i 1' - ... . . U ; A.TJ5 IUGUTS DEMOCRAT. IttUSBBD BTERT 8ATCRDAY,BV io EHftI NG-ER & BBOWN. c. . 1 KLtlXGER. . V.' 1, H. T. BBOWX. QFFItm HaNNON'S BUILDING, FIRST STREET. , f ERM S , is xdt Jlscb : One year, $3 ; Six Monthi Hi i OnaMonth,50etl. Single Copies, 12J eta. 'Correspondents writing over assumed signatures 'MMABTAMilf. must make known their proper n.m.. th Editor, or no attention will be given to their communications. , , h Alt' Letters and Communications, whether on Easiness or for publication, should ho addressed to Belltagcr Jb Brown. , BUSINESS CARDS. J. H ANNON, I7T0RM5Y AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, " C- ALBANY. OREGON. Office i Main street, opposite Foster's Brick. j. qfixn niouvrox, ATTORlEr AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. "I1TILL PRACTICE IN THE SUPERIOR aad inferior Courts of .Marion, Linn, Lane, feWntoo an 1 rJk coantks. TUe Pr cent charged ioHeeti(a, wkaa laa-de without sueing. ;jnnilviUtyl. 1 HE XX. ZI.4YDJG Attorney and Causselloi' at Law, 'Will attend te all busiaeM entrusted to him by Cltiseasef Plk aad adjoiBicgoouoiHS. .Eola, July 2, IS47. v2n51tf OFFICE OF COUNTY SrUOQUrPERLVTEXT T WATERLOO, SIX MILES ABOVE LED n. on the Santiam. Post ofSre nd irvs, Ma ua lebaaoa. rvaitty J. W. MACK. Co. School Superintendent, S. A. JOHNS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY. OREGON. D TLTGENT attenfiea wiil be giver to all bu mMlahHne. . ja23vlal2tf. busi- PRICE'S GREATLY REDUCED! OH. E- II. CRIFFIX Tropeses t make his rat f.r Dental services for the i ear ISS9, as follows, vis: ' Fall upper and lower set f AfU Teeth, $30 to $0 Fall upper or lower ' - - - $15 t $25 Pivot teeth, S2,0 each. Filling teeth, from $1 to $3eaehca.itv. Extractin?. 50 ecnts per toth. C'ansing.0 cents to $1.59. Other ramr .pcra ns id proportion. Terms. U. 5. coin or its q?T32e cr.r Beatltj-f A rt-w. In the " iin;!.i:. onrosite F'?tcrs brick, Aihasy. Oresvn. . ll- IX. 3fl, 1S5S vJnSOtf. " Jf. II.CRAXOU, ATTSMEr 15D COUNSELLOR AT LlWf Ornce fa Nrfros Brick Building, up-sta:rs, Albany, Oregon, au4 JOHN J. 1YIIITXEY, ATTOEXEY nH C8Ca1eLL0R IT LAW and Notary Public Special attention given to collections. OrriCE In the Coar II on.. Albany, Oreroa. vr.ntf. G. IV. GRAY, D. D. S., GRADUATE OF CINCINNATI DENTAL COLLEGE. WOULD INVITE ALL PERSONS DESIIl ing Artineial teeth and first-class DeaUl Operations, to give him a call. Specimen of Vulcanite Bass with gold plate linings, and other new styles of work, may b een at his oSce. up stairs in Parmh 4 Co.'t Brick, Albany, Oregon. Residence, corner of Second and Raker streets. aprll'6Sv3n34tf j. c. rOWELL. L. FLUX. POWELL t FLIXX, rro.vrr.f axd counsellors at LA WAXD SOLICITORS IX CIIASCER Y, (L. Flinn, Notary Public.) ALBANY, Oregon. Collections and eonvey l anees promptly attended to. oc20nl01y XI I LT ARID EL & CO., BEALERS IN GROCERIES 'AND PROYI sions, Wood and WiHow Ware, Confection ery, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Notions, etc. Store a Maioe street, adjoining the bxpress ofnee, Al Uay, Oregon. ; ee23v3n7tf THE EYES ! THE EARS ! DR. T. L GOLDEN, OCULIST AND AURIST, ALBANY, OREGON. : - sf tha not!d Old Oplithalmic Er. Gwlael ta So . exnerience in treat. Poetor4 C, Golden), ha tbe eye and ear Mg the fuvmi li.ieitc to wbicu entire aatisftion to tfcose h W7 J,laco themselve. ro ujeot. a cfci '"' " ffmder Jfh care, .priuv4n f. F. TLVt&ZLZ,, Atty at Lat, JKVKS ' EKfS4 Notary Public, Kl liSELb & ELII'Sa OQce in Parrish's &. Co.' Block. Firit Street, ' ALBANY, OREG09T. Jlavin Uksn Into co-partnership James Elklas, EiA AY.tWAivV at Linn county, Oregon, we are enabled to aid to our practice f Jasr aad ollec- Ziods, superior faeuiCwes for Conveyancing, Examining Eecords, A5D Atteniing' to Probate Dusiness. Pseds, Bonds, Contracts and Mortgages carefully drawn. Homestead and Pre-emption papers made a.nl Clnitas seeured. Bales of Real tstate negoti "ftted, and loan effected on Collateral securities on :Ta.g&nable rates. ' All business entrusted to them will be' promptly attended to. - RUSSELL ELtUSS. 5 Oct. 6. 1868 v2n46tf :C. 0. D.tWALTHAM YATCHES-C. 0. D. ! LATEST IlIPEOVEMENTS FULLER & Co.. (late. M. ,E, Chapman k Co.) Beraoved to No. 25 John street, N Y. We will send, oa order, singlo, WATiTffAM - WATCHES, ia solid Gold and Silver cases ply, y express to' any part of the United States, ta tie paid for oa delivery,-after examination, at whole, .sa'e prices, . The buyer to pay all express charges. Tbe Corny any's guarantee sent with each watch. SSend for Illustrated Circulars giving full Information, 1 , v4n42yl- - ' SAMUEL DENNY,' : crjNDEKTAKBB, ASB DEALER I!T all nxriDs of cae inn t wake i ALBANY, OREGON. ptore on Fii st street, onder the Dexocbat OSce. " ' , " Albany' Oct. 1, 1863 T4n7tr. VOL. V. A D V K It T I S K JI K N T S . U CHANGE OF BASE I" BLAIiV & YOUNG, ALBANY, - - - - OREGON, Ilaring bought all the Merchandise of J. Barrows Jt Co., will continue the business. And we invito all to give us a call. We will le constantly . ( .. . . receiving " '- GOODS DIRECT FROM SAN FRANCISCO, AXP WILL Kkkv a GENERAL ASSORTMENT DR"Y OOOIDSl GROCFRIES, H A 11 D W A li JE CnOCSETiY, &e. WE WILL OFFER INDUCEMENTS TO ALL Ilradjr-l'aj'"Cu!toniem t LL -PERSONS OWING THE FIRM OF T II....... r. . ,11 r11 and icUl. Kitber tnrmber of the firm i autborucd to sttlle anv account f tho Company. March 6, lSC9-v4nL'9tr. J. BARROWS k CO. ALBAlr FOUIVKRV AND MACHI3STE SHOP! ALBANY. OREGON. A. F. CHERRY, PROPRIETOR. XANCrACTCT.tR OF STEAM ENGINES. GRI5T AND SAW'-MILT.P. REAPERS ANI THRESHERS. WOODWORKING MACHINERY. PUMPS, 4c. 4c. Ac, Ac 4c Machinery of all kinds RSFAXRZD ON SHORT NOTICE! PATTERN Done in AU lts Various Forms ! ! IE05 AKD BKASS CASTINGS fst til K!nrf. MldO tO Order f VI rva ' Dee.S'6Sr4nl6;l. A. F. CnCRRY MARBLE WORKS! DEALER IS- MONUMENTS, OBELISKS, TOMBS. Head and Foot Stones Executed in Cali fornia, Vermont aud Italian 31 X2 13 X. 11 AUo, Mantles, Grates. Fire Brick. Wahtands, Coreaa and Counter Tfcps lurntsnea to oruer. State St., Bet. Conme rcia! and Front, SALEM, OREGON. v4n52tf. MOUNT HOOD ! TO THE PEOPLE OF OREGON. LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS! 4 F. M. MORRIS & W. C. AVERY, br.ih ulil Ore?oniaue. bavins tjeyond a doubt tbe largest ox in the world, propose to tbe people of Ore iron to take this monster to the Atlantic State and exhibit turn as an uregon prouucnon. idh animal was raised by Mr. F. M. MorrU. on Butter Creek. Umatilla county. Before leaving the State thev wih every man, woman and child in Oregon to e Mount Hood upon les, and in order to give thorn an f.r.rx.rtunit v to do o, tbey will exhibit him at tho Linn County and State Fairs, for tbe snm of 25 cents ; children half price. Their object in doinlj tbi Is to raise funds for rinporta.B. tendency All thgse who think that it will have a to wake up tbe wrp'c of the Extern bioics to realize the fact that there is snch a place as Ore jeattle, but everything elo is in advance of the iron ou the Pacifie alone, and that not nntv Innr rest of tho world, and all that is necessary is in- Amt." and econonrv lu reaiuo a wriuuu iu urcgon - . r i r in tL ffw vears. and that ii the hcet place to cn- n a iew jhi , . , oy a fortune after It been accumulated. Busi- , . I t.. nnl ,flm,mh.r that tic&2 UjjCJI inana uuvo vi ., - - aney sm&q Xit9t Co,Br.a patronize us accoru- n?'y- ..: . . v W. C. Ayory will also wave a euppij oi A. Stipp'a "fhoracic Balaam on, hand, and for sale. XHE X ATIONAIi ;: LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ! 1 1 OF NEW YORK. fiVFTCERfi Edwabp A. Joses, Pres't; Josa tha O. Haisbv, Vico Pres't; Johx A. Mort imob, Sec'y ; Hibau B. Whitz, M. 1)., Med. Ex. All Policies Non-forfeiting. Annual Income, $225,000.00. Dividends, 18(58, 50 per cent. STITZEL & UPTON, Gen'l Agents, Portland, 0. 3. QUINN THORNTON, Soliciting Agent, Albany, Og'n. v4n32m6 NOTICE. "3ircep5tal.e 99 Threslier and gcjaralor I , . . , L L. fITIIX ONU YET Z ! EIGHT HORSE POWER! Fot Sale aU Hrgaia and terms easy for Foment, Call ou Tt ChealU at bis CA8H STORE at Albany Oregon. R. CHEADLE. iv4n49tf. ; Albany, June 4, 1869, - NO MORE FOOLISHNESS! THOSE INDEBTED TO ME ARE INFORM ED that promises to' pay don't "go" any longer. Patience is exhausted and I MUST have money. - This is the last Call and at the expiration of thirty days I will put all unsettled accounts in the hands of a lawyer for collection sure ! 1 : ' ., J. GRADA70HL. ALBANY, OOP BLESS THE FARM. ' God bless the farm the dear old farm I f God bless it t'very ruod, " . , Where willing heart and sturdy arm " . Can earn an bonont livelihood t Can from tho eoarso and fertile soil . Win back a recoinpenno fur toll. God bless eneh meadow, Hold and nk, Begetumod with fairest flowers! And evtry leaf that's gently shook. By evening brceie or morning showers. - God bless them all I each loaf '$ a g , In Nature's gorgeous diadoui. The orchards that in early spring Bliuh rich with fragrant flowers, ' And with each autumn surely bring . Their wealth of fruit in golden showers, , Like pomegranates un Aaron's rod, A miracle from Nature's God. , . And may bn bless tho farmer's horn, : Where petipo and plenty relscn ! No happier spot 'neath Heaven's high dome, I)oth this brad, Wauteous earth contain. Than where, secure from care and strife. The farmer leads his peaceful life, Unvesed by oil and tricks for gain, Ho turns the fertile mold ; Then scatters on the goMen grain, Aud reaps reward a hundred fold. He dwells where grac and henuty charm, For God hath hlewtcd bis hop and farm. ' CAUSE OF THE ECLIPSE. BT A WASDMISO tOURMIAX, As old Sol, 'tother day, Wa pawning thi way. With the Ran turned full on his burner, To tho car? he thus spoke , For a kind of a Joke "Littlw earth, by Jove, ycu'ro a Turner," Tho earth bristle.l up. Like a two-year old pun. And ere this we'd been knocked into chip. But Luna, f-ir ouecn, Jut stepped in l erween, And that U what eauc I the eeIijM, Color or IIoit.sKs. The Arabs illm trate their ostimalo of the different col ors of horses by the following sdory : A chief of' a tribe was once pumicl by bin CQemic. He fiaid to hi tun ; " My non. drop to the rear, ami te'l me the cobr of the hor?e of our foe, and mtiy Allah burn hi grandfather!' 1 White,' wa the answer. Thcn we wi'l go aouth said the chief, ' for in the at pbins of the desert, the wind of a wr ite borne will not stand in a protracted chac.' Again the chief said: 'My on. what colored lnrc pursue us? IShck. O my father V 'Then wc will go among theMonc and on rocky ground, for the feet of black hor?cf arc not strong.' A third time the young Arab was cent to the rear, and reported chesnut horse. ' Then,' aid the chief, ve are ht. Who but Allah can deliv er ufroruchcMiut hone' Ihin or cream, colored borne, the Arabs consider worth less, and fit only lor Jew.i to ride." That Di:l.vark Mauuiagf. Law. They have a " ju.ee r law in this lilhputtan btate about the g rdiau knot of u:atrtnio jy. It tejuire the naughty men," be fore kding otie of the Delaware iambs, to the Facnfu'bl alter, to give bonds tor good behavior. XC unlucky wht roay have more love than creJit may look about in an agony of upen waiting for ctuc en- tcrprisiog individual to 0 upon hi bond in tho sum of two hunurd dollars, law ful money, and be com pellet, in default of thin conjugal Mraw bail, to forego all the honeymoon. Thus great di:rc.M in brought on innocent parties, who arc cru elly kept out of their property " by a ridtculoui old law totally at variance with the prc.-ent advanced atae of civili zation, and which wickedly intei fere with that magna charta of young people, the ring of elopement. .A vigorous effort is being made to abolish tho law, and thus put the young folka of that fossil State oo a footing wiih those ef Chicago, for iu stance. A curious discovery ha becu made re cently at Pompeii, in adioufe io course of excaration ao oven found closed with an iron door, on opening which, a batch of eighty-one loaves, put in nearly eighteen hundred year ago, and now, somewhat overdone, was discovered; aud even the large iron tdiovel with whicUl loaves were but slightly overbaked by the lava heat, having been protected by a quantity of ahe covering the door. There ii no baker,s mark ou tho loaves; they are circular, about nine inches in diauje- tr, ralhcr flat, and indented (evidcutl-1 .1.. ii N wiin tue DamBciun the center, and are slightly raised at the much, and di vided by eight lines radiating iroai the center into eight segments. lhev are now of a deep brown color, and hard, but very light. In the same shop were found 501 bronze and od silver coins. A mill wi'.h a great quantity of corn in excellent preservation, has been also discovered. ,. ii i . Tea costs 35 cents per pound in China, the duty is 25 cents, that makes GO cents. The freight to New York about two cents, the importer s fair prout IU per cent.. and the retail dealer's 25 per cent. That brings the tea to the consumer at 93 cents per Tjound, allowing over two cents tor treight from cw lork to Cincinnati This same tea -cannot be had in this city for less than 81,50 per pound, giving 57 cents nlunder on each pound, tor tbe benefit of the heavy capitalists who mon opolize the tea trade. 'Were there no du ty on tea. and were there no monopoly of cap,iai, cnicuy lurougu mo mu vi then tea would come to the consumer at 55ers..rer pound. This gives a clear swindle to tha poor, of 38 cents 'on the pound, bv reason of the duty, making total of robbery on occbiitft of both the duty and the monopoly of capiat, . 8 cts on each pound. Cincinnati Enquire?. , , t.i , Recently an Irish woman called at the ..ewiston post-office and inquired if there wasf a letter for her. She was told that there was a letter for her from 1 the dead letter oi?ce, when she at once burst into tears,' ayi eg .f an' sure I thought some of 'era moupht.oecn dead that I didn't heaj from 'em before." 'An explanation dried her tears,: ,' ,t'i, - ' 'L) t may be of interest to housekeepers to know that the? shrinkage of flan np.ls isrpreveuted by putting borax into tlhp'watcr in wbi.-tyarq washed. -' OKEG ON, SATURDAY, LAST 1IOI HS OV nilH. NltlfcLI S. WaN Nil fstillfy Womnn or Not? A writer iu tho ' Now York World who ia familiar with tho dyin liours of tho wife of Daniel E. Sickles, Imh furniHltcd to that paper tho following interoHtin account, which , will strengthen tho doubt ,e6neeniing her gnilt, or, at lcnnt, faine a '.quCMtion in tho mindu of many who are yet famil iar with the memoroldo wandal with which her nam is coupled : ; I, for ono, do not lelieve Mr. Sick les guilty of tho chargo rnado againnt her. I helievo Sickles to have iHjen m vilo in hw treatment of his Ayifo as he was in every other respect ; jeihaps nioro vilo, lx'cauKp he could wrong her with - impunity, and nweep 'front tho earth, covered with odium, a man whoKo graceH created envy in liin own rniud, and whono manly Hensy)f hon or was a reproach to hw own vilcness, and whoH intellect and culture were far beyond, hit awu-reoeh; and wIiobo ouly niu wan in hin Hympathy for, and kiudneHH io a neglected, ill-uned wife, I admit that it is dangcroiw ground, thin Hvmpathv for a jnarru-d woman, w ho Ix-tter Ik) content to milter, endure and dio than touch the temjiting cup. Lot thin hiiflice on thin head. That Mrs. SickleH woh lovely in per wn, simple and child-like in character, all admit. Such characters are not easily degraded. "Wero hhe the de graded creature ho han led the world to believe, her KenKibilitieH would , not have remained ho acute that nhe died iu lens than two years of a broken heart. She was weak and cowardly, I ad mit. Alas! these defects would have made her aered in the eyes of n man ly man, and ho would have done his utmost to shield her from evil. Let mo depict tho few last hours in the life of this injured woman. Stung, it may l, by au irresponsible feeling of remorse, he pretends in the eyes of the world to have restored her to favor. I will not discuss tho pro priety of this kind of klopstock senti ment. I speak of the faet. She was placed in a handsome house, with the ordinary appliances of wealth. Of the secret history of the two at thus time nothing need Ikj aid. She was ruined iu character, broken in he alth, utterly lot to the world o ou ly women can W lost left without society, and without sympathy, except from the few who were related to her, ami who loved and pitied her. She had long intervals' of nervous prostra tion, when h)w would lie for htnirs like a dvinr person. She mt dav after dav with her head leaning upon her wast ed hand, and eyes listless, seeing and raring for little, in a world whoso sun shine to her had len so darkly eclijw ed. She sighed faintlv, but said little or nothing. She was a sad wreck. She knew she was living, and express ed no thought o interest in anything but her absent daughter. One day she suddenly turned to a youn friend and asked: "Do you think mo a guilty woman?" nnd with out waiting for au uuswer, she. went on, "I wish to speak now while I can. I was so shocked anl terrified at thai horrible time that I did not know w lint I said. But I a;n not guilty of anv sin. Mr. Sickles was very violent 1 was afraid of him he brought me a paper, w hich he said I must sign he said he should lc hung if I did not sign it. I never read one word of that paper ; I did not know one word writ ten in it. I put my name where he told me, and to save his life." She was sinking rapidly, and was carried to her bed from her long faint ing turn. As she opened hereyea, re viving slowlv, they fell upon, the face of Daniel fc. Sickles, painted and framed, hanging before her. Lifting her pale hand, she said: . "Take itawav." . s Those about her remonstrated ; but the second tm the third time she mur mured: -.dice it away. ... The picturo was removed. "Now place my daughter's face there," fche said, with a wid smile. This was done, and she gazed with a longing, wistful ook upon the vounjr face, and sighed heavily. The poor weary eyes closed, and sho was gone to Him unto whom is opened the secret of her heart. The Trot at Buffalo. Tho recent trot at Buffalo,' August 12, deserves to be commemorated. 'It took place at ihn T)rivinr TnrTf wlierii three vears - - - - "r i ago Dexter made the, unprecedented umo oi 2.J.0 unuer iuu euuuie. itiere, two years ago, Dexter made, the oest time ever recorded, in harness 2.17$. Last year, on tliis course, a mile was paced in 2.14 uy Billy Boyce. 'Ihere were zo.UUU people present at tho Park to witness tho races on the 12th. Goldsmith Maid won tho $10, 000 purse in threo straight heats, the time beinpr 2.191, 2.19, 2.19. This gives in iviam a piace oy ine siao oi Dexter. The latter was bought by Bonner, who ought now to buy the. Maid also. American Girl has trotted a. single heat faster than the Maid, it is true, but for a sustained effort the performance of the latter exceeds any thing- yet done upon the turf. liar mrs Woe kin. . f Cboup. The white of an egg, glrcp in 'sweetened water, is a sure cure for the croup according to tho 'testimony o ft distinguished I rench physician, Tle remedy must be repeated until a euro is effected, :,; : :vx To Prevent BoT.-rrlt is said tjiat ft Eint of slackened lime scattered oyer a arrel of potatoes will effectually do? strow all tendency to rot. ; The reme dy' is simple and within the roach of all,-' - - OCTOBER 2,1869. JOSH HILLING VAVFAIH. - Vanity iz noldom uialishou". s Anxzicty alwus stops n itaelf. Curiosity iz tho Instinct ov wisdom. Fools ore tho whet-stones or society. Silence, like darkness, Sz generally safe. ' v' ' ' ;; ' '; A woman liko an echo, will bar. the last word. 1 ' Praise that ain't deserved ain't no bet ter than slander. Friendship iz simply tho gallantry of sclf-iniercst. ' Hcttcr pinko a weak than your friend. ' man yoar enemy A Ho iz like a cat, it nover comcx to you in a straight line. llcwaro ov tho man with half shut eye he ain't dreaming. Kxperienco makes more timid men than it dttz wizo, one. PoUfcnej't lx a nhrcwd way folkii has of flattering themself. Xo man ever yet increased biz rcputa shun bi contradikting lies. Opioyuns arc like nthcr vegetables, w,orth just what they will fetch. Advice iz a drug in tho market; tbe supply alwus exceeds the demand. Men mourn for what they hav lost witnmin. for what they haint got. I giv the world credit for a grate deal more honesty than it can show. One ov the safest and most successful tallcntx I koo ov iz to be a good listener What a redieulu farce it is to be con tinually on tho hunt for peace and quiet. I think mot men had rather be charged with malice than with making a blunder. It takes branes tew make a nnnrt man, but good luck often makes a famou one. Wize men laff every good chance they kin git. bailing is only a weakness in phooU. JQve cuts up all sorts ov monkey shines, it makes a fool sober and a wUo man frisky. A idaodcr i like a hornet, if you can't kill it dead the fust bio, you better not strike at it. , When a man iz fquandcriog hiz estate, oven those who arc getting it, call him a phool. I don't, believe in total depravity, ev ery man haz sumthing in hiia to show that God made him. Studdy the heart if ju want to learn human natur; tharc aiu't no hurjan natur iu a man's head. Thare ia on'y two things that I know ov thaC a man wont brag ov, one U Hcing, and tulhcr is jealously. Gratitude iz a debt, and like all other debts, iz paid bckauc we arc obliged to, not bckausc we luv to. Nature iz a kind mother. She couldn't well afford to make us perfekt, and so she made us blind to our own failings. A humbug is like a bladder, good for nothing tilt it iz Mowed up, and then ain't good for nothing after it iz pricked. I juJge of a man's virtcw entirely bi hiz phaftions it is a grate deal eaier to be a good dove than descent sarpant. Thare iz three kinds ov phools in this world, the natural ones, the common, every day phool, and thedsghm phool. A bigg noxo iz fed tew be a sign of genius if a tuan g genius lays iu hiz nozc, i ahould say tho sign was a good one. I uppoe that ono reason why the "road to ruin" iz broad, iz tew accommo date the great amount of travel ia that direkahun. Thare arc menny ways to find out how biave and how honest a man may be, but thare ain't no way to fiud out the extent of his vanity. Put man . down Tor me as a vain and selfish critter, all hiz talk and ackshuns to tho contrary, notwithstanding, never theless, towit, verily, amen. Whenever I find a real handsome woman engaged in the "wimmins' rights bizzness," then i am going to take mi hat under mi arm and jine the procession. I make this distinction between cuir al ter and rrputa$hun rcputashun is what the world ihinkt ov us, charaktcr iz what the world know of us. ! Thoze who become disgusted and wilh-! draw from the world, mn.stn't forp.it one thing, that tho world will forgit them, a long, time before they forgit tho world. I think I had rather hear a man brag about himself, than tew hear him brag all the time ol some some one else for i I , i vH. i liko vanity a lectio better than i do sickofansy. Put on .Englishman iu tho garaen of Eden, and he would find fault with the whole blassted consarn- put a Yankee, and ho would seo whar he could alter it to advantage put an Irishman t in, and he would want tew bos3 the thing put a Dutchman in, and ho would proceed at once to plant cabbage. "Dey Don't Dif Dat Way." The comment' of a colored preacher on the text, "It is more blessed to give than to receive," is inimitable for its point as well as eloquence. "1 ve Known many rlwirrh to dio 'cause it didnt,give - a, . . . enough ;' but I never knowed a church to die 'causo it gave too much. Dey don't die dat way. Brcdercn, has any of you knowed a church to die cause it gavp too mticn ? If you do, just let me know; nd I'll make a pilgrimago to dat church, and PI! climb , by tho soft light of the moon to- its moss-covered roof, and I'll stand dav and lift my hands to heaven and say; 'Blessed! are de , dead dat dje in dc Lord.'" V,-; 'V:"M -It. ' . ii .1.11 ' ' ! ' . . r ' , ;; A Phildelphiap, thus poetizes fto ,Pa- cifjp JRailrpad ?, ... 1f - , , ; ; : 1 ni'ighty wtl?k at lasl Is done, ' . 4 speedily apd to hrlsk, 0 1"' ' An4 now in ten (lys you ean run .. v From hereto' Sg.a traniBoo." : ".Iff NO. 7 THE CI1I.YESU WIA.Vr. All the men of big stature did not per ish in the flood, although that forty day's swept off the most of them. A veritable lirohdingnag is in our midst to day. Chang, the huge Chinaman, is here, and is suffering the inconvencies of his bulky greatness. The cars afford no room for him to deposit his ample lumber regions in. Chairs arc shaky props, beds there are none to suport him, and, altogether, ho.fiodi? New York, as bare of conven ience for his comfort as Titabuctoo. Yes terday orders wero given for a chair of stout strength and immense size, and a bed for the reception' of his " monstrous limbs will be ready for the giant to-night. Chang is a monster in flesh,' and a giant in height, and has exhibited him self in England and Paris: While in Eng. land, at tho request of the Prince and Princess of Wrnles, he visited tho Malbor oush Houftc, and last year he was a guest at the Tuilcrics. The giant is eight fed eight inches in hight, and is about twenty-fire years of age. Ho isgrcd looking, and intelligent, speaks English fluently, and is quite gab lant in his way. Uo devotes all his ener gy and most of his bnsiness time to the careful investuro of his cumbrous body in store clothes. Masftive chains make arcs all aboat his body; what would crush a pigmy to tlie earth hang like silk en threads about his chest and girdle. His feet are exaggerated beetle-crushers, and the rest of his body is of proportioo ate immensity. ; Chang has a wife and two children, and h said to be great in his affection toward them. He calls his apouse his "pretty Kin Foo," and though he flirts and phi-J landers with all the" ladies, Kin Foo is no way jealous, believing that a man of such j inordinate size is excusable if he does overrun with affection for another. Chang's father is even taller than AAh son, and there is a sister who exceeds him in height a few inches. The sifter is mar ried, and her husband will not suflcr her to become the object of rude gaze. Chang has been well educated, and belongs to a fine family. His father is a wealthy tea merchant in F-Chau. Tho Russian giant Anak is the only man who has ever ap peared that approaches Chang m height. Hoth Anak and Chang were exhibited on the continent together, and though Anak wore a helmet with feathers, which made hi m sccmot extraordinary height, Chan without any such 'illusive accessory, ap pcarcd tho taller man. A. WorM, Augutt Zd. Xo young lady can be too wcll instruct cd in anything which will affect the com fort of a family. Whatever her position i in society, &ne needs a practical kcowi edge of household duties. She may be plated in nuch circumstances that it will not bo necessary for her to perform much domestic labor; but on this account , she needs n& less knowledge than if she were obliged to preside personally over the cooking-stove and pantrv. Indeed I have often thought that it is more dfficult ja direct other;, and requires more expr.ri. ence, than to do the same work with our own hands. Mothers are frequently so nice and particular that they do not. lifc to give up any part of their care o their children. This is a great mistake iatheir management, for they are often burdened with lahor, and need relief. Children should be early taught to mak themselves nscM to assist their pare jta it every way iu iticir puwer, sua io consider It aJ privilege to dq so. ' An Ohio paper relacs tho following court scene: "At the first term of our court of Common Pcas,ia. the caso of Miss X8. f4n impeaching witness was asuea tne utal question. Do you Know tne rcpu',0n ot Mr. -for truth and veracity in the neighborhood where he resides?' Well aid the witaess, his reputr tion for tiuth is very good, but his rcput'tti-jn for veracity Li considerably talked or Wbatd o you mean by verac ity V said the cross examining attorney. Why I Tjiean he's bad after the wimmin ?" .sin.Ntt Jr ut'iD. 1 his is a recipe- wortij one thousand dollars Take one pou'ad of sal-soda and a half pound of un sla eked line ; put them io a gallon of wa t'jr, boil twenty minutes; let it stand till cool ;. thtn drain off and ut in - a jug. Soak yonr clothes over night, wring them out, vub on plenty of soap, and' in one boilci off clothes, well covered with water, add one- tea-cup-ful of washing fluid. Boil half an hour and then wash them with suds, rinse, and your -clothes will look splendid. Josh Billings never shot off a finer thing in his lucubrations than the follow ing on "imagination" and "terbacker:" Imagination too much indulged in soon is tortured intu reality ; - this iz one way good boss thief s are made. ' A man Iencs over a tense all day, and imagines tho hoss in the lot belongs tu him, and sure couff. the first dark nite the hess does. , If you must chaw terbacker, young man, for Heaven's sake chaw old plugg it iz thenastyest. - - A Munich professor says the amount of betr annually cobsumed in - Europe would float the Prusian navy, and that he average number of bottles per inhabi tant yearly is, in Batavia 134, iu Eng land 113, Belgium 80, Austria 22, Franco 20, Prussia 19. He owns himself to 2,- IPO bottlsi per annum. Ma. Boynton,, the person who has saved so many Jives at Uape Way tnis Reason: wan offered fifty cents by one gen- tie. after he had been dragged sateiy to shore. - Mr. Boynton handed him back fm-tv.nina cents in change, remarking , vr.-, w . that na 01a not wisu iu u;cp xuuio wau his lifo was worth. ' s t : 4 ; : The rate at which the fast trains ; be tween New York and Chicago must trav el to be on time, is thirty-eight miles an hour) including stops. v'vM RATES OF ADVERTISING,' rr.a T sj On Column, $100; Half Column, $50 $ Quarter Col-', umn,$35. . , - .... '''' Transient Advertisements per Hqnare of tea lia'et or less, first Insertion, $3 j eaeh subsequent imr tion,$l. ' " i A square Is one Inch in tp&ti lewn th eolmna, eonisting cuts, display Hues, blaaii, Ac, as solid i matter. No advertisiaent fb eo2iiien4 less -than a square, aud all fraetite' coifste4 a fall 8.inare. Air advertisetffents hserted fot less' period taaa taree inonths to b regarded i t'rsa ' tlent, ' t , " Jfarshal Xei! died poorV ; ; Ban Kfce U building a &o(jt)0 Urn,' Alfred," J)ukj of dibarg, rJlaya'the' fiddle well. ' Ilochefort, they ayf has gambled a vaj" ' his fortune. - - .. A , k The rower of the English Hob zri trip '--l fill just now. , . . . : ' The, Grand Duchess Mariaof BtmU; rides a velocipede. f , ... i ? 1 A- brother of Hon. Iewi Cass ged ightv-three, lives in Ohio. , , ei A formoa bishop thinks nothing of losing fifty of sixty children. s ' A Distinction Great minds hate wills; others only feeble wishes. ' 1 31iss Lewis, the colored sculptress, coulda't get rooms in a Syracuse hotel. Tbe Queen of Portugal is dying of a ' i broken heart at her husband's infidelity, John B. Googh has baeksliden, and will perform upon the stage again next winter. Eugenie has some twenty illegitimate members of the Bonaparte family as prf vate pensioners. . . . , Fourteen of Anna Dickinson's auditgrs . at a lecture io Sacramento survived to ask bcrto " do it again." - George4Fraocis Train is inflating.Ore-' , gon'yet. He insists the territory was discovered and settled by a Fenian named O'Kegan. A' Hmart boy, during a recent revival, was asked if he could say the "Pablican'a Prayer," and he replied, "Xo, sir ; I am. a Democrat." ; Dr.' Strongsburg, who slept in garreU only seven years ago, now owns half, of,' the Prussian railroads. Don't be disconr--aged, young man. Chandler, when he buys a ruby,. com. -pares it with the of tip his note; anddittU. Icr, when he gets an'ciueraW, testsibfcj; .Sumner's eye. Tom Sayers son sings comic song irwhSeH he recount his fathers fistic battles, and1 weau with pride the dra wars bis father wore when he fought Heenan. A newsboy in X'ew York, the ether. day, was heard crying oat, u 'Ere'a yoorr I I Ue Gazette? 'XcdhwVcne cf.thaai, things by 31issus Stowv" Dr. Helmbold, til-Bach a- oan aad! the heaviest druggn Xew York, cfers I 830,000 a year ftathe privilege of adver tising by pcMiogbilW &c., on the fence ... near the pcsto2c.-i& that city. Hov,- He Fxlt. in 1852 ihe colored5 barber at tha- Cataracts House, Xiagara , Falls, ajd ha lived in a village in Canada, where all bat himself were white persons.. "I fe'it," faid he, "like one hucklcberrT. in a bucltat cIaUkV, ,j .jt 'The Uev. Dr. Panshon, the noted Eng Hah Preacher, has visited hoth f!hieafo . nd cjocmnati, ana lie says that ,fcat Chicago everybody seems to be going some-place; at .Cincinnati they look as though tbe v. had been there and r&- . twncd" : Eliza Emery warns all girlJ- iathe South and West to look out for herayj. d ecei vi ng, mo a way h usband , David. She- ? says that be has cruelly left her, and told' -the folks when ha started that he was go ing. southwest to preach universal salva tion and marry a Iloosier. The mate of the steamer Van Epps.itr. t: " : . i . - or Viiivau, a tuarrieu ujsd, ran Oil wiui t . thedaughter.orthe Captain, and a60iaff the Captain, also a man of family, ran off. f with the chamber, maid of the steamer, . -Why shouldn't they if they live in Chir -cago ? They hare a new kind of wedding in Iowa, called- "involantary When a scoundrel sedoees and " won't . marry tbc girU they at his head at a . revolve, tad tell bira to "come down," or the top ef his head makes a soup bewl. He gtaerallr comesJ ' STATE XETTS. ' - The Supreme . Court of. Oregon haa-" decided that con sti active mileage is illegal. and cannot be collected.- Mukneaah county.ha9 5,200,000 of taxable property.-: Oats and barley sell a Grande' Konde v alley for 1J cents per pound and . wheat at one dollarrper bushel. -Port land capitalists are investing in the Me M inn vilie W-ater Ditch:! Another rich mining camp has been struck on a small -stream running. iato- Salmon riror. Judge Au J. Thayer will deliver the An nual Address at the State Fair. -The order and themeney for the removal of . the Snake Indians to Klamath Keserva tion have reached Salem; : An abandoned, city, with churches j fruit, orchards, groves and other eviden ccs of former prosperity, has been dis-" covered in the vicinity of the Gila river$ -on the northern border of the state of So-v nora. Vast furnaces and other appliances . for extractiag ores, were found on the premises, indicating the existence in for mer years ot a large smelting establish ment. ; 'z0; ' M'lle Marcowitz, the Paris actressr was packing her trunks for the watering' places, when news was brought her that Messrs, Busself and Poerzo were fighting on her account. . "Telegraph me whd 1 is killed," said she to the messenger; ."at Baden one will have more leisure for emo tion. . , . - ;...::',. 1 Archbishop Purcell, of Ohio, is thid oldest prelate in the Catholic chuch, hav ' -jr 1000 ..J tng servea siuco ioa, auu uuw ueiug over 70 years of age, although still hale and active in mind and body, in bis time ho has cpniecratcd more : than .40 bishops., v. -.-if '' '"t,":- '- ' - Lice. Onions are capital food for cattle infected with lice. " They giv tone to the stomach and are capital ia hot weather. -.- i ? Half a; peck given at noon once a day j will very soon rid tha anipaajs of them :0