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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1868)
l 7 1 n i I' L i 1 V! i 1 1 4 i-M A ':: '? a a a . j Si a.. S SATURDAY.. ee ...JUNE 27, 1368. v Honey Slarket. Ban Francisco Legal Tender rates.......711($?2 NtffYork Gold Quotations..... .U0J 1 1 11 11 - ... 2 H: , CITY CHURCH DIRECTORY. 0. S. PRXSSTTRRIA! CHCRCH ReT. W. J. Hot tinth, Pastor. Preaching at 11 a.m. C kited Pats. Cburcb Rev. S. O. Irvine, Pur. Services at 11 a. v. and in evening. EebUth School at 2J r. u. C iMBKoaTioxAi. Church Rev. J. F. Damon, Pa r. Services at 11 A. Jt. and 7 p. x. Sabbath Sea xl at 9 A. x. 21. E. Cacaca Rev. C. G. Belknap, Fastor. Sen ices at 11 a. st. and 7 P. x. Sabbath School at Sr. x, . - ... Uiptist Cbcbch ReT. R. C. llill, Fastor. Sen ices on the 1st and 3rd Sabbaths of each month, at II o'clock A. x. and at candle-lighling. EabSath School at 3 p. x. Mkthodist Chcrch, South ReT. W. A. Fin- lev. Pastor. day of each month, in the Albany District Sohool House. ADVERTISEMENTS THE MAGAZINE FOR THE TIMES! AssocuTiON. The Central Baptist Asso- Ciatloa convened at the Baptist CLurCh in this city ou Thursday, Junallth, and held until tho following Sabbath. All the churches vrere represented, and one that had been constituted since last Association received. There was a creat deal of buai tho denominational college, the advancement TUB ClMSSt EM ECSl W tW WOrlfl. of temperance and the spread of Gospel truth were all under advisement, vet tho best of feeling prevailed. Master was with them. Ministers of dif ferent Associations were present, and preached plain gospel with becoming zeal. ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS; Tho anirit of the .. "If Ppt" iuoniuiy wagasine gives more for e money than any in the world! Jn consequence of its merit and cheapness, it had, in 1867, a cir culation eqalling that of all the other Ladies' Magasines eomSined. For 1 80S, it will be greatly improved. It will contain SAMUEL DENNY, Succtiior to Hampton d IttDrid, AND Dealer la Every Variety of THE ? t : . i. jt . . OLD STOVE DEPOT I O ! 1ST 33 BI C3- O S , (LATS 0. 0. OODLXT CO.) "Vrt -sr-r -ir- Tar -w r wi r -w - tJ -UTtv Ar JL i 8U JLsL ,Jg j 1 Keeps constantly on hand a general assortment of Apolocitic Our senior is gone to the mountains, as was last week announced he would do, and all short-comings in thocdito rial department may be attributed to that fact. In the meantime we desiro to keep it Preaching on the 2nd and 4th Sun- before our readers that Mr. Stipp's Balsam . . ... ii r:.i-.. CI..., I is still tor sale by all respcctablo druggists. Rail Road Mktisq. On last Friday Ueisrs. Mitchell andChcnoweth addressed a large and interested audience at Ilarrisburgh, on tha subject and in the interests of the Or egon Central Railroad and nt the close of the meeting quite a largo number of shares of a'jock, were taken. We learn from Mr. -J. II. Douthit, who is still actively engaged in ct-nvassing the county, that increased in terest is manifested by the people through- Tni WiATntR has been cold, wet and rainy almost tho entire week, and farmers tell us there is danger of tho wheat suffering by being beaten down. ONE THOUSAND PAGES! FOURTEEN SPLENDID STEEL PLATES! TWELVE MAMMOTH FASHION PLATES I TWELVE COLORED BERLIN PATTERNS ! NINE HUNDRED WOOD CUTS! TWENTY-FOUR PAGES OF MUSIC! All this will be given for only Two DoUara a year, or a dollar less than Magasines of tho elass of "Petorson." lis THRILLING TALES AND NOVELETTES AND CABINET WARE I o Hcddiiig, Spring Mattresses, HAIR. PULU, MOSSi WOOL, &C, &C. ALL AND ScnooL Superintendent. Read the card of Mr. J. W. Mack, our County Superintendent of Common Schools, among the new ad's. See the notice of Mr. M. W. Ecxcutcd In Firajt-Cla Sljle. are the best publiahod anjwhere. All the most popular writers are employed to write originally for "Peterson." In 1808, in addition to its usual ftuantitr ut abort atirlea. Ml I It OUTUfNAf. newly-elected COPYRIGHT NOVELETTES will be given bv Ann K KfsiVDna ttranV Iesm Tlnflift A inanrla Tiff Douglas, and the Author of "Tho Second Life." Jobbing Promptly Attended to. ji aiso puuiiuos - Settle cp.- Mack ainons; the new ad's, and if you are snt IJnn rnuntv. and nnrticularl v in the un- ier i art of it. in regard to the Railroad HnS him cal1 anJ 8luar0 account immedi Old Linn is beginning to wake up on this I J" ubject, and whenever she becomes fully! We understand Grant is using Mrs. Stipp's thint U hound to ha did " Balsam to counteract the efiects of "sod - - mi i r . l . i l Mnn " Aoe people arc ocginuiug iu see imii wncn- iwiu ever they assist in an enterprise of this na ture they are , benefitting themselves and their country, and in that view of the case they have a powerful incentive to work. Base Ball. A Base Ball Club was or raniaMl In this eitv on last Thursd&v week. .. , , . . . , , I informing the publisher, and the paper is sent to . t, a "-fcM j the foracr direction, tbey are beia rceponsibie. MAMMOTH C0L0RE0 FASHION PLATES I I I WVf A Ms M. M t . m m - Ahead of all others. These plates are engraved tl"l Mrttl, IDllCr IHC UemOCfal Omtf. ALBANY, OllEQON. LAW OF NEWSPAPERS. 1. Sabsrcribers who do not give express notice to the contrary are considered as wishing to con tinue the subscription. 2. It" subscribers wish their papers discontinued, publishers may continue to send them until all cbarres are Paid. 3. If subscribers move to other places without on steel, twicb trk vscal sue, and contain six figures. The will be superbly colored. Also, a E altera, from which a Dress, Mantilla, or Child's Toss csn be out out, without the aid of a mantaa co alter. Also, several pages of Household and other receipts j in short, everything interesting to irftaics. . - ITU THE BEST IADSES' MAGAZINE IN THE WORLD! Try it for One Year I STOVE SI Of theSXost FoTorlte Fattens. Cook Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves I With a full wd general assortment of WAR If niliDAMTrrn I 1"" 'TIN, SHEET-IRON, COPPER AND BRASS-WARE ! And all other articles email? fonnd La TIN STORE! Repairing Neatly and Promptly Exeenttd. Ti:it9I8 Cash or Produce. 'Chert Reckonlafft cutke Long TrUnin." Teh. 2, '67 r2n25tf May 4, 1867 v2n3Staugl8 Id. waxsrictD. B. O. BILL. n. MAVSriKLD. THE SAN FRANCISCO STORE ! Terms Always in 'Ad vines t One Copy, One Year Fiva C pies for One Y Eight Copies, for One Year.... ..12 00 Fourteen Copies, fur One Year .20 00 D. MANSFIELD & CO., DEALERS IN- ALBANY - - - OREQON. .ADV.EHTISEMEN.TS. ADVERTISEMENTS, tkos. w. mm, - for ihe mm sales op iees f tto, 4.9 rrsat Ctest, rxtin&, CtesrsnJ NORCRCSS i COYArj, VHC LESALE h r?.TAIL DEALERS. orjfiits roa sali FROM BROWN. BRYSCN & CO.. SPRINSYILLE, KY. J. t7erth's nonsy Dw, Fry's Laurel Grore, Par's Donrbca, , o- HAVE PROVIDED TIIEMSEL"E3 AD ano of the recent rise ia CotK,,a Qw with a nsntsr's Cali&raiT7aat. IABOI2 An D CTOCl Pinet CastiUlon, SlsftDsSoticn&C04 -A. DrlUioun, . Henna zzy, . AnAallDstntstleCrtala. CrI3ST ' Eayper and Swaa. , or STAPLE DRY GOODS! WHICH CA Jf ASD WILL BE SOLD AT f.lARYELOUSLY LOW PRIDES f roa Caeli er XereIxAntaSle ProUuee call m txkuint cm met m prices i OLD TOI, EUM, PORT WISE, SHEBET WISE, We UsiTe ln Quantities -AX& Ca&o Liquors of All Kinds, ap'118'e8v3n35tf K?i 11 GENERAL MERCHANDISE, tlio "bojs" are a little awkward in the ma- Notice should alwtribe etren of the removal. A Tf iHl.s!Kart n4t1jt n T0kftk ff t SI If A t H! ncuTi riag vi vutj jpuuv anu aumc raiucr ppers from the office or place to wnicb tnej are lariRt, mvMi, hutvonn ttiA mmW sent, tbev are heM responsible until tbey settle mm w ay ww v- w & r. mw ava u I " as to the lesitimacy of . foul " and fair" balls, running the bases, etc., nothing more than is usual with beginners in the game. The plajing of the Veb-foot Base Ball Club" will soon be brought down to a science, and then the Pioneers " at Port and, end "them other fellers" up and down s3 river must look out for their laurels, be- tl,C WO pV'V- w vp vui. We learn later that the "young iloo4V"f 12 to 15 jears, have taken the Sase Ball fever and are active! organizing j&nd pipx.ts; Ct service another Club in Albanj. Cooi. xnox jx. H. M. Power has returned frors a reconaoitering expedition" up the oium aim. sloo. we xrc run ui tearn tuav ut did not lose anj of his love and admiration for the fertile plains and rich valL?jeof Wcb- tfestt j comparing thm with the sand banks sand ea.i-&rcsii of tho Upper Columbia. Cekoi iaaae, Iiek. Kr. Wbl. brw ii4 J J go Baber have re turned from Califercua, wHtLer we learn 6he-Jiwleiati2s soon returning to reside, ttasuitg purchased a fans In Xapa ValLej.- C ab lefKtaai be assigns, as a reason Xbr isietKjeeewn.-tiat be wants to get out off t&MSpperlieaListe i Won't hebe "trad ing thj devil for a witch" Sgurattvelj cpeaktrg? Personally the -JJe is a good felluw. and we hose lie mav p roe per la worldly dungs rlrcwr "be ssay go. A Nttr Jfir. Mr- II. W Halcye, tbe proprietor, exiled on s tkis Keek nnd ex liibited his new Map of Oregon and Wasl sngton, Idaho and Montana Territories. The Map was compiled by 3Ir. Geo. II. Bel denf an 1 shows great precision, care and Siccuracj ia its compilation, besides it is very elaborate and fall in the wny of geo grapbicU locations and points. That part of the map embracing Oregon is undoubted ly the best ever compiled; and we learn from geiilemea of losg residence in the Ter ritories ttat the location of points in those localities is equally accurate. A good map of Oregon is something that has long been needed, and we think tht Mr. Eappley e's . tills the raeancy. - 5. Tbe Courts bare dcci Jed tbat refusing to take a paper from tbe office, or removing and leaving it uncalled for, is prima facie eviacnen or iraud. ALBANY I'KICKS CL?ItUE.T. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY 7. CSADWOUL. PREMIU5IS rOU OETTINO UP CLUBS: To every person getting up a club of fire, eight. or fourteen, at tbe above rates, a copy of the Mar- aitoe for 1SCS will be given gratis. Address, rot-pai'l. CHAIILKS J. PETEUSON. 306 Cbtstnut Btrrtt. PbUadelpbla. t-!erSpecimtna sent gratis, wben written for. PACIFIC HOTEL A i i AST. Sktnrdav. June 27. 1863 The following are tbe prices paid for Produce, and tbe prices at wbicb otber articles are seiliog I JL in tbis market : Wheat white, per bushel. 62 ets. Oats per bushel, 35(Vj40 cts. Putatves per bushel. e7lgl 00. Onions per bushel. $1 25. Flour pr bbl, $4 :, j 09 Euttcr per pound, 20 cts. Eggs per dozen, 20 cts. Chickens per dozen, $2 &03 00. l'cacbet driJ, per pound, 1620 cts. Pork per pound, 5(6 cts. Beef on foot, 4(,8 cu. Mutton, per pound, 12 eenu. Soap per pound, 5(iJ cts. Salt Los Angelos, per pound. 2 cts. Syrup per gallon, 1,001,12, Tea Young Ilvson, per pound, $1 00 " Black, 755$1 CO. Japan, $1 12. Burnr crushed, per pound, 1720 cts. " Island, 13(I4. 15 cts. Coffee per pound, 22 & 25 cts. Xails cot, per pound, 78 cts HE UN'DEItSIO.VED RESPECTFULLY Informs the public tbat tbis lioue ;has just been finished, ASD IS IN O "W OPEN for the sxeommodatioa of all who may favor him with their patronage. Albany, . . oncao. IN FOSTER'S CNE-STORY BRICK. OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. fllllE ABOVE FIRM TAKES PLEASURE IN 1 notifying their friends sad the Dubiie rcner. all, that the are CONTINUALLY RECEIVING DRY GOODS, GROCERIE HARDWARE, &C Which wo wUJ Eiehangs FOIl CA8II OR PRODUCE! AT TBS VERY LOWEST PRICES. A NEW STORE IN ALBANY!! r B. RREflflER, OPPOSITE PAnRIHIPfl BLOCK, TVoULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM the eitisens of Albany sad vicinitj that he has Jast returned from SAN FRANCISCO, W1T A FIR8T-CLA83 SELECTION rpilE SUBSCRIBER WOULD INFORM TIIS X ciUsens or Albany and vicinitj that be now occupies ins eorner brick store Corner of First and Washington C treats. lis Intends to sell goods AT THE IsO WEST PRICE ! roa 4 CASH OR PRODUCE ! ! The public would do well to examine or floods i i . , wvivr pnrooMisg eiifwuire, Mj Slock consists, In part, as follows : GOODS, a CLOTHING. GROCERIES BOOTS AND SHOES, SOOTS Atn SHOES, HATS AIZD CAPS, Hard IT a rC, CrOCker J' I Ia fact, a splendid and varied sMortmcat of Asn I ujuuvuAiiuisi BLEACHED AND BROWN COTTONS, TICK ING, COTTONADES, DENIMS, SHIRT ING AND CHECKS, PRINTS, DE LAINES, ALPACCAS, GING HAMS, JEANS, CAP8I MERES,TWEEIS,ca -FOREIGN AN A OREGON JIANU- PAC- tvun. ALSO A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF FANCY DRESS GOODS t LaUst Stjrlss fTsmt&fs mni Ocatieaea's? coiioa7KmTC3-1 AND FURNISHING GOODC D R Y GO O D S CI.OTHING, A GREAT STOCK OF LADIES' FURNISHING, tilUHOIUKKT AND FANCY GOODS. THE FUKN I T U R E Is entirtl new In ever department, and is of the latest and most approved stjles. 'Call We respectful! ask tbe public to and Eianlne car Stock ted Prices ALSO THE TABLE Before purchasing elsewhere ; and we assure all that wo wilt giro ENTIRE SATISFACTION TO PROMPT CUSTOMERS. Alban, Feb. 1667 v2n27lf White Lead pure, per keg, $4 MQi SO. Linseed Oil boiled, per gallon, $1 7S&2 00. Turpentine Pr gallon, $1 50 Dosestic brown, 1CJ eta. Hiekorr etrined. cr yard, 1I5530 ct lied Ticking per yai.'1. 256.10 cts. Blue Drifting per vard. ?Md,ZQ cts. Flannels per yard, 50 75 cts. Prints at colors, per yard, 12 C . Rifle Powder, per pound. 75(5$' 00. Candles best, fier pound. 2ti(u,ZZ cts. Uiee Clinx. per pound. I2fi 16 ct. Tobacco per poand, $1 00(1 25. Salseratus cer pound, J6 cts. Dried Plusas per bound, 12Jl5e, Dried Apples pr lb. C. " Curraau per lb. Se. Bacoo Ilatas, r lb, ItQIZe. Side, per t, Vc. " Sbldcr, per tb. Sc. Lard per ft. in cans, 10c. French Brandy per gal., flO 012 (H) Holland Gin per gal., $j 50 American Brandy per gal., IS 04 Jamaica Rum per gL, $9 09 Tar f 1 per gallon. Eean--per lb., 4c will always ie supplied with tbe best the market asirds, and no patns wiH be spared for tbe eotnfort and conve nience of bis guests. Persons arriving by bnats accommodated at all boors, day or ntgbt. Spitsofrooos and superior accommodations for QUICK CURES AND MODERATE CHARGES. PRIVATE MEDICAL AID- Along experience ln tie to.iness warrants tbe I DR. IV. I. DOIIERTYS proprietor ia pratnuing satbtfctbto to all who may favor blrn with their patronage, if it can be done PRIVATE MEDICAL ANO SURGICAL INSTITUTE I by bountifully supplied tables, pleasant rooms, caeramenio etrcet, below Montgomery, oppo site the Pacific Jliil Bleaoubip Com- A 6000 STOCK OF THE BEST UQUOBS Ever Drought to tbis Market! Which he Intends to sell omvr ron wspicikal runposssi IV. D.wI am also at;ent for Grorer & iHtners Hewlns Tlncblnes. Theoo Ma chines are known to U the best in tho market Wo alao bs leava to inform tho cablU tb&t CIGARS! which ws will sell stS&&rntielsat7n.alsiamlsi Pricss. Call and examine our stock of Clears! t- . ? . . i ociure purcuaatng eisewnaro. JULIUS GRADWOHL. Deo. 22, v2nl91 UT MOTTO WILL SB I "Quick Snlesi and Small Profits). sssssBMssssmv I receivs by erery steamer a NEW INVOICE OF ! GOODS. Persons are rospeetfally requested to call and ex smloe ray goods before parehaslng elsewhere. mar28'e3,TSu32tf B. BRENNER. R. CHEADLE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL cleanly beds and assiduous attention tntbeir wants. OX COE. Or MAIS AMD &20AD-ALBIX STS.KT3, j 'EW ADVERTISE3IEMS. fjlOG notice. 0 GEORGE L. RUSSELL OR TO WHOM may concern. W. P. Philips, having entered at this office, as a pre-emption right, tbo S i of tbe N E i and tho N W J of S W i of Sec tion 14 and tbe S E J of tbe N E of Section 15, ia T 10 S R 1 W which eatrr is in conflict with By reference to tbe netv ad' si your rcspectire pre-emption filings : You are therefore hereby notified tbat you will bo allowed thirty days from service hereof In which to appear and contest said entry if yoa so desire. Land Office, Oregon City, ) Oregon, Feb. 17, 1&68. f OWEN WADE, Register. 41-w4 HENRY WARREN, Rcceirer. Dissor.riD it will hi seen that Messrs. Norcross &. Cow An, merchants, have dls4red partnership, llr. Norcross retires from a business in which he has been engaged for four or five years in Alban j, and ia which he has gain ed a. reputation for honestj and fair-dealing second to no man in Linn count j. Maj abundant success and prosperity attend him in whatever business he maj hereafter en gage ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been duly appointed Ad ministrator of the estate of Lewis C. Richardson. !lr. Cowan, his successor, is one 0f l""6"' hJ County Court of Linn county, Linn conntj s oldest and most respected set- estate are requested to present them,duly verified, . tiers, nan of integrity and sterling worth, to tho Undersigned, at his residence, in tbe Forks . kC e , of the Santiam. Linn county, within six months x And we predict for him a successful mercan- froui the date hereof. O. W. RICHARDSON, Adm'r. Albany, June 12, 1868. J. C. Powell, Att'y for Adm'r. n43w4 tiie career. Albas r Ficture Uallest. We rejrret to learn tliat the proprietor of this institution, Zlr.Paxtoa, has determined to close out his business and return to the East in a few weeks, lit. P. has been in Albany for To tlie Itaptistsj of Oregon. Pursuant to a call on the Baptists of Oregon to eonrene at Brownsville on tho 25th December, 1867. a. few met fmnnv Ki n rr TrvmntnA hirh many jei and has formed many ties and water), and organized temporarily by electing El- susociaticns tfcatit'will be painful to sever, depR-C.Hill, Chairman, and Dr. Stone, SecreUry . .. ... . ' . ' It was ordered that the original call be continued besides, in a business view his services will only changing the time of meeting to the first be a great loss to the community, being een- T " J in Ju,y' 1868' nd tt4t tbe Chaimutc - - .-. J ob I and Seeretarv Dnblih th namo i Beloved Bbkthbes: Tbe stems ot the times Artists On the coast. His work has won hih I c,ear'y indicate that the time to favor Zion iscome. s .1. i ine oicssmgs of our Heavenly Father aro abund Ci:UJWlBllo "wu "u . . ia ine a" "1 bestowed on tbe feeble labors of bis witness- Wherever mown, aee niscard m to-day's The Pillar of Cloud Is moving, and within l-o i- .i tbe last few months tbe energies of the Holy Spir- J '"T ",Jf uyi it have graciously attended the labors of ministers yourself wita a correct shadow, do so tm me- of the most humble pretensions. And we believe .di&tely. ; . , Thanks. A gentlemen called into the of fice one cay this week and presented all Jb&nds with a lot of beautiful and delicious that in the bounds of tbe Central Association one hundred and fifty hopeful converts have been add ed to our Churches by experience and baptism. Under these favorable circumstances and auspices we ebould at an early date organize a General As sociation for tbe purpose of concentrating onr en- strawben ies. borne of them were the larc- Kine-dom. nn oftni nni And est fruit of the kind we ever saw. The tberefore earnestly, cordially and fraternally so- whole.ha.rted i ode,t gentleo-a, po.i- It ISJStSTSlXi tively deraanded that we should not mention to meet io Convention and co-operate with us in v nn nnnr,ar,n - v f the enterprise. Brethren of sister Associations, bis name ia connection with the " puph," will you meet us T (fQ WS will have to content ourself with giv- Tne Convention will be held with the Pleasant in the first two letters of hia nam Mv, Butte Cburcb, at Brownsville, Linn county, com. I-s r - 7 T ... w yuuu II.) an itating that ha is a bachelor, a per fect gsntl tmsyi, and ppoprietor of a fine nur sery about a half mile from. Albany. VxKr I 'A,. Allan j, Jan 6, 18S3. v3n42lf NEW BOOK BINDERY! 112 rr.nt St, Portland. (Nearl opposite McCorroiek's Eo,kstore.) GEORGE W. VOULVn, boos cindch, pafch nxjxxn, Aim BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER. pany'a OQce, Private entrance on Leidesdorff street, San Francisco. tallUkJ rprtulg to afford IA offlicUd found una fcirwyic mtatcai aia tm ia ircataMtH and cmri of alt Pritatt and Chron ic Zia, catt of Stcr cjr and all Stxnal Viiordtr. ALSATTZ, - CITY MARKET. CXaia St, OTpesitsj the TUxr Drug Store, ALBANY, OREGON. HENDEHHALL & REDPATH, Proprietors at Portland prices OATS, CAPS, BOOTS 15D SHOES OP lit II5DS 15D SIZES. CAnPETIHG, WALL-PAPEB, Paper & Linen BUndJi St Fixture We would call especial attention te our Stock of mON AND STEEL, AS CKXZKAAV HARD "W-A- S. S 1 wx rrzL satx ix fATixa ir is Tke iMTstmt tltls side ofPortl&nd I Consistigg ia part sf FORKS, HOES, RAKES, SPADES. SCYTHES, MILL4FAWS, CROSS-CUT, TYLER'S IMPROVED PATENT TOOTH BILLETT-WOBS, MECHANICS AND BLACKSMITHS TOOLS CCPLETE Butener Saws, Barn-Door II angers. Rollers and Track, Rope Chain, Hemp and Rab . ber Packing, Ilorse-Shoe Nails, Bolts, Natl sod Washers, Thimble and VTsfoa Boxing, Iron Axles, Iron and Steel of erery "kind. - CXacUajr Pcrder ftad Pose. WE ARE PAYING IN CASH tne Highest Mar-- ket price for ISsveon. sLardl and T7oL Call and learn oar prices, and thea salt yourself. NORCROSS A COWEN. Albany, Slay 1, 1863 r2altf V. W. PARH1SH & CO. wnosi coods cajt bz bai TO THE AFFJLICTCO. WILL ALWAYS KEEP 09 HARD TBS Bf ST Off FREiailT ADDED. OR- TftLAXIC BOOUN MADE T Jf DER and Ruled to any desired pattern Newspapers. MagaUnea, MusLo, etc.. etc, BoCnd ia any style, with sieatnesa and dispatcb. AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. may9r3n38tf D1 R. W. K. DOIIERTY RETURNS HIS SIN-1 Ao U' AXiLi VAIILETIES. I BY PAYIKS CASH IH HAlin rna THC ,k..v. i i i ibeir patronare, and would take th's onnwrtunitv to remind them tbat he continues to eonsult at bis Institute for tbe cure of ebronio diseases of the GOODS. I ,4 LIBERAL SHARE OF PATRONAGE IS Xa. solicited, as we intend to keep as rood aa as- ALBANY BATH HOUSE! THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE3PECT fully inform tbe citizens of Albany and rl- cintty tbat he bas taken ebarge of this hUblisb went, and, by keeping clean rooms and paying strict attention to business, expects to suit all tbose wbo may favor bim w..u tbeir patronage. beretorore earned on nothing but First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons', be expects to give entire satisfaction to all. 2TCbildicn and Ladies' Hair neatly cut and suampooed. JUSEfil WEUUEU. apr4r3n33tr WHEAT! WHEAT ! 100,000 BUSHELS OF HI IK AT WANTED witbin tbe next two weeks, for wbicb The XXighest Cash Price will be Paid, By . . . J. GRADWOHL, 2ntft- ' Ban Francisco Store. WAIYTEDlOOsOOO pounds Of WOOL, for wbicb I rill pay the . HIGHEST MARK? PRICE! mar23r2h3. NORCROSS. NOTICE Or FINAL SETTLEMENT. JO. BUSnNELL, ADMINISTRATOR OF the 'state of Jane Emily Cline, deceased, having filed bis accounts in tbe County Court of Linn county, Oregon, for final settlement of all matters relating to said estate : Notice, therefore, is hereby "eiren tbat said set tlement will bo made on Tuesday, the 7th day of July, 18G8, at 10 o'clock A. sr., at tbe Court House in tbe citv of Albany, in said county, at which time and place all persons having objections to said accounts are required to file tbeir objections in said Court at said time, V Done at Albany, Oregon, this 3rd day of Jane. 1868. EDWARD R. GEARY. , ' County Judge, j CaAsoa A Hcly, Att'ys for Adm'r v3n42w4. menoing on tbe first Thursday in July. 1868, at 1 o eloefc f. k. R. c. HILL. Cb'mn. bTOiTg. Secretary. - DISSOLUTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT EHE long continued co-partnersbip heretofore ex isting beteween N. H. Cranor and Geo. 11. Helm, as partner in tbe practfee of Law, under tbe firm We regret to learn that Mr. H. TT. Uici, a well-known and much re- fpscted ci tizen of Albanj, is now lying in a name of Cranor A Helm, is this day dissolved by prscanouijtaie oi neaua, caused Dy tea mutual consent. N. II. CRANOR, GEO. R. HELM. Albany, Oregon, Jane 4, 1838, n42tf NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JOHN Smith, Administrator of the estate of Dr. William Miller, deceased, bas filed his accounts in the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, praying annai settlement or said estate, and tbe discharge of said Administrator. Notice is therefore given that said settlement will be made on ' Monday, the QtK day of July, 1868, at the County Court room, in Albany, in said county, at 10- o'clock A. v., at which time all per sons having objections to said accounts are requir ed to file the same in said Court. EDWARD R. GEARY, Albany, Juno 2, 1888. County Judge. E, F. Rrssitt, Att'y for Adm'r n42wf R. CHEADLE. ALBANY FERRY ! Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Digestive and Oenito-Url- !rt5!BW Md of 0O1 lltT M C0untr7 Oire SSe a Call aid See tor rmrselwsia. ncry Organs, and all private diseases, vis . Syph- lUm V.- All its forms and ((ami. Rmtnat V.1 n... and all the horrid conseoueoees of self-abusa. Gob. i TTlrbtt Cmth Pt f. p. I feb22v3n27tf orrboca, G'eet, Strictures, Nocturnal and Diurnal emissions, Ssrtial Debility, Diseases of tbe, Back and Loins, Inflammation of tbe Bladder and Kid neys, etc.. etc.. and 2)0 hopes that bis Ions experi ence and successful nractice will continue to insure I fV fSk I " 1 " O- bim a share of public patrocsge. By the practice of many years in Europe and the United States, be is enabled to apply tbe most eCicicnt and suu cessful remedies against diseases of all kinds. He uses no mercury, charges moderate, treats bis pa tients in a correct and honorable way, and has references of unquestionable veracity from men of known respectability and bigb standing io soci ety. All parties consulting him by letter or other wise, will receive tbe best and gentlest treatment, and implicit secrecy. affords. Ws are always ready to pay the Highest Cash Price for Fat Stock. April 6, 187 v2n34tf NOTICE EXTRAORDINARY I FARMERS ANO STOCK' RAISERS ! THE FlILL-BLOODED MORGAN HORSE, "VEIISIONT," eaa be found the en- suing season, at tbe Cline Farm, one-balf mile A T THE SOLICITATION OF MANY CITI A sens of Linn and Benton counties. T havi fitted apths LOWER FERRY, (it oetngtoo stage ilonte), la such manner as to secure to tbe public better facilities, at all seasons of the year, than eaa be had elsewhere. My Boat is what is known as a CtflHtENT COAT, To Female. Wben a female is In trouble, or afflicted with disease, as weakness of the back and limbs, pain south or Albany, except on all publw days, when ad is the best on the River, without any excep he can ibe isee in Albany, at Marshall A Sehlos- Ulon. . Living quit near my Boat Landing, la Sere Stable. Innntoh niirt. T m nnVli1 ml iff liAnn n trcmrnvm J ttf 11 r . I -J - 7 v0, mv- .wiu wm lokieu m mneia, v ermons commodate the public My boat is secured by NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! AT TH ' . .' BRIO K B L O O K -r S. E. Ccmtr Ferry ftsdFrfiit Bt't JUST RECEIVED, a carefully selected Stoek of PAFiCY AIID STAPLE DRY GOODS I SILKS, STRIPES, POPLINS, TAMISE, CHAMBRIES, PE RCA LOS, JACONETTS, DELAINES. ALPACAS, - . LINENS. SWISS MUSLINS, MARSEILLES AND PRINTS. , TICKING ANB Deidettieii Keaclielsutl Uallestee UOiES. HISSES AND CHllDEErS JKCES; ' ALSO MEN'S AMD BOY'S CLOTHiNQ Bats, Caps, Eooti and Sices, . a 1 m f m l .... . ' 'I in me neaa amness or signi, loss or muscular and traces his lineage back through four sucees- good wire rope, and ts otherwise eonstrueved with pvwor, fttuiuvu vi iu, wh .rinwij, ner- ito rsnerauons o me original vustist iuono AS. I the LATEST IMPROVEMENTS for iiMf Ml durability. MyeonnecUoa with tbe Upper Ferry, " auimuauL, nereioiore ezisiing, oas recenuy neen severed. vousness, extreme urinary dtmculties, derange ment of digestive functions general debility, va ginitis, all diseases ot tbe womb, hysteria, sterili ty, and all otber diseases peculiar to females; aba shyuld go or write at once to tbe celebrated female doctor, W. K. Doberty, at his Medical Institute, and consult him about bef troubles and disease. The Doctor is effecting more cures than any otber physician in the State of California. Let no false delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately and save yourself from painful sufferings and prema ture death. All Married Ladles whose delicate health or otber circumstances prevent an increase in their families, should write or call at Dr. W. K. Doherty's Medical Institute, and tbey will receive every possible relief and help. The Doctor's offi ces afe so arranged tbat be can be Consulted with out fear of observation. To Correspondents Patients residing in any part of the State, how ever distant, who may desire the opinion and ad vice of Dr. Doberty in tbeir respective cases, and His pedigree Is perfect and warranted.' - Farmers are hereby respectfully invited to call Rates of ferriage are the same as the Urrer jrerry. a. jtisakcjs, augl8'6t2nlly Proprietor. FARMERS, LOOK HERE ! at either of the above named places and examine tbe Horse and his stock to tbeir entire satisfac tion. R. S. BELKNAP, Agent. April 4, 1803 v3n33m3 EXECUTOR'S SALE. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TnE jjl nnderslgned, Executor of the estate of Davis t .ss vlnsa A skssk enrt ttw vii4na vt awsIa a it County Court of Linn county, Oregon, made it BUTTER WAN T E D ! tne June xerm tnereor, a. x. isos, will offer at publio sale, to tbe highest bidder, at the Court House door la Albany, ia said Linn caunty, Ore gon, on Saturday the l$th day of July, 1868, between the. hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. in. of said day, the following described real es tate, to-wit t - AKD - FAMILY QTtOOERIEQ! Of all descriptlins, by Wholesale and Retail si Cheap as the Cheapest I for Cash or Country Produce. WUX aW foodi and low pric-es, we are prepared. Io give en- , . tire satisfaction to all wba saay favor us with their patronage. No trouble to show goods. angllvsnlyl . JiAIttEST OF 1863 I The South half of Davis . Lay ton's Donation who think proper to submit a written statement of Land Claim; known and described on the plats such, in preference to holding a personal interview, snd surveys of the.. U. S. as Not No. "1924," are resoectrully assured that their communications Claim zno. "o," in ip. ro. ii, s. xi. jmo. 4. W.. will be held most sacred and confidential. I Linn county, Oregon, containing625 and 96-100thf j T1 H ft 6 6 HERS, If the case be fully and candidly described, per-1 s described in tbe Patent therefor on record in I n r? s . i !...:. sii u ', lvi. 1m' rt-.-. "... ' I . ..v'itv ' rill Duum ouiuuiuiiicBiiuu win v Huuecviatrji as in- uv ioi mv, miuu vuuuv, vicuu. struetions for diet, regimen, and the general treat TERMS OF SALE t - Gold coin of the U. S. ment of the ease (including tbe remedies), will be one-balf payable on tbe day of sale, the balance forwarded without delay, and In such a manner as in' two equal notes payable in bree' years, with to convey no idea of the purport of the letter or interest at 12 per cent,, secured by! mortgage on parcel so transmitted, consultation by letter or I the premises. JAMES Jr, JIOQUE, 20,000 lbs. of Good Butter5, For which I will pay, ia Goods, 18 cents, ap to the 1st of July next, at my store. May 22, 1888. RAPHAEL CHEADLE. -f.ta40tr : - CHAIR MAllOFACTOnY! otherwise, free. no pay. Addess, Permanent eure guaranteed W. K. DOIIERTY, M. D., San Francisco, California. or Gperraatorrhcca. Dr. Dohertt has just published an im&ortant pampiet embodying ms own views anq experienees in relrtion to Impotence or Vtrilfty, being a ahort treatise on cpermatorrbcea or oeminal Weakness, Nervous and Physical Debility consequent on this affection, snd other diseases of the' Sexual Organs. Abis little wors contains icicrrtnaiion or tne ut most value to all, whether married or sihzle. and will be sent FREE by mail on receipt of six cents m postage stamps for return postage. Address, w. Jl. lVUtuivHx, H. If., y3nS8tf Eaa Frssclsco, Oal, Executor of the estate of Davis Lay ton. deo'd. Albany, June 4, 1858. J. O..P0WSU9 Att'y for Ex'r. v3n42wfl I WANT 20,000 LBS. OF GOOD BACON j also Butter, both of which the highest mar ket price will be paid. B. BRENNER. v3n33tf .. : FOR HENTi 4 GOOD DWELLING H0USE situated in a XJu desirable part of tbe city, with barn, Ae. Apply to DR. 7U. LISTER, .''iv;..vjasjtf REAPERS, : . MOWERS. J. BARROWS A CO., Ajerit for all kinds of Agrlealtarai Iraiilcsienta 1 1 i 1 , u, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENi WARNING the publio against buying or trading for either of four promissory notes made' payable to J. Q. Thornton or bearer, for the sum of three hun dred and seventy-five $3T,) dollars each; and bearing date. September 25th, 1867. ; Two Of the above notes are payable m oae year from date, and two in two years from date. The above notes were obtained by- misrepresen tation and without consideration for ralae received, therefore I wlU act pay them. Albaay, 0rffea Oct 11, 1237. yls!7w4 iAND THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD RESPECTFUL ly inform the publio that he is prepared t do all kinds of ia a and expeditious manner. Also; he keeps on hand, and for sale, SPINNING WHEELS, and the best of viy-v; k t Kkw-Lila Doit a ; cr Eitclsa Clalsli S '.. Ail of which Hill be Sold cheap for Cash. Orf ders solicited. iShop near the old Flour MUl, as the ipper end ol First street. . JOHN JX Liii.&JLi.r.; Not 3, 'C7T3al5yl SE'EslTY CUSHELS OF SOIsrORA SEED. CTA5. f. qirf it-v a .