k DAI BMW 8ATUUDAY ...MAY 9, 1868. Sioncy 3Xarkct. San 7rancttct Legal Tender rates....;..71JT2 New York GM Quotations ......H0J CITY CHURCH DIRECTORY. Ov'Sv Prssbttbktax Chcbcb Rev. W, J. Won Uh, Pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. -- Ukitsd Pnss. Cbcrch Rev. S. a. Irvtne, pMt,rr . Services at 11 a, x. and in evening. Sab alb School at 2hr.it. COM lira ATioxAt Church Rev. J. F. Damon, Part n Services at 11 A. k. and 7 v. . Sabbath fo)t(iA.. t : M. 12. Church Rev. C. 0. Belknap, rastor. Services at 11 a. h. and 7 r. m. Sabbath. School BAPnst Church Rev. R. C. "Hill, rastor. Services on the 1st and 3rd Sabbaths of eaeh month, at II o'clock a. m. and at candle-lighl ing. Sabbath School at Sr.. Mkthodist CacncH, Socm Rev. w. A. t in ler. Pastor. Preaching on the 2nd and 4th Sun day of each month, In the Albany District School Hon! e. " . Election, first day in June next. Albany Clcb. The Albany Democratic CluVwere addressed by Ex-Senator Ncsmith 'last Saturday evening j and so far as xre knovr, his speech gave very general satisfac tion to U DcmocraU who heard him. He ' touched ou several points," but dwelt princi IpUly on the Reconstruction policy of Con. fcress, denouncing it as being full of the rankest injustice and tyranny, to the south ern white population. Wo noticed a few days ago a paragraph going 'the rounds of our State exchanges that Mr. esraith is a Radical, and trill vote for Gen. Grant. This is totally untrue; Wherever he speaks he enunciates sound Democratic doctrine, and he will vote the Democratic ticket. Mr. N. is not a very fluent speaker ; but : jet he is not lacking in interest. He is full of fasts, historical and otherwise, and there i is a quaintness and a dry humor running ' throtrgh his speeches which prevent his aud itory from being wearied and restless. We 1 hope he vrtll be greeted with good houses wherever he may travel. . Don't split Spot the man that 'New PrR. The lat mails brought us tiim first eumber of tho 4 Grand Jlonde Sci tincl," published by M'Cumas & Jeffrey at Xa Grande, Oregon. In politics, it i dem ocratic. The editor says : "We do not ex pect to make the Sentinel a paper that will raw an approving smile frum, or tickle the fancy of, any disciple of the God-and-mor-ality persuasion ; but intend to tire right in to, and hew and cut right amongst their scattering rank?." That's it givo 'cm fits. We hope the Sentinel may I a success pol itically and financially. -Vote for Geo. R Helm. Washixg Paste. MeCord &. Co. of this city, have recently engaged in the manufac ture of an article which they terra Washing Paste." -It has some the appearance of oft soap, but it is different from soap in this: that it' cleanses clothes itself, and saves washing them almost entirely. We have no hesitan cy in recommending it to housekeepers as an article which performs all its proprietors claim for it. It has been thoroughly tested by those entirely competent to judge and is found to be the best article of the kind ex tant. " " iVote for R. A. Irvine. Daily Gazette. Such is the title cf a paper which has lately reached us, published in Helena, Montana Territory, by Wilkin non & Ron an. It is nearly as large as the Daily Herald, well printed and edited with snarked ability. Its advertising columns present a lively, healthy, business appear aoccJ; -Three or fourycars ago Helena was a wilderness. Vote for James Shield?. NewChcrcu Bell. A new church bell, belonging to the Baptist church of this city arrived here a few davs ago from San Fran- cisco.' It is not the largest size, but it gives out a full, clear tone, and when properly ad justed in its place, will be heard all over the city. We congratulate the church on this taken of their prosperity. rVote the Democratic ticlcet. Th? Caops. During the week we have conversed with several intelligent and thrifty farmers from yarious portions of th county relative to the crops, and they all say the -wheat, oats, in fact everything looks fine, iand gives promise of large returns next har vest. Vote for J. & Smith. UocK-BixDLXG. Head the advertisement oX,Gerge W. Vollum, book-binder, Port land. We have seen work from his estab lishm ent and can testify that as to neatness and durability it cannot be excelled outside of San Francisco... And what is equally as jgoodj he only charges San Francisco prices. Vote the Democratic ticket. Kie tEB by a noSE. Last Tuesday, while pir. ldarhalo, the fim; of Manual & Schlos. jger, (is.w.prking behind a strange horse in their iyery Stable,, fce was kicked sosevere jjj3S.tJ break cno of hia arias. Vote against Kegro Suffrage. ,, i'tnz May. Party, Last Friday, was a very nice affair, and did credit to those persons who managed it. Wc hope that oar Teutonic citizens and their friends may enjoy many fiuch holidays hereafter. ..Vote for James Shields. -The "New York Dramatic Troupe" gave . one of their highly arnpsj ng entertainments at Pan ish's Hall, last Monday night, to a Jimitec audience, ' - ' 'It 'yotf donfc appreciate the situation of af fairs, x hysically, try a bottle bf Mrs. Stipp's Balsam. ' ... Goods. Mansfield & (Jo. haveBtacks cf Nev Goods just up from below. Drop in hd ex lm'ine. ' ' Vctefor(jeo, R, Helm,' liCtlcrs at BromiMTille. The following is a list of letters remaining at tho Port Office, Brownsville, Oregon, May 1, 1608s Akors, Mies Emy, Amos, Andrew, Bradahaw, Win., Cranford, Mary, , Dcnlaud, Mrs. M. J., Fields, Josiah, Haunon, Mary E., ; Jcwctt, A., Lane, Joseph, Morgan, John, MeMiohael, A. D., Peterson, Kliia, Post, Willis, Cary, George, Davis, Richard, Emeron, Van, . Oarrctt, John, Jones, M. F., Kendall, J. W At organ, W. L., Morgan, Mills, . McLung, John, Paddock, Miss Rosa, Tavlor, S. P. ' ALIX KIRK, P. M. LAW OF NEWSPAPERS. 1. Subscribers who do not give express notice to tho contrary are considered as wishing to con tinue the subscription. 2. If subscribers wish their papers discontinued, publishers may continue to send them uutil ail charges are paid. 3. If subscribers more to other places without informing the publisher, and tho paper is sent to the former direetiou, they are held responsible, Notice should always be given of the removal. 4. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their papers from tho ofllco or place to which they are sent, they are held responsible until they settle bills and gire notice to discontinue. 5. The Courts have decided that refusing to take a paper from the ofllco, or removing and leaving it uncalled fur, is prima facio cvideuen of fraud. ALBANY MUCKS CUItKEXT. CORRECTED WEEKLY BV J. GRADW011L. ALB&sr. Saturday, May 0, 1S68. The following are the prices paid for Produce, and the prices at which other articles aru selling in this market : Wheat white, per bushel, 70 cts. Oats per bushel, 35(i:40 et. Potatoes per bushel, S7$1 00. Onions per bushel. $1 25. Flour per bbl, $3 50 Butter per pound, 23 cts. Kges per dosen, 15(620 cts. Chickens per doicn, $2 o0(i,3 00. Peachen dried, per pound, 1 j(oj20 its. Pork per pound, 5(d,6cts. Beef on foot, -l(ij6 cis. Mutton, per pound. 12$ cents. Soap per pound, 5(a,5J cts. Salt Los Angelos, per pouud, 2j et. Syrup per gallon, 1,00 Tea Young Hrson, per pound, $1 00 Black, 75a.$l 00. " Japan, $1 12J. Sugar crushed, per pound, 17020 ets. " Island. 1314i. " Sea. 15 cts. Coffee per pound, 25(012 cm. Nail cut. per pound, "JtfS cts. White Lead pure, per keg,' $ I VOOii 50. Linecd Oil boiled, per gallon, $175(2 00. Turpeotioe per gallon. 1 50 Domestic brown, I5(t, 18 rts. Hickorv striked, per yard, lfiSO cts. Bed Ticking per yard, 2-(iA0 et. Blue Drilling per yard. "( it ZQ ets. Flannels per yard, 5U(;75 ets. Prints fj,t color, per yrd. !2! (a, 15 e. Bi3o Powder, per pound. 75f-r.$! 0. Candles best, per in.urid. 2ort33 et. Bice China, per pound, 12f-r, Ifi cts. Tobacco per pound, $1 00(1 25. Salaratus per pound, lCj el. Dried Plums per b-.und, 12fl5c, Dried Apple per lb. f.e. Curruats per K. 8c. Bacon Hams, per lb, I2(i 13c. Side, jjer !b. V"." Shul li-rs, per !?. Ce. Lard per lb. in can, 10c. French Brandy per gal.. $10 0012 Holland U in per gal., $3 50 American Brandy per gal. , $5 00 Jamaica Bum jer ga!., $5 00 Tar $1 per gallon. Beans--per lb., -Ic. 00 A D V K 11 T I S K M K N T S . THE PEOFLE MUST CHOOSE! mo TIIK VOTERS OI 1,1 XX CO., J.. Oregon: KNOW VI: ! that th und. r si.'n d is an Indi pcudcni csn.li late f. r ls o(I?c of Siitri.T of Lirm eountj". Or-cn subject t'i the decision of yocr wteinn th first Mdar in June, ISC. Yonr cpnort will be thankfully received. April I, 16-n33tf C. MKALICV. BKOKEHSi LEGAL TE.XDEES EOrGIIT 1D SOLD! ALSO Drafts on San Francisco and Portland. J. BAH BOWS k C O. Albanj, Fb. 15, 'CS v3ii26tf HORSE BILLS. PRINTED AT "DEMOCRAT" OFFICE, OX .SJIOKT XOTICE AND IN EXCELLENT STYLE ! STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT JOB PRINTING FIRST ST., ALBANY, OREGON Wb Lave connected with this office a first-class JOB OFFICE, and arc prepared, at fhortet notice, to fill, in the neatest manner, any order that may be sent us. Executed Speedily, and in a satis factory Style, at Prices CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! Theatres, Concerts, and Public Meetings. dccviiiuiuuaicu uv ijic ouuriCM AOllCC 3IEN' SUPPLIED WITH CAItDS, BILLS, lilLL-IIEADS, BILLS LADLN'i, C1ILCKS, LETTER IIEAD - lNUS,4c. BALL 'CIRCULARS, . ELECTION TICKETS, BALL TICKETS, CENSUS BLANKS, DRUGGISTS' LABELS, LIQUOR; LABELS, ORDERS OF DAN CING, NOTES OF HAND, DRAY RECEIPTS, A.fciAij UliAAKb Or ALL KINDS. CIRCULARS, BILLS OF FARE, .PROGRAMMES, SHIPPING JtECEIPTS, BOOKS AND ' PAMPHLETS, CATA- ' LOGUES, AND BY-LAWS. All Orders Promptly Attended to ABBOCT &. BROWN, "State Rights Democrat " Job Office, BLANK DEEDS, of tho latest and most approved form, for kale at tbU office. Warranty and Mortgage. NOTICE! . LOOK OUT FOR THE CARS ! JUST KE ceived ; a very large stock of DRT GOODS AND GROCERIES ! by steamerrom 3an Francisco. I will sell . for eash or merchantable produce, at low prices, my entire stock of Goods, to make room-for more. Call and, see for yourelres. ' : R. CHEADLE'S ' , ' ajNT3n33tf: Cash 'Store, Albanj. ADVEHTISKMKNTS W. W, PARRISH & CO. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! ' AT THE B It I O K B JL O O K "J S. E. Corner Ferry and Front St'x. JUST RECEIVED, a carefully selected Stock of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS ! SILKS, STRIPES. POPLINS, TAMISK, CJIAMDUIRS, PE RCA LOS. JACONETTS, DELAINES, ALPACAS, LINENS, " ..SWISS.5 MUSLINS, MARSEILLES AND PRINTS, TICKING AND Domestic, Dlcached and Unbleached, LADIES. MISSES ANO CHILDREN'S SHOES, xi.m MEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING, Hah, Caps, Boots nnd Shorn, II A II D W A It 12, T A II I, i: IV A It K, AXD FAMILY GROCERIES! Of 11 df!critlon, ly Wbolenalo nnd Retail, at Cheap as the Che ope it ! f.r Cah or Couutrjr Proluc. With new roli and low ricm, w ar rt'irctl to jfiv en tire atisfartin to nil who uiny favor us with their atroriBj. No traublc to how Kootli. ftUKllv3uly FOR THE SPRING SALES OF 1868 ! AT NORCROSS a COWAN, YHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS. -o- OAVK r UOVIDKl THKMSEI.VES IN AD vanceuftho rcrent ri In Cotton Uoo4i wtth a i..vitc;i;A.M i:snt.iHLi: ntock or STAPLE DRY GOODS! WHICH CAN AND WILL BE SOLD AT MARVELO'JSLY LOW PRICES ! FOR fa It or .Ucrclmnlttblc IroInrc CALL ANO lxmU CUR STGCK AND PRICES! YVe Have In I.arjrc Ouantll Ic DLRACHKD AND RltOW.V COTTONS', TICK ING. COTTO N A D E5. liKM!S MUKT I S (i AND V IIKCKH. Pit I N T.-". D H- -LA I N KS. A L PA CCA .S . I ; I X U -HAMS. JEANS. CASSI- in:uF.s.Twi;Ki).-:,F l ORKIUN A X It OREO o N M A N I -FAC TthK. At.0 , A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT CF FANCY DKESS GOODS! Latist Styles of Youth's and Gcntiemcn'c AND FURNISHING GOODS! HATS. CAPS, BOOTS AXD SHOES OF ALL KI.NDS AXD SIZES. CARPETING, WALL-PAPER, Paper & IIu en Illlnds fc Fixture. We would call especial atUntio to our Stock of IRON AND STEEL, Ji. -JEt 3D "W -A. JEl E I WE FEEL SAFE IN' PAVIXS IT IS The I.urgeHt (hl Hide of Portland ! Contistiiiff In part of FORKS, HOES, RAKES, SPADES, SCYTHES, MILL-SAWS, CKOSS-CUT, TYLEIl'S IMPROVED PATENT TOOTH DILLETT-WEIiBS, MECHANICS ANO BLACKSMITHS TOOLS COMPLETE Butcher Sawn, Barn-Door Hangerf, Itollcra and Track, Ropo Chain, Hemp and Rub ber .Packing, Horac-Sboe Nailo, Bolts, .Nuts and .Wohern, Thiinbloand Wagon Boxing, Iron Axles, Iron . and Btecl of every kind. '"Ulastiaer Powder and ruie- -WE ARE PAYING IN CASH tho Highest Mar ket price for Ilacou, Iard and Wool. Call and learn our prices, and then suit yourself. " NORCROSS li COWEN. Albany, May 1, 18C8 v2nltf 1 SEVENTY BUSHELS OF SONORA SEED WHEAT FOR SALE AT MY RESIDENCE. v3n33tf CIIAS. F. GAY. 'ALBANY BATH .'HOUSE! ' mnE UNDERSIGNED .WOULD RESPECT- fully inform the citizens of Albany and vi cinity that bo baa taken charge of this Establish ment, and, by keeping clean' rooms and paying strict attention to business, expects to suit all those who may favor him with their patronage. Having heretofore carried on nothing but First-Class Hair Dressing .Saloons, , he expects' 'to'. 'give 'entire satisfaction to all. jS-Childien and Ladies' Hair neatly cut and shampooed. JOSEPH WEBBER. . . apr4v3n33tf i.';':';.:;?;.:wANTD ! S WANT 20,000 LBS. OF GOOD BACONJ; also Butter, both of-which the highest mar ; price will be paid. . B, BRENNER. v3nC3tf . ' ' '!.... , ''. ADVJjJKTISKM 13 NT 8. THOMAS lUNPTO. 8, B. HCDRIDJS Hampton & IMoBride, . AND j - Doalori in Every Variety of TP XJXIVI r I? TJXfc 'is ! AND CABINET WARE! -o- I!cridiii, .Spring MntlreMMeiN, HAIR, PULU, MOSS, WOOL, &C, &C. ALL WORK GUARANTEED, : -AND Eexeuted In I lrNt-ClitM Ntjlc. Jobbing Promptly Attended to. On First Street, Under the Demoeral Office, ALIUaXV, ohegox. May 4, !8r.7--v2n38tftugl8 I. MAMtriKLn. It. C. HILL. B. MAXftrifcl.b. D. MANSFIELD & CO., DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ALBANY, - - OREGON. IN FOSTER'S ONE-STORy BRICK, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. rp in: above firm takes pleasure in jL notifying their friend and the public gener ally, that tht-y aro CONTINUALLY RECEIVING DRY GOODS, G K O C E II I 13 8 , HARDWARE, &C., Which we will Exchange I OK CAHU Oil VnODVVVA AT Te VERY LOWEST PRICES. V reopctful!y k tho polite to Call end Kxamine our Stork and Prieei Rcfro prchalng rlMwhcni ; and wo aooro all that w will give ENTIRE SATISFACTION TO PROMPT CUSTOMERS. Alb.ity, Yth. lo.'Cr r2n2;tf R. CHEADLE, VHOLESALE AND RETAIL CASH STORE 1 OS Con. OF MAIN' ANt BROAU-ALtltX STSCtTS, ALDANY, - OREGON, VniO?E COOOS CAN HE 1IAI AT PORTLAND PRICES FREIGHT ADDED. BY FAYINS CASH IN HAND FOR THE GOODS. Give Me a Call aid See for Yourcelvei. fch22v3n27tf R. CHEADLE. ALBANY FERRY! A T THE SOLICITATION OF MANY CITI- I V ,CDB f Lion and Denton coucticH, I havo uiu-a op tti0 LOWER FERRY, (it being tho Stae Route), in iuch t&aoDer a to isecuro to the jiuhlie Letter facilitic. at all season of tho year, than can bo had clucwhere. ily Rout u nnai is Known oia CURRENT DO AT, and a thebeRt on tho Rircr, without any excep tion. Living quito near my Boat Landing, in Benton county, I am enabled, at all hours, to ac commodate the public. My boat is iccured by a roou wire rope, ana X otherwise conetrucied with the LATEST IMPROVEMENTS for iafety and durability. My connection with the Upper Ferry, heretofore existing, has recently been severed. Rates of fcrriago are the same as the Upper crry. A. i JAUUE, augl8'56v2nlly Proprietor. SIIEItlFF'S NALE. T Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED 3 , out of tho Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for the county of Linn, on the' 20th day of April, A. v. 1 8s, by toe uierk or toe aforesaid Court, and to mo directed and delivered, in favor of I. C. Dickey, lTff, and againBt G. W. Snoderly, Deft; for the sum of ($020,76) six hundred and twenty nine and 75 one-hundredth dollars, I did on the 22d day of April, A."D18C8, levy on tho following described Roal Estate, to-wit : Tho N. W. quarter of tho N. W. quarter, tho JJV E. quar ter of the N". W. quarter, the N. W, quarter of tho N. E. quarter, tho 8. W. quarter of tho N. E. quarter 6f Section (21) twenty-one, Tp. (11) elev en. S. R. (1) one, West; also, S. E. quarter of the S. W. quarter, tho S. W. quarter of the S. E. quarter, the S. E. quarter of the i quarter, tho North E. quarter of tho S. E. quarter, the N. W. i of tho S. E. quarter, the N. E. i of the S. W. quarter, the S. W. J of the N. E. quarter, the S. E. i of tho N. E. quarter, in Soction (18) sixteen, in Tp. (11), South of Range (1) one, West, con taining tour hundred and eighty (480) acres of land, situted in the county of Linn aad Stato of Oregon; and on ; Monday, the 18A day of May, 18C8, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. h. and 4 o'eloek p. m. of said day, in front of the Court House door, in the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, i win sell too above described premises at publio outcry to tho highest bidder for cash therefor. ( Dated Albany, Oregon, April Z0, 1868.- ' HARVEY SMITH, 1 n36w4$32,30 Sheriff Linn county, Oregon. ; WAJVTED 100,000 pounds ' Of WOOIii for which I will pay the HIGHEST tVI ARK F PRICE ! mar2372n3:'vf JfORCEOSSi A D V E It T IS K M K NTS. - ; THE , OLD STOVE DEPOT I MAIN STREET - - ALBANY. JO 331 1ST BBIGGS, (lath C. C. OODLKT A CO.) Keeps constantly on band a general assortment of STO V E S I Of I lteltf owt Favorite Pattern. Cook Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves ! With a full and general assortment of TIN, SHEET-IRON, COPPEfl AND BRASS-WARE! And all other articles usually found in a TIN STORE! Bepnlflng 5catly and Promptly Executed. Ti:it3IS -C'aJili or Produce. "Short Reckoniag-s make Lone Friend." Feb. 2, C7 v2n25tf THE SAN FRANCISCO STORE I JI MI S uiiAmvoiix. ALBANY - - - OREGON. flHK fiUKSCIlIlJER WOULD INFORM TH2 X eitUi-n of Albany and vicinity that he now occupies tho corner brtcV nture Corner of First and Waahington Streets. He intends to sell goods AT THE LOWEST PRICE! roa CASH OR PRODUCE ! ! The rmbllc would do well to examine my Good bclore jurchais clewberw. 31 Stock contUu, in part, follows : GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES BOOTS AND SUOES, Elard ware, Crockery, AXD A GREAT STOCK OF LADIES' KfRXISIIISG. KMUROIDKRV AXD FANCY GOODS. . AJ.BO A GOOD STOCK OF THE BEST LIQUORS i:vcr Ilrougtit IoIIiIh .Market! Whtrli he intend" to f !l ONLY TOR WEDXCXNAL PURPOSES X. I!.I am h a-i-nt for Cirovcr A I!akcrM Ncwias .IXarliiaci. Tbcc 31 cbtne are known t- lm the el in the market. Wc also Leg learo to Inform the public that we are MANUFADTURING a good artido of V CIGARS! which we wiUvcll at SanFraacisco Wholesale Prices. Call and examine our slock of Cigars before purchasing cloewbrre. JULIUS G RAD WOII L. Dec. 22, 66 2nl91y D. Y. WAKEFIELD, (SrccKSson to Whittivobe k Co.,) DEALER IV DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, PATENT MEDICINES, Perrumcrie, Etc., Etc. Puro Wines and Liquors, For XtXedic'nal Purposes. My atta will to to keep FIRST-CLASS DRUGS AND MEDICINES, at fair prices. Give mo a call. D. W. WAKEFIELD. Albany, Feb. 8, 1S68 T3n25yl "V. THIEL, fe BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, (Opposite tho Slate lXiglttt Democrat Ojfice,) FIRST ST., ALBANY. Manufacturer of the best quality of Fine FRENCH CALF BOOTS. Also, a Superior article of good BOOTS FOR FARMERS' WEAR. Repairing and Mending Dona on short notice and at very Low Price Our work will be guaranteed to give entire satis faction. may 2yf aiitf NOTICE EXTRAORDINARY ! TO FARMERS AND STOCK RAISERS ! TUB FULL-BLOODED MORGAN HORSE, "VERMONT," can bo found the en- suing season, at the- Clino Farm, ono-half mile south of Albany, except on all publio days, when ho can be socn in Albany, at Marshall & Schlos sor's stable. , VERMONT was foaled in Waitsfiold. Vermont. and traces his lineage baek through four sucoes ivo gonorations to tho original J ustin - Morgan. His pedigree is perfect and warranted. farmers aro horcby respectfully invited to call at either of. the above named places and examino tho Horse and his stock to their entire satisfac tion. - . R. S. BELKNAP. Aeent. April 4, 1868 v3n33m3 ' Iotiee; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, WARNING tho publio against . buying or trading for either of four promissory notos made payable to J. Q. Thornton or bearer, for the sum of three hun dred and seventy-five ($375,) dollars each, and bearing date, September 25th; 1867. Two of the above notes are payable in one year from date, and two in two years from dato. 'lne above notes wero obtained by - misrepresen tation and without consideration for value received, therefore I will not pay them. - - " . . . TUUJuAo JMONTEITH. Albany, Oregon, Oct. 11, 1867. v3nl7w4 JOB WORK Hatly and. cheaply done at this Office,' - - ADVEKTISEMENTS. THOS. W. KINNEY, No. 49 Front Stcct, Portland, Oregon, i ! OFFR8 FOR SALE i - FROM BROWN. BRYSON & CO., SPRINGYIUE, KY. J. Worth's Honey Dow, Fry's) Laurel Grove, i Par's Donrbon, Hunter's California Wheat. ! BRA 2nT ID "ST Finet Castillion, Bisque DcDonche U Co, A. CriUioun, 3. Henncssy, And all Domestic Srands. C3-I3ST: Suyper and Swan. OLD TOM, RUM, PORT WI5E, SHERRY W1XE, ! A56 Case Liquors of All Hinds. ap'11868v3n35tf A NEW STORE IN ALBANY! B. BRENNER, oppokiti: iMiiniNirs iji.ock, WoL'LD RESPECTFULLY INFORM tho cituees of Albany and vicinity that be has jost returned from SAN FRANCISCO, WITH A FIRST-CLASS SELECTION Of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, and, in fact, a j lendid and varied assortment of ;i:i;i:ai, ii;i:tiiAi)ist. j r OTTO W1L1, SB : "Quick Kale and Nmall ProfltH.' I receive by every steamer a NEW INVOICE OF ! GOODS. Persons aVe repctfully requested to call and ex amine wivgoud Inrfore parchaiiin? el,cwherc mar23'CH,v3o22tf D. BRENNER. ClTY MARKET. i Main St-, Opposite the New Drug: Store, ALBANY, OREGON. HENDESHALL & REDFATH, Proprietors M II f a a mra a. HAS J THE BEST OF MEATS OP ALL VARIETIES. 4 LIBERAL FHARE OF PATRONAGE IS J solid lcl, as wo intend to keep as rood an a sortmcnt, aCordi. and of as good quality as the country V e are always ready to pay the Highest Cash Price for Fat Stock. April 6, 1S67 T2n34:f To the Hnpfist of Oregon. Pursuant to a call on the BaptinU of Oregon to convene a Rrownsville on the 2ith December, 1SS7, a fe r met (many bcine prevented by high wator), ami orauiicd temjKirarily by electing El der R. C. 1 lill, Chairman, and Dr. Stone, Secretary It was ordered that the original call be continued only chankiBg the time of meeting to tho first Thursday in July, 1S6S, and that the Chairman and Secretary puUUh the same : liELovtjn Rhethbex: The signs ot the times clearly indicate that the time to favor Zion is come. Tho blesdikgs of our Heavenly Father are abund antly bestowed on tho feeble labors of his witness es. Tho 'I'illar of Cloud is moving, and within tho lat fe w mouths the energies of the Holy Spir it havo graciously attended the labors of ministers of tho most humble pretensions. And we believe that in thp bounds of the Central Association one hundred dnd fifty hopeful converts have been add ed to our Churches by experience and baptism. Under th( so favorable circumstances and auspices wo should at an early dato organize a General As sociation fur tho purpose of concentrating our en ergies in tho advancement of tho Redeemer's Kingdom purely on Gospel principles. And we, therefore,, earnestly, cordially and fraternally so licit all oiderly Raptist Ministers and Churches, who knov themselves to bo in fellowship with us. to meet in Convention and co-operate with us in the enterprise. Brethren of suiter Associations, will you nect us? 'i'hv Convention will bo held with the Pleasant Uutte Church, at Brownsville, Linn county, com meuc'u g on the first Thursday in July, 1S6S, at 1 o'clock p. v. . R. C. HILL, Ch'mn. E. R. ptoxe, Secretary. , j SlIEUIFl 'S SALE. Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED B outjof tho Connty Court of Linn county, Or egon, by the Clerk of said Court, and to me direct ed, on thji 6th day of April, 18GS, in favor of Al len Parker & Co., plaintiffs, and against Omar Sylvester! and C. C. Godley, defendants, for the sum of (? 5M) ninety-four dollars and 70 one hun dredths, and for want of personal property, I have loried on the following real property, to-wit : Lot No. (5) filve, in Block No. (29) twenty-nine, in the city of A'lbany, Linn county, Oregon, and, on $aturd iy, , the lQth day of May, 1868, in fronfejf the Court House door, between the hours of a.m. ana 4 p. in. ot snia a ay, i will sell the afove described real property, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, to tho highest and best bidder, for cash in hand. Dated pril 13th, 1S6S. JIAUVJil' SMITH, Sheriff, 4$18 1 Linn county, Oregon. V3n35wi SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OP AN EXECUTION ISSUED out Jof the Circuit Court for the county of Linn, State of Oregon, on IhoOth day ot April, A. D 1868, and to mo directed and delivered by the Clerk of the aforesaid Court, in favor of Hurd , PPffs, and against C. C. Godley, Deft, & Parken for tho sum of Four Hundred and fifty-six and 88 one-hundredth dollars ($456,88), I did, on the 20th day of April, 1S68, levy upon the following described Real Estate, viz : Lot No. (2) two, in Blook Noj. (27) twenty-seven, in tho city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon and on Tuesday, the 19th day of May, 18GS, between the hours of 9 o'clock a. v., and A o'olock p. M. of said day, in front of tho Court House door, in tao city of Albany, I will sell the above described premises at pubiio outcry, with the ap purtenances thereunto belonging, to the highest bidder for cash therefor. Dated Albany, Oregon, April 20, 1868. 1 HARVEY SMITH,"" n36w4$2,25 Sheriff Liun county, Oregon, ADVERTISEMENTS. JOHN CONNER i DEALER IX GENERAL SZimCttANIliSlV ALtfANT, . ; . OREGON. . cohisti5 or-- DRY GOobs; CmOCErtlES, BOOTS AND SHOES CLOTHING, &C, &c. HARDWARE! A well selected assortment of the most eoaplett kept in Albany, mo AXD steelV of nearly all kind suitable for the tr6. ALSO EOI'E, CHAINS, MILL SAWS,' XKW STYLES CROSS-CUT SAWS', VAOOX-HKAT SPRING S, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, TIII1IMLE-BOXIXG, WASHERS,' BOLTS, SX'TTS 4C. Nearly all the stock U purchased in SAN FRAN CISCO, and will be sold at the lowest market rates for ready pay, or merchantable produce taken in exchange. Agent Tor Wells, Fargo & Co. Atrn fAti ft dm TMM.-. m w w " wrjw SMlMtMVV Oct.26,'67-v3nlIyl JOHN CONNER. M. W. MACK, -DEALER STOVES' SHEET-IRON, COPPEK H AS ON HAND AND NOW READY FOS sale a full and complete stock of first-class COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES, Which he it offering at price that must Intare a ready sale. Also a general assortment of Brass and Enameled Kettles French SaucePans and Ladles, CaKt-Iron Tea Kettle aad Ovens Iron aad Lead Pipe, FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS ! Sheet-Iron, Copper, dc, de. Isnnfsetnrcr of all Eiodi of Tin, Sheet T 1 41 w ircn BQu LODufr li ar REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, X. IS. All persons who are in need of articles in my line wiil find it to their advantage to giva' me a call, as I am determined to cell goods at prices that will preclude the necessity of going farther than Albany to buy cheap. ' CXarketable Produce Taken in Sxchang For any and all articles in the Store. Will always keep on hand a complete assortment of all goods in my line, while customers will at all -times receive prompt attention. M. W. MACK. Albany. March 23. '67 v2n321y CHAIR MANUFACTORY!: AND TTXIFLlSnnG- SHOP t THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD RESPECTFUL ly inform the public that he is prepared to do all kinds of in a workman-like and expeditions manner. Also; he keeps on hand, and for sale, SPINNING WHEELS, and tho best of Raw-hide Bottom or Kitchen Chairs T All of which will be sold cheap for Cash. Or ders solicited. Shop near tho old Floor Mill, at the upper end of First street. JOHN M. METZLER. Nov ,23, '67 v3nl5yl ALBANY BOOK STOREi: E. A. FREELAND, bUUK-btLLttl ANU SIAIIIMH,. Albany - - - - Oregon. RESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE PUBLIC that he has removed from the old stand to - PARRISH'S BLOCK,, Where all are invited, assured that Goods in his line are sold at the lowest cask prices.- cosstIxtlt os h Axn r STANDARD AXD MISCELLANEOB BOOSSV Juvenile, 7oy Gilt nnd Blank Books, GOLD IT3, AND jasitfAi saA aii A a a AvavBSsissBM- SUHUUL bUUR5 Anu o I A I iUi.tn t l Of every kind used in the State. . short notice. Declnl61y . SUMMONS. Justice' 0 Court for the Vectac of Peoria, State of Oregon, County of Linn,: J . S. A. Smitlt, Flvs. A. Cannon, Deft' In a Civil Action for DelU TO THE AQE NAMED DEFENDANT t In the nacieof'Hui.State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear before the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace for the Precinct aforesaid, on tho 30th day of May, A. D. 1868, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. at the office of said Justice, in sail Precinct, to . answer the above named plaintiff in a civil action. The defendant will take notice that if he fail to answer the comolaint herein, the plaintiff will tako judgment against him for $27, with legal interest together with costs of suit. ; Given under my hand this 23d day of Mareu a. d. 1868. 33-6t GEO. w. siurrr, .! JT, WHEAT! 'WHEAT !. 100,000 imsnELs of wheat: WANTED within the next two weeks, for whicV The Xligheut Cash Price Will he Paid, By J. GRAD'WOIIL, , v2.n?5lc San Ifroncisco Store-