka to bia ntuit-rous paiicnia for tbeir patronage, and would luke tb's uppurtunity to remind them that be eunllouca to euusnlt at bis Iastiiute for the cure of chrouio diseases of tbe Lungs, Liver, Kidneys. Oigcdive and Ucnito-L'ri-oary Organs, and aii private diaca.es, viz . Syph ilis iu alt its form and stages, tmiuul Weakut.-, aud ail ti.e horrid conequo-ices of solf-abnse Gon orrbeca, li'.cd. Strictures. Nocturnal and Diurnal emissions, siesnal liehility. litscusc of ibe llock aod Loins, Inflammation of the Bladder and Kid neys, etc., etc.. and be hopes ilmt bis lng experi ence and successful practice will continue to iusure him a share. of public patronage. T-y tbe practice of many years in Europe sud I bo United States, bo is enabled tu apply the most efficient snd sua cettful remedies against disease of all kinds. He nses no mercury, charges moderate, treats bis pa tients in a correct and honorable wa;, and has rofcreucee of unquestionable veracity from men of known respocUhility and bigh standing in soci ety. All parties consulting him by letter orutber wise, will receive tbo best and gcutlcat treatment, and implicit secrecy. To Female.' When a female ia in trouble, or afflicted witb disease, as weakness of the back and limbs, pain in the bead' dimness uf sight, loss nf muscular power, palpitntbm of thu benrt, srritnbility, ner vousness, extreme urinary dilllcultifs, derange ment of digestive functions, gcnerrl debility, va ginitis, all diseases nt tbe womb, hysteria, sterili ty, and sll other diseases peculiar to females; she sliyuld go or write at once to thu celebrated female doctor, W. K. Dnherty, nt his Medionl Institute and consult bim abuut bor troubles and disease. The Dootor is effecting more cures tbun any other physician in tbe Stale of California. Let no falre delicacy prevent you, bat apply immediately and savs yourself from painful sulforings nnd prema ture death. A'.l Married Lad'.es whose delicate health or otber circumstances prevent an inerease in tbeir fauilies, should write or call at Dr. W. K. Dohorty's Medical Institute, and they will receive every possible relief and help. The Doctor's oni ees are so srrunged that bs can be conaultsd with out fear of observation. To Correavsomdent. Patients residing in sny purt uf the State, how. ever distant, who may desire tb opinion and ad vice of Dr. Doberty in their respective eases, and who think proper to submit a written statement ol sucb, in, preference to holding a personal interview, are respectfully assured tbat their communication! will be bcld most sacred aud confidential. If tbe case bo fully and candidly described, per sonal communication will bs unnecessary, as in truotions for diet, regimen, nnd tbe general treat ment of the esse (including the remodics), will be -orwsrded without delay, and in sueb a mannerjis to convey no ides of tbe purport of ths letter r pares so transmitted. Consultation by letter or itberwise, rnss. Permanent euro euarsnteed or no pay. Addsas, W. K. D0I1EUTV, M. I).. Sun Francisco, California.' ' ' Spermatorrhoea. " Br. DoncRTY bas just published un important pamplet embodying bis own views and experiences m relrtiou to Impotence or Virility, being a short 'reatiso on Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness Vorvous and Physical Debility consequent on this Viffeotlop, nnd other diaves of tbe Sexual Organs. . This little work contains information of tho ut most value to all, wbotber married nr. single; snd will be tent FRKE by mail on receipt of six cent B postage stamps for return postage ' Address, W. K. DOHEUTT, M. D'.. v3n88tf t " Sau Francisco, Cali. THE. UXDFUS10SED. HAS A QUANTITY ef Brick fur Sale in Albimy, and is also pre' pared to do all kinds of 'trick. Laying on tbs shortest notice and in the very bust manner, nllsv ' B. Y. CirjfPIFF. AXrVEKTlSEMENTS. STORE ATJ.EBANQN I A. COWAN fc CO., Prop'M. S. n. C1AUGHT0N, Ag-oat. Fresh Stook Just Reoeivtd! JZJRr GOODS! GROCER.IES ! CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS! Boot and Mltoe t GLASS AND QUEENSWARE ! Iron, Hardware, 4.C. IVAiea wi'H all b DUpotd of mt Allany Pr'ftil PJIODUCE TAKEX POR OOODfll seJvintf. A. COWAX k -(ya NOT COUNTY CLEItK! ' net CLERK OF THE DRUG STORE! 0-. .A.. HILL, WITU 1Z. Ow Hill &C fSoiie Will take plcssnre in waiting on the m e-ly witb Drags, Kodiclnos, Paiati, Oils, Dys stuffs, Glass, Varotshos, Putty, Perfatnery, raney Soaps, Combs, Crushes, &c. J7,-v'bvsiclon Prescriptions rarefolly Com pounded. Croors fn all time of night. T'tr Orders from tbo Interior promptly atu-arfsd v.1n4ltf 10,000 ISTOCK or GENERAL MERCHANDISE ! Now being avid to. close busiuesa, eunaUtinz Sf DRY GOODS1 Clothing, Boots and Shoes, S 13 K Is F II A It 1 IV A K E Of nearly every dessrlbtkn ; SHOVELS. SPADES. MILL Su CROSS-CUT SAWS. IRON & STEEL! A large assortment; Ir.n A sir. Tbimbl Skeins. IllBcbamilb Tools, As., Ac. ALL TO BE SOLD AT COST. Albany, Sept. 17, 187. JOHK COXXER. So29v1. AGENTS WANTED. X0W r.KAIY: THK MOST WOXUKKI VI. BOOK OF TUB Miirienh Ce:iiu:y. A forb.ua Bo---k for fori, out People, and a o..d Book fur veryons i PLAIN HOME TALK MEDICAL COMMON SENSE, BY K. 11. FO0TE, II. I. IF.Vor WAN'T TO KNOW tb effeels of Sex oal Htarvaib-n. Pruitiiutina t'-niir enre n one band and Vice en tbe other; if yon wai.t to know how to bave Heallby ajabies, how tu Keep llicoi Ileallby, bow to tirow up lieahhr. aud die only of Ud.t'ti if y'U want to baw sll sbool Coionton r-enso Iteinedies, Eleotriotir, Animal Majnttisin. and who belwva in it; if you wantte know ail I'iseases peculiar to Wouiru, lo liirl bood. to the Maiden. 1 tbe Wife aod ilotber Bead Private Words t- Women." IF VOL WAXT TO KNOW Valuable Hints to tbe t'MMtc.s, IIW to Ovrreonia Darrcnness, bow to Become s Father, bow to B. route a Jloib er; If yon wnt to know all lb-.ut Iiiavascs Pecu liar to mto. tbeir Xuiuie and Treatment, Impo. tenry. r-eininat Weakness, Ac; if you want to know all about lbs Urinal Organs. Cause of their Ili'Erace. tbeir lufliienre on llevelopment.on Wo man and Civi'ixation : if you waot to know all about Marriage. Its History. Polygamy and Mon ogamy, Polyandry and Free Love if yu wrant to know the Philosophy of Elopements, Adapts, lion in .Mtrriajre. philosophy of Child Marking, how to Perfect .Marriage, and a Thousand Tliinrs mnrr fMl,H'kd lffr; BKAD UllS WONUElt FL'Li HOOK. . SOLO 0I.LY BY SUBSCRIPTION, Send for Circulars and Terns to 4. Zs. BANCnOPT & CO., sep!m3 San Francisco, Cal. , on. c. notvE's ELE0TEI0 PAIN BELIEF. " GRAXD- MASTER OF PAIN AXD DIS EASE ! It is the most wonderful Medicine in tbe World fur all internal and external diseas es. It is truly that-great secret of Nature, ; Vegetable Electricity. One trial will ennvinee the akeptio of its angle power. DR. C. HOWE'S Oeneral Offli-e, 423 Washington Street, Snn Francisco, California. Oa Dollar per Bottle. seSOnTmS. ALBANY I OLIVDR V ! , SND ' ALBANY, OREGON." A. F. CHERRY, PROPRIETOR. MASUFACTCItlllOT - STEAM ENGINES. ' GRIST AND 8AW-MIXT.S. i REAPERS AND THUESnEJlS. ( , ,- WOODWORKING MACHINERY. PUMPS; Ac, Ac. Ac, Ac Ac. . Maohinsry ol all kinds ; i , . REPAtnrn DID BHOST NOTICE ! PATTERN MAKING Done - in All Its Various Forms ! ! I EON AND BRASS CASTINGS '', . or All Kinds, Mads to Order I , ' Dse.5-6ST4nlnyl. . . A. F. CHERRY. a- vinfi it t,i a is ii k a t s . RATES OF TOLL, ovs tn WILLAMETTE VALLEY AND CASCADE 3 CCS- TA1.1 WACOS EOAD. To Deschsttei Hirer, 4-hori or mule toam, ft ,66 To To To 2 1 . M . OS tenrn. 3 yoke ....... every oji!iti;nttl yoke., loots borsss, per hesdu ' ' cattle, ' -slnwp or bK, " .pack sn!mals, loaded... " " unpatk'd horse and rider To To To To To To To Teams rctuminj empty, half pries. To Fisn Liss: 4-borss or mule Usai,sacb way. .... 3 0!) ...... M....... I It, 44 4 . M f Pank animals, loaded " ' " unloaded, - Horse and rider " 0 team, yoke m To Urriia Sa Hrsiso . 4-borso or mule tram, out and back. .". 3 !'0 2 " " i " ......... S u 1 " " - " " ........ 1 00 Hone and rider - i ......... &C liuott animals, ' " " ......... Si Ox teams the same s bora teams. J A HON WHEELER, I'res't. Jas. Ei.kiss, See'y. , April 22, 170. i'jbZM PITENCII irlEDICAIs OFFICE. DR. JULIEN PERRAULT, Doctor of Medleiao ef tio racnlty of I Paris, Graduate of tne university Qncon's College, and Physielatl of tho lit. John llartiato Socictv of San Fran. bt. Join Baftisto Society of Saa Fran' CISCO. I a. IV.nmi'l.T bas tbe pleasore lo Inform pa tients atd others seeking rouSdenUal medical ad vice that be can beoonsulled daily atbuoff.ee. Ar mory Hail Du.iding, North Eel corner ot i'.oat loiuery and Saeraim Bto alrerts, rn 1'ranrieo. Rooms Nns. 9. 1 IT, 11. flrsl H "r, op stair, entrance on either M'Mityoioery -r Sacramento sirees. Da. I'AtiitAri.r's studies huvel(.-n almost exclu sively dcvnled t-i tbe cure of Ibe various forms of Nervous aod Physical Delnlity. the result of inju rious bal'ils acquired in youib, wbk-b usually ter minate in iiepotcacc aod siurUiiy.ao.1 pcrajaoent ly Induce all tbo c.tir..r,ilni.l of old Vi'brr. sern-t infirmity exists in olvineth happiness oi a life and (hat of others, reason sod morality die tat ibe nvrrssiiy ol ila oii.val, f-r it is a fa.-t tbat premature deeltne of tbe visor of manhood, matrimonial unbaT.nine.s. eompulrory single lite. ele bave tbeir sootces in causes, the enn ol 1 wbicb is planted in early life, and tbe bittrr fruit tasted lot k afterward; patients, laboring nndrr Ibis complaint, wilt eotuplain of one or mote of the following symptoms : Norlurnal missions. Pains in tbe i'erk and Head. Weakness of Memo ry and riigbt. Dischaae from tbe L'relbra .a go. ing to sts. ot saakiiK waU-r. Intellcclnal Fucut tiea are W.akvued, L"ss ot Memory ensues, ldesa are rinnded, anS tbera is adisinelinaiion to attend lo business, or even to r'-sdmif. writing, or ibe society of friends, etc. Tbe p:iet.t wilt probably complain of ZMuiness, Ttert'f. and that slight j and Heating are weakenel and sleep disturbed oj-'. dreams ; melanrboly, sixbius, palpilatioo. fa.oi- ini;s. coughs and slow fevers ; while aouie bare! exiertial vueuiaetie pain, and numbness of the body. Home -f tbe most romosou symptoms are pimples iu tbe fsee, and aoiiinic iu UtCortot parts i of tbo body. Patient sullerii.n from titia disca.e. should apply immediately to Dm. 1'r.enx t LT.cii her in prrsoo or by letter, as be will gneraolee a ura! of riemiual bu.Uaious and luspotence io six or eijtbt wt-ekr. I'atirnu suScrinf fcra veneriaJ disease In any; stage, tiuiiorfbea. t.lret. flriclitnra. Bubo, t'lrvrs. ! Cotane-ma Krupiinns, etc . wjiil.e ireated sarews-j fully. All r-'ypbilitic and Ucrcarisi Taints cutire- f !y rvtavved from tiii sjstcni. J Da. 1'estiAtLT's uipb.mas are in his offer, i. wl.er palu.nl ean see lor tlutmsclves tbat itK-y j are umlcr tbe care of a regularly educated pructi-' II .iirv. The best ret-rcnces .vn if required. Patients sutTVriojr under cbr-nic li-ase. ran call and cxaaaioe for themselves. We invite in vestigation; claim not to know erery'bine;. nor lo core everybody, but we 3o el tw tbat in asl rases taken under treatment wa fulfill our proosi.es. Ws partienltt.ly reuel fbose WW hare tried this boasted doet-r. and tbat advertited pbyaieiaa, till sum out and discoararad, tmcw spun r.s. . Lw thnrres and quick cures. I.sdias aulf-rin; C-um auy complaint ineidsntsl to tbeir sex, ran cuaiult tue dire tor with tbs assur snea of rlicf. - Female Monthly Pills. Ia. PeuKsi i.T ia tbe only atnt in Califnrn'a for it. Itiorr'a Female Slsalbly Pil.e. Their immense sale has established their trputalion as a fvinale remedy, unappr ached and fas In advance of every oilier remrdv fur suppressions and ureal ulariiira. and utber el'struetiona In f "males. On tbe receipt uf Cvs dollars, tbeis Puts will be sent by mail or express to any part of tbe world, se cure from curiosity or dsras;. Persm.a at a distance ear. be eared at home, by addressing a tettsr to Da. PsaasfLr, corner f Socratneotn and Montgomery street k Hooms 10 nd 1 1. or I.ox tl'.l. P. O., Ian Francisco. Hating tbe ease aa minuuly as possible, general babit of lirinr, occupation, etc.. elf. All communications confidential. - Junr.yl L. casaOLS, a. rassDLB, 13s Clay sU. Saw Fran siseo, California. Front t, Albany, 0s. R. CHEADLE & CO. GOODS RECEIVED BY EVERY STEAMER marcT FROM SAN FRANCISCO. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS ! That I will attend to a GENERAL CQMlViiSSION BUSINESS! IX SAN FRANCISCO! IN ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE j TSAr MAT SE COXSXGXED TO SIB FOR SALE ! Wheat Taken for Goods or Cock Accounts! 60 Cents per Bushel. Oats 30 Cts. per Busliel L. CUtiAULrJ, or Albimy, will attend tu all orders on business In tbe produce trade , that may i sent from Albany to me,- -0cPr5n8m8 . It. CHEADLE. UEAI. ESTATE. STITZEL & UPTON, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, GENERAL AGENTS. BRANCH OFFICE-Albnuy, Orccn J. C. MENBENUAtL, Affent: t An offioe whero ceneral information concenrtnj tho resources of Oregon can bo obtaied rte oj Loans pcgotiablo on first roortgiigo, seal eatsti and eollaterat soourlty. - v - Have for sale a large amount of pmpe rty loca ted ill the towns of Albany, Brownsville aud Csr vallis. Also, 60,000 aeros of furminfr lands of evr Jcscription in Linn, Benton and Polk counties. v. Persons desirinc to sell tbuir.property Incnr a expense in placing it in our bands for snle unlv a sale is made. Call st our office iu PnrriVVi hrick, where wo have a team in readinSss to eon vey parties to view our lands. J. C. ME'JENHALL, Asoht. vjsJiyl. Albany, Oivgpw A U V JbJ III 1 6 K M E M T S . GRAND AWARD OF . PREMIUMS I IN AID OF TIIF, NT5VAIA SCHOOL DIS TRICT, NEVADA CITY, CALIFORNIA. V- PAlCTlAfs l.tfrfl 1 Premitim, Goll Cola 1 FretMum, Gold Cola 6.009 3.00O a,oov x.ooer i,oea 1,009 1,000 z.ooo zoo too tX Fremtnm, Oold Coin 1 Creoaluim, ueid com 1 Prominm, Cold Coin 1 Tromnmt Gol4 Coin 1 Premitizn, Gold Coin' X Premium, Gold Coin Piefflitifla, Gold Coin" . . 10 Premiums, Gold Coin, oasb 10Prsmiums,Gold Csia, each iru, Kessoo Tickets, to tbs Uranc Kair, i commas e- , log Oct. Z'tbV'wM bt Sold at $2.a0 eaeb. Treasnrer, Bank of Nevada Cunaty. ' 21i,O0y rrctirlama, smoantinK tV fSB.DCO. will bs swsfdeil ts tho holders of season tiehi-tsr' For refereoc! ws roTtr yotr to SHiy sftissa ef Nevada City, Cslitornia. Responsible stents wanted. t.if!srs. sVm:mfs slons allowed. For fall paft)cuVrs sad tort sV agents, Addrsss P.. L. GRINiAjf, reeretVry, . seta4in2. I.vsdS Cll, CsX' Ajent at Atbstry, OVelgen NEW FIRM. ' E. iJoiM. LI CARTER HAVING PURCHASED TUB entire interest of J. B.-Comley io ths Plan- X Hiil known ns "t omley A Dness ' Mill, ia ths eity of Albany, the business wiU be evotinasd at tbs saio plaer, y , . , & CARTER, ' wuo nft'"' 1 T iT'"it a'tent'on business, snd ! honorable dealings with tbeir customers, to merit a share of pcV.ie pa:ruat;e. Persons wanting anytbine in our line are Invi ted to rail and s ns st our pi aro of business, wbsrs tbey will always find some ons to attend to th-ir wants at abort notice. DOORS, SXHZZ, rrlOULtHXGM, s. Always on Xlaad. Call and see us. 1UI03 A CAP.TEB. jni;2vin43tr THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR WHEAL I WILL ISIVE 70 CENTS PEE BUSHEL for good wheat, snd the rise notil JantiarT t. is"i. e. c artwright; Albany. Sept. 23 1ST0. MJlf. THE GEEAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Jta In!albe SLOOa P(.-atSMCB. leg rare toxic and xebvuz properties : a certain enra for misclisaxibx. eoinra REiaSLCll, end all kindred Diseases. It completely restores the ayatem when fm paired by diaeSEe, revives t&e action of fhm' SIDIEV mm lehtal oacus. radl. cally carta casosrsrijs. sslt aanm.' and aU Eacrms sai ci.-vsssous IMs.' ssscs, gives Irn mediate and pennanant scllet Is DTsr Erst A. EaTiircLAi, Tumors,' Bolls, Scald Head, TTlcera and Sores; eradl-' eates from the system all tracesof UereasiaC Disease. Ittsvs.-aiEi.-7 VECF.Ttni.e.Iieing'madei' from an herb found indigenous in r.nSsri. tt la therefore peculiarly suitable for use by Females snd Children, as a slood wi:3li- aTICSt sW BCXOVSTOS. ' For Sale by all Druggists. CDtK&TOtt. KQSTeTTCa &CO. AGENTS, ' 629 and 531 Uaxhat Strssjt.' tSsa Frasclase. TIE 17SI7 POOD. 5 ISst- ZT'R ir -fcll.. '-rf. . . . A t. es: For a few cents you can buy of your Grocer or Druggist a package cf SEA MOSS FASINE made from pure Irish Hoss or Carrageeu, whiclj. will make sixteen quarts of Blanc Mange, and a like quantity cf Puddings Custards, Creams, Charlotte Busse, &c It is the cheapest, healthiest and. most delicious food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. . . . ' " a sss . A Glorious Change! I ' THE GREAT WORIsD'S TONIQi Plantation Bitters. . This wonderful vegetable storatiTe is the sheewincbor or the feeble and debilitated;" As a tonic and cordial for the' aged and languid, it has no. equal among stomachics As a remedy for ' the; nervous wealtaess to which women are especially sub Sect, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropi cal, temperate, or frigid if acts, as a specific in every, species of disorder which iintfermiises the UUUil J BlllU0,.a wuu sa cas . v ww mm the animal spirits For' sale-by all druggists." y,-:::':'' .'IM' BLAXK weeds, or tho latest "sa approved foro, fcr sale It this cfSmtr. TVsrrav i aud Mertgags - ' . :'"'. f Jl , . - .'-'. s3 " y si t b! g 3 .ax r -