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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1868)
FV J j " WWII 1 Ml ,nJJ Ill'iSl STATE BIGHTS DEMOCRAT. . ' rUBLISHtD XVXRT SATttaDAT, IT ABBOTT & BROWN. V. H. A830TT. I Mr T. BROWS. CFFttl IN H&NNGN'S BUILDING. FJRST STREET, TERMS, IX aovasck: On year,$3i Six Months $Jj Ona Month, 50 eta. Single Copies, 12J cts. Corresnondeuta writing over assumed signatures o,snonymously,must make known their proper names to the Editor, or no aUeotion wUl bo given to llielr communications. AU Letters and Communications, whether on business or for publication, should b addressed to Abtott St Brown. MRS. a. . PAXTOK. BUSINESS GAUDS. 17b. rice, ?it., Suipon and Physioian, ALBANY, OREGON, THANKFUL FOR THE LIBERAL JPATRON aee received, continues to tender his services to the liUtens t Albaay and surround in court trj. Office and residence, on Second street, two Mocks east o? Sponger's hew Hotel. v3n37tf J. QUIXN TIIORXTON, ATRORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, d inferior Courts brick, nearly opp8e ".rTi Albany, Nov. 2, lS67-v3n!2yl . JOHS J. WHITNEY, ITT3HNEY AT LAW AXD XOTARY PUBLIC, ALBANY, OREGON. -n5- ,tir in Foster's Frame Bmiding, ot nosite the "State Rights Democrat" Office. T3n33tf F. 31. WADSWOUTH, CARRIAGE AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER rer McBride's AY agon eaop, - SIGN, MRS. PAXTON & CO., FASHIONABLE MILLINERS AND T3ANTUA-XttAHZ3RS! WOULD BEG LEAVE TO RESECT ULlY tender ther servioes to the Ladies of Al tanv and vicinty, assuring them that they are pre pared to make and trim BONNETS AND HATS, . in the very latest styles j also, DRESS AN1 CLOAK MAKINOI J Any FathioH or Stytt Dttircdf For referent we will only stato that our Dresses, Bonnets and Hats were awarded the FIRST PREMIUMS AT THE LATE LINN COUNTY FAIR ! We also receive constant supplies of the Latest and Most Fashionable woods! generally kept In a ladies' rcnxisaisG establiiuxext ! Cutting and Fitting Warranted Satisfactory ! Stamping and Braiding done to order, and all oth er work executed with neatness and care. Octl2v3ntf r,i) An Frr itreeL Fir jtUlass work done on short nbtice. v3nl9yl X. II.CRAXOR, ATT0I5ET A5D COOSEUOR AT LAW, Orricx In Norcross Brick Building, up-stairs, Albaty, Oregon, a W. J. nilVABIDEL. T. M. REDFIELD, IIILTABIDEIi fc CO., TfcEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVI II r.l nd Willow Ware. Confection- r i--t. 1 p;.. Xotlons. etc. Store on Maine street, adjoining the Express office, Al bany, Oregon. se23T3ntf REXJ. HAYDEX, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Will attend to all business entrusted to bhfl by eitisensof Polk and adjoining counues. Eola, July 26, 1S67. r2n5ltf X. B. HUMPHREY, ATT015EY AT LAW AXD NOTARY PUBLIC, ttiivv ' - - - OREGON. i$r OCice in the Court Uou.e. mar9v2n301y J. C. POWELL, A TTGEXE T AND CO VNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCER , and convey ceSOnlOly A T.UAXY. Oreson. Collections - s ncea promptly attended to. FRANK D ALTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Ofice in Foster' Brick, lt street, Albany, Oregon. feblv3n2itf V. BLAI5, 8. E. TOCSO . BAR BOWS, J. B ARROWS & CO., A- nmtlllSSION MERCHANTS TTkEALERS in SUple, Dry and Fancy Goodi, r.,-- nardware. uuuery, vruwrj, Jjoflta sad Shoes, Albany. Oregon. Consignments solicited. oc6n8tf E. F. KUSSEL.E, ATTOnKEY ANO COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Solicil)rt ia, Chancery and Heal Estate Agents Will practice in the CourU of the Second, Third, and Fourth Judicial Districts, and in the Supreme Court of Oretrotu Cffioe in Prriib' Brick Budding, Albany, Ore gon. " ' ' itar SPECIAL ATTENTION given to the col lection of Claims at all points in the above named Districts. v2n46yl G. W. GRAY, D. D. S., GRADUATE OF THE CIHCISNATI DENTAL COLLEGE, voL.m. ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1808. NO. 43. ADVEHTISKMENTS. MISS LTD. A. MRS. DUNHIVAY, fTlAKES PLEASURE IN INFORMING HER 1 patrons that she has received her Invoice of MILLINEBY AS FURNISHING GOODS, DIRECT FKOI3 NSW YORK! and I am now ready to accommodate AST or Tor with the BEST AXD EATEST STVLES, At the Mo$t lleasonahle Prices ! As A cent for Madame's Incomparable IiXirror of Faaiaona, I am eoaiiea to furnish gratis a copy of the Magazine for ooe year, beginoing with the July cumber, to any person who shall purchase spring goods in my line to the amount of Ten Dollars 1! Stjnd in your orders at once, ladies, that I know bow many or you will giTe me tae pleasure of presenting you aftr.t cli parlor 3Iagatine as Premium on your purchases. may A COMPLETE AftSORTMBXT OF Vcrr Choice TllIllnerT oodX AXO ALL THE OTHER KOVELTIES OF THE SEASON! She has also secured the Agency of Sd'mc Dcmorcst'i World-Benowned Pattf rns, and all of the many useful and orna mental articles advertised in her justly pope iar Magazine. COME LADIES ! "all of you together," and see if I have not the Cheapest and Choicest millinery Good rVER OFFERED FOR SALE IV ALBANY t DRESS AXD CLOAK-MAKING In the Latest Styles ! Perfect Fit Warranted LEACHING AND PRESSING In the best manner at the very lowest rates. JEW STAMPING PATTERN! BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS JrDon't forget the place. Southwest corner btain and Broad Albin streets, Albany March SO, 1868 se28v3n71y Would invite all persons JH"" ing first-class -dental operations k - ( .... T i , 1 I . v, I eive mm a cau. Aocior uu.cs rMXXtS many new and improved styles of plates for artificial teeth. Among others he would solicit particular attention to vulcanite base in connection with gold wire gauze (a superior work fa many respeets), and a new improvement (late ly patented by Dr. Cool), which consists in lining the enti-e concave surface of the plate with fine gold, "his style of plate admits of a very fine finish, aad in its use there is no disagreeable blaekLnfrand roughening by tobacco smoke : and other deleterious agents (as is the case with ordi nary ru'eanite work). -It can be made mueh thin ner and adds very materially to its strength and durability. The extra expense is trifling in com parison to the advantages it possesses. Persons would d well to give him a call. Office up-stairs in Parrit h's 4 Co.'s brick, Albany, Oregon. aprll'68v3n3f POETUY. WHICH SHALL IT BE? " Which shall It be T Which shall it bo ? Hooked at John John looked at inc. (Dear, patient John, who loves me yet As well as though my locks were jet.) And when I found that I muni speak, My voice seemed strangely low and weak. " Tell me again what Robert said ;" And then I, lintcning, bent ury head, "This is his letter: I will give A house and land while .you shall live, If, in return, from out of suven, One child to me for aye is given." I looked at John's old garments, worn I thought of all that Johu bad borne Of poferty, and work and care, Which I, though willing, could not share; I thought of seven mouths to feed, Of lvcn little children's need, And then of this. "Come, John," said I, " We'll chose amongst them as they lie Aslvep j" so, walking hand in band, Dear John and I surveyed our band. Firt to the cradle lightly stepped, Where Lilian. slept. Her damp curls lay, like gold, ilight A glory, 'galnHt the pillww white j Soltly her father Hooped to lay His rough hand duwu In lovlog way. When dream or whUper inado her stir. And huskily John said, " Mothernot her." We stooped beside the trundle-bed," And one long ray of lamp-light shed Athwart the boyUh faces there, In sleep so beautiful and fair I saw on Jamie's rough, red cheek, A tear undried. Ere John could speak, He's tut a baby, too," said I, And kissed him as we hurried by. Pale, patient RoLM's angel face Btitl in hit sleep bore nuffcrlng' trace; " No, for a thousand crowus, not him S" We whinpered, while our eyes were dim. Poor Dick ! bad Dick ! our wayward son. Turbok-nt, ircklem, idle one Could he be spared? Nay, He who gave Rids us befriend him to the grave; Only a mother's heart can be. Patient enough fr ucb at he j " And so," mid Jcbn, I wuld not dare To seed him Irotn her bedtide prayer." Then stole we softly up abore, And knelt by Mary, child of l&e. M Perhaps f r her 'twould better be, I aid to John. Quite silently -He lifted op a curl that Uy Acrosf her ehcek iu wilful way, And shook his head. "Nay, live, not thee." The while my heart beat audibly. Only one more, our eldrntla-l, Truty and truthful, good and glad So like Lu father. "No, John, no, I cannot, will not, let go." And so we wrote, in courteous way, We e-uld not giv one child awy; And afterward, toil lighter seemed. Thinking of that of whivh wo had dreamed; Happy, lu truth, that not one fao We mi'sed from Its aceuatouivd place ; Thankful to work for all the ercn. Trusting the re.-t to One in Hearen. A Political Htory. I am no novelist, and havo never as pired to bo, but I claim to bo somo of a politician. It Micro is a loyal man 1 bclicvo I am one. 1 inado creat uacnflccH uurmat tho war for my country. I did' not go to war LccaufQ 1 could not. My private affairs would not permit it. Jlut if ono person a chair, whilst tho young Crows set up a Letter from the Argentine Ileptitt regular down noutn lubuee. lie, Houtii America Jiut I cleaned them out. I did, indeed. Tho last words I heard from old Crow I Through tho kindness of Mr. H. Moore, of wcro, you're no gemman." Scio, we are permitted to publish the follow ecratrgs enjoyed it. Amy was exceed- nr extracts from a. letter written U hU ingly sorry and could not comprehend brother, Wm. T. Moore, and dated at the wiiat ijuu causou nir row. xiio ueuerai nnrrn;a fv.iftMW 1 tr a 1 vvivil T , uuuw A C, ill LLVIliiliU JIMS' . . . IriUIiIlA. JvitlfH mf,rcn Fih 91 lKr.H. And I I was the maddest and mutest "You ask a good many questions about arp frost nearly ever? night in mere gizo and explain, and run into old Crow, the winter, but no freeaing weather, lie gave mo an exhibition of his " man- is a scum of ice sometimes at night, . hooa'andeccing I was flanked, I wheeled melts off in the daytime. Thesumm in tho United States of America kept upk, rVi a more galling firo in tho rear than any "7 ' ?ZZ- nx - thi country which I wiU now try to answer. ooe.I am tho man. I havo been the . y-vu u v... , ar.. we hm a l6 man hated of Copperhoads. And be sides it has cost me much domestic trou lie. George Washington Harrison Socrates Clay Dobba (that's mo) unfortuatctely marrici ono Ama Amanda Maria Iouisa Scroggs, and as old Scraggs was a Demo crat, my Amy has bcon a follower of the UJU rcuiy Pjruijmui.i-u., yvJ)r.., V. .,l t .. .1 t ...,n , 1. 1. ...nn i 11I.U I ICIUUI'.allU Ul 1UIV9 IllUVIilUttW UV WVWUO I . i i . f t Al 1 VOttago uccatnc suuicwnai tropical, uui I have borne it all like a Christian. Old Scraggs has always been too fast for me in an argument, but when he camo visiting aud I held family prayer and got the old reprobate on his knees, I hal all to say, and you better bclievo 1 grape and canister into Fort Sumter. RATE OF ADVERTISING . i-eb txab ; Oas Column, $100 ; Half Columnj $68 j Quarter Col nmn, $35. ' ' ' ' Transient Advertisements per Square of tea lines or les, fir it Insertion, $3 j each subsequent insert tion,fl. A iquaie is one loch in space down the column, conoUcg cut?, display lines, blanks, ita.t as solid. matter. 11 o advertisement to be considered than a sqtare, and all fractions counted fa square. All advertisements inserted for a less period thin three months to fee re gsrded as traa, sient, ' but it summers are to retreat. In my haste I encountered ,ot 1"&ucr l"n vaiiiornia. ibta summer tho wench, and over wo went. ' r.ftf8 wftrmcr tv&nf)itJ and.JrehV,a.blld partially recovered and started on all k,.tlP tt, fours, when old Crow camo to my assist. Our seasons hero are reversed to those of the ancc, and by an attack; upon the rear Northern Hemisphere mo our summer is enabled mo to make tho fastest ttmo on December, January and February; and win a good blacksmith, with a stock of iroxt and steel ... - - ; ' J will now caution you against one thing It is the rumors of war here. People hea that there is war in South America, and they do not reject that South America is as large, as North America, and there are a great manj countries in it. Say to all who are coming to come right alongand pay no at tention to war news ; you will not be bother- . ed. The Government of this country isli&i -era! in encouraging immigrants to come to, the country, and there is no danger of a for eigner being interrupted." Tbe People Tlekei. For President, CJZNERAL OSKENBACKg, For Vice President, GENtEAI, LOW TAXES, The above ticket is both a good and ter, of course, is Jane, July and August. 1 ne ftD.Te tlcel r Dotn ooa ana The land in this neighborhood is level but popular ticket. It is a power both with camo down tho pavement I dis- , . V' .t nc!g. I ICTCi but F"Fu,4r m power doiu wua covered a waring hankcrchicf. It was tne e ip3 -uaine aoiaiersv mis every Amy's. country is generally prairie, with skirts of requisition which the nation now de- "u'' v.v.i.j.ft . maoas. t linoui inc canaiuaie ior l res- Scraggs had assumed a belligerent post- U-st range country I ever taw, and I don't ident, General Greenbacks, who is our ion, and as I passed him set Crow o ve tlrld can beat it. Jht r atock faTOrjtc, the war could not nave been sue rottiniii lueoDDOMueuircciioo. lie mane i K'" uv wo itat iuuhu, auuucri .ti . . m, . . ,mu " ,A w i.t.::fc M..t. . Pcnallv small and scrubbv. but vrr ces8IU,lJ proaecttica. ims gives Mima PUrcd what I had done good for all purposes, and there ,V plenty o"f Sat claim upon the "loyal Since which time I havo cessiuny prosccntca. inis gives crrcat claim nnon the "loval" men cf that IUI l'UIIAWV. Ult lUVtC IICUI1 VI IS I mf i i. it. tin. ii e iiate rcu bhu ituiw winvw, imi'BU kv"vv" u uvu.mihi ui ucu. uiautm ....... mm ..i r-mn rn w mpn ii rnn iurn iinn n 1 ii nrini I I. ... .... ' . . . I - - Amy was a bcauttlul girl, and I married , , I .7 , oak of any kind, we have several kinds of tho army was very small compared with . ' ...lllrtTfir' ritr Amir inrl liAr lathir nnif I . . " . . .. .... I. . f d I : ' ....J I T. 'r 01 naruanaauraoiewooa wnicn isuse- that of General Greenbacks. Whenever her becauso I loved her. Some sai married her for u Dobbs' Cottage," but that is a Copperhead lio. It is true, her f-itl.n xiiiln ii a n nmuitnt ftf lfi f'nr,i rttxl L.. I.... .J f t, i.tjtwccn "manhood" and Radical. at the least intimation vote the Radical ticket on rehearsing hci story - - - - ------ . v wv v fruuv vi js v u w a that I intended to ful for implements of all kinds wagons, tjje presence of , Amy insists up. plows, harrows, tc. nounced whec y of the race be- . As for crops, it produces everything we . a Whenever the latter in camp was an-: whenever his aid-de-camps, tho It was his daughter, and she had a right to it. II wus maslcr of the situation until recently. This suffrage quefction involved mo in a very serious difficulty. I had taken spe cial pains to tantal rc Amy about copper T liivrtl have triel. very well. . I settled hero a vear paymasters, appeared on the ground il I t a I . J t T I tV ihA At fwnft 1 i true that sometimes there 7i . i ' cV " acres ot com, anagamcrea u rusneis to me was a leeung against nim, on play the nmo joke on Scraggs and Amy acre, and then sowed the same ground in his long absence from camp, at homo, brought to tho Generals mind rbnt and reaped about COO bushels in the owb" U) causes entirely bevo such a vivid rcccollcction of old Crow's same year ; that is, I reaped the wheat in t i j wW1i tli rmi . muscular nowers. that hft eoneluflfd that Aevember. tustavear after 1 IP bead, uuttcrnuis ana sy mpaiuuers, out " " i ; J " '. Ji T ' " V ' "i . " mm. Wi ht . tU of L when this suffrage question camo up she ".ru Vil wuu. answor ,or 0f thrhli7K mMne a 1 n .i 1 i.. leering mimase. but waii a tltuledlv dan.i -'"""VH ; t. i t a it rjtn inn i e trr ftn iiiiti mi n i i j i Anfr v a v m gav question. I ueionccd the test 1 could, but louod the position untenable, and so I declared straight for equality, and went at it on general equality principles. gerous experiment by way of practicle jokes. 1 thought so too. The National Whisky ,Yictcr era, that General with us. The Indian Massackf. in Minxkso ta A Strange Story or an Aven ger. The Dubuque (Iowa Tunes, re Iatcs tho following : A young man is now stopping at the Key City House, by the name of George I. Porter, whose parent, brothers, sisters. and relatives were all murdered at Red wood, Minn., in tho great Indian massa cre of loul. He is the solo survior. and was tho only one left to communicate the had cj mournful. ntell.genco to the nearest settle- mct lmtlhc njcni. jcrcii in one unci nour oi ail that he held dear on earth, and with the victimes of a savage ferocity extended in . 1 1 a aeatn ociore mm, ne took a solemn vow of vengeance. How well he has performed that vow, the reader may judge when we state that alone but hun mrtlif hiiMiiil1 in rAA.r.oitm fiA Hun I ago last September, and had to hurry in a WM tftc signal lor a general shout ot ex partly succeeded in rooancihng the Gen-1 in '. . .jn 4Q uUation. It is true that sometimes there r. u,m , w,.uv vu.iuy nugwou Krc, ot com, and gathered SO bushels to the was a feeling against him, on account of imp, but it was beyond his con- lantcd i the tro1' and for whlch tbe anny wben lt waS oat fa- Hia I understood, exonerated him. General itit we haveOrant was but a Lieutenant under the or linery. reap.lders of our military hero. Indeed to his. threshers and plows. This season we I influence we owe his annearance in the have made Wtter corn than last, and think I military field. General Greenbacks was that we will have w bu.neis to the acre, at one time a ' t faToritc with tbe bond. i f2L ilJ!10' Udders, and Snder his auspices they con- luiiiMvi isw in n iva uittiiwut ws u is iiw rv l . . . . The lladical nross ara verv uneav l.p! nniih tn rt lWid irfl nm uml "cted with the uovernment lor the bonds. I went my whole length and declared about Gen Grant, and desire to shift the wheat, we raised good crops of Irish pota- They can hardly go back on the General j. .". I ..... . ... I . l . . . . . t . t I f . L. r. 3 3 lor ouirigm equality. rcsp Our people had got patriotic and had habi aumiucu iiiu ncgruct iuio me I'utJuc i once fciiwi", auu t, iwu nts HMuur ui mvtiuu T'cricct rciutaiion oi me CliarifC. that ttltv:n i - All Crt in that important s!cp. i a Copperhead slander. Gen. Grant's Uavizable etcht months in a vear to boats of Mnco .r eome. ??aTS' be " '."Pop One evening a fesv weeks ago I came intemperate habits have been exposed by all sizes. This San Xavier river is a branch I !.rom OId associations and recollections. home ond Amy and I had a set-to on tho sensible and reflecting Radicals, who. Uf the great river Parana, and runs into itie did not render any service m the war, It... 'I'l.i. -I. : t I 1. .l I ... II .1 f .' 1 . .Lil'.ll m!Iu IjIawhi Wa Km 1Q mitral, la t--rn I. it m-ma WXm Via irijuauij UUtSUVII, A UK I IIIIUIIU flit been to school that day and each had nvt lnttl lllf flint r was working her wits, the result of which t,,o s a ftnl n brother, und sn r.ual i":?V. ! r rf..rlV I i1 x.:..:- the people are anxious that he ahould " . . . , -i i o - - . 1" nrvm, it ii iurw iiujcs uig m iuv iimis- . - , . . . wxs an announcement that if the children voter vet thev don't liko to see a man Li; .Mr,, r.r n.J,M t.n,nii again be brought prominently into the had to associate with negroes, I should Lf such confirmed habits of intoxication it all the time. field, and would willingly see him hold a. too. las ffn. Grant nominated for tho Preai. B jata come un to mv house, and we have high place m the Government. In con- I regarded the threat as an idle boast, dencv. Wendell Phillips was ono of tho a markct far everything at home. We got nection with General Greenbacks he will and thought no more of it. first ta charge thin sin on Grant. It ,iUc ajnsbel for our corn last year, and we be irresistible. We therefore hoist this II i aro uucrea r- iur our wueai, uui u u uusibility of exposing his intemperate I100 anu more melons ana pumpKins tuaninow wiib any consistency ana oeceney. ts on the Democrats : and if they cau J0". "f0- 4. . . . . ... Tfae candidate for Vice President, Gen. ... . . . . J I AV t Iiva riwht on the h&nlc of n river miIm I T r t t.t. do that, they havo only to claim, as Li ' " v .X; Ti . ABCS 19 Bcutemau . . .y ' .. Ithe ban Aavier, much the same size or tbelv., v, AtA t,- u I witn an tnotr lanattcism anu maitgniiyi . miun un. w uun u- uu uuv uvt uu &auv, u toward the Southern pcoplo, and with all fr0.m 1,10 vr rj,veV.l ?e ,ed" of J?e io& orerslaughed by the Administratioa Li i .r ... Vi ' .l lj4tom or low-landa of that stream. The UnH r1rArl nnnn forl ll.f Tint A few days after this I notified her caut be expected that the Radicals shall and his wife would have the mouopoly of tho Her eyes sparkled; I the General's habits. The waicais ue rise we are holding for $2,50. We sold l;:'" r ""iTV lZZr7,M discussion of T...u KtiV..v.,J,?-,i crowns our exertions. It is proper to add : ImadoaUut $100 off of my watermelon I GeL-erals Greenbacks and Low Taxes have knew there was mischief brewing, I could ire to havo some fun out of the coo tro- patch. agreed to give Geo. II, Pendleton a prom- forcftco it. vcrsy on the qualities of the heir appar I We have settled on the edge of a great un-Jinent place in the Cabinet. Evansville I advised her that the General, his wife cnt to tho Kmpire which is soon to be es- jnhaMte4 region. To the north and west of Hind.) Courier. and i would be at the cottage at ono. And tablishcd by tbe Revolutionists at Wash- "? UVk7;; ut.VZ J c.... w . -tt. vt ni kind lor thousands of miles. It is a country l-.v..v v v M Ime)l ai equal Toicrs. well timbered and well watered. We live. 11 a I" X i . Geld TV. Greenbacks A View of " the Case, , Ono of the best things wo havo seen las I said, on the Parana river, 450 miles vet, on tho Radical candidate for the Pres- above lluenos Ayers, and on the west of the idency, is the folowiog from the La Crosse "er opposite to a little town called La Pax. 7)..,. You ask if I was back in California and mis country as x ao, i proposed : one to pay pom principal ana here. I can answer iD teres t in gold, although it will be forty To e Editor of tie N. T. Erprtt In regard to the payment of govern. ment bonds there have been two modes The Secretary of tho Treasury is try ing to find five competent persons to se knew as much about whether J would come an excellent dinner, and the door to welcome us, an- nouncing at the same timo that diuner I was ready. " m, . As soon as we were prepared she led I) 1m a 4 Im Mia i tt i n m rvaM sinrl a I s 1 1 it Hiiv ui inc iiiiiiu -' a i lib . uuu iiau u i inrr vn nnri nrn "irn ruiron r ruiranna r r ka. b . '.. . ' m. " "v "'-rr' i- I that Question very read u v. i would cornel . v-r .v- v- saucy old negro hy the name oi urow ect a whiskv meter to be adopted by the A nr i.r.t . t Mnu r Cft" WC4UI F and his wife, aod the two that were seated Government. We submit to candid pco- here. Any man who is wilfing to depend ,tht ?antry- 1m other is to pay off the not wholly un- on my judgment and word for it. can move wuuua " felctuuaM "6"i ITtn 4 t TTr vcvslout hero with his family : and anv man who I at once. . ... w . i , ... , ",i - .i tit.. . ? t- ovcrnmcnt Je facto Of "a a mina 10 c&n ao WU " e aro tno nrstl v unoui expressing any opinion on uiq a a a m i a. ir.iin iiuinir iirii'r uaa i . a a . m i . a-.i .1 - " ,. 'lucxfciuuur vmiurcu ut nstiwi uutJur "HrlClI IU1S COmmiUCC IS with the a.istance of nothmff Li., . u. oi. s .1 r v.-1.-. 1 " ,:- .... .:i . - t lIlc uu,c c poi?icu ur uwi necessary; masmucn as .. nut, rum V UK uaii :--,:,, fir. ..iimIi tluiim n.f (tint n.... i. n tmr, rrrnnnrlitliA ifttil. a. V r I. ,1 .a,I I ....... . ' 0 I " v n wui UI VIIV imuuiVJ I I 1 .1.. .1.1 !.. f .... I , . . f I . i . . .. . . isiiu uuu uuuimui-u uiui w ni uuv vviu-iwiint cariniv ukb womu anv other whiskv 1 8ettlers in this rart of the world, and have a subject, the purpose of this article ia aod eight Indian braves, lie carries . . aa r.. ii : . . i . I nne ana promising country, aii we lacx is U mnlv tr. show the comnaratiTe cost to t- . . ... iuki auu iuch uiwvkubu iv iwi ujui u- meter dc f nature ana cuuoauon navei 1 .1 i :k.:u i-- rv - r. ---- wun mm a picco 01 cane braxe. about . ' i ,11 n-,' .1.- n r".:il ,. ........... . . - , f"! " thn ftonntnr of thes resneetiTa modea. 1 iruii : tiiu iiiun uuu iiiu vjiun lauiii v 1 Antn ri nsi rn ma va 1 ivgufb fi vnifivvi.. x- m a . -.1 jr 1 " " w j - r a .1 - 1 1 - - - wvtu itassw w ms w w a w?sbw ass n v 1 anniH 111 v f lis iirrst lit iu iiur nfiirii ihi rm 111 -r 1 amaa killed. generally to tho General and his wife, as motor, and a meter competent to pass up'- IftU i fon isgroVing in nSmra; k T"f?Ly killed an Indian, ho would make a notch brother Cr0Wf uUlcr CroWt Mastcr Crow qo m rfu of a fcbu titJ Jf have ono new family from California this a is $120 000,000 gold annual y; at in this. Ooc hundred and eight notches M; (Vow. w .,int:v fl:i month, and two Welsh families. eoodDeonle. compound, the interest alone would m arc now to be counted on the piece of j felt a dcai jike Crowingmysclf. In both ends of tho Rump there be We haTe n0,w BapUsU enough in the settle- twenty-two years amount to ?G,000,000,, cane alluded to, the last one being cut on Mir t.Mi,ran t ,Wnnmif.nkablfiifrn. i.:.u i.t ment to make up a httlo congregation, and 000: in thirty-three years the interest . .. - T - . .1 1 r : . ' . "1 o when any of vou come out we would like to .u. tkt-o .f,;nAl lim-r P itia that, tnr Tfnft nnrlli . . ?.l I . " . ... . 1 , , I uave a preacner come witn you. 111 nvai if asnourn s norse 1. - I Ml." i .1 . 1 1 ., 7 t I A. 1 1 it iiiin luuuwtu Lilt-in. iiiriiiirrii inn mpn . I . t . 11 if fr .1 . . . ..... m :-- -o , inc situation, auc ucneiaig wue was When Hiram lived on a little larm or less forests, over detert wastes and by the about to exr,lodc buckwheat nateh. iuat back of Carondo- mounuun muc i oner nas not passed xhc General, though an earnest Radi- lct, Missouri, and subsisted by selling thrAlloh fill til no A nori nm cnra nn. I . " i . 1 . I . . . O I icner come wun you. ... .;n;ft. r ;n You ask what kind of an outfit to buy furP ,7' .T" irri thejourney. That depends oa the route you Kia- f come. There are three routes. One is to country will have to pay the bondhold take a sail vessel at San Francisco and come ors in gold. around the Horn to Buenos Ayres or Monte- Paying off at once in greenbacks, tho vidio. The second route is to take the steam- bondholders say, would be the most disas er at San Francisco for New York ; at N. Y. tr01S 0f &ij modes, because it would oc- , J. F. McCOY, A TTOHNE T AND CO UNSELL OVi AT LA W, PUBLIC, ' - - OREGON LL PRACTICE IX TH3 BKV1SKAL. Courts of this City and State, and of Tash- luzton Territory. All kinds or clauns ind demanas. notes, bills, book accounts, subscriptions, etc., pollected on commission, by suit or solicitation. ' Real I state bougbt and sold.' Tajes paid. Building:i reated, and rents oollected on commis sion. ' ' - Tittles to Real Estate . searched, and abstracts jaade. . : ''..'''". '-: ' ' . . - ALSO ' ' AGEN T for tbe principal daily and weekly news papers or ' the Pacific coast. Subscriptions and ad rertisements solicited. sg?"A .l collections promptly remitted. . ; OFFICE No. 95 Front street. Portland. ; v2n2rtj ' ' . ' " ' -NOTICE! -T 00 K OUT FOR THE CARS 1 JUS& RE- A ceired j a very large stock .,- . DRY GOODS AND. GROCERIES ! by steam if from San Francisco. I will sell for pasb. or n erchantable produce, at low prices, my entire sto jk of Goods, to make room for "more, tall and .see for yourselves. . :" R. CHEADLE'S spr4vn33tf Cash Store, Albany. I j i : c. t t. . . : n Beathed.. IIisbod.hM-lMcn riddled bj bccomiDg .lightly elevated. My Amy acknowledged to be the nearest approach eleven bullets, and slashed in thirty-thrco -,i Zu -,i t.S. n . . i . e --.Ai sr nun cavil liii: i v iiuiild. uuu iiiaLiuu unui i rrt n wn nnntr w nisif v mnrpr c 1 1 nnvn inr in ;ia m s-mm a m M a places by the knite. Jiut ho has with- in 'n f W hnnnit mnndsl V" J 7; n a wZT,u backs from their superabundance. rM Pfntu c.t Vmi- .;! Visa ttitimiis inLi Ci t i i ,j hha nnmii vhiih inr !n kvancm SuDcose. however, the depreciauoa hibits with pride the trophies of.his prow- thc arm.h0les of his dilapidated old vest, under Rft Ur fln amount of Pike'n Ma. 18th, of every month for Panama. This should be ninety-nine per cent., the loss ess. .truly, his parents have been decDlv. v:. I ..." u1i..!i..1i...- steamer oonnecta at Panama with the British to 11 th bondholders, to the whole ., ,- 'iwtiiiei. mo mm iuiucu oiiua. noa i noila WniSKV. as COUIU II1C DUCUt UerO. I . 7 T . . .1 . . . .... terrible avenged. , Lssumin an air of maiden innocence. vJZ rJ'JlL Grant's Weaknesh A cirrnlnr Amy handed the General a seat by the der of Pcmbcrton. the crcatost Gene a nr. i, .i wnncu, wmcu uncu up nmo ui mo 0i moucrn times' naa nis neauquariors wvwUfc.j BvwVU4, ac.uwuu . , , i rrr:A(ji cn,i ti, n-nnla , i i ii t i-- r v-..s er process. . w p r - - . I WU Csj s, 41I01V1 V UUvllvl WV4 If WM WUb V4 SUUaLV I aivunii a J gtutftw uts VUiu as I . ' . . . a il l .11 1 a1 a I I . I l a. 11 . 5. i ' v.J Thfif na ynriflf rmv fliftC nm rA tnA bondholders, if the interest without the principal shall continue to he paid, is 4 r. , A . 1 A fiarnondicular one .uWUo "i"u' nxea lact, anu presents a iwrioua buujcwu further With an army of a hund .... . . men, with the Mississippi crowded with pense was twice what it would havo taken to - -n " who oy oiu gums anu ivory, men gainer- or tho uonjedcrato guns, anu was as com- vessel 10 atparaiso, wnicn is cneaper, oui the question was asked how tho nomina- ing up tho children seated them bosidc pleto a whisky meter as the Honorable takes a longer time: My expenses from the tion of Grant would be received by the their school follows, after which she took Secretary would require, though not at all Kt,fiirir:nii r v n iv;n,. Iher seat at tho head of tho table, and re-1 times a to inis nmo 1 naa managca .wen. 1 crunboats. floatinc: batteries and transports, I come straight through. .!fV .1 ' . I 1UI 1 . SI 1 f 1 1 . " 1 1 I T .nU nnmA An ItnlT tki uvuvittt e uiuau nuu ie tvniaKev Meter itranc nnauv ciDiurea vuuw wimw wu ma ... . - . I"' J r I ., m . .... . si ivn m 1 1 t. 1 r a . rt 1 AT fiAlf. I lauitij. V Wlilfl t4.' ISA A. killer. A. P. JflLLEIl. troo v loil" voters. Mr. VV. tl. Kw no- DBttl "u w fc"v " ' I nnncfnH Kfc baa t aH of. riA A s Ttl i . . IMUVSbVU IliV tfV W DWUIVU V Saa v or yuincy, iiunois, one 01 tne parties d to wait upon the guests iqus auuresscu, replies na iouows ; y n " The state of the public mind in my But the 1' 1. '.t - il . S 1 . t m 1 -w I 1 j 11 A. : - - J I J . a. -a J A a. I w b nisrriPL is minor nniavnnnm rn iha I'rna. i marKea mat Hno aia noc miena ia noar imirohnprr anH ifa hmva onrnonn - - w I " 1 y tve3uvii aw uuu vs wiui w ivm w - - ulentLil nretGnfllnnfl of flennral Cmrt. I tho insult further. At this the General I ant Vialf.cfnrtrAfl f!nn fnAmfA, uggagoaman nas There were a ereat many soldiers from new into a passion, and accused " my district" under General Grant, and purposely arranging an insult they say that, at Fort Donelson he was tested, and accused Amy, and as zfdrnnh: at lielmont he. was drunk philoh ho was drunk ; at Vicksburg was drunk. Uesidcs we think that a QMEQA. If I had it to do over, DANIEL WrEBSTER ON CONSTITUTION. m. sranA watW m11 mw I a. A m m -a a w 7 nmn ATaasIw' a Valparaiso route, the less years agfJ Paniel "Webster uttered these the better, I would advise I memorable words on the floor of the UnU MILLER & BRO.f (Succettort to Philip Miller,) M ARB L E WO R K S , ALBANY, OREGON.; Shop on Washington, bet. 1st and 2d St's, THESE GENTLEMEN BEG LEAVE TO IN form tbe public at large that they are now prepared to furnish ARRIVE MONU3IENTS .' ahd , ; ": ' - GRAVE - ST ON E S ! OP EVEET STYLE AND PATTERS', - At the Most Reasonable Prices. TOMBSTONES CUT TO ORDER On the very shortest notice." Marrv3n2otf ' MILLER 5 BR0. rn )il;ks..Aln K. fn r,A Anr.:n him flint ih'ia urn a har hnmn nnr? nrt nnal il. iL. T .1. T:: 1 I10rI)la Hera the President of the United States, will should insult her father there, and or- merciless tactics - the fact that this amy f'calK future harvest. It were but a trifle, even be swift to break faith with the people." dered him to leave. needlessly butchered exceeded tholforcas route bv Valoaraiso. There istalk of start- if the walls of yonder Capital were- to For four years we havo been constant- The General called her a dirty huzzy 0f Lee in a ratio of threo to one, is too lins a new line of steamers from Valparaiso, crumble,' if its lofty pillarsbould faland ly reminded of the disgrace of havine a for insulting his wife, at this old Scracrcrs well known and of too much significance to Buenos Ayres, running throueh- the its eoreeous ; decorations be all covered drunkard at the head of the Government, hit him with the knot end of a butternutlta ha disnuted Straits of Magellan. If any one coming by with the duit of the valley, r AH these Is it possible that the radicals mean to limb.' I sprant; betwepn them to protect ; It is certainly a reckless piece of ex- Valparaiso siaouia nnd that steamer running might be rebuilt . But who shall recoa. A " - . m. . - - l.S . I . fasten this disgrace upon us tor ftnotner my guest, when old Lrow placed the uen- travagance on r residential term I eral arjd I upon an equality. In the me- Colouh, to appoii The Finai, Victory qp Gaines -After fhe part of Secretary lMc 2J?dp strict the fibrio of demolished , govern, point an expensive Commit- I?:vJ;iV-M! i!! ment ? i Who shair rear again the Veil, V lee the wench assaijed the General's wife teo to 'chose whisky meters when the spa- Buenos Ayres and come around the horn, proportioned column of Constitutional lib ES. and the fight became general. Amy i rious Coogress have already provided one From Buenos' Ayies there is a steambaat up erty ? ; Who shall frame together the skilU over nearly thirty years, Im-Myra Clar sciing peace. 1 ii 0f Beelzebub's dominions, who is tho in- the Capital of the State we live in, and about government mth State rights, individual Gaipes has finally a decision of the, Su- Finally we all succeeded in resuming ventor of, whisky and the patron of a hundred miles below us, from there they security and public prosperity ? 'JSTo, gen, preme Court of the United States in her our perpendicular positions but old Crow, drunken butchers, harlots, thieves, spies; ca 60l dlZ &i ' I think it would tmen I if these columus fall, they will be favor, and she is declared to bo the heir who was iust then the special obiect of a noriiirara nnlit.innl rwMtntun. ' and 1 nther v. r '2- . j raisod riot acrim. ' Like the Coliseum and Ul 11CV father, and the possessor of the charge from the General. immense property left bv him. In 1841 Mrs, Gaines, defeated in the Louisiana District Court, appealed to the Supreme Court with the assurance that there jus tice would be done her. ' She has perse vered in the most heroic manner, and against every hindrance, and has at last won her case. - Amv was playing Pocahontas, bv lean ST- W ' f ing over the old carcass, and succeeded in making the General retreat, Republicans, see what they need, and then buy. All or- the Partheon, they .will be destined to a ' dinary tools and implements can be bought mournful, a melancholiy immortality, L . J. i. x 1. il. ' r T.. . 1 J Arm She then put her arms around him and ter, one teaspoonful soda, piece of butter attempted to raise him. I blew up. Mak-jsize of an egg, one teaspoonful ginger, inc a charge on old manhood- I ruined a cloves or any other spices flour sufi-i calf skin. " jcient for a stiff batter. Bake an hour if Mrs. Crow patted me on the back with the yen is moderate, . .. GlNGER Bread.- One cup molasses, here, and for aay extra article the commis- Bitterer tears, one teaspoontul salt in a oup otcoidwa- . ' 7 n l . 1 . . however will now over sion merchants here will send to New York, them then ' were ever shed over tb&' You want to know if there is any chance moaumets of Roman or Grecian art ; for of getting married here, to which I say we they wiU be the remnants of a more glori have more single men than single women. . " , U r Bring a wife with you and some single wo- tain ure c,., men to match our single men and thus make the edifice of Constitutional Assent up other families. "We are also in need of 'Liberty. . ' a