III! If I . ill SATURDAY .-MARCH 6, lS6t. Moonlight Excursion. Lust Friday night tho junior of the Democrat vras invit- oJ to nceompnny tlio Albany Brass Band and a few friends on a moonlight excursion oa tho Willamette. Skiffs were procured, and our party were rowed across tho river to the Benton county side, after which wo walked up along tho shore to the residenco of Mr. Martin Rainwater, about a half mile above town ; and, after tho Band had tip. propriatcly serenaded tho family of Mr. 11., and been appropriately treated to some deli cious apples, we rc-cnibarked in our "gondo Saa" and glided with tho current gracefully and musically down tho placid bosom of tho tbeautiful "and poetical Willamette. Palo 2ur a cast her beauteous rays athwart our bows and made sportive shadows on tho glassy surfaco of the stream, whilo the boys' in keeping with the quiet harmony of tho occasion, played that soul-stirring and plaintive air from the soul of some modern composer, iz : "Johnny am a lingo lay !" and occasionally rent tho air with shouts of tvlctory and applause. The object of this excursion will never bo known to posterity, though it may be inferred by future histori ans that it was gotten up for the purposo of .heroically celebrating. Retired. Mr. John Barrows, tho senior -member of the mercantile firm of Barrows Co., of this city, has withdrawn from -business, having disposed of his interest to his junior partners, Messrs. Blain & Young, -who will still continue tho business at tho old stand ; and we are quite sure the popu larity which they have so justly earned by- strict and unfaltering attention to business and fair-dealing with customers in days gone by will secure them a liberal patron age from the trading public hereafter. Mr. Barrows has been in the business of mer chandizing in Albany for the past sixteen jears, and in that time has become well known and deservedly popular as a mer chant. He retires followed by the best -wishes of hosts of friends in this communi ty. "Long may he Tave !" ' - i i ii Messrs. P. II. Drake & Co., proprietors of the Plantation" Bitters, are said to be the largest importers of St. Croix Bum and Calisaya Bark in America. The Hum im. ported by this firm is all used in the prepa ration of their Bitters, and is manufactured under the immediate supervision of one of their agents upon leaed plantations on the Island of St. Thomas. Over nine thousand puncheons, about one million gallons, is used annually for their Bitters alone. The Calisaya Bark is all imported from Brazil, and is also gathered and selected by the na tives, under the supervision of an agent sent out for that purpose. The cures pnxluecd by these Bitters arc wonderful. Si ecial Meeting. At the regular meet ing of Albany Fire Company, held on lat Tuesday evening, it was decide! to hold a special meeting of the Company this (Satur day) evening, at the old Maonic Hall, for the purpose of devising the Lot and most feasible plan of erecting an Engine IIouso for the retention of the Fire Engine which is expected to arrive within three or four weeks. The Company bavo not definitely decided as yet, whether to build or rent, though a majority of those with whom wo have conversed seem to favor tho former project. SnjirELr. The members of the Albany Fire Company arc nowin possession of their uniforms comprising black pants, red ahirts, belts and caps and they present a magnificent and unique appearance to the Mnaked eye." Tl:o caps wcro purchased at the celebrated and popular hat and cap em porium of MeussdorfFer & Bro., of Portland, and are made of the best and finest material of cloth. Persons never fail to get satisfac tion by sending their orders to Jleussdorffer, II .i ! fob toe Sound. Our estimable fellow-citizen, G. T. Vining, Esq., will start in a few days for Puget Sound with a drove of cattle. He designs taking a survey of that country with a view to making it his futuro residence if bo ia favorably impressed. We hope be will not bo li favorably impressed," because wo can't conveniently spare such cit izens om Mr. V. from our midst, not even to ,bencfit the "Clara-Diggers." Peterson's Macazixe. This popular La dies' Magazine for March has already made its welcome appearanco in our sanctum. This number is replete with interesting read ing matter, and all the intricate mazes of tho fashions are elaborately represented in its pages. We really do not see how the ladies can do without Peterson's Magazine. Velocipeoe. They have got it in Port land, and it is already threatening Albany and other valley towns. We would advise our " City Fathers " to prepare a hospital and order universal vaccination immediate ly. A broken leg or arm is said to be a "powerful disinfectant." Goxe Below J Not to "Pluto's Domin ions," but to the next door above San Francisco; to lay in a mammoth supply of spring and summer goods, and buy a Fire Engine for the city of Albany, Wo speak ot J as. Li. Cowan. Apollo Mixstrels. We noticc, by the bills sticking up around town, that a Min stel troupe will perform at Parrish's Hall to-ni ht. Loss. Our friends, Messrs. Marshall & Schlosser, livery btable keepers of this city; last Tuesday lost a valuable horse by sick ness. ' . The Success, on her last trip, down brought thirty tons of bacon from the extensive packing house of A. Cowan & Co., Albany. Thisjs the largest ship ment of bacon we'havo beard of this winter; and yet, it is but a forerunner of what we may expect hereafter. This housj, we learn, has a large amount still on hand which will bo shipped in a few weeks.; Enterprise. BORN : CLARK. January 16, 1800, in Ochoco Valley, Oregon, to the wife of Wni. S. Clark, a son. ilflTlYrV Arrested for Murder. Dr. J. W. McAfco and wire, of Salem, wcro arrest ed at Hillsboro on Saturday last, by tho Deputy Sheriff of Marlon county, on charge of foul play towards tho Doctor's first wife, who died suddenly at Salem about six months ngo. At tho timo of tho death of this lady, tho Doctor was a member of tho Medical Faculty of tho Willlametto University, who expressed souio surprise at her sudden dumbo and proposed a post, inortctn examination. McAfco alleged tho cause to bo n soften ing of the brain. Tho brain was exam ined, but no sign of tho disease alleged was discovered. Tho subject, however, was hushed up for a time, and iu about sis weeks tho doctor married tho widow of a Mr. firccn, of tho firm of Plamon don aud Green, of Salctn, who had died but a short time previous, and who had been uuder tho treatment of McAfee. Recently new facts havo como to light - i : ....ik i wuicu nave arouscu suspicion sumuiuuk io cause tho arrest of both parties, who were taken back to Salem yesterday to answer the chartro abevo stated. They wcro brought to this city on Saluada night last ana lockcu in tne county jnu uniu yesterday morning, when tho officer pro ceeded with them to Salem. There had been some domestic trouble between tho Doctor and his first wife, prior to her death, which makes tho case look worse. Prior to this troublo the Doctor had maintained a very respectable standing in the community. The trial of the case will elicit much interest nmpu;; those that know tho parties. Portland Her ald. ' . From Warm Spring. Mr. (Jilliug ham, but recently clerk at tho Warm Spring Agency, paid us a visit yesterday Ho reports the weather as having been very Cue at that place this winter. When he left plowing had been commenced. Things at Ochoeo were in a prosperous condition. There aro about $0 settlers iu that Valley at this time, among which there are twelve or fifteen families. Pick et, of the Albany Journal, is now clerk at the Warm Spring Agency. . Cert a I nti ks. Hew ho can n ot find time to consult his Dible, will find one day that he has time to be sick; he who has no time to pray, must find timo Iodic; he who caunot find time to reflect, is most likely to find time to sin; he who cannot find time for repentance, will find no eternity in which rcpentenee will be of no avail. ALBANY lIUt'i:S CURKUST. CORRECTED WEEKLY UV J. CRADWOIIL. AtBisr. March f, The fo!loK ing r.re the prices paid fur Produce, aul tho price at which other articles are selling in this market : Wheat white, per btulu-1, 5$ eti, OtlU J-Cr bushel, ?U(-t ;40 v. Potatoes - r bushcMvfSO Onions per bchd. $1 23. Flour '-r J. LI, ri 5'i',i Oft Butur r pound, 27$ cts. t'SeS-jxrf iloien, 15 ct. Chicfcens--rcr'I.cn, ?2 .W.'.,:t 0-. Pcac-hc dri;d, per p'-und, IbO.gZO rls. Pork p r p'unJ, i('t,l cU. If on foot, 4f(25 rt. Mutton, per ponn d, QCa, !2J cent. S ap per T-oa:d, !(u,b ets. Salt I'S An;'i!'.., per pnr. 1, 2 ell, Hvntp j-rr g Ulon, I,Gtl,12 Tea Yousg Hyson, per p,usJ, $1 00 " Black, 7jV $1 CO. " Japan. ?I 2 . ?u?ar cniih l, per r .tin J, 1S(20 eta. I.-!an I. 15f i.l;. " Sea 170.17 c:. CofT.-c i-crpotin l, Z(v1b ct. Nai! cut, cx pounl, "tCrXs. While Lca-l pure, per kc, $1 0 t 2i. Licfccl Oil boikd. per jjallon. Si 75, Turpentine per gallon, 51 2j(i,1 5g lon;etic Lrowrn, 1CJ ct. JlickTv tiripC'l, pv-r yarl, 1130 eti. J Ticking per yard. 1'tt JO ct. Iilue Drilling per yar-1. 20 f.$ZQ cti. Fiaancls p r yar-1, L06i,7i ct. Print.- fat color, tr yarI, 1 2 J e. ltifle PowJcr, per ponn J. 7 JO, $1 00. Candle Lcit, per pound, 'Z'-iCyZZ eta. Rice China, per poan-l, 1210 eta, T'oa-eo p'.rpounl, ?l OOl 23, Salaratug per i-ounJ, 1?5 ct. Drk-1 Plurnn per hound, 12iri,lJe, Dried Applea per ft. Ji.Ce. " Currants per P, &c. . Bacon Ham, per fh, I2K'i12c. Side?, rr ft, 10e. Shoulder, per It, de. Larl per ft, in can., 10c. French Urandy per 00(5,12 00 Holland (I'm per gal., $ JO American Drandy ier gal., i 00 Jamaica Rura per gat., $0 00 , Tar $1 2J per gallon. Ieans--pcr lb., 4c. Derocs Kerosene Oil, 7Jc$I 00 per gal. A DVERTISE M E NTS TO THE LADIES! NEW MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, ,11 its. s: C. SMITH, FASHIONABLE MILLINER - ',' asd : :.' DKESS-MAKEIl! WOULD ANNOUNCE TO THE LADIES of Albany and surrounding country that she baa opened a Milliner and .Mantua-Making EBtablhbment in thin city, and respectfully solicits ineirpaironago. FASHIONABLE BONNETS AND HATS Always on Hand or Made to Order! DRESS AND CLOAK MAKING ritOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. BLEACniNO AND PRESSINO dose to ORDER Albany, Oct 17, 18GS -v4nSyl. ALBAIVY FOUNDRY! AND MACHIlSrE SKOI ALBANY, OREGON. . . A. F. CHERRY, PROPRIETOR. MANirFACTCKEtt OF " ' STEAM ENGINES, , . QRIST AND SAW-MILLS, REAPERS AND THRESHERS, WOODWORKING MACHINERY, PUMPS, Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac. Ac. Machinery of all kinds REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE! PATTERN MAKING Done in All Its Various Forms ! ! IE0N AD BEASS. CASTINGS Of A!l Kinds, Made to Order I Dec.5'C8v4nl6yJ. A. F. CJIERRy. APVKJtTISKM ENTS. WA ltham Watches. Tho "P, S. llarllpt" movcraont, with cxtrn Jewell, iironohH'ter iniiancc, 1'atont J)ttt Cap, Patnt Fafcty Pinion, and nil other Into Improvement, in a etdtd 3 ox. Coin Silver Hunting Cai, with (lold JuintM. $,'27 eoin. Tho vnuo in 6 e. cobo, $30. In 5 oz. taco, $33 cuin. Tlio "Waltham Watch Co." movement with oxtra joweli, Chronometer Unlnnoe, Patent Dimt Cap, Patent Safety pinion, Ac, In 3 oz. ouac, With (lold Joint,, $30 coin. Tho lawo tn lo. ca, $33. In Jo $36 coin. Tho "AppUton. Trncy & Co." movement with ex tra Jewel, Chrouomotcr ltalunce, Patent Dniit Car, Patent Safoty Pinion, tc, in 3o coo, Hold Joints, $3t coin. Tlio eanio in toi caio, $37. In 5 ojs, $40 coin. "P. S. Bartlett Watch In 2J oi. 1 korat Clold Hunting Cano, $S0 eoin. " Walthain Watch Co." Watch in 2i o. 18 knrat (lold Hunting Cnxe, $S ein. Apph ton, Tracy i Co." Watch iu 2 ot. IS kar at (Sold Hunting Cnac, $H7 coin. Any additional weight at $1 per pwt, or $20 per oz. extra. Wo will ncnil auy ot tho aliovo ty WvlU. Farg A Co'i Kij.reM, with bill to collect on delivery and give tho purchaser tho prmicgo 6r examining tho Watch before paying. Alt Kxpre charges, however, to be paid by tho purchaser. IJutif the nmnHHt of tho price, of tho Wutrh it re mitlni Iu in with the ortlcr, tre trill prrjtay th chnrijrt t, S'u Fntntitert ourtelirt. fn KCItdlng money, drafts on Welln, Fargo A Co. oropreferrcd. Wo wUh it distinctly understood that tluio watches are tho very lwet, with all th latent Im provomouieuto, and that tluy are in perfect run. ning order, (a gunrauteo from the utnnufarturer aocompnnic caeh .trli.) an-1 if any ouo de not perform well, wo will exchange it, or refund tho money. PI l-a to tate that you law thin in Htato Itlghtu Democrat. HOWARD & CO., Jcirrllrrs ami Silversmith, 619 Broadway, U. Y. In ordor that all may al lrt ut with confi dence, we refer, by pcrtniiMon, to Mcrj. WKLI.H, FAUtiO & Co., or to any of their agent on the Pact!!? Coant. fvb2o.vln27n2 r. w. smxic. J . cakotiichs. P. W. SPINK & CO., (81 Ct U.'.SOt! TO M. W. II .U K.) DEALERS IN a 3 i O V fc 5 ! Tin, Sheet-Iron ail Copperware! On First, between Washington and Ferry Streets, ALBANY, OIIKrtON. rp X UK undcrigncJ would rtpectfully inform the yuo'.ie gc&orally that they are rtabHbc4 at the old ttait 1 f M. W. Mack, and have -n band a large tock, and aro continually reeeiring h -avy invoice cf g-Hla whi-h we prooo to jkU. V have now u hand a very latgo aiortmcnt of the inott favorite COOKING STOVES! aaiong which may be fwjnd tl;o DLCK, HKNIlV ( LAV. K V l: i: K A , .LW NATION", V. ITKKVK STATK. JJAl;Vj:.Tr (JUKKX. PP.IIiKoK AMKUICA, Ic, Xc, kc, c Our tork of PARLOR, HALL AND BOX STOVES, t now and will be kept very complete, and em brace tsany of the irt-?t beautiful pattern;. ai a mge '.'k ot Occn-f, Iron h'cltlcs, Iron Tea-Kttlles, Iron, lira i ami hnamelol hftlui, l 'ire D'J3, Shards and Tonys , Wayvlt if rM ifc. Of PlaTiished at:d Japaned jj'li we hare a good jiortmctit. e Lave, for fartntr. Matt. Ellis' Farmers' Boilers! And a rcry large eorUnent of Force and Lift pump, and COWAN'S PITCHER PUMPS! otR fcTVCK or T 1 1ST "W -A. BE, will always be found moit eompkte, embracing everything wanted by houekcvr and oth ers, and will be found of a nupcrlor quality, a we manufacture none other than tho bet brand of TIN PLATE! And wc WA UK A N'T our ware not t' leak! REPAIRING will receive prompt attention, and will be executed in a m-atan-t workman-like manner, Thofo who are wanting good in our line will find it vastly to their advantage to give in a call before purchasing tlnewherc, a our faciU itica fjr buying and manufacturing enable us to give customers a large percentage in quality and price. Dealers will bo (applied at tho loweitt poxti blc rate", and good packed and hipped with dipatoh. Doc5'63rJnlCtf. P. W. SPINK A CO. R. CHEADLE'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CASH STOBE 1 DIRECT FROM SAN FRANCISCO Br STEAMER I A fine selection of DRY GOODS! lib arrive, which will he offered at prices that will suit all who wiah to purchase GOODS AT A BARGAIN! I will sell good this coming season AT PORTLAND PRICKS with Freight added. (Freight i now only $3 per ton, with a prospect of reduction. Having in ado arrangements with rccponsiblo par ties m can i-rancisco to sell my frounbo, I can offer better prices this season than ever before. I intend to GIVE PORTLAND PRICES FOR PRODUCE of all kinds (with frcjght off, about I cent on the lb.) so persons consigning Produce . to mo can rely on farorablo returns. I have, for shipping purposes, a GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL WAREHOUSE And can make returns on Prcduco shipped to San Fraucisco in 60 days. N IJ.---T will keep this season IKON ARU N'JL'JSJHIi.of all kinds, at Reducod Fig ures. Give no a call and see for yoursclvep. THRESHERS, HARVESTERS, HEADERS, MOWERS, GANG-PLOWS of Phile's make. I havo the agency for selling alj theso at Portland prices, freight added. Seed Drjlls, - Cast Steel, Collins' and IYIolinc Plows! N. IJ.-VEggs wanted at 18 Cents per Dozen, liutter " "40 " " lb. Oats " " 40 ' " bu. Eacon sides " 10 " lb. " hams " llal2 " " lb. " sh'ldrs " 6 " lb. Lard wanted 9 " " lb. CASH OR TRADE will bo given at all times to suit customers, at R. CHEADLE'S CASH STORE, feb20v4n27yl Albany, Oregon. HOSTKTTKlt'S UlTTEllS. From tho Charleston Courior, Ang.2t), 1807. THE LIQUORS 0F COMMERCE, Poisonous stimulants In the Sick Room, THE VILE ART OF ADULTERATING alnoholio liiuid win pradlcod in Oroocu and Rorno more than two centurion ago, and then, a now tho Medical Faculty denounced it, and lamented tho difficulty of procuring jmro and wholcKOtno stimulants for tho kick. Jlii'CocitATKH called attention to the tricks ot tho Athenian vintners fuiir centurle Leforo tho Chiistlan Era. Uai.kk, souu-what later, sternly rebuked tho wlno incrclinnta of Koino for tamper lug with tho Juico of tho grape. Tlmro wns no distilled I'njtioro in thoiu dnvs, and many of tho subtle polon at prenunt urud by ir mixers wcro unknown, but considering their knowledge and oppiirtunitlc, the adulterers of tho "e!aslo ages" showed coiididcrablo adroitness in their no farlotis railing. Lead, lime, gypsum, and sea water were put Into new wine by tho Roman deal ers, and it was b ailed and left to cool lit metal Vtie1s, ty way of Improving iu tato ami giving it transparency. To this day somo of tho Medit eranean wines are subjected to a similar procuss. All tho wines of Europe aro moro or less adultera ted before they leave -firit hands," and as to tho stuff commonly retailed iu this country under the names of Port, Sherry, Madeira, Ac, Ac., ale juico, decoction of logwood, powder of catechu, alum, planter of pari, b-a 1, litharge, carbonato of soda, oil of almond, ei-b r, and bad rum, may bo mentioned as among their pleasant itigrodicftts. Hut it is In the conoociion of "spirituous ll-juors" that tho adulterators of this generation particu larly excel. The trick oi Urn f J reck and JUama vintners wen Jner thill's play to theirs. Mtreh ninc, sulphuric oei 1, euar of h-ud, jalap, opiates, and a variety of pungent !kai!e nro among the degrades that enter int'i the composition of ordi nary bar-room lnju-r ," and s-inof them eoimut almost wholly of pro'ieion" ehomieal with a small admixture of unrcctifi;d spirits. No won der, under such clrnusmtanecs, that tavcra hrandjr rum, f;iu and v.lt'ukv, carry death and madness in their train. No wortdi r, also, that phyicluf hnte " Kunjhlriice in the tiynur tf tommcrcr, a' are nrulil Im trt them. Ktimulants, however, arc as noeessary lu mcdi- ral practice a febrifuges, or cathartics, or ano dynes, or alterative, or any other of the recognix ed rperifies for diicac. The great question is, can a pure ttititul'iHt be h'i'l f &y it enn. We fsrrt t b 1 1 1 .?T KTT E R'H H TO M A CI I IJITTEIlS the alcohoU-j b.vi of which is tho essence of sound Mori ngahda Rye, ' pure a itiutut'tnt n it i pottiUU fur AftW-in lilt to hMHufirture, It Is, hwcvcr, Stm'.th';ng trnre aud better than thi, to-wit, a ju lirloudy iflVfif? j-timulant, in which the 'jualifv'ujjj iote-lientf! urc the finest rtomachk, Bj- rient, alterative, and anti bnUvu herb, toots, and .'"'' The.e vegetable eonUtuenti mtHlify and coutrol tho cff?ct of the sfirituous clctncnU, an ! render the l!i!t r the safest, mildest and most entire inrlgorant at present lu u. For th melaocholy eont'ucncc which enue from the salo if unwholesome compounds bearing th names ( the various spirituous 11 juor, lh powers that b ore Sa fomc dereo rejoll!!ib!c. Deriving, ai it doe, a large revenue from tho Im portation and loinufaeluro f alcoholic bvcra-f, it i maoiftftly tho y of the Utntrai tiovern mcut Vj protect the people as far a jibie agalntt thi inUoduction cf inU their daily drink. Still mere imjtrativs is tho obtlgatlcn ta shield the kk from the peiil cf bing killed or injured by rniclou excitant, admit itredaj medicine, Inspicttun an l taxation ouht, in this matter, to g ban 1 in hand, and in all raei ol aduiu-ration, tLc aduilefate i urlilo i.'itt'-sd of being taxed should be dtttrvur I. Every tincture and extract containing, cr purporting t-j contain alcohol. shoui-J te examined by competent scientific men. and not j-.Ttnittel p go into tho market until its purity has heca authorttatirely certtacd. The sanitary interest of tho community should bo paramount to the financial interests of the Govern ment tho public health being of infinitely more importance than the public revenue. J;ut no such pruteetive supervision it txcreied cither by the central power at Washington or by the State gov ernments. The Internal Revenue assessors and Culh-etors simply demand their tax, knowing noth ing about the wt)oloouienc.i or unwhoksmencss of tho arii Io upon which it is levied ; the Culon JIouic CuHcelors init on payment of the duties required by law on imported li'iuors.buthow much or how little foreign poison thero may bo in each cask or puncheon it is not their buinejs to ascer tain. Congress secins to have entirely overlooked it function of public protection in k-gUlating on the li iuor question. State Legislatures have been equally remiss. Many of them havo tried prohibi tion an-l lailC'J. . o one or tnem, so far as wo nro aware, has endeavored to tuitigato tho evils of wbieh they have all complained, by instituting a rifrid system of inspection. We should be glad to see such a system adopted as an experiment. It would at least prevent un principled dealers from palming off upon tho work ing classes, to an unlimited extent, the fiery fluids which fill our iaibi, poor-houses, hospital, lunatic asylums, and innumerable graves with miserable vieliniH. Were such a regulation in force wo should have no need to explain tho nataro and value of oar preparation through the public press. Tho report of tho inspecting officers would bo our sufficient voucher a stronger advertisement than unv wo could frame. Gladly would wo welcomo tho official agents of tho Government Stato or Federal to our factory, and challenge their closest scrutiny, their sharpest tests. An inspection law of the kind indicated would, if competently administered, bo one of tho most useful enactments ever placed on our statute books. It would be conservative alike of health and morals. When tho British Government literally tendered opium to the Chinese at the point of tho bayonet, compelling that unfortunate nation to mako its election between hopeless war and a demoralizing and deadly poison, tho United etatcscned shame Wo denounced tho conduct of Great liritain as unchristian and inhuman. So it was; but is our Government guiltless if It permits tho people over wnum n suouici escrcinu n jmiernai jurisuicuoa io bo poiond in the dark f Tho deadly properties of opium aro known. It cannot bo taken unwit tingly, under tho supposition that it Is something clrfo. Its taste and smelt betray it, and all who buv it understand nrccisclv what thev rurcha?e. i r But this is not tho enso with adulterated lbjuors. Tho taste, the cokr, tho aroma of undctenoratod brandy, gin, rum or whisky la often bo closely simulated by tho expert liquor mixer, that even connoisseurs aro deceived, to say nothing of tho ignorant and inexperienced. Nothing short of scientific analysis can establish tho Uiflcrcnco bo tween tho genuine and tho bogus article, and tho knowledge of this fact cmboldcvs tho mixers to flood the markets with their atrocious compounds. Tho sum and substanoo of the'whole uiattor is that tho standard liquors of commerce," puro and undented, aro not procurable in this country, and wo very much uoubt u they can bo obtained, in tho ordinary course of trade-, on tho other sido of tho Atlantic. i-,vcn if they could, they nro not propor for invalids. Unmixed alcohol is aot a medicine. Tho spirituous principal, however pure, must bo toned and modified, and its exciting pow er subdued by Bkilllul medication bctoro it is fit to bo exhibited as a preventive, n remedy, or a re storative. 2U is has been cttcctod in HOSTET TER'S EITTEItS, Tho preparation is a perfect ly safe and efficacious tonic alterative, corrective. and antbhUiouB WOdiclne-j-wo more and noth ing lest. - PREPARED AND SOLD BY Redington, Hostetter & Co., PITTSBURG, PENN. For salo by Druggists, Grocers and store keep ers throughout tho world. Kcdiiigtoii, Hostetter & Co., Agonts for tho Pacific Coast, ' 416 and 418 Front street, San Feascisco, Cal. jan9,'69.-v-ln21-ehng m. n26w4 ADVKKTI8KMKNT8. WALTHAM W .A. rX' O I-I H3 H Tho extensive use of theso watches for tho last fifteen years by Railway Conductors, Engineers, and Expressmen, tho most exacting of watch wearers, has thoroughly demonstrated tho strength, steadiness, durability and accuracy of the Wal thain Watch. To snlUfy that class in all these respects, is to decide tho. question as to tho real value of theso tlino-koept rs. Moro than 400.000 of theso watches arc now speaking for themselves In tho pockets of the people a proof of their superiority over all others. Tho superior organisation and great ixfent of tho Company's Works at Wnlthatn, cnablo them to produce watches at a price which render! com petition futile, and ths who buy any other watch, merely pay from 23 to JJO per cent, more for their watches than Is necessary. We are now selling Woltljam Watches at less prices in greenbacks, than the gold prices before tho war. There is no other manufacture of any kind In the United states of which this can be said. Theso timo pieces combine every Improvement that a lon experience has proved of real prae.tl-1 cat use. Having bad tho refusal of nearly everr invention of watchmaking originating in this country, or In Europe, only those were finally adopted which scvero testing by most skillful ar tixans In our works, and long use on tho part of the public, demonstrated to be essential to correct and enduring time-keeping. Among the many linprovctqcnts wc would par ticularize t Th Invention and use of a ccntre-plnloc of pe culiar construction, to prevent damago Ut the train by the breakage of main springs, is original with tho American Watch Company, who, having hod the refusal of all other contrivances, adapted EKg' patent pinion as being tho best and fault less. Hardened and b inpcred hair.sprinjfs, now uni versally admitted by Watchmaker to he the best, aro used in all grades of Waltbam Watches. All Waltbam Watches have dust-proof caps protecting the movement from dust, and lessen, ing the necessity of the frequent cleaning necessa ry in other watches. Oar new patent stem-winder, or keyless watch, Is already a decided nuccess and a great Improve ment on any stem-winding watch in tho Ameri can market, and by fir tho cheapen watch of its quality now offered to the public. To CAM FORMA K8 and others living In por lions of the United State where watchmakers do not abound, wathcs with the above mentioned Improvements tend ti insuro accuracy, cleanli ness, durability and convenience, must prove In valuable. Every watch bearing tho trade mark of Wattham it guaranteed lo bs a thoroughly reliable timekeeper. To prevent Imposition, buyer should Invariably demand a certificate of genuineness. The trade supplied by Messrs It. Ii. Gray A Co., Han j'ranclso, Cal., and generally for solo at retail by all respectable dealers. I'or other facts and Information, address EOBBIaS & .rrn;T0N, Mi Agents, 162 Itroadway, New York. J-b.2A. !S9-vlu27m2. JOHN CONNER ren an in a ii x k it a t, ?i i; ii i ii a . i i h n, ALRAN Y, . . , OOKGOX. rosMsnic or DRY OOOI, GROC ERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, &C, &C. HARDWARE! A well selected assortment of the most complete kept in Albany, inO AU STEEI,, cf nearly all kinds suitable for tho trade. ALSO Jt O I K, C II A 1 X8, MILL SAWS, N K W STYLE S C It SS-CUT SAWS, . W A ti O ,N-S EAT 8 I It I N G fi, CAUKIAOK SPUINGS, TIUMIJLK-IIOXI Jf G, W ASUKRH, DOLTS, XUTTS IC, Nearly all the s.'x'k Is purchased In SANPRAN- ClbCO, and mill ceroid t the lowest market rafes for ready pay, or BcrcbanUblo produca takca in Agent for IVcIIh, Fargo & Co. Agent for the Pacific Iniurance Co. Oct. 2e,'67-v3nlljl JOHN CONNER. ATTENTION FARMERS ! MILL MEN! -AND ALL THOSE HAYING MACHINERY! THE ALBANY- LAUD Oil" FACTORY! Has resumed operations, and is prepared to .furnish Lard Oil "by tho Quantity! Different grades aro kept on hand for salo at different prices. The No. 1 Grade is Warranted to be Strictly Tiire! Orders from a dia taneo respectfully solicitod. They enouia do accompantou with tao cash. NOTICE CASH OR SOAP WILL BE paid for puro lard and rancid or ' scorched grcaso, delivered at tho Factory. McCORD fc GEORGE. Albany, Oregon, Jan. 1, 1S69 v4u20tf. . SETTLEMENT NOTICE. ALL PERSONS KNOWING THEMSELVES indebted to the luto firm of J. Conser & Son. aro hereby notified to call and make . immediate settlement. Tho bcoks must bo closed and all no oounts settled. - Tho undersigned ia authoriaod to collect all debts and accoupts duo tho lato firm, and pay all ucmanas againstsau; urm, JACOB C0NSER. Jefforaon, Oregon, Feb. 6, 1869 n27w4. HEX J. IIAYDEN, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Will attend to all business entrusted to him by citizens ot roiic and adjoining counties. Eola, July 26, JS07, v2n51tf AVPKUTISEM ENTS. PRIVATE MEDICAL AID- QUICK CUKES AND MODERATE CHANGES. lIt. W.'.IC. IMIIEIITY PRIVATE MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE ! Sacramento Street, below Montgomery, oppo site tho l'acififrM ail fttenmrhip Com pany's Office, Private entrance " on r Leidosdorfl' street, Ban Francisco. Entnllinhed txprcly lo afford th uJjlieUd lound and tvientijif pitdirtu aid in the treatment and cure of all Private und Cfirow ie lie.aitn, chs of h'tcre- and oil Hvxual Uitordtri. , TO Till! AFI-T,ICTD. nn. vr. k. Donr.niTiiETtriiK3.il ih ntx eero than Kb t bi C'jmertiiis patients for their patronage, and wou'd toko tLfi opportunity to remind them that he cool uu'; to consult at his Institute for the cure of chronic diseases or tun Lunifj". Liver. Kidneys, Visnntivn and f)eniJ?-tVI- nary Organs, and all priyaUj diseases, viz . yjb ilis In all its forms and stages, Heminal Weakness, aud all the horrid consequences of self-abuxc, Uon orrh;n, Gleet, Ftrlctnres, Nocturnal and Diurnal emissions, Bcxnal Debility, Diseases of tb Uack and Loins, InRamtnatlon of the madder and Kid neys, etc, etc.; and he hopes that bis long experi ence and successful practice will continue to injure him a share of public patronage. I5y the practice of many years In Kurope and the United Btates, he Is enable'! to nppty tne wmi emeient ana suc cessful remedies against diseases of all kinds. Ho use no mercury, charge moderate, treat Ms pa tients in a correct and honorable was-, nnd has references of unquentionablo vcroeity from men if known respectability and high standing in soci ety. AU parties consulting him by letter orothcr wire, will receive the best atd gentlest treatment, and Imjdicittccrcey, To Female!. When a female is in trouble, or afflicted with disease, as wijakre ut the ba' k and limbs, pain in tho head' dimness of tibt. loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, irritability, ner vousness, extreme urinary -difficulties, derange ment of digestive functions, general debility, va ginitis, all disease ot tho womb, hysteria, sterili ty, and all other diseases peculiar to females; she shyuld go or write at tnec to the celebrated female doctor, W. K. Dobcrty, at bis Medical Institute, and consult Urn about her troubles and disease. The Doctor is effecting more wares than any other physician in the KtaSc of California. Let no falac delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately and save yourself from painful suHering and prema ture death. A:l Married Ladles whose delicate health or other circumstance prevent an increase In their fauHies, should write or call at Dr. W. K. Doherty's Medictl Institute, and they will receive every ptble relief ana help, jne Poetor s ota ccs arc t o arranged that he can be consulted with out fyar of observation. f To CirrexponUciU. Patient rcniding in any part of the State, how ever distant, wU' may desire the opinion and ad r t,t lir. Dobertv in their rcsectivc cases, au-1 who think proper t submit a written statement of such, in prtu rence to balding a jerfonal interview, are rcsfectfully a.sured that their communications will Ve held most sacred and conHdential. Iflhe case be fully and candidly described, per sonal communieation wiil bo unnecessary, as in structions fjr diet, regimen, and the general treat ment of the ease (including the remedies), will be f,.rmr,.'A without dt-Iar. and in tmc a. nufiBcrti to Cnvf 7 no i lea tf the burport or the letter or .arecl so IranfffiittCi, vonsuuauuu uj ;r-r vi thcrwUe. rintr. Ttrmanent cro guaranteed or no poy. Add-jss, W. K. DOHEiUV, M. D., can i fsiitifirj, vaiuarr.ia. fSpernmtorrhcro. Pn. Ponv-nrv bos just published an important pamplct crnVrlyinj? bis own views and experiences in rclrtlon lo Impotence or Virility, bein a short treatise on Hrxrmat'jrrbue or Seminal Weakness, Nervous and I'hyiical Debility cooenuent on this af!ctkn, and other diseases of the Sexual Organ. This littto work contains information of the ut most value to all. whether married or single, and will Ire sent FRliE by mail on receipt cf six cetU in iotage iUmti for return postage. ... t f- - l.nllL-ttTV r T v"n3Stf f?an Francbco, Cal. MRS. DUNNIWAY rilAKES PLE A.SUBE IN INFORMING HER JL numerous patrons that she has on bond, and is in regular receipt or the LATEST A XD CHOICEST STYLES OP GOODS is Tne ITI I Y, 1, 1 E II Y I j I X E ! REMEMBER, LADIES ! If yoo purchase TEN DOLLARS' WORTH of Fall Millinery you will be entitled to the "DEIYIOREST MAGAZINE!" for 1SG9, as a premium op the purchase! DRESS A!fD CLOAK MAKING in all their branches ! BLEACHING AND PRESSING in the latest and host manner ! GOODS CHEAP AND PATIENCE INEXHAUSTIBLE ! Corner Main and Broad-Albin Streets, ALBANY, OREGON. November 21, !SGS-v4nHtf ' y BROOK SALOON! MONTGOMERY & MILLER, Proprietors. N. E. COttSEIt X AIS AVI FERRY 'STREETS, ALBANY, - : - - ' OREGON. Ijjl VERYTIIINQ ABOUT THE SALOON IS 1 new and in perfect order ; and wo will keep only tne very ' BEST BRANDS OF LIQUORS which the market affords. In tho Saloon at all times The Most Perfect Order will be Preserved. Wo will keep always on hand tlio THE VERY BEST OF WINES AND CIGARS I Ho I all yo that aro thirsty coma drink at the "BROOK 5" MONTGOMERY & TOWER. Jan. 2, 18C8 v4u20tf. SAMUEL DENNYr- TJITDEETAKEE; AKO DEALER IS ALL HINDS OP CABINET WARE ! ALBANY, OREGON. : Storo on First etroct, undor tho Demochat Office. Albany, Oct. 1, 1SG3 v4n7tf. DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between Jacob Conser and John A. Conser; in tho Jefferson Mills, is this day dissolv ed by mutual consent. JACOR CONSER, JOHN A. CONSER. Jefferson, Oregon, Feb. 6, 1869 n27w4. NOTICE. A LL PERSONS KNOWING THEMSELVES J indebted to tho undersigned, will pleaso como forward and settlo up, as tho old Books must be Closed by tho 1st of January, 1869. : Albany, Doc. 10,'68-nl7tfv A. COWAN, A I) V K Ii T I 8 K M K N T S , STOP THATCOUGHKIG OF YOU CAM'Tf AND WK PITY it you. Yon have trlod every remedy but the OX & detained, by IU Intrtnsic merit, to gupcraed all sim itar preparations. It if not sorprlRinfj yon kIksuM bo relnctant to try something elao after (lie manjr ex P'Tlments you hsve made of trashy eompounda foisted on the public as a certain cure; bat i: NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup Is really the VERY PEST remwly ever componnded for thfl curst of Omtthn, Colds, Koto Tliroat, Athino, WhooitnKCough,Browhitian.dCon8umistkrti. Tboa sands of kx1 In Cats torn ia and Oregon txava boon already I nestled by tbo surprising caratlve pvners NEWELL'S -Pulmonary Syrup and rlth mo w,tvtA rIvo ft their tmqoanfW pprv bntl'-n. V now wMi s ourselves to all who are uo arqmilnte I with this, the greatest Panacea of tit in fir I bo healing of all dincasas of th Throat ud Lungs, ukiurioz you that NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup has cured thousandx and it will euro YOU if yoo try it. Thl In vatooblo medicine is ptwant to the taste; cttitn?, li'-alln and strengthening in Its effects; en tirety frr-e from nil prijionotui or dcleUvfoaa tirsgx, biiA ji'-rf'-rlly ItannlcMi uik-r all eircumxtaitces. Ccrtifau from many prominent citkc&a of 8aa rranciitco accouiisuiy every botUe of NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup UKDIXGTOK & CO. Ag'xto, San rraocisea Use Elcctro-Filicon, OMagie Brniiani. DR. E. COOPER'S UNIVERSAL MAGNETIC BALM An uncjaaled preparation for the enre ot Dys entry, Diarrhoea, Cramp, and all Diseases of tb Stomach and Bowels; the Instantaneous Relief of Bums, pruises, Fprains, Aches, llheumatic aal Ncnralg'iT AfTcetions. The genuine article bears the sisputure ot Y. R. STRONG, REDINGTON, HOSTETTER & CO. 8:1c and Exclusive Agents. Bedinston, Ilostetter k Co' Florida Wttcr. ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN Ci C n. This v a! a able preparation, containing In a higb- y concentrated form all the properties of Jamaica Ginger baa become one of the most popular de mef tic remedies for all dUeases of the stomaeh and digestiTe organs. As a tonic, it will be found invaluable to all per sons recording from debility, whether produeod by a fcrer, cr otherwise ; for whilo it imparts to the tjftcm all the glow and rigor that can be pro duced by wioc or brandy, it is entirely free frosa tbe reactionary effects that follow the of spir its of any kind. It is also an excellent remedy for females who suffer from difficult menstruation, giring almost itnmcdiats relief to the spasms that so frequently accompany that period. It gives immediate relief to Naosea, caused by riding in a railroad ear, or by sca-fiickness, or o& er CRnses. It is also valuable as an external application fr Gout, Rhcumatirin, Neuralgia, etc. REDINGTON. IICSTETTER t CO. 41C and 4)3 Front St., San Franciaoo, CaL Use Ekctxa Silicon, Or Magie Brilliant. REDINGTON, nOSTETTCIl & C03 FLORIDA WATER.' FOR TIIE HAXDSERCHrEF. This article, possessing tho most delicate fra grance of Flowers, is unequalcd as a perfuma to tho Handkerchief. , , FOR THE BATH. . Used in bathing, it imparts energy and strength to tho system, and gives that softness and deiioa ey to tho skin, so much desired by alL It removes Sunburn, Freckles and Pimples. Diluted with water, it makes an excellent Den tifrice, imparting pearly whiteness to tho teeth, sweetness to tho breath, and renders tho gums hard and of a beautiful color. " It should always bo used after shaving, diUuted with water, as it relieves all inflammation. REDINGTON, HOSTETTER A CO. 416 and 418 Front St, San Francisco. TJ8o--lcctro-Siiieont Or Magio BrillianK ELECTRO-SILICON, OR xMAGia BRILLIANT DIRECT FROM NATURE'S LABORATORY. Tho best article ever discovered for Cleansing and Polishing Gold, Silver, and Plated Ware, and all smooth Motalio Snrfaces, of whatever descrip tion, including Kitchen Utensils of-Tin, Copper, Brass, Steel, etc, - , . , To Jewellers and Workers in Gojd and Silver Plato, tho Electro-Silicon is of inestimable valao ; tne timo saved, and tho vexation prevent ny tit. use, will forever endoaxl its name to toso who. havo had evidence, of it3 merits, REDINGTON, HOSTETTER 4 CO. Solo Agents, San Francisco. Fon ruvoB3fO extracts, BED1NGTCN, HOSTETTER & cO'S ARE THE EEST. sepl2v4n4niif,;