The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 30, 1870, Image 3

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    'A.vrjr- V-"? :f. f '.'Sr-V'? 'J?w:;t..vrl
She jPtrnwrat.
t Ocb UiiLEnAD It. We accepted a seat
ir Charlej Roggers vehicle. l"t .Tuesday,
ahd made a Short visit to Jefferson and the
scene of the railroad work. The grading is
completed to Jefferson, and about two nun
-Ired men were at work just back of the
town in'clearinj up the depot ground and
makinz switch tracks for depot rurpo-ies.
Tie pici'aVutments and false work for the
Santiam bridge are all completed, ana ev
erjthing is read for the putting in of the
I - bridge spans, which we learn are in process
W instruction !at East ' Portland. The
steam pi1 driver is at work on this side of
the river, and hsd completed about one
fgiudred jard of i piling up to Tuesday
-evening. There aro over a half mile of
piles to be driven at that point, extending
XiuvaUif riser to the grade cuaith of the
Xebanon road, and it is expected that it will
iake three weeks yet to complete that work,
These piles will average, for the on tire dis
lance to be piled, aliout 18 feet high, and
CtKfre being pttt in xery carefully and solidly
iyihe operators. ...
. Grading- is progressing at a rapid rate
bouta mile this side of Jefferson, and
about a half mile of a high grade has al
ready been completed. " There are about
200 graders at work at this point, with a
large number of wagons, carts and scrapers,
-and the scene which they present is truly
lively and inspiring to our "railroad hank
ering" spirits.
Later Yesterday (Thursday) a large
number of .graders passed through this city
en route for the "100 mile stake," to begin
operations on rte grade and work north to
meet the road builders coming south. This
a puts workmen on each sid of our city," and
is another assurance dial Ilolladay "means
business" in his assertion that he will have
, lh o hundred cnilee of the railroad com
pleted by the first of January. We believe
that the iron borse will slake his thirat at
, an Albany rater tank by the timeChriKtmas
conies dancing into existence.-
v ffn iT IS t? Th Erf aaeaber of the daily
D-.macmt cava to han-l ia due tins ; tho remain -jog
another for the week, ia CMinpaay with the
weekly of Friday, alt fell coehaock' into the
Jerrnry bin no Sunday morning. How' that ?
aUm. Jlenury,
Br, Upton, there's something rotten in
Deli mark! Wis mallei our dailies regular
ly every morning last week to the Portland
and Saleui papers; and we now learn that
tfiey never left the Albany post office until
our weekly was issued - on Friday. And,
what in uy re aggravating, we print our jmi-
" 'per'every Thursday so that it will reach
tnoat of the) subscribers in the valley on pub-
icatiun day (where there are daily mail),
but we find that the Albany Register, whic
is issued a day later, reaches its destination
, from one to three davs earlier than the Now this grievons wrung upon
as and our subscribers has been repeated
until fortiearaace lias ceased to be a virtue
and we are inclined to raie a whirlwind
about somebody's' cars. We are loth to
licliere that the fault lies with our own
pmt office, and we would fain charge the
biameVpbn some mure remote official, but
"'the thing look like there was something
j wrMig very near home. 31 r. Freelaud, the
poat master, who has been absent from his
post of duty for several weeks past in con
'equcnce of ill health, we have ever found
prwmpt, obliging and attentive to LtiMuess,
and we are satisfied that he would not coun
tenance or tolerate carelessness or culpable
si'eglect in the post office, and it may be that
there has been none in his office, but the
fa nit rests somewhere, anf we respectfully that the wrung be corrected as soon a
Josille. It ia a wrong to our patrons and
&a injury to our business wheu our paper
avr delayed beyond the necessary time re
quired in their transmission to their destt
najionatid we ask that we have an equal
show with ether papers in the State in the
suatter of traionjiiiun through the mails.
-3JcsiroRi..i$ Mextiox. The daughters
f'Mr. S. M. Pennington, of this eunty,
took $14,50 in premiums at the County Fair
jr articles of industry and beaut v inside by
their own hands. If the thousands of (ftberj
families in Linn county would have done
correspondingly as well, the Pavilion would
not have presented so meagre an appearance
last week. Alraont every family could bring
at least Vi article of interest or merit to
our Fair each rear, and if this were done
the -Paviiioo1 would- contain three thousand
curiosities instead of the few hundreds
t wliieh tb last Fuir presented - Let the
young ladies of Old Linn go to work now,
nd in the leisure moments and long
evenings ofj the eooiing winter-tbey- can
prepare many useful and beautiful things
for oar next County Exposition, and make a
showing on that occasion which will, rival
any State Fair ever held in Oregon. ' They
ji.ajf Jthsj talent an4 the resources all they
- want is the energy and confidence to bring
'f3tbeni Into requisition. : W Ztk V.'ilsX ZZH'il-
.,,"Ts suinmer Is post, and the harvest is
' ended," and a large number of our subcri
liera are yet in arrears for tbeir paper.
Would they regard it as impertinent if we
'would again suggest to their memory the
fact that we arc entitled to pay for our work
' and,wiuJd regard if as a very particular fa
Tor ifthey' would ''come mid see' tis?" It
is no joke, but a "horrible renlitv." that
we-want-our money.' li this eonticction we
desire to thank those who have already so
promptly responded to ' our gentle request
T6r tdIngbats'r "and "'cheerfully liquidated
their indebtedness r,f
. Jousx s mstic. We have received the
"first4 number Of " tho Salem Daily Visitor,
, poblished by J. Henry' Browne. There are
' ''now threo dailes in Salem.' The Roscburg
Platndeaier is enlarged, and new presents a
, JiesyilJifatiOppearance.- The Salem , Daily
Statesman is also considerably enlarged.
"Beriah, Brown is editing the Olympia Stan-
dard; &ni says he is' ''happier in editing a
' provincial paper than a metropolitan jour-
.. 'Mi 'sir:' . ' i
" Hobt it A Rukawat. Last Tuosday a team
of Mri Nl Bond, of lb i county, .ran away, and
throwing "himielf and his wife oat of the wagon,
they were both badly injured.
' Mvltcm is Pasvo. Capt. Humphrey ia
through enumerating the census of Linn
county, and as soon as his report goos
through the regular routine of f'red tape"
and tho metropolitan papers, ws hope to be
able to give our own readers come statistics
from it.
Jacob Norcross," Esq., is over front Ocho-
cn, and reports everything flourishing in
that part of the world.
Mr. S. M. Uoldrcdgo, Gus. Wheeler, and
several other gentlemen called this week.
Geo. Young andJJohn Irving, both of this
eity, have been very ill with typhoid fever
for somo dnys past, but we are glad to hear
they are recovering. ,
Tbikves About. We would caution our
citisens to look out for sneak thieves, as du
ring the past week several eyvprodations
have been committed by them in our city.
Last Friday night n watch was stolon from
Mr. Croue's barkeeper, as also a couple of
nights later an overcoat was stolen from one
Of our hotels. Marshal Long has eiignged
the services of two extra policemen, and
every precaution is being taken to "nip"
tho scoundrels, but in the meantime it
would lie well fir our citizens to guard
aguinst their villainous depredations. A
few doses of lead pills, judiciously admin
istered, would bo the surest preventive
against their diiHtnrdlv nets.
-no ..jr. nm. tally, ot (his city, was out
in the wood hunting, he in some unknown
manner to himself, accidentally discharged
his gun and the . whole load of shot went
through the center of the left band, leavine
a hole a large as a two-bit piece and lacer
ating the entire hand in a terrible manner.
Urs. Tate and Golden, who drced the
wound, were forced to amputate tho third
finger of the band in order to properly treat
the wound. It is believed that the hand
will hereafter be useless.
Gojft wito the Ciact's. We are inform
.1 . ........ 1 . I .
" - iuT woo uas tor some
weeks been doing house work at the St
Charles hotel in this city, went away with
one ol tlie attaches of the Circus lut Satur
day night. She has very re-spcctnble rela
lives residing near llarrisburg in this coun
ty, who will feel deeply chagrined at her
disgraceful conduct, as it is believed that
be allowed herself to be persuaded into this
fatal and ruinous step l.y tl.o false represen
tation of uer pretended admirer.
Balloi JIojTULr Maoazisk roaOcrosss.
Tb appearance of Ballou's Magiino for 0. tobr
nruaada u that tb ircoioja aru growinjf lunger
aud that th Ki.plo wilt rvad to orruiy tbeir lai
uro himr. ueb a masaxiao a liallua'a U
jast what i wanted at tbe firo-ide. ItcoaUiiiaM
many atories, ao much poetry of real mvrit,
an.I ao many eagravuirs of iatarvat, and all for
per year, that w do not wondt-r at ila cir
culation being tbe large uf any magaiiao ia the
rounlrr. It l for sale at all Deriudin.1
Thome A Talbot, 63 Congroui ain-et, Uoatun, aro
th puklubers. ' . , . .
' StNATOSIifc A.VDl.Ali;t BAL Bil.L. TllCre
was a prand ball at Heed's Opera Ibwise,
Salem, last Tuesdav, i : honor of the Sen
atorial election and the inauguration of our
Stateofficers, and we learn that it was the
finest social gathering ever held in Oregon.
We acknowledge tbe receipt of an invitation,
but our lip are so wore we can't dance, and
we remained in the bosom of our family
( to speak). . .
. '.'A D"c Our thanks are due to Mr., Wm.
ClmA r .1 . ,
prcnent Ol. a UalXJMue iSew
foundland purp, and we deaire here t state
that if any person should sink low in
......... iuiniuuo u it eieai mat purp we
shall deem it necessary to devote at leant a
column uf our choicest adjectives to bis
his (the thief s) memory, and shall ask tbe
consent of his mourning family to write bis
epiiapn. ;- . -
; Kxif IBIT. The exhibit of tho receipts and
expenditures of the Linn County Fair foots
up a follows: Receipts Gate fees,
$ 1. 332.37; entry fees, 200,12; license fee.
S3CD.73; total receipts, $1,908,21. Ex-
penditures are not all paid, but will about
absorb the amount of receipt, so that tbe
Association will eome out about even on this
year's Fair. "v y T"
W heat Market. Qur latest advices from
oan rrancisco indicate an advance in the
wheat market, as dealers there are paying
from $1.70 to $1.80 per 100 lbs. The high
est price now offered by buyers iu this mar
ket is 70 cents per bushel. - . i-.'.
Ooi.i Cois, Gold Cois. Tbo retponsibility snd
high standing of tb partica conducting tbe Grand
Premium fsir Ss a guarantee of .sneeesii and fair
dealings. Tbe largo number of , Premiums (half
as many as there are ticket) U highly favorable
to purchasers. See advertisement ia anotfier eo -
an. ; . CMcndenhall I agent iu thii city.1. ,
Col-xtt Superintendent. By reference
to'our advertisements it will be seen that
t.'.e office of T. J. Stites, our Ccunty School
Superintendent, is located at llurrisburg.
Persons having business with biiu will
please lar this in mind. ;-...!
; Tab Mao.vic MikBoa comes to us now as
a weekly paper; of- 1G' pages," beautifully
printed and ably edited. - We cannot under
stand bow "any MuSon "on ' the'. Pueific coast
can do without the Mirror, A. Carothers is
agent for it in this city.-' ''
Personal. The Legislature took s recess
last Friday until Monday noon, and Hons.
Geo. It. Helm and W. F. Alexander spent
a short season among their friends in this
city. They report oceans of work ufore
tho Legislature yet. !; ';' '; ,T
- Godet, (the pride of the ladies) for Octo.
ber is at hand, and contains informntion'of
peculiar importance to the fair sex of Amer
ica. Send S3 to L. A.1 Godey, Philadel
phia, and become a reader ol the finest mag
azine in the world. . .'v. -t,j
Goxg Feom Oue Gaze. Our genial friend,
0. I. Tompkins, has changed bis rendez
vous to'IIarrishurjr, and we hope the deni
zens of that fair city will "deal with him
kindly." - "
ii 31 -' . ' : -"'' ;vf.M-rr"'f
",StTEVET0B8 , have leen . at work : nnj the
Bi,wer' Bnr above town this week, and have
also taken observations iir the improvement
of the river between here and Salem, .-. , H '
Salem Oil. G. F. Settloraier, Druggist;
First street. Albany, is sellinz Salem Lin.
seed Oil at 1.30 per gallon.
Council Proceeding.
TCBKtlAT KVKNtKn. fi.Dt ST. 1879.
Council mt.i Rollealleit. Present i Council
man Gradwoht, MoySr, Hill and Comley. 1
The Msysr being absent the Keoorder presided.
Minutes or previous laeeiing n-au and spproved
On motion adjourned to Most Wednosday even-
log, gent. a,t 7 hfl ,.., j
.. i . - A. K, ARNOLD, RoeonUr. j
, , ... . : WanaasDaY. Sept. 28, 1870.
Council mot pursuant to sdliuirntnent. ' Hnll
lied. 1'resonti Councilman Comlsy, My
and Bredwnbf."' , '' J l ; i
Mlsutet of previous treellne read snd approved.
Da motion the ' Rrerder- was' ordered to twit
thies notices for sealed bids for tbs building of a
lino on urosa aioiu street. I
On motion it ws ordered that tbs CounotU root
lh burin llouf to Mr. Uu Uuis. for, ono yssr.
with tbs provim that h osn buv th property at
his olTer, if the city ffents;U) Mil (b ino,;by tbs
On motion a eoinmittoa of thro wor sppolnt-
l. eonilnting or lllll. tlrsdwobl and Myor, to
purcbsse a lot, tr lUougbt advksibl,- and vport at
On motion a eommittos of two was appointed.
eoniistinic ur .Myr and I'oinluy, to sonrar with
th fonmsn of tU k'lroj Company, sod advlm
biia to kocp tbo engine in workioc 'ontsr. The
' property
oommiiic wm tak eliargs ot bo sara as etly
Oa motion It was ordsrsd that a pellorman bo
sppointod fr th tartn of on month, and Moaars.
Comtoy snd Urandwohl wr apuolutud to socuro
srvc r am a HHieemaa. - j -.v-s i
The follow ins bill wore luwod : A. Cnwan k
Co., $.7 ; Jobn Wa ton, i.00 A. N. Arnold,
9.14, i( Orria KubsrU, A. I'arkor A Co.,
Ou wotlun, dJ.'urnJ. r ; . " i
A. K. ARNOLD, Rerdr,
Th Question Settled. Tboa eminent men.
Dr. Jio. Clark, t'hjraiviau ti Uuen Victoria, and
1 r llucb Ilenneit. V jlhal ponaamptlon sn lw
cured. Ir. Vi ar knew th( when b diacoVrrcd
hi JUi a or Win. tr,, tni ,xpriouu
Da pri iu ewmctb of bu opinion.
. No doubia very crcditabta diaplay may ,b -peeled
ou tbgrund uf tb Agricultural Society
during Fair wevk, bat lbr i no bvw in vr about
llrvwnavill equalling tb a ). pl 14 aaaoilmenl of
good oa exb.buiou at WHEKLKlH HT0UK.
Tb ato k baa been eararully aelvetcd with an eye
to the waiils f all eto ( iwopl, and will well
repar th lima xendcf ia au ezaminalln.
When you want to buy. or look at good, or
talk err lb Deal go to WMEELEK'g.
. ' . i vSnHflyl.
OSes) No. 64 rront Street,
POtlTLAXD - - '' - OltESOX.
Special Collector of Claims.
A large amount of CITY and KAST PORTLAND
Proinrrtv for Sa'e.
Alao. IMfUuVKU KAltMS. and valusl.t onml-
tiraUid LA NO.-, luralcd ,io all, (arU oT tb
filalo. ' 1 i i . t . i t
Inrcimrnla in 11EAL ESTATE snd other
PKOI'EKTY. mad lur eorreapoKdritt.
CI.A IMS of all d' arriiina prwinp'ly oollerlvd.
IIL -.. au.l hruilhs lia l.
All kiml f "Kio.'Cu.l ao"d Oinfridj AjL-ncy
Panic, having FA KM fROpKUTY for sale will
ileae Turniah f tho sant Ui It
AliKXTS OK Tills OFFICE. Ia neb of the
prijeij..! CITIES and TOWXtJ of tbU STATE.
JallaAltlf . . "
Ni:.I.KI 1'ItOI'OM.kLM.
" . J ' ! XTJfec'"a'S Osrirr.
Citv nr At sav. 2. HT. i
Sealki yiiovoa.K i.s will ijk keckia.
e l at ihi DlBei op t 74 r. . of t$rirmbrr
:, 1S,0, f..r tb Snminr lf a .aewer un llroad
Albin airoet. I'laa and icc:nralins eo t aeea
at Ibe Recorder i-Oiee. - - ?
Tb Council rcacrr tb Iba riuht In reject anv
andsUbid., , .... A.S. AltXOLU. ,
In tbe Circuit Curt f tbe Stato of Ore-
Ifnn.for thai Coontvof LVpn j 3 I'rueit. Plaintiff. r. Jubn Pruett.
Defendant.; itit fr llivorve.- -r 1
T John I'rueit, iHifendant.
;o. : You are hereby reuuired ti aiiiwar in
to Circuit Court f tbe tilat ol Oregon for lh
County of Linn and anawer th complaint therein
Died aralnat yoa by th above named plaintiff
with lb Clerk f ! Couit. within lea days from
tb date uf ervic hereof up n yon, if served in
aaid I. inn county, or f aerved in any other coun
ty ia Ibe aaid Miat of Oregon, than within twenty
day from lb data of aen'te hereof upon yoa :
or if St-n-icS of tbi f amnion be made . upi.n" you
by publication, iben by tbe firal day of lb U-ria
of tbia Curt following iba expir(i-,o of aix weeka,
tb time prei-ribrr for publication; to-wit': tbe
fourth Monday in October. 170. And if yon fail
t anawur as reoeirvd. tb iilainlilT will Uk
jmli;ment for want thereof aealnat you and apply
to tn court at aail term Tor the relier demanded
is the said' jdaintilT .omt!iuC to-wil i for-1
judKment or decree diolviotr th bohH of" mat
rimony now exiatuix between aaid plaintiff and de
fendant, and for Suats snd diabnraementi of this
suit. ' ' , i . : . i ; K. II. CUAXOR.
Kept. LV.1S7B. . Aify for ITuV. ,
rrpi UISiH. . , . -Aliyinl
By urik-r of lion. 11 p ItoiaeJud- -Firat
publication Sep." 13, ISfdT " rt
T77 s "
3 I
-tVOB ,
Tuition (per Heaaion of 3 monlba,) from
$0 tb aeeordinfr tostudiss. :' ' -
cry. Bosrd. includine; tvmm, fuel and lights, $iQ
per scaaion (14 woeka). Waahiug, $j per scaaion.
; Tkuhs ; ' On-If in a.lrapoo . andj the other
half at the cloae of the aeaaion.
el6v6n6tf Vii A. FIN LEY, A. M
r , . ,,. , . 1'rvxidunt.
kJtliH I iiVlJivMJU I
opened a Livery and Feed Stable in tb
town uf; Lebanon, wbere I will be constmitlyt n
band to attend tu ihaCwauta iuf tbe -peoplu, .ssd
will j
Ban a lTaek from Albany to Lebanon and
Soda Springs, on Tncsday of Each Week.
All buaineif entruated to my caro will be prom pt
3'i 'i t ly attcndeil tH P ' 3 ; : iff
a0Ton4m3 W. B. L0?ACA.
,nI4at fn!ft(t0 ie.
a. f. c herrV, proprietor;
.b:iifi.s. i siw j
; 'i ' . i r.!' ,, . i-
.:,,),! .-r-!-H ,,.'( -i ; . . . r. v i i'.'rof
.'i MANUFACTURER or ... v., Si'
,V S T PUMJPS, Ac. Ac., Ae.ftAc. Ac.
Machinery of all kinds j
P A IT JE It M 'iM A K;I W O
Dons in
All , Its r-
Various Forms ! 1
-' 'i ' i .,,r,:-i i
or All Kinds, Hade to, Order I
"Why do rauHlluiles sulTi r yesr sfter yssr with
this dlslrusaing disease, which thoy know mnal
ultlmatuly toko them to tb grav l Tb raason
simply 1 that thoy bars nevor been abl to pro
cur a rllnbl'rmdy. Temporary rttitf ornlg
njjravntrt lh Hirn,
Tho diaeovcry ufa perfectly reliable and speedy
onr ha recently been made, and the luedluln
msy now b hml of A. CAH0T1IER8 4 CO., of
Ibia clly, who pre ai-lu proprietor. Tb I'll I'illt
hare been used by many n thla county, and In
nocnaohav tbsy fnttcd to alTrol s' rrtnanct
ttitrs.' Pant post pnld to any addrsi oa receipt of per oox. ntltf
.nrr,i .
( )' ) Trie;IlnlKlII'r;' ,
After tiiirtt vkmss trial,' la still reoslvfug th
moat unqualified Uatiiuouud to, it rlrtu( from
persons of the bigboatcbsracter snd rapouibllity,
Fhyaiciana of th Drat reapeelibilily,' mcorainond
it a a moat effectual preparation lor tb ex.ina
thmof )hmi. Jt i not uly tb beat ruinady over
known for llrui, Cuta, IJoroa Ac, bat for lys-
utry or Cbolura, ir any sort of bowel auuiplaiut'
ii w a reuiuay unaurpaaaed l-r ewciuney and r
pldity of action. In tb rreat oitica ot India,
slid other but slims tes. It has beuom th Hland-
srd Medirltie f.i all aucb cnmpluinU, a well as
for Iiyaiiciiaia. Liver eomi'laint. and other kln-
drvd ditorders. Fur Coujrbl snd Colds, Canker,
Aslhiua, and Ithrumatio difficult!. It bss been
proved by tbe uut abundunt and convincing
Uwtlmony, to be an Invaluable medicine.
Uirecll'ina sc'mpany each poltl. . , . , ,
Hold by all Drugglat. - ' ' ' '
Price 2i ct. and $1 per bottle. nut I'rejudice utaurp your
' ' 'f Ui Itrnnon.' - -;
It I a fant that. In tb mind of many peraon.
pri-judiue againat what ar called patent medi-
eiiiea) but wby ahould tbl prevent yarn rrxirtlng
to an artb'l that haa aueh an arrav of tentlmonv
t up-irt it a IO8TKrrKU'KT0IACIf BIT
TEhh? I'byalciana pn-acrib lit why ahould job
dicard it? Judgea, usually eoaaidored men of tal
ent, bar uacd and do uaeil in their feuilliea; why
ahouiu you n-ject u.- ui noipn-juuir uaerp your
reaan Iu lb everlasting injury uf yoar health.
If you sr ales, sua riuir medicine, try Ibe
When the bodily energies ar worn out by anx
iety and need a atiutulant, this is tb bt that
can h taken. It la tempered and modified t,y
hygtenle bert-a and rooea, which previ-nt It from
revering lb Idoud; and bene it dora not nrodura
a mere temporary xciteim-nt. to ho followed by
injurious reaction but conneuniralea a permaaeut
potenry to Hi entir vital urgsnixatiuB. Home
of ii herbal eonaliliH-tita are atigbtly aoporiBc.
that In case where lceplnn la im f lb ac-
coitipauiinvnls of uervoua diacaae, a d of it ta
ken toward bediitn will tend to produe quiet
aud refrvabing sluotbrr. For palpitation of heart,
I remote, byalcrica, f.,tntiug flu, genrral real
lna and tbo eauaele fvara and ditrainc
fancier to which ladtea ar raeia'y auojevt.
on.b-r certain mrlid eondilioaa of mind snd
body peculiar to tbeir ek, tho Hitter will b
found th moat sgrccabl and certain of all ocuo-
ler lrrttaoU. -;,! n : : -
The fonititutkitiaUy nervous may readily ke
their infirmity in eonatanl cheek by the daily um
i( tbia henlll.ful vigetable Ionic: aud tb who
bav ' ahallerud their nervea, aa tbe pbraa la ei
ther Mriinprudeut iudulsene or andu pbyaieal
or inlrllerlual laht-r. will find ia tbia vitalising
rlitir a prompt rcatorettv.
' Th standard fur CociBjhn,
UuetiE, .Vor TirtMil, H'oHy
C'weiA, C-Ve, iLieer Caw,a,l, llrvm
eaiia. UUtJimy i .mnym. and every
affection of Ibe Throat. Lung and Cheat,
lucltdinv. Coa.ri-Tto.
tVlatar's) Italaatn dow not dry
up a Cousb. bat Iwen it, eli.c lb a
lansa, and allaya irritation, tbu rtmamimj
IA caaa of the om plant. Non ma
In unlea i;nd I. llt'VTS. Prepared by
Sara W. Fowls A fios. Boa to. , , sold
by Kr.mxtiTo. Horcrrea A Co., Haa
Franciaco, and by dealer generally.
tl i j i ii.' l i ..
Tbia Rrmady doc not simply rtlimrt for a abort
time, but it produov perfect snd permanent cures
of the worst eaae of Chronic Nana! Catarrh, snd
will futy t.i(IO reteard fur a erne that I mnmol
care. "Cold ill the bead" and Catarrhal Head-aebe-
Are' eurud with few appliratinna. If yoa
have a diackarg from tlie aoa. offenaiv or oth
crwlac, atoppinj; up of the no at times, partial
loas uf tbe aeu of amull, I ante or bearing, eyas
war ring or weak, feel dull, have pain orpraaaur
in th head, you may rcrt saaured that yoa have
Catarrh. , Tbouaapd annually, without inanifcat
t half of tbe above ayinptonia, ' terminate' iu
Couaumpiion and end in tho crave. No discs
i so common, mora deeeptir or leas understood
by phyaiciana. I will send my psmpblet un Ca
tarrh to any addrva Ire. J'r, Satfe Catarrh
Ucnfedy is now i
Price SO enti .' Sent by mail, poatpald, on re
ceipt of AS cents, or four package for two dollar.
Beware of eimnterfcitt and wrlkltu twitxtioa.
See that my privait Stamp, -which is 'a lxxi'ti'va
1unrantet uf eeauiHeHaa, ia upon tbe outsido wrap
per. Kemcmber tbal this private gtnmp, taaued
by the United Btale Gevernment exprecily for
atsmpinjr my medicines, bs my portrait, name
and address, and the words "V. S.. Curtificatu of
Genuineness" enjrraved upon it, and ncod not bs
mistaken. Don't be swindled by traveler and
othera, rvpreientiug tbeinibl voa at Dr. : Suge ; I
im tbo only man now livinjr tbst has the knowl-
edj;o ami right to mnnufacture tbe geniue Dr.
ae s uatarrn Kcinciiy, nnu l never travel to sell
this medicine. R. V. PIERCE. M. D.,
133 Si necn itrset, Buflulo, N. Y.
Jal22v5n49yl-ebn qrly
! kAstiiAt tistl
X Premium, Gold Coin
I Premium, Gold Coin
1 Prcminm, Gold Coin
1 Premium, Gold Coin
: ,-3,00
; ; X.000
, X00
X Premium, Gold Coin
1 Promium; Gold Coin ' '' ;
X Premium, Geld Coin
X Premium,' Gold Coin
1 Premium, Gold Coin
X0 Promiums, Gold Coin, eaeh
X0 Premiums, Gold Coin, each
jO, Sesson Tickets, in tho Grant Fair, commeno
iuff Out. 27th, will be aold at $2,60 enob. '
fl T ilrcaaarorJ-Bttnfc of.Novsdn County.
25,000 Premiums,
smoqiijingio $3.,000, wilt, be swarded jLo tho
boliUrs of sessrin tickets. " .1 . ii
For rcferonno we refer yon to any citizen of
Nevada City,-Cslifornla; 1 " '." . is '
, Biisponaiblu apoDta wanted. s Liberal sommis
stons allowed.' For full particulars aud terms to
scents, Addrcf ,.., ,: r.-, :
i S. v. R. I,.' Gil INN AN, Seeretsryr j
s0nm2 vi'w .:. . --: ; .Novada City, CaL i
j-I.Mjt .. J. C. lYIENDENHAllV,
Agent at Albany, Oregon.
IL . ii i . . , ,1 i
v j tt; r, n r j
i 4 h &. f J. id. P '? j
I P.l T i UAYH BEEJl ' lJ l
, U J I I . , , is ...... - '- ,: .4
Protraoted firom Hidden Cauie
rrrr .n'.i. A
. -a u i. - . . i , y, u. i; j a
To, Bender Exitenoa Detirabla,
If yon are suffering r bsvs sufferad, from In
voluntary diaehsrg, what effect doss it prodaca
upon your general , bcallbT De yoa feel wk,
debilitated, eaally tired? Do a littl strsr -rtion
proilneo palpitation uf tb heart T Does
your llvr, or arlnsry ergana.or yoar kldoeya fr
(jucntly gel out of eHer? . J year nrine snme
lirae tlilck, milky or flucky vr is it ropy on Mi
lling 7 Or do a tbiek acaia rla to th ton t Or
ia a diant at tb bottom after It has stood
awhil T lo yoa bav apell of abort breathing
or dyapepaia? Ar your bowel eonatipatwl 1
Do yoa bav spall of falntlog, or ruabe of blood
la tb bead ? I yoar anemory impaired t Ia
your mind vnatanlly dwelling n Ibis subject?
Do, yoa feel dull, liatle, moping, tired of com
pany, of life f D jam wish to be left alon, to
gt away from everybody? Do any liul thing
mak yoa start or JampT I your aleep broke
or rtla J tbe hialr wf yoar eye a brilliant?
Th bloom on yoar bk a bright? Do yoa par
an yoar taaioeas with tb sam ncrrT ? Do
yea few! a much cuiiRileoc in youraelf ? Ar
your spirit dull and flagging, glva to lis of
ruelanrboly ? If ao da not lay it to yoar liver r
dyaMpaia. llav yoa realles nigbt? Your
back weak, yoar koeef weak, and bav bat litt's
appetila. sad yoa attribute this to dyapepala, or
liver eomplaiatr
r-i NOW, ' READER.
self abase, venereal dia badly erd, and aex
ual szcesses, ar all eapable of prodoeing a weak
nei of tbe rvnerativ organ. Th argans of
geaaralloa, wkea la irfet beahb. '
Did You Ever Think
that tbo bold, defiant, energetic. frvrlng
aeeafal baain man, ar always tbo who
generative organs ar in perfect health f, ;
Yoa never hear arh men eomplala f being
melancholy, of nrrvoeaaeaa. or palpitation of lb
brart. Tbcy ar never afraid tbey cannot ane.
ed ia buaincs, tbey da't beeom sad asd dU
eoaragwlf tbey sr always plil and pleaaant Is
tb company ef ladi, and leadt yon and- that
right in tb fae noo of yor downcast looks or
other Baeannaaw aboat than. I do not mean tbo
wb keep tb orcan laflatod by raaalag to as-
ccaa. Tbcs will not only
but ales tblby do easiness with ar for.
Uew Kany man, from badly eaiwd diaaaaea.
from to effect -ef aolf-abua and seus,
bar brought sbout tbat stats of waknea ia
tho organ that be reduced tb gaaeral aya-
tern ao much a to Indue almoat very otbtr dis-
spinal sffeetiona, suicide, and almoat evory other
form or discs which bnmsnlty is heir to, and
th real can or tb trouble scaroely ever sns
pee'ad, and bav doctored for all bat th right
is. . . .. . , ,'
Diseases of tbea organs require th as of a
Dlaratio. .
i a M & '
. 3, . . a i
( , I .1 V '. .-4 .
is tbs great Diuretic, snd is a certain ear for
dlssaso of the Bladder, Kidney Gravel, Dropsy,
Orgsnio Wsskness, Female Compluints, GenersI
Debility, slid all. Diseases of -the. Urinary Organs,
whether existing in Msle or Fcmalo, from what
ever causa originating, and no matter of hew lung
standing,- '.;? " c, ' :
If no treatment is submitted to. Consumption
or insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are
supported from these sources, and th health and
happiness, and that ef Posterity, depends upon
prompt use of a relisbl remedy.
Established upward or Nineteen years.
vs ) x 'IS PREPARED BY Ttf ?V f
.:" K "., ,A tii Vf
H T. HEIilMBOXaD, Druggist,
SOI Broad way Wew York,
-.r..f.Sl ii0 .
104 South Tenth St., Phila., Pa.
Price $1.29 per Bottle, or 0 Bottles
for ; $0.50,, r doliwcred to- ny; Addresa.
Sold by ail X)rug'rit .OTorywhoro.
. NONE. ARE GENUINE unless ffono np
in steel engraved wrapper, with fnc-s!niilo
of my Chenueal Warehouse, and signed -i
TAht W160S tOAO.
ui; .. . ,l ! , 1 in. t .
Te Desehuttes River, 4-berse or mul team, $4 it
To !."! -t'U uM i-.tti.. I :;.'.. - S 09
TO "
- 1 " " 2 Ot)
'zi- ok Inn, $ yoks. 4 bO
To n s -ft t
T "
To. .
To -T
'; - '
To "
M vry additional vok bit
" ' Isom hres,per liaL. i J4
- " cattfs, " 14
- sbeep or bgs, '' in Z
" pack animals, loaded... fit
.. i ., :. nnpaek'd" JJ
horaa and rlda 1 OS
T -
Tssm rstorainf empty, half oris.
To fis. IjAKsi ; ; .-. ,. ,
4-bura or mol tsm,ach way...........
...... M...I
1 " MM M I OA
. . t.... ...... a vw
Psel snlmals, fosdsf ' i .;...' 6
" " unloaded, " . JS
norse snd rider " " "
Os tosm, yok , 3 00
To Urrsa 8A Srmsoi
4-bora or msl team, ent sod back S M
J " " " . . i a oo
Horn and rldor . . .. ..40
' Loo animals, 3 ": -'i'!....-.';?J4
Os toams tb sams as hers teams. ,
Jas. Ki.sias, Ses'y.
April 22, IS70. vinSfitf
Sector of Medieino of tfco Facnltr of
fans, uraauafo or tbo vaiTomtf
Qneen's Oolloro. and Pnysiclaa of tbo
itt.Tobs Baptiste Sodoty of San rran-
oseo ' - '
En. Psssaclv has th pleaaore to inform pa
tients and other seeking eon 4 den Ual medieal ad
vice tbat be eaa bocaltd dailr at bis oEee, Ar
mory 1111 Batldiag. North Hast aornar of Mat-
gomry and bacramealo a I recta. Ban Fraaciaeo.
Koom o. s, IV, II, Oral 0oor,pstira.utraue
un itber Montgomery or Saersmeato streets.
Da. Passai.'LV s atodw bav beca almutl xeln-
Hre4y dvrotod to tb enr of tbe various forms ef
roas sua rnysiral liability. In reault of inju
rious habits acq aired ia yoa lb, which asaally lev
minsto la impotcne and aterility, and permanent
ly iodaee all th eoBcuK-itasI of old ass.. Where
secret infirmity sit involving tb bappin of
a lif and Ibat of olliers, reason and msralily die-
lat in neny or it removal, r.,r. it is a fact
Ibat pramatura decline of th viror of manhood.
matrimonial aabappiaass, swoipalaory iagl lif.
ec., bar tbeir sonr in (aaaea, th germ ol
which is planted in early life, and tb bitter frails
tastad long anerwarU; patiaats, labonnc andar
tbia complaint, will vapJaia of oa ev mor of
In folluwing symptom : Aoetumal Lmuwions,
Pains ra th Hack aad Uead. Weakness of Memo
ry and Sight. fJlaobaag from th Urethra oa go
ing to stoul or mak log water. Intellectual Facal
ties ar Weakened, Los of Memory en oca. Idea
ar clouded, and there i a diainclination t attend
to business, or even to reading, writing, or tb
society of friend, to. Th pat let. t will probably
complain of Iiisins. Vert'eo, and tbat Siebl
and Hearing an weakened aad aWp dialurWi by
droam ! melancholy, aighing, patpitatioa. faint-
inc. ana slew tovra; wbil som bar
sternal rbomatie pais, aad aembn of th
body. Sum of th most common symptom ar
pimple ia la Hem. aad aebiag fas duTeraat -nana
of the body. Patient aufleriog from Ihi disc,
ahould spply immediately to Ds. PcaaAt LV.eitber
In person or by lUer. a be will Kaaranto a ear
of Seminal Emission and Impotence ia six or
ignt weeks. "-
ratienu sunenng from vcncnal duarass ia aay
atage, Uonarrbea, Gleet, Strietares, Bnbo, Vlocra,
CutaiMoa Erupt km. t.. will b treated aarceaa
fully. All hypbilitieiaad Mercurial Taints entirs-
ly removeo trom lb atom.
Da. PsaSAtLr's diplomas ar la bis sSes,
abcr palieols aa a lur thcmaclv Ibat tbey
ar adr tb car of a regularly edaeated practi-
tiooer. Tb beat tvferaac riven if required.
Patient vuffcring under ebronie diaaaaea. eaa
call asd xamia for tbmelvs. We 1a rite ta-
vcatigatioa; claim not to know every-binr, nor to
car very body, but w do cUim tbat ia all case
Uka aader. treatment wa fulfill or premuM
W particalarly raqaest tboa who bav triad this
boaau-d doctor, aad tbst ad vert bed pbyswiaa, till
worn oat aad disc raged, to sail apoa as.
ixiw enarjre ana qutcc ears.
Ladie miBeriag from aay eomplaiat ineidaatal
to tbeir aex, ema aoaaalt Ui doctor with th asar
ano of relief. .
Feaiale nsi(bilr PI Ha.' '
Da. Pkbbaplv is tb oalv a rent ia California.
Ir 1B. lliorr's Fmaato Moathiy Pills. Tbeir
laauft aal has eaUblihd thir rap tat ion as
a female rcsstdy, aaspavoaebed aad far ia advaa
of vry other remedy for auppraio aad irrwg-
aianties, and otbr obatractMna in tamaiaa. On
tb raceipt of Ire dollars, th Pills wUl b at
by mail or sprs to any part of th world, t-
un from eurioaily or damar.
Parns at a daataace eaa be earad at hss. bv
addroaaiag a latter to Da. PaBBACLV, oiar .f
eoe rameato and Motrmrv tracts. Booms 10
and II. or.Vx 073. P. O.. 6a Fraaeise. statiac
tb eaa aa minutely as pouibl. general habit of
nvinr, oocapaiioa. etc, u. :' -. ...
AU communication confldential. . Jaaayt
. l. eaaAM.a,
ISO Clay at.. 8aa Fraa
sisso, Califeraia.
Froat-st, Albany, Ogm.
, . . , . . , ; f . : . : . .
BISSCT . , ,
-. ' -. ' ' 1 .. .. . -'iff ; : '.. ! ' !-'
' .'-. j wmatUBdt0(i 1 ; -
.... ... ,. . . , . t , , .! .r,j,
vi-1! : . VOAT MAT SB vi ... i
. i . iu ; i'i 'io: l. Tins 04. j
:-'!.at! .tsu.-rtsl-.j . Inn it-Ac, .'-iUiR
Wheat Taken for Good, sr Book AteonaU!
fli :' .K .;i;-'l ..;rtl( V - !.!( 'll, i ll" ill
60 Gents per BuBheL Oats 300ts.perBuBhel
l. or Albany, will atteuU to all
: i orders on business in' tbe produce trd .r. -
that may be sent from Albany to me.
oc9v5n8mS ' ' R. C11EADLE.
- RliAI. ESTATE.' '
'! i. .r ::.: ct .!.! ' ! -61 ': mji'n:-,-;
J. C. MSIffSENHALaV, AreBt. ., fi
'' An office where reneral information eoneornlne
the resource! of Oregon oan be obtained frtt ui
ehargt. .
Loans acgotiabl en first mortgage, real' estate
and collateral security. , . ... , . ... ,T
Have for sal a larire Smonnt of property loca
ted in th towns' of Albany', Brownsville aad Cor
ral li. . .. .ff.' . ,
Also, 60,000 ' acres of fannlngr lands of ovsrv
description in Linn, Benton and Polk counties. :
Persons dlring to soli tbeir properly incur no
expense iq placing it in our hands for sale nnleaa
a salo is mad... Call at our office in Parrbh's
brick, where wc bsve a team in readiness to con
vey parties to view our lands. .. .
J. C. ML-MJt.MlALL, Agent.
v5b32j1. Albany, Oregon.
, esaKeftroTSt-ooraeTCosftsoirciAl, '
- -. ..... . i 1 . i.
Private Entrance on Commercial !,, ri
foascisco. !
, , . 1 in: ! Il''-(:i".ri
E8TACLI8HCP IK 1 1 44, fof
tb treatment of Seaaal aad
Sraiaal Pissarss, saeb a Oea
orrbtra, G1t, Blrletar, ypb
ili ia alt it form. Seminal
Weak aeaa, Imptcac7a etor
Skia IHsmsm (of yr' stsad
isg)sad Uleratod JL1 s
uestfaUy treated, r; on:'"
, i-- . .., .. ' .....
r. . Harrlbl) IHsaasas. ,
Tie many thoasands of peraons,'. Wtb ssala
and fumala, are tbr wbo ar aofferrng eat a mis'
srsbls exiatene, from tbe easel of sesrei ladalg.
encea, or from virn absorbed into tb system--
Look at tbeir- pallii, taseista ana aiangarca
faces, and tbeir broken-down soastitatioas, dis
aaallfrinc tbcm for tbe bMias at. marrbsg ev
tb snjoymot of life, la this horrid jitaatlaa
thousaaa suffer antil neath closes th aeea. Let
psreats, gosrdisss and friends St lead to th
wbo sr anoenng wna say i in aejnaw, iiw
dMtvoy iag ' maljuiiea e that hy ar ara far
and sarad befor it i too late. ad tbess imm-
diately to Lr. tiibboa, a pbysieisa fess ms
private diaesses Sis tspcemi 1107 m
wbo is certain to cor tb moat invearrat ass
without mercury wauy iojurioos drags-' Jt is
importsnt to tbos wbo are afflicted, r to th
h am Intaraatad in tb Welfare of their friaad.
to b careful of the many pretended doctors who
infeatall ities, pnbliabrug tbirkillia earing all
disasMS ia a few days, imposing apoa tb pablia
by aaing tb names ot eminent pnyamaa irwaa
Savon aad other alaecs. ' Zfe. therefore, wrefal.
and mak strict inquiry, or yoa assy fall iato tb
baads of tbsa ebarlatrC
Semlaal Wealnaaa.
Seminal emiaaioaa, tb eonaequeae ef serf-
abosa. Tbi solitary : vhw, or depTaved sesaai
indulge, i practicsd by tb yoatb of botb
exes to aa almost anlimitad extent, producing,
with aswrriag ccrtaiaty, th follrwig traia
of morbid symptoms, aairss o hatted by scieatiae
medical mmuiares. vis: Sallow eaaatoaaae, dark
anot andar eves, aaia ia tbs bead, riagiag ia tb)
art. noiss lik tb rartilng of leave aad rsUlisg
of ebariets, aaessiams about tbe loias, weakasss f
tb limbs, eoafaawd vhnoa, blaatod iatoUsct, leas
ofeoaSdncv dtBdcae ot appvoacaiag straagsrs,
a dullk to torn. Bewseqnaiataaees, a etispitia
to skua society, toss f mossvy. bectia . Saab,
pimpU sad eruption aboat tb fa, farrsd
tocgac, foe ted brestb, coagbs, oonaasaptioa, aigbt
sweau, monomania and frequeat . insanity. It
relkf be not htaind.tb saSerer sboahl : apply
inamdiatoly, cither ia porsoa or by hsttat, to bava
a ear effected by bissew aad scicatiSs mod f
treating this diseas. a bleb never fails f effecting
a qakk aad radiral car. Dr. a. wiU gfvc $100
to aay aarsoa wb will prove sslisfsctorily to bips
that b was cured of this complaint by UbT f
tbs Saa Fraaeise oqnaek.
' ZHaxrla 10am, -Or
tbo wb contemplate marriage, wbe ar f
farlag aader aay of th fesrfal maladies, sbcai
not forget tb sacred rraponaibiltties reatiag a pa
tbcm, nor delay to obtain immedial relief. - '
Tbe varioa complicated aad distrsssiag diseases
incident to females, treated with eminent aaec--aacb
a Rappressions, Irregalarities, Whites, Fall
iag of tb Womb, Tsmors, all Urinary- Ptstisrs,
Nervoua Debility, Paiafal ar Difieatt Mcastrara
tioa. Barren new, etc. will be speedily eared, with
oal poiauaoas drags, injuries, or anpalalabl aacsW
iciac of aay kind. 11 v no dalteacy ia calling,
a difference what year treables ssay b. . . Tb af-
ietod arc cordially iaritod to call aad satisfy .
tbcm selves.
Prsoas sailing at Dr. Gibbon's -eftee ar asa4
iag for package of medicine may rely apoa bis
aMaranees or confidcatial ecrj -sjrith implicit
faith, and expect ao mor than to be charges! witb
a fair aad metaally satisfsctory remaaeratiea for
service rendered. eoasideriBg the circamrtaaeas
aad difficulties ef tb ease, rather than a too prev
alent aad aclfiah practice of exortalioa aaoajg
quacks aad pretenders. -1 ' - ;
DIU G IBB0X: 1 reaponslbls, aad will jrit c to
each patient a written instrument binding biaaaelf
to cDeet a radical aod penaaaent ears or mak aa
i Cmro4 at Haaasu
Peraoas at a dUtaao eaa be CTJBED AT
HOMK, by addrvesiar a letter to- Dr. Gibbea.
stating cae. ymptms, lcagth of tim tbe disease
bss eon tinned, and bav medicine promptly for
warded , free or damar and cariosity, to aay
part or the ronntry, with fall aad plaia direction
tor ase, by eaeioaingtlS ia eota, fa a retialerwd
letter, through the Post office aa WUs, Fargo A
Co. A packar of medicine . will he frward4
byospre to any part of th Uoioa. ' "
Address ' DB. . I. UIBBOIt
; , Box 2J2, Saa Fraaeiseo, Califortla ,
Remember to pat bsx ZSS oa tb letter. . -
Consultation FBEE. ; -4 4.
a sjsv Cormaondeat 'will pie tiaform DB.
6IBD0X tbat tbey read bis adrrtiemrat ia e
Srsrs. Biears Dsbocbat, , . ...... ..
; ; - -; 'mayl5vfa3ffyl
..? t:
1 For a few cents you can.bny
of your Grocer or; Druggist a
package of SEAH0S3 PABIHIS
made from pure Iriau Qoss or
Carrageen, iwliicli , will make
sixteen quarts of Blanc Hange,
and a like quantity of PudrUngi
Custards,' Creams. ' Charlotte
Eusse, &o. 1 It is the cheapest,
healthiest and most', deUclouft
food in the world. It makes a
splendid; Dessert, t: and 1 has; no
equal as ai light and delicato
food for Invalids and Children.
A Glorious Change!!
Plantation Bittorn, '
This TrTonderful vegetable
atoratlTe Is tbe sheet-anchor of
the feeble and debUitated.-' A m.t.
tcytic and rcoirdlal for the aged
and" languid, it has , no' equal
among stomachics Asa rented j-.
for the nerrous weakness -. te
which women are especially snb
Ject, it is superseding every othei
stimulant. In all climates, tropi
cal, temperate, or frigid, it. acta
aa' W 'specific t in eTery tpeciei' t
disorder 'which undermines, the
bodiljr strength and breaks down
-the animal spirits. ; For jtale hji
all tfruroists. - j.' '.'i. '.i .'..
BLANK DEEDS, of th latent sd ates
approved form, for sale at this office. '."Warranty
aod Mortgage,
j-r t