(il w. SATUllDAT ............ MAY 23, 1863. On cks and Epidemics.- Messrs. Editors: In the spring of IS 19 I was in charge cf one hundred, men on shipboard, "with the cholera among tho men. Wo had onions, which a number of the men ate freely. Those -who did so were soon at tacked, nnd nearly all died. As soon as I had made this discovery their uso was forbidden. After maturo reflection I came to the;conclusion that ouions should ncTer to eaten duriug tho prcvalcoco or epidemics, for the reason that they absorb the virus and communicate tho disease, and thai, the proper use for them is sliced and placed in the sick room, and replaced with fnish ones every few hours. It is a well established fact that onions will extract the poison of snakes j this I personally know. Somo kinds of mud will do the same. After maintaining the foregoing opin ion for eighteen years, I have found the following well attested: Onions placed in tho room where there is small-pox will blister, t nd decompose with great rapidity j not only so, but will prevent the spread of the disease. I think as a disiufectant they have no equal, when properly used ; but keep them out of the stomach. If need be, tho foregoing (which I have greatly abbreviated) can be attested on oath. Let us have all the facts bearing upon the subject. John B. Wolf, in Scientific American. Vote for R. A. Irvine. Maxuer for Feeeixo Horses. In feeding horses in mangers or in racks made with slats, through which the horse pulU his hay, there is generally consider able wasted by being thrown by the horse upon tho floor, while his mane and eyes are continually filled with dust and . o:ds from tho hay. His continual breathing upon it cannot, of course, improvo either it3 quality or its healthfulness. After using fzr many years the following plan, I am satisfied it ia superior to most ar rangemeats. and is excelled by none : A box or large tube, 2 feet by 2 feet, and as high as the floor of tho hay mow, is set up between two stalls in a small manger. The bottom of this box is 2 inches Larger each way than the top, so as to prevent the hay from ever becom ing wedded in or stuck. A semi-circular opening one foot in the highest place is cut into the bottom of this box inside the manger. Inside this manger and on the opposite end, is placed the box to feed grain, and if cut feed is used, the whole manger should tot exceed one foot in heihth and two feet wide. Ilorses have no diffi culty in drawing out the hay from the bottom of this box or tube, and at the same tirnti will not waste a particle, as it is a UttU easier to eat the scattering hay which falls than to draw out fresh hay. The hay is kept clean and fresh until cat en by the horse. E. W. H., in Country Gentlemtn. Yote for Geo. It. Helm. How to Treat Balky Horses. If YOU have balkv hor?GS. it is vnnrnwn fnnh 1 J and -not th-har, for if. they do not pull true there is some cause for it, and if you will remove the cau-se, th fifiWr will cease. If your horse balks, he is ex cited, and doe3 not know what you want him to do. When he gets a little excit ed, stop him for five or ten minutes ; let him bccoaie calm; go to him, pat him, gpeak geatly to him; and a3 soon as he is over his excitement, he will in nine case3 out of ten, pull at the word. Whip ping and swearing and slashing only make3 the natter worse. After you have gentled a while, and his excitement has cooled down, take him by the bit, turn him each way for a few minutes as far as you can, pull out the tongue; gentle him a little, unrein him, then step before him and Jet the other horse start first; then you can take him anywhere you wish. A balky horse is always high spirited and starts quick, half the pull is out before the other starts ; by standing before him the other starts first. By close application to this rule, you can make any balky horse pull. If a horse has been badly spoiled, you should hitch him to an empty wagon and pull it around on even ground ; then put on a small load, and increase it gradually, caressing as before, and in a short time you can have a good work horse. Yote for James Shields. Greasing Wagons. But few people are aware that they do wagons and car riages moro injury by greasing too plen tifully than in any other way. A well made wheel will endure wear from ten to twenty-five years, if care is taken to use the right kind and the proper amount of grease ; but if this matter is not attended to, they Trill be used up in five or six year3. Lard should never be used on a wagon, for it will penetrate the hub and work its way out around the tenons of the spokes, ani spoil the . wheel. Tallow is the best lubricator for wood axle trees, and castor oil for iron. Just enonoli crrpnn should be applied to give it a light coat ing; thi3 is better than more, for the surplus put cn will work out at the ends, and be, fore id by the shoulder bantU and nut washera into the hub around the out side of the boxes. To oil an iron axle tree first wipe the spindle clean with a cloth wet vith spirits of turpentine, and then apply a few drops of castor oil near the. shoulder and end. One tea-spoonful 13 suf&cient for "the whole. Vote 'against Negro Suffrage. "What bought you to prison, my colored frierid?" "Two constable.?, sah." "Yea. but I mean, had intemperance anything to do with it?" "Yes, eah, dey was bof of Vma vs.. v Prfnticij says of .a 'charge against Grant that "he wont hold water," that it is only justise to the General to say that he doesn't cften try. - ' Young nun in Utah can hare as many they please, but they are obliged to wires as marry at 19, or pay a forfeit to Brigham A musical dog in New Albany, Indiana, plays on the piano, and howls so does a young lady residing next door." ,z ; . ; .' " Tha mooE shine of credit ; A lunatic. ; OUlt AGENTS. Tho following named gentleman are authorised to act as Agents for Tub StjlTH Rights Deuo rat, and to receive nd receipt for subscriptions tothepapers : LINN COUNTY. Robert Watkinson and James Dorrls.. .......... Soo Jason Wlioeler. ............................ ......Lebanon Jl. L. Brown 15rownnvillo Matthew Fountain llarrlsburg J. M. Smith ........ .L... Peoria LANE COUNTY. Hon. J. J. Walton........... Eugene City BENTON COUNTY. It. II. Strahn ....................Corvalll POLK COUNTY. T. J.Lovclady . Pallas J. U. V. Sutler and Dr. Harris..... ..Monmouth Dr. J. M. McCoy La Creole Benj. Itaydcn ................Eola CLACKAMAS COUNTY. J. II. Balaton Oregon City MULTNOMAH COUNTY. J. F. McCoy Portland AIA1UOX COUNT! . b . nhm!;;zz;zz!" Sa,om L. F. Eiscnhart Silverton Hanley Waterman Jefferson Titos. Boycc, Newspaper Agent, San Francisco, is authorized to receive subscriptions and advertisement for our paper, and act as busi ness agent generally. . ADVE11TISEM K NTS. NO MORE HIGH PRICES -FOR ALB A3ST GO TO THE STOKE OF J. E. BENTLEY & CO, And Boy your Goods as you did Id 1SC0! THEY HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM SAX FRANCISCO, T0K LARGEST STOCK Or Soots unci' Shoes. cojtsiSTixa or GENTS FINE SEWED BOOTS, OENTS' FINE PEGGED BOOTS, BOWS AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS, LADIES AND MISSES' BOOTS, KID CONGRESS GAITERS, AND CHILDREN'S GAITERS. RUBBER OVER-SHOES, AND SHOES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS GLXTLLMEX'S IJOOTS MADE TO ORDEB SHORT NOTICE, AX ALL KIND OF REPAIRING! DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. jCf Also, a lot of Leather, for sale at Caib. Hole and Upper the Lowest Figure for GIVE THEM A CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES ! scp2l-v3n6taS G- IR, A 2ST x GIFT ENTERPRISE! The distribution of Valiable Pkesexts will Positively Take Place on the 9th of June, A. D. 18C. EVERY TICKET WARRANTED TO DliAWj PHI2E! READ THE LIST. Corner lot No. 1, In Block No. 5, at recorded in the Town Plat of the town of Brownsville, Lan coantj, Oregon, fronting on "Washington and Pine streets : improvements, consisting of Dwel ling IIoui!c, cbiekio House, 4c, Ac. ; dwelling house,20x24 fvtt,4 rooms and pantry below and two twelTe feet rcoins above. The bouse is new and not entirely finished, Lut is now occupR-d at a residence. There is a splendid well of wator, made rat-proof. All enclosed with a good sub stantial board fence. The foregoing prize is val ued at $800 OO And also the following valuable real estate, to wit : Sixty-one feet off the east end of Lot No. 8, Block No. 3. and 39 feet off the cast end of Lot 7, in Block 3, in the town of Brownsviile, Linn County, Oregon. Improvements, confuting of dwelling house 20x23 feet, five rooms, a fine, large brick chimney, and m splendid well of Water. All endued in a good, enlxtantiaf board fence Valued at 700 00 One 91 Bureau, valued at $35 00 ; one V Bu reau, mahogany, valued at $35 00 ; one mahog any fluted centre-table, valued at $25 00 ; one span sorrel match horses, valued ft $109 00; one bay " BiSeman " stud colt, two years old, valued at $300 00: one dark chestnut sorrel stallion, 5 years old, 15 hands and 3 inches - high, weighing 1,200 lbs., valued at $600 00 ; One saddle horse, valued at $120 00. There will be $2,000 consisting in part of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, FAJIILY BIBLES, MUSIC EOXES, ACCORDEONS, GOLD PENS, SEWELRY, Ac Ac, comprising over 5,000 val urble articles to be disposed of on the popular plan of One dollar Tor each Ticket. Only one dollar. It is desirable to sell all (he Tickets, and of course it does not make any diff erence who gets the property at a fair distribu tion. Possession of the property will be given to the lucky ticket-holders immediately after the drawing, except the first prize named and tho sorrel stal lion. Possession of the first will be given in 30 days after the drawing; the dead will be made to the ticket-holder at the time of drawing. Tho horse will be given np as soon as the season is out, or on the 1st day of July, 1868. Persons residing at a distance wishing tickets, can have tbein sent by Expiess or Mail, by for warding One Dollar in U. 8. coin for each ticket, or for clubs at club rates, by addressing LA. GEORGE, Brownsville, Linn county, OregopJor tr. v. iiAiiri.it, Aioany, A.inn county. . C. HARPER, Albany, Linn county. l No ticket will be held good unless duly t 'J ?d ad regieterd previous to the drawing. vf and regieterd previous to the drawing. SPECIAL TERMS, OH CLUB It Any person procuring five or more' for tickets and forwarding the money 1 tame, can have tickets at the following rates'1 . 5 Tickets to one address .....V 10 do 20 30 40 50 100 ....17 1 .......M ...... ...... 26 35 14 It " 43 " - 8.' In every case send the name of each subscr their poet office address, with county and Stat fun. , The drawing and distributions will be on TU DAY, JUNE 9, in the city of ALBANY, Linn i "V 1 r fn s m m . vregon, Dy a ommiuce oi nve selected DT a from the Ticket-holders in attendance. Two cler will be appointed one by the Committee and o by the undersigned to record, with pen and in tne number and prizes as tbey are drawn. . For pedigrees of the Stallions that are ud prizes, address Hiigh Fields, BrownsvUle, Oregof Title to all property gived clear of all encuxj brances. SSfKt. W. F. Howlett is an authorized trav eling agent for the sale of tickets. A. GEORGE. TO THE PUBLIC. We are well acquainted , with A. George, and have no hesitation in saying that we believe the foregoing enterprise, under his management, will be conducted fairly and impartially. ? M. ABRAMS, Merchant, Brownsville. G. C. COOLEY, " L. II. WASHBURN, " A.LEWIS, " . . " HUGH FIELDS, " SENDERS, STERNBERG, & Co., Brownsville. HAYWOOD 4 CO., Merchants, Albany. G. F. SETTLEMIER, " " A. II. MARSHALL & CO., Livery. , . J..B. SPRENGER, Pacific Hotel, ' " A. W. STANARD, Clerk of Court of Linn Co. HARVEY SMITH, Sheriff of Linn county. Febl5v3n26tf ADVERTISEMENTS. ADDRESS -10 THK NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED! TO THOSE WHOSE SUFFERINGS HAVE been protracted from hidden causes, and whose oases require prompt treatment to rendor ex istence desirable. If you are suffering or have suffered from Involuntary discharges, what effect does it produce upon your general health f Do you feci woak, dehilitatod, easily tired t Docs a little extra exertion produce palpitation of the heart? Docs your llvor, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequently get out of order? Is your urine sometimes thick, milky, or fioeky, or Is It ropy oa settling ? Or doss a thick scum rise to the top P Or Is a sediment at the bottom aftr it has stood awhile t Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels consti pated ? Do you Lave spells of fainting or rushes of blood to the head? Is your memory Impaired? Is your mind ounstantly dwelling upon this sub ject? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tirvd of company, of life ? Do you wish to be loft alone, to get awar from everybody? Docs any little thing make you start or Jump ? Is your sleep bro ken or restless ? Is the lustre of your eye as bril liant? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy yourself in society as well T Do you pursue your business with the nmo energy ? Do you feci as much confidence In yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to fits of mclao choly ? If so, do not lay It to youi liver or dys pepsia. Have you restless nights? Your bock weak. your knees weak, and have but little appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver-complaint? Now, reader, clf-abuie, venerea) diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of pro ducing a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of generation, when in perfect health, make the man. Did you ever think that those bold, defiant, energetic, persevering, sucocssfu business-men are always those whose generative organs are In perfect health ? You never hear such men complain of being melancholy, of ner vousness, of palpitation of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed l! business; they don't become sad and discouraged; tbey are always polite and pleasant In the company of ladies, and look you aad tbem right In the face- none of your downcast looks or any other mean ness about tbem. X do not mean those who keep tho organs inflamed by running to exeess. These will not only ruin their constitutions, but also those they do business with or for. How many men, from badly cured diseases. from the effvets of self-abuse and exeesses, have brought about that state of weakness in those or gaos mat nas reaucea I do general saystem m much as to produce almost every other disease idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spina! n110. wWde, and almost every other form of diseaso which hu manity is heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctored for all but the right one. Diseases of these organs require the ase of a diuretic. . a a a IIEI.2XBOXD FLUID EXTRACT IS THE GItKAT DIURETIC, and is a certain care for Diseases of the Bladder Kidnryt, Gravclt Dropsy Organic Weakness, sanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and. the health and happiness, and t'nat of , .', Posterity, depends upon prompt ase of a re ' liable remedy. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, established upward of 18 years, prepared by II. T, IIELHBOLD, Druggist, .594 Broadway, New York, and 104 South Tenth street, Philadelphia, Pa. Phicb $1.25 per bottle, or 6 botUes for .$6,50, delivered to any address. Sold by all Druhgiets CTerywhcre, mar2l'68v3n31yl A 1) V 13 It T I S 13 M 13NTS. dr. n, 0. OIIL. U&Q. r, ETTLKMIKn. SETTLEMIER, & CO,, DRUGGISTS; M DR. SHEPHERD'S" OLD STAND, MAIN HT - - - ALBANY. DEALERS IN E? DRUGS TVC ED IOINBSi CHEMICALS, rulittM, OH, Slu, nye-StuiTx, V A UN IS II E S , '".-.-':'. - " ! t Si", ASD A ri'LL ASSORTMENT OS" DRUGGISTS1 SUNDRIES. AGENTS BY APPOINTMENT FOR Dr. D. Jaynrs & Son's Family medicines. We also keep on hand a full supply of All Patent iTIccIiciiaC in Uc. Our stock of Drug, Fluids, Extracts, etc., are from Well Known Manufacturers, and will be found OP TIIK IIi:.ST QUALITY ! pkcial attkstios eivex to roxrocxoixa PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS! IV Holie.H the? I'lttronaze of Hi Public. WE HAVE ESTABLISHED A BRANCH DRUG STORE AT SCIO! i-xtER me stAVACcMr.5Tor G. A. Hllili, Who will kep a full soply of Drugs, Medicines, etc., etc., for sale at low routes. 8KTTLKM IKR it CO. April . 1S67 v2n3tly TAKE NOTICE! o J. BARROWS &. CO., (IN THEIR FIRE PROOF URICK, ALBAXV), Are now receiving their Goods DIIIECT FKfin HAS I'llAXCI.HtO ! 0 And we In He the attention of buyers to tus Htwk of IXY GOOD'S! FAMILY GROCERIES ! BOOTS AND SHOES! CLOTHING! nAnoWARC, CROCHERY, &e THRESHERS. MOWERS. REAPERS, GANG-FLOWS, are Agents for all kinds of Agricultural Bmplcmnit ! ma42n2Stf J. BARROWS A CO- ALILl.W I'OtDUV AND RIACHIiME SHOP! A. F. CHERRY, AVIXa PVItC'IIANKDTIIB EX ire interest in tne tuuAUUl A&L) MACHINE SHOP. I am Prepared to FurnIH WROUGHT AND CAST IRON WORK Of erery description, on short notice. Also, Bit ASS CASTINGS. A11 Orders for MIIsIs WORK Will bo filled with dbpatcb. and in a satisfactory manner. IIORSK POWEIW ' , " ' AMD ; ' Agricultural Implements Manufactured to order, and particular attention paid to Repairs, Ail kinds or PATTERN WORK , done to order on short notice A. F. CHERRY, Albany, August 18, 1868-ly - COH N -DEALER IS GENERAL MERCHANDISE! (rt MonUitVt Brick Store) , ALDAN7, - - - OREGON. K EEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A WELL selected stock of ,' . ' GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. ! . DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS s AND CAPS, GROCERIES, ; WINES AND LIQUORS, - TOBAQCO AND CIGARS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, . NAILS AND GLASSWARE, . - And everything usually found in a wol estab lished Dry Goods or Grocery, Store, and at- prices to defy competition. -i The very Highest prices . I paid for all kinds ! : 1 of Produce. . . ' ' "Remember the place, at the sign of Janl7v3n23yl A. COIIN. SPECIAIi ATTUACTIONI VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL yi persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned, either by note or book account, to settle the same in cash or merchantable produco at the market value, by the 10th day of December, 1867, as if is absolutely necessary that wo collect the same to enable us to carry on our business. By promptly attending to the above requirements, you will confer a favor upon W. W. PARRISII A CO. Albany, Oct. 26, 1867 Y3nl2tf ADV1311TISI3M13NT8. rat, o9 ' HAT MEUSSDORPPEIl & BIIO., Manufacturers and Importers of, and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in hats 1jjstt aJt&ps, ..... , :r: .AJ,t), HATTERS' MATERIALS, No. 72 Front Ntroct, Iortlatid( ' A UK ItECEIVINO; '. IN ADDITION TO V their extensive Hfock, by every BUmmer, all the LATEST STYLES of New York, London and Parisian taste, for Oentlemea'i nnd , Children's Wear Which they will sell CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE ON THE COAST! DEALEltS IN HATS Will consult their own interest by examining our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Hats of every tyle and Description MADE TO ORDER, ALSO ; . ;; ' : N 13 ATI- Y KI3E'A1HI3I1 J. C. lYToussdorflcr & Bro.'s No. 12 Front "Strett Portland, Ojc'n, Cor. D and Hocond Hts Marysville, Cat. o. l2'i J rtrcet haeramcnto Nob. 535 A C17 Couitoercial Ht......Fan Francisco, T.iX' Wholenalo House at Han Francisco, Cal. No . 62$ Commercial through to 637 Clay streets. Due. 1,1860 vZulCtf PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY Of San Fruneiieo, California. CASH CAPITAL .$1,000,000 00 SURPLUS ,JAny 1, '67 238,054 OO CASH ASSETS in G OLD, $1,230,054 91 All Losses Paid Immediately in United States Gold Coin. OCEAN, MA KINK, INI.ANJ IVSUHAIVClil rilHE rACIFIC JXHl'KASCB COM PA XT 1. hingBrrany-d th Meir. UIOELOW A lUtOTHKR i .i the lrtU r of all the bu'tact the t in jntirn?e Coiij.itk lately rrfre-ntcd by tbem, U now preptinid to cfirr to ail parties formerly inrcl ly M c irinu-, einaUr tenns and prompt payment of u, in t'niud Hiic r"id eoin. Mr. II. If. UKJELOW will! the antral Areat fvt tun tompny front this date. Director of Pariltc Infttirnurc Co AS rnt rxco Jas. D'Irttn'ry,Ll..yd TerU, Lonu 3IcLAe, W m. Fbcrtnao, Olirer Kldridge Wm. Alvt-rd, John O. Krl, A. . ForW, Alex Wtlll, Alfred Rorrl, J. U, KtlloSS. Ab'm Fcligmsn, G. T. Uwu.n, M. Cheewwan, AnonG. htiles, K. Ij. Go!clLein, ti.II. Howard. J !.;. Rry, ifti Kill. U. W. Jteaver. A. Hay ward. P. I. Wparer, S. h'tcinfcart, D.W.C. Rice, C. Meyer, D. J. OJirc r, David Ftern, M. lUrjlatitfl. Jotiathao Hunt, SAcRAiirnra. Vf. T. foletnen, EJ?r Mills, K. W. Lonrd, tt. W. Miv, T. L. Rarkcr. C. T. WUeler. T. h. Myer, marth ville. H. M.WiUon, J. H. JewelU AlpLeax Rail, W. C. iUUlon, L. fc' b. Fred: Hilling;, A. I. Tobbn, jnn jj. Aewtun, roittLASP. II. M. Newhall, Kdwsrd Martin, W. S. La14, Adw (Jrant, D. O. Mills, Jacob Kamm. J. D. Fry, II. II; Billow, Wtn. Hooper, Chas Mayne, JI. Hanaarnans, tocktojt L. JJ. B nebly, T. B. Anthony. Mottl Heller. VtRGIXtA, SEV. V u. rcbollc, ta. Sharon, OFFICERS : J. II 17 XT, Prwident. A. J. KALNTON, PecreUry. C. A. L ITOX, Marine Secretary. II. II. Ill G CLOW, Gon'l Agent. LADD &TILTON, PORTLAND OEXERAL AGENTS FOIt Oregon nnd Washington Territory LOCAL AGENTS: S. It. HAMMER......... ... Salem F. A. CHEXOWHTH ;..Corralliii J. B. UNDKUWOOD,............. Eugeno 8. F. CHADWICK Itoseburg JOHNSON A McCOWN Oregon City CUMMINS A U KANT Dalles J. H. BLEW ITT Walla Walla A. WHEELER , Brownsville JAMES RILEY Harrisburg juiin fjuiist Albany ixov. 2, 1807 ranizyi IB EE III BEER!! ALBANY BREWERY. KIEFER & ItOGGEItS, Pro'rs. THE SUBSCRIBER nAS JUST ERECTED a now and first-class On Broad Albin between First Street and tho River, . ..... . , .. .. '-..-V f " And 'is prepared to furnish 4 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS , AND PRIVATE FAMILIES, ON' SHORT IVOTICE! All Orders Delivered Wherever Desired. ne Warrants bis BEER MADE OF THE BEST MATERIALS, ; ANP PERFECTIF "SIEAIsTIIY! He is confident he can give entire satisfaction to . all, Deo. 29, '66, v2n20tr ADVERTISEMENTS 1 I HE -WONDER CF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY! MRS. L. A. STIPP'S EGACY TO THE WORLD! Tot 1 Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Congh, ZZoarso s . ness, etc.. etc. rfIHE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THETHO X RACIC BALSAM and the Allopathic lunj? medicines is tms t tne popmar rog mcjicines, when taken into thentomach, make yon nick, while the s anatlon created by toy Thoracic Balcatfl i as soothing as a cup of tea. When the drug medl- incs, taken by tho multitude or victims wbo nave led with tho consumption, lna tbcir way into th-? unif. they immediately commence to irritate and inflame tho ulcer and increaxe the flow of matter. An a confluence, the tiaticnt expectorates more freely, and as he cougba and spits his life away, be think t. because be raises web ft niantify, and rallies it so canity, that he is certainly recovering; and under tbts common deluaion ne cor'-macs 10 take the medicines, and continues to cdazb and spit, ur.Ul exhausted nature submits and he finds relief in the irrave. On the other bstt'I, when my Ifcoracie i;aim Rods lU way into the lungs it commences at once to hefti Ihe nicer. It goes to the very root of the dtoeaiie. and eentlv. but rurelv. draws all morbi'J humor from the ulcerated- part. It purifies the blood, an it is composed wholly of vegetable ma tetiai. It strengthens and does not debilitate tne general yfctm. It tends to uiet tne nerves ani invizorate the patient and nrnUt in relieving the eongented condition of the lungs, by diffusing the a'nin ulated blood over the iruriuw, ana it clears away the obstruction that fro redo egress of all the impurities or ttwbody tnrougn their natural rnan- nelstbe bowels and more especially docs it tnd to draw atl excretion from the lungs, and induces a new and vigorous aetlon to the liver and imparts strength and new life to the patient. Ueorthw ta mind, tbat tne secret or the success of my Thoracic Laham lies enclosed in this little nut-h Il : first, it does not irritate the lungs aod cause the pntient to expectorate ; eeond, it does commence at onoo to beat too ulcers; it sootues and allays the inflamattoa, and stops theconghing aad expectoration : it strengthens and encourages the patient, and. with proper nourishment, be muKt recover. This medicine don't give you new lungs ; it only mends up your old ones, and, with care tbey may take you away on into a good 01 aire. I connot eloe without saying a Word to my own cx. i am now in my my-Brt year, end can truly say tbnt wiih all my exp'cace wi'h female aiscav.'S, I have foun 1 it the safest and b;et reme- iy, and no woman it delicate health should be without it. Dr. Aver truthfully remarks tbut les than one-half of the female of tho Vtiited Ktaka have sound health, and the condition of the disor dered one is leaving if impress on the rising gen eration. Then, bow important we should hare a remedy for these evils. For painful or suppressed menu's, irregularity's, etc., and alto for women at the turn of life, and frail girts, thla medicine will bo fouad invaltirr!!c. It should also be ued be fore and afwr eobfinemcnt. "An out ea of pre veiitive i better than a piund of cure." Keraf saber, kind father, or fond husband, when sdiuioi, U riiig my medicines to a darling daughter or frail wif, that thry arc composed of no death dealing mistrals r nau?t3ting drugs, to make the ?rk more miferab?e atsd basicu their untimely tnd ; but they are a compound of medicinal root, herbs, barks, blossoms, etc., with wbe generous healing virtues years of txjrkuee bave inade me familiar. Vat further particulars see pamphlet aew.ro pany Sag every bottle. 1,. A. STIl'I. fcMITH A 'DAVIS, Portland, tieoeral Agents. All of Mr. A. Stij p's Medicines are manu factured and put up by W. C. Aveu v, Fah-to, Ore gon, to wb'iSi all letters on business should be di rected. M rs. h. A. Htipp'a Medicines for sale at Whitti more A Co.. Albaoy ; Kikin A Svn, Lebanon j H. Hmitb, HsrrUburg. S-.pt. It. It5" v3n5yl. TO THE UNFORTUNATE NEY REMEDIES I KEY REMEDIES I Dr. C;iIbon Iipeiisnry, 41-S KEAKNKY STf.KET, .N'KAH COMMKUC L, ?an Francljwo. Krtabiisbcd in l?it, fur tbe tp atuunt of Sexual aud ,cvmtnal d't-Bs, such a GcnorrLcra, Ultef, Stric ture, HybtHis in all its furies, cu3inal Weaknos, ltujotenry, ite. ?iin diseases (of years' standing) and Ulcerated Legs mccesfully treated. Horriblo Diseases. How many tboutands of iersfns, both male and female, are thtre bo arc suffering outauii-.ert lc extstenre front tbe effects of secret indulgences, ot from virus absotbed iut the eystcut ! Look at tbcir .a'iUl, tmaciiiU j and dtftgurcd facta and tbeir broken down contitulion, disqualifying tbem for the baf-pinc uf marriage or tne ct'joy racnt of life In tbia borrid situation tbousandi vufTer until death dosci tbe rcene. Let parents, guardiaui, fritnd, attvnd to thoe who are suffer ing witb any of these borrible life-dcctrbyiagnia!-adtue see that tbpy are cared for and cured before it be too late. Feud tbcin immediately to L?r. GibixiD, a physician wbo bas taade priTate dLcase his study for years, and wbo is certain to cure the mutl iuvetvralo caes without mercury orot her in jurious drug. It is important to those wbo are afflicted, or those who are interested in the welfare of tbcir friend, to be careful of the many pretend ed doctora wbo iufet ail citiea, publishing their skill in coring all dbcacs in a few days, imposing upon tie public by uing the names of eminent physicians from Europe and other places. Be therefore careful, and make strict inquiry, or you may lall into the bands of those charlatans. Seminal Weakness. Seminal Emissions, th consequence of self ftba?e. This solitary vice, or depraved sexual in dulgence, is practised by the youth of both sexes to an almost unlimited extent, producing, with un erring certainty, tho following train of morbid symptoms, unlca combattcd by seietit;fie medical measures, vix : Sallow countenance, dark (pots under tho eyes, pain in the head, ringing in the cars, noise like the rustling of learcs and rattling of chariots, uneasiness about the loins, weakness of the limbs, coufuticd vision, blunted intellect, loss of confidence, diffidence in approaching stran gers, a dislike to form new acquaintances, a dis position to shun society, loss of memory, hectio flashes, pimples and various eruptions about the face, furred tongue, fetid breath, coughs, consump tion, sight sweats, monomania and frequent in sanity. If relief lo not obtained, should apply immediately, either ia person or by letter, and havo a cure effected by his new aud Scientific mod? of treating this disease, whieh never fails of eficci- ing a quick and radical euro. Dr. G. will givo One Hundred Dollars to any person who will prove satisfactorily to him that be was cured of this complaint by either of the San Francisco quacks. Or those who contcmp'ate marriaee. who are suf fering under any of theso fearful maladies, should not forget the sacrea re?ponsibihty resting upon mcin, nor ueiay 10 ouiain tmmeaiato relief, TO THE LADIES. Tho various complicated and distressing diseases incident to tcmaics, treated with eminent success. Snch as Suppressions, Irrigularities, Whites, fall ing of the Womb, Tumors, alt Urinary Diseases, Nervous debility, Painful or Difficult Menstruation, Barrenness, etc., will be speedily cured, without poisonous drugs, injurious or unpalatable medi cines of any kind. Havo no doiicacy in calling, no difference what your troubles may bb. The af flictod are cordially invited to call and satisfy themselves. " DOCTOR GIBBON is responsible, and will give to eaoh patient a written instrument, binding him- self to efibct a radical and permanent cure, or malto no charge. v . CURED AT HOME. Persons at a distance ; may be CURED AT HOME, by addressing s a letter to Dr. Gibbon, stating case, syn.ptoms, length of time tbe disease has continued, and havo medicines promptly for warded, free from damage and curiosity, to any part of the country, with full and plain directions for use. By enclosing $15 in currency or $10 in coin, iu a registered letter through the post-office, or through Weils, Fargo & Co., a package of med icine will bo forwarded by express to any part of the Union. Address DR. J. P. GIBBON, 616 Kearney street, corner of Commercial, San Francisco. Post Office Box 252. Consultation FREE. . , FtT Correspondents will please inform DR. GIBBON that they read his advertisement in the Democrat, fcb29v3n28yl ADVERTISEMENTS; ' lir TT-ZILrfS . Are yon sick, feeble, tnd complaining? Are you oat f order, with your system deranged, and our feelings uncomfortable! These symp toms are often tbe prelude to serious iilness, borne nt of sicklies is creeping upon you, and should be averted by a timely use of the right remedy. Take Ayer's I'fils, and cleanse out tbe disor dered humors purify th blood, and let tne Said a 1 move on unobstructed in ( h, i health again. Tbey sfimu- SCH " - JlaUs the functions ot tt aSSSs-'- body into vigorous activity, purify tbe system from the obstruction which make disease. A cold settles somewhere ha tbe body, and obstructs its tatural functions. These, if not re lieved, react npon themselves and the surrounding ora-ans, producing general aggravation, suffering, and di-ane. W hile in tbia condition, oppressed by the derangenxrots, take Ayer's JliJs, and see bow directly tiiey restore tbe natural action of tbe sys tem, and with it tbe buoyant feeling of health again. What is true aad so apparent in this trivial and com mon complaint, is also true in many of tbe deep seated and dangerous distempers. The same purga tive effect expds them. Caused by similar bttrne-. tions and derangements of the natural functions of ' the body, they are rapidly, and many of them surdr, , cured by the aame means. None who know the virtues of these 1'ills, will neglect to employ them when suffering from the disorders they eure. statements fom leading physicians in some of tbe principal citic, and from other well-known pntlia persons; From a Forwarding Merchant of St. Louis Tc 4tL Dr. Atxk: Yoor Iili are tbe parogen of 'kQ tbatt U great in medicine. Tbey havfe cared my litttoi daughter of ulcerous sores vvo br hands and text that bad proved incurable So years. Her mother bas been long grievously cmictd with blotches and pimples on her skin id her hair. After ear child iu cured, she alse Wed your I'ills, and tbew bave cared her. ASA MOEGIUDGE Asa Family Ptaysto. From Dr. X W. Cartwright, Nno Ortmn. Your lliis are tbe prince of purges. Their ex cellent qualities surpaics any cathartic we poesesc Tley are mild, but very certain and effectual in their action on the bowels, which makes them inralnahle to us in the daily treatment of disease, II rsul ache, Mick Ileadaebe, Fetal 9twstcfc From Dr. Rdward JUjyd, Baltinwre. Vzak I'A'jy. Ater: J cannot answer yon what. complaints 1 have cured witb your lUIs better than, to say all that tee ever treat mth a purgative saedsV cine, 1 place great dependence on that effectual cathartic in my daily contest with disease, and Ink lieving, as J do. that your I'iils afford us the beet we bare, 1 of course value thea highly. ' , I'lTTsncHO. I'a.. Ifav 1. VZS. tK. 3. C. Ater. Sir: I bare been repeatedly cured of tbe worst hmdache anybody can have by a dotte or two of your 1111. It seems to arise from foul stomach, which they cleanse at one. lours with great respect, EI W I'EEBLEL CUrk (if Steamer (XarUm Xlillewe D I rArr L.1 rer Cesssptislstfa From Dr. Theodore Bell, cXevr York City. Not only are your I'iils admirably adapted to tbefr purpose as an aperient, but I find their beneficial effects upon the Liver very marked indeed. They bare in my practice proved more effectual for tb cure of IdiouM complaint $ than any one remedy 1 can mention, 1 sincerely rejoice that we have at length a purgative which 1 worthy the confidence ot the proitutbn and the people. Dxra BTSf rxr or the Ixtthiok, W abington, D. C , 7th Feb , Sib: I bave used your 1111s in my general and hospital practice ever since you made them, and cannot hesitate to say they are tbe best c&thartio we employ. Their regulating action on tbe liver ie quick and decided, consequently tbey are an ad mi ruble remedy for derangement or that organ. Indeed, I bare seldom found a case of hitiomt di3 cue to obfftinate that it did not readily vield tOj them. Fraternally yours, ALONZO BALL, SL rhytician of the Marine Uorpital. IyewteT TimrrlMtm, Relax, Ifanoa, From Dr. J. O. Green, if Chicago Your 1111s bave had a long trial ia my practice, and I bold them in esteem as one of the best aperi ents I have ever found. Their alterative effect upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given in mU decs for Wiout dysentery and diar rUtta. Their sugar-coating makes thera very ao eeptable and coavenknt for, tbe we of women and children. DrprpI, Imparity of tbe BIsxmI. ' From Met. J. V. Uimea, Potior Advent Church liotton. Dr. Atze: I have wed rour Una with extra ordinary success in my family and among those I am called to vt-it in distress. To regulate the organs of digestion and purify tbe blood, tbey are the very bet remedy I have erer known, and I can eono dently recommend them to my friends Yours, J. V- HIIIES. i WiEiiW, TTyomlng Co., 2f. Y,Oct. 2L 1S55. Dear frtn; I am using your Cathartic Hiia in my practice, and find tbem an excellent purgative to 4W. JOiiK ii. iitACUAM,iLD. CratImt!on CewflrrneM, Mwppmuilwai ItbrstmRtiMM, Ciiocit, 4eumlgia, Drmpmjp larnlyi, t'iu, etc From Dr. J P. Vaughn, Montreal, Canada. Too much cannot t ssJd of your lliis for tbe eure of cottirenttt. 1 others of our fraternity have found them as eificaeiou as I bave, tbey should join me ia proclaimic g it, for the benefit of the mnltitndeai who suffer from that complaint, which, although bad enough in itlf. is the progenitor of others that are worre. 1 Ia Here eottirme$$ to originate tntho liver, but your I'iils affect that organ and cure the disease. From Mr$. E. Stuart, Phyticia and MidKtyt liotton. I find one or two large doses of your POle, taken: at the proper time, are excellent promotives of tns matured secretion when wholly or partially sup presMNi, and s!-k very effectual to cleanse the ttomach and ertel worms. They are so much tho beet physic we fcuve that I recommend no other t mypaUcnU - From th Beo. Dr. Bau-tes, qf the Methodist 2k Church. Pclxrei nocsE, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 6, 1S5S. lioxouED Sib: 1 should be ungrateful for th relief your skill bas brought me if 1 did not report my case to you. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excruciating neuralgic pains, which) bad the best of pbyskiana, the disease grew wore and worse, until by tbe advice of your excellent; gent in Baltimore, Dr. Hackenzie, 1 tried your 1111s. Their effects were slow, but sure. By per eevering in the tu-e of them, I am now entirely well. Sexatk Chamber, Baton Boujre, La, 5 Dec,lSE5. Da Aver: 1 l ave been entirely cured, by your Pills, of Jiheumatic Gout a painful disease that has afflicted me for years. VLX CENTS 1.1 DKf.U C7 3Iot f the rills in market contain Mercury, which although a valuable remedy In skilful hands, is dangerous in a publio pill, from the dreadful eon sequences that frt.-quentfy follow its incautious use. These contain no mercury or mineral snbstaacsj whatever. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $L Prepared by Dr. J. C A1T& & Co., Lowell, il&ss. Q-Sold by Settlemier A Co., Albany, and m Wholesale and Retail by Smith A Davis, Port and. s seSly ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTURL MCCORD & CO. Take pleasure in informing the pnblio that thej are now -. Innnfacturiug: at Albany, Oregon, ' A SCPZEIOR ARTICLE OF DPXJIB TjJJRX OIL. . !, , . . , . ' . ..... - .-.. ' ; , ... . Also a superior article of . ASSORTED TOIM2T SOAP; PALE SOAP 'AND OLIVE SOAP. All of which they propose to sell an as favorably terms as tae same articles can be - , i . - imported; and ' ;, Warrant Each Article to Give Satisfaction t ENQUIRE FOR THE IIOME-MANUFACTTJIi ; ED ARTICLE, AND BUY NO OTHER t &"A11 kinds of GrcasA tsiUnn in change for trade. . v2n49tf. NOTICE ! Those who want reapers, headers. Threshers, Mowers, Gang-Plows. Self-Rakini Machines, Seed Drills, Ac, at Portland prices, freight added, (see hand-bill of E. A. Ilawiey & Co., l'ortiand,) will please call on : It. ClllSAULE, Agent, .' apr4v3n33tfj ( Albany. Oregon. FOR 'RENT. . A GOOD bWFLi.TVfi Trnrrs-p ISl. aesirable part t f the city, with barn. Ac. Apply to DR. WM. LTRTETt. f 7 J i f-'Cvf"rl v3n32tf