I 1 L-- 17 . . v r-. a k m 1 r ;i .17 j Y f .SEPTEMBER 23, 1870.J VARIETIES. Ex-Gov. Walkorof Florida, la a re cent letter, sajsr ,ilttving stolen noth ing, I am poor."' ! r ; . An;"9ngaged girl" in St. ! Louis took poison because her absent lover didn't write" lier for four consoctutivo days. s 01esiuH will be married on tho 29th to a daughter of J, O. Troupe, of Madison, Wis., who is now in Europo." A-Louisville couple are to be married in the.Mainmonth Cave. That might be called taking a leap in the dark. ' ' Generals Beauregard and Hardee ore at the .White Sulphur Springs, Va., and . Gen. It. E. Leo is ot the Hot Springs for rheumatism.' --.; ; t.- , .,. English papers announce the death in Staffordshire of Jean Baptiste Francois Mien, one of the few survining witnesses of the execution of Louis XVI. "Jorth Carolina has gone Deuaocratic." says tho dispatches. This idea of not calliog'out troops enough will be the ruin ation of the Republican party. ; Statistics show that Alabama is the .fifth State in the Union in tho produc tion, of wheat A few years ago she was Dot even mcntioued in this connection. A Philadelphia doctor says that wash ing horses in the morning with water in which one or two peeled onions are sli ced, will keep all tho flies at a distance. Forney managed to dine at the nut table with Olhvier when ho was in Faris, and now he makes his two papers howl with lamentations over the retirement of "my friend." A county naner hA hA; : :. . war news, -The lion lard moot of Ilan ner."; It was written "Ilancvor," but the compositor has a girl by the name of iianner. It is gratifying to one's sense of pro priety to read that -'McMahon is no low- genu coniuiunieatioa will Nancy." Her parents onght to have put a stop to the correspondence long ago. Miss Baker, the newly-appointed chief librarian of the Treausry Department, has discharged all the males that were under her. She says girls should occu py those positions. Radicals are in ecstacies because a re port has been circulated that tho hand somest women at Srratoga is a mulatto eervant girL The sensation was started DJ an Administration organ, of course. The papers say that Butler is about to return to Lowell to settle up Lin c- h " hU "fi"l account that is to be settled, we have only one remark to make: "Mr. Devil, stoke up'" Chicago servant girls and nurses have an amiable way of waiting nntil y0tt are delirious with fever, and then sendio for a clergyman and having the cerroony performed. Nothing like enterprise io this world. - .At 7aJ?avr' Mo Willian Norton cot into a habit of owning horses that be longed to other people, and the first thing he knew he coulden't touch the gronnd with his feet because the rope bad thruok so. V A man at Charleston went to a doctor to have a rip io his abdomen sewed up. and when asked how he got it he said he was out riding with another man's wife, and met her husband. Volumes could not have said more. At 3Iontgomery, AiaH a Radical nam ed Cunningham was considerably taken back after addressing an audience of colored brothers for an hour, appealing to tbem to stand by down-trodden Cuba W"l5r0Wd b0at 4j)-n Cuba! V bo is he . r :- . . . . . i fen0?- 1arTf wh,e ' Performing cusco threatre lately, was handed a ha ket of flowers which contained a casket enclosing a set of diamond studs, and a arnero ring representing the head of onalcesphere. . Rochester proposes to license honses of prostitution, and turn the money over to the Young Men's Christian Association. IS ti T"60' " the thiDk theJ win get n back soon. -- Olive Logan stopped at tho hotel" with th blondes -.m, San 1-FranciW cand her hillr le clerk told her she had pat the bill right Jo with the restot the- Lydia Thoi peon "troupe. She made it right torrid for that clerk for a minute or two. ' " "' ' Carrie Sweet, of De KalbMicIC his sued.a man named Bewov, for 815,000 because be agreed to marry her,-aod then prepared a .Downy couch for another, whom he married, - and failed fo carry Bweets to theikir Carrie's weet r The old man ught to be sweetened for itr ; r "How are you getting along ? " ked Bomeonebf a man who had just lost hs brother, whose estate fie had inherited. " t ' it'8ta',dradfal bother!. , What with proving the wiirand getting letters of admioistrationi and arranging for the payment .dfjelaims'Cl -almost WishlJohu hadn't died."" ' LADIES' EMPORIUM ! ANC ! O-O ODS I FmowX)res and Clokk Malting in in thiir I; fii'Turiei bnacaes.ritf.; r J -j rj ; ; BLEACHES" . PmsrSTEAw GOOD? , . , Jn latest Styles and Peat Manner. V . " Stamps rorBraid aai Embroidery, t7t t.-; .' o-rf' v-, ? -; -ir ..,,.,; JIain n4 BroadTAlbia 6treeti, ' .... ' "".A-LBAKrr1 OREGON Kl llV-v FARMERS, TAKE NOTICE I Sf.T I WILL GIVE FOR EGGS, 18 CTS.PER DOZ., After this week, until further notice. Feb. II, 1863-Bleit R. cnEADLE. FRIDAY.. ADVERTISEMENTS, t,r'..:;.-' S-MWiGlh iJJMi Hit..:;. ' - : . . , . :,, T -'.) ,' ,t H! ' .v.v . - Fcmalei, swing to the peaultar and Importaat roUtioD whUk tUey luilklu, their peealUr orgaa ItatiQD, and the offieee they, perform, r eubjeot to many lufierlngt. Vreedon from tlioie eontrlbute In no iiaall degree to their beppinoti and wolfere, for none een be happy who are 111. , Jfot only to, hut no one of theee rarioui feuelo eomplalnti ean long be suffered to run oa without Involving the, general Hoelth of the Individual Qd erelong producing permanent eiokaoit and promatare de cline. ' Xor U it pleasant to eoneult a pbyilolan or the rellof of then varloaa dolloato affootloni, aud only upon the most urgent neoeiaity will a trao woman to far eaerlfloe her greatott'eharm a to do this. . The sex will then thank asforplaotng in their hands simple specifies which will be found effleaelons in relieving and caring aim out every one of those troublesuxie complaints peculiar to theeex. t.-"s - - IIibMBoLa'a Extsact Bi'cac Hundreds suf. fer on in lilenee, and hundreds of ethen apply vainly to droggtsts and doetors. who either mere ly tantaliie them with the hope of a euro or apply remedies which mtke them worse. X would not wish to assert anything that would do injustioe to tho afflicted, tint I am obliged to say that although it may be produced from exeesalve ez beast Ion of the powers of life, by laborious employment, on wholesome air' and food, profuse menslrustiun the tue of tea and eoffoe, and frequent childbirth; it is far oftener cansed by direct irritation, ap plied to the mucous membrane of the vagina it- tr. : ' , ; . When reviewing the causes of these distressing complaints, it ia most paiafat to contemplate the attendant evils consequent wpo them. It is but simple jostiea to the subject to eoanerate a few of the many additional causes which so largely affect the life, health, and happiness of woman ia all classes of society, and which, consequently, aCrct more or leas directly, tho welfare of the entire hu man family. The mania tbatexbu for precocious education and marriage, eaucs the years that na ture designed for eorporea! development to be wasted and perverted ia the restraints uf dress, the early coaftoement of school, and especially in the unhealthy excitement of the ball room. Thus, w:th the body balf-alothed, and the mind nnduly exoited by pleasure, perverting ia midnight revet toe boars designed by nature for sleep and rest, the work of dcrtructfcn is half accomplished. Ia eonscqoeBoe of thu early strain npon bar system, unnecessary effort is reuired by the deli cate votary to retain her situation In school at a later day, thus aggravating the evil. When one excitement is over, soother in prospective keeps the mind morbidly sensitive to impression, while the now constant restraint of fusbiooable dress, absolutely forbidding the exevelso Indispensable to ibe attainment and retention of organic health and strength ; the exsosora to night air; the sudden ehaega of temperature; the complete prostration produced by excessive dancing, must, of necessity, prod ace their legitimate effect. At last an early marriage claps the olimax of misery, and the unfortunate one, hitherto so utterly re gardless of the plain dictates and remonstrances of her delicate nature, becomes an nnwitling sub ject of medical treatment. This is but a truthful picture -of the experience of thousands of onr young women.- - - Long before the ability to exercise tie functions of the generative organs, they require "an educa tion of their peculiar nervous system, composed of what is called the tissoe, which is, in common with the female Ircast and tips evidently under the control of mental' emotions and associations at an early period of life ; and, as we shall sub sequently sec, these emotions, when excessive, lead, long before puberty, to habits which sap the very life of their victims ire nature has sclf-com-pleted their development. "' " ' ' ' ' For Female Weakness and Debility, Whites or Leueorrbeav Toe Profuse Menstruation, Exhaus tion, Too Long Continued Periods, for ' Prolapsns and Bearing 'Down, or Prolapsus Uteris we offer tho mort perfect specific known: Hklmbold's Comi-opxd Exthact or BicHtr. Directions for use, diet, and advice, accompany. Females in every period of life, from infancy to extreme old age, will lad it a remedy to aid ne tare in the discharge of Its functions. Strength is the glory of manhood and womanhood. IIelm hold's Extract Bucnu is more strengthening than any of the prepaiations of Bark or Iron, in finitely safer, and mora pleasant. Hxlmbold' Extract Bichu, having received the indorse ment of the most prominent Physicians in the United States, is now offered to afflicted humanity as a eertain cure for the following diseases and symptoms,? from Jwb ate ver' 'cease -originating: General Debility, Mental and Physical Depres sion, Imbecility, Determination of Blood to the Head. 'Confused, deis, Hysteria, General .Irrita bility, Restlessness and Sleeplessness , at Night, Absence of Muscular Efficiency, Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Emaciation, Low Spirits, Disbrganlza- tion or Paralysis of the Organs of Generation, Palpitation of the Heart, 'and, in fact, all the eoueomitanta of a Nervous and Debilitated state of the' system. " To insure the genuine, cnt ''this out, Ask 'for Hex.hbolb'. - Take no other. Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Price $1.23 per bottle, or six bottloe" Tor' $.. - Delivered to any uddres DeMrrba symptoms in all communications. 'Address II. T. ItELMBOLD Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 591 Broadway, .-."....! ) - , ,-cr.LSi j "VrONE GENUIITE UXLESS DONE UP IK steel engraved wrapper, with fac-similo cf my uuemicai warcbonse, and signed II. T. HELMBOLD, I jun24v5n45yl-venlm2. P 0e tCMPIK & GO -DKALE11S IN , G E XERAI J ME It C HAND I S E ! ' STORE IN FOSTER'S BRICK. FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY D. MANSFIELD & CO.. KEEP CONSTANTLY OX HAND i - DRY GOODS. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. QUEENSWARE, IX FACT KVERYTHIXd CSUALLtPKEPT IX .- ' Oflbr Very Low, Either vn40yl BUSINESS UNABATED! . . AT i NEW JEWELRY STORE!!! ALBANY, OREaON.' - .... - . The Agency which has ucetijJJBga granted eipresaly to us for the sale of the AMERICAN WATCHES ! And the connection with the BEST MANUFACTORIES IN EUKOPE affords us every facility for ordering ANY AND ALL KINDS OF FOREIGN MAOE GOODS wbleh aro not kept for sale In this market A Large InToioe of Fins Toilet Articles! FOR LADIES' AND GEXT5' USE, have Jnt been rcceirel, and we offer tbem to the public at very low figures so low that ihry . come within the reach of every perron. ra-Tba Naw Star Wateh! of whiehthe first invoice baa Just been received, can be seen in our Slore, auit all wuo will take I bo iroui.ie lo ex amine this wi.pdorful work, whiob we oiler at a marvellously low price, will give us an order without doubt. ' J. D. TITUS. Dee. 10. lSG9-Snl7yl. first St. JOHNONNEUT" c' -aejn.au is GENERAL MERCHANDISE ! DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING, BOOTS, S1IOE.", e suld out at about COST! A Choice, selected stock new en hand, aad will BE ADDED TO COXTINl'AJ.LY. SOLD AT REDUCED RATES! I IlO. AIVD STE-TI ! OF ALMOST Ai-I- KINDS Tbe Beit Aortmcot Vtpt !n to CHt, and Contiaaallr ReceiTisff rreab Additions ! SOLD AT LOW RATES! ALL WHO WANT BARGAINS. GIVE ME A CALL I - , JOUX COXXER. Albany, March 4, tf70-n20 l. ' ; , , t ... A. CAROTBCRS. R. ALTAH. A. CAROTHERS k CO., DRUCGISTsVaNO APOTHECARIES, AMD BKALKRS M PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, OILS, PATENT MEDICINES, " Toilet. Goods, Perftimeries, St,o., PURE LIQUORS FOR THE KICK. G00OS FRESH AND WARRANTED STRICTLY PURE. STORE KEPT OPEN DAY ASD SIGHT. ' Preemptions Compounded. - Front Street, Tliree Door JJclote J. Cornier'. ftbll'TO-TSnjetfv A.CAKOTIIEHSA CO. - I i , i . i ,. ; : ' i : ALDAIVIT FOUIVDIIV! 1 ' - AXD M-A-OHIZSTB SHOP! ' ALBANY, OREGON. " ' A. F. CHERRY, PROPRIETOR. ! . !' VANCFACTCRER OF STEAM ENGINES, . ... GRIST ANU BA W-MILLS, BEAl'ERS AND THRESHERS. WOODWORKING MACHINERY, PUMPS, Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac. Ac. ! :- . Maebinery of all kinds , REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE! PATTERN MAKING Dona In All , Its Various Forms ! ! 6 UJUU,4.i" IB0NANDBEAS8 0ASTINQS r Of All Kinds, Made to Order I i Dee.5'6Sv4nl8yl. A. F. CHERRY. H ' THE OLD STOYE DEPOT lr JOHIVBRIGGS. D8AIEB IS- COOjC, , PARLOR .AND. BOX ..STOVES ! ! Of the Beit Patterns, ' tIn'. rSHEET -I HO N s siAN d' 1 (JO PPE R - WARE I ! And the usual assortment of furnishing goods . , iuuuu in a j.iu ewto. - - i .J!J Wt- Jleoaira Tleatly and Prompt Exeoated I I , . rv t-- n n. - ' '.' ' ' ' 1 j - . - ' Short Reckonings Make Long Friends!" FKONT-ST., ALBANY, Next Door to I). Manifield A Bro's Store. Dec.5v4nlfltf JOHN BRIGGS. t.t) A FINE ASSORTMENT OF i ...... CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS & SHOES, GLASSWARE, . A RETAIL ESTAKI,LSyMENT, VfUICH TUEY i UitiX t. -ii i $ L . for Cash or ProcttMje.- , P. C. HAItPKR etc CO. I NEW FIRM I NEW FIRM! W. II. KUHN & CO., HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASD WELL SELECTED STOCK Of Of every description, such FARMERS' and MECHANICS' T OOLS CONSIST) SO OF ANVILS. VICES. BELLOWS. HAMMERS. HATCHETS Sledges, Saws, Planes, CKOKM-CX'T AXI MILL, HAWN Together with a largo Assurtuient of IROJST-A.3STID STEEL Spring, Ailrx, Thimble Skeins, etc. Also, a well selected stock of Wuiron 17iiiavloi! Fpuket, JIuIjm, Ikitt Jlimt, StaJh, 1'oUt, Jlu-kury Axle, A-t. All cf which we are now olfrring to the public at luw rales. As we make the busiurs a spe clallty, we ean'an.l will kwp a better as sortment at luwcr prires than any other houso (n this eity. Receiving and now opening a splendid stovk of WOOD AND.WTXLOW.WAKE, WHICH WE orrttt ATCnCATLT REDtC KD RATES Xfirptoro in M-mtcith's Fro-Proof brick, ncx dour to lilaiu louog s. W. II. hLHX tU. Albany, Mar. b II, lS70n.-Um3. RAILROAD INTELLIGENCE ! BLAIN & YOUNG, ALOAIfT, - - OREGON, Would rati tho attention of Beyer to their WELL SELECTED STOCK or FANCY AND STAPLE D?Y GOODS! II IKDlVAItC, cnOCERIkTSJ BOOTS & SHOES Our ALL OT LATENT STYLES AJtD GOOD QUALITY! SOLO AT MODERATE PRICES ACRXTS FOR THE CELEBRATED FLORENCE HKWIXCJ MACIIIXEI The Best in L'sc. BLAIW & TOUNO. Dee. 31. IS69 rin20tf. CHAS. MEALEY, FURNITURE AND CABINET WARE! (Corner of First and ISroadalbin streets, at old stand of C. Moa ey A Co.) ALBANY, , OREGON. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON nAND A FUEL assortment of everything in bis line that the trade requires or an enterprising public demands. FURNITURE! Of AH Kinds and Descriptions ! IIEDS AND BEDDING, &C. Particular attention will be paid to orders for UNDERTAKING! And all other orders in my line will bo promptly attended to. Satufaetion Guaranteed and Wort Warranted CHAS. MEALEY. AlbanyJuly , 18C0r4n4rtf. IHA A, MILLER, 6 (.Sueeeore to Philip Miller,) , rt MAR B L E WORKS ALBANY, OREO OX. : ' Shop on Waahingrton, bet. 1st and 2d St'. milESE GENTLEMEN DEQ LEAVE TO IN u, form the publio at "largo iliut ihvy are now prepared to lurnisn MARBLE MONUMENTS ' AMD ' G Ii A V E - S T O N.E S ! . OF EVERY 8TYI.K AND fATTEEN,'; At. tbe Most Reasonable Price. TOMBSTONES CUT TO ORDER , On the very shortest notice. ; Mar7v3n29tf - IRA A. MILLER. ADVERTISEMENTS. gg ALE AND BEER, Q2) ' AT ' . . CITY BREWERY ! CORNER OF FIRST AND WASHINGTON STREETS, ALBANY, OIlECiOff. J. Z. CROUSE, PROPRIETOR. THE PROPBIETOR BEU3 LJSAVis in form the publlo that be , KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A CBOICB ATICI.B Of AND BEEB1 Which be is prepared to furnish AT WIIOLENALK OK ItETAIl.! Delivered Free to any part of the City or State. All orders promptly aiienuou v, anu Perfect Satisfaction Oaaraatced. Msrllv5n"0tr. W.S.D.-1870! LITERARY MINDS AWAKE W- S- JDJElTGrCrS, INTENT I PON OBATIFTING THE SOt LH of tlinae ho hunger aud (hirst after wit and wisdom, has, FOR THAT EXPRESS PL'RPOKEX Opened a New aI well scketed stoek of " Standard and Miscellaneous ISOOKS! ranging from School Primers to Ehahcspeare, Also, constantly on hand. SHEET MUSIC "LATEST AUONIESr STATIONERY! Albums, Diaries, Writing Huids, Etc., Etc, I've goods to snit all kinds of folks. In ('Blares or borcls ; Ie lSibles, I'..m, Antte Jokes, Ulaok liookn, Uold Pens and Novels. COME! Call for anything ia my line uml h mocwmmnrtuleit. 4TVo will find me in Hilt's Pnn Htere. Albany. March 4. l70-ly. W. S. IHUOO'S. ALBANY BREWERY. CHAN. KIEFER, Vro'r. rBllIE t-fBSCniBER HAS JCST ERECTED I a new and firrt-clasa BEE "W DB Oa Broad Albia between rirst Street and tbe River, And is prepared tofumuh WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS PRIVATE FAMILIES, OS SHOUT NOTICE I Uf - Orderf Ddlrrrtd rhfrcTcr Besired. Jle WarranU his EEER MADE OF THE BEST MATERIALS, PEUrECTIsY HE AIslTl 1 Ho is confident he can jrive entire atisfoetion iv l all. Dee. 20, '. 3n!0tf ALBANY BOOK STORE E. A. FIIEELAND, BOOK-SELLER AND STATIONER Albany - - - - Orejjow RESPECTFULLY INFOKMS THE PUBLIC that he has removed from the old stand U. , PARRISH'S BLOCK, Where all are invited, assured that Goods In his llua are sold at tho lowest cash prices. eOaiT-XTLY OS Bi.XDI , . STANDARD AXD MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Jnvenile. Toy Gilt nod Blank Boobs, cold ir.i, 1SD SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY! Of every kiud used in the Btato. ZZr- HOOKS IMPORTED TO OKDER. a short notice. Ieolnl61v BLACKSMITHING. PLOWS I PLOWS I! PLOWS !!! mE UNDEnSIOKED GIVES KOTICE TO X the general publio, that ho is no w inaoufao turing tbe ' GAI.ESOVRG PATENT PLOW ! and any othor style of plow that may he ordered. Also, purtieular attention paid to HORSE SHOEING. WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKING. And General Jobbing1. HORSE-SHOEING, $2,00 cosh or $.1,00 on time. WAGONS, $140 to $100. i a . All work entrusted to me will receive prompt attention, and he executed in the best possible miionor, with good material. A share of public pntronag is solicited. e ' My shop is on the cornet of Second and Ells worth streets, opposite I'iurou's Ferry. Albany, OroRon. -J'i:-l-l F. WOOD. Deo.5'C8v410tf. . B. r. RUSBEM., Att'y at Law. c. p. ruuvn i i Notary Public. RUSSELL & FERRY, REAL ESTATE-BROKERS, COLLECTING AGENTS. jEWSpccial attention given to tho sale of Renl Estate. Ileal Estate Litigation and the Collection of Claims. Office, Nt W. Corner First anl Wash ington Streets, , Rortland, Oregon. Feb. 22, 1870. ' , v5n2Stf. ADVERTISEMENTS SLR IAS. ' WM. S. ELKI!(S. 1 ililjlVliN tKibUIS, at lebaw oasr. One of tbe Oldest Mercantile Firms in Linn VVUUII I I ' - w WE ARE XOW KECEIVIXO A NEW AND FRESH STOCK OF GOODS!! Whkh will be sold at (he Vert Cheapest Flirnres JOAAX JJXi UU V.A7 KJ OOcriug erery indueeuient to their old . pnrobase their' . '' I siutiNG supplies DRY GUUUS AND . ULU I HINLilaU or Hcrebastable Pro4H' ; 1 . GROCERIES! IlatM and Cap, Root and flhoent Bt'ILDIKO MATERIALS A HARDWARE. PAINTS AND OILS, AlSpeeial.Featttre ! QuUk Salt; Smuli I'rofiu awl Prompt Fuy , L. ELKIXS A SOX. Lebanon, April 1, 1S70 r5n33i6. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to A dressing whiclr licalthy, and effect nal for prc.crvinz the hair. Faded or gray " restored to its orinittal color tprt the glou and freshness of youth. Thin hair ia thick- encd, faHing Itair checked, aud bald- often, tl.0t.3l, not always, cured by it use. ISotluu can rctitore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the gland atrophied and decayed. But uch a.- remain can be t-arcd for usefulncKS by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty fccdi- rocnt, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occanional use will prevent tlie hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent buldncss. Free from those dclcteriot.s tubMances which make some preparations dangerous aud injurious to U.e Lair, the Vigor 'a I nntv Iwnpfit hut not harm it. II wanted I merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found to dcsiraWe. Containing neither oil nor dye, it dpes not soil white cambric, and yet laits long ou the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical axd Analytical Chemists, I.OWELI MASS. PHICE $1.00. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For all tb purposes of a IxatiY Kodicine. Fcrhapa no one medi cine is so universally re fliiin! bv evervbolv a a cathartic, nor was ever any before so universal. ly adot'tdl Into use. in every country and ainooff all clauses, as UiU mild txtt eslicient purgative i'Ul. Tho olwious rea- - am i. that it tit a mm, m- Z'-rfc lile ami far more eflec- other. Tbue who have , v.- that IS cured them: thono who have in knVu.t " iloeTonce it .loco always and all know tnat . :rnah fju,, ,u., r lis composiuon. o .;.mark4b,e dres of the annasoi ceruucsii - ' - ..ures m known ia following comaln hut wen ,1 every neiRhborhood, anu vr" "ec1 - " rumul Jtrinntml to all am. and etOdUons in ttUJ"mail' containing neither calomel or detetei? they may be taken with safety by ."",yb'l1f-, m" sugar coating; preserves them ever fteO ",,,. them pleasant to take, while beinjr purely reg?rl no harm can arise from their uso in any quau. WJJ". They operate by their powerful influence on ln. Internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate i Into healthy action remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other orjrana of the body, restoring their irrefrular action to health, and uy corraetinfr, wherever they exUt, such derange ments aa are me nrsi origin oi uisease. Minute directions are riven in the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which theso niU rnpiilly cure: For IftrapofMiie or Imdigvatloat, X.latlasi aru. Laarnsr and Lom of App"tt, tlicy shouhl be takou modern toly to stimulate the stom ach and restore its healthy tone and action. , For Kilvor Consislaalau and its various symp toms, llllioua Uetiadisclso, Slick Heailacbe, afaMdico or tirrra Mlcknraa, Hiltona Colic and Iilllema Fevers, tlioy should be ju. diciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For Uyaomtctry or Dlari-hOMS, but one mild dose is irenerally required. For nhetamsttUna, fioat, S ravel, Patlmta. ttstioai of the Hear, Paia la the (tide, llack and JLoiaa, they should be continuously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints dUapixnr. ' For Dropsy and Drop! cavl Sw11laa-a they should be tiikon in large and Irequent doses to pro dnce the effect of a drastio puree. For Muppreaaioa a largo dose should be token as it produces the desired effect by sympathy. As a Hinntir pill, toko one or two Fills to pro mote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates tho system. Hence it is often ad vantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who leels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these Pills makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the diges tive apparatus. JS. J. C. AY3SX A CO., Practical Chemists, IOITEXX. MASS., Xr.B.A jSQ?Si)lU by all Druggists and dealers in, Med icines every when. ' SMITH A DAVIS, Portland, CRANE A BRIG IIAM, Sn Francisco, Wholesale Agents. ( f seSavonfiyl. . ,,i - NOT COUNTY CLERK! ; V ' ' BUT " .' CLERK OF' THE DRUG STORE! ,. I WITH ; ' i : it. Hill Won. Will take pleasure in waiting on the needy with Drag-, life iicinos, Paints, Oils, Dye stuffs, Glass, Varnishes, Putty, Perfumery, .. i Fancy Soaps, Combs, Brasses, &c. , aj Physicians' Prescriptions carefully ' Com pounded. - . . , ' ;Doors onen all times of nijrht. ' 3Sr0rders from the interior promptly attcadsd to. v3n51tf A'TiVl5BTISEMEWTS:J' FOR SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE. A. C OVAN & CO.r WHOLESALE fcftETAIL DtALfR - w two nr Mr.-- veipvrovi vri IIS lh . J X vance of the recent fit' ks Cotton Sveds I with a ILARCJE AMD DESIRJJS: CM or .'- CJfF i T)f V TT V fl A A'TlCfT- . . ... .' , , ' AT MARYELOUSLY ; LOW PRICES - roJt- CALL ANU .EXAMINE OtTR STOCK iKO PRICES. We - Hare Iare Qaaalltl BLEA :HEI A3fD BEOWJf C0TT0K8, 1 1 JXJ, COTTOAI,lEXIM,6in KT ISO AX l Cll ECKS, PKI2iT8. 1E. ' " LAIJE8 ALPACCA tilSG UAJIri, JEAX8. CAiigl. 31EItfc,TWEEI8.oy tOREION ANIt OHEliOS J1AXC . PAC "'" TCB. AL0 . '. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF PAVPV TMr.lo katC.t Style, of TotttV. and Oeatieme..' CLOTHIITQ 1 AND FURNISHING GOODS! ,:.T8 tr-kvs ' COOTS l.D SHOES OF ALL USDS A.TD SlllS , ... "'1 . LAnrtTINB, WALL-PAPEH Paper & rien RHod. & rixlr'.e . .. .. 11 spec,.l attention to ..rBteek.f ,RON ANQ STEEL ' c""il- ' ' , '. " -j- V" ... we feei. e.re is urisc it is TUe 1UU TPorOfcueTr Co&sistin? in part of FOEKS, noE?, UAKES,' SPADHS. SfYTHIS. Mit-L-SAWS. CKOSS-CIT. TYAEU'S -lill'l'.OVEU HATEJiT TtlUXU. . 151 LLETT-V ELLS, ' ' MECHANICS AN 3 BLACKSMITHS TO!llS.iDSPLTt Butcher Raws. Earo-I-T Ilnnsa. Boiler, i and Track. Kope Cfaaio. Ik-tog, mi! Itul-. . her faokuis, Uurc-SUiatXaaljs.UoUsk . 2ut aud Washers. Tbimtls aad. ' ' Wagon U!Xie;, Irua. -; Aiirs, Iroa and. ' Steel of crrrj i : 1 . -.. . . lii:d. . : . . . - XlzstiiLg PiwCcr sa Jas WE.Ak PAYING IS CASH the' Highest Jfr kct priei for Uccob, Lard WtXrli ' Call and Icara onr prkes, and H.-sj sH ynarselT.' A. CCWEX CO. AILnny, 3fay 1, 156S--v2nlif . , , r ' ."I 3- s a 0 I (T3 rrt o -3 , "OS : J . CO ,:2?i.. 5.. H -Ms -o , It) ". " s O TPi 73 O XIX o at o O o jo 5 g o M h 3- M to O k is ' m" 53 O o fl 34 P J -"-4 - O - -f, j- KEAf.aTSTAl. ' RTIT7FI A. LiPTON. REAL ESTATE KRORIIUS, GENERAL AGENTS.; BRAXCIIOFFICCAlbatiiy, Oregon. J. a MENDENHALL, Afi-eBt. ' r General La4 Agency fur Oregon, estauliihed July, 18CS. , ' ' An office where (ncral infmaMttn eues&rmn the resources of Oregon can. be ujitaiued free oj,- charge. ' . ' Loans negotiable ou Bret mortgage, -real estate, und Culaterai security. , -' . ; " ., . . , . ; ; Have tur sale a large amount of property loca-. ted in tho town of Albany.: Also farming lands , of every despriptioun Linn and other counties off the State.1 '' "i 4--v,J To tbe oitisens ef Albany and vicinity, and te . . the owners of real estate, we take this method of calling your attention to our place of lnioea.-. . Having determined to open a brancn omea in your -eity, we can oner you a medium fur obtaining par- . chuses one that is appreuiated by buyers, as it: saves them much time an labor in securing what,, they want. vOur priucipal agency at Portland, Oregon, is thoroughly established, and the office so , well furnished for eiving information upon -real. eatate, that it affords the most complete, facilities fur all parlies having business in onr I nc. , 3You incur no expenre in plaoinc roar. property on ealo with us unless a sale ts Made, 'ii Utuce on First street, opposite post omce. " ' .! J. e.MENDENHALL; Agent Albany. Oregon March Sa 1870. , , vinagyl.,;'. ; MARBL-EORKSJ! ' " UEAI.EB IS ' r monumes."obeusks,!;tombs; , Head and Foot Stones ExecutcJ tu taii- , 5 , .fucnia,. Verwos'l ami, Italian ' t-f Also, Mantles, Grates, Fire Bricks. Wafbstandtf Bureau and" doooter Topg furnished to; ordor " State St., Bet. Comniereidl and Front K SALEM, OREGON v4nS2U.