lie SATURDAY........ ...MAY 9, 1868. The Value of Advertising, The gale of a valuable article is always depend ent on the extent to which it is known, and tin most brilliant examples of suc cess in business arc those afforded by men who have taken advantage of that fact. We wero forcibly struck with this fact a day or two since on hearing of the pres. ent immense aocL increasing sale of a standard article,' which for twenty years has been known and esteemed by only a few. A gentleman acquainted with its merits, convinced that to securo a widely patronage, and at the eamo time to secure benefits on suffering humanity, it only needed to bo knowu, secured an interest in the article some eighteen months ago, and advertised . it in a number of papers and periodicals. The result was beyond his most sanguine expectations. Who ever read, bought, and what was better, whoever bought acknowledged the ex cellence of the article and warmly rec ommended it to their friends. A good thing once fairly set afloat, thus increases its reputation. From a trade of a few hundred dollars a month in 1805, the business has increased till now the sales reach over 300,000 dollars a year, and are steadily increasing. And the amount paid for advertising in some 2,000 of the best newspapers, magazines, and periodicals throughout tho country, reaches nearly half that sum. The arti cle referred to is " Turner's Tic Doulour eaux or Universal Neurelgia Pill." Bos ion Traveller. Election, first day of next June. The Ignoramus. The Unionist (or African ist) of the 7th inst. contains about a column of stuff in the shae of " editori al,' .(leveled to the abuse of the Demo cratic party because Mr. Montgomery was honorably acquitted of tlie foul charge of seduction and manslaughter at the late term of the Circuit Court at Albany. The editor of that sheet, in the fulness of his ignorance, supposes that it only requires a "majority" of a jury to find a verdict, else why does he charge that the jury in this case, was "packed," and therefore brought in a verdict of "not guilty." He ays himself there were four Republicans on said jury, and if he had possessed the intelligence of a Siwash he would have known that any siuglo one of tho four could have prevented the finding of the verdict of which complaint is made. Such a batch of canastoga ignorance and un seemly depravity-as the editor of the Un ionist personates should be locked up in a lunatic asylum instead of being allowed to indite such silly and nauseating stuff as this tirade against a useful and respect able citizen. Polk County Signal. Vote for Geo. II. Helm. Poisoned Arrows. A writer in Har per's Magazine tells how tho Indians poison their arrows : A rattlesnake is penned. He is made angry by being poked with sticks, when a piece of deer's liver is held towards him on the end of a stick. Into this he strikes his fangs. The liver is then with drawn, and a piece of dogwood about four inches long and carefully sharpened, is thrust into the ineision made by the fangs. The stick is permitted to dry for a short tiue, when it is dipped into a glutinous solution, which, drying, hermet ically seals the poison which would other wise decompose. This piece of dogwood is used as the head of the arrow. To be wounded with such an arrow is almost certain death. Vote for It. A- Irvine. Lamp Explosion. A merchant, do ing business on Water street, a few even ings ago, thought to adopt the plan of .some of his brother merchants, to burn a light all night, to the great disadvantage of persons burglariously inclined. .Not havpg any gas, he procured a large ker osene lamp, -which he filled with oil. In the morning, no light was to be found, and it was at first thought that the burglars hal come and carried away the lamp as a proof of their cleverness. On inspection, however, it wa3 found that the lamp had exploded, the oil had ran down saturating the packing box, and the floor 'was well oiled with kerosene. The top of the lamp had blown out; and the only wonder is that the building did not catch fire. Peorii Transcript. Vote for James Shields. "Thou rain est in this bosom," aa the chap said when the basin of water was thrown over him by the lady he was sere nading. .stingy man : "Do you see that man ? You r -could blow Lis soul through a humming bird's quill into a musquito's eye, and the mosquito wouldn t wink. A young man who was about jumping irom a tram while in motion, was deterred by a reporter, who asked for his name age, business and residence, for an obitu , ary notice. Rome had her Caesar, but a New York wag thinks the Internal Revenue Depart- ment nas seizers. lae wag ougat to be seized, ' . "What is the difference between the en trance to a barn and an over-talkative per son f Une is a barn door, and the othei a darn bore. . "Do make yourselves at home, ladies: eaid a hostess to her visitors one day. "I am at home myself, and I wish yoa all were. a a m At what time of life may a man be said to belong to the vegetable kingdom 1 "When long experience has made him sage. An old lady of ninety is building a handsome tease in Koekford, HBoobTlo huicu tu opeuu me rciiumuer oi DCT aay8. That was n smart youngster, who, hear ing hb moth jr remark that she was fond of music, exclaimed : "Then why don't you Duy me a arum r - 'Mister, I say, I suppose you don't know of nob'jdy who don't want to hire nobody to do riothing, don't you V The answer was,' 11 Yes, I don't. OUR AGENTS. The following named gentlemen are authorised to act aa Agents for Tun Stats Hiqiith Demo rat, and to j-eccivo od receipt for subscriptions to the paper : , LINN COUNTY. Robert Watkinson and James Dorrls.... Sclo Jason Wheeler ...Lebanon II. L. Brown lirownsvillo Matthew Fountain Harrisburg J. M. Smith Peoria LANK COUNTY. Hon. J. J. Walton Eugeno City BENTON COUNTY. It. H.Strahn Corvallia POLK COUNTY. T. J. Lovelady : ..... Pallas J. D. V. Butler and Dr. Harris..... ..Monmouth Dr. J. M. McCoy LaCroolo lienj. Ilaydeu ......Kola CLACKAMAS COUNTY. J. It. Rulstou Oregon City MULTNOMAH COUNTY. J. F. McCoy rortlaud MAIUON COUNTY. N. M. Bell c . 15. F. Bonh.-m J isakra li. F. KUcnhart Silvcrton Hanley Waterman.... Jefferson Tho. IXoycc, Nowspnper Agent, Sua. Francisco, is authorised to receive subscriptions and advertisement for our paper, and act as busi ness agent generally. A I) V J5 H T I S K M K NTS NO MORE HIGH PRICES rou -A. Xj 33 -A. 1ST "5cT 1 GO TO THi: STORE OF J. E. BENTLEY & CO. And Buy your Goods as you did in I860! THEY HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM SAX FRANCISCO, TUB LARGEST STOCK OP Boot.- ziucl Slioe. coxsismo or CENTS' FIXE SEWED BOOTS, TEXTS' FIXE FEU (1 ED BOOTS, BOVh AXD CHILDREN'S BOOTS, LADIES AXD MISSES' BOOTS, KID COXGUESS GAITERS, AXD CHILDREN'S GAITEUS. BUBBElt OVER-SHOES. AXD SHOES OFALL DESCRIPTIONS C.EXTL.EUE.Vtt BOOTH IVr-IDE TO OBDEB OX SUOBT NOTICE, AN ALL KIND OF REPAIRING! DOXE WITH XEATXESS AXD DISPATCIL jt-S-AUo, a lot of ftole and fpp?r Leu t her, fur ealo at the Lowest Figure for Caih. GIYE THEM A CALL AND SEE FOR YOUBSELVES ! ef21-v3n6tn8J G- 3rt 1ST ID GIFT ENTERPRISE! The distribution of Valviblk Pbksests will Positively Take Place on the 9th of June, A. D. 1SC8. EVERY TICKET IV A II R A TED TO DKAWA PlilZIi!! HEAD THE LIST. Corner lot Xo. 1, in Block Xo. b, aa recorded in the Town Plat of the town of Brownsville, Lian county, Oregon, fronting on Washington and Pine streets : improvement, consisting of Dwel ling Houe, chicktn Houie, Ac, Ac. ; dwelling houe,20x24 feet, 4 rooms and pantry below and two twelve feet room above. The bouse ia sew ana noi euureij uauucu, uui is now occupicu ai a residence. There is a splendid well of wator, made rat-proof. All enclosed with a good sub stantial board fence. The foregoing prize is rai ned at 8300 OO And also the following valuable real estate, to- wit : Fixty-one fett off the east end of Lot Xo. 8, Block Xo. 3. and 39 feet off the east end of Lot 7, in Block 3, in the town of Brwwnsviile, Linn County, Oregon. Improvements, consisting of dwelling house 20x23 feet, five rooms, a fine. large brick chimney, and a splendid well of Water. All enclosed in a good, substantial board fence. Valued at 8700 OO One 91 Bureau, valued at $35 00 : one VI Bu reau, mahogany, valued at $35 00 ; one mahog any fluted centre-table, valued at $25 00 ; oue span sorrel match hortes, valued at $100 00; one bay " Rifleman " stud colt, two years old, valued at $300 00: one dark chestnut forrcl stallion, 5 years old, 15 bands and 3 inches Ligb, weighing 1,ZUU lbs., valued at ?6UU UU : One saddle horse. valued at $120 00. There will be $2,000 consisting in part of GOLD AXD SILVEP. WATCHES, FAMILY BIBLES. MUSIC BOXES, ACCOIIDEOXS, GOLD PEX8, eLtVLLKi, Ac. &.C., comprising over 5,000 val nrble articles to be disposed of on the popular plan or une ciouar lor each Ticket Only one dollar. It is desirable to sell all the Tickets, and of course it docs not make any diff erence who gets the property at a fair distribu tion. Possession of the property will be given to the lucky ticket-holders immediately after the drawing, except the first prize named and the sorrel stal lion. Possession of the first will be given in 30 days after the drawing; the deed will be made to the ticket-holder at the time of drawing. The horse will be given np as soon as the season is out, or on the 1st day of July, 1868. Persons residing at a distance wishing tickets. can have them sent by Express or Mail, by for warding One Dollar in U. S. com for eaeh ticket, or for clubs at club rates, by addressing A GEORGE, Brownsville, Linn county, Oregon, or T n TTTJTtr 111 T! . . jr. jm ixaix7 nix, AiuauT, ijwu county. No ticket will be held good unless duly reported anu regisieru previous 10 me u rawing. i -a l ; . . L . . - SPECIAL TSR3XS, OH CLUB HATES. Any person procuring nre or more names for tickets and forwarding the money for the same, can hare tickets at the following rates : 5 Tickets to one address U 50 10 20 SO 40 50 100 do n u fr u (t K H U H U (( 0 00 ..17 50 ....26 50 35 ... 43 00 00 In every ease send the name of each subscriber, I ......... ....,,..... c 85 00 their post office address, with eoanty aod State in full. - Tl. A ! A ,,:,A'l.-A( !ll I MTmn j.uo umniuc uuwiuuiuiai will oeoa IUt DAY, JUNE 9, in tho city of ALBANY, Linn Co., I Oregon, by a Committee of five selected by and from the Ticket-holders in attendance. Two clerks will be appointed one by the Committee and one by the undersigned to record, with pen and iak, ! tne numoer ana prizes as tbey are drawn. x or peuigrees 01 me mauions tnat are ud asi prizes, address Hugh Fields, Brownsville, Oregon, j Title to all property gived clear of all encum brances. . - ,r Mr. W. F. Howlett is an authorizod trav- ehng agent for tne sale of tickets. A. GEORGE. TO THE PUBLIC We are well ' acquainted with A. Georee. and JSffiLSgSSa! I oe conauciea iainy ana impartially. si. AjxvAiio, uiercnani, urownsvuie. G. C. COOLEY, L. II. WASHBURN, A. LEWIS, HUGH FIELDS, " u tt SENDERS, STERNBERG, & Co., Browasville. llAXWOUD & CO., Merchants, Albany. G. F. SETTLE MIER, " , A. II. MARSHALL A CO., Livery, " J. B. SPRENGER, Pacific Hotel, " " A. W. STANARD, Clerk of Court of Linn Co. UAKVEY SMITH, Sheriff of Lina county, FcbJ5v3n26tf ADVERTISEMENTS, ADDRESS TO THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED! T 0 THOSE WHOSE SUFFERINGS HAVE been protracted from hidden causes, and whose cases require prompt treatment lo render ez istenee desirable. If you are suffering or have sufiored from Involuntary discharges, what effect does it produce upon your general health P Do yoa feel weak, debilitated,' easily tired? Does a little extra exertion prodece palpitation of the heart? Does your liver, er urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequently get oat of order f I your urine sometimes thick, milky, or floeky, or is it ropy oa settling f Or does a thick item rise to the top f Or U a sediment at the bottom after it has stool awhile P Do yoa have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia t Are your bowels consti pated f De you have spells of fainting or rushes of blood to the head f Is your memory Impaired? Is your mind constantly dwelling upon this sub ject? Do you foul dull, lUtless, moping, tired of company, of lifo ? Do you wish to be left alone, to got away from everybody? Does any little thing make you start or jump ? Is your sleep bro ken or restless t Is the lustre of your eye as bril liant 1 Tho bloom on your cheek as bright t Do you enjoy yourself in society as well ? Do you pursue your business with the same energy ? Do you feci as much confidence In yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to file of melan choly t If so, do not lay it to your liver or dys pepsia. Have yon restless nights? Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but little appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver-complaint? Now, reader, self-abuse, venereal diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of pro ducing a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of generation, when la perfect health, make the man. Did you ever think that those bold, defiant, energetic, persevering, eoceeesful buflness-mea are always those whose generative orgaae are la perfect health ? You sever bear such men complain of being melancholy, of ncr vousnesa, of palpitation of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed ia business; they don't become sad and discouraged tbey are always polite and pleasant la the company ef ladies, and look you and them right In the face none of yeur downcast looks or any ether mean ness about them. X do not mean those who keep the organs Inflamed by running to exeess. These will not only ruin their eooUltuUoas. but also tboeo they do buaiaees with or far. How many men, from badly cured dUeaaci. from the effects of self-abuse &ud excesses, have brought about thai state of weakness ia these or gans that baa reduced the geaeral saysteta so much as to produce almost every ether disease idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and almost every other form of dUeaee which hu manity is heir to, and the real cause of the troable scarcely ever surpected, and bare doctored for ail but the right one. Diseases of these organs require the ue of a diuretic. IIELTinOLD'M FLUID EXTRACT BTJOHTJ IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, and is a certain cure for Diseases of the Bladdtr, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic WeaJcncss, Female Complaints, General Debility, . AKD ALL OTHEB DLSEABES OF THE URINARY ORGANS t Whether existing in MALE OB TEriALE! from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. If no treatment is resorted to, Consumption or in sanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and tho health and happiness, and tnat of . Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a re liable remedy. : , HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU. established upward of 18 years, prepared by H. T. nSLTSEOLD, Dbuggist, 594 Broadway, New York, and 104 South Tenth street, Philadelphia, Pa. PniCEf 1.25 per bottle, or 8 potties ..$5,50, delivered to any adjegg, Sold by all DruhgUts everywhere, AD VE11T18 E M KNTSi im, n. o. kill. OKO. r. BETTLKBUa. I 8ETTLEMIER & CO,, DRUGGISTS, AT OR. SHEPHERD'S OLD STAND. MAIN HT,9 - - - ALMA NY. DEALERS IN cfl DRUGS, MBDIOINE CHEMICALS, PalntM, OH, GIiinm, Iyc-8tufft, VARNISHES, AXD A ri'tl. AMOflTMRST 0 DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. AOKNT9 UY APPOINTMENT FOR Dr. D. Jaynci k Son'i Family Medicines. W also keep on hand a full rupply of All Patent ITIcdiciiiCM In Umc. Our stock of Drugs, Fluids, Extracts, etc., are from Well Known Manufacturers, and will be found TUB II 1 1ST QUALITY ! OF rKCIAL ATTRMTIOM CHVFV TO COKrOt SDtJlO PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS! We Nolle? t the Ia(ronne or the Public. WE HAVE ESTABLISHED A BRANCH DRUG STORE AT SCIO! t'tK XUK MASAQCMCKT Of G. A. HXIjIs, Who will keep a full supply of Drugs, Medicines, etc., etc., for sale at low raicet. SETTLEMIEIt 4 CO. April . !Sft7 v2n3tly TAKE NOTICE J. BARROWS a CO., (IX THEIR FIUE-ritOOF 15 HICK, ALBANY), Are now receiving their Goods DIRECT FROM HAS FRAXCIMCO ! Aod we Invite the attention of buyers to our Stock of IH,Y GOODS! FAMILY GROCERIES ! BOOTS AND SHOES! CLOTHING! jXXARDCTARS, CRO&XCXZT, &c, &e THUEgllERS. MOWERS. IlKAPERS, OAKO-rLOWg, We are Agents for all kinds of Agricultural Iin piemen U l a42n28tf J. BARROWS A CO- AND MACHINE SHOP! A. F. CHERRY, A VINO rCRCIIANED TUB F.M- s ALUAriY 1C AMD MACHINE SHOP, I am Prepared to Furnliili WROUGHT AND CAST IRON WORK Of every description, on short notice. Alio, BRASS CASTINGS. All Orders for MILL WORK Will be filled with dispatch, and io a satisfactory manner. HOUSE POWERS AND Afrrirnlfiiral Imnlcincnts " Manufactured to order, and particular attention paid to Repairs. I All kinds of PATTERN WOrm done to order on short notice A. F. CHERRY, Albany, August 18, 186-ly A . C O H N , GENERAL MERCHANDISE! (In Monteith'i Brick Store) Ialbatjt, OREGON. TT EEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A WELL JLjL lolccted stock of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, NAILS AND GLASSWARE, And everything usually found In a well estab- ' lished Dry Goods or Grocery Store, and at prices to defy competition. The very Highest prices , ; paid for all kinds of Produce. r Remember the place, at tbe sign of janl7v3n23yl ' A. COIIN. SPECIAL ATTRACTION OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL Xl persons knowing themselves indebted, to the undersigned, either by note or bofe account, to Bettlo the same in eash or merchantable nroduce 1887, W f is abaalntely necessary that we cullect the Same to enable OS in r.nrrv nn nnr Vninnan By promptly attending to the above requirements, you wm comer a iavorupon A PiV E Ji T I S E M ENTS. HATS, HATS. MEUSSDORPFEIt & BRO., Manufacturers and Importers of, and Wholesale and lie tail Dealer la KC-A.TS 0-A.IFS, AKft HATTERS' MATERIALS, Xo. 72 Front Ntrcct, Portland, A UK RECEIVING, IN ADDITION TO t their extensive Htook. by every Htcamer. all I tho LATEST STYLES of New York, London and rarlnlau taste, for I Gentlemen's and Children's Wear Which they will sell CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE ON THE COAST! JD E A Tit E It S IN ' HAT S Will consult their own interests by examining our Stock before purchasing elsewhere. Hats of every style and Description MADE TO ORDER ALIO IV 12 ATI Y RI2PAIREI), AT J. C. lMoussdorffer & Bro.'s o. 72 front Street ...Portland, Ojr'o, Cor. I and Second Sts Marysville, Cal. No. 12 j J Htreet tfaoraraesto Nos. 035 A C37 Commercial Ht 8n Francinco. X-ir Wboieale House at San Francisco. Cal. No . B2S Commerclel tbrousb to 637 Clar streets. itec. 1, 1500 vznlfitf PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY , Or San Franfiiro, California. -O- CASH CAPITAL $1,000,000 OO SURrtUS ,J&n'y l, '67 233,054 OO CASH ASSETS In Q OLD, $1,233,054 91 All Losses Pal A Immediately ia United States Oeld Cola. FIIIE, OCEAN, M All IX 12, INLAND IIVSIJXLIVCID. I HE PACIFIC IXURAXCE COMPANY. having arranrwd with Mesrs. BIOELOW A ltltOTHER for the transfer of all the business of the Fire Insurance Companies lately represented by them, is now prepared to offer to ail panic formerly iosured by said com panic, equally rood terms nd prompt payment ef loic, io United States gold coin. Mr. JI. 11. lilQELOW will be the reneral A?ent tor mu company from to is date. Ulrcftom of Par 111 e I nun ran re Co. ax rRAJtcisco Jas. D'Frcmery, Lloyd Tevts, Iouts McLane, Wm. Fhcrmao, Oliver indridre. A m. Alvrl, John O. harl, A. I). rorbes. Alex Weill, Alfred Corel, J. G. Kellogg, Ab'm Keligmao, O. T. I.awU.n, M. Cheeseman, ADMinti. Ktiles, E. L. Ooldstcio, tS. II. Howard, John (3. Dray, Mcses Ellis, G. W. Rearer, P. L. Weaver, P. Hteinhart, I'avidFtern, M. Rosenbaum. Jooatban Hunt, acramkxto. W. T. Coleman, Edgar Mills, E. WIronard, O. W. Mowe, T. L. Harker, C. T. Wheeler. T. L. Meyer, MARrariLtc 8. M. Wilson, J. II. JewetU John B. Newton, foatLAsn. A. Hay ward, H.W.C. Rice, C. Meyer, P. J. Oliver, Alpbeut Hell, I.. Facha. ATubb.f' II. M. New hall, Edward Martin, W. 8. Ladd, Adam Grant, 1. O. Mills, Jacob Kamsa. I J. P. Fry, H. Hanstmann. $tocktos. II. II. Rigelow, L. B. Benehly, T.B.Anthony. nm.ilooper, Closes lieller. vtactyia, ser. ICbas Mayne, m. Bcbolle, Win. Sharon. OFFICERS: J. HUXT, President. A. J. RALMTOX, SecreUry. . A. L.ATOX, Marine Secretary. II. II. BICaELO IF, Gcn'l Agent LADD &TILTON, PORTLAND, GENERAL AGENTS FOR Oregon nud Wanhington Territory. LOCAL AGENTS : 8. R. HAMMER... ..Salem F.A. CHENOWETH ...Corvallis I J. B. UNDERWOOD,.... .Eugene 8. F. CHAD WICK. Roscburg JOHNSON A McCOWN.. Oregon City CUMMINS A GRANT Dalles J. II. RLE WITT Walla Walla A.WHEELER Brownsville I JAM KS RILEY.... Harrisburg JOHN CONNER ............... Albany Nor. 2, 1867 v3nl2yl BEER! BEEBL! ALBANY BREVEJRY. KIEFER & ItOOOERS, Pro'rs. SUBSCRIBER IIAS JUST ERECTED a new and first-class TO THE "LADIES. BREW E 33, On Broad Albin between First Street and the River, And is prepared to furnish VUn tKA h him HE! All HE A I tRQ iiuwi.bvnkb nun 111.1 nib, uunLmuL, , , tnvit .ii ti.iw PRIVATF C A Ml I CC ... w . . . ...... , w) ON SHORT NOTICE ! All Orders Delivered AYnerever Bes red. . He Warrants bis BEER MADE OF THE BEST MATERIALS, -AND ' He is confident he can give entire Satisfaction, a all. ADVERTISEMENTS THE WONDER OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY J iRS. L. A. STIPP'S LEGACY TO THE WORLD I Tlio: iriieie Balnam. For Consumption, Coufrht. Cold. Wfioopinjr Coach, Hoarse ness, etc., etc. HE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE THO- I RACI JJALsAM and the Allopathic luoz medicines this : the popular druac mediclo. when taken into the stomach, make you sick, while the sensatk 'ft created by my T boracio Balsam is as sootbina; as a cup of tea. vvbt-n the drug meli cine, taken by the multitude of victims who hare e consumption, find their way into the immediately commence to irritate and died with tli lungs, they inflame the juicers and increase the flow of matter. Asa coneii nuence, tne patient expectorates more freely, and us be coughs and spits bis life away, he thinks, k-catnte be raises such a quantity, and ralr-n It an v. flint tin ta mrtatntw H..i...tlii d under tibU common del union be ccrioucs to take the meilicines. and continues to couzo and ,l',t u,jlil eltel nature submits and he finds nlicf th Sr vtt u ui;iicr liuu'i, wuvn mj jnorficic jiaisam finds its way Into the lungs it commences at once tt hcl the ulcers. It goes to the very root of the lisuaso) and gently, but surely, draws 'all morbid humor from the ulcerated parts. It purifies the blood, a It Is composed wholly of vegetable ma terials. It strengthens and does not debilitate the general system. It tends to quiet the nerves and invigorate the patient and assist in relieving the eongented condition of the lungs, by diffusing the accumulated blood over the surface, and it clears awny the obstructions that Impede egress of all the impurities or the body through tbelr natural chan nel the bowels and more espe ialiy docs it tend to draw alt excretion from the lungs, and induces a new and vigorous action to the liver aod impart strength and new life to the patient ISear tins in mind, that the secret of the tuceM of my Thoracic Dalvam lies enclosed In this little nut-shell t tm, it docs not irritate the lungs aod cause the patient to expectorate; seeoud, it does commence at once to beat the ulcers; it soothes and allays the inflamation, and stops the coughing and expectoration j it strengthens and encourages the patient, and, with proper nourishment, be mail recover. This medicine don't give you new lungs ; it only tneuds up your old out, and, with thty m" ukeywtt 6B iDt9 s od old I connot cWe without neying a word to my own sex. i am now in my sisty-nm year, and can truly say that with all my experience wi'.h female disease. I have found it the sfet and best reme dy, and no woman it delicate health should he ilbout it. Vr. Aver truthfully remarks that lens than one-half of the females of the United Ftates have sound health, and the condition ef the disor dered ones i leaving its impress on the rising gen eration. Then, bow important we nhou'd have a remedy for tbcie evil. For painful or napprcr red menses, irregularities, etc., and alo for women at the turn of life, and frail girl, this medicine will le found invaluaMe. It should also be ned be fore and after confinement. "An cutce of pre ventive is better than a po&nd of cure." Hetnemhcr, kind father, or fond hut,nd, whea administering my uclicines to e darling daucbter or frail wife, that lory are composed of no deatb- ueaiiog minerals or nauseating drugs, U make the irk more miserable and hasten their untimely end ; but they are a compound of medicinal root. herbs, barks, blostoms, el, with whose gencroe healing virtues years of experience have made toe familiar. For further particulars see pamphlet accompany ing every bottle. ilu. U A. rjTHI SMITH A DAVI. Portland, ilenerl Agents. All of Mrs. I,. A. f?tippt Medicines are manu factured and put up by . C, Avert, halt-to, Ore goo, to whom all letters on business should be di reeted. Mrs. h. A. FUppV Medicine for sale at Whltti- more c t., Albany : Klktns A Son. Lebanon : 11. mtth. Harriiiburg. Sept. 11, vSniyt. TO THE UNFORTUNATE NEW REMEDIES! NEY REMEDIES! Dr. GlbbouiI)!Hicnarj't IS KEAUXKV STREET, N EA H COM M KKC'U gan Francijo. EtUblUbtd in 1954, for the treatment of Fexual and Fr miaul diseases, such a (J pnorrhti.-a, (Jleet. Stric ture. Fyi-hUlis in all its farms, ifcminal Weakness, Impotency, etc. Fkia diees (of years' standing) and Ulcerated Legs successfully treated. Horrible Diseases. How many thousands of persons, both male and female, are there who are sudering out a miserable existence from the effects of secret indulgences, or rrom virus absorbed into the syettm : Look at their pallid, emaciated and disfigured faces and their broken down constitutions, disqualifying them fos the bsppinesa of marriage ur the enjoy ment of l)fe. In this bornd situation thousands suflcr until death closes tbe scene. Let parents, guardians, friend, attend to those who are suffer ing with any of these horrible life-destroying mal adies see that they are eared for aad cured before it be too late. . Send them immediately to Lr. Gibbon, a physician who has made private disease bis study for years, and who is certain to cure the most invcterato cacs without mercury orotber in jurious drugs. It Is important to those mho are afflicted, or those who are interested In tbe welfare of their friends, to be careful of the many pretend ed doctors who infest all cities, publishing their 'skill in curing all diseases ia a few days, imposing upon tbe public by using tbe names of eminent physicians from Europe and other places. Be therefore careful, and make strict inquiry, or you may lall into tbe bands of tbose charlatans. Seminal weakness. Feminal Emissions, the consequence of self- abuse. This solitary vice, or depraved sexual in dulgence, is practised by the youth of both sexes to an almost unlimited extent, producing, with un erring certainty, tho following train of morbid symptoms, unless combatted by ecicntifio medical measures, vis : bailow countenance, dark spots under the eyes, pain in tho head, ringing in the ears, noise like the rustling of leaves and rattling of chariots, uneasiness about the loins, weakness of the limbs, confused vision, blunted intellect, loss of confidence, diffidence in approaching stran gers, a dislike to form new acquaintances, a dia position to shun society, loss of memory, hectic flushes, pimples and various eruptions about the face, furred tongue, fetid breath, coughs, consump tion, nigbt sweats, monomania and frequent in sanity. If relief be not obtained, should apply immediately, either in person or by letter, and have a cure effected by his new and scientific mode of treating this disease, which sever fails of effect ing a quick and radical euro. Dr. G. will givo One Hundred Dollars to any person who will prove satisfactorily to him tbat he waa cured of this complaint by either of the San Francisco quacks. MARRIED MEN Or tbose who eontemp'ate marriage, who are suf fering under any of theso fearful maladies, should rr IorKei sacrca rerponsiouuy resting not forget the sacred responsibility resting upon vu"m uVr uei7 " The various complicated and distressing diseases incident to females, treated with eminent success. Such as Suppressions, Irrigularities, Whites, fall ing of the Womb, Tumors, all Urinary Diseases, Nervous debility, l'ainful or uimcuu Menstruation, Barrenness, etc, will be speedily cured, without poisonous drugs, injurious or unpalatable medi .inn nt antr Vlnii lfv nn dliBnv in cnllinir. ho difference what your troubles may be. Theaf- themselves. DOCTOR GIBBON Is responsible, and will give to each patient a written instrument, binding bim 1 . , t effect a radioal and permauont cure, or make no charge. CURED AT HOME, Vcrmni at a distance mav be CURED AT home, by addressing a letter to dp. Gibbon Stating case, eyn'.pioms, leiigui ut uuie inn uisetteo has continued, and have medicines promptly for warded, free from damage ana curiosity, to any part of the country, with full and plain directions fnr use. Bv enclosing $15 in currency or $10 in coin, in a registered letter through the post-office or through Wells, Fargo & Co., a package of med icine will he forwarded by express, to any part of the TTnion. Address DR. J.F. GIBBON, 618 Kearney street, corner of Commercial, San Francisco. ' Post Office Box 252. Consultation FREE. : s;y Correspondents will please inform DR GIBBON that they read hit advertisement in the ADVERTISEMENTS; AYEB'S aFS'aparilla- FOR FTXEIPYINGr THE BLOOD, .; And tor tie speedy tore of the following tvtsplalBtci, -Hcrafat mnd Hrrofaimvn ACrerfamif mcscSs si TcttnotWf L'lrera nnr finrpia Vimplem, f'Htle, Vleubeut JQte4la ISlaiiM smst mil Hkln Ptaeasw, OaKLaao, lad.. Gib June, tSar 3. C. Area k to. Cents : I fcel it tar duty te , knowledge what your Barsaparilla hat done for t&v llavlnsr Inherit a s Serofuloas infection, 1 h0 snffered from tt in various ways for yean. Some times it burst out in Ulcers on my bands and arta .-. soVnctlrnes it turned inward and dlitred n at thm etomaeb TwC yar ago it broke at on my he4,, fnTwr ered mr W P and ears whh one sore, whJ wm gainful and lotbo beyond descrkxW S -tried many medkneK an several pbyrlcJuwi, lt whhont line rdfro anrtWM. InfttM' disorder rrew worse. At lentb I waa rejoioed V ... read in the Ooapei Meagwtyo preparg - , an alterative ( SsrwpsrliJ hj' Tr repuutlon that anyfbJng J 2J?L ?tl 1 sent to Cincinnati and got frJZJZ en red me. I took It, as yoa advise, teaail Aosea r a teiutpoonfal over a month, and wepmamt ftrer bottles. Kew and healthy siia too . under the scab, which after a white loe skin Is bow clear, and X know by my tKf that, the disease has gone from my system. Tew believe that 1 fcel what I am saying when J Un T' that I bold yoa to be one of the apostJes Of ieSV and remain ever tZljXXr Ht. Anibonr Vlre, no mr Ernlpta' . Tetter stud Mali Rbeasm, HcmlA 3J.tm4t I tlitawmrtn,nmm V.yr. Xrvmr. -" Vr. ttobert h. J'reble writes from Salem, 2f. T.,' 12th gept 1869, that be baa cured an Inveterate) cae of JJropty, which threatened to terminate is- . tally, by the penKering use of oar Karma parfila, and also a d an geroas Malignant Erywipeku by larg doses of the same; says lie cores the common rvp tkms by it constantly. TIreneheIe, 3f trm s HwellX ITlu ZebuJon Sloan, of rrospect, Texas, writes: "Tfere bottlce of your riarsapanJla cared mo from GtUrt a hideous swelling ea the seek, wfcica ltt$Aws$ fered from over two years." XweeirrtMMa t While Ovnrimn Xsra9ss Uterine Ulceration, feastato Plawaeea.. -Dr. J. B. . CbesnLig. of Kew York City, writers 44 1 most cheerfoUv comply with the request f yocr agent In saying I have round your ferns psrii jnot excellent alterative in the asnneroast mss plaint tot which we employ soch a iswtrfy, bet efeclaily in Female I A teat $ of tne Scrofalosa diatbeais. I have eared many Inveterate cases of Leucorrhara by it, and some where tbe eomplatnt was eaosed by ulceratum of the atenw. Tbe ! , ation iuelf was soon cured. Kothiog within my . knowledge equals it for these female aerangtmraU. Edward 8. Jtarrow, of Kewbury, Ala., writMt M A dangerous evetrian tumor on one of the tnaaJes) In my taoiily, which bad defied all the remedies we coulo employ, baa at farojrtb been completely cared by your Extract of Barsaperilla. Our payg9tft thought nothing btt exUrpation could saliel but be advised the trial of your iianapawa. aa Uta, lxt resort before tutting , aad it prMr4 ectaal, After taking your remedy eight we& 09. rrxBptox of the disease remalM., v Mypbilie aasl SXeresfrfal Dlscsuse. ( KcwOaLxaxsv2&th August. 18S -Do. J. C. Atcs: tlrr I eberaUy comply wi&st tbe reqoest of yoor agents aaa seport to. 70a sotaa of tbe e fleets 1 have realized wits yosut SanaparOte.. 1 have cared with it. in my practkeymost tba, complaints (Or whkb tt to recoinaseQdieeVassI kave Sound its tOcKt traly wonderful ia that ear f Yencrtat and Attrvmriat Dutate. One ef rev wsw tteats bad brphiiitte ulcers la bis throat. wnieJa were consuming his palate and tbe top of bia aaoutlk. Your Sanapariua steadily taken cured bias aa Ira week. Another was attacked by secondary sym torn in bia nose, and the aleeratioa bad aatea arm r- . a cooskierab! part ef it. so tbat I believe tbe -order would soon reach bis brain and kill bia. Bale at yielded to my administration of year garsepar&laa tbealcera beakd,aod be to well araix. not of eoursa wunoui some oungarauon 10 nis xae. A ' wbo bad been treated for tbe same disorder 1 eury waa eufferins; Iron this poison in bar iney ima become so Mnnuve wine weatner teat aa a damp day she su tired excruciaUng pain in bar -J Joint end bones, t be, too, waa cared entirely by your Kansparilla in a few weeka. I know firoa its) formula, wbkb your agent gave me, that tbia j-reparauon rrom yonr Uboratory must be a great remedy; consequently, tbeae truly rtz tmarkabla n suu wim 11 neve no sarpruea me. Fraternally yours, U. V. LAHIlfXS, JL IX Rlrsaciasa, immt, TArrr CenssplsUstt. 1 snarasrDxycE, iTeston Co., Vsu, 6tb Jaly, H3K Da. J C. Aver : bit, I have been afflicted with a painful chronic l&ektnatUw. for a loag time, wkkik bailed tbe skill of pbysiclana, and stock to saa 1st spite of all tbe mnedka I could find, until I trfe4 your hanaparUla. One bottle eared sao ia tw weeks, and retored my general bealtb s sawols ' tbat I am far better than before I was attaeked 2 think U a wonderful medidno. J-I'lULXX. , Jules T. Getcbell, ef St. LobU, vrrites: UI bare ' been afSicted for years with an afftetiom ojth Umer wbicb detrove4 my healtlu X tried eerrtbag, and everything faik4 ta relieve sne; and l bar ' beea a broken-dowa snaa tor some year from we other cause than 4trampemet qf tie Limr. My ' beloved pastor, the Bev. Mr. epy, advised BW t try your fiarstparilla. because be said be know yon, and mrthiuf; yoa nuule wm worth trying. Sytbe b!eing of Ood it has eared tne, and has so ynrijrt my blood is to made a new man of me. X feel yeaaf agaia Tbe U-t tbat een be sail of. voianaJk kail' good enough.' SetiIrnM Co sires- TsiscHNre, gahmi ssiasaK L' terra tia, Csurio mnA SxTotisalasa 9$? the UeHtea A great variety of cases have been reported to mm where cure of these formidable eoraplaiau bsva "' resulted from tbe use of this remedy, bat oar specs be re will net admit tbem. Some of tbesa stay be fouad in our American Almanac, which tbe aeenssk below nmmed are pleased to furnish gratis to aUwJbat (tuioruaa Many remarkable carta of theso eCectswa besro. been made by tbe alterative power 'hif yydHae. It stimulates tbe vital fanetioBS intovigcoaa alosu and thus overcomee disorder which woald basvjH posed beyond iu reach. Soch a resaedy has foakf been required by tbe necessities of tho noode. nma we are confident that this wili do for them all tha medicine can do. Ayefs Cherry PectonsI, yon thk nan sunn r ComsIm CId, Isiilsismxa, Tf nnrnwina Crwap, Itreicitis, IsM-ipirat Coca asitnptioB, assd fa simb lielief f CossMsiwpcive Pmtiestts in stdvsusre4t Ktsqpn ml ike Diacaao. Tbh is a remedy so. oniversally known to surpass' any other for tbe rare of throat and lung comrdatatai that it Is useless bare to publish the evidence of it, virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs an4 colds, and its truly wonderful cures of paFmc-BAry disease, have made It known throughout the eiriK ized nations of the earth. Few are the eemmunitka. or even umilies, among tbem wbo nave not aesssa personal experience or iu effects some livtas'" trophy ia their midst of its victory over the aabU. ' and dangerous disorders of the throat and lunge, , As all know the dreadlul fatality of tbeae disorders, and as they know, too, tbe effects of this remedy,, we need not do more than to assart tbem tbat it baa now all the virtues that it did nave when makias tbe cures which have won so stnngiy upon taa. confidence of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AXES ft Co., LovaS, ".XSU Sold by Settlemier A Co- Albany, and w Wholesale and Retail by Smith A Davis, Port and. te8Ij - ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTURE, MCCORD & CO, Take pleasure iu Informing the puUio that the are now Slanufact tiring at Albany-, Oregon' ,. f. - - -; ... -. . . A SUPESIOft ABTICLB Or i PURE LAKD OIL. ' i ' 1 j.. -4 Also a superior orticlo of ASSORTED TOILET SOAJP, , PALE SOAP AND OLIVE SOAP. All of which they propose to sell an as favorabla terms as tbe same articles can be : imported; and ; ; Warrant Each Article ta Give Satixfaetisa X ENQUIRE FOR THE HOME-MANUFACTUS ED ARTICLE, AAD liux JNO OTHER t $-Al kinds of Grease taken ia ax- ehange for trade. - T2n4ti THOSE WHO WANT REAPERS, HEADERS Threshers, Mowers, Gang-Plows, Self-Rakiaa xuaenmes, ocea urius, ae., at oruanci prleea, freight added, (see hand-bill of E. A. Hawley' & Co., Portland,) will plot-se call on JL CHEADLE, Agent, , Lapr4V3n33Uj . . Albany, Oregon. FOR RENT. 4 GOOD DWELLIirG HOUSE, situated XjL desirable par,t of the city, with barn, Ac Apply to, DR. WM," LISTER. 3a32tf ' marzrc8v$a.31vl ; Albany, Ogt. 2C, T3nl?tf ' p?o. 29, 'W, T?a20tf Democrat. feb29v3a2Syl