ADVKKTISEM K NTS. HOSTKTTKlfS HITTERS. ad Vkutiskm knts. ADVERTISEMENTS. AVDKKTISEMENTS.' a p y Eii t i s e n p x 9 . . . y i) TP SATURDAY . FEBRUARY 6, 1809. tFrora the St. Clair (Mich,) Republican. Dec. 23. A SENSATIONAL MARRIAGE ix mcniGAN. Oa Sunday week an elopement and marriage took place at Marine City, the parties being a youn man, acil seven teen, auJ a youuj; lady, aged fourteen, both beiongiaj; to families moving in the first circles of society in that place. The youiig man is named Albert Grave, and is a cousin of N. S. Uoynton, our reprcsen ttiv lect to the State Legislature. Al bert has been paying his addresses to Mrs Susie Wescott, the youthful and charming daughter of D. II. Wescott, Tor over a year past, and it is hardly en amored of each other. The attcution of the parents of both parties was diretcd to their wooiug and, efforts were mado to prevent their meeting. In fact, a strong and determined opposition was raised, and the youthful lovers weregivn to un derstand that they mut nevermore join hearts or hands at loo's trystiug place or breathe the "old, old story" into each other's willing ear. This stern mandate was attended with its natural consequen ces only making them more devotedly attached and more determined and suc cessful in finding ways and means of meeting each other. Feeling that they were cruelly treated they determined to make one bold stroke for freedom and happiness. On the afternoon of Sunday, the 13th instant, without conslting their relatives, and. accompanied by a male friend, they jumped iuto a cutter and drove over to 1. F. Hart, whose residence is about two miles west of Marine City, and were there and then united by that gentleman in the holy bonds, of wedlock; The parents of the young lady her, and after a little search got an inkling of what was going on. A brother of the young lady, with a friend, D. Lester, got into a cutter and made chase, but arrived too hte. Considering that discretion was the better course, they thought it was best to .look over the affair aud invite the youog married couple home. According ly they started on ahead to see the old folks, and instructed the young couple to lollow at a sate distance. They imagined that the old folks could be quieted and reconciled, and in this they reckoned with out their host. The father of the virgin bride had taken a position where he could eee the young folks come into the village, and the brother and friend did not hap pen to see him. When tLe cutter came driving up, the old gentleman halted it, and after a short tussle with the bride groom, in which his superior size and strength gave him a decided advantage, took his daughter out of the cutter and foreed her to go home, at the same time telling the young man that he might "travel." The girl, reluctant and sob bing as if her heart would break, followed her father home, while the young man. down-heear led, took for the time being another course. The parents of each were exasperated, and they jointly deter mined to break the marriage. They as certained through legal advice that the laws of State did not sanction marriages where the male contracting party was tinder sixteen, and that under the cir cumstances of the pre-ent case thp tie could be severed with but little difficulty. Close watch was kept over the young la dy, but she managed to escape and made her way to a neighbor's house, where Al bert, being sent for. no sooner appeared than she was again forced to return her to home. Xegotations were kept up all through Monday to bring about a recou cilation of the old folks, but all to no ef fect On Tuesday morning early the young bride, under charge of her father sind brother, was taken Detoit to be placed in a convent, there to remain until he arrived at mature age or gave up the object of her affections. JOSH BILLINGS PAPERS. Angleworms. ADj!eworms are ov arth. arthv. and crawl for a livini'. Thev lir in rich ground, ground that won't raize enDjthiDg else, and where angleworms rejoice, corn is sure to be bully. If you want your anglewcrtas ov enny size, you manure your si le. Their aint nothing cn arth more miserable tew ponder over and weep about than a half-starved angle worm. Angleworms are a sure" crop on good sila, and handy tew hoe, for they plant aDd harvest themselves. They don't take up much room in the ground, and are as kind to children ez a piece of red peat. It is Bed by naturalists that the angle worm's ile, rubbed on the rear of the neck, will kure a man ov the lies. I don't believe this, unless it kills the man. Death iz the only reliable heal for lieing that has been discovered yet. When lieing gets into a man's blood, the only way to get it out is to drain him dry- ' Angleworms are. used az an article of diet to ketch fish with ; they are to top oph, az enny body knows who has strad dled a saw log and fished for daiceall day !ong in a mill pond. "J Old fisherman alwus earrytheir worm? in their, mouth. Angleworms live in a round hole, which they fit like a gimlet, and are different from ' aul other crops that I know ov, for they alwus back into their holes. Here the natural angleworm ends. An Outrage Upon the Fashions. A newly indueted policeman in New Orleans recently had a singular adven ture with a fashionably dressed lady whom he met coming out of a dry goods store. He had heard of shoplifters who had carried off the most costly goods in a saelc disposed about the person. He was ambitious of distinction, and here was a chance for the coveted fame. The lady was evidently carrying a heavy load. 13he must be a, shoplifter. There could be ;,BO doubt of it he would arrest her. "You are my prisoner," he said laying ?his hand upon her shoulder.' ! "What do yoa mean V demanded the insulted .lady. ' . ,: "What's that you've got on your back ;; stolen goods ?" ' "Heaven! I never was so insulted. No,. sir,, it's not stolen goods," "I meau no offense,, madam, but my duty compels me lq' examine it." . .. . ' "SirrTiirrjthaVfi my my Grecian becd. . . . sheriff sale. by virtue of seven execution's. i.sued out of tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for the County, of Liun, and to mo di rected nnd delivered, tu-wit: Ouo in favor of Thomas Montcith and the. Linn County Woolen Hills Company, for tho sum C $;M.4rt and interest an I cot ; nnd also ono in favor of Jidin II. Line.' otate and against the Linn County Woolen MilU Company, for the sum of $1,721.60 in IT. S. gdd coin, and interest ami coat,; and ono in favor of Samuel ). Knox ami ngaiiift tho Jiinu County Woolen Mills Company, lVr tho Mini of $n?9.S7" and interest and cost j and also one In favor of J. 11. Courtney and against the Linn County Woolen Mills Company, for tho sum of JiUi.'l.Stl in U. 8. gold eo'uj and iutorest and costs ; ami also one in favor of Ileneh A Montcith, as signees, C. C. God ley A Son, and against the Linn County Woolen Mills Company, for tbo sum of $2t0.l.1 in V. S. gold e'in, ami interest and cost: also ono in favor E. L. Knox and against tho Linn County Woolen .Mil's Company for the urn of $?:i-l.73 and intercut nnd eosts; also ono in favor of (lero Knox and against the Linn Coun ty Woolen Mills Coinpauy, for tho sum of $13 1 and interest ami costs. I have this 20th day of January, lSrtl), levied on the following described Ileal Property and te aj purtenanees thereunto belonging, of the Liun County Woolen Mills Company to- it: A certain piece or parcel of land conveyed by deud by Wtn. Mellarguo and .wife and James I'dakely and wife, to the trustees of tho Linn Coun ty Woolen Mills Company, described an follows, to-wlt : Commencing at a point thirty-one (?.l) chains East and four (t) chains and fifty (M) links South front tho Northwest corner of II. II. Spalding's do nation land claim, nnd running thence Kouth six (fi) chains and fifty (50) links ; thence West two (2) chain and ninety-sit (95) links; thence North four (4) chains and sixty-five (6i) links ; thence North fifty-eight (.13) degrees. East three (3) ohains, fifty (50) links to tbe place of beginning, and containing one a?re and t I-100. Also, the following described real property, conveyed by deed to the President and Director of the Linn County Woolen M'dls Company, by Win. McIIargue, Andrew J. Warren and A. S. iS.isectt, described in said deed as follow, tn-wit : The undivided one-half of the entire right to construct or build a datn across th Catipooia Uir er. on the land claim of Hugh Fields, of s-uCicirrst bight to turn the water of said stream at or where sai I race is dug; also so much of the water of said stream as is necessary to run a mill and other in chinery which they intend to build, ami is now in operation and course of construction on land con veyed by II. II. Spalding, sr.; aNo land on either side of a line, hereinafter described, of sufficient width and depth to furni-h the nf're.:ii I mill and other machinery, exeipt'ug and reserving a suffi cient quantity of water fr the ue if st-k, and also the privilege ot fencing ori-ri lgmg the same, so that thev do not obstruct the watv-r or otherwise injure the Race : tmnoif ncuij at a stake on the nrth bank ofi't sai 1 stream, on the land cl iim of II u h Fields, bearing Sooth twentv-nine t2'J) degrees Wetfrm the South-Fast corner of the South-West quarter of fectson Thirty-three, in fowii-hip l:.. South of the Hase Line, an ! Range Two (2) ViVt of the Willamette Meridian, and eleven (11) chains and fifty -eight links difat,t. and running thence North thirty-three degrees and thirty minutes. West three chains; th.nce North thirtya-ix degroes, Wet two chains; ttt-nee North thirty-nine Iegree, V. sst five chains and fifty links; thenrc Nrth istv-ne degrees. We.-t two chains and fifty link; thenee North 79 degrees. We-t twoebalnsan l fifty link ; thenee North sever.ty-seven degrees. Wet three chains ; thence South eighty-eight degree. West two chains an 1 fifty links ; tl.ence Suth eightv two degrees. West thre chains; thence South eighty-eizht degrees. West f-ne chain and fifty links, to the We-r line of aid land claim and to the East line of Win K. Kirk' land claim, and commencing at a stake on the Kat lin of O. W. Kirk land; thence South eighty-eight dtgrees, Wet two chains ; thence North seventy three de grees. West five chains; thence North seventy fur degrees. West five chains; thence North stventy nioe degree, We.-t thrte chain r.l fifty links; thenee North seventy-one degrees. West one chain an 1 fiftv link ; thence North mty-fUe degree. We-t five chains and fifty link, to the Katlincof Win. K. Kirk's land ; thence North eightv-uir.e d'-grees. West two chains and fifty links ; thener North fifty-six degrees. Wt-i thr-e ch.t.n ; thence North siaty-two degrees. West fsur chain ; thmcj Ntrth seveiity-ffix degree. U et two chain; thenee South eighty-six dere-. West three chains and fiitv links : thence South eighfv degr-r. West one chain ; thence Scuth sixty two d?gr---s, West oi.e ehain and fifty links; thence South cizhtv-one dcgre-s, tt tw- chains an I fifty l.nks; thenee North eighty df -reeo. West ,ne chain and fifty links; thence Wet one ehain ; thence North sev-eoty-seven degress, We-t five chain and fifty links; ilenc" Nerth fifty-two degrcs. W t two chains and fifty links; thence North ffty-even degvecs, West tw chains ; thenee N'r:h ivty-fite degrees, We it three chain; thence Nrsh "fifty three degrees, Wc-I f.ur chains; thorn North seventy-one decree, Wi?t jen chains nnd C'ty link ; th- ncc North sixty-five degrees, Wei urn chain ; thenee Nrth eighty-eigjhr degrees, Vtt two chains aod fifty li?i!is : thence North reventy nir.e ilegfes, Wt.-t three ehain and six link to the Kast line of A. J. Warren' Ian I ; running tuence North seventy-niru; degrees, Wttt cieien chains ; thenct South eighty-four degr- s, Wct on chain and fifty link ; thence South eighty two decrees. Wist two chains and fifty liok's; thence Nc-rth eighty- degr. West two chains and thfrty link to the Kat line ;( II. II. Spalding, jr.' land, and thence North eiglty-fjine degrees, West four chains ; theneo North fitty riine degree. West four chains; thence North feveoty-fonr degrees. West one chain ; thence South evt-nty-one degrees. West one chain and fifty links; thence South eighty-six degree, West five chains ; thence South eighty-six degrees, West two chains; thence WYt "three chains; thence North eighty -three, degrees. West two chains and twenty-seven link to the Kast line of II. II. Spalding, junior' land ; running thence North eighty-six degrees, West one chain; thenee South eixty-nine degrees, West one chain and fifty links; thence South sixty-six degrees. West one chain ; th-ncc South fifty-four degroe. Wct three chains and sixty-six link to the west line of II. II. Spalding, junior's land thence .South ixty four degrees, West three chains and twenty-nine link ; theuci South sixty-eight degree, West two chains and twelve link to the West tide of the water-;ra0 between tho mill and the factory, in Lien county, Oregon; and on Monday, tlm 221 day of February, 109, Sctween the hour of nine o'clock a. in. and four o'clock p. m., of said dy, I will sell the above do scribed real property together with the appurten ances thereunto belonging, at public auction, in front of the Court House door, in said county and State, to the highest and best bidder therefor, for gold coin of the U. S., in hand, to satisfy said Ex ecutions for gold coin, and the balance cash in hand to satisfy said Executions and cost and ac cruing cos. U A. IRVINE, Jan23v4n23tf. Sheriff of Linn Co. Oregon, FIKST AXiVIVERNAKY OF ALBANY FIRE COMPANY NO. ' 1, TO BE CIVEX AT FARKI.SII'K HALL, ALBANY, ov WASHINGTON'S BIRTH DAY (Felruary. 22, 1869.) COMMITTEE OP AHBA5GEMESTS : D. M. Thompson, N. B. Humphrey, M. V. Brown, N. Baum, ' John Parker, A. II. Marshal, Cha. Mealey, Ira A. Miller, S. Kohn, A. R. Backus, J. W. JS'ixon, C. VanClevc, ' Jas. L. Cowan. RECETTIOy COMMITTEE. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. ' FLOOR UAKAGER8. R. C. Clark, Leo. Fox, W. II. Wood, P. C. Harper. A general invitation is hereby , extended. Tickets can be procured of any member of the Committee. Firemen are requested to appear in uniform. - Albany, Jan. 23, 18G9. FARM FOR SALE, THE SUBSCRIBER, LIVIXG FOUR MILES north of Albany on the Willamette river, offers, his farm for sale. Said farm consists of 450 acres, all under fence ; 300 acres, of good tilla ble land ; 1 GO acres in cultivation ; good house and barn : an excellent well of water; a small or chard. I will sell this farm for $10 per acre one half cash down: the bal&uec od time to uit pur chaser. - WM. C. MILLER. 1 Pcc(12,e?v-lnirtf From tho Cincinnati Commercial July 2S, 1808. Temperance- in, All (Things. tLL GOOD MEN, ALL CHRISTIANS, all patriot, aro advocate of temperance. ; Jn lUcd, public sentiment is uniniinous on this point, although there may bo difference of opinion as to the best method of accomplishing tho desired cud. Temperance- means moderation, and though technically applied to abstinence from the uso of Intoxicating fluids., has n much broader significa tion than that. Tho individual who abjures all distilled and fermented stimulants as a deadly poi son, may, nevertheless, be Intemperate in his lan guage, in his pursuit of wtullli, In hi eating, in his political opinions, hi prejudice or hi appe tite It is even possible to preach "temperance" intemperatcly. There aro certain cnthusinsts, for example, who demand the entire abolishment of alcoholic stimu lant. Against these ullra-prohibitionUt the great body of the medical profession takes decided ground. Nine tenths of the physician and ur goons of the civilized world prescribe alcohol, and medicine of which alcohol is a cardinal Ingredi ent, in their practice. Thoy My that it is one of the most important article in tbo maltrit nwdiea, and that nothing can supply its place. Sometimes they administer it neat, sometime diluted with water, sometime medicated j ami while admitting, as any sane and honest man admits, that it is, morally and physically, a poion, when taken to excess, they argue that under certain rendition, and In certain eac, it use i hot only odti'ublr, but essential to the preservation of life and the restoration of health. Relieving that the most profound pathologists and pbys'e lgit of the ago understand the mat ter better than non-professionals, wo accept their doctrine and practice c philosophic and correct the more especially as the result of their treat merit confirm their theories. The rational friend of temperance, ide by id with whom we stand, frankly concede that al-idiol is sometimes necessary as a snaitafy agent. Mr. Grtehy grants this in a rec-nt article published jin jkt ln lrutn.Unt," and only faiatie. whoe ! ,. , . , , , ... j ' al " ntt mi f rc l by knowledge, venture to deny Il re, however, a difficulty occurs. The liquors of commerce are ' generally adulterated that it is perilous to give them to irk ptrson. All the brandies, runn. g'mJ, whiskie, Ac, are more or Ies empoisoned. Each contains me ingredient which provoke a thirst for erdent spirit- and thus drunkards are raai. t'nder these circum stances, ien.-ih! "tempcrince men" shoull t e the first to appreciate tt. tusportacce if a pure stimu lant f ir medical ue. This desideratum ts uf plied to the public and the faeu'ty in the form f HOSTK T TEK'S STOMACH HITTER, which i not merely a wholesome stimulant bat an invaluable fork, corrective aa I a!irati?e In insnufactur. ing, advertising n J selling it for sanitary pur poses tn'y the pr prieU.r claim to h c-Jiitribu-ting a found and substantial pUnk to the temper ance platform. There is a good deal of cant talked and written by otu of the self-eleete I reformer of the mcr !s cf ms-tikial. It t the nifrto&c of many of thtie persoii, sr.d cf their disciple, ! cor.foucd the um of d;2aiMe stimulmnts as an antidote with their miute a a tterage. The j int by whkh tbey are animated is a spirit of Mind bigot ry and intoUranee, akin t that wbieh, in th old en t-aie, IcJ to the massacre of St. Bartl ilomew, the crusade against the Albigecsc. and many oth er foul wrongs committed in the Lame of riligin. Thomas Jlood, the wittict cf philosopher, aa J tbe most philosophical of nit, characlcrixed that narrow miu led and aggressive J-icty which ii con tinually pecting at whatstver does not strictly c n f rin to its reetihar ritual, a magpiety and there are a good many birds of the magpie f ather who would fain obtain the exclusive control of the whole temperance ck. The doctrine of these individual lack consis tency. The same arguments if they dticrvc the name whbk they urge against the employment of alcohol and alcoholic tobies iu the trctwent of di-ea, or for its prevention, apply with still greater frce to tno.t of the favorite specific of tho faculty. Yet they have not a word to say agaibrt opium, mercury, strychnine, iodine, qui nine, and other deadly poisons which are prcserib ed daily by thousand of medical men. Are these lets deleterious than the pure alcoholic stimulant used as a medium fr diffusing the healing influ ence of who!eome herb and root through the system? The most uncompromising ultra-prohibitionist must admit that they are not. But he has a rejoinder in reserve. The powerful roedicanU referred to are prescirbed in limited doses. Bounds are affixed to their use by those who recommend tbem. hud Is it not the tamo, we ak, with regard to medicated spirituous stimu lant? Every bottle of HOSTETTEH'8 8T0M ACH BITTERS, for example, is accompanied by direction for its use. These direction are as clear and explicit iu those in a physician's prescription, and even if they happen to ho violated through tnadvertarce', no ecriou consequences ensue. A double or trippledose ol laudanum, or of itrych ninc, or of a mineral ealt, may kill, aud very often doc kill, but a five-fold, or even ten-fold, doe of tho BITTERS would produce no uch terrible ef fect. Opium in an infinitely stronger intoxicant than any variety of alcohol, and is extensively used to produce intoxication a well ai iu medical treatment. Why then id opium recognized as a useful curative by the name partie that utterly proscribe all alcoholic preparations? It is always beat to bo consistent. Bigoted prohibitionists would do well to learn a few lesson from Sacred History. Tbe patriarchs and prophets of tho old dispensation and tho apostles of the new, were not ouo idea men. They did not hold that the abuse of tho thing was an argument against its use. The cultivation of the vine as a material fr the manufacture of wine I sanctioned by tho Scriptures. It is commanded to bo given to "him that is ready to perish,", aud also to "those that bo of heavy hearts." Bad wine and wine taken in excess, Is made the, typo of Heaven's wrath, as the "wine of astonishment," of "rapine," of "fury," of "affliction." Ac, but good wine is not only not proscribed, but is forci bly recommended in many pages of the Bible. Some commentators insist that tho articles thus recognized by Divine Authority contained no alco hol that it was unfermentcd juice of the grape ; but as it is called "strong drink" in Proverbs and elsewhere, and is expressly stated to be "gladden ing," this construction is evidently contrary to the text. The true friends of temperauco resort to no such sophistry as this. They admit that a diffusive stimulant is a good thing when judiciously Applied, and this, and nothing more than this, is tbe argu ment of the truly temperate. ,PREPARED AND SOLD BY HOSTETTER & SMIf JJ, PITTSBURG, PENN. For ealo by Druggists, Grocers and store-keep. er throughout the world. ' ' Hostetter, Smith $: Co., : ; ' Agents for the Pacific Coast, ' San Fraxcisco, Cat.. ) jynS'39-v4n21 -ohn m. 1 ' : - n21w4 ' THE OLD STOVE DEPOT I T o Ji ii B r i g n , tiKAf.KIl ! COOK, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES ! Of tbo Dest Pattcrni, TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPER-WARE I And the usunl assortment of furnishing goods found In a Tin Store. Repairs Neatly and Promptly Executod! On Rcnionfihlo Term. Short Jlerhmhujn Make 1auj Friend " 'FHOXT-BT., A LIUN V, ' Next Door to D. Mansfield A Bro's Ftoro. Doc.Ovtulfltf JOHN, BRKKjH. P. W. M'lXK. A. ( AttOTIIKIIS, . P. W. SPINK & CO., (ttHTKSHOItS TO M. W.MACK.) DEALERS IN STOVES! Tin, SbcBt-Iron M Copnerwarc! On First, between Washington and Ferry Streets, ALI5ANV, OIlEtiON. T. HE andersignd would r-pertfully inform the ulilie giifieraily they ure estaldubed at the old tand of M. W. Mack, and have on band a Urjce toek, and are t-oiitinuully receiving heavy invoice of gofid whit;J we proposo to oll. We have now on hand it very large assortment of the mot favorit COOKING STOVES ! amoug which may be found the BUCK, HENRY ('LA V, K V It E K A , NEW NATION", M'C'KKYi: .TATE. HARVEST gl EE N. l'RIliEor AMERICA, Ac, Ac., Ac, Ac. Our utoek f PARLOR, HALL AND BOX STOVES, i now and will be kept very complete, and em brace many of the most beautiful pattern. Also a largs? t-k of Orcw, Irvit Kfltlrt, Iron lea-A'tttUt, Sad Irvnn, llrttn and Fnuutebd KrtUts, Firr V"'Ji, Shorrts ami T,nyn, H'apptt Iron, ttr., if c. Of I'lanihcd aod 'oud e have a govd as.'.oriment. We bare, for farmers, Matt. Ellis' Farmers' Boilers! And a very larc v,rtmcf(t of Eorce ai.d L.ft and COWAN'S PITCHER PUMPS I t H TO( C i f- TIITWABE , will alwa bo found laoit rcmpbrte, cwbracicj; everything wanted by hourkir-jrf r and oth tr, a-nd ill 1-e fisiiid of a cpriur quality, a c manufartar noon other t!,n the best brands of TIN Vis A T VI I And we WAUltANT our ware not to leak! KEPAIIUNG will receive promj I attention, and willie eiemted in a nral and wo, .infi lilie tnno-r. Those who arc waritm goo.1 in or line i'l (Sod it vat!y t tbrir a lat.t.i-- to j-ie us a calj befr purtlja-inj e!: lcrc, at our faril itie ( t buying and moufiirturiu enable u to pie ruslvtoer a lar; percent ia U4ti:y and price. Dealer will j l,o I at the lowest poi blc rates, and gn-fd pnk-d ant sbi jd Miih dip4!ch. pcci'WrtnUtf. I'. tt SPINK A CO. FOR SALE! iqa ACI'.i:.-? OF I. A Nil, SITl'ATKt IN j sJ Linn county, on the Cntral rod, within one half mile of Kol crt' i'ri lcand 'ne half mile or the O. C. K. U.; it bcin- the claim of K. II. Urimn and part of the Iaac Jlobert Claim. A! one improved block in the city cf Albany, with otU r valuable property. TKKMS OK SAI.K: Oo -fourth down, and the balance on time, with lrU-rt. secured by the proprtv. Tbe aboc will b? ol l iu parcrl to uit purchaser. E. H. OUIFFIN. Dec. 30, I C vtriSOtf. ii:titio. to ni;i.i. ki;ai. i:s- TATE. Jn the County Omrt Jor the County of Linn, MaUof Orryrjix. In the matter of the Estate of Thomas J. J treed fit, drreated. NOW ON THIS STn DAY OF JANUARY, the petition of Noah Shnk, Admin istrator of (aid etate, filed in this Court on the 20th day of November, IJ'fiS, come on to be beard, pravinjj fr an order of rale of the follow ing described real estate, to pay the debt out standing against the deceased, and the debt, ex pense and charges of administration, to-wit: Heginnlnj; at the N. E. corner of H. W. qr. of H. W. qr., .Section 27, Tp. 13, K. K 1 Wct; thence W. 80 rod ; thence H. 160 rodi; thence W. 80 rod; thence S. 0 rod; thence E. ICO rod ; thence N. 140 rod to the placo of beginning, containing 1C0 acre, more or les. I tin therefore ordered by the Court that the heir of caid ctate, to-wit : A. H. lirced-n, aged about 38 year, Martha Uice, aged about 30 year, residence Linn County, Oregon; Homer KaUton, Margaret F. llaUton and Mauerva Italiton, children of Eliza beth J. Kalton, d(-ea.ed, formerly Eliiabeth J. Iireeden, wlioe age and place of residence aro unknown to petitioner, be cited to appear in thi Court, at the Court Houee in the cit of Albany, in aid county of Linn, on Tuesday, the 2d day of March, 18G9, being a regular term of this Court, at JO o'clock in the forenoon of said day, theu and there to hov cauve, if any cxint, why an order of lale should not be made a prayed for in said petition : And that a copy hereof be published for four week in the "State Uigbt Democrat," a newspa per printed and published in tbo city of Albany, in itaid county of Linn. .,. By order of said Court. S. A. JOHNS. Jau. 16, 1869 n22w4. County Judge. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for the Count of Linn. Adeline M. UiU,)'Vff vs. 11. T. Hill, Deft. . Suit for Divorce. To R. T. Hill, Defendant t IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE GON : You are hereby required to , apppar in the Circuit Court of the ytato of Oregon fop tho County of Linn, andannwor tho complaint therein filed against' you by the abovo named plaintiff with tbo Clerk of aid Court, within ten day from the date of 'fieryico hereof upon you, if served, in said Linn county, or if served in any other county in tho State of Oregon then within twenty day of the date of service hereof ffpon you. . And you aro further uotifiod that if you fail to answer as above required, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply tp the Court for a decree or judgment of Court dissolving the bonds of matri mony now exiting between you and said plaintiff, and for one third of all your real estate and the rum of $2,000;00, and for the custody of tho two youngest cbildron, and coats and disbursements of ttiiSBUit. JS. 11. tltAWUU, December 1, 1868. Att'y for Pl'ff. By order of Hon. R, P. Boise, Judge. . State of Oregon, 1 Coustv op Lisir, ss. I, Geo. R. Helm, Clerk of tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for the county of Linn, do certify the foregoing to be a true and perfect copy of tho original Summona of which it purports to be a copy, now on file in my office. My haod and official seal, tho 19th dav of -Jan-trary, 1869, flB0. R, Hki.mJ Ckrk. v4n23w6 . J. BAnnown. t.'K. ui.Aur. a. r. rouso J. BARROVS a CO., AttK CONSTANTLY RECEIVING FRESH SUPPLIES OF GOODS DIRECT FROM SAN FRANCISCO, which Tiir.r wii.f, nr.Lh CHEAP FOU FIEADY PAY! WE A HE ALSO DOING A ftcncral Coiiiiiillon IIukIiicnv. LEGAL TENDEE3 E0U0HT AND BOLD. oc2Ivtnl0tf J. liAIUlOWS A CO. TO THE LADIES ! NEW MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. FASHION ABLE MILLINER. Ann nitESS-MAKEIt! WOULD ANNOUNCE TO THE LAD I EH of Albacy and Mrrouiidin country that b ha opened a Milliner and Mantua-Making Establishment lit thi city, and respectfully solicit their patronage. FASHIONABLE BONNETS AND HATS Always on Zland or Wad to Order! DIILKK AM) (LOUt MAKING raoMITt-T ATTKM'ED TO. ULEACHINtJ AND PEEKING buizro ORDER Albaoy.Oet 17, I WILL SELL GOODS AS CHEAP AS ANY ONE IN ALBANY! CALL ANO EXAMINE My LARGE STOCK CF diiv goods ami ; not i:hii:s ! KEPT A L W A V H AN 11 A N D ! COLLER'S CAST STEEL PLOWS! At th Cah ftore cf E. CHEADLE. JOHN CONNER LEAL Kt: I f o i: i: it a i, 3i i: n c n a i i s ej, ALBANY, .... OIICGON. roi:iiTia or DllY GOODS, CROC ERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTMINa, &c, etc. HARDWARE! A wll letcd (ortmrnl of the ia ot cttap'.cte kej t In AHariy. inO. AXO HTVAIM,, tt erly all kind uitatU for tbo trada. A 10 nor k, r. II A I.VH, Mil. I. HA W S , N Ji W h T Y I. K S i" Ii f S-i" V T K A W K , XV A i N S K AT Sl'IM X (i S, CAUitur,!; s i n i x c; s , THIMItl. RdloXINO, W A H II K i: , DOLTS, XCTTS IC. Nearly all tbe tek Upurehated in FAN FRAN CISCO, and will b oldat the low.t tnaiket rates for ready pay, or merchantable produca takeu in xchaoge. A Kent for Well, t'nrgo A Co. Agent far the Pacific Insurance Co. Oet. 26. '67-v2nI!yl JOHN CONNER. ATTENTION FARMERS ! HILL MEN ! AND ALL THOSE HAVING MACHINERY! THE ALBANY LARD OIL FACTOR Y ! Has ro'uracd operation, and is prepared to furuish Lard Oil by the Quantity! i Different grade ire kept on hand for tale at different price?. The No. 1 Grade is Warranted to be Strictly Pure! . Order from a distance rcupoctfully solicited, They should be accompanied with the cash. "TVT OTICE CASH OR SOAP WILL BE J3I J'ftiJ for I,uro lftrd nnd rancid or scorched grease, delivered at the Factory. i McCORD A GEORGE, Albany, Oregon, Jan. 1, 1869 -v4n20tf. ' SAMUEL DENNY, XT XT ID DB IR, T JE B w AND HEALER IX ALL KINDS Or CABINET WARS ! ALBANY, OREGON. Store on First street, under the Democrat Office. Albany, Oct. 1, 1868 v4n7tf. NOTICE ! OOK OUT FOR THE CARS I JUST HE- ceivoil : a very large siock r i DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES ! by steamer from San Francisco. I will sell for i-i-i i ii . easn or mcrcuaniauie jinmuoe, ui ior prices, my entire stock of Goods, to make room for" more. Call and Bee for yourselves. . . ' R. CHEADLK'S tftpr4v8o?3tfJ . ' Caf.h Iftoxc, ; Albany. ' PRIVATE MEDICAL AID- QUICK CURES AND MODERATE CHARGES. im. w, ic. ioin;iiTvs PRIVATE MEDICAL ANO SURGICAL INSTITUTE ! I Sacramento Htrcet, lndowJftntomTy, ojfo ito the 1'aciHc 1 iil KteaitiKbip Com any' Offi'-e, I'rirata eutratic on Leidedfru" street, San Franeic. Kttahlvih'd txprruly to afford tfit njjlicttd wihd and ncUnliJie ud in the treatment und cure of tilt 'rieuli and Chron ic lfiUiifi, of tieert cy and all Hexual JJiiordtri. to tiik ArriiCTf:. DR. W. K. DOHERTY RETURNS HIS SLV cere thank t bin numcrou ratiiriU for their pat.r'uatj, anI would take th! cjifcirtunity t'i remind them that he continue to rcnault at bi Ifistifuto fyr th trurn of ehronic disea? of tb Lont;. Liver, Kidney, I)ixtstie and (ienitw-Url-nary Oran, and all irirat! tljeae, viz. Syd tli in all its form and f tage, Beuiflal Weakne, aud all th horrid eonseU'iK cn of e?f-hue, Ooa orrhfea, Gleet, Mriirture, Nocturnal arid Diurnal ciniiori, Sexual Dehilify, Diteaxe of tbe Eaek and Loin, Inflammation of tho Eladder and Kid ney, etc., ct'' and h h'e ihat hi Ion exrri euce and saeeeksful fra-lin will c ontinue to insure him a liaro of puldk jatr'.naj;o. Ey tbe ra.ti; of many yearn in Europe and the United Htatt, h is . nahit'l to ft-jly the most efficient and uo eeful remedies aaintt dixeaea of all kind. He use no mercury, thare moderate, treat hi pa tient ia a correct and honorable wa, and ba rrftn nies tf uiiquentionahle Vera' ity frviu tn o nf known reKrctlility i.n l ':h ktandin in soci ety. All faitie eonsultinjr him hy l-tt';r orothtr wire, will receive the htut and gentlest treatment, and implicit tt ry. To IVmnle. When a female i in trouble, or afflicted with dinease, Keakne of tho ha' k and limbs, pain in tbs bead' Iurn -s of ixht, los t, muscuUr power, a! itatl-n of the heart, irritability, ner vousness, extreme uriniry diffifu!ti;, d;range ment of li-stv5 funetton, wnxr debility, a giniti. a!l d:.' a'e ot the womb, hystrria, nV-.rWx-l, and all father dieae peculiar to females; be nhyuld go i,t write ! onefs to the eelebrat-d fcinale dortor, W. K. Doherty, at hi Medical I.istitute, r;d eonruU him thout her trouble and diens. The Doctor is -5Te'-tin more cure thn any other h vici.4j in thu Hlate of California. I.'-t no fale de'.icaey prevent you. but apply immediately and save yourself fr .ta painful nuffi-rin ac 1 prema ture death. A:l Married Lad'.e whose deiicate l eilth of fatWr cir' onistAn'-r prevent an ii:rras in their f4ijiU-, rbould nt r call at lr. XV. K. Dobtrty' Mcdie! Intl!ut;( and they will ret-eir every p'Mtsible frlief nnd b:lp. 'Ibe l)urtor' uGi cc ut-, o arranged that be can be conu!ltd wiiL out fir of onrvation. To Correspondent. 1'atient residiti in atjy part of tbei-'Utc, bow ever dittant, who may defie the opinion and d ie of Dr. Dobetty in tid-ir rejxtiv cas, and wbo think proper to dbtpki a written lau-ui'-nt of urh, in prefrrene u.bold.i.j; a M.rconbl interview, are rct--tfuS'jy asured that tbe'r foiutiiunkation wi'l W bel 1 taosl ar red n4 etn&d-ntial. If tbe case be fully and candidly d-eerbed, per oual C'mmanication wU be nisni-'-esary, as in ttructiou f rdtt. regimoii, and the general treat uienl of tb case including the remeiit), will Ik forwarded without l--iay, and id fucb a manner a to eoavey tij ilea of tbe purport f the letter or parl 'j transmitted. C'onsuiution by letter or otherwise, rnrr.. I' cure truaranu-od or no pay. Addc-M, V.'. K. DOIIEUTV, M. D., Fan Erauciseo, Calfrni. Kpcrnialorrha'a. D. Doiitinrv bajt puMisbrd an impo rtant patoplet embodying his owti views and experience in relf lion to Iufu-nre or Vir.'iir, bein;; a hort treatise tifi J' j r:::at .rrl.ij-a r Sciuinat Wtakne?. Ntrv-.u and riiytiral Drfdlity consequent on tbi !Tictiin, and other diacs of tbe FcxuaI Organ. Tbi litCe w- rk contain information of tbe ut most vlue in all, whether married or single, and will be sent WiEE by mail n receipt of ix cent in p'ttae ttamps fT rrturn postage. AJJrex, W. K. DOHEItTV. M. D., vnlstf han Francbeo, Cal. MRS. DUNNIWAY F11AKES l LEA CUE IN INFOH.MINO HER X r.utncr jus patron that she La oa band, and u in regular receipt nf the LATEST iXD CHOICEST STYLES OF GOODS IX THE .11 ILL! . E fl Y X. I X E I UEMEMUKIt, LADIES ! If j ou pureha.e TEN DOLLARS' WORTH of Fall Millinery yon will be entitled to tbe "DEIYIOREST MACAZIWE!" for lf9, a a premium on the purchaie! DRLSS AND CLOAK MAKING in all their" brasche ! BLEACHIKC AKD PRESSISC in tho latest and best manner ! GOODS CHEAP ANO PATIENCE INEXHAUSTIBLE ! Corner Main and Eroad-Albin Streets, ALIIANY, OKKfiOX. November 21, IbCS ?4nHtf BROOK SALOON! MONTGOMERY & TOWER, Proprietors. N. X.CORMCR MAIN AM) FEIIRT 8TKEETS, ALBANY, .... OREGON. IVERYTIIINO ABOUT ' THE SALOON IS J now and iu perfect order ; and we will keep only the very 4 BEST BRANDS OF LIQUORS which the market affords. In the Saloon at all time The Most Perfect Order will be Preserved. a AVo will keep always on hand the . THE VERY BEST OF WINES AND CIGARS I : Hoi all ye that are thirsty como. tlrink at the "BROOK !" MONTGOMERY TOWER. Jan. 2, 1SCS v4n20tf. ; ; STOLEN OR STRAYED, FROM THE FORKS of the Willamette River, on or about the 20th of July last, one bay mare, 5 years old, 16 hands high, her left hind foot and pasture white ; on the outside of her loft hind left:, jat below the hock, is a small lump about the size of a man's thumb ; . Rmn.!l Rnddla mark on each side of her back. Also one dark bay horse, 7 years old, tho rise of 16 nanus nign, vrbito snip or wri'to nose, running to the left up his face ; shows the white of bjs eyes very much; high hip bones travels witlj his hind feet rather far apart. Fifty Dollars reward will bo paid for tho deliv ery of said horses, or Twenty-Five Dollars far in formation of their whereabouts. Scio, Linn county, Oregon, January 1, JSG9.: , i v4n2lw4 CHARLES MILLER. . NOTICE I rfinosE wno want reapers, headers, JL Threshers, Mowers, Gang-Plows, Self-Raking Machines, Seed Drills, Ac., at Portland prices, freight added, (see hand-bill of E. A. Hawley Co., Portland, Will rtkase call on ' , ' . CHEADLE, Agent, , apr4v3n33tf ' : ' - Albany, Oregon. STOP THAT .COUGHING COME Or YOU CAlf T. A.VD WE PITT O you. Yon have tried every remedy but the ONIC destined, by IU Intrinsic mailt, to supersede all mro llar preparatioTia. It is not anrpristng yoo aboakl I reluctant to try something tm after tb many z-' perimenUi you bava made of trashy eompoiuwU loiated on the public aa a certaia cure; but NEWELL'Si Pulmonary Syrup fa reJty the VERY BEST remedy erer eofriponnda4 for tbe cure of Couifhw, Cold, Kore Tbroal, Aathma, Wbwptfig Coufb.IiruncbUiaand Consumption. Tbo uf people in California and Oregon bar ba already UnfiUed by ttte surprising curaUve pwt " NEWELL'S r . , Pulmonary Syrup and with mm nvn4 glvt It tfcetf HrKjoafffWarreos. baUon. W now addrnw ouraclvea l all wbo are rjuainte'l wltb this, the rreat Panacea f the tg for tbA bealinir ot ail diaa of Ut ThrvM Mtl ltng aMurUt you Utal NEWEIIS Pulmonary, Syrup laa car4 IkovsraSa roA it will enra TOU If yt try tt. ' ' (); Tills inra!uA);le rnedicine U pleaaant to th tasU nrthmz, baling and atrentrtbeoing la ita effecU; tirly fre frorn all poionoua or deleterious drift, . and psrfcUy burmieM under all eircamHaocef. I CcrtiDcaU-s from mny protnlnetit ciumm f 9m Vntstwzt accouipany cvary bottle of NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup r.EDI.N'GTO.V k CO. AlU, Caa rraoaca Ue Eleetro-Bilieon, Or Magi Brilliant. J. DR. E. COOPER'S UNIVERSAL MAGNETIC BALM i . An unequalcd preparatlo fr the eura ' ot Dy entry, Diarrhea, Cramp, and all Direasaa f tb Stomach and Dowels; tbe Instantaneoas Relief mt Eurns, Druises, fprainj, Ache, RtcuiaotU m Neuralgic Affceti'ns. ' ' xJ Tha genuine article leari th rlgnitar f VT. R. STR050, REDINGTON & CO. Sale and Exclutirc Agents. BEDIXCTOX I CO'S FL0RID1 W1TEE. ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN G E R, ThU valuable preparation, containing in a Ltgh y concentrated form all the properties of Jamaica Ginger has become one of the roost popular 4a mertie remedies for ail diseases of: the (totaaals and ds.stire organs. As a tonic, it will be found invaluable to all per son reegrering from debility, whether produced by a fcTcr, or otherwise; fur while it imparta to the system all the gluw and rigor that can be pre duccd by wine or Lran ly, it U eatir)y frw from the reactionary eSTccU that follow the as f spia its of any kiud. , It is also an excellent remedy for females who fufftr from difficult nieuf truation, giving alxaeet iuimediat) relief to the spasms that aa frequently accompany that period. It gives immediate relief to Nausea, eaa4 fcy riding in a railroad ear, or by seasickness, r othj er caue. . It ic al.o valuable a an external applieatian fee (out, I'.lieuinatUia, Neuralgia, etc. REDINGTON A CO. w - t 416 and 41 S Front St., San Francfeeo, Cal. ...,.,: ; Or Magic ErUliU Use Electro- Silicon, REDINGTON & CO'S I FLORIDA WATER. FOR TIIE HANDEERCHIEF. This article, possessing the taoit delicate fra srrance of Flowers, is unequalcd as a perfume far the Handkerchief. ' FOR THE BATH. Used in bathing, it imparts energy and strength to the svstpm. aud irives that suftness and delia. cy to the skin so much desired by alL : It removes Snnbnrn, Freckles and Pimplri. Diluted with water, it makes an excellent De tifricc, imparting pearly whiteness to the teeth, sweetness to the breath, and renders the gums bard and of a beautiful color. It should always be used after shaving, dillutei with water, aa it relieves all inflammation. - - REDINGTON A CO. 416 and 41S Front St, San Franeisee. Use Electro-Silicon, Or Magie BrUIiaai, t7t nnmTiA.c'TT Trtnvr ": . t .. -0R ... , . -.- ,, .. . . ,., ..' j MAGIC. BRILLIANT DIRECT FROM NATURE'S LABORATJRT The best article ever discovered for Clejiiy and Polishing Gold, Silver, and Plated Waif and all smooth Metalio Surfaces, of whatever descrip tion, including Ivitehea Utensils of Tin,. ?ejper. Brass, Steel, etc. . ; - ? : To Jewellers and Workers in Gold and. Silver -Plate, tho Electro-Silieon is of ifiostintahVsdisf j the time saved, and the vexation prevented by its ? use, will forever endear its name to tose whof : " Sole Agents, Saja TrariciseCx FOR FLAVORING EXTRACTS. ' .- i REDINGTON A CO'S ARE THE ?.?ST." H. EcpnTciaioft, "