tAtm mas TV fi j K. Z2. ASS OTT, Editor. SATURDAY MAY 15, 1SG9. THE PUBLIC INDEBTEDNESS.. UP AND AT THEM. Sinco tlio Presidential contest last fall, a political lethargy seems to have crept over the Democracy of the coun try, as though they were utterly in different to tho courso of national af fairs. This should not be. At no ANOTHER VEUNION OF THE HOMICIDE. llAtutiSBUita, Lion Co., Oregon, Slay 0, lbUU. j EJiter Stot4 IHgUt Dtmocratt I sco a statement in your paper of May 1st, in which you stato bims married my RECONSTRUCTION 1IIIX. The following is tho full text of the bill which has just been passed by Congress, and received tho President's signature, authorizing the submission of tho Constitution of Virginia, Mis- ouly daughter and my only child. That Uissippi and Texas to a vote of tho 11 Y TEIiECJItAPII. compiled from tub oneoo d en alp pROMONTonr Summit, May 10th., 12 rn. To tho asociatcd Press, Enet and Went i Tho laat rail in laid and the Inst spike driven. The Pflcifiia Railroad id completed. Tho point of junction is ten hundred and eighty About the first of tins month it was timo in tho history of the Republic was a mistake Ho married my oldest people : need with a great flourish of was there greater need of patriotic T A :;.,su l? V. w U'V T," lie it enacted, e?., That tho rrcs- that the public debt had do devotion and tho dissemination of tho '? T Tkr V ? " " ZTZl a .1 .. i . I ... .. . 1 - "-j ""j o "(-"- ---- - miuu us nu iiwiy m-i-m uwbv vi m- aunnjr mo month ot irnl rrroat nrincinles ot Ucmocracv man at t L-now nnthin" nhnut um. hut ns to Mr. n i , 1 o 1 4 I " ----f, . IIIU lllU'lini, IliilY ntll'lllll. niu vuiinum era! millions. Yc did not bclfbvo tho present. At no time have the pco- Sims drinking, I never heard of his tak-k. which was framed by the Con- l. i.-i. . 1 1 1 I n drink until about 10 or ID uavs bo- 111 mi i 1 Vn uvvv. uiwuw uiv.il , muut UJ M V I T)IC IICCUCU VO UC aClUaU'U UY IUU1U (.1 Ul, I -r - .. ni'llUUII w imvii mvu in juvi.. . e it now. Wc do not den v that, nnrrt. Rmmd antl unsclGsh devotion ?ro 110 a. ca . no. bl??u V7..,A,r. ,UV on Tuesday the JJrd day of December, . . . tho gaming class in iiarnsuurgj ami i 1807ito th0 rtwri.stered voters of said cvu'l"'UVU5 i-uvuj miaujjvmtui, wi io princinio man now. x uro nuicb- . , vou to nub sh tho evidence just ak:AA mt.wi l.n r.P d annou trumpets creased ev the believ by the public sccuritie .wsa iuajr iuuuu iu uku iuc juacc i uncomi of another class, that the national arc wanted. lebt may be ostensibly reduced seve ral millions; but that there is any real reduction any genuine liquida-1 roding and contaminating touch of don't tafcfc side, only I want things to lo j( now ILIVII. HIV A v.. V T 'Crl Vli.-iffiv Tliil. nt llin KfllilG flfC- OcULs .i . tr holy worship of Mammon and of A hl0 had it on tho other side : and I w nt ,ir w, mpmi,f,M lf tiU! ciencral es, whereby one manship is required; firm, unyielding, it wai given on tho trial, for tho benefit of sui,in;ssion for rutiflcation or rejection; to tako the place uncompromising and honest leaders Mr. Situs' friends and tho public. I want Jiml Jnay ali0 HUmt to a separate True, staunch and iii-P'0U 10 f 1 or ,n0D Iur 1 vote nucl i pro virions of Haul Constitu- corruntiblo iicwsniners iro needed Wa.Qt noinmg puoiisncu ouiy wui, tion as ho may deem best, Hueh vote corruptible newspapers aro needed. cvidcnco. but waut lt all, and liopp you t b taUcn t,(J,lcr ul,on t.adl of nnia Patriotism, not corrupted by tho cor- wui do wo tho favor to publish this. 1 .....j,, nifm nr : 4.,u..iioii with tho other portions of naid Constitu lion, as tho Prcnident may direct. lion of the debt or that there can bo so-called "lovaltv." must be sown raado Plain- 1 want you to stato ho anv in the resent condition of tho i.lMt thn Un.l nn,1 H,( . Grtl testeJ that bitus hail his revolver Skction . That at tho ' , A , ,. on ono side, and how tho others tesuue country we do not believe. A telegraphic dispatch of tho 6th corrupt centralized power obliterated you to stato what Mr. Carter testified Assembly of Baid .State and all the instant is as follows: from tho body politic, cro much good about; whero Mr. Carter stated he found 0fliCCrH of naid Stato provided for by ifktaS?. 020,"i, 'rnV can possibly bo attained. And this gim3' .u and 8cablarJ anfJ lNTa .u' the said Constitution, and members of onjtgnastUkmgiteps toward inking fun4. f, , , , , , , as you havo commenced, to go to the rjon"resH and tho ollicer command It n that tke debt was inerweJ $25,000,000 must be done by the united and de- nftn,mnrpmnt fif tho diflleultv between . V . " . v . . from Xoremb.r 15th, 1S67, to NoTembcr 1ft, 4 l . r .1 1 . Cmuic,iccmcnt Ot the UllUCU ly DCtWCCU ng tjiy I)Htnct 0f irglllia hhall CatlHC l85S,ad P to May lit, 1369, bad further in! termincd cftorts of tho Democrats ot til0 two, for you know where the difficulty ti,o Ibts of Ik-Mistered votern of Raid creajtd to $37,500,000." the land. They must talk, act, and bcaa. I want you to state what Mr. c...n h riid. enlartri-tl. and cor- j-nai is 10 sav. in less tnan a vear .,.,.i. r.v- ,v-:.,:..ir. and six months, the national indebt- wnich wcrc transmitted from Jefier- edness has increased $02,500,000 ; an 80n jackSOn, and the other pure Dera- lncrease of over three millions six ocratic statesman of former days, hundred thousand dollars every month Thosc in vhom the people have ince November 15th, 1867. The rad- trustea for many years past have mis- ical papers and orators tell us that guiacd and misruled the masses. hJZ V, IT"; 1rinCil,19 thcy haV ECVCr kn0W" hand. State where this man wa, at tl -'ed mama in Vlke manned dated twenty years hence. 1 erhaps anythingof. The rights of others they tho timo of tho shooting. I want you to MllmitthcContitution ofTexastothe wnmoe; out ai tne ratio ot increase have never made one of their studies. wncn hims went to tlic woou ana above set forth by Secretary Dout well i i vi . . shot ou his revolver. beo if , , J UIUJ'J uuuunu The manner in which liberty was cs r. innrt nri i';,t-v j .-tn iimself. tho public debt will twenty ir i i- i i ,. it was not done on I nday. I will , juuuoucoi win, twenty tablishcd in America, and the glon- statc to you that us to Sims' parents, he o""-u"-hi ous loundation on which it was erect- came of as cood narents as aovbouy Conn said to ttird wuen ho Una) went rt,ctca prior to such election, accord ucuiuu mo cuuuiur uviuru rjiwv. j,,,, to jaw nmI j-or tJ,at pUrj,oS0 may 1 want you to state who testiUcd that oitna H,int 8Uch rc;;i.Htt.rfc aft-), may de in stepped backwards ono step and put his ncccssary . ftna Bai,i elections hhall be hand on his revolver, i want you ; w au(1 rcturns thereof made in the a A 1 a, a?. 1 1 a C . l . .. . siaio wnaiwasicsiiucu nooui oiros ivio Inannt.r provided bv the acts of Con hw revolver in his right hand, and after be ,ffQ e0mmoniy caHca tic ri-construc pa?Mu uiiuit wiu urcu, incu nu ui '"'Hjon acti. hand around and took the revolver in his ct.,.t,lV n Tlnf tho lr'ulpnt o 000,000 ! I We cd, have been matters voter of said Stato at ut h time at: in Mich manner as he mav direct, ci ther the entire Constitution or eia rate irovisions of the same, ns provi ded in lirst Bcction of this act, to a W A Al.M A . 1 liiv lax-payers 1110 Ja- onnnnnro to thrm Dormg classes to ponder these si"- Li.-., i i t O 1 IIIWV Ilv ItUlUCU HU sons. In their ignorance nificant facts. The public debt ha not been diminished, but is increasing at tho rate of three millions six hun dred thousand dollars every month ; so says Secretary Bout well. This truth has been reluctantly wrung of but little 1 hero are plenty ox persons m ims otaic HCparatc vote; and at the same dec From the past that liavc lcca acflU3,ntcJ mlh -r. Sims tion the vott:rs lnay vMt. for atl4i ccct . , . froa hisiofaucy. All 1 ask ot you i for lho mt.in,CM 0f tfie Legislature- and imponani; les- 0 . nubhsh th.;s letter, and civc all the n flirt fstlll. IxfWl'ITU tiroVtilcil f. I ill .blinded uy etrideneo iust at it vras on both sides : 1 um rv.uiiiniim, ni..t ions, thev have mean as to tho evidence that was testified tirrrv Jrj i ttlxtt I lint nit . . .. - - t x milcH west ot tho Missouri river, and six undrcd and ninety miles cast of Socramen- to. S (rnoil. l.o and Mtanlora. U. 1'. Jt. Jk. P. 0. Durant, Sidney Dillen, John Duff, U. 11. 11. Has Francisco. Mnr 9. Business was univftrsully suspended yesterday and tho whole titv cavo themselves up to celebra ting the comnlction of tho llatlroad. Tho procession was n spicndiu auuir, consiacrinR tho hnsto in which it was cotton up. The military display was excellent, and tho civic as good m could bo expected consiucring me short notice. Tho rroccssiun was 55 min- tites in passing a given point, lho wholo city wan decorated with hajzi, ana at nigiu tho illumination was universal, lneucci dental Hotel and tho new ofiico of tho Wes tern Union Telegraph Company presented a fine appearance : tho farmer having a ren- rcscntaiion oi mo rauroaa iraex, wun mo ettorc S. F. I. If U. & N. Y. blazing forth ,v tho combination of over 700 gn burners. 'l'ho telegraph office was featooncl with Chi- u eo lanterns iiung m evcrj hvuu.jmiw jiiato, with row upon row of tho tame suspending across tho street. IIonGres blazed on every comer, and tho wtrccts wero literally jam med with humanity. Several accdents oc curred during the day; a balcony fronting l'Jatt'B Hall broke down, but no or.o wan seriously injured. Hunawajs occurred with out number. Pelvjonko's, New York, May 8. lho New York Press Club had its monthly din- ntr. seventy tnemners present, rscnas greeting to tho journalists of tho Pacific coast and hearty congratulations on tho com pletion of the trans-continental railway. which leaves us no longer antipodes, nui make4 us next door neijrhljors. It begins n new era in American history. May Ameri can journalism grotv like tho country in dig cct. Tho interview was satisiaciory w them. It has been decided that dealers in hours who sell quantities less than five gal- Ions, anu also quantities oi uve gauoua and upward, must pay tho wnoicsaio anu retail tax. Secretary JJoutwcll s olEcial figures, show reasons asainst taking steps toward a sinking fund. It appears that the cicdi has increased 825.000.000 from Novem ber 15th, 1807, to November 1st, 18G8, and up to May 1st 1809, had further in- c.reas-d to 837.500.000. Chicago, 31 ay 7. A Tribunes special savs tho President ha3 advised General Canby to order tho Virginia election lor tho last Tuesday in July. The President will take tho advice of his Cabinet as to what portions will bo voted on separate ly. Mot of the proscription features win nrooauiv va uuiuuiuu. Governor Mitchell, of New Mexico, has entered his resignation NEW ADVERTISEMENTS I P. C. HARPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE! FIUSI STBEET, ALBANT OBEflOX Oppotite Ii. C. JIM A So' Drvg Stor:) WOULD RESPECXFCLtY CALL ATTEST tioa to hit stuck, of good, cootUtiofiJft jHitt, follows J A good Msortmeot f LADIES' DRESS Q60D8f tVCtt x PRINTS. " , I? ELAINE,??, -POPLIKS, J10JIAIB, EMPRESS CL0TUS;. prciudiccs and evil iass " l l 4 I ... . ... carried the countrv on in their mad to on trial ; so tho public can have s botn t.j.ction Hlta11 he held in p.auX Statc of career till it has almost reached tho KiJ.C f .llc I- A lo -ffj Tcxa fur any purpose until the IW .i . ,.c Johns, I have nothm- to say. JIc will iJcnt bo dirtctM. uuuupu.p,, iu... raise his fame far and near. I want this .1 That il. P vJ.lnt r,f JAMES r. SCHOOLING. nvpr it mii't ;nittfrfl mfn mint' l.n.. .11 1... ...:?....,-. ..1.i:t....l i.il.. . . . f .t . . . . f-w, t,: l vi- i i - , - " I null an lUBvuucuw (iuuiihiv:- m ;itl((l DIUIC may lit HKO InailUCT ! bJ UUJ1. iragmcnts, broken to pieces UcyonU your paper as ooa &s possioie, anu ii youHlIi,mit the Constitution of Mimmuppi iUSivauVl uauiu- repair, and the liberty dearly bought r r"""5" ,," tw 1 inS lighter, our burdens are daily and by a noWc ancestry lost forever, tin- ow what you will do 1 want to give honrlv Wnm!n t i the dead a show as well as tho living; not ifnSrTiA , JllStC.adof less the strong arm of Democracy is because I am taking sides, hut every case ine public debt diminishing, it is ac- pUt forlh to stay their proceedings. has two fides, and let tho public have tually augmenting at a most fearful Once more the masses the bono and s'cs, and view it as they please. I ratio. What Bha'l be done? Itwillnct smew of the country the hard labor- tho only ubscribcr you have that do to increase cur tarM for flmv iro i . i wants you to come out with it all. I ovto already tnl?. t V T 7 Tr l"S men-thc tax-payew-tho sup- M m m wU, auJ , (joJ rc. already too grievous to be borne. If porters and defenders of their native ward tho righteous. Dout fail to let me tne Kadical leaders would tax tho or adonted land the true lovers of hear from vou as soon cs Doswiblc. 1 3111 , I I . -1 . oonanoiaers it they would not in- frrodnm .ind i.tim must ho mllml lours in haste. ist on paying the bondholders in gold to the front to battle for the right. nd the people with rags if the7 The country is right at heart all that would not legislate against the poor is wanted is true, sincere and ..ble iar man and in favor of the rich there structors and leaders. But teach cor might, possibly, bo some hope of pay- rcct principles, and put the same in ing the national debt after a long sc- practice be true, and at tho same nes of years; but as the reverse of time firm and success will surely all this is true; as they will nor tax follow. the bondholder ; as they say that he Then let the gallant Democracy of must be paid in geld wrung from the the country, secure in the affections people; as they have gold for the and confidence of the oppressed and "bondholder and rags for the people, down-trodden people of their own and seem to care nothing for the work- land, and having tho sympathy of ing-man, wc would simply suggest lovers of freedom abroad, gird on that the people may yet refuse to pay their armor and battle for the Hight the debt at all that it may yci be re- for a prosperous Republic and a puuiaiea jusi as tne public debt in- White Man's Government, with equal " 7' ' ' " " , mrr Wiho .1..: i that what we stated . j i ,v,,uluuWila,v wjirwas representation in the halls of Congress repudiated, without the loss of na- au ihxi Whito 3Icn of the United tional honor or national credit either. States. remarks nv tiik rniTon. The above letter was received last week ; but too late for insertion in our last number. Mr. Schooling requests m to "pub lish the evidence just as it was given on the trial.' This is an impossibility; lor it was not taken down, word for word, by anybody; and so far as we arc concerned wo did not write down a word of it. What wc stated as evidence was from memory; and, so far, wc know none who holds that our statements are not cor rect, tven Mr. S. docs not assume as evidence is un true ; but he rather censures us be cause we did not give all the evidence. As we have already said, wc cannot The Grant familv cift enterprise. Uo Ul, because we do not have it says the Columbus Crisis, seems to be Wc declaim intention to do in- ! . . l i i 1 1 trying to make a noise in the world Juscc 10 anyuouy, ana are wining by getting up a war with Spain about t0 Kivc Mr S an' reasonable amount Cuba and with England about the of space to correct any misstatements Alabama claims. All the court Jen- ,UJ may uccm w0 ,iavc maac relative I . a mm Linens art Inilv rr;in ftln. tO lllC IlOnilCldC. tr tli: voters 01 am Mate at sue! time and in cl manner as ho may direct, c-iti;cr tht entire Constitution or separate provision; of the same, as provided in tho first section of this act. to a scnaratc vote; and at the same election the otcr may vote for . k sr t and elect the member oi tUe i.egiia lure and all tho State oSicers provi ded foriu said Constitution, and ;ncm bcrs of Congress. Se(tio.v 5. That if c ither of ami Constitutions shall be ratified at such election, tho Legislature of the State so ratifying, elected an provided for in this act, shall assemble at the capt tols of said States on the fourth Tues day after the ofiicial promulgation of such ratification by the military 0U1 cer commanding in said State. Suction G. That before the States of Virginia, Mississippi and Texas, shall be admitted to representation in Congress their several legislatures, which mav be hereafter lawfully or ganized, hhall ratify tho fifteenth arti cle which has been proposed as an amendment to tho Constitution of the Cni ted States. Section 1. That the proceedings in any of said Slates hhall not be deemed final, or operate as a complete restora tion thereof, until their action respec tively shall be approved by Congress. IIO IV TZXEV VICW IT. mtv and ripen!, and influence. (Signed,) lavil (J. Crolv, Tho. W. Knox, A"2utui Mavrick, Albert 1. Rich- ftrln, Amos J. Curatuing, J. W. Simon- tun. Commute. Washington", Mov9. The.Sr.anih Minis tcr has been applied to v. t thin tho lat two month to report ana state tlid exri??luion fitting out in thi country for the Cuban service. He did not praluce tho prt'f. 1 he becrctarr, howevtr. has directed in fuirei to he m,vlef North and Suuth, thcro it lai been accrtai uel tii:ro were rr facts urm whic! tu fuund rircccedinsi. Proper ofHccr! havo lecn infttrurttsj to esercifl due vigilance and prevent a violation of the neutrality laws, trhich the Government hai niured the Spanish Minister will bo tn fyrctd. CiscixvATi, May 7. Tho saloon keep era' e xricty met in Convention at Turner Hall bit eT';iitJ. fit. Lmln, Chicago, Cincinnati, SrnnneSd, III., Iouiville, Cov ington and JcifcreonviUp, Indiana, were represented. Tho object is to f rm a nation al nwjclnlion, fur which n committee to draft a constitution ha been appointed, and will continue it neWiyn several day$. ItituvosD, 3Iay C. Iioth parties are pre paring fur an acttro campaign in this State. Joseph II. Piatt, jr., of the Wells' partv, wa utianimotiftty neuinntel by tho Convention at Petersburg fr Congress in tho -4 lhstrict, Unarles Yt . IJutu was agreed rru .rrtrt I Alio u complete ortMCt of ot thai icrruory win acv a3 uuvcruui viu 1 Congress rclnove Governor Crane 0 po- READY litical diHabiiitics. The first intimation which reached the President of the death of Marshal Eli, in Kaistcrn Pennsylvania, was the applicticn by telegraph lor his vacant position. Seven applicants tor the piaco navo al ready arrived. The cw xorlc World aayn tnerc is a nrivato nisnatch from New Orleans stat ins that the blockade runners, Perry and pjABDWABE,' CUTLERY A2H7 HAILS f - i . r.i.i i i Lilian enirar,cci in carrjinz uuuu-ucrs i ijU,an , u7 , V , , t Crockery ami ilaftware. from New Orleans coast, landed at the , , Island of Grand Karogua, twelve hours' In fact, lmot every thin uaH kepi ia te sail from Florida Keys, and the filibus- ' '' T I tcrs have gone into quarters awaiting re-iiux.M.iA v.itx j,uwttAitbi inforCCtnentS. 1 11' Either for Uuth or JltrthanlftbU I'roduet f The World also insists that the Arairo did Kail for Cuba with 424 men and 84 officers and f Jer.eral Jourdan. the officers were Brigadier General Lhas. MADE CLOTHING I! Gent' Furnixbiog G'oJ, liwlt, Sho4t, Jhd . JIat of the Litest Sfjrfey sod Left qualit. A good Meortnesi of Sheetings Bleached and VnbUzcked Urory Strip, Denirat, FreneB Cottond -liar j Ca!mere and FlnlTolMeoi aad CigfcM, Wood nd Willow Ware, Rifle and I51mU -iog Powder. . , - Those who waat bargain will call at the old sUad formerly oceopjed hj J. Levjv nt door weit of John Conner. .. Majl5T4aS91jr. i P. C. HARPER. iic'Tctt'SliS IK AGEHTS WANTED $10 PER Dili TWO fclO 9IAPS FOR U- , LLOYD'S French Cavalry Maj. (Jen. Inzraham, 0th Rhode Island Infantry Cant. L . C. JJailey, iS.t"Vi ro; '.a PATENT REVOLVING DOUBLE MAPS manv others. T he Mount Vernon cstitc oi ucDcrai upon as ConjrCHsmafi at lars on tho Wali.tr ickct. Walker and Wells wilt i Siattf. k'mnp the RE COXSTJir CTIOX. The Richmond Enquirer says that Ty order of Congress the government of Virginia went to pieces. In that State are no offices of any sort, cave here and thorp, n. Kfnl.i-cr?or nr 9 ir. pet-bagger. The military commaderr,DS(:S. arcla,1y nd tele- of district No. 1 says ho cannot fiD S'Wwc icrocious manner pACIFIC Kailuoad Completed. At h nfflc i 4u " which his imperial highness, Ulys- nn r.vi- ufl ,nfti"nS clerks' offices, the sheriffs' offices, and se. ' ia.IKS aoou,' inesc "mcu"IC8 an the last rail was laid ar o last all other offices are closed. Nobody can get a license to carry on trade ; nobody can lodge a complaint before a magistrate ; no deed can go to rec ord; no injunction can be procured from the coarts ; oar women cannot marry. Anarchy is reconctrustion T. A. 1. . a. 3. . . 1 . 1 l . iiicunaui cou- spij.0 rlvcn homQ on acific tingcncics ihc "enterprise" expects IlaiIroad raakil1g lUc connection now n m . ef complete, ine blows ot ti o fiammcr wero telegraphed to Ncw York, Chi cago, San Francisco and -other cities simultaneously as they occprrcd and were distinctly heard as for as True to enlist the sympathies of the South crn people, as well as tho people of the North, in these pacific expeditions, heralded by the cry of "Let us have peace." There is a generation of pen- - j . ! 1 t . I and confusion is Iovaltv. What have Blonc.rs a"a a mmion OI 10ai ,lcarls tec. There is now a continuous line the people of Virginia done to be left pantinS for an PPortumty to mac of railroad from Sacramclto to Bos without any government? They are ncy Bomc ne l ton, across the entire continent i not alowed to manage their own af- !S t0,bt l10?e,d lhat the pCOIle Cann0t North America, and the trip can I fairs m anv manner, and Con i, uo uciuueu uy inc notion tnat made from the Atlantic to the Pacific o busy that it only finds time to de- an , bencfitc war h eithicr seaboard in less than eight days. cree disintegration. 77 , A"u umjr CUIJSV1Ii- tion the people have to expect from a Radicals' vs. Workingmen. The war with cithcr country is that the Prizo fiSht has recently taken placo in Administration is in trouble with the villainous public debt which supports Ncw York- When "women suffrago" is workinjrmen. Attornev General Hoar's an aristocracy of money sharks will fully established, a' "knock down and decision against the eight hour law, and S down with an emphatic "thud" at draS between females will bo a very Secretary Bovie's order reducing the wa- tIie first demonstration of war. ges in the Navy Yards, recently brought of be common occurrence. What a sijrht to sco the beautiful creatures rolling in the n-1.. r 17' i - . I i . .. . ... to Washington two delegations, who. be- A "BB muai pounaing each otocrs noses, pulling foreCongreEsadioufned.annealedtothm A0B-ACC0'lhc Ividence (11. I.) hair, tearing calico, &c, in the midst of in vain to legislate against these conclu- CT0nlef ncc of ttc Methodist Episcopal a ring, formed by tho lords of creation sions ; and since strikes havo occurred "-T , " . . luu w"iug ruie: . both in Wa,hinston and BrooLljn NaTy thi, " 2 "'"0 h For Iowa. -Tho Commercial Yards. Dificulties come thick and fast ble until he shall havo uneauivocallv four families passed through Portland upon the new administration. Next, it and frankly affirmed his abstinence last week, with teams, bound for Polk will have a round with the Fenians. from the usc of tobacco, during so county, Iowa. They were going "the There is no rest for the wicked, and tho ,m i- i NT ms T.u IOr mCm plains across." t , .. . . bershipas shall succeed the passage 1 Radicals will find this is a truism so far of this rule, nor until he shall ha?o Imikoving. TheMcMinnville Cou as they are concerned. pledged himself in future to abstain Her says there arq eight new houses Drrnrn 1 . Tl. f I -x uiinAfl Jiu;ttllxIo. j)iancnes- pnrposes, ter, New Hampshire, authorities allow no one to smoke a upon the public the Gity Hall. j. . . - n - . , J ' i.. ....v uv M WU0.J pnrposes? ' " eonS up iathat city at present , and i quite a number of persons aro hauling x pipe or cigar on Sunday - Afteb em. The Polk County lumber with which to build. ? .. - -1 Time R.avs thn.t. TTnn. "Rati TTfivrlnn i I '- ic pave, witnm one muo ot - - 7 " I .-J"" . Okganizing. Democratic Clubs for the Democratic ticket.- areo's.amzi.ne .rtl.nd for the ap It h no thought that Grant is a much We opine tho judge will make ,J "-S cty campaign. . in ms hnot lor tho Monorels of that Bcction. h oueth op .Tttt.v. -Thn CAtv flmm. better tanner than cabinetmaker. foreign appointments, he shows a prefer- The indications arc highly favorable cil of Portland , have appropriated CnCe IOrtUaCS ana tan. Ifor aDomnfratin virfnrv in Jnno' &1 nrtfl fnr n ..olvot inn rm flin T?r,1,' ' foT- lof ' " V .?vy.vr,.,,vW VV-V .J, 'ft Tlio following extract from the Staunton (Virginia) Vindicator will show how the people of Virginia view the restoration bill of Congress which wc publish in another place to-day: "Tacked on to this bill is a proviso for the ratification of tho filleenth amendment, as a necessary precedent to restoration. JLhcrc i great fear among Hadicals that this amendment will fail to be ratified and henco the . jm m proviso coercing its ratification b Virginia, Texas and Mississippi. enough States ratify it, not counting Virginia, lexas and Mississippi, Con gress will tako its time about admit ting these, no matter what wc do, but if the ratification by these States is needed to engraft the 15th amendment on the Constitution then they will ad mit them. V c know not what others may think or desire, but for ourselves, wo never iikea to play tho part ot a cat's paw to pull hot chestnuts out of the lire lor any one, and in tins in stance wo would leave them to pull them out as best thev may. We have no very strong predilections for resto ration, on the terms proposed from time to lime; and with this last pro viso wc would have none of it. We would prefer a military governor for all time to come, rather than tako ; hand in sowing the seed of an irrcv ocablc mongrelism in this country.- We arc not of thosc who believe that tho mongrelism forced on the South now is irrevocable, and hence, in re gard to restoration, with the ratifica tion of the 15th amendment as an act precedent, we would advise all, in the classic languago of Beast Butler, "to ice in suue." In a stroll yesterday wo visited tho brick yard of Messrs. Abrams & Newell. They havo ono largo kiln burnt, which tiirnsout to bo tho finest lot of brick wo have seen in tho State. In connection with tho premises we noticed McAllister's Patent Brick making Machine, invented and built at Albany, Oregon. It has acanacitv. with full force of workmen, for turn- mg outzo,uuu oncKs per day. Moun taineer. t ' A native Asiatic priest, dressed in native costume, passed through Cleve land on last Tuesday,' going South. He is making a tour of tho "Continent. xew lone wty paid su,4Ut,UUU ln- Washington was advertised this evening to be fold ou the 10th tf J unc. Two Continents, America and 'axp. ana America wita tne united states portion on an Immense Scale,, Couucil Proceed! ti gM. TutKtr KfEiJfC, Maj 13, UC9. Council tctt: Itvll called ; trefct: Major Clore4--ia 4000 Conntie. rilllKSE great Map, tow jat compUUt. B C x r,2 tncbcf Urze, how every i4c f- importanrc, 11 Ilailroadf to date, and tit latest alterations ia the rarioiu Earopcan State., Then. Woji arc nceaea o erery rlchool and fa mil in tba land tley occupy tho 1 jiae of od Map, aod Hlanard. CfeaueiSiueo Martball, HackUtaan, Com-J mean of tt Kcrerier, eitber aids can L , i,r. Stealer Mxoa aad CuodiflT. ihrumu front, acd any part broobt level to tb . Minute, of 1 rtvio mliog wCM read and ap- Q - -6 B4 w Irovcd. j Afply for Cirrolar, Term, and tend money for - Oa motin tie Keeorder t reeded to oj"o and I And see fcample Jlaps first, IT not sold taken baek read tbe bids fr gravtl'mg the streets croiiiog ca dcrnasd. J. T. LLOYD, 23 Crtlaait Street, N. V. Fefiond strcft, and 00 examination it was fwuod that Pavid Shaver's bid was tle lowett, beiog $H fur each croioj ; and, on motion, tbe con trol ai awarded to David Hbaver at til tor eah crossing. J. J. WLhoey r rennted a bill of $10 fvr ofSce rent to May 18, 1C, wbkb, oa motion, was al- DR. GIBBON'S DISPENSARY,, TO THE UNFORTUNATE. NEW REMEDIES! NEW REMEDIES! A convention r'f colored wen will nim- f! i;cro on the 27ih of Mar, to coni hr the total pxciuMn ot colored citizensi from many poiiin fcf trust end profit and Irom thpjurt X. lltriiM iNn. MJV h.itis stated on z ki authority that General Canhy Uan fixed on tho lt Tuca lav of July tv' the e.cctton. Ciiir';o, May 8. The na;.'raiin .Scie ty of torkintucn have aPt iatcen nont West tu aeJpct land. Their location ia t i i inado in 7h ak,i. A party of Americans mating a hoat jour ney up tue iic, recently, wero attacked by Arab and two Americans killed. Th last rail has Wen laid on the Chtcazo and llrck Inland Pacific IUtlruaJ, between Ueamyine and Council IiluHTs, giving Chi cago tvr direct and distinct connections with tho union PactQc at Omaha. A lit of sixty -two army oHiccM, detailed to perform tho duties of Indian agents and uerititenJentu, will le published &hurtly, TUi.i orler will virtually remove nearly all the Indian oHiccrs now placed, except a few Quaker, lately appointed. Among those removed is ono man iveist, in oZaco by the rejection of Quaker nominee. ThU order in in accordance with tho law creating tho Indian Hurcau, which authomes tho President to detail oCcer of tho army to perform the du ties 01 ajenu. IlAKTroan. May 8 Tho Senate ratified the Joth amendment, 12 Republicans voting for it, and 5 democrat agaiut it. Uostox, lay b. Tho benato rejected the prohibitory liquor hill on tho 3J int. hv 13 to 23. Tho opposition is composed of those who favor a stringent licenso clause and the ultra prohibitationistf , who objected to con ecHsioas made in tho defeated bill. Cuicluo, May 7. The Ohio Legislature has passed, by a strict party vote, tho visible admixture bill, which punishes with one to uve years imprisonment any ono not a white male citizen voting at any election. Ohaha, May H.A dispatch saya that 200 Siouxa attacked -10 Hannock and Snako In dians near South Pass City, ten daja ago, and killed twenty-nine. New York May 8 Arrangements havo been mado for a special service at Trinity Church to-morrow noon, in thanksgiving for tho completion of tho railroad across tho continent. Tho convention of tho Theta Pelt Chi Association was held at tho Astor House to day. About ono hundred delegates and a largo number of visitors wero present. It was resolved to re-establish tho Southern Chapters which were broken up at tho com. menccraent of tho var. New York, May 7. -The cable rates will ho positively reduced on tho 1st of JiruO to $10 in gold for ten words, with five words allowed for address and signature. Tho press pays half theso rates for general news and full rates for cipher. Tho -cxcitcmcp.tin Wall street continued until tho close of tho day. All the markets are unsettled and in a feverish condition. Privato telograms from London of a gloomy character, and an unofficial announcement from Washington that tho sinking fund will not bo po.t into oporation till Juno 30th, had a huoyunt effect on money, and a vory do- prcsdivo ono on tuo uovernmnet. Alexanaria, Va. May 5.- Gen. Leo was visited by a largo number of ladies and gentlemen to-day.Yestcrday ho had an interview with John Janney, Presi dent of tho Virginia Convention which passed tho ordinanco of secession, by J wuum ijco was preseuicu wuu a ewora in the name of tho people of Virginia. Jan ney is now quito old and infirm. Washington, May 7. A locomotive came into collision with a passenger train on tho Chicago and Burlington llailroad, yesterday, near Quincy, both engines running at tho rato of 25 miles an hour. Tho collision caused a frightful wreck, but beyond a few bruises, nobody hurt. A colored delegation from Alexandria had an interview with tho President to day concerning appointments at that place, and told him something about tho feeling of tho colored people oa the sub- 1 tJ acl orJcrt'l I bit an orlerle drawn on tto Trtaiary fr llit amount. TU KcrJcr f rtente4 a till of SSI f.r Att- log the Citj att'l lrancritlnj tbo a.Mf mnt rol! vLlcb. on tivi. wa refcrrtd to tL lnaoco Committee. On in'jtjco a-ljvurocJ. L. W. D00LITTLE, HtcorJtr. 623 Keamv St corner Commercial, " Private Entrance on Commercial St HA!k Fit A. CISCO. :'Tt ESTABLISHED IX ISM. fer tile treatment of Sexual mad Seminal Veafti, such at Gc-' orrluea. Gleet, Stricture.jph i!U in all its forms, Feminal . Weaknesf, Iaptcnry, ete.-s-i i.Kin uiscatt ui reart'sUad. tins) and UIccrate4 Leg iae-- Ciiuiij treatcn. ' ., Silcm Asn Vicimtv. Salem is Rituatel on the east aide of the Willamette river. To the ftouth and west there are hill of perhaps- one thousand feet elevation, rbe rpula tion of the City m nUut five thousan!, and an(i finale, ara tbera mho are .uffeTinir oat a w rnanj t! ousanda of persons, both mala- ia- - the iicpunlicati party i largely m mo ma- erablo txuiience, from tbe eeect of secret talalf j jritv. Wc lave a hanking inutitution, that enee, or from virus ab.or'uel into tbe fyttem. of 3fcr9. IadJ & IJub, with capital more Look their pallil, emaciated and diaSgnred than thev use. lUnc is by law worth ten fe. ni tbeir Iroken-duwn conatitiitiona, dia- tjQ COliCClt. ".,vva vwnwavw v 1 thAUk&ndfl inHfr lint Ii BrltW ---- . . 1 n - v crvv uwm mmr a usury law IS VCi'Jtn ant a,a 10 ''ca l1' rarenli guardian and friends attend to thoae ter laT than that Ot any uf the neighboring who are suffennfj with any of thete horrible, lirt-. States. Desirah'o tract of land in the Will- dettrojinjr. rnalaJkasee that tbej are eared or anu curtu iore 11 is too laie. ccna tbem iioae diatelj to Dr. Gibbon, a T'brsieian who baa made amctte Valley, subject to entry, are very few. They aro confined cnttrel v to .JJ frac tions and parcel in tho foothills of the Cas cade Mountains. 1 here are but lew foreign ers in this city. Ileal estate in the corporate limits raric with the location, from two hundred to one thousand dollars for unim- E roved lots. The size of the blocks aro three undred and thirty by three hundred and forty aix feet, divided into eight and ten lots. Of courso lots in tbo business portion of town are much higher. Land aqjoning town is worth from fifty to one hundred dollars per acre. We get to this placo from Portland, the seaport town, by stage and by water. There is a dailj line of steamboats running between tho two places. Wc ex pect to have a railroad soon. The river is navigable from the Columbia at all seasons. In the summer tho climate is dry and in the winter it is wet. Tho temperature is very even. Last winter tho coldest weather wc had was twenty-five degrees above zero. In summer sometimes tho thermometer indi cates ono hundred and six degrees ; but owing to a peculiar invigorating quality in our climate, that high temperature ia no raoro oppressive than eighty-five degrees in tho Atlantic States. Fruit of all kinds, ex cept peaches, fiuccecd well. Farmers never irrigate here thoy find it to bo dctcrmental to tho crops. Unionist. Stopped Work. -Tho Woolen Fac tory at this place, stopped work last Friday evening. They will not start up again until after the spring clip of wool is ready lor niarket.-r cnionw. Bsy".Vro learn that an oil spring has Wen found in Klickitat Valley, uooui twenty-nvc mues norm 01 mis City, and tho indications arc flatter ing. Mountaineer A couplo whoso united weight was 533, wrcro married at Stoddard, N. II., on the 10th ult. Tho groom weighed 133 pounds, and tho brido 400. o The Ohio i3 to bo bridged at Covington, Ky., for a railroad. An enterprising Yankee wants to pat ent a pair of stilts as a "mud velocipede." Tho speculator who hired all tho lamp posts in Cincinnati for advertising, pays $3 50 a post. . Chicago received 8110,000 last year from licensing liquor shops. i)IED; MARTIN.- May 6th, in Salem, Thomas Mar tin, of llarrisburg, Lina county, aged 45 years. . JOB WORK Nsatly and cheaply dose a this Offlao. . ' NOTICE. THIS IS TO NOTIFY ALL PERSONS NOT to trust or harbor ray wife, Martha M., on my account, as she has left mo and eloped with a scoundrel by the name of J. J. Reid. Brownsville, Oregon, April 25, 1869. o37w ROBERT LINDER. privato dUeaees bu especial st-jjy for rearm, and who is certain t? enro the mott inTeterate eaaea, without mcrcory or any injurious drags. It ia important to thoMwbo are afflicted, or to tboa who are interested in the welfare of their friends,, to be careful of the many pretended doctor who infest a II cities, publishing their skill in earing alt disease! in a few dayt. imposin npoa tbe publia by using the camci of eminent physicians from Europe and other places. Be, therefore, careful, and make strict inquiry, or yon may fall into tba hands cf those cbarlatans. Seminal Weakness. Seminal emission, the consequence of self abuse. This folitary Tice, or depraved sexaal ' indulgence, is practiced by the youth of both sexes to an almost unlimited extent, producing, with unerring certainty, tbe following train, of morbid symptoms, unless eombatted by scientific medical measures, ris : Sallow countenance, dark ' spots nndcr eyes, pain in the bead, ringing ia tb ears, noiso like the rustling of leaves and rattling of chariots, uneasiness about the loins, weakness ef the limbs, confused Tuion, blunted intellect, loas of confidence, difidence of approaching strangers,, a dislike to form newacquaintances, a disposition, to shun society, loss of memory, hectic flashes." pimples and eruptions about the face; furred tongue, foe tod breath, coughs, consumption, night sweats, monomania and frequent Insanity. , If relief be not obtainod,the sufferer should applj immediatoly, either is porson or by letter, to hate a cure effected by hisnew and scientifio mode af treating this disease, which never fails of effectine a quick and radical cure. Dr. O. will give $100 ta any person who will prove satisfactorily to hitev that he was cured of this complaint by cither uf the Saa Franc iso oquacks. : j ; vi 4 married Ktea, ; : 4 ? Or those who contemplate marriage, who are sufw. f .-ring under any of these fearful maladies, she aid .. not forget the sacred responsibilities resting nposk. them, cor delay to obtain immediate relief. , : . Ho the Ladies. The various complicated and distressing disease incident to females, treated with eminent success- such as Suppressions, Irregularities, Whites, rll-t ing of the Womb, Tumors, all Urinary Diseases, Nervous Debility, Tainful or Difficult Menstrua tion, Barrenness, etc. will be speedily cured, with- out poisonous drugs, injuries, or unpalatable med icines of any kind, liave no delicacy ia calling no difference what your troubles may be. The al flicted are cordially iuxtted to caU and satisfy; themselves. Terson's eallixg at Ds. GilioD" efSce or tend-'. ing for packages of medicino may rely upon his", assuraaeca- oS confidential sceresy with , implicit -faith, and expeet w moce than to be charged with a fair aod mutually satisfactory remuneration for ; scrvieoa rendered, considering the circumstances, and difficulties of tbe oase, rather than a too prev alent and selfish practice of exortatioa acai quacks and proteaders. f - . c - - DR. GIBBON" is responsible, and will girt U each patient a written instrument binding himself ' to effect a radical and permanent cure or make net charge, T Persons at a distance ean be CURED ' AJ HOME, by addressing a letter to Dr. GibJUs. stating case, symptoms, length of time the dseas has continued, and have medicines pvomntrr for warded, freo of damage and curiosity, taf taw part of the country; with, fall and jda etfsa&lona for use, by enoloaingta dollar in eurreey ox $b in coin, in a registered letter, thjrougb, the PosH office on Yelis, b'argo 4 Co, A package of woi- e.inJwlU bo forwirded by express to. any nart of the Union. Address r-., DR. J.F, GIBBON. -!- V " Box 232, San Franoisoo, California . Remember to put bo? S33 on the letter. , . , , . Consultation FREE. .1.. ' 332 Correspondents will please Inform DS, GIBBON that they read his advertisement ia th Stats Rights DfinocBATt , mjUiiniijl,