r f SriPi.mrvnr i . . . 4 E.2. II. AE23 3TT, Editor. 5ATtTttDAV...................MAY 8, 1SC0. iii-l... , , mum , ro REIGN WAR PROBAItLti We have but little doubt, judging from tclegi-apliic dispatches and oth er significant facts, that Grant is anx ious to bring about a collision with orac foreign power, notwithstanding his celebrated declaration "Let ur Jiave peace." A war with England, or France, or Spain, or all combined, would be of immense service to him and his party; for it would divert the attention of the people from them and their acts, to the fuss and pageantry of war. The financial condition of the country is none too good ; it is a knotty question which none can satis factorily sclvc. Turn it which way you will, it presents a decidedly ugly appearance onerous taxation and con stant toil and privation for the labor ing classes for generations to come. Although Grant and his fullers aflect to believe that the public debt can be paid, and paid in gold too, yet they donH believe half what they say, and itbey know that there is danger that lhelebt will be repudiated, in toto, 'whilo they .are in power. A foreign war would ferve to strengthen Grant's administration by silencing opposi tion and causing the peeple, irrespec tive of party, to rally to his support; ;aml if repudiation should come it could be chirked to the war rather than to him. And the samo reason ing applies, with more or less - force, to all the great questions with which he has to grapple. Foreign war wou!d be a god-seiid to him ; and we "have no doubt he will do what he can to stir up one. D AM AGES AWARDED. The telegraph informs us that, on the first instant, a jury, a warded Dan iel D. Bell, of Rochester, $10,000 dam :agcs against General John A. Dix, on account of imprisonment in Fort La fayette. We are glad to see this, and we trust thr.t other men who were im prisoned in the various bastilcs of the land, will seek and obtain redress in -the Earae manner. During the war hundreds of men, and even somo wo men, were imprisoned by the military tyrants then in power, in total viola tion of the plain and positive provis ions of the federal Constitution. lilany of the victims of this tyranny died while in prison their death be ing produced by the ill treatment ."they had received at the hands of (their merciless keepers. The "mills tf the gods grind slowly but surely." Heavy damages is the least reparation that can be made to these victims of oppression and cruelty. x '"Teeasox." Whoeverdares to call in question the motives of those who prosecuted the late war for the avowed purpose of preserving the Union are denounced by the Radicals as copper heads and traitors. Senator Sprague, a Radical leader, must now come in for his share of abuse. In a speech on the Tenure of Office Act, Sprague boldly declares as follows : I, for one, in looking back on the past history of the country and the people, whatever philosophers may cay, will come to the same conclusion have come to the belief that your war has not been won for the liberties of any class of people; your war that von have just partially concluded has had no high virtuous principle at the bottom of it. It has had simply con tentions for power, for place, and for .occupation, commencing hero in this .body, and permeating throughout the country. "Treason tr.ust be made odious" and the signal must be given for Radical batteries to open their lire on one of Iheir own leaders. ' Geeat Salt Lake. The Salt Lake Heporter gives some interesting facts jibout the great inland sea near whick the Saints have built their capital !ity. "It appears that the surface of his lake rose nine feet during the years 18GS-7, though it is not stated whether this was a permanent rise or occasioned by extraordinary freshets c Bear river The waters of the Late held in solution 22 parts to the 100 of solid matter 20.85G being coramoa salt, . and 1.834 "sulphate of oda. This gives a density of 6 times as great as that of ordinary Fea wa ter, and prevents the. running: of steamers on the lake without the use of the newly invented spray conden ser. The Reporter says it is impossi ble for the human body to sink in the water, though it is not difficult to drown, inasmuch as "one may lose bisf balance and float with his head under water till asphyxia results." Tub "TiiiKS.- The "Folic County Times:' is tho name of a paper, just started in Dallas, Polk county, by Frank Stuart, formerly cr the Jack ionviile Jieveille. In politics it is Democratic ; the editor - promising that his "every effort politically will be in advocacy of the principles and interests of the Democraticjparty.'! The "Time$n& a six-column sheet of. frir appearance, and we wish lts' dt-' Jcrthe best of success, ' : ; ; HON. Wtt. 51. EYEARTU Off THE MISSOURI TEST OATH. In his argumtnt in tho caso which Gen eral Frank P. Blair has before the Uni ted States Supreme Court, ex-Attomcv General livarts quoted from the tho lOtfi Section of the constitution of the Uni ted States to show that no state can pass any bill of attainder, or ex postacto law, and that such a prohibition was a prohibition against condemnation and punishment of a citixsn excepting by ju dicial authority. He maintained that the act by which General Blair was prcTCUt cd from voting was in tho nature of a bill of attainder. Mr. Blair's exclusion was not in consequenco of any judicial pro ceeding, but was through the excrciso of of tho political power of tho Stato in im posing extraordinary conditions. Mr. Kvarts concluded a very able protest against the Missouri Test Oath to these manly words: "I am not claiming as matter of federal control or judicial inqui ry, any interference that docs not rest up on political considerations; no interfer ence except such as is within the letter and in the truo spirit of the upright and firm maintenance of tho share of common hberty that is defended by these two clauses of the Federal constitution. If they do not include within their praup the right to correct tho wrong, your hon ors arc discharged from any obligation or from any fault; but if they do, then let the Federal constitution stand though that of Missouri fall. If they do not let common right prevail though political animosities may be put to sleep." Pitts burg Chronicle. JHOXCY PREMIUM 19 AND DIPLOMAS. Recently wc havohcard several me chanics express themselves on the sub ject of the premiums awarded at the ag ricultural fairs, both County and State. Thee premiums are now, in many case, paid in money, and it is only thoc arti cles which take a second prize, cr others that arc regarded as of little value that take a prize in the hapc of a diploma. The manufacturers with whom wc have conversed, say they would much rather have their premium iu the shape of a certificate or diploma than in money. They arsue that the value of the prize does not compensate them for the labor of getting up their articles for exhibition, and where the money is paid tbey soon spend it and have nothing to show that they took a premium. It is not the value of prsmiuiu that causes them to compete for the premium, bat it is the benefits to be derived from an increase of custom; or, in other words, the premium is an advertisement. The dealer would much prefer a diploma, which he could frame and display in his salesroom. Io that shape it would be a constant remin der to the customer that articles made at that factory are of the first quality. Nor docs it seem that manufacturers alone would be pleased to see this change made. The industrious houewifo would prefer to have a feet of silver spoons appropri ately lettered than a few silver dollar. A base ball club would prize more highly a bat ur a cup, than twice tho value of the articles in money. If the Societies desire to bestow gome- thin;; of more value than a certificate on paper, let them issue silver and go'd med als appropriately inscribed. A useful ar ticlc of household furniture, such as a tea set, a cup, table knives and such like would be highly prized by the farmer, and handed down from father to sou.- Salem Unionist. PniLLirs' Last Order. Wendell Phillips Is an advanced Radical it is true yet never has taken a position so advanced but that in time the " party of progress has dressed up to the line. 3Ir. Philips, in fact, has not veloctpedcd faster than his party. He was ahead the outest, and has barely managed to keep ahead. Lvery demand that he has made in behalf ef the negro, though himself out of Con cress and without authority, has been ac ceded to by his followers, until he has become a sort of ltaaical guide board.- Be it said to his credit, he has never thus far misdirected those who have con suited him as to what was ahead. His utterances are oracular in all matters ap pertaining to the future course of his par ty. It may be of interest to the country, therefore, to know what Mr. Philips pro poses for Congress to do next, which is merely equivalent to prophesying what Congress xcill. To use his own express ivc language, he demands the erection of scaHo'cU throughout the South he wants " Grant ta imitate the example of Oliver Cromwell, to undo the history cf five terrible years ; to employ that cannon now laying idle in Washington, to such a purpose that a man way travel through the South and say am'a Union man." 'Let congress he writes, cover the South with canoon, banners and scaffolds." We thus have the future policy of th Jaco bins plainly marked out, so far as the South is concerned, but meantime let us ask, how about the North? Are not eveu so mnch as a few small arms, to say nothing of u scaffolds and banners," to be reserved for the "loil" States, when the whole South shall have been converted into an arsenal, floored over with f'scaf folds" and canopied with 'banners?" Let Mr. Phillips pause a moment and con sider. St. Louis Times. ' What Next ? If the Fifteenth Amendment is adopted, what next will the people be called upon to adopt?, Accordingto Radical theory there is no use or necessity for State lines and no doubt their next darling proposition will be a sweeping as sumption of the powers not delegated to the Federal Government and a to tal destruction of every feature of State sovereignty. There are break ers ahead and the danger must be met by a mighty effort of the people to re deem the country from the curse of naaicausm. . AsroTiiER Grouxdswell. A dis patch to the New York World, dated Cleveland, Ohio, April 5th, says : The Democrats have elected their candi dates for city-officers by heavy major ities. - Their nominee for Mayor has oyer one thousand majority a Demo cratic gain of over three thousand The vote for; President stood thus : Seymour 5,742 ; Grant, 9,848, FURTHER FROM SENATOR SPRAGUE. Ia our last, wo gave on extract from Senator Sprague, but think that our read- era will relish tho following instalments of another of hig speeches to the Senate on Mr. Schenck's bill to bolster up tho public credit. We don't mind the weath er when the wind siti in that quarter : " do not sympathize with that clan of men teho are Holding vj to the gaze of the people of the United States the sacred ness of that debt. I wis opposed in your caucus, nr. J'resiuent, to an amendment of the Constitution giving undue protec tion to that debt, and I am also now op posed to any reiterated protection by the law contemplated by tho bill before the Senate. I do lot think that there is much sacredness in the issue of bonds for tho Pacific Railroad, which becomes a part of your national debt j and ace notb- g that is sacred to the thousand and one unnecessary appropriations that art constantly mado at each sesaioa of Con- The great bulk of tho debt of the ca tion has been created ia punuanct of a necessary aud important object, the main taining of the territorial integrity of tht United btatea. In U resit Untaiu to-day the profits on almost any one of her grctt industries her commerce, her manufac- turics of iron or of coal, or of cotton cr of wool art suEcieul to pay tho iuterct oo her national debt. Hut is it the part of people to drift into tht condition of Mexicau society, where, tho natioual debt is an oppressive Durotn to me communi ty r If those whot busints it is to make light of the public burden neglect, cither from ignorance or from any cause to pursue a policy that will relieve, instead of a pol icythat will destroy ; if the people of the country aro to day, ta conireguence of the pvblic debt tearing heavily upon them, d 'ifting, as I verify believe, into the con dition of Sihimi and Mexican sorufy, would any ouo demand that atate ol sla very rather than a cancellation of tbe debt ? "Sir, you havo provided fur wholesale repudiation of private debts, by yonr en actment at recent e.siona of Congress. You can cancel debt between thecititena of tho country ; but you look with holy horror upon a suggestion that if you pur ue a policy ol destruction this xncuuus icill be sloughed of. You look upon it with holv horror that an one should touch that sacred circle V Mr. Sprague then went into detail to how the stupid or dishonest politicians had pursued a policy, the effect of which wai to destroy trade, depress industry and overburden the pcoplo with taxation. Here are some extracts : " I tell the Senate and I Ull the peo pie of this country that the policy pursued from the beginning, of contraction and of a constant endorsing of the public debt, has in eject driven capital from this country, made that which wan scarce ttill scarcer, ruiocd your commerce, your manufacturing, aud your farming; and even the" bankers themselves, who are now constantly at your bar begging fr some help even they, eating their own wurdx, admit that they are losing from day to day the business io which they were heretofore engaged, and they are giving it up by force to such interloper as Fisk and Gould, and they can not help thcmclvcs. They arc tied hand and foot, as surely and as certainty as they have tied this Senate and this country; for who ever heard of a policy that would drive a publie debt or a private debt into the hands of the people of other countries? Why, air. tltat absurd doc trine was given up two hundred and fifty years ago. In Elisabeth's time tht whole people of Great Kritatn were agreed that the public debt was a capital, and the in terest from time to time paid on that debt should go to increase the capital within the Territory of Great liritaio, and by that increase her industries became more prosperous. But, sir, on the o'her band, we have been trying to force beyond our borders to other countries the very thing on which and by which alone we arc able to do our business. Bonds, currency, interest, are the capital, and you can not separate one from tht other." After showing that industry and trade, which yield profit, had nearly ceased, he proceeded: "All wc have to help ourselves in the world is cotton, which wo are about to lose, and our tot acco, which we shall lose. "My friend from California (Mr. Cole) will say that wc have the production of gold. Sir, that shares the fortune of cot ton and wheat and everything else. You find in the gentleman's own State that the high price of capital and its scarcity, made so by your acts, have driven men from tho production of gold into farming and wool raising. This paper that I have before me shows and speaks and criticises the immense falling off in that produc tion. "What, I ask, are you to rely upon to sustain the prices of your public debt when there is no profitable occupation for your people ? Will this bullying opera tion that you have tried for the past three years have any effect? What will this proposition of curtailing tho currency in order to increase its value, effect? The same old story, want of employment, and condition of national indebtedness like that of Mexico. Why not have made an effort to restore prosperity to all the branches of your industry on which to have floated your debt and maintained its price rather than by Constitutional amendments and by the statute law to be constantly making an effort to pull up the price of your national securities, driv ing what little capital there was left into their investment, and depriving every other industry of the necessary means to carry it out. . - - -: . "I did not intend, Mr. President, when I rose on my feet this morning to occupy the time of the Senate so long, and I beg pardon for having done so ; but tho sub ject has worn upon meond the thought of the condition to which this country is certainly drifting, and the fact that those around me would not listen, nor will they believe what is the true condition of tho country at the present time the fact that no impression can bo made upon anybody about me, makes mo sick at heart and alr most unable to move. I would not have occupied the attention of the Senate for a moment if that condition of things did not exist. Sir, if there was any credit, or if there was any ndvnntago to tho country in tho position taken by mo in the beginning of this war; if the force of that example amounted to anything, or if I have ever done anything, in the count of my life of advantage to the country, this of giving the exact condi tion in which the country is placed trans cends them all. nilH. GRANT. Tho Washington correspondent of tho Chicago IVibune has this social gossip, under date of March 8th : Mrs. Stover, Andrew Johnson1 daughter, quietly and respectfully took her departure for Tennessee, last week. Uood opinion follows all the ladies of the White IIouso under the passim administration. We feel tho most pertvet and serene connuence tn the spirited, handsome aud graceful - . .... lady who is to bo the mistress of this mansion under Ocucral urant. Her education, parentage and' social op poriunuica nave aouiiuatiiiy uuauueu her to grace tho White House. Her lather. Mr. Dent, was the proprietor .... ot an estate and a home comparable with any between Jiew Orleans and St. Louis, in those days when that part of tho country contained the gentleman planter, par excellence. Ho Mparcd no pains to make his boys in lluential and his girl accomplished. Mr. Grant was the flower of the family, and, in her sagacity of head and heart, hhe wa probably the first pemon in the land to express sympa thy and appreciation ot the quiet youv cadet, her brother s classinati at West Point. She was the tried companion of his poverty, and early struggles, ami when tho war bereaved her of him he manifested a constancy of confidence in h.a virtue and ability which never for a . moment faltered. At the darkest periods of fortune he believed in his Mar, and fought his pra'iM'j in civil life as bravely as he followed the Southern Cross in his campaigns. Josephine will have no larger homage when both Grant ami Bonaparte have mellowed into history, than Sirs. Grant. Unlike Josephine, she has submitted to the decrees of good fortune with blameless modesty, and republican womanhood has no more exquisite example at this day than Mrs. Grant. Her care of her children, whom she teaches to be self-reliant as well a obedient, and the domestic and relig ious influence she exerts over her hus band, are not unobserved here. Hie taste of her toilet, adapted to a natur ally graceful and stately h'gurc, has pacd the guantlet of a most invidi ous criticism. It is with more reason than the high estimate of his sagacity ffat people predict of Genera! Grunt If fortunate and happy administration, for behind hit magistracy there will a! way be a home. I make these re mark because a wretched and cur rihmi newspaper in New York Itn lately undertaken to pcak of 3ir. Grant an unequal to her eminence. Upon thin point the strictest criterion in the land mav be tntified. The White House will be honored in her admission. WniTt Pis. We have been handed a letter, written by a gentleman tho has jut rctnrned from 'White Pine. From it wc tnnke the following extract : I believf, without doubt, that these mine are among the riebcit in the world, a well as the nt extensive. The country is verv rickly. and much sickne prevails. The altitude of the While Pino region is ahut 9,800 feet above the level of the ica. When I left Treure City, im the COth of April, the snow was two feet deep, and still falling ft, accompanied by A terrific (jale, which prostrated houses and tent. Hamilton is a town containing loul 4,000 inhabitants. Treasure City at prevent contains near 9,000 s iuls. S far as tho difference in the two places is concerned, I did not perceive much, as to ths price of lit ing. It costs ''money'' to live there ; and a man who has not plenty has no business there. What I would say to the citizens of Portland i, if any one should desire to go to White Pine, they must ran the desperate chances of Cckle fortune, or "luck," as the miners term it. besides the chances of leaving their bones among the rocks and canyons of that auriferous re gion ; for there, the stoutest and most ro bust men sometimes sicken and die, within a few days after their nrrinl. On an aver age, there is more sickness and deaths at White Pine, than any place I ever was in before. Many of tho mining camps resem ble an army hospital during warm weather. I saw at Treasure City. Harry Coulson. He is as gray as a "rat." I also saw our old friend, Col. Dow, at Elko. Elko is a very flourishing place. It is situated on the rail road, 125 mile from the mines, and is the Jirincipal rendezvous preparatory to starting or there. It is a beautiful place, situated on the Humbolt river, and will, in time, make a city of no insignificance. In con eluxton. I would advixo all to remain at home if they can make a comfortable living. I speak from experience. "Well enough at home" should never bo disturbed. You may make a 'strike," but your chances ore to bo taken among the teeming thousands of adventurers. Portland Commercial. Weather Record. Wo havo received Mr. Fcarce'g weather record for April. During the month there were nine rainy days, the lt? 13th, 14th showery, and 16th to 21et inclusive. Tho balance of the month, 17 days, were clear excepting the 7th, 8th, 11th. and 15th, which were cloudy. The wind blew from the north 13 days, from the south 12 days, and West 4 days. The sea breczo blew 6 days. The mean temperature for the month was 51. The highest mean tcnipcraturo for one day was on the 30th, which was CG. The lowest temperature was 43, on the 2lst. From tho 4th to tho 13th, the tcnipcraturo rauged from 50 to 57, from the 13th to the 22d, it rangod from 43 to 43 ; from the 22d to 27th it ranged from 67 to 59, and tho three last days of the month, it ranged from 63 to 60. By these figarcs it will be noticed that tho temperature has been remarkably reg ular, exhibiting no great changes from heat to cold. J)uring all the clear weath. er the wind blew from the north, while southerly breezes brought rain. Unionist. Acknowledgement. -Wo aro in debted to Hon. J. S. Smith for sundry Congressional documents. Wc add in this connection that Mr. S. has been quito ill, his life at one time be ing despaired of; hut at.last accounts he was elowly recovering. DY TELEGRAPH, coMmic&rnoMTna oREdo ntaiu r21seellantouf. Cixci n xati, April 30. At Montgomery, twelve miles from hero, Alonzo Muller, while nt dinner with his fnmilv; was shot and killed by Abrslmm Crest, his brother n-luw. with a double-bnrcllcd shot can. Crtt alleges ttmf.Mullcr seduced his (Crest's) iiuiunrricuiiiaicr. Washington. Arnl 30.J. Hobby Ahton Im resigned the olfice fit AAttant Attorney Generm, to which ho was appointed by Evart. Walbrtdse A. Field, of Daiton, U appointed ins successor. Railrtad Sptculatitai. The Intdliaeneer cmiiAn$ a uto column of ficial report of CJiauney 11. Snow, formerly ComtuiMsiuner ol tbe Union Pacific lUilnmfl which is a severe attack upon the construc tion of the road and its maligned ofUcinlf. Tht latter is pronounced as wholly incompe tent. Suntrintcmlcnt Snvder is accused ot corruption and raanipulution of the freight tor uis private advantage, onow ciannn that only 200 miles ore nroncrly built. ; The rolling stock is inxofncicnt and worn out from iiawhnz to Wn fitch. J he track is laid on frosen soil ami not ballasted. He charges the regular commissioner with hav ing appraised a worthless road through . . .... .a hcho canon, over which they passed in tho night time. The report is pronounced ma licious and untrue by the editor or an even ing paper wno ia recently paiscu orer iub road. Cuban Affairs. The Spanish Government has never noti fled this Government of the existence of any revolution in Cnhn. consequently negotia tions with Great Britain regarding the seiz ure of the Mary L well aro carried on as if no changes had occurred. Tho Spanish Minister here has been instructed to ignore the insurrection, referring to tho revolution, as a series of riot. The .Secretary of the nayy has received a letter from a gentleman in Havana, which sajrs if the United States does not interfere, and allows the Spanish authorities to deal with tho insurgents in-their own way, the rebellion will lo speedily suppressed. On the other hand the insurgents will succeed if the Wathi gton Government interpose, and put a stop to tbe cruelty of the Spaniards.- The Government has information that the ogentsof tho insurgent hare a large quan tity of munitions of a'l kinl, which they, or on v body else, can havo by paving for them. New York, May 2. European papers jut received say there is great fe.ir of an uthr outbreak in Italy umltr Mazrinc. GaitoaMi is plotting a rrch attack on lwme. Anouwirf-nn or uojuics i cvwcei crane? ami Prussia is considered the proper lima to moe. The same special says that a feeling is growing out of tho late reported outruge IV panisn vessels wnw;n win ummaiciy compel! tho bnitei btates ana Lngland ta caU Spain to account. Xnw Voaa, Mav I. Hon. E. B. Wash borne, Fernando Wood and M. Dcrthcnv, the French Minister, were passengers on the Prairie to dav for Europe. The CUter countv jury awarded Daniel D. Hell, of Ucbwtcr, $10,00 damages against Gen. John A. i)xt on account of imprison ment in Fort Lafavctte. WssaijsoTo.v, May I. --The Navy Depart ment is making preparations for taking ob ncrraiin$ of tl.u vclir c of tbe sun in Au- gut next, and bis directed the cmmandr f the Atlantic squadron t meet Prufeor CofSn, superintendent of the Aauiintl Ai mannc. at Yokohama on Jttlv lt. from which Piiit be will sail Vt Siberia. lrufeor CVSn decides t chct either Ochotk, Sibe ria, or IUnjinka in S'tUt'u, or Norton Sound, Alaka, a tbe most favorable posi tion, A hill appropriate S-"X) fur this porpie in the Ny appropriations. Thcre are a number of ai5 davits on file in lh Indian bureau from the Creeks and Sem inole who served in the Indian brigade de claring tbey bare never bctn paid. The claim agent is in col!uin with tins Indian traders, who were in the habit of buying up individual claim, paying in good, of which it per cent was paid to tho agent, and $15 charged fr collection. Tho profits or fees alone amounted to nearly $100.(XX). The Indian IJureau imd Interior Department under the late CUtei appear to hare eyte maticalh suppressed all complaints ana evi dence. The Times' special says special dispatches from Mexico were comddered in the Cabinet yesterday. They contain a proposition to concede a portion of the territory of Mexico to the United State, for a certain sum not exactly known outside of official circles, but uciicred to exceed three million. The ter ritory surpwed to lo reded comprises the Sta e of Sonor.1 end Sinaloa, snl tho east ern part of the Gulf of California. The rrn isitiun comes in tho form of a protocol or a trcatv. n i negunaiea principally lv Senor Romero and is ma Jo with a view of filling tho coffers of the depicted Mexican treasury. It is undemtood that the admin istration has decided nothing. Senator Sumner opposes the nomination of Sickles as Minister to Spain, but it is understood that the President has decided to make it. Carlisle is likely to be nominated to Sweden, and Blow, for Brazil, though there are several candidates for tho latter Mission. Washington News. Wjisni.vcTotf, May 1. Gen. Robert E. Lee, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Taggart, of Baltimore, called on tho President to-day. Tho visit was a short one, of courtesy mere ly. Minister Motley was present. The total amount of tho public debt, less the amount of cash in tho Treasury, is $2,518,790,391. It was decreased during the last month $0,339,070. No bonds were Uued to the Pacific Railroad during April. Henry T. Blow will bo appointed Minister to Uraztl. Ciiii.ago, May 1. The Journal's special says it is understood that tho President has notified Consul Brink, in reply to tho'dis- Eatch from General Ro.iccrans, that this ovcrnment is not anxious fir the acquisi tion of territory where it involves tho ex penditure of monev. Tho Cabinet decided yesterday to make appointments for the Spanish and Brazilian m'tMsions. General Sickles will have the former. Tho latter will bo held in abeyance e f f iora tew uays. Sumner's specech creates intense excite ment in political circles. At a Cabinet meet ing yesterday the subject of tho speech was informally discussed. Washington, May 2.- It is reliably ascer tained that tho instructions of the Govern ment to Minister Motley did not suggest any mode of adjusting tho pending question be tween the United States and Euro.pe, nor do they rcquiro htm at present to oppose the re-opening of negotiations for tho settlement of the Alabama and other claims. The Gov ernment will act with that deliberation due to the importance of the subject, and caro fully avoid any causo of oflenso whilo firm ly presenting tho American side of the question to the British Government when oc casion requires. ' No one connected with the administration, including the President and tho British Min ister, apprehends any injurious consequence from tho rejection of tho treaty by the Sen ate, and this is stated on tho assertion of n gentleman who was fearful of serious dfnV culties, and made special and privato inqui ry in in official circles, and thus satiatied himself of tho truth of this statement, information is received hero that gentle men of Richmond, in conversation withGon. Canby, received the impression that tho vote on "the Constitution will not take, plaoa on the fourth Tuesrlay of May, but probably between tho 1st and 10th of July, to as not I the English Cabinet until the merilia -to Interfere with the harvest. I of the SDeeeh. ! t i - Br Vr-Z2. "V0,tf" "?r iriuion, nnu is anxious umt ine citizens vi i all parlies shall interest themselves in sccur- . m . . 1 ng a full and fair yote. The probabilities are that tha President will bo governed by I Gen. Canby's suggestions. Th Times' special says, Grant declines to remove Mr. Ashley, Uovcrnor of Montana, ' - . ... I New Mexico un til Confess removes Crowe' disabilities. It is understood, however, that .uiicucii uwiiiivr 10 rciiiuio, mif, itivrvmru, 1 t...t.n .1 --i ... -.-.. : i .1 e I will necessitate tne appointment or a tem porary Governor. Gen. Roxecrans favors a loan of several millions to Mexico, for which she will give the United States a mortgage on Sonora, and perhaps sell us that territory at a rea sonable figure. lie desires to remain long eni.-ugh to carry out that scheme, hut Minis ter Nelson lift about the middlo of March. Nkw HAVEN, Conn., May 2. The printers of this city are on a strike. They demand 40 to 45 cents per thousand, and the employers refuse to pay that scale. I'lllLADKLPiiiA, iiay z. the rain storm which has prevailed for the last two days was interrupted this morning by a fall of snow which continued an hour. Sumner oa tho Alabama Claims, Nr.w York, May 3. A correspond ent has had an interview with Sumner on tho Alabama claim", and tho opinions of the liritish press. Mr. Sumner think the assertions of .1. It -1 M t -.1. I mo jrii8ii prces suuuiu uc received wun caution, far tho reason that Knirland nev er likes to be told the truth. tarticularlv when ia the wrong. lie did not express ' mT surprixv inc Biiirin which nuw exisis i in that country, as the British people have seen the unanimity with which the Senate supported him in his views and rejected tho Johnjon-Staoley treaty, to which state of facts they will soon have added, despite the shifts of the London Ttmes, the disagreeable alternative that President Grant coincides comnletelv with his views. Mr. Sumner thinks the' difficulty will not lead to war, as he ap pears fully confident that hn!?nd will pay the amount of the bill in preference to C-htin?, honing for an amicable ar- ran;ment. The Senator declares there shall be no yielding on the put of the American people, after Mr. Motley has made known their wishes to the English Cabinet. New York, May 1. Greely has an article in the Tribune, signed with his initials, which expresses his belief that the charge against J. Kas?ell Yonnz, that he abused his position on tho Tribune for private ends, is fule and unfounded, and says the publication of the correspond ence was simply au outrage. He calls for a full investigation of the charge that Young improperly furnished Associated Prcfs news. Greeley further says Young has not been removed or suspended, or in any manner condemned. It is not onr enstom to pass judgment on a mere in dictment. Kkw Oai.KANa, May 1. A southwest erly gale ves!erday at the mouth o! the Mississippi river swept away iho galler ies of the iight-houge, and destroyed the Hunt keeper s dwelling. At the south west pas destroyed the light house boat, and blew five feet of water into the light houc. The building scttl;d a foot. The storm damaged ihc rigging ol vessels at the pass. - Chicago, May 2. The Tribune'. New York special says a Northeaster prevailed yesterday, doing considerable damage to the shipping. Several vessels are re ported missing. New York, Jlay 3. The storm yes terday was the severest for many years. Itaio fell in torrents. The gale was quite damaging to street awnings, cte. Hobo ken Fiat was completely inundated, and many occupants of buildings had to be removed in steamboats. Caaadiaa News; Mostrcal, May 1. -Tho printer's strike continues. The morning papers are advertising for giils to set type. Four hundred and thirty French Ca nadians lei! yesterday for Boston and New York. - Chicago, May 4. The Republican's special say., the action of Secretary Cox in referring the Atchison branch Railroad claim to the Cabinet for decision is re garded as a virtual defeat of tho scheme. President Grant keeps a vigilant watch over the affairs of Cuba. Although Government officials have indicated a willingness to sell all kinds of war mate rial to any parties who desire to purchase, no. sale has been made. The 'President stated substantially that he believes the Spaniards havo exhausted their strength in Cuba, whilo the insurgents ha?e much latent strength, which will show itself in an effectivo manner. Mr. Plumb, our now Consul General, leaves for Havana on Thursday with very full and explicit instructions. Ho is re quired to protect the rights of Ameri can citizens, but avoid a quarrel with the Colonial authorities. Jacob D. En os, colored, has been ap pointed Postmaster at Valadostoga, Ga. This is the notorious rebel town where tho Ku Klux were to blow up the Court IIouso with powder, while Republicans were holding a meeting there. Tho Cherokeo delegates and others from Indian Territory protest against the newly appointed penaiou agent, Claperton, at Fort Gibson, hois said to have been till lately clerk of the claim agents, who grossly swindled tho Indians. Commissioner X'elano has been formally notified that an 'appeal will be taken frova his decision, - sustaining Assessor "Web ster s construction of the law of tax oa bankers and brokers. The counsel on both sides of tbe Dyer Court of Iuquiry have agreed to submit tne case witnout argument. Tho deoisioa will probably bi tuado by Thursday. .; The caso of Lafayette C. Baker vs City of Washington, for a reward of $20,000 offered lor the arrest of Booth, was de cided against Bakor on the ground that bcinp; an officer of tho Government he could not share in the reward. The case has been appealed ta ia tho Court ia Banco. f . , Chicago, May 3.The FrtowneV spe cial saya, tho comments of tho English press and the opinions of the Ministry on Sumner's speech do not occasion any sur prise, though they aro much talked about. It is understood that ; no report of the speech was telegraphed, and though the voto rejectlng.tho treaty was sent by ca ble, the comments on tba questions . in volved were withheld at the request of Gladstone ba, he avi. ttsuranet. tKxft , , " i 77-- tbf ct,? oa "'treaty purely fdltU ASl slAlMMf 'Vl. A mm m. 1 Mm mjbwi nave eotnt irca leverdy J ohnton, Tor the English Mia ister here well understood that this ot In tl e Senate was sustained by nearlr U nnr enn! lhirm 1 ei;i I ' I, VWVMII HMIIUI 4i.r tanco, though we hold ourselvei ia read- in ess to meet any advance on the pert if xunziauu. tf 1 1 ..... - Council Proceedings. Tbchidat Etesisc, Ifsy lift. Council met: Holleallcd; prsMat: CeassiJ. men Mint all, Zlscklemsa, Coaler, Mcsler m! Nixon. The Msyor fjelnj stnt tbs Sceerdsr frU4. Minatea of preriotis meetinf wtrs rss4 sad st proved. On motion, tbe Council proeecdsd t htr mt correct jrriersneei In sfcnmentf; sof,sftT mf. in sn l sdjaitins 11 eUlmi nd msktae U - dnetions cUirae.1, tbe Afiiment roll was aet4' from th EseoHer. showing theamontt frsfsf. ty ftixctl in tbo eity to 1 $i7T,77 : sb4. On motion, the tsz wss !rf4 it S mHTs a ft. dollsr for tbs preneet year. On motion sdjonrnea". L. VT. D00LITT12, &sercn N. B.On Tbardsy eveafar. May SI. Am Common Council wilt recti rs lld$ lot rrarsllas . V - - . m r. . . : . lo cromogw oi rcccna eirscu Not OBSTINATE. An exeaa?. ssi vm-v hat Orant u not at all obstinate;- vi wm wvii-grDBiuita coDTlctlOal U,J from which tt m itapofsible to xacra ini. It is a little sintnilar that & donkey is built ia pretty tnuelt tllr style. COREZCXXD WXXXXT MX J. CXAVVOOZ- in. r tt- fsy , tiff. Xs fttllinjj srs tht priest pi& fr Tn4m Marb ftUxt st which other arUsles oca tsliiasT m thu market : . Vbat-jU, ftr latmel. 51 . PoUktoci jx-T bu.LeI.40(5a Onio fHrrWvhH. $1 ti - , nor per til, S7 &e fo Eotur per poood, 2 Kit. Es pen &mn, 25 et.; Cb.ckD$ perdoien, $2 WS t9. Pabf dri-d, per pound, 14620 ts. Pork per pd, 55ietj. Iirf oa tot, 4J(5 ct. . . ilotton, pr pound, 10J12 rt. Soap pr pom4. 4J tit. Slt-Uf Aagtlo., per poMj, 2 (U lltivj (,oUea Sjrnp .pr kr , $4 2i gmttrntttj GoWe Sjmp per ker.t . Tea 1 oong Hjwa, ptT ptmad. it ta Llk,7ift 0&. ' Japan, $1 25. " Sa lUfUtti CoV-pr pooad, 20Q2S et. Nal-eiit. Kr paBd, 7S eU. Tcrptntia fr ln, ll 251 J iKunwtie brown, UJ et. "kJkfT,Tri,',,yr,f'J2. " 1 Led Tickiag-ier yard, 25 rta, IJloe lnILjf per Trrf. 20(425 cU. '' FlaaneH per yrd, 5CQS2J cfa. PriaU-faU ec4or, per yard. 1 2 . . Rjfie Towdtr, per pJ. J5S$X C. - Ca&dlet bctt, per found, 29r3 eta. Rice Cbioa,ppeod. WiStim. ' Tobaeeo per poasd, $J ft&l 25. Ea?arta per potrad, tej eta, Drved Plum jerloaod. I2iI5-. Drtsd Applesper lb. C7e 44 Carrotf per E, E.coa-lUmtrrtb, I2X2.. . " Sidcr. per B. 10e. St.nUer, per lb. fie, Lard-per ft ia ean,, He. Iker. r.. cb ranJ-rr .!-.$! eat2 ta Holland G.n per gaU,$5 59 . - America D rand j per aL.5 tt Jaraaira Rom per cat., $4 ft? Tar $1 25 per calln. Beani per lb., $e. Deroes' Kcrofens Oil, 75elt 09 per rat. xSiili f tH- r- 9 89j " M - rOItTLAXD SIAUKET PRICES. T TaiIJf A BKSSS. Floor 12 7S ee. VTbet DnU. t 3es per bnsaet. Oat Doll, at 4 be per tcbcl. Eirri 22(325e per de. Putter Ifi Brin. 3035e per B. Pried Applet -Dol!. at 7aSe per lb. I.rd In tin eon. H15e; in kegf, 12atSlt. Tt.eon Dntl. at IlJT2e per lb. Ilarnf dan,atl2ial3e per Xb. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "WOOL, WOOL. WB WILL TAT- 21 Cents per Pound, in Casa, rc 100,000 LBS. apr2rn36u OP WOOIi A. COWAN A CO. WATIOUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE 4 - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WASHINGTON, D. C. Chartered bj Special Act of CoQrtii ia CasliGapital- . ITT. . . $ilc:3ic:3s. PAID IN FULL. C. II. CLARK, fi resident 1 JAY CO0IE, Chairman Finance and Executive Committee f E lEEl 9ecretar7 q4 A taftry . . ;, .. Special Features-. JtOVf Hates of Preminia ; - . All Pelioies Non-Torfeita! r t And aro Negotiable. X B Y TIIE CHARTER OF THE COMPITTT eirtifieatea ev ob!ieaiioas bit U biuj. arreting 10 purcna9 us pmioMji tHeir Talat, which, xeben acoompanied bj tbe poljcj daly .a, signed or transferred are negotiable, aad mj uacd aa eoltatcral gejuritj ia makio loa&a ftta' tba Company or fraia &thcr parties. '. , . . Return Frenulum. Xitt) Polfeies. Uoder tblj f laa aU Freiaiuau paid tn tbo Con. pnay will be wtrne4 at tba death of tbt persa whoaolifeia insured together with, the orisiaal am oust of the Policy. ' - ; - . - By tbe Charter all tbe policies are exempt & attaehmeat ia Caliroraia or any other State ia taa Union. ,j; . ; . : ; - x No exra rates on tbe liyes of females. WELLS. FARGO A C0U '- - 1 . . . :; General AresU. W.E. 1XAIX, Manager. .. : 'r -; - r J.- 0- TZZZZZlZZnilZZ, f C Trarcling A gMt for Oree, " v tnaySv4n38y! , .. . , . ... JQS3 TOK,II r?atly and ciesrlr. irit this 0.s. ' ' '