i. FRIDAY. . VKllKUAUY 23, 1R70. "aililOCRATIC STAJE GOHVEHTIQH. TJfTlrtaraof llio action f the Democratic Etata Convention, which was held nt Portland, on Thursday, March I3th 1SC3, and of tho Dcnioerat le Sato Central Committee, which was held at tha ami place, on Jm. 8, 1S70, tho Democratic State Convention will bo hold at Album ca Wcilnesdar, lhs 2d day of March, 1S70, at 10 o'clock a. tn. of f an! day, for the pnrposa of nominating Governor, Member of Congress, oa feUy of State, Treasurer, State Printer, Judge of fiecml District, Jmltfo of third District, cml Jud(jo of Fifth District, to be eupportod at the text June election. order of eaid Committee, representation to aid Convention was based on tho vote east for Democratic Congressman at tho last election, giv ing to each county ono delegate for every seventy live Democratic vote ca?t, end ono delegate fur ever fraetion of -thirty cigh and over, but allow ing each connty at least ono delegate therein ; which rule of apportionment will give to tho sev eral oountica tho following number of "delegates, err to-w ,t : ronton......... ......... llakr ......... Clatkamas Claiop.......... voos Carrr Colu ubia.. Deug las Q rant J" aek!enw. ........... Jeaej h In ...... ........ ............... i t lae ......... ......... I.ina ....... ......... Karbn...... - ifallKiuah ......... Polk Tillainook . Umatilla ... Union Washington vfaseo ... TamhiU .. 5. o t&l ! $3 Thi time for holding the Connty Conventions to elect delegates to tho State Convention, was left by th i Committee to the evcral Conntr Commit tee, irhoso duty it wl!l be to provide therefor. The Committeo wocld lerpcctfally nrge prompt action n the part or the Democracy of the several eoanies. L. F. UROVEK, Chairman. , V. TaETrtT, Secretary. MS COOTr DEMOCRATIC COSTE.MIOX. In pnrsnaneo of the action of tba Dcmratie Central Committee of Linn eonnty, the Demo cratto Convention will be held at the Court Ilcnse in the city of Albany, on Welicsdatft the lGfA day of March, 1S70, at 11 o'elccV. a. ta.. for the pnrpoa of electing 17 delegate t the S-Uto Convention, to be hel l in the city or Albany, on the 23d dav cr March, 1S7P It Lj hereby recommended that tho Demoerata of Liim connty meet at their S5ual places of vot ing in their several precincts, on Saturday, tha 12th day of March, 1370, for the purple of cho Ing delegates to represent them in tho County Convention. The ratio of apportionment Is based on the vote cast fcr the Democratic candi late for Ccnrres ia the year 1S6S, giving to each Tr.?xHset one !eie jrate, ml one additional delegate fir every thirty Deraw ratio Toteii cast, and one f r everr fraction f llfttea Totesor over, as f"ows. vis : Lebanon . f-0 , J BownsviUe 172 Seio . . 1J2 f Franklin Dutte...... ............ ?3 4 r&ntiji 3i 7? s a terl oo ...... ...... ...... ... ... . 42 Sweet Home- . . . 45 .' Eraiih Creek ?,& 1 Centre 3-S Harriarg 133 i Peoria 97 Orleans 42 Syracuse MM Total DJ order orthe,Jui.ritic Central Cmmlttec ' f p.. ir. cr.AwroitD, T EXOCII JiOULT. j; XL IIACKLEMAS. 1 , , 3 old thief Corbin," aa Fisk jr. expressively designates Mr. s urant s Drotner-in-iaw, cut a deplor able f rure before tho Consrressional Gold Investigating Committee. After being served with" numberless sub poenao, ho finally submitted to a very tender examination on Jan. 23. It seems doubtful -which wa3 tho more considerate of tho feelings of tho other th9 Committee or the Corbin. Accord ing to the New York reports by mail, ''the evidence which he submitted was not important, but was extracted from hesitating and evasiv answers, and covered a great deal of ground as to his acquaintance with President Grant, and the trip which ho made in tho Pres ident's company last Bummer. It did not ret-ch the points at issue, except that tvro or three times he said he did not know of any government ofiicial who wis interested in that infamous speculation now undergoing investiga tion." And here the committee rested, end hero' the' telegraph tcok up tho tale cf how Corbin had completely ex onerated the' President from any com plicity in the gold transactions. But there vr&aa sequel, as tho papers show, though the same telegraph eaid noth ing about it. Mr. 3. S. Cox, Democratic member from New York, had Sir. Corbin brought back on tho following day, end no'; only "sifted" him, but "turn ed him inside-out." "What these om inous vords portend is not known, for ' the res alts of Mr. Cox's examination will noi be forthcoming until the Com mittee'u report is circulated. The ac count says that Corbin "came forth from the inquisition flushed and pro fane. The substance of his confession will be made known in tho committee's report' " It seoms that the Panama steamer which left San Francisco on the 9th inst. ha I three hundred and fifty steer age passengers, nearly all men who were returning to seek - employment and homes in tho East. Chinese la bor was the ecourgo that drove these men from California. They were all laborer., but the great influx of cheap China labor had left them nothing to do, and turning their faces to the East, they quit California with maledictions upon her "cheap labor", and no very high opinion of Republican statesman- ' thip.- .- 5 ..... v .' . The influx of tho Chinese is turning the tide of emigration from tho Pa cific bac i upon the Atlantic. Qll.C 5 Tlio funding bill introduced by Sherman, chairman of tho Fmanco J Committeo, has received bo favorablo a I reception in Republican qvtartora as to indicato Ua- final success?. It prc 8C3 to fund and consolidate tho national debt, extend banting facilitioa, and establish specie paymont. It propopoa to issue threo classes of bonds to tho amount of four hundred millionn each. Tho llrst to niu ten and twenty yearo at fivo per cent. ; tho second, fifteen and thirty yeara at, four and a half per cent., and tho third twonty and forty years at four per cent. It also mahos proTi&ion to incrcaso the- capital of na tional banks ono hundred millions, and to withdraw tho earn amount ! of greenbacks Tho bonded debt of tho United States is $2,107,038,000. $1,C02,C71,- 000, or a littlo laoro than throo-fourtha of tho wholo is represented by bonds, drawing 6 per cent, interest. This is a proposition to znako tho dobt perpetual, and, Binco reports indicato tho probablo passagq of , tho bill, it amounts to a flat contradiction of tho assumption that tho debt ia in courso of rapid cxtinguishmont. Tho coun try is . being constantly told by tho highest liepublicau authority that Mr. Boutwcll ia paying tho debt at a rato that will extinguish ! it in 6ixteen years. ( If theso constant ly repeated assurances bo true, then, why is it dosirablo to fund at twenty and forty years? "Will soino (;entIo man b good enough to answer? Tho introduction of tho funding bill is a confession by Mr. Sherman, end its passago will bo a confession by Con gress that tho debt is not being paid as claimed ; that at tho present rato six teen years will not witness it3 pay ment ; that tho expectations of tho country aro doomed to disappoint ment; that monthly statements aro dishonest devices humbuin in- ventions. iniquity. Tho funding bill is full of It is a proposition to pcr- petuato a curso. It is a eodativo to quiet tho ncrvc3 of tho overworked and tax paying classes. Tho men holding largo debts do not want them paid. This 13 why eo many govern ment debts arc not jaid. Thoso who own tho debt of England do not want their principal. Thero is no in vestment for theso men of immense wealth that oCcrs Euch inducemenU in security and interest an government bo:td3. Tha bond holdsdtjxlot want our debt paulnmxtcen years, or in finyjiub.fcfrjcars. They prefer 10 dra-nr $100,000,000, or even the lens stun that the funding bill will frive them, in coin annually from tho Treas ury for all coming time, and exemption from State and municipal taxation.- Hero i3 another reaiarkablo featuro of Mr. Sherman's bill which deserves to bo considered in connection with other facts. The bill proposes to increase the circulation ef National Banks and to withdraw that amount of greenbacks from circulation. Mr. Boutwcll, in a lecturo delivered in Washington, Jan. 10th, for tho benefit of the Grand Army of the Re public, used this language : "The roiccti&n of the laUsrest acoeaat Jl 8,050, CC9 a year will enable ns. If we ebaose to make this the basis of a staking fund to pay the riccl pal of the Interest-bearing dobt In 1 years, if we reduce ear rtTcnae t the cecessary expenses of the Government and the amount tecde l it pay the interest t the present rate. Tbat Is to say, a savicg of $lf,CC0,003 annually la the amoaat fcf interest, will, in 25 years, with the accumulated iotereit, be equal to the loaded dolt ef the Uul ted States." There is a way to raise tins $18,000, 000 per annum to insuro tho liquida tion of tho dobt in 33 years, that is so simple and so certain that tho wonder is it has not long since boea recognized ia jcomo of tho famous judicial; meas ures pending. Disfinguished men" in and out of Congress havo ably and forcibly advocated it. . Mr. Uolman, Congressman from Indiana, being among the former. Tho proposition is to issuo $300,000,000 additional greenbacks and to redeem with theso that amount of tho interest-bearing bonded debt, and let tho new issue take tho ploco of tho present National Bank circulation. Tins will eavo ex actly $18,000,000 per annum interest, which, according to Sir. Boutwell will wipe out tho debt in 35 years. If Sherman's .bill succeeds, it will add $100,000,000 to tho Bank circulation. Now thero is no apparent reason why the contemplated $-100,000,000 should not be issued directly by tho Govern ment and used in tho redemption of bonds. Theso National Banks aro a pestilential invention. They aro got ten up in the interest of capital. 7 Their paper answers no earthly pur pose that is not as well answered by the legal tender notes. If Mr. Sher man will make haste to avail himself of the information contained in Bout well's speech, he will provide for tho withdrawal of tho Bank circulation rather than for it3 increase. The plan argued by Mr. -Hoiman is certainly feasible. $18,000,000 per annum can be saved without increasing the volume of th$ circulating medium. Let Con gress abolish the Banks, issue , green backs, redeem $-100,000,000 of . G per cent, bonds and it will have a redemp tion fund of $2-1,000,000 per annum from what paid to would otherwise havo to bo tho tax-consuminrr bond holders. . Of course, Congress will do nothing of tho kind. Men liko Mr. Uolman may talk until ; doomsday. Tho fact that eighteen or twonty millions may bo saved por annum cuts 110 figure It is tho petition of tho money-holder only to which it listens. Tho para sites that havo fastened thomnolvcs upon tho industrial intorcsts of tliis country aro tho first objects of Con gressional Bolicitudo aud thoy will ro maiu w under tho existing regimen, j -'" I'-J'.l ,'VM -v THE lUOK LORD'i FIND A HATCH Tho tsystcm of perverting or wholly disrcgai;dingfact3 by tho authorities at "Washington, and by tho major part of tho Ropublican nowspapcr press is becoming so generally understood that tho feeling of distrust ia tho govern ment is - daily increasing among tho people And this focliug has Jjccn much incroasod by tho events of tho past thVee months, by tho dovblopmonta of Mr. Dawea and tho intcrraiuablo dia cussipn that han ensued and by tho masterly Illport ; of I Commissioner Wells. Tho xnoro profound attention is directed to theso , matters, bccau30 thoso men are ardent Republicans, whoso party attachments and party fealty aro above euspicioa. Tho as tounding facts and figures that thoy havo'givca tho country aro not duo to tho zeal of partisans hunting testimony againstpolitical opponents, Thoy aro tho dispairing efforts of tho better class of that partr. Thoy aro tho overrun ning of tho Radical bushel of conceal ment. Tho treatment that Mr. Dawes and Mr. Wells havo mot 13 conclusivo proof ujjon tho matter. They havo had to fight their way inch by inch against great numerical odd, Thoy havo been sot upon with tho grossest personal abuse, and aro now arraigned for high treason to tho licrmblicaxi party, Beforo passing to iho matter imme diately at hand and as an illustration of tho correctness of theso premisea, wo again remind tho public of tho pe riodic falsehood that issues from Mr. Boutwcll concerning tho reduction of tho public debt. Tho fact is open, no torious and undcniablo, that tho debt total ia getting larger each month, but by tho most skillful ni angulation of fiurcsi tTr tho - perversion . of truth which is tho csseuco of a lie, it i3 raado to appear emaller. And month after month, in tho future as in tho past, tho ovcr-crcdulous portion of community will bo rejoiced with tho usual monthly statement. Mr. Bout wcll may havo them ready prepared fcr tho next twclvo months. Mr. Dawes has ehown that the pro fessions of retrenchment and reform in tho administration was a pretense, without a ehadow of truth and forced out by sheer party necessity; that tho expenditures havo increased fearfully, and that wholesale cxtarvaganco per vades all the Departments ono only excepted. But tho party whippers-iu, from Butler to tho Orcgonian, with hero and thero aa exception, aro do terminedly engaged in tho impossiblo task of putting Mr. D. down. - Tho public i awaro of tho handling that Commissioner Wells his received ia Congress and out of it for reporting tho result of his official research. Ia hi3 report, tho Commissioner showed that pig-iron i3 produced in this coun try at an average cost of from $21 to $2G por ton, and that tho' Welsh pig iron in Great Britain -from competi tion with which our Pennsylvania iron lords aro eo dreadfully anxious to bo protoctcd-r-is produced at a cost of $21.72 goldor.$2G.0Gia currency, tTho consternation of tho iron lords is easily imagined at the dovelopmcnfc of these facts, which might induco a reduction of their $9 per ton tariff upon such iron. They at onco petitioned Congress to inquire, into tho Commissioner's facts, and offered to prove by them selves of 5 course that ' tho cost in America is $20.G3. But they havo moro than found their match. rTho Commissioner does not wait to bo of ficially called upon for his data, but replied at oncb. Ho shows that pig- iron is mado at Clarksvillo, Tcnn. j at a cost of $18.90; that it costs in Nash villo $22.00; that, by the most incon trovertablo statistics, it is put down at Carondelet, Mo. , at $23 at Youngs town, Ohio, at $23 on tho Lehigh river in the State of Pennsylvania, it is produced at $21 And ho further shows from a firm in eastern Pennsyl vania, that the iron can bo mado for $22 to $23 per ton thero, and then pay a good profit. : The monopolists kept tho Commis sioner's trail a littlo too long, and the country is shown tho falseness of tho current political information, that, like counterfeit money, is mado only to pass. . - ; , ":- Jacksonville Dowell has attained an eminenco in grotosquo humbuggory of which no other man ever dreamed. In a late issue of his 1 paper ho an nounces :' "Chronological Record of thetWar for tho Union with a patriotic eong, selected by B. F. Dowell. jittor ney. Jacksonville, Oregon." The News hits him in good style. V Tho World given a new phaeo of tho tariff question in ittj. application to railroad iron,; ono that is curioui, tsitg gestivo and eerious. It ahows that American raih havo an advantaro over thoEnglish manufacture, through tho tariffand charges for transportation of 8OUI0 CO por cont.--which it illus trates as follows: . Duly on a ton of 2,210 Jbi. at 70 cents per loo lbs., gold Freight acd charges, 17s, Ci. per tou gold.. t . 4.24 Total....;.,........ ;...L,.;.w....l.,.:V-tlJ.92 ..,nTo all ordinary nio tii(jdkr'calcula; tion, this w'ould seem sufficient to eal: isfy, tho demands of tho moat exacting protectionist and to secure tho Ameri can manufacturer against any competi tion from abroad, It doo3 nothing of tho kind. ' - And thU 13 ono of tho most astonishing of tho tariff phenomena. So far as logical deductions . go, tho tariff advocates havo tho bct of it. Nothing further sqema possible to give tho iron lords perfect immunity. iWith aa advautage of nearly 20, por ton of iron, coating in England only f 32-79 in gold, tho thing is accomplished if hu man calculation can'do it. ! ; But tho logic of facts, illustratod by figures 13 ovorwholmingt However RjyBtorious and perplexing thoy may bo, they are iuoxor able. Tho facts are that tho impor tation of this kind of iron, ao far from being entirely destroyed by thU tre mendous protection ha steadily incrcas- cd; that during tho ton months, ending October 18G9, wo imported rails to tho valuoof $7,833,191, or nearly doublo tho amount imported during tho same po riod for tho year previous, which wa: $1,877,300. So wo seo that as ft pvtectivo meftfj- uro tho tariff utterly failed. Thij w curioua, and riot only curious but sug gotivo. But whilo tho tariff wholly failed to keep an increasing quantity of English raus irom ocuig iauA-,it uuccctuca in very materially reducing tho quality of thoso raib. Tho duty of 48 per cent. upon every pound of iron iwed ia tho manufacture of tho rail was a suffi cient inducement to make tho rails lirrht. A London iron circular, which is quoted from eays on the subject: ''While English ootnj'air s ccly bey goatas.tid rails, or thoie rolled frwm'a see.S,4 the great IV. cT'AtaetlsAn rails are, in the eou- Iracti brase, "wdinary Krla rails," which bve prof ed prantary tmomjh j fctiide, the wettt Of rail eofntnor.ly in ue in Aecriaa cowparel with Uollsh raHs (double beads aterafe 7i lbs. j-tr yard), is nofavorable to darabUity ; 11 i e;ui. jUfDce, a call has arltta fur a bttur ariirh. " have bftn particularly etrercel' la acswerieg this deausd greatly ta the ecasaaers' s&tlsf4 tioo." Tho incvitablo inferenco is that hu man life is endangered "bartered away" to gratify tho greed of tht Pennsyl vania iron lord.4, that monopolies nro built up and fostered at tho cost of broken limk and destroyed liven in more waya than havo been dreamed of in Prof. Perry's philosophy. Tlie lives that have been lost and that aro daily endangered through tho uso of those inferior rails, form a very tcriou fea ture of this 48 per cent, tariff. By this sort of traffic, tho monopolist, whoso welfare Congress has fioclo.soat heart, gain many millions. Now what do tho people gain? Tho truth is the tariff is an oppressive' and wicked perver sion of legislation. ; 1 "Ad lurestiration was ordcre l ly Courress, not t.crue aijl'Ml bc'.icvt l Uji infataou story jf rrfsweut orant a cr iamj ; but leraure it was ttiougbt rijjht al ceeeary far the credit of tbo tierercuient to firrtt cut an. I txp(,t9 the r&f-.u! wtio were prsyiog upon tie uUlio. Tie tiiwo ny brought out was ta the e.Ttet tbat the Pros iieiit had so hao4 whatever ia tho &.rt car hsl Mrs. UrukU'r-Orgon inn. - r ; Tho investigation did show that Fisk, Gouldi Corbin & Co. procured tho appointment of Butterfield to r the post of. Assistant Treasurer - at : No4" York. Their relations with tho Prosi dent were of a character to enable them to do that. Butterfield i was their tool, and so damning was the proof against him, that ho was dis missed without investigation; It did further show that tho conspirators wero in communication with tho Presi dent during tho coi ner and that a spe cial messenger was sent to Pennsyl vania, whero tho President was, with a letter from thorn. That the Presi dent replied "all right' to that letter, rests upon hear say and people can draw their own inferences : as to it3 probablo truth. ' , s " The investigation further showed, that with or without authority, but undoubtedly with hex knowledge, the conspirators invested $500,000 on ac count of Mrs. Grant, and that they drew a check for $25,000 in her favor as" tho profits resulting from tho in vestment. If theso things indicate anything, what is it? "A monster wild animal of unknown species was killed lately ia Polk County, Oregon." Uul.pnjper, Tho above is a reference to the- ex travagant nonsenso that appearod in the Salem Statesman some two months since. The sensation has enjoyed - an extended ".circulation. Tho monster was simply an unusually largo . wolf r nothing more, ., 1 It is a noticeable fact, that tho In dependent newspapers on this coast all havo black Republican predilec tions. We ask Democratic journals to "make a uoto of it." Singular as it may seem, yet tho man, Kelly, in Congress, replying to tho report of Commissioner Wells, endeavored to tlcnionstrato that tho prico of coal was not increased by ; the tariff, but that danada coal would pay a tariff of $1 23 per ton and then sell in New York at as low a figuro as it could without tho tariff. In other wordg, that tho um levied .by tho tar iff camo out of tho pocket of tho bcI ler instead of tho conpumerJ "Kelly las no right to suppose that tho peb- ploaro'1 inchpablo of 'knowing J any thing;' 1 Every tat laid upon 'an article of ;commor.ca whether it )Q tariff ex pense of production oV!c'ost of - trans portation, i paid by tho' consumer.- luo Internal Revenue tariff 13 levied from thonjio souieo, Sinco Kelly Is quito equal I to the attempt to provo that Ooverunient can raiso $1 23 froni every ton of coal- Klnpfied f id ; New xork without adding to t tho "s nnco of tho coal, wo expect to hear of hisi)ro- posingto raise tho $18,000,0C;0 per h J'" ' '-- .? is" 'tit ; t 'j '''4i,4f. a j cans, ;wi tuoui, faxing , any .uouy , w tho extent of a cent. 4?h- j b , hr.ut Tho Commercial i)ublthcd: Sraiator Thurmahri ol)jcction to a land grants for tho' Astoria Railroad, under 11 iho head of 'Democratic . opposition to Oregon." ,; ; ; . , , , Senator Thurman's objection was a general one, arid applied to all further land tfrantn in aid of railroads. It wan certainly not opposition to Oregon any moro than it was to ; every other State i n tho XTuion. Tho vole in the Senate just before tho parage of the bill showed only three Senators again.Ht it. Tbcrft seems to be an incrcawing dis position in CougresH, not to givo fur ther grant of land in aid of uch roadi. And thw w most particularly shared iu by tho Republican members of that body. Wo believe tint Julian of tho comtiiitUo on public lands, ha made declarations similar to thoso o Stmator Thurman. Wliy has not this fact been animadverted upon tm show ing Republican hositlity ia Oregon? Wo put this -question to thofe Repub llcan jyurnab that have etized upon the Commercial' article and criven i prominence. ' . ; : Tuii Radicals ore exultirirr over the proapect of tho triumph of ; the 15th Amoudment lx'foro the next election in Oregon. If there was any good in tho measure, they - would prefer it to be at isHue, bo that it might be tlic mans of attracting votes to tho Re publican party; but the thing is so full of iniquity that they rejoice at tho pros pect ofgcttitJgrid of it by its adoption. They have yet to learn that the consum mation of an outrage does not relieve tho perpetrators of it from the odious- necs of an attempt, and that the rati- fication of tho Amendment will only Hl1 to unpopularity of those who have procured tho accomplishment of the infamy. Gov. Woods has made another offi cial visit to tho Insano Asylum. We aro not informed as to tho amount of carriage hire that this trip involves. hv.iosw:s or i,.tx:?t - Th e M ia n ef ota i 1 0 use of Re prcsn cta- tives xk passed a bill fcr , an amendment to the , Coostitulton, lealiztn. Woman Suffrage, by a vote of to lu.'-lt will probativ pass 1 11 the fcenatoabo. It pro vider tlrat the people Stall vote on the qucalioo at tha next election. rTho wo- tneu aiao Aro to vote, but , at . separate boxes Nlw Yoaic, Feb. 10 Judg Pratt,-of tho fcujKirior Court of Brooklyn, yester day practically applied tlur recent uect ion f tho .Supreme Court with ro gard to tho payment of contracts made bcloro thq parage ot tho legal tender act. And suit was brought to frecloso a ruort- aago (or S3,000, dated July, 157 Judge lratt gave judgment in favor of plaintiff for tho pncipalf and interest, payable in gold, acting under tho Supreme Court de- Austin', Tcxa3, Feb. Io Tho ,14th amcndaieut p. &cd the House Tho 15th amendment has been ratified.! : Tho President of the'state has been de clared incligibla by Geo, Reynoldsand un seated. Twj conservative members from 12lhaud;loth dislricU, havo been unseated.- ' -.v. ; . . ; :' ; ;'.'. V;--;-; ; j.-; ,1 i The bill admitting Mississippi passed the Scnato on tho 17th inst. by a vote of 50tO 11. ; .!;-.. . I;, :V';', W? The funeral on tho 17th inst. of Wes ley Harper of tho pullishjog houso was largely attended, r- ' ,i-.-:'-.r vr, ! .Ij Atlanta, Feb. 15. The Legislature to day elected Major Whitley, now Solic itor General of thoi Interior Court, U. Si Senator for the term ending 1871, II. H. Marrow, now Attorney General, fur the term ending 1870, and Foster Blodget for the term commencing -1877. Thu Democrats generally abstaiucd from vot ing, preferring to rely ou tho admission ofllill and Miller. ; r v ; Minneapolis, Jlinn., Ftl. 15. Pre liminary surveys ot' the Nurthcrn Pacific Railroad aro being pushed forward with all' possible , dispatch. ' Fivo parties are now , in tho field. Another loaves next Thursday. ' "-,-'; :'v;. - f-'r"! A new treaty for an interoceanio canal has been concluded, by General Halburt, United States Minister, and the 'Colom bian Commissioners. ; : ? w ': : Roturo3 to the Bepartment of Agricul ture during January, indicato ,d docreaso iu tho avorago of wheat in Illinois, Indi ana, Michigan, New York, New England, and, tha cotton belt area. t In. "California thero is nearly the - samo as last year. Kansas and Arkansas, and West Virginia have increased; other States show little difference. . y Iho Southerners who WCUt to llrazil aftcr tho rebellion have petitioned the GoverenmeEfctto aend a hip to bring them home, i It" Is. aid the colonists are in a very destitute conditioa, Iho Lake City reports that Brigham Young insolently refuses to make out his rcturni? for revenue for the Chnrchf which property lie holds as trustee. sThf ases sor thereupon proceeded to assess the Uiiurcn at about gG0,000 and the tithes at nearly $2,000,000. , s J -; Trom Cabs. AM. V Ih'.vr " Yosk, Feb. 10. Havana-dis. patches stato that twcnty.fivc.Cubans and Americans have been murdered in the streets of Havana irice ihe funeral of Can- cnon. '. ';:; '4 "-: ? .'. ,Tho appointment of Ocncrat Jordan as Cpniruapderdn-Chief of tho Cuban array is fully conQrincd. ' . ' PAttis, Fob. 18. The Oovernaient has prof of plot to aRaMatethe lirapcV- ia f t t or.anu rnneo imperial, u plan was found on pno of tho prisoners. It was to throw 'tomb's through the Kmperor'a win dow, in tho palace of tho Tutllcriea. Gustavo r.leuren was sentenced tp six months imprtKOomentand 100 francs fine; Dcvurc,, publisher of La Mar mil ah. io two "months imprisonment and ,'a fine of HfOOJTra njei JQr,pjiM&h i ngf a,-e; n cws of thf person arrested, during the late riots. Those convicte& i carrying arms were condcrnnc I to three or lour months imrr;s onlnenti thono convicted of uttering ee dilious cries, to lo and.vO dajs? KlccllaneoTts. Nebraska has ratificl the'lOth'amend- mcnt .lany uiousana citizeoaoi uonnecu cut hao petitioned Congress fur the re cognition of Cuba independence. . If I ' Howard, from tha Committee on the Northern Pacific Railroad, reported a bill to Unao bpnd fur the construetioo of the roid, and abo to construct the' main road to tho terminus via tha valley of the Co lumbia river.- .'1 ; On the 18th inet. Dawes, referring to tho mfiuence of politic.' on public affairs, toll nicmbera of the House that they were slaves to vile politicians, f"(rn all parts of the country; who nocked to Wash ingtori last March and hid been haunting member lor last two months, :to rawe the Falarie.H of the very ofTiees they crawled lor the u rat month after the inaunrattoa The Senate has coniirntcd the nomina tion of Strong a Awoeiute Justice of the Supreme Court. Secretary Biutwcil declares himicl cmpi a ieaiiy oppo.sca to a reuueuoa 0 thirty tniiroav in internal revenue tara tion, uui exceedingly anxious to have Sherman lundiD btll parsed 65 oou poible, believing that five or xix hundred ujillioos (?) can be taken from internal taxation. ' ' ;' " ' " - - -: '' . A'lmiral FerrsEt Is qnlte ill, &nl ftars ere ea trt4M4e'lfir h reovtry. . , Thi 'tsern her$ of Cor rrtte ttus far!falieetii4 in hmu$ ot -L..,A.rC,l!u tf-.tUtm, 1'ettii or rccnfylretiu, bauuvre otfoota CanmtA ana Hyi'.r 0 Ln.. . ; n. :. ; i , Mail adissc give jrti-roliirs f th proposed eoccioB fcy the 3:ea!c-n Coogrea to ibe Te- bw&Uit-e lU.lfoa-i Ca)j-pj f.,r eefatrnctioa purples also for ship ceo&l fierots tLet btb- tau '-'' ";-'; "'''.' - i Pari. Fb. 13-rArthor rour'u'eLa bcea tn- icno J i-f $x i.)-.fjt!)S cjpriyniufut eo4 to pay 5,eC0 frauds for eiolftUuu ef tbe prtrs I , ; SIcCrcery itrluecl a till t pride for k sUy f execution io hl eases of debts co&!racte4 prior V Jety II, IsCJ, the Uatss of the passage vt the rt l?l len i'jr l.i.( lte bUl is intend-M to at furt rc.iefaitt tie fej?rati..B of tlo nwst legal len it-r !csbti8. It i.rarble a tlr of one fur years, corlisg Ui eiaoutit, but if plaictiff will re- cwire ray m currency, tsere sbail b b stay of prociNsiibg. . Whcierr fjxptie fejisciiV is ro tumvt'l, ail Uys un-Jcr t jo tut sbail termimte. ' The III! la grant Uo-J ia aid ot ihe IVrtlatt I, Asturia!aoJ ilcMinv'tile raiiroal passed tbe Senate, A utotkn to aroeoil Ly etriliox out Uie la&! grant was defeats by a rt.te of S? to 3 CascrlT, Iawcs au4 FanUbi-fiy rouo in tbe aG".rjialirj. Tue bouse uas a lopteJ a rtsolaUun ; to i crease the corrcney 0 0,000,0 ltt. , tlarSi-H fn.ia tbe Committee rn ItolesfaTtbe (JovcrntBcnt of eacie te4 e'etivaa in reportias &il tbe present practice ia sc:Uiag eoetctel election cases all mt drplosv. It was a sad etate aSVira to bare a judicial cuei! ion UesiJed on strict party hoes. . ! Henatur l'eaiercy, frow tbe eommittso a Pub Ik Land", bos ruprtcd in faror ft a grant t tbe tet. I'aul and Aurtb l'aeiac llat'road votapany, to extend tbeir line from tbe termmosvn Kcdrircr cf tbo.Xortb, ta tbe Winnffie frontier. Ftnat.tr ltauscy-bat annoHDce l tbat - Aintrta eapital- lils tUl I contruat road tor Pembina soon ss tbe Xwctt'fo PaeiSo can be bnilt from lu?ulh to l'.cd rivtr, ublcb iltbj ia t'ue cjure a year. -y ., - .. 'f r.J According to Tvlo Jaucrlo despatches a Brazilian scouting party ft end J,(0 wetuun in starriof rondtt'tun, only 100 of whom bad ttrengtb to come atfay, aud tbt;y rf prt the rwads covered with oth cr.wouiea aticed aadeir tbrai cut by , Lpca scout.' .' ' "-- v7, t f". " "'''" i Tba Consular report ofEdward Archibald, Brit Uh Consul, at New yorknays tba Liirh tariiT oa new: material prevents esfHirtatit n. ' The Wet is diatbfiel ith the tarifl', tut owing to a powerful lubby of K utcrn manufacturers s unable to make a retonni conoi(ucotly sbij piug, agricultural and all other interest of tbe country are sacrificed , Tbe Preoideut withdrew tbe Kiowa Indian treaty swindle before it was rafiScd. ,, A concurrent rcsulu.ilon was bBVred In tlie'Mii eunrl Ltfari.Hlatiiro tnstnietiee Senators and ltepr- scntatircs in Congress to toave in tbe direction of ivinjr the nghX of euffraso to Indians.' . ; ? A Washington special says tbe Fifteenth Amend ment wili probably be1 facially promulgated by tbe middle of the week.-;ij.. i r,i The Beuato oa Saturday decided, by a rote oa tbe Oregon railroad bill.tacive no more subsidies in tba shape of bonds to railroad., and that when lands ars granted they cannot into t hoi bands of c peculator, but must bo held for actual settlers. One of tbe House eoutmittces takes ground against granting lands oa any conditions. V STATU SliUVS. ; i t From the Salem .Press.) f. ' .; : The Dayton flouring mill has been sold to a California Co. lor $11,000. ,V h! I Mr Daniel Clarke 1 of Clarion .county, is stall feeding GO head of hcef cattle, j -J , A Portland' pgper states ; altogether over G,400 tons ot Oregon produce havo been. .shipped from ; that ; port Rince the first of January, and that thero is now on tho P. T. Co.'s wharf, in that city, SOO tons 'of wheat, Hour and meat. . ? ,' I The Polk County ; Time. has been sus pended, and tho officers for Ve. Jack Aliphin &0.11. Smith have start ed a saloon in Heeds Opera House, Salem, The project of cleaning out tho ; drifts in tho Saurtam river , below Soio is being agitated. -That paper claims that, the river would bo navigable for small boat3 to that place during tho winter months. And even if this should be found imprac ticable, the cleaning out would prevent the rixer from overflowing its banks in times of high water. k -: j . The Governor has pnrdoaed Henry C Vaughn, sentenced for lifo, and s John 9--. Cornet. The property valuation of Oregon for 1SS2 is 26,913, 701,75. , : ; . ,V, - . - ; " ;; ' From the CoryaH'u Mercury. - ' '"A fbarfnl light ooourred one night last week; at Corvallis Good Templar Lodge, between Johnsoa and Ray-berri.. '.PUtola'r were . freely, used over bloody heads, Lodgo fixtures smashed," furniture broken and iatioh damage done generally. The Valuation of all property An) CorvalHs. ia $374, 317,39 am't taxed for 1S70, $276,637,93. I j ' . From: the Portland Orcgoniand , f Mr. R, Ladd has so far recovered ns to be able to'no out. Tho new locomotive, 'Webfoot,'? Viaa n-.niln Vi oy trial tr'm in'frnnil Stvle. The Port- land Port of Eatry Bill passed the Benate, Jaa. IlsL Ben Holladay will leare filan rianeiJco' for Portland, March 1st. A new gas generator is en exhibition in Portland, claimed to equal in cheap ness, e-al oil, and eosts $100 for eight burners. , A (gentleman is in Portland conntract ing with parties ia that "city - to farn'Uh them beef cattle! from Ochoco V&Heyl Capt. William DierdorfT has been t- pointcd Inspector of II ulb f tho district of Portland, Oregon, vice John 11 Couch ueccarcd. Tho Jacksonville Ntvii states thatJesso Apple-gate will soon commeocs'tasurfey tho passes eaat and southf llofiua IUver Valley to lower Klamath ; Lako.Jfor "tha Orecn. Central KaUroad route.;,,,,,, ,s v Tho Farmer etatca that gome of $io flax gced iotrodueed in this . State from Cali fornia is very foal with the jceds of pox- ious mnd; dangerous - weeebj-and,? care should be taken to eow 41000 of ,thi des- cription. ..f ' POLK tOUXTX E3!OCltATIC , ,TUc Comrnittce met at.tjie Court Houso m Pallas at two o'clock dri- tlri IDthi tar- suaot to call of the CbairmanyBeDj Hay- On motionthff Com mi item Droceedel to tbe-rapportiontaent -of delegates. f4o tho County.Ccnventton, allow'tnir. one deleffito io eacn, prpctnct ior every Jen JJemoerat lit rotes cast for the last , EcprcsenUttve in Cotigrc andOQC -additional delcg&U for cveiy fractrofj'oVerlJre:' Oa Knotton? thdlitneifor hold kg tho County Conrcntionas fixed for Saturday, MarU lDltx. r,-n tk ;.;;. 3 y.vt : jj fx " On motion, the several fprecioets'Wjere recommended ; ib hold their "primaries on Friday the 18th of March; tl Bethel Precinct wiirEcetHftfSprtng Valley School Houae to- choosa their del egates to the County Convention- , Following, is tho, cumber of delegates each precinct is entitled to : Dal ha 10 j Luckiamutc 7 ;iMonmouth 8; Bethel'3; J ack.on 5 ; l)ixic 8 Bridgeport 3 ; Bl en Vista 7; Kola 7 : Salt Lake 3: Dons las 4 - -' -J:r. On motion, the Polk County lima was requested to publish 'the proceedings of the Committee, and -other ' Democratic papers in the States to copy the same. On motion, the Committee adjourned. ; After the meeting Mr. B. Ilaydeo was called upon fr a j speech, but he excused liitu&eif from any lengthened effort ,oa the plea of fcickoeis. However, be Wdo a few remarks ca tho topics of the day ia his usual happy and energetic jtyle. lr. C. G. Cnrl, abo, was called upon and de livered an. able, ccible.and eloquent ex- postuou Oi itie pnncipks ot ucmocracy and the baneful tendencies of tte-'p resent lladical dcpotira NEW A DV K IITI S E M EN XS. CHAIRED TURNING! ' l ' ' ;, ALL SIZES OF-M S. . RAV-HIDE BOTTOMED " CHAIRS I - - . - . . -. of tbe best quality, wcii-fiuULed, can be bad at U ET Z Li E Ft S X 6 HO Pi l ' W '-J ci fi'a ' " Alio., aH, kinds of. ,TLTNX?fO. done to-order. i TiiaUr for Hab en baad aad jSxed tx Urnins t'aliog. ' . . iJitf-iU ttler'a Chairs are kept on band by E. P. Moce A Ot., llarruburg. fe25rJ32Syl. J. M. 11ETZLE&. c. r. FERar, ; . . - XeUry PuLlle. FERRY, - Att'y at Law. RUSSELL REAL ESTATE : BROKERS, COLLECTIIIG AGEfJTS.- - Tr,SjcUl attention given ta the a!e cf. Rfal Estate. Ileal Estate Litigation and tbe Collection of Claimr.'l OffeVKiAV. Cerocr llnfand Wash ington Streets, ' --.'--" - . Portland, Orpgba. r Feb. 22.1S?0. TSnSSti; ?J pi 31 OSS. , In thr Justices Court of ItBo lVecinct of Harrisburg, State of Oregon, .Couajy of Linn." ..-..-. 4 JaV. Gore 31 C.HowIeyJT " ... uivu action to recover money. To the above. named Defendant :' TTJtf TIL'S NAMil OP-TilE STATE OF'iIe fl UOX: You are hereb required ? Appear befora tbe the undersigned, a Justice ef the l'cace aforesaid, uu the Pirat, day of 1.1 arch, !S70r at 1 o'clock in the afternoon f said day, at the tfSeo of said Justice, in raid Precinct, to answer tho alwvo named Plaintiff in a air il action. m Tbe Defendant will take notice .that if lie, fail to answer tho complaint herein the Plain tijCvill take juguient agauist-b:.m for $111,75, and cost of action. , .j..; d ,u . tJ Jan. gib. 1S70. (Sigaed J. SMANSFXELA. ' k Jatticeef tho Pcaee. I certify that the above is a true copy of th Suurmcmar la tha ah.vte grrtitled netierc ra2S w6. LEVI DOUGLAS, CbnsUbl. TREES, GRAPEVINES AflO FtAHTSI FOlf SALE AT-TUE Apple, Pear, Plum, Peach aiiil Cherry Trees t REST SELECTION OF GRAPES in tho STATE ! Goo.-iberry, ,Currants, Strawberry ie.J Orna " uicutal Trees, Shrubs, Monthly . Roses, w lleucysucklea, Dahlias, Gladiolua, t. . , j . U Ac, 4;c.r !te.v..J j3 , OROSrtS SOLICITED. J. A. MILLARD. Nurseryman. v5n!7mt FOR REFRESHMENTS t -AS GOOD LIQUOR I CAPITAL 'SA LOON , . . SALxr.2, onnaorj, where they will find everything that will give g&Qrv " " cral satisfaction. JOHN RUTH. & CfX Salem, Jsa. 10, 1870--45n22tf. - KOTXCX3 or nriL scTTLsnzriT. AMES M. ' CnURCniLL.ADMINlSTRA tor of the estate of Lewis Churchill, " decease.d, having this day filed his final aoemnt of bis Ad ministration of said Estate and rendered the same for sattlemei.t ) it i:f therefore ordered that Monday, the. .'7 dd' of l March, 1870, being a day of the Jtarch term of thU Court, io appointed .for . the hearing of objections to each final account and the settlement of the same, aad that cotioe hereof bo given by publication in the 'State Rights Democrat,' a newspajef geaoral eirculiition in said connty, onco a week for atlcait four successi re weeks prior io said day. Uy older of taid Court. - ' - H S. A. JOUtNS, County Ju.dgi Jan. 25, 1J 70 nSawl.