SATURDAY.-... ..SEPTEMBER 11, ISO 9. Hew York aiii Liverpool Markets. Wheai-iSI 75. Floor $CJ9J. Liverpool Wheat, lis 2d. SaarracUcorIaxkct.' ' Wheat $1 55($1 70. Parley 90c. Oats $11 60. Flour$l 73 75 Gr Albany wheat quotations are unchanged. BtHi quoted at 65 esots. , Ltxw CorKrr 1'AtR. Largo colored pos till of the Linn County Faar are tcln gtn'. n!w.ii1affil Sv Mr. AL f! .Trtnoa. Svrf- frj of- the Association. The following are osseof tbe principal features which it con tains : J "The Fair Grounds are in the most pleasant and fbeAatifal location, conveniently situated, with plenty' of water and wood, good stable hels, and etery convenience for stock of all kinds. A, splendid pavilion, well arranged for the exhi HIob of all varieties or articles. A liberal premium for the fastest runner around tie track on a velocipedo. -A, epleadid priie for tho bast drilled fire com tBy; .. ' Tho liberal p recuon offered and the extra eon-! a Usees arranged, will insure a full representa tion by the ladies, with their beautiful works of ' t&ft and industry. IrfmiWoa-Scason ticket, $1.50 single con teyance, $t ; doa'ita conveyance, $1,50 oue .arte $l,M . t In addition to the attractions, on tho pos Utl there are tha shooting match and a plowing match, for w hich liberal premiums be given. Also, on Wednesday, at 11 .v. ai.t Rer. E. It. Geary will deliver the Agricultural Address. Tho increased premiums and n jvr attractions warrant us ' tin saying that the coming Fair will bo fir euperior to any which have ever pe- ceded it an Linn county, and we hear reports i from all sections which lead us to believe nhat the attendance will b much larger "than thatef any previous year. The reat Secret of the prosperity and advancement of a country U fA-und in the desire of its peo ple to excel, and nothing stimulates that no le impulse so much as public exhibition of thia nature; therefore it is to the interest ot Ttrycitixen hat ing the good of Linn county xat hexTttto patronize and countenance the approaching Fair. j; SmairrTavixE. The f.dlowing abstract -will show that oar present Sheriff has been "iaithfal in discharge of his duties. lie has 'Collected kiies fiat jrned by former Sheriff as delineraenl and uneollectable...... Collected from person a.eed by Sheri"....2.000 1Fub1 reetifts agaiast Harvey Smith.. .... G.'J I -Total The law contemplates that it is impossi ble Wfche.As;eKsor to find every person in the "eoaaty, and giakcs it the duty of the Shr-riF thxse ms?ea by h-.m. Mr. Irvine has assesied 115 person. lie thinks 3tlr. Xyo ha has not misled more than f jrmer AMr-ssbr, and perhaps not so many, liy compafing the Iload Supervisors' returns, containing all the names in each Roa i Dis trict, with the Assessor's tank, the Sheriff was enalJod to find the persons missed bv -thr.liswasor. - .'Solo'Ott. Messrs. 1. V, Spink Co., -atoveand tinware merchants of jlm eity. have disposed tf their busine-M to Messrs. O. P. Tompkins fc Co., who have moved their goods from the old stand to llouck it Mver'a brick, oa the corner of Fir.-t and IWashinjrton street. Although Messrs. Spink k Caruth-rs were in business togcth-J er but a few months, during that brief period they made hosA of friend' who wilLrcgrct to hear that they haTC retired from the arena no soon. However, their successor, Mr. -Tompkins is well and favorably known in Xinn county, an 1 will doubtles prove cmi mantly popular with the trading public. . He 8 retains Mr. Carutbers in his employ for the -present. The dissolution notice , of P. W. :Spink & Co., msy be found in another . col umn.' '' TnE Oxi-stess.V At a regular meet ing of Albany Fire C., No. 1. last Monday night,. Mr.. Isaac Conn was elected Firft .Assistant Foretaan, tict P. II. Farrell, re signed. -The Company by a unanimous voto, v4scided to compete for the prize at the Linn County Fair, which they were informed is to 'Jba a fireman's trumpet of the most complete srad beautiful finish ; and in order to prepare iiheiaselves moro fully for the contest they voted to drill at least twice a week between bow sad the Fair. We understand the jSalem companies will be present and com- ipete for the prize, in which vent rare sport : ;taay be-anticipated. Kickep to Death. On last Wednesday ..,2tojrniAg, iwhilo 3Ir. John WeiJle, living at .1..B. MillerV, eight miles from this city, was engaged in hitching up a team, one of ;the horses 'kicked him in the lower part of J - the abdomen with such violence as to cause a rapture of the 'bladder, which resulted in his . death after suFering intensely for." about 30 i boars. Jle was a native of Switzerland, : and leaves one sister in that country to ,iaourn his untimely death. Ax AccaoEXT. Last Wednesday, while . Mr. Myers, of Benton' county was getting ?3'5erry Vt with his team, the boat v:"becarrje loosed and started into the stream. Tho team was pulled into the water, wetting tthe load of wteat and considerably fright- ening Mr. Ms family who were on the .f 4 of wheat. They succeeded in getting r "doit without any 'special damage. " ? Sxward, Seward and party visited Al Xh&nj last 'Monday. Arriving at' noon, the Z irij ;was provided for at Mr. Ilolden's by City, where a number of our citizens Ca&Ilftf pon'Mrr Seward'. The party re trjained oly s. few hours and departed for V aleja .In two carriages driven by Gov. Woods and a nigger. t' f ;Tr;aviTCe,-Cha8. Mealej is now maim.'' aftaringuraiture which will compare fa flroralilj, bota in fashion and material, to --hat trfeich ia UaoHci ; and be informs us that be ran aiSord to sell JiU own maoufac Xrxre at much iess figure than the - foreign caake of farniUire. . I if JTe BuuGxr. -W hav received tbe Oregon -Jejpg budget and Portland Letter (, fpiecti a lir.ely. jand interesting paper print 'd at Portland Oregon. We esteem the Bug- ptt ft taluabh publication1 and gire it' & v-crara 'urcjeonj' to our table; 1 Car New Advertisement. ' - Saxtiam (cAtEMt. Head tho advertise ment of this educational institution among the new ml'. Lebanon, the village in which this Academy is situated, has long been no ted for its beauteous scenery and healthful locality, and the superiority of its ,cluca. tional advantages ha; been tho crowning fea turo of its renown. Mount Hood. Messrs. Morris Jc'Avery advertise that the famous 41 Oregon BaVv the 44 Big Ox "will beon exhibition at the Fair Ground during the Fair". Law. -J' Hannon, Esq., this week flings his banner to the breeze through the columns of tho Democrat. He is a young man of ability and promise, anddescrves-encourage ment from tho public. Collector or Claims. Head thof special notico cf "Wai. Davidson, Esq., Collector of Claims and Kcal Estate Dealer Portland. IIo has a reputation for promptness and re liability eifiml if not superior to any other man in his lino of business tn Oregon. Send him jour orders. "Wheat WANTtri.-Mcssrs. Corbitt & Mac leay, of Portland, aro still paying the high est cash price for wheat. Head their an nouncement. Tojcsorial. Charles B. Proscott informs tho public that ho is prepared to accommo date all who desiro anything in tho 44 barber ous " line, two doors abovo Crawfords' Pdock, on main street. R. Chcadle wants his debtors to pay up, ind announces tho arrival of new goods ; also has furniture for sale. ' FAVoas.-Our dark-eyed little friend, Adah Mendenhall, ono day this week appeared at our office door with a fruit-dish full of deli ciously flavored grapes, stating that 44 they were for all of us," and vanished cro wo co&ld hardly get timo to thank her. The printers are certainly fortunate when such little angels visit them bearing in their hands the richest fruits of Mother Earth's vineyards. We havo been ma-le the recipient of a mag nificent present, from Mr. O. P. Tompkins, in the form of a beautiful tea urn, made from planish tin, handsomely moulded and orna mented with bird, flowers, etc. The publishers of the Democrat are un der obligations to Mr. A. C. Jones, Secre tary of the Linn County Agricultural Asso ciation, fir complimenrary tickets to the Fair. Mr. John Uothell, of Benton County, has our thank ior 4 Fall Beauties " anil another variety of apples. . And Mr. Palmer, of Ililtcbidcr grocery, will accept a most beaming smile for a bas ket of Bartlctt pears. Also, we liow profoundly to Mr. S. E. Young, fir a 44 powerful nice " melon. And Fred Hill has purchased a 44 rig" and promis3s us a 44 spin around " in it in a short time. Verily we arc 44 in circumstances !" VTii.l Cnrr.r. Tho member of the Capital Hatine Company, X". 1, f tbi city. t'jncin.Uie corf -tin;; for the premium offered by the Lion d.untr Aerin:lrura! Awctati"t for the best fire engine. If they do c tttt, the Albany Srcmen will do wt-H f' eultirate tnuc!c. a No. I of this eity hn. the reputation of -iri; cctni to no other machine ia the Stzi?. Willamette Sule'Far mtr. Gool ! Qntystcrs against One stcrs 1 Greek against Greek ! While our lioys realize the fact that they are nearly all raw and inexpe rienced firemen, yet they will endeavor by thorough. practice and indomitable pluck, to secure the beautiful prize which tho gener ous Agricultural Ioard has oHV-rea. If any company carries that trumpet away from Albany they will have to twork for it, Mr. Fanner for what our boys may lack in expe rience they will be able to make up in the superiority of their engine and the energy with which they will labor for the prize. However, if the Salem boyg win it, our fire men will cheerfully yield tho palm, satisfied that they have met a44foeman worthy ot their steel." PcasoxALiTiE?. We are glad to eo that Mr. LC, Burkhart is up and around again after his late dangeroua illness. Mr. Martin Payne and wife start back to Danville, III., on a vifit, in a few dajs. We wish them a safe journey and a speedy return. Frank Mason, of tbe Eugene Journal, called on us last week, en route to Portland. His countenance was beaming with seraphic smiles, and we imagine something is going to be did. Mr. L. Cheadle, of Umatilla, has arrived in town and will take charge of the mercan tile interests of his brother Mr. Cheadle, who goes to San Francisco shortly to take up his abode. ' A Beautiful Establishmext.-O. P. Tomp kins k Co.. seccessors to P. W. Spink 4 Co., have fitted up their new room in a handsome manner, and arranged their goods in the most enticing fcbapc. When they get their new invoice from San Francisco, they 'wil have. a stock costing near ?15,000, embrac ing everything that our growing market de mands, . There is an article of stoves which every one should call and examine, called the " Barstow's Cook.'-' It is the most com plete cooking stove yet invented, and will instantly fascinate tho ladies. The'adver tisemcnt of 3Iessrs. Tompkins & Co., will appear in tbe Democrat shortly. In the meantime call and see them, at Uouck k Myers' brick, opposite the Overland Hotel; Gather your AppLES.Farmers should re member that the season is a month earlier than usual. A gentleman conversant with such matters, suggests' that fall and winter apples should be gathered at once, that our apples now are as ripe as they were in the middle of October last, year, and altogether ripe enough for gathering. Such is very likely true and in any event is worth consid ering, 'r ' ' :. - ; " r: I II I . . , I ! J . Wheat.' Receipts havo been light, owing to fact that farmers are engaged in seeding. Considerable wheat has already, been sown and in some places the,' new growth isa up finely. Tbe total amount received in Al bany during the week from all sources 'is 1S;C49 bushels1. Mr. Froman's receipts for last week were a little in 'excess of 7,000 bushels. ': Total receipts at Albany- to this time for the season, 125041 bushels. j . REiiGiors. Rer. Mr. Wilson, of Salem, will -preach in tho IT. P. Church to-morrow at IX . o'clock., a ii. k , . . x Commixed Circus and Mkkagirik. Wo I learn tout it is tho calculation or 11. v. xco. tho Pioneer Circus manager of tho Pacific Coast whoso troupo is now performing iu Washington Territory, to combine with tho other branch of his circus, now under tho management of Mr. Kyland, well known oh this coast, who is now in Montana Territory, coming this way with ail possible speed, with a number of splendid performers, to .which is attached nn extorsivo menagorio. These two circuses when combined, will present an array of talent and attractions scarcely sur passed by any on tho coast. The celebrated clown and jester, James Cook, will hoy the hero of tho 44 ring " himself constituting ono of tho prominent attractivo features. This Combined Circus will perform at Al bany and Linn County Fair and through most of tho State, at the Washington County Fnirnnd also at tho State Fair during their continuance. ' A.v Absoluts Pure Stimulsnt. Ask any analytical chemist who has tested tho com parative wholes'omcness of distilled' liqurs, and ho will tell you that St. Croix Rum is the purest of them all. This matchless stim ulant is the only alcohalio element used' in the manufacture of Plantation Bitters and mark this it is not the St. Croix Bum of commerce that is so employed, but an ar ticle made from the sugar-cane by the agents of tho proprietors of the Bitters, on . their own sugar estates at St. Thomas, and far superior to any rum obtainablo in the gene ral market. Medicated with tho finest Cali saya Bark (also gathered and prepared by tho employees of the firm in South America), and other rare vegetable curatives and re storatives, tho Plantation Bitters are in all respects the best tonic, alterative and RECi'LATtxu I'REPartion ever compounddd for the uso of man. Coxviftsiosen's Covar Prockkpixc. John F. Burn established. Petition of Pennon Jt Lucy, for license to keep ferry at HarrUbarg. re fused. Liquor license granted to James Ur. County authorised tho construction of brSdx across the Calapooyia at Finlay's mill, and oo half mile above, agreeing to par no half ( rsl of construction, provided such conxtructio doc, not cost to exceed l.Soo for blh bridges. Pears and Aitles. -Wo unintentionally omitted to mention last week that we were under obligation to Mr. Martin Payne for luscious pears of tho Bartlctt variety, and some blushing big red apples accompanying. Verily cur lives aro cast in pleauni places so to speak. ' Found. On last Sablath, a lady's para sol and kid glove were found in the rood about half-wav Wtwecn this city and Cor v'allis. The owner can bare the article by calling at this office. Chanced Hands. Mr. George Miller, has purchased the meat market of Riley & Co., in this citv, and will continue the businc at tho old stand next dor to Cowan Si Co 'a store. PaoLiric. A single grain of wheat pro- prduced, upon the farm of Mr. John Fry -f this county, the present y?ar, 41 stalks with 2,419 grains. pEcnr.s. Peache were 'clling on our streets thjs week fr $2 er bushel. The Show. Fridav. -IlcmemW the Circus next MARRIED : MAOX OLXEY.At tho M. n. C'burcb in Oregon City. n tl-o 7th in-l., by J. V. ! rore, aited by Her. C. W. Tld. Ma. F. B. Makox, of tbo Ku-ne Journal, and Mi Flora OLr.r, of Astoria. DIED : nODINE. Near AUany. on tbo lh Inst., of fever and congestion, I). 11. Bodine, a;al about 4 years. . , . , .. . 1 i SPECIAL NOTICES. IV 1 1.1,1.431 IAVIISO, Of-c No. 64 Front Street, Adjoining the Telegraph Office, Portland, Oregon. SPECIAL C0LLE0T0R OF CLAIMS Accounts, Not, Bonds, Drafts, and Mercantile Claims of crery descriptien throughout Oregon and tbe Territories. "VILL IiE MADE A 8PE' CIALlTr AND rnOMPTLY COLLECTED, a weil as with a duo regard for economy la all basL ness matters entrusted to bU earo and tho proceeds paid orer punctually. . Ileal Iliitate Dealer. 5n4tf BRANDRETH'S PILLS ts. BIEEDINQ. Bleeding may giro ease, because tho blood left has more room : but tbo ease does not last, and Is followed by permanent weakness. BRAXDKETU'S FILLS relievo tho circulation and gre ease more surely and almost as quickly as bleeding; but Brandreth V'PilU never hurt, and tbe good they do it permanent, because they take only what tbo body and blood are better without. Purgation with these pills will bo found A .Universal Curative Principle. ' Let the wise examine it claims to their confidence. Mrs. Hooker, of Barnstable, Mass., was eured by them of bt. V itus Dance of fifteen year stand' ing. .bram Van Wart wa eured of internal tu mor by tbe uso Brandrcth's Pill when all other means bad failed, o!4 by all Druggist. Dr. Brandreth' office, Braud rcta House, New York. nlw4 -Axisr 3iiXiX.. ; HIZTE bezieaTO to call tho attention of tbopnb , j f lie to this long celebrated and unrivalled j . FAmiir medicine. : ! The PAIN KILLER i a purely vegctablocom- pound, and while it is a most efficient remedy for Pain, it is a perfectly saia meaicino eren in tbe most unskillful hands. FOR SUMMER COMPLAINT, or any other form of bowel disease in children or adult, it is an almost certain cure, nnd has with out doubt been moro successful in curing the Tari OQ8 kinds of ' v CHOLERA than any other knom remedy, or even the most skillful physician. 'In India, Africa and China, where this dreadful disease is ever more or less prevalent, tbe PAIN KILLER is considored by the natives, as well as European resident, in tbee climate, . . ; I t ' ; - I A SURE REMEDY; CT. SOLD by all DRUGGISTS. mcbl5v4n30yl-ch my. ; n52w4 ALBANY BATH HOUSE! 1 nnHE UNDERSIGNED-WOULD RESPECT 1 , fully inform tho citizens of Albany and Vi cinity that be has taken charge of this Establish ment, and,, by keeping clean rooms, and paying strict attention to business, expects to suit all those who niay favor him with their patronage. Having herctotore carried on notujpg but . ' FirstCfass Hair pressing Saloons, ho expects to give entire 'satisfaction' to all. 2aUhiluien ana ijauics 'Jiair neativ cut ana shampooed. ,, JOSEPH WEBBER. . ... , ... . ttprlv3n33tf ' '' ' " ; ADVKltTIS E MEN TS. wiXiSoisr's GREAT WORLD CIRCUS ! ; And Kxhlblrtoa cf PERFORMING AFRICAN LIONS! I - Will Exhibit at ! ALBANY, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1869, " AND AT THE FAIll OROUND DUMSO THE FAIR. , Perform snco to coromencs at 8 p. r, J BSBBSS-SSSB The Manaser of this (llantlo Establishment, encouraicod by the very extensive and liberal pat ronage with which his efforts for a number of years have been rewarded, and with tho view of presenting to the public, of tho Paclfle toast an Exhibition of NurpaNaliiff Kxrel rrllcnrc, linn aecurcrt t ho high cut Arciilo Tttleni In the World, from alt parts of Europe and America, and In ad. ditlon has secured tho greatest sensation of tho age, a den of performing - 4 A.lVioii.ii H1oiim! Together with their intrepid keener, M0NS. LAM 1IEKT, THE LION CONyUKHQU, who will at each representation enter their den and by tho ax erclso of a mysterious power, perform a number of DARING AND THBILLIHO FEATS 1 . With thoso Monarch of tho ForeiU. Tho ettisen of this city and vicinity may depend .on this being a , First Class Entertainment ! and that these Lions aro four in number and weighing 1,M0, and I positively tbo finest den of performing African Lion In tbo world. Tbo perf irmanoo will b moral, interesting and refined. Tbo management baro, in connection, California's Favorite Jester, IllUIlV J At KNOX I No effort at rivalry ean do moro than make a weak and ineffectual approximation to tbo World Circus and Animal Exhibition. J. It. MA US II A LL, t3i3w2 Oeneral Itusines AgonU ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. rilUE NEXT TEItM 01 THI. INSTITUTION for yonth of both sexes will open on Monday, tb HiU day of October next. It will be in ebarsro of the ltev. K-lward It. .Ueary and Samuel J. Irvine, assisted by a orp of eompctent teaehers. CALENDAR! ' Tbo first term will embrace 15 weeks of tuition, ending February 4, 1870. The second term will embrace 20 week of tui tion, from February 7th to Jul 1st, 1870.' THE BATES OF TUITION, Per taartsr of 10 Weeks, aro a follows preparatory and Common Uranebts... ......... $S 0 Hix--r Engli.b f 00 Ancient an Modern Lanunsces and Higher Maibematb-s. ChemUtry, Ae.. fig Tuition eharsd from data of entrance to close of uart4-r, aod payable in adtaore. 0S0ANIZATI0N OF COLLEGE CLASSES t A Freshman Cla will formal and a eoorso of study prescribed at the owning of the Term. PRHJOIPAL TEXT EOOKS i Wilson' r.ra-b-r. ltob$non Mathematics, Hooker's Natural S-rleneo QnaeVenbos' Kbrtorie, Abbott's Aterfrnbir's Intellectual and Mural Pbilcsopby, CUrkv's Kogtitb Otmmmmr, Ilarkocs' IiUn rkries, I'sfjotH's Frrnrb rWrU and the most approved o-btoos of the Latin aod Greek Cla !. A P.ECORII f every recitatior. will bo made and n average giten lo oartrly reports; also of attendance aod dvptt;wrnt. t;OVKHXMENT. Tbo aim wi!l U to deveb p in the student a high sense of moral .Uijj!in, honor and integrity, and iboM wbo cannot be governed by such motives will not remaia in tbe school. HOARD may b bad in (mlU at tl per week end rooms procured where studrnt way board tbemixrtces. Ity order of tho Board of Trnstce. EUWAUl) It CI K a nr. vSnlwl President. A. L. STINSON, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, A t BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, MALE?!, Oil EC OX. THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPUTE PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT NORTH CF SACRAMENTO, EVERT VARIETY OF PRINTING DONE At Reasonable Sates t First Premium for fine Book and Job Printing at Mate Fairs or 167 aod 1SSS. BOOK BINDING, BLAKK B 'OK MANUFAC TUBINU.and PAPER llt'LINO.oa - abort notioo and tow rate. . Office and Bindery in CriswoM' Block. SsJeca. aa21f Snlyl or ' WHEAT WANTED ! tor wnira tk Highest Market Prite wilt be Paid in Cola, By tbo firm of conscir & EunrjrrrT, who bare entered into co-partnership for tho par chase of Grain and the manufacture of Flour, at tbe Jefferson Mills, Oregon. JACOB qONREK, JOHN BUitNETT. Jefferson, Feb. 6, 1SG9 r5n27m8. ' S. L. FALLOWS & CO., Importer and Dealer in BAR IRON, STEEL, TIN Pt.lTE, Etc.; , YAMHILL STREET BET. FR0KT AKD FIRST, Portland, Oregon. , aug7r4p$ltf2pm " ' TAX 8AIX. ; Statk or Ohkoox, . : CotJ5TT ok Ltss, XTOTICE IS HEREBY fJIVEN TIUT BY yi virtuo of a warraut Issued out of tho Coun ty Court of tho ctato of Oregon for xho county of Linn, In tho namo of tho Siate of Oregon, to- mo directed, commanding mo to le?y on t,ho property of tbe delinquent tax payers named in tho delin quent tax list for tbo year 1806, 1867 aud 1808, I nave this lit day of September, 1809, levied on these certain pieces or parcels of land lying and being in the Western Addition to tho eity of 'Al- bany, 4nn county,. Oregon : NAMES. 'LOT. BLOCK. TAX. - YEAR. Unknown;..:.!, I, fl, fi, . 3 .. f $5 60 18flft 4, fi, fl, S , 5 0 i - M867 " ......1,4,5,6, 3 ' 5 60; .-1868 The yearly tax on each lot ia $1,40, and tho total tax cn each lot for tho three year is $4,20. ' And on : .. . ., , , : '' Saturday, the 2d day of October, 1869, at 1 o'clock p. m., in front of tho Court Heuso door, in the city of Albany. Linn county, Oregon, I will sell the same, or a much thereof as shall bo necessary to satisfy tho amount of tax due thereon, together with tho costs of and upon said writ, at.publio auction, to tbo highest bidder therefor, iff U, S. gold cola. , Dated this 1st day of September, A. D. 1809 Y5,o3w4 - : . - p.. A. IRVINE, f - - Sheriff of Li&n County, Oregon, ADVKltTISEMKNTS. CHAS.MEAL.EY, DKALKB FURNITURE AND CABINET WARE ! (Corner of First and Broadalbln streets, nt old stand of C. Mo ey A Co.) ALBANY, OltEGON. KKEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL assortment of everything In hi lino that tho trade requires or an enterprising public demands. FURNITURE I Of All Klnds"and Descriptions ! Partlenlar attention wlirbo paid to order for UNDEKTAKINOI And alt other order ta my lino will b promptly attended to. ' -i Sulfation (Suurantttd md Wvrh Wurrunt$d I C1IAS. MKALEY. Albany, Juljfl, 18C9-T4o47tf. OREGON CENTRAL RAILROAD comxa to ai-baivy : i NOW IS THE TIME TO ENGAGE YOUR PASSAGE ro THK NEW EMPORIUM or ROSENSTEIN & MENDELSON, -17H0 II AVE Jl'ST OPKNITD ONK OF THE f ? larjcest and beat selected stck of goods ever bronght lo this place, consisting of all tho Xm&TCST 8TTZ.CS AND PATTSnKS of aotblog. Ac. All of ttblcb wo Intend to ell Chfapcr than lay Othrr noose this Side of San Fraoeiiro! to :e. sr a-o o r s 1 citoci:ni:is: CLOTHING! BOOTS AND ftHOES ! HATS AND CAPS ! HARDWAItn f IIOSIEJiY! LADIES' PURNISHING GOODS! CROCKERY 1 And s good atiJTtmDt of crerytblgnallykcpt In a grtt-eiass retail stero. trprodoco taken in etrbaogo for goods, at le hl.bctt market pree."'fj.; AHaor. !. . Yft5ma NEW WAGON MANUFACTORY. AT CUNNINGHAM'S CIO STAKO. AlBANf., CS'K, J. G. MAYER, Proprietor. THE lNEn5IONEl ANNOUNCES TO tbo eitltens of Lbn and Bentoa counties that be ba 'rUo!ibea a s-'-n anl t 'arrUge Ms!of-t-jrr in Albany, aod respectfully solicits the public patronage. .Ill Kinds cf Tf hides Pot Tp th Order! AID VORK WAERAWTED AS XlSrRESETTTES ! REPAIRING CONE on short notico and oa liberal tens'. . janl2r4n(3mo. J. II. MAYER. EXCHANGE RESTAURANT. liTooWE3T0FII0UCK A MYCR'S SALOON ALBANY, OREGON. TbU FUvblbkmeot has been Thoroughly ne-Fiirnhlicd I and is bow ready to receive Boarder. BOARD, per woek ssseeseessesf ssss . o Sinxl Meal I4ririiif o Jullv4o4if . C. JIOLUK, l'rop-f. CITY BREWERY I . .JOSEPH IIUMT, PROPRIETOR. CORNER OF FIRST AND WASHINGTON STREETS A&I1ANY, OnCGO.V. - TS HE PROPRIETOR BEGS LEAVE TO IN orm tbo public that ho ha establuhod a BREWERY AT ALBANY! and 1 bow prepared to acoommodato both THE TRADE r ASD FAMILIES WITH A VASTLY SUPERIOR ARTICLE LAGIB BEER, ALE AND P0BTEE! FRESH YEiST I Can'be bad at any and all time. j ' , .! ' JOSEPH tlUNT, Prop'r. Jnil7v4n8yl. 1 ' 8 J. K. GILL, STATE STREET, - - - SAIiEM. IMPORTER. WHOLESALE RETAIL j f-DHAtn IX " Pftiinni , ' Dnnvc di Any DnnVQ dunuuu uyuro, uLnm uuuiw, MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS As all m.v stock is imported direct from manu facturor and Publisher, I can otTer isupcrior hw duecment to Teachers and Doalcrs, . . . t , Order by mojl promptly fillod. ffgy All the spading Newspapers Jiga, zlnca contaitlypi hand. J. K, QL vin2tf. - ; AVUEllTISEMENTS. CHANGE OF BASE!" BLAinr. : &. youkg, ALCAWY, - - - - OHEGOW, Having bought all tho Merchandise of J. Burrow tt Co., will oontinno the bnsincsi And w inrlte all to giro us a call. Wo will bo constant! rccelring GOODS DIRECT FROM SAN FRANCISCO, Al WII.I, Xf.tP A r GENERAL ASSORTMENT OK r a --sr g o od si QROCFRIES, HARDWARE, CROCSERT. &c. WB WILL OFFER INDVCKMENTi? TO ALL Ileadv'I'aj Cuntotnemt 1 LL PERSONS OWING TIU5 FIRM OF J. Baitotr A Co.. will please call and settle, hither moioWr of the firm i aulhoritod to fettle any aceount of the Company. March 6,18C3-v4nZ9tf. J. BARROWS k CO. PRIVATE MEDICAL AID. QUICK CURES AND MODERATE CHARGES. PIl. W. IC. I)OIIERTY PRIVATE MEOICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE I Sacramento Ftreet, Wlow Montgomery, oppo site the Pacific Mtil .Steamsbip Com pany's Office, Prlrate eutranco on I.5ddorfl" street, fc'ao iraucisco. nUtllithtd trrpwtf t afford lit afflicted $ovd una nitHiiJie mtdtrnl aid in th trtutrnttut and ryrt uf mil I'tienlenud Chrom ic JJliaet came of i'r?rc ey uH all iual JJimrder. TO THE AFFLICTED. DR. W. K. DOIIERTY RETURNS HIS FIN ecre thank to bis n'notrrou patient fur their patronage, and would take tb'a opportunity to rrmttt'l tbeta tuat he eonttnucs u enuU at bts Inntitof for tbo euro of ebrooU d'uease of tbe Loot;, Liver, Kidneys, Digestive aod Uenito-L'ri-nary Organs, and all private diseases, rls . Fypb ili in all its forms and stages, . mifil Weakness, and all tbe horrid coneiu.ncc of x-lf-iboxs. CJon- onbo7, tileet, trieture. Nw-iornl and Diurnal tmWtioB, Hsiual Debility. In of tbo liack aod Loins, InSatamatiou of tbe Jiladdtr and Kid beyf.ttc.. tic., and bo hopes that bis long experi- t,c and sttccrful ptaHice wtilrentinue to insure bim a share of public patronage. J?v tbe practice of many year Is Euroto and tbe I cited States, be Is enabled to apply the mott ctScicnt and sue ewssfal ttw fit xint dU of att kind. Jl s no mercury, charge moderate, treats bis pa tients lo a cornel and bn:lU ;, and Las refertoc of unjOetiona!jt veracity from taeo of kboin rerctbtlity and bigb Handing in soci ety. AH part consulting nm ty k tu-r or other wise, wul rei-ive tbo ict ata jgtnuts; treatment, and implicit secrecy. To 5'cmale. When a female 1 in troallc. or aSHicted with disease, as weakness of the bark and limbs, pain in tbe bead dimness or sinl. loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, irritability, ner voosne, extrtbir crinsry dtuimltics, derange ment of dijre.sivo fotoctions, general debility, va ginitis, ail d!M?ae ot lb womb, hysteria, sterili ty, and all other li - peculiar lo female; she sbyald jfo or write at once to the celebrated female doctor, W. K. Doberty, at bis Medical Institute, ot;d cotuu't bim aLont bcr trooblc and disease. Tbe Doctor is cffcctin more cure than any other t'brician In the Mate of (aiifmia. 1a i no false delicacy prevent yott. but apply immediately and saro yourself from palatal sutK-nngs and prema- tor death. Ail Married Ladle whoso delicate health or other circumstances prevent an increase in their fauilie, should write or call at Dr. W. u. Dohrrty' Medical Institute, and tbey will receive every jojib!e relief and help. Tbe Doctor' offi ces r so arranged that bo can be consulted with out fear of observation. To Correspondent. Patient residing in any part of tbe State, bow- over distant, who may desire tho opinion and ad- vice of Dr. Doberty in their respective case, and who think proper to submit a written statement of such, in preference to holding a personal interview, aro respectfully assued that their communication will bo held most sacrca ana connacntut. If tho case be fully and candidly described, per sonal com ma nics lion will bo unnecessary, as in struction for diet, regimen, and tbo general treat ment of tho case (includins tbe remedies, will be forwarded without delay, and in such a manner a to eenvey no idea of the purport of tbe Jotter or pare) so transmitted. Consultation by tetter or otherwise, raits. Permanent euro iroaranteod or bo pay. Addoss, W. K. DOIIERTY. M. Dn ban raBctco, lamornia. " -aH-sa - Spermatorrhoea. Da. Donaarr ha just published an important fiamplct embodying bis own views and experiences n relctioa to Impotence or Virility, bums; a short treatise oa Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Nervous and Physical Debility consequent on this affection, and other disease of tbe Sexual Organs. Thi little work contain information of the ut most vi.lue to all, whether married or single, and will bo sent FREE by mail on receipt of six ecr.ts in postage stamp Tor return postage. Addres, W. IC. DOIIERTY, M. D., v2n3Stf San Franciueo, Cal. BY JULIUS GRADWOHL, AT THE SAN FRANCISCO STORE ; 100,000 BUSHELS WHEAT AND OATS I 160,000 DOZ. EGGS I 100,000 LBS. BUTTER I 500,000 LBS. WOOL t At tho Market Quotation ore corrected by me weekly, I will pay the price wtucn mcy 5 contain for the above article. Junl9vin41tf : J. GRADWOHL. :biammote "TikTOW ON EXHIBITION IX hlSiX W. Aflu 1 will be In tho vicinity of Albany until after the County r air, atter wnicn no wiu. oo tm?u Sninm m Thil)itd at the State Fair, when he ill bo taken to New York City via. 1'ortiana ana San FraicUco. Mount Hood is, nnquestionaoiy, tt,Urir.itsni finest ox ever exhibitea in iuo United State and i benevea Dy goou juages io u H--' . t..3 1 tbo largest in tho world -Ben. Holladr laid npon aoeing h!m that ho nev e beheld uch an animal that ho ought to be put oa exhibition in New York City and thai if take;fl te his farm twenty-five mile froi the. eity he should be kept ono year prepp.ratory to such exhi bition free of cost. Moun, Hood was ra'isod by' F. M. Morris in Umatilla Co., Oregon 5 io is one- half Morrw btocn Bn'a the other half bnort-llorn-ed Durham; ' . - ADMISSION.t...;......TWENTY-FlYEX:ENTS. i ' V Children, half price. v4n52tf. TfTE WILL TOUB AND SHIP WHEAT Y'f ,ats 'anI 8C ftnt charge but 2 cts storage. -Ale "rocoivo Up freight oa .ur Wharf free, doVn freight 25 cts per ton. v450w3, . S. MARHAM SONS. APVERTISKMENTS. TO THE UNFOjlTUNAJE- HEW REMEDIES I NEW REMEDIES Y DR. GIBBON', DISPENSARY - 623 KearnvStM cnmvr Commercial, Private Kntranco n Commercial et., AX FKA5CIMCO.' ESTAILISHED IN ISM. Ui tbo treatment of Sexual aa4 SemlnatDiseare, sueb a Gob orrbocftfileet, Btrirture, Syph ilis n ll it forms, Seroiaal Weakne, Impotccy, eto , Skin Di'ses (of year' stands. . tig) and Ulcerated Leg rae esjrully treated. . 1 Xlorriblo S.xaect. Ifow many tbonsand of person, both mat : and female, are there who art: suffering out a '. erablo existence, from tho tfioct of secret indmlf J ent-es, or from vim absorbed into tbe system' , Look at their pallkl, emaciated and disflgare faces, and their broktn-d'.isfn eonstitstion, dku qualifying them for tbo hapjiinef of merriajf or '' tbo enjoyment of life. Ja thi horrid sitoatlow , thousands suffer until neaib close tbo seeae. Lot parents, guardian and friend attend to those; . ! bo are sufTcriojf with an of these borribli, life- ' destroying maladies eo that they are eared for4 and eured before St it too late. Send them taomtv 4 diately to Dr. (iibbon, a physician who ha atado 4 privato dis;ae hi especial study fur jtrt, aii ' who I certain to euro tbe moat inveterate taf; without mercury or any injurious drug It hi important to those who are afflicted, or to tbo) , wbo are interested in the welfare of their friends, ' to bo careful of tbe many pretendcl doctor wb ' infest all cities, publishing tteir skill in curinf alt . diseases in a few days, imposing upon tbo pubis , by using tbe names of eminent physician from Europe and other places. Ii;, therefore, earefol, ' and make strict inquiry, or yon may fall into the bands of thoso charlatans. Seminal Weakness. Seminal emusions, the consequence of ef- " abuso. This solitary vice, or depraved sexnat indulgence, f practiced by tbe youth of both sexes to an almost unlimited extent, producing ' with unerring certainty," tbe following train' of morbid lymptom. unless combatted by scientific medical measures, vix : Sallow countenance, dark spot nnder eyes, pain in tbo bead, ringing ia tbo' : ear, noise like the rustling of leave and rattling . of chariots, uncatinc about tbe loins, weaknesa of ' the limbs, KuuUf' viion, blunted intellect, los' of eonSdcrncc, diSdence of approaching stranger,' a dislile to form ncwac-quainUnces, a disposition , t shun sockty, los of memory, hectic flushes J pimples and eruption about tbe face, forrea locgue, fitted breath, roughs, consumption. Bight ; swoau, monomania and ftequent insanity. If: relief bo not obtained.tho soScrcr should applj iisirnsl tea f1 tc atf t-w to osr.. s rm w 1.t s KiBa a euro effected by bisnew aad acientifio mode af treating this disease, wbkb never fails of effeetiog- quic k and radical aire. Dr. (2. will givo$100 , to any ptrsn wbo will prove satisfactorily to biar that be was "cured of tbi eomplaiat by either of tho Han FrancUo onack. Clarricd PUcn, Or those who cnUmf lat taarriage, who art uf ftring nn'!-r any of theso fearful malaliea, shoal d noi fvrgtt tb sacred responsibilities resting npov them, nor dlay to obtain immediate relief. To tbe Ladies. The various complicated aod distressing diaar incident to feraa'es, treated aitb cm ioent success sutU as Hupprt-f.twn. IrrcgTilaritics, Whites, Fall' ing of tbe Womb, Tumors, all Urinary Diseaoesy Nervous Debility, 1'iyifu! or DiCcuIt MenstrarB tion, Uarrenncso. eie. will b sieclily cured, with-' out poisonous drs, injuries, or unpalatable med icines of any kind. Have no delicacy ia railing, -no difference what your trouble may bo. Tbe af flic ted are cordially invited to call and atisfy' Ihemitrlvt,::. Perscn' calling at Dr. Oiblon office or end ing fr package of medicihe may rvly npoa hss assaranccs of cob-4cntial srerefj with implkdt faith, and expect no more than to bo charged with a fair and mutually satisfactory remunemtioB for services rtRdercd, eonsideriag tbe circumstance asi diScn'tics of the cac. ratber than a too prev alent and c!b j ratiico of exortatioa among; quacks and pretenders. DR. GIBBON 1 repos ible, and will rlvoto. each patient a written instrument binding himself to effect a radical acd permanent cure or mako bo charge. Care fiat Iloac. Persons at a distance can bo CURED AT HOME, by addressing a letter to Dr. Gibbon, sutlitig ra.c. symptom;, knth o( time tbo disc Has continued, and have medicines promptly for warded, free of damage and curiosity, to BJ part of the country, with full and plain direction tor use, by enclosing fl 5 dollar in currency or $10 in coin, in a registered letter, through ibe Post office on Wells, Fargo i Co. A package of medi cine will be forwarded by express to any pari of tbe Union. Address DR. J. F. GIBRON. Box 25J, San Francisco, California. Remember to pat htx 252 on tho letter. Consultation FREE. . Zf Correspondent witl ydcaso inform DR; GlBDON that tbey read hi advertisement in Uwi JsrAT RtctJTS Democrat. may!5v4n39yL j UORE THAN 200,000 PERS02T3 Bear testimony to tbe Wonderful CuxaUva ESectsor Dr. Joseph Walker'a 2 7 hi CALIFORNIA VHIEGA.R QITTERO9 ilanufactured from the niUve Ilerba and BootJ of California, r rirTha Great Blood PuriCer.1 ".' FOR INFLAMMATORY' AXD CHHOXKJ RITEt'MATISM AXD GOUT. DYSPEPSIA, or INDIGESTION, WLlOt'3. HEMITTENT anl INTER XIITTEXT FEVERS, DISEASES OF THE. BLOOD. LIVER, KIDNEYS and BLADDER thew li ITT EKS have been most successful. SCOT DISE.VSI13 are caused by VITIATED BLOOD, which is ppncraliy produced by derangement oC the DIGESTIVE ORGANS. Cleanse the Vitiated Blxxl whenever you too. , Ita Impurities bursting through the akin in Ptnw -. pies. Eruptions, or Sow. rteanso it when yoa no ft obstructed and sluggish in tho veins: cleans It when tt is font, and yovr feelinRS will tell yom when. Keep the blood healthy, and all will be well. AGENT Corner Pine nd Sansome Streeta.BahFriuwiscov CaLv and Sacramento, vu- ant . , : SaFlattStroot.N.r. ISTOTICE. i WAGONS! VA0NSt JUST 11 E O li 1 Y iii i X OREGON VAGON- MANUFACTORY I . . ' -1 w-sojii: coop No. 1 'TniMBLErSKEHT .WAGONS Which Xvill bo sold at loner, rates than bao, ,V , Call end see for yourselves. Tba -WAGONS ARE WARRANTED A GOOD ARTICLE Soldbv 11. CUhAUiiJi. julSvln47tfN : " " ' Albany, Og'11 hs Li J s. . i d - - 4 in 7 in'i'ii ;.,,, 1 S X it s 311 V-' " ' JA Ai r? HI aa M y lis i "3