Sdltor. SATURDAY JUNE 0, 1863. for president: CEO. H. PENDLETON, OF OHIO. (Subject to (A decitio ot Democratic Xational Convention.) DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS.. FOK rRE! IDS VTIAL ELECTORS, S. P. CIIADWICK, of Douglas county. JOHN BURNETT, of Benton county. JAS. H. SLATER, of Union county. CELEBRATED RACE-HORSES. On the first Monday of this month a race came ot? on the Oregon race course which excites unusual comment, not only at home hut abroad. The name of one of the racers is "David and the other goes by the more eu phonious title of "Carving-Fork." It is said that when he was a colt he was one day eating slop from a small tub, and such was his relish for the savory food that he incontinently swallowed a carvinsc-fork that had been accident ally thrown into the swill by the kitchen-maid. Hence his name. David" is a highly-bred horse, be ing of the blood-royal stock living in Springfield, Illinois. He was well trained from colthood to horsehood ; having the best of grooms in constant attendance to develop his muscle and improve his wind which naturally was quite respectable and abundant. At an early day he was sent out to Oregon, and a race was soon thereaf ter made up by his backers between him and a little pony from California by the name of Lansing. The race was neck and neck almost the entire distance ; a blanket would have cov ered them both except at the outcome. "Lansing" won the race by a " mere scratch," as ocx friend Col. Morgan recently remarked to Judge Powell. As soon as "David" ceased running, Ms keeper attempted to bathe his nose with a sponge well filled with whisky and water; and this proved .so grateful to David's olfactory or gans that he finally seized the sponge in his teeth, and laying back his ears close to his head, he swallowed it as easily as ever he swallowed a raw egg ; and strange to say, ever since then he drinks all tho whisky that comes within his reaclL He has been known to rear up, and snort, and champ his bits, and sling foam from his mouth, and caracole beautifully, and neigh spiritedly, all because he smelt whis- tyl But this is a digression. Xot many moons after Lansing beat David his owners entered him on the same course against a medium-size, high spirited, clean-boned horse of Irish extraction by the name of " George." But David was beaten worse this time than before. George led him all the way and threw dust in his eyes at every jump almost. David's keeper sponged his nose as usual, this time with pure whisky, all which David liked so well that, watching his op portunity, he not only swallowed the sponge, but drank up all in the buck et, and then attempted to swallow his deeper ! He so frightened his keeper that his hair " stood on end like quills Tipon the fretful porcupine," fora long lime afterward. Last spring David's owners conclu ded they would try him once more; so they pitted him against Carving-Fork; the stakes being, as we learned, about $ 10,000 on each side. David went immediately into severe training. His keeper refused him his usual allow ance of whisky ; he tried very hard to make David quit his vicious habits, such as biting, and kicking, and snort ing when there was no need of it and all other unseemly and unhorse like tricks ; and in all which he par tially succeeded. David's friends thought he was much improved, and bet high on him. They admired his clean limbs his silky hair bis flash ing eye his proud tread his peer less form his heavy mane and black legs and tail, and they were loud in the praises of their favorite, and will ing " to go their pile on bim" without , hesitation. As for Carving-Fork, we are at loss what to say of him. We don't know anything about his origin. All we know is that he was brought across the plains when he was a mere ungain ly colt. His leper put him in an ox- team as leader tandem fashion. He was docile, geiatle, and worked well np to the collar; but he was long haired, slab-sided and long-legged, and was troubled with strabismus which, though it did not at all impair his sight, made him look forty ways for Sundays. Besides all this, he was in poor condition ; so much so that his owner, on arriving in the Valley, turned him out on the nutritious, wild grasses and told him to shirk for him self. He soon recuperated, however ; and on more than one occasion, while herding cattle, convinced his keeper that no comm jn blood flowed through bis veins ; ancl he ultimately inspired thoso who had him in chargo with such confidence that they finally con cluded to pit him against David, as wo havo already stated. . Tho first of this month was the time appointed for tho trial of speed to take place. It was a fair day; tho sun shone brightly ; tho track was in ex cellent order, and tho course was lit erally surrounded by anxious and ex cited spectators. When tho two horses were brought on tho track, the betting was two to ono on David. Ho had been much better kept than Carving Fork; and his fine form showed ofTto much better advantage than that of his rival. He pranced, and snorted, and caracoled, and mado two-thirds of tho people believe ho would bo the winner. Carving-Fork, on tho contra ry, showed little or no vivacity; and being still ill-shaped, ho was not cal culated to enlist the admiration of tho crowd ; but good judges of horso-flesh fancied that they could see many fine points in him. It was truo that his form was not yery symmetrical but who ever saw a number ono racer that was? His neck was long, his nostrils wide ; hit heart largo, and his form on the grey-hound order. At tho tap of tho drum the two horses started David full twenty-five yards ahead. We forgot to state that Carving-Fork's rider was a white lad, possessed of extraordinary skill and dexterity. Owing to somo whim of the owners of David they insisted that he should be ridden by one little nig ger in the saddle, whilo a little Si wash should hang to one stirrup and a long- tailed celestial to the other; and to gratify a vain and foolish pride, they still farther insisted that they should have the privilege of tying a large purse, well filled with gold, to the tail of David. They affirmed that they had some bonds to cancel, and they desired to show to the world that they were ready to meet their engagements as soon as the race should be ended. Well : the riders whipped, and for awhile David gained rapidly. The Siwash and the Celestial kicked his abdomen, while the little nigger laid the whip on to his shoulders mean while grinning from ear to car and showing his ivories in the most ap proved Ethiopian fashion. But all at once Carving-Fork pricked up his ears, and straightening out his neck at full enrth, he came down to his work fine y jumping twenty and thirty feet at a bound gathering himself up with a rapidity unequalled on this coast; and sweeping past his antagonist like a whirlwind. The little siwash and celestial redoubled their kicking; while the little nigger used the raw hide on David more liberally than ev er, in order to regain lost ground and come up alongside of Carving-Fork again. David, also, fully comprehend ing the situation, strained every nerve, and for a while gained a little ; per ceiving which, Carving-Fork's rider spoke sharply to him, and gave him a couple of keen cuts on his flanks. That was sufficient. No huge stone, hurled from a Roman catapult, ever cleft the air more swiftly. He did not run he flew down the home-stretch, making the fastest time on record, and beating David twelve hundred feet and over! After the race was ended David's keeper threw a blanket over him, loosened the sinch, and at tempted to sponge his nose with whis ky; but, contrary to all precedent, David would not allow it, and was not satisfied until his keeper sponged him with cold water! How long this strange freak will possess him we can not tell. Thus ended this great race. We are told, mat uavia s owners nave withdrawn him from the turf forever, and declare that their purpose is to turn him out to grass as a gelding. As for Carving-Fork, his owners in tend to rub him down, and feed and blanket him well, (with one of the blankets from the Willamette Manu facturing Co.) and a few months hence send him on to Washington for exhibition. They think he can sub serve their interests much better there than here for awhile. We advise old Thad. Stevens and cock-eyed Butler not to get very close to his heels ; for he may deliver a blow to the first that will make his lame leg still more lame, and to the last a kick that will make his eye still more ugly, if possible, than ever. Finis. OREGON ELECTION. All the official returns have not yet reached us ; but we give a few inter esting facts. Judge Powell is elected Prosecuting Attorney by 11 majority. Lane county gives fomitn 170 ma- jonty; and sends John Whitaker, Ji.. X. Tandy and H. H. Gilfry, all Dem ocrats, to the Legislature. R. S. Strahn, D., is elected Prosecu ting Attorney, and Helsay, li., is elect ed Judge of the 2nd Judicial District. Mosher, D., did not canvass; Kelsay did. and runs in as a consequence. Grant county gives Smith 40 major ity - . ' , ." ' . Smith's majority in Union county is 222. in Umatilla county, 162. Curry county gives Logan 52 major ity. -K.'' - . Smith's majority in the State will be irora. 1,000 to twelve hundred. CHASE FOR THE PRESIDENCY. An effort has been put forth on tho part of somo leading Democrats of very questionable political antcccd ents Democrat of tho 3NT. Y. World and Augusto Belmont school to bring out Salmon P. Chaso as a Dem ocratic candidato for tho Presidency. Mr. Chaso doubtless suits them very well ; but he will not begin to fill tho bill so far as tho great body of tho Democracy aro Concerned. Except in regard to negro suffrage, Chaso is a most'eonsummate change ling. Ho has been for and against hard money; for and against paper money ; for and against freo trade ; for and against protection of Ameri" can industry ; lor and against Stato Rights, and for and against centraliza tion. Ho onco boldly advocated tho doctrino of Secession; but ho is now against it. Ho is the putativo father of the greenback and National Bank swindle; and he favors liquidating tho principal of tho national debt with gold instead of greenbacks. But the overshadowing objection to him is hat he is an ardent advocate of ne gro suffrage. In this ho has been con sistent. Wo cheerfully concedo that as a man he sustains an excellent reputa tion, and that in tho matter of intcl- ect he is a head and shoulders above all other men in his party. We re gard him as a great man intellectual ly considered. And his conduct dur ing the impeachment proceedings, as presiding officer of tho Court, was. worthy of all commendation. To lua praise bo it spoken that he forgot the partizan and seemed actuated solely by a desire to mete out justice pure, unadulterated and simple. But, in doing this he did nothing more than his duty; and were it not that corruption and injustice in the Radical party, are the rule, it would not excite any particular comment. In the better and purer days of the Republic, no one would have thought of complimenting tho Chief Justice simply because he properly interpret ed the law and administered it impar- ially. It is only because injustice is he rule and justice the exception of the Mongrel party that the conduct of Mr. Chase is held up by the Demo cratic press for the admiration of the public For one we cannot couccive of any contingency in which wo could be in duced to support Mr. Chase ; and if ic should be nominated by the forth coming: Democratic Convention it wonld bo the death-knell of the Dem ocratic party. hue ho would doubtless attract hundreds of Radi cals to his standard he would alienate thousands of good Democrats whom no considerations of public weal or party fealty could induce for a moment o support. Off Foa the Mountains. For some time past we have needed relax ation, or a respito from the labors in cident to editorial life ; and we shall start for tho Cascade Mountains next Monday, no preventing Providence. We have appointed "Ad Interim" to act as editor during our absence, and trust we shall not bo "impeached" for so doing; and if, unfortunately, wo should be, we feel confident that wo shall be acquitted by a good round majority. bo then, reader, we bid you adieu for a short time. We intend to leave this Valley, and its mists, and wavy fields of grass and grain ; we intend to go beyond the telegraph so wo will not be bothered with news and all the anxieties incident to an editor's life, and when wo get up into the moun tains we shall not care whether "school keeps or not." We say wc leave tho Valley and turn to the mountains. Hail ! to these grand excrcssenccs on tho fair face of Nature ! Hail to their rugged brows to their precipices to their ice-cold streams to their ma jestic forests to their healthful breez es, and to their snow-clad summits! We intend to slay something less than fifty fat bucks, two black bear, one catamount, one elk and ono cougar 1 and how many our friend and compan ion (Abe II.), will slay, wc certainly cannot tell; but as ho is a number one Nimrod, it is reasonable to sup pose that he will beat us all hollow. Wild meat in Albany will bo cheap after the return of the hunters. We give below the majorities. Official as far as we can get them : Counties. Logan. Smith Benton 7 Clackamas 25 Clatsop 30 Columbia.... 41 Linn 298 Marion .336 Polk 85 Union. 222 Umatilla 262 Counties, Logan.Smith Yamhill..... 20 Wasco 169 Washi'eton 147 Lane......... 178 Jackson...- ,250 Multnomah . 60 Grant (reported) 25 Baker 230 With an occasion a exception the coun ties named above have been carried for county o Seers as indicated by the vote for Congressman. In Wasco county Vic Trivet (Dem,) is elected State Senator over Lockwood by one vote. In the same coxfhty Waldron (Rep,) and Buchanan (Dem) candidates for Treasurer are tied. Everywhere the bolters have been re buked. This is a way the Democracy has of making bolting odious. Au attempt to defeat the Democratic party at this time, is a fell blow at civil liberty, This is why the " independents ,; were the worst beat men in tho State, Polk Co Signal, NEGRO SUFFRAGE Under tho question of "A Demo cratic Triumph what is it?" tho Oregon City Enterprise says : "The leaden of the TDemooratiol eartr know that the negro equality war cry is all a humbug, used merely to secure votes, and put Democrats in office. Tbeir object is to roll back the tide of civilisation as muob as possible. They bare op posed every step, and will undo all we hare done, so far as it shall be in tbeir power. There can be no doubt that the ultimate object of the Demo cratic leaders, Is the restoration of slavery, tad the repudiation of the national debt." Tho Enterprise editor says that "the negro equality question is all a hum bug ;" and that tho " leaders " of tho Democratic party know this, and uso it merely to put Democrats in office. If tho doctrino of negro equality U a humbug, tho Radicals havo a most singular way of showing it. Since hey have attained power they havo enfranchised the negroes in tho Dis trict of Columbia ; they havo freed all the negroes in tho South and havo clothed them with tho right to vote, and they aro now actually the govern ing class in tho South ; they havo giv en niggers tho right to vote in every territory of tho United States over twenty voting last year for tho Radi cal candidato for Delegate to Con gress in Washington Territory, they havo refused admission to States be cause their Constitutions did not al ow the blessed nigger to vote, and hey have adopted an amendment to tho federal Constitution which pro vides that every person born in the United States is a citizen, and that every citizen shall have tho right to vote, State Constitutions and enact ments to tho contrary notwithstand ing; thus most unequivocally en franchising every negro throughout he United States. If all this is a " humbug," it is one of the roont stu pendous and real of which we have any knowledge. The Enterprise says that Democrats intend to restore slavery and to repu diate the national debt. Roth of these allegations arc utterly false. No Democrat of any prominence and most surely no Democratic Conven tion has ever ex pressed a desire to restore slavery. The southern people themselves do not want it restored. And relative to repudiating the na tional debt'thcre isn't a word of truth in that cither. The Democracy gen erally are in favor of paying the prin cipalexcept the 1 0-40s--with green backs, precisely in accordance with the law enacted by a Radical Con gress. During the war greenbacks were good enough for the soldiers so the Mongrel told us they were good enough for the laborer, mechan ic, Ac, they were and arc a legal tender for all debts, public and pri vate, except duties on imports and in terest on the public debt," and are receivable in payment of all loans made to the United States." This nguago may be found on every greenback that ever we saw and we have seen several thousands, if not more. No good reason can be given why the public debt should not be liquidated with greenbacks ; and it is certainly no repudiation to pay in the same money that was used by the bondholders in buying their bonds ; no repudiation to pay our debt in the same money that is paid to the sol dier and the laborer. Wc say if rags are good enough for the people they are good enough for the bondholder; and he shall never have a dollar in gold for his bonds if wc can prevent it. Rut who is this who makes these charges against the Democratic party? A fellow who, a fow years ago, was a blatant, red-mouthed secessionist ; who since he came to this coast pub lished a rank democratic paper ; and who " flopped " over for a considcra mm tion. Such is ths man who now pre tends to disclose tho nlterior designs of tho Democratic party of Oregon. Portland Election. Last Monday an election for city officers was held in Portland, which resulted as fol lows: DEV. For Mayor. Jioyd. First Ward 297 Second Ward 287 Third Ward 201 REP. Dierdorff. 1 220 257 621 164 Total 785 Boyd's majority For Councilman, First Ward : Win Cree, (D.) 296 A J. Bradford, (R,) 140 Cree's majority 156 For Couneilman, Second Ward t John M. Breok, (R.) 251 A. Rosenheim, (D.) 248 B reek's majority 3 For Councilman, Third Ward Charles Hopkins, (R.) 263 John B. Price, (D.) 190 . Uopkin's majority 73 It will be seen that Boyd's majority over Dierdorff (Radical) is 164. On the first Monday of this month tho sity of Portland gave a majority oi eight against Smith, Democratic Con gressman elect. This shows a Demo cratic gain of 172 votes sinco the elec tion ; and it proves conclusively that the city is Democratic ; that the suc cess' of the Democracy there is not due to adventitious circumstances but that they have a good, reliable working majority. All honor to the noblo Democracy oi Portland. tcT" Ripe cherries mado their appearance m this market about a week ago, WEDFOOT CHRONICLE. BY N1NKAWIIYKKUM. niTAP TTT And it came to pass in Webdotn. even in me county oi JLaoo, that tho Mongrels mot together aud consulted, aod found that honeat man hA son wW tht, . - I matter, and were deserting their ranks to -..-I. -I. -i : .u no show for them to misrule the country any longer. no they said 5 "Let us make us a mixed icket, even as our friends in Umatilla lave done. Xca. let us born unto our. selves a black-and-ttn nondescript, and .i i mi . r. iV-V C i wro-iiwai, i'r ,, mU " i that of our bluo light Itadicals, we will Stilt luucu vu iuu lue-uiuou vi mo pco- plo. And their dark lantern conclave met in tho ono-horse city of Lebanon, and de- i-i.,i. .iT: a i MiMMW cided tho whole thing. And they cast about tltem. and found a lew soichcad democrats, who were known a chronic ouico sccKcrs, ana who were ft illy enough . i f i i i .i I to be blinded by the blacks and led be ore the people to bo slaughtered. And amonr others, there was one Smith, who in infancy was dubbed Har vey, and ho was in high standing with tho Democrats so much so that thov made him Sheriff. Hut because they saw fit to giro his place to another, Ilarvcy snuirmcd round nnd sold himself to thn . . . . ." " ... . I tho ticket was born. auu mo oiacK-anu-ians set up a nowi of triumph ; and some of them were ev- v spoony cnougn 10 pci ineir numerous scads, shin-nlasters. and thintrs. on tho hntiti mtr i . l.i.i J.r,i,i.t v,riit . n,ii " . . ' I they were jubilant, and mado much noise. fe w".dyn Jterdaj to the Orange al .1 - . i . ley and lowlands ?ew Jersey by heavy rams ut u.o way uicy was ueaien oo me first Ot June was enough to frighten au iiacKs, urowus ana sorcucaus. irom ll 1tl -l. I . 1 f I henceforth, even into the end of the world. Sclah. - Columbia Prttt. A ISIawphcmouw C'oitiparlftOtt. It is devoutly to be wihcd cither that public men w.ull abstain from ref- I crcnccs to the Bible and our Hcdeemer i, .r. - . i ,i .. i i - altogether, or that they would speak of them in such a manner as not to wound the feelings of their Christian fellow citizens. A flagrant instance of the sac- riligious dealing in the person and posi tion of onr Divine Lord has lately been exhibited by Mr. Thaddcus Stevens' of Pennsylvania, on the trial of the im peachment of the President. In his speech, as it was telegraphed to the lead ing secular papers of tho country, after charging the accused with " the betrayal oi the party that bad elected him, and the principles he professed," he declared that was " worso than tho betrayal by Judas I sea riot, for he betrayed only a single individual, but Johnson sac rificed a whole nation, and the holi est of principles." Thw is simply bias- pnerooua. c aisiiko 10 ueiace our paper by copying the word, even for the purpose of condemnation. We al most shrink from copying them, though it be with tho view of entering a sad and indignant protest against the sentiment. The invidious comparison has been a fa vorite one, wo believe, with the gentle man from Pennsylvania. It has been drawn before in a mt irreverent man ner. And the President, in one of his speeches, replied to it, in a tone which was quite as reprehensible nnd shocking to Christian cars. Our Lord Jeu Christ issooken of as "on In a tingle individual " and the base betrayal of "him, by a man whose name ts ahifsing and a by-word, is slightingly alluded to as a little crime, . a . compared with the sacrifice of this na tion, and of certain principles that arc at issue between two i;reat parties, both of which rank in their number nmie of the best men of the country . Why, ma nify this nation a hundred fold, and assume trio righti umegs oi an the prin ciples which the President is charged with havinc betrayed, and it is still ini- pious to cievaie tucin to a looting wun elevate them to the Son of God, much them above him. Ar. V. more to place Observer. Grant in iLUNOis.The "idol of the people" seems to be falling from the pedestal whereon enthusiastic worship- pcrs had established him. Thus, Mr. W. G. Ewing, of Quiney, 111., writes in reply to the iamous btewart-Urant circular: The state of public mind in my district is rather unfavorable to tne I'rcstdential pretensions of Gen. Grant. There were a great many soldiers from "my district under Gen. Grant, and they y that at ho was drunk ; at Shiloh, he was drunk ; Vicksburg, he was drunk. Besides, Mr. Hilton, we think that a man who will do- liberatly lie to and deceive the President of the United States will be swift to break faith with tho people. Railroad Subscriptions. We learn by Mr. Mercer, of Corvalhs, that $30,- 000 have been already subscribed by tho coonle of Rcnton countv to secure tho construction of the west trunk of thl O. 0. R. R. Co. Tho Directors, at the late meeting of the Board, entered into ah agreement with A. J. Cook &Co., the contractors, to build a road through Den ton county, via Corvallis, as well as a di rect road from Albany through Linn county, so as to best accommodate busi ness on both sides of tho river. The condition was that the people of Benton flntmtv should raise 3.000 for vptv mU of that mad Ivinsr in "Benton ftmintr. At. the rate of success they have in raising subscriptions, the money will soon be raised, and the pradinn-will hftfiomniAnd immediately thereafter. Salem Record. lt, EditoriaC Change. We understand that Calvin B. McDoneld, Esq., who has been nrasidmer over the columns of the Unionist since last fall is no longer con- nected with that paper, but is about to return to Oakland. Cal., where ho is of- fe red a position on the daily Transcript. He promised, when he came, to rcvo- luttonue Oregon politics., The thins has been very effectually done, to be sure but we don t know how much he claims of it. The Uh onist is, at present, said to be conducted by the gen. tlcman who first started it : AY, A. WCt Pberson. Esa. Tho controlhns interest in it is, we understand, transferred to other hands. iSalem liecord. ,e ' 5yThe crops 6f all kinds look well. The prospect is that there wpl be a big yield, ' BY TELEGRAPH. cokmled rno ram oscao hjesaid WAsHitfOToir, dune 12. ine President to MinUter to Eno-Und f Jme crrr. t - n -- 0 . an Collector of Internal Revenue fur the Fira District of California Alexander J, Moher. m United States Attorney for Mon ana ftnd,B: Ja Dcnr,i"0" he .88?f.iate Justice of the Supreme Court for WaabiDir- Tbe Present has accepts the report of the commission ere on the section of the Un ion Pacific Railroad, ending with the 680th mile-poet, and has ordered the issue of ana paienu lor iana on account iUo?' T Ut J WmmvnTftv. June 13. Tho Committee on Foreign Kelation ha decided to report lavorftuiy on me nomination oi Minister to Bolivia. They Caluweli as will report against a Minister to Costa Idea, and against fending any Minister to Paraguy at nrescnt. ,A CV 1 1,M ,c? ,,.MUW,,?f eon7e 2? colored representatives of tho border State, t,, meet in Baltimore on the 4th of August, v.-ti. A can has been issued lor a convention oi I S)4 IIV LUft nrV Vft VILUIIlSlllfaL H V rf -v neonleof these States to agitate the cues tion r equal rights, iir . r Washington, June 13. The Postoffic Department has awarded the contract for carrying tho overland mails to the California btage Co. at about 5l(X per day, between tho termini of the Pacifiic J tail road. Washington, June 14. (Jen. McMahon of New York is here. His nomination as Minister to Paraguay will not be acted upon by .tne Senate on account of the war in which that country is engaged and theconse- .. .i:Mt..l. t tt. i ' L?r?7" S?"r rw w 1CX" Kalti iioae. June 13. It n m!; .t Cumberland. Md., on Wednesday, three per- son were ineianuv jtuiea ana two baaiy in jured. ir t in tt izw jork. June i. uonsiaeraoie aam aml flow(I Mftny ,e oMr , to leave their domicile and ek hifl-Wrmiru! lurxaletv. - - o New York, June 13. Tho South Caroli na Democratic Convention, on the ,8th in stant, elected delegate to the New York Convention, on the 8th instant, elected dele gates t-i the New York Convention. Among them are Wade Hampton and It. B. Bhett, jr. , Nfw.VB.,t' Jun? 13 Th nk ;tt- 1 mem win iihuw an increase in loana oi ?i U VJ (m d ft dccrcase in ,0 of $, m . Inoo At'CCSTA, Fmrida, June 13. Harrison Heed, Governor elect of Florida was sworn into office yesterday. ISasiivillk. June 14. Two companies of Fenians wero mustered in last night. IJostun, June 14. Yoodhoue & Co.'s Pail Factory burned to-day. Loss $75.- 000. Cuicago, June 14. The entire portion of Marquctta, Mich., burned Friday night. Ujs?1,OW,UUU. Charleston, h. C, June 14. Llection re turns complete from three districts indicate that the Radicals have carried 15, and the Democrat 1C districts. Hallcs, June 15. Last week the Indians made c raid on Susanville and drove off 12 horses. A party went in pursuit and killed three but lost one of their numter. John Belknap, who was shot dead by the Indians. It is reported that seven of John Creighton's teams were taken and three of his teamsters killed. Tho remains of Mrs. Denoillo have been found by the scouts under Hicks. It ap pears that the Indians dragged her about half a mile from the spot where they killed her husband, Sergeant Denoille, and then dashed her brain out. The steamer Yakima has just arrived from LewiKtun. Snake river is still risinir. Ad vices from Montana state that the Missouri river is unusually low. No boats will le able to get abre Muele Shoals and only two or three that far. Pack trains arriving from points on the Columbia via Pen d'- Oreille Lake report the trail in excellent con dition. Ilayti and the Xegro. The scenes in Ilayti make it more than probable that law and order will never be restored to the black inhabitants cf that inland. They have overthrown their late Government, which was itself built on the ruins of its predecessor, and are amiu.ii tne norrors oi mai aggravaiea i..t s .1 of that state of anarchy and barbarism which I nas ionz prevauuu Yet these accrues succeeded to the possession of the most fertile spot of earth on tho globe, in a hi"h state of cultivation, and teeminc with tho fruits of tillage. Having mas- sacred the white inhabitants, they took possession of their comfortable and ele- ments ot all kinds. Besrdes, tbey found an immense loreign commerce, wnose prosecution wa rapidly increasing the wealth of the island, and a Government under which law and order, and comfort and abundance, blessed the land. After fif possession of such a spot of eafJthJ espeJialIj filvorcd by nature, what is tho condition of affairs? The la r ere annual production is diminished to an ag gregate which is contemptible compared with that under the rule of white men the commcrco has been reduced in like mannerdilapidation and ruin have been the fate of all works of art and me chanical industry disorder and indolence prevail there is no safety, no peace, any where revolutions have followed in rap id succession and Hayti, one of . tho brightest gems of the .Antilles, has be- come an abomination on the face of the earth. This is a sort of self-government which the negro has proved himself capable of after the fairest test which was ever af forded a community. The black Hayti ens wero not like colonists struggling in a wilderness, menaced day and night by tribes of savages. They were heirs to a lovely and ihrifty domain, provided am ply with houses and every mechanical ap pliance and convenience adapted to their wants and tho uses of labor a3 Prosecuted then and there. They had everything 'heir own way. They were so jealous of tne wnite man iua iuev anuwcu aim uu place to rest tho sole of his foot. He was not allowed to own one rood of land in their island, jbvcu tne mulatto was put under the ban, and driven into oh scurity, often fleeing to fastnesses to es cape persecution and death. Such is the notorious example the living and daily familiar illustration i-of negro rule, ilayti is near our coast.? Our people are frequently spectators of tne oosoiauou ana paroansm wnicn nave there succeeded thrift, refinement, virtue, order, security and happiness. And yet a besotted -party in tne control oi uovern ment at Washington, are seeking now in order to seoure the prolonged enjoy- ment ot tne omcea anu emoiumenia iuey hold to bring a similar fate upon ten Southern States of the Union by making the negro the ruling class of society. Richmond lujpatcfi People ottfae If rtti, " - Freemen of tha North 1 Know that the clutch of usurpation is at the throat of your Ministers of J ustice; that your treach- . erous servants,' determined to destroy your Constitution, defended by your Chief Magistrate, have desperately resolv ed upon abnegating tha legislative branch of your Goyerntaent, entrusted to their perfidious hands, and in order to demolish all restraint of treason, are about, to de stroy all the departments of Goyerntaent, even their own, and lifting roar liberties from your sovereign shoulders, to lay all at the feet of a military despot. Knowr people of the great free North, that your chains are forged; that the bayonets, a . .i. - . . ib nviv, Bi c Hum pmcu, iuoijj ua&eis cnarg-- ed, the orders written, tbat ate to mete out to each one of you what liberty, what property, what life he shall retain. Be hold, at your firesides, the apparition of the guard for a nidnight arrest; in your places of worship, the armed censor of your prayers, in your fields, at your work tables, on the high roads, the snaky skulk ing detective. Listen ! You may hear the drum, as it drops in at your startled car, tbe palsy that thickens your yet free tongue. Vie tell you that the Supremo Court is to be struck down, that the bal ance of the Threo Great Departments is swaying from its equilibrium ; that the great tripod of the Bepublic is - to be broken up; that from your political tem ples your betrayers are banishing your gods, and from the Genius of your free dom are wrenching her inviolable sceptre. That a few wretches, drunk upon irres ponsible power, loathsome with guilt, hid eous with blood, and mad with lust, may not in your halls of power, through tho degradation of the South, your liberties are to be destroyed, your Constitution subverted, your Republic dissolved, and your name dishonored among nations for ever. Arise, freemen, in your fiery majesty ! Consume with the lightning of your pow erful rebuke 'his devlish combination of perfidy aud preed. Shake off the fatal in crcdulity which lays you supine in the midst of peril, and let cot the sun go down ere you have shaken the earth with your mighty tread. Gather, in every hamlet of the land, from Kastport to As toria, and send up to Heaven the shout of your indignation. The winding-sheet of your freedom is woven and its coSa made. Shall it die and be buried?- iVo tional Intelligcnctr. - Sexatoe Henderson, of Missouri, to be Married. Very soon Washing ton society will be all aglow with the knowledge of the betrothal of its most charming young lady, Miss 3Iary Foot, to Senator Henderson of 3Iissoun. . Miss Foot is the most admired of Washington belles if, indeed, she may be called a Washington belle, her home having been at Saratoga Springs, New York. Of course you want a photograph. I would be clad had I the brush to paint jou icture. But to do this the pencil of a laphael or a Reubens' would not avail me. Miss Foot L a bright blonde, with large and lovely eyes, an exquisitely artis tic mouth, and symmetrical and classic face. She wears a wealth of rich golden hair, arranged in tasteful tresses, waving back upon her shoulders. The sweet simplicity and abandon of this feature of her toilet, coup?ed with her quiet tender ness, and vivacious naturalness of anima- ' tion, render Miss Foot, in the' opinion of connoisseurs of beauty, the most witch ingly attractive young lady gracing the cremc de la crem of society of the capi tal. The nuptials will transpire in No vember. Buchanan's funeral was the most im posing ceremony ever witnessed in Lan caster county. A number of delegations from distant cities were present. . About three thousand persons walked in the pro cession. Business was universally., sus pended. , Buchanan's estate is estimated at S300. 000. It is understood he left a lefracv for the poor of Lancaster. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. O. P. S. rLUIMER, n. D., Physician and Surgeon. ADBAXV, OREGON. OFFICE ON MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE Seltletnier's Dreg Store. Residence, on. tb corner of Washington and Sixth street, adjoining tbe U. P. Church, jun20v3n44tf Ilotice TO GEORGE L. RUSSELL OR TO WHOit it may concern. Y. P. Philips, having entered at this office, aa a pre-emption right, the. S J of the N E J and the N W 1 of S W J of See tion 14 and the S E J of the N E J of Section 15 in T 10 S R 1 W which entry ia in conflict with jour respective pre-emption filings : Ton are therefore hereby noticed that yon will he allowed thirty days from service hereof in which to appear' and contest said entry if you so deaire. Land Office, Oregon City, T Oregon, Feb. 17, 1863. OWEN WADB, Register. 44-w4 HENRY WARREN, ReeelTer. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been duly appointed Ad ministrator of the estate of Lewis C. Richardson, deceased, by the; County Court of Linn county, Oregon. All persons having claims against . said estate are requested to present them, duly verified, to tho undersigned, at his residence, in the Forks of the Santiam. Linn county, within six months from the date hereof. O. W. RICHARDSON, AdrnT. Albany, June 12, 186S. J. C. Poweil, Att'y for Adm'r. niSwi To the Baptists or Oregon. Pursuant to & call on the Baptists of Oregon convene at Brownsville on the 25th. December, 1867, a few met (many being prevented by high water), and organized temporarily by electing Ill dor R. C. Hill, Chairman, and Dr. Stone, Secretary It was ordered that the original call be continued t .. 1 : .1 r . r . . : . - it. m . tuuijr cuuigius tut) i.iuo vi ffictusg w uie UTS rXtursday in July, I6S, and that the Chairman and Secretary pubhsa the same : Bkloved Brkthrsh : The signs ot the clearly indicate that the time to favor Zion la eopie, The blessings of oar Heavenly Father are abud3 antly bestowed on the feeble labors of his witness es. Tho Pillar of Cloud U moving, and within J the last few months the energies of the Iloly Spir oi me most aonipje pretensions. And we Relieve that in the bounds of the Central Association one hundred and fifty hopeful converts hare been add ed to our Churches by experience and baptism. Under these favorable eiroumstancos and auspices we should at an early date organise e General As k . I 1 j . A sociation tor tne purpose or concentrating oar en ergies in the advancement pf the. Redeemer's Kingdom, purely on Gospel principles. And we, therefore, earnestly, cordially and fraternally "so licit all orderly Baptist Ministers and Churches, who know themselves to be in fellowship with ns, to meet in Convention and co-operate with, ns ia the enterprise. Brethren of sister Associations, will you meet us?': The Convention will be held with, the Fleas&qt Butte Cburcb, at Brownsville, Linn countv, cora. mencing on the first Thursday in July, 1868, at I o'clock p. h. . R. C. HILI, ClbBV E. B. Btosi, Seer stary. r-