SATURDAY JANUARY 9, 1S69. Small Tox.- We have perhaps been re miss in duty in not calling the attention of the publio to tue tact mat uiey are name, . any; moment, to hare tho mall pox break out fjnong them. It has been in ban Iran cisco for some time past 5 also at Portland ; , also, in ot near, Salem j also at Jacksonville. A di ipatch from this latter place, dated1 the 5th last, fajs: , .... "Fire new cases of emsvU-pox aro reported in this place today. To this date there hare been .thirty cases, four of which proved fatal. The imbUe n4 private schools are clc.ed, ana there is loach Apprehension that tho disease wilt become 1 epideaa'c." WoadrUo ,this community to take iov mediate steps to prevent the small-pox from 'visitinsrusV The physicians of Albany all tavo pure vaccine matter, and we advise ev- erv&idV to be vaccinated j particularly if they have never been, as vaccination is gen eraiiy preventive. People should not wait until some one or more persons shall be attacked by this fatal disease, before attend- ins to this' matter f for the Vmall-pox may be communicated to persons residing here in ;many wajsj by letters they may receive ffrom abroad by bank bills that may be in circulation, or by the clothes of some stran ger passing through the country. Let ev- eryKJadof a family attend to this matter . . . . ' -l-i- intime: and much sunenng may. pussjuij be ftTmded. While we counsel prompt no tion, we would have the public avoid being undulv itcd, or scared; for we believe cxci fsar Weparci &s human system for, and su perm luces attacks of contagious diseases. Keep cool.1 4 Keep your persons arm -preznis. s clen r don't gormandize. Carbolic ncid and quinine are said to De gooa prcveui ives of small -pox. Ocuetco Vallxv. The editor of the Dalies 4 MounUkimcr having recently had a conversa tion yith Janes II. Miller and James M. Thorns of peboco Valley, says that they rep resent everything in that section as being in a prosperous condition. About seventy-five persons, all told, are wintering in the Valley. !A family ly tba name of Johnson, from the "Willamette Valley, who, when they arrived therc,Vere suffering with ague and reduced to ski a and bone, are now "fat and hearty and enjojing life to the fullest extent." The Jf&urtftuieer alsa contains a letter from Wra. Fickett,-ex-editor of the Albany Journal, undQr'date of December 20 Mr. P. says his 'fingers have become as hard and as stil as born from wielding the axe !" "Good for you, brother Pickett. You are now in an honest occupation go on. He says : We bare the los cut for a school -house, 18x2t, .nd the school will open with 22 pupil, who re fide wijhin radius of little over a mile from the school. , . The weather ha been qmie open tun far, and i the stck are doin well. . Quite a nn mkr of cab ius hare been erected this winter; and for fifteen xallc, above the month of the Oshoc ewy. elaita lias bten-Ukea and improvtmcnU commenced. Thsra is jet plenty of room ! I am out of stationery, as you see. bat I Lave lnckiW a lot of old blanks which I Lave left from a lot I obtained for editorial n?o in Aioany. c.;. .,.. fi!r hunt & road to thia p-int. If the liill at Scott's camp I icsprotcd, there will be an esr!y spring trade opened from here ; other wise, a good deal of it will go to Albany dannS the isnatner. as tho Utter U only tin miles farther than the Dalles." Pickett sayi he is to beJ the schoolmc cf Ochoco Valley ! NuflT ced! raster A Xarsow Escape. Oa last Saturday as Mr. Kidgeway and his son-in-law wero brinin Rev. Starr and horse across the; .'Santiam river on the former gentleman ferry boat, near Lebanun, the rope broke and the boat and men were carried rapidly lown tho river a distance of about three miles, when the boat struck a stationary log and was thrown up on its eide, precipitating "the three men and the horse into the river. Fortunately Rev. Starr jumped, astride of Ju horse a the latter went into the water, and the faithful animal swam to an island near by and landed i hi master safely on ierra f.rma. The ferrymen also swam to thelslmd. Here the party remained for an ionr'cirtwo, when' they were disco verel by Wm. Smith and Jason Wheeler, who prompt ly procured askiSF and started to their rescue; but ero they reached the island they met fwith the same catastrophe that befell. the oc cupants of the ferry-Txiat. The velocity of the corrept carried their .Bkiff gainst a log. where it capsized, and the men climbed on the lo, which, fortunately, projected from the islawi'and enabled them to 1 walk along 3t jto where1 their companions in distress were standi ng The party. were ail taken off from thelsi and "several hours subsequently, by Oome'gentlemen who were fortunate enough rto pro:ure an old ferry-boat in the neighbor, fchood We onderstand tbe Methodist preach- er got bq cold that . bis fear: of "fire" was . considerably moderated after his release I GojfE TO Rest. It becomes our sad duty rto' cla'jnicle'the 'death of 3If. Charles B. ;.prenger, whicfi occurred on yesterday morn ing, at the Pacific Ilotcl in this city. lie had been prostrate for many weeks, with , that fell and fatal disease, consumption, and -'when the Pale Messenger came he found a willing follower from so much suffering. i Mr. S. was well known throughout Oregon 3 a ! first-class hotel-keeper,' was aged about . 32 years, 1 and leaves an, estimable widow and many relatives and friends to mourn his VepaVire jf rom ,'thei r ' rnidst. v' He was a blrothor of J.. B. Sprenger, Esq., proprietor of the Pacific Hotel of this city. iTh& funeral will take place to-morrow (Sabbath) at J J o'clock vvTt-f froni the Pacific Hotel .to; the Congrt gational Church, where appropriate service will be held. --- ! V Wi?i IPyspeptics everything is wrong Food does not digest : sleep does not refresh wine, does not.cheer ; 7 emues do not giaaden mtme does not charm, nor can apy ptber joy .enter the breast of the miserable dyspeptic. You must get rid of it or it will become .Beated and confirmed,- and life will become a bud9 and existence a curse. 'Platatio Bittlrs will do away ; with all this. New life, strength and enegy will take possession of yc u The damask will again bloom upon your cheek', and the luster in your eye will Agair-j be as bright as in your healthiest, happiest and most joyous days. -Murder. Two men were murdered in Portland last week and it wasn't a very t good week for murdering, either ! . Portland svill soon rank as a "first class city." Married. Wo learn from the Journal that, on Christmas Eve, Ilev. T. M. Martin, formerly of this county but now Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Eugene, was united in matrimony with Miss Semantho Green, in that city. Tis well, brother Mar tin I You will now have Bomo one to sharo with you tho donation parties, and yellow legged chickens, and the graver duties and re sponsibilitics of your profession. May your fair companion ever prove a help and bless ing through all your trials and vicissitudes in life, is the siucere wish of matiy friends in "Old Linn." Loss. R. W. Tompkins, Esq., of thiscity, on last Tuesday lost $280 in currency from his pocket, while crossing n "swale," on horseback, neat Itobert's bridge Jn this county. Tho water was so deep that the money was washed out of his pocket and floated off with tho current. If it had Icon coin Mr. 11. would not havo met such a loss of funds ! It is likely some sucker has ta- ken those jreenbacks at par by this time; but if ho has ho will soon learn that ho was sniped." Election or Officers. At the annual meeting of Albany Fire Company No. 1, held at the Court House on last Monday eve ning, the following officers wcro elected fur heyearlSCO: (i. T. Vining, President; A. N. Arnold, Secretary; S, Montgomery, Treasurer; Joseph Webber, Foreman j P. II. Farrell, 1st Assistant Foreman ; Charles loggers, 2d Assistant Foreman. The meet ing adjourned till uct Monday evening, the 11th inst. Substantial Peesent. On last Friday morning "ye junior" was made the recipient of a sack of tho best brand of Hour from the Magnolia Mills. From the fact that the preseat was brought to the door in a, little wagon drawn by a couple of exceedingly handsome and bright-eyed little 1kjs, the writer is led to believe that the first two let ters of the donor's name is Frank Parton. Thanks 1 Democratic Pkess. Wc have received a prospectus of a new paper, with tins title, to be issued in Salem, about tho first of next month, by Beriah Brown, Eq. lie prom ises very fair, and there is at least one gwd feature in it ; and that is that it "will be condueied exclusively on the cash system. No name will be entered upon tho subscrip tion book until payment is made." Enlarged. The Portland Commcirialhan been somewhat enlarged. We regard it as being, in the main, one of the soundest Democratic journal on the coast. This is the opinion wo form of it from the few num. hers that reach us we receiving one only occasionally; on an average about one per week. What the plague is the matter down there, brother Dow ? Aldaxt Legislature. Owing to tho stormy weather thre was no quorum at the school house on last Saturday night, so the Legislature adjourned till this evening, which, being the regular time fr theclection of ofacers, it is expected that there will be a full attendance of the mcrabe;8. The SuckholJers of the Linn County Agricultural Association held their election January 7, 1600 and elected the fallowing persons as the Board of Directors for the en suing year: A. llackleraan, D. Froman, M. Luper, E. II. GriSn, Jas. II. Foster, Allen Parker, Joseph Xixon. Copfee-Hoastes. This is the name of a vessel invented by our townsman, John Briggs, Eq. Its name explains its ue. It is intended U roast or brown coffee on tap of the stove, instead cf in the oven ; a feat! which it performs most admirably and satis factorily. New Year's Gitt. The proprietor of the Democrat were kindly remembered, on New Year's Day, by C. P. Burkhart, Esq., who presented each with a box of blue pear main apples. For size and fine flavor they are nara to excel, ine uonor nas our thanks. Ixstallatio.v. On last Wednesday night the following new oScers were installed by Albany Lodge No. 4, I, O. O. F., viz: F. Peebler. N. G.; Wm. C; Tweedalc, V. G.; Vtrm. Caldwell, Secretary ; George Young, Treasurer. Obecox Iron Works.-1-We call attention to the card of this institution timong the new ad's. It is generally conceded, we be lieve, that the Oregon Iron Works turn out about as good work, at as reasonable rates, as any Foundry on the Pacific coast. The Special Term. The late special term of the Circuit Court, held in Linn county for the purpose of trying Pomeroy, cost t..e county the sum of $1,525 90. It is fair to presume that it cost individuals as much more. ' 7 Religious. Religious meetings have been held in the United Presbyterian and M. E. Churches of this city during the current week, and considerable interest has been manifested. Thakks. Our carrier returns his grateful acknowledgements to the town subscribers of the Democrat for their liberal patronage on New Year's Day. , His receipts were $11: Fifty Dollars Reward. Notice the ad- vertisement with the above caption, . in an other column.. There is an opportunity of fered for some man to make a "spec." Dissolved. See notice of J. E. Bentley & Co,, among the new ad's. . . Tailoring-: Read the new jidvertisement of Mr. R. Jacobs, tailor. ; ' BORN.: WALLACE In thig city, on the 3d inst, to the wife of M. II. Wallace, aeon. .. MARRIED : REAM READ At the residence of the bride's father, in this city, Jan.'lst, 1869, by Rev. R. C. Hill, J. R. Ream and Miss Charlotte Read. M00RE CHARLTON At the residence of Mr. Charlton, in Linn ccunty, Jan. 3, 1869, by Rev. R. C. Hill, Robert Moore aad Miss Margs. rette H. Charlton. CHRISMAN DILLEY At the residence of the bride's parents, on French Prairie, January 3, by Rev.' J. W. Short. Me. D. T. Chbismas and Miss Amanda M. Dillet, GORE NEW At the residence of Mr. P. T. McKnight, near Lebanon, by Rev. J. W. Craig, Mr. James Gore and Misa Mzlixba Jake New, all of Linn county. ADVKItTISKMKNTS. THE OLD STOVE DEPOT ! o li li 13 l- i f h 9 DEALER IX COOK, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES ! Of tho Dest ratterns, TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPER-WARE I And the usual MMortwcnt of furntkhlng goods found iu a Tin Storo. Eepaira Neatly and Promptly Eiocutedl 0 Reasonable Terms. u Short litckonhvjs Make Long Friends " ' FH0NT-8T., ALBANY, i W "I Next Door t D. ManfloU , fire's Stora. IhMsSvlnlClf ; ; JOHN llRIOflS. ALBANY, OREGON. - A. F. CHERRY, PROf RIETOR. manufacturer of STEAM ENHINES," U It I ST AN'l SAW-MI 1X5?. ItEAl'EUS AND TJIKKSIIERS. WOOD WOHKINO MACIIINEKY, VUMPS, 4c, Ac, Ac, 4c Ac. Mflcliim.ry of &ll kinds REPAUIBD ON SHORT WOTXCCI I X T T 12 H X 31 Av 14 ISO Done in All Its Various Forms ! ! IEON AND BRASS CASTINGS Of All Kinds, Kade to Order I Dee.5 6Svialf.yi. A. P. CHERRY. POSITIVELY SELLING AT COST! riuiE unji:hiin'kd iiekkbt cjivkxo. JL ties to the puhlio in general that the mill tell their WELL SELECTED STOCS ' of DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTIILNC AKlJ g i:m:u 4 1, 3 i: it c n a i i n j: : AT COST! Thoc dctirlc In raake iurcLatf will do well to fall Imnicdlatrly ! am ws 4ire to cluie c-ut ear eotiru toct a the abort ttrtnf, FOB CASH CR MERCHANTABLE PRODUCE ! Ail h r n knowing thctnitlret !nleLtol ta tie un l:rirtuNl arc rciUf(c4 t ew forward without delay ! -;ttte their indtshiednv, at we are le- Itnnitic 1 t' oor iacrcanti!e ljrsefi and col lect oar debt. W. TV, I'ARItlSII A CO. Oct. si, lses-vioihf p. w. nt isK. A. CA ROTH ECS. P. W. SPINK & CO., (srcrr.sofis to m. w. mack.) DEALERS l?l m M STO VES ! Tin, SM-Irca ana - Conperware ! On First, between Washington and Ferry Streets, ' ALBANY, OREGON. rip i TIH underpinned would n r.eetfu3!y Infona Ine fubKc generally that are cstaUUbed at tho old itand of M. W. jlack, and Lave on Land m large tock, and are continually rcceirin Leavy inoiccn of good wlitch we propose to We Lare now m hand a very larje MaortnenC;- of the most favorite . ; COOKING STOVES! among which may be found the BUCK, - - -r -; v IIEXltY CLAY, , , , EUKKKA. I NEW NATION, I UUCKEYE STATE, f . HARVEST QUEEN, ' l'RIDE or AMERICA, v ; Ac, 4c, Ac, &ci Our etock of ; , ' PARLOR, HALL AND BOX STOVES, i now and will he kept rcry complete, and cm brace many of, the inot beautiful pattcro. - Also a large stock of . . ' Ocem. Iron Kettles; Iron Tea-Kettles, Sad Irous, Brass and Kaftmekd Kettles, j Fire Dogs, Sftovcls and Tonys, : . Wapjjle Irons fit'c, tf'C. Of Planished and Japand Goods we bare a good aiortment. We bare, fo farmers, Matt. Ellis' Farmers' J Boilers ! And a very large aortmefit of Force and - Lift Pumps, and ; ? COWAN'S PITCHER PUMPS I or a stock or TIlSr'W"AB.E,; will always bo found most -complete, embracing everything wanted by botiftekecpers and oth ers, und will be found of a superior quality, aa we manufacture ' none other than the . best brands of ' ' ' TIN PLATE! And we WARRANT our ware not to leak J , REPAIRING will receive prompt attention, and will be executed " in a. neat and workman-like inaincr. TboBe who are wanting goods in our line will find it vastly to their advantage to give us a call before purcbasing'elsewhcre, as our facil- j ities for buying and manufacturing ', f - enable us to give customers i 'a large percentage in ; , quality and prices. . Dealers will be supplied at the lowest possi ble rates, and goods packed 'and j shipped with dispatch. . ? Dec'5'68 v4n!6tf. P. W. SPINK A CO. -FOR SALE I 76)f ACRES OF LAND, SITUATED IN Linn county, on the Central road, within one-half mile of Robert's JJridge and one half rnUe of the 0. C. II. Ri; it being the claim of E. II. Griffin and part of the Isaac Roberts Claim. Also one improved block in the city of Albany, with other' valuable property. TERMS OF SALE: One-fourth down, and the balance on time, with interest, seenred by tho property. The above will be sold in parcels to suit purchasers. E. H. GRIFFIN. 1 Dec. 30, 1868 v4n20tf. ADVEttTJSKM KNTS. J. BAKtlOWS. h. K. It tA IK. , U. K YOCWO J. BARROWS & CO., , , . ; . a nr. CON3TAWTLY nCCEIVINC FRESH SL'lTLtES OF GOODS DIRECT FROM SAN FRANCISCO, -WB1CU tuny WIIX I(U CHEAP FOR, READY PAY! WU ARE ALSO DOING A Gciicrul Commission IIuhIixchm. LEGAL TENDERS BOUGHT. AND SOLD. oc;2tv4a!0tf J. BARROWS & CO. 'JO XHE LADIES 1? NEW MILLINERY ESTABLISMHENT. sin. H..'e. 'snrtiu, 1 FASHION A B LE MI L L I NEd - ir , i O rKESS-Ml:J3H! j If0ULD ANNOUNCE TO T1IK LADIES T f . t Albacy and sutrtiuud'uig covbtry thai she ha ojd a Milliner and Slantua-Makitig Etablihuiet k this city, and rtjfpectfuHy solicit their patronage. FASHIONABLE BONNETS ANO HATS , Alway oa Hand or Mado to Order! Dltl.SS AXI) I.OAIfc 2IAKI; ! : . rKOMITLT ATTENDED ro. HLKACnrNO AND IRB.-.ING kskt ORDKIt Albany, Oct 17, ISC3 vlnSyl. I WILL SELL GOODS AS CHEAP AS ANY ONE IN ALBANY! CALl ANO EXAMINE MY URGE STOCK CF oiiy fioons axii ;iioci:uii:m! KEPT ALWAYS AN HAND! COLLER'S CAST STEEL PLOWS I At tb Cwtl rm f JL CUHADLK. iOHM CONNER a k m: it a i m i: u c 1 1 a m i s k, ALBANY, . . . QUtQOH. coxhmtsso or DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, tie, tic. HARDWARE!; wtll selected sf xortmcbt of tl mmt eomphlt kept la AJhny. of seariy ill kiodj taittlle for tb ird. Atnn It O I lf l II A I N' H , HILL SAWS, 1 X K W 8 T Y I. K H C R OSS -C V T SAWS, W AG O K AT RIMt I X (1 & CAR It I AUK KPUIXOS, ! T!J!MMr,K-MXINV W A 8 II i; US, HOLTS, XUTTS Nearly all the tot k It purchmied in SAN FRAN. CISCO, and will be old at the lowest market rat fr rtady .ay, or mere hautall prodaca taken in exchange. Agent for Well, Fnrgo A Co. Affeat forth racISc Xaaaranco Co. ; 1 Oct.2C,'67-T3nl1yi JOHN CONNER. SUMMONS. Justice's Court for,, the Vreemct of liar nsburg, Mate of Oregon, County of jjinn, - , i E. B, MoonB A Noncnos" Civil action to re. . . . r coyer money. Cll AULF.S MOBTOJI. J IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OKEGONi You aro hereby required to appear befdro the underintd4 a J uetice of the l'cace for tho Precinct aforesaid, on ' The I0th day of January, 18G0, j at one o'clock p. it. of said day, at the offioo of eaid Junticc, in said Precinct, to answer the above named plaintiffs in a civil action. " , The Ucscndant will take notice that if he fail to answer tho oomplaint herein, the Plaintiff . will take judgment against him for ono hundred and three dollars and interest for flvo years at ton per cent, per annum, and also for costs and disburse Given under my hand this the 25th day of No. vcmbor, 18C8. , I. S. MANSFIELD, J. P. j BLACKSMITH ING. PLOWS! PLOWS! I PLOWS !J! T HE UNDERSIGNED GIVES NOTICE TO the general public, that ho is now manufac turing the . . CALESflURG FATJCXT JPIiOWl , and any otherstyle of plow tha,; maybe ordered. t , Also, particular attentionV paid to ; HORSE SHOEING, WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKING. And General Jotting. All work entrusted to mo will teeeivn 4 prompt attention, and be executed in the, hest possible manner, with good material; A ibaroiOf public patronag is solicited.o " " v: ' 1 1 1 My shop is on the cornet of Second and Ells, worth streets, opposite Pierce's Fcrryr Albany, Oregon. 1VWOGD. ; Dec.5'68v4nl6tf. ' , . .; - WHEAT AND OATS WANTED I THE SUBSCRIBERS WILL . PAY THE highest cash prico for whpat and oats deliv ered at their Warehouse in Albany. Also wheat and oats , Stored and Shipped at the lowest Bates! Goods of all kinds received and 'shipped - from the Wharf. . MARKHAM A. SON. : v3n52yl AVn KKTISEMKNTS. PRIVATE MEDICAL AID. QUICK CURES AND MODERATE CHARGES. IIt. W. K. DOIIKItTY'M PRIVATE MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE ! ' ' '" ' ' v ' ' ' Sacrarueuto Ftrtet, below Montgomery, oppo tita the I'acillo Mil Httiiiinxh'ip t'um ! pany's Ofiloe-, Private entrunc . - e n LeldcsdoHT strcot, Sa Francisco. ttatl!htd erpreljf to affvrd tho ajliettd tuund and tchntijlo mtdicul aid in the treatment . and our oail t'rivate td Ckrotf . to )ien$tt tone of 8etM' . T ' cy and alt 8nxuul " , Vitnrdtrn, t r i i : J, i : TO THE A V f 1A CT KI.'" f j BR. W. K DOIIERTY RETURNS 'lUSSlV cere thatiks to his numerous 'patients -for their patronage, arid would, take th's opptirtunlty to remind them that ho continues to commit at his Inxtitote for the eura of eiironie-dUeHMcs of the Lung, Liver, Kidiwvs, Digestive and Ucuito-Uri-nary Organn, and all private diwaxftn, vis . 8yph. tits ia U iU fortii Kind stajjes, (k-aiibal Weakness, auJ all tlie horrid conejm:'ict of wlf-abuxe, Gon. orrh'wa, Gleet, Htrictores, NoctarnW and Diurnal cuiUsiobs, Sexual Debility, lm f i.f the Bak and liins, Inflammation t the Dladdir end Kid nfys,ete., et. and Im hopes that kia tnjf cxpri-t-nco and nacw(tif(ul practice will continue to lwur him a tbare of pul.tio patlronage. lf tho practice of many years in Europe sud the L'nitvi States, be in rnabltd to apply the mmt efficient and sue ctttttal remedies gait diseases of all kinds. Jit ucs nt introury, tharges luodarate, frcaU Lis ta. tients in a correct and honorable waj, and ha references of qaetionabl veraeity from teen f known rei"pctuiility and high nunding in socU cly. All parties" consulting him by ktkr or other, wite, will receive tk btsi and gcatical trealuot, and iuilkllM-re-y. . . ; To Fcittnlew. When a female U la trouble, r sf3i?-l with 4ii?ae, a weakness of the bk and liuiliS pain in th bead Utnns of iht loss - of masetttar power, palpitation of the heart, irritability, nt-r rounesn, extreme ' arinary ilittl'-ukies, derange went of iligrltve funetiooa, gcatrrl dtbiiity, va ginitis, ail dicatei ot the womb, hysteria, sterili ty, aad ail other dUar peculiar to fe:naln; she thyuH g or write at once tf the celebrated female doctor, K. Dobcrty, at hU Medical limtitnu-, and rorult Lira about her trouble and dbesse. The Doctor U cITc'-iing wore cur- than any other physician in the State of California. Let no fal delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately and are y.urdf from painful suflVrinf? and tretna tore death. Ad Married Ladles whose Uelk-aUj beUU or other drt-utane prvrnt an increase in their f4Uilii. houM write -r call at Dr. W. K. Ijoherty's Mvdknd Jojflitute, and they will receive every p!iiUs relief and hfelp. Tha Doctor's offi ces are arranged that he can hs consulted with out fiar of observation. .. , To ('orreisponiletttM Tatints rftidUiZ in any part of the Stale, bow er r dUuiit, who may drir the opinion and ad vice of Dr. Dhrty in their ryevtive eases, aud who think proper ta uU it a written statement of such, in preference to holding a proa! interview, are r"jvtfui!y aMured that their eommunkatlons wiil be bfl l toot acrd and confidential. If the cat b fully and candidly described, per sonal e iui!nixM-aU wi'I be oot -c ry, as in struction for dkt, regltnen, and the general treat ment f the mm (iaeiadift thu remdic), will b forwarJcd without 4tUy, au 1 in such a muuicr as to convey no idea of the purport of tho letter or parexl s trannittl. Conroltatioa by letter cr 4herwie. rnttg. I'ennascJit core truarantced or 6 pay. AWcm, V. K. UOlfKUTY, M. D.t " . 5an lranc"iK?o Calimia. KpcrmatorrlttMs 1). Donearr has Just pttblUbcd an important pamptct embolyin; hi wa view and experiences in relf tbn to Iinptenee or Virility, beinj ihort treauie on Fpermatorrbo? or Seminal Weakness, Nervous and I'hytkitl JJebility consequent on this atT'-etlon. and other dieae of the Keiual Oran. This iitUe work contains infuruiallon of the ut tnot value to ail, whether married or iijrle, and will b tent FKKE by mail on receipt of si cents in postage stamps fr return potr. Addre, VT. K. DOIIKKTY. M. D., v3n3Stf Fan t'rancisco, Cal. PRICES For Genuine Wa LTHAM WATCHES. The "l 8. Btrtlctt" movement, with extra Jew els, Chronometer Lalanee. Talent lut Cap, l'atent Safety Piniea, and ait other late Improve ments, in a olid .lot. Coin Silver Hunting Case, with Gold Joints, $27 ccin. Toe same in 4ou ca, $Z0, la &ot. case, f33 coin, The "Waltham Watch Co. movement, with extra Jewels, Chronometer Balance, Patent Dust Cap, Patent: Safety Pinion, Ac, in Sos. case, with tiold Joints. $20 coin. , r The same in 4 Or. cac, $33. In V $26 coin. The "Appleton, Tracy & Co." movement, with ex tra Jewels, Chronometer Iiaianea, Patent Dust Cap, Patent Safety Pinion, Ac, in Sos. case, Gold Joints, $34 coin. The same in 4os. case, $37. In 5oz., $10 coin. P. narHett'MVatch in 2 IS karat Cold Hunting Case, $80 coin. "Waltham Watch Co." Watch in 2os. 18 karat Gold Hunting C!e, f 5 coin! 'Appleton, Traey & Co." Watch, in 2 Jot. IS karat tiold Hunting Case, $37 coin. Any additional weight at ft per dwt, or $20 per os. extra. . We will send any of the iibove by Well, Fargo A Co's Kx press, with bill to collect on delivery, and give the purchaser the privilege to examine the Watch before paying. All Kxprcjs charges, however, to be paid by the purchaser. 7t if tkt amount of the price of th H'nfeA remitted ta teith the order, tee will prepay tha Expreta charge $ to San Francimto otirtelvtt. la stnding money, drafts on Wells, Fargo A Co. are preferred. We wish it distinctly understood that these Watches are the very best, with all the latest im provements, and that they are in perfect running order, and if any ono does not perform well, we will exebango St, or refund the money. Please state that you saw this in tho State Right Democrat. . , . . ' ' ' HOWARD & CO., . i ll j.x - Jewelers and Silversmiths, ! ; , n s -""s : j 619 Broadway, N. Y; One Block above the Metropolitan Hotel. Every one visiting New Yotk is invited to call at our establishment. . . v ! ' In order that nil may address us with confidence, we invito attention to the following: Offico of Welis, Fauoo A Co. 81 liroadvaij, A'ew York, Oct. 20, 1868. Tl'e can cheerfully commend Mcr.7Iomtrd & Co., No. 619 liraadwag, Kete York, to ourfriendt. a$ a reliable and trustworthy firm, with the assur ance that all orders sent them will have faithful and prompt attention. . C. GODPAUD, Treas. . For Wklls, F-vnao A Co. And wo also refer to I. W. RAYMOND, Esq., San Francisco. It. C. HOWARD, Esq., San Francisoo. T. R. BUTLER, Esq., IT. S. Mint, fianFranciseo. W.'S. IIOBART, Esq., Virginia City, Nevada. WHEAT AND OATS! 100,000 BushcliSoflVhcataudOats WANTED within the next two weeks, for whioh Tho Highest Cava Frico will bo Paid, By . , . , J. GRADWOHL, . t San Francisco Store. ADVERTISEMENTS. STOP TIIATVCpUGHiriG Some ov irau cawt, awo we pitt joa You have tried every remedy nut the ON if destined, by Ita intrtnsio merit, to supersede ait sim ilar preparations. It is not aurpruiinK yoa should bo reluctant to try someibinc elm after the many ex periment you have made of trashy compound foisted oa the public is a certain cure but NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup Is really the VERY BE8T remedy evereompoondad t'ft th cure of Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Asthma, Whooping Coogte.Brondiflis and Consumption, Thou, nixto of peef'le to California and Oregon hav tees already benefitted ty the surprising curative power ,r; NETOLL'S ' I Pulmonary Syrup aa4 with on aoeord aiv ft their nroat1flM appnv Ratios. We now aidres oursclv t ail wlto are uo arQainled with this, lb greatest l'anaca of tk ae. fr tb healing of all duwuw Cf th XbroM waA iMUgs, aasurisf fd thai : NEWEIL'S Pulmonary Syrup hu cured thtmtaadi fcodltwQl euro TOU if jo try , ' Ttil tflvaluaU mNfldn is rteaant to (h ttf toothing, naling and nrenxtheninf in it effects: a tif!y fre from all p4tntt or AakUsrUma drug, and Tftly l.anfle uutfirr all circumstance. Cnifiaus from manyrominent aUto f 6aa rrantic accotupany vry hcul of " NEWELIiS Pulmonary Syrup EEDIXCTOX k CO. lgnt, Ssa Fraseiaoft ' Us Ctro-3icoa, Or Maia Urillknt. DR. COOPER'S UNiyERSAL MAGNETIC BALM An tineqnaled preryaratio for the core of I)ys- estry, iJiwib a, Cramp, and all Diseases f the Stomach and Uowtls; the Instantaneous Relief of Knrns, Cruises, rains, Acbas, Rbeunati and JTeuralgie Affections. Ji'i Th f ensine article bean the tlgnitar of REDINOTON & CO. Ssle and Usclusiv AjenU. BEDI.VGTOX I CO'S FL0BID1 WATER. ESSENCE OF JAM AICA GINGER, This valuable f reparation, csUlnlnj In a Vigh- y concentrated fvrm all the properties ot Jamaica Giajer ha become on of th most popular do mestic remedies for all diseases of th stomach and digtiv organs. Asa toale, it will be foonl invaluable to all per- "B$ recoveries from debility, , whether produced by a ftver, or otherwue ; for while It Impart to the system all the glow and vigor that can be pro doecd by wino or brandy, it is entirely fre from the reactionary effects that follow the ns of spir its of any kind. It is also an excellent remedy for females who vuffer from difficult snenstniation, giving almost imtnedtat relief to the spasms t&4 so frequeatly accompany that period. . It gives jjnme'imU relief to Nausea, eaoscd by riding in a railroad car, or by sea-sickness, or othj cr causes. It is abo valaabl a an exiernal application for Gout, KheumatLnut, Neuralgia, etc. REDIXGTON & CO. 416 and 41 S Front Ft., Sao Francisco, Cal. Use Electro- Silicon, Or Magic Brilliaat. REDINGTON & CO'S FLOIUDA SVATJER. FOR THE IUNDKERMIEF. This article, possessing th most delicate fra grance of Flowers, is nneualed as a perfume for tho Handkerchief. FOR THE BATH. U?ed in bathing, it imparts energy and strength to tho system, and gives that softness and delica cy to tho skin so uuueb. desired by all. It rmoYfs'suiHium, Freckles and Pimples. Diluted with water, it makes an excellent Den tifrice, imparting pearly .whiteness to the teeth, sweetness to the breath, and readers the gums bard and of a beautiful color. r It should always be used after shaving, dilluted with water, as it relieves all inflammation. REDINGTON & CO. "J f fX. y- J ' '' -i .-' -. "-' " . - -C. a : . G. ." J -jr . " - , , .v -- -4 416 and 41S Front St, San Francisco. Uso Electro-Silicon, . Or Magio Brilliant. ELECTRO-SILICON, ' : " OR - ' MAGI6 BRILLIANT , DIRECT FROM NATURE'S LABORATORY. The best article ever diseovered for Cleansing and Polishing Gold, Silver, and Plated Ware, and all smooth Mclalio fcurlaces, of whatever aescrip tion, iB6lu3lng Kitchen Utensils of Tin, Copper, TK ra . , Ti JweHers and Workers in Gold and Silver of inestimable value : tho time saved, and the vexation prevented by its ... - . i 1- Jil ... . aso, will forever enaear us namo to iu uu have had evidence of its merits. ' 1 . - : . REDINGTON 4 CO. , ." , Solo Agents, Saa Francisoo. TOR FLAVORING EXTRACTS. REDINGTON & CO'S ARE THE BEST. " sepl2v4n4mo. ADVERTISEMENTS. SAI1DER3, STERNBERG & GO,, STAPLE MY GOODS ! i First Street, in J, B. Monteith' Brick Building, ALX1ANT, OnEGOW. X I RE in informing th sitisensof LLso osaty that they Lav jest opad s well seleeUd stotk f ' FANCY DRY GOODS I BOOTS AND SHOES, ' GEOOERIES ! And a fall asicrtment of - VKSrAt At. HERCIIA3T DlflEIX X X X , Wbieh tly wEJ ilspos CASH OR COUXfTRT CC2J t fair living rsUs. CALL AND EXAMINC OUR STOCt AKO PRISES B.fvr prehah)g elscwher, 4 w all that w will giv Entlra Satlsfacftloa to Prompt Customers aLeo W bar a Branch House, long established, at SOUTH BROWNSVILLE! where we kp a larg and well select stock f CENERAL MERCHANDISE ! BvI4'CSv4aI3tf 1 PETERSON'S MAGAZINE! THE CHEAPEST ANO BEST IN THE VYCRLO f rSPtEKDID OnXRS for 1869 !- This popular ifonthly Ufasrasice aires mors tor the mtmey than any i the tcorld. For it will be greatly improved. It willeooaia ONE THOU SAND PAGES! FOURTEEN SPLENDID STEEL PLATES! TWELVE MAMMOTH FASHION PLATES I TWELVE COLORED BERLIN PATTERNS! NINE HUNDRED WOOD CUTS ! TWENTY-FOUR PAGES OP MUSIC I All this will be riven for onlv Tvs Dollar a year. or dollar less than Magazines. oi in class or ".Peterson." It TIIBILLIXG TALES AXB SOfELETTES1 Are the Best published anywhtre. All th most popular writers ar employed to writ originally for "Peterson." In 169, in addition to it nsnal qn&nity of short stories, W Original Cojyriglf Xorelds will be given, vis i Mary Antiooette's Taiistnan," by Mrs. Ajn S. Stephens; "The my Storr Msg- gc," by tt author of "Snsy L's Diary." MAMMOTH COLORED FASHION PLATES Ahead of all other. These pl&te are enffraved on steel, twice the nsnal size, and contain six fig ures. They will be superbly covered. Also. pattern, from from which a Dress. Mantilla, r Child's Dress can be cut out, without tt aid of m&ntua-malcer. Also, several page of Household and ether receipts ; in short, everything interest ing tO SUPERB PREMIUM EXGRATIXG To every person rettinr nn Club for 1S63 will be sent cravis, a copy f our new and splendid Mezzotint for framing, (sizt 24 inches by 16.) "The Star of Bethlehem," after the eelebroted maiter-piece by Gerome, th famous French artist. T bis i the most desirable premium ever offered. For large clubs, a will be seen below, an extra. copy will be tent In addition. TERMS Always im Adeaxce 4 ... One copy, for oto year.... ........ 2 0&i Three copies, for one year..... 00 00 Four coptes, for one year ........... Five copies, for one year (and on t getter up of club) istiit us) -mr m 8 00 12 00. 20 CO- Eight copies, for one year (and one to getter itP Ol CIUO l.....M..........M. ....... a....... Fourteen copies, for one year (and one to getter up 01 clab)....w. ........ Address, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, k No. 30$ Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sirpecimens seat to those wtshinr to ret un clubs. ., STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT JOB PRINTING OFFICE. FIRSTST., ALBANY, OREGON. TV E hav connected with this office a first-class job cxErrxczn and are prepared, at shortest notice, to fill, in the. neatest maaner, any order that may be sent us." Executed Speedily, and in a satis factory Stylo, at Prices CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST t Theatres, , ' i Concerts, and Publio Meetings Accommodated at the Shortest Kotitc MEN SUPPLIED WITH CARDS,. BILLS, BILL-HEADS. BILLS LADIN'l, CUECKS. . LETTER HEAD INGS, Ac. BAXL . - CIRCULARS, . . ELECTION TICKETS, BALL TICKETS, CENSUS BLANKS, DRUGGISTS LABELS, ' " LIQUOR LABELS, ORDERS OF DAN CING, NOTES OF HAND, DRAY RECEIPTS , LEGAL BLANKS OF ALL KINDS, CIRCULARS, BILLS OF FARE, PROGRAMMES. SHIPPING RECEIPTS, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, CATA- " ? LOGUES, AND BY-LAWS. All Orders Promptly Attended ta 'AliUUTi; S3 15KUWJN, "State Rights Democrat" Job Office.. ; FARMERS, LOOK HERE! , "V ., BUTTER WANTED I -...-...-' , ... f. -: 20,000 Lbs. of Good Batter, For which I will pay, in Goods, 18 : cents, up to the 1st of July 1 ext, at my store. Mav 22, 1868, RAPHAEL CHEADLE 7 - TSaWtf.-- iry or iacJtwo i Urange,'"Ty the author of "Sir Noel' Heir;" "Katie's Winter in Washington'; by Frank Lee Beneditt: and "The Story of Mar-