STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. rCBLISBID XTSBT A.TCRD1T, BT ABBOTT & BROWN. J M. I. 11B0TT. ' M. T. 1 BOW It OFFICE IN HANNON'S BUILDING. FIRST STREET tTERMS.w ADTiscB : One year, $3; Six Montas tl; pit Moata,59 U.j Single Copies, lS,ct, - Corropondents writing cmr stgatrw or anonymously, mt mt know taelt props natses to tae Editor, ot mo attsntloi will U giren t their communications. All Letter and Cemtnsmteatlons, whether on basinets or for pnblieatton. inonld bs addressed Abbott & Brown. BUSINESS CARDS. to C. A. BLACKLEY, TXSKIONABLE BJWSEft AND HAIR DRESSER WOULD RESNSCTFcLLY INFORM THE citiieoiof Albany taat he bar orned a .SaiborSbop, oa Maim troa', two door abovo rarrisu's liloc, vntre no is prvr-oxeu w v.. IBUU all who ay desiro anjtaing in tho tonso 11a also states that his services can bo bad at any time, with duo notice, to CALL FIGURES FOR PARTIES OR BALLS, on reasonable terra i. deol2T4nl7m4 JOHN J. "WHITNEY, 'ATTORNEY AXD COUNSELLOR AT LAW and Notary Public. ;Slociat attentions 8TCn t0 collections. 'Os-riCE In tbo Court IIouso. Albany, Oregon. T3n33tf. . JJL CAXTEIIBIRT, 2tt. Pkysician and Surgeon, COItVALLIS, OREGON. gHJEce, B. R.Eiddle's Drug Store. noTH'CS v4n!5tf AL3 ANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. THE NEXT SESSION COMMENCES JMONDAY, XOYEJIBEU SSd.lSGS. ,Far rarticulars address REV. II. BUS UN ELL, Kal5r3n52yt Albany, Oregon. G. W. GRAY, D. D. S., XaASCATE OF THE CIKCIXSATI DOTAL COLLEGE. W OULD INVITE ALL TERSOXS DESIR ing Artificial teeth and first-chus Dental Operations, to give bim a call. ' . Specimens of Vtileanito Easa with gold plat lining, and other new styles of work, way bo n at his office.-p sUirs xa rarriih & Co. Urick. Albany, Oregon. Residence, eorner of Second and Raker streets. apr!V3v3n34tf ' J. C POWELL. . " VI.I3I2I. POWELL & FLISX, A TTORXE TS A XD CO UXSEL I ORS A T : LA WAXD SOLICITOUS IX ClIAXCL R 1 . (L. Fiona, Notary Public.) A LBANY, Oregon. Collections and convey- usees promptly attcntic 10. OFFICE OF COESTY SCHOOL SrFERINTEVT, ". t riTPi!T.nn. SIX MILES ABOVE LEB- soon, on tho Santiam. Tost office address, Leoan jn. J. W. MACK, T9n451y Co. School Superintendent. AT TOBXEY AT LAW, SALEM, OREGON: "Will practice in all the Courts of tVu State and will attend the Circuit Court terras in Lintveounty and tho entire District. Office ia Watkinds k Co brick, op ftairo. v3n43yl I. B. RICE, 51. D., Surgeon and Phys cian, ALBANY, OREGON", THAXKFUL FOR THE LIBERAL PATRON are received, continues to tender bis services to the citizens of Albany and rarrounding conn try. Office and residence, on Second strcet,two blocks eat of Sprenger's hew. Hotel. T3n37tr F. M. WAPSWORTII, SICX. CARRIAGE AXD OUXAil EXT A L . V . P A I NTER. Over McBrtde's Wagon Shop, between First and 6ond, on FerrystreeL. - First-elass work done on short nbtiee. r3n!9yl , . : n. ii.crAnor, ATTORXEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, OFrics In Norcross' Brick BuUding,np-stairs, Albany, Oregon, aui w. j. eiltabidel. . 'k-m. Bro. HIETABIDEE at CO., TTk EALERS TN GROCERIES AND PROVI- A3 ins Wood and WLUow Ware cnfecuon- j. Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Notion, etc. Store on Maite street, adjoining the Express office, AI fcu, Oregon. . : : .. . : w28T3n7tf i BEN J. HAYDEN, attorney aau CounscUer at law, -TT11I attend to all business eniruswo. y - fWies f Polk and adjoining pounties, EoU, Jdy 26, 1867. . r55Hf S. JJABIIOWS CO.," a bxez 4 pQjfxmiQX her cjUxts BEAIEBS ia Staple, Dry and Fancy Goods, .-Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, ifoots and Shoes, Albany. Oregon. Consignments solicited. oc8p8tf ; ' ALBANY BATH HOUSE ! TUB UNDERSIGNED JVOULD RESPECT fu lr inform the citizens of Albany and ri (cinity th it he has taken charge of this Establish ment, and, by keeping clean rooms and paying Strict attsctioo to business, expects to suit all those Ijwhp'niay favor him with their patronage. Having jheretofore carried oa potbing bat ; i ;Flrs t-Clas Kalr Dressing Saloons, he expedite to' rivet entire satisfaction to all -Childien and Ladies' Hair neatly cut and hampootV . . - JOSEPH WEBBER. - 8pr4v3n33tf JJLVKB ELKI3TS' Notary Public Att'y at Law. RUSSELL & ELKINS, ; Pffice fua Parrieh's & Co.' Block, First Street, Having taken into co-partnership James .Elkins, ' Esq., Er-Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, we are enabled to add to our practice of law and collec tions, en perior facilities for -. Conveyancing, Examining ' Eecords, Atleadingf to Probate Business. ' Deeds, Eonds, Contracts and Mortgages carefully drawn. Homestead and Pre-emption papers made and Claims secured. Sales of Real Estate negoti ated, an l loans effected on Collateral securities on : reasanal le rates. , All business entrusted to them will be promptly attended to. RUSSELL & El)KlJiS. Oct. 6, 186S v2n46tf , VOL. IV. ADVKltTISKMKNTS. NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY or BOSTON. PUHELY MUTUAL INCORPORATED 1833. Csh assets - - - $7,000,000 00 Ctsh Distributions ef 1867 - - $2f .f M Total Surplus Divtded - - llHll tfk Lossm Paid in 1867 - - - 381,800 00 Total Losses Paid - - .76 ,100 00 Income for 1867 - - 2,203,808 00 No Extra Charg for Trayeling to and from tho Atlantlo States, t,uropo, Oregon, and Sandwich Islands. This old and popular Company is goTerned by the NON-FORFKITURE law of MaMnehusetts. ALL NET EARNINGS DIVIDED ANNUALLY AMONG THE Los?c paid promptly. AH policies Non-forfeitaMe DIVIDENDS DECLABED AND PAID' ANN U . ALLY! Firit DhtJe-d Arailabh at the Payment of th SrwHtt Annual Prrutimm. l!ut on class of members (Policy holders) in this Company, among whom he annual Kurplus b dirtded. . . . . Unbiased iudrtnent, bssed upon careful inveMi. gation, will show that this (the oldest Mutual Life Insurance Coiapanv of America) offers more equi ties to the injured than any othsr Company duing business on this coast. Life Insurance is a judicious investment tor cap. italiKts. It is a si ne tnvotment icr tno.e in mou- erate circumstances, by which they may, with a small amount of funds' leave to their familic ample means for their support in cose of t'ae turiy decease of the insured. Homo Office, 39 State Street, Boston. PACIFIC BRANCH OFFICES : S02 Mont gomery stn-et, San Francisco ; Boom 3, Carter's Building, Portland, Urcjron. General AgenU. RUSSELL A KLKIXS, Asfl, Parrieh & Co's Block, Albany, Oregon. scf:rCiv4n5tf PACIFIC HOTEL T HE l-XDEr.3tr.SCD nESPKCWUMA iufwrw th. ulj!tc tUit tlu Jlou. HAS JUST BEEN FINISHED, AJtO IS XsT O "W O P E 3ST for the accommodation of all who may favor him with their patronage. THK FUItN IT U HE i entirely new in erery riepartmcnt, and is of the latent and most approved styles. THE TABLE will always 1 supplied with the best the market afford-, and no pains will be spared for the comfort and conve nience of his guc-sis. Persons arriring by boats ceotninoiate-i at ail hour da? or niihU Suits cf rooms and superior accommodations for families. A Ions experience in the business warrants tbs protirietor in promising satisfaction loan woo roav faror bim with their patronage, n bT'bountifullT' supplied tables, plcaant room.. cleanly bed and assiduous attention t their wut. ' 3 J. U. S PR EN U Ell. Albany, June , 16CS. v3n52tf WILLAMETTE STEAMBOAT CO.'S 3STOXICE. . t . i t a w tw - r 9 w FROM AND AFTiir. lilift vaiu wui. further notice, THE STEAMER WILL LEAVE PORTLAND EVERT DAY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED), FOR OREGON CITY, At 6:30 A. 3L, connecting with the Steamer SUCCESS, Om MONDAYS and THURSDAYS of eaeh week, For Salem, Albany and Corvallls and all intermediate points ; and with the STEAMER ANN, On the same days for jjAYTON. RETURNING Will leave Oregon City at 1 o'clock P. M except Wednesdays and Sat urdays, on which days she will await the arrival of the steamers SUCCESS and ANN from above. f&'For Freight or Passage, apply to J. II - . . . t' u glf;ll, at tne imencan ,euaugo ti uu.. seP26v4QCtf. Jf.-tf ATO, Prctdcitt. IB A A, MILLER. k vtrrirD MILLER & BRO., (Succetor$ to Philip Miller,) . M ARB L E . WO R K S ALBANY, OREGON," V Shop on Washington, bet. 1st and2dSt's. THESE GENTLEMEN BEG LEAVE TO IN form the publio at large that they are now prepared to furnish , , , MARBLE MOW U5IENTS ' - -Iaxd ;' G R AVE- STONES! OF EVERY STYLE AND PATTERX, At the Most Reasonable Prices. TOXaDSTOriBS CUT TO OKDSR - On the very shortest notice'."' " Uar7v3n29tf MILLER BRO. NOTICE. A LL PERSONS KNOWING THEMSELVES 'X indebted to the undersigned, will please come forward and settle up, as the old Books must be Closed by the 1st of January, 1869. Albany, Dec. I068-nlTtf. :. A. COWAN. ff V. .nil fcL JLi ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, ikiis:s 1 1 hxt'n si i:ss a u u. Pillow Citizens of the Senvtc and Ifousr. of J!i2rcscntat!ns: , Upon the rcssctnbling of Congress it aaiu becomes my duty to call your atten tion to tho State of tlu Union ami to its continued disorcanized condition. Un der tho various views which have been passed upon tho subject of reconstruction, it may be afoly assumed as an axiom f;r tho government of btutes that the great est wrongs inilictcd on a people arc caused by an unjust and arbitrary legislation, or by tho unrelenting decrees of despotic ruler, and that tho timely reparation of injuries oppressive measure the great- eat trood that can be conferred unon a ualiou. Tho legislator or ruler who ha tho wisdom and magnanimity to retrace his steps when conviuced of error will sooner or later do regaruea wuu ma re spect and gratitudo of an intelligent and patriotic. 'people. Uur. own history, al though embracing a period of less than a century, alFurds abundant proof that mot, if not all, the fctate troubles are directly traceublo to violations of tho organic law and oppressive legislation. Tho most striking illustration of this fact aro fur niahed by the enactments of the past three years upon the subject of reconstruction. After a lair trial, they have substantially failed and proved pernicious in their re sults, and there seems to be no guod rea son why they should longer remain on the statute book, bt.v.cs to which the Constitution guarantees a republican form of government have been reduced to de pendencies, in each of which the people have been made subject to the arbitrary will of a commanding General, although the Constitution requires that each State shall be represented in Congress m Vir ginia, Mississippi aud Texas are yet ex eluded from both Houses, and, contrary to tho express provisions of that instru- ment, have been dented participation in tho recent election fur 1 'reside tit 'and Vice President of the United .States. The attempt to place the white popula tion of the bouth under the domination of persons of color in the .South 13S itu- paired n noiuesiroycu inc kiuuiy rtianon that had previously cxttcd between them, aud mutual distrust has engendered a feeling of animosity which, leading in some instances to collision and bloor.fthsed, has preveotei that cooperation Let w ecu the two racas so essential to tho success of ind. trial enterprise in the Southern States; nor have the inhabitants of those States alone tsuOered from the disturbed condi tion of affairs growiog out of. Congress ional enactmcuti. The entire Union has bceu agitated by grave apprchruion of troubles which might aain involve the peace of the nation : its ioterestshavc been injuriously a fleeted by the drought ot business and lauor and consequent want of prosperity throughout that por tion of the country. The Federal Con stitution, the magna chartor American rights, under whose salutary provtMyns we have successfully couducte I all our do mestic and forcien affairs, sustained our selves in peace and in war, and become a great nation anions the power of the earth, rnuit assuredly be now adequate to the settlement of questions growing out of the civil war, waged alone for its vindication. This great fact is tnade" more manifest by the condition of the country. When Congress assembled, in the month of December, 1C5, civil strife had ceased : the spirit of rebellion had spent its cutirc force in all the Southern States; the people had warmed into na tional hie, and throughout the whole country a healthy reaction in public sen timent had taken place by the application of the simple yet effective provisions of the Constitution. I he i.xecuttvc J depart ment, with the voluntary aid of the States, had brought the work of recstoration as near completion as was within the ficopo of its authority and tho nation wag en couraged by the prospect of an early and satisfactory adjustment of all its dilficul ties. Congress, however, interfered, and refusing to perfect the work so nearly; consummated, and to admit members from the unrepresented States, and ad opted a scries of measures which arrested the. progress of restoration and frustrated ' all that had been so successfully accom plished, and after three years of agitation1 and strife has left the country further; from that attainment of Uuion and fra ternal feeling than at the commencement of the Congressional plan of reconstruc tion. It is now argued to show that the legislation which has produced so bane ful consequence's should be abolished or else made to confirm with the genuine principles of a republican government. Uodcr tho influences of party spirit and sectional prejudice, other acts have been passed not warranted by the Constitu tion. TENURE OF OFFICE. BILL. r Congress has already been inado fa miliar with my views respecting the Tenure of OfSco Bill.. Experience haff proved that its repeal is demanded by the best interests qt the country, and that whilo it remains in force of the President cannot enjoin that rigid accountability for public officers, so essential to an honest , ana effioient execution of the 'law. Its re peal would enable the hxccutivo Depart ment to exercise the power of appoint ment and recall, in accordanco with the original design of the Constitution. $ The acts of March 2, 1808 making ap propriations for the year ending June 30. 18G8and for other purposes contain provisions which .interfered with the President's functions as C6mmandcr-inr Chief of the army, and with his duty to the States of the Union and their; righit to protect the States by means of their own militia. The ' provisions - should be at once annulled j for while the' worst might, ia times ef great emergency, seri ously embarrass the Executive in his ef forts to employ and direct the common strength of the nation for its protection and preservation, the other is contrary, to the express declaration ot tt?o onstuu turn tnat a weu , reguiaieu win b necessary to tho security of a free State, - tho right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not to infringed. It is be lieved that the repeal of such laws would bo acceptable by tho American people as at lcast a partial return to the fundutucn priticiplcs of the Government, and an in diction that thereafter the Constitution is to bo mado the nation's sale nod true guide. This can be productive of perma nent benefit to tho countiy ; tho other should not bo permitted to stand,-ns so many monuments of the deficient wisdom which has characterized our recent legis lation. , FINANCE. The condition of our finances demands tho early and earnest consideration of Congress.' Compared with the growth of our population, the public expenditures has reached an amount unprecedented in our history. The population of the Uni ted States iu 17U0, was marly .4,0UU,UUU of people. Increasing each decade at the rate of about 20 per cent., It reached, in 180U, :U,000,0Q0, mi increase of over 700 per cent, on the population of 17'JO. fu 8$0 it is estimated that it will reach 18,000,000, or an increase of 80S per cent, in seveuty-nino years. Tho annual expenditures of the Federal Government in 1701 were 4,200,000, in 1820 18,200,- 000, aud in 1H50 17,000,000, iu l?fl0 03,000,000, iu lt'C'i nearly 1 ,:JOU,000,UOU, and in I Sfi'J it is estimated by the Secre tary of the Treasury in his last animal report that they will be 372,000,000. By comparing the public disbursements of 1800 (as estimated) with thofC of 1 1 01, it will be i-eeii that the increase of expenditure f-inco the beginning of the Government has been 8,018 per cent., while the merest of population for the fame period was only 0S per cent. Again, the expenses of the tjovernmcnt iu 100-r-the year of peace immediately preceding the war were only 03,000,000, while in lS'O'J the year of peace three years alter the war it is estimated they will be 372,000,000311 iuereae of 4HJ per cent., while the increase of popula tion was only 21 per centum for the same period. Tb o tatitics furlhvr how that in 1701 the Miuual national cxp u. ses as compared with the population were a little more than SI j-r, rin.if,t1 and in 100 but ?2 pt r rointtt, while in lfiO'J they will reach the extravagant sum of S07fe r mjnta. It Will be observed that all thene statements refer to an 1 ex hibit the disbummcnt of peace period ; it may therefore be intcrc ting to compare the expenditure of the three war periods the war with Great Britain, the Mexi can war, and the war of the rebellion in 1'Cl. The annual expenses incident to the war of IS 12 reached, at their higheft amount, about 31,000.000, while our population slightly exceeded $8,000,000, showing an expenditure ff only 380 pr mjnta. In lht the expenditures grow ing out of the war with Mexico reached 600,000,000, and the population was ahout 1,000,00s), giving only $200 ropt'tn for the war expenses of that year. In IV 05 the xpcnditures called for by the rebellion reached the va.t amount of $1,200,000,000. which, compared with a population of 45,000,000, gives 3,20 pT raptin. j rem inc -sin uay oi .uarcu, 17.0, to the 30th day ot June, lsfil, the witire expenditures of the Government were 01,700,000,000. During that peri od we were engaged in" war with Great Britain and Mexico, and were invulvcd in hostilities with powerful Indian triljCs; Louisiana was purchased from France at a cost of 815,000,000; Florida was ce ded to the United States by Spain for 85,000.000; California, was acquired from Mexico for $15,000,000, and the territory of New Mexico was obtained from Texas for the sum of 610,000 000. Early in the yt-ar 1801 the war ,f the rebellion commenced, add from the 1st of July of that year to tho 30th day of June, 1S05, fhe public expenditures reached the enormous aggregate of 3,300,000,000. Three years of peace intervened, and during the time the disbursements of the Government have successively been 8520, 000,000, $340,000,000, and $303,000,000. Adding to these amounta the $332,000, 000 estimated as necessary for the fiscal year coding on the 30th of June, 18GS, we obtain a total expenditure of $1,000,000, 000 during the four years immediately 'succeeding the war, or nearly as much as was expended during the' seventy years that preceded the rebellion, and, too, em bracing tho extraordinary expenditures already named. These startling fact3 il lustrate the necessity of retrenchment in all branches of the public service. Abus ces which were tolerated during tho war fcr the preservation of tho nation, will not he. endured by the people now that profound peace "prevails. Tho receipts from internal revenue have during the past three years, . gradually diminished, and the continuanco of useless and ex travagant expenses will involve us in -national bankruptcy, or else make a remark able increase , in tho taxes already " too largo, and in many cases obnoxious,' on account of their questionable character. One hundred millions yearly aro expend ed for the military force, a large portion of .which is'employcd in the execution , of laws both unnecessary and unconstitution al. $150,000,000 are required yearly to pay tho interests on tho publio debt: An army of tax-masters' impoverishes tho na tion, and public agents ere placed by Con gress' beyond the control of the Execu tive, and divert from the legitimate pur poses vast sums of money which they collect from the people in the name of the Government, f Judicious legislation and prudent economy will only remedy these doings and avert an evil which if 8uffcrcd to exist cannot fail to diminish confidence in the public council and weak en the attachment arid respect of the peo ple toward their ' political institutions. Without proper care the' small balance which it is estimated Will remain in the Treasury at tho close of the present fis cal year will not be realized, and addition al millions will be added to a debt which is now estimated by billions. It is shown by the able and comprehensive report . of the Secretary ot the l rcasury, mat tli DECEMBER' 19, "18G&V receipts for tho fiscal year, ending June 30th, were 8105.038,083 32, and that tho expenditures for tho same period were $377,210,284 leaving in the Treas ury a surplus of $28,397,700. It is esti mated that the receipts during the pres ent fiscal year, ending Juno 30th, 1800, will bo 8311,302,808, and the expendi tures $320,152,170, showing a fmtall bal ance of $15,210,308 iu favor of the Gov ernment, For the fiscal year ending June, 1870, it is estimated that the receipts will amount to $327,000,000, and the expend itures to $301,000,000, leaving an esti mated surpiuj of $23,000,000. It is proper iu thU connection to miit brief reference to our public indebted ness, which has accumulated with such alarming rapidity and assumed such col lossal proportions. In 1789, when the Government commenced operations under the Federal Constitution, it was burdened with an indebtedness of $75,000,000, ercated""TtiTring the. war of the Involution. This amount had been reduced to $15, 000,000 when, in 1812, war was declared against Great Britain. The three years' struggle that followed largely increased the national obligations, aud in 1810 they had attained the sum of $127,000,000. Wise and economical legislation, however, enabled the Government to pay the entire amount within a period of twenty years, and the eutiiiguishment of the national debt filled the land with rejoicing and was one of the gwatet event of President Jackson's administration. After its re demption a large fund remained in the Treasury, which was deposited for safe keeping with the m: vera 1 States, on con dilioii that it should be returned when required by the public wants. 'In 1810, the year alter the termination of an ex pensive war with Mexico, we found our M;lvts involved in debt $01,000,000, and this vtv the amount of the debt of the Govern me 1. 1 in 1800, jut prior to the outbreak of the rebellion. J is the spring of 1801 our civil war commenced; each year of if continuance made an enormous additon to the debt. When, iu the spring of 105, the nation successfully emerged from the conflict, the obligations of the government had reached the immcn-e sum ot t,K7:j,JJ2,U0!i. The Secretary of the Treasury how that on the 1st day of .November, 1807, this amount had been reduced to $2,101,501,450; but at the amc time his report exhibits an increase during the pat year of $35,025,102, for the debt on the ht day of November !at is Hated to be $2,527,120,552. It is es timated by the Secretary that the returns for the pat month will aid to our liabili ties Jhe further sum of U. 000,000, mak- ing a total mcrca-e dumg 13 months of $ 10,500,000. I n my message to Congress ol JJccember 4, Lv0.j, it was luggcetcd that a policy should bo devised which. without being oppressive to the people, would at once begin to effect a reduction of the debt, and, if persisted in, discharge it fully within a definite number of years. The Secretary of the Treasury forcibly recommends legislation of this'charaeter, aud justly urges that the longer i is de l t i - i. iateu me more dsmcuit mut become its accomplishment, we should follow the wi! precedents tstabli.-hcd in 1701 and 1SI0, and without further delay make provision for the payuunt of our obligations at as early a period as may be practicable. The fruits of their labors should be enjoyed by our citizens rather than used to build up and sustain moneyed monopolies in our own and' other countries. Our foreign debt is alieady computed by the Secreta ry of the Treasury at $50,000,000. Cit rens of foreign countries reciivc inter est upon a large portion of our ieeu rities and American tax-payers arc made to contribute large turns fur their support. The idea that such a debt is to become permanent should at all times be discard ed, as involving taxatiou too heavy to be borne. The payment once in sixteen years at the present rate of interest, makes an amount equal to the original sum. If this vest debt is permitted to become per manent and increasing, it must eventually be gathered into the hands of a few and enable them to exert a dangerous aud con trolling power in the affairs of tho Gov ernment, the borrowers would become the lenders aud bo the rulers of the peo ple . . We now pride ourselves upon having given freedom to 4,000,000 of the colored race. It will then bo our shame that ten millions of people by their own toleration of abuses and profligacy have suffered themselves to become enslaved, and changed tho slave owner for new task masters in the shape of bondholders and tax gatherers. Besides, permanent debts pertain to monarchical governments and tend to monopolies, perpetuities and close legislation, aud aro totally uureconcilable with tho frco institutions introduced iuto our Republican system ; they would grad ually, but surcjy, sap its foundations, and eventually subvert our governmental fab ric and erect upon its ruins a moneyed aristocracy 1 1 is our duty to transmit, unimpovenshed, to our posterity the blessings of liberty which were bequeath ed to us by the founders of 'tho Republic, and,.by our example, teach those who arc to follow us carefully to avoid tho dangers which threaten a: free aad independent people,., ..'',... Various plans have been proposed for tho payment of tho publio debt. However they may have varied as to the time and mode in which they should be redeemed, there seems to bo a general concurrence as to the propriety and justice of areduc tion on the present rato of interest' The Secretary of the Treasury, in his report, recommends five per cent; Congress, in a bill passed prior; to its adjournment, on the 27th of July last, agrees on four and four and a half per cent, while by many others three, per cent has been held to be an amply sufficient return for the invest ment. The general impression as to the expediency of the existing rate of inter est has led to inquiry in the publio mind respecting ; the consideration which the Government has actually received for its bonds, and the conclusion is becoming prevalent that the amount which it ob wumexmfjmtm NO. 18. tained was in 'reality three hundred or four hundred per cent less than the obli gations which it issued in return. If can not be denied that we are paying an extra ordinary per centagc for the use of the mon ey borrowed, which was paper currency grpatly .depreciated below the value of coin. This fact is made apparent when we consider the bondholders receive from the Treasury upon each dollar they own in Government securities six per cent in gold; which is quite equal to nine percent in currency; that bonds are then convert ed into capital for national banks, upon which those institutions issue their circu lation, realizing six per cent interest, and that they are exempt from taxation by the Government, and thereby .enhanced-' two per cent in the hands of the holder. We thus have an aggregate of seventeen per cent which may be realized upon each dollar by the owncra of CrWrnment Se curities, A system that prodaces sach results is justly regarded ns favoring a few at the expense ot the many, and has led to the further inquiry, whether bondholders, in view of the large profits which they have enjoytk, would themselves be averse to the settlement of our debts upon a plan which would yield them a fair remunera tion anil at the same time be just to the tax payers of the nation. Our national credit should be xacredly observed, but in makinsf a proposition for our creditors we should not forget what is due to the mass es oC the people. It may be assumed that the holders of our securities haveal teady received upon their bonds a larger amount than their original investment, measured by gold standard. Upon this statement of facts it would mra but just and equitable that the aix per cent inter-c-t now paid by Government ihould be applied to the reduction of the principal in semi-annual installments, which, in six teen years and eight months, would lioui- Maw im enure nauoDai uevi. rax. cent in gold would be, at present rates, equal to uine percent in currency equiv alent to the payment of the debt one and a half times in a fraction less than feven tecn years. This, in ud lition to other ad vantage derived from their investment, would affurd to the public creditors a fair and liberal compensation for the use of their capital, and with this they should be satisfied. TLo lessons of tho vast ad monish the lender that it is not well to be over-anxious in exaetin-' from the borrow er a rigid compliance Provision must be made for tho payment of the indebted ness ol the Government in. tho manner suggested, or the nation will not rapidly recover it prosperity, its interests re quire that some mea.tures should be taken to release the large amount of capital in- eHcu in the Government. It is now not merely unproductive, but in taxation it annually cousumes $150,000,000, which would otherwise be used by our enterpris ing people in aiding those of our t-eople needing encouragement in thrT efforts to recover from the effects of the rebellion and injudicious legislation ; and it should be the wilicf the Government to stimulate them by the awurauce of an early release from the burdens which impede their prosperity; if we cannot take the burdens from their shoulders we Bhould at least mauifefet a willingness to help to bear them. In referring to the condition of their circulating mediums I tdiall merely reiterate the relations, as substantially slated in my last annual message. In re- latum to the subject ot the relations which the currency of any country should bear to the aunual produce circulated by its means, it is a question upon which po litical economists have not agreed, nor can it be controlled by legislation, but it must be left to the laws which everywhere regulate commerce and trade. The cir culating medium will flow to those points where it i iu greatest demand : tho law of demand and supply is as unerring as mat wincu regulates tho tides ot the ccan; aud indeed currency, like the tides. has its ebbs, and flows throughout the commercial world. At the beginning cf the rebellion the bank note circulation of the couutry amounted to not much more than $200,000,000 ; now tho -circulation of the National Hank Notes and thoso known as legal tenders, is nearly $700, 000,000. It is argued by some that this amount should be increased and thus con tend that a decrease is absolutely essential to the interests of the country. In virtue of these adverse opinions it may be well to ascertain the proportional value of our paper issues when compared with a me tallic or convertible currency. For this purpose let us inquire how muoh gold and silver could be purchased by the $700,000,000 of paper money now in cir culation. Probably not more than half tho amount of the latter, showing that when our paper currency is , compared with gold and silvor its commercial value is compressed into $350,000,000. This striking fact makes it . the duty of the Government, as early as may be consistent with the principles of sound . political economy, to take such measures as will cnablo the holders of its notes and those of the National Banks, to convert them without loss into specie. Tho equivalent reduction of our paper circulating medi ums may not follow. , This, however, would depend on the law, of demand and supply, though it should be borne in mind that by making legal tenders and bank notes convertible into coin, or its. equivalent, the present specie value in the hands of their holders Would bo enhanced 10 per cent. : Legislation for the accomplishment of a re sult so desirable is demanded by the highest consideration i The Constitution contemplates that tho circulating medium of the country shall bo uniform in quality and value. ,: At tho timo of tho formation of that instrument, tho country had just emerged from, the Rev olutionary War, and was suffering from -tho effects of worthless paper currency. ' The sages of that period were anxious to protect their posterity from the evils which they themselves had experienced ; hepce,, in pro viding for a circulating medium, f they con ferred upon Congress the power to coin mon ey, and regulate tho value thereof, "at the same time prohibiting the States from mak -J ing anytumg JDU6 goiu mm suver a legal len der in payment of debts. " The anomalous condition of our currency is in striking con RATES OF ADVERTISING : ttn tas y On Column, $100 y Half Column, $00 j (garter Cof omn j' $35. ' -'""";- -: ,;..". Transient Advertisements per Sqnore often linci orless,rst insertion, $3 j ach satseqaent Inser tion,.!. ! . ,,- , . -,.. A square is ono Inch 5n space down tie column; counting cuts, display lines, blanks, Ac, as solid matter. Xo adrertWrnerit to be-considered ) than a square and all fractions counted a full 'jare. All' nd rertiseraents inserted for a less period than tLrce months to W regarded as tran sient. ' . ' ;' trast with that which was originally design ed for our ciroulfttfon. It now embraces 1st Notes of National Banks, 'which arc" mads rectivabl! for nil doe to the Govern ment excepting imports, and by all its cred itors excepting for payment of- interest upon its bonds nnd the securities themselves. 2d Jegal tender notes issued by the United States, and which the law requires should be received as well in payment of, all debts duo between citizens... 3d Gold and i!vcrcoin. JJy the operation of our present system of finances, however, the metallic currency; when collected; i3 received for only one class of Oovernrnertt creditors those holding bonds, who stmi-nTintiiilly receive their interest in coin from the National Treasury. There is no reason which will be received as satisfactory by the people, by those who defended the United States on the land and protected the Uoi'd States on the sea, tho pensioners upon the gratitude of the nation, tearing the scars and wounds receive1 'vhile in its service, .the public servants in the va rious departments of the Government, the fanner who supplies the soldiers of - the ar my and the sailorn of the navy, the artizan who ij$ in the nation's workshops, the me chanics and laborers who build its edifices i . t i .1 i. . nun construct H" Juris aiiu vcsseia oi war, should, in payment of their just and hard-wmw-d due, receive depreciated paper; while another class of their countrymen, no more deserving, are paid in coin of gold and diver. Kqual and exact justice requires that all .the .creditors' of the Govornment should be paid in a currency poessing a uniform value. This can only be accom plished by the restoration of the currency to th standard established by the Constitution. On this foundation and by thi means we would put an-end to e discrimination which may. it it has not already done o, create pre'ijdice that may become deep-rooted and widespread and impair the national credit The feasibility of making our currency correspond with the constitutional stand- ara may re seen oy reierence o a iew faet.s derived from our commercial statis- tics. The aggregate produce of the pre eioos metals in the United States from IS 10 to 1807, amount to $1,174,000,000, while for the tame period the nett ex ports of specie were $74 1 .550,000. This shows an excess of products over the ex port of $433,000,000. There are in the Treasury 8103,407,035 in coin. The circulation in the States on the Pacific coast is about $40,000,000 and $2,000, 000 are in the national and other banks, in all less than SIGO.000,000. Taking into consideration tho specie in the coun try prior to 1S49 and that produced since IiG7, we hare more than $200,000,000 not accounted for by exportation or by the returns of the Treasury, and therefore n;tt probably remaining in the country. Thc?e are important facts and show how completely the inferior' currency will su percede the better forcing at will its cir culation among the m3c.i and causing O 'mm it to be exported as a mere article of trade to the money capitals of foreign landj. They f how the necessity ot retiring our parer money that the return of gold and silver to the avenues of trade may be in vited, and the demand created which will came retention at home of so much of the gold bearing fields as may be Fuflicient for tho purpose of circulation. It is un reasonable to expect to return to a sound currency as long as government Banks continue to issue irrcueemablc notes with chancer of circulation with depreciated paper. Notwithstanding the coinatre of our mint since 1S40, of $874,00lT,000, the people are now strangers to the cur rency which was designed for their use and benefit, and specimens of the precious metals bearing the national device are edora fcen, except when produced to gratify the iutcrest excited by their nov elty. If .depreciated paper is to be coutinued as the jermanent currency of the country, aud ail our coin is tohecomo a mere article of traffic and speculation, to the enhancement in pric of all that appertains to the comfort of tho people, it would bo wise economy to abolish our mints, thus saving the nation the care; and expen&e'incidcnt to each establish ments and to let all our precious metals bo exported in hullion. .The time haa come,, however, when the Government and national hanks should'be required to take the most efficient steps and make all ' necessary arrangements for a resumption of f pecie payments. Let specie payments once more be earnestly inaugurated bj the Government, and banks and the value of the paper circulation would directly approximate a specie standard. Specio payments having been resumed by tho , UnvTninint antl hnnt all rtntM or bills all 111 lAL LJ1 Ul UU1 1 ILU lULAIIlUw t.1 Ulu of papers issued by either of a jess de-. nomination than $20, should, by law, bo excluded from circulation so that the peo : pie may have the benefit of a gold and silver circulation which in all their trans- ; actions will be uniform in value at homo and abroad. Every man of property and industry, every man who desires to pre serve what he honestly, possesses or to obtain what ho can honestly earn, has a direct interest in mniotaining such a cir '! eulating medium as shall be real and euh' stantial, and not liable to evaporate with opinion, and not i subject to bo blown up or down by the breath of speculation, but to bo made stable and secure. A dis ordered currency is one of the greatest political evils.. It undermines the virtues . necessary for' tho support of the social system and e icourage propensities de structive of itl own happiness! It wars against industry, frugality and economy, and fosters an evil spirit of extravagance - and speculation. It has been asserted; by ono of our profound statesmen, that'' of all contrivar-ecs for cheating the labor ingclasscsof mankind,nonehavebeenuioro' ' effectual than that which deluges them with paper currency. This i tho most effectual of inventions to fertilize th& rich man's fields by the sweat of the poor nianV brow. Ordinary tyranny, oppression by ' excessive taxation, bear lightly ; on- tho' happiness oftlie cominunity1 compared with a fraudulent currency and the rob beries committed by a depreciated paper.- Our own history has recorded Vf or our; instruction enough, and more than enough of the demoralizing tendency of the in justice and the intolerable oppression ons the virtuous and well disposed by de--graded' paper currency. Authorized ,h Concluded on 2nd Pjr, - '