V .... . " h Vv .. ' 'aft V -r " - ' AxrAoDmosii PaKnrT ThoTJbard of Directors of the Linn County Agricultural Society are determined to rnaVe the ap preaching Fair attractive to all classes and intensely interesting. . In addition. to their other offers of premium to Firo .Engine, Velocipedes, ttc, they bavo decided; to WSer a premium for target shoo ting. Ten dollars will bo given for th best, and fire dollars ,for he second best rifle shot, 100 yards,, off "hand. This will bo grand fun for sports men, and will doubtless attract 'numerous persons whs woald otherwise take no inters est' in the Exhibition. We imagine that many a trusty old nfls long condemned to cobwebs and dust upon the1 cabin antlers, frill be taken down and rubbed up for this fes tive occasion ; and iFaome of them don't, plan center?, ami carry, off the prise we atlj mistake the' r shooting qualities. .Everybody will come to the Fair now. Throcch trox Botst. We learn from Jason Wheeler, Esq., President of the .W. HfYiSc C; Its Wagon R.iad Co that an Immi grant train of three wagons recently came through to the Valley, from Biso City, on the new road whicli they have just, opened . Thisis the only direct roadfronv Boise io the Willamette Valley, and h already becom es, I"" popular with the people cast of the Mountains. The road ha. coat a great deal of money and labor, and as it was mado for th beaeEt of the t ebple' and the public gen erally all classes thould take an Interest Tn seeing that it is well patronized and sus tained.. At a meeting of the Directors last Saturday they paid out over two thousand dollars in defraying the cipepseaxf.ihe re. cent.expedition:m epening ana -extending the road to Harney Lake Valley. Willamette Vallet Merccst. This is the titlertjf Mr. J. II Uptorvs ,new?Deow efattc paper,-at Corvallis, the firstjnumbcr nf whicl was launched upon J the rough and tempestuous ca of journalism this week. It contains a large amount of carefully se lected and well written reading matter. In the .'make-upM we might suggest one or two imprdTehtents :" In the head there is not suGcient space between the words, aad there is too much vhile between the columns. (If Bro. Upton had given as some of that "reg let," he wouldn't h:ive had so much to use along-side the column jues. Jake.) Tho Mercury will be a valuable auxiliary in the coming State campaign, and we cordially welcome it to a plac; among oar exchanges. A Gat Lothio Cose to Geief. An amnrou son of Vulcan, late one night last week, taking advantage of. a " hdsband'e ab sence, applied at the door of a lady's room, at a hotel in this city, for admittance. The lady' who' happens to le of Amazonian strength opened the door, in her night Jre., aeixed Vulcan ty the nap'of his neck and the slack of. bis trousers, and by sheer muticular force hurled him' violcntlr acrrs the ball; against a .room opposite, , burvting open the door and startling the inmates. Vulcan picked hime!f up, and uttering ejaculation more forcible than elegant, pre cipitately fled, fully convinced that he had "waked the wrong pMsehgei. Peesoxal. Messrs. Jas. L. Cowan and L. E. Dlain started fr San Francisco this week to lay in a fresh stock of fall and win ter goods for their respective houses. Look out for our announcement f their return. 3Ir. King Miller, who has been spending several months in California,, returned, to this county last week. He thiuks Oregon wheat, Oregon flour, iid-Oregon productions generally far surpass those, of California, and aya that Californian are Just beginning to realize the (to jthnn) humiliating fact, that they cannot longer compete with our young State in the markets of the world. Fire t nr. ;tiiiv JMurTit.4Mr John Dggs, of this city, who has recently re turned From an excursion to Mary RiTer, Benton county, informs us that for some days pat great fires have been raging in the mountains and forests of that vicinage, and that large numbers of bear, deer, ellc, con gers, etc., are being driven intotbe valleys lelowfurnishirig- rare' sport for' hunters. Two congers were killed by hunting parties on 3Iarys Hirer last week, and others were seen.' i B.KJKS. Station ar,li etc. TiTe business : card of Mr. J. K. Gil!, of SsJem, may be found in to-day's paper. V Mr G has one of the most complete establishments in his line on, the North Pac fie ; coast, and is -almost daily adding to his attractions. He keeps constantly, on hand the Litest news papers, magazines and pictorials, and is ever ready to fill all orders sent to his estab ment. - - Match Race. On Saturday, September 4th, at 2 o'clock r. k. a -trotting- mafch ingle dash of a mile will come off' at the Fair Ground. Wni. R. Cahon names "Sher idan" and A. II. Marshall names "Sally Gray." Purse, $200. -This is a contest be tween the t - livery stables of this city, and -will doubtless attract considerable interest jimong theJoversrtlevtftrf Sport is an ticipated. GosE.3IrJBarrws and-family, Mrs. Walter Monteiih and Mrs. S. Althoustf leave this city, toiday for the Atlantic Sfates iobe absentseveral montlis. Duringhis absence Mr. Barrows will visit sereral of the Eastern cities, will exhibit some specimens of Ore gon productions, and do some talking in fa . vor of our youthful amf promising common- wealthi. -May he have a prosperous yoyage and a speedy return. . .. ,Haerisbl'rgzz. - We are under obligations ta 3Ir. B. R. nolt, one of our .energetic agents tr Garrisbargh,1 for' a club of new aubserilwrs. By the way, we are-daily re ceiving additioaal camos to our eabseripUoa book, -Car - whie?t 1 we are duly grateful.' -"Coins on, Macluff, an i dd he he who first cries hold, enough 1" 1 :'' : ' A Goo3 Yield. Mr,. J- S. Dickson, of Linn county, this year rml ed 2.C0O; bushn els of white fait wheat froa 35 acres of land a fcactioa iTf r 27 bu jLeIs io tha acre. - A NEW BOOK. ; "LlfllfpF JPFERSON PAVISjBt Frk ALrnicsDi of IllchmonJ, Va., lats Editor of tbt Soathera Llttrary Mtaieogcr, aad w!l knowo from bis cditorUl connection both du I-ring and 'sides tbs war with tbi T.icbffl'ond prsi." -, Mr. A. -Y. Orubb agent for this work in Linn, Lane and Benton counties has given us an opportunity to make a cursory exam ihatlon of it, and we cheerfully' recommend it as a work of decided merit ; and treating, as it does, of the life and character of one whose name was so closely identified and in terwoven with every phase of the late war, it cannot fail to bo, universally sought ,after and read with the closest interest. , , , mil ii n T 1 Ortuii Elsct. At a meeting of tho Directors of the W. V. & C. M. Wagon Road Company, last Saturday, the following officers wera. elected for the ensuing year : Jason Wheeler, President ; James Elkins, Secretary; .John Suttle, Treasurer, . , CoMt.sa I.v. Being in tho viainity of Beach & Monteith's mills, a couple of dsys since, we saw eleven wagons heavily loaded with wheat awaiting their turns to be un loaded, and empty wagons wcro standing around in every direction. Jcrrxssox. Mr. Jacob Con ser is about finishing a fine cottage residence, at the ferry landing, which will be an ornament to that neat and thrifty village, and comfortable abode for one of Oregon V oldest and best citizens. A rusted.-A man named 'Ncrthhouse was arrested yesterday by Deputy Marshal Markham, charged with an aisanlt on sev eral little girls with intent to commit a rape. Wukat RtcEirTs roa tur Wixk. Foster; 5,150; Bench & Montcith, C.383 ; Cheadle, 4,000 ; Markham, 1,834 ; A. Cowan k Co., 4,500 ; D. Froman, 3,600 ; Total, 25,407. TiiAJfKS. Our friend J. T. flughes left . .. . . r in Our oflice last Saturday a bountiful opply of delicious apples, and some of the largest plums in the world." " Peters Mcsical Montdlt for September is on oar table, and contains more than it nual amount or original mntc. - ' DIED: KETCHCM In thit eiU. on t& 2t' in.L. of droprj an4 heart diseaf, JlLIA A., wifs cf Joel Ketchatn. agea C3 rears. Tbe funeral will take place frm the reiiJ.net of decafct, at 2 o'clock r. .. to-ij. New York mad XdTerposl ZSSarketa. Aug. 25, I8C9. Xew York, wheat nominal. ? Liverpool, wheat Us. . San Francisco Sarkat. - - - Wheat W quote inferior tn fair milliner! at ?l 3U(ol fair to choice. Jl 551 75. ISarley JU-(m f i Tor new. Oats California, $1 25 Q I Council Proceeding. Tacesnjir Evkxisc, Angoat 28. IH9. Council n-t. Roll called: PreMnt Council. ten stealer, CoDler. Cundioend Ilackicman. Tbe Mayor being abent the Recorder 'presided. 31 inates of prerioue meetitig were read and ap proved. Oraa Robartt presented a bill of f 49 for lom- ber for ilcwalk, which wn., on motion, allowed and ordered paid. C. aneUve presented a bill of $3 for publish ing notice for Deputy Marshal, which was, oa wtinn, allowed and ordered paw. G. W. Rartgef precented a bill of $17 30 for hauling dirt to, ttreU. which waa, oa motion. -lowed and ordered paid. J. n. Urandcnbarg prevented a bill of ?2S, for services as night police, which was allowed and ordered paid. Petition of C. Mealy, et. al. for eidewalk oa north side of Third street from Broadalbio to Baker street, granted, and prperty-lio!lr or dered to comply with said pet it io a by November 1st. I&&J... Tbe Recorder was authorized in draw an order in favor of O. Humphrey for $180, in part pay. ment for work on cUtern No. 2. Recorder reported that he bad collected $182 75. as taxes on cistern District No. 2. Cotinciltnen Hackleuan offered an ordinance defining the duties ef extra police Seen, wbwh wat. on motion, adopted. On motioned aujuurnod. if . V. BROWN. Recorder. CITY ORDINANCES (OHlclal.) - ensrrca. xr. titm I. , Concerning tJte Duties of Police Officers The people of the Citg of Allan d ordaim ct ' fvlloictf ; ... Skctios 1. Any police officer. of this eitv that may have been appointed under the direction of tbe Common Council, shall bare foil power to ar- rcsi aou iaao oeiwro e uceoruer tor , trial, any person or persons that may be found violating City Ordinances. dec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in foree from and after this date. Approved, Aug. 20, 18C9. . . -' . , A. W. STANNARD, Mayor. M. V. Bnowjr, Recorder. Obecox Intention.' Jfr. C.r IIw, of Astoria, xbowetl us Inst bafunlnv. an inven tion of. his which will doubtless ho: highly apnrcciatea iy an equeMtrians. : It consists . i e as - of rings for girths which are so made that tbe rider can tighten the girth without die- mourning inon ma norsc r merciT nulling bpon a strap passing through the rings. This strap is held in ira place by a tpngue working upon -the principle of a lever the lower end pressed upon the horse's side, and is held, the more firmly the tighter the girth is drawn1, f 3fr. II; has filed a caviat in the Patent Office and applied for a patent. ii ib iiivcitiiwu is nuiiji; anu IS uestiiea to becomeiof general use. as the cist of manu facture will be comparativelr small, a -d the convenience of the, thing very eat.'-(?rf Capt. Mitchell hao supercede I Mr. Barnhart as Indian agent at Varra Springs. Thos. Smith, Esq., is bis chief clerk.' The indebtedness of , Wasco county, ac cording to annual exhibit of the r County 3Ir. R. W. Raymond, United States Com missioner of Mining Statistics, returned from a visit to the Ice Cave on Monday ev; ening. He was much pleased with' all that he" saw, and says that the care is a great cu. riosity., He left on Tuesday morning on the stage for Canyon City to examine the mines in that section. From there he will Erocei?nJ0 Baker City and Owyhee mines orr ins a jr iu jevaua. wounianeer. 1 J Another Mistake. In a late San Fran cisco paper we see a notice, that a Mr. Al vin Brock, was thrown from a horse at Port land, and was so eeriouBly injured, that he soon died from the effects. Now tho facts in this case, are, that this unfortunate young man was thrown from: his horse near the nr per end of this 'valley, in the vicinity of Harrisburg. Either those Bay exchanges are wonderfully ignorant; or else desire to misrepresent Commercial., Csiva Ship Or rather, V" Dutch , ship from Cbinai was towed over the bar by the U.JS. Qr&at &nd landed at Astoria oa Mon day last. About lO .Chinamen are , on board, wbVwili probably " invest this city some time m &e course cf three day a. Or. egortian. ' T CORRECTED W1IKLY BT J. ORADTTOIIL. . : .1 Aibart,' Anctit 23, 1869. Tbe follow tnjf are tbe priues .Ul fur ProJuce, and the prlctt at which other articles are selling in this market t Wheat white, per bushel, 11, eti. i f -' OaU per buibel, 30 ets. Potatoes per bui'nel,40f 50 Onions per buahel, $1 Ji. - Flour per bbl. ti 60Q4 60 . Butter per pound, 25 cw. , E(tKS per.doKn, 25 ets.' Cbiokens perdoten, 12 bO&i 00. , Peaebet UrieJ. per pound, lHd$20 U. Pork per pound. ets. Beef on foot, 4 1 5 . Mutton, per pound, 10 cents. Soap per pound, 65l et. Salt Los Angeloa. per pound, 21 ets. Ilearj Qolden Syrup pr ker, $5 25. KxttaUearv Oolden Syrup per keg, $5 00. Tea Younjj Hyioaper pvund, $1 00 ; Black, 7S$l 00. ..'. " Japan, $t 25. ., gugar enisbfl. per ponfid, 1$($20 eti. Island. 12(314. " Sea. 14 es. - Coifee per pound, 23$25 eti. , ,,. Nails cut, per pund, 6(7i ets. ' White Iad pnre, per kejr, 4 00(4 25. Linfeed Oil boiled, per gallon, $1 021(31 T5. Turpentine per gailon, $1 25Q1 5g Domeetio brown, 16 cU. Hiokort itrloed, per jsrd, 1825 tU. IWd Ticking per yard. 2550 tU. llloe Drilling per yard, 20 (25 ets. Flannels per yard, 50 (62 1 ets. Prints faat colors, per yard, 12 . " Itifle powder, per pound. 75($$1 O0. ; A Candles belt, per pound, 20fi33 ets. , Riee China, per pound, 1210 ets. Tobanco per poaod, : $I'00($1 25 ! Balteratus per pound, 16 eta. . n Dried rtutns per bound, 1215e, Dried Apples per ft. 6QTe. " Currants per lb, ! ' ? Daeon llatnt, per ft, l20. ,,.i-i , . Rides, per ft. 13c. , Shoulders, per ft. 6e. ' Ird per ft. in cant, 16e. In kegs 15 .'- French Brandy per gal., $10 00(12 00 Holland O in per gal., $5 ftO v American Brandy per gat, 15 CO , Jamaica Run per gal., $6 00 .Tar $1 25 per gallon. , Beans--rer lb., 6fii8e. Deroet' Keroiene Oil. ?5ell 00 per gal. Cooking Stores Xe. 7, $30 00; Xo. S, $35 00 j No. 9. $10.00. GI'KCIAL NOTICES. BRAHDBETXTS PILLS ts. BLEEDIHO. Bleeding may giro ease, became the blood left has more room : but the ease does not last, aad is followed by permanent weakness. BRAXDRETU'S PILLS relieve the eireulatlo and gve ease more surely and almost as qnlekl as bleeding; but Brandrcth's Pills never hart, and tbe good they do Is permanent, because they take rnly what the body aad blood are better without. Purgation with these pills will be found A Unirersal Curatlro Principle. Let tbe wise examine its claims to their evoBdcnce. Mrs. Hooker, of Barnttalle, Mast., was cured by them of St. Vitus' Dance of fifteca years stand in, .b ram Van Wart was cured ef internal tu mor ty the ve Brsndrcib's Pills when alt ether means had faited. Sold by all Druggists. Dr. Brandrcth's oflce. Brandrctb House. New York. alw4 Yy beg leave U call tba atUntUn of the pub If 'lie to this long ecUWated aad an rivalled FAMILY m:DICIXE. The PAIN KILLER is a purely vegetable com. pound, and white it is a most efficient remedy for Pain, it is a perfectly safs medicine etea ia tbe oiott unskillful bands. FOR SUMMER COMPLAINT, or any other furm of bowel disease la children or adults, it is an almost certain cure, aod , has with out doubt beoasawre successful ia caring tbe vari ous kinds of CHOLERA than any other knorn remedy, or even the melt skillful physician. In India. Africa and China, where this dreadful disease is ever more or less prevalent, tho PA I.V KILLER is' considered by tbe natives, as well as European residents, in these climates. A SUH23 REHSDY. SOLD by all DRUGGISTS. ttcb!Sv4a30yl-h my. niJwt N K W A D V E UT I S E M EN TS. J. K. GILL, STATE STREET, - - KALETI. IMPORTER, WI10 LEGALE i RETAIL DCA?sa is SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, As all my stock if imported direct from maca faeturers and Publishers, I can ffr superior in. doeements to Teachers and Dealers, Orders by mail promptly filled. ar-AU the Leading Newspapers aad Msgs tines constantly oa hand. K. GILL. vSn2tf. NOTICE. NOTICE 13 HEREBY OlVrX THAT OS tbe third Monday in September. 1869, tbe undersigned, the County AriCMor for Lino county, Oregon, will attend at the offce of tbe County Clerk of th" eonnty aforesaid, and wilt the assist anee of said Clerk, will publicly examine the a, segment Rolls, snd correct all errors in valuation, descriptions or qualities of lands, lots or other property. All persons interested are notified to appear at the time sad place appointed aforesaid. ; A. P. NYE, ' - County Areessor. August 21, A. D. 1869 v5nlw4. VtfHEAT WANTED! Cts. per Bufsliol! I' WILL TAKE WHEAT ON BOOK AC counts, or will pay any kind of goods kept in my store for the same, for the next ten weeks, at Seventy Cents per bushel, delivered at my Warehouse'on tbe Kirer in Albany, Oregon. flTAll persons owing me will please come for ward and settle up by tbe first of October next. R. CHEADLE. A GOOD Two-Horse Wagon! WARRANTED DURABLE! CAN BE HAD FOR $103, IN CASH, AT .rl R. CIIEADLE'S Albany, Oregon, au2Iv5nltf A,iLi STINSON, BOOK AND, JOB PRINTER, - AND . BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, the Largest and most ccmHete printing establishment north of sacramento. ; EYEST YAKTKTZ OF PEHJTHQ D0IB ' "Ateag'oBable 'Rates V First Premfsm for fine Book aad Job Printing at state Fairs or I807 ana iscs. BOOK BINDING. BLANK: p' 'OK. KANtTTAC ;T.URINO;and PAfER RULING, oa ' t , sbrtaotice and low rates'." S$P aad TtetifaWjfroWk Blook, Sslem. augzirdnljl . . ? , m . AI.D ANY PRICES CURREHT. I ADVERTISEMENTS. ALBANY COLLEGIATE, INSTITUTE. J v tt 4 t J ' : THE NEXT TERM OK THI3 INSTITUTION for youth of both sexes will open on Monday, the 18th day of Ootober next . It will be In cbsrgs of tbe Revs. Edward R. Ueary snd Ssmuel O. Irvine, assisted by a oorps or competent teachers. Tba flnt term will ernbraoe li weeks of toltloo, sadlng February 4, 1870 " The seoond term will embrace 29 weeks of tui tion, front February 7th to July lit, 1870. ' v THE EATL3 OF TUTTIOIT, 7 ' 5 Per quarter of 10 Weeks, sro as follows i Preparatory snd Common Braochos... $J 00 Higber English 7 00 Aaeient and Modern Languages and Higher Mathematics, Chemistry. Ao 9 00 Tuition charged from data of entrance to doss of quarter, and payable In sdvance. ORGANIZATION OF COLLEGE GLASSES s A Freshman Clans will be formed and a eonrie of study prescribed at tho opening of the Term. PEDIOIPAL TEXT BOOKS i Wilson's Resden, Robinson's Mathematics, Hooker's Natural Science' Quaeheabos Rhetoric, Abbott's Abereromble'e Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, Clarke's English Orammar, Hark ocas' Latin Scries, Farquell's French Series and the most approved editions of tho Latin and , Greek Classics. ' A RECORD t every recttatto will be made and an average given io quarterly reports f also of attendance and deportment. , GOVERNMENT. Tbe alio will be to develop ia tbe student a high sense of moral obligation, honor and Integrity, and those who cannot be governed by such motives will not remata la the School. 4 . , , .,'-, "t -f - '-'-l ---' ' BOARD may be bad In families at It per week and rooms procured where stadeats may board themselves. By order of tbo Board r( Trustees. ' EDWARD R. GEARY, vSnlw . President. r. c. susrsa. a. a. asmraoso, P. C. HARPER, psaisa i GENERAL MERCHANDISE! FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. U rmr'$ Brick, oW ttanj ef D. JIanJtld Jk Co. OULD RESPECTFULLY CALL ATT EN- tion to bis stock of goods, consisting, in part, as follows A good assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOOD8! sica as PRINTS. DELAINES. POPLINP. MOHAIR. . EMPRESS CLOTHS. Also a complete sisortmcat of DRESS TRIMMINGS. READY MADE CLOTllINO! Gent's Famishing Goods. Boots, Shoes, sal ' Hats f tbe Latest Siytce and best quality. A god assortment of SheetingsBleached and Unbleached. Hickory Stripes, Denims. French CottooadeS, Heavy Cassimeree and Flannels, Tobacco and Cigars. Wood and Willow Ware. Rifle and Blast log Powder. HAEDWABE, CUTLERY AHD HALLS! Crockery and G!w are. Ia fact, almost every thing aoa'.!y kept la a re Uil store, which HE OFFERS AT VERY LOW RATES ? . . . . Either for CmA ilertkmmHthle frJe! Those who want bargains will call at tbe old stand formerly occupied by J. Levy, one door west of John Conner s. May! 5vfa3tly. FV C. HARPER A CO. TAKE FIOTICE! A 1 LL PERSONS OWING R. CHEADLE f are hereby notified that I arnst have my oatstanding aeeonnts settled up by the first of October asst. as I shall move to San Franeiscc to establish myself ia business tbere, L. Cbeadie will b left in charge f tbe bailors ia Albany. My intention in going to San Francisco Is to deal io produce- generally offered In this aod other markets. I will take WHEAT AND OATS at tho highest market prW going oa account. Cash Paid for Wheat os Delirerr, I bare a rood WAREHOUSE on tbo river to store Wheat in. . Coma along with your Grain. ' . 1 , , i s : R. CHEADLE. Aug. 5, I869-v4n51tf. NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE: COMPANY r - i 4 - S- . Or B03T0W. PURELY MUTUAL. iscomGnATi:D isas. Cash Aasets $7,000,000 00 Cash Distributions or 1SC7 - 526.588 5 ToUt Surplus Eivided....... 2,726,573 55 Losses Paid ia 18G7. 38100 00 total Loiiei Paid 2,798.100 00 Ineotne for 18fi7..... ................ ...... 2,203.808 00 No Extra Charge for Traveling to and from tho Atlantic States, Europe, Oregon, and Sandwich Islands. This old and popular Company is governed by tbe NONFORFEITURE law of Massachusetts. All Net Earnings Divided Annually Among - the Insured. Losses psid press ptly. All policies Non -forfeitable DIVIDENDS DECLARED AND PAID ANNU- -ALLY! ' Fint Dividend Available at the Payment ef the Second Annual, Premium. But one class of members (Policy, holders) in this Company, among whom bo annual surplus is divided. Unbiased judgment, based apon careful invest!, gatiou, will show that this (the oldest Mutual Life Insurance Company of America) offers more equi ties to tbe insured than any other Company doing business on this coaiL . . . Life Insurance Is a judicious Investment for cs. italists. . It is a svnc investment fcr those in mod' crate circumstances, by which they may, with small amount of funds, leave to their families ample means for tbelr support in case of th catty decease of tbe insured. , . j Heme C2co, 39 State Street,' Costoa. PACIFIC BRANCH OFFICES t S02 Mont gomery street. San Franclseo ; Room 3, Carter's Duilding. Portland, Oregon. , , , ., . . , .iJ , EVERSON nAINES,' General Agents. RUSSELL I,UIIVS, Agtst .11 Parrlih k Co's Bloek4lbaajf OregoaJ sepl9'68t4n5tf 8. L. FALLOWS & CO., yw.mrs anu Aeaiers in r. - ; j BAR IRON, STEEL, ...iV-.TO-PtATB, Etc," " YAMniLL STREET BET. FROT AND FIRST, ,MHii;!i;Ifi...i. ' -I-.'-; ,7 , ,,s r jTUA-fciana, uregon n? - : 'I'lf' MigTTinSltfJpm.;.'!' BLANK DEEDS, of tbo latest and most approved form, for sale at this efiieo. WaronM sad Mortgage. ADVERTISEMENTS. CHAS. MEALEY, DKAtra IS FURNITURE AMD CABINET VARE ! (Corner of First snd Broadalbln titwtt, . . . at old stand o( C. Moa ey A Co.) ALBANY OREGON. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL assortment of everything In bis line that the trade requires or sn enterprising poblio demands. FURNITURE! Of All ICInda'and Descriptions ! BEDS A!iD IIEDDinTGy &C. Particular attention will be paid to orders for UNDERTAKING ! Aad all other orders ia my lino will bo promptly attended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed and Work Warranted I CUAS. MEALEY. , ' Albany, July t, 18(9 v4a47tf. Wa Wat LTHAM CHE6! Let every one who wants a Watch, read this care folly. Especially if ia seme remote, ot-ef tbo- way place. Now that tbe Railroad is open, we propose to give the residents of Osteon the opportunity of getting single jenuise Waltham Watches at the Lowest Hew York Wholccala Prices ! We sell more Waltham Watches than any other stablitbment in tbe country, either wholesale or retail j we aend rreat numbers to every section of the country by Mail or Express, carefully packed, and in perfect running order. Our plan is this s You want a Watch, and see our advertisement ; now, we want you first to write ions for- our De scriptive and Illustrated Price Lilt ; we will send it. post-paid, by return mail. It explains all the diflerent hinds, tetis tbe weight and uality of tbe esses, with price of each j you then make a selec tion of tbe kind you prefer, and send us your or der. We will tbeo kcd-I yos tbe Watch by Kx prea. with tbo bill to collect on delivery. We give instructions to the Express Company to allow you to open tbe package and esatsinc the Watcb ; if it polte. you can pay, and take It; u not. you are under no obligations to receive it ; and if it Is taken, and afterward doea not prove satisfactory, we will exchange it, or REFUND THE MONEY! A an intiieatipn tf tie Price, tee will quote one Watch frvm our tUl. The P. 8. Dastlett, Lettr Morrment. trilh Extra Jewel; Chronometer llnlanrr. Patent Pinion, Patent lhtt Cp, and tilt the t,thtr late improvements, in a Solid Coin Silrer Cae, $28 in Greenback, or about $20 in Coin. All the other kinds, both gtdd and silver, in lb same proportion. Do tot order a Watch till you bav sent for a Price List, as it cot tains a great deal of information regarding these Watches that will enable you to make an intelligent selection. Don't forget, when yon write, to state that you saw this advertisemebt io tbe Sum JIicbts Dcm oc4T, and you reed not put ia stamps hr return postage. Address ia full, HOWARD & CO., Jewelers and 8Urcraltfct, fill Broadway, New York. Ws refer, ly peri6P, t Messrs. Wells, Faaoo A Co., N. Y. and &n Francisco. I. W. Ravmosd, Ei.. T. R. Butler, Esq., B. C. Hwaan, Esq.. &aa Francisco. W. . rioSAHT. Krj., Virginia City. Nevada. Juli:vfnSffi2. HEW WAGON MANUFACTORY. AT CUNNINGHAM'S OLD STAND. ALBANY. GG'N. J. G. MAYER, Proprietor. TnE UNDERSIGNED ANNOUNCES TO the cilixens of Linn snd Denton counties that be has eUblubed a Wagon and Carriare Manufactory ia Albany, and respectfully solicits tbo publie patronage. All Kindt of Vehicles Pot tp to Order! ASO WOSE - t7AnnArrrcD as ncprtcsz:r3T2a! , REPAIRING CONE on short notice and on liberal terms. jual2vsn43mfi. J. O. MAYER. EXCHANGE RESTAURANT. 1st booa WEST OFIIOCCK k MYER'S 6AL0Q; ALBANY, OREGON. . This Establishment has beca Thoroughly Ile-Furnislicd ! ' and is now ready to receive Cost dcrs. BOARD, per week,, to 00 60 Single Meals Lodging 0 jallvsnefitf E. C. JIOLDEN, Prop'r. CITY BREWERY I JOSEPH IIUWT, ; 1 ' PROPRIETOR. CORNER OF FIRST ANO WASHINGTON ST&EETS ALII ANY, OUEGOX. T HE PROPRIETOR BEGS LEAVE TO IN form tbo public that bo has established a BREWERY AT ALBANY l and is f now : prepared . to , accommodate both THE TRADE WITH A SUPERIOR or VASTLY ARTICLE LAGES BEEB, ALE AND ; P0ETEE I ? FRESKji YEAST i '. Can bs bad at any and all times. t JOSEPil HUNT; Pro r ' julirv4n4Syl. , , 5 ; ALBANY BATH ViO'jSE I THE UNDERSIONra VOULD RE3PECT- 'uYv'.t c!ten of Albany and tI cuuty that he has taen cbarzo.oC this Establiah taen aad, by keer.ing c-le.ajv rootBS aad paying itriet attenUoata ba,weSB, expsotstosaltafltboso who may favorhim tb their patronage. Having heretofore arr1e nothing W . , ; U -A . V ; "t-Cla, jait Pressing Saloons, r bs expects .tjiTo eatira'- sAUfaetlsi .to-, all. tChiimIbd Ladies' Ilaffneaffy St and f&ooed- JOSEPH WEBBER. spr4v?n8tf. ' AVDEIITISEMENTS. CHANGE OF BASE!" - ALCAMY, . . . - ' ORSGOn, Having bought all tbo Merchandise of J. Burrows & Co., will continue the basinets. And . we invito all to give us a call., r ! , Wa will bo constantly : ; , ?; receiving GOODS DIRECT FROM SAN FRANCISCO, xmd tritt Ktzr a ; GENERAIs ASSORTMENT r GOODSi QROCFRIE3. HARDWARE, CSOCHSRYf &e WE WILL OFFER INDUCEMENTS TO ALL Rcady-Iay Cuatomcral ALL PERSONS OWING THE FIRM OF J. Barrows A Co., will pleatc ealt and settle. Either member of the firm is authorized to settle any account of tbo Company. March 6, 18C9-vn2tf. J. BARROWS 4 CO. PRIVATE MEDICAL AID. QUICK CURES AND MODERATE CHARGES. DR. W. K. DOIIEItTY'tt PRIVATE MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE ! Caeramcnto Street, below Montgomery, oppo site tbe Pacific M ail Steamship Com pany's OiSee, Private entrance oa !cidetdcrir street, i Baairanciseo. i mmmmmmmmm Eetallieled cxpreeilg to efford the afflicted sound and eeteutific mcutcat aid tn the treatment ; and tnreoj 'all Pritattand Chron ic JJieeaeee, ease of Secrc ey and all Sexual Jjieordcr. TO THE AFFLICTED. DR. W. K. DOHERTY RETURNS HIS SIN cere thanks t bis b-j uJtrU patients for tootr patronage, and would take tb'a opportunity to remind tbem that bo continues to cootult at bis Inttitote for tho cure of cbronia dUeae of the Lunz. Liver, Kidoey, DigcstSve and Genito-Uri- nary Organs, and all private dieae, vis . Syph ilis in all its form and Mage. Seminal Weakness, aud all tbo brrid cneuejees of sif-abue. Gon orrba'a, Jlet, Strictures, Nocturnal aad Diurnal emiisions, fxol Debility, Diea? of tb Daek and Iins. JoflwmiiTi cf tbo lilad l'.r and Kid neys, cte., eUr.. and be boties that bU hms eiperi- enee and sueeeful practice will continue to inture bim a share of jnb!e patronage. By tbe practice of many years in Europe and the United States, be Is enabled to apply tbe mot cCeie&t and suc cessful remedies against ditesses of all kinds. He uses no mercury, charges moderate, treats bis pa tten li in a correct and honorable wa;, and has references of unquestionable veracity from men of known respectability aod bigb standing in soci ety. Ail parlies eotulting bias by letter orolbtr wire, will receive the best and gentlest treatment, and implicit 'crrper. To Females. When a female is in trouble, cr mi icted w'.llt disease, as weakness of tbe back and limbs, pain la tbe bead' dimness of sibt, I'?s of rouscalar power, palpitation of tbe heart, irritability, cer vousness, extreme urinary difficulties, derange ment of digestive functions, general debility, va ginitis, all diseases ot tbe womb, hysteria, sterili ty, and all other diseases peculiar to female: she shyuld fro r write at once to the celebrated female doctor, V". K. Doherty. at bis Medical Institute, and consult bim about bcr troubles and dbeae. Tbe Doctor is efertio more cures than any other physician io the Bute of California. Let no fa!e delicacy prevent you. but apply immediately an 1 save yourself from painful sufferings and prema ture death. Ail Married Ladles whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent sn increase io their families, should write or ealt al Dr. V.'. K. Dobcrty's Medical Institute, a&d tbey wUr receive every pot9ib"e relief ard help. The Doctor's oG cei are so smmged that bo can be consulted with oat fear of observation. To Correspondents. Patients residing In any part of tbe State, bow ever distant, who may desire tbe opinion and ad vice of Dr. Doherty ia their repet.tivec!se, and who think proper to submit a written statement of such, in preference to holding a personal interview, are respectfully assured that their communication! will be held most B acred and confident;;,,. If lbs cast) be fully and Candidly described, per sonal eommunicdon will be unnecessary, as in structtooi for diet, regimen, and tbe general treat ment of tbe case (Including the remedies), will be forwarded without delay, and in such a manner as to convey no idea of the purport of the letter or parcel ao transmitted. Consultation by letter or otherwise, rnnr.. Permanent cure guaranteed or no pay. Addess, W. K. DOHERTY, M. D.. San Francisco, California. Spermatorrhoea. Da, Donenrr has jut published an important pamplct embodying bis own views and experiencca in relr tion to Impotence or Virility, betas- a short treatise on Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Wcas&ess, Nervous and Physical Debility coMequeol sathis affection, and other diseases of the Sexual Organs. .This little work contain information of tbo ut most value to all. whether married or sic&le, and will be sent FREE by mail on receipt of tlx cents in postsfco stamps for return postage. Address, W. K. DOHERTY, M. D., , 33Stf San Francisco, Cal. Br JULIUS GRADWOHL, aT TBK SAN FRANCISCO STORE : 100,000 BUSHELS WHEAT AND OATS I 100,000 DOZ. EGGS 1 .100,000 LBS. BUTTER 1 500,000 LBS. WOOL ! As the Market Quotations are corrected by me weekly, I will pay tho price which they contain for the above articles. junlv4n44tf J. QRADWOHL. ; BIAIOIOTH OSa UTOW Or. EXHIBITION IN LINN CO. AND 11 be ia tho vicinity of Albany until after tho County rir, after which ho will bo taken to Salo'.n nri n-rhihtted at the State Fair, when be w'.'il bB taken to New York City via. Portland and Sun WftnnUfto , Mount Hood U. uoquesuonaoiy, I v. . i.,..f .mt flnpst ox ever, exbibitod in the ' United States and U believed by good judges to b the largsst in tho. world.. 5. . t Uea. xiouaajsam uyo u u nor er behold such an animal that he oint to bo - on exhibition in New York Cjt andthat if . Pttt to his farm twenty-five ix;;4el from the A,,takf n should bo kept oafi yr preparatory t . bitioa freo of cos Mount Hood -m raised hi F. M. Morrl in Umstilla Co.. Ogol he "i. on half Morris Stock aad the otbvr hair sw rr. T Vw. ayV4"4Jr ADMISSION ,.T WEN T Y-IPIW ChJIdron. half pric , '- fi - m ff f. E WILL STORE AN" or oats and soli - V. xvitv. .1 froe, down freight 25 o4 3 , -V ovtrft but .nu - freUtt our " A D V ERTISJ-MENTS. TO THE UNFORTUNATE NEW REMEDIES 1 NEW REMEDIES I DR. GIBBON'S DISPENSARY, 623 Keanrr St. cornet Commercial Private Entrance on Commercial st. ; SAJs rilAJCCIfitO. ESTABLISHED IK ii$4, fof tbo treatment of Sexual aad Seminal Diseares, such as Gon orrhea, Gleet, Stricture, Syph ilis in all its forms, Seminal Weakness, Impotcncy, etc. Skin Diseases (of years' stsad- ng) and Ulcerated Legs sao esifully treatod, How many thousands of persons, both: toafe snd female, are tbere wbo are suffering out a tois erable existence, from tbe effect of secret indulg- ences, or from virus absorbed into the syitem. Look at their pallid, emaciated and disfigured faces, and their broken-doan constitutions, dis qualifying them for tbe happiness of marriage or the enjoyment of life. In this horrid sitaabieer thousands suffer until neatb closes tbe scene. Let parents, guardians and friends attend to those who are suffering wjta any of tnese bornbie, liie- destroying maladies see that they are cared for and eured before it is too late. Send tbem iiams d lately to Dr. Gibbon, a physician wbo has mad private disoascs bis especial study for years, and wbo is certain to core tbe tnott inveterate caes, without Mercury or aay injurious drugs. It is important to thosa wbo arc aiSioted, or to tbosr wbo are interested in- tbe welfare of their friends. to be careful of the many pretended doctors wbo infctall cities, publishing their skill in curing all diseases in a few days, imposing upon tbe public by using the names of eminent physicians from Europe aod other p'ace. lie, therefore, earefal. and toake strict inquiry, or yoa may fall into the bands of tboe charlatan j. , Semi&al Wsak&et a. Seminal emission, tbo consequence of self- sbuse. This solitary vie:, or depraved sezaaf indulgence, Is practiced by tbo youth of both sexes to an almost unlimited extent, prodaeia&v ith uncrrinz certainty, tbe followine traia of morbid symptoms, unless combatted by scientific medical mcaxuret, vis ; Sallow countenance, dark spots under eyes, pain in tbe bead, ringing in tbe ears. noiso like tbe rustling of leaves and rattling of chariots, naeasinoss about tbe loins, weakness of- tbe limbs, confuted vision, LI anted intellect, loss of confidence, diffidence of approaching strangers, a dtklike to form newacquaintanees, disposition tosbun society, los of memory, beetle flushes-. piosnlei and eruptions about tbe face, furred locgae, foetel breath, coughs, consumption, nigbt sweat, monomania and frequent insanity. If relief be not obtained..be soberer sboald apply imroedtatHy, either in poron or by letter, to bavo a cure effected by bisnew and scientific mode of treating this disease, which never fails of effecting a quick and radical cere. Dr. G. will give $100 to any person who will prove latUfactorily to bim that he was cured of this complaint by either of tbe Saa Fraaciso oqaacki. Clarxied T&en, Or those who contemplate marriage, wbo are sc fering under any of these fearful maladies, should . not fwrzet tbe sacrea re!ponuihues resting npoa tbem, nor delay to obtsJn immediate relief! To the Ladies. Tb. varies complicated and distressing diseases incident to females, treated with eminent success such as Suppressions, Irregularities, Whites, Fall ing of the btab, Tumors, all Lnnary Diseases-. Nervous Debility, Painfol or DiScult Meostrura ti'.n, Bsrrennet , etc. will be sjeedily eared, with out poisonous drugs, injuries, tx unpalatable med icines of any kind. Have no delicacy ia calling, no difference what your troubles saay be. Tbe af flicted are cordially invited to call aai satisfy tbcio selves. Tenon's calling at Dr. Gibbon's offies or send ing fr packages of medicine may vely npoa bis assurances of coiiSUential secrecy wita iraplicA faith, and expect no more than to be charged with) . a f-ir and mutually satinfactory rcmnneratioa for services rendered, cosfidertng the cireumstaaees and ciiSeuities of tbe cae, rather than a too prev alent and selSib practice of exortation among quacks and pretenders. DR. GIBBON is reiponsible, aod will give to etch patient a written instrument binding himself to effect a radical ted permanent cure or male no charge. Ccredat Uorae. Persons at a distance can be CURED AT" IIOMB. ty addressing a letter to Dr. Gibbon suting case, symptoms, lengtb ef time tbe diaeaae has continued, and Lave aedSriaes promptly for warded, free of damage and curiosity, to any part of the country, with foil and plain directions' lor use, by enclosing $15 dollars ia curreney ortlO in coin, ia a resie tered letter, through tbo Poet oSce on Wells, Fargo i Co. A package of medi cine will be forwarded by express to any part of tbe Union. Address DR. J. F. GIBBON. Box 252, San Francisco, Califorcla ' Rra ember to put box 252 cn the letter. Consultation FREE. Correspondents will please inform DR. GIBBON that they read his advertisement in Co State Hjgdts Dekocsat. tnayl5v4n39yl. -MORS THAXT 200,000 PERS0IT3 Bear testimony to tho Wonderfal Carativ Effects or 13 Dr. Joseph Walker's 69 61 a ii mm i CALIFORNIA 41- llanufactuxed from th native Eerbe and Boots - of California, jyTho Great Blood PuriGer.0 FOB IN FLA3IMA.TOR Y AND CHRONICT ItTIEUMATISM AND GOUT. DYSPEPSIA CT INDIGESTION. MLlOtrs. KEMITTENT and INTER XUTTENT FEVERS. DISEASES OFTHE BLOOD. LIVER, KIDNEYS snd BLADDER, these BITTERS have been most rtccMful. 8CC5I DISEASES aro caused by VITIATED BLOOD, which la penerally produced by dennjemrct of the DIGESTIVE ORGANS. Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood trbenevrr yon finA its impurities bursting through the 8 Via in Pirn plea. Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when yoa find it obstructed and slugglfch In the vems; cleans it when it Ia font, and your feelings will toll yoa trbext. Eeep the blood healthy, and all trill be well. ; AGENTS, u .it-uv,im 1 e w ami v-a s Corner Pin'a . Cab, a Sansomo Rtrorta. Saa Francisco, f and Sacramento. CaL, anJ. WIlattStrt,ir.Y. 3STOTIOE.- 21? 53 f'VV T r1I fS- . '-5 'if S3l - i J aW llV - lsI "'niiiiiii 1 1 tm 2 e W A G O N STn WXGONSf Jtrs t be'o s'ryB;Dl; ':. .' FROM THE - ; : : v 'fff'i- SSGOtl VAGOH MAU'-ACTIa 3. 80XB P' 00 1 THIMBU l.SKEr; vAGO No. j sold at low r rates than- have ever r v jeforo been 'jCcrod in -Albany.' A.T all and see for yoarseltes; - The 2 ots WNGONS ARE WABRMtfTEif A GOOD ARTICLt II t4a50w3, DOia BY to. jllCAUfiM, jttlSviaiftf. Albasy fa-