OUll AGEN-TS. ADVKRTISEMKNTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVEUTISEM K NTS.' A I) V E H T f S K M E NTS A I) V E II T I S E M E N T ST SATURDAY APRIL 4, 1863. Qtata A sricaltaral SocietyMeet ing oi'th Board of 3Ianager. 4 ' AttKc tnectiD'of the Board of Mana gers yesterday, considerable business was transacted. We make the following sum mary : The premium ras thoroughly revised, l w The amouut offered is about $9,000 in coin. : ' " ' The 28th .day of September, is fixed for the commencement of the Fair, which is to.be held five days. The Committee on Printing were in structed to award the work of the Socie ty, for ths current year, to the lowest bid der. David Fronian, of Linn county, was elected Field Marshal : and Richard Du vall, of Aurora, Pavillion Marshall. Executive CommitteeAK. II. Hcrren, J. H. Mcores. E. M. Waite, Delos Jeffer on, Samuel Parker. The following persons were elected Su perintendents for the various classes. Cattle J. Masrone. Clackamas county. Horses Xos. 1 and 2, Samuel Crow ; 2?os. 3. 4 and 5, D. Stewart, of North Yamhill, No. 6, It. J. Ladd, Portland Nos. 7 and 8, Geo. Riches, Silverton. Sheep--Nos. 1 to 4, Thos. Smith, Roseburg ; Nos. 5 to 10, John Cogswell, Eugene City. Sicine and Poultry C. P. Burkhart, Albany. Farm it g Implements WT. P. Pringle, calem. Gravis and Seeds John Downing, bublimitv. Domestic Manufactures--Wm. Elliott, Woolen Mamtactures D. TV. Jonci, ca.Iem. . Bread, Cakes, efc T. V. Davenport, oilverton. Millinery, Knitting, etc. J. E, Strong, ialetu. Fruits John A. Millard, Albany. Flowers Vandevor. Xaturcu History, etc. A. C. Daniels, salem. EquestrianshipDr. . H. Griffin, Al , bany. , . Music M. S. Bobbin, Dal'as. - Several changes were made in the als of Speed, though we understand amount oJered for that purpose to about $100 less than last year while changes effected will greatly add to tri the be the the Interest and importance f-those trials. On motion, the F eld Marshal was al lowed $10 per day. and $5 per day for his aids ; Jhe.Pavillioq Marshall $5 per day, and $3 for his aids. All the gate keep rs, except for main, front and side gates, $3 per day. Superintendants were allowed a mem bership ticket. On motion, the following commmittce was appointed to solicit statistical and and other information relative to the cli mate, soil, agricultural and mineral re sources of Oregon, for publication in pamphlet form ; the work being designed .more particularly for distribution in the Atlantic States: A. J. Defur, John Min er T?pv - f!nnlnn -T. IT. Tlnntliitr J H. Moores, Elisha Applegate and Binger Herman. The Board adjourned at G p. M., sine die. ' We learn, from the members of the Board, that the meeting has been one or great success ; and that many Ptiingent rules have been adopted, more clearly de fining the duties of the officers, and thus preventing confusion in the business of the Fair. Salem Unionist. A Heal Rosiance. -DariDg "Price's raid" in 1864, a skirmish took place on the line of Chariton and Howard coun ties, some four miles frrm Glagow, in which one of the 'reb3" was left on the ground dangerously wounded in the neck. While in Ink condition, Mips Sarah J. Smith, a pchool teacher in tho vicinity, happened to pass by. Seeing the wound ed man, she went to him and staunched his wound, probably saving hia life. She remained with him until near nightfall, when he requested her to leave, as his companions would probably come in the night and take him away. ; If not, fhe would find him where he was in the morn ing, living or dead. He said he was known by the name of Tucke, but that his real name was II. O. McDonald, and that he was from Louisville, Ky. Next inorningf McDonald was gone, and ,Miss Smith knew nothing concerning him af terwards. ' A few days ago, says the Glasgow Times, Miss Smith (who still re aides in the ' neighborhood) received a letter froci the administrator of H. C. Mc Donald; Sr., informing her that she was earned in the will of the deceased as the legatee of SoO.000, in consideration of having saved the life of his nephew and only heir, the H. C. McDonald named in connection with the incident of 1864. How to Make Good Coffee, Good coffee is a luxury, but one that is seldom met with. It is doubtful whether one fam ily in a dozen know what really good cof fee is. Though we have published "line upon line" upon this subject, we give the following, from a lady correspondent of the Germantown Telegraph, : jnd hope some of our lady readers will give the method a trial ; j . ; iThe making of good coffee is a rare thing in this country ; rnoBt persons boil .it, thus miking a decoction instead of an 'infusion ; this effectually gets rid of ' the delicate atfd agreeable1 flavor, and 'leaves a comparatively tasteless beverage. The following particulars will be found: worth "attention": " " " "- " '" ' Never buy your coffee ground, but grind it yourself, im mediately before us ing it j keep your coffee-pot, whatever kind you may use, wiped clean and dry inside j a damp tea or coffee-pot acquires & musty fl ivor that spoils the best tea or coffee. The cheapest and p.rhaps the best coffee-pots arc th.ose -. made on the Prcqch plm, called .cafetieres. ' If you have not cbe of those, adopt ,the follow ing plan ':. Put your freshly ground 'cof fee into the coffeepot, previously, niade warm, and pour lipoh 'it water actually toiling &it iEe'"-poi"'byJihe-lBMlo of the fire for a few tesonds, but do not let it boil cpj then pour a capful out and return it io.the po.l ' : : ; m r: 1 - ; v Relative! are "no,t,necesaIy our best friends; -bit they cannot do us an -jnjury Fitiout be icg enemka to themselves. The following named gentlemen are authorized to ot at A genu fur Tan Stats Rights Dbmo- hat, ana to receive na receipt lor subscriptions o the paper! -. LINN COUNTY. Robert Watklnson and Jaroesi)orrlJ....... Solo Jason Wheeler ...Lebanon II. L. Brown M M Brownsville Matthew Fountain Harrisburg J. 31. Smith I'eoria LANE COUNTY. lion. J. J. Walton Eugene City BENTON COUNTY. IU II. Strahn Corrallis POLK COUNTY. T. J. Lovelady Pallas J. B. V. Butler and Dr. Harris ..Monmouth Dr. J. M. McCoy ..La Creole Bvoj. Harden Eola CLACKAMAS COUNTY. J. R. Ralston.. Oregon City MULTNOMAH COUNTY. J. F. McCoy Portland MARION COUNTY. N. M. Bell c , B. F. Rnnhsra J s,aIem L. F. EUenhart ; Silrerton Hanley Waterman M Jefferson Thos. IJoyco, Newspaper A rent. San Francisco, is authorized to receive subscriptions ana aavertifetnents for our paper, and act as bust ness agent generally. ADYKUTISEMBNTS. NO MORE HIGH PRICES roa -A. J-t 33 .A. "ST I GO TO THE STORE OF J. E. BENTLEY & CO. And Buy your Goods as yon did is 15C0 ! THEY HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM FRANCISCO. THE LARGEST STOCK OF SAN Boots and lioc&. -cosmrtsG or GENTS FINE SEWED BOOTS, UESTS' FINE PEGGED BOOTS, BOYi AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS, LADIES AND MISSES BOOTS, KID CONGRESS GAITERS, AND CHILDREN'S GAITERS. RUBBER OVER SHOES. AND SHOES OFALLDESCRIPTIONS . GEXTLEJIKN'S BOOTS MADE TO OZRODZEIR. SBOKT NOTICE. AXD ALL KIND OF REPAIRING! DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. rifAljo, lot of Mole and t'ppcr Leather, fur sale at the Lowest Figure for Cash. GIVE THEM A CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES! Iep2l-v3a6m8 GRA3STD GIFT ENTERPRISE! The distribution of Valuable PotstsTS will Posif ivcly Take Place on the 9th of June, A. D. 18G9. EVERY TICKET WARRANTED TO DRAW A PHIZE ! READ THE LIST. Corner lot No. 1. in Block No. 5, recorded in the Town Flat cf the town of Brvwnaviile, Lnn coaotj, Oregon, fronting on Washington and pine itrecta : IinproremenU, conibt'm of Dwel ling lioute, cbick;n House, c., Ac. dwelling hu,2Qx2-i fett, 4 rooms and fantrj btlow and two twelre feet r omi above. The boute it new and not entirelj finUbed, but t now occupied at a mi'ltnee. There is a ijjlenJiil well of wator, made rat proof. Atl enclosed with a good ub ttantial board fence. Tbe foregoing prize i val ued at , 8800 00 And alt" tbe following valuable real estate, to wit : Sixtj-one feet o!T tbe et end of Lot No. 8, Block No, 3. apd 39 feet off tbe east end of Lot 7, in Block 3. in tbe town of Brownsville, Linn Cuatj, Oregon. Improvements, consisting cf dwelling house 2ux2S feet, fire rooms a fine, Urge brick cbiotnev, and a splendid well of Water. All enclosed in a good, substantia! board fence, Valued at ...700 00 One 91 Bureau, valued at $36 00 ; on a VJ Bu reau, mahogany, valued at $3i 00 ; on tnabog anj fluted centre-table, valued at $25 00 ; one span sorrel match bones, valued at $400 00; one bay " Rifleman " stud colt, two years old, valued at $-"500 00 : one dark chestnut sorrel stallion, 5 years old, 15 bands and 3 inches high, weighing 1,200 lbs., valued at $000 00 ; Oue saddle horse, valued at Si 20 CO. There will he $2,000 consisting in part of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. FAMILY BIBLES, MUSIC BOXES, ACCOKDEONS, GOLD PENS, SEWEIyltY, Ac, Ac., comprising over 5,000 val urble articles to be dicposi-d of on the popular plan of One dollar for euth Ticket. Only out dollar. It is desirable to sell all the Tfckats, and of course it does not make any diff erence who gets the property at ft fair distribu tion. - . Possession of tbe property will be eiren to tbe lucky ticket-holders immediately after tbe drawing, except tho first prize named and the sorrel stal lion. Possession of tbe first will be given in 30 days after the drawing; tbe de.d will be made to the ticket-bolder at tbe time of drawing. Tbe borne will be given up as soon as tbe season is out, or on the 1st day of July. 1S68. Persons residing at a distance wishing tickets, can have them sent by Ezpiess or Mail, by for warding One Dollar in U. S. coin for each ticket, or for clubs at club rates, by addressing A. GEORGE, Brownsville, Linn coupty, Oregon, or P. C. HARPER, Albany, Linn ounty. No ticket will be beld good unless duly reported an reguterd previous to tbe drawing. SPECIAL TEKX3S, OR CLUB RATES. Any person -procuring , five or mote names for tickets and forwarding tbe money for tbe same, can nave tickets at the following rates : ' 5 Tickets to one address......... $1 50 10 do " " " ...., 0 00 20 ' " " ,....,... ....17 50 30 u h tt 26 40 " " " " ,..,....,.,.35 00 50 -, " " ' " .,43 00 100 " " " " , , S5 00 In every case send the name of each subscriber, their jost office address, with county and State in full. .-- .- - - ' K- ; The drawing and distributions will be on TUES DAY, JUNE 9, in tbeity of ALBANY, Linn Co., Oregon, by a Committee of fire selected by and from the Ticket-holders in attendance. Two clerks will be appointed one by tbe Committee and one by the undersigned to record, with pen and iak, tbe number and prizes as taey are drawn. .For pedigrees of tbe Stallions that are up as prizes, address Hugh Fields, Brownsville, Oregon. Title to all property gived clear of all encum brances. E-Mr.' W. F, HowiifT is an authorized tray, eling agent for tbe sale of tickets. r. , A. GEORGE. TO TliE PUBLIC "We are well acquainted with ' A. George, and have no hesitation in saying that we believe, tbe foregoing enterprise, under- bis management, will be coudutted lairly and impartially. ; , " M. ABRAMS, Merchant, Brownsville. G. C, COOLEY. " " . L. II. WASHBURN, " "' ' ' '-ALEWIS,:. ' ' ..." . HUGH FIELDS, " SENDERS. STERNBERG, k Co., Brownsville. HAYWOOD & CO., -Merchants, Albany. G. F. SETTLEMIER, " At II. MARSHALL & CO., Livery. r " -' J. B. SPRENGER, Pacific Hotel, ' A; W. STANARD, Clerk of Court of Linn Co. V HARVEY SMITH, Sheriff of Lino county. ' Febl5v3n26tf - ADDRESS NERVOUS AND DEB I LITAT EO I T 0 THOSE WHOSE SUFFERINGS HAVE been protracted from hidden causes, and whose cases require prompt treatment to render ex istence desirable. If you are suffering or have suffered from Involunlary discharges, what effect does It produoe upon your general health ? Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired? Docs a little extra exertion produce palpitation of the heart? Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequently iret out of order? Is your urine sometimes thick, milky, or flocky, or is It ropy on settling? Or does a tbiek scum rise to the top ? Or is a sediment at the bottom after It has stood awhile ? Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowets consti pated ? Do you have spells of fainting or rushes of blood to the head ? Is your memory Impaired? Is your mind constantly dwelling upon this sub jeet? Do you feel dull, lUtless, moping, tired of company, of life ? Do you wish to be left alone, to get away from everybody? Dws any little thing make you start or jump ? Is your sleep bro ken or restless ? Is the lustre of your eye as brll liant? The bloom on yoar cheek as bright? Do you enjoy yourself in society as well 1 Do you pursue your business with tbe same energy ? Do you feel as much confidence la yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to fits of melar choly ? If so, do not lay it to y out liver or dys pepsia. Have you restless nights? Your back weak. your knees weak, and have but little appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver-complaint? Now, reader, self-abuse,, venereal diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of pro dating a weakness of the generative organs. Tbe organs of generation, when la perfect health, make tbe man. Did you ever tbiok that those bold, defiant, energetic, persevering, successful business-men are always those whose generative organs are in perfect health ? You never hear such men complain of being melancholy, of ner vousness, oi palpitation oi id nearu 1 ney are never afraid they cannot succeed In business; tbey don't become sad and discouraged; they are always polite and pleasant In the company of ladies, and look you and them right in the fafe none of your downcast looks or any other mean ness about them. I do not mean those who keep the organs inflamed by running to excess. These will not only ruin their constitutions, but also those tbey do business with or for. How many men, from badly cured diseases, from tbe effects of self-abuse and excesses, have brought about that state of weakness in those or gans that has reduced the general say stem so much as to produce almost every other diseases idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and almost every other form of disease which hu manity is heir to, and the real canto of tbe trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctored for all but tbe right one. Diseases of these organs require tbe use of a diuretic. IIELJinOLDTf F L UI r EXTRACT BUOHXJ ... ' IS TBE - GREAT DIURETIC, and is a certain cure for " Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, -. Gravel, Dropsy, , " Organic Weakness, Female Complaints, ' General Debility, vz ail otheb DLSgASES OF THE UHIJTARY OHOAJTS J Whether eiUtlag lu r:y tfiAhis on ponAisij! ' ; ..." ...... . I . ' ; - from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. ' ; ' ; If no treatment is resorted to, Consumption or in sanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are ' supported from these sources, and the ' health and happiness, and t'nat of Posterity, depends upon ' prompt use of a re- ' ; liable remedy. " 4 ; HELMBOLD'S r FLUID EXTRACT BUCIITJ, established upward of 18 years, prepared ; by XI. T. llVQ3), ' : : DRCOOI8T,' ' ! ' '' ' ' ' 594 Broadway, New Tork, and ' ' 104 South Tenth street, Philadelphia, To. i PniCE--$l.25 per bottle, or 8 bottles for $3,50, delivered to any address. Sold by all Druhgists reiywher. . , ; mxZViSrSnilji ' on. n. c. hill. I OKO. T. IRTTLEMISR. SETTLEMIER, & CO,, DRUGGISTS, AT DR, SHEPHERD'S OLD STAND. MAIN ST., , - - - ALIIANY. , DEALERS IN drugs, m M-Efl l O I 1ST e s , CHEMICALS, Paint, OIU, GlaM, IyoN!uflx, V A It N I SH E S , AXD A ri'LL AISOItTMKMT Of DRUQGIST8' SUNDRIES. AGENTS BY APPOINTMENT FOR Dr. D. Jaynei I SonV Family Medicines. We also keep on band a full supply of All Patent Medicine in tnc. Our stock of Drugs, Fluids, Eitmets.ete.,aro from Well Known Manufacturers, and will be found OF THE IILST QI'ALITV ! , si-ecial ATTemo oivbji to conrocoiQ PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS! We fiollc.'t the PaCronnge of the Public. WE II. VB ESTABLISHED A BRANCH DRUG STORE AT SCIO! cinea tuk auHAOEMEWTor G. A. HILL, Who will keep a full supply of Drugs, 3!edlcioe, etc.. etc., lor sale at low vnirts. J5ETTLEM1KU A CO. April . lS7-r2n34ly G It O H 'S JIt MIC'AI. AM i:t ( ATIO.V AL ITSTSTITTTTZE- ALSO ' DAY & BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. THIN INNTITLTKIW KIT!' ATi:i in a rttirvd and Ix-soiiful location, away from tbe business p,rtton of tbe city, on TJIII1D between II and C HTHEKT?, I'o.Uaod, Oregon. Attached t tbe building are extrnsive and betu tlfol rroands fr tbe convenience of puniU. The (.durational Iepartincol will hi iq cbarge of an efficient corps of Teachers. CA I'T. J. I. C A I.LSOPP, (formerly a 1'rofcssor io l I nlvcrstty of Louiiiana, and fr tbe latl five yrar Principal of a Collegiate Iotitute in tbe Southern part California.) Priocitat. N effort will be spared to make tbt Institute equal to tbe best -o tbe Pacific nomal, Tbe course Of studies will embrace ail tbe iiranrhrs uua.!y tausbt in nrst-elass hetninams in Ibe hwt, in eluding tbe Classics, Frraeb, German, h'paoisb Mathematics. Ac., dc. Tbe Musical I) i.arifntnt will be condoned by PROF. II. OUIDO UltOB, Oraduate of PUncl Coaservktorie. Parties from tbe tountry ro v ret assured tba under tbe care of MUS. tillOlI. (Matron of tbe Establishment.) tbey will eperlrnee all tbe attention of a toother and enjoy tbe comfurU of a bnie. J. V. Partioular attention will be paid to tbe choice of Text lioks, in ordr to avoid anything of a AVri'ono or Partita) naturt, in our curriculum of studies. For further particulars, enquire at the Institute, or address H. (IL'IDO tiltOII. P. O. L'ox No. 168. CAPT. ALLHOPP will continue to giro Evening Lessons In tbe Modern Languages and English branches. Octobc- 12. 1R67 v3n9yl AND mACHINE SHOP ! A. F. CHEFIR.Y, TTAYIXG PUItCIIAKED THE l.S- II tire interest in the ALBANY FOUNIIB ANil MACHINE SHOP, I am Prepared to I'lintlwh WROUGHT AND CAST IRON WORK Of every description, on short notice. Also, BRASS CASTINGS. All Orders for - ' MILL WORK Will be filled with dispatch, and in a satisfactory . - , ' manner. , HORSE POWERS ASD Agricultural Iinplcmciits Manufactured to order, and particular attention : paid to Repairs. All kinds of PATTERN WORK done to order on short notice A. F. CHERRY, Albany, August 18, 1866-ly CO H N BE ALE B I!f GENERAL WERCHANDJSE! ( Monteitk't Brick Store) ALBANY - ' ' ' ; ORCaON. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A WELL aehjeted stock of CENTS FURNISHING GOODS. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, ' WINES -AND LIQUORS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, ' HARDWARE, CROCKERY, V NAILS AND GLASSWARE, Aad everything usually found in a well estab n i lished Dry Goods or Grocery Store, and at prices to defy competition. , .! The very Highest prioes , ' ; . paid for all kinds .: -:, ;' -of Produce."'' i $Rememher tho place, at the sign of janl7v3n23yl - ', A. COHN. . SPECIAL ATTRACTION I ITOTICE : IS HEREBY , G IVEN TO ALL JjH ' persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned, either by note or' book- account, to settle the same in cash or merchantable produce at tbe market value, by the lOtb day of December, 1867, as if is absolutely necessary that tre collect i! i. 1 1 1 iuo iiuus io cnaoie us lo carry on our Business. By promptly attending to tbe above requirements, you will confer a favor upon . . W. W. PARRISII A CO. , Albany, Oct.. 28, 1867 v3n!2tf ; HATS,! : E-3ATS. MEUSSDOIIFFEII & ERO., Manufacturers and Importers of, and Wholesale auu lie tan ueaiers in ASl HATTERS' MATERIALS, No. 72 front Htrect, Portland, HECE1V1NO, s IN ADDITION TO their exteusivM Htock, by every tftamcr, alt tho LATEST STYLES of Now York, London aud artslau tasto, for ' ' aentlcracn'g and Children Wear Which tbey will sell CHEAPER THAN ANV OTHER HOUSE ON THE COAST! DEALERS IN HATS Willoonsult tbeir own Interests by examining our stock beioro purcbasiug tuewbere. Hats of every style and Description - MADE TO ORDER, ALSO IVISAlTIs Y REPAIRED, AT MoussdorfTor J. C. &. Bro.'s No. 72 Frnt Ftri-ct Portland. Ojr'n, Cor. D ami Herund h'ts Marysville, Cal. No. 12 ) J htrcet : Sacramento Nos. 6.15 A 637 Comir.ercial Ft......t?n Francisco, Z-C- Wbolesttle House at H.in Francisco. Cal No . 628 Commercial through to 637 Clay streets. Dec. 1, I860 vZnlOtf PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY Of San Francisco, California. CASH CAPITAL $1,000,000 00 SURPLUS .Jan'y 1, '67 238,054 OO CASU ASSETS la 3 OLD, $1,230,054 91 All Losiei Paid Immediately in United States Oold Coin. FIRE, OCEAN, MAIIINI .INLAND -o- rpm: pacific iN.rruNCK company. J having arranged with Mrs.r. UIGELOW A IJHOTHKH f ir tbe transfer of all tbe business of tbe Fire Iniraor Companies lately rrprecntJ by tbtio, is now prepared to offer to all parties formerly insured by said companies, equally god term and prompt payment of lies, in I'nited Ft ales icoil cl. Mr. If. II. UIUEI.OW will be the general Agent far thU Company from tbi date. Direrlor aflitclflc Innarnnrc Co. ax r4jtrtCo Js. I'Fremery,U'jyd Tevi. Louis MeLsne, Wm. Mi-rtno, Oliver Eldridge, Win. Alvrd, John 0. Earl, A. 11. Forbes. Alex Weill. Alfred Uorel. J. V: Kellogg, Abm Heligman, i. T. I.awtn, M. Cbeeseman, Anson i. Stiles, K. 1 tJo dtein, (J.II. Howard, John i. l!ray, Meses Ellis, 0. W. liritvcr, A. Hay ward. P. I,. caver, B. Hteinbart, liavid Stern, 31. Itosvnbaum. Jonathan Hunt, sacra nr. it to. W. T. Coleman, Edgar Mills, K. W. Leonard, O. W. Mowe, T. L. Parker, C. T. Wheeler. T. 1.. Meyer, MAKVaVILLE. 8.. 51. Wilson, J. II.JewetL John B.Newton, s-obtlajid. I. W. C. Rice, C, .Meyer, I. J. Oliver. Alpheus Hull, W. C. Baltton, L. 8arbs. Fred. Billings, A. I.. Tnbbs. II. M. Newhall, Edward Martin, W. 8. Ladd, Adam Grant, D. O. Mills, Jacob Kamni. J. I). Fry, II. llanmann, svockto;. II. II. Higelow, L. B. Bencbly, T. B. Anthony. Wm. Hooper, 5Ioses Heller. viroisia. skv. Cbas Mayue, Wm. Scholle, Wm. Sharon, OFFICERS: J. IIU.N'T, President. A. J. It ALSTON, Secretary. C. A. LATOX, Marine Secretary. II. II. IIIGELOIV, Gcn'i Agent. LADD &.TILTON, PORTLAND, GENERAL AGENTS FOR Oregon and Washington Territory. , r, LOCAL AGENTS: ,: , fA S. R. HAMMER;..' ......?alcm F. A. CH ENOW ET1I Corvallis J. B. UNDERWOOD, Eugene 8. F. CHAD WICK Roscburg JOHNSON 4 McCOWN Oregon City CUMMINS i, GRANT Dalles J. H. BLEWITT Walla Walla A. WHEELER - Brownsville JAMES RILEY f. Harrisburg JOIiar COX N EH .Albany JXov. Z, 1867 vantzyl THE RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD! E EXTRACT FROM A LETTER FROM BARON SOLOMON ROTHSCHILD. PARis;8th April, 1864,25 Rue Fauby St. llonore. Will you be kind enough ,o bave forwarded to me here 200 bottles of your Indian Liniment; if you will send at the same time tbe account, I' will forward you tbe amount through Messrs. Belmont & Co., New York. ' Baron Solomon Rothschild, having recommend ed to many of his friends Major Lane's Liniment, and they being desirous to procure it, he should advise him to establish a depot in Paris. The INDIAN LINIMENT, as a relief ever ready, as a killer of pain, taken inwardly or out wardly applied, has no equal. For the relief and cure of RHEUMATIC and NEURALGIC AF FECTIONS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, etc., etc, His unequalled. It is also most efficacious taken in wordly in the cure of CHOLERA, CRAMPS and PAINS IN THE STOMACH, DIARRIIG3A, DYS ENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, CHOLERA IN FANTUM, etc., etc., and is without exception the MOST WONDERFUL PANACEA tho world af fords. NO FAMILY should be withoutit Every TRAVELER by land or sea, should haveahottle. MINERS and FARMERS residing at a distance from physicians should keep it constantly on hand In ease of accidents and sudden attacks of stomach complaints, its value cannot .be estimated. In quire for 1 MAJOR LANE'S INDIAN LINIMENT! ; AND TAEC NO OTHER! PRICE FIFTY' CENTS, TEH BOTTLE. For sale at wholesale and retail by ;,v;;!niiD.soN Mccarty, , H Merchant's Exchange, San Francisco, Cal., General Agents for the Pacifle coast. ; , And by respectable druggists throughout the world. None genuine unless signed by John Thos. Lane and countersigned by J. T, Lane & Co., Pro prietors, 163 Broadway, New York. . 2S3Send for a Circular. dec28v3n203m : THE WONDER; OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY ! MRS. L. A. STIPP'S LEGACY TO THE ; WORLD! For Consumption, Cough, Coldf, Vhooplag Couh, Heart netfl, etc., etc. mifB DIFFEJIKXCES BETWEKJf TlfETIiO X HACIC 1MLHAM and tbe Allopathic lunp im-iiiclne is this i tbe popular drug medicines, when taken into the sUttnscli, tnake you si,;k,wbil the sensation created by ray Th'rncie Ualam is nt sootbins; as a cup of Ivti. Wbt-n the Jru iwh tint's, taken by tbe tnullttu'le of victims wbo bar. (lieu with tbeconufi)itiMn, nnl their way intu tbt lung, tbey Immediately eomrni nce to IrrUato aorf innftuie tbe ulcers and increase ln flow of matter As a ,-on."e'juenc, tbe patient expectorates mr freely, and as he fongbs and spits bis life away, be thinks, because be mil,- such a quantity, ao raises It so easily, tbut be I certainly rtvrinjr : and under this common delusion ho et-'jnut ' take tbe medicines, nod continues to ttJfa ao spit, until exbntnttcd nature submits and he find. relief In tbe grnve. On tbo other band, wben my Tboracic JJaUan finds lis way into the luns it wwitiienc- at onn Ui ileal tb uleers. Jt goes to tbe vrry root of disease, and jrcntlv, but surtly, draws all morbb buimr iroiit tbe ulcerated parts. It purifies lit blood, as It l composed wholly of vegetable m tetial. It strengthens and does not dtbi'itatcth jrentral nytU-ut. It tend to quiet the nerves ano invigorate the patietit and assist in relieving tb congested condition of tb lungs, by diffusing tlr accumulated 1A over tbe surface, and it clean awy tbe obstructions that impede rgres of all tin impurities or tbboly ibrougli their uatural cban nels the bowels and more especially doe it tend to draw all excretion from the lungs, and induce a new and vigorous atin to tbe liver and impart itrengtb and new life to tbe patient Hear this in mind, that tbe secret of tbe sure; of my Thoracic Balsam lies enclosed in this littb nut-shell 5 firtt, it doe not irritate tbe lungs and caus.' Ibe patient to expectorate ; second, it doe commence at oi.c to beat tbe ulcers : it soothes and allays tbe iiiflamation, and stop tbe coughing and expeetorstion ; it strengthens and encourage tbe gatietit, and, with pr-per noutlsbmcnt., I mut recover. This medicine don't give you nr lungs ; it only mends up your old ones, and, will, care tbey may take you away on into a good old age, I connot close without saying a word to my own sex. I am now in my sixty-first year, and can troly ssytbat with all my experience wi'b female diseases, I have found it tbe safest and best reme dy, and no woman ir. delicato health should be without it. Dr. Ayer trutbfully remarks that Icifs tban one-balf of the frtnale of the United States have sound health, and tbe condition of the disor dered one is leaving its impress on tbe rising gen eration. To en, bow important we sbouM Lave a retiwdy for these evils. For painful or suppressed menses, irTczularities, ete., and also ffr women a tbe turn of life, and frail girls, this medicine will be found invaluable. It should also he used be fore and after confinement. "An ounce of pre ventire U better than a tound of cure." Ketm-mber, kind father, or fond husband, when administering my medicines to a darling daughter or frail wife, tbt tbey are composed f no deatb dealing minerals or nauseating drugs, to make tbe )rk more miserable and besteu their untimely end ; but tbey are a compound of medicinal roots bero. bark, blossoms, etc ttb wboe eenerour beating virtues years of experience have made tm familiar. fur further particulars see pamphlet accompany ing every bottle. Jin. L- A. PTIl'I'. - SMITH k DAVIS. Portland. tieoernl Agents. All f Mrs. L. A. Flipp's Medicines are tnsnu fat tared and pet op by W. C. Avekv, Sslrw, Ore eon, to whom all letters on business abould be di- reri-d. Mrs. L. A. Ftipp's Medicines for sale at Wbitti- mote & Co.. Albanv ; Elkins A Son, Lebanon ; 11. Wraith. Ilsrnsbur. ?;.t. 11. lf67v3o5yl. TO THE UNFORTUNATE NEY REMEDIES! NEW REMEDIES Dr. jthonN DfsspeuNarj, tlH 41 KEARNEY STREET, (EAR COMMKKC L. San FranciM:. l.-ub:ibrd in 131, fr the treatment of 5esual and hfinim inal dist-asts, f M Jr" 5 .Uiet,btric- .KJ'JZ'i'; . such as U norrbepa. tur. rypbiliia in ail it forms, g- . -ry-' Seminal Weakce, lmjMlcnry, S etc. Skin dieces (of years' ,1-1-: '-"-standing) and L'Uerattd Legs yV---. - successfully treated. Horrible Diseases. How many thousands oi icr n, both male and fviualo, are t lit re wbo are suffering oat a miserable etisienre from the.rfi'ecU of secret indulgences, or from virus absorbed into the system ! Look at tbeir pa'lid, emaeiated and disfigured faces and their broken down conNtitufmn. disualifin them for tbe happiness of marriage or the enjoy ment of life. In this horrid situation thousand sufier until death closes tbe scene. Let parent. EuarJiin, friends, attend to those wbo are sufier ing wiib any of tbesc borrilde lifa-destroying mal adies see that tbey are carvd for and cured before it be too late. Stud them immediately to lr. Gibb- n, a physician wbo has made private disease his study (or years, and ,wbo U certain to euro the most inveterate cares without mercury orotber in jurious drugs. It is important to those who arc afliic'od. or those wbo are interested in tbe welfare of tl eir friends, to be careful of the many pretend ed doctors who infest all cities, publishing their skill in curing all disea. s in a fewdays, imposing upon tbe public bnr using tbe names of eminent physicians from Europe and other places. Be therefore enreful. (md make strict tntuiry, or you may 1 all into the ll sn ls of those charlatans. Seminal Weakness. Seminal Einissilns, th consequence of fclf abu.e. This solitulry vice, or depraved Sexual in dulgence, is practised by tbe youth of both sexes to an almost unlimited extent, producing, with un erring certainty, the following train of morbid symptoms, unless combatted by scientific medical measures, viz : Sallow countenance, dark spots under (be eyes, pain in the head, ringing in the cars, noise like tbe rustling of leaves and rattling of chariots, uneasiness about the loins,' weakness of tbe limbs, coufusod vision, blunted intellect, loss of confidence, diffidence in approaching stran gers, a dislike to form new acquaintances, a dis position to shun society, loss of memory, hectic flushes, pimples and various eruptions about the face, furred tongue, fetid breath, coughs, consump tion, night sweats, monomania and frequent in sanity. If relief be not obtained, should apply immediately, cither in person or by letter, and have a euro effected by his new and scientific mode of treating this disease, which, never fails of effect ing a quick and radical cure.' Dr. O. will give One Hundred Dollars to any person who will prove satisfactorily to him that he was cured of this complaint by either of the San Francisco quacks. MARRIED MEN Or those who contemp ate marriage, wbo are suf fering under any of tbeso fearful maladies, should not forget tbe sacred responsibility resting upon them, aor delay to obtain immediato relief. TO THELADIES. The various complicated and distressing diseases incident to females, treated with eminent success. Such as Suppressions, Irrigularitios, Whites, fall ing of the Womb, Tumors, all Urinary Diseases, Nervous debility. Painful or Difficult Meustruation, Barrenness, etc., will be speedily cured, without poisonous drugs,' injurious or unpalatable medi cines of any kind. Have no delicacy in calling, no difference what your troubles may be. The af flicted are cordially' invited to call and satisfy themselves. . DOCTOR GIBBON is responsible, and will give to each patient a written instrument, binding him self to effect a radical and permanent cure, or make no charge. CURED AT HOME. : Persons, at a distance may bo CURED AT HOME, by addressing a letter to Dr. Gibbon, stating case, syn .ptoms, length of time the disease has continued, and have medicines promptly for warded, free from damage and curiosity, to any part of the country, with full and plain directions for use. . By enclosing $15 in currency or $10 in coin, in a registered letter through the post-office, or through Wells, Fargo fc Co., a package of med icine will be forwarded by express t any Parfc of the Union. Address DR. J.F. GIBBON, 618 Kearney street, corner of Commercial, San Francisco. Post Office Box 252. - - ..." . ''-'- Consultation FREE. - - , 'ay Correspondents will please inform DR. GIBBON that thev read hi advertisement in the Democrat.. . ' feb29T3n23yl er s A Are you sick, feeble, and complaining? Are yon out of order with your system deranged, and your feelings uncomfortable f Tbet svmo- uncomfortable f Them symt torn are often the pre! ode T to SeHona 4'lnoca Antrim tit of aicknesn ia creeping upon. yon, and should be averted by a timely ose of fhe rlffbt remedy. Take Averts V Sis. and eka nse out the disor- aerea numors purify th 1 Wood, and let tbe fluids " "1 move on nnobstrocted in : I health again. They stimo- iaie in innciiona r the - body Into vljrorous activity. purify the system from tbe obstructions wbichmskc disease. A cold settles somewhere fn tbe body, and obstructs Its naturtl functions. These, if not re lieved, react tipon themselves and the surrounding organs, producing general aggravation, sanenng, and disease. While in this conultfon. onpreased br tbe derangements, take Ayer's Fills, and see haw directly tbey restore tbe natural action of tbe sys tm, and with it tbe buoyant feeling of health again.. mon complaint, is also true in many of tbe deep- i ? i, tm true sou iv myymTtn in imm irtwiuf seated and dangerous distempers. Tbe same purga tive efiect expels tU m. Caused by simiiaeeustrue-- tions and derangements of tbe natural fuastions of tbe body, they are rsnlaly, and many or tnewi sorely,. cared by the same means. JN'one who knew the virtues of these Tills, will neglect fo employ thea when a fieri n at from the disorders they cure, .'v Statements from kiaoing pnysicians m some or ina principal cities, and from other well-known poWJa persons: r from a Forwarding Merchant tf St. Loul$, Ftb. 4 Da. A ma Yonr rills are the pars son of all that Is gwat In medicine. They have enred my Mtthi daughter of ulcerous sores upon bur bands ami feet tbst had proved incurable for years. Her mother lias u-en Joncr grievously ainicted wnn niotenes as a frfmplea on tier skin and in her hair. After oar child waa cured, tlx also tried yoar I'll Is. and tbey nave curea ner. aba jiuAOiiivuh Aesi Family FIiyaLe. From Dr. K W. CartwriyM, Ktv) Orttans. ' ' Your llils are tbe prk.ee of purees. Tbeir ex eellent qualities surpass any cathartic we posses. Tliey are mild, but very certain and effectual in tbeir action on tne dowcm, wnicn maces trnem utvataabM to us in tbe daily treatment of disease. , . IIesM!aielse,Hick Mlendmehe, Foal Sisnssssch , From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore. DtA Km. Atek: J cannot answer von lehat eompiainta 1 have cured with your It lis better tban to say mi max cue ever treat iran a purgative meof cine. 1 place great dependence on that eoectnal cathartic in my daily contest with disease, and be lievinr. as J do. that yonr Jills afford its tbe best w have, 1 of course value tbexn highly. I'lTTSBCRO, I'a., If ay 1, 1855. Da. J. C. Arm. bir: 1 bave been repeatedly cured of the worst headache anybody can Lave by a dose or two of your Fills. It seems to arise from sv font stomach, which tbey cleanse at once. - Yours with great respect, ED W. l'EEELE. Clcrk c Steamer Oafkmc XSilioa IisrternB tl rer CsstpUsJsMa From Dr. Theodore Belt, oSevo Tork dtp. Net only are yonr 1 "ills admirably adapted to their purpose as an aperient, bat I find tbeir beneficial effects upon tbe Liver very marked indeed. Tbey bave in my pra'en proved more eSectsal for Uw cure of tUiottM cintfaintt tban any ose remedy X can mention. I aii-cerely rejoice that we have at length a purgative w bkb U worthy the confidence f tbe profession aad tbe people - Vzr a rt rsrr or th x Irratw, I WasUngton. D. C , 7th Feb . V&& J Sir: I bave used year I'llls is my gtroerai mud hospital practice ever since you made them, and cannot fcetitat to say tbey are tbe best cathartic vre employ. Tbeir regulating action oa tba liver is quick and decided, consequently tbey are an ad mirable remedy for derangements or that organ Indeed, I have seldom found a case of (Alton dis ease so obstinate taat it did not readily yield to tbtm- Fraternally y our, ALONZO BALL, 5L D., Phfftidam of the Marine UoipitaL TTcnlery, DLarrbsea, Htax IFssrasw From Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago. Yonr Ilils nave bad a long trial in uy practice, and 1 bold tbcm In esteem as one cf tbe best aperi ents I Lave ever found. Tbeir alterative effect spoa tbe liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given in small doses for bilious dysentery and diar rhaa. Tbeir sugar-coating makes tnem very ac crptable and convenient for the nse of women and. cbiidren. Dyapcpalsi, Imparity ef (Jse BlaasL - From Lev. J. V. JTtmet. Pastor cfAdccnt CSarcA Boston. Da. Area: I hare ned yonr FCls with extra ordinary success in my family and amongtnosa I sua called to viut in distma. To regulate tbe organs of digestion and purify tbe blood, tbey are the very best remedy I have ever known, and I can eons-. dentiy recommend them to my friends Yours, J. T. MUXES. WiMiT, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24. 135&. Diab isiR : I am using your Cathartic PUis In my practice, aud find tbem an excellent purgative to cleanse the system and purify the fotatns of Ik Hood. JOilS ti. iiEACliAil, iL Du - CsmtIpsitioa, Cm.lrennm, Hwpprlmn, ItlsrasttwliaBi, Gml, Keunl&st, Sropft JParwIyaisi) BViiM, etc. Ftm Dr. J P. Vaughn. Montreal, Canada. i Too much cannot be said of yonr I'll la for tho cure of co$lirenett. If other of our fraternity bavo found tbem as eli.es cious as I bave. tbey should joia me in proclaiming it. for tbe benefit of the mnhitadesi wbo suffer from tl at complaint, wbicn, aitiiOBgb. K . a 1 . ' . 1 . . 1 . ! . - - . I . -. . : lu ciwvgu ii iiscii, ia iw prugeuuor vi wsieru inaa mrr worr. M uriirrc nmirrwii o onniiaic IB UN) liver, but your lllis affect that organ and cor the disease. From Mrs. E. Stuart, Thytician and Midwe9 Boston. ' " s I find one or two large doe of yonr rsia, taken at the proper time, are excellent promotives of the natural secretion when wholly or partially sup pressed, and also very effectual to cleanse the stomach and expel tcorms. Tbey are so much tbe best physic we bave that I recommend no other to my patients Irons the Bex. Dr. JIatctes. of the Methodist Epi (Tiurch. TTlaski Ilocsr, Savannah, Ga.. Jan. 6, 1SX. lloxoaxo hiR: 1 should be ungrateful for tbo relief your skill has brought me if 1 did not report my case to you. 'A cold settled in my limbe and bi ought on excruciating neuralgic fains, which ended in chronic rheumatism. Kotwuhslanding 1 had the best of physicians, tbe disease grew worse and worse, until by the advice of your excellent a cent in Baltimore, Dr Mackenzie, I tried yonr Tills. Their effects were slow, but sure. By per severing in tbe use cf tbem, I am now entirely welL SrxATE Cbaxbeb, Baton Rouge, La., S Dee.,lSS5. DR Ayer: I have been entirely cured, Dy yoar Fills, of Jikeumalic (lout a painful disease painful c iises.se trial i baa afflicted me for years. VLNCEST &LLDELL. ZJ Uost of tbe Pills tn market contain Mercury, which although a valuable remedy in skilful bands, is dangerous in a public pill, from tbe dreadful eon sequeucea that frequently follow its incautious nse. These contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. , , , . Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Sozei for SI. ; Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEB & Co., LcweH, Htzs. XUiold by Settlcmior Jk Con Albany,: and Wholesale and Retail by Smith & Davis, Port, and. t. eeSly ENCOURAGE MM MANUFACTURE, MCCORD & CO.il, , Take pleasure in informing the public that they ' are now " ' Slannfacturlns Albany, Oregon. V A SCrBRIOR ARTICLE or '3 . Also a superior' article of : ASSORTED TOIXET SOAP,- PALE SOAP AND OLIVE SOAP. All of which they proposi to sell an .as favorable, terms as tho same articles can be ' ".. ..:;v-'' ' ' imported j and:!. - JLA-sv-ir .' Warrant Each Article to Give Satisfaction! ENQUIRE FOR THE HOSiE-MANUFACTUR ED ARTICLE, AND BUY NO OTHER! All kinds orGrease taken In ex change for trade, .f, , v2n49tf. : WHEAT WANTED! TnE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW READY TO pay the HIGHEST PIA'UXIET PRICE i jesr cash:; ' - - FOR tVIIEAT ! , " , ' DCLXVEHZD AT OUK T7Anz:20UCnf ' KEAS F I1RCS t 7ESBT. - . Fe23v3nrtf S. S. MARKIIAM & SON.r Jl w a