Bill i ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS ADVE11TISE31ENTS ADVEKTISE M E N T S . SATURDAY APRIL 25, 1868. Xegro HuJrrasc There has been, says the N. Y. Ex- one of the city Democratic journals, that negro suffrage is an open issue with Dem ocrats, and that a man can be a Demo crat and vote to degrado tho whito labor er of the North to the race, and caste de gradation of tho negro. There never was a greater mistake for the, greatest of all issues between Democrats and tho Re tmblicaa i oligarchy is that of negro suf frage. It is about tho only, issue, for tar iSip and about- ovcrything else dwindlo into insignificance when compared with it , . . ' ."' ; The oligarchies and monopolists of the North the men for 800 per cent, tariff bounties, are reconstructing the South, so as to use tho negro voto there, to forco the consumers of the North to ket p up their tariff bounties. Ilcnco tho Five Monarchies, and all tho tyrannies con nected therewith ! The Democrats of the North and West are dead against all this, and united in it too. The question, here, at home, is, as on our own soil, when confined to our own State of bat little practical importance to U5, . right here but of the greatest practical importance to us elsewhcro, and of the greatest theoretical importance to us everywhere. The Democratic the ory and principle is, that this is a Demo cratic government of white men, made for white men, and exclusively for white men. Hence we have ever carefully ex clude! the Indian from suffrage, nay, we have extirpated him, and universal suf frage for the negro was an idea scouted by the fathers of the Republic, who, in tho Federal convention, compacted, not only to deliver him up as a slave, but to' have him represented only as a slave. Our fathers made no provisions for taking into co-partnership government, the Cher okees, or Creeks, or Senecas, or Iroquois tribe3 powerful in their day, while they created a Government exclusively for white men. They never intended to share their co-partnership with these In dians, any more than with the Chinese or Japanese,- our own Pacific ocean neih hors. The land was made open and free Tor Anglo-Saxon. Teuton, Celt, and for jail the Latin races in short for the Cau casian, never for the African, or Mongol ion, or Esquimaux tribes of men, whom we are now in masses in our just acquired Russian possessions. The reason that this government of white men should be kept for white men, is, that the white man alone is capable of self-government, jind alcne can maintain a free government. No other races ever maintaiued such a government or ever can. The white man is the superior man, the dominant man, over the African, the Mongolian, the Es quimaux, or other species of men, and was designed and destined by God to be. All attempts of our race to share govern ment, and; our society with the inferior -races of men, in Hay ti, Jamaica, or Span ish America, here in America, or, in Asia, or North Africa, have been destructive of both rases. Amalgamation is death, both -to whit3, negro men, or Mongolian men. Equality and fraternity with these lower races is against the will of God, and God punishes by the destruction of both races .all these violations of II b Holy Will. CHIPS. Slight of hand : refusing an offer of mar .riage. Which is the oldest tree? The elder tree, -of course. Ladies and gentlemen dancing on the jjreen sward are grass-hoppers. "Short visite are best, as the fly said when ie alighted on a hot stove. . When a sportsman fires into a covey of j i t ii n "i ' ' rinuws, lie iuue:j mem au quail. - Patrick told his sweetheart he "could not jBlape for dhreamin' of her," Advice to a man with a pain in hi stom .ach: Wear a "sash." - It is exceedingly bad husbandry to harrOw jup the fe elings of your wife. ; It is a mistake to suppose that tho sun is supported in the sky by its beams. If you wish to run for Congress, run along: yon couldn't run down hill faster. Why are loTers sighs like long stockings ? Because they are high hose (heigh ho's.) - Railroad contractors and married couples .should take care that the "coupling" does jiot break. What dress should a lady procure in order to Keep ner wardrobe clean 7 A lawn dress 1 laundress). ... 'A-Iate traveler says it is so cold in the northern part of Greenland that i freezes -tne fire out, . . Wfiat is that which every one wishes for jand yet wants to get rid of as soon as obtain ed ? A gf)od appeute. ' - Petroleum shares are defified by Pope (not ihe General), as "parts of one stupendous hole." '' ' :- The reason why some people put on airs 1 j a! L . r. ju uucuuse mej uave noimng eise to put on, fc When is a plant like a bog? ' When it be gins to roc t. And when is it like a soldier 7hen it shoots. ' . vJohn did you find any eggs in the old Jien's nest this morning?" "No, sir : if she jaia any sue mislaid them," Why mustihe persons appointed to wind -cause they are liquid-haters. The damsel who' is accused of breakintf' t -young man's heart, has been bound over in xne Donas ci matrimony to keep the pieces - - No Principles. A Democratic con -temporary eajs "Grant has completely surrendered to the Radicals." What ha3 he'Eurrendered? asks an exchange. There was never anything of-him to be surren dered, except . a mere newspaper-made reputation, and that, was wind "words, mere words." lie has no principles. He is a tool.' He for a loner tima madfi anm fishy Democrats believe that he was with tnem; Dut aiscQvering the light weight tne xemocrais wno were trvmo- tn run him, ho delivered hiniself over, with all his dogs, horses,' pipts, tobacco-pouches, and whiskey bottles, into the arms of tho HI- -L 1 ' t..'' . TT. 7J , . . .? x'Awugreia.- ygutney jj.tru.nju. . Kobert King died near ; Gordonsville, Va., last month. He was born on the OAit T ' t ' mm rn 1 T ' '. . -wm vi Juiy, 1 ana w consequently lacked but a few months of beinc: 100 ears old. - , " : : OUR AGENTS. The following named' gentlemen are authorised to net us Agents fur Tub Stats Rights Dkmo rat, and to rocciva .ml rocoipt for subscriptions tothopnpet: . ; ' ; LINN COUNTY. Robert Wotkinson and James Dorrls. ........ ...Se!o Jason 'Wheeler....................... .....Lebanon H. L. Brown Brownsville Matthew Fountain , Harrisburg J. M. Smith. Peoria LANE COUNTY. lion. J. J. Walton........ ...... Eugone City BENTON COUNTY. It. II. Strahn ..Corvallls POLK COUNTY. T. J. Lovelady ..Dallas J. B. V. Butler and Dr. Harris..... ..Monmouth Dr. J. M. McCoy .......... ...... ..........La Croolo Benj. Hayden ......Kola ? CLACK AM AS COUNTY. J. II. Ralston M ...Oregon City MULTNOMAH COUNTY. J. F. McCoy Portland MA1UON COUNTY. N. M. Bell e . B. F. Bonham j Salem L. F. Kiffenhart.. .............................. .SUrerton llanlcy Waterman........ ....Jefferson Thon. Hoyce, Newspaper Agent. Saa Franeioco, is authorised to receive subscriptions and advertisement fur our paper, and aet as busi ness agent generally. A D V E It T I SB M E N T S . NO MORE HIGH PRICES FOR- -A. X. B -A. 1ST "ST 1 GO. TO THE STORE OP J. E. BENTLEY & CO. And Buy your Goods as yon did in I860! T1IEY HAVE JCST RECEIVED FROM SAN FRANCISCO, THK LAHGEST STOCK Of Boots mill lioe&. C0531ST1X0 or GENTS' FINE SEWED BOOTS. OENTS' FINE PEGGED ROOTS, BOYfe AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS. LADIES AND MIOSES' BOOTS, KID CONGRESS GAITERS, AND CHILDREN'S GAITERS. RUBBER OVKR-SIIOES. AND SHOES OFALLDESCRIl'TIONS CEXTLEMEX'8 BOOTS MADE.TO ORDER OX SUOST NOTICE, AND i ALL KIND OF REPAIRING! DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. .TT-AUot a lot of Sole and L'noer leather, fur cale at the Lowest Figuro far Cab. GIVE THEM A CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES ! sr)21-T3a8m8J GIFT ENTERPRISE! The distribution of Valuable Preskxtb will Positively Take Place on the 9th of June, A. D. 1SGS. EVERY TICKET WARRANTED TO DRAW A PHIZE! READ THE LIST. Corner lot No. 1. in Block No. 5, ai recorded In the Town Plat of tho town of Browmrillc, Lnn countj, Oregon, fronting on Wabnffton and pine street : improrement. oont Utioir of Dwel ling House, cuickin House, &c, Ac. ; dwelling hone,2Cx24 fctt, 4 rooma and pantry l.-low and two twelve feet rconia above. The home ij new and not entirely finUhed, bulla now occupied, aa a residence. There ia a aplcndid well of wator, made rat-pruoL All encloaed with a rood aob etantial board fence. The foregoing prize ia ral ned at............... &800 00 And alao the following valuable real eatate. to wit : Sixty-one feet off the eatt end of Lot No. 8, Block No. 3. and 39 feet off the eaat end of Lot 7, in Block 3, in the town of Brownariilc. Linn County, Oregon. Improrementa. coneUtinz of dwelling house 20x23 fctt, fire rooma, a fine. large brick cbimney, and a aplendid well of Vi ater. AU encloaed in a good, aubiUntial board fence.; Valued at -.8700 OO One 91 Bureau, valued at 35 00 : one 'J I Bu reau, maaogany, valued at S3d 00 : one mahos any fluted centro-table, valued at $25 00 ; one apan aorrel match horaea, valued at $400 00 ; one bay " Iti2etaan" atud colt, two yoara old, valued at $300 00 : one dark cbeatnnt aorrel atallion. i yeara old, lb handa and 3 incbea high, weighing l,zuu ita., vaiueu at ?ouu vu une aaadlo ttorae. valued at f 120 00. There will be $2,000 conaiating in part of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, FAMILY BIBLES, JICSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS, GOLD PENS, bbntLUi, &cm etc., comprising over 5,000 val nrble articles to bo diapoaed of on the popular plan or une aouar lor eacii Ticket. Only one dollar. It : ia desirable to aell all the Ticketa, and of course it doea not make any diff. erence who gets the property at a fair distribu tion. . -, i Possession of the property will be given to the lucky ticket-holders immediately after the drawing, i .i . f . . . except me nrsi prize namea ana me aorrel stal lion. Possession of the first will be given in 30 days after the drawing; the deed will bo mado to the ticket-bolder at" the time of drawing. The horse will be given up as soon as the season Is out, or on the 1st day or July, 1863. Persons residing at a distance wishing tickets, can have thera sent by Expiess or Mail, by for warding One Dollar in U. S. eoin for each ticket, or for clubs at club rates, by addressine A. GEORGE, Brownsville, Linn county, Oregon, or P. C. HARPER, Albany, Linn county. No ticket will be held good unless duly reported and regutera previous to tne drawing. SPECIAL TERMS, OR CLUD RATES. Any person procuring five or more namea for ticketa and forwarding tho money for the same, can nave tickets at toe following rates b Tickets to one address...... ............ 50 10 , 20 30 40 50. 100 do tt a fin ............... V uv .I7 50 ..26 50 35 00 , .,,.,43 00 85 00 tt u tt tt it In every case send the name of each subscriber, their post office address, with aounty and State in JOllv -r ' ' '- " ' "" ' r " "' ' f, a -'r - ' The drawing and distributions will be On TUES DAY, JUNE 9, in theeity of ALBANY, Linn Co., Oregon, by a Committee of five selected by and from the Ticket-holder in attendance. Two clerks will be, appointed ono by the Committee and one by the undersigned to record, with pen and ink, the number and prizes as they are drawn. For pedigrees of the Stallions that are up as prices, address iiugn j lelds, JJrownsvilIe, Oregon Title to all property giyed clear of all encum brances. 33-Mt, W. F. Howj.ett is an authorized trav eling agent for the sale of tickets., - ' ', A. CHOUGH. TO THE PUBEICV , We are well acquainted with A; George,' and. hate no hesitation in eaying that we believe the be conducted fairly and impartially. . . . f. M. ABRAMS, Merchant, Brownsville." ' G.C.C00LEY, " " L. H. WASHBURN,- " A.LEWIS, , ; HUGH FIELDS, . ". SENDERS, STERNBERG, & Co., Brownsville, , HAYWOOD & CO., Merchants, . Albany. ' G.. F. SETTLEMIER, V. .'. :' A. II. MARSHALL A CO., Livery. " " , J. B. SPRENGER Pacific Hotel, " ... . rA. W. STANARD, Clerk of, Court, of Linn Co. HARVEY SMITH Sheriff of Linn county. ' Fcbl5v3n2Gtf . , , r ..... . ADDRESS ' Td THK- JERVOUS AND DEBILITATED! TO THOSE WHOSE SUFFERINGS HAVE been protracted from hidden causes, and whose eases require prompt treatment to tender ex i istence desirable. If you are suffering or have suffered from Involuntary discharges, what effect does it produoe upon your general health t Do yo fel weak, debilitated easily tired t Does a ittle extra exertion produce palpitation of the heart? Poos your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequently get out of order f Is your urine sometimes thick, milky, or floeky, or Is It ropy oi settling f Or does a thlok sonra riso to the top f Or it sediment at the bottom after it baa stool awhile f Do yoa have spell of snort breathing or dyspepsia? - Are your bowels consti pated f De yoa have spells of fainting or rushes of blood to the head J Is your memory Impaired? Is your mind constantly dwelling upon this sub- cct? Do yoa feel dull, liotless, moping, tired of eompany, of life ? Do you wlih to be left alone, to get away from everybody? Does any little thing meke yoa start or jump ? Is your sleep bro ken or restless? Is the lustre of your eye as bril- iant? The bloom on your check as bright? Do you enjoy yourself In society as well ? Do you pursue your business with the samo energy ? Do you foci as much confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to fits of tnclae- choly ? If so, do not lay It to your liver or dys pepsla. Have you restless nights? Your back weak. your knees weak, end have but littlo appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver-complaint? Now, reader, self-abuse, venereal d Incases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of pro ducing a weakness of the generative organs. Tne orgens of generation, when In perfect health, make the man. Did you ever think that those bold, defiant, energetic, persevering, successful business-men are always those whose generative organs are in perfect health ? You sever hear such men complain of being melancholy, of ner vousness, of palpitation of the heart. Tbey are never afraid they cannot succeed In badness; they don't become sad and discouraged; tbey are always polite and pleasant in the eompany of ladies, and look you and them right In the face- none of yoor downcast looks or any other mean ncss about them. I do not mean those who keep the organs Inflamed by running to excess. These will not only ruin their constitution, but also those they do business with or for. How many men, from badly cured diseases. front the effects of self-abuse and excesses, have brought about that state of weakness in those or gans that has reduced the general say stem so much as to produoe almost every other dUas idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, sutaide, and almost every other form of disease which hu manity is heir to, and the real cause of the tremble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctored for ail but the right one. Diseases of these organs require the uio of a diuretic. IIELttBOLD FLUID EXTRACT BUCHTJ 18 TUB GREAT DIURETIC, and U a certain core for - , - .-. Diseases of the Bladder, " Kidneytj Gravel, Dropsy, Organic "WeaJcnesi, Female Complaints, General Debility, AND ALL OTHER DISEASES OF TnE URINARY ORGANS 1 -;.- , Whether existing In -' XtS ALU OR FSEIALS! ( 3 1 from whatever cause originating, and no matter j; j of. how long standing. If no treatment is rosorted to, Consumption or in sanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are PR 8. C. HILL. QK0. T. SKTTLEMUn. SETTLEMIER. pO., DRUGGISTS, AT DR. SHEPHERD'S OLD STAND, MAIN ST., A I.I! A NY. DEALERS IN DRUGS, "IMC E D I O I IB s , CHEMICALS, I'alntN, OIIm, ClaNv, Dyc-Stufrfe, V A KN IS HE 8 , i AND A Vri.i AMOttTMKHT OS DRUG Q IST8' SUNDRIES. AGENTS BY AVI'OINTAIENT FOR F i ... 1 Dr. D. Jnyncs & Son's Family Medicines. We also keep on hand a full supply of All Patent ITIcdicitiCN in Une. Our stock of Drugs, Fluids, KxtracU,eto.,are from Well Known Manufacturers, and will be found OP THE Hi:ST CMUI-ITY ! srtriAL attkstio niviejf to eorovxTtxo PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS! We NoIic.H tho Patronmsc of the Public. WE HAVE ESTABLISHED A BRANCH DRUG STORE AT SCIO! trr.u Ttir. waxaokmkxt or- G. A. HILL, Who will keep a full supply of Drugs, Medicines, etc., etc., for tale at Low ri'. HETTLEMIEH A CO April ft. 1867T2nSlly GltOB'S Ml'NICAI. AM) KOI ATIOAL INSTITUTE. ALSO- DAY & BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. rTUI!K IXNTITUTE IH HITtATKI in a retired and M-aulifut location, away from the basinets portion or the city, on Till nil, between l! aol C hTHKKTS. 1'otiland. Oregon. Attached t tbe building are extertflve and beau tlful groutid f..r the eoivettlriie of i.ui,U. Tbe nducetional Drpurlmrnt will ln In ehmrgt of an effioU-nt cri)S of Teachers. CA VT. J. V. C. A I.LSOI'i, (formerly a rrfeS'ir to luv University of Louisiana, and for the lat five yrart I'rioeipel of a Collegiate Innitute in tbe Southern part of taurorota,) rrincipal. ) effort will b fared to make tni Initttate equal to the bet on the Tacific noat. The course of studies will eintrac all tbe branches utuatly taught In rlrl tf-minari.s in tie Iwut, in- eluding tho Classics, French, German, Hpanisb, Matbtttnatic, Ac, Ac. Tbe Moiieal Drj.trlincut will be conducted by PKOF. II. GUIDO GUOU, Graduate of I'lancl's Coascrvatoric. I'arties from the country may ret atured that under the care of M US. GUOl!, (Matron of the IitatlUhincnl,)tley wilteitrirneealltheatt-ntiun of a mother and enjoy the eomforts of a home. . It. rartieuur attention will be lo the eholee of Text IJKk, In order to arold anything of a Sectional or J'artittm nalurt, in our curriculum of studies. For further particulars, enquire at the Institute, or address II. til' I DO OUOlI, P. O. Box No. 16. CAPT. ALLSOPP will continue to give Evening Leaions in tbe Modern Languages and English branches. . Octobc" 12. 18C7 3n9yl ALI1AIVY FOUIVDItV AND rvlACHINE SHOP ! A. F. CHERRY, HAVING PUIICIIANED THE E!f tire interest in the ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, I am Prepared to Fnrnlnh WROUGHT AND CAST IRON WORK Of every description, on short notioe. Also, j BRASS CASTINGS. All Orders for . MILL WORK Will be filled with dispatch, and in a satisfactory , , ! manner. , " ; ; iiorsi: POWERS Agricultural Iiiiplcincnts Maanfactnred to order, and particular attention paid to llepaira. All kinds of . PATTERN WORK dono to order on short notioe A. F. CHERRY, Albany, August 13, 186My A. CO H N , DEALER IX , , GENERAL MERCHANDISE! (In Monteith't JJrick Store) ALBANY, ... OREGON. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A WELL elected stock of . , -GENTS FURNISHING GOODS . . ' - DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, : BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS," GROCERIES, ; WINES AND LIQUORS, : "'( TOBACCO AND CIGARS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, ; . . NAILS AND GLASSWARE, And everything usually found in a well estab ' lished Dry Goods or Grocery Store, and .-. ; ' at prioes"to ' defy competition. : ! i The very Highest prices : ' ' ' - is f paid for all kinds J' ' . ofProduce. . ' ' fltfB Remember tho place, at the sign of ' janl7v3n23yl A. COnN. SPECIAL ATTRACTION ! NOTICE IS HEREBY i GIVEN TO ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned, either by noto or book account, to settle the same in cash or merchantable produce value, by the 10th day of December, 1867, as if is absolutely necessary that wo- collect tho same td enable us to carry on our business. By promptly attending to tho above requirements, you will confer a favor upon . i r W. W. PARRISn 'Si CO. Albany, Oct. 25, 1867 v3nl2tf ; " 1MEUSSDORFFER & BRO.,!' Manufacturer and Importers of, and Wholesale and Ketuil Dealers in HATS AND CAPS, ' " Ami)- -" . HATTERS' MATERIALS, No. 1'i I'rout Ntreet, Portland, ARE IlECEIVINO, IN ADDITION TO their extensive Stock, by every Hteatner, all tho LATEST 8TYLES of New York, London and Paris lau taste, for , , Qontlomon's and Children's Wear Which tbey will sell CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE ON THE COASTI DEALERS IN HATS Wllloonsult their own interests by examining our Bioca Leiore purcnastng eluewbere. k m m M m W Hats of every style and Description MADE TO ORDER, ALSO IVKATI-V KKPAIRKD, AT J. O. IMousadorffer & Bro.'s No. 72 Front fitreet Portland, Og'n, Cor. D and Hecond SU .....Marysville, C'al. i. I2j J htreet Haorarncnto Nos. fill A 6.17 Commercial Ft Ran Franolseo. Wholetale House at San Kranelsco, Cal N" . 23 Commercial through to 637 Clay streets. Uee. j, ihgo tZnlCtr PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY Of San Francisco, California. -o- CASXX CAPITAL $1,000,000 00 SURPLUS ,Jxn'Y I, '67 238,054 OO CASH AS SETS la GOLD, $1,233,054 91 All Losses Paid Immediately ia United States Gold Coin. FXIiK, OCEAN, MARINE, INLAND SURATSCE. T HE PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY. bar'tut-amoved with Messrs. HI OK LOW k UltOTllKK fur the transfer of all the bnsiness of the f'ire InsuraiKe Companies lately represented by them, is now prepared to offer to all partiet formerly in so red ty said com pan tea, eotially rood terras and pmropt par tor tit of in United States fold coin. Mr. H. II. IfUinLOW will he the cencral Agent fur tuu company from tuls date. Dirertors of Pacific Inanrance Co. mas rknco Jas. DTreroerr, Lloyd Terls, Louis Mc Lane, Wm. rbertnan. Oliver EldrMge, Mm. Al'rl, Jonn O. fcarl, A. II. rorbes, Ale Weill. Alfred Kortl, J. G. KelJogg, Ab'm Feliman, U. T. liwton. M. Cbeceman, Ann (J. Bliles. K. I. Uoldstein. G. H. Howard. JobnG. ISrar, Mees Ellis, Cm. W. Dearer, P. I.. Wearer, f. Steinbart, DaridHtcm, M. Rownbanm. Jonathan Hunt, SArmtir.sTO. W. T. Coleman, Edgar Mills, E. W. Leonard, li. W. Mowe, T. L. Darker, C. T. Wbeeler. T. L. Meyer, xsaraviLLK. F. M. Wilson, J. H. JewctL John D. Newton, pomtlaxo. A. HaywarJ, D. W.C. Rice, C. Meyer, D. J. Ullrer, Alpbeas Roll, W. C. IUUton, L. Sachs. Ered. RUIiogs, A. I Tubbs. II. M. Newball, Edward Martin, W. 8. Ladd, Adam Grant, D. O. Mills, Jacob Katom. J. D. Fry, 11. Hansnmann, L. 11. Rcnchl, Mmti Heller. Wm. Bcholle, STOCK TO !. II. II. Rigelow, Wm. Hoojier, Cbaa Mayne, T. B. Anthony. VIH6ISIA, tr. Wm. Sharon, OFFICERS: J. HUNT, President. A. J. KALftTOX, Secretary. C. A. KiATOX, Marine FecreUry. JI. II. IJICJKLOIV, OenT Ajent. LADD &TILTON, PORTLAND GENERAL AGENTS FOR Oregon ami IVaaltlngton Territory LOCAL AGENTS i S. R. HAMMER.... Salem F.A. CHENOWKTH CorvallU J. B. UNDERWOOD, Eugene S. F. CHADWICK Roseburg JOHNSON & McCOWN Oregon City CUMMINS A GRANT Dalles J. H. BLEW ITT Walla Walla A. WHEELER , ....Brownsville JAMES RILEY Harrisburg JOHN CONNOt Albany Nov. 2, 1867 v3nl2yl . BEER! .BEER!! ALBANY BREWERY. KIEFER at: ROGGERS, Pro'rs. T HE SUBSCRIBER nAS JUST ERECTED new ana nrsi-ciass ,. , - .. r, - , i a BEE "W" E On Droad Alb In between First J Y V "and the River, 1 ' Stroet And la prepared to furnish WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS -ASD- PRIVATE FAMILIES, ON SHORT . NOTICE ! ' All Orders Delivered Wherever Desired. He Warrants lis BEER MADE OF THE BEST MATERIALS) J ." '. .'' ' ''-''! ASD ;: . PERFECTIsY HEAIsTHY ! THE WONDER CF. THE NINETEENTH CENTURY I f SMMBWSMSWS1 '" MRS. L. A. STIFFS EGACY TO THE WORLD! For Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, lloarso sess, cte etc. THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE THO RACIC BALSAM and the Allopathic long medicines is this s tbe popular drug medicine, when taken Into the stomach, make yon sick, while the scnfrtlon created by my Thoracic Balsam is as soothing as a cup of tea. When the drug medi cines, taken by tbe multitude of victims who hare died with the consumption, find tbeir way into tbe longs, tbey immediately commence to irritate and inflame tbe ulcers and increase tho flow of matter. As a consequence, the patient expectorates more freoly, and as be coughs and spits his life away, be thinks, because he raises such a quantity, and raises it so easily, that be Is certainly recovering; and under this common delusion be eorjnnes to take tbe medicines, and continues to cough and spit, until exhausted nature submits and be finds relief In the grave. On tho other band, when my Thoracic Balsam Unas lis way Into the lungs it commences at onee to beal tbe ulcers. It goes to tbe very root of the disease, and gently, but surely, draws all morbid bumor from tbe ulcerated parts. It purifies the blood, as it is composed wholly of vegetable ma terials. It strengthens and does not debilitate the general system, it tends to quiet tbe nerves and invigorate the patient and assist in relieving the congeted condition of the lungs, by diflujing tbe accumulated blood over tbe surface, and it clears away tbe obstructions that impede egress of all tbe impurities of the body through their natural chan nels tbe bowels and inoro especially doe it tend to draw all excretion from tbe lungs, and Induces a new and vigorous action to the liver and imparts strength and new lire to tbe patient. Rear this in mind, that the secret of tbe success of my Thoracic Balxarn lies enclosed in this little nut-shell i first, it does not irritate tbe lungs and cause tbe patient to expectorate ; seoond, it does commence at onee to heal tbe ulcers; it soothes and allays the inflamation, and stops tbe coughing and expectoration ; it strengthens and encourages tbe patient, and, with proper nourishment, be mut recover. This medicine don't give yon new ungs ; it only mends up your old ones, and, with eare tbey may take you away on into a good old ag. I connot close without saying a word to my own sex. 1 am now in my sixty-fint year, and can truly say that with all my experience with female diacases, I have found it tbe safeat and best reme dy, and no woman ic delicato health should be witbout it. Dr. Ayer truthfully remarks that less than one-half of tbe female of tbe United tales have sound health, and the condition of the disor dered ones 1 leaving its impress on tbe rising gen eration. Then, bow important we should have i remedy forlhee evils. For painful or suppresred menses, irregularities, etc., and also for women at tbe turn of life, and frail girls, this medicine will be found inraluable. It should also be used be fore and after confinement. "An ounce of pre ventive is better than a pound of cure." Ketncmber, kind father, vr fond husband, when administering my Medicines to a darling daughter or frail wife, that tbey are composed of no death- dealing mineral or nauseating drug, to make tbe irk more mueraole anl hasten their untimely end ; but tbey are a compound of medicinal roou. hero, barks, blossoms, ew with whose generous healing virtues years of experience have made me familiar. For farther particulars see pamphlet aeempany- ing every bottle. lu. U A. hTll'V. SMITH A DAVIS, PorUand, General Ageats. All or mt$. L. A, Mipp s Jueuicme are manu factured od put up by W. C. Avrnr, Salem, Ore gon, to wboto all letters on business snoola be di rected. Mrs. L. A. Stipp's Medicines for sale at Wblttl- tnore to.. Albany : k.lhm JL boo. JLebanon ; II. Htnilh. Harritburg. Sept. 11. 167 vSoSyl. TO THE UNFORTUNATE NEW REMEDIES ! NEW REMEDIES 2 Dr. iIlbouit DlNpciiNnry, iti KEARNEY STREET, XEAR COMMERC L, Fan Francisco. KUblbhed in ISit, for tbe treatment of Seiuat and Seminal diseaies, sucb as (ionorrboea. Gleet. Stric ture, rypbulis in all its forms, f e : . -1 tt- - i . CLU Al, l.t . ,ii f t- utindirj) and Llceratcd Legs succestfuliy treated. Horrible Diseases. How many thousands of persons, both male and female, are there who are suffering out a miserable existence from the effects of secret indulgences, or from virus absorbed into tbe system ! Look at tbeir pallid, emaciated and disfigured faces and their broken down constitutions, disqualifying them for tho happiness of marriage or tbe enjoy ment of life. In this horrid situation thousands suffer until death closes tbe scene. Let parents, guardians, friends, attend to thoto who are suffer ing with any of these horrible life-destroying; mal adies see that tbey are cared for and cured before it be too late. Send them immediately to Dr. Gibbon, a physician who has made prirate disease his study for years, and who is certain to cure the mot inveterate cases witbout mercury orother in jurious drugs. It is important to those who are afflicted, or those who aro interested in the welfare of their friends, to be careful of the many pretend ed doctors who infest all cities, publishing their skill in curing all diseases in a few days, imposing upon the public by using the names of eminent physicians from Europe and other places. Be therefore careful, and make strict inquiry, or you may tall into the hands of those charlatans. Seminal Weakness. Seminal Emissions, tht consequence of self abuse. This solitary vioc, or depraved sexual in dulgence, is practised by the youth of both sexes to an almost unlimited extent, producing, with un erring certainty, the following train of morbid symptoms, unless combatted by scientific medical measures, vis t Sallow countenance, dark spots under tho eyes, pain in the bead, ringing in the ears, noise like the rustling of leaves and rattling of chariots, uneasiness about the loins, weakness of tbe limbs, coufusod vision, blunted intellect, loss of confidence, diffidence in approaohing stran gers, ft disliku to form new acquaintances, a dis position to shun society, loss of memory, hectic flushes, pimples and various eruptions about the faoe, furred tongue, fetid breath, ooughs, consump tion, night sweats, monomania and frequent in sanity. If relief be cot obtained, should apply immediately, either In person or by letter, and havo a cure effected by his new and scientific mode of treating this disease, wbieh never fails of effect ing a quiok and radical cure. Pr. Q. will give One Hundred Dollars to any person who will prove satisfactorily to him that he was cared of this complaint by either of the San Francisco quacks. MARRIED MEW Or those who oontcmp'ate marriage, who are suf fering under any of theso fearful maladies, should not forget the sacred responsibility resting upon them, oor delay to obtain immediate relief. . TO THE LADIES. The various complicated and distressing diseases incident to females, treated with eminent success. Such as Suppressions, Irrigularities, Whites,' fall ing of the Womb, Tumors, all Urinary Diseases, Nervous debility, Painful or Difficult Menstruation, Barrenness, etc., will bo speedily cured, without poisonous drugs, injurious or unpalatable medi cines of any kind. , Have no delicacy in calling, no difference what your troubles may bo. The af flicted are cordially invited to call and . satisfy themselves. DOCTOR GIBBON is responsible, and will eive to each patient a jrritton instrument, binding him self to effect a radical and permanent cure, or make no charge. ' . ' - CURED AT HOME. . Persons at a distance- may be CURED AT HOME, by addressing a letter to Dr. Gibbon, stating case, symptoms, length of time tbe disease has continued, and have medicines promptly for warded, freo from damage and curiosity, to any part of the country, with full and plain directions for use. "By enclosing $15 in currency or $10 in eoin, in a registered letter through the post-office, or through Wells, Fareo A Co.. a package of med icine will bo forwarded by express to any part of tne union. Address DR. J.F. GIBBON, 616 Kearney street, corner of Commercial, San Francisco. Post Office Box 252. . Consultation FREE. ; 53 Corresnondents will pleaso inform DR. GIBBON that they read bis advertisement in the Ayerft 21 Are you tick, feeble, and eVin plaining? Are yon out of order, with your rytitm deranged, and roar feeling rornloTtabie7l neejinp. to in are often tbe prelude to serious lilcexs. Hortie fit Of Kicknems is creeping open you, and niton Id be averted by a timely ne of f he- rirVt remedy, take Arer's Vitlt, and cieanne out the &km dered humors porify tfce blood, and let the fluids move on smototrtreted in " health again, Tbey sritrrS' late tbe function! tl the bodv Into vtjroTous eethrttv. IP' i purify the system from tbe obstructtow i wfckfc jMk disease. A cf Id settles somewhere In tbe body, and Katrnta Hm. n.itir.1 fnoctions. Tiese tf not re lleved, react tipen tbemselesand the rarrtwndiBt; orrans, proo icmg general (t?riu( jcriB and diseae. Whfleia this condition, oppretsed by the derangements, take Ayer's Fills, and see bow directly tbey restore the nataral action of tbe sys tem, and with H tbe buoyaat feeling of health ciAv What Is true and so apparent in Ibis trivial and eosBf mon complaint, is also true In many of the deep-, seated aod dangerous dktemper. The samo porga--tJve effect expels tbem. Caused by similar erue-. tlons and derangeinenu of the natural fonetioas tbe body, they are rapidly, and many of them soreJy, . cured by the tame means. None who knew tt virtues of these Mils, will neylect to employ Sun. wbeo sufleriny: from tbe disorders tbey cure. : . fctatcments from leading physicians la some tf Uss principal citks, and from other well-known petlio persons: , ' From a Forwarding if rchmt fif St. Levis, Fch. 4, VJA. Dr. Atttx: Tour 1111s are tbe paragon of all Uia Is great in medicine. Tbey have cured my little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her baads and fee that had proved incurable for years. Her mother has been long grievously a filleted with bJotcbes and. pimples on imt skin and in ber hair. Alter our child was cured, she also tried your IJs. and they bare cured her. ASA. llOKGlUDCkV Aa a Family- PJtyato. ' f, From Dr. E W. Cariwright, New Orleani: Your Jills are tbe prtece of purges. Tbeir rellent qualltb surpaj any catbsrtie we possess, Tbey are mild, but very certain and effectual in tbeir action on the bowels, which makes tbem iavaiaabls) to us in the daily treatment of disease. IIedacbe KieU Ilfulatebe Foul Siiaaasstefik. From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore. ' Dkar Bko. Atjcr: 1 cannot astwer ye what complaints I have cured with yotrr 1'ilU better tbaca to say all that we ever treat vrilh m pwpathrt medi cine. 1 place great dependence ea that efieetaat cathartic in my daily content wit dtoawe, and be lieving, as I do. that your Tills aford as tbe best wet Lave, 1 of coune value thc-m highly. I'lTTSBCito, Pa.. Slay 1, 1SS&. Dr. J. C. Avrs. hJr: I bare teii repeatecly cured of tbe worst hfjulacht anybody can have ky a dose or two of your 1111s. It seems to artee from foul atoniach, which they clean e at mice. Yours with great mpect, ED W. l'RKBLE. C?eri cf & earner Clarkm Diliowa Disorslers livev Cn plain ta From Dr. Theodfire IitU, rjfXeur Tort City. ; Kot only are your Fills admirably adapted to tbefr pttrpoae as an aperient, but 1 find tbeir beneficial effects upon tbe fiver very marked indeed. Tbey have in my practice proved more effectual tor tbe cure of Vikms complaint t than any one remedy X can mention. 1 aiocerely rejoice that we have at length a purgative which Is worthy tbe confidence of tbe probation and tbe people. DtriSTiinrT of tot Istkbior I : Watbington, L. C , 7th Feb , Sir: I bare used your I 'ilia in ray general asdt, borpital practice ever since you made tbenu. sad. cannot hesitate to aay tbey are tbe best catbartle we employ. Tbeir regulating action oa the lirer is quick and decided, eonxeqoectlr tbey are aa ad ! mi ratio remedy for derangement of that orgaa. Indeed, I bare seldom found a case f bittern ease so obstinate that it did not readily yield fa tbem. 1'raternaily yours, A LONZO BALL, iL Physician tf tke Marine IJospUaX. Drumlery, Diarraaa, iXeLaa Wssju,; From Dr. J. G. Green, Chicago., Tour Fi li hare bad a long trial ia my practice, and I hold tbem la cteea as one of the best aperi ent I hare ever found. Their alterative effect poa tbe lirer makes tbem an excellent remedy, when giren in small coa for bilious dyxnterg ossd diar. rhtra. Tbeir segaroatloar makes tbem verv ac ceptable and convenient for tbe use f voaes w children. Xrprpia, Xntpwrity oa tbm SIsmmI. From Lev. J. F. JJimes, Pastor Adeem Ckrvi Boston. Da. Am: I hare tued tobt Fill with extra ordinary success in my family and amengtbose I an called to visit in dirtresa. To regulate the organs of digestion and purify tbe blood, tbey are the very best remedy I nave erer known, and I eaa coaJ dently recommend them to my friends Yours, X V- UIMES. Warsaw, Wyoming Co., Y.,Oct. S4. Dear Sir: I am oiiog yoor Cathartic Fills ia my practice, and Sod them an excellent purgative te deaute the sysUm aud purify the fountains of the blood. JOUS i. SlKACHAil, 3i-D. Cenatfpation CeMtivrttcw MwppwaMi ItbrwntKtiam. (hi, ,eairalgia, Xrepey9 I'aralyau, etc. From Dr. J P. Vaughn. Jfemtreal Oma&x. Too much cannot be raid of yoar 1111a for the cure of coslireness. Jf others of our fraternity hare found tbem as eficacioua aa 1 hare.tbey ihould jotrn me in proclaiming it, for the benefit of tne multitude who tu&cr from that complaint, which, altboagb bad enough in iftelf, is the progenitor of others that are wone. 1 believe costirenest to originate in tho lirer, but your Fills affect that organ and curt th disease. From Mrs. E. Stuart, Physician and Midtcis. Boston. I find one or two large does of your FOla, takes, at tbe proper time, are excellent promotives of the natural secretion when wholly or partially sup pressed, and elo very effectual to deanse tho stomach aod expel worms. Tbey are so much the bcrt phjric we have that I recommend no other te my patients From the Bet. Dr. Han-let, qf the Methodist Fpit. Church. FcLABKi IIorsE, Savannah, Ga., Jan. , 1S5C IIoxorkd Sir: I should be ungrateful for the. relief your skill has brought me if 1 did not report my cae to you. A coldf settled in my limb asd. brought on excruciating neuralgic pains, which, ended in chronic rheumatism. Notwithstanding X had the best of physician, tbe dbce grew worse, and worse, until by the advice of your excellent, agent in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, 1 tried your- 1111. Their effect were alow, but sure. By per-, severing in the um of tbem, 1 am now entirely waUL- Sex ate Chavbkr. Baton Bonge,La5Dee.,lS34. Da Atkr: 1 bare beea entirely cured, by yoar Tills, of liheumatic Gout painful dteeane that ha afflicted me for year. YIN CENT S1.1DKI.U - C7" Most of tbe Fill in market contain Mercury, which although a valuable remedy ia skilful handa," is dangerous in a public pill, from tbe dreadful eoR-i sequences that frequently follow ita incautious , Tbee contain so mercury or mineral aabstan whaterer. Price, 25 eeats per Box, or 5 Boxes for ti, , . Prepared by Dr. J. C AITS & Co., Lowell, U&u. Sold by Settlemier A Co Albany, and Wholesale and Retail by Smith 4 Davis, Port. and. seSly ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTURE; MCCORD & CO. ; Take pleasure in informing tbe publio that tbey are now Manufacturing at Albany, Oregon A 8CPIBI0R ARTICLE OF . Also a superior article of. ASSORTED TOIL.ET SOAP, ' PALE SOAP AND OLIVE SOARi All of wbioh they propose to soil an as favorable terms as tbe same articles can be - , imported ; and . ! ' Warrant Eaeh Article to Give Satisfaction ENQUIRE FOR THE HOME-MANUPACTUR . ED ARTICLE, AND BUY NO OTHER ! ' ; SfAIl ltln5 of Grease taken in ex. change for trade - v2ntf.: . W HEAT VV A NTED I J THE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW READY TO 1 pay tho . .. ;".- .-;',. ' HIGHEST MARKET PRICE "W wwt ww m m - , . TTT.Yvrrvv am nirn tTTawnTiw JiEAtt PEARCE'S FERRT. "se2Sv3nrtf S. S. MARKHAJI i, SON. DEMOCRAT, ... icwvvonzayi