OUll AGENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. "ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS ADVERTISEMENTS. I AYEE'8 lie SATURDAY. ....MAY 2, 1863. A New Wash Dowl. A Washington correspondent of a Cin cinnati newspaper sa)-sr "An. ex-member of congress from Illi nois, "who is now hare, and who has been a friend and companion of Grant's from bojhood, had a long interview with the General a few evenings since, and learned from him that ho blames his pretended political friends for hia embarassmcnts. He said ha had endeavored to keep out of their meshes, but that they had entrap ped him before he knew it, and involved him in his present difficulties.' 41 If," Slid tho general, 14 1 can only manage to get out of this scrape, I prom iso they don't catch me again." During the pathetio recital of the manner in which he had been overreached by poli ticians, tha General exhibited a deep feel ing, and loft the impression in the mind cf his friend that he would wash his hands of radicalism. He may wash hia hands of radicalism, but he cannot wash his soul of it. His meanness and duplicity make him a radi cal. He is fit for nothing else, and can Le anythire else. If he intends to go in to the washins business, he will do well to commence on soup-tureens. The scan dal he has put on those vessels should con demn him tothepenancoof scouring them for the remainder of his life. That vrould be more honorable employment than his present one as scullion to Jaco binism. If he has grace enough left in him to be ashamed of his treachery to the President, and of the effort to fasten a lie .on him, ho is not utterly abandoned. The probabilities are, however, that it is the vexDOSure of his meanness, and not the jconscionscess of it, which troubles him. iChicago Times. Splendid Peroration. Senator Hendricks, of Indiana, closed his recent great spee3h in the Senate, as follows : Mr. President, my colleague has spo ken of a column the column of congres sional reconstruction and has said that "it is not hewn of a single stone, but is composed of many blocks." Sir, I thiol? ho is right. Its foundation is the hard flint stone of military rule, brought from the quarries of Austria, and upon that foundation rests the rock from Africa, .and it is thence carried to its topmost point with fragments of our broken insti tutions. That column will not stand. It toII fall, and its architects will be crushed teneath its ruins. In its stead the people will uphold thirty-seven stately and beau -tiful columns, pure and white as Parian -marble, upon which shall rest forever the grand structure of the American Union. Signs. It ia a good sign to see a man do an act cf charity a bad sign to hear him boast of it It's a good sign to see an honest man wearing hu old clothes bad to see them filling hole 3 ia the windows. It's a good sign to see a man wipe the perspiration from hb brow bad to see him 1-1 . tm II "wipe nis lips as ne come3 out oi a cellar It's a good sign to see a woman dress with taste and neatness bad to see her husband sued for finery. una guuu a.iTu iu bee a maa auveruse Ti 1 ' i 1 L' in the papers bad to see the sheriff ad vertise for him. Irs a good sign to see a man sending liis children to school bad to see them .educated at the night school in the street. Josh Billing's Sayings. Ef a man flatters yu, yu kan kalkerlate that he is a rogue or you re a fule. Keep both ize open, but don't see mor'n calf yu notis. Ef you ich for fame, go into a grave jard and scratch yourself against a tume .stone. Young man, be more anxious about the pedigree yur going tu leave, than you are .about won somebody s going tu leave ya om is u Ke weea3 sen sone ana sure to cum. About as sure a way to git rich as enny I no of, is to git inter nebt for a hundred thousand. Don't swap with yer relashuns unless you. km afford so givo him the big end o: ne trade. A young man in New Haven rushed in to a drug store, and in great alarm asked the clerk if benzine was poisonous. "o, .said the clerk. "Why?" "Because, said the fellow, "father went to the closet to take down the gin bottle, and by lnis- ;take took several swallows of bezine be jfore he kuey it." "He's all right' replied ?the clerk. "The only difference between Benzine and modern gin is the smell. One came to Diogenes who had Iatelv mar -ried a beautiful wife, but was obliged to eo iaj mo ware, auu asaeu ma aarice as to wnose his ab said Dio mv wife un aer sucn circumstances." And who ma that be?" asked the husband. "Death' ifepiiea me i nuosopner. (lie hadn't bea 1 S 1 e -! a . . mi oumner.j warns to De consiaerea twenty: wnen , twenty her figure is eighteen ; when forty .she inclines to rank atabout twenty-seven. In this matter she desires to be ia ad vance or rearwards, never at the real point until she gets married. A queer looking customer inserted his "head into an auction store, and looking - gravely at the knight of the hammer, in quired: " Can I bid, sir?" "Certainly, you can bid," replied the knight. "Well, then," said the wag, walking off, " I bid you good-ni ht." , . The following are among the signs over the shops of traders at Fort Smith, Ar- 1 kansas : "Camphein And burning flewd;" " Ches Nuts biled and Roasj" Cainseet - cheers Resaeted Hear f Woshing, iron ing, and gc in out" duin daiswurk dun Hear." , A DYEE bjing ordered, in a court of jus tice, to hold up his hand, that was all black, was sharply reprimanded. "Take off your .glove, sir, said the judge, "rut your spectacles, my lord' answered dyer. , A . on tbe -a. clergyman, at an atternoon' ser vice, was asked to read a notice of a wo man's righto lecture, which he did in this wise : "At tan past six o.clock, at the school houie in the First District, a hen will Attempt to crow." charge he should place her in during seuce. 'There is but one friend," genes, "to whom I would trust The following named gentlemen are authorised to act as Agents for Tub Statu Kiquts Dkmo- rat, and to receive ad receipt for ' subscriptions to tho paper : . LINN COUNTY. Robert Watkinson and James DorrU.. ..Solo Jason Wlsooler Lebanon I. L. Brown Brownsville Matthew Fountain Hamaburg J. M. Smith -Peoria LANE COUNTY. Ion. J. J. Walton.- Eugene City BENTON COUNTY. R. H.Strahn - Corvallls POLK COUNTY. T. J.LoveUdy - Dallas J. 11. V. Butler and Dr. Harris -Monmouth Dr. J. M. McCoy .. -La Creole Ben. Harden -....Kola CLACKAMAS COUNTY. J. R. Ralston - Oregon City MULTNOMAH COUNTY. J. F. McCoy , Portland MAMON COUNTY. N. M. Boll ) B. F. Bonhain. J Salom L. F. EUenhart Silvcrton Hanley Waterman - Jefferson Thos. Iloycc, Newspaper A cent. Ban Francisco, is authorited to rccctro nubneriptioim and advcrtcemcnU Tor our paper, and act aa Lusi nesa agent generally. A D V E R T I S E M E NTS, NO MORE HIGH PRICES roR -A- Xj 33 -A- INT "ST 1 GO TO THE STORE OF J. E. BENTLEY & CO. And Buy yonr Goods as you did in I860! THEY HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM SAN FRANCISCO, THE LARGEST STOCK Or Boots and JSlioen. cossistisq or GENTS' FINE SEWED BOOTS, JENTS' FINE PEGGED BOOTS. BOYS AND CHILDREN'S LADIES AND MISSES' KID CONGRESS GAITERS. BOOTS, BOOTS, AND CHILDREN'S GAITERS. RUBBER OVER-SHOES, AND SHOES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS GEXTLEMi:N 1SOOTN MADE TO ORDER SnOBT NOTICE, AX I ALL KIND OF REPAIRING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCIL -3 Also, lot of Leather, fur ealo at Cub. Mole and Upper the Lowcat Figure fur 6IVE THEM A CALL AND SEE FCR YOURSELVES! scj21-v3n6mSJ G-S. -A. 3ST 3D GIFT ENTERPRISE! The distribution of Valuable Pbesests will Positively Take Place on the 9th of June, A. D. 18CS. EVERY TICKET WARRANTED TO DRAW A PRIZE! READ THE LIST. Comer lot No. 1. in Block No. 5, aa recorded in the Town Plat of the town of BrowniTille, Lnn county, Oregon, fronting on Washington and Pine atreeta : lmproTemeata, eont L'tintr of Dwcl. ling House, chick zn House, Ac., Ac. ; dwelling houe,20x24 feet, 4 rooma and pntrj below and two twelve feet rcoma above. The Louie ia new ana not euurcij souoea, idi is now occapica aa a residence. There ia a aplendid well of wator, made rat-proof. Ail encloaed witn a good sub atantial board fence. The foregoing prize ia ral ued at 9800 OO And also the following raluable real estate, to- wit : Sixtj-one feet oil the east end of Lot No. 8, Block No. 3. and 39 feet off the east end ef Lot 7, in Block 3, in the town of Browniriile. Linn Countj, Oregon. Improvements, consisting of dwelling Loise 20x23 feet, fire room?, a fine, large brick cbunner, and a splendid well of Water. All enclosed in a good, subitantial board fence. alued at 9700 OO One 9J Bureau, rallied at $35 00 ; one V Bu reau, mahogany, rained at $35 00 ; one maboe I - - A - 1 .-11 . Aa. v any uau;u ceuire-vaoxe, Taiuea ai uo : one . . i . . . . Fpan aorrei maicn oorsea, raiuea at 4UO uu ; one bay " Rifleman " stud colt, two years old, rained at $300 00 : one dark ebestnut sorrel stallion, 5 years old, 15 hands and 3 inches nigh, weighing 1,200 lbs., rained at $000 00 ; One saddle horse. Talued at 1ZU uu. There will be $2,000 consisting in part of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, FAMILY BIBLES. MUSIC BOXES, ACCOIIDEONS, GOLD PENS. SEWELRY, Ac Ac, comprising over 5,000 val nrble articles to be disposed of on the popular plan of One dollar Tor each Ticket. Only one dollar. It is desirable to sell all the Tickets, and of courso it does not make any diff erence wno gets tne property at a fair distribu tion. Possession of the property will be giren to the lucky ticket-holders immediately after the drawing, except the first prize named and the sorrel stal lion. Possession of the first will be giren in 30 days after the drawing; the deed will be made to the ticket-holder at the time of drawing. The horse will be giren np as soon as the season is out, or on the 1st day of July, 1868. - . a uv v .eu.ug HVVI.Cf can hare them sent by Expiess or Mail, mm -TtTf- warding One Dollar in U. o. Com for-each ticket, or for clubs at ciu& rales, by addressing A. GEORGE, Browijatllle, Linn county, Oregon, or e. UHAlifiiK, Albany, JL.lnn county. No ticket will be held good unless duly reported and registcrd prerious to tne drawing. SPECIAL TERMS, OR CLUD RATES. Any person procuring fire or more names ox tickets and forwarding the money for the same, can bare tickets at the following rates : 5 Tickets to one address $1 50 10 20 80 40 50 100 do 44 44 . 44 44 4t 44 44 44 44 ..................... V 00 50 50 u a u u it 44 44 44 44 44 ir 26 ........a ... 35 .'. 43 00 00 00 85 lo erery case send the name of each subscriber, their poet office address, with county and State in IUU. A The drawing and distributions will be on TUES DAY, JUNE 9, in theeity of ALBANY, Linn Co., Oregon, by a Committee of fire selected by and from the Ticket-holders in attendance. Two clerks will be appointed one by the Committee and one by tbe undersigned to record, with pen and ink, the number and prizes as tbey are drawn. , jrer pedigrees oi tne btamons tbat are np as prizes, address Hugh Fields, Brownsrille, Oregon. Title to all property gired clear of all encum brances. $&WIt. VT. F. Howlett is an authorized Jrar- eliDg agent for tne sate or tickets. A. GEORGE. TO THE PUBLIC. We are well acquainted with A. George, and have no hesitation in saying that we beliere the foregoing enterprise, under his management, will be conducted fairly and impartially. M. ABRAMS, Merchant, Brownsrille. G. C. COOLEY, " " L. H. WASHBURN, " A. LEWIS, " HUGH FIELDS. " u SENDERS, STERNBERG, & Co., Brownsrille. UAXWOOD-A CO., Merchants, Albany, l. if. BJSXTliJf&UJSJi, - " - " A. H. MARSHALL k CO., Livery. " J. B. SPRENGER, Pacific Hotel, ' f A. W. STANARD, Clerk of Court of Linn Co. HARVEY SMITH, Sheriff of Linn county. Febl5r-3n26tf . AD D II ESS TO THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED! T 0 THOSE WHOSE SUFFERINGS HAVE been protracted from hidden causes, and whose cases require prompt treatmentto render ex istenoo desirable. If you are suffering or bare suffered front lnroluntary discharges, what effect does It produce upon your general health t Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired T Does little extra exertion produce palpitation of the heart? Does your lirer, or urioary organs, or your kidneys, frequently get out of order f Is your urine sometimes thick, milky, or floeky, or isit ropy oa settling ? Or does a thick scorn rise to the top f Or is a sediment at the bottom after It has stool awhile f Do you hare spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels consti pated P De you hare spells of fainting or rushes of blood to the head f Is your memory impaired? Is your mind constantly dwelling upon this sub jeetf Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of life 1 Do you wish to bo luft alone, to get away from ererybody? Does any little thing make you start or jump f Is your sleep bro ken or restless t Is the lustre of your eye as brlt liant? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy yourseir in society as well I vo you pursue your business with the same energy T Do you feel as mnch confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dsl! and flagging, giren to fits of mclap choly ? If ao, do not lay It to y out liter or dys pepsia. Hare you restless nights? Your back weak. your knees weak, and bare but little appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or lirer-complalnt? Now, reader, self-abuo, venerea! diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of pro docing a weakness of the geoeratire organs. The organs of generation, when in perfect health, make tho man. Did you erer think that those bold, defiant, energetic, persevering, successful buslncss-mcn are always those whose generatire organs are In perfect health ? You nerer bear such men complain of being melancholy, of per roosness, oi paiptiauon oi tne bean, xney are M . . i m .a a ammm nerer afraid they cannot succeed In business; they don't become sad and discouraged; tbey are always polite and pleasant In the company of ladies, and look you and them right in the fare- none of your downcast looks or any other mean ness about them. I do not mean those who keep the organs Inflamed by running to excess. These ill not only ruin their constitutions, but also those tbey do business with or for. How many men, from badly cured diseases, from the effects of self-abuse and excesses, bare brought about that state of weakness in those or gana inai nas reuucea me general say item so much as to produce almost erery other disease idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, suicide. . l .i 1 - and almost erery other form of disease which bu manity is heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarocly erer suspected, and hare doctored for all but the right one. Diseases of these organs require the use of diuretic. IIELJIDOLD'H FLUID EXTRACT BTJOHTJ -is Tnz- OUEAT DIURETIC, and is a certain onre for DUcate$ of the fflculder, Kidneytt Gravel. Dropsy, Organic Wealcness. Female Complaints. General Debility, AND ALL OTII EE- DISEASES OF THE URINARY ORGANS t ' Whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE! from whatever cause originating, and no matter , of bow long standing. If no treatment is resorted to, Consumption or in sanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and tbe health and happiness, and that of Posterity, depends upon ' prompt use of a re liable remedy. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, established upward of 18 years, prepared by XX. T. XXEL&XI20LD, -Druggist, 59$ Broadway, New York, and 104 South Tenth street, Philadelphia, Pa, Pbicb f 1.25 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $8,50, delivered to any address Sold by all Druhgists erery where. mar21'68r3n.8J jl DR. R. C. HILL. 'I 0 tO. r. SETTLtMIEB. SETTLEMIER & CO,, DRUGGISTS, AT DR. SHEPHERD'S OLD STAND, MAIN ST., A LI! A NY. DEALERS IN If DRUGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, Paltiti, on. Gin, iyc-8tun. VAItNISHES, AMD A rt'Lt. ASSORTMENT Of DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. AGENTS BY APPOINTMENT FOR Dr. D. Jayiifi & Son'! Family Medicines. We also keep on band a full supply of All Patent ilIcdicincM in Umc. Our stock of Drugs, Fluids, Extracts, c to., are from Well Known Manufacturers, and will be found of Tin: m:sT Qr.ii.rrv t SPECIAL ATTRSTIOS CtTI!I TO COMPOflfPISIO PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS! Wo Nolir.'t trie Iatrounce of the rubllc. WE HAVE ESTABLISHED A BRANCH DRUG STORE AT SCIOI tSPra TUB MASAGEMEXTOr O. A. HILL, Who will keep a full supply of Drugs, Medicines, cte., etc., for sale at low t-aicas. SETTLE3IIER A CO. April g. lS67-r2n3Hy G It O II S nt HICAI. AM) i:ii CATIO.AI, ALSO- DAY & BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNO LADIES. T HIM IXNTITl TIMN MITI ATI-I) to a retired aul traattiul location, away from tbe business portion of the city, on T1IIHD, between U and C HTUEKTS, I'o.Uao 1, Oregon. Attached to tbe building are extensive and bean. tiful grounds for the conrenicure of pupils. Tbe hducatiooal lcj.rirociit will be in charge of an elScirot corps of Traebers. CAI'T. J. 1 C. ALLSOrr, (formerly a I'rofrssor in the I nircrsily of LouUUna, and for the last fire year 1'rlneipa! of a Colicjriate Institute in the Houtbern part of I California.) rr'tucipal. N effort will be iff red to make this Ini titutc equal to the best on the Pacific toat. Tbe course of studies will embrace all tbe branches usually taujsbt in firtt-clast Hcminarks in the Kast, in cluding the Classics, French, Oerntao, rpaoish, Mathematics. "., Ae. The Musical Ilepartmcnt will be conducted by PROF. II. flUIDO tillOU, Graduate of Planers Conserratorie. Parties from the country may rest assured tbat under the care of MKH. UKOll, (Matron of tbe Establishment.) they wUteiperiencealltbeattcnUon of a mother and enjoy the comforts of a borne. N. B. Particular attention will be paid to tbe choice of Text Books, in order to aroid anything of a Sttiumal or Partisan nature, io our curriculum of studies. For further particulars, enquire at tbe Institute, lor address II. (J LIDO UROU, P. O. Box No. ICS. CAPT. ALLSOPP will continue to gke Evening Lessons In the Modern Languages and English branches. Octobe- 12. lS67T3n9yl AIsIIAiW rOLWDIlV AND MACHINE SHOP ! A. F. CHERRY, TTAVIXd FURCHAftED THE EItf I I S tire interest in the ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, I am Prepared to Farnlnh WROUGHT AND CAST IRON WORK Of every description, on short notioe. Also, BRASS CASTINGS. All Orders for MILL WORK Will be filled with dispatch, and in a satiafa&t manner. IORSI? POWERS Agricultural Implements Manufactured to order, and particular attention paid to Repairs. All kinds of PATTERN WORE done to order on short notioe A. F. CHERRY, Albany, August 18, 1866-ly A . C O H N , DEALER 15 GENERAL MERCHANDISE! In i!ontetV$ Brick Stort) ALBANY, - - OREGON. I KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A WELL selected stock of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, NAILS AND GLASSWARE, And ererything usually found in a well estab lished Dry Goods or Grocery Store, and at prices to defy competition. The very Highest prioes paid for all kinds of Produce. Sf Remember the plaoe, at the sign of Janl7r3n23yl A. COHN. SPECIAL ATTRACTION I 0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL persons knowing themBelres indebted to the undersigned, either by note or book acoount, to settle the same in cash or merchantable produce at the market value, by the 10th day of Deoember, 1867, as if is absolutely necessary that we collect the same to enable us to carry on our business. By promptly attending to the above requirements, yvu wm vumor a ittvor upon W. W. PARRISH 4 CO. Albany, Oct 26, 1867 Y3nmf ADVERTISEMENTS. . -. --- -- . ' 0 HATS, M HATS. MEUSSDORFFER & BRO., Manufacturers and Importer! of, and Wholesale and llotail Dealers ia xm HATTERS1 MATERIALS, No. 72 Front Nlrect, Portland, AKK IlECKIVINO, IN ADDITION TO their extensive Htock, by orery Steamer, all tho LATK8T 8TYLKB of New York, London and Parisian taste, for Gentlemen's and Children's Wear Which they will sell CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE ON THE COAST! ni2ALI31tS IN HATS Will consult their own interests by examining our Stock before purchasing elsewhere. Hats of erery style and Description MADE TO ORDER, ALSO NKATsLY Ili:iAIRi:i, AT J. O. lMeussdorflfer & Bros No. 72 Front Street Portland, Og'n, Cor. 1 and Hccond Fts.. Marys ville, Cal. No. 125 J Htreet,.., Hacramento Sot, 1535 A 637 Commercial Ft...... Han Francisco. r-O Wholesale Iloute at Han Francisco, Cal. No . C28 Commercial through to 637 Clay streets. Deo. J, ISGQ rZnlCtf PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY Of San Fr&aeisfo, California. CASH CAPITAL $lfOOO,000 OO SURPLUS ,Jaay 1, '67 238,054 00 CASH ASSETS In Q OLD, $1,238,054 91 All Losses Paid Immediately in United States Oold Coin. FIIIK, OCEAN, MARINE, INLAND UK PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, baring arranged with Messrs. RIOKLOW t liitOTUKU for tbe transfer of all tbe business cf the Fire Insurance Companies lately represented by tlicm. Is now prepared to offer to all parties formerly insured by said companies, equally good terms and prompt payment of losses, in United r tale i gold coin, Mr. II. II. JIKJKLOW will be the general Agent fur this Company from this date. Director of Pacific Insurance Co. aait raawciaeo Jas. D'Fremery.I.loyd TerU, Iouis McLane, wro. Hberroan, Olirer Kldridge, m. AlmnJ, Jobn O. Karl, A. II. Forbes, Alex Weill, Alfred Ilorcl, J. ti. Kellogg, Ab'm Seliman, Q. T. Lawton, M. Cbeescman, Anson G. hiiles, I.. L. Goldstein, G. II. Howard. John G. L'rsr, Mescs KUis, G. W. Hearer. P. L. Wearer, S. teinbart, Daridlern, M. Roscnbaum. Jonathan Hunt, S4CR a mevto. W. T. Cotcman, Edgar Mills, K. W. Leonard, G. W. Mowe, T. L. IJarkcr, C. T. Wheeler. T, I Meyer, mabtbtillk. 8. M. Wilson, J. II. Jewell. A. Hay ward, D.W. C. Itice, C. Meyer, D. J. Olirer, Alpheus Hull, W. C. Ralston, I Bachs, Fred. Hillings. A. Ite Tubbs, John IJ. ewtoo, roar la so. 11. M. Newball, Kdward Martin, W. 8. Lad J, IJ. O. Mills, Jacob Karam. II. llanssmann, stockto.i. L. II. Rcncbly, T. B. Anthony. Moses Heller, visoixu, nnr. Wm. Scholle, Wm. Sharon, Adam Grant, J. P. Fry, 11.11. Iligelow Wm. Hooper, Cbas Mayne, OFFICERS: 0 J. IIUXT, President. A. J. RAIJtTOX, Secretary. C A, L,ATO., Marine Secretary. II. II. BIGELOW, Genl Agent. LADD &TILTON, PORTLAND, GENERAL AGENTS FOR Oregon and Waalilngton Territory. tTJCAl-AtJfNTS: HAMMER Salem F.A. CIIENOWETII Corraliia J. B. UNDERWOOD, Eugene 8. F. CHADWICK Roseburg JOHNSON k McCOWN..... Oregon City CUMMINS k GRANT Dalles J. II. BLEWITT Walla Walla A. WHEELER Brownsrille JAMES RILEY Harrisburg JOHN CONNER Albany Nor. 2, 1867 v3nyl BEER! BEER!! ALBANY BREWERY. KIEFEIt & ROGGERS, Pro'rs. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST ERECTED a new and first-class BEE W 33 IR "TT On Broad Albin between First Street and the River, And is prepared to furnish WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS AMD PRIVATE FAMILIES, par short notice! AH Orders Delivered Wherever Desired. He Warrants bis BEER MADE OF THE BEST MATERIALS, AND PERFECTIsY HE AMUY ! He is confident he can give entire satisfaction to ' -: all, Deo. 29, '66, v2n20tf . THE WONDER OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY ! MRS. L. A. STIPP'S LEGACY TO THE WORLD! Fer Censumption, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Hoarse ness, etc., etc. rrME DIFFERENCES 1JETWEEN THE THO- X HACK? BALSAM and the Allopathic lung medicines la this t tbe popular drug medicines. when taken f.oto the stomach, make you sick, while the sensation created by my Thoracic Balsam is is soothing as it eup of tea. When tbe drug inedi- cines, taken by the multitude of rlctims who bare died with the consumption, find their way into tbe tnngn, they Immediately commence to irritate and inflame the ideersand increase tbe flow of matter. As a consequence, toe patient expectorates more freely, and as he coughs and spits bla life away, be thinks, because he raises such a quantity, and raises it so easily, that he is certainly recording; and under this common delusion be ccr'iuucs to take the medicines, and continues to cough and spit, until exhausted nature submits and be finds relief In the rrare. On tho other band, when my Thoracic Balsam finds its watt tov tne lungs it commences at once u bttal the t disease, and leers. It goes to the rcry root of the gently, but surely, draws all morbid humor from the uloerated parts. It purines tbe blood, a it composed wholly of regctable ma- Urials. Its trengtbens and does not debilitate tbe general sysU in. It tends to quiet tbe ncrres ana inrigofate til o patient and asit In reliering the 5 I congested c ndition of tbe lungs, by diffusing the accumulated blood over tbe surface, and it oears away the obi tructions tbat impede egrens of all tbe impurities o tbe body through their nataral cban- nels tbe bJ wcls and more especially does it tend to draw all excretion from the lungs, and induces a new anI r strength ani Worous action to tbe lirer and imparts I new life U tbe patienL Bear this tin mind, that the secret of the success of my Tbot acie Balsam li'.s enclosed in this little nut-shell rut, it does not irritate the lungs and cause tne p ticnt to expectorate : second, it des commence sit onoe to heal the ulcers; It soothes and allays t ie Inflamatlon, and Up the coughing and expectoration ; it strengthens and encourages tbe patient, and, with prcper nourUhment, be must rtcorct. This medicine don't giro yon new lungs ; it only mends np your old ones, and, with care they mlay take you away on into a good old I connot lose without saying a word to my own sex. lam now in my smy.nrtt year, ana can truly say thj at with all my experience with female diseases, I I dr. and no are found it tbe safest and best reme- jworaan ir. delicate health should be without it. Dr. Aver truthfully remarks that less than one-balf of the females of the United States hare sound health, and tbe condition of tbe disor dered ones Is tearing its impress on the rising gen eration. Then, bow important we should hare a remedy for vctt erils. For painful or suppressed menses, irrf g-utarities, etc., and also for women ct the torn of jlife, and frail girls, this medicine will be found in valuable. It should also be used be fore and aster confinement. "An ounce of pre- rentire I Ijettcr than a pound of cure. Itemcmbfr, kind father, or fond husband, when adminbUrijag ray medicines to a darling daughter or frail wife, tbat tbey are composed of no death- dealing minerals or nauxcating drug, to make tbe tick more iniierable and hasten their untimely end ; but tliey are a compound of medicinal roots, herbs, barks, blossoms, etc- with whose generous healing tinjucs years of experience bare made me familiar. For furtl er particulars pamt'blct accompany ing erery I oltle. Mk. L. A. STIPP. till I it A UAVis, roruan'j. (J cot ral Agents. All of 51 ft. u. A. Ktipp s Medicines are menu d put up by W. C. Atear, Falcm, Ore- factered an gon, to wb reeted. m all ktUrs on business should be di- Mrs. L. , Flit p's Medicines for sale at Wbiltt- more A Co Albany ; Klkins A Son, Lebanon ; II. ."taith. llarrii'burg Sept. 11 1S67 r3o5yl. 4 TO TlrlE UNFORTUNATE i NEW REMEDIES! NEW REMEDIES ! Dr. Clbbous Dliapcnuarj-, BARNEY STRKET, I. A It COMMERC'L, Fan Francisco. Eftablished In 1854, toy tbe treatment of Sexual and Seminal diseases, such as G ni iorTba;a,uieet,Mric- tore, Syphi ills in all its forms. Seminal We rakness, Impotenry, etc. Fkin diseases (of years standing) and Ulcerated Legs successfully treated. Horrible Diseases. How many thoujands of persons, both male and female, are j there who are suffering out a miserable existence frp pin the effects of secret indulgences, or from virus Absorbed into the system ! Look at their pallid, emaciated and disfigured faces and their broke fin down constitutions, disqualifying tbem fur the happiness of marriage or the enjoy ment of life!. In this horrid situation thousands suffer until llcath closes the scene. Let parents. guardians, friends, attend to those wbo are suffer ing witb any of these horrible life-destroying mal adies see tlbat tbey are cared for and cured bofore it be too late. Send them immediately to Dr. Gibbon, a physician who has made private disease bis study for years, and who is certain to cure tbe most inveterate cases without mercury orother in jurious drug). It is important to those wbo are atHictcd, or qhose wbo are interested in the welfare of their fricitids, to be careful of the many pretend ed doctors who infest all cities, publishing their skill In curirjg all diseases in a few days, imposing upon tbe public by using tbe names of eminent physicians from Europe and other places. Be therefore carjefulj ajridJatkektfJa may Jail rSIqTbe bands of those charlatans. Seminal Weakness. Seminal Emissions, thi consequence of self abuse. This solitary rice, or depraved sexual in dulgence, is practised by tho youth of both sexes to an almost nnlimited extent, producing, with un erring oertaicty, the following train of morbid symptoms, unless combatted by sctentifie medical measures, ris : Sallow countenance, dark spots under tbe eye t, pain in the head, ringing in the ears, noise like the ructlin of leares and rattling of chariots, uneasiness ab mt tho loins, weakness of the limbs, i'oufused Tision, blunted intellect, loss of confidence, diffidence in approaching stran gers, a dislikeltu form new acquaintances, a dis position to shun society, loss of memory, hectic flushes, plmpbiS and various eruptions about the face, furred to ague, fetid breath, coughs, consump tion, night sweats, monomania and frequent in sanity. If relief be not obtained, should apply immediately, cither in person or by letter, and bare a cure effected by bis new and scientific mode of treating thi i disease, whieh nerer fails of effect ing a quick an 1 radical cure. Dr. G. will give One Hundred Dollars to any person who will prove satisfactorily iit him that he was cured of this complaint by either of the San Francisco quacks, MARRIED MEN Or those who cjontemp'ate marriaee, who are suf fering under aiiiy of these fearful maladies, should not forget the ijacred responsibility resting upon them, nor delay to obtain immediate relief. TOj THELADIES. The various Complicated and distressing diseases incident to femjales, treated with eminent success. Such as Suppressions, Irrigularities, Whites, fall ing of the Womb, Tumors, all Urinary Diseases, Nervous debility. Painful or Difficult Menstruation, Barrenness, etc., will be speedily cured, without poisonous drugs, injurious or unpalatable medi cines of any kind. Hare no delicacy in calling, no difference what your troubles may be. - The af flicted are cord-ally invited to eall and satisfy tbemselres. DOCTOR GIBBON is responsible, and will giro to each patient a written instrument, binding him- sen to euect a radical ana permanent cure, or make no charge. CURED AT HOME. Persons at a distance may be CURED AT HOME, by addressing a letter to Dr. Gibbon, stating case, syn-.ptoms, length of time the disease has continued, and hare medicines promptly . for warded, free from dawage and curiosity, to any part of the oouotry, with full and plain directions for use. By enclosing $15 In currency or $10 in ooin, in a registered letter through th.e post-office, or through Wells, Fargo k Co., a package of med icine will be forwarded by express to any part of the Union. Address DR. J.F. GIBBON, 616 Kearney street, corner of Comns ercial, San Francisco. Post Omce Box 252. Consultation FREE. ; Sf Correspbndents will please inform DR. GIBBON that they read his advertisement in the .eSs, rr. 1 Sarsaparillak FOR FURIFYIHO THE BLOOD, And for toe (peed eure oftbe following eomplainls i PkcrrnM mnd fiermfalmnm AtSeiitmum, mmctt Pimple. fBliil. BItclMfi, Dmihtp J all KUIa D umMb Oaxlahd. Id., 6th June, 1859. J. C. ATI ft Co. Gents s I feel K my duty to ac knowledge what TCur Barsapaniia nas i none ioi mm. 1BMHUVII, JWTW for years. Soma times it burst out hi Ulcers on my hands and srasf sometimes It turned Inward and diatressed mm attho stomach. Two yes re ago 7 and eorered my setup ana e was painful and loathsome beyond 6erUou. I tried many medicines and sererti physicians, but witbont muen reim irwiu -T;rV 71 disorder grew worse. At length 1 was rejoiced to read In the Gospel Messenger that you bad prepared an alteratire (garsanarilla), for I knew from yoar- reputatlon tbat anytning you Sin tl 1 sent to Cincinnati and got rt, and used It till ii cured me. I took it, as you adrlse, In small doses ef skJn ia now clear, and I know by mf feeling tnai tbe disease has gone from my system. You can wtU believe tbat J feel wna i am sajioa; ww "- that I hold you to be one of the apostles of the age, and remain erer l"!. Ml. Antfcray'a Tire, ! mr Zrrlfmm tii mmm Half KStraawy ncaw suicm. Itlrrwt, sr Ky rp7' Dr. Kobert M. Preble writes from eaten, 9. T., 12th Sept., 1W, tbat be has cured aa wreierarw- case or xwpsy, wjwm uitohiku w tally, by the perserering of our fears pa rina, and lM a dangerous Malignant Eryiiptia by hirg doses of the same; says ne cures nwcvhuwi tiom by A eonsUntly. IlrasM!lieeIc, fimltn m nwciimi nrcst. 9.iMU.t, Ku-n at Praroeet. Texas, writes: ibr bottles of your Harsapanlla cured me from a Goitre- hideous swelling on tbe neck, which 1 bad suf fered from orer two rears." t-mrm-rrYttrn. mr Whits. Ormrtmu Tail Uterime U leer ism, wmmtmim- asiaeawe. Dr. J. B. tbsnninr. of Kew York Citr, writes S I most cheerfully comply wHb tbe reaoesi of yonr gent In saying I bare found your BarsapariUa s most excellent alteratire ia the numerous eoa Dlainta for which we employ such a remedy, but ' I S . a m Ik. tf t.. A especially m fwn v i omvimw diathesis. 1 bare cured many lareterat eases of Leucorrboa by it, and some where the complaint was caused by ulceration of tbe vtenu. The aker atlon itself was soon cured. Nothing within sty knowledge equals it for these female derangct. EVfward 8. Marrow, of Kewborr. Abu. writes "X danrerous ovarian tumor cm oe of tbe female In my family, which bad defied ail tne remedies we could employ, has at length been completely cured by roor Extract of garsaparilla. Onrpbyafciaa thought nothing bat extirpation could afford relief;' but be adrised the trial of your Sarsepertlla as tbs last resort before catting, and it prored effectual. After taking your remedy eight weeks BO syopteai pf the disease remains." Ryphllbs sssmI neresirlal Sleesaae. Kew Orleaks, 25tb August, 1SS3. Da. J. C. Atkr; Sir, 1 cbeerfuJly comply with tbe request of your agent, and report to you sots of tbe effects I bare realized witb your SarsaparUla, 1 bare cured witn tt. m my practice, most or in complaints for which it is recommended, and bar found it effects truly wonderful in tbe cure of Vcntrtnl and Mervurial VUrase. One of my p tients bad Syphilitic ulcers ia bis throat, which were consuming Us palate and the top of bis moatb. Your barsapariila steadily takes cured him ia fir weeks Another was attacked by secondary synrp torn in bis nose, and tbe ulceratioa bad eatea away a considerable part of it, so that 1 beliere tbe dis order would soon reach bis brain and klU bias. Bat it yielded to my administration of your SaraapartUaj tbe ulcers bealed, and be is well again, not of coarse without some aMsngurauoB to ma race. wbo bad been treated for tbe same disorder by mer cury was suffering from this poison ia her bones. Tber bad become so sensitire to tbe weather that on a damn dar she suffered excruciating pain ia he joints and bones, febe, too, was cored entirely by roar ttarsaDaruia o a kw weeaa. a kbow mm n formula, which your srent rare me, that this Preparation from tout laboratory must be a great remedy; consequently, these truly remarkable r. suits with ft bare mot aurprieed me. Fraternally yours, U. V. LARIMER, M. D. RWaawaltsaa, Gael, II rer CaeplaUatt. IsorrzxDESCK, Prestoa Co., Va., 6th July, Ji3. Da. J C. Arra: Sir, I bare been afflicted with a painful chronic Utenmatum for a long time, which baffled tbe skill of physicians, and stack to aw ia spite of all tbe remedies I could find, until I tried your KarsaparDla. One bottle cured me ia two weeks, and restored my general health so much that I am far better thaa before I was attacked I think it a wonderful medicine. J. IKE AM. Jules Y. Getcbell, of St. Louis, writes: I har been afflicted for years with aa a feet ion of tie IAetr, which destroyed ray health- I tried everything, and ererything failed to relieve me; and I bar been a broken-down man for some Tears frees ao other cause thaa derangement cf tie Lirer. My beloved pastor, tbe Rev. Mr. Espy, adrised saw to try your fearsaparilla, because be said be knew yow. and anything you made was worth trying. By tbe blessing of God it baa cured me, and baa so purified my blood as to made a new man of me. I feel youag again Tbe best that can be said of yon is not half good enough." McfalmM, Cmaeer Twaaera, Eatstrsj t aae nt L'lrrratiea, t'auriea stawl Kafel iaiiaa of I be Beaea, A irreat variety cf cases bare been reported taaa where cure of these formidable complain ta bare resulted from tbe use of this remedy, but our space, here will sot admit tbem. Some of them may be louaa tu our American Almanac, waicn toe areata below named are pleased to famish gratis to all who. call for tbem, Dyspeasa. Henri Diaesiae, Vltn, EpOeyiey. Melancholy, Newralgka. Many remarkable cures ef these affections bar been made by tbe alteratire power of this mediciue. It stimulates tbe rital functions uto rigorous actios, and thus overcome disorders which would be sup posed beyond its reach. Such a remedy has long been required by the necessities of the people, and) we are confident that this will do lor them all tbaA medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Ton thx starts cubjb op Cose, CaWb, laflaenaat, IT ear trsap, Hraacaitis, laeipiral Cmm aasnptioa, aad for she Belief I CaBHsaspUre Patient ! km ateiraaeesl Stavge j f the Piaeaeei. This is a remedy o unireraally known to surpasa any ot ber for tbe cu re of throat and lung complaints, that it is useless here to, publish the eridenoe of its virtues. Its unriralled excellence for coughs and colds, and its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, hare made it known throughout tbe civil, feed nations of tbe earth. Few are tbe eommuaities or eren families, among them wbo hare not aome personal experience of its effects some 11 Ting trophy ia their midst of Its victory orer tbe subtle bot in adful fatality of these disorders, and dangerous disorders of tbe throat and lanes. and aa they ,,-'.-mMiili nf. Hrfit- CBT'j". no utru nui uu inure linn (V wim UWIB "H U pf now all the rirtues that it did have when making the cures which hare won so strongV upoa the confidence of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. GTAYE& & Co., Lowell, Huh "S- Sold by Settlemier k Co., Albany, and Wholesale and Retail by Smith k Davis, Pott and. ae81y ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTURE, MCCORD & CO, Take pleasure In informing the are now publie that they Manufacturing at Albany, Oregon, A SCPEHIOR ARTICLE OF j TJJEUB XjJJEUD OTT.L ! Also a superior article of . J ASSOUTEI3 TOIMST SOAP, PALE SOAP AND OLIVE SOAP, " " ! All of whioh they propose to sell an as favorable, terms as the same articles can bo imported ; and j Warrant Each Article to Give Satisfaction ENQUIRE FOR THE HOME-MANUFACTUR ED ARTICLE, AND BUY NO OTHER 1 ay-All kinds or Grease taken in ex change for trade. v2n49t NOTICE! THOSE WHO WANT REAPERS, HEADERS, Threshers, Mowers, Gang-Plows, Self-Rakiag Machines, Seed Drills, ke., at Portland prices, freight added, (seo band-bill of E. A. Hawley A Co., Portland,) will please call on ' , R. CHEADLE, Agent, apr4v3n33tfj Albany. Oregon. FOR RENT. - A GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, situated la desirable part of the city, with barn, ke. Apply to DR. WM. LISTER. a teanpoonful orer a monw. aua usea mbkki boWesT Kew and healthy skin soon began to form uh whtah thr a, while fell Oft. Mf Democrat. feb2Sv3n28yl v3n32tf