jfw-" timpswh ffe.mmmiSi one gjeuuOTt SATlIZDAY.................JUNE 27, 18G8. For. president: CEO. H. PENDLETON, OF OHIO. (SWject fo t dtcitio tf tk Dtmocrati Ifational Convention.) DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. FOR PIEStDENTIAL ELECTORS) B..F. CHAD WICK, of Douglas county. JOHN BUUXETT, of Benton county. JAS. II. SLATER, of Union county. An Orphan's Asylum U to be erected in Salem, by the Children's Aid Society. The Eugene JaurxaZ ad Tertisea for a boy for editor of tliat sickly sheet, we suppose. The Journal says their are four brick buildings in process of erection at Eugene. When Butlor claims to bo a guard OTer the rights of Congress, it must bo conceded to have a. Tery blackguard. The Memphis Christian Advocate states that Bishop Marvin has been appointed to the Pacific Episcopal District. A man named Irons had his left arm cut and shattered, on last Friday, in Salem, by the premature discharge of a blast. 3Tharlo',r Weed confesses to having Bent "his mite" to help the Radicals in New . Hampshire. $5,000. That "mite" was The Fourth will be celebrated at Portland, Eugene, Roseturg, Jacksonville and Dallas. but we kavn't heard of any celebration in Albany. The new roeid from Grand Round to the Ocean, will be passable for wagons by the rst of July. Pleasure trips to the seaside arm be made by this route. General Meade has issued an order 11 wip ing out" the nigger Loyal Leaders in Georgia. Meale needs reconstructing he is in sympathy with the Ku Klux Klan. The witty editor of the Louisville Jour -nal says that the troubled waters around the "White House must be very shallow, as tho .Radicals expect to get Johnson out and Wade xn. A German woman in Hartford, Connec ticut, it is said carried herrleamatichusbani on her back to the poles to Tote the Demo cratic ticket !- . The crowd present, made op -a purse of $200 for her. The Walla Walla Statesman says that the prospects for fuse crops East of the Cascades this season surpasses that of any former year. Such may also be said of the crops in the Willamette Valley. j3The New York Tribune heads an ar ticle " The New York Swindle," and a Western exchange wants to know if that is to be the future name of the paper, as its whole political theory is a most wanton swindle. We learn from the Unionist that Senator Corbett and Williams are expected to re turn home in time to engage in the Presi dential campaign. If they do as well as Governor Wood, we will carry the State by .3,000 majority. They will make a beauti ful trio for Democratic hot-shot. (A tote for Logan is a rote for Grant.) Railkoad Aid. The Commissioners of Yamhill county have contracted with the west-side railro id company to endorse the interest , on seveaty-five thousand dollars of the company's binds for twenty years. The interest runs from the first of July, 18C8. The bonds and all remaining interest is to be surrendered to the company when the road is completed to the Yamhill river. Hobbible Accident. The Herald says that oh, las Saturday a man named Albert Atkinson, engaged at the St. Helens lum bering mill, wai caught by the belt of the drum wheel and thrown upon the drum, which was revolving at the rate of 300 times per minuts. His left arm was torn off near the shoulder, and he was otherwise terribly mangled. There are but slight hopes of his recovery. : . Gale, of the Roseburg Ensign, thus " blows " on the national Radical platform : " And especially can those who bar bared their bosoms in defence of Federal supremacy Against the diainterTating doctrine of State Rights endorse it.". , Did you bar your buzxum," my breezy " cuss, or were you on the retreat when you bared?" Say, Gale, didn't you nearly ; make . a whirl-wind in Your wake ? Or was it only a zephyr? Blow on, blow on, ye gentle Gab I but don't talk of "bare- in" anything. . The Salem Rbiord says that an oak tree ha3 been discovered near that place, which, in its slow and patient growth has enveloped the antlers of a deer. Perhaps in those olden times, when the native tiwash had it fill his own way 4t may be it was a century since an Indian killed a deer and placed jthe antlered skull in the tree fork. Slowly the wood feis clof el over the trophy, ' until at the present time its existence is only de noted by a U-w tines, whose points protrude a few inches bet, will gradually disappear as the passing years , wrap fresh circles of the brave old oak around them. - Ramie Fibes. - A, new article of commerce is being raised in t he Sooth, called the Ramie Fibre, whieh is reported as commanding double the price of cotton in NewYork.and other Eastern markets. The New Orleans Picayune says ; tl It is as good as linen cambric or silk, a id when it comes into use the wearer will r4 that the chief diSculty will be it will not wear out when the fashion changes, and he n ill hate to throw it away, when, after a cocple cf years', wear, it is still as good as near." This cloth will cer tainly be cf greil ;bcae5t to that noble and suCering people.- HOI? GEO. H. PCriDLCTOr. "We have for somo weeks past been flying at our mast-head tho namo of this distinguished Democrat and no ble patriot, as our choice for the Pres idency. The State Democratic Con vention at Portland endorsed hira and instructed for htm, and ho is undoubt edly tho choice of tho Democracy of Oregon and of tho entire West. The signs of the times, also, so far as we arj capable of reading them, point to his nomination by tho National Dem ocratic Convention, which assembles at New York City on next Independ ence Day. Mr. Pendleton was a mem ber of tho thirty-fifth Congress, from Ohio, and continued in the IIouso un til ho was nominated for tho Vice- Presidency, in 1804. His record in Congress is clear, patriotic, statesman like, and consistent, whilo his person al character and gentlemanly bearing were always of tho highest an I most commendable order. Always courte ous, and never abusive ; ever argu mentative, eloquent and impassioned, his words always commanded atten tion, and his bearing respect even irom ins ouieresi political opponents. Ho has ever been, since he first enter ed political life, a favorito with his party and tho people ; but it is on the financial questions that have sprung up and assumed such gigantic shapes since tho close of tho war, that Mr. Pendleton has struck the popular chord, and endeared himself to the great mass of tho tax-payers of the country. His speeches last year, in Ohio and other States, have develop ed the repulsiveness of the bondhold ers' claim, and enlightened the people as to the most feasible plan of paying off the public debt and releasing them from tho burden of enormous annual taxes. His views upon the questionat first ridiculed and mis represented have now becorao one of the most popular planks in tho great Democratic party, and have been re cently endorsed by State Constitu tions of both parties, and by all the leading men of the -West. A higher compliment to Mr. Pendleton's j&tates- manship, sagacity and financial abili ty can scarcely be conceived. The tax-payers of the West will be able to appreciate tho wisdom of 3Ir. Pendleton's plan, when they remem ber that his proposal to pay the debt, when carried into effect will place two thousand millions of dollars of untaxed wealth upon the tax books, and compel it hereafter to pay its equitable share of city, county, State and national liabilities.- - In this view of the case, we confi dently hope and believe that Mr. Pen dleton will bo selected as our stan dard-bearer We hope it because we believe he can win, and we believe it because he is the expressed choice of a large majority of the Democratic voters of the country. The West is all for him. Every State west of Lake Erie has declared for him ; Ken tucky and Tennessee are for him; Maryland is for him; Maine is for him ; all the South will be for him. So far as our advices go, only New York, Pennsylvania and five of the New England States will be against him, and some of them will be divided in the -Convention ; and, aside from all this, so great is the public feclin regarding taxation and the public debt, so anxious are the people to es cape from the crushing weight of their financial embarrassments, and so ably and clearly has he shown them a way out of their labarynth of difficulties, that the delegates hardly dare venture to go back on the clamorings and cries of an oppressed and tax-ridden pco pie for his nomination. How deeply the shrewdest of the Republican lead crs are impressed by the silent move ment toward him among their own supporters, is evident from the resolu tions of the Indiana Republican Con vention last spring, and from the bill recently introduced in Congress by Senator Sherman of Ohio. They are attempting to regain somo of the ground which Pendleton has won from them. Their hopes are futile ; and whether Mr. Pendleton is nominated or not, they may as well abondon the attempt to beat the Democracy but of a policy which is emphatically their own, and which emenated from the fertile brain of one; of Democracy's brighest and purest statesmen Geo. H. Pjejsdleton: - Official. Tho following are the the official ' majorities in tho several counties throughout the State : Counties. Logan.Smitb Counties. Logan. Smith Benton XMnbUI..... 25 Clscksmaf. 25 CUUop.. 30 " Columbia.... 41 Linn.. 295 Marion 335; Polk 41 Union ; 222 Umatilla..... 252 Coos. - 23 Joiephino.... - , 34 Wasco....... . 169 Washi'eton I4r Lane. ,178 Jaekson... i. 280 Multnomah . ' ; 6 0 Grant (reported) '40 Baker....... 230 I pouglas Currj 52. Tillamook. 18 . This gives Smith a majority over Logan of 1,209. ("A vote for Logan is a vote for Grant.") Assault. "We learn that a few days since a son of Perry Watson, of Independence, a lad about 15 years old, was assaulted with a club-' by a; young man" named Shepherd, breaking the boy's arm and otherwise injur ing him merely. mm WHAT WE W1IA DO. Our Republican friends think it is poesible that tho Democracy will bo ictorious in tho Presidential tourna- ment, and they want to know: what wo will do if wo get into power. Wo reply in brief: If tho great re-action which is going on all over tho North will, without doubt, recover tho conn- try from the perilous and distracted condition it is now in. Wo will re- storo law and order; wo will cause tho Constitution to bo respected and maKO taxes equal, ana tax the rich as . . .. i well as tho poor tho bondholder as i,i - .n tho Frcedman's hurcau act, and make the lar.y, thieving negroes support themselves ; we would allow the mi ners and frontiersmen ot tho West to :.t. .1 . tj; x i.!n ujKO w wuu .u,c inu,an8 vi Klr inr every one they met until the treacherous dogs become peaceable: , 0 1 - .. wo would have ono currency for all v for tho rich and the poor for the people, one common interest, and ono glorious, prosperous, free and happy country, as Washington, Jefferson, and all the other noble soldiers and siatesmen wuo lounaea it ucsignea it ... 0 I should be. All this tho Democracy statesmen who founded it designed it will do as soon as they have the pow er to do it and the people are giving them that power as fast as there is any opportunity for legally doing so. But it must he remembered that the Radicals, being miserable Govern mental engineers, have trot the ma- chine crcatlv out of order somo of thn whofl am l.rr.l-nn k. work loose on the axle, and the whole machine creaks and groans awfully under its enormous burden, and it is powerful enough to givo us control tho trouble of organizing for tho purpose just stood upon tho ruins of Sumter and providing fur two Assistant Attorney Gene over tho Legislative as well as the indicated. Tho Indians have Hvcd so looked at Ho wreck which tho war haj rals, with a salary of $4,000 each. 'ihe jsU T, , , . , . , . .. , ... caused there. I havo summoned around makes it the Attorney General's doty, with Kxecuttvo branch of Government, wo long by hunting and in comparative idle- ,llfl : :,;,,, mr. ,,nl!r .nirit his assistants, to attend to alt busine of the ino laws eniorceu : WO Will rcsioro thnw lmw lw.omnn slmrni;nl lw . An. eneil wnl nii! mi riff 1 miifirr)i milv ! war. on uie recunraenuauun ui - . t v . tr I - . - . . . . I . i ai.- r..n v I StrliofleU and other. numuuais io ineir ngms mine un- tog tho vices and neglecting Mo wiuei Fy lonunaer the Constitution ; wo will of tho wh to raco. Thoro is oao wav of 7, . Ul bill was retried today. It pay off the national debt : Wo will .bnli.. the Indian, which w. .nprovc, aTOTft2TS, hi?kl? SKfLl tma ki.vi sviuivi iuu um kvi nv.tiiiiruu winit'rn m ! i l i l 1111: ri i m . 11 n nrnnnin i i . it .1 . r. ji . . .. . : " 1 nrnnMcl (!nniilnt rm unnn thn intereatM Mna Auernauiy wa, aucr ueiaic, as tno laoorer; wo will aboitsn an to clevato them by means of a rope when- :v . . "r, r.f virir.?,. pacd. privilcgdcona pe.Ull l.w. e.cr ,.,cy . can J caug, If lU New W .V2?S which favor tho rich and depress the York philanthropists dosiro to show their tho beautiful Corinthian columns lying proved by tho Patent Commissioners, was poor: wo will modifv tho present on- philanthropy, they should do it bv ioin- atuidt tho dust aod rubbish and fast p0Mcd. pressive tariff j wo will stop the thiev- iog us in our mode of elevating tho Indi- to decay iho stately edifices tJrw f" i n. .1 . .1 it t t which once adorned it capital, to be re- tl,o so-called Owge Indian treaty, now pend ing, swindling and plundering now ans, that tho whito raco may be made sc- piaccj DV tno mUcrable, crowded hovels in m tUo Senate, whereby eiht million going on throughout the land; we euro against tho murderous attacks of the of tho Hottentots, as tho handiwork of crc of land in Kansas . iMslonein to the 11 -i ii 7 1. i t- 11 . i .t f .t t ii- .1 e .1 the Great and Little Osage Indians, are will reduce tho standing army, repeal poor Indians, so-called. tno leathers of the Republic tho fathers tranaferre! to the railroad company. The t JL.II. t .1 . f 1.11 f lrlt- nunlltou ntnl A ft mat itnmnin. .Ml t, uonunoiuer anu mo piotvnoiucr,ior 1 ...... u.vcv vuuijm- i mn iv mnj miu mu u k .ni,iiAr. :.i. nA tua ,..,..., ions-siwashesand snuaws-without be- fix'ht that glorious old motto, " Sic 5f Tn BT,.f - .nl,ik J ing watched by his keepers and kept in lr Tyranm our guiding star in will take some time to repair and put javc-c for you, and then your long- Donnelly been a reader of history it in good running order again; but ngs may he satisfied; then you can the old man Grant history of his if the people stand by the riht and to vour fin,t loVC who in 151111 Pcn W "Ulyss ho would not have at- Democracy, the machine will bo re- W ' paired the Government will be re-1 tftn(l tn t nrirr;'.i ,i iKiovoi nrl tl..n,ir. ;u v. P kicked out and honest men put in their places. When all these things are done and the Democratic party is the only ono which can accomplish it the country will improve and pro gress, and the people will be united prosperous, contented and happy, and will have again the proud satisfaction of living under tl.c best government tno WOrlU CVCr Saw." That BLE.ssi.vG.-The New Haven Jteyister, with an array of facts and figures too formidable to bo assauted, , ..... . . M snows mat uaaicai rule is costing the ana re-union ot tnc dismembered sec- uwuo Vl yui vwiuimm vuuuiry r me re-csiauiisnraent 01 trade and com- mcrcc or tne old Kindly intercourse oeiwcen tne Diaies or tne encourage- ment of home industrv. or the tiromo- tlnn r.f ih nA " enable a corrunt nartv to run through imneachmcnt "iokes . and to keen in nower bv onnressincr. ncrsecutino-: maligning, misrepresenting and dc- OT L Ot grading eight millions of as pure, no - ble, generous and brave Caucasians as were ever created by tho Almighty. J3ut jor this, there would havo been, long ago, a thriving trade, as of old, between the North and tho South peace, harmony, brotherly-feeling, prosperity and happiness. Instead of this, Northern labor is idle but the taxation of Northern industry is ac- five. Tho laborer and mechanic . is idle,' but the tax-collector is ever busy, WorkingmenI if you like this state of things, sustain a corrupt Congress in keeping it up. If you do not, help us put it down. This, is your only chance. If you aro put under the heel of tho capitalist and the African, it is your own fault. . : So now they have Grant's full stock of knowl edge, embracing 'horses," "paps" and "clamt." Day-Book. ( . No 1 give the devil his duo, Mr. Day Book, That doesn't comprise tho whole of Grant's- stock ! of knowledge not much I He knows something about sguaws, too. Squaws, my boy, squaws I Did he ever say ho "yearned" for horses, purps and clams f Nary yean. But he did say be yearned for his early associates out here in Oregon, and it is a well known fact that, as a general thing, those "asso ciates" were greasy, dirty, filthy squaws of tho meanest and lowest order of the aboriginal tribes. And then, isn't he an excellent judge of Vtanglo-foot," and isn't he, on tho strength of that knowl edge, to be appointed as ."governmental whisky-meter?"- people one thousand dollars a minute, to maka the tax.nsvera of th ronntrv w ani an Vy a" Ioucy "c " M and the reduction of the nifrht and dar thn TMrrnnm! t A . r- rri.: 1 .'r 1 . .1 have. In his " speech " to the com- thereon in such manner and to uch an extent nignianuaay, me year round! Aye sweat for. This is a beautiful sum toul . r 1 that taxation may be reduced and equalized the people are forced to pay a thou- t0 fleeco from the already overburdened !n,u.cc lcnt 10 ,n'ormmra 01 ,us nom as far as pcissible cnstiiuiionally. with sand dollar a minuteand for what ? wcalth-producers. Aro tho rcvolutioWy Uon he says: fSLi Not to promote and foster prosperity spirits at tho seat of Covcnment to bo al- J Jhf?! ftffSw.T sSShPwKSilwHHPSJI ELEVATING THE INDIANS. , Wo notice, says the Council Bluffs i?u- g1e, that a set of philanthropists, so-called, in tho city of New York, have organized a company for tho purpose of elevating tho Indians of the West. If those so-called philanthropists know as much about Indi ans as we do, thoy would save thcmselovs ncss, that no effort that these New York crs can mako will clevnto them in a moral or intcllctual point of view. With ono or two exceptions, wherever tho Indians havo como in contact with Iho whito raco, and in tho adoption of it rests, in a great ... . . I measure, tho security of tho whites in tho I r.- -a ... r He Yeahnh. Tho Unionist says that CJcn Grant's "heart still yearns to return to the scenes and associations which lm hml o mimli mlnvnil' ivbiln " i" iT;r; v : v" v"v vuuu uuuuv I General woul.l like to get away oil lu.r,. iu.nn inin .,. ,i i,i here just to take one more good, old- fashioned 'square drunk among his UJ 1110 Straigllt-jatkCt l lilted- sepulchres of his party How sweet "SIOCKS ' to onco more wander through the ver- cent it with tho hope of again raising a etiilon eiwted utween bwirt and Mer ,lat valley, and loP ,.,o margin of fti- Ik. dt d Pl.lnon ,h. ..phol fSXZJttVZ l,P-iMfir,.1 Will that hallowed banner by uelcaiiog the ITl-tw! .ntlMl L . Prtlnrrtl.ii in,,.;.,,, ;,. ,i I l"hia, leaning in love and confi- dence upon the arm of his beauteous and sweet-scented format maiden, eat ing his cricket iio and chmein" his camas root. (Hivu muck-a muck N Wouldn't he think it was hya khae to a;ain revel in tho sunshine of her sweet smile, while sho "went for1 the vermin m ins hcaa atul the whisky in I s jug? Keen vcarninjr, tieneral: vearn vet a little wh o oilier but a fcw months and you will be kicked asiJo by tIl0Se w,,w wiU no longer . ,.e). . "i I.. .. a 8lvcy waiting ami hoping for your coming live in her smiles, and com- plctcly saturate yourself with whisky, I Come on, U-lie: Ani ebter op. Joky uiJen, "Dirt" for oothtr fie; Tear V'lt will ioon W boos sln II U brt U yearoiog for tbee. Cost or Impeachment. Tho New York L'ay.Book says it is stated that the . . . , ., . . . printing of tho tickets of admission to the Court of Impeachment cost no less Tbo c.pen.o of the l.i.l b v,.,u.kw(9IW)VVV. W" " ncsses cost tho countrv 85.000 each. fW Un sna nnn good job. The sum of ten cents a milo 1 - - vviv,v - and ten dollars a day, was allowed for at- " . - wr tendance. Ihis is a nice array ofitcro lowed to go on from ono act of infamy to another, without being rebuked by an nnMn.-,i n.,u tnn nn . I va aQ va vviV W IVK I V lev UUUvl growing despotism ? llise, indepen lent, honest voters atriko through the ballot j 1. 1 1 uui. mm nun iuc.io miscre&uia irom ' PWCr' - J Can't be Counted. The Dav-Book savs tho task of counting out the dollars, I- at the rate cf one dollar a second, or sixty 1 a minute, which would discharge tho two thousand five hundred millions of public eDt f tn8 couotry, would consumo over nunarea years, u attempieu oy a siu gl individual, and ho could lire to ao- complish it. To cancel this debt would require, at tho rate of cancellation now going 0Di tno abOT of six millions of op- eratives over two thousand years; and thcn ifc could not he done, for we aro not wiping out any portion of it tho present year, nor do we bid fair to. Tho operation of this "blessing" has been splendid for all tho Jay Cooke tribe. Millions : per year haye gone from the many poor into pockets of the few rich. I " T". - . VBOrS AT TUB QUwTU. HiO iJUllHiC w States we learn that , com and cereals are coming up finely, and also that cotton-planting is propitiously progressing. The great want of the South is feed, and if the pres ent year ; yields a rich harvest there, the teeming earth will do more for reconstruct rt . tm Wa.kAM tion than Congress can, for a good harvest JVill lift a starving people from a state of despair, and give them oourage, ana endur ance, and philosophy, to bear tneyoite ot oppr ssion that tbe Radicals are attempting to fasten fatally upon their necks Gbano Chaptir R. A. Masons. The fol lowing Grand Officers were elected at a meet ing of this grand body, held at Portland last Monday evening ; J. R. Bayley, G. II. P.j P. 0. Schujler, Jr., D. G. II. P.; J. Consor, G. K.? C. V7. Cartwright, G. S.; Rev. J. II. Wythe, G. Chaplain ; E. Earhart, G. Sec retary. J. II. Couch, G. Treasurer; B. F. Goodwin, G. C. of II.; J. Williams, G. p, S.; O. S. Savsgs, G. R. A. C. a a m m - da I - I UI V fill I iitllllL'P?!. Llllti. KfHJ.lL JLllUG Till I - f POLITICS IN VIRGINIA. Tho Conservative Stato Convention of virgioiamcitttBtauDtonooino ui ins., and nominated Col H. E. Withers for Governor. Tho following is an extract from his speech ou accepting tho nomina- tion i who lie slumbering so thick around that fortress. I havo looked at Charleston, scarred ami battered and laid waste by shells: and there, too, 1 Vtemrtim tlin ntl'iit Itnml txf trnr T Mind I hero to Richmond, and saw in tho black- - - r j w for tho distraction and the utter horror with which my mind is impressed when I consider tho effect of the adootiou of this ot tho constitution replaced by this miserable paicu woric wnicit uearaucs tnc I oamo of constitution. rAnnlauso.l I d "not eonnidpr it ncpoMarv tn env mora than that I accent the position to - - - - w j ' " j 1 1 ; .i r::.t, r " iw mo uuicc v uwu-ruur, m . . .1. . .... .1 t - ' " 1 I I I iu.ra.rcr u j .ww cm- cos in tho awcrtion of their right to do- . . . . . . fc f y. illia rAppIause.l Mv proudest duty ... .1. " ,.r V tnc I tr.mrtutt nntUr fat., rpt ..;, .Itft- t(, cr Virginia heart. Applause. I ac- . . -..j.-irt.., nd lctciabl rwci. tniseraoic, auuscious ana uctcsiauio spcci-1 U)Cll &f tho banJiwork 0f carpet-baggers and negroes." Applause. Gkant axi Wasuhckne. Tl e eel- cbralt-d Minnesota pugilist, Donnelly. in his recent "mill" with Washburne, said he could not acount for the fact of Wahburne and Grant having liv cu in me same cny, save upon ine tneory 01 "compensat'on utnl nav- n eiven the frond neon c of Galena the 'bign man Grant to c for the little man Washbui - cr -c compennate rne. Had I. . . ... tempteu such a pointless witticism. Old Grant says that "Ulysa had tried iHrmint;, the commission bind- I ncss. and almost everything else, and was growing poorer every day; and to prevent his becoming a vagrant, he finally took him into his leather store at Galena. And he ha been a "leath- Icrhead ever since. The old man's testimony relieves God of all rcspon- ..... , . ' sibihty as to Grant s residence in Ga- lena, and he no doubt feels himself re - ipondbl. for the other calamity. nk wa lMtt, TK n.JUl .. v.... Ul,aic Ior i-nmmeni, says mo xoio 1 r ...... ir -r. . - . i . OUfuy v"ul mocrm, is ueiermm- rn m l" "7WMW ft"au nu,' c"n,I'' Uim liU nnlW Tb f.i Jbftr1rt't -"-i"-"' -f Uorfcy of my own to interfere against the will of the people. Tin mht lifiv nA.ii.A- nnnmnrtn. I' wiy aiBwjawv ly "Here, Had, I make myself a tool, 'tis all that I can do." 1 -r- -r . . 1 JMOT X UIVILEGED. ,010110 OltnO papers which are so full of denuncia. lion of tho project to pay the bond holders in legal-tender greenbacks, ..'. ... nave any imnS w say against paying uie jarmer, uic mccnanic, uiu lauorer, the soldier and pensioner in green backs. That is all right, for none of them belong to the privileged class. The bondholder being better than the rest of tho community, must alone have gold for his debt. What an ad vantage it is, to bo sure, to belong to those persons who have this cxclusivo privilege. Impeachment Again. Washington telegrams of the 22d inst. stato that old Thad. Stevens has prepared and will im mediately introduce new articles of im peachment against President Johnson. Ho wants to perpetrate another million dollar "joko" at the expense of the tax payers of the couotry. Go in, old Thad I Wo will let you havo a little moro rope before you are finally brought up with a jerk that will break the neck of the en tire lladical gang. ; ; V Don't be Alaemed. Somo of our Radical cotemporaries, Bays the Ama dor J9ipacA,!?appear to be terribly afraid that Grant will be assassinated by Brick Pbmeroy, , or somo other member of the horrible Ku Klux Klan, in case he is elected. You need not bo at all alarmed, gentlemen, for if Hiram Sammy never dies until after he is elected President of these Uni ted States, he will outlive Brick and all the Ku Kluxes in the country. Firs. -We learn that the principal flour ing mill cf Corvaliis was destroyed by fire on UM Saturday. " Gentlemen of tho Convention, I have A m WA1. r.rrf)rtft(t tft h kn.A. the dead 1IV TULKGIIAI'II. COMPILED TB6M TSS 000.1 BtSALU Chicaoo June 20.The North American Sangerbund annual festival closes to-morrow wilh ic'r,ic' f;b,h cry vXt,?WSKS delegates from Europe are also in attendance, The next festival will be at Cincinnati in Ouverninent cfore the Supreme Court and the Court of Claims. . Andrew j. 5ioulder. to be Sarvevor Qeneral of California. Tl. PmaManf !. nonlonArl If Tfofi MnW - aeiieral in the reM army daring the ouse, the fixes the finer quali Lies nr ri7uuvcvt truiu -v n ui. .mvnm jl v not much chance in other kinds. The joint resolution authorizing the change of the mail service between Helena treat? was denounced as an outrage and swindle : evervrxKiv connected with it is srnken ot as a thief ana a rascal. Jtesoiu tions were finally passed unanimounlr, de- . ... ..... . "JTS ,,jal anZ "n? Uaa n7 "P" to ma,te such ft treaty fur the benefit of a great mo hj. n4 ch.rKmK that it was procured tirt)Uj., eduption aD(j cxprciiing the wi- 1 . , " emn opinion that it ougtit to do reject r,y the Senate, Wasuixcto.v. June 20.-The President dJ the Arkansas Admission Bill, ana the lloune this moraine pasei it over to veto by 1( to 30. Retrenchment Cooiwitteo on the sale of the wbn nzuAd tl.m ih lWurlan Gciy- eminent, state that they hare no doubt that pi n 7.1: They call upon the executor to prevent the sailfngof the tcmc-Is for Peru, ai thy hare been loaded with gun, ammunition and other war material, provided that they intend to vioiaie mo iniernaiionai oDiigauom 01 this country. Lf)xno! June 20. The London Telegraph has been condemned to pav JCOO sterling for tho publication of a libel. 1'jtRis June 3). A noieinn requiem roasn was perfortnc!! here on June 19th, in com memoration of the death of Maximilian, it eing the aniversary of his execution at Oueretaro. The Empress Carlotta. Ucn. ronon ana a larg numoer 01 Mexican. were 1 recent. Cluerr, editor of the Journal of Art. was condemned to two months imprisonment and a fine of l.UUU franc tor an article pub lished in that paper. li.E4Tti.AN0. Juno 21. Th teamer Morning Star collided with the lark Crt land, 30 milc from her, lat night. Kth crafts were sunk, and about twenty person aremittmng. The hnlance were picked up by the uteamcr It. N. Rice. A Denver telegram says that in a fight recentiv at Apache bnnng. between forty- ono stildiers and a hand of avsjoe Indian. six of the latter were killed and one soldier wounded. The Indians are reported quite troublesome aliote Fort Benton. The Sioux nre coHimiiun" numerous urnrcuauoio Thry had driren JT a conniderabie amount of stock at the mouth of MuMelhell river "rer1 ch'TP' hf? hc ki,!cJ and a number of lioats tired into. Wasuinctox, June 22. In the House, 1 Lonsbride offered a relution that in the iuTtaTiuSSM .h.mU WwrRWiiw sua reuurtu 10 Riinipivsn u un,rurro JBtem more easuy unuerft-a by wepeop sitii iiiai iuc inierciii 01 ourucui snouiu tie re- duceJ Rnd for thal r,urptM,ethe c..mmittco ot ways ana Cleans no in-iruciea v prepare andrewrtatasearlyadayaspoMibleabill rirovidn2 for the funding of the public debt rato of interist bv two majority The report of tbe Conference Committee on the bill removing the political disabili ties from several hundred persons in the Southern States, was adopted by a two-thirds vote. The Kentucky election case was taken up and McKee declared elected to his seat in the Senate. The bill extending the time for the comple tion of the railroad from tbe Pacific Railroad in California to Portland, Oregon, was parsed . The Arkansass bill was taken up and parsed over tho President's Teto by thirty to seven. Washington', June 22. The case of Sur. ratt waj called in the criminal court before Jud?e Wvlie to-dav. The Court thoreunon ordered the discharge of the prisoner on the indictment for murder. - Counsel for defence not being ready the case was coutinucd until next Monday. The President to-day nominated to the Senate Win. M. Evarts as Attorney General and Edward C. Johnson, for Assistant Sec retary of Legation at London. Surratt was released this afternoon on bail of $20,000. : . ;i Efforts continue to be made by oertain parties to procure the resignation of McCulloch, but the President has given no intimnation that it would be acceptable. The' relations be tween them still continue friendly. New York. June 22. A special Wash' iugton dispatch says that Stevens has prf pared and will to-morrow introduce mil the House new Articles of Iropeachmenr Boston. June 21 Tho walking match be tween Woston and Topley was won Dy tne former. "Equality- of Taxation.- Tho Cin. cinuati Commercial (Republican) says the people think more of the equality of tax ation, at this time, than they do about the equality v of races. The e Commercial thinks the present political aspect is not very .encouraging to the Radicals. H It says: The issues which the Republicans have of late made in the Northern elections have either been carried by greatly re duced majorities, or have been decided against theme Ohio, by forty thqusans majority, Michigan, by .; tweuty thou sand, decide that tho strict political equal ity of the whito and black races is not yet to be established. He who laughs at cruelty sots his heel on the neck of religion. i turn .THE FUXtJJKE OP , VICGIHf A That the mother of Commonwealthsr old Virginia, great yet in her adversi ty, is to recuperate, rise up and pros per in the future, there is no doubt. Her natural alvantages aro immense ; in climate, location and resources she is not excelled. Her products aro va ried and her lands attractive. Emi gration is going into her borders, not only from tho North, from Pennsyl vania especially, as we have noted heretofore, but also from the South.- An exchange rays 5 : u , The Virginia newspapers indicate a movement on the part of South Car olinians and residents of other South ern States to remove northward, with tho view of escaping negro suprema cy. In Viminia thev find the whites already in the ascendancy, and plant arc on foot which point to large " ac cessions of population in that State , from Southern sources. .The great ob stacle to migration on an extensive scale is inability to sell where they are and to buy where they propose to- ; go. Partly to meet this difficulty, ef forts appear to be making in Virginia? to induce the ofler of liberal terms by landed proprietors; and these efforts are not unsuccessful, if we may judge by the reported arrivals of new set tlers from points further South :;v Think ovxe it. Whilo the honest farmer, says an exchange, is d;ing with out many of the luxuries aod even com forts of home, to husband his meanf to purchase the absolute necessaries and pay his taxes, the high caucus of impeach . ment is drawing annually $164,000 in such "stationery" as the following s Pantaloons, shirts, sharing-soap, alcahol, bay rum, corkscrews, lemon-squeezers, cologne, lemons, sugar, toilet powder, kid gloves, etc. These are important articles in "Loil" reconstruction! Think of this, plain farmers of the Northwest. Tho followiotr is the neatest wav to tell the public that a man is drunk, cn record, which is done by a Washington correspondent cf the Cleveland Leader, llad.,; who, in speaking of Grant, says : -The General's face is a study to me, al- ways wearing tut iou 01 paiD, as II an invisible world pressed him down from above. He walks as if stead vine: him- e'f under this load." What do vou think of that ? Isn't this delicate? Council Proceeding. TncasoAT EvexiN-o, June 25, 18C8. : Council met, and roll called; presents Mayor Xorcross, Couucilmen Carter, Driggs, Parker and Chcadle. Minute of the previous meeting were read and approved. A petition wu received, signed hj B. C. Daaal- waj. Eckler, aad ethers sskios the CoaneU ta cbango iha eoarte t f th stream of water raoaiax tbroogb or near tbeir property so as to run down the sides of Broadalbia streets; which petition wm ordered received acd placed on file. - On lEolion, Coooeilmen Carter. Drigjs and Cbedle were appolated a committee to tares tigaia the water course. ' Meiirs. Pattenon aad Carter proreated a till ' of ft 1,75 for labor done and material famished, fur raisin erogwa!ss, which was allowed and aa order drawn od the Treasurer for the sane. Tbe Recorder presented a bill of $75 for asers iog citjr and taking the eencos thereof, aad mak ing tax list, wbici was allowed and aa order drawn on the Treasurer for the same. On motion, a committee of three, consisting f Coonci'men Parker, Cbcadle and Carter, was s p pointed Ut essmioa thelrdge across tbe ravico on First street in 'ront of E. Rvbarts, and report a plan of a cew bridge and the probabl cott ef such bridgo. Oa motion ad.ioamcd. L TV. DOOLITTLE, Beoordcr. MARRIED: At tbe Court House in Albany. on the 24th insl by Judge Geary. Mil Job A. Sbkllst and Has, 6ar4h Ass Sims All of Linn county. NEW ADVEUTISE3IENTS. OFFICE OF C0r.TY SCHOOL SUPEBIXTE.V7, AT WATERLOO. SIX MILES ABOVE LED anon, on the Sutiam. Post tfice address, loanon. J. W. MACK, T9o451y : Co. School Superintendent. TOE ALDAN Y P I CT U RE GA LLERY WILL POSITIVELY Close Up About the Tint. of Sepienter I a S THE PROPRIETOR OF THIS POPULAR 1. Gallery intends departing for the East to stuv:, those persons who are not supplied with first" c!ts Pictures wculd do well to call immediately and bare them taken. JSifTbose persons who hare ordered Photo graphs and hare not yet called for them, are re specUulIy reqnested to call iniroediatetjsMid taka them away. ,"' . , A. B- - June 27, 1S6S v3n45tf. jcRAOUATF 1 LOOK OUT FOR TQ1 CARS ! JUST EST ceived : a very large stock of ' DRY GOODS .UTD GRQCSIUES by stea,raer from San Francisco. I will sell for cash or merchantable produce, &t low prices., tzj entire stock of Goods, to mass roora lot ccra. Call and ee for yourtelyes. sjr4v3nSStf , Cl t?re, AIHay.-