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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1868)
..-.-JUNE 20, 1863. ; Money Market 6ao Francisco Legal Tender rates NewTork Gold Uuotations ........140 CtTY CHURCH DIRECTORY. . Ci 3 PMiTTtii CsriCB-EeT. W. J. .fnnt tV Potior. Prc&chinff at 11 A. V. Uirr-iD Pres. Cbprch Rev. S. G. Irvine, Pastor. Services t 11 a, m. ml In evening. L?KKlK School &tll r. it CoVOlKQATIOXAI. CsmilCH Rev. J. F. Pmon Srriaa at 11 A. If. Uil 7 P. X. Sabbath M. II. Cwrr TlflT. C. G. Belknap, Pastor. -rrlo. at 11 a. x. and 7 r. if . Sabbath School Barm Cauacn Rev. R. C. Hill. Faster. R.ri., Mi ts lit and 3rd Sabbaths of each month, at II o'clock a. x. and at candle-lighllng. Sabbath School at S P. x. ti to- a f r ey, n ' 'rr fUm TkUr? t. . PM.iKier on im 2na ana ia ouu . . - . i i j.v e Iay ol eaca moum, . ----- House. ' Twr. ItAiutoAn. Hitherto we have not deyotod that attention to the proposed Rail road vrhich its importance demands, in con . iequenco of our time being almost entirely engrof ed with the recent election. Ave in lend t j make amends in the future. - We regret to say that, from some cause, oar men of means in this community, mani fest an apathy, or stoical indifference to the road which, to us. is unaccountable in view f w af surrounding facts and circumstances. Some object that the contractors will mako 4oo much in the operation. They ajrreo to . "build the road, and put it in complete run order for $35,000 vtt mile. We do a : - - . wok iliinV this exorbitant, considerinz all - thine. The Illinois Central Railroad, much of which runs over a fine, level prai lie country, cost $20,000 per mile ; and it -wk constructed before the war, when labor railroal iron, and everything entering into 4, nr utraetion of a railroad was about as heap again as at present. It is undoubt Aw tma that the contractors will make money when the road shall be completed. Ther ndmit this throueb their accredited agents. Mr. Mitchell, in his address in Albany on the Railroad question, frankly stated, again and again, that the contractors expected to make money by the enterprise. Capitalists will not engage in such under takings unless they can be quite well assur ed that they will make money thereby. We are of the opinion that the contract for the building of the O. Central Railroad, east "aide, is as fair and liberal on the part of the capitalists, as wiileTerbe obtained by the people of Oregon. We cannot notice, at this time, all the ob jections urged by some of our Rip Van Winkle property-holders, to the contract. Our view of the matter may be expressed Terr briefly. It is this : The road will he "built whether you take stock or not. The contractors have already spent too much money, and have become too deeply involved tn en bfickwards. If the real estate owners of Albany and vicinity do not manifest prop T er interest in the success of the enterprise, M.X 1 Ml .. n U nn- tU.m )UioruwmuuuMuu wuju, city. It is a mistake to suppose that the route is unalterably located. It is not ; but it will be in a few weeks under the engineer and Mr. Douthitt. If the monied men of Albany do not encourage the undertaking, it will run ten or fifteen miles east of Al bany, thus taking a nearly direct line, and materially reducing the cost of its construe- tion. and running through tbe richest and snoet fertile section of country in Oregon. Jl depot will be built, and a rival town Trill pring up there; and if it do not kill, it will ure!j very seriously cripple the city of Albany. This is not a mere idle threat. There are plenty of able farmers along on the line of such a route who will gladly sub scribe all the stock, and even more, which the contractors require. Let the canitallsts of Albany attend to this thing immediately. . . There is a tide in the affairs of men. T7hicb, taken at tbe flood, leads on to fortune ; - Omitted, all tbe balance of their lires Is bouad in shallows and in miseries." ; 4 No Fourth. The Fourth of July is evi. Uently going arouna Aioany, as we near 01 no arrangements being made to welcome its m. ii - tc- 11 Tim. A Appearance at this point. Well, Independ- m a t nce Day ian t of much force anyway : it is I only tho annirersary of the birth of a na lion freedom and the death of a tyrant's power j only the date of the beginning of an eight years' bloody struggle between lib . ertj and oppression ; only the birth-day of the most glorious and powerful nation that Sf.l'i" hanitm rhr. fiTer rose, shone or I- m '- -J" r - J set upon. No. doa'k celebrate the ourtn Ot JnW tlok 'r rin 1 A BjAUTirrL CRirr. Mr. Wjkoff, of tbis city, has built a skiiF for Mr. Albert I llorer. which is now launched in the Call- pooya and named for that famous and dread 1 ed (to niggers) band, the "Ku-KIux Klan. The boat is fashioned after a beautiful model, nd is the most symmetrical and ''shapely" craft we have seen for a long tme j besides, .she skims over the water like a sea-bird, 4 o$cely touching the wares in her sportive igbt. " rm r -r 1- Il 3 t.1 Jl- - I ISlGkft. rp5. axr. uuiius vrrauwum, vub weUinni4indteJiterprising merchant, has stabllstied a fiar store on tbe corner of 'Tirst anil "Ferry streets, in the building for merly oteapied by A. S. Kigbtlinger.. Mr. Cr. has engaged the services ;of Mr, Julius JToseob recentlr from the -Eastrr-who is a r Urst-clas! cigar-maker, -a gentleman -and an nergetic business man,; .and be is now man ufacturing and selling 3 good cigars s -can be found in the Oregon market. . - Cow Shot. Last Wednesday evening a 40Wf bfl )Eging to Mr. Sprenger of tne Fa cio Hot el, cf his place, was killed (shot witH a riflafcall) ir some person or persons &s yet utilpaown. The cow was a very valu able one and mucb prized by her owner. Every g( a J. citizen will do what he can to l 1 j 1 : i . 11 . L icrres uufc va. criug w jusuto iae perpetra tor of sudi devilish deed. IIZDlCiX.--The professional card of Dr. pluExme r will be found among the new ad's I 1- nil . ta t 1 I lii wuoj a yayMf. . -v o tcuuj been epj-omtei to the Chair Of Chemistry in tba'ZIedical Department of the Willamette JJniversity. SATURDAY Jclt Hacks. A series of racei, commeno on the 1st and ending on the 3rd of July, will come off at the Albany Course, under the auspices of the Linn County Jockey Club. . XSJ The graveling of Mam street, in ao cordance with the requirements of tho City Ordinance, has already commenced. Foa tour Cold. Mrs. Stipp's Thoracic Balsam will relieve it in a short time. LAW OF NEWSPAPERS. 1. Subscribers who do not rive express notice to tne contrary are considered as wishing to eon tinue the subscription. 2. If subscribers wish their papers discontinued, publishers may continue to send them until all charges are paid. S. If subscribers move to other places without Informing the publisher, and the paper is sent to the former direction, they are held responsible. Notice should always be given of the removal. papers from the office or place to which tbey are scut, thej are held responsible until they settle bills and give notice to discontinue. 5. The Courts have decided that refusing to take a paper from the office, or removing and leaving it eucallod for, is prima facie evidonce of fraud ALBANY l'ltlCES CURRENT. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY l. CRADWOHL. Albaxv. Saturday, June 20, 1803. The following are the prices paid for Produce, and the prices at which other articles are selling in this market : Wheat white, per bushel, 02 cts. Oats per bushel, 33 ($40 cts. Potatoes per bushel, 671 $1 CO. Onions per bushel, tl 25. Flour per bbl, $5 00 Butter per pound, 23 ets. Eggs per doten, ,1520 ets. Chickens perdoten, $2 &03 00. Peaches drlsd, per pound, 16Q20 ets. Pork per pound, 56cts. Beef on foot, 4($0 cl. Mutton, per pound, 12 cents. Soap per pound, cts. Salt Los Angelos, per pound, 2 ets. Sjrup per gallon, 1,00 Tea Young Hjson, per pound, $1 00 M Black, 75$l 00. " Japan, $1 12. Sugar crushed, per pound, 1720 cts. " Island, 13U. " Sea. 15 cts. Coffce per pound, 22 (a, 25 ets. Nails cut, per pound, 71 (48 cts. White Lead pure, per keg. $4 004 50. Linseed Oil boiled, pr gallon, fl 75($Z 00. Turpentine per gallon, $ I 50 Domestic brown, 16 cU. Hickory striped, per yard, 16(530 cU. Bad Ticking per jard, 25($40 cts. Blue Drilling per jard. 20(t30 cU. Flannels per yard, 50(75 cta. Prints fast colors, per yard, 1215e. Rifle Powder, per pound. 75i,$l 00. Candles best, per pound, 2033 cts. Rice China, per pound, 12(16 cts. Tobacco per pound, $1 00 (4 1 25. Saheratos per pound, 16 cts. Dried Plums per bound, 12 (3 15c, Dried Apples per B, 6c. " Currants per Tb, Sc. Bacon, Hams, per tb, 12 5 13c. " Sides, per n, c. Shoulders, per lb, 8c Lard per B, in cans, 10c. French Brandy per gal., f 10 00(12 00 Holland Gin per gaL, $5 50 American Brandy per gal., $5 0 Jamaica Rum per gal., $4 00 Tar $1 per gallon. Beans per lb., 4c. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE MAGAZINE FOR THE TIMES I PETERSO.'S ITIAGAZIIVE. mi. fUnnftnt TW ; 4V TI711 lMu UUDiipM dlill DCil ill Uil; Tbls popular Monthly Magazine gives more for the money (ban anj in the world ! In consequence of its merit and cheapness, it bad, in 1SG7, a cir culation eqallinjr that of all tbe other Ladies' Magazines comSincd. For 1 S68, it will be greatly ; improved, it wuj contain ONE THOUSAND PAGES ! ' FOURTEEN SPLENDID STEEL PLATES ! TWELVE MAMMOTH FASHION PLATES I TWELVE COLORED BERLIN PATTERNS ! NINE HUNDRED WOOD CUTS f TWENTY-FOUR PAGES OF MUSIC! All this will be giren for only Two Dollars a year, or a dollar less than Magazines of the class of "Peterson." Its THRILLING TALES AND NOVELETTES are the best published anywhere. All tbe most popular writers are employed to write originally for "Peterson." In 1868, in addition to its usual quantity of short stories, FOUR ORIGINAL COPYRIGHT NOVELETTES wilt be given by Ann S. Sterens, Frank Lee Benedict, Amanda 31. Douglas, and tbe Author of Tbe Second Life." It also publishes MAMMOTH C0L0RE0 FASHION PLATES ! Ahead of all others. These plates are engrared on steel, twice the usual size, and contain six figures. They will be superbly colored. Also, a pern, from which a Dress, Mantilla, or Child's Drees cm bo cat out, without the aid of a mantua- maker. Auo, several pazes of Household and other receipts ; in short, ererything interesting to .bodies. IT IS THE BEST LADIES' MAGAZINE IH THE WORLD I Try it for One Year I TermsAlways in Advince 1 lllna I lln. V'aaw $2 00 Fira C pies for One Year .... 8 00 f'B01 copies, ior une xear 12 00 Fourteen Copies, for One Year.. 20 00 u uuiuw iriM: To erery person getting up a club of fire, eifcht, arAHMaA. . a al 1 . sr v'tll ;,"0'A I,f, 01100 aiine for 1868 will be giren gratis. Aaaress, post-paid, CnARLES J. PETERSON, 306 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. 2fSpecimens sent gratis, when written for. DISSOLUTION. rVfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT EHE yl 'long continued co-partnership heretofore ex isting beteween N. II. Cranor and Geo. R. Helm, as partners in tne practice of Law, under tbe firm name of Cranor A Helm, la thim Av I in snivel (it . ' J . -1 ' ' mutual consent. . 11. UUAMJU, GEO. R. HELM. Albany, Oregon, June 4, 1868. n42tf TAKE NOTICE. THE GIFT ENTERPRISE ADVERTISED by tbe undersigned to be drawn on tbe 9th day of June, 1868, will positively not be drawn, as tbe tickets could net be sold. Persons that have bought tickees will nave their money refunded. 3n4Zw3 A. GEORGE. NOTICE TO BUILDERS. EALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY us until tbe 22d inst. at 12 o'clock, x., for tbe building of a school bouse in School District No. 20, is Linn county. The material will all be furnished on the ground, and plan and specifica tions ean be seen by calling on Mr. C. Farlow, on the stage road, five miles north of Albany. The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. Guoantys required. We claim the right to award or reject bids. JS. A. JOHNSON.- June 2, 186SV-nl2w2 C. FARLOW, D. SIMISON. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I, the undersigned bare been appointed, by the County Court of Linn conaty. State of Oregon, tate of John Wilson, deceased. All persons hav- 'S claims againgt said estate are hereby requested to present them, with proper vouchers, to the un- dersigned, at her residenee, tbrea mUes East of Peoria, Linn county, Oregon, within six months f the date hereof. mHALA WLSON. Dated ?day 1868 v3n4lw4 . ADVERTISEMENTS. PACIFIC HOTEL T HE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY Informs the jrablio that this House HAS JUST BEEN FINISHED, - AKD IS 3ST O W OPEN for the accommodation of all who may favor him with their patronage. THE FURNITURE Is entirely new in every department, and Is of the latest and most approved styles. THE TABLE wlllalways Is supplied with tba test the market affords, and no pales will be sparea for the comfort and conve nience of his guests. Persons arriving by boats accommodated at all hours, day or night Suits of rooms and superior accommodations for families. A long experience in the business warrants the proprietor in promising satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. If It can be done by bountifully supplied tables, pleasant rooms, cleanly beds and assiduous attention to their wants. J. Um bl'llli.NULH. Albany, June 6, 1863. . v3n42lf NEW BOOK BINDERY! 112 Frost St? Portland. (Nearly "opposite MeCoraick's Bookstore.) GEORGE W. VOIAUM, DOOS BINDEXL. PATCH RULCR, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER. R 1,1 NIC HOOKS 51 A DC TO Oil DCIl and Ruled to any detired pattern Newspapers. Magaxlnes, Mnle, etc., etc., Bound in any style, with neatness ana dupatcn. AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. mayOrSnSStf ALBANY BATH HOUSE I T1 HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT- fullr inform the eltuens of Albany and l cinitT that be bas taken charge of this EtablUh tnent, and, by keeping elean rooms ana paying strict attention to buincs, expect to suit all those who may favor htm their patronage. Jlariag heretofore carried on nothing but First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons, he expects to eire entire satisfaction to alL xarChildten and Ladies Hair neatly cut and shampooed. J OH K I'll WEBBER. apMr3n33tf WHEAT! WHEAT! 100,000 IIIHIICLSOFIVIIKAT WANTED within the next two weeks, fur which Tba Highest Cash Price will be Paid, By J. G RAD WO I! L, T2nl!t San Franeiseo Store. WAIYTED--100,000 pounds Of IVOOL, for which X will pay the HIGHEST MARK F PRICE! mar23r2n33L N0RCR08S. i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE nndcrvigned, Executor of the estate of Davis Layton, deceased, by virtue of an order of tbe county u-jurt or iann county, Oregon, made at tbe Jone Term thereof, A. D. 1868, will offer at publtesale, to tbo highest bidder, at tbe Court House door In Albany, in said Lino cauntj, Ore gon, on Saturday the 18th day of July 18C8, between tbe hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. in. of said day, tbe following described real es tate, to-wtt: Tbe South half of Davis Layton's Donation Land Claim, known and described on tbe plats and surveys of the U. S. as Not No. 1924," Claim No. "58," in Tp. No. 11, S. R. No. 4, W., L.inn county, urcgon, containing and V6-100tb, as described in tbe Patent tberefor on record In tbe Clerk's office in Linn eounty, Oregon. TERMS OF SALE : Gold coin of the U. S. 1 one-half payable on tbe day of sale, the balance in two equal notes payable in three years, with interest at 12 per cent,, seen red by mortgage on tbe premises. 3t MES P. HOGUE, Executor of tbe estate of Davis Layton, dee'd, Albany, June 4, 1868. J. C. Powell Att'y for Ex'r. v3n42w8 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. J. O. BUSHNELL, ADMINISTRATOR OF tbe estate of Jane Emily Cline, deceased. having filed bis accounts in tbe County Court of Linn eounty, Oregon, for final settlement of (Jl matters relating to said estate : Notice, therefore, Is hereby given that said set tlement will be made on Tuesday, the 7th day of July , 1868, at 10 o'clock A. at the Court House in the city of Albany, in said eounty, at which time and place all persons having objections to said accounts are required to file their objections in said Court at said time. Done at Albany, Oregon, this 3rd day of June, "03. EDWARD R. OEARY, County Judsre. Cbaxob A Helm, Att'ys for Adm'r v3n42w4. NOTICE Or FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JOHN Smith,Administrator of tbe estate of Dr. William Miller, deceased, bas filed his accounts in the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, praying a final settlement of said estate, and the diAfihs.riyA of said Administrator. Notice is therefore given that said settlement will be made on Monday, the 6th day of July. 1868. at the Conntv Court rnnm. In Alhnnv. (n 11M county, at 10 o'clock A. v., at which time all per sons having objections to said accounts are requir ed to file the same in said Court. EDWARD R. GEARY, Albany, Juno 2, 1868. . County Judge. E. F. Rcssell, Att'y for Adm'r -nw4 TARE HEED ! NOTICE is hereby given that owing to a dis sension between myself and my wife, Emma nose, we no longer live together as man ana wire. I now, therefore, warn all persons aeainst liv ing her credit on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting. Dated May 28, 188S-n41w6, J. A. ROSE. JOB WORK ysatly and cheaply dose at this OSce. ' DVERTISEMKNTS. SAMUEL DEHfJY. Suecetior to Hampton & MeBrUU, AND Sealer la Every Variety of AND CABINET WARE! Bcddingr, Spring Matircnucn, HAIR, PULU, MOSS. WOOL, &Z &C. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. AND Eexcotea 1st Flr(-CIa fttyle. Jobbing Promptly Attended to. On Firtt Street, Under tbe Democrat Office, ALBANY, OREGON. . May A, 187 v2nS8tauj!8 . MANSFIELD. a. 0. BILL. B. HAKSriCtD. D. MANSFIELD & CO., DEALERS IN ENERAL MERCHANDISE, AZJ2A7I7, - OREOON. N FOSTER'S ONE-STORY BRICK. OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. THE ABOVE FIRM TAKES PLEASURE IN notifying their friends and the tmllio gener alJy, that they are CONTINUALLY RECEIVING DRY GOODS, GROCERIES HARDWARE, &C, Which we wfll Exchange FOH CA8II OR PRODUCE ! at rat VERY LOWEST PHIOES. We rtrpeetfallj ask tbe pnblie to all tad Eiioine cor Stock and Prices Before purchasing elsewhere ; and we Mar all that wa will give NT1RE SATISFACTION TO PROMPT CUSTOMERS. Albany, Feb. 16,'7v2n27if PRIVATE MEDICAL AID- QUICK CURES AND MODERATE CHARGES. ! DIl. W. IC. DOIIERTY'N PRIVATE MEDICAL ANO SURGICAL INSTITUTE I Sacramento Street, below Montgomery, oppo site tbe Pacific il til Hteanitbfp Com pany's Office, Private entrance on Leidcsdorff street, Ban I rancisco. JZ$tallUl trprely to afford tht articled tound am tctnlijle medical a id 1 the treatment and cure of all Private and Ck run ic I)ierttt, eaatt 0 AVcreey oaf alt JJitordcri. TO THE AFFLICTED. DB.W.K. DOHERTY RETURNS HIS SIN eere thanks to bis numerous r aticnts for ieir patrenage, ana would lake tb's opportunity to remind them that be continues to consult at bis Institute Tor tho cure of cbronio diseases of the Langs, Liver, Kidneys, Digestive and Genito-Uri- oary Organs, and all private disease, vis . Syph ilis in all iU forms and stages, Seminal Weakness, and all tbe borrid consequences of self-abuse, Gon orrhoea, Gleet, Strictures, Nocturnal and Diurnal emissions, Sexual Debility, Diseases of tbe Back and Loins. Inflammation of tbe Bladder and Kid neys, etc., etc.. and be hopes that his long experi ence ana saecessrui practice will continue to insure him a share of publio patronage. By tbo practice of many years in Europe and tbe United States, be is enabled to apply tbe most efficient and suc cessful remedies against diseases of all kinds. He nses no mercury, charges moderate, trepts his pa tients In a correct and bonorablo way, and hi reiercnces 01 unquestionable veracity irom men of known respectability and high standing in soci ety, ah parties consulting niin by letter or other wise, will receive the best and gentlest treatment, and implicit secrecy. to Female. When a femalo is in f rouble, or afflicted with disease, as weakness of the back and limbs, pain in tbe bead' dimncst of sight, loss of muscular powers, palpitation of tbe heart, irritability, ner vousness, extreme urinary difficulties, derange- ment of digestive functions, general debility, va- ginius, an aiscases ot tne womn, nysieria, sterili-1 ty, and all other diseases peculiar to females; she snyuia go or write at onca to tbe celebrated female doctor, W. K. Doherty, at his Medical Institute, and consult him about her troubles and diseases. The'Doctor is effecting more cures than any other physician in the State of California. Let no false delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately and save yourself from painful sufferings and prema ture death. Ail Marridd Ladles whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an increase in their facitlics. should writ or null nt T)r W V Doherty's Medical Institute, and they will receive every possible relief and help. The Doctor'i nffl. ccs aro so arranged that be can be consulted with out fear of observation. , To Correspondents. Patients residing in any part of the State, how ever distant, who may desire-the opinion and ad vice of Dr. Doberty on their respective eases, and who think proper to submit a written statement of such, in preference toboldihg a personal interview, are respectfully assured that their communications will be held most sacred. Dr. Doherty takes this opportunity of observing, that all letters are open ed only and replied to by himself, and the latter as promptly as possible. If tbe case be fully and candidly desonbed. per sonal communication will be unnecessary, as in structions for diet, regimen, and the general treat ment of the ease (including the remedies), will be forwarded without delay, and in such a manner as to convey no idea of the purport of the letter or parcel so transmitted. Consultation by letter or otherwise. rns. Permanent cure guaranteed or no pay. Addess, W. K. DOHERTY, M. D.. can X rancisco, California. Spermatorrhoea. Dr. Dobkrtv has Just published an imnortant aampiet emboaptng ms own views ana expeeienees In reli tion to Impotence or Virility, being a short treatise on Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Nervous and Physical Debility consequent on this i eCeotion, and other diseases of the Sexual Organs, i This little work contains information of the ut most value to all, whether married or single, and will be sent FREE by mail on receipt of six cents in postage stamps for return postage. Address, w. m. uuuiiivi x, At, v., T3n38tf San Franeiseo, Cal. ADVERTISEMENTS. TXIE OLD STOVE DEPOT I mAiri GTREET ALB AITS, OH3ST BBXGGS, (1ATI 0. O. eODLir CO.) Keeps eonstantly on hand a general assortment of STOVE SI or theHtont Favorite Vniteran. Cook Stoves, r Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves ! With a full and general assortment of TIN, SHEET-IRON, COPPER AND BRASS-WARE! And all other artloles usually found in a TIN STORE! Bepairing Neatly and Promptly Executed, TEIMI8 Cault or Produce. "Short Reckoning's make Leas' rrienda." Feh. 2, '67 Y2n25tf THE SAN FRANCISCO STORE! JlXIL'ft CRADWOIIE,, ALBANY - - - OREGON. 1JMIK fiUBSCRIIJEIl WOULD TNF0RM TIIS X cmtensof Albany and vicinity that he now occupies me corner brtcx ttoro Corner of rirat and Washington Streets. lie intends to sell goods AT THE LOWEST PltTfiE f rop CASH Oil PHODUOEI! TLo potlio wonld do well to examine mjr Goods ucivrv parcoaiitnj ciwuere. My Block eonsUts, in part, as follows : IDTl-T GOODS CLOTHING, GROCERIES BOOTS AND SU0C3, Hard ware, CJrOCkcry, Xth A GREAT STOCK OP LADIES' FURNISHING, FANCY GOODS. ALSO A GOOD STOCK OF THE BEST LIQUORS Everllrought to till Market! Which beintenda to sell ouiY ron cxsDiciriAZ. purposes N. I!.I am alo airent for 1 rorir Ar ! linker Hewing MarhlitfN. Tbe3Ia- cbines are known to be tbe best in tbe market. M also Leg leave to Inform tbe public that we j are JiA.irAUlUttl.Xi a good article of O I G A It S which we will sell at Sanrraacisco Wholesale ITlcea. tall ana examine our stock of Cigars ociorv pnrcnasias; etsewncre. JULIUS OBADWOHL. Dee. 22, '66 v2n!91y CITY MARKET. I Main St, Opposite tbo New Drug- Store, ALBANY, OREGON. irmmnuniTf a mnrtnimv . mlhulhhall fit MbTAm wojneion 1 " 1 WILL ALWATt KREP OX BA3TD THE BEST OS MEATS OP ALL VARIETIES. A LIBERAL SHARE OF PATRONAGE IS IX. solicited, as we intend to keep as good an as sortment, ana or as good quality as tbe country uurus. We aro always ready to pay tbe Highest Cash Priee for Fat Stock. April 0, 1867- -v2n34tf NOTICE EXTRAORDINARY! TO FARMERS AND STOCK RAISERS ! THE FULL-BLOODED MORGAN HORSE, "VEItMOMT," can bo found the en suing season, at tho Clino Farm, one-half mile south of Albany, except on all publio days, when he can be seen in Albanyat Marshall & Schlos- ser s stable. VERMONT was foaled in Waitsficld, Vermont, anu traces nis lineage back through four sucoes Mvo generations to the original Jistix Mohoak. pemgrce is poncct ana warraniea. at either of the above named places and examine the He se and his stock to their .ntir. Anril4. lfifiS v!.n33n,r " NOTICE OF SALE. XTOICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN pursuance of an order of the County Court V in, ,n7. ' i Lor ureSon' maae "1''" louo ,B lUB ul"r i wo vbisw oi iamci Lewis, decoased, the undersigned, Administrator, with the will annexed, of said estate, will sell at publio auotion, to tbe highest bidder for cash, U. S. gold coin, one-half down, the other half on six months credit, with note with 10 per cent, interest per month, for coin, seoured by mortgage on the premises sold, on Friday, the 26th day of June, 1868, between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. M. of said day, in front of tbe Court House door, in the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, tbe following described property, to-wit : The east half of tbe S. E. qr. of Seo. 22 the West half of the S. W. qr. of Sec. 23 ; the East half of the N. E. qr., and (ho East half of the S. E. qr. of Sec. 27 ; also a tract of land 16 rods wide off the North side of the North side of the N. W. qr. of Seo. 20. in Tp. 14. South of Rango 4, West, in Linn county, Oregon, containing 346 acres, more or loss. A. GREGG, Adm'r, With the will annexed, of the estate of James Lewis, deceased. s " ' x " May 21, 1868. v3n40w4 s Cbanob A Helm, Att'ys for Adm'r. WANTED! also Batter, both of which the highest mar- et price will be paid. B. BRENNER. v3n33tf ' ' , FOR RENT. a A aw wvi v ar m ww a w M V i a a a uuujj uwiitiiu liuucti, situated in a J desirable part of the city, with barn, Ac. Apply to DR. WM. LISTER. v3n32tf ADVERTISEMENTS. THOS. W. KINNEY, Ho. 40 Front 8teet, Portland, OrejeaJ OFFERS FOR 8ALE- FROM BROWN. 8RYS0N & CO.. SPRINSYILLE. W. J. Worth's XZo&ey Dew, Fry' Lanrel Orore, Par's Sonrbon, Hnnter'sCalilbrnlatThtat. Flnet CaatlUlon, Clique DeConche & Co, A. Srllllonn, 3, XZenneiay, And all Domestic Brands. I Q-XJSTz Snyper and Swan. OLD T03I, BUM, PORT WISE, SHERRY W1XE, Case Liquors of All Kinds. ap'118'e8r2n35tf A NEW STORE IN ALBANY! B. BRENNER. OPPOSITE PARUIMIPM BLOCK, Would respectfully inform tbe citizens of Albany and ricinitj that be bas just returned from SAN FRANCISCO. KVtU A FIRST-CLASS SELECTION or DRY GOODS CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, BATS AND CAPS, 1 la fact, a splendid and Taried assortment of I GENERAL MERCHANDISE. KT MOTTO WILL BE : "Quick Sale and Kmall Profltsi.' I receive by every steamer a NEW INVOICE OF GOODS. Persons are rerpectfully reqaested to call and ex amine my goods before purchasing ebtewbere. mar2Sf68,v3n32tf B. BRENNER. R. CHE A OLE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CASH STORE I OS CO. OF MA1K AXD BROAD-ALBIX 8TREBTS, ALDAIJT, . . OUTGO!?, WHOSE GOODS CAN BE HAD at Portland prices FREIGHT ADDED. BY PAYING CASH IN HAND FDR THE GOODS. Give do a Call aid See for Yourselves. IJ R. CHEADLE. ALBANY FERRY I AT THE SOLICITATION OF MANY CITI ens of Linn and Benton counties, I havi fitted up the LOWER FERRY, tit being tbo Mage Route), in such, manner as to secure to tbe publio better facilities, at all seasons or tbe year, than can be bad elsewhere. My Boat i is w oat u anown as a CURRENT BOAT, and is the best on the River, without any excep 1 won. firing quite near my juoat .banding, in Benton eounty, I am enabled, at all hours, to ao- 1 A A I Y . . . cuiuiouuaie mopuouo. xuy coat is secured by a good wire rope, and is otherwise constructed with the LATEST IMPROVEMENTS for afetv "and t.. rj.r.l .v. - . A """" v m upper WMU"' xroprieior. FARMERS, LOOK HERE ! T3 TT TTRR W A NTPTi! . - ' 20,000 lbs. or Good Batter, w For which I will pay, in Goods, 18 cents, up to the 1st of July next, at my store. May 22, 1868, . . RAPHAEL CHEADLE. vSn40tf - HARVEST OF 186S I THRESHERS, REAPERS, MOWERS. J. BARROWS 4 CO., Agent for all kinds of , Agricultural Implements X v3n39tf TSotice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, WARNING the publio against buying or trading for j either of four promissory notes made payable to . J. Q. Thornton or bearer, for the sum of three hun dred and seventy-five ($.575,) dollars each, and bearinsr date, September 25th, 1887. Two of the above notes are payable in one year from date, and two in two years Irom date. The above notes were obtained by jocusrepresen-1 tation and without consideration for value received, therefore I wlu not pay tnern. Albany, Oregon, Oct. 11, 1887.-v3nl7w ADVERTISEMENTS. FOH THE SPRIH& SAIES OF 1853 ! IMORCROSS a COWAN, WHOLESALE a RETAIL DEALERS. H AVE PROVIDED THEMSELVES IN AD. Tftce or tne xeeent rise La Cotton Goods with a IABCIE AND DESIRABLE STOd OF- STAPLE DRY, GOODS! WHICH CAN AND WILL BE SOLD AT MARVELOUSLY LOW PRICES I FOE I Cash or Sferebantable Prodnee. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK AN? PRICES 1 We Have in starve Quantities BLEACHED AND BROWN COTTONS, TICK INO, COTTONADES, DENIMS, SHIRT ING AND CHECKS, PRINTS, DE LAINES, ALPACCAS, QINO- -HAMS, JEANS, CASSI MERES.TWEEIS.O FOREIGN ANl OREGON MAN V VAC TCSR, At0 A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF FANCY DRESS QOODSf latest StyLss ofYotxtbsj and Centiemea' OT-iOTHZnSTQ- i AND FURNISHING GOODS' HATS, CAPS; BOOTS A5D SHOES OF ILL KI5ES A5D SIZES, CARPETING, WALL-PAPER, Paper fc Linen Blinds fc Fixture. We wonld call especial attention to oar Stock cf IRON AND STEEL, A5D CtieRAI JcBl -A. 23, JD 0EV E l WZ FX EL SAFE IX 0ATXXG IT 1J Tue Irgct thl side orPertL&ndX C riiting ia part of I FORKS, HOES, RAKES, SPADES, SCTTHE3 AUL.L-SAWS, CROSS-CUT, TYLER'S IMPROVED PATENT TOOTH JJILLETT-WEBES; MECHANICS AMD BLACKSMITHS TOOLS COMPLETE Batcher- Saws. Barn-Door Hangers, Rollers and Track, Rope Chain, Hemp and Rub ber Packing, Horse-Shoe Kails, Bolts, -Jfuts and Washers, Thimble and Wagon. Boxing, Iron Axles, Iron and . Steel of erery ; kind. Blasting Powder and Fuse. it t-i ana r a j. xt u xt v J-iA uia xugoest AMI' ket prioe for Bacon, Iard and CToolw Call and learn our prices, and then suit yourself NORCROSS COWEX. Albany, 3day 1, 1868 v2nllf Y. W. PARRISH & CO. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! AT THE BRICK B L O C K . S. E. Comer Ferry and Front St'i JUST RECEIVED, a carefully selected Stock of" FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS f SILKS, STRIPES, POPLINS. TAMISU, . CHAllBRIES, PERCALOS, JACONETTS, DELAINES. ALPACAS, LINENS, SWISS MUSLINS, MARSEILLES . - . : AND PRINTS, TICKING AND? Domestics, Bleached and TJnnleacaed, LADIES. MISSES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES.- -ALSO - MEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, HARDWARE, TABLEWARE AHB ' FAMILY GROCERIES! Of all descriptions, by Wholesale and Retail, as1 Cheap as the Cheapest ! for Cash or Country Produce. With new goods' and low prices, we aro prepared to giro en tire satisfaction to all who may favor ns - with their patronage. Na trouble to show goods. augllv3nlyl nn s in aaiiivaa narAntf ibnAin li.Aiiur no iuiui AN THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD RESPECTFUL . ly inform the public that he is prepared to do all kinds of TURNING I in a workman-like and expeditious manner. Alsoy be keeps on band, and for sale, SPINNING WHEELS, andthebestof Haw-bide Dttoxn or Hit chen Ciairs ! AH of which will be sold cheap for Cash. 0r dets solioited. iShop near the old Flour Mill, at the upper end of First street. ' JOHN M mJMl&Li&iU Nov ,23, '67 vSnl5yl SEVENTY BUSHELS O F S O N OR A SEED FOR GALE AT I1Y RESIDENC1 CHAS. T. GAY,