MHU j- -J i-V---'M . Vri: 4 rRIUAY.... . --. JULY 1. 1870. , i Masomc Grand Lodo. TUis budy f.r the jurisdiction of Oregon convened at Asto ria, on the 20th inst., witn hw representative delegation of about 00 member, and eleutod the following officer for the ensuing Mo- - eoBieyear: D. 0. Clark O.M.j T. McF. Patton. D.G.M.; O. M. Stroud, Sen.OvW. r V S. Hughe. J.O.W.; B. P. Crown, fl.Tr.; J, E. nrford, Q.Scc.; W. D. Hare; G. Orator; J. O. Deardof, Q.CIiap.; F.J. Bah cook, G.Marshal; B. F. Goodwin, S.O.D.; . A. Langell. J.O.D.; J. Conner. G. Standard Barr; J. G. Gray, G.Sword Bearer; A. G. ' , Walling:" F. A.' Ford, G. Stewards; A. P. Delia, G.Tyler. The installation ceremonies . . ,wr,. publicly, performed in Congregational ' Clrurch of Astoria, by Hon. S. F. Chadwick, Secretary of State elect and Pant Grand Matter of the Grand Lodge of Oregon ; on "which occasion Grand Orator W. D. liar delivered the annual address in an able and - (sloqaent manner. On Thursday, June 23, after the labors of th Grand Lodge were completed, the delo 'gate accepted an' invitation to visit Cape Disappointment, with the lignt-hnuse and xatterie at that point; also Fort Steven, opposite th Cape, and Cementville in Wash ington Territory. The excursion was taken , m tfce steamer "Joaie McNear," and, not Withstanding the rain which fell copiously .lsaest xkt entire day, a large number of la .dies participated in it and seemed to enjoy the novelty uf the trip immensely. At Cape Disappintment some artillery practice was indulged iu by the soldiers for th amusement of the visitors, in which considerable skill was manifested, by thoe who handled the guns. Three - shots were fired from a 10-inch C'dumbiad, at an eleva tion of 23 degrees, with 18 lb of powder to each load. At the Cape there are three ba tries one containing eight 10 inch Parrot t grins, another three of the same caliber, and the third contains seven 10 inch guns and on ponderous 13-inch CaSumbiad all bear ing upon the sea and tlio entrance to the Columbia river. The lig!it-liiue tower is built on an elevation of about 200 feet above the level of the sea. and the view front its lofty turret is magniScently grand. The wild, hoarse moan uf the breakers at the ' base of the rocky cliff hundreds uf feet lie -neatk, and the turbid white-caps leaping and dancing terms the ever tefractory and perilous bar uf the Columbia, with here and ther ao occasional vessel riding the wild waste of ucean, wiih its triumphant sails spread to grasp the fleeting winds, give to - n enthusiastic beholder a scene uf intense interest ; and the black and frowning can non, glaring wiih upen mouths fmni U-hiud -their earthworks at the tempestuous and turbulent scene, as though only waiting a sign to vomit their death dealing contents into the fiercely battling waves, add a still grander interest to the sublime and soul Cbrilliog scene. ' i Frt Stevens, almost directly opposite the Cape, on the Oregon side, is an earthwork fort, .mounting abut -42 guns ranging from 10 to 15 inches in ea'ilrer. Ucne the inter est of the trip was still further enhanced by tit firing of the mammoth Columbiad, (one of the heaviest pieces nf ordnance un the Pacific coast) with a 15 inch shell and 50 lbs of pewder. The shell exploded at a dis tance of about 3 miles, and sent hack a terrific report to. announce its dissolution to tb awe struck spectators. . The excursion ended with a vieit to Ce tft'entville, so nanieJ in consequence uf the establishment there of a large mill for the manufacture of the cement which supplies the greater part of the demand of Oreg m and th North Pacific coast. Here also is jast completed one of the must extensive - stteam saw-mills in Oregon, owned l.y Mi. . Knspp and superintended by Mr. S. B. Ate ; ttt,-hotti of whom are true gentlemen and fully understand tbecoutesies due to visitors. The excursion steamer returned to Astoria about 7 r. v., and all of the party expressed - thme!ve as greatly pleased with the day's ight-seeing. and spoke in terms nf the highestpraise nf Major Darling and the officers at Fort Stevens, as well as Lieut. Maurice f Cape Disapjrrimrnieiir, for the uniform eourtesy and -gentlemanly deport ment wb:ch characterized the reception at , each of. those points. Tax -"Ltvixo Woxdzbs" gave receptions in this eity during Wednesday and Thurs day of this week, and were numerously vis ited and extensively interviewed by ourciti- sen,-1 .The 'exhibition consist of Muns. Joseph', 43 years old, 8 feet high and weigh ing 425 fcs ; Miss Anna S van, 21 ypr old, 8 feet l-incli i high and weighiiiu "413 ll); the Circassian Lady. Z dteide Lmi. ageil 22 years; and Major Green, nzH 33 vcar, , bight 38 inches and weight 45 Rw. This is the most remarkable combination of won ders that we hnve ever witnessed, and there . is truly le hxmbu4gery alwirjt it than any '- similar exhibition that has ever visited the ' Pacific coast. These wonderful people are all intelligent, educated and refined in man. ner,-and their conversation is agreeable and highly entertaining. Wh rc all strive to please it would he invidious to particularize - or make distinctive mention of either; hut office that Mijor Green is tieaurifullv little, the Giant and Giantess are ponderously big, and the Circassian lady is extremely beau' ful. Th Coi-.r .litam II-.TEL, in Portland, kept by J. B. Sprenger, is by far the let public house in. Oregon, and reflects grei t honor upon that. city and cn-dit npon ita ftwprle'O". 'th rm-n are Isrgef elegan'. y farjdsh'eil itod veil ventilated, a;id the tables are always Is-untifully soreud with the, jmhxtantiaW and Iuxurie'of th P-irtland market. " Arid then '"Jake" i such a capi tal landlord, fully nhdrstandinz and upnre eiayng the wants of everv individual guest, i i - and ever ready t respond t any reasonable demand in the most urhnue and aff.ibln manner;-People going -t Portland should al ways remember that the Cosmopolitan is the first class hotel of that city, v. ,il "' Cinccs Comxa. Next Friday Nelson's '- Circus will perform in this city, and from ne&voraMe reports that our exchanges eie , of their entertainments along the mute from j . Call Tom in. we are persuaded that they area company of decided -merit. ? . Foa the Mountains. To-morrow Messrs. J. D. Price, Geo. Patterson and Columbns Cown, accompanied by their families, will be off for the Cascade Slonntains fir a sea son of recreation, hunting and fishing. MAlUrr-The Harrisburg tuail loaves tb" J t'tj on Jlondaya and Thuredays, instead f Tuesdays and Fridays asterctofore. Albakt, Jutr 1, 1870. Btlttort Democrat i Th last issuo the Ileginter contains an Unprovoked and false attack upon myself by an anonymous correspondent who signs himself :Buok." ' The thing bears the ear marks uf that subsidised petty larceny lliiut and bar who perflnil.uluteU tli oonnty in Hie interest ol the Itolung taction, una was evidently sug gested by parties who prefer to shaltor them selves behind a dirty -Stone. I do not pro pose to enter into any controversy through the columns of a newspaper) or elsewhere, with that kind of a character or his abettor, I or notice the pot house slang of a republican lilackguard who manifested an intenso ue aire) to aecur votes f-r his nephew and the republican ticket, by hugging a negro at tho polls at the late election. J. II. 1IACKLEMAN. AxoTnxa Joseph Flkis. We are credi bty informed that Mons. Joseph, the Giant who is traveling with the "living wonders," by hi gallant liearing and shapely person enkindled a flame in the heart of a fair young widow of Portland during his short stay iu that city, and that she followed (un known to him) tho company of "wonders" to Silvertnn, Marion county, when, learning by secret inquiry that her love ws utterly hopeless, as the giant heart was enlisted elsewhere, she returned sorrowfully to Port land, bearing the ashes of her dead love in the casket of her bittnry memory, and sigh ing "Not for Joseph 1" N. B. We are further informed that Miijor Green, the Lilliputian, giillittiity vol unteered to supply the pluco in the ladv'a heart, left vncent by the e.-ld repulse nf Mons. Joseph, but she Militely informed the aspiring youih that she wanted "a bigger man ! Collector. We desire to direct the at tention of our readers to the new special no tice of Mr. Win. Davidson, Kenl Ktute Dealer and Spoviul Collector ofCaiuis, Port land. Our limited space this week prevents us from clnbornting upon the business qnnl ifications of that very excellent and accoin. modating gentleman, but we trust our friends havins any business in Mr. D.'s line will rive him an opportunity ol proving his promptness and business capacity in their hehaif. Goixo to S.i.M. Albany Fire Company has accepted an invitation to participate in the celebration at Salem next Monday, and will g- down by Isrnt on that morning, ac compnnied by the AH-nny Brass Band. Let every in em Is-r f our Company turn not in gorgeous uniform and astonish the natives of the obscure village of Salem. Citt Okpisaxcbs. The publication of the city ordinances in this week's isueid the Dxaora.tT necessarily crowds out mstirr f more general i terest to the public, bill trust our generous readers wiil bear inioind the necessity uf the case and make a !ilcral allowance for the scarcity of reading matter. Tii.vxks to our young friend "Dcla" Smith for substantial favors. It is indeed a pleasure to hate the friendship uf mh h bright and manly boys as the youthful Did axon. UTnLtw' Ciscl's. Tti powerful torn Vinstion will perfurm in t!ii city In-morrow (?' ordar) rrtni' j. and froia lbs repntetiua of tl ir former -errniir.siirrs frl warrantcj ia statox that a rare entertainment may be expected. I. O O F.-The Old Fellows of this city will spend the Fourth in "picnic-irg at Soda Springs, five miles Lebanon. Tux railnad survejo.-s are encamreJ in Ilacklcmnii's pasture, iu the eastern edge of this city. Tux M-tsontc Graud Lodge of Oregon se lected Salem as the next place of meeting. Toe steamlsiat fare for the round trip to Salem," next Monday, will be $1,50. Wistar'a Will Cherry Balsam TbU Dalfamie eumpound has Leeume a lm fixture. Let all who fftr, an4 bare in vaia atUmpted to cure tbeir eoaghs. oM. bronebial or palmuaarr eomptaiata, make bmuF tbi anstjuallea remctljr. Bsware of Tooth Poisons ' Vended amler tbe name or DentriSees. Adopt and ailhero to the only preparation that really preterres tbe teeth and bard. a tbo gams, fra- jtrant "Z'i"3T. its cBoets on aeeajing teelb are marrellou. 'SrALDisc's Glcs" mend Cruckcry, Wooden Warn. etc. SPECIAL NOTICES. DAVIDSON, OSes No. C4 Front Street,' I0HTLAXD - - . . OEE'JOX. REAL ESTATE DEALER. Special Collector of Claims. A large amount of CITY and EAST PORTLAND Property for SaV. AIo. IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable onenl- tivat4 LAN localed in alt parts of tbe Stule. Investments in REAL ESTATE sad other PKOPKUTV, uaila tor eorrerMicdets. 1.4 IMS f ail t si-riptiiHis protnp'ly eltsctcd. HOUSES snd 8T0KK8 leal. All kinds of Finincial and Oeneral Agency bus ness tranaat-ti-d. Parlies bavins FARM PROPKP.TY f..r t a'.e will pleas? funiib dew-ripti as of the same to Ite MiKHTH OP THIS OFFICE, in escb f the pri itipal CITIES snd TOWA'S of tbi STATE. jallutCtf '. Time tests the Merits of all Things. rFOIl THIRTY YEARS ffi Pkiiry avis' Pact Killek, been tested in every variety of climate, and by almost every ration known tu Am ri-siia. It is tha sluoet eonstant companion and inestimable Iru nd of the missionsrv aud lbs traveler, on ses and land, and no one should trsvel on our Lakes' or Bivans witboct it. i It U a speed and ssfo remedy for burns, scalds, cuts, bruises, wounds a id various other injuries, as well as for dygen e y, disrrbata. and bowel complaints generally, aud is admirably mited lor every race of men on the face of tbe globe. Be sure yu ealt for and get the genuiae Pain KHI'.r, as many worthless ppstrums are attempted to be sold on the groat reptttntlotr of this valuable medbrino. - SrUiretos aeco-npany esea bottle.. 1 lrieo 25cts, 50cu; aad $1.00 per Bottle, gold hy nil Medic in Dealer. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 ! 5i i t. ADDRESS To the Nervous and Debilitatod, Who suffcrlngi bsv beta protrsoted froat bid. dea sstiiti, aad ttboM csmi rcqulr prompt treat meat to reader sxUtsao dsstrabUr If you are ufferlnj, or bar snosrsd, from InroIunUry dii chargei, what sfTeat doe It prodae npon your Central health t Do yon ftal weak, debilitated. eaiily tlrsdf Dos a liltls extra exertion produes pslpltstioa of tb heart T Does your 11 vor, or nrU nsry organs, or your kidneys, frequently (at out of order? I your nrlos (omellint) thick, milky or flocky. or Is It ropy on settllnsT Or doas a thick skua Hi to tb top t Oris sediment st lbs bottom after It hat stood awhile t Do yon hire spells of short brtalbinj or dyspepsia? Ars your bowels sooillpatedT Do yt a bsv spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to tbe head ? Is your memory impaired I is year mind oaitaotly dwelling on this subject? Do you feel dull, list less, moping, tired of company, of life 1 Do you wleb to be left aluns, to get away from every b'dy? Daes any little thing make yoa itsrt or jump? Is yoar sleep broken or rsatlcis? Is the lastrs of yuar ey as brilliant? Tb bloom a yi-ur cheek as bright ? Do you enjoy yanelf In society as well? Do yoa puna your buiiness with tbs same energy t Do you feel as math eon- fidens ia yourself? Ar year spirits dall sad tsggltg, giving iotoAteof msUseboly? not lay it to yoar liver or dyspepsia. Have yoa restless nights? Yoar back weak, yoar ksees weak, aad bar bat lUtle appetlls, sod yoa at tribute this to dyepepaia r liver-eamplaint? Vow, reader, sslf-abase, venereal dtsesset bsdly cared, sad sesusl cseesset, srtal! capable of pro- durlng a weakness of lbs geoerstire organs. Tb organs of graerstine, when ia perfect health, make lb maa. Did yoa rr tbink that Ibot bold, defiaol, oergslw, psrseveriog, suceesefa! baiats-mca sr at stays thee whose generative organs ara in pcrket beaHh? Yua ttaver bear t-vk an eomplaia of being melaasbeir, of ner vousness, of palpiuti-a of tb heart. Tbry ar never afraid they cannot succeed la bailnees ; they don't become sad and discvarsged; they srs always polite aad pleasant ia tbs company of Is dies, snd look yoa and them r'.gbt Ia tb face aoae of yoar downcast looks or say ether mean ness about tbem. I do not msaa those who kerp lb organs inflated by running to sseel. This will not only rata tbeir eonttitut'oue, but also those they do basin with or for. IIow many men, from bsdly cared diseases. from tbs effects of self-abas sad txeerser, bar brought about that state of weakness In those, or gans that bat reduced tb general system so much as to indues almost every other disease -idoey t lansey, paralysis, spinal sneations, suicide snd slmost erery other form of dircase which human ity is bcir to, snd tbs real eanse of tbe trouble scarcely ever satpcctsJ, and have doctored for all but tbe right on. Diseases of these organs require tbe nse of a Diroretie. II ELM HOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT UUCI1C is tbe great Diuretic, and is a certain euro fur dwases of ths Clod ter. Kidneys, Orare', Dropsy, Orgaulo Weakneii, Female Complaints, General Debility, aad all diseases of th Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever eaass originating, snd no mitter of how long stsnding. ' ' ; :s ' ' If no treatment is submitted to Consumption r Insanity may eniue. Our fin 'i and blood are supf orted from 'thee soarees, and tbs health and happiness, and that of Poitcrity, dapends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. Helmbold's Extract Bucbu, estsblirhed npwsrd of I9ystrs, prepared by I. T. HELMDOLD. Druggist. 594 Sroadwsy, New York, end 104 South 10th Street,. Fhilsdelpbta, Pa. Prick $1,25 per bottle, of S bottles fur $6,50, delivered to any address. Sold by all Drnggists erery where. ' ; J-ONE ARE GEStlJJE UNLESS DOXE UP in steel engraved Wrapper, wilb fo-imiU of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed ' , . '' . 11. . HFLMBOLD. vJnf3m3." DEALERS IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE! ' ' STORE IN FOSTER'S BRICK.- FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY 0. MANSFIELD & CO.. ' . KEEP CONSTANTLY ON BAND A FINK ASSORTMENT 07 DRY GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS & SHOES, QUEEN8WARE, GLASSWARE, 4,0- IN FACT EVKRYTHlSa USUALLY KEPT IN A RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT, WHICH THEY Ofifcr Very Low, Either fbr Cash or Produoe. :' vJaeOyl . . " P. C. IIABPCB CO. PI LEW I Why do mullliude eufftr yesr after year' with this distressing dlsesss, wbioh tbey know must ultimately take them to tb grv f Th resion simply Is tbst tbey bar never boon sbls to pro cur a reliable rsmejy. Ttmporarf rtlit only agijraiatf tktjiiitnw. Tb dineovery of perfectly rellabl and speedy ear bas recently been msde, and th medicine may bow be bad of A. CAU0TI1ER8 k CO.. of this eity, who ar solo proprietor. . Tbs Pit Will bar been used by many in this euunty, and In no cat ha its tbejr failed to effect a psrmsacoi ure. Sent post (aid to Stly sddress on rtcelpt of $l,&0prbns. n4ltf On HraandLand the (irrsl Rcsto rsttlvc. Al a remedy for lbs ses-t leknsts wbloh bettta tb voysger on bi wiy to and from California, and fr tbs diaorders which ssasll tb unaccllwat d emigrant iu the anliealtby dtttriets of tb in- terior, UU It Tl Kit 3 STU3I ALII UI rTtK.-i will bs found equally eSrscious. On no part of tbe eotitinotit ba tbs value of Ibis purs vegetable elixir, ae a apcciOo for epidemis diaeaees, been so clearly rated, aa in tbu new Matei and Territories lying conliguut to lb PselBe Ucean. Ae a meaas uf preventing tb tlutrereing aud dangerous sttscks uf fever, and lbs d seaterie and diarr basal oialaliita abirb ar engendered by pisoo in tbe air, or by tbe ue of water contain log a mineral "r vegeiabl taint inimical to bealtb it is euufesesdly superior to soy other tonic and alterative in tb world. It act as a preventive agool by etreestheniug snd exhilarating tbswbul pbyieal organisation, and producing a regular babit of body. Alt that lb human system re quire, to enauls it to roit tb delutcrkus effort of nialaria, is lncrtavd vigr snd vital sctiiity. snd lboe ars lbs inevitall reeults of a uur ol this celebrated tonie and aurrectiv. It promote appsllta. Iscililalea diealion, controls tb liver, reicuiaU. Ik bowels, braree lb uervet, supcrin- Ihm sound and whulseum steep. Invigorate without exciting II. nle,and imparts baoyaasy to tb auiwal inu. Tb bdy aad mind toned and ebeeted by it genial b-ratiia. art im a eoa- ef.tioa to rrptl mil tJtitrinr Veteeace ukitk lead fe jtrMtmr ,. Flos, dtacolury. biliou rcmit- 1. 1', cniliaan'l lever, rbrnuialum. e., are almost alw ;. aaured by almoapberie poisoa act.nx upoa an auturtincd ltui. ISrare up lb orxanUni. and cheer Hie ml, wiih Ibis wbolouie medi cated tioula t, and tba neither lb malaria generated by ttie 0 lib nf rrvSTded i!m-, a r tlia rxbaUtioa of new soil, aor lb vaaid water of a priughMS rogl.ia.aiII be likely to produce wnuus cafUenie. tlmi FRENCH MEDICAL. OFFICE. DR. JUUEN PERRAULT. Dctr f BX dicta f th racnJty tl rnria, urafatt ar tb Uclwarattf Qaa'a Collar- and Pbyaicisva f ta. bt. Jafan Uxptiat SocUtyef tian rraa- ctc. I a. IVaaartT bas lb pleasur to inform pa tient snd utbrr racking aoeSdsntial medical d- vir thai be eaa beeoaeulled dailv bUofliea. Ar- miry Hall DoiMing. North al earner of Moot-jfono-ry and riacrameulo streets, fan Francieeo. Koum stum. v. 10, II. trat uur.ap stairs. atraae on either Montgomery -r h'lereeaeiile streets. Its. ruAi i.T s atu-l.e bare l.en slmnaiexelo- ieely dvtd to lb ear uf lb variua form of .Nt rvoas sod Physical Debility, tb revolt of inju rious acquired ia yo:b. which uaally ter minate ia impuU-nce and srerifity, and permaoent ly induce all the oncotcilant of old age. Where wrvt inllrtnlty exitts iandvingtbebapptarssol a life and Ibex uf other, reax.n and morality dic tate tit neeewity or it removal, for it is a fact that premature decline of lbs vigor of manhood, matrimonial unbar pine, eompuhory (inxle life. etc., bare tbeir surci ia csuses, tb germ al wbicb le planlea ta early lite, snl lb bitter traits tasted lor jr afterward: patirnla, laboring under ibis complaint, will complain of ono or more of tbe following eymptom : Nocturnal Ivmlasions, Psins in the ISsck snd Head. Weakness of Memo ry an I Sight. Iichaa;e trura tbe V ret bra on go In; to 'o.. or makieg Water, Intellectual Farol lie ar W. akenod. Lu of Memory ensaos. Ideas are clouded, and there isadiainclinstiua loaltead to basiae, ar cvea to reeding, writing, or tbe redely of friends, etc. The aaliebt will probably complain of Zilnrea, Vert-go, and Ibat ffigbl and Hearing are weakened and sleep disturbed by dreams ; melancholy, sighing, palpitation, faint ing, euugh and slow fever ; while soms haw external rbeumatio pain, and auuibnees of tbe body. Home of the moet common by m ptoia are pimples in lbs face, and aching in different part of tbe body. fatrcnM suffering rrom this discs. abould spfily immediately to Iu. PessAL LT, cither in person or by letter, as he will guarante a rare of Seminal Eu.isaions and ImpoU-nc ia six or eight weeks. Pstiunta siiRcring fmin venerial diaease In any tasn, tlunorrhe. tilcet. Stricture. Itubo. fjloi-ra, Cutaneuu Krupii ana, etc , will be trcmed urccw fully. All Syphilitic and Mercurial Taints entire ly removed Iroiu the sjrtem. Da. Pkuraclv's liplomas are In bis office, where patient enu see lor themselves that they are under tbe care of a regularly educated practi tioner. Tbe brat rel'crencos given if required. Patient auflVritijr under clio nic diica, can call and exauilns for theineelvc. We invite in- veatiitation ; elaim not to know every'bine, nor to euro everybody, but wo do cl I in that in all ease takeu andi-r treatment w fulfill our promUes. Ws parti'-ulnrly request tho who bsv tried this bnaated doctor, snd that sdvertbed physician, till worn nut snd discouraged, to call upon r.s. Low eharcc snd uiuk cures. Lsdias suffering from any complaint tnoidental to tbeir sex. can eoBfult the doctor with tbe anur anc of relief. " Feitanl ItlwitttilF 1lHn. Da. Pkbsm'lv is the only agt-nt in California nr lie. BloVr'ft Frmale Mi.nthlv l'ili. Thoir immcn'o sule bus tstnblUhed their reputstina ss female remcd v. un-Miir aclieiLand far in advsnr of every other remedy for stippreaslons and Irres;- ulsriiie. and other obatruetious in fimnlea. Oa the receipt of fire dollars, tb Pills will be ent by inuil r express to any part of tb world, se- enre from euri'ieity or dsmnc.. ' I'craor.s at a (IbUnro eai. be cured st home, by ddrusains a letter to Da. PKnnxt'LT, corner i Un -rsmeuto and Montgomery streets, Ksoins 10 iind II. or l:x 97.1. P. 0.. Ran Franel'rO. ttntinff the e ise as rtilnilt-ly a po.4bl, general habits of hvin(T oecupnt:on, ete , ctn. All doramuuiostionaronrldcntHI.!' e JnnSyl The stnndnrd remedy for Coughs. InfluenK,, orc . Tkroat, Whooping 7 Comjh, Croup, Liter Complaint. JJroH- -ekiti. liletding of iht Lung; and every " affcetion of the ThroSt, Long and Cheir, : inrlnding CiissrjHPTioi. r ' sVlatar'n Baltanidoes6ot dry np a Cough, but Imiaens it, cleat.aei the lungs, and allay irritntiob, thus remoStsy ; thteauit Of tho e m plant. Nn genu- ! , in unless signed I. Buits,'; Prepared by i - 8aTrt-W. Fowls A: Sow, -Boston. Bold ! by Rnt.vqte,'llt)TtitTBn A 'Co.', San' Fransireo, and by dealer generally. vSoUyl. l: casxDLi, " " a. casAPLs, Frot-t, Albany, Oga. lit Clay ft., Ss Frsa lso, California. ' R. CHEADLE & CO. GOODS RECEIVED BY EVERY STEAMER DISSCT FROM SAN FRANCISCO. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS! Tbst I will stUnd to a GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS! IX SAW FRAXCIMCO! IN ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE rsr siaT COXSIGKED TO ME FOB SALE! Whcit Tikes for Goods or Book leeoBBti! 60 CcnU per Bubal OaU 30 Ct. per Btutel L. ClltADLK. or Albany, will atleod to all ord.-rs oa batiasss in tb proda trad that may b tent from Albsny lo me. oc93u8m H. C1IEADLK. ALE AND BEER, AT- CITY BREWERY! COr.NER OF FIRST AND WASHINGTON STREETS. ALDAXY, OnCCO.V. -J. Z. CROUSE, PROPRIETOR. THE PROPRIETORS BEO LBATX TO IS form tb public that they KEEP C0SSTABTLY ON BAUD a raoics ssrtcLs or 2STZ3 BEER1 Which they ar prepared t farniah AT vTHOLERALE OB BETAIL! " Delivered Free I asy part ef tb City or Stat. Ail rdr , promptly slteoded to, and Pwriact SatialacUem aaaraataad. UarllvSaSOtf. 3 0 4 e 00 "3 rs O o pi 2 Ui St eaaal o n a 3 CO j g Si e B s o o y Z a 2 21 - 5J P g m B B 5 B C .8. P c. a to . O O In the Count; Court of the County of Linn ainl Slutt of Oregon. ( r; ? !i In the matter of the Estate and Guardian' ehip oj Tltomas J. CUie, a minor. Order to HAow Cause. AT THIS I AY If APPEARING TO THIS Court, frota tb petition fired in tbi Court oy Jans Clin. UuSrdian of tho pcfsua and estate f Thomas J. Clin, a minor, praying for aa 6r der of sale of certain real estate of said ward, tbst It would be for th best interest of the skid minor that sack rest estate be sold : It (s hereby ordered that Ui next of kin of th said ward, and U persons Interested ia tbe said crtatc. p pear before Ibis Court oa 'Tuetflay,'- the 2d Ja j of Augutt, 1870, at the Court Hons in tb City of Albany, County f Linn and State of Oregon, than and there how ono why a Unense should not b granted for the tale of such estate." And it Is "further tfrdertd tbst a eopy of this order b' published at least three successive week in the '-State Hiihts Dem ocrat," a newspaper published aad of general cir oulut'u within said county . nwd - - ' . 8. A. JOHNS, County Jud;;e. NOTICB OF riNAX SETTLEMENT. T, ,M. POWKtt. EXECUTOR OF THE ES uato of Kiehxrd TV. Powell, deooased, having this lay Died bis final aoowunt of bis Administration of said Estate and rendered the saw fbr settle- ujeut it is ihorufor ordered that i uetdayi the Id day of Augutt, 1870, at tb hour of on o'clock r. a,st tb Court Hons iu th city of Albsny, la said county and State, be appointed for tbe bearing of objection to such dual aeeouat and lb settlement of tbo same, and ibat tlotioe hereof be givon by publication in th State Rights Democrat," a newspaper of general oiieulution iu said county, once a wekn.for st east foar sueeessive weeks before laid day. f By order of said Court. , . t r 8. A. JOUVti, CeoAty atndg. t Jun , 1870 Bw4. , v, - . , ' ,t i FARMpSrE!CEj .. -After this week, natU ftjrther Botiee-.''' Feb. U, 18-sltf. R. CHEAPIB. AVDBBTItBJBMKNTS. RATES OF TOLL, ivb vaa WILL1IETTI TlLLlf 1RI CJXCJDE I0UI . 1 IIS WiOflN Ta Dhatt ftlv, 4-bor r flat ukm'i U it T - -t " ,V-"V " t 00 To . I - - 00 To - OS tal, t yek.... 4 00 evsry addlUeeal yok. ' M M ' loo bars, pet bead. St " 'IU, .- 1 m sheep or begs, 0 - peek salmals.losdad... M ;. uanaek'a ti To To To T T T T fcon and rider Waf 1 00 Tssass re turn lag apty, half pri. To Fis Lakh ; 4-hor or muls tsmf oask way. .,... ...... m ev . ...... MM..... t V M... .....M.. X 00 M w Pssk aalmals. Waded " " nloaUd, ...... ....... Si ITors aad Met s It Oa team, S yok ' M.. S 00 To Urrsa Ssaa Sratso t -bors or mat lata, out aad bsek ) 0W aA 2 M aa 1 at-. :i a. , 1 00 Hers aad rider - ' M Lvov animals, Si Oa tsms tb sams as hers team. - : ' J A 80 WHSELER, Pres't J s. Eli ibs, S'y. ... April 22,1070. ... vinSCtf PRIVATE MEDICAL AID QUICK CCEE8 AXD MODERATE CHARGES. DR. W. K. DOnERTY'l PRIVATE MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE I Sacramento Street, below Montgomery, opfs ail tb Pscitte Mil Klesmabip Com pany's Vfis, Privet estraaee oa Leidesdorff street, Saa i'rsnciseo. BttaHUktd tz-prl le mffard the mfflimUd emma aael ttitntifie mtditml mid im Me Irealsaea aad ear of all Priwmtemmd Chrtm i If item: ease Attar tj mnd mil Stxmml lHtordvrt. TO TIIE AFFLICTED. DK.V.L DOUERTY KETURX8 HIS SIN eere tbanks to bis. niuierouj tjatieata for tbeir patroaage, and would take tb's opportunity to remind tbem that be continue to consult at bu lastitnte for tb ear of cbrooi diaease ef th Lca, Liver, Kidneys, llieeativ and Gsaito-Cri- nary Organs, and all private disease, vis . Syph ilis ia all It forms aad stagas. Seminal Weakness, aad all th horrid eoasqucace of self-abus. Goo eiTbesa. Gleet, Stricter, Nocturnal aud Diurnal missions, Saa! Debility, Disea of lb Back and Loins, InBammattoa ef tb Bladder and Kid aeys.ete.. ete.. snd be bop that bis long experi- enoe and saccesafnJ practie will eontinue to insar bim a sbar of pablie patronage. Isy the practice of many yean in Korop aad tb unttd - States, he is enabled to apply tb most efficient and oe eefnl rem ed tea against diseases of ail kind. Ue as ao mercury, charge moderate, treats bis pa tients ia a correct aad boaorable wsi, aad bas references of unqaeationable veracity from men ef kaown resneetabUity and bigb standing in soci ety. All parties eeasnlbag aim ay tetter oretber wise, will raeetve tb best aad gentle: treatment, sad Implicit Mcracy. - T FcwMles). Wbea a female U ia treabl. or aSieted .with disea, as waknss of tbs back and limbs, pain ia tb bead' dim see f sight, lo of muscalar nowr, aaJpitatioa f tb heart. Irritability, aer voaas, eiireme urinary diaVealties, ckrraag aeat ef digestive reactions, gvnerrl debility, va- gialtu, all oieaaae at ta womb, bystena, tenli- ly. aad all other diseases peealiar to females; she shyald co or write at ones t the eelebrated female doe ter, W. Iv. Doherty, at few Medical Inetitut aad consult him a boat ber trouble aad diaeaae. Tb Doctor Is effecting more cares tbsa sny other pbysieiaa la th State of California. Let ae fale delicacy prevent yoa. bat apply immediately and save yourself from painful sufferings aad prema ture death. A:l Married Lad'. whose delicate health or ether eireamstaaess prevent aa increase ia their fatiilaas, should writ or call at Dr. W. K. Doherty s Medical Iastital, aad they will receive very poaiibl relief aad kelp. The Doctor' otS e are so arraagd that h esa be ceasalted with- t fear of brvatia. T Crrcayatalositai. Patients residing ta aoy part of fb Stat, fcow- vr distaat, who may deeir lb opinion aad ad vice ef Dr. Doherty ia tbeir respeative ease, aad who tbiak proper te submit a written statement ef such, ia pre tares o to holding a personal interview. are respectlully assarcd test tnir communication will be held meet acred aad confidential. If the eaa be fallv aad aadLAy deseribed, per- onat communication will V ro necessary, as in struction for diet, regimen, and tb general treat sseatar tb ras (incladmg lb remaaTies), will be forwsrded without delay, aad ia sueh a manner ta eonvey a idea of .the purport of Ibe letter r pare ?o tranamitted. Conaultation by letter ar otherwise, rasa. Permanent euro gaaratcd or ao pay. Addass, W. K. DOHERTT.X. V.. . Baa xrsaeiseo, uaiirornia. Hperteatmrrhaesv. Da. Donearv baa just published an important pamplet embodying his own view and experiences in reUtJoo lo Impotenc or Virility, being a short treatise on Snermatorrbrea or Seminal Weakness Xcrvou and Physical Debility ennfeqeent on tbi sfleetion. and other diaeases ofth Sesttall Orgaas. This lilt! work contains information of tbe al most value to all. whether married or single, and will be sent FREE by mail on receipt of sii ocet in pnstag (tamps for retarn poatsge. Address. . W. K. DOHERTY, M. D.. . v3n3Stf San Franciaco, Cal. MACHINERY ! i 3 . OF ALL KIDS,i 2 V rt i !i lit ESI it l B, E I ! ar BEARD atis COLVEfl. HEAbERS, r THRESHERS, MOWERS, REAPERS, SHOULD BS LOOKED TO SOON. ' ! ' J ' . ; ? Person having the j j ' ,- Whtcler i Seliek Endlcti Chain Turesbcrs, Caa have tbem repaired so tbey will clean the grsin ss well as any Thresher, and elcaa as much a their poller trill thresh. V i 4 FLAX. FANS MADE TO ORDER ONLY. . In short, all other Agricaltaral Msebiass and Impiemsbts mads and repaired. We areeomplaiing arrangements to manufacture Seed SowerSf SuIke and Gang Plows, ef Jib best patterns no in user1 ?.. . -..' All work warranted made ef th best material. : 6hop on corner of Washington and SceooJ-sts., Albany, Oregon. . Jun3m3 taOTZtfl) Of rXttsUa' SXlVTIaEltlealaT. Mi AROARET OSBORNE. ADMltflStftA- trif.of Jhe etate of Ai JI. Osborne, deeeaed , hfiVinx this day filed her final sooount of hot Ad- ministration of f aid Estate aad rendered the Sam for settlement it is therefor. ordered that Aoefo4A? 14 cferjt of Attgftt, ; 1870, at th hoar of 1 o'clock, p. st., at th Court itoase ia the eity of Albany, in said .county and 8tatet no appotntea tor ue nesnng or oniections to cb ltactfoun andrtlitiselUeoieator t same, and tbst netlc hereof b gtvea ky puhllcatiea hi tbs Stat Rights Democrat," a newaaaae of General Leirejalatloa la said eoab'ty . one a week for t leas lor sueeessirs wees prior -to said dary, . ' "By order of said Coart. ' ' S. A. JOHNS, County Judge, Jan 24, 187ft 45w4. AOVKBT 18EMK T TO THE UNFORTUNATE NEW REIvtEDIESrKEW REMEDY Da GIBBON'S piaPtHtSAK?, 623 Koarn Stw eoruw CotnmrclsU; PriraU Eatraac on CommereJai st.,'4 ' MA ritAsrciiico. ESTABLISHED 1ST .18(4, for tbo trtmt of Sxul aad Seminal Diss,k a Goa orrbota, OIt, BtrictareSyph llls ia all Its forms, Semlaal Weaknen, fmpotesfty, t 4kia Disc (or yst"taaa ng) and VleeraUd Leg , sas- fully,tat4 . . ITow msnV tbnaadt of person ,' both ! and female, ar there who ar (offering eat a mis erable exist, from tb effect of secret indulg ences, r from vim absorbed into tb system.- Look at tbeir pallid, emseiated aad dUBgOr' fsces, aad their brokea-dawa onstitslioas, die- qualifying tbem for lb bappiaeas of marriage of tbe enjoysseat of lift, la tbi horrid sitaatiea tbousands suffer notil nestb closes tb idc' Let psreats, gaardiaas aad friends attana t tkes wbe ar suffsring with aay of these horrible, lif destroying mslsdirs se that tbey sre eared for and cured before it is too late. Send tbem iaamsv diately to Dr. Gibbon, a pbysieisn who bas mad privat disease hi especial study or years, and who is certain ta euro lb most inveterate ease without laereurv or any injurious drag. '.It at important to tbose wbo are sfflicted, -or t tbosw who arc interested in tb welfare of their- friand, to bs csreful of tb msny pretended doctor wfc infest a 11 cities, publishing tbeir kl in coring ell diseases ia a few day, imposing npon th publi by using th names of eminent pnysicians. irons Enron and utber r.'crea. Ite. thcrtfore, earefbl. snd ms'.e striet Inquiry, or yoa msy fall into tk bands' of ttaoie ebarlstar. . Seminal We aka c ss. - -SomUial emissions, tbe consequence of self- abuse. Ibis solitary vice, or depreved sexual Indulgence, is practiced by the youtk of both sexes to aa almost unlimited extent, producing. itb unerrinar eertaintr. tbe following train of morbid symptom. uuU ss eombatted by seicntif. medical measures, vis : Sallow eoantenanee, dark snots under eves, nain ia tbe bead, ringing in tb ars. neis lik tb rustling of leaves and rattliag of chariots, nnessines sbout tbe loins, wesanes or tb limbs, confused vision, blunted Intellect, losa of eeaadeace, di&draee of approaebing strangers, a dislike to form new acquaintance, a dispositieai tesbun SMiety, loss of memory, hectic sasbes, pimples and eruptions sboot tbe faee, furred tocgue, fveted breath, cough, eonsamptioa, sdgbt sweats, monomania and frequent insacity. If relief be not obtained.tbe sufferer should spply immediately, either in porscn or by letter, to have a cur effected by bisnew and scientifie mode ef treating Ibis disease, which never fails of effecting a quick and radical cere. Dr. O. will give $1 CO to any person wbo will prove satlsiactonly to bins that he was eared of this complaint by eUier eg tb San Francis ouacks. T; . XKarrted Glear . Or tboss wbo contemplate marriage, who arV suf fering under any of tbe fearful maladies', shoal not turret the sacred responsibilities reetiag upa tbem, nor delay to obtain immediate tc'::tf, f To the Ladies. The various complicated and dirtreM;c disease incident to females, treated wiik eminent sueoeas socb as Supprvssiocs. Irregnlsrities, WUiles, Fsll ing of tbe Womb, Tumors, ail 1'rii.ary Discsscs, Nervous Debility, Painful or D-Eeult Menstrura tion, Darresness, et!. wiil be eedi'y cured', with out foinoaou drugs, injuries, or anpalatabl med icine of any kind. Have no delicacy in caUing, no difference what your trouble, may te. Tbe af flicted ar crdia!!y invited to call- and aify tbmelvc. .. . ... - . Parson's ealiu.g at Dr. Gibbon's effee or seed ing for package of medicine msy rely npon bis assurance of confidential eeresy with implicit faith, and expect no more than to be coarged with a fair aad mutually satisfactory remuneration for services Tendered, considering tbe circumstances aad diSealti of th ease, rather than a tee prev alent aad selfish practice of exportation amsng quacks and pretender. ' DR. OIRROX 1 responsible, and will give t eaeb patient a written instrument biadiag bimself to effect a radical and f-nsaant cor or Bias ae cLarge. tTtrrea Hone. Pereen at a disUnce ean be CCREI AT IIOME, by audrassicg a letter t- Dr. Gibbon. stating ease, symptoms, length of time tbe disease nas eontiBaed, and have medicines promptly ler warded. free of dsmase and curiosity, to aay part of tb country, with full and plain direction for nse. by enclosing $10 in coin, in a registered letter, through tbe Post nfice oa Wells, Fargo A Co. A psckag of medicine will be forwarded by express to sny part of tbe Cnion. Address ik.j. r.umuu.i. - Box tit. San Proaciseo. CaKforx ia. Remember to pot hn 252 oa tbe letter. Conaultation FREE. XB Correspondents will pleaae inform DR. GIBBON that tbey read his advertisement la tk StItb Rtssrrs DaaocasT. msylivts:!. JffOHB THAH 20a0OO TSRSOM Boar taetlmony to the Wonderful CaraUva XtTeetsof If Dr. Joseph Walker's 6. C a. iS,3 VIUEGAR B.TTEnOt, itaanfactored tram th native Herbs and Roots of California. ' a QTThe Croat Blood tttrUier.3 FOR INFLAVMATORT AKD CHROKIO tlBXTJUATISM AND GOUT. DYSPEPSIA, ar IJTOIGESTION. UlUOla, REMITTENT snd INTERMITTENT IT. VERS, DISEABE3 OFTHK BLOOD. LIVER, SIDNEYS snd BLADDER, thee BITTERS bare been tnott anccessful. BUCK DISEASES are caused by VITIATED BLOOD, which Is generally produced by derangement ef tbe DIGESTIVE ORGANS. Clean tb Vitiated Blood whenever yoa find Its impurities bursting through tbe skin ia Pirn. Ides, Eruptions, or Bores; cleanse it when yoa find Jtobetructed snd sluggish In the veins: cleans it' wbea it is fonl, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood healthy, and all will be well. . AGENTa Corner Pine snd Sansome ttreets.San Francisco. ? - Cal-, and Ssorsmeatrx Od.a'aad 8.tlttStret,H.V. SALE OF ROAD -LANDS N0TICE.IN PCRSUAKCE OS" AJf OREH ronlo'hy the Board of Dissctor of the Wil lamette Valley sad Cascade Mountain Wagon Road Company, tbey now offer at private sale; usv. til Jolv 1st. 187. any and all of tbeir lands lo cated in. Linn oouutyOrogo, j , J . TEtuS: ooe-ftay casn at lata, remainder ta twelve months at 10 per csot Interest, with oosd for dead given. -' i. Bid to bs left with tbs Socsetars at Cvmpany, dffioe, ia Albany, Oregon, where maps aad. d- seriptfont osq bj seeo, and further infbrmatioa had. . . y'-.-,-,.i, - Persons who may be settled on. sny efssid landt tbaU bare preferenee in tervts and parebas. JASON WHKELER, President. April 15, ISrn. a36tf. e I' rls 3 CALIFORNIA e3 m&eeism